HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCG030124_2021 DMR_20210802C 0 ❑ 9 C4 C N 3�yu' 0 n o ._+ � = c vvoao a Q ❑7 N � N m Imo 1 i i 1 1 -1 V V V y N tQ z s -I -4 Z; r I fl W W U'1 1 .a. � •�+ cn .p N Oo ❑0 G] V W (.h 4�- CD C7 c r oavvo� Q zzzzz� R° ❑❑a❑aGQ m cn CD D N i �4 P� GG) ZO am iv N n Q7 �1 V Q] :1 IV W O co w w w z "'Ico a CL ro c r �a �rbrn O m ° n �• n � z a vx m D N Sao � ' 1 o � m w 0 C. m u D Ez r�l v I� n eye v ran 'mp g a C�7 oMZ cam= y fl. m a B eb c o 0 v� n a rr ell° c a v 7� n N �R °�evngoS c os CL �Q � y n oso 7 M 0 C •� w T3 ro � .p. � v � Q• C .I O C. v 0 1 I ry' i3 O. cn CD y Dm CD '! mco UQ maym� o cL4'm �m"1"1 y [I O m [7 K K � pp � ry a C c� 0 m a " �. QEl .r " • Dpo rya .: nMm e m vl 15 9 a n a To ISto CD a.°«m l° ao tr h StoI'mNNater- Dischnrue 0utfii11.(SD0) QriaEitatiti e 1lonitoring Report For Permit..).: N .0 FaciIiry r1amc:_I�It f County: may- Inspector: Efate of lnspectiun: Time of inipection: Tout Event Precipi[atiott (inches): or Certifieate of Cosera;\•.C.G L� Phone r�,3. Was this a "RepresentatiNe Storm Event" as defined by the permit? (See information below,) zs C. No C? .c:l:r ri! e .4lJnit rr ;+rs musr he rerl; r me;a _r'in; ❑ "r rr=:s:rrr.:tis e s:grnr eI'ent Or "r?rec :ere hle s'arnt ever?[" (raquireI gels V"I.V. depend'!" on the Permit) '. ; tr" `":� •» _ . 1,.1,t :r ;;?s requir: �J t14iJ[I�C nlunitorir..� to be periorm-Icd Uurine a "r_�.r:s�ntari.0 s; srn :Le.^.t" or dur:r.= a "nl':usurahle st,lml e%crt." cler. some p re t iti do rut ha':e [leis re ;wirer lent. Phase .f.r to these deli?:;buns, it a;.rEcahle. A "rcprasentativc s[arm event" is a s:ur n V.ent that rneaSures 2reatrr than 0, I inc!:es GIrainfa!I and that is prcc,:&J bt ar Iea:;t 72 hat:rs {a da'-,} in «bleb nu 5[0r 3 ne^[ measl:rina lr-;a:er &an 0.1 in6c; has Occur[:d- A Sir afe Storm event mat car, lain up to D cunsecuIive hours 0Fno p+recipimtirsrt- A "measurable storm event" i; a s;t7rn event that rrsulLi in an actual discharoe from t}te pc r;il[rd n site outs ll. The pr:viol:s casurabie storm event must h ahle to dOCLInent that a shover approval frilm the IOcal D%VQ Reaioral or ice. f3. il',ii Sf= � that thi.; r:, �-+r; ii accurate ar.4 Gamrlet,: [i] ili'.c: b:9i t)t-n]t l:aUltltid�a:: IS.- ,5, matut4' -Tml:e or Nsienee} i. uullall Description T OL:[:aN Nll. ( � S,"UCCLfe R..ei�in_� S:-:]::" 17ei,• I. :' i[r a. _.:I ii:�j [::]: i�L». �11:..•.. ['.� ��L:::] ir3i 3_: �: , ` } ?. Color: ❑ea:ri"e t� ,e cLjor Lit tl,, Ls CL71LCi (::.+.. �fti)LI r. " ' mt Jr r �l►l r ait:m. dark) as descri,ior • `Qluu^ r i 3. War: ❑esoribe ar.% 3;,ti ::t c,-•!,Irs LIat tF-- discha r.;] ha. _ {i.e,• s��:lls s:r�r._ ofoi?. ►�esl. e;;Eorin. to 4-' CLUJr+: CF. 7se t. e l:ich T es: doe —ice, ty: cla:lr. of thee._ I i; cle r a d is ten C 3 4 ]h�Ld. . Fioatin, Solid,: Cl �,��st [he nurnber �tih:Ch Ezsi desCri�e; t'.te amount of i:oatin.—, solids in t'.ie are, discl:a_ 14 �., 1 is no solids and 3 is the surface Covered �c ill, F?oatina solid;: : 7 3 i f. Suspended Solids: Chclose d'.e number ►► liicli best describes the amount Of susFenu'ed solids in ffi0 storn•s•ater disChar_e, tivlier: 1 is no solids a:t.; ; is exr;emeiy Mudd;:.. lJ ? 3 4 5 7, Is [her: any fuam in [lie stomzv,ater disc Yes CIN-1 S. I there an nil sheen in tie 510rmwater discharge° / 4 Yesh 4• Is there an% eVidence or errusion or deposition at the ❑u[ral]•' Yes GN. la. 00er 01)v!ous Indicators ❑f Stgrrt=water pullution; List and describe: C `l Nul.• Lo.� clarity, hiuh solidi, and'ur the presence of F.)arn. oil ;keen, L,r errusinrl deposition n71. be indicatix e 0f p tliutan[ erpasLre. Thes: conditions «arrant furtlxr in4esti_,:Itjon StorniNv iter D'sellarcre OWEIl! {SDQ} Qtlalitfltil-e -Monitoring Report cur Fle.:r: Ls:r Fn- 1ritT r-a Permit Na.: IN C Faeilit/ �'arrte; Cuel:f Insppector: Date ❑r Inspectiun: Time of Inspection: Total Event Precipitation (inches) ❑r Ccrt!licare of Co.era�. .�.CG Phone o. %N'as this a "RePresentatitieStorm Event" as defined by the permit" (See information below,) ❑ Iti o FlLr.::;r i•er;�' Ts•herJt2r' O:r�:t:r,;r:r�' .il�r!ir,�.•;rti m.:rsr �'�• f'erji]r•!r!�:: �:rr'irts a rr•�s�r!r.:ricr s:jrr3r 2v2rTr a- "nrr,a:::r!•z�!•!c srornr av err" /rzquir2rrc'+rrS v rti'• derel?dh net rJtc Permir-J r ,::Cr:r'� 7-�— .- LIFer Zits re, uir, quaii:a[iLt Muni[ urir.2 [u be fiCri�rT;t,l; LiuriTl � a "r,rr.scn[azi/t s:arn c'.e!:[" e.r duri^_ a"mea�urshi, stcm� tLer.[," f-la.Lt•. Plc ;r rcf.•r to these def;ni:iuns. i; appIicabIc. er• some per^[ its d,3 rut hs.e this r,Yuircn e �t A " rep rrsznrative srarm event" is a s[oM, ,;zr.t that n;ea;ure; r than. 0.I inches of rainfa!! any tf »t i; pre,e re + cy t 7_ at Iras tours (3 l't..;l in which ra ;tarTi NLe^( measarin_ z:ea:er than p.l inches ha:N accurr '.. a sirg!e seer n n.erlt Tna'. Con[ai' LP to1 p consecutivc hours of no precipitation, 1 "m, Isurabla storm even r is» s:sarn e.cr [ [hai r;strlr; in an acttl tl tfisl h tr�i frurn the prr;:jir,d site measurable autfzll. the pr,vi,)us storm event must h able to document[ that a shoncr ap:rL-,/:II fnonT tl)e Ieca! DWQ Rt�;Onal ot7ice. Bl this sic tr: X - rtit tba¢ t!Ti.; r,p ,rt is accurate and earnrlrtc try the best aiL ml;nrt.11Lde: i a. ^atur: r tit t a I:14tii_neef I. Vutlall Vescription km 01;"al; No. �: ':L'CfL'.- .:r.ii:%2 �:ea '_. CoIor: D•:scri' e tie cols r e,- the d I., s� .. . _ t sir.b; bra. )as desz-irtor,: `C 1Or r—, } , ' r.bL_.z:�.)a:.'t:�[ 3. Odor: ❑escribe ar.% disr-r,ct colors t�ar t e disch�r� ha•. m {i.e.. snlails s:-�^al. OCoil..tiea, �- - _ . chlorine cd� r.�t:.) 4: Clarit. • aose 1: e nu.,, hic best t�esc.-ii es the clarir.Oflhe i;,:f a a,.d iis �eC'. clt�L,'_'. I 5 ?. Flo3rin- Solids: ChoL�s� tl'L num,n e.- %% ll:,:h best deSCriies 111C aMOL:nI Qf Foatjr l sallds in 1 is no sW lidi and i is the surface covered �i ith tloatin� solids: dlScha; � �J 3 '1 6. Suspended Solids: Choose the number it, hich best describes the an'Qunt of sus fended solids in the stom k%ate, dischar,:, wher= [ is no solids and 3 is e.xtremciy mudd':: 1 l ) 3 7. ]s there an,, fa:ani in the 5Comlmtare r dIschar e? Yes 8. ]s there an nil sheen in the st•armtivater discha.--e? Yes 9. Is the.-2 an} er ider.ce of errnsion or deposition at the eut:`a!l? 10. Other OJA ious Indicators of Storm water Pollution: List and describe: Not, Lo.% clarity, high solid,, and or t'1t pr.;,rlte Of t;tiam oil sheen, or erraiion.`deposit;,)R ma•, be ir:l?i� 1t14L Uf pUIIlJE1n[ etpt}]L'Ce. These canditions «arrant Further imcsti�ation i i` Storn1witer Discharge Dtftfall.(SDQ) Qi131itath-e Monitorinor Report F��r err::�.:rr.� art Jii?i++; u1r.'rna J art;, Please i^sir hr,: "��,rtal.nrdenr.rr•-,Lk zb't�^ u;.'st 'nndzs;ti.=tab-� Permit itio.: N-'C Name - count,.: j Inspector: Date or Inspection. Time of inspection: `?—a—aI Total Event Precipitation (inches): , ! 7 or Certiflea te of Coverarti.C;G Phone ,No. Was this a "RepresentativeStorm Event" as defined by tree permit^ (See information below.) es ❑ No Pk• s2 ve+•t; - it 12e!hel' Olwhfwh.•e .1101rir0+•iry must be pe+fer..... �Jurirt T "rtprrsarrr ti.'c sto+ nt zvz,rr ar "+rreu., rerrJSlr s!o+ nt event" (regrrrrrnr2rr!3 vGr1f, dope+rcfi+r; ara rlre pryrmir.J t-�•�:!ita:i•.e tact^i:crng r::,i;;.rer;en;s vaz-., .Lla_st ' pensits require quaK[3tive muniturina [a he perFarrned durine a "rzpresentative storm event" or during a "nicasunahle storm rtent." [-[,).Leer• some permits do not ha.e this requirement, Please refer to these definitions. ii applicable. A "representative storm e. ent" is a storm e.'Int that measures -greater than 0.1 inches orrain tal[ and that is przce'L!,:d bL at least i? hours (3 days) in .•hieh no Sturm event mea:;tjrina -greater than 0,1 inches has may contain up to occurred, rl sin a!{ storm event ] 0 consecutive hours or no precipitation. A "me:tsurnble storm event" is a storm zrznt that rzsrtl[s in an actua] diseh:trfe tram (tic p[rnsined site autrall. 'the previous measurable storm event must h able to document that a shorter approval From the local D%VQ Rcgiunal O ice, F3L this sit n iiv that this report is accura[z J,nd complete to the bLst qt'm. know le,ftie: Y (Sianaiwf ❑!'? rmitee a D Nienrej S..,-2Q-i)21l"rlj 1. Vutlall Vescription Duvall I P-Neirin-1 $ream: Deccril-c the in!u;aria'. a:rir i;i. , r 11t I t d U, C uuLia., nraj; a;e area, Structure (Fipe. ditch. eta.) ?. Color: Descri? e t`:c color of the di;char--: using basic colorsbroti� n, blue, e:c.] and tint {li-2hZ. rnedium. darIN) as descriprors: C. A .e,; I :.. _1 3. Odor: Describe an.. distinct culors that the discharge ma.: have (i.e., Smells stren�ly oFoll, siLa4 chlor on ine odur.etc.) 4: Clarity: Cho;: the number �%l;ich best describes the elarin of the dischar�ac, where I is clear and 5 is ver% cioLdv; 3 d S. Flo:ttin- Solids: Choose the number �khich best describes the amount of roaring solids in the stL�rr:.r I is no solids and 5 is the surface covered sti ith f]oatinzg solids: at discltarne where 1 2 3 `1 5 5- Suspended Soi'ids: Chaose the number which best describes the amount or suspended solids in the storm water discharge, where I is no solids and 5 is extremely muddv: 1 C2,)3 4 5 T Is there arnv foam in the stomiwater discharge? Yes 8. Is there an nil sheen in the stormwater discharge? Yes N ] 9. Is there any evidence of crrusinn or deposition at the OLtrali? Yes ryti,' 10. Other Obvious Indicatars of Storm water Pollution: �J List and describe: Note Lo%v clarity, high solids, and.'or the presence of foam, ail sheen, or errosian,'deposition may be indicative of pollutant exposure. These conditions warrant further investi-ati0n. Stamlwater Discharge Qutfall (SDO) Qualitative iilan6t0Hn0,,F Report FOP _*ul,f,,r7« ❑rr•f;Ilion Derr lllis f orm, please wS.'r httn:" .nrtnl.nedenr.nr, '«Cl,'y� s•'SEi'n-detisty--tlb-� Permit No.: IN IC Facility- Name: Counr�. *� Inspector: —� Date of inspection: Time of Inspection: Ld3e-0 — Total Event Precipitation (inches). or Certificate of covera � N,'C,'G 4 Phone ilia. Wos this a "Representative Storm Event" as derived by the permit" (See information below,) �� oNo Please ver0• u•1rerltKr Uurtlrrarive .1lanirnr•in4 nnrsr be perf0l-M of durbYg a "i-epre.s��++k+rit'e srurm averN Or 'irrzersirrea�le srnr rrl evetrr" h'equirert,tr7ls varnf, depelJ,/irtL, ore 1Ge Permit,) la. ivC mcr„trrin� r:yuirrrte:.;s :a.:, MOM per ni[3 reytliCC yllaii(alive muniluring to be performed during a "representative stornr event" or during a "measurable storm event." Flit+yC% r. some permit+ do not have this rcyuirement. Please ref r to these dct;nlzions. it appiicahle. A "representative storm event" is a storm event that mcasure5 greater than 0.1 inches of rainfall and that is preceded by at least 72 hours (3 da•s] in s%hich no stctrnt erCnt measuring greater than 0.1 inches has acCurred. A single storm event may contain up to l 0 consecutive hours of no precipitation. A "measurable storm event" is 3 storm event that result; in an actual discharge from the pcmvittCtJ site owl'all. The previous measurable storm event must h able to document that a shorter approval from the local DWQ Regional []flice- By this si" cC N, that this report is accurate and complete ter the best oFmv IcnokkI d C: J t4 Of Permiive or D�Si,r I. Vutlall Description Im Outfall No. L ReceiOn�, Stream: D-crii" the industrial aet110; Th I .11C , ��� vu�;aii ❑ra�n1�' area: POC Structure (pipe, ditch. etc.) ' '. CDlnr: f]escrik z the color ut [ht di;charRe using basic colors [red. bro�tin. blue. etc.} and tint Oitaht. medium, dark) as descript,)rs: 0__ti t'r: (-- , j ,, 1 1. 3. Odor: De-cribe any distinct colors that the discharge may have ti.e_ smells strcnal} of oil. %tical: chlorine o&r.etc.) Q -I: Clarity. Chose the number which best describes the clarity Of the discharge. �ti here I is clear and 5 is yen cloudy: 1 ? 4 :5. Floatincy Solids: Choose the number which best describes the amount of Foatin * solids its the stc�nn�� arer discharee. where f is no solids and 5 is the surface covered with lTowtinll solids: - (1) 2 y 4 5 b. Suspended Solids: Choose the number which hest describes the amount 0f Suspended solids in the storm water discharge, where 1 is no solids and 5 is extremely, muddy: 1 ? 3 4 ] 7. Is there any foam in the stomiwater discharge? Yes nNq 8. Is there an nil shet n in the storm water discharge? Yes NO 9. Is there any evidence of errosion or deposition at the outrali? l� Yes rqa� 10. Other Obvious Indicators of Stormwater Pollution: List and describe: Note: Low clarity, high solids, and -'Or [lie presence of Ft)aln, oil sheen. or en - These condition; waosioEi'deposition may be indicative ofpulltttant exposure rrant Further investigation. Perm it tit•: N C Facility tiarne: Count} : Inspector: Ddre of Inspection: Time ❑f inspection: Storn1 ater 1! scharye Qutfzll (SUp) Qualitative Ni lonitorinar Report r --'5e `-'s:r hr-1 ..n �ri11 �a -n or Certificate of COL era;N--C.'G V L� Phone ��. Total Fvent Precipitation (inches): 1127 kN'as this a "Representative Storm Event" as defined by the permit." (See information below.) 71, cs t: No P ° : r v_r!i j tt l+�rhar DucilrrutiL'e .4to,lirorrirg n!rrst be per�;s, nr i! ':rrrr:g a "r cares�rrr rii e sew ra �v :�v or "nr�•rJ ev +rr" (r,quir.:nzenrs t cr 1, depe)rta:;r ❑!r (lie perodfj a rr2ae'Ie srnr)!! - �a ..�.,._ r aRE,c; ;+ red ,-c tr,;; :;; ;. 1la�r p•rl tits r:yuir: t�u]iit lti4e rtlUnilUrlR� "repres.ntativc scorn ever.t" or [ url a "fr. casurahle stOrrtt ever.[ ' t❑ Ee ptriarrted during a ." Itouever. same Pc=its LL4U not ha.e this requirement. Pita_;: rcFcr to these dcYinitions• it appl;cabiu. A "representative storm event" is a storM evert &at mea;urts ,r:atrr, char. 0.l int! e; ofrainfa!! a tL! that is pr:ccdr,+ hL at least 72 hour; [3 sae;} in vvhicf ra SrL3r t nr7t mcasurina Q-e1:cr ttian . I inchd3 h s ncruf-d- A t sireEe l rcnt ma. ennEain ur to 1 o consecutive hours oCno precipitation. ;,err A '+nteasurawe storm event" is a ststrn evert that rOSults in as actual discharge from the Pt:,—miried si mcaaurable storte outlay. The previous m event must h able to document that a shorter approval From tftr 1--t n%L,Q Rrzian,Ll [}tliee, B, this si-nat rtif;, that dik rcpor. ii ac::uratc arad c01nplet1: to thL best ot'mL knovLle� r YxI -: 1-'-il :- •'I 1. Vuttall Description I' Q,:fa!: No. S:-LCtur; (Fife. d:t�h. '. Color: Descri. e t`:e c��E�r ON t1 . d:_ cF.a: _e b Ii t:sircol I _ .t3: ::,'.. bro%% t r: 1 a :r.[ I �`x_ m-.i um. dark] as des -ir tors' pp A I I ., , L _ t e[. 3. Ddar: Describe an,. iistir�t co!trs ChJI the di5cha • r~c ha: • [:.e.. sme!]s ;t:�+n•*'• of al. u!; Iorine e:a: kiOY1( } : - - c .uaor,etc.) �: ClariR: Cho,. t nu ni zr �s!:icE pest dzsLri�es the cl.trir Or 'he di51:har2t,',:?sere l i; clcar ar. is per, cEoed. . l Lam" 4 5 S. Floadn- Solids: Choose t1:e number which hest des-�rib:,s t'.1e amount of I0adP42 solids in the s:�nruater, discha: �z her. l is no solid; ar:d 5 is the surface covered «ith t�oatin�a solids: G 7 `i 5 G. Suspended SOlid s: Choose the number �tihich hest descrilues the amount OfsusFerded dissaiids in the s orzl:1ater cHarg�, where l is no solids and 5 is extremely ntudd•r: l C2) a 7. is [her,- an- foam in thw storr:.vatzr CiScharg.c? Yes 8. Is tyer: an nil sheen in. the storm %vat,r discharge? Yes iti o 9. is there an evidence of errosiOn or deposition at the Ou tfa!I? Yes I0. Other Obvious Indicators ofStarmlvater Pollution: List and describe: Note: Lo« clarit;., high solid.;, and'or the presence 01. foam. oil sl7zcn. ❑r err,;i �n.'dzpo;ition nix. be indicative ❑F p �iiutant expo;�rz. Tees: conditions %tarrant Further inre,ti a[ion. 5ceAnaly6cal c www.Facatabi.cma Tony Sprinkle Wieland Copper Products 3990 US 311 Hwy North Pine Hall, NC 27042 Project: Wieland Copper Pace Project No.: 9254784 Sample: 003 Method SM 254OD-2011 EPA 1664B EPA 200.7 Rev 4.4 1994 EPA 200.7 Rev 4.4 1994 EPA 200.7 Rev 4.4 1994 Sample: OG4 Method SM 254OD-2011 EPA 1564B EPA200.7 Rev4A 1994 EPA 200.7 Rev 4.4 1994 EPA 200.7 Rev 4A 1994 Sample: pas Method 5M 25400-2011 EPA 1664E EPA 200.7 Rev 4.4 1994 EPA 200.7 Rev 4.4 1994 EPA 200.7 Rev 4.4 1994 Laboratory Report Pace Analytical Services, LLC 1377 South Park Drive Kemersville. NC 27284 {7e4)977-0981 Page 1 0f 2 Report Date: 07/15/2021 Date Received: 07/06/2021 Lab ID: 92547841001 Collected: 07/02121 10:15 Matrix: Water Parameters Results Units Report Limit Analyzed Qualifiers Total Suspended Solids 9.4 mglL 2.5 07/09/21 09:56 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons ND mg1L 4.9 07/15/21 10:39 Copper 525 uglL 5.0 0711512112:47 Lead ND ug1L 5.0 07115/2112:47 Zinc 116 uglL 10.0 07/15/2112:47 Performed by PACE 07102/21 10:15 Collected By Cliff Cain 07/02/21 10:15 Collected Date 07/02121 07/02/21 10:15 Collected Tme 1015 07/02/21 10:15 PH 7.0 Std. Units 07/02/21 10:15 Temperature 25 deg C 07/02/21 10:15 LabID: 92547841002 Collected. 07/02/21 10:20 Matrix: Water Parameters Results Units Report Limit Analyzed Qualifiers Total Suspended Solids 2.7 mglL 2.5 07109/21 09:57 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons ND mg)L 4.9 07115121 10:39 Copper 343 ug1L &0 07/1612112:51 Lead ND uglL 5.0 0711512112:51 Zinc 54.0 uglL 10.0 0711512112:51 Performed by PACE 07102/21 10.20 Collected By Cliff Cain 07102/21 10:20 Collected Date (17102f21 07/02/21 10:20 Collected Time 1020 07/02/21 10:20 PH 7.3 Std. Units 07/02/21 10:20 Temperature 27 deg C 071OV21 10:20 Lab ID: 92547841003 Collected: 07102/21 10:28 Matrix: Water Parameters Results Units Report Limit Analyzed Qualifiers Total Suspended Solids 24.3 mg/L 4.3 07)09121 09:55 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons N❑ mglL 4.8 07115/21 10:39 Copper 357 ug1L 5.0 07/1512112:54 Lead ND uglL 5,0 07/1512112:54 Zinc 42.9 uglL 10.❑ 07M512112:54 Performed by PACE 07/02/21 10:28 Collected By Cliff Cain 07/02/21 10:28 Collected Date 07102121 07/02/21 10:28 Collected Time 1028 07/02/21 10:28 PH 6.2 Std. Units 07102Q1 10:28 Temperature 22 deg C 07/02121 10:28 Page 1 of 3 aceAnalytrca! www.pscolabs.eon Sample: 001 Method SM 254OD-2011 EPA 1664B EPA 200.7 Rev 4.4 1994 EPA 200.7 Rev 4A 1994 EPA 200.7 Rev 4.4 1994 Lab ID: 92547841004 Collected: 07/02/21 10:40 Matrix: Water Parameters Total Suspended Solids Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons Capper Lead Zinc Performed by Collected By Collected Date Collected Time pH Temperature Results Units 13.0 mglL NO mg1L 186 ug/L NO uglL 24.2 uglL PACE Cliff Cain 07/02121 1040 7.9 Std. Units 24 deg C Pace Analytical Services, LLC 1377 South Park Dnva Kemersville, NC 27284 (704)977-6981 Page 2 of 2 Report Limit Analyzed Qualifiers 8.3 07/09/2109:56 5A 07/15/21 10:39 5.0 07/15/21 12:57 5.0 07/15/2112:57 10.0 07/15/21 12:57 07/02/21 10:40 07/02/21 10:40 07/02/21 10:40 07/02/21 10:40 07/02121 10:40 071D2121 10:40 Sample: 002 Lab ID: 92547841005 Collected: 07/02/21 10.55 Matrix: Water Method Parameters Results Units Report Limit Analyzed SM 254OD-2011 Total Suspended Solids NO mglL 2.5 07/09/21 09:57 EPA 1664E Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons N❑ mglL 4.9 07/15/21 10:39 EPA 200.7 Rev 4.4 1994 Capper 184 uglL 5.0 07/15/21 13:00 EPA 2007.Rev 4.4 1994 Lead N❑ uglL 5.0 07/15/21 13:00 EPA 200.7 Rev 4A 1994 zinc 77.6 u91L 10.0 071151211 13:00 Performed by PACE 07/02/21 10:55 Collected By Cliff Cain 071=21 10:65 Collected Date 07/02/21 07/02121 10:55 Collected Time 1055 07/02/21 10:55 pH 6.8 Sid. Units 07/02/21 10:55 Temperature 23 deg C 07/02121 10:55 r' c J Reviewed by:s.. Stephanie Knott 704-977-0981 stephania.knott@pacelabs.com Pace Analytical Services Charlotte 9800 Kincey Ave. Ste 100, HumersviIIe, NC 28078 Lou isianalNELAP Certihcation # LA170028 North Carolina Drinking Water Certification #: 37706 North Carolina Field Services Certification #: 5342 Narth Carolina Wastewater Certification #: 12 Pace Analytical Services Asheville 2225 Riverside Drive, Asheville, NC 28804 FloridalNELAP Certification #: E87648 North Carolina Drinking Water Certification #: 37712 Pace Analytical Services Eden 205 East Meadow Road Suite A, Eden, NC 2 728 8 North Carolina Drinking Water Certification #: 37738 South Carolina Certification #: 99006001 Florida/NELAP Certification #: E87627 Kentucky UST Certification #: 84 VirginiaNELAP Certification #: 460221 North Carolina Wastewater Certification #: 40 South Carolina Certification #: 99030001 VirginiaNELAP Certification #: 460222 North Carolina Wastewater Certification #: 633 VirginiaNELAP Certification #: 460025 Qualifiers Page 2 of 3 0 CL �.cl .40 al m:':..i` • v� - -.' 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