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SW8930405_Historical File_20210730
)EMLR er Section ial Drive Extension m, NC 28405 U.S. POSTAGE»PITNEY 80WES 4;1 ZIP 28405 $ 000.510 02 4YY 0000.371121AUG. 03.2021. JT"( NCAL Acquisition I, Inc. Attn: Blanco Tackabery & Matamoros P.A. Registered Ag,-nr �_ e��. 8 West 3rd Stl v � � 74 . - E AGeS .�' z 1 od 1L '' T'Suite 565 1 LOL f'�3�LL'&aAS s ' i. E :a 'Ais' B6, s S S F. 0 Winston-Saler E._ 70 ,A 284955406,27 93 pa gy ggq g g r�pg3 ggg gg g g q .. .. i �' s `l" �4 8#tl4dk't 8$ �� 9 tlip84Nv�1 i99tl�tl F#1 1 tli tlaU gtl$'� tl��98��9>fil 271 V, DI ROY COOPER Cnueerwr DIONNE DEW-GATTI BRMN VAENN NORTH CAROLINA DkwMr s EW*wuneWWQuaft July 30, 202.1 NCAL Acquisition I, Inc. Attn. Blanco Tackabery & Matamoros, P.A., Registered Agent 8 West 31d St, Ste 565 Winston-Salem, NC 27101 Subject: Stormwater Permit Renewal Request and Transfer Request State Stornrwater Management Permit No, SWS 930405 Somerset Court Of Newport Carteret County Dear Permittee: State Stormwater Management Permit #SW8 930405 for the subject project expired on September 24, 2015. This is a reminder that permit renewal applications are due 180 days prior to their expiration per 15A NCAC 211.1045(3). North Carolina General Statutes and the Coastal Stormwater rules require that this property be covered under a stormwater permit. Failure to maintain a permit subjects the owner to assessment of civil penalties. Please submit a complete permit renewal form along with a $505.00 fee and other submittal requirements within 30 days. The permit renewal form can be found on our website at: https:� d�,q.nc.goi,:'about'diN,isions; energX- rnineral-and-land-resources/ston—nwater,'storm.water-program!post-constructior: =. Also, it was noted in the file review that a designer's certification that the project was constructed in accordance with the approved plans as required by the permit has not been submitted_ Please include this with your application. Permits are not automatically transferred when the property ownership changes. If this property has had an ownership change, a permit transfer application form along with the submittal requirements will also need to be submitted. This form can also be found on the website provided above. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact Ashley Smith at (910) 796-7215 or asWeym.smith@ncdenr.gov. Sincerely, CL—.k� ��M � Brian Wrenn, Director Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources DES/am& V,\StormwaterTermits & Pr*ctsx.1993\930405 HD\2021 07 req_ren 930405 cc: Blanco Tackabery & Matamoros, P.A., Registered Agent; NCAL Acquisition I, Inc.; P.O. Drawer 25008; Salem, NC 27114 Newport Health Holdings, LLC; New Property Owner; P.O. Box 26255; Winston Salem, NC 27114 Stoneville Acceptance, LLQ Registered Agent for New Property Owner; 101 S Stratford Rd. Suite 210; Salem, NC 27104 Wilmington Regional Office File Winston- Winston - North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I DMsion of t ixryy. Mineral and Land Reso aces Wilmington Neuronal Office 1 127 Cardinal Drive Extension I WfGntngton: North Car©hna 28405 n ertorw.ioae.r 910.7%.721i - Upload a PDF Filing • Order a Document Online - Add Entity to My Email Notification List - View Filings Non -Profit Corporation Legal Name NCAL-ACQUISITION I, INC. Prev LegaL Name NCAL-HAMLET Information Sosld: 0457414 Status: Current -Active O Date Formed: 4/24/1998 Citizenship: Domestic Annual Report Due Date: Registered Agent: Blanco Tackabery & Matamoros, P.A. Addresses Reg Office 110 South Stratford Rd Fifth Floor Winston-salem, NC 27104 Reg Mailing PO Drawer 25008 Winston-salem, NC 27114 Officers Mailing 8 West 3rd St, Ste 565 (forsyth County) Winston-salem, NC 27101 ,EMLR GR FTEM, 5905R : ' * ' '" U.S. POSTAGE>> PITNEY BOWES N207-4 er Section C 96 AM� AMMMMMMMMM ial Drive Extension n, NC 28405 E: 4 16' ZI1VVP 28405 $000.465 02 0001399346AUG 25 2016 Kenneth B. Compton, Presiclen�t� NCAL-Acquisition 1, Inc. 8 W. Third St. Winston -Sale S S N D ER A T TE' r� P T E Z NOT KM�Vi ANK 6C; 2941SS54-3627 27"f-*ZrfS5te._- Energy, Mineral & Land Resources ENVIRONMENTAL, QUALITY August 23, 2016 Kenneth B. Compton, President NCAL-Acquisition I, Inc. 8 W. Third Street, #565 Winston-Salem, NC 27101 Subject: Notice of Permit Extension and Renewal Request State Stormwater Management Permit No. SW8 930405 Somerset Court of Newport Carteret County Dear Mr. Compton: PAT McCRORY Governor DONALD R. VAN DER VAART secretary TRACY DAVIS Director Effective August 1, 2013 the State Stormwater program has been transferred from the Division of Water Quality (DWQ) to the Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources (DEMLR). All previous references to DWQ will remain in older stormwater permits issued prior to August 1, 2013 until they are modified, transferred, or renewed. Please note that this letter references DEMLR as the Division responsible for issuance of the permit. On August 5, 2009, the Governor signed Session Law 2009-406. This law impacted any development approval issued by the former Division of Water Quality under Article 21 of Chapter 143 of the General Statutes, which was current and valid at any point between January 1, 2008, and December 31, 2010. The law extended the effective period of any stormwater permit that was set to expire during this time frame to three (3) years from its current expiration date. On August 2, 2010, the Governor signed Session Law 2010-177, which granted an extra year for a total of four (4) years extension. Accordingly, this permit, which was set to expire on September 24, 2011, shall now be effective from the date of issuance until September 24, 2015, which includes all available extensions. On September 24, 2001, State Stormwater Management Permit #SW8 930405 for the subject project was transferred and re -issued to NCAL-Acquisition I., Inc. and expired on September 24, 2015 and as noted above. Per 15A NCAC 2H.1003(h) (the stormwater rules), applications for permit renewals shall be submitted 180 days prior to the expiration of a permit and must be accompanied by a processing fee, which is currently set at $505.00. If this is still an active project, please complete and submit a renewal application prior to September 26, 2016. The renewal application can be found at the following website under the Applications Forms section: littn-:!!d— lc,.gov/about!di..visions/eneraiv-m neral-land- rnsrurce5`enersa,sineral-land-i) rmits/stoi-inwater-! eni?its!fc-rms'. Please note that if they have not already been submitted to the Division, the permit renewal request must be accompanied by the required Designer's Certification and the recorded documents (if applicable). If this project has not been constructed and a permit is no longer needed, please submit a request to have the permit rescinded. Please be advised that until you submit the required Name/Ownership Change Form to the Division and receive approval from the Division to transfer the permit or, if the site has not been built, submit a request to rescind the permit and receive approval, you are required to comply with the terms, conditions and limitations of the Stormwater Management Permit under Title 15A North Carolina Administrative Code 211.1003 and North Carolina General Statute 143-214.7. This includes providing the necessary operation and maintenance of the permitted stormwater system. The Name/Ownership Change Forms are available on our website at: Mips://dgq.nc.gov,about!divi-,ions/e1.-i�W-nneral-land-resources_!en_e;-&-n�ipgral.-land- enn i tsistormwater-perlr itg/forms. State of North Carolina I Environmental Quality I Energy, Mineral and Land Resources Wilmington Regional Office 1 127 CarclinaiDriru Extension I Wilmington. NC 28405 910 796 7215 State Stormwater Permit No. SW8 930405 Page 2 of 2 The operation of the stormwater treatment system without a valid and active permit, and/or failure to provide the Designer's Certification and/or failure to operate and maintain the stormwater treatment system, are violations of NCGS 143 Article 21 and may result in appropriate enforcement action. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact Christine Hall at (910) 796-7215 or christine.hall@ncdenr.gov. Sincerely, SLV Tracy Davis, P.E. Director Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources GDS/canh: %StormwaterTermits & Projects119931930405 HD12016 08 req_ren 930405 cc: Wilmington Regional Office File State of North Carolina I Environmental + Quality I Energy, Mineral and Land Resources Wilmtngtop Regional Office 1 127 Cardinal Drive Extension ! Wilmington, NC 28405 910 796 7215 Corporations Division Page 1 of 1 North Carolina q Elaine F ars ' E PAIR M E NT OF -r IE Secretary �S-ECRETARYOFSTATE PO Box 29E22 Rsleia e, NC t 7t 26-0822 (919)i U i-2DfA7 Click Here To: View Document Filings Corporate Names Legal: NCAL-ACQUISITION I, INC. Prev Legal: NCAL-HAMLET Non -Profit Corporation Information Sosld: 0457414 Status: Current -Active Annual Report Status: Not Applicable Citizenship: Domestic Date Formed: 4/24/1998 State of Incorporation: NC Registered Agent: Blanco Tackabery & Matamoros, P.A. Corporate Addresses Reg Office: 110 South Stratford Rd Fifth Floor Winston-salem, NC 27104 Mailing: 8 West 3rd St, Ste 565 (forsyth County) Winston-salem, NC 27101 Reg Mailing: PO Drawer 25008 Winston-salem, NC 27114 Account Login Register ht.tps://www.sosne.gov/Search/profcorp/4695330 8/19/2016