HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQ0042577_More Information (Received)_20210817August 16, 2021 Jane Bernard Division of Water Resources Raleigh Region 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699 Owner: Bruce Porter 2200 Shaw Rd Durham, NC 27704 Dear Jane Bernard: c Address: 2206 Shaw Rd Durham, NC 27704 The Durham County Public Health, Environmental Health Division on 11/17/2011 evaluated 2206 Shaw Rd. The site characteristics identified on the property do not meet the requirements of 15A NCAC Section .1900, therefore, no permits may be issued for a ground absorption sewage disposal system. Municipal sewer is not available to the property as of August 16, 2021. Should you have any questions concerning this matter, please feel free to contact me at (919) 560-7800. Sincerely, --kgcCt) Matthew Yearout, REHS Monitoring Program Specialist Environmental Health Division c.c. Gary S. MacConnell, P.E. Environmental Health Division Human Services Building 1414 East Main Street, Durham, North Carolina 27701 (919) 560-7800 ( Fax (919) 560-7830 ( healthinspectorgdconc.gov Equal Employment/Affirmative Action Employer Rev. 09/2020 • TM# SOIL AND SITE EVALUATION for • ON -SITE WASTEWATER SYSTEM APPLICANT: P rvc-+�- P rter OWNER: /AGENT: PHONE: 2S`1- f lel 7 APPLICATIO�N DATE: I I l f 11 ADDRESS. —� PROPOSED FACILITY:9J . (j) PROPERTY SIZE: 14,0,E COUNTY: 7rirlt,r. DATE EVAL: (9/ WATER SUPPLY: ON -SITE WELL: ✓OMM.: PUBLIC: OTHER: EVAL. METHOD: AUGER:ZPIT: CUT:_ LOCATION OF SITE: zi.D.06 FACTORS - IEROELLE 1 PROFILE 2PRO_FILE 3PROFILE 4PROFILE 5PROFILE 6PROFILE 7PROFIL iLQPE (%) . HORIZON 1 DEPTH __C) - t r 0. '0 d-1 a 0 ,- to Vi 0' 1 a-. 0 - 7 • TEXTURE GROUP __rf L- S C_ S(, rli SL Sc._ 1.-- ___ CONSISTENCE. t r " C r Pr cFr STRUCTURE ir �S NIIN RALOGY .1 �4 ' SG ff fr_ S — HORIZON 2 DEPTH t c) 10 I 1 15 (O '' + I g- - 7- r I TEXTURE GROUP I• 5.4-v CC V SG I SCI, L G I r gr Fr Fr ✓fi ✓r, ISONSISTENCE TRUCTURE {' Fj f 4 131 k 01 I ! Ic. P t'I 11 NERALOGY E L - fG ,. HORIZON 3: DEPTH 11-I 711+ Zd { IS* 1 - 3 j.. EXTURE GROUP j C C 5' c CONSISTENCE ! N./tiCte ,, r, +pt. TRUCTURE n n INERALOGI( `= E G. (C� HORIZON 4 DEPTH el4 TEXTURE GROUP f h CONSISTENCE STRUCTURE 1 • , taINERALOGY _ (SOIL WETNESS • . 1 1}'t 17' .‘ lit A • 3 u -7� t 'RESTRICTIVE HORIZON IS PROLITE DEPTH CLASSIFICATION ✓ ✓ I✓ V ILTAR AVAILABLE SPACE (1945):. Jr,s,,,+-glojzOTHER FACTORS (1946): SITE CLASSIFICATION (1948): 1/145 t±011+e° SYSTEM TYPE: LONG TERM ACCEPTANCE RATE: EVALUATED BY: j R r y • OTHERS PRESENT: is 4 13 rorier LAY OUT: COMMENTS: J.ANDSCAPE POSITION R- Ridge S- Shoulder slope 1: Linear slope FS- Foot slope N- Nose slope H- Head slope Cc- Concave slope Cv- Convex slope T- Terrace FP- Flood plain TEXTURE s- sand Is- Ioamy sand sl- sandy loam l- loam si- silt sil- silt loam sicl- silty clay loam el- clay loam se - sandy clay loam sc- sandy clay sic- silty clay CONSISTENCE moist vfi•- vets friable fr- friable fi- firm vfi- very fain efi- extremely firm STRUCTURE rye sg- single grain Ns- non -sticky in- massive Ss- slightly sticky cr- crumb S- sticky gr- granular Cs- vcry sticky sbk- subangular blocky Np- non -plastic Sp- slightly plastic P- plastic Nip- very plastic abk- angular blocky • pl- platy pr- prismatic MINERALOGY NEC - non -expansive clay EC - expansive clay h SOIL SCIENTIST EVALUATION SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENCE 2206 SHAW ROAD Durham County, NC Three Oaks Job #21-715 Prepared For: Bruce Porter 2200 Shaw Road Durham, NC 27704 Prepared By: ouRo �eILJ�� .i W 2 'Al 4/830 324 Blackwell Street, Suite 1200 Durham, NC 27701 (919) 732-1300 April 16, 2021 Evan T. Morgan Table of Contents 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Site Location 1 1.2 Project Description 1 I.3 Proposed Wastewater System 1 1.4 Study Area 1 2.0 OBJECTIVES 1 3.0 INVESTIGATION METHODOLOGY 1 3.1 Soil Evaluation 1 3.2 Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity Testing and Reporting 2 4.0 STUDY AREA DESCRIPTION 2 4.1 Regional Geology and Local Topography 2 4.2 Vegetation 2 4.3 Jurisdictional Features 3 4.4 Soils 3 4.5 Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity Testing 3 4.6 Soil Fertility Analysis 4 4.7 Area Available for Wastewater Application 4 5.0 HYDRAULIC LOADING RATE ASSESSMENT 4 5.1 Design Coefficient and Justification 4 5.2 Water Balance Calculation & Recommended Loading Rates 5 5.3 Instantaneous Loading Rate 6 5.4 Minimum Required Storage 6 6.0 AGRONOMIC REPORT 6 6.1 Receiving Crop 6 6.2 Wastewater Characterization 7 6.3 Nutrient Loadings 7 6.4 Soil Testing and Recommendations 7 6.5 Vegetation Maintenance/Monitoring & Recommendations 7 7.0 CONCLUSIONS 7 8.0 REFERENCES 9 Appendices Appendix A Figures Appendix B Soil Boring Descriptions Appendix C KsAT Data Sheets Appendix D SFR Loading Rate Worksheet Appendix E Soil Fertility Analysis Tables 2206 Shaw Road SFR Soil Report i April 2021 Three Oaks Job #2I-715 Table 1. Map Unit Symbol, Soil Senes, and Taxonomic Classification 3 Table 2. KsAT Test Results 4 2206 Shaw Road SFR Soil Report ii April 2021 Three Oaks Job #21-715 1.0 INTRODUCTION Three Oaks Engineering (Three Oaks) was retained by Bruce Porter to conduct a Soil Scientist Evaluation for the permitting of a wastewater surface application system for a new three -bedroom single-family residence. 1.1 Site Location The project site is located at 2206 Shaw Road in Durham, NC, and totals 15.87-acres (Figure 1). 1.2 Project Description Mr. Porter is proposing to install a new surface application system to allow for the site improvements. The design daily flow is 360 gallons per day (GPD). The proposed system will operate in accordance with state rules 15A NCAC 02T. 0600 (2T Rules). 1.3 Proposed Wastewater System Wastewater will be treated to the minimum monthly average standards. Wastewater will be applied using drip irrigation. 1.4 Study Area A preliminary soil evaluation was completed in select areas of the project site. The Study Area referred to in this report consists of the 2± acres along the northern property boundary and is shown on Figure 2. 2.0 OBJECTIVES The objectives of this investigation were to evaluate pertinent site conditions and identify a satisfactory wastewater application area within the Study Area and to provide recommendations to its utilization. Specific attributes evaluated included the soils, vegetation, topography, hydraulic assimilative capacity, jurisdictional features, and landscape position. 3.0 INVESTIGATION METHODOLOGY A Soil and Site Evaluation was conducted by Three Oaks on multiple dates from December 2020 through April 2021, by Evan T. Morgan, LSS and Michael G. Wood, LSS. 3.1 Soil Evaluation Soil borings were made with a hand -turned auger and soil color was determined with a Munsell Soil Color Chart. Soil profiles were described per the Field Book for Describing 2206 Shaw Road SFR Soil Report 1 April 2021 Three Oaks Job #21-715 and Sampling Soils, version 3.0. Landscape characteristics were noted (slope, drainage patterns, etc.) as well as soil properties (depth, texture, structure, soil wetness, restrictive horizons, etc.) to auger refusal. Soil borings were described under moist conditions. Additional borings were advanced to shallower depths to identify diagnostic horizons and record soil properties. A hand-held GPS unit with sub -meter accuracy was used to locate each soil boring as well as other site features. 3.2 Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity Testing and Reporting Saturated hydraulic conductivity (KsAT) measurements were performed with a compact constant -head permeameter (Amoozemeter). An Amoozemeter was used because of the need to conduct the test below current grade. KSAT test values were generated using the published calculations and formulas found in the corresponding User's Manual (Amoozegar). The Glover solution was chosen as the most appropriate method for calculating KSAT values. The Glover solution is recommended when the distance between the bottom of the auger hole and any impermeable layer(s) is greater than 2 times the head (H), or constant water level in the hole. The Glover solution is given by: KSAT = AQ Where: A= {sinhil(H/r)-[(r/H)2+1]'/2+r/H} / (2itH2) And: Q is the steady-state rate of water flow from the Amoozemeter into the auger hole. To solve for A: H is the head in the hole (i.e. total water depth) and r is the radius of the hole. Values for H and r can be found on the attached KSAT data sheets. 4.0 STUDY AREA DESCRIPTION 4.1 Regional Geology and Local Topography The project site is located in the Piedmont physiographic region. The general lithology consists of fine textured mesozoic rocks. The general topography includes gently rolling hills and ridges with fairly narrow drainages (Figure 1). Typical slopes ranged from 2% to 5%. 4.2 Vegetation The vegetation in the Study Area consisted of pine, hardwood, and soft wood species including: loblolly pine (Pinus taeda), sweetgum (Liquidambar styraciflua), red maple (Acer rubrum), dogwood (Corpus florida), American holly (Ilex opaca), and red cedar (Juniperus virginiana). Dominant species were loblolly pine and sweetgum. The diameter at breast height (DBH) ranged from 6 to 10 inches for most canopy species. 2206 Shaw Road SFR Soil Report Three Oaks Job #21-715 2 April 2021 4.3 Jurisdictional Features The Study Area is located in the Falls/Jordan Critical Area (F/J-A) which requires 150- foot setbacks from perennial streams and 100-foot setbacks for intermittent streams. No jurisdictional features were identified in the Study Area. 4.4 Soils Soils in the Study Area are located in the Triassic Basin and formed in residuum weathered from fine-grained mesozoic parent material (Triassic siltstone). The Web Soil Survey was referenced prior to the field investigation to get an overview of the possible soil series mapped in the Study Area. The White Store soil series is mapped in the Study Area (Figure 3). Information for this series is listed in Table 1. The White Store soil series was identified within the Study Area by a strong brown or yellowish red, colored Btss horizon overlying a similarly colored BC horizon that typically showed signs of iron depletions starting between 4 and 17 inches. Table 1. Map Unit Symbol? Soil Series, and Taxonomic Classification Map Unit Symbol Soil Series Taxonomic Class WsB, WsE White Store Fine, mixed, active, thermic Oxyaquic Vertic Hapludalfs Four (4) soil profile descriptions and 12 supplemental borings were advanced within the Study Area to characterize the dominating soil properties and their locations are noted on Figure 2. All soil borings and profiles were representative of the White Store soil series. Evidence of a perched water table (PWT) was observed throughout the soils in the study area, ranging in depth from 4-17 inches. A seasonal high-water table (SHWT) was not observed before auger refusal. As stated above, a PWT was recorded ranging from 4 to 17 inches. State regulations require 12-inches separation from the point of TS-II Treated wastewater application (soil surface) to a PWT. As such, most of the proposed application area will need appropriate fill material added to the surface. A Fill Application Plan is appended and outlines the appropriate activities needed to apply the fill material. 4.5 Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity Testing Surface application systems require KsAT tests be performed to substantiate the reconunended hydraulic loading rate. KSAT tests are conducted in the most hydraulically limiting soil horizon within seven feet of the naturally occurring surface. In all, 9 KSAT measurements were conducted and their locations shown on Figure 4. Measurements were conducted in upper Btss horizons and lower BC horizons. The Btss was determined as the most hydraulically limiting soil horizon. All test borings were pre-soaked for 24 2206 Shaw Road SFR Soil Report Three Oaks Job #21-715 3 April 2021 hours before tests were conducted. The results of KSAT measurements are listed in Table 2. Table 2. KsAT Test Results. KsAT # Nest # Depth Horizon In/Hr 1 1 44 BC 0.0134 2 1 30 Btss 0.0125 3 1 12 EB 0.0845 4 2 31 BC 0.0119 5 2 21 Btss 0.0187 6 2 12 EB 0.0563 7 3 48 BC 0.0143 8 3 28 Btss 0.0035 9 3 12 EB 0.0563 Geomean of Btss: 0.009 in/hr Geomean of BC 0.013 in/hr • All tests were pre-soaked for 24 hours prior to testing. KSAT test results provided consistent measurements. The measured KSAT rates for the EB, Btss and BC horizons are 0.0645 in/hr, 0.009 in/hr and 0.0131 in/hr, respectively. KSAT data sheets are appended. 4.6 Soil Fertility Analysis Soil samples were collected in the upper 12 inches and analyzed by Waypoint Analytical, Inc. The results are typical for a mature forest piedmont soil. Soil phosphorus (P) is rated low. The wastewater applied will help raise the soil P levels to a normal range. Full soil fertility results are appended. 4.7 Area Available for Wastewater Application The chosen Application Area available for wastewater water application is in the central portion of the Study Area (Figure 4) and encompasses 19,100 sq-ft. A 50-foot setback is required from property lines, a 150-foot setback is required from any jurisdictional perennial streams, a 100-foot setback is required from jurisdictional intermittent streams and ponds. 5.0 HYDRAULIC LOADING RATE ASSESSMENT The hydraulic loading rate is the amount of wastewater that can be applied to the Application Area and is derived from in -situ KsAT data, vegetation, nutrient loading, and best professional judgement. 5.1 Design Coefficient and Justification The geometric mean for KsAT measurements conducted in the Btss horizons was calculated as 0.009 in/hr (1.51 in/wk). This KSAT rate must be modified by a Drainage 2206 Shaw Road SFR Soil Report 4 April 2021 Three Oaks Job #21-715 Coefficient to determine the hydraulic loading rate. A design factor of 0.5 is proposed for the Application Area resulting in a soil drainage rate of 0.108 inches/day. Sites can utilize higher drainage factors with favorable parameters such as: • Receiver crop type and Application Area conditions • Physical characteristics that promote infiltration into surface horizons and percolation through to subsurface horizons • Favorable landscapes for wastewater application The Study Area, and subsequent Application Area, is forested and is advantageous to wastewater assimilation. Forest systems and soils are typically nutrient limited and can readily take-up wastewater and wastewater constituents during most of the year. The thick canopy lessens surficial impacts from raindrops during rainfall events thus reducing runoff potential. The underlying duff layer consists of organic material and supports ideal habitat for soil microbes that can readily ingest added nutrients as well as soil macro - organisms that will aid in soil aggregation and stability. The latter will also aid in wastewater infiltration. AU the soil borings described in the Study Area exhibited friable sandy loam surfaces that ranged from 2 to 17 inches overlying the Btss horizons. The sandy loam surfaces will facilitate quick infiltration of applied wastewater while the Btss horizon will provide storage to allow wastewater to further permeate vertically or move laterally along the landscape as shown by the much greater KsAT readings in the EB horizon (Table 2). The landscape positions that occur within the Study Area consist of broad, flat ridge and linear slopes. The average slope for the Application Area is 4%. This slope will allow for infiltrated wastewater to move laterally away from the Application Area. Wastewater for surface application systems is more highly treated than regular domestic wastewater. Higher drainage factors can be utilized for wastewater treated to these standards. Lowered concentrations of wastewater constituents such as biological oxygen demand (BOD), total suspended solids (TSS), ammonia, fecal coliforms, as well as nutrients N and P attained by secondary treatment reduce detrimental impacts from application of wastewater. 5.2 Water Balance Calculation & Recommended Loading Rates A monthly water balance was calculated to determine the maximum annual loading rate using NCDEQ Division of Water Resources, Single -Family Residence Loading Rate Worksheet based on a design daily flow of 360 GPD. Monthly precipitation data came from the State CIimate Office of North Carolina CRONOS Database located in Morrisville (Station: Raleigh AP; ID 317069), from a period of 1984 to 2021 (38 yrs). Evapotranspiration was calculated using the conservative Thomthwaite method, which utilizes temperature values from the same source and period as the precipitation data. The geometric mean for KsAT tests conducted in the Btss horizons (0.009 in/hr) was used for the percolation rate. When applying a 0.5 Drainage Coefficient, the maximum allowable 2206 Shaw Road SFR Soil Report Three Oaks Job #21-715 5 April 2021 irrigation rate calculated by the water balance is 17.72 in/yr for a minimum irrigation area of 0.273 acres (11,897 sq-ft); which is smaller than the delineated Application Area of 19,100 sq-ft. The 17.72 in/yr annual hydraulic loading rate is within the median for an SFR-C group soil. Based upon the results of the site investigation and our professional experience, we recommend the following loading rate: • Weekly Loading Rate of 0.35 in/wk 5.3 Instantaneous Loading Rate The instantaneous loading rate is the amount of wastewater that should be applied in a single event. The factors considered at the project site included: • The surface horizon is typically a sandy loam that generally extends at least 2 inches but typically to 10 inches in depth. • Moderate soil organic matter exists in the duff layer that will aid infiltration. • The topography is generally a 4% slope that will allow for infiltration. Based on these considerations, a maximum instantaneous loading rate of 0.15 in/yr is recommended for the Application Area. However, if this application rate cannot be achieved with drip irrigation. The duration of the irrigation event should be set not to exceed the 0.15 inches of total wastewater application in one hour. As stated above, the thick surface horizons, duff layer and gradual slope will allow for infiltration and prevent runoff from these short irrigation events. 5.4 Minimum Required Storage Storage is proposed to be contained on -site in tanks. The minimum storage for a single- family residence is 5-days or 1,800 gallons. 6.0 AGRONOMIC REPORT The Agronomist Evaluation of the Study Area was completed to include recommendations for the receiving crop, its ability to accept proposed loading rates (both hydraulic and nutrient) and provide information to ensure proper maintenance of the recommended receiving crop. 6.1 Receiving Crop The receiving crop will consist of a mature forest stand. Dominant species are listed in Section 4.2 of this report. Wastewater application to forested areas is beneficial in many aspects. Forests provide a steady source of organic matter and are typically nutrient deprived. Mature trees can take-up a vast amount of water with some large trees absorbing as much as 100 GPD. Rooting habits of mature trees also include deep penetration and perennial growth. 2206 Shaw Road SFR Soil Report Three Oaks Job #21-715 6 April 2021 6.2 Wastewater Characterization Typical wastewater contains varying levels of essential plant nutrients, organic compounds, trace minerals, and potentially phytotoxic compounds. Each of these typical wastewater constituents are assimilated or transformed on a wastewater receiver site through physical, chemical, and biological processes. The effluent will be treated to minimum monthly average water standards listed in 15A NCAC 02T .0605(b). Treatment will be to monthly average levels that shall not exceed 30mg/L BOD5, 30ing/L TSS, 15mg/L Ammonia, and 200 colonies/100 ml Fecal Coliform. 6.3 Nutrient Loadings Hydraulic limitations of the site are more limiting than any potential nutrient load limitations. 6.4 Soil Testing and Recommendations Periodic fertility sampling and monitoring of micronutrients, such as sodium (Na), calcium (Ca), and magnesium (Mg), is recommended to ensure optimal receiver crop efficacy. Application of gypsum may be required as a corrective measure if the sodium adsorption ratio (SAR) is consistently above 10. Irrigation wastewater should have SAR values < 10 to avoid potential adverse growing conditions related to soluble salts in the soil. 6.5 Vegetation Maintenance/Monitoring & Recommendations Advantages associated with matures trees as wastewater receiver crops in regard to hydraulic and nutrient loading capacities have been previously stated. Additional advantages include little to no vehicular traffic, no need for cutting and removing of residues, and regular maintenance accustomed to producing annual crops. Thinning of saplings and shrubs that would interfere with drip application and the emitters is strongly recommended. Thinning and pruning of diseased trees should be completed immediately upon identification. 7.0 CONCLUSIONS Three Oaks is proposing the permitting of a new 360 GPD single-family residence surface application system. Three Oaks completed soil borings, KSAT tests, and soil fertility data to verify favorable soil properties exist for wastewater application. An annual hydraulic loading rate of 15.31 in/yr was calculated with the NCDEQ Division of Water Resources, SFR Loading Rate Worksheet and site -specific soil data. A minimum Application Area of 0.273 ac (11,897 sq-ft) will be required. Weekly loading rates should not exceed 0.35 in/wk with an instantaneous loading rate of 0.15 in/hr per event that should not exceed 0.15 in/hr. 2206 Shaw Road SFR Soil Report 7 April 2021 Three Oaks Job #21-715 The Application Area is most limited hydraulically. Applying at the design irrigation rate will not lead to excess nutrients to the Application Area. The Application Area should be evaluated annually. A wastewater sampling program should be instituted to ensure optimum nutrient inputs to the cover crop being irrigated by this proposed system. The wastewater parameters to be monitored include the following, as a minimum: total nitrogen, total phosphorus, potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, copper, and zinc. 2206 Shaw Road SFR Soil Report Three Oaks Job #21-715 8 April 2021 8.0 REFERENCES Auchmoody, L. R. "Fertilizing Natural Stands" in Central Hardwood Notes. Ed. Bryan F. Clark and Jay G. Hutchinson, updated ed. St. Paul, MN: US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, 2008. 6.11-1 — 6.11-3. Pettygrove, G. Stuart, and Asano, Takashi, (eds.). 1985. Irrigation with Reclaimed Municipal Wastewater —A Guidance Manual. Lewis Publishers, Inc., Chelesa, ML pgs 10-14. Schoeneberger, P.J., D.A. Wysocki, E.C. Benham, and Soil Survey Staff. 2012. Field book for describing and sampling soils, Version 3.0. Natural Resources Conservation Service, National Soil Survey Center, Lincoln, NE. Soil Science Division Staff. 2017. Soil survey manual. C. Ditzler, K. Scheffe, and H. C. Monger (eds.). USDA Handbook 18. Government Printing Office, Washington D.C. Soil Survey Staff, Natural Resources Conservation Service, United States Department of Agriculture. Web Soil Survey. Available online at http://websoilsurvey.nrcs.usda.gov/. Accessed [April 1, 2021]. 2206 Shaw Road SFR Soil Report Three Oaks Job #21-715 9 April 2021 Appendix A Figures Sources: Esrl, HERE, Garmin, USGS, Intermap, INCREMENT P, NRCan, Esri Japan, MET!, Esri China (Hong Kong), Esri Korea, Esri -41'J r01.4 t+ s. Parcel Boundary 0opyright©}t,01Ssi�at�onal! Gengrap_htc 3oc etY ircub dii Soil Scientist Evaluation 2206 Shaw Road (PIN: 0872-01-09-7090) Topo Map Durham County, North Carolina Dam: April 2021 Scala. 0 290 580 Feet Jay Na.: 21-715 Drawn By: Checked By: ETM MGW Figure gatAtt VW re ‘f47331kisv) Soil Scientist Evaluation 2206 Shaw Road (PIN: 0872-01-09-7090) Soil Boring Map Durham County, North Carolina G � NQ GP iM%1{,1I Boa Date: April 2021 Scale: 0 50 100 Feet 1 1 1 Job No.: 21-715 Drawn By. ETM Checked By: MGW Figure 2 MParcel Boundary [=I Study Area USDA-NRCS Soils WsB - White Store sandy loam, 2-6% slopes WsE - White Store sandy loam, 10-25% slopes oitlEERzite Vslitsk 433W Soil Scientist Evaluation 2206 Shaw Road (PIN:0872-01-09-7090) USDA-NRCS Soils Map Durham County, North Carolina 'Date: April 2021 Scale: 0 30 60 Feet Job No.: 21-715 Drawn By: ETM Checked By: MGW Figure 3 The soils within the proposed land application area are consistent with the soil map unit WsB - White Store sandy loam, 2-6% slopes. The dominant soil series identified across the site is White Store. Q Parcel Boundary Study Area 177 Proposed Application Area (19,100 sq-ft of WsB) • Soil Borings • Ksat Test Location 50-ft Property Line Setback VIM Soil Scientist Evaluation 2206 Shaw Road (PIN: 0872-01-09-7090) Hydraulic Conductivity Testing and Application Area Map Durham County, North Carolina Dom: August 2021 Scale: 0 t 25 5D Feet 1 1 Job Na.: 21-715 Drawn By: Checked By: ETM MGW Figure 4 Appendix B Soil Boring Descriptions Three Oaks Engineering 324 Bladmeii Street, Suite 1200 Durham, NC 27701 919.732.1900 Soil Evaluation Form Sod Sheet l of i Job• .Oar county: Date: J 21 - 2C ! i ` Pk 53 3u g Rc --D7 B 143; "sic ' Landscape Position L S , Slope(%) - - Horizon1Desth V- O- I 0 -- 0- l3 0.4 0- 0-11 u-lq: o--7 ,- Texture �, L, I,5 _ ''• 5 ( 5 1- S C. “ - t consistence V Fr rr i • V II tit ( t F f Fr . '3 F r 1 'r Structure G. r. , 613 /00k G t 4ba 4.R. c r 9; ks Clay Mineralogy - 5 -. , -' Honzon 2 Dew ..-- iC ` lad S I'S 4- - l It lii 147' , 7. —)6t 1 LI t - Texture L i � C.. 61-.', S 1. G5C! 5(� consistence e _ V F i k) E1 V F; r v , 1,..... .:, F : Fi S� S it, qJ; ., , I n9kI &3 ki ►9 � 1, E31� . 5d t Clay Mineralogy - ' tc.� (ye — 6pr 61) , S Horizon 3 Depth �x,' i Texture _ , Consistence _ t' Structure _ _ A Clay Mineralogy , _ Horizon 4 Depth _ Texture Consistence - Structure v Clay Mineralogy Horizon s Dew Texture . _ _ Consistence _ Structure . Clay Mineralogy _ Soil wetness 5 i 3 La A t 1 L _ 14 14. Restrictive Horizon 10 f ^ - _ Saprolite IA Other CLASSIFICATION L V U -.AA' F Pk . ) 1) � : ; .={ LTAR {gpolft2j Comments: Evaluated by : • 1,A) 0 O Three Oaks Engineering 324 Blackwell Street, Suite 1200 Durham, NC 27701 919.732.1300 Soil Evaluation Form Soil Bori Sheet Z- of '- Job: 2 D -105S' County: bLik. !/ Date: IL-21-20 FR I '. R1 Landscape Position Slope (%) _ Horizon 1 Depth 4# (f- t,� () t' _ Texture .� C I* . Consistence F• yF r Structure le, 5 A k cii Clay Mineralogy -- `— f 2 Depth 4 ! ' # Texture 2Horizon L. • Consistence _ r Structure � Ij.7 +k, Clay Mineralogy :r ‘" Horizon 3 Depth Texture Consistence Structure _ _ Clay Mineralogy Horizon 4 Depth Texture Consistence Structure Clay Mineralogy Horizon 5 Depth _ Texture .^ Consistence Structure Clay Mineralogy Soil Wetness I 1 Restrictive Horizon LI Saprolite Other _ CLASSIFICATION DR . p u U LIAR (gpd/ft2) Comments: Evaluated by . \ o o Soil Evaluation Form Three Oaks Engineering 324 Blackwell Street, Suite 1200 Durham, NC 27701 919.732.1300 Soil Bonin Sheet 3' of 4 Job: S q ,J tD 2-iS County: �4444/1 Date: z 74 E 14 1, 11 P 4 ..1q Ti 1 ; t1) r <.) 1 R Landscape Position , Slope (%) Horizon 1 Depth ri-7 (":1.-(":1.-+ '- \ \ _ 4.') .-r 0),.� ri I _ C ~ - i .. �. Texture (_ �GL_ qq L S L. <7 L ' < L: S L C L 11 L Consistence VP; r'i P r f e P r Fr. F`r PI— Fr Structure l n 1 'gip k, < it, cc v, ,1_1 P; P k,, Er, ',i < f-t Clay Mineralogy el p S f Horizon 2 Depth L 1 1 - •."'G4 1. -16 f 124. , 1'4 + Texture 6 ( CL <I— SC .L 50L G Consistence ;r-, C; , I r- , t r- i'r-- Fr Ni i�; Structure ,:at;',*�+� 25.k 101 ' .rR. i°` (V `, t:.:-= I4, . i- P 1' Clay Mineralogy =' . c 5 ' r Horizon 3 Depth i 14 P Texture , ,_ x C Consistence y . F 1 Structure ' ',_ Clay Mineralogy 1 - Horizon 4 Depth .. Texture _ Consistence Structure Clay Mineralogy Horizon 5 Depth Texture Consistence Structure Clay Mineralogy Soil Wetness ' � 5 \ 1 r e - - Restrictive Horizon j Saprolite i Other 1,0 CLASSIFICATION ad V' ii DR( P V u I Del id u LTAR (gpdfft2) Comments: Three Oaks Engineering 324 Blackweli Street, Suite 1200 Durham, NC 27701 919.732.1300 Soil Evaluation Form Soli Bonin Sheet 11 of Job:2ov 544 �I County044,45 Date:3-ZZi-L / 1325 R. $z'- ;a* $L.7 ttg' 8zg Landscape Position L L L L L Lc. Slope (%) C 1- f .. 3 3 - Horizon 1 Depth 4 !1 6 ,r7 i Z. Z Texture Scr 51. S4 S; SC, P.- Consistence lr+(, f1/ rL ft- rif f F4 Structure GEL (,n ryt Git. !qZ Clay Mineralogy L.; r t• At Horizon 2 Depth ' u 13G 1 I /if la-IZ L 1 Texture 5ct fct-. C C. G C Consistence Fl f . t.f-y 1if t,p.'• Structure PM 4" gy1 Nej M M N1 Clay Mineralogy 5 p st `r i~ f: L e Horizon 3 Depth ii ilk Texture C Consistence 1 Y Structures Clay Mineralogy !r Horizon 4 Depth Texture Consistence Structure Clay Mineralogy Horizon 5 Depth Texture Consistence Structure Clay Mineralogy Soil Wetness IC) 1/ 17 1 0 1 d }_/V Restrictive Horizon Saprolite 11 Other 0-Io A4-1I t p-0 -f Cwp_2 -(0 CLASSIFICATION la t! Li P5.1),F.: V IA `ir LIAR (gpd/ft2) .l Rocs; Comments: pig Ate ,51 Evaluated by : e.. r1(67,,, 3 if-1 11-%-1,1 SOIL EVALUATION FORM Three Oaks Engineering 324 Blackwell Street, Suite 1200 Durham, NC 27701 919.732.1300 Job: 2{9 -7-0 5.5- County: Ovl�W -N! Date: 3-24-7.I, Sheet: 1 of � a r0 - V c,= '- g. 5 Structure / Texture Consistence / Mineralogy Matrix Color Mottle Colon (Quantity, Size, Contrast Color) letr 141 L t1s. if- /N c'11Z4/1 iirt-fi 9-)5 m / C V F / CR Z$144 f1i!Ztf!IOY(y515'rl,4p ,2.+C W,v L ,y 1,- .. q.�: (ff. t. g.' b-i. 1s-24 Pi / c OFT; ._( f.S'1$I_ C,1, , (0(a (.12, be. 2-1' SKi sc f i / fx :/ f cttk.Me . r , _ 104 4 fa,. c .7-5 - m/ 0- Yt 4-F ` vA�&Gir'D rr S/4 a_ 0- 3 c- / kirR-1vPo loYlotb t$ 2O g4t J sr-/- Fit. t n :5f 75-41 k gl s 3y 119 1 C; ui-s t v5 UP 7.5 . ac i_P lot/2 5. tz. c.I,,Q Ian 5-71 l3G PI ;..,h ic- vfs r I+sv? 71"-4. G.i.P top &1.- m ;) ±,yl tc, L A 7- 6:.&' L. u r 5,1'- 10423k E6 15 ' . /5[-c. Fit- f55. P 7S S1 , 2.2., /C- Vit/VSisP S'tts/L c.i-P 7�-R i-,.' c,i3O 7. t{ A .1 )L 31 {{ill � 4t A / G I<lI/ f,t, f 7T'4 r/t C. /33 7.5 `ii` ri ii`; c, t , % i`(1* Gk. me A 5 6- I L$ v F l op_ )-,fr 3f�. Et 1S 5 /5 . Rk (1/ip loyal. P0 341 _, NI / C- UFL / US,uP 111t. SI, c,i,P 7 i-{L ; f .' c.,1.0 ro 54 P-1" i-t$ Ali /G V. ! 5. try 7. .04 T-1 ¢)10 R t/ ' Si,#P 74.01. sic Evaluated by: (r) v\3OD MDR i1/41 Appendix C KsAT Data Sheets 0 P 8 8I 0 16 ml 6 Nt ji d E • 0 . • C 8 F EE e oqo ad ro W N N N q1111 y11y 8 8 8 ijf E EEEE P H o A Q Coverslan Fedor (C.F.): Xi 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 f 0 0 0 0 o C C C o O o o 4 R R 0 0 0 0 0 88888888 0000000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o O o 0 0 0 0 0 Cal N N N N m m m 8.8888888 d0d o O 4 4 R R 9 03�8i���ro 0 0 0 0. 0 0 o 0p oloolooN N N N n N ry N d O N 0 07 N O d O Odd '0 �0 0� pWo pAp mmm e 0 2 0 O 4 J a M a ge 4 e ig c I n/Hr vs. Time g 4 g 8 N ri 8 8 N N N cE+ o o O .9vm„R N N N T C WC 9 1 Y 2 E LL gi 3j 0 0 D 0 0 0 0 0 O d d d d d d d Wo W W W 0 0 0 0 Q O O O d d G �O�yy o0 0 0 0 0 0 N y Y 8 V 8 N N N O Q o P 0 9 0 0 R R • m 8 m 880 ERRERERR R e a 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O o pNRp pNOp pNOp pOp 0 pp0 N N N N w N O.-.- O O A 0 A O 40 0 00 A t0 00 a e d 1 LL a' m ig 0 FF :1' • c C o C a d o 0 41/W 15 s E EE .0P s 15 e E a 3 u Q 0 3 Y t- • . 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W O g tf N N fl 2004 0 s 0 O 0 116 0 es 15 m c Og 11 R mm m m m d00000. o00 soo=S00 d ddddddd g 0 0• 0 0 0 q q m I S o a a V otr3j §a �Ti RX 0 0 8 8 8 0 q 88888g22 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N N 00000OMOO g g O O O o 0 0 t o m g q t4 N N o o 0 0 0 0 d d d 40°Q4v4era In/Hr vs. Time • .a. 1 c E 8 S d d o d d MH/ul 2 E 8 F 8 c q q o N N N 000 358 z € W m YI N N q MOWNN i 4 0 0 zi Y E ' t72 o o u o a 0 0 d 0 d dd d 0 gEISIRM 0 0 d d d d d CAPt0��E 0 0 0 0 pomp o{pp 0p� to 0 0— A 00 m 0 Qr �. dddd m m r. N m m m P..- C O m m H r E 0 8 0 0 0 0 d d d d UH/u1 8 E 8� NN I 0 m SE 8 10 N O 0 AZA Elf v g 8 OINNR Z w��°0 Q N Z O % 0 e Y 41 0 0 0 0 Q 0 O e] 0 Q O O O 0 gvg rm d O O o o o d ei ei ei cei eea YRReectoom E83` 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 RRRRRRRR 8 8 8 8 8 0 2 r p� 0 11 m ig 0 d O e ace cicici S S a 0 YH%1+1 8 2 o � F 8 8 0 C E O O 0 wow O O O g a wig O eJ .4 Y g m^ m m m 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 8 e O O p p O O G N N 000 0 8 8 0 0 ei odcceadd 0 o 0 O R R mm N P m qj m � 0 0 0 0 0 §0 G 00000 R 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 N V V V 0 8 8 8 8 8 0 8 mgia0imgw0iass v 0 0 O R 0 0 RR G p O g g F 8 g E R N O 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 RRERRRRRR O o ID Q 0 o000000 f 4 e e c.4 i i Weather Condition: m E In/Hr vs. Time o 0 0 a 6 d O 6 6 6 6 aH/UI 0 N 0 0 ry u 0 a 0 ID CD ID N N N LI1 III • Li" 47 N N Y 0 o ui ui K r r N i 0 NOTE: Readings based on Ending Water Level Z 0 N Z 0 • Coversion Factor (C.F.): &3 U 0 33 0 co ID 0 0 23 d 0 6 6 6 0 0 0 p1 N 6 6 C 6 6 6 6 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 NT NNa � l`�, Ne°°.1 § G 0 110 0 O O Qi m m 2' 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 M 0 0 0 M o M 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0�- E•N 0 e0p o 6 C9 N 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000 0 0 0 00 O 01 01 0 4] 1+ eP 4S [O 0 r 0 r 0 0 0 0 0 1. ID e0 N 47 O 0) Iv Appendix D SFR Loading Rate Worksheet SFR Loading Rate Worksheet (15A NCAC 02T .0600 ONLY) Project Name: 2206 Shaw Road SFR Facility Address: 2206 Shaw Road County: Durham Prepared by: Evan Morgan, LSS Project Design Flow = 360 gallday # of Bedrooms Required Flow J 2 bedrooms 240 gal/day 3 bedrooms 360 gal/day 4 bedrooms 480 gal/day 5 bedrooms 600 gal/day 6 bedrooms 720 gallday SFR-LRW 9-08 Potential Evapotranspiration Worksheet (Thornthwaite method Project Name: 2206 Shaw Road SFR Location of Temperature Data: Raleigh AP Starting Year of Data Record: 1984 Ending Year of Data Record: 2021 Period of Record (years): 38 Source of Data: NC CRONOS Site Latitude (degrees) 36.02 within range Calculated PET: 34.21 inches Mean Monthly Temperature (degrees F) Daylight Hours ! 12 Heat Index Calculated PET (inches) January 41.1 0.86 1.02 0.27 February 44.1 0.85 1.57 0.44 March 51.5 1.03 3.22 1:19 April 60.3 1.09 5.67 2.38 May 68.3 1.22 8.26 4.05 June 76.3 1.22 11.17 5.69 July 79.9 1.24 12.57 6.60 August 78.3 1.16 11.94 5.87 September 72.0 1.03 9.57 4.05 October 61.3 0.97 5.97 2.24 November 51.5 0.85 3.22 0.99 December 44.1 0.84 1.57 0.43 Total = 75.74 34.21 SFR-LRW 9-08 SFR Precipitation Work he t Project Name: 2206 Shaw Road SFR Location of Precipitation Data: Raleigh AP Starting Year of Data Record: 1984/1985 Ending Year of Data Record: 2021 Period of Record (years): 37/38 Source of Data: NC CRONOS 80th Percentile Annual Precipitation: 59.93 January February March April May June July August September October November December Total = SFR-LRW 9-08 Mean Monthly Precipitation % of Mean Annual Precipitation 80th Percentile Monthly Precipitation 3.49 7.73 4 63 3.07 6.80 4.07 3.91 8.66 5.19 3.35 7.42 4.45 3.42 7.57 4.54 3.73 8.26 4.95 4.93 10.92 6.54 4.84 10.72 6.42 4.66 10.32 6.18 3.28 7.26 4.35 3.29 7.29 4.37 3.19 7.06 4.23 45.16 100.00 59.93 SFRlrrigatttorl Area Calculation Worksheet (15A NCAC 02T _0600 ONLY) Project Name: 2206 Shaw Road SFR Design Flow SFR Loading Rate Group: Limiting Soil Km = Drainage Coefficient = 360 gal/day C 0.009 inch/hour 0.500 Drainage Rate = 0.113316 Annual Hydraulic Loading Rate = 17.72 inch/yr Irrigation Area = 11,897 square ft = 0.27311 acres inch/day (Formula: K * Drainage Coefficient * 24) Number of Days In the Month PET (inlmo) Vertical Drainage (inlmo) 80th Percentile Monthly Precipitation (Inlmo) Maximum Allowable Irrigation (inlmo) Maximum Allowable Irrigation (gallons/day) Maximum Allowable Irrigation (gallonslmonth) 0 January 31 0.27 3.51 4.63 0.00 0 February 28 0.44 3.17 4.07 0.00 0 0 March 31 1.19 3.51 5.19 0.00 0 0 April 30 2.38 3.40 4.45 1.34 330 9,911 May 31 4.05 3.51 4.54 3.03 724 22,442 June 30 5.69 3.40 4.95 4.14 1,024 30,734 July 31 6.60 3.51 6.54 3.57 854 26,476 August 31 5.87 3.51 6.42 2.96 707 21,922 September 30 4.05 3.40 6.18 1.26 312 9,365 October 31 2.24 3.51 4.35 1.40 335 10,385 _ November 30 0.99 3.40 4.37 0.02 6 165 December 31 0.43 3.51 4.23 0.00 0 0 TOTAL = 365 34.21 41.36 59.93 Formulas: (Max. Allowable Irrigation) = (PET) + (Drainage) - (Precipitation) SFR Loading Rate Table SFR Loading Rate Group Maximum Annual Loading Rate (inlyr) Low - High Geometric Mean K8Bt Range (Inlhr) Low - High SFR-A 26.0 - 50.0 >0.05 SFR-B 19.5 - 26.0 0.015 - 0.05 SFR-C 13.0 -19.5 0.003 - 0.015 SFR-D 0.0 -13.0 0.0 - 0.003 Assignment to a SFR Loading Rate Group for each 15A NCAC 02T .0600 permit application shall be determined by the geometric mean of insitu saturated hydrualic conductivity data collected in the most restrictive horizon for each soil mapping unit within the irrigation area. SFR-LRW 9-08 17.72 4292.66 131,400 Required Flow 2 bedrooms 240 gal/day 87,600 gal/yr 3 bedrooms 360 gal/day 131,400 gal/yr 4 bedrooms 480 gal/day 175,200 gallyr 5 bedrooms 600 gaVday 219,000 gal/yr 6 bedrooms 720 gal/day 262,800 gal/yr Maximum allowable Irrigation: 131,400 galtyr The Maximum Allowable Irrigation number must be greater than or equal to the required flow. Appendix E Soil Fertility Analysis 4D E rn to m N cmi 0 e x ,5 C z u. u ° Q -Li et mo ai cc m n d • OD -C c r Grower: Evan Morgan o o cn n O Nc _ ▪ v °° 0Z �'� o _a N E p Co T 03 C m m L a c . .. T E H o Z C T •L co ca a 0 A s m a co Analytical Method(s): SOIL ANALYSIS REPORT 0 0. a 0 Date Ot Analysis: 04/06/2021 Date Received: 04/05/2021 co - 1r E a. • C oi o Z cma E Wb_7 O z m 0 a a O . N N E 2 ▪ g' 2 CO CO E fA a0 0 m 0 re J T II v U M 2 0 0 0 00.. a a 0: a n I.- " U N Z o W coV m 0 a T J a At 3E z c17.3 0 0 mp d 13 N IL Q) Soluble Salts J 9 Q 0 N C A rc ✓ E a Q. . 0) II r• 0 o z 2 0 0 2 0 N a z Percent Base Saturation 14 a a 2 • E a 0 o. 0p� z R cr Z a Y Lo (xi 7 II n U z CD o Z� N 0 heat CV j Analysis prepared by: Waypolyd Analytical Virginia, Inc. Pauric Mc Groary Ph.D., CPAg Fill Application Plan The following outlines the guidelines for choosing and installing the required fill material for the proposed waste water disposal system. If there are any questions regarding these guidelines, design and installation personnel should contact Three Oaks Engineering (Three Oaks) for clarification. These guidelines are presented as Three Oaks professional opinion and are not dictated by the NC DWR. However, the NC DWR retains the right to determine what constitutes suitable fill material and installation thereof, as the regulatory authority responsible for permitting this waste water disposal system. Surface water diversion: The existing roadway ditches and deep channel will divert surface waters around the application area. Fill material composition: The fill material should consist of mineral soil with a textural classification of sandy loam similar in textural feel as the existing surface within the application area. It shall consist of no more than 10 percent of rock fragments (> 2 min in size), organic material, etc. Once a source of fill material is found, a sample should be submitted to Three Oaks personnel so that a particle size analysis can be conducted. Note: Before any earth moving activities are conducted on site, Three Oaks should be contacted to mark the fill area boundary and inspect the moisture content of the soil. If the soils are too saturated, no tillage may occur. This inspection is to avoid compacting the application area. All site work should be conducted machinery with tracks instead of pneumatic tires. 1. Clear and grub the site by hand in such a manner as to minimize soil loss and compaction. 2. Remove vegetation less than 8 inches in diameter from the drip dispersal area. 3. The existing ground surface should be lightly tilled to scarify the surface, and should extend at least five (5) feet beyond the intended irrigation area on all sides. 4. Four (4) inches of fill material should be applied to the disposal area and tilled into the existing soil at a two to three (2-3) inch depth. 5. Another four (4) inches should be applied to the area and lightly rolled with a lawn roller filled approximately one third (1/3) full of water (or equivalent technique). The soil should not be overly compacted during this process. 6. At this point, the total depth of fill should be at least eight (8) inches above the initial ground surface. If eight (8) inches has not been achieved, continue applying fill as outlined in step 3 until a minimum of eight (8) inches is present. 7 The fill material should extend five feet beyond the proposed disposal area and blend into the natural contours of the site. From this point, the fill should be tapered down to the surrounding ground surface with a berm slope not to exceed a 1:8 rise to run ratio. In other words, there should not be any more than one (1) inch of rise for every four (8) inches of run, mating the berm sixty-four (64) inches wide at a minimum for the proposed eight (8) inches of proposed fill. 8. Avoid placing fill material under the drip line of any trees that are to be left within the drip dispersal area to prevent tree depth. Turf option: The entire area should be temporarily seeded with an appropriate turf species for the area, covered with hay or other suitable temporary cover that will both protect the seed and soil from erosion while the pine/hardwood duff layer is regenerated. Temporary irrigation should be provided to the area so that a suitable stand of turf takes root. Care should be taken not to erode the installed fill. Mulch option: If a mulch cover is chosen, Three Oaks personnel should be contacted for a visual inspection of the fill material once it has been put into place, but before mulch is applied. Once formal approval has been granted that the site meets the design criteria, drip tubing may be installed on top of the fill. After the tubing is in place, Three Oaks should be contacted to conduct another visual inspection of the drain lines prior to the mulch being applied. Once formal approval is given on the installation of the drain lines, then the mulch may be applied. The mulch should not exceed a depth of two (2) inches. The site must be maintained with a continuous cover of mulch at all times until the pine/hardwood duff layer is regenerated. If bare soil is exposed in any part of the application area it must be recovered with mulch. If it is determined that the mulch is not acting as an adequate erosion protection technique, it should be replaced with a stand of turf. Bruce Porter and Melanie Beth Brown -Porter 2206 Shaw Road, Durham Durham County North Carolina Specifications l %`%% VI . SEAL 17069 = 3sNG1 lK •• \4'% .E MAGG? WVZ° MacConnell & Associates, P.C. 501 Cascade Pointe Lane, Suite 103 Cary, North Carolina 27513 P.Q. Box 129 Morrisville, North Carolina 27560 Phone: (919) 467-1239 Fax: (919) 319-6510 Table of Contents for Specifications Excavation and Backfilling 1 Septic, Recirculation, and Field Dosing Tank Installation and Testing 2 Piping Installation and Testing 4 E-Z Treat Dosing Pump 4 Field Dosing Pump 4 EZ Treat Combo Control Panel 4 E-Z Treat Treatment Unit Installation 5 Effluent Bypass Valve 5 Denitrification Assembly 5 Hydraulic Unit Installation 5 Drip Irrigation Line Installation 5 Fill Application Plan ..7 Ultraviolet Disinfection Unit 7 Rain Sensor 7 Project Specifications Excavation and Backfilling 1. Excavated materials acceptable as backfill shall be stockpiled in a location approved by the Owner. The materials shall be located away from the edge of any excavations. Excavated materials shall not be stored within the driplines of existing trees. 2. All open excavations shall be barricaded when construction in the area has stopped. Night barricading should include posted warning lights. 3. Protect existing structures, utilities, sidewalks, pavement, and other facilities from damage caused by settlement, lateral movement, undermining, washout, and other hazards created by earthwork operations. Protect root systems from damage or dry -out to the greatest extent possible. 4. Soil materials shall be free of boulders, roots, sod, organic matter, and frozen material. 5. Bedding materials for pre -cast concrete structure installation shall be #57 washed stone to the dimensions and depth shown on the construction drawings. 6. All excavation is unclassified and includes excavation to subgrade elevations indicated on the construction drawings regardless of character of materials and obstruction encountered. In the event that rock is encountered, the Contractor shall remove it at no additional cost to the owner. 7. Stability of excavations shall be maintained by sloping of the sides and shall comply with local codes, ordinances, and requirements of agencies having jurisdiction. Where space restrictions prevent sloping of the sides, shoring and bracing of the walls shall be employed in full compliance with OSHA requirements. In the case of pipe installations, sheeting shall remain in place until backfilling progresses to a stage where no damage to the pipe will result from removal. 8. The Contractor shall attempt to prevent surface and subsurface water from flowing into excavations. The Contractor shall provide equipment, materials, and work necessary to dewater any accumulation of water in the excavation to prevent softening of the soils, undercutting of footings, and changes to the soils detrimental to the stability of the improvements. 9. Excavations for structures shall conform to dimensions and elevations shown on the construction drawings within a tolerance of plus or minus 0.10 feet and to the standards of ASTM C891-90. 10. Backfill shall be installed to excavated spaces in 8-inch lifts and tamped by hand or pneumatically around pipe or structures. Tamping shall be performed evenly on both sides of Bruce Porter and Melanie Beth Brown -Porter Surface Drip Irrigation with TS-II Pretreatment MacConnell & Associates, P.C. Project No.: A48202.00 pipe and around sides of structures to a depth such that damage to the pipe or structures is avoided as a result of subsequent methods of compaction. Extreme care shall be exercised in backfilling operations to avoid displacement of pipe and structures either horizontally or vertically. Backfill consolidation by ponding water is not permitted. Compaction of each layer of backfill and the top 6 inches of subgrade shall achieve a 90 percent maximum dry density as measured by AASHTO method T-99. 11. Remove all waste materials including unacceptable excavated material, trash, and debris and legally dispose of it off Owner's property. Where settling is measurable or observable at excavated areas during project warranty period, the Contractor shall remove surface finish, add backfill material, compact, and replace surface treatment to a quality and appearance matching adjacent areas of previous work. 12. Site specific excavation and backfilling requirement shall also comply as shown on the construction drawings. Septic, Recirculation, and Field Dosing Tank Installation and Testing 1. Septic tanks shall conform to criteria in 15A NCAC 18A .1952-.1954. The septic, recirculation/ field dosing tanks should be installed on a 6-inch minimum layer of No. 57 washed stone aggregate. 2. Place bell ends of pre -cast sections or the groove end of the concrete facing down. In preparation for making joints, all surfaces of the portion of the section to be jointed and the factory -made jointing materials shall be clean and dry. Each joint, seam, and pipe penetration inside and outside of joints shall receive liberal applications of non -shrink grout as well as liberal amounts of bitumastic waterproof sealant. 3. Lifting holes and other penetrations of the pre -cast structure wall shall be sealed with nonshrinking grout. Pipe connections shall be made so that the pipe does not project beyond the inside wall of the structure. Grout connections as necessary to make smooth and uniform surfaces on the inside of the structure. 4. Before placing any tank into operation, remove any dropped grout, sand or other imperfections and obstructions from the interior of the structure. Specifically, the inside walls of the tank shall be smooth and uniform. Smooth -finish inverts so that wastewater flow is confined and directed through the inlet and outlet pipes with easy transition. 5. Tanks shall be backfilled in accordance with the applicable specifications herein before described. 6. All pipe penetrations shall be through Press -Seal Cast -A -Seal 402 rubber connectors or approved equal. Bruce Porter and Melanie Beth Brown -Porter Surface Drip Irrigation with TS-II Pretreatment MacConnell & Associates, P.C. Project No.: A48202.00 2 7. All joints (mid -seam, top -seam) shall be sealed using Concrete Sealants butyl sealant #CS-102 meeting ASTM C-990. 8. All service access openings will be a minimum of 24 inches. Exceptions may be made on a case by case basis with E-Z Treat's and engineer's prior written approval. All access openings shall be fitted with E-Z Set riser assemblies. 9. A 24-hour static water test, in accordance with ASTM standards, shall be performed on all precast tanks in order to insure they are water tight. a. The testing shall be performed in the presence of the engineer or his representative. b. Each tank shall be filled with water and the initial water level shall be measured. c. At the end of the 24-hour period, the level of the water shall be measured again. d. The engineer shall pass the tank if the water level did not drop more than 0.5 inches or if the total volume of the displaced water is less than 1 percent of the total effective liquid capacity of the tank. e. Tanks may also be leak -tested by applying a vacuum of 5-inches of Hg with riser assemblies in place. f. Each failed tank shall be tested again. In the event that the tank does not pass the second test, the Contractor shall remove and replace the tank at no additional cost to the owner. 10. Septic Tank and E-Z Treat Recirculation Tank shall meet the following additional criteria: a. Minimum liquid depth of 36 inches. b. Minimum airspace of 9 inches. c. Length shall be at least twice as long as the width. d. Septic tank shall be constructed with a baffle wall dividing the tank interior 2/3rd to 1/3`d. The baffle wall shall be constructed to permit passage of effluent through a slot or holes located between 45 and 55 percent of the interior depth. 11. Septic tank shall be fitted with a Sim Tech STF-110, Polylok PL —122, or Engineer approved effluent filter that extends down to 50 percent of the liquid depth of the tank. 12. Septic tank shall be as specified on the constructions drawings. Bruce Porter and Melanie Beth Brown -Porter Surface Drip Irrigation with TS-II Pretreatment MacConnell & Associates, P.G. Project No.: A48202.00 3 Piping Installation and Testing 1. Piping shall be PVC and of type and size as shown on the construction drawings. Piping shall be installed with a minimum of three (3) feet of cover unless shown otherwise on the construction drawings. 2. Piping shall be installed to be able to meet a pressure test whereby the pressure remains constant for a minimum of two hours, and the allowable leakage is not more than 10 gpd/inch of pipe diameter/mile. 3. Any line installed under a driveway shall be sleeved in Class 52 Ductile Iron Pipe or encased in concrete and extend a minimum of 5 feet on either side and unless shown otherwise on the construction drawings. 4. Forcemains installed under streams and driveways shall be sleeved in Class 52 Ductile Iron Pipe. E-Z Treat Dosing Pump and Control Panel 1. The E-Z Treat dosing pumps shall be one (1) Sta-Rite Step 30 1/2 horsepower multi -stage submersible pump for operation on a single phase, 115 Volt service. Field Dosing Pump 1. The field dosing pump shall be as specified on the construction drawings, or approved equal by Engineer. The motor shall meet the horsepower requirement for operation on a single phase service. EZ Treat Combo Control Panel 1. The control panel shall be EZT-1 CD4Z-230-15 provided by E-Z Treat. 2. The control panel shall be in a NEMA 4X enclosure, installed in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations, and within 10 feet of the E-Z Treat treatment unit. 3. No splices may be placed in the pump tank or riser. All splices shall be made above ground in a NEMA 4x junction box. 4. Control and alarm circuits shall be on separate circuits. Bruce Porter and Melanie Beth Brown -Porter Surface Drip Irrigation with TS-II Pretreatment MacConnell & Associates, P.C. Project No.: A48202.00 4 5. RMSYS telemetry control panel or equal shall be connected to a phone line. If the local health department does not have access to the RIVISYS website, a direct interface must be provided. System operator must be able to access the panel directly on site and shall be available with a 24 hour notice to the county in the event a direct connection is necessary. 6. The audible/visual alarms shall be external to any structure. E-Z Treat Treatment Unit Installation 1. The E-Z Treat Treatment Units shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations and as shown on the contract drawings. Effluent Bypass Valve 1. The effluent bypass valve shall be by E-Z Treat and shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations and as shown on the contract drawings. Denitrification Assembly 1. Valves and piping back to the front of the septic tank shall be integral with the pod dosing system. Hydraulic Unit Installation 1. The E-Z Set Drip hydraulic unit shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations and as shown on the contract drawings. 2. Electric solenoid zone valves shall be 1" (Model SVLVB-100). 3. Vortex filter shall be 1 1/2 " (Model AP4E-1.5F-3). Drip Irrigation Line Installation 1. The drip irrigation lines shall be installed as shown on the construction drawings. The lines shall be laid parallel to the existing contours and laid completely level. Bruce Porter and Melanie Beth Brown -Porter Surface Drip Irrigation with TS-II Pretreatment MacConnell & Associates, P.C. Project No.: A48202.00 5 2. Emitter spacing shall be 24-inches. There shall be 3-feet of spacing between adjacent drip lines. 3. Contractors shall ensure minimum disturbance of the soil in the wooded area. Weeds, trees and bushes less than 2 inches in diameter shall be removed, whereas vegetation that has diameter greater than 2 inches shall not be disturbed. 4. Harrow rake and backfill the soil if necessary. Native soil shall not be disturbed more than 1 inch into the soil profile. 5. Only rubber -tire, light -duty equipment shall be used in these areas. 6. No excavation for initial wastewater disposal field laterals shall occur while the project site is wet. 7. The retained trees shall maintain a minimum of three (3) feet in radius clearance area where no new soils shall be backfilled. Backfilled soils shall be gradually filled where the slope is one (1) vertically and three (3) horizontally. Drip lines shall not be placed within the three (3) feet clearance areas. 8. Retain as many well established trees as possible. Remove pine trees and retain hardwoods preferentially where tree displacements are necessary. 9. Leaf and vegetation matter shall be raked from irrigation site. 10. The fill material shall have a soil texture of sand or loamy sand and shall be mixed with the native soil to a depth of 6 inches on top of the existing soil surface to provide uniform surface level. 11. Limitations of soil disturbance shall be clearly addressed to responsible personnel. Any necessary disturbance that exceeds the soil disturbance limits shall be approved by engineer. 12. After completion of filling, backfilling, and grading, topsoil shall be spread uniformly to a depth of not less than thirteen (13) inches over the seasonal high ground water level. Topsoil shall be compacted lightly in an approved manner. The finished surface shall be in conformity with the lines, grades, and cross -sections shown on the Contract Drawings, as well as free from dips, bumps, and irregularities in alignment. 13. All fill and backfill shall be free from roots, wood scrap material, and other vegetable matter and refuse. Fill and backfill shall be placed in layers not more than eight (8) inches thick, loose except as specified otherwise herein, and each layer shall be compacted thoroughly and evenly. 14. For pipe trenches, fill and backfill, unless otherwise noted, shall be compacted to at least 90 percent of the maximum density at optimum moisture content, as determined by ASTM D 2167 (Modified Proctor Method). Bruce Porter and Melanie Beth Brown -Porter Surface Drip Irrigation with TS-II Pieti ,atment MacConnell & Associates, P.C. Project No.: A48202.00 6 15. The Contractor shall perform all grading in areas so indicated. Fill shall be brought to finished grades indicated on the Contract Drawings and shall be graded so as to drain water away from structures. Areas directly and indirectly affected by the construction work shall be graded to provide proper drainage and surfaces suitable for the use of mowing machines. 16. Surplus material not required for completion of the construction work or unsuitable for filling, backfilling, and/or grading shall be disposed of at the Contractor's expense in an approved spoil area and in accordance with local ordinances. 17. Field specific installation shall be as shown on the drawings. 18. Drip lines shall be installed in a manner to minimize disturbance to the existing vegetation on the disposal field. Fill Application Plan: Due to evidence of a perched water table ranging from 4-17 inches, a special fill application is required. Please see fill application requirements provided by Three Oaks Engineering attached to the back of this document. Ultraviolet Disinfection Unit 1. The ultraviolet unit shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations and as shown on the contract drawings. The unit shall be by E-Z Treat (Model E-Z UV 102) or approved equal by engineer. 2. A visual alarm shall be provided that alerts the homeowner when the primary bulb fails. After primary bulb failure, the backup bulb shall be good for 10,000 hours. Alarm panel shall be mounted within 6 feet of ultraviolet casing. 3. Casing shall be filled with water prior to powering up lamps. Rain Sensor 1. A Hunter Mini-Clik rain sensor shall be installed adjacent to the hydraulic unit in an area that will receive precipitation (that is not covered by any trees). Bruce Porter and Melanie Beth Brown -Porter Surface Drip Irrigation with TS-II Pretreatment MacConnell & Associates, P.G. Project No.: A48202.00 7 Fill Application Plan The following outlines the guidelines for choosing and installing the required fill material for the proposed waste water disposal system. If there are any questions regarding these guidelines, design and installation personnel should contact Three Oaks Engineering (Three Oaks) for clarification. These guidelines are presented as Three Oaks professional opinion and are not dictated by the NC DWR. However, the NC DWR retains the right to determine what constitutes suitable fill material and installation thereof, as the regulatory authority responsible for permitting this waste water disposal system. Surface water diversion: The existing roadway ditches and deep channel will divert surface waters around the application area. Fill material composition: The fill material should consist of mineral soil with a textural classification of sandy loam similar in textural feel as the existing surface within the application area. It shall consist of no more than 10 percent of rock fragments (> 2 mm in size), organic material, etc. Once a source of fill material is found, a sample should be submitted to Three Oaks personnel so that a particle size analysis can be conducted. Note: Before any earth moving activities are conducted on site, Three Oaks should be contacted to mark the fill area boundary and inspect the moisture content of the soil. If the soils are too saturated, no tillage may occur. This inspection is to avoid compacting the application area. All site work should be conducted machinery with tracks instead of pneumatic tires. 1. Clear and grub the site by hand in such a manner as to minimize soil loss and compaction. 2. Remove vegetation less than 8 inches in diameter from the drip dispersal area. 3. The existing ground surface should be lightly tilled to scarify the surface, and should extend at least five (5) feet beyond the intended irrigation area on all sides. 4. Four (4) inches of fill material should be applied to the disposal area and tilled into the existing soil at a two to three (2-3) inch depth. 5. Another four (4) inches should be applied to the area and lightly rolled with a lawn roller filled approximately one third (1/3) full of water (or equivalent technique). The soil should not be overly compacted during this process. b. At this point, the total depth of fill should be at least eight (8) inches above the initial ground surface. If eight (8) inches has not been achieved, continue applying fill as outlined in step 3 until a minimum of eight (8) inches is present. 7. The fill material should extend five feet beyond the proposed disposal area and blend into the natural contours of the site. From this point, the fill should be tapered down to the surrounding ground surface with a berm slope not to exceed a 1:8 rise to run ratio. In other words, there should not be any more than one (1) inch of rise for every four (8) inches of run, making the berm sixty-four (64) inches wide at a minimum for the proposed eight (8) inches of proposed fill. 8. Avoid placing fill material under the drip line of any trees that are to be left within the drip dispersal area to prevent tree depth. Turf option: The entire area should be temporarily seeded with an appropriate turf species for the area, covered with hay or other suitable temporary cover that will both protect the seed and soil from erosion while the pine/hardwood duff layer is regenerated. Temporary irrigation should be provided to the area so that a suitable stand of turf takes root. Care should be taken not to erode the installed fill. Mulch option: If a mulch cover is chosen, Three Oaks personnel should be contacted for a visual inspection of the fill material once it has been put into place, but before mulch is applied. Once formal approval has been granted that the site meets the design criteria, drip tubing may be installed on top of the fill. After the tubing is in place, Three Oaks should be contacted to conduct another visual inspection of the drain lines prior to the mulch being applied. Once formal approval is given on the installation of the drain lines, then the mulch may be applied. The mulch should not exceed a depth of two (2) inches. The site must be maintained with a continuous cover of mulch at all times until the pine/hardwood duff layer is regenerated. If bare soil is exposed in any part of the application area it must be recovered with mulch. If it is determined that the mulch is not acting as an adequate erosion protection technique, it should be replaced with a stand of turf. Z:\T-Drive (Projects)\Library\2021\A48202.00 - Porter, Bruce - 2206 Shaw Rd. Durham - TS-II Surface Drip\Drawings\A48202.00 - Cover.dwg Aug 16, 2021 1:08pm BRUCE & MELANIE PORTER SURFACE DRIP IRRIGATION WITH TS 11 PRETREATMENT DURHAM COUNTY, NC GLENb1STONE MS s Gorman - STLILWODD Rocky !alai Southern H Schaal GATEWOOD FOREST Oak Grove �i EaD RAV ENSTONE Redwood 2206 !w Rd, Durham, NC 27704 E1.15 Falls Lake. Falls Lake State Recreation Area AO" 14e44-f. CD. PARKER • • r BOULDER Lf VICINITY MAP PROJECT MANAGEMENT COPYRIGHT C. 2021 PROJECT No. A48202.00 2206 SHAW RD. DURHAM, NC 27704 PARCEL ID: 193913 SCHEDULE OF DRAWINGS: C-100 C-101 C-102 C-103 D-101 D-102 D-103 E-101 LICENSE No. C-1039 COVER SHEET TREATMENT SCHEMATIC AND PROFILE OVERALL SITE PLAN SITE LAYOUT FORCE MAIN PLAN AND PROFILE DETAILS -1of3 DETAILS -2of3 DETAILS -3of3 ELECTRICAL DETAILS MacCONNELL & Associates, P. C. 501 CASCADE POINTE LANE, SUITE 103 CARY, NORTH CAROLINA 27513 P. O. BOX 129 MORRISVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 27560 TEL: (919) 467-1239 FAX: (919) 319-6510 Pizza Nfla at Herlage Grill DUrffi kanf it F40 LJ c'u a Rand.; Rd i- .1-Yft)fQ • 1e} krcil • 220f glw Rd. Durham, NC 27704 507.34 jru Er 3 LOCATION MAP MAY 25, 2021 NO. DATE 08/16/21 REVISIONS DESCRIPTION REV. PER DWR SHEET C-100, C-102 A48202.00 — BRUCE & MELANIE PORTER — SURFACE DRIP IRRIGATION WITH TS—II PRETREATMENT A48202.00 - BRUCE & MELANIE PORTER - SURFACE DRIP IRRIGATION WITH TS-II PRETREATMENT C:\Users\CHRISS 1\AppData\Local\Temp\AcPublish_13580\A48202.00 - Base.dwg Aug 16, 2021 1:09pm NOTES 1. PARCELS AND TOPO PROVIDED BY NC ONE MAP. SITE PLAN INFORMATINO PROVIDED BY OWNER. 2. SUITABLE SOIL BOUNDARY BY THREE OAKS ENGINEERING. 3. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR COORDINATION OF ALL TRADES AND SUBCONTRACTORS. CONTRACTOR IS ALSO RESPONSIBLE FOR FIELD VERIFYING DIMENSIONS, ELEVATIONS, AND LOCATIONS OF ALL EXISTING CONDITIONS AND UTILITIES. 4. CONTRACTOR SHALL COMPLY WITH ALL APPLICABLE SOIL EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL REQUIREMENTS. 5. CONTRACTOR SHALL COMPLY WITH ALL APPLICABLE OSHA, NCDOT AND SAFETY REQUIREMENTS. 6. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR REPAIRING ALL CONSTRUCTION DAMAGE EXPEDITIOUSLY AND AT NO ADDITIONAL COST TO THE OWNER. 7. LOCATION OF DRIPPER LINES AS SHOWN ARE APPROXIMATE. LINES SHALL LAY PARALLEL TO CONTOURS © 3FT. MIN. ± 61N. SPACING AS SITE CONDITIONS ALLOW. 8. SUPPLY AND RETURN LINES MAY BE LAID IN SAME TRENCH. SEPARATION IS FOR ILLUSTRATION PURPOSES ONLY. 9. LAYOUT OF THE APPLICATION AREA IS BASED ON FIELD DELINEATION OF SOILS AREA BY A LICENSED SOILS CONSULTANT. ANY CHANGE IN LAYOUT BY THE CONTRACTOR OUTSIDE THE DELINEATED AREA SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE SOILS CONSULTANT AND THE ENGINEER. 10. DRAIN ALL ROOF AND TOE DRAINS AWAY FROM DRIP FIELD AND TREATMENT UNITS. 11. PROVIDE MINIMUM 100 FEET OF SEPARATION FROM ANY WELL AND TREATMENT AND DISPOSAL SYSTEMS. 12. NO SWIMMING POOL SHALL BE INSTALLED WITHIN 15 FEET OF IRRIGATION SITE. 13. PROPOSED DWELLING AND DRIVEWAY LOCATIONS ARE APPROXIMATE. ACTUAL LOCATIONS SHALL BE DETERMINED BY ARCHITECT. DO NOT DISTURB SOIL OR STORE BUILDING MATERIALS ON PROPOSED SEPTIC FIELD. 14. MANIFOLDS AND VALVES HAVE BEEN INCREASED IN SIZE FOR CLARITY. CONTRACTOR SHALL NOT INSTALL ANY PIPING OR VALVES WITHIN THE 50' PROPERTY LINE SETBACK OR 10' PROPERTY LINE SETBACK WITH WAIVER. 15. 100 YEAR FLOOD ELEVATION IS 262' PER FEMA PANEL 3720087200J. 16. RAIN SENSOR TO BE MOUNTED ON CONTROL PANEL. OPERATING REGIME FOR DRIP IRRIGATION SYSTEM SYSTEM IS DESIGNED AND CONTROLS (MICROPROCESSORS) ARE PROVIDED TO DOSE THE E-Z TREAT FILTER WITH 34 GALLONS OF SEPTIC TANK EFFLUENT EVERY 14-20 MINUTES. THE MICROPROCESSOR WILL ALSO ACTIVATE THE DRIP IRRIGATION PUMP AND ASSOCIATED CONTROL VALVE TO DOSE THE DRIP IRRIGATION ZONES AT A PRE-SET TIME. FLOW TO THE DRIP IRRIGATION FIELD IS SET AS SHOWN ON THE GEOFLOW FIELD DOSING TABLE. PUMPED DRIP IRRIGATION FLOW SHALL PASS THROUGH A FLOW METER. WHEN THE PREPROGRAMMED VOLUME IS REACHED THE ACTIVE PUMP WILL BE DE -ENERGIZED. THE PUMP WILL ALSO DE -ENERGIZE IF THE LOW WATER LEVEL "PUMP OFF" SWITCH IS ACTIVATED. IF THE HIGH WATER LEVEL "ALARM" FLOAT SWITCH IS ACTIVATED, THE SYSTEM WILL BEGIN ITS OPERATION OF DELIVERING THE PREDETERMINED DOSE VOLUME, AND SHALL ALSO ENERGIZE THE AUDIBLE AND FLASHING ALARM FIXTURES. (ONCE ENERGIZED, THE FLASHING AND AUDIBLE ALARM UNITS WILL ONLY BE RESET MANUALLY OR BY REACHING LOW LEVEL CONDITIONS.) THE MICROPROCESSOR WILL ALSO CONTROL THE PERIODIC BACK WASHING OF THE VORTEX FILTER AND THE FLUSHING OPERATION OF THE SUB -FIELD LATERAL NETWORK. FILTER BACK WASHING SHALL OCCUR AT THE END OF EACH DOSE CYCLE. SYSTEM LATERAL FLUSHING SHALL OCCUR WHEN THE MICROPROCESSOR SENSES RECOGNITION OF A PRESET ELAPSED TIME SINCE LAST SYSTEM FLUSH (USUALLY 28 DAYS). THE SYSTEM SHALL BE CONFIGURED TO ALLOW FOR MANUAL INITIATION OF BACK WASHING FILTERS OR SUB -FIELD SYSTEM FLUSHING. THE DRIP PANEL MICROPROCESSOR MAY LOG AND RECORD FOR LATER RETRIEVAL CYCLES DOSED BY ZONE AND ANY ALARM CONDITION. RAIN SENSOR SHALL DEACTIVATE PUMPING TO FIELD WHEN IT "SENSES RAIN." THE MAIN PUMP CONTROL PANEL SHALL INCLUDE, BUT NOT BE LIMITED TO, AN "AUTO/MANUAL" SYSTEM CONTROL SWITCH, STOP/START SWITCH FOR EACH PUMP, NON-RESETTABLE ELAPSED TIME RECORDER FOR EACH PUMP, AND INDIVIDUAL PUMP RUN LIGHTS. THE MAIN PUMP CONTROL PANEL SHALL BE A NEMA 4X ENCLOSURE. ALL SUPPORTING CONTROL UNITS, IF NOT HOUSED WITHIN THE MAIN PUMP CONTROL PANEL, SHALL BE IN A SEPARATE NEMA 4X ENCLOSURE. 4" SCH. 40 PVC - DWELLING - - DWELLING - F.F.E. +310.0' (ASSUMED) (10'-0" MIN. ) FIN. GRADE +308.0' 4" SCH. 40k PVC ® 2.00% MIN. +307.0' (DWELLING) NOTES: 1,000 GALLON SEPTIC TANK E-Z TREAT POD FILTER 1,000 GALLON E-Z TREAT RECIRCULATION TANK CP 1-1/4" SCH. 40 PVC RETURN FROM FIELDS GROUND EL. +304.0' INV. EL. +3015' EL. f 301 .3' 1,000 GALLON SEPTIC TANK 1. TANK LOCATIONS ARE NOT TO SCALE SO AS TO SHOW EACH TREATMENT ITEM. 2. ALL GRAVITY LINES SHALL BE 2% SLOPE MIN. 3,500 GALLON FIELD DOSING/STORAGE TAN K HYDRAULIC UNIT ZONE VALVES E-Z TREAT POD FILTER INV.EL. +301 .7' INV.EL. BYPASS +301.1' 0 INV.EL. f 301.0' 1,000 GALLON E-Z TREAT RECIRCULATION TANK 4" SCH. 40 PVC GROUND EL. +304.0' lr INV.EL. +300.5' LEGEND FORCE MAIN GROUND GRAVITY LINE FLOW DIRECTION 1- 1 -1 /4" SCH. 40 PVC SUPPLY TO ZONE 1 1 1 /4" SCH. 40 PVC SUPPLY TO ZONE 2 1-1/4" SCH. 40 PVC SUPPLY TO ZONE 3 1 1/4" SCH. 40 PVC RETURN LINE FROM ZONE 1, 2, & 3 3,500 GALLON DOSING/STORAGE TANK 4" SCH. 40 PVC TREATMENT SYSTEM SCHEMATIC / PROFILE C-101 NTS HYDRAULIC UNIT ZONE VALVES TO ZONES 1,2 AND 3 HIGHEST POINT ON IRRIGATION FIELD = +304.0' LEGEND E x WL s• CO CP EZRT E-Z FDT ST HU uv N ZV IPF 0 ADJACENT BOUNDARY BOUNDARY (PROPERTY) CONTOURS - INDEX CONTOURS - INTERMEDIATE DRAIN FIELD (SEPTIC) AREA ELECTRIC LINE EXISTING FENCE WETLANDS EDGE OF PAVEMENT 100 YEAR FLOOD PLAIN EXISTING STREAM INITIAL DRIP LINES (FLAGGED) INITIAL DRIP UNES (UNFLAGGED) RETURN LINES SUPPLY UNES i DIVERSION BERM SOIL MAPPING BOUNDARY RETURN MANIFOLD SUPPLY MANIFOLD CLEAN OUT CONTROL PANEL E-Z TREAT RECIRC. TANK E-Z TREAT TREATMENT UNIT FIELD DOSING TANK SEPTIC TANK HYDRAULIC UNIT ULTRAVIOLET DISINFECTION METER ZONE VALVE IRON PIPE FOUND POWER POLE EXISTING TREE REVISIONS NO. DATE DESCRIPTION 1 08/16/21 PER DWR PROJECT MANAGER: GSM DRAWN BY: JDH PROJECT ENGINEER: AVF CHECKED BY: GSM DATE: MAY 25, 2021 LICENSE No. C-1039 MacCOT\T ELL & Associates, P. C. 501 CASCADE POINTE LANE, SUITE 103 CARY, NORTH CAROLINA 27513 P.O. BOX 129 MORRISVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 27560 TEL: (919) 467-1239 FAX: (919) 319-6510 BRUCE & MELANIE PORTER SURFACE DRIP IRRIGATION WITH TS-II PRETREATMENT DURHAM COUNTY, NC TREATMENT SCHEMATIC AND PROFILE PROJECT NUMBER A48202.00 DRAWING NUMBER C-100 COPYRIGHT © 2020 A48202.00 — BRUCE & MELANIE PORTER — SURFACE DRIP IRRIGATION WITH TS—II PRETREATMENT A48202.00 - BRUCE & MELANIE PORTER - SURFACE DRIP IRRIGATION WITH TS-II PRETREATMENT Users\CHRISS EXISTING DWELLING / / I 500' SETBACK FROM TREATMENT/DISPOSAL WsC co s • �\ • / WsB / // - 7`--* / N COMPLIANCE BOUNDARY AT PROPERTY LINE PER 15A NCAC 02L .0107 (i) / / REVIEW BOUNDARY AT MIDWAY POINT BETWEEN COMPLIANCE BOUNDARY AND WASTE BOUNDARY PER 15A NCAC 02L .0108 6�2.061 \ 04 S0 29° / / / / APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF PROPOSED DRIVEWAY 310 • 19W \ \\ s°pHAWRD / / / I I / / /7/7 y / ///7 //// N /N \\ N SURFACE IRRIGATION DRAI N FI ELD TREATMENT SYSTEM APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF PROPOSED DWELLING 77 I APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF PROPOSED WELL (100' SETBACK SHOWN) -320 77 / // )(/ // I 11 / / / N // U) 31 WsE N �6. Ni( // // // // // POND OF EXISTING SOIL ROAD N WsB 50' TREATMENT SETBACK • 290 100 YEAR FLOODPLAIN 40‘< • • 500' SETBACK FROM TREATMENT/ POsSAL EXISTING INTERMITTENT STREAM EXISTING DWELLING 0 • z/ zzz j //z PfE 0 SOIL DESCRIPTIONS WsB White Store sandy loam, 2 to 6 percent slopes WsE White Store sandy loam, 10 to 25 percent slopes GRAPHIC SCALE: 1" = 60' 30 60 120 180 LEGEND WL ADJACENT BOUNDARY BOUNDARY (PROPERTY) CONTOURS — INDEX CONTOURS — INTERMEDIATE DRAIN FIELD (SEPTIC) AREA ELECTRIC UNE DaSTING FENCE WETLANDS EDGE OF PAVEMENT 100 YEAR FLOOD PLAIN DaSTING STREAM INMAL DRIP UNES (FLAGGED) RETURN UNES SUPPLY UNES DIVERSION BERM CO CP EZRT E—Z FDT ST HU UV ZV IPF 0 SOIL MAPPING BOUNDARY RETURN MANIFOLD SUPPLY MANIFOLD CLEAN OUT CONTROL PANEL E—Z TREAT RECIRC. TANK E—Z TREAT TREATMENT UNIT FIELD DOSING TANK SEPTIC TANK HYDRAUUC UNIT ULTRAVIOLET DISINFECTION METER ZONE VALVE IRON PIPE FOUND POWER POLE EXISTING TREE REVISIONS NO. DATE DESCRIPTION 1 08/16/21 PER DWR PROJECT MANAGER: GSM PROJECT ENGINEER: AVF DRAWN BY: JDH CHECKED BY: GSM DATE: MAY 25, 2021 LICENSE No. C-1039 MacCONNELL 501 CASCADE POINTE LANE, SUITE 103 CARY, NORTH CAROLINA 27513 P.O. BOX 129 MORRISVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 27560 TEL: (919) 467-1239 FAX: (919) 319-6510 BRUCE & MELANIE PORTER SURFACE DRIP IRRIGATION WITH TS-II PRETREATMENT DURHAM COUNTY, NC OVERALL SITE PLAN PROJECT NUMBER DRAWING NUMBER COPYRIGHT © 2020 A48202.00 — BRUCE & MELANIE PORTER — SURFACE DRIP IRRIGATION WITH TS—II PRETREATMENT A48202.00 - BRUCE & MELANIE PORTER - SURFACE DRIP IRRIGATION WITH TS-II PRETREATMENT C:\Users\CHRISS 1\AppData\Local\Temp\AcPublish_13580\A48202.00 - Base.dwg Aug 16, 2021 1:09pm MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE ITEM FREQUENCY TASK SEPTIC TANK 3 - 6 MONTHS CHECK FOR SOLIDS ACCUMULATION, BLOCKAGES, OR BAFFLE DAMAGE, IN/EXFILTRATION, PUMP SEPTAGE. CLEAN EFFLUENT FILTER. 12 MONTHS PUMP OUT ACCUMULATED SOLIDS IF NECESSARY. RECIRCULATION TANK FIELD DOSING TANK WEEKLY 3-6 MONTHS 12 MONTHS CHECK PUMPS, CONTROLS, ALARMS, ELAPSED TIME METERS. CHECK FOR SOLIDS ACCUMULATION, IN/EXFILTRATION. PUMP OUT ACCUMULATED SOLIDS IF NECESSARY. SUPPLY LINES, FORCE MAINS 6-12 MONTHS CHECK FOR EXPOSED PIPE AND LEAKAGE. DISTRIBUTION FIELDS 2-4 WEEKS 3-6 MONTHS MOW VEGETATIVE COVER IF APPLICABLE. CHECK FOR EROSION, OR PONDING OF EFFLUENT. PUMPS, FILTER SYSTEM, MONTHLY & DISTRIBUTION PIPING CHECK FLOW METER READOUT AND COMPARE TO RECORDED FLOWS, CHECK PUMPS AND FILTER SYSTEM FOR LEAKS. QUARTERLY REMOVE FILTER COVERS AND INSPECT FOR ACCUMULATION OF DEBRIS. CHECK DIFFERENTIAL PRESSURE GAUGE BEFORE AND AFTER FLUSHING (D.P. SHOULD RETURN TO ORIGINAL OPERATING D.P.) CHECK PUMPS FOR ABNORMAL VIBRATION, TEST THE ALARM FUNCTIONS. SEMIANNUALLY REMOVE AND LUBRICATE 0-RINGS ON FILTER CANISTER, REPLACE IF DAMAGED, CLEAN 1-1/2" FILTER SCREEN AT HYDRAULIC UNIT. ANNUALLY REMOVE FILTER SCREEN AND REPLACE, CLEAN USED FILTER SCREEN IN MILD ACID SOLUTION AND STORE FOR NEXT ANNUAL REPLACEMENT, FLUSH FIELD SUPPLY AND RETURN MANIFOLDS BY REMOVING (UNSCREWING) AIR/VACUUM BREAKERS. E-Z TREAT TREATMENT MONTHLY SYSTEM ANNUALLY INSPECT CONTROL/ALARM PANEL, PUMPING SYSTEM EFFLUENT FILTERS/PUMP SCREENS, PROCESSING TANK, AND E-Z TREAT POD FILTER. (TREATMENT UNIT) CHECK AND/OR REPLACE BATTERIES IN FLOW METER. (IF APPLICABLE) ULTRAVIOLET DISINFECTION 3-6 MONTHS UNIT WIPE (CLEAN) UV LAMPS. CHECK INTENSITY AND REPLACE LAMP WHEN REQUIRED. BASE MAP INFO FROM: THREE OAKS ENGINEERING SITE PLAN INFO PROVIDED BY: NC ONE MAP BASIS OF DESIGN BEDROOMS GPD/BR INITIAL DESIGN FLOW (GPD) FLOW REDUCTION FINAL DESIGN FLOW (GPD) 3 120 360 0% 360 TREATMENT TABLE E-Z TREAT PODS REQUIRED: 1 PODS E-Z TREAT RE -CIRCULATION RATIO: 9 TIMES ADF TOTAL E-Z TREAT FLOW PER DAY: 3376.6 GALLONS E-Z TREAT RE -CIRCULATION CYCLES PER DAY: 99.31 CYCLES E-Z TREAT VOLUME PER DOSE: 34 GALLONS RE -CIRCULATION TIMER ON: 2.5 MINUTES RE -CIRCULATION TIMER OFF: 12 MINUTES RE -CIRCULATION DOSE CYCLE: 14.5 MINUTES DENITRIFICATION GALLONS RETURNED: 993.1 GALLONS/DAY DENITRIFICATION RETURN SETTING: 4 GPM E-Z TREAT SURFACE AREA: 29 SQUARE FEET E-Z TREAT LOADING RATE: 12 GPD/SQUARE FOOT GEOFLOW FIELD DOSING TABLE NUMBER OF DOSES PER DAY/ZONE: 3 DOSES/DAY TIMER ON. PUMP RUN TIME PER DOSE/ZONE: 6.41 MINS:SECONDS TIMER OFF. PUMP OFF TIME BETWEEN DOSES: 7:53 HRS:MINS PER ZONE - PUMP RUN TIME PER DAY/ZONE: 4:48 HRS:MINS ALL ZONES - NUMBER OF DOSES PER DAY / ALL ZONES: 9 DOSES/DAY ALLOW TIME FOR FIELD TO PRESSURIZE: 0:00:30 HRS/MINS/SECS FILTER FLUSH TIMER: 0:00:20 HRS/MINS/SECS DRAIN TIMER: 0:05:00 HRS/MINS/SECS FIELD FLUSH TIMER: 0:01:00 HRS/MINS/SECS FIELD FLUSH COUNTER: 63 CYCLES TIMER REQUIRED TO COMPLETE ALL FUNCTIONS PER DAY: 2:01 HRS:MINS DOSE VOLUME PER ZONE: 40 GPD EFFLUENT LIMITS PER 15A NCAC 02T .0605 CARBONACEOUS BIOCHEMICAL OXYGEN DEMAND (CBOD): <30 MG/L TOTAL SUSPENDED SOLIDS (TSS): <30 MG/L AMMONIA NITROGEN - NH3-N <15 MG/L FECAL COLIFORM: <200 /100 ML NOTES 1. THE DRAINFIELD SHALL BE HAND CLEARED TO REMOVE SMALL TREES AND UNDERBRUSH. LARGER TREES WILL REMAIN IN PLACE. 2. BLANK TUBING SHALL BE SPLICED INTO THE DRIP TUBING TO WORK AROUND LARGE TREES. 3. TANKS SHALL BE SETBACK A MINIMUM 5' FROM DWELLING (15' IF THERE IS A BASEMENT). 4. DRAIN ALL ROOF AND TOE DRAINS AWAY FROM TREATMENT SYSTEM COMPONENTS AND DRIP FIELD. 5. CLEAR DRAIN FIELD AREA OF VEGETATION WITH HYDRO AXE AND SAVE MULCH WITH EXISTING GRADE. 6. INSTALL DRIP TUBING ON SURFACE WITH LANDSCAPE STABLES. PLACE MULCH ON TOP OF FIELD. 7. MAY PLANT VEGETATION BETWEEN LINES. 8. ALL DRIP LINES, TREATMENT AND STORAGE UNITS SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 50' FROM PROPERTY LINE. 9. ALL DRIP FIELD COMPONENTS SHALL BE ENCLOSED IN WIRE FENCE WITHIN THE REQUIRED SETBACKS. SOME COMPONENTSMAY BE SHOWN OUTSIDE FOR CLARITY. 10. FOLLOW SPECIAL FILL APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS PROVIDED BY THREE OAKS ENGINEERING IN THE SOIL EVALUATIONS AND SPECIFICATIONS. THE DEPTH OF FILL SHOULD BE SUCH THAT IT WILL PROVIDE ONE FOOT (12 INCHES) OF VERTICAL SEPARATION BETWEEN THE PERCHED SEASONAL HIGH WATER TABLE AND THE GROUND SURFACE. DRIP LINE SEGMENTS (ZONE 1) LINE # LENGTH LATERAL # LATERAL LENGTH 1 35' 1 - 2 40' 1 - 3 45' 1 - 4 50' 1 - 5 60' 1 - 6 65' 1 295' 7 75' 2 - 8 75' 2 - 9 75' 2 - 10 75' 2 300' 11 75' 3 - 12 75' 3 - 13 75' 3 - 14 75' 3 300' 15 75' 4 - 16 75' 4 - 17 70' 4 - 18 70' 4 290' 19 65' 5 - 20 60' 5 - 21 55' 5 - 22 55' 5 - 23 40' 5 - 24 40' 5 315' TOTAL DRIP LINE LENGTH OF ZONE 1 1,500' DRIP LINE SEGMENTS (ZONE 2) LINE # LENGTH LATERAL # LATERAL LENGTH 25 130' 1 - 26 130' 1 260' 27 125' 2 - 28 120' 2 245' 29 120' 3 - 30 120' 3 240' 31 115' 4 - 32 115' 4 230' 33 105' 5 - 34 100' 5 205' 35 100' 6 - 36 95' 6 195' TOTAL DRIP LINE LENGTH OF ZONE 2 1,375' DRIP LINE SEGMENTS (ZONE 3) LINE # LENGTH LATERAL # LATERAL LENGTH 37 95' 1 - 38 95' 1 190' 39 95' 2 - 40 95' 2 190' 41 45' 3 - 42 45' 3 - 43 45' 3 - 44 45' 3 - 45 45' 3 - 46 45' 3 270' 47 45' 4 - 48 45' 4 - 49 45' 4 - 50 45' 4 - 51 45' 4 - 52 45' 4 270' 53 45' 5 - 54 45' 5 - 55 45' 5 - 56 45' 5 - 57 45' 5 - 58 45' 5 270' TOTAL DRIP LINE LENGTH OF ZONE 3 1,190' TOTAL DRIP LINE LENGTH 4,065' 1-1/4" RETURN FROM FIELD DIVERSION BERM APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF PROPOSED DRIVEWAY UV (IN EZR-Q,, EZ RT / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / ST WIRE FENCE (WETTED AREA ENCAPSULATED BY FENCE) / ZV/ M HU FDT CP (WITH MOUNTED E-Z RAIN SENSOR) 4" SCH. 40 PVC 10 MIN. 2% SLOPE APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF PROPOSED 3 BR DWELLING ZONE 3 1-1/4" SCH. 40 PVC RETURN LINE (3) PVC SUPPLY LINES ZONE 2 1-1 /4" SCH. 40 / / / / N / / I i / S / / / 9• / / 06' / / SEE NOTE #10 AND SPECIFICATION / REGARDING FILL / /\k / \\ / \ SUPPLY MANIFOLD (TYP.) / / RETURN MANIFOLD (TYP.) / / / / / / 1-1/4" SCH. 40 PVC RETURN LINE (2) 1-1 /4" SCH. 40 PVC SUPPLY LINES c) EXISTING SOIL ROAD COMPLIANCE BOUNDARY AT PROPERTY LINE PER 15A NCAC 02L .0107 (i) REVIEW BOUNDARY AT MIDWAY POINT BETWEEN COMPLIANCE BOUNDARY AND WASTE BOUNDARY PER 15A NCAC 02L .0108 GRAPHIC SCALE: 1" = 20' 0 10 20 40 60 NOTES 1. SEE C-101 FOR ALL GENERAL NOTES. LEGEND ADJACENT BOUNDARY BOUNDARY (PROPERTY) CONTOURS - INDEX CONTOURS - INTERMEDIATE DRAIN FIELD (SEPTIC) AREA E ELECTRIC LINE EXISTING FENCE WL WETLANDS EDGE OF PAVEMENT 100 YEAR FLOOD PLAIN EXISTING STREAM INITIAL DRIP LINES (FLAGGED) INITIAL DRIP UNES (UNFLAGGED) RETURN LINES SUPPLY UNES > > > DIVERSION BERM SOIL MAPPING BOUNDARY RETURN MANIFOLD SUPPLY MANIFOLD CO CLEAN OUT CP CONTROL PANEL EZRT E-Z TREAT RECIRC. TANK E-Z E-Z TREAT TREATMENT UNIT FDT FIELD DOSING TANK ST SEPTIC TANK HU HYDRAULIC UNIT UV ULTRAVIOLET DISINFECTION M METER ZV ZONE VALVE IPF IRON PIPE FOUND RI) POWER POLE 0 EXISTING TREE REVISIONS NO. DATE DESCRIPTION 1 08/16/21 PER DWR PROJECT MANAGER: GSM PROJECT ENGINEER: AVF DRAWN BY: JDH CHECKED BY: GSM DATE: MAY 25, 2021 LICENSE No. C-1039 MacCOT\T ELL & Associates, P. C. 501 CASCADE POINTE LANE, SUITE 103 CARY, NORTH CAROLINA 27513 P.O. BOX 129 MORRISVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 27560 TEL: (919) 467-1239 FAX: (919) 319-6510 BRUCE & MELANIE PORTER SURFACE DRIP IRRIGATION WITH TS-II PRETREATMENT DURHAM COUNTY, NC SITE LAYOUT PROJECT NUMBER A48202.00 DRAWING NUMBER C-102 COPYRIGHT © 2020 A48202.00 — BRUCE & MELANIE PORTER — SURFACE DRIP IRRIGATION WITH TS—II PRETREATMENT A48202.00 - BRUCE & MELANIE PORTER - SURFACE DRIP IRRIGATION WITH TS-II PRETREATMENT C:\Users\CHRISS 1\AppData\Local\Temp\AcPublish_13580\A48202.00 - Base.dwg Aug 16, 2021 1:09pm 2 PROPOSED 3 BR DWELLING \ ZONE VALVES x 1-1/4" SCH. 40 PVC SUPPLY LINE TO HIGHEST IRROGATION POINT PLAN OF SUPPLY LINE 1 "=20' - -296 298- 30 •xx ���x x x x . _SUPPLY MANIFOLD AT HIGHEST IRRIGATION POINT x_- x x x x x x / 10- 10- 10- 10- EXISTING GRADE AIR RELEASE VALVE AT HIGHEST POINT ALONG FORCE MAIN -31 -31 31 -31 I0- 10- 10- 10- i i ZONE VALVES 0FM FM--` / 1-1/4" aM SCH. 40 SUPPLY LINE FM �,�, � / 31 -31 -31 -31 \ PM SUPPLY MANIFOLD HIGHEST IRRIGATION POINT FM FM 10- 10- 10- 10- 21 21 21 -21 I +95_nn n+nn.nn I I I i+nf_nn V V V 9+nn.nn V 9+5l.l . / 310.0 10.00 309. 308. 307. 306. 305.0 304. c 0 0 302. a) Li 303. 301. 300.0 299. 298. 297. 296. 295.00 -0 HYDRAULIC PROFILE OF SUPPLY LINE C-103 HORIZONTAL SCALE: 1 "=20' / VERTICAL SCALE: 1"=4' 9.00 8.00 7.00 6.00 05.00 4.00 3.00 x c 0 1 2.00 0 LLI 1.00 00.00 9.00 8.00 7.00 6.00 95.00 0 / / / 0 /' GRAPHIC SCALE: 1 " = 20' 10 20 40 60 NOTES 1. SEE C-101 FOR ALL GENERAL NOTES. LEGEND ADJACENT BOUNDARY BOUNDARY (PROPERTY) CONTOURS - INDEX CONTOURS - INTERMEDIATE DRAIN FIELD (SEPTIC) AREA E ELECTRIC UNE EXISTING FENCE WL WETLANDS EDGE OF PAVEMENT 100 YEAR FLOOD PLAIN EXISTING STREAM INITIAL DRIP UNES (FLAGGED) INFIIAL DRIP UNES (UNFLAGGED) RETURN UNES SUPPLY UNES DIVERSION BERM • s SOIL MAPPING BOUNDARY RETURN MANIFOLD SUPPLY MANIFOLD CO CLEAN OUT CP CONTROL PANEL EZRT E-Z TREAT RECIRC. TANK E-Z E-Z TREAT TREATMENT UNIT FDT FIELD DOSING TANK ST SEPTIC TANK HU HYDRAUUC UNIT W ULTRAVIOLET DISINFECTION M METER ZV ZONE VALVE IPF IRON PIPE FOUND POWER POLE 0 EXISTING TREE REVISIONS NO. DATE DESCRIPTION 1 08/16/21 PER DWR PROJECT MANAGER: GSM PROJECT ENGINEER: AVF DRAWN BY: JDH CHECKED BY: GSM DATE: MAY 25, 2021 ......... It • SEAL- 1/ 069 Z %-S,g •ENGIN •' LICENSE No. C-1039 MacCONNELL & Associates, P. C. 501 CASCADE POINTE LANE, SUITE 103 CARY, NORTH CAROLINA 27513 P.O. BOX 129 MORRISVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 27560 TEL: (919) 467-1239 FAX: (919) 319-6510 BRUCE & MELANIE PORTER SURFACE DRIP IRRIGATION WITH TS-II PRETREATMENT DURHAM COUNTY, NC FORCE MAIN PLAN AND PROFILE PROJECT NUMBER DRAWING NUMBER A48202.00 C-103 COPYRIGHT © 2020 A48202.00 — BRUCE & MELANIE PORTER — SURFACE DRIP IRRIGATION WITH TS—II PRETREATMENT A48202.00 - BRUCE & MELANIE PORTER - SURFACE DRIP IRRIGATION WITH TS-II PRETREATMENT C:\Users\CHRISS 1\AppData\Local\Temp\AcPublish_13580\A48202.00 - Details.dwg Aug 16, 2021 1:09pm EFFLUENT BYPASS VALVE BY E—Z TREAT //%VAS/VAS/VAS/VA/VA/\/� /\/\/\/\/ 4" FROM FILTER POD 12" FINISHED GRADE A/A/V/ RECIRCULATION TANK SECTION B 4" 90' BEND 4" TO ULTRAVIOLET DISINFECTION UNIT ALL TANKS REQUIRE A 6" THICK STONE BASE (TYP.) D-101 NTS CLEAN OUT SEPTIC FLOW 1 D-101 n CAST —A —SEAL 402 RUBBER BOOT (TYP.) 12' MIN. (TYP.) 3 F— L- DAVID BRANTLEY & SONS 1,000 GALLONS SEPTIC TANK ST-502 OR APPROVED EQUAL 24"0 E—Z SET RISER W/COVER (TYP. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED) IF BELOW DRIVEWAY OR PARKING LOT THEN USE ONLY H-20 TRAFFIC RATED DEVICES 108" r EFFLUENT FILTER FILTER SERVICE HANDLE LI 3/4" TRU—UNION BALL VALVE 7'-3-1/2" (TYP.) \\— SPRAY NOZZLE (TYP.) 3/4" CAP (TYP. ) L / \ PRESSURE GAUGE 1 1/2" BALL VALVE 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4" SCH. 40 PVC 90' ELBOW (TYP.) UV CONTROL FIELD DOSING PANEL CONTROL PANEL 4" SCH. 40 PVC 10 E—Z TREAT CONTROL PANEL CLEAN OUT FLOW SEPTIC, RECIRCULATION, AND FIELD DOSING/STORAGE TANKS NTS 24"0 E—Z SET RISER W/COVER (TYP. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED) N co NOTE: FIELD VERIFY PRIOR TO ORDERING RISERS WATER LINE N I0 +I \/VA/V///; , / 2" VENT --'— 3/4" — PVC BALL VALVE x l 4 iv \\\\� LJ nu OVA//VA/VA/VA//VA//VA<y D 0 44" SCH. j40 PVC //AA I TO OUTLET 4" J 2" X 6" BOARD WITH ALUMINUM BRACKETS ATTACHED TO POD WITH S.S. SCREWS TO ASSIST WITH SOIL STABILIZATION (TYP. OF 4) 4" CPP (SEE SITE PLAN FOR OUTLET) 3/4" SCH. 40 PVC RECIRC LINE FIN. GRADE 30"0 E—Z SET 7 RISER W/COVER SEE GEN. NOTES / 24 MESH SPIN FILTER 1-1 /2" SCH. 40 PVC PRECAST CONCRETE "DONUT" (OPTIONAL) (TYP.) 4" SCH. 40 PVC DROP TEE (TYP.) POLYLOK PL-122 EFFLUENT FILTER, SIM/TECH STF-110, OR ENGINEERS APPROVED EQUAL �:.��,� ��,� ��,� "�"7�,I" I41I � I 341.7 ••L %� ��� ��� .�� I TI7 ,I ,I ,I ,I ,I ,I gI WaI , , O aO ,I a.I aIZ.Z�Z. ZOZO *Z..I 1/3 TANK LENGTH z ; 0 -H 30"0 E—Z SET RISER W/COVER 3/4" SCH. 40 PVC RECIRC. LINE DAVID BRANTLEY & SONS 1,000 GALLONS RECIRCULATION TANK PT 237 OR APPROVED EQUAL UV UNIT (SEE 2/D-103 FOR DETAIL) 3/4" SCH. 40 PVC RECIRC. LINE 12" MIN. LENGTH FLEX PVC TURBINE PUMP SPIN FILTER 1-1 /2" SCH. 40 PVC BALL CHECK VALVE (TYP.) UV UNIT (SEE 2/D-103 FOR DETAIL) iVA//AA//AA///A//A//A//A//A/A/jN/AA//AA//AA/j D ALL TANKS REQUIRE A 6" THICK #57 STONE BEDDING (TYP.) 0D SEPTIC TANK, RECIRCULATION TANK, AND FIELD DOSING/STORAGE TANK SECTIONS D-101 NTS 4" X 2" REDUCER 30"0 E—Z SET RISER W/COVER HIGH WATER ALARM=8" FROM TOP f=i DOSE ENABLE=21" ABOVE FLOOR PUMP OFF=18" ABOVE FLOOR MERCURY FLOAT SWITCHES (2) 1-1 /2" SCH. 40 PVC FLOAT TREE STA—RITE HIGH HEAD MULTI —STAGE SUBMERSIBLE EFFLUENT PUMP CATALOG NUMBER STEP 30 4 HP (PREVIOUSLY PERMITTED) • II 3" 3/4" UNION 3/1 6" ANTI —SIPHON HOLE (TYP.) 11 vIIuIi fFROM PUMP 3/4" UNION 1-1 /2" ELBOW (TYP.) 1-1 /2" SCH. 40 PVC FULL UNION (TYP.) 1 1/2" PVC CHECK VALVE 1-1 /2" SCH. 40 PVC LINE TO FILTER POD SPIN FILTER SECTION NTS L ih 3' ALL AROUND E—Z TREAT POD FILTER SYSTEM EFFLUENT BYPASS VALVE W/FLOW RESTRICTOR TO 10 GPM I II II 4" X 2" REDUCER a - I 4" SCH. 40 PVC ll� //VA//VA//� _I11III III 12" MIN. w in 10 9 1-1 /2" 0 SUPPLY LINE 4" 0 RETURN LINE J SELECT BACKFILL FREE OF DEBRIS -1=11 III III P Ili I I, M 4 ifiaiei-.•616 6 0 6 •• �-• ott. 5s s.�� 'fstase'tieifestOst s st st st st if s st s# s 'fst svo,.. 4"0 CORRUGATED SLOTTED DRAIN PIPE 6" THICK #57 STONE BEDDING (TYP.) POD SECTION -4"0 CORRUGATED SLOTTED DRAIN PIPE I min* 30"0 E—Z SET RISER W/COVER TURBINE PUMP DAVID BRANTLEY & SONS 3,500 GALLONS FIELD DOSING/STORAGE TANK PT-484 OR APPROVED EQUAL FLOAT TREE (TYP.) 40 D D D-101 158" ALARM LIGHT CONTROL PANEL (LOCATED WITHIN 10—FEET OF TANKS) i0 DIRECT BURY I CABLE TO PANE /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ aA .,\/\/\\ �\\ \ \ \\ \\ \\\\\\\/ \\\ 1 1/2 PVC \\\\\\ " / / CHECK VALVE 1-1/2" SCH. 40 /��PVC FULL UNION (TYP.) ■ 1-1/2" SCH. 40 PVC LINE TO FILTER POD EFFLUENT BYPASS VALVE BY E-Z TREAT I I NOTE: UV UNIT NOT SHOWN FOR CLARITY. SEE /\ DETAIL 2, D-107 SEE RECIRCULATION TANK SECTION DETAIL THIS SHEET 3" PVC STAND 1-1 /2" SCH. 40 PVC FULL UNION \//VA//VA//VA//VA//VA//VA//VA//VA//VA//VA//VA//VA /AAAAAAjAAjAAjAA�/VAA/VAAAAAAAA/ °r° d a d FLOAT TREE BRACKET 3/1 6"ANTI—SIPHON HOLE (TYP.) SECONDARY TIMER • HIGH WATER ALARM t0 DOSE ENABLE N • PUMP OFF MERCURY FLOAT SWITCHES (4) 1-1 /2" SCH. 40 PVC FLOAT TREE STA—RITE HIGH HEAD MULTI —STAGE SUBMERSIBLE EFFLUENT PUMP CATALOG NUMBER STEP 20 (1/2 HP) ALARM LIGHT CONTROL PANEL (LOCATED WITHIN 10—FEET OF TANKS) 1-1/2" PVC CHECK VALVE TO HYDRAULIC UNIT \/\/\/\/\\/' /\//\ / AA j DIRECT BURY <\V/v\AAA: CABLE TO \/ PANEL 3" PVC STAND 1-1/2" SCH. 40 PVC TO HYDRAULIC UNIT NOTES SEE C-101 FOR GENERAL NOTES. 2. CAST INLET ALL TANKS. 3. ALL RISER BOLTS. 4. ALL PIPING OTHERWISE BE BURIED OTHERWISE. AND OUTLET BOOTS ARE REQUIRED FOR LIDS SHALL HAVE SS TAMPER RESISTANT SHALL BE SCH 40 PVC UNLESS NOTED ON PLANS. ALL PVC PIPES SHALL A MINIMUM OF 3 FEET UNLESS SHOWN 5. SEPTIC TANKS SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED WITH A BAFFLE WALL DIVIDING THE TANK INTERIOR 2/3rd TO 1 /3 rd. THE BAFFLE WALL SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED TO PERMIT PASSAGE OF EFFLUENT THROUGH A SLOT OR HOLES LOCATED BETWEEN 45 AND 55 PERCENT OF THE INTERIOR DEPTH. 6. ALL TANKS SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM 28—DAY CONCRETE STRENGTH OF 4,500 PSI. 7. TANKS SHALL MEET REINFORCING REQUIREMENTS TO ACCOMMODATE 300 POUNDS PER SQUARE FOOT. EITHER STEEL REINFORCING WIRE, REBAR OR APPROVED FIBER MAY BE USED. 8. ALL JOINTS (MID —SEAM, TOP —SEAM) SHALL BE SEALED USING CONCRETE SEALANTS BUTYL SEALANT # CS-102 MEETING ASTM C-990. 9. TANKS SHALL BE LEAK —TESTED PRIOR TO SYSTEM START UP BY APPLYING A VACUUM OF 5—INCHES OF MERCURY WITH RISER ASSEMBLIES IN PLACE OR A 24—HOUR STATIC WATER TEST, IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM STANDARDS. 1 O. ALL PIPE PENETRATIONS THROUGH PRECAST CONCRETE TANKS SHALL BE PRESS —SEAL CAST —A —SEAL 402 RUBBER BOOTS AND GROUTED. 1 1 . CONTRACTOR MAY USE LARGER TANKS. 1 2. MAXIMUM COVER OVER NON H-20 TANKS SHALL BE 30". 13. ALL SERVICE ACCESS OPENINGS WILL BE A MINIMUM OF 24 INCHES. EXCEPTIONS MAY BE MADE ON A CASE BY CASE BASIS WITH E—Z TREAT'S PRIOR WRITTEN APPROVAL. ALL ACCESS OPENINGS SHALL BE FITTED WITH E—Z SET RISER ASSEMBLIES. SERVICE ACCESS OPENINGS FOR THE RECIRCULATION CYLINDER SHALL BE A 30—INCH OPENING AND FITTED WITH AN E—Z SET 30—INCH RISER ASSEMBLY. TRAFFIC RATED TANKS SHALL HAVE CONCRETE RISERS. 1 4. NON —CONCRETE TANKS SHALL NOT BE USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE E—Z TREAT SYSTEM WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN APPROVAL BY E—Z TREAT. 15. THE FILTER POD INVERT OUT SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 6" ABOVE THE INVERT IN OF THE RECIRCULATION TANK OR 1 /4—INCH PER FOOT SLOPE, WHICHEVER IS GREATER REVISIONS DESCRIPTION REV. PER DWR NO. DATE 8/16/21 PROJECT MANAGER: GSM PROJECT ENGINEER: AVF DRAWN BY: JDH CHECKED BY: GSM DATE: MAY 25, 2021 sEPL 17069 -4 LICENSE No. C-1039 MacCONNELL 501 CASCADE POINTE LANE, SUITE 103 CARY, NORTH CAROLINA 27513 P.O. BOX 129 MORRISVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 27560 TEL: (919) 467-1239 FAX: (919) 319-6510 BRUCE & MELANIE PORTER SURFACE DRIP IRRIGATION WITH TS-II PRETREATMENT DURHAM COUNTY, NC PROJECT NUMBER DRAWING NUMBER COPYRIGHT © 2021 A48202.00 — BRUCE & MELANIE PORTER — SURFACE DRIP IRRIGATION WITH TS—II PRETREATMENT A48202.00 — BRUCE & MELANIE PORTER — SURFACE DRIP IRRIGATION WITH TS—II PRETREATMENT E 0 N N 0) 0) 7 s a0 0 0 O co 'o M TI 0 E a0 1- Ts 0 O J 0 Q Q 7 0 ro 1 NOTE: 2 STRANDS OF WIRE SALT TREATED 4"x 4" 1. POSTS TO BE PLACED ±20' O.C. TWO STRAND WIRE FENCE MINI —CLICK RAIN SENSOR 1111111111111 LEAD WIRES TO CONTROLLER NOTE: 1. DO NOT COVER. 2. RAIN SENSOR SHALL BE MODEL MINI—CIK BY HUNTER 202 RAIN SENSOR D-102 NTS D-1NTS "x" PVC REDUCING ELBOW LTC 600 DRIP TO DRIP i" PVC SLIP TO BLANK TUBING MANIFOLD TRENCH NOTE: 1. SUPPLY OR RETURN MANIFOLD PIPE SIZES MAY VARY (SEE DISTRIBUTION FIELD PLAN DETAIL) CONNECTION TO 1/2" PE DRIPPER LINE WELL PACKED EARTHEN DAM EMITTER TUBING LAID ON EXISTING GRADE LTC 600 DRIP TO DRIP LOCKSLIP COUPLING 1/2" PE BLANK TUBING a MANIFOLD DRIPPER LINE CONNECTION NTS PRECAST CONCRETE "DONUT" (OPTIONAL) / \/ 4" WYE NOTE: 4" 45* BEND 1. PIPING TO BE 4" SCH. 40 PVC. CD-1s GRAVITY CLEANOUT D-102 NTS PVC END CAP NOTE: i"xl" PVC REDUCING ELBOW (TYP. OF 2) 1. SEE SITE PLAN FOR ORIENTATION. 4 Rs 1' COMPACTED SOIL IIII IIII IIII IIII IIII MANIFOLD TRENCH 12" WIDTH MIN. WELL PACKED EARTHEN DAM m z FIELD RETURN LINE (SEE 1/2" PVC RETURN 5 1/2" PVC SUPPLY D-102 3 DIVERSION BERM DETAIL NTS 4" — 6" TYPICAL DAM HEIGHT 12" BEYOND MANIFOLD TRENCH TO DRIPPER LINE CONNECTION 2"-4" OF PINESTRAW OR MULCH (OPTIONAL) EMITTER TUBING 8" TUBING /— STAPLES 25' O.C. 1/2" PE BLANK TUBING (TYP.) SUPPLY / RETURN SECTION I LTC 600 DRIP TO DRIP LOCKSLIP COUPLING SITE PLAN FOR PIPE SIZE) REDUCER GAG, 4" x 2" CLEAN -�' REDUCER OUT 4" PVC TO SEPTIC TANK 4" PVC 4" PVC WYE TEE FIELD RETURN LINE DETAIL NTS D-102 NTS ORIGINAL GRADE FLOW III I -III -II II 6" COMPACTED SOIL NOTES . SEE SHEETS C-101 AND D-101 FOR GENERAL NOTES. 8/16/21 REVISIONS DESCRIPTION REV. PER DWR PROJECT MANAGER: PROJECT ENGINEER: GSM AVF DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY: JDH GSM DATE: MAY 25, 2021 0.0 14111 \$;. !v•,G 14d�7- 1100, C' 00 >/20 LICENSE No. C-1039 MacCONNELL & Associates, P. C. 501 CASCADE POINTE LANE, SUITE 103 CARY, NORTH CAROLINA 27513 P.O. BOX 129 MORRISVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 27560 TEL: (919) 467-1239 FAX: (919) 319-6510 BRUCE & MELANIE PORTER SURFACE DRIP IRRIGATION WITH TS-II PRETREATMENT DURHAM COUNTY, NC DETAILS - 2 of 3 PROJECT NUMBER A48202.00 DRAWING NUMBER D-102 COPYRIGHT © 2021 z w H TS-II PRETRE SURFACE DRIP IRRIGATION W PORTER - BRUCE & A48202.00 A48202.00 — BRUCE & MELANIE PORTER — SURFACE DRIP IRRIGATION WITH TS—II PRETREATMENT C:\Users\CHRISS-1\AppData\Local\Temp\AcPublish_13580\A48202.00 - Details.dwg Aug 16, 2021 1:09pm A'\7/VAA ROUND VALVE BOX - AIR/VACUUM BREAKER (AVBK-1) 1 1" SCH. 80 PVC NIPPLE LENGTH AS REQUIRED FINISH GRADE SCHRADER VALVE 1" THREAD DIAMETER 1" PVC UTILITY BALL VALVE W/ THREADED ENDS (NORMALLY OPEN). BRICK SUPPORTS (THREE) PEA GRAVEL SUMP j— I 1-1/2" SCH. 40 PVC MANIFOLD l 1-1/4" SUPPLY LINE 1-1/4" x 1-1/2" REDUCER 1-1/2'' x 1/2'' REDUCER BUSHING 1/2" SCH. 40 PVC RETURN LATERAL (TYP. OF 4) a SUPPLY SUPPLY / RETURN ZONE HEADER NOTE: 1. NUMBER OF LATERALS TO MATCH SITE CONDITION. CAP FITTINGS NOT NEEDED. 2. ALL PIPE SHALL BE SCH. 40 PVC UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED. 3. SEE SITE PLAN FOR NUMBER OF LATERALS. 4. SEE SITE PLAN FOR SUPPLY LINE, RETURN LINE, AND MANIFOLD SIZES. 5. AIR VACUUM BREAKER VALVES SHALL BE INSTALLED ON EACH SUPPLY AND RETURN MANIFOLD AT THE HIGH POINT. 1-1/2" TEE (TYP) 1-1/2" SCH. 40 PVC MANIFOLD 1-1/2" ELBOW 1-1/2" x 1/2" REDUCER BUSHING 1/2" SCH. 40 PVC RETURN LATERAL (TYP. OF 4) FINISH GRADE ROUND VALVE BOX AIR/VACUUM BREAKER (AVBK-1) 1" SCH. 80 PVC NIPPLE LENGTH AS REQUIRED 1-1/2" TEE (TYP) RETURN SCHRADER VALVE 1" THREAD DIAMETER 1" PVC UTILITY BALL VALVE W/ THREADED ENDS (NORMALLY OPEN). BRICK SUPPORTS (THREE) PEA GRAVEL SUMP -1/4" RETURN LINE d 1-1/4" BRONZE CHECK VALVE 1-1/2" x 1-1/4" REDUCER 1-1 /2" x 1" REDUCING TEE (SOC X FIPT) D-103 NTS ORIGINAL GRADE NOTES: 1. REMOVE WOODY VEGETATION UNDER 2" CALIPER. 2. INSTALL DRIP LINES AT 3' ON CENTER. USE LANDSCAPE STAPLES AS NECESSARY TO SECURE DRIP LINES. 3. COVER WITH 2"-4" OF PINESTRAW OR MULCH (OPTIONAL). LANDSCAPE STAPLES AS NECESSARY 3' 0/C DRIP LINES /���V����VV/���/��/����/�� NATIVE SOIL / i���������� \ %///A// /\// ///\ //\//A//\///<'//<'//<//<'//</////\//i\/\//\ //\//i\//i\//A/\/\//i\/// f UDRIP FIELD SEPTIC LINES D-103 NTS D-103 NTS SEE SCHEDULE FROM SUPPLY MAIN L SUPPLY ZONE HEADER SLOPE TO RETURN MAIN 7,0 0 lo- • "'**•*'• N- LOOPING OF NON DRIP • BLANK TUBING 1/2" PE TUBING WITH 0.53 GPH EMITTERS ................... BLANK (NON DRIP) LINE ®2.0' O.C. (66" MIN. TOTAL LENGTH) DRIP LINE LTC 600 DRIP TO DRI LOCKSLIP COUPLING TYP. LOOP CONNECTION NOTES: TO ALTERNATE LATERALS (6,7, OR 8) SUPPLY FEED MANIFOLD DRIPPER LINE CONNECTION 1. TYPICAL ALL DISTRIBUTION FIELDS LOOPED LATERALS ® 3.0' FT. 0.C. 2. SUPPLY AND RETURN LINES TO BE PLACED IN THE SAME TRENCH. 4 DISTRIBUTION FIELD PLAN (TYPICAL) RETURN ZONE HEADER TO ALTERNATE LATERALS (6,7, OR 8) RETURN 1/2" RETURN LINE TO ZONE RETURN HEADER D-103 NTS PVC MAINLINE 1-1 /2"x 1 " PVC REDUCER FROM FIELD DOSING TANK FILTER FLUSH VALVE IPS FLEX PVC FILTER AND FIELD FLUSH LINE RETURN TO SEPTIC TANK 1"x1-1/4" PVC REDUCER FIELD FLUSH VALVE 30" RISER NOTES: 1. METER CAN BE INSTALLED IN SEPARATE RISER. 30" RISER 4" x 2" REDUCER TOP VIEW 100% BACKUP PRIMARY LAMP i I LAMP 4" x 2" REDUCER TOP VIEW 2"x2"x 1 /2" — REDUCING TEE 30" DIA. E-Z SET RISER PRIMARY LAMP 4" WELL CAP DISCONNECT UNION (TYP.) 2" 4" 4" x 2" REDUCER 1/2" BALL VALVE CONTROL WITH ALARM ff NON -CORROSIVE REFLECTIVE AND PROTECTIVE SLEEVE 2 SECTION VIEW 1/2" BALL VALVE DISCONNECT UNION (TYP.) 100% BACKUP LAMP 4" ULTRAVIOLET DISINFECTION NOTES: 1. ULTRAVIOLET LIGHT PURIFIER UV-102 BY E-Z TREAT. 2. PROVIDE DUAL GFI RECEPTACLE FOR UNIT AND HEAT TAPE. FIELD ROUTE 2-#12,1-#12G, IN 3/4" PVC CONDUIT TO 120 VOLT SINGLE PHASE 20 AMP BREAKER AT HOUSE. 3. ORIENTATION PER SITE REQUIREMENTS. 4. INSTALL 1/2" BALL VALVE FOR SAMPLING DOWNSTREAM OF U.V. UNIT. 5. MAY LOCATE IN RECIRCULATION TANK IF ACCESS PROVIDED. 4" x 2" REDUCER D-103 NTS PVC MAINLINE VORTEX FILTER SCH. 80 UNION (TYP.) 30" RISER IPS FLEX PVC 1-1/4"x1" PVC REDUCER RETURN FLOW FROM DRIP FIELDS PRESSURE GAUGE AIR VENT FINISHED GRADE / `%*%\\\/\ \ /\ / \ \mil / / / / / / %A/AA\/\ MA NLINE" \/AA\/AA\/AA\/AAVA/AA\/AA A \j\\j\\j v-Vv-V� �Aj�A/AA/AA/AAjA VA , 2 j\� \ i j2'Xi „ PVc/\\\\i/ice /\/ �A�� REDUCER �/�/�//vA�wA j/AAj/AAj/AAj/AAj/AAj/AA jAAj/AAj/AAj/AAjA VA\% /<1-1/2 VORTEXy/A/A/A// \/\\FILTER / /A/\A/\(,\(/\(/\(/\��\\ ,A , /\V/\V\V/\\ //\// FILTER FLUSH VALVEi,,/ �� /%AA%AA%/%//A/A/ AjAA/ 2/>y AV� `SCH\ 80 UNIONS/ ����\ b SIPS FLEX PVC\ ,/<//i\/i// //,// �/i //i /// //i�//A// , ‘\\\1 xi PVC REDUCER \SPTIC TANK \\ ',\ /' /\ /' '/lam'/lam'/lam'/lam'/lam'/lam'/lam'/l. ' /'FILTER AND FIELD //A//AA/ //AA//AAi FLUSH LINE �\\�\/ A>A//AA��A��AA��j////�A/�A� //WASHED 57 ///////////// ,STONE: <//yam V,\��VA�xA/\VA/\\V/\\\ SECTION VIEW (5 HYDRAULIC UNIT 3-103NTS \/\ \/� IELD\\FLUSH' VALVE \ VA VA�VA�VA/\/\V /-2/Vy�Vy�yVA HEAT STRIP (D za.} � v IIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIII HID unu TOP VIEW Av//v/ //ice/iv/i \jAAj VA�SCH. 80 /�A/VA/VA/VA/VA/VA/VA/�A j/ j\ j\ j\UNION \j//AAj1" PVC XCOUPLING VAj/VAj/VAj/VAj/VAj/VAj/VAj TO j�// /z/fix/x j AjAAjAAjAAjAA/V/V /> /> /> />iVAjAAjAAjAAjAAj� /PRESSURE GAUGE,,AAA�AAA�AAA�AAA�AA/ \\/v/)RETURN FLOW 52��//��//��//��//��r \\\ \\/\\ \ \ \D\\ \\FI\L \; \\/��/�/�/\\/E //\VyV;v\v»\�\vA\VAjAAjAAjAAjAAj y' 1-1 /4 x 1 PVC% REDUCER FAIR VENT(Vy'Vy'Vy'Vy'vAy%vAy%vAy%v\/� / OPTIONAL GFCI RECEPTACLE (TYP.) SECTION VIEW FLOW METER ZONE 3 VALVE ZONE 2 VALVE ZONE 1 VALVE TO DRIP ZONES 1-1/4"x1" PVC REDUCER (TYP. ZONES 1-3) 1-1/4" SUPPLY LINE (ZONES 1, 2, & 3) FINISHED GRADE \\\/\\�/j/\\�/\\�/\\�/\\�/\\�/\\�/j ZONE 1 VALVE jA�/A�/AA2 ZONE 2 VALVE \/�/�/j NOTES 1. SEE SHEETS C-101 AND D-101 FOR GENERAL NOTES. REVISIONS NO. DATE DESCRIPTION 1 8/16/21 REV. PER DWR PROJECT MANAGER: GSM DRAWN BY: JDH PROJECT ENGINEER: AVF CHECKED BY: GSM DATE: MAY 25, 2021 SEP - �7069 �� • h C1Cj ,• ` ll Y/■// LICENSE No. C-1039 MacCONN ELL & Associates, P. C. 501 CASCADE POINTE LANE, SUITE 103 CARY, NORTH CAROLINA 27513 P.O. BOX 129 MORRISVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 27560 TEL: (919) 467-1239 FAX: (919) 319-6510 BRUCE & MELANIE PORTER SURFACE DRIP IRRIGATION WITH TS-II PRETREATMENT DURHAM COUNTY, NC DETAILS - 3 of 3 PROJECT NUMBER A48202.00 DRAWING NUMBER D-103 COPYRIGHT © 2021 A48202.00 — BRUCE & MELANIE PORTER — SURFACE DRIP IRRIGATION WITH TS—II PRETREATMENT A48202.00 — BRUCE & MELANIE PORTER — SURFACE DRIP IRRIGATION WITH TS—II PRETREATMENT C:\Users\CHRISS 1\AppData\Local\Temp\AcPublish_13580\A48202.00 - Details.dwg Aug 16, 2021 1:09pm 0 2 1 3 4 5 6 7 1 8 9 Branch Circuit Protection Device/Disconnect Means Field Provided - Size per manufacturing specifications for Pump/Motor Alarm/Control Source 120 VAC, 60Hz Bottom Feed Circuit Breaker L1 N O O CB3 0 RED 12 TB3 TB6 Pump Source Pump Source 120/230 VAC, 60Hz 120/230 VAC, 60Hz N1N2 0,22 A A WHT \8 TB4-0 vv vv N3N4 N5N6 BLK 16 2 Bottom Feed Circuit Breaker L1 L2LN ESP 16 F8 Bottom Feed Circuit Breaker L1 L2LN RED 16 F1 120VAC.1 RED \8 F2 RED \8 4 6 RED RED \8 \8 TB1 61 HTR1 x1 r r, x2 CS 14 RED 1 d Blue 18BLU <-=INTRODUCTION/2 10 WHT \8 BALLAST1 B UV Lamp PWS 2 X Pump Load 120/230 VAC 0-16A MAX 60 Hz Pump must contain integeral thermal overload protection. Ground Motor PE to Ground Lug N1 30 15 GRN WHT \8 \8 PE Power Supply PS5R-VC24 24 VDC 30W V- PE 3 GND1 - 24 BLK \8 N2 TRANS1 28 29 35 36 BLU BLU WHT/BLU WHT/BLU \8 \8 \8 \8 24VDC.1 OVDC.1 • 24 VDC.2 V OVDC.2 Schematic F3 WHT COM White Blue 24 VAC 39 BLU VEL 8 120 208 240 Black Red Orange Yellow OVAC 2 40 RED 24VAC OVAC Legend Field Wiring Field Supplied Device Tag Desc iption BALLAST1 Ballast CB1:CB2 Circuit Breaker 2 Pole 20 A 45 In -lb CB3 Circuit Breaker 1 Pole 10 A 45 In -lb Cs1 Current Switch NO 0.5-100A F1...F3;F8 Fuse Terminal Block F1...F3;F8 5 A Control Fuse PUMP PUMP 2 Customer Supplied AC Pump PWS Power Supply 24VDC 30W SW2 Toggle Switch TB TB6 Terminal Block 30A TB2 Double -Level Terminal Block 20A TB3;TB4 Terminal Block 20A TB5 Terminal Block 20A TB5 Terminal Block 20A TRANS1 Transformer, 24V F1 - F3, F8 Fuse must be replaced with 5 Ampere type 5mm x 20 mm fast acting 250 V max Spare fuses provided in packet CAUTION: Nonmetallic enclosures does not provide grounding between conduit connections. Use grounding bushings and jumper wires. ATTENTION: Les boitiers non-metalliques ne permettent pas de mise a la terre entre les connexions de conduits. Utilisez des manchons de mise a la terre et des fils de liaison. 2- s ALOERON'" Industries Leading Edge Control Products 11015TH SE SOUTH FWLEY MN. 56549 This drawing contains proprietary information which must not be duplicated, used, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written consent. Model DWG Numbe • EZT-1 CD4Z-230-16 Quote Number Drawn By B. Nelson Checked By B. Klabunde Notes: 1. WARNING! Electrical Shock Hazard! Disconnect power before servicing this pro uct. A qualified service person must install and service this product according to applicable electrical and plumbing codes. 2. Install in accordance with National Electric Code, NFPA 70, Seal all boxes, fitting , and conduit with appropriate seal devices to prevent moisture and gasses from entering enclosure. 3. Connect all grounds to a good ground. 4. Dashed Tines represent field wiring - Us minimum 60 deg C Copper Wire 5. Branch Circuit Protection Device/Disconnect Means Field Provided. Date 1/19/2021 Revision Page Number 1 OF3 101 E-Z TREAT COMBO DRIP CONTROL PANEL (1 OF 3) E-1NTS 0 TB2 1 42 BLU \8 Redundent Off FS1 \ 0 \ \ TB2 92 9-\ 93 2 1 3 Recirculation Dose Enable FS2 -0j0- O 94 \ 45 BLU 18 High Level FS3 -0� 0 Redundent Off FS4 \\ 96 48 5 BLU 7 18 4 5 Drip Floats High Level Secondary Timer FS7 Dose Enable FS6 FS5 O \\ \\ 910 912 " 1�‘C -91 O 914 6 1 7 24VDC.1 Legend 8 9 Field Wiring Field Supplied Device Tag Desc iption B1 3uzzer 120V CR1 Relay, 120VAC, SPDT 7.1 In -lb F4...F7 Fuse Terminal Block F4...F7 5 A Control Fuse LT1 Red Beacon 15W M1:M2 Contactor 18 A - 120V Coil 15 In -lb 1 5 In -lb PLC1 PLC, 141/100 SW1 Toggle Switch SPDT TB2 Double -Level Terminal Block 20A PLC1 44 BLU 8 47 BLU 8 54 59 BLU BLU \8 8 60 63 BLU BLU 8 .18 65 BLU 8 67 BLU 8 70 BLU 18 RED 18 F4-F7 Fuse must be replaced with 5 Ampere type 5mm x 20 mm fast acting 250 V max Spare fuses provided in packet v SERIAL 3> IN » Serial 3> USB Ethernet 0 24VDC IN 1 OVD0 C 24VDC ICOM10 11 I 12 I 13 I 14 11 0 16 17 110 111 112 I 113 I 114 0 0 0 0 0 b 115 Ry. OUT Ry. OUT 0 0 0 0 0 l 0 0 PE COMO 00 01 02 03 COM1 04 MICROSmart FC6A-C24R1 CE Ry. OUT 0 0 0 '0 0 0 05 06 07 COM2 010 11 43 GRY \8 46 GRN 18 PE OVDC.1 GND1 F4 1 F5 2 50 RED 18 Al 49 53 58 61 RED RED RED RED \8 \8 \8 \8 F6 2 52 RED Al ✓ A2 A2 51 51 120VAC.1 WHT WHT \8 N4 <-1 _1 F7 2 55 RED 8 RED / \8 Al 1 A2 i 5' 66 69 72 PNK PNK PNK 71 73 \8 \8 \8 \8 \8 K 64 76 77 PNK PNK 2NK \8 \8 \8 68 BLU 8 SW10 (NO) 1 I o Test COM (NO) 2 I TB2 TB2 15 6\ 2 62 RED \8 1 \4VAC 2 2 57 16 WHT WHT \8 18 \8 WHT* \8 ► B1 16 018 19 20 21 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Al Al Al Al 0 Z2 Z3 Z4 A2 A2 A2 Zone Control Schematic A2 022 \ 024 026 b3 625 A2 A2 OVAC Zone Flush Filter Flush M1 13NO M2 fano T4N0 l7,21 BLU 18 13NO CR1 TB2 Dry Alarm Contacts 74 75 BLU BLU 8 \8 3-x ALOERON ' Industries Leading Edge Control Products 11015TH ST SOUTH HAWLEY MN. 56549 This drawing contains proprietary information which must not be duplicated, used, or disclosed in whole or In part without prior written consent. Model DWG Numbe • EZT-1 CD4Z-230-16 Quote Number Drawn By J. Sonnier Checked By B. Klabunde Notes: 1. WARNING! Electrical Shock Hazard! Disconnect power before servicing this pro uct. A qualified service person must install and service this product according to applicable electrical and plumbing codes. 2. Install in accordance with National Electric Code, NFPA 70, Seal all boxes, fitting and conduit with appropriate seal devices to prevent moisture and gasses from entering enclosure. 3. Connect all grounds to a good ground. 4. Dashed lines represent field wiring - Use minimum 60 deg C Copper Wire 5. Branch Circuit Protection Device/Disconnect Means Field Provided. Date 1/19/2021 Revision Page Number 2 0F3 2 E-Z TREAT COMBO DRIP CONTROL PANEL (2 OF 3) E-101 NTS 0 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 8 9 OVDC.2 24VDC.2 HMI1 GND1 81 GRN ilk1 18 PE PE <-2 0 PE 0 < USB2 HG1 G-4VT22TF-B «USB1 0 SD 0 RD 1 RS 1 CS 0 SG 1 SDA 1 SDB 1 RDA 1 R B LAN CBL1 38.228 In \RG/WH\ORG SERIAL BRN Schematic Legend Field Wiring Field Supplied Device Tag Desc iption teise CBL1 Ethernet Cable CatS GND1 8P Ground Bar 30 In -lb HMI1 RMI Display 2.2 In -lb =PRODUCTION REPORT/1--e ALOERON'" Industries Leading Edge Control Products nn 15TH ST SOUTH HAWLEY MN 56549 PH '18 483 JON WWW AI of HONIND CON This drawing contains proprietary information which must not be duplicated, used, or disclosed in whole or In part without prior written consent. Model DWG Numbe • EZT-1 CD4Z-230-16 Quote Number Drawn By B. Nelson Checked By B. Klabunde Notes: 1. WARNING! Electrical Shock Hazard! Disconnect power before servicing this pro uct. A qualified service person must install and service this product according to applicable electrical and plumbing codes. 2. Install in accordance with National Electric Code, NFPA 70, Seal all boxes, fitting , and conduit with appropriate seal devices to prevent moisture and gasses from entering enclosure. 3. Connect all grounds to a good ground. 4. Dashed Tines represent field wiring - Us minimum 60 deg C Copper Wire 5. Branch Circuit Protection Device/Disconnect Means Field Provided. Date 1/19/2021 Revision Page Number 3oF3 E-Z TREAT COMBO DRIP CONTROL PANEL (3 OF 3) E-101 NTS E-101 NTS STA-RITE® ST.E.P Plus Series 4" high -head multi -stage submersible effluent pumps OUTLINE DIMENSIONS 1-1/4" NPT DISCHARGE 2" NPT DISCHARGE (50 GPM ONLY) RECIRCULATION PUMP FIELD DOSING PUMP 10 GPM, 1/2 HP = 13" 20 GPM, 1/2 HP = 13-1/4" I 30 GPM, 1/2 HP = 11-1/2" 30 GPM, 1 HP = 14" 30 GPM, 1-1/2 HP = 15-1/4" I 50 GPM, 1 HP = 13-1/4" 50 GPM, 1-1/2 HP = 15-1/4" FIELD DOSING 10 GPM, 1/2 HP = 21-1/2" PUMP 20 GPM, 1/2 HP = 22-1/4" I 30 GPM, 1/2 HP = 22-1/2" 30 GPM, 1 HP = 27-1/2" RECIRCULATION �� 30 GPM, 1-1/2 HP = 30-1/4"I PUMP 50 GPM, 1 HP = 26-3/4" 50 GPM, 1-1/2 HP = 30-1/4" Jacketed Cord 10' (Standard) 30', 50', 100' (Optional) Dimensions (in inches) are for estimating purposes only. 4 STA-RITE STEP PUMP DETAIL E-101 NTS ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS 1. ONE CONTROL PANEL WILL CONTROL THE WASTEWATER SYSTEM. 2. PANEL SHALL BE APPROXIMATELY 14.5" WIDE X 19.2" HIGH AND IS A NEMA 4X, UL RATED ENCLOSURE. PANEL SHALL BE SUPPLIED BY THE SYSTEM DISTRIBUTOR. 3. THE PANEL SHALL BE MOUNTED BY THE ELECTRICIAN WITHIN 10' OF THE TANK UNITS, AND 48" - 60" OFF THE FINISHED GRADE TO THE BOTTOM OF THE ENCLOSURE. 4. THE INSTALLER'S ELECTRICIAN SHALL MAKE THE INTERNAL PANEL CONNECTIONS OF THE PUMP/UV AND CONTROL CORDS. CONTROL PANEL SHALL CONTAIN A WIRING SCHEMATIC IDENTIFYING ALL TERMINAL CONNECTIONS. THE SYSTEM INSTALLER SHALL BUNDLE AND MARK EACH CORD WITH THE APPROPRIATE IDENTIFICATION AND SECURE IN THE ACCESS RISER AT THE DIFFERENT PUMP/UV POINTS. 5. CONTROL PANEL REQUIRES A DEDICATED CIRCUIT OF 20 AMPS, 115 VOLTS, SINGLE PHASE SUPPLIED FOR THE PUMP. 6. CONTROL PANEL REQUIRES A DEDICATED CIRCUIT OF 20 AMPS, 115 VOLTS SUPPLIED FOR THE BOTH ALARMS. 7. CONTROL (DRIP) PANEL REQUIRES A DEDICATED CIRCUIT OF 20 AMPS, 115 VOLTS, SINGLE PHASE SUPPLIED FOR THE PUMPS. 8. CONTROL PANEL REQUIRES A DEDICATED CIRCUIT OF 30 AMPS, 115 VOLTS SUPPLIED FOR SOLENOID VALVE HEATER. 9. THE ULTRAVIOLET DISINFECTION UNIT REQUIRES A DEDICATED CIRCUIT OF 20 AMPS, 115 VOLTS. 10. A MINIMUM CONDUIT SIZE OF 1 SHALL BE FURNISHED AND INSTALLED BY THE ELECTRICIAN AS A CONNECTION BETWEEN CONTROL PANEL AND EACH RESPECTIVE TERMINATION POINTS OUT IN THE TANK AREA. 11. ALL OPEN CONDUIT ENDS SHALL HAVE REMOVABLE CLAY TYPE DUCT SEAL EMBEDDED TO PREVENT GASSES AND MOISTURE FROM ENTERING THE CONTROL PANEL. DO NOT USE PERMANENT SILICONE OR EXPANDABLE FOAM PRODUCTS. 12. ALL PUMP AND FLOAT CONTROL CORDS SHALL BE SUPPLIED WITH EITHER 30' OR 50' LEADS. THIS WILL HELP KEEP SPLICES TO A MINIMUM AND SHOULD BE AVOIDED IF AT ALL POSSIBLE. IF A SPLICE MUST BE USED, IT MUST BE MADE ABOVE GRADE IN A PLASTIC NEMA 4X JUNCTION BOX. 13. ALARMS SHALL BE AUDIBLE AND VISUAL. 14. AUDIBLE/VISIBLE ALARMS SHALL BE EXTERNAL TO ANY STRUCTURE. 15. INSTALL MINI -CLICK RAIN SENSOR TO RAIN GAUGE. NOTES 1. SEE SHEETS C-101 AND D-101 FOR GENERAL NOTES. REVISIONS DESCRIPTION REV. PER DWR NO. 1 DATE 8/16/21 PROJECT MANAGER: GSM PROJECT ENGINEER: AVF DRAWN BY: JDH CHECKED BY: GSM DATE: MAY 25, 2021 LICENSE No. C-1039 MacCONNELL & Associates, P. C. 501 CASCADE POINTE LANE, SUITE 103 CARY, NORTH CAROLINA 27513 P.O. BOX 129 MORRISVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 27560 TEL: (919) 467-1239 FAX: (919) 319-6510 BRUCE & MELANIE PORTER SURFACE DRIP IRRIGATION WITH TS-II PRETREATMENT DURHAM COUNTY, NC ELECTRICAL DETAILS 1 OF 1 PROJECT NUMBER A48202.00 DRAWING NUMBER E-101 COPYRIGHT © 2021 A48202.00 — BRUCE & MELANIE PORTER — SURFACE DRIP IRRIGATION WITH TS—II PRETREATMENT A48202.00 - BRUCE & MELANIE PORTER - SURFACE DRIP IRRIGATION WITH TS-II PRETREATMENT