HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0023906_Updated Technical Evaluation_20210901 • WILSON NORTH CAROLINA August 27,2021 RECEIVED CERTIFIED MAIL SFP 01 2021 RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Nick Coco NCDEQ/DWR/NPDES NCDEQ—Division of Water Resources NPDES Complex Permitting Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 Subject: Updated written technical evaluation (HWA) requirement for renewed NPDES Permit NC0023906 Dear Mr. Coco: Per renewed NPDES Permit NC0023906 that was issued to the City of Wilson earlier this year with an effective date of March 1,2021, "within 180 days of the effective date of this permit(or any subsequent permit modification)the permittee shall submit to the Division a written technical evaluation of the need to revise local limits(i.e.,an updated HWA or documentation of why one is not needed) [40 CFR 122.44]". The renewed permit did not modify any existing limits nor include any additional limits beyond what was in the prior permit that was in effect during the previous Headworks Analysis. The current Headworks Analysis was performed and approved in 2018 (latest version enclosed). Further,the WWTP has not undergone any significant process changes that would have impacted the current HWA. Additionally,the City of Wilson is scheduled to submit a new HWA in early 2023, which is less than two years from now. Therefore,the City of Wilson feels that it should not be required to submit a new written technical evaluation to the Division at this time. Per the permit requirement specified in the first paragraph above,this letter serves as the required documentation of why a new written technical evaluation is not needed. If you have any questions or concerns 'lease contact me at(25 ')-2491, or via email atjpridgen@wilsonnc.org. Sincerely, • Jimmy Pridge', Water Reclama io Manager Page 1 of 2 CITY OF WILSON INCORPORATED 1849 WATER RECLAMATION DIVISION I PO.BOX 10 I WILSON,NORTH CAROLINA 27894-0010 I (252)399-2491 I (252)399-2209 EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER I AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER Subject: Updated written technical evaluation (HWA) August 25,2021 requirement for renewed NPDES Permit NC0023906 Cc: Barry Parks, Director of Water Resources Laura Pruitt, Water Reclamation Compliance Coordinator Mitch Hayes,NCDEQ-DWR—Raleigh Regional Office Pretreatment Unit—NCDEQ-DWR Enclosures: Headworks Analysis Approval Letter dated 6/5/2018 and subsequent comments by email Current City of Wilson Allocation Table(Updated 01/01/2021) Page 2 of 2 1 � ROY COOPER 4/14 c;ove,nor MICHAEL S. REGAN Secretary Water Resources LINDA CULPEPPER Environmental Quality Interim Director June 5,2018 Via email: Ipruitt@wilsonnc.org Ms. Laura Pruitt Water Reclamation Compliance Coordinator City of Wilson P.O. Box 10 Wilson, NC 27894-0010 Subject: Pretreatment Review of Headworks Analysis Program: City of Wilson NPDES Permit No: NC0023906 Wilson County Dear Ms. Pruitt: The Pretreatment, Emergency Response, and Collection Systems (PERCS) Unit of the Division of Water Resources has reviewed the Headworks Analysis(HWA)for the Hominy Creek Water Reclamation Facility submitted by the City of Wilson. The HWA was initially received, via email, by the Division on March 29, 2018,followed by additional information received on June 5,2018. The Division concurs with the HWA calculations for all pollutants of concern, with corrections discussed below. These approved Maximum Allowable Headworks Loadings (MAHLs), Maximum Allowable Industrial Loadings(MAILs),and the basis for these values are found on the last page of the enclosed HWA spreadsheet, which has the corrections marked. The results of the HWA are also listed in the bottom section of the enclosed Allocation Table. 1) HWA Corrections: Please feel free to contact PERCS if you have any questions about the changes outlined below, or if the POTW does not agree with the modifications. All corrected spreadsheets were emalled to you for your files, with the changes highlighted. Please ensure the POTW's paper and electronic HWA, AT, and other supporting documents contain these corrected documents, especially the Allocation Table. As needed, please mark any original documents as "replaced" or "voided." a) POTW Average Flow: POTW average flow was updated per DMR monthly flow average for the specified period from the removal rate spreadsheet. Uncontrollable flow was also updated accordingly. b) Mercury Removal Rate: Mercury removal rate was updated, as a unit conversion error was noted on the removal rate spreadsheet(see attached). c) Allowable Headworks Loadings (AHLS): PERCS approves the use of 1.5 multiplier to current available design criteria for all the conventional parameters in calculating AHLs, as the POTW meets all the conditions specified in PERCS letter, dated February 19, 2007. However, PERCS chose to use NPDES loadings for BOD and Total Nitrogen as these loadings appear to be more conservative and representative as loadings than design loadings. •'�Nothiny Compares State of North Carolina I Environmental Quality 1611 Mail Service Center I Raleigh,North Carolina 27699-1611 919-707-9000 4, a� d) Average Influent Ammonia: In Cell G48, average influent ammonia was updated to 17.15 mg/I, per Removal Rate spreadsheet. e) Uncontrollable Concentrations: Uncontrollable concentrations for several parameters were revised on the Mass Balance spreadsheet (see attached) by choosing more conservative and representative concentrations and carried over to the HWA. 2) Allocation Table: Allocation Table (AT)was updated based on current IUPs as it appeared that some of the dates and permit limits were not up to date. Please keep the AT updated every time IUPs are modified or renewed in future. 3) Detection Limits(DLs): It was noted from the provided DMR/LTMP data that PQLs/DLs for cadmium, mercury, and molybdenum are lower than the stated DLs on the approved current LTMP. Please review and follow-up with labs on these DLs as necessary, and submit updated LTMP to PERCS for approval. 4) LTMP and HWA Due Dates: The HWA approved today is based on LTMP and DMR data between January 2015 and December 2017. Unless conditions at the POTW change significantly and thus warrant an earlier submittal (see Comprehensive Guide, Section B), the POTW must submit the followings: a) Updated LTMP due September 1,2018 b) Next site-specific HWA due April 1, 2023. Please note that POTWs are required to submit an updated HWA within 180 days of the receipt of NPDES permit renewal, per permit condition Part IV(D)(4). Thank you for your continued cooperation with the Pretreatment Program. If you have any questions or comments, please contact Monti Hassan at (919) 807-6314 [email: Monti.Hassan@ncdenr.gov] or Deborah Gore, Unit Supervisor at(919)807-6383 [email: Deborah.Gore@ncdenr.gov). incerely, ,��-{- M n 1 1 . Division of Water Resources MH/Wilson.HWA.AT.2018 cc: Cheng Zhang,Raleigh Regional Office Central Files Monti Hassan,PERCS Unit Jimmy Pridgen From: Hassan, Monti <monti.hassan@ncdenr.gov> Sent: Tuesday, August 14, 2018 1:33 PM To: Jimmy Pridgen Cc: Laura Pruitt; Gore, Deborah Subject: RE: [External] RE:Wilson HWA 2018: Approved Hello Jimmy, PERCS has reviewed your comments/concerns, and additional information provided July 10, 2018 on the recent approval of HWA for the City of Wilson. Please see our comments in Red, below. Thanks for your feedback! From:Jimmy Pridgen [mailto:jpridgen@WILSONNC.ORG] Sent:Tuesday,July 10, 2018 8:45 AM To: Hassan, Monti <monti.hassan@ncdenr.gov> Cc: Laura Pruitt<Ipruitt@wilsonnc.org> Subject: [External] RE: Wilson HWA 2018: Approved CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless verified.Send all suspicious email as an attachment to Good morning Monti, The City of Wilson greatly appreciates your recent approval of our Headworks Analysis (HWA) submittal. Your thorough review caught some data entry typos we had made along the way. We concur with the HWA corrections you made as listed in Items la, lb, and ld of your cover letter. However, we do have some concerns with Items 1c and le. Unfortunately, we do not agree with PERCS' decision in Item lc to use NPDES loadings for BOD and Total Nitrogen because "they appear to be more conservative and representative than design loadings". The City of Wilson has an excellent history with both BOD and TN compliance. Even though we did calculate a removal rate for BOD loading that was less than the 1.5x design loading,the majority of the data for Effluent BOD was below the detection limit (DL) of 2.0 mg/L. However, since we used the DMR monthly averages for BOD, we used Y2DL for<DL values to calculate the average Effluent BOD. That is just another conservative assumption added to many other conservative assumptions that are built into the HWA process. We have historically used the 1.5x design for BOD in our HWA for at least the last 10 years and we have had no negative impacts to justify being any further conservative than we have already been. The City of Wilson should be allowed to continue to use the 1.5x design value of 375 mg/L for BOD. (See cell J17 on HWA spreadsheet). In addition to the BOD in Item lc,we also think we should be using 1.5x design for TN. In order to achieve compliance with our annual discharge limit of 157,886 lbs., we need to achieve a TN effluent concentration of 3.7 mg/L at maximum permitted flow of 14 MGD. The City of Wilson WRF has achieved an average TN concentration of 2.18 mg/L for the past 6 years (2012-2017). In the past 6 years our maximum annual TN average was 2.32 mg/L. Additionally, while reviewing the HWA, it was also noted that the value of 31.4 mg/L was being used as the 1.5x design concentration for TN. This appears to be a typo that has carried over from a previous HWA. Our facility is designed for TKN treatment based on 88% removal at a concentration of 25 mg/L. Since we have minimal Nitrate and Nitrite contribution at our influent, our Total Nitrogen design should be based on our TKN design of 25 mg/L. Multiplying design criteria for TKN of 25 mg/L by 1.5 gives us a 1.5x design value for TN of 37.5 mg/L. A review of the Influent-Effluent removal rate shows that we had 1 three consecutive months (July-September 2015) in which we had an average influent concentration of 36.85 mg/L and for the same three months, our effluent TN concentration was 2.32 mg/L. This yields us an average removal rate of 93.7%for TN during our heaviest TN influent concentrations. Based off all the information provided,the City of Wilson has ample historical data to demonstrate that we should be allowed to utilize the 1.5x design value of 37.5 mg/L for TN. (See cells G20&J20 on HWA spreadsheet). PERCS concurs and approves of using design loadings for BOD and TN as AHLs using 1.5 times of current design criteria. We updated the HWA accordingly. We also do not agree with Item le in which you made changes to a few parameters on the Mass Balance Spreadsheet. We request that the following values be changed back to their original values: BOD: Change from current 204 mg/L back to 124 mg/L as originally submitted. TSS: Change from current 229 mg/L back to 218 mg/L as originally submitted. We feel your adjustments were too conservative. We are confident in our extensive SIU database that we used to calculate our Uncontrollable Loading. For our HWA,we subtracted the sum of our SIU Loading(controllables)from our Average Influent Loading(Total)to determine our Uncontrollable Loading. Our data is accurate. The difference in the TSS values is not very significant, but the BOD value is and that is lowering our available loading by 5,648 lbs. We can see where 124 mg/L appears historically lower from what we have had in the past, but a contributing factor is that our average influent flow is significantly higher than the previous headworks. The increase in flow is mostly due to increase inflow and infiltration that does not contribute to uncontrollable BOD loading. This has caused the calculated uncontrollable BOD concentration to be diluted, but the mass loading is still about normal. Please use the BOD and TSS uncontrollable concentration values that were originally submitted. (Please see cells F32 and H32 on Uncontrollables Mass Balance spreadsheet and E131-132 & F131-132 on HWA Spreadsheet). PERCS accepted the changes mentioned above and updated Mass Balance and HWA spreadsheets accordingly. After further review,there was a concern with regards to Cadmium. Our uncontrollable concentration was initially calculated to be 0.0000 mg/L. Once you formatted the cell to an extra decimal place,the updated value was displayed as 0.00003 mg/L. We initially submitted the literature value of 0.003 mg/L since the controllable concentration displayed as 0.0000 mg/L. We think you appropriately entered the new calculated controllable value after formatting, but it appears it was accidentally entered as 0.0003 mg/L instead of 0.00003 mg/L. Please use the calculated uncontrollable concentration of 0.00003 mg/L for Cadmium. (Please see cell N32 on Uncontrollables Mass Balance spreadsheet and E135 on HWA Spreadsheet). • Per your request,we updated the Uncontrollables spreadsheet during the initial submittal to include Voith Fabrics. They are no longer in operation, but were in operation for the majority of the time that this HWA covers. During further review, it was noted that the value for Copper loading from Voith was entered incorrectly due to a typographical error that was in our SIU database. The original value that we entered of 0.6210 lbs/day should be corrected to 0.002 lbs/day. (Please see cell S18 on Uncontrollables Mass Balance spreadsheet and E137 on HWA Spreadsheet). Chlorides were in Columns AW&AX on the Allocation Table (AT) spreadsheet. That did not correspond to the Chloride information on the HWA spreadsheet on Row 148. We moved the Chloride information from columns AW&AX to AS& AT on the AT spreadsheet to correct it. (Please see cells AS8&AT12-24 on the AT spreadsheet). COD was in Columns AS&AT on the AT spreadsheet. That did not correspond to the COD information on the HWA spreadsheet on Row 150. We moved the COD information from columns AS&AT to AW&AX on the AT spreadsheet to correct it. (Please see cells AW8&AX12-24 on the AT spreadsheet). 2 We also placed labels for Oil & Grease and COD in the appropriate cells on the HWA spreadsheet so that it would correlate properly with the appropriate columns on the AT spreadsheet. (See cells A42-43 on the HWA spreadsheet). We also corrected the formulas in the following cells so they would be correct if needed in the future. The formulas had been previously deleted. (See cells AX27-28 and AZ27 on the AT spreadsheet). The Chlorides "Uncontrollable Concen.from Mass Bal"was less than the influent concentration. We used the "Uncontrollable Concen. from Mass Bal" in the HWA. (Please see cell AP32 on the Uncontrollables spreadsheet and cell E148 on the HWA spreadsheet). We also entered the Oil&Grease "Uncontrollable Concen.from Mass Bal" into the HWA spreadsheet. (Please see cells E149 & F149 on the HWA spreadsheet). All of the cell changes mentioned above are highlighted in orange on the attached spreadsheets. Please note that the changes made caused changes to other cells that have not been highlighted. We appreciated your feedback, corrections/updates, and spreadsheets were updated accordingly. With regards to Items 3 &4a of your cover letter, our detection limits in our LTMP currently meet the minimum requirements for each analysis. We do choose to run some analyses at detection levels lower than that specified in our LTMP. The detection limits specified in our LTMP are adequate. We should not be required to update the LTMP at this time to adjust to detection limits that are not required. Please remove the requirement to submit an updated LTMP as requested in Items 3 &4a of your cover letter. Per your request, we are removing the requirement to submit an updated LTMP due September 1, 2018. However PERCS recommends to continue using lower PQLs as mentioned, especially for cadmium. Once again,the City of Wilson greatly appreciates your thorough review of our HWA submittal. We hope that you will fully concur with our requested changes. Please contact Laura Pruitt or myself if you have any questions. Sincerely, Jimmy Tacoo, Water Reclamation Manager City of Wilson Water Reclamation Facility P.O. Box 10 3100 Stantonsburg Road Wilson, NC 27894-0010 Office: 252-399-2491 Mobile: 252-205-2519 Fax: 252-399-2209 Email: jpridgen@wilsonnc.org Website: www.wilsonnc.org From: Laura Pruitt Sent:Tuesday,June 05, 2018 4:05 PM 3 I To:Jimmy Pridgen<jpridgen@WILSONNC.ORG> Subject: FW:Wilson HWA 2018:Approved From: Hassan, Monti [mailto:monti.hassan@ncdenr.gov] Sent: Tuesday, June 05, 2018 4:02 PM To: Laura Pruitt Subject: Wilson HWA 2018: Approved Hello Laura, I Attached please find approval letter,along with approved copy of HWA 2018, updated Removal Rate and Uncontrollable Mass Balance spreadsheets for your records and future references. Let me know if you have any questions or comments.Thanks! Monti Hassan Environmental Engineer PERCS Unit Division of Water Resources Department of Environmental Quality 919-807-6314-Office 919-807-6489-Fax monti.hassan@ncdenr.gov Mailing: 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 Physical: 512 N.Salisbury Street,Rm.925L Raleigh, NC 27604-1170 C - 1441otNn Coq:t+res•... Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties unless the content is exempt by statute or other regulation. Pursuant to North Carolina General Statutes, Chapter 132,et.seq.,this electronic mail message and any attachment hereto, as well as any electronic mail message(s) that may be sent in response to it may be considered public record and as such are subject to requests for review. 4 e- t Workbook Name : HWA 2018 spreadsheet - updated 20210101 - .xlsx, Worksheet NameerAtpd: 8/27/2021, 12:49 PM Page 1 of 7 Allocation Table Spreadsheet Instructions: Headworks last approved: 1)Applicable Values should be entered in the Heavy Bordered cells. Rest of worksheet is protected,password is"2" 2)Formulas are discussed in the Comprehensive Guidance,Chapter 6,Section C. Allocation Table updated: 02/25/20 3)HWA and AT worksheets in this workbook are linked. Pollutant Names,MAHLs,Basis,and Uncontrollable load in this AT workshee Permits last modified: 01/01/21 entered from the HWA spreadsheet. This includes pollutant names in columns AT through BK. Pores Wilson NPDES#=' NC0023906 FLOW Industry Type Renewal Modification Date Permit Limits IUP INDUSTRY NAMES Permit Pipe of Effective Effective Permit Count (please list alphabctidy) number number Industry Date Date Expires MGD gal/day I Ardagh Glass,Inc. 8409 0001 426(H)-glass container manufacturer 07/01/18 06/30/23 0.1800 180,000 2 Bridgestone Americas Tire Operations 8412 0001 428(A)-Tire and Inner Tubes Plant 01/01/20 12/31/24 0.2500 250,000 3 Evans Machinery,Inc. 2000-015 0001 433(A)-metal finisher-etching 01/01/17 10/01/19 12/31/21 0.0010 1,000 4 Fresenius Kabi USA,LLC. 2009-013 0001 439(D)-Mix/Cmpd,Form-Pharm. 01/01/20 12/31/24 0.0400 40,000 Fresenius Kabi USA,LLC. 2009-013 0002 439(D)-Mix/Cmpd,Form-Pharm. 01/01/20 12/31/24 0.1400 140,000 5 Linamar Forging,Inc 8416 0001 433-metal finisher-ball bearings 01/01/19 12/31/23 0.0250 25,000 6 Purdue Pharmaceuticals,L.P. 2000-001 0001 439(D)-Mix/Cmpd,Form-Pharm. 01/01/21 12/31/25 0.1000 100,000 7 Refresco Beverages Inc. 9726 0001 463(B)-plastics molding,soft drink bottler 07/01/18 06/30/23 0.1000 100,000 8 Eon Labs,Inc. 2000-025 0001 439(D)-Mix/Cmpd,Form-Pharm. 01/01/20 01/01/21 12/31/24 0.1125 112,500 Eon Labs,Inc. 2000-025 0004 439(D)-Mix/Cmpd,Form-Pharm. 01/01/20 01/01/21 12/31/24 0.0120 12,000 9 Smithfield Packaged Meats Corp. 9525 0001 432(F)-meat products processor 01/01/21 12/31/25 0.1400 140,000 10 Protein for Pets OpCo,LLC dba Sun River 2009-020 0001 432(J)-meat products-renderer 07/01/18 08/01/19 06/30/23 0.0500 50,000 I I UTC/Kidde Aerospace and Defense 8402 0001 433-metal finisher-fire detector/extinguisher 01/01/19 12/31/23 0.0660 66,000 Column Totals=> 1 1.2165 1,216,500 Basis=> NPDES MAHL from HWA(Ibs/day)_> NPDES Permitted Flow=> 14.0000 Uncontrollable Loading(Ibs/day)=> 8.5600 Total Allowable for Industry(MAIL)(Ibs/day)_> 5.4400 Total Permitted to Industry(Ibs/day)=> 1.2165 MAIL left(lbs/day)_> 4.2235 Percent Allow.Ind.(MAIL)still available(%)=> 77.6% Percent MAHL still available(%)=> 30.2% 5 Percent MAHL(lbs/day)=> 0.7000 HWA.AT Revised:November 2005 Workbook Name : HWA 2018 spreadsheet - updated 20210101 - .xlsx, Worksheet NameP.rAAtfd: 8/27/2021, 12:49 PM Page 2 of 7 Allocation Table Headworks last approved: Allocation Table updated: 02/25/20 t are automatically Permits last modified: 01/01/21 Pony=> Wilson NPDES#=> NC0023906 BOD TSS Industry Permit Limits Permit Limits IUP INDUSTRY NAMES Permit Pipe Conc. Load Conc. Load Count (please Iistalpbabaidy) number number mg/1 lbs/day mg/1 lbs/day 1 Ardagh Glass,Inc. 8409 0001 2 Bridgestone Americas Tire Operations 8412 0001 3 Evans Machinery,Inc. 2000-015 0001 4 Fresenius Kabi USA,LLC. 2009-013 0001 Fresenius Kabi USA,LLC. 2009-013 0002 _ 5 Linamar Forging,Inc 8416 0001 6 Purdue Pharmaceuticals,L.P. 2000-001 0001 _ 7 Refresco Beverages Inc. 9726 0001 5421.00 8 Eon Labs,Inc. 2000-025 0001 1 Eon Labs,Inc. 2000-025 0004 9 Smithfield Packaged Meats Corp. 9525 0001 10 Protein for Pets OpCo,LLC dba Sun River 2009-020 0001 5838.00 11 UTC/Kidde Aerospace and Defense 8402 0001 Column Totals=> 11259 l 0 Basis=> Design Design MAHL from HWA(lbs/day)=> 43785 43785 Uncontrollable Loading(lbs/day)=> 8852 15563 Total Allowable for Industry(MAIL)(lbs/day)=> 34933 28222 Total Permitted to Industry(lbs/day)=> 11259 0 MAIL left(lbs/day)=> 23674 28222 Percent Allow.Ind.(MAIL)still available(%)=> 67.8% 100.0% Percent MAHL still available(%)_> 54.1 % 64.5% 5 Percent MAHL(lbs/day)=> 2189 2189 HWA.AT Revised:November 2005 t I T Workbook Name : HWA 2018 spreadsheet - updated 20210101 - .xlsx, Worksheet Nameer1Qtfd:8/27/2021, 12:49 PM Page 3 of 7 Allocation Table Headworks last approved: Allocation Table updated: 02/25/20 Permits last modified: 01/01/21 Porw=> Wilson NPDES#K> NC0023906 Ammonia Arsenic Cadmium Chromium Copper Industry Permit Limits Permit Limits Permit Limits Permit Limits Permit Limits IUP INDUSTRY NAMES Permit Pipe Conc. Load Conc. Load Conc. Load Conc. Load Conc. Load Count (pkaselistalphabdidy) number number mg/1 lbs/day mg/1 lbs/day mg/1 lbs/day mg/1 lbs/day mg/1 lbs/day 1 Ardagh Glass,Inc. 8409 0001 _ 2 Bridgestone Americas Tire Operations 8412 0001 3 Evans Machinery,Inc. 2000-015 0001 0.0700 0.0006 1.7100 0.0143 2.0700 0.0173 1 4 Fresenius Kabi USA,LLC. 2009-013 0001 Fresenius Kabi USA,LLC. 2009-013 0002 1 _ 5 Linamar Forging,Inc 8416 0001 0.2100 0.0438 1.4100 0.2940 1.7100 0.3565 6 Purdue Pharmaceuticals,L.P. 2000-001 0001 7 Refresco Beverages Inc. 9726 0001 8 Eon Labs,Inc. 2000-025 0001 Eon Labs,Inc. 2000-025 0004 9 Smithfield Packaged Meats Corp. 9525 0001 - _ 10 Protein for Pets OpCo,LLC dba Sun River 2009-020 0001 11 UTC/Kidde Aerospace and Defense 8402 0001 0.0900 0.0495 0.6000 0.3303 0.7200 0.3963 Column Totals=> 0 0.0000 0.0939 0.6385 0.7701 Cumul. Sludge Stream Stream Digester Basis=> Design Loading Std Std Inhibition MAHL from HWA(lbs/day)=> 2627.10 0.7966 0.5024 23.0277 13.7567 Uncontrollable Loading(lbs/day)=> 1192.22 0.3498 0.0021 0.1571 3.3839 Total Allowable for Industry(MAIL)(lbs/day)=> 1434.88 0.4468 0.5003 22.8706 10.3728 Total Permitted to Industry(lbs/day)=> 0.00 0.0000 0.0939 0.6385 0.7701 MAIL left(lbs/day)=> 1434.88 0.4468 0.4064 22.2321 9.6027 Percent Allow.Ind.(MAIL)still available(%)=> 100.0% 100.0% 81.2% 97.2% 92.6% Percent MAHL still available(%)=> 54.6% 56.1 % 80.9% 96.5% 69.8% 5 Percent MAHL(lbs/day)=> 131.36, 0.0398 0.0251 1.1514 0.6878 HWA.AT Revised:November 2005 Workbook Name : HWA 2018 spreadsheet - updated 20210101 - .xlsx, Worksheet Name?Atfd 8/27/2021, 12:49 PM Page 4 of 7 Allocation Table Headworks last approved: Allocation Table updated: 02/25/20 Permits last modified: 01/01/21 PoTw=, Wilson _ NPDESt✓=> NC0023906 Cyanide Lead Mercury Molybdenum Nickel Industry Permit Limits Permit Limits Permit Limits Permit Limits Permit Limits IUP INDUSTRY NAMES Permit Pipe Conc. Load Conc. Load Conc. Load Conc. Load Conc. Load Count (please list alphabettely) number number mg/1 lbs/day mg/1 lbs/day mg/I lbs/day mg/1 lbs/day mg/I lbs/day 1 Ardagh Glass,Inc. 8409 0001 2 Bridgestone Americas Tire Operations 8412 - 0001 3 Evans Machinery,Inc. 2000-015 0001 0.1000 0.0008 0.4300 0.0036' 2.3800 0.0198 4 Fresenius Kabi USA,LLC. 2009-013 0001 Fresenius Kabi USA,LLC. 2009-013 0002 5 Linamar Forging,Inc 8416 0001 0.5400 0.1126 0.3500 0.0730 1.9600 0.4087 6 Purdue Pharmaceuticals,L.P. 2000-001 0001 7 Refresco Beverages Inc. 9726 0001 8 Eon Labs,Inc. 2000-025 0001 t Eon Labs,Inc. 2000-025 0004 9 Smithfield Packaged Meats Corp. 9525 0001 10 Protein for Pets OpCo,LLC dba Sun River 2009-020 0001I _ 11 UTC/Kidde Aerospace and Defense 8402 0001 0.2300 0.1266 0.1500 0.0826 0.8300 0.4569 Column Totals=> ( 0.2400 0.1591 0.0000001 0.00001 0.8854 Cumul. Stream Sludge Sludge Digester Basis=> Std Loading Stream Std Ceiling Inhibition MAHL from HWA(lbs/day)=> 1.3371 4.3587 0.095653 20.2656 7.4655 Uncontrollable Loading(lbs/day)=> 0.3570 0.3498 0.002142 0.0571 0.2713 Total Allowable for Industry(MAIL)(lbs/day)=> 0.9801 4.0089 0.093512 20.2085 7.1942 Total Permitted to Industry(lbs/day)=> 0.2400 0.1591 0.000000 0.0000 0.8854 MAIL left(lbs/day)=> 0.7401 3.8498 0.093512 20.2085 6.3088 Percent Allow.Ind.(MAIL)still available(%)_> 75.5% 96.0% 100.0% 100.0% 87.7% Percent MAHL still available(%)=> 55.4% 88.3% 97.8% 99.7% 84.5% 5 Percent MAHL(lbs/day)=> 0.0669 0.2179 0.004783 1.0133 0.3733 HWA.AT Revised:November 2005 % 1 Workbook Name : HWA 2018 spreadsheet - updated 20210101 - .xlsx, Worksheet Nameerjgtrl:8/27/2021, 12:49 PM Page 5 of 7 Allocation Table Headworks last approved: Allocation Table updated: 02/25/20 Permits last modified: 01/01/21 Poles=>Wilson NPDESfk> NC0023906 Selenium Silver Zinc Total Nitrogen Total Phos. Industry Permit Limits Permit Limits Permit Limits Permit Limits Permit Limits IUP INDUSTRY NAMES Permit Pipe Conc. Load Conc. Load Conc. Load Conc. Load Conc. Load Count (please list elpI dy) number number mg/I lbs/day mg/1 lbs/day mg/1 lbs/day mg/1 lbs/day mg/1 lbs/day 1 Ardagh Glass,Inc. 8409 0001 2 Bridgestone Americas Tire Operations 8412 0001 3 Evans Machinery,Inc. 2000-015 0001 0.2400 0.00201 1.4800 0.0123 4 Fresenius Kabi USA,LLC. 2009-013 0001 Fresenius Kabi USA,LLC. 2009-013 0002 _ 5 Linamar Forging,Inc 8416 0001 0.2000 0.0417 1.2200 0.2544 6 Purdue Pharmaceuticals,L.P. 2000-001 0001 7 Refresco Beverages Inc. 9726 0001 8 Eon Labs,Inc. 2000-025 0001 Eon Labs,Inc. 2000-025 0004 40. 9 Smithfield Packaged Meats Corp. 9525 0001 10 Protein for Pets OpCo,LLC dba Sun River 2009-020 0001 ~- ~�11 UTC/Kidde Aerospace and Defense 8402 0001 0.0800 0.0440 0.5200 0.2862 Column Totals=> I 0.0000 0.0877 I 0.55291 0.00 0.00 Cumul. Stream Digester Sludge Basis=> Std Inhibition Loading Design Design MAHL from HWA(lbs/day)=> 0.8290 5.4349 27.6516 4378.5000 875.70 Uncontrollable Loading(lbs/day)_> 0.1999 0.1713 5.2472 1998.9312 401.93 Total Allowable for Industry(MAIL)(lbs/day)=> 0.6291 5.2635 22.4044 2379.57 473.77 Total Permitted to Industry(lbs/day)=> 0.0000 0.0877 0.5529 0.00 0.00 MAIL left(lbs/day)=> 0.6291 5.1758 21.8514 2379.57 473.77 Percent Allow.Ind.(MAIL)still available(%)_> 100.0% 98.3% 97.5%, 100.0% 100.0% Percent MAHL still available(%)=> 75.9% 95.2% 79.0% 54.3% 54.1 % 5 Percent MAHL(lbs/day)=> 0.0414 0.2717 1.3826 218.93 43.7850 HWA.AT Revised:November 2005 Workbook Name : HWA 2018 spreadsheet - updated 20210101 - .xlsx, Worksheet Nameerikr: 8/27/2021, 12:49 PM Page 6 of 7 Allocation Table Headworks last approved: Allocation Table updated: 02/25/20 Permits last modified: 01/01/21 porn., Wilson NPDES#=> NC0023906 Chlorides Oil and Grease COD I f Industry Permit Limits Permit Limits Permit Limits Permit Limits IUP INDUSTRY NAMES Permit Pipe Conc. Load Conc. Load Conc. Load Conc. Load Count (plcascIistalplubeiidy) number number mg/1 lbs/day mg/1 lbs/day mg/1 lbs/day mg/I lbs/day 1 Ardagh Glass,Inc. 8409 0001 300.00 102.0 153.12 _ 2 Bridgestone Americas Tire Operations 8412 0001 , 1043.00 300.0 625.50 3 Evans Machinery,Inc. 2000-015 0001 2.00 200.0 1.67 ii 4 Fresenius Kabi USA,LLC. 2009-013 0001 284.00 200.0 66.72 Fresenius Kabi USA,LLC. 2009-013 0002 992.00 i 200.0 233.52 5 Linamar Forging,Inc 8416 0001 ~ 1 42.00 200.0 41.70 6 Purdue Pharmaceuticals,L.P. 2000-001 0001 417.00 200.0 166.80 7 Refresco Beverages Inc. 9726 0001 167.00 200.0 166.80 8 Eon Labs,Inc. 2000-025 0001 938.00 200.0 187.65 Eon Labs,Inc. 2000-025 0004 42.00 200.0 20.02 _ 9 Smithfield Packaged Meats Corp. 9525 0001 1343.00 300.0 350.28 10 Protein for Pets OpCo,LLC dba Sun River 2009-020 0001 250.00 300.0 125.10 ii 11 UTC/Kidde Aerospace and Defense 8402 0001 153.00 300.0 165.13 Column Totals=> 5973.00001 2304.011 0.00 0.0000 Basis=> MARL from HWA(lbs/day)=> Uncontrollable Loading(lbs/day)=> 2489.91 15 1222.0252 Total Allowable for Industry(MAIL)(lbs/day)=> Total Permitted to Industry(lbs/day)=> 5973.0000 2304.0084 0.0000 0.0000 MAIL left(lbs/day)=> Percent Allow.Ind.(MAIL)still available(%)=> #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! Percent MAHL still available(%)=> #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! mion 5 Percent MAHL(lbs/day)=> HWA.AT Revised:November 2005 111 Workbook Name : HWA 2018 spreadsheet - updated 20210101 - .xlsx, Worksheet Name!ATd 8/27/2021, 12:49 PM Page 7 of 7 Allocation Table Headworks last approved: Allocation Table updated: 02/25/20 Permits last modified: 01/01/21 Pores=>Wilson NPDES/#> NC0023906 g h Industry Permit Limits ermit Limits IUP INDUSTRY NAMES Permit Pipe Conc. Load Conc. Load Count (please 1.stalphabtticly) number number mg/1 lbs/day mg/1 lbs/day 1 Ardagh Glass,Inc. 8409 0001 2 Bridgestone Americas Tire Operations 8412 0001 3 Evans Machinery,Inc. 2000-015 0001 _ 4 Fresenius Kabi USA,LLC. 2009-013 0001 _ Fresenius Kabi USA,LLC. 2009-013 0002 _ 5 Linamar Forging,Inc 8416 0001 6 Purdue Pharmaceuticals,L.P. 2000-001 0001 7 Refresco Beverages Inc. 9726 0001 8 Eon Labs,Inc. 2000-025 0001 P Eon Labs,Inc. 2000-025 0004 9 Smithfield Packaged Meats Corp. 9525 0001 10 Protein for Pets OpCo,LLC dba Sun River 2009-020 0001 11 UTC/Kidde Aerospace and Defense 8402 0001 Column Totals=> I 0.0000 0.0000 Basis=> MAHL from HWA(lbs/day)=> Uncontrollable Loading(lbs/day)_> Total Allowable for Industry(MAIL)(lbs/day)=> Total Permitted to Industry(lbs/day)=> 0.0000 0.0000 MAIL left(lbs/day)=> Percent Allow.Ind.(MAIL)still available(%)_> /IINIIlN1Nt /llllllllllllt Percent MAHL still available(%)=> tttttt ttff/t 114141/14 5 Percent MAHL(lbs/day)=> HWA.AT Revised:November 2005