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NC0083801_Complete File - Historical_20171231
Mid -At Associates, P. 1310 H corporation. Parkway . Raleigh, INC 27610 (919) 250-9918 R,C, Box 43 183 . Raleigh, NC 2'7629 FAX (919) 250 9950 December 19, 1996 Mr. D. Rex Gleason, P.E. Water Quality Regional Supervisor North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Water Quality Section 919 North Main Street Mooresville, North Carolina 28115 I'T OF FINVIROMM. ENT, HEALTr7 NA-I'()RAI. HrrRC?UriITS DEC 2 3 1996 Subject: RESPONSE TO NOTICE OF RECOMMENDATION FOR ENFORCEMENT NOTICE OF VIOLATION UNICON CONCRETE PRODUCTS, INC. (FORMERLY AMERICAN CONCRETE PRODUCTS, INC.) NEWTON, NORTH CAROLINA NPDES GENERAL PERMIT NO. NCG140000 Dear Mr. Gleason: On behalf of Unicon Concrete, Inc. (formerly American Concrete Products, Inc.), Mid - Atlantic Associates would like to respond to the Notice of Recommendation for Enforcement, Notice of Violation dated December 11, 1996. This notice indicated that the facility was in violation of it's NPDES permit and NCGS 143.215.1(a)(6) based on the following conditions: The effluent discharged from the facility had a pH value in violation of the permit limits (cut-off concentrations); The discharge of this effluent into McLin Creek resulted in violation of the stream's water quality standard for pH; and It appeared that concrete slurry was being discharged into the creek. Mid -Atlantic visited the subject site on December 1 7, 1996 and met with Mr. Andy Stankwytch of Unicon to discuss potential reasons for these violations and practices/processes which may be implemented to lower the pH and total volume of the effluent discharged from the site, Mr. Stankwytch indicated that during the time period in question, wet concrete was being dumped on the ground at the site instead of into the sedimentation basin. Heavy rainfalls during this time appeared to wash some concrete slurry into the roadside ditch adjacent to the site. Based on the discussions during our site visit, Unicon agreed to implement the following best management practices (BMPs) at the site in an attempt to lower the pH and total volume of the effluent discharged from the site: Effective immediately, concrete trucks returning to the site will dump excess concrete directly into the sedimentation basin. Response to Notice of Recommendation for Enforcement Unicon Concrete, 'Inc. (Formerly American Concrete...), Newton Facility December 19, 1996 Page 2 _ • Effective immediately, Unicon will implement a water recycling program at the sedimentation basin for truck wash -out operations. This recycling program will reduce the amount of water used at and discharged from the sedimentation basin' during. truck wash -out - operations , by approximately 1,000 to 1,500-gallons per day. • The sedimentation basin will be regularly inspected and cleaned out when half -full. -The basin will be cleaned out only during dry periods when the sediment/slurry will have time to set-up prior to anticipated rainfall 'events. - • Within 90 days, Unicon will construct ad additional'sedimentation basin and implement a water recycling program for truck rinsing and concrete batching operations. By using recycled water in .the batching process, up, to 3,000-gallons of:water per day will be eliminated from the site's effluent stream. This additional sedimentation basin will also provide additional space and time for the settlement of suspended solids prior to discharging off site. This basin will also be'cleaned out only during dry. periods ,when the sediment/slurry will have_ time to set-up prior to anticipated rainfall events. • - • In accordance with their present Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP), Unicon will continue to maintain the straw bale and -silt screen .barriers at the 'feeder ditch to McLin Creek. • Upon, implementation of the above practices, Unicon will evaluate their effectiveness and determine the potential need for additional measures.' If necessary, additional BMPs, operational changes and/or processes will be investigated. If you have any questions concerning the contents of this letter, please feel free contact me at 919- 250-9918 or Mr. Andy Stankwytchi-of Unicon at 704-872-9566. Sincerely, MID -ATLANTIC ASSOCIATES, P.A. • Darin M. McClure, P.E. Senior Engineer - DMMfbro cc: Mr. Andy Stankwytch, Unicon Concrete, Inc. Mr. Kenneth.Combs, Unicon Concrete, Inc. 5083. State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director January 21, 1994 Mr. David P. Boden Engineering and Environmental Consulting 3680 Lakeview Drive Pfafftown, NC 27040 Subject: NPDES Permit Application Return NC0083801 American Concrete Prod. - Newton Catawba County Dear Mr. Boden: On October 5, 1993 the Division of Environmental Management received your application for the discharge of wastewater from the Newton facility. The Division is returning your application based on your letter dated November 21, 1993. Unfortunately, the application fee cannot be held until you submit a recycling permit application. The subject application is enclosed and the $400.00 fee will be returned under a separate cover. If in the future, you determine that you wish to have a discharge, you must first apply for and receive a new NPDES permit. Discharging without a valid NPDES permit it subject the discharger to a civil penalty of up to $10,000 per day. If you have any question regarding this matter please contact Jay Lucas at (919) 733- P.E. Enclosure P.Q. Box 29535, Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Telephone 919-733-5083 FAX 919-733-9919 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/ 10% post -consumer paper BODEN ENGINEER i0.1114iET °MULLING Mr. Jay Lucas NCDEHNR P.E. Box 29535 Raleigh NC 27626-0535 Application No. Application No. NCO683780 :Hickory Facility, American Concrete Products, N r' rsj°x�T r pplat INT, NOV 2 4 1993 E"Ir'rONM tiTA1. Y ud %Yi11E RECICWI C,RCE 3680 LAKEVIEW DRIVE PFAFFTOWN, N.C. 27040 U.S.A. PHONE: (919) 922-4863 FAX: (919) 922-5260 November 21. 1993, Dear Mr, Lucas: fte I am writing to advise you of some decisions taken recently in respect to the referenced NPDES permit applications. During a recent review of process and storm water discharges at the Hickory and Newton. facilities conducted with Mr. Michael Parker of the Mooresville Regional Office it was agreed that a more appropriate course of action would be to separate the process and storm water discharges and recycle the process water so that the discharge will be eliminated. Conceptual plans for the engineering work to accomplish this were reviewed with Mr. Parker on November 17th and it was agreed that these were appropriate to accomplish the desired objective. The proposed solution is to separate process and storm water by constructing a series of berms to deflect storm water around those areas where process water is discharged, and to construct retention and recycling systems for the process water, which will then be reused in the concrete manufacturing process. In this way all discharges of process water to the surface waters will be eliminated. Consequently the requirement to obtain NPDES permits for the discharge of process water will be voided. As you willnote from Application No.. NC0083780, the Hickory facility already operates a recycle system that is permitted under Permit No. WQ0004266, therefore only the Newton facility will require a new recycling system. We respectfully request that you: 1, Void the NPDES permit application lbr the Hickory application fee to the undersigned. a y and refund the 2. Void the NPDES permit application for the Newton facility and credit the application fee towards our application for a recycle facility. The permit application is currently being prepared and will be forwarded to you in due course, I trust that you will agree that this is a preferable course of action for American Concrete Products, Inc. since it will entirely eliminate process water discharges from the two plants. If you have any questions or comments concerning this letter please contact the undersigned. Y©sincerely, Dr. David P. Baden. cc. Mr. Michael. Parker, NCDEHNR Mooresville Regional Office / Mr. Andy Stankwytch, American Concrete Products, Inc. NG AND E 0N5Uti1N6 Mr. Michael Parker NCDEHNR 919 North Main Street. Mooresville North Carolina 28115. Dear Mr. Parker: 3680 IAKEV1EW DRIVE PFAFFTOWN, N.E. 27040 U.S.A. PHONE: (919) 922-4863 FAX: (919) 922-5260 November 9, 1993 I am writing to outline in concept form our plans for the separation of process water and storm water at the Hickory ants. ° .;pants of American Concrete Products, Inc. At both of these plants there is some mixing of process and storm water which, on occasion results in discharges to the local surface waters. The discharge of storm water will be regulated by the General Permit for our industry group and we were in the process of making an application for a permit to discharge process water from both plants (Application Nos, NC0083801 and NC0083780), At the recent meeting with Mr, Andy Stankwytch you requested that we draw up plans to separate storm water from process water and recycle the process water so that process water permits would not be required. We agreed to study this and, following our investigation, we believe that your suggestion is feasible. We, therefore, would like you to review the following conceptual plans. If these meet with your approval we will proceed to draw up full engineering plans. 1. Hickory: Please see attached concept sketch, There are three sources of process water at the site. These are: - the concrete manufacturing plant the truck bowl cleaning operation - the concrete reclamation facility. Water from these sources is collected in, a retention pond for recycling. The topography of the plant is such that storm water flows through the concrete manufacturing plant and also across the plant yard into the retention ponds, During periods of heavy rain, this storm water causes the retention ponds to overflow resulting in discharges of mixed storm water and process water to Lyle Creek. Our plan is to construct berms around the concrete manufacturing plant and the concrete reclamation plant to divert the storm water away from the sources of process water. Truck washing will be conducted inside the berm that surrounds the retention pond so that all run-off from this operation will be trapped in the ponds. Process water from the concrete plant will be prevented from coming into contact with storm water by being captured by the berm and directed to an underground drain that will convey it to the retention pond. In this way all process water will be collected in the retention pond, from which it will be recycled into the concrete manufacturing process, Storm water from the plant yard will be diverted around the retention pond by a second system of berms and will be channeled directly into the feeder to Lyle Creek. In this way the mixing of storm and process waters will be eliminated, storm water will be directed into the Lyle Creek feeder and process water will be recycled into the concrete plant. The storm water will be regulated by the General Industry NPDES Storm Water Permit and, since there will be no discharge of process water, a NPDES Process Water Permit should not be required. 2. Newton Please see attached concept sketches. There are two sources of process water at the site. These are: - the concrete manufacturing plant - the truck bowl cleaning operation. Water from the concrete plant flows through a concreted channel into a retention system for clarification and, from there into McLin Creek. Water from the truck bowl cleaning operation is collected in a retention pond where the solids are allowed to settle before they are pumped out and stored on the site for future use as landfill. The topography of the site is such that during heavy rain storm water flows into the concreted channel where it is mixed with the process water and is subsequently discharged into McLin Creek. Storm water also flows into the truck wash retention pond which causes it to overflow into the creek, Truck cleaning to remove residual concrete will be discontinued at this site and will be transferred to the Hickory facility. This will eliminate one of the sources of process water. A berm will be constructed along the concreted channel to divert storm water run-off from the plant yard away from the process water. A. new retention pond system will be constructed alongside the existing process water drain to trap and clarify process water for recycling into the concrete manufacturing process. This will be achieved by increasing the height of the concrete retaining wall along the existing drain and excavating new settlement ponds parallel to the drain. We estimate that the new retention system will be approximately 15 feet wide by 25 feet long. It will be composed of two chambers, the primary chamber being 10 feet long and 6 feet deep, and the secondary chamber being 15 feet long and decreasing in depth from 6 feet to ground level. Water from the secondary chamber will be pumped to the concrete plant for re -use. We believe that these changes will effectively separate process water and storm water. All storm water will be discharged into McLin Creek while all process water will be recycled, The storm water discharge will be regulated by the General Industry NPDES Storm Water Permit and, since there will be no discharge of process water, a NPDES Process Water Permit should not be required. We would like to meet with you to review these concepts to ensure that they satisfy your requirements, If you approve them, we will proceed to prepare full engineering plans. I would like to assure you that American Concrete Products, Inc. wishes to work with you in a timely manner to resolve this situation. Yours ncerely, Dr, David P. Boden CONCRETE RESIDUES PROPOSED BERM OFFICE :nsy AGGREGATES STREET HICKORY PLANT RECLAMATION PLANT RETENTION POND PROPOSED BERM STORM WATER RUNOFF ROUTES NEWTON PLANT ••tMilo fillips -tr�rrr ttrt• McLIN CREEK EXISTING TRUCK WASH WASTE CONCRETE om zz 00 Z 41 CULVERT ......,+..i:: +' r. Naircriusrill '''t*_rtttEtlt�rr�rrr�rr�rr +ter 81,4 °Si rr rr�rr�rr�r�umittt�tt� rra► �rrrt�t�� ,.tBRUSHY SLOPE � ttttr.mtrt�rrrrirr err +. los .. ` •err err, ,��rrr'rr �jer�� err.► o �� rr t� tttl • rr�rr-arr�ur�r tttt/ RETENTION POND E. PROPOSED NEW RETgNTION POND NEW BERM STREET TRUCK RAMP SHED STORM WATER FLOW ROUTES CONCRETE PLANT OFFICE NEW RETENTION POND -- NEWTON PLANT PLAN ELEVATION r A 14" RCP EXISTING CONCRETE DRAIN 15' Ir# .g/ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ,ZZZFZZZZZ, 10' END ELEVATION a 15' 15' SEAL EXISTING 14" RCP WALL BUILT UP 3' EXISTING "'IC— CONCRETE DRAIN NEW RETENTION POND -- NEWTON PLANT