HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2021-06856_Well Construction - GW1_20210429 Feb 151905:43p CjearwaterWellDrilling 828-622-7243 p'j WE�.L�ONS'TR T TIUIY�tECORU fQM 1) For IntemnI Use nly: 1.Wdl'Contraetor Inibrmalon: DSh 9W-Y)M© 00, ZONE - Tp tvellContraapltr Narrle � �O7" 4� �K � 9 VC well GmtragmCettlfimlfonmmiler• ! taeo ODTBRCAMG OR . nrtw. rr. -7-1 IL 11 ;in. C.rmpmry Name 6.tmm CAS"G OR 9V13>4tit: tl ml x.Well Cotatrsctinn Permit#: To ouMEMER •rnt MATISM ldrt ail g"cablc U1G Cm+aw Stall;V-1—c,etc.) 5.1Ydt ITIC(cgeek wdl an): a *a ter Sa0*VCR: t7. GOT t ttsrttas ?BRthL Agriwkltral �MdniclpaUPubiic R Ir, ft. iM Geotherata)(lienting/Cowing Supply) esidential Water Supply(single) in [adusidWConancroial Rcsidctlriat water-Supply MOM/ ills et1011 INROM 7 MATE L ,�,]�A/ !sA Non V►nkr Supply well. n h bu/l. rAquifcrTc%t itarisrg Rc overy tr. ft. i4sn dl: - ft. R. ifer Reeltttrge Qflroundwater Remediation )A tVl]1GRAY$L FA a hk ifer SoilageM4Recovery Salinity Barrier a:leoltt m nxrrwemis xtrcttroa EIStormwater'Drainago n- 9L triperimental Technology [3Sultsidmcc Control R. R• Geothtdmal(Closed Loop) 13Trac06 ZIF•DRfIJ.lN1G LOG M taa Cxotlaermat F[aetin RCatl11) in under#21 RtrnerkS) � k. , tt Y 4.Date Wdl(s)Completed: Well 1DII P--7 R. t ft r � Su.Wtll Lnemtbo: G�l e� r 1 �S ( ` ft (L -- 5 - F.icility.'bnnttName . F=13VWN(ifapplicahle) n• fl. 1 3 OYchc�C� Clot-r r. MGu'sh Physical Address,City,and Zip �G rt. Cluny �(,J Pnicel rdcmiiieation Na(P" Sb.Latitude and lonAltade in dcgreesloti mtestsecottdsordcdmnl dcgrcc= - (ir wo11 act one btfloiig(a auiliidcnt) p t 2.Certificntinn: 5 ©�5 a� ��� 6.Witte)Me well nett or DTenvorwy Ri ere aftkrt1001wetlContrneror Date ..��..,,// Ift+.9tf(rrfaJl rhh. (arm,I herrAI,cwfify that thir Wd"mts(W-4 CO"1110M IH 4CVWI l7tY I in this a repairto an adyllag well: Oves or �pi�lo w+Nr 1SA.tit pC o2l_0100 nr 13A.1K tfC AX.'.OIOD tt'r.NCmulrnaio,r Standardr and rhm.r "d,It 1c a rgmfr.ft11 Mute +wn nvR.:ansrruconn lrornsatlon G'I71abI lhe"MI,na nrihe Gn!uoftlttr rr'cnnl Aat l'►eNprotvdedrnlhlttucR Muller. r,xtr rmdv a:l mmy ptatt nraa t/n barkajlAls for+n, Ll Site diagram or additlotmt well rietoaits: 8.For GeoprobrAMI r or 0md4Lnnp Geotherrsal Wells having the snlue you may use the back of this page tl)provide additionni well site t oWh w well waontction,ortly 1 GW 1 is rteeded. indiceto TOTAL NUMBER of wells c"triutNsn d'rtals. Yau trrs{y silo attach addititmal ptgles tf nomssery. driliod: ,_ _ WIMUTAL,,IN3rR MON8 9.To1ar well dcpQt ttdow land surAwa O S- AM) 2y. For AM Nis: Submit thtq form wit)tin 30 days of comphaitm of well I-At txuL/pfc mrfx I w all dopths f4'ucnt("ample-join rr40;@100) conowAiim to the fallowift: 10.Static tv w iftel h&w tap of tasiag: #L) Division of Water Restawec Inibrmat)on Proces+ft halt, (,wafer InVI It rthrre MlIng.lac"•" 1617 Mall Service Center,Relelgb.MC2709-1617 1 i.lloneholedfaml tct: 24b,E Injection Welir~ in addition to sandWS the for@ to else nditwis in 24n above.also Submit one copy of this form within 30 days of complatlm of well It WOR COMtrttetl(Ia method: 1�-r�-�l cntlstntMion to the fotiowinr, (i r.-a-.four.cabk,crwm trash,sic,) Division ofWater Rraaunx%Undeftroand injection Control Program, FM WATER SLIMY WELLS ONLY- 16M Mail Ser•vioe Canter,RAtelo.NC 27094636 13a.Yield l +`"G ({�) McthtW of test 24e tllor Walcr SopM►_;&laimHon Wells: In addition to Stmtthtg the fain to the nddrm(cs) above, also submit me copy of this fomt wilhfn 30 days of 13b.Disinfection type: ,Amo,mt; completion of well construction to the county health depeflment of the county whwe consuacmd. i i Form GW-I North Camiimt Deparonent of Enordamrnml Qmtnty-Division oP Water PAW=es Re rineA2 22 Ia1 R i