HomeMy WebLinkAbout20130184 Ver 1_Tar River Headwater BPDP_20130726I3 -okS'A TAR RIVER HEADWATERS RIPARIAN BUFFER AND NUTRIENT OFFSET MITIGATION BANK Bank Parcel Development Package Prepared by Mogensen Mitigation, Inc. July, 2013 Table of Contents 1.0 Project Location and Description ............................................................. ..............................2 2.0 Project Area- Existing Conditions ............................................................ ..............................4 2.1 Geologic & Soil Characteristics ........................................................... ..............................4 2.2 Vegetative Communities ...................................................................... ..............................5 2.3 Threatened and Endangered Species .................................................. ..............................5 2.4 Cultural Resources .............................................................................. ..............................5 2.5 Environmental Issues .......................................................................... ..............................6 2.6 FEMA Floodplain / Floodway Mapping ............................................. ..............................6 3.0 Proposed Riparian Buffer Restoration ...................................................... ..............................6 4.0 Proposed Nutrient Offset Restoration .................................. ..............................7 5.0 Success Criteria ............................................................ ..............................7 6.0 Monitoring and Maintenance Plan ........................................................... ..............................7 7.0 Financial Assurance .................................................................................. ..............................8 8.0 Buffer & Nutrient Offset Mitigation Potential ......................................... ..............................8 9.0 Nutrient Mitigation Potential .........................,................... ..............................8 10.0 References ................................................................................................ ..............................9 Tables Table 1: Mapped Soils within the Site ............................................................. ..............................3 Table2: Plant List ............................................................................................ ..............................6 Table 3: Mitigation Credit Summary ............................................................... ..............................7 Appendix A: Site Maps Figure 1: Vicinity Map Figure 2: Overall Proposed Buffer & Nutrient Offset Restoration Areas Figure 3: Geographic Service Area Figure 4: USGS Site Map Figure 5: Soil Survey Map FiM 6: Boundary Survey Appendix B: Site Photographs Appendix C: Planting Plan Appendix D: Credit Generation Maps Appendix E: Construction Notes Appendix F: DWO Buffer Determination Letter JUL 2 6 2013 1.0 Proiect Location and Description The Tar River Headwaters Riparian Buffer and Nutrient Offset Mitigation Bank (TRH MB) site is located in Person County, near Oxford, North Carolina, within the Piedmont Physiographic Province. It lies within the NCEEP targeted 14 -digit HUC 03020101010010 of the Tar- Pamlico River Basin and lies within a 228 -acre parcel owned by Roy and Joyce Huff (Figure 1). This is the Bank Parcel Development Package (BPDP) and Final Design Plan. TRH MB site encompasses nearly 3,800 linear feet of existing stream channel headwater tributaries to the Tar River and associated flood plain. The property is located at (N 36.391302, W - 78.817128). The tributaries are enclosed by a "brown polygon" on the attached US Geological Survey (USGS) Triple Springs 7.5 Minute Quadrangle Map (Figure 2), and are denoted as a "blue line" on the USGS Quad and the Soil Survey of Person County Map (Figure 3), (Sink, 1995). The landowners have agreed to allow the restoration and to place the land under a conservation easement so that the site will be protected in perpetuity. Cattle and other livestock will be excluded from the TRH MB site by means of proper fencing, A detailed boundary survey has been prepared (Appendix A, Figure 6) delineating the area to be protected under the conservation easement. Prior to debiting the easement will be recorded in the Person County Clerk's office. This site will be established under the terms and conditions of the Mogensen Mitigation, Inc. (MMI) Tar River Headwaters Riparian Buffer and Nutrient Offset Umbrella Mitigation Banking Instrument (UMBI) made and entered into by MMI, acting as the Bank Sponsor (Sponsor), and the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources - Division of Water Quality (DWQ). This document was signed on April, 09, 2013. The Sponsor proposes to restore approximately 7.5 acres of riparian buffer credit and 9.26 acres nutrient offset credit along the degraded headwater tributaries to the Tar River within a 17.7 acre project area (Appendix A, Figure 6). The project area is currently used for livestock grazing and contains ditches and channels that convey nutrients, sediment, and other agricultural pollutants directly into tributaries. Restoration of the riparian buffers will reduce sediment, nutrient, and other pollutant inputs from the project area, thereby improving the overall water quality of this headwater tributary and ultimately, to the Tar River. Areas of riverine wetlands will also be restored and/or created for additional habitat diversity in areas of the old, abandoned channels but are not a part of this BPDP. The objective of the restoration plan is to restore the primary riparian functions and services associated with nutrient removal and transformation, sediment retention, flood -flow attenuation, and wildlife (both aquatic and terrestrial) habitat. While many of these benefits are limited to the project area, others, such as pollutant removal and improved terrestrial and aquatic habitat, have more far- reaching watershed benefits. 2 h+l M1J •/r.r r q STE �{ 8 . SURVEY OF CONSERVA77ON EASEMENT arm FUR HUFF— MOGENSEN MITIGATION, INC. mr ro reec ALLENSNLLE 7141?, PERSON CO., NORTH CAROLINA b(IAll�w� •rrra.� FIELD WORK PERFUMED JUNE, 2013 PROPERTY AS DESCRIBED IN DB 302141 ++a PROPERTY STANDING IN THE NAME OF . ro• oun+a ti b ara aver ve>• wv ROY N. HUFF LQV itM Ibl M1aMml Itlm OCO ae ro vrimmr w MlW�ua a ul® o `l`uerf�ari vu aav+ t . — ae MmrMA:f Ala aAalw a Va a mve ismf R � �• � ��r�a9 l -JSM yiyw�rvY rmvtla�ro'•amermu �oeial ®jwv mr osmiw Iwa a1GeOm N Wp�n f��0� �u1a1101I DMl OO IBM, 0 am t� �Ra ICl/{A[� Mkt �M�w R OI a1{ imMae[ry NOW na IaeY® aim a ra®ar woma I.rlo aesrM mw I let v fA A" :. 10.38 t y i iOrifr.°las A /iao I �6 Ia0 �y�/y M1 1111 MM � \\ IJA! �p I w�11O ® ®e1p fIYIR �PLf �� u I YO Y6e MaaYY1[ rIR \ \\� 1 MDItlM�lly /Ym ale�[11e W� �,I1®6w l MoO e Y A m a (! •B• eim�a�Mr'o \\\ J" �o�snorwm arum lm,m 7 avl wR �. mmwm ewe m wits 7. 8 AC. a \\ wv °OYww- ai�galo �\ �o°.i'i w Iso' o Isa Jar �\ �� awava as wao vrw m: m ONR ioO \ \`\ e r voea�r¢n nwaww roiam6evw aim 1®r ®r ►Y MO waar 1 ae IO tl tl @;,.° Foam °" ALOIS CALLEMYN w ea wpmao v >Arural melt PNOfE90gt LAW SMICM wanoa aGMWa ai0r ecia IFL inn arnw WWW-VA0Cf4LV0VF#txwa a 1 diiT— cam mron>rraaemra wnwalror J= AWMdW a° I�gvF sn lam— Rifer— MC W RM mntio ara- JS- aaiors- JJa -arw w Ilyla OML Altl9W1!lQIYMGLI m 2.0 Project Area- Existing Conditions 2.1 Geologic & Soil Characteristics The TRH MB Site is situated in the Piedmont Physiographic Province. Elevations at the site range from approximately 560 feet above mean sea level (MSL) near the upstream property boundary at the main channel to approximately 550 feet above MSL at the downstream boundary. Valley slope is estimated at less than one percent and extends downslope from northeast to southwest across the property. Chewacla and Wehadkee (hydric) loam soils dominate the channel and floodplain within the project area. These soils are described as gently or moderately sloping, somewhat poorly to poorly drained soils that have a loamy surface layer and clayey subsoil. Based on the Soil Survey of Person County, North Carolina (Sink, 1995), Chewacla loam dominates the floodplain areas associated with the Tar River Headwaters site (Table 1, Figure 5). Chewacla loam is classified as a fine - loamy, mixed, thermic Fluvaquentic Dystrochrept. These soils are somewhat poorly drained soils formed in recent alluvium on nearly level floodplains along streams that drain from the Mountains and Piedmont physiographic provinces. Slopes range from 0 to 2 percent. Chewacla loam is noted as a Hydric B soil on the Hydric Soils of North Carolina list (MRCS, 1995). Chewacla soils also have inclusions of Creedmoor coarse sandy loam and small pockets of Wehadkee loam. Wehadkee loam is classified as a fine - loamy, mixed, nonacid, thermic Typic Fluvaquent. Wehadkee loam is a Hydric A soil that develops within lower swales of the floodplain. Slopes are considered nearly level and the soils are poorly drained. The site is located within the Carolina Slate Belt portion of the Piedmont physiographic region of North Carolina. Bedrock within the Carolina Slate Belt consists of volcanic argillites, basic and acid tuffs, breccias, and flows. Volcanic igneous rocks rise above the surrounding slates as high rolling hills and small mountains (Daniels et. al, 2005). Table 1. Mapped Soils within the Site Soil Type Hydrologic Soil Group General Description Fine - loamy, mixed, thermic Fluvaquentic Dystrochrept. Somewhat poorly drained soil formed in recent alluvium on Chewacla Loam HSG B nearly level floodplains along streams that drain from the Mountains and Piedmont physiographic provinces. Slopes rang from 0 to 2 percent. Fine - loamy, mixed, nonacid, thermic Typic Fluvaquent. A Wehadkee Loam HSG B hydric soil that develops within lower swales of the floodplain. Slopes are considered nearly level and the soils are poorly drained. 4 Z2 Vegetative Communities The vegetation at the site is separated into two major groupings. These groupings are based primarily on topographical position and current land use. The first grouping is located within the lower section of the site downstream of the stream crossing immediately adjacent to the stream banks. A thin (often only one stem) riparian area is dominated by young to mature green ash (Fraxinus pennsylvanica), box elder (Acer negundo), ironwood (Carpinus caroliniana), willow oak (Quercus phellos), white oak (Quercus alba), sweetgum (Liquidambar styraciflua), tulip poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera), elderberry (Sambucus canadensis), Chinese privet (Ligustrum sinense), greenbrier (Smilax sp. ), and sawtooth blackberry (Rhubus argutus). This vegetation is partially managed and consists of far less than 100 trees per acre less than or equal to five inches dbh. The second grouping is located throughout the project area. This second vegetation grouping is located on land actively used as pasture for cattle and horses. The upper portion of the reach and a small tributary are barren of woody vegetation within their riparian areas and consist primarily of fescue (Festuca sp.) and other grasses and weeds. Sparse stands of red cedar (Juniperus virginiana) and black willow (Salix nigra) are located immediately upstream of the stream crossing. 23 Threatened and Endangered Species According to the US Fish and Wildlife Service ( USFWS), there is only one federally endangered species, (Alasmidonta heterodon) and nine federal species of concern potentially occurring in Person County, ( USFWS, 2013). In addition, The North Carolina Natural Heritage Program ( NCNHP) identifies another 18 species protected by the State of North Carolina. A review of the NCNHP database of documented occurrences ( NCNHP, 2012) revealed one occurrence of State Rare plants within one mile of the project site and one occurrence of a natural community. An occurrence of Glade wild quinine (Parthenium auriculatum) is present approximately 0.6 mile northwest of the site. A `Basic Oak - Hickory Forest' exists immediately adjacent to the north of the site. Habitat for threatened and endangered species does not currently exist on the project site. The proposed project is not likely to impact any protected species. Investigations will be conducted for each of these species and their appropriate habitat requirements as part of the TRH Mitigation Plan. A Section 7 (ESA) clearance will be obtained from the USFWS prior to restoration activities. A review of available databases was conducted to determine the proximity of Significant Natural Heritage areas to the project site. Several Natural Heritage occurrences are located immediately downstream of the project site in the Tar River. The Tar River downstream of the project site is listed as a proposed critical habitat area and a significant aquatic habitat (Figure 2). A clearance letter will be obtained from the NCNHP prior to restoration. Restoration of the site will provide additional habitat as well as reducing sediment and nutrient loads to the sensitive waters of the Tar River. 2.4 Cultural Resources No historic buildings or foundations were seen during initial field investigations. As such, there are no anticipated impacts to cultural resources as a result of the proposed restoration actions. MMI will conduct an environmental screening of the site using the Categorical Exclusion Action Classification Form prior to implementation of this plan. This will prevent adverse impacts to protected species or cultural resources from the proposed restoration actions. A review of properties to be determined eligible for the National Register of Historic Places at the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) was conducted for the study area and surrounding areas. According to the files, there are no National Register properties within a one -mile radius of the study area. In addition, the SHPO Archaeological Section was contacted in order to determine if documented archaeological sites occur at or near the study area. No sites were identified within a one -mile radius of the study area. MMI will obtain a Section 106 clearance letter from the SHPO prior to implementing the restoration plan. 2.5 Environmental Issues Preliminary data was obtained from Environmental Data Resources, Inc. (EDR) for the determination of potential on -site or nearby sources of contamination. According to the EDR databases, the TRH MB site is not listed in any search records. Additionally, there are no federal or state records within the required search distances of the TRH MB. 2.6 FEMA Floodplain /Floodway Mapping These streams are located within a region that is not mapped by FEMA, therefore no data exists. Therefore, CLOMAR and/or No Rise certification will not be required. 3.0 Proposed Riparian Buffer Restoration The Sponsor proposes to restore approximately 7.5 acres of riparian buffer along UT #1 and UT #2. The widths of the riparian buffers are measured from the edge of the ordinary high water mark (OHWM) outward to the easement boundary. These widths vary depending on resultant stream locations. Restoration would entail planting riparian buffers with native tree species found either within a reference riparian buffer or within the Piedmont Mesic Mixed Forest The Natural Communities of North Carolina; Third Approximation (Shafale and Wheatley, 1990). The goal would be to "jumpstart" the development of a native bottomland, hardwood climactic forest. Proposed riparian buffer restoration would be expected to enhance the geomorphic, hydrologic, and biologic functioning of the tributaries by restoring more natural hydrologic and sediment transport regimes, reducing temperatures, increasing dissolved oxygen levels, stabilizing soils, and improving wildlife habitat. The riparian buffer restoration area will be a Piedmont Alluvial Forest as described in Schafale and Weakley (1990). Although this type of palustrine floodplain system is typically small in size it is vulnerable to indirect damage by actions on adjacent lands. Table 2 lists proposed Piedmont Alluvial Forest trees and shrubs to be planted at the site. The Piedmont Alluvial Forest community typically has high species diversity in the tree and shrub layers because of the heterogeneous nature of small floodplains. Hardwood trees will be planted to mimic the natural communities. Trees and shrubs will be planted across the site, and grasses, sedges, and herbaceous plants will be concentrated around higher topographic areas. Additionally, non - native 6 invasive vegetation will be removed as needed. Appendix C contains detailed planting notes and graphics. Please make note that this Bank will be constructed in conjunction with an associated Stream Mitigation Bank that is currently proposed. Therefore, a 100' wide corridor will be used to generate buffer credits. Areas outside the 100' corridor will be used to generate nutrient offset credits (Appendix D). Table 2. Plant List Common Name Scientific Name Wetland Indicator Trees River Birch Betula nigra FACW Shagbark Hickory Carya ovata FACU Green Ash Fraxinus pennsylvanica FACW Tulip Poplar Driodendron tulipifera FAC White Oak Quercus albs FACU Northern Red Oak Quercus rubra FACU American Sycamore Platanus occidentalis FACW American Elm Ulmus americana FACW American Hornbeam (ironwood) Carpinus caroliniana FAC The buffer restoration meets the definitions set forth by North Carolina Administrative Code 15A NCAC 2B.0100. The conservation easement boundary will be marked by aluminum poles and metal conservation easement signs. Additionally, the entire conservation easement will be protected from livestock using approved fencing. Additional protection of the project area will not be a concern as the proposed conservation easement lies in the middle of the Huff Farm with extremely limited access from surrounding neighbors. The property parcel, where the project site is located, is bounded by a road, agriculture fields, and the forested riparian corridor of the Tar River Headwaters project site and a forested Natural Heritage Area. 4.0 Nutrient Offset Restoration The sponsor proposes to restore approximately 9.25 acres of Nutrient Offset zone. Nutrient offset credits will be available from 50' beyond the OHWM to 200' to the easement boundary. The first 50' surrounding the stream will generate riparian buffer restoration credits while the remaining 150' will generate nutrient offset credits. The sponsor will carry a ledger showing exact deductions in acreage and the type of credit associated with that acre. 5.0 Success Criteria The Sponsor shall be responsible for assuring the ecological success of the Bank. The success of the Bank will be measured by performance standards approved by NCDENR -DWQ permits and the UMBI. The standards define the conditions under which the Bank would be judged 7 successful and provide monitoring and maintenance requirements to uncover and correct deficiencies. The bank will be considered successful if the Sponsor demonstrates to the NCDENR that the appropriate areas have been restored, established, enhanced, or preserved and the goals of the Bank have been met. After successful completion of each milestone, the sponsor shall notify the NCDENR -DWQ in writing and request the next credit release. Upon completion of construction, the Sponsor will prepare an as-built plan and submit photographs of the completed project task along with a photo location map. NCDENR -DWQ, will confirm whether or not the tasks are successfully completed for purposes of releasing credits. 6.0 Monitoring and Maintenance Plan The Sponsor agrees to perform all necessary work to monitor and maintain the TRH MB. To demonstrate compliance with the success criteria established in this BPDP and any regulatory permits the TRH MB will be monitored for a period of (five) 5 years or until all success criteria are met and credits are sold, whichever is later. The monitoring will begin at the end of the first full growing season following completion of grading and planting (i.e., if the planting is completed in spring 2014, the first monitoring event would occur in fall 2014). The Sponsor shall provide annual monitoring reports to NCDENR -DWQ on the long term success of the Bank and to identify any problems requiring corrective action by December 31" of each year. The Bank will be designed to be self - sustaining over time. However, some active management and maintenance is anticipated to ensure the long -term viability and sustainability of the Bank. The Sponsor agrees to perform all necessary work to maintain the Bank consistent with the maintenance criteria established in this BPDP, the permits and the UMBI. The Sponsor shall continue with such monitoring and maintenance activities until Bank closure. Bank closure is defined as achieving all success criteria (listed above) and after all credits have been sold. Prior to Bank closure, an acceptable third -party non -profit land steward (such as NCEEP or an appropriate Land Conservancy) will be identified and will accept and maintain the conservation easement area. Deviation from the approved maintenance plan is subject to review and written approval by NCDENR -DWQ. 7.0 Financial Assurance Prior to any credit debiting the Sponsor shall provide financial assurances, as acceptable in consultation with the NCDENR -DWQ, to ensure a high level of confidence that the Bank will be successfully completed and maintained in perpetuity. Bonding of construction will be based on 100% of total construction costs and bonding of monitoring and maintenance will be based on 100% of the total monitoring and maintenance costs. The details of these financial assurances will be provided to DWQ as soon as they are available, prior to debiting. 8.0 Buffer Mitigation Potential The Bank consists of approximately 16.8 acres of riparian buffer and/or nutrient offset restoration. Table 3 depicts acres of buffer restoration converted to Buffer Mitigation Units (BMUs). The restoration of Buffer credits associated with the Bank will follow guidelines 8 established by the NCDENR -DWQ. The Buffer restoration acreages are calculated from the OHWM up to 200' away from the Top of bank (TOB) within the conservation easement. Table 3. Buffer Mitigation Credit Summary TAR - PAMLICO RIPARIAN BUFFER RESTORATION CREDITS OFFSET RESTORATION CREDITS Conservation Area EXISTING MITIGATION MITIGATION Conservation Area SIZE acres RATIO AMOUNT MUs Buffer Restoration (UT #2- RI & UT #1 4.5 Restoration 4.5 Channel ) 9.26 (1:1) 1,703.46 Buffer Restoration (UT #2 — R2 Channel) 3.03 Restoration 3.03 1:1 TOTALS 7.53 7.53 9.0 Nutrient Mitization Potential Table 4. Nutrient Mitigation Credit Summary NUTRIENT OFFSET RESTORATION CREDITS Conservation Area Nutrient Offset Restoration Acres Nitrogen Credit 2,273.02lbs/ac Phosphorus Credit 146.4lbs /ac UT #2 -RI & UT #1 5.34 12,127.52 781.1 UT #2 -R2 3.92 8,902.96 573.42 TOTALS 9.26 21,030.48 1,703.46 The restoration of nutrient offset associated with the Bank will follow guidelines established by the NCDENR -DWQ. The Nutrient Offset acreages are calculated in square feet from 50'away from the OHWM to 200 linear feet within the easement boundary (whichever is greater). 9 10.0 References Soil Survey of Person County, North Carolina (Sink, 1995) Hydric Soils of North Carolina list (NRCS, 1995) U.S.G.S. Geologic Map (Daniels et. al, 1999) Threatened and Endangered Species, Online Database (USFWS, 2010) North Carolina Natural Heritage Program, Online Database (NCNHP, 2010) The Natural Communities of North Carolina; Third Approximation (Shafale and Wheatley, 1990) U.S.G.S. 7.5 Minute Topographic Quadrangle, Triple Springs 10 Appendix A Site maps 11 Figure 1: Vicinity Map Ji 11 Dot 0 os f lam. ToPog vp Q Admew = Person County 0 cowh mf Q Rq-y Lle 0 W."M eourmq PW..d Cans Aft Easemerd IZOaa M r POW TMULN ee ^.,f lirRMer R i0 7� Figure 1. Project Location Map Tar River Headwaters Mitigation Bank Person County, NC 12 Figure 2.1: Overall Proposed Buffer & Nutrient Offset Restoration Areas Part 1 13 Figure 2.2: Overall Proposed Buffer & Nutrient Offset Restoration Areas Part 2 14 Tar River Headwaters Riparian Buffer and Nutrient Offset: Mitigation Bank Service Area Map: Explanation HUC 03020101 N Miles 0 25 50 100 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... Figure 3: Geographic Service Area 15 I- y V 1Nm MOGEN5EMMMADON NC Figure 4: USGS Site Map J Ir F d/ % 4f I MOGENSEN MITIGATION. INC AC 0 Ube _ \ 1, 16 APPENDIX B Site Photographs 17 Picture 1: Located on UT -1 facing downstream toward the northeast. Picture 2: Located adjacent to UT2 -R1 facing northeast. 18 Picture 3: Located on UT2 -R2 facing upstream toward the northeast. Picture 4: Located on UT2 -R1 facing downstream toward the southwest. 19 APPENDIX C PLANTING PLAN 20 Explom,p„ Tar River Headwaters Mitigation Bank Planting Plan June 2013 1 Sheet Depw"" d 1 aulr Hm ptM Feet 0 50 100 200 300 400 m e.uran n. r_ : .............. ■ ........ ■ .......... ■ ............................... . 21 Tar River Headwaters Mitigation Bank o.W..cm=W Planting Plan June 2013 m"m""" Sheet 2 WON- o�.�.rweud � • arrFWOW Feet : 0 50 100 200 300 400 ro_euu.rtr �_a. • ...........................■.■■■.■.. .... ■ ■ ■ ■... ■.. ■..... ■.......... 22 PLANTING ZONE PLANT LIST Outer Floodplain - Outer Floodplain Trees Scientific Name Common Name Ca rya tomentosa Mockernut Hickory uercus alcata Southern Red Oak uercus alba White Oak uercus nigra Water Oak Pinus echinata Short Leaf Pine Liriodendron tuli i era Tulip Poplar Ilex o aca American Holly Magnolia vir iniana Sweetbay Magnolia *Use at least five (5) of the listed species. Shrubs Scientific Name Common Name Cornus orida Flowering Do wood Cercis canandensis Eastem Redbud Asimina triloba Paw Paw Salsa as albidium Sassafras Prunus americana Wild Plum Viburnum prunifolium Black Haw Viburnum Viburnum dentatum Arrowwood *Use at least five (5) of the listed species. Riparian Areas 4 k' Riparian Trees Scientific Name Common Name Ulmus americana American Ehn Platanus occidentalis Sycamore uercus michauxii Swamp Chestnut Oak uercus alustris Pin Oak uercus phellos Willow Oak Taxodium distichum Bald Cyprus Taxodium ascenders Pond Cypress N ssa sylvatica Black Gum Pinus serotinalteada Pon, Lobloll Pine *Use at least five (5) of the listed species. 23 Shrubs Scientific Name Common Name Ce halanthus occidentalis Buttonbush Alyrica ceri era Wax Myrtle Sambucus canadenis Elderberry Car inus caroliniana Ironwood Cornus amomum Silky Dogwood Vaccinium corymbosum Highb ush Blueberry Viburnum dentatum Arrowwood Lindera benzoin S icebush *Use at least five (5) of the listed species. Depressional Wetlands Depressional Wetland Trees Scientific Name Common Name Acer rubrum Red Maple ylvanica Froxinuspenns Green Ash uercus michauxii Swwnp White Oak ercus lyrata Overcup Oak Betula nigra River Birch N ssa sylvatica Water Tupelo *Use at least three (3) of the listed species. Shrubs Scientific Name Common Name Ce halanthus occidentalis Buttonbush Cornus amomum Slilky Dogwood Alnus serrulata Tag Alder Alnus ru osa Speckled Alder *Use at least three (3) of the listed species. 24 Streamside Areas Streamside Trees Scientific Name Common Name Salix ni ra Black Willow Betula ni ra River Birch Acer rubrum Red Maple Salix streamco Streamco Willow *Use at least three (3) of the listed species. Shrubs Scientific Name Common Name Alnus serrulata Tag Alder M rica cerifera Southern Bayberry Alnus ru osa Speckled Alder Ce halanthus occidentalis Buttonbush Cornus amomum Silky Dog wood Lindera benzoin S icebush Sambucus canadensis Elderberry *Use at least five (5) of the listed species. PLANTING NOTES 1. All plants shall be in conformance with the "American Standard for Nursery Stock." Latest edition, published by the American Association of Nursery Men, Inc. with regard to sizing and description. 2. All plants shall be nursery grown and hardy under similar climatic conditions. All plants shall be typical of their species or variety and shall have a normal habit of growth. They shall be sound, healthy, vigorous, well branched and densely foliated in leaf. They shall be free of disease and insects. All plants will be inspected by owner or owner's representative prior to installation. 3. Container grown stock shall have been grown in container long enough for the root system to have developed sufficiently to hold the soil together firm and whole. Loose plants will not be accepted. 4. The contractor shall not make substitutions without prior approval of the designer or owner. If specified material is not available in type or size, the contractor shall request a change in writing. 5. All plant material shall be installed as per all plans, details and specifications contained here within. 6. All planting areas must have adequate topsoil for healthy tree and shrub growth. 7. All containers shall be removed prior to planting and disposed of properly. A minimum of one (1) gallon container stock shall be used unless otherwise approved by owner. 8. All plant material shall be guaranteed to be alive and in vigorous growing condition upon installation. Plant material found to be unhealthy, dying or dead will not be accepted. Any plant material showing 25% or more dieback shall be considered unhealthy or dying and shall be replaced. 25 9. All plants shall be watered in immediately after planting unless the planting hole is already sufficiently wet. 10. All trees will be randomly planted within each specified zone no closer than 10' spacing on centers. Small similar groups may be used. 11. All shrubs will be randomly planted within each specified zone no closer than 6' spacing on centers. Shrubs can be planted in similar small groups and can be no closer than 6' to any tree. 12. Permanent seed mix will be broadcast throughout each planting zone. This will consist of switchgrass (Panicum vigatum), deer tongue grass (Panicum clandestinum), Black -Eyed Susan (Rudbeckia hirta), tick seed sunflower (Bidens sp.), riverbank wild rye (Elymus riparius), or other acceptable native bottomland herbs and grasses, including but not limited to Carex sp., Scirpus Sp., Cyperus Sp., Eleocharis Sp., Juncus Sp., as well as an acceptable native wildflower mix such as Aster or Ranunculus. 13. Fencing will be required as noted on plans and will be installed prior to planting or immediately after, along the Conservation Easement Boundary. 14. All trees and shrubs shall be fertilized using osmocote slow release tabs or granules or acceptable substitute. 26 APPENDIX D Credit Generation Maps 27 Credit Generation Map Credit Generation Map- Sheet 1 I A// ,747, cn IF (D r+ (D Q . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ■ Explanation Easement Boundary Designed Channel 3,821 ff. Nutrient Offsets 925 Acres Riparian Buffer 7.53 Acres Open Water 0-87 Acres 0 75 150 300 Feet Credit Generation Map- Sheet 2 APPENDIX E Construction Notes 31 SEQUENCE OF CONSTRUCTION 1. Several weeks prior to planting, site will be sprayed with Rodeopx or an acceptable substitute to kill undesirable grass and weeds. 2. Several weeks prior to planting, make all utility verification calls to identify underground utilities. 3. Prepare /improve construction access road from Bunnie Huff Road as needed. 4. Install any erosion control devices and stabilized construction entrance. 5. Rip planting areas with chisel plow or long shank ripper. Furrows to follow contour of land. This should be done during dry times. Remove all rocks, stumps, and other debris. Rake out planting areas. 6. Mark out all planting zones with bright colored flagging and stake out fence location (if surveyor has not done so already). 7. Plant all trees and shrubs in zones shown in this plan. Fertilize with osmocote slow - release fertilizer or acceptable substitute. 8. Seed all planting zones with seed mix specified in this plan. Seed may be broadcast or hydroseeded. Seed shall be "raked inn W. 9. Work must be coordinated with stream channel restoration if done concurrently. If this plan is implemented before stream channel restoration activities, DO NOT plant in areas of existing or new channel alignment. Only plant in zones labeled Riparian and Buffer. 10. Planting should be done in safe conditions (i.e. do not plant during thunderstorms or high winds). 11. Install secured tree mats (see detail) with four (4) sod staples during or immediately after tree and shrub plantings. 12. Install all fencing per fencing details. GENERAL NOTES 1. Survey information and Topographic Base Mapping prepared by Alois Callemyn, PLS. 2. During planting and fencing, the contractor will adhere to all conditions set forth in the following documents: a. Tar River Headwaters Riparian Buffer and Nutrient Offset Umbrella Mitigation Banking Instrument b. Tar River Headwaters Bank Parcel Development Package c. Tar River Headwaters Final Riparian Buffer and Nutrient Offset Stream Mitigation Plan d. All permits provided by owner and /or engineer 3. The contractor is required to submit a detailed planting and fencing schedule to owner upon award of contract. 4. The contractor must attend a pre - construction meeting for review and approval. 5. The contractor is required to make all calls for location and stake out of utilities prior to construction. Any damage to utilities will be repaired immediately at contractor's expense. 6. The construction access road will be restored to pre - construction conditions or better. 7. Any impacted areas outside the Limits of Disturbance shall be restored to existing conditions at contractor's expense. 8. Contractor shall prepare the planting areas, clear all debris and large rocks prior to planting and fencing the Conservation Easement Boundary. 9. Limit access to planting sites by mechanical equipment to reduce rutting. Any ruts or tire tracks must be smoothed out before the end of construction and planting. Use perimeter access corridors whenever possible. 32 APPENDIX F DWQ Buffer Determination Letter 33 CCDENNR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Pat Wcroy Thomas A Reeder John E Skvada, III Governor Acting Director Secretary June 28, 2013 Rich Mogensen, PWS Mogensen Mitigation, Inc P O Box 690429 Charlotte, NC 28227 Subject Surface Water Determination Letter NBRRO# 13 -145 Person County Determination Type Buffer Call isolated or UP Call ❑ Neuse (15A NCAC 26 0233) Start® Stop® ® EphemeraUlntermdtent/Perennial Determination ® Tar - Pamlico (15A NCAC 2B 0259) ❑ Isolated Wetland Determination ❑ Jordan 05A NCAC 28 0267) Project Name Tar River Headwaters Mitigation Bank Location/Directions Subject property is a proposed mitigation bank located west of Bunnie Huff Rd north of Denny Store Rd in Person County Subject Stream UT to Tar River Determination Date: June 11, 2013 Staff: Martin Richmond Feature E/t/P• Not Subject Subject Start® Stop® Soil Survey USGS Topo A P X Throughout X X B P X Throughout X X C I X DWQ Fla X •E111P = Ephe meral//nterm►ttent/Perennia! Explanation The feature(s) listed above has or have been located on the Sod Survey of Person County, North Carolina or the most recent copy of the USGS Topographic map at a 124,000 scale Each feature that is checked "Not Subject" has been determined not to be a stream or is not present on the property Features that are checked "Subject" have been located on the property and possess characteristics that qualify it to be a stream There may dYa1=r North Carolina Division of Water Quality Raleigh Regional Office Surface Water Protection wwr el www nawatergii * org 1628 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699.1628 An Equal oppoth" Atfamalive Acton Employer— 50% Recyc!010% Post Consumer Paper 34 Phone (919) 791 -4200 Customer Service FAX (919) 571.4718 1477623.6748 Tar River Headwater Mitigation Bank Person County June 27, 2013 Page 2 of 2 other streams located on your property that do not show up on the maps referenced above but, still may be considered jurisdictional according to the US Army Corps of Engineers and/or to the Division of Water Quality This on -site determination shall expire five (5) years from the date of this letter Landowners or affected parties that dispute a determination made by the DWQ or Delegated Local Authonty may request a determination by the Director An appeal request roust be made within sixty (60) days of date of this letter or from the date the affected party (including downstream and/or adjacent owners) is notified of this letter A request for a determination by the Director shall be referred to the Director in writing do Karen Higgins, DWQ WeBSCaPe Unit, 1650 Mad Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699 This determination is final and binding unless, as detailed above, you ask for a hearing or appeal within sixty (60) days The owner /future owners should notify the Division of Water Quality (including any other Local, State, and Federal Agencies) of this decision concerning any future correspondences regarding the subject property (stated above) This project may require a Section 404 /401 Permit for the proposed activity Any inquiries should be directed to the Diviswu of Water Quality (Central Office) at (919)-807 -6300, and the US Army Corp of Engineers (Raleigh Regulatory Frew Office) at (919 )-5544884 If you have questions regarding this determination, please feel free to contact Martin Richmond at (919) 791 -4200 cc RRO /SWP File Copy espe tfully, Din /7 Danny Smith Regional S rvisor ACME Mapper 2 0 - 14 4 km E of Person County NC http //mapper acme com/ Ail wor FIN- °' � � ( .- • • / Off. �tv- 5� '�„ � 4 } ! % � ' �.�' :1, a j r A , a .f. 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