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SW8160216_Historical File_20160310
MEMORY TRANSMISSION REPORT TIME :03-10-2016 15:46 FAX NO.] NAME FILE NO. 757 DATE 03.10 15:44 TO 97916760 DOCUMENT PAGES 10 START TIME 03.10 15:44 END TIME 03.10 15:46 PAGES SENT 10 STATUS : OK ***SUCCESSFUL TX NOTICE*** stmk•;t of 1Vf4wrt4 carotin: xpopm-amaeat or am -A +o—wmw at 4CbmMsty wumtnotoa aunee FWtAIcGS�vey GO^woraor FAX. G'4VEEt Siiif.'�.'T Dwrar�d li vms dar Vaca�K titcrotary - To= Fes: Jn C_aa.am P%o - (9101796-7336 (aim 350- a" 127 Ca.d xml Dv— NO 2 405 • (930) 796-7215 • Aa M pWd C4W6Wt—&V Affl f arc AMCUM Bmploy� State of North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Wilmington Regional Office PatMcCrory, Governor FAX COVER SHEET Do=MA van der Vaart, Secretary Date: /�0//� No. Pages (excl. cover): To: C-- ���,5 /��l -5 From: 7o Casmer Co: �/"/�U�� �� �` u Phone: (910) 796-7336 Fax: "[o f� d Fax: (91, 350-2004 127 Cardinal Otivc Exteagon, Wibnington, NC 28405 * (910) 796-7215 9 An Eq* Oppoihudy Affirmative Action EmPloyer PARAMOUNTE E N G 1 N E E F? 1 N CC, 1 N G_ 5 9 1 1 OLEANDER DRIVE, SUITE 2 0 1 W 1. M I N G T ^v N, N C 2 0 4 0 3 9 1 0- 7 9 1- 6`7 0 7 ( O) 9 1 0- 7 9 1- 6 7 6 0 ( F) L F T T F. R n F T R A N C M T T 'T' A T- To: NCDENR Date 03/08/16 127 Cardinal Drive Ext. Wilmington, NC 28403 Re: Cameron Trace Response Submittal Ann: Christine Hall Pro'ectNo. I 15255YE e are se n ® Originals ❑ Prints ❑ Shop Drawings ❑ Calculations he following items: ❑ Correspondence ❑ Plans ❑ Specifications ❑ Other as listed below Quantity Date Dwg. No. Description 1 Comment Response Letter 1 Supporting Documents and Calculations asue Status: ® For Approval ❑ As Requested ❑ Construction ❑ Bid ❑ For Your Use ❑ For Review and Comment ❑ Approved as Noted ❑ See Remarks JAction Taken: ❑ No Exceptions Taken ❑ Make Corrections Noted ❑ Amend & Resubmit ❑ Rejected See Remarks ❑ Approved as Submitted ❑ Other marks: Chris Millis, N.E. ARAMQUNT E N G 1 N E E R. 1 N G, 1 N C. March 8, 2016 NCDENR Attn: Christine Hall c ����� 127 Cardinal Drive Extension G Wilmington, NC 28405 MAR 0 � 2016 Subject: Request for Additional Information BY: Stormwater Project NO. SW8 160216 Cameron Trace, New Hanover County Dear Ms. Hall, On behalf Crosswind Development, Inc., we are submitting a response to your request for additional information letter dated March 7, 2016. Please find your requests listed below with our response provided in bold. 15 A NCAC 02H. 1 003(h)(3): According to the New Hanover County GIS Map and Tax records, it appears that the property associated with this project is owned by Dewitt Three, LLC. Please note that the permit can only be issued to the developer or owner. Please confirm the current owner of the property and the intended permittee. Since the parent survey is broken up in many "Tracts" I can understand the confusion when looking at NHC GIS / sales. Please note that the ownership you reference in your comment of "Dewitt Three" is in regard to "Tract 5" (see attached Map Book 61, Page 95) which has nothing to do with the project we are permitting and should be treated as an adjoining property. Note that the deed in our submittal package covers the proposed development (Tracts 2 and 3 according to the attached Map referenced in the deed) and that all forms are executed according to the current owner. 2. 15 A NCAC 02H.1003(g)(7): Plan sheet C-3.0 includes a note that curb underdrains will be installed in the vicinity of the stormwater catch basins. Please provide an explanation of the purpose for these underdrains, a detailed of the proposed underdrains, and confirmation that they will not impact the stormwater system. Please note that the purpose of the curb underdrains is to maintain the integrity of the proposed roadway as required by the Geotechnical Engineer of record. These underdrains are located periodically at roadway low points to properly convey groundwater way from the asphalt pavement section as a preventative measure to combat against any restricting soil layers preventing infiltration into the subsoil. The geotechnical measures address the ability of precipitation to properly infiltrate into the soil through existing confining soil layers. The underdrains are a common construction measure that serves to extend the longevity of the proposed roadway and has no impact on the treatment ability of the proposed Stormwater BMPs. In fact it can be argued that allowing stormwater runoff to properly infiltrate the subsoil, into an underdrain, which is then conveyed to the BMP is'a positive measure in place of 5 9 1 1 O L E A N D E R D R I V E, B T E. 20 1, W I L M I N G T O N, N C 2 B 4 0 3 F H: (9 1 O) 7 9 1 - 6 7 0 7 F A X: (9 1 O) 7 9 1 - 6 7 6 0 stormwater hitting a confining soil layer until ground saturation is achieved and leading to more surface runoff. 3. 15 A NCAC 02H.1003(c)(3): The storage volume must be discharged at a rate equal to or less than the pre -development discharge rate for the 1-year, 24-hour storm. Please list the pre -development discharge rate for the 1-year, 24-hour storm on the wet detention basin supplements under the Drawdown Calculations sections and provide any necessary supporting calculations. • Please find the required 1-year, 24 hour storm information provide on the revised supplement forms and all necessary supporting calculations. 4. Recommendations: a. Please confirm the coordinates provided in Section 1.4 of the application and in the narrative. The provided coordinates locate this site in the Atlantic Ocean. Accurate coordinates help to improve the permit mapping tools available on the DEMLR website. • Please find updated on the application and narrative (attached) b. In the future, please use the latest forms available on the DEMLR website. The submitted application is from 2009. This form was updated in 2013 and is available with the other application documents on the following website: http://deg. nc.gov/about/d ivisions/energy-mineral-land-resources/energy- minera I -la nd-permits/stormwater-pros ram • Please note that we download the latest forms at the commencement of requesting an express date and had our client sign the forms, unfortunately some forms may have changed since that time and we will be sure to update for future submittals. 5. Due to the minor nature of these comments, the express additional information review fee has been waived. • Noted 6. Please keep in mind that changing one number may change other numbers and require the calculations, supplements, and other supporting documentation to be updated. Verify all numbers are correct to ensure consistency in the application documents. • Noted Thank you for your attention to this matter, and please feel free to call with any questions at 910.791.6707. Sincerel is Mi is, PE Paramounte Engineering, Inc. 5 9 1 1 D L E A N D E R D R I V E, 5 T E. 20 1, W I L M I N G T O N, NC 2 8 4 D 3 P H: (9 1 D ) 7 9 1 - 6 7 0 7 F A X: (9 1 D ) 7 9 1 - 6 7 6 D Basic Map Al w March 7, 2016 Addresses City Limits Schools Parcels Landmarks Parks !� Cemeteries 1-W , � �23 ® 6010 oQ 1 I LQK r1U <111Mn� 1:8, 000 0 0.05 0.1 0.2 mi 0 0.1 0.2 0.4 km MAR 0 8 2016 New Hanover Coudy, NO BY: GIs Services New 119mver Courty, NC AS* potwop MOW Sam 406"0m t 4MMWhM t, 4010. OMPY'Wr WS NAT *AS M4W# VAM AW 2ftRAM AW AN ACAM WOCY WA WOW VY UMWtw ("M CMNPVM NEW^= AS OOW A, MW ZWO* NAT M4N 00 HOT S*WIW Aft *^iLY X='M AT WAM MW -WMMVW M#O At WAT, WE *A" or param a *AWAAM Is t tow+i im*.= WM PR&OWN A004ftWft WM " 0-,V AS AMMO WIMU W VLXVAL ""Mt d=9W AWW APO WRL 110144-Y gw-Au,-w W4 KAT 6 C' A =WAY WO WWWO 00*0 #ARMS W LAM AW IS AN MVMN " JW W*nW OF A $L*2,Mft hmiag =i iW M.G.017M im Jr-46W ww ommowft C&NTY Acm CANZA",t hoc at r Fsm -MAW AM -(AMOV cowry, mmy 54F 1w &w—&rp—L*rA OKM "M mof'oft wou um-n ME ALL STAWtORY A=WbiWM AP AUDWV Vj 0411M AN M= 99 A AMr WP$6 ZftT 4, ICU A of P LOC.Afflj hew ~M MWAY MRN CAM. 114 42, MU MR F4MWW=N M",Vqw SaMs I RUV' f -ft" 00 Whr MM&M V AM OMY MCCAUM 0 s- 30 milm of ja A A wm am TAW, 1mEMttwR"4v op &ADM RiM �VaJA$W AMMAMANA Izm ft W*" WACE WrMult or aw"m 04PAIM" AMC aomnrw I M #00VORMY W1 1149? AM 7W 6004 OF TW PR&VM 000 00 VEWOM ADM AM Wf QW) A0W AAW WX KM Or SOMW ** AtY fW CC OrA&,W 1hC 0A^W M&W LNW AW MU10 Or AU WT MZW "===0m= rAa AMP WV;t—='6 I* 07LI.W=,A�= ISWAW S --m-vFAi: its Y, aq "UM40 3WrA8WV W*1W*WMWJ" UW)IAIWW OWM AP "M� 61 %0' 4� PLAT,, WM SWO ON $0 FLAT MAY WT *VbW MMM MR OM SUOM AM Sarft '0M MAUBUM Or Wiv ON of < CAPr $M ArJO "M AMOM A Id, "01 .00, 00" TRACT I 14,43 Aft A'L TRACT 2 L N19L, 4" 1001� \A' .00ex AK V14 F4 AU AK 44 "t w maw Alwl X 0 omwm#n 0A 0 StFm3a Z TRACT 4) % =99 AQ* x A" ti IA \ram TRACT 3) Aft 7RACT 5 ,6,38 Aft c 09- 4�J Algol I"- WAr Ur RMWOUNAIMM COSWALD L.L.C. & COASTAL CAROLINA DEVELOPERS, INC. t'1L'1'Q*' AS %M;# �6%wmu ki Arip '& ""SON W.VIVRY v Aw>"' NMI 10, MW BAIT" M MW KMIH QMJM OWN % X* t4M — t WAIA Ir 440 AW"I MW WAY #Vg 2W; 4w aw Book 5938 Page 1395 ECCI V MAR 0 8 2016 BY. BK: RB 5= PG: 1395 -1397 NC FEE M.OD 2015038385 RECORDELt 12H&M5 NEW HANOVER COUNTY NC REAL WrATE 02:12:52 PrA TALVAYTWUSCH BEASLEY E Tx$3w0A0 RE6lSI92ofDEEDS BY`.CAROLhUGHLEY DEPUTY ELECTRONCALLY RECORDED THE ATTORNEY PREPARING T1119DMIJbIENT HAS MADE NO RECORD SEARCH OR TITLE EXAMINATION AS TO TB$ PROPERTY HMIN DRSCRIBED, UNLESS THE SANE IS SHOWN BY HIS VAUTTEN AND SIGNED CERTMCATIL Mail after recording to: Crosswind Developmenk hm 2550 Capirtal Drive, Sta.105 Creedmoor, NC 27522 Tbis instrument was prepared by: F. Darryl M ls, PLC P. 0. Box 216 Wrightsville Beacb, NC 2M Brief description for the Inde= Tracts 2 and 3 lteoombination of Coswald, LLC and Coastal CaroXi na Developers, Inc. @0 61., Page 9S) Parcel -No: Out of -P.02700-001-004-012 & M700-001-004-014 Revenue: $ 3000.00 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF NEW HANOVIM TIUS DEED made this 17 th day of Dumber, 2015 by and between COSWALD, LLC, a North Carolina Limited Liability Compsny, ION E. Wendover Avenue, Greensboro, NC 27405 and COASTAL CAROLINA DEVELIIPFRS, WC., a North Carolina Corporation, 1030 R Wendover Avenue, Greensboro, NC 274K hereafter GRANTOR, and CROSSWIND DEVELOPM M, INC., 2WO Capitol Drive, Ste. 105, Creedmoor, NC 27522, hereafter GRANTEE. The desigmation. Gramtor and Grantee as used herein shall include said parties, their heirs, successor.% and a&4gas, and shall ride singular, phn-al, masculine, feminine or neuter sa required by omoxt. That tree Grantor, for a valuable consid� paid by the Grantee, the receipt of which is hereby acicnowledg4 has and by these prewn#s does get, bargain, sell and convey unto the Gmtee in fee simple, all that certain lot or parcel of land situated in New Hannover County, North Carolina and more particularly desen'bed as Mows: Sabuei d dlectronladly by Nathan M Gar -ran taw in eomplianee with North Carolina statates awernin¢ recordable documents and the terms of the submitter agreement with the New Hitmover ftbter of Deeds, Book 5938 Page 1396 BEING all of Tract 2 (consisting of 1.4.4 acres) and Tray± 3 (consisting of 34 acres, more or less) as shown on a plat entitled "Map of Recombination of COSWALD, L.L.C. & COASTAL CAROLINA DEVELOPERS, INC-- duly recorded in Map Book 61, Page 95, Now Hanover County Registry, reference to which is hereby made for a more particular description of same. The property hereinabove described was acquired by Grantor by instrument recorded in the New Hanover County Registry. The preparer of this instrument has been informed that property described above does not include the primary residence of the grantor, but no independent verification has been made and none is represented herein TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the aforesaid lot or parcel of land and all privileges and appurtenances thereto belonging to the Grantee in fee simple. And the Grantor covenants with the Grantee, that Grantor is seized of the premises in fee simple, has the right to convey the same in fee simple, that title is marketable and free and clear of all encumbrances, and that Grantor will warrant and defend the title against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever except: 1. All restrictive covenants of record; 2. Ad valorem taxes for the year 2015 and thereafi er; 3. All zoning, land use and planning rules, regulations, ordinances and statutes. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantor has hereunto set his hand and seal, or if corporate, has caused this instrument to be signed in its corporate name by its duly authorized officers and its seal to be hereunto affixed by authority of its Board. of Directors, the day and year first above written_ COSWALD; LLC Walter T. Wilson, Sr., Member/Manager Book 5938 Page 1397 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF Granvilla I, Nathan M. Garren , a Notary Public of the County of Granville and State aforesaid, do hereby certify that WALTER T. WIT SON, SR., personally appeared before me this day and admowledged the foregoing instrument as a Mernber/Manager of COSWALD, LLC, A WORTH CAROLINA LB&TED LIABILITY COMPANY. WITNESS my hand and official stamp or seal, this the 17th day of December, 2015, My Commission Expires: 10/08/17 (Notary Seal) NATHAN M. GARREN Notary Public North Carolina Granville County STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF Granville Notary Public COAST C LINA Q ItS, INC. Walter T. Wilson, Sr., President I, Nathan M. Garren , a Notary Public of the County of Granville and State aforesaid, do hereby certify that WALTER T. WILSON, SR., personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged the foregoing instrument as President of COASTAL CAROLINA DEVELOPERS, INC., A NORTH CAROLINA CORPORATION. WITNESS my hand and official stamp or seal, this the 17 th day of December, 2015. Notary Public My Commission Expires: 10 /08117 NA RAN 0. 6A REN Notary Public North Carolina Granville County TAMMY THEEUSCH G°v�I Y�"o BEASLEY New Hanover County o� ' n Register of Deeds = o imegister of Deeds 216 NORTH SECOND STREET • WILMINGTION, NORTH CAROLINA 28401 y Telephone 910-798-4530 • Fax 910-798-7751 1�.ausntn. .1I F—•- 0 *wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.wwww,rwwtw*wwwww*w#www*www*wwww#*www*www***w*w+r#www**wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww State of North Carolina, County of NEW HANOVER Filed For Registration: 12/04/2015 12:47;49 PM Book: PLAT 61 Page: 95-96 2 PGS $21.00 Real Property $21.00 Recorder: CAROL HUGHLEY Document No: 2015036909 wwwwwwwww**,rwwwwwww*wwwwrwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww+rww*www*,twwwwww**#w**www*rt*www**wwwwwww,►*wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww DO NOT REMOVE! This certification sheet is a vital part of your recorded document. Please retain with original document and submit when re-recording. ll iiII II BK:PLAT61 ��IIIII �I�I�II���II�IlI��I��l��ll C6 RECORDED: 2015036909 NC FEE $21 12-04-2015 NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NC 12:47:49 PM TAMMY THEUSCH BEASLEY BY: CAROL HUGHLEY REGISTER OF DEEDS DEPUTY Q rr3�7 [•] o � ❑ O Z J N O — C Q ma w 0 n�z O m -0 p r < O y S ni ri a z m = w 00 co 1D ClJ ❑ V% OD U! Nn mwuD mr Cl) r lL S W W S a� v v 0 0 8. cilm E m "c w a 0)M o ❑ E _-__,, 'v = 0 a'm m 0 >_ 0 QQ�UNZC.)35 i d J uO ❑ a U- Y� 1p n m 1p sr M N r 0 O T r N N N N N N N N W CD W W W W W W W W W N N m W m m m m 00 OD d N m m W n LO W 0 W w Of M W W r W� m n m W l6 W M m co tq x1 N a r r o 0 0 0 o r O c0+1 M O M N 'mV I!I O W W m N O N O n n m z 2 W a U W z z LLI ❑ 3. 1 i� U U U C.) U Z ❑ z ❑ ❑ z ! C7 0¢oaao cc1l��0 JZ0 0LLI0ww0 J Q J J Q m 0 o¢cnOoa.ZasaQ.Z IxU D 0 0 CM O 0 C�7 U U C9 LL O UO LL IX J O ' S ❑ ao a n WCo ❑ LLI U C7 z I a a O 1 w w w w Q Q U U U ! J z z ❑ ❑ ❑ J J J WLU U U U 3 If = Q O J Q O J W W W a Q ��am .m (9 ❑ U U U U U U❑❑❑ o 0 0 0 a o v o 0 0 0 0 m o 0 0 0 M M O r O 69 61). GF). 691 61, 6% W, L KI W W W n 'I V n CD W W pr Wi p Z I t/1 g W W Z U J m m T W R Q _a O C.)fA L) N m m o W M M m T r o r M O O O O r r T m F� m 0 0 O 7; m R N U J J LLI U � J a m oF-� J W W C LLLI G mN—w0 Q M a. co rnrng m a gym. A Cm.7 Q_ � O C C ow m Q gg m 'C m O OYa a;$U) i—>LL rs c� cs r- C. m o m m a� y ED 2 2 a a a x nswmL°2°�ooED LU wvvv� sa cncnmc9c9cnmacoCO)(0 --¢Q¢� U)000 0 N O 0 O (D 613, 613� s Energy, Mineral and Land Resources ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY March 7, 2016 Mr. William H. Wynn, President Crosswind Development, Inc. 1696 Hayes Road Creedmoor, NC 27522 Subject: Request for Additional Information Stormwater Project No. SW8160216 Cameron Trace New Hanover County Dear Mr. Wynn: PAT MCCRORY Governor DONALD R. VAN DER VAART Secretary TRACY DAVIS Director The Wilmington Regional Office received and accepted an Express State Stormwater Management Permit Application for Cameron Trace on February 25, 2016. A preliminary in-depth review of that information has determined that the application is not complete. The following information is needed to continue the stormwater review: o\L V,1. 15A NCAC 02H. 1003 (h)(3): According to the New Hanover County GIS Map and Tax records, it appears that the property associated with this project is owned by Dewitt Three, LLC. Please note that the permit can only be issued to the developer or owner. Please confirm the current owner of the property and the intended permittee. 2. 15A NCAC 02H.1003(g)(7): Plan sheet C-3.0 includes a note that curb underdrains will be installed in the vicinity of the stormwater catch basins. Please provide an explanation of the purpose for these underdrains, a detail of the proposed underdrains, and confirmation that they will not impact the stormwater system. 1,/3. 15A NCAC 02H.1005(c)(3): The storage volume must be discharged at a rate equal to or less than the pre -development discharge rate for the 1-year, 24-hour storm. Please list the pre - development discharge rate for the 1-year, 24-hour storm on the wet detention basin supplements under the Drawdown Calculations sections and provide any necessary supporting calculations. 4. Re co mendations: a Please confirm the coordinates provided in Section I.4 of the application and in the narrative. The provided coordinates locate this site in the Atlantic Ocean. Accurate coordinates help to improve the permit mapping tools available on the DEMLR website. rfo r b. In the future, please use the latest forms available on the DEMLR website. The submitted application is from 2009. This form was updated in 2013 and is available with the other application documents on the following website: hqp://deg.nc. goy/about/divisi ons/energy-mineral-land-resources/energy-mineral-land- ep nnits/stormwater-program 5. Due to the minor nature of these comments, the express additional information review fee has been waived. 6. Please keep in mind that changing one number may change other numbers and require the calculations, supplements, and other supporting documentation to be updated. Verify all numbers are correct to ensure consistency in the application documents. Please note that this request for additional information is in response to a preliminary review. The requested information should be received in this Office prior to March 14, 2016, or the application will be returned as incompiete. if the project is returned an you wish to re -submit to the Express Program, you will need to reschedule the project through the Express Coordinator for the next available review date and will need to resubmit all of the required items at that time, including the application fee. State of North Carolina I Environmental Quality I Energy, Mineral and Land Resources 127 Cardinal Drive Fxtensinn I Wilmington, NC 2.9405 910 796 7215 T 1 910 350 2004 F I httn://nortal.nedenr.ore/web/Ir/ State Stormwater Permit No. SW8 160216 Page 2 of 2 If you need additional time to submit the information, please email or fax your request for a time extension to the Division at the email address or fax number at the bottom of this letter. The request must indicate the date by which you expect to submit the required information, which shall be no later than 5 business days past the original due date. The construction of any impervious surfaces, other than a construction entrance under an approved Sedimentation Erosion Control Plan, is a violation of NCGS 143-215.1 and is subject to enforcement action pursuant to NCGS 143-215.6A. Please label all packages and cover letters as "Express" and reference the project name and State assigned project number on all correspondence. If you have any questions concerning this matter please feel free to call me at (910) 796-7215 or email me at christine.hall@ncdenr.gov. Sincerely, Christine Hall Environmental Engineer GDS/canh: \\\Stormwater\Permits & Projects\2016\160216 HD\2016 03 addinfo 160216 cc: Chris Millis, Paramounte Engineering Wilmington Regional Office Stormwater File State of North Carolina I Environmental Quality I Energy, Mineral and Land Resources 127 Cardinal Drive Extension I Wilmington, NC 28405 910 796 7215 T 1 910 350 2004 F I httn://nortal.nrdenr.ore/web/Ir/ Hall, Christine From: Hall, Christine Sent: Monday, March 07, 2016 11:39 AM To: 'Chris Millis'; 'bill@wynnhomes.com' Cc: Weaver, Cameron Subject: Cameron Trace - request for additional info Attachments: 2016 03 addinfo 160216.pdf Gentlemen, Attached is a pdf of the request for additional information regarding the stormwater application for Cameron Trace, SW8160216. Please let me know if you have any questions and/or wish to obtain a hard copy of this letter in the mail. Thank you, Christine Christine (Nelson) Hall Environmental Engineer Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources — State Stormwater Program Department of Environmental Quality 910 796 7215 office 910 796 7335 direct chdstine.hall@ncdenr.gov 127 Cardinal Drive Ext. Wilmington, NC 28405 Entail correspondence. to snd from This address is subject to the North Carolina Rub!ic Records Law and may be disclosed to ti.ird par'ies. .PAR A M o N E N CC 1 N E E Ft 1 N G, 1 N C. 5 9 1 1 OLEANDER DRIVE, SUITE 2 0 1 W ! LMIN G T ON, N- 28 4 0 3 9 1 0- 7 9 1- 6 7 0 7( O) 9 1 0- 7 9 1- 6 7 60 ( F) L E T T E R O F T R A N C M T T T A T_ To: NCDENR Date 02/25/16 127 Cardinal Drive Ext. Wilmington, NC 28403 Re: I Cameron Trace Attn: Express Stormwater Program Project No. I 15255.PE e are s ® Originals he following items: ❑ Correspondence ® Prints ❑ Shop Drawings ® Calculations ® Plans ❑ Specifications ® Other as listed below Quantity Date Dwg. No. Description 2 24"x 36" Design Documents 2 Form SWU-101 (1 original, 1 copy) 1 Form SW-401 (Wet Detention Basin Supplement(s)) 1 Operation & Maintenance Agreement(s) 1 Check for application fee 1 Stormwater Narrative & Calculations ssue Status • ® For Approval ❑ As Requested ❑ Construction ❑ Bid ❑ For Your Use ❑ For Review and Comment ❑ Approved as Noted ❑ See Remarks 'on Taken: ❑ No Exceptions Taken ❑ Make Corrections Noted ❑ Amend & Resubmit ❑ Rejected See Remarks ❑ Approved as Submitted ❑ Other emarks: PARAMOUNTE E N G 1 N E E FZ 1 N G, 1 N C_ 5 9 1 1 OLEANDER D R I V E, SUITE 2 0 1 W I L M I N G T 0 N, N C 2 9 4 0 3 9 1 0- 7 9 1- 6 7 0 7( 0) 9 1 0- 7 9 1- 6 7 6 0 ( F) L R T T R R n R T R A N¢ X4 T T T A T To: NCDENR Date 02/25/16 127 Cardinal Drive Ext. Wilmington, NC 28403 Re: Cameron Trace Attn: Christine Hall Pro'ect No. I 15255.PE e are se ndi ® Originals ❑ Prints ❑ Shop Drawings ❑ Calculations he following iterns:1 ❑ Correspondence ❑ Plans ❑ Specifications ❑ Other as listed below Quantity Date Dwg. No. Description 1 Deed Restrictions ssue Status: ® For Approval ❑ As Requested ❑ Construction ❑ Bid ❑ For Your Use ❑ For Review and Comment ❑ Approved as Noted ❑ See Remarks ction Taken: ❑ No Exceptions Taken ❑ Make Corrections Noted ❑ Amend & Resubmit ❑ Rejected - See Remarks ❑ Approved as Submitted ❑ Other Remazks: RECHIN1721) FEB 2 5 2016 Hall, Christine From: Chris Millis <cmillis@paramounte-eng.com> Sent: Thursday, February 25, 201611:55 AM To: Hall, Christine Cc: Weaver, Cameron; Tim Clinkscales; bill@wynnhomes.com Subject: Cameron Trace - Add Items Attachments: Supplement Wet Basin_Rev9_Locked-2.xis; MB 61, PG 95.pdf; revised tearsheet with survey.pdf; greenview ranches west signed survey.pdf, Stormwater Narrative Revised Page i.pdf Ms. Hall, thank you for your time today in our Express Stormwater meeting. Please find attached to this email: 1.) The most recently recorded Plat that illustrates the existing drainage easement that our Stormwater BMPs are out falling to... 2.) An updated Supplement form for Wet Pond #2... 3.) SHWT dialogue included in a revised Narrative... 4.) Wetland information / permit approvals... We will provide the original signature for the for the Deed restrictions shortly. Thank you again and have a great day. CHRIS MILLIS, PE PA R A ! E 0 " I., s PARAMOUNTE ENGINEERING, INC 5911 Oleander Drive, Suite 201 Wilmington, NC 28403 OFFICE: (910) 791-6707 FAX: (910) 791-6760 www.naramounte-eng.com L Book 61 Page 96 TAMMY THEUSCH GO�NI Y^'O BEASLEY New Hanover County Register of Deeds p Register of Deeds 216 NORTH SECOND STREET - WILMINGTION, NORTH CAROLINA 28401 Telephone 910-798-4530 - Fax 910-798-7751 x-0 jFC1E1VFt FEB 2 5 20 State of North Carolina, County of NEW HANOVER Filed For Registration: 12/04/2015 12:47:49 PM Book: PLAT 61 Page: 95-96 2 PGS $21.00 Real Property $21.00 Recorder: CAROL HUGHLEY Document No: 2015036909 DO NOT REMOVE! This certification sheet is a vital part of your recorded document. Please retain with original document and submit when re-recording. BK: PLAT 61 PnE ar.-96 RECORDED: 2016036909 NC FEE 12-04-2015 NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NC 12:47:49 PM TAMMY THEUSCH BEASLEY BY: CAROL HUGHLEY REGISTER OF DEEDS DEPUTY CAMERON TRACE NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NC STORMWATER DESIGN NARRATIVE Prepared for: Crosswind Development, Inc. 1696 Hayes Road ' Creedmoor, NC 27522 Prepared by: RECEIVE FEB 2 5 2016 BY: W/ Wf At t6 1pCt} s eceW-t_� 'rna,6,� $;gIb PAaA1\4C)U1***TTE E " 0 1 N E E R 1 N G. 1 N G, 5911 Oleander Drive, Suite 201 Wilmington, NC 28403 NC License #: C-2846 Project #15255.PE January 2016 r1 • 4 L. .._- y�} CAMERON TRACE NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA Project 415255.PE Design Narrative Soils Map USGS Map Calculations Misc. Table of Contents Page 1 CAMERON TRACE NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA Project #15255.PE DESIGN NARRATIVE Crosswind Development, Inc. proposes to construct a residential neighborhood off of Flushing Drive, approximately 0.50 miles northwest of the intersection of Flushing Drive and Retriever Lane. As a result, please find this design narrative, plans, and supporting calculations. The property is directly north of address 1609 Flushing Drive, Wilmington, NC with a latitude and longitude of 34°18'08"N, 77150'14"W (Deed Book 5938, Page 1395-1397). The property drains to an unnamed tributary to Smith Creek (C, Sw; 18-74-63). According to the NRCS Soil Survey of New Hanover County the soil across the site consists mainly of Murville (Mu), with very minor traces of Seagate (Se) and the ground cover consists of fair woodlands. All stormwater runoff will be directed by way of a storm sewer system to an adequately designed stormwater BMP. The stormwater BMP(s) on the site will include two wet detention ponds. The BMP(s) have been designed to meet the State's stormwater quality requirements, as well as, New Hanover County quantity (pre/post) demands. Please find all supported calculations within the following pages of the report. The seasonal high water table for the project was determined using good engineering judgement in coordination with the parameters described on pages 10-9 and 10-10 of the BMP manual. The elevation for the permanent pool and seasonal high water table was determined in -part by examining the depth and water -level of the existing ditch along the southern property line (nearest natural outfall to permanent pool). The issue of draining the wetlands is not a concern because we are not discharging to standing water at our outfall (we are not lower than the existing drainage outfall); therefore, the pond will function adequately to release the treatment volume in the 2-5 day requirement as stated in the statue law. In addition, since the depth of the nearest existing ditch outfall is lower than the proposed permanent pool, an elevated pool elevation from what has been proposed will not occur. Please note that in terms of the life of the vegetative shelf in times of drought, the developer will provide necessary irrigation to maintain the water surface elevation for ascetic and environmental purposes. Pagel BY: SOILS MAP ri Q a 37moo 77"5V 29'W tt 0 m z �o o 0-8 D ` AFIF 0 0 6 ig CA ig 0 O CDco O d ja o �,r W CA) CA W N a 0 4 a a 7P 50'2V W 77" 494W W USGS MAP v SUM U.B. DEPARTMENTOFTHED22ER2OR U.9.GEOLOWCAL9URVEY ho! �A�II�� Yawfmbjrtl9�re1' w`..... . ..... <a. wcx�mW"ma. w 0USTopo FCO7TR HHLQUADRANGLE NGRrR CAFOLDLA ).hM1MC�ptl6 __ iSCALE 1:24 ON 1LOOASfGm .. _ re yr �� wrwmTM�v� ssww�maiu 9COTT8 HH.L, NC mO CALCULATIONS Pond 7 - Cameron Trace NC DENR Retention Requirements Objective: design a wet detention basin wW) the following characteristics: a permanent water pool depth between 3- and 6-feet, a surface area that meets TSS removal requirements (values set by NC DENR and Included here), a forebay that is approximately 20% of the total pond volume. a temporary water pool sized to detain the initial 1.5 inch of rainfall runoff, an outlet device that drains the temporary water pool within 2-5 days, and a length -to -width ratio of approximately 3:1. Step 1: Determine the surface area ; equired for 90% TSS removal Post -Development Conditions Total Drainage Area 22.78 ACRE Value from CAD Impervious Drainage Area 10.42 ACRE Value from CAD Impervious Cover 45.7% Impervious Covem(Impervious Drainage AreaY(Total Drainage Area)*100% Elevation of Permanent Pool Surface 37.0 FT Value selected by designer Depth of Permanent Pool 7.0 FT Value selected by designer Avg. Depth of Pond 5.5 FT See Avg. Depth Calculation Elevation of Wet Detention Pond Bottom 30.0 FT (Bottom Elevatlon)=(Permanent Pool Surface Elevation) -(Depth of Permanent Pool) Approximate Pond Length 380 FT Value from CAD Approximate Pond Width 260 FT Value from CAD Len h:Width Ratio 1:1.5 Ratio= Len rdth :1 Required SAIDA Ratio for 90% TSS Removal Value from chart. Reference: "90% TSS Removal Required Permanent Pool Surface Area 28,201 SF Required Surface Area=(Required SAMA Ratio) *(Total Drainage Area) Provided Permanent Pool Surface Area 100,017 SF Interpolated value from stage -storage calculations Step 2: Determine the 1.54nch runoff elevation within the wet detention pond. Runoff Coefficient, Rv 0.462 WIN Rv=0.05+0.009"(% Impervious) Required 1.5" Runoff Volume (Volume of 57,265 CIF 1.5" Runoff Volume=1.5 lnch•Rv"1 foot/12 Temporary Pool) inch•(Total Drainage Area) Volume Below Permanent Pool 477,404 CIF Value from stage -storage calculations (cumulative pond volume at permanent pool elevation) Total Volume to be Controlled 534,669 CIF Total Volume to be Controlled=(Volume Below Permanent Pool)+(1.5" Runoff Volume) Storage Elevation at Required Volume 37.56 FT Value Is Interpolation based upon stage -storage values. See stage -storage calculations Step 3: Calculate the required forebay volume (18-22% of total pond volume) and compare to the forebay volume provided. Total Pond Volume 477,404 CF Value from stage -storage calculations Required Total Forebav Volume 95A81 CIF Forebav Volume=(Total Pond Volume)"18% Provided Forebay Volume:Total Pond Volume 19% (Provided Forebay Volume)/(Total Pond Volume)`100•i6 Step 4: Verify that time required to diawdown the 1.5-inch runoff volume Is within 2 to 5 days. Diameter of Proposed Low -flow Orifice IN Value chosen by designer Elevation of Outlet Structure FT Value chosen by designer Total Elevation Head Above Orifice 0.60 FT (Total Elevation Head Above Orifice)=(Weir Elevation) -(Elevation of Permanent Pool Surface) (Average Elevation Head Above Orillce)=((Storage Average Elevation Head Above Orifice 0.20 FT Elevation at Required Volume)+(Elevation o1 Permanent Pool Surface))/3-(Storage Elevation at Required Volume) Cd, Coefficient of Discharge 0.60 Value chosen by designer 0, Flowrate Through Low -flow Orifice 0.19 CFS Q=Cd'(Pi) ((Diameter of Orifice)'(! W12 In)]A214" "32.2' Ave a Head Ai/2 Drawdown Time for 1.54nch Runoff 3.67 DAYS (Drawdown Time)=(1.5"RunoffVolume)/Q'(1 Pond 1 - Cameron Trace Stage -Storage Calculations for Proposed Wet Detention Pond Stage/Storage Above Permanent Pool (Including Forebay) Cumulative Contour Incremental Volume, S Contour Area (SF) Volume (CF) (CF) 37.0 100,017 0 0 Permanent Pool 38.0 103,676 101,847 101,847 39.0 107,393 105,535 207,381 40.0 111,167 109,280 316,661 41.0 114,995 113,081 429,742 Stage/Storage Total Pond (Including Forebay) Cumulative Contour Incremental Volume, S Contour Area (SF) Volume (CF) (CF) 30.0 61,233 - - -Sediment Storage 31.0 65,459 0 0 -Bottom Elev. 32.0 69,800 67,630 67,630 33.0 74,254 72,027 139,657 34.0 78,820 76,537 216,194 35.0 83,500 81,160 297,354 36.0 88,292 85,896 383,250 37.0 100,017 94,155 477,404 -Permanent Pool 38.0 103,676 101,847 579,251 39.0 107,393 105,535 684,785 40.0 111,167 109,280 794,065 41.0 114,995 113,081 907,146 Forebay Cumulative Contour Incremental Volume, S Contour Area (SF) Volume (CF) (CF) 30.0 10,006 - - -Sediment Storage 31.0 11,199 0 0 Bottom Elev. 32.0 12,450 11,825 11,825 33.0 13,757 13,104 24,928 34.0 15,120 14,439 39,367 35.0 16,540 15,830 55,197 36.0 18,016 17,278 72,475 37.0 20,418 19,217 91,692 -Forebay Volume Pond 2 - Cameron Trace NC DENR Retention Requirements Objective: design a wet detention basin with the following characteristics: a permanent waterpcot depth between 3- and 6-feet, a surface area that meets TSS removal requirements (values set by NC DENR and included here), a forebay that Is approximately 20% of the total pond volume, a temporary water pool sized to detain the initial 1.5 inch of rain,'all runoff, an outlet device that drains the temporary water pool within 2-5 days, and a length -to -width ratio of approximately 3:1. Step 1: Determine the surface area required for 90% TSS removal Post -Development Conditions Total Drainage Area ACRE Value from CAD Impervious Drainage Area 4.96 ACRE Value from CAD Impervious Cover 44.6% Impervious Covem(Impervious Drainage Areay(Total Drainage Area)•f 00% Elevation of Permanent Pool Surface FT Value selected by designer Depth of Pennanent Pool FT Value selected by designer Avg. Depth of Pond 5.0 FT See Avg. Depth Calculation Elevation of Wet Detention Pond Bottom 31.0 FT (Bottom Elevation)=(Permanent Pool Surface Elevation) -(Depth of Permanent Pool) Approximate Pond Length FT Value titan CAD Approximate Pond Width FT Value from CAD Len h:Width Ratio 3:1 Ratro= Len fh mdth :1 Required SAIDA Ratio for 90% TSS Removal Value from chart Reference: "90% TSS Removal Required Permanent Pool Surface Area 16,108 SF Required Surface Area=(Required SA/DARatio)"(Total Drainage Area) Provided Permanent Pool Surface Area 28,614 SF Interpolated value from stage storage calculations Step 2: Determine the 1.5 inch runoff elevation within the wet detention pond. Runoff Coefficient, Rv 0.452 INAN Rv=0.05+0.009•(% Impervious) Required 1.5" Runoff Volume (Volume of 27,331 CF 1.5" Runoff Volume=1.5 1nch'RV'1 foot/12 Temporary Pool) inch *(Total Drainage Area) Volume Below Permanent Pool 111,142 CF Value from stage -storage calculations (cumulative pond volume at permanent pool elevation) Total Volume to be Controlled 138,473 CF Total Volume to be Controlled=(Volume Below Permanent Pool)+(1.5" Runoff Volume Elevation at Required Volume 38.82 FT Value is Interpolation based upon stage-storageStorage values. See stage -storage calculations Step 3: Calculate the required threbay volume (18-22% of total pond volume) and compare to the forebay volume provided. Total Pond Volume 111,142 CF Value from stage -storage calculations Required Total Forebay Volume 22,228 CF Forebay Volume= Total Pond Volume •18% Provided Total Forebay Volume 23,776 CF Value from stage -storage calculations Provided Forebay Volume:Total Pond Volume 21% (Provided Forebay Volume)/(Total Pond Volume)•f00% Step 4: Verify that time required to drawdown the 1.5-inch runoff volume is within 2 to 5 days. Diameter of Proposed Low -flow Orifice IN Value chosen by designer Elevation of Outlet Structure FT Value chosen by designer Total Elevation Head Above Orifice 0.95 FT (Total Elevation Head Above Orifice)=(Weir Elevation) -(Elevation of Permanent Pool Surface) (Average Elevation Head Above OAice)=((Storage Average Elevation Head Above Orifice 0.32 FT Elevation at Required Volume)+(Elevation of Permanent Pool Surface)p3-(Storage Elevation at Required Volume) Cd, Coefficient of Discharge 0.60 Value chosen by designer Q, Flowrate Through Low -flow Orifice 0.13 CFS Q=Cd'(P✓J ((Diammeter of Onfice)•(1 ft/12 in)jft2/4• •32.2• Ave a Head l/2 Drawdown Time for 1.5-inch Runoff 2.45 DAYS (Drewdown Time)=(1.5"Runoff VolumeyQ•(1 Pond 2 - Cameron Trace Stage -Storage Calculations for Proposed Wet Detention Pond Stage/Storage Above Permanent Pool (Including Forebay) Cumulative Contour Incremental Volume, S Contour Area (SF) Volume (CF) (CF) 38.0 28,614 0 0 -Permanent Pool 39.0 30,986 29,800 29,800 40.0 33,414 32,200 62,000 41.0 35,898 34,656 96,656 Stage/Storage Total Pond (Including Forebay) Cumulative Contour Incremental Volume, S Contour Area (SF) Volume (CF) (CF) 31.0 11,087 - - Sediment Storage 32.0 12,750 0 0 -Bottom Elev. 33.0 14,464 13;607 13,607 34.0 16,227 15,346 28,953 35.0 18,042 17,135 46,087 36.0 19,906 18,974 65,061 37.0 21,821 20,864 85,925 38.0 28,614 25,218 111,142 -Permanent Pool 39.0 30,986 29,800 140,942 40.0 33,414 32,200 173,142 41.0 35,898 34,656 207,798 Forebay Cumulative Contour Incremental Volume, S Contour Area (SF) Volume (CF) (CF) 31.0 2,157 - - Sediment Storage 32.0 2,547 0 0 --Bottom Elev. 33.0 2,962 2,755 2,755 34.0 3,402 3,182 5,937 35.0 3,868 3,635 9,572 36.0 4,358 4,113 13,685 37.0 4,874 4,616 18,301 38.0 6,076 5,475 23,776 --Forebay Volume Project Name: Cameron Trace T Client: Ksade-DARAMOUl`J'I`E-1 Project Number: 15255.PE Prepared By: CWM Date: 1/8/16 Basin: DA #1 [PRE] Drainage area= 86.95 acres = 0,136 mil Curve Number HSG: A B C D Sum % of Basin 495 1.0 0.0 49.5 100.0 Land Use % of Basin CN A CN B CN C CN D Weighted CN Woods - Fair 100 36 60 73 79 57.53 Sum: 100.0 Sum: 57.53 Curve numbers taken from: TR-55 Use: SS = values input by user = values calculated by spreadsheet RECEIVED MAR 0 8 1016 BY: CAFE 04 • 's .. •dam---, c� • U) 035235 J PH ER , Project Name: Client: Cameron Trace Ksede PARAlVlo Project Number. 15255.PE F. N F1 1 1tl C i is N ti c Prepared By: CWM Date: 1016 Basin: IQA *1 ;PREI Drainage area= 86.95 acres = 0.136 mil Time of Concentration Shallow Concentrated Flow Hydraulic Length = 1,290 ft. Slope = 0.4 % Grnund Cover = Woodland R-55 Calc. = 68.0 min. Channel Flow Hydraulic Length = 1,425 ft. Slope = 0.2 % Channel C.S. Area = 34 sf Channel Wetted Perm. = 21 ft n-value = 0.025 T R-55 Calc. = 6.5 min. M = 44.5 min. Project Name: Cameron Trace Client: Ksade Project Number: 15255.PE Prepared By: CWM Date: 118116 Basin: DA #1 [POST] Land Use Lots (4,000 sf/lot) Roadway Sidewalks Pond Misc. Impervious (Total) _ Open Space - Good Sum: Basin: DA #2 [POST] Area Land Use Lots (4,000 sf/lot) Roadway Sidewalks Pond impervious t i oral) _ Open Space - Good p�.RA 071'�,T'I'E Ei N Gi 1 Drainage area= 22.78 acres = 0.036 mi' Area (Ac.) Area (sf) % of Basin 7.62 332,000 2.26 98,450 0.41 17,750 2.30 100,188 0.13 5,700 12.72 55.8% 12.72 55.8% Drainage area= 11.11 acres = 0.017 mil Area (Ac.) Area (sf) % of Basin 3.40 148,000 1.13 49,150 0.18 8,000 0.66 28,615 0.25 11,000 5.62 50.6% Sum: 5.62 50.6% G iv trz MAR 0 8 20% BY: Project Name: Cameron Trace Client: Ksade Project Number: 15255.PE Prepared By: CWM Date: 1/8116 Basin: DA #1 [POST] "DAR.AMOUNTE Drainage area= 22.78 acres = 0.036 mil Land Use % of Basin CN A CN B CN C CN D Impervious 55.8 98 98 98 98 Open Space - Good 44.2 39 61 74 80 Sum: 100.0 Curve numbers taken from: TR-55 77 26.28 Sum: 81.00 Use: 81 Basin: DA #2 [POST] Drainage area= 11.11 acres = 0.017 mil Land Use % of Basin CN , Impervious 50.6 98 Open Space Good 49.4 39 Sum: 100.0 Curve numbers taken from: B C D Sum 0.0 0.0 50.0 100.0 CN B CN C CN D Weighted CN 98 98 98 49.55 61 74 80 29.41 Sum: 78.97 TR-55 Use: 7S Basin: RA-1 Drainage area= 4.76 acres = 0.007 miz Ise % of Basin I CN A CN B CN C CN D - Fair ..1001 36 60 73 79 Sum: 100.0 Curve numbers taken from: TR-55 Weighted CN 57.50 Sum: 57.50 Use: 58 Basin: RA-2 Drainage area= 14.23 acres = 0.022 miZ ,o or isasin Su.0 u.0 u.0 Su.0 Land Use % of Basin CN A CN B CN C CN D Woods - Fair 100 36 60 73 79 Sum: 100.0 Curve numbers taken from: TR-55 Weighted CN 57.50 Sum: 57.50 Use: 58 Basin: RA-3 Drainage area= 14.48 acres = 0.023 miZ Curve Number HSG: A B C D Sum % of Basin 50.0 0.0 0.0 50.0 100.0 Land Use % of Basin CN A CN B CN C CN D Weighted CN Woods - Fair 100 36 60 73 79 57.50 Sum: 100,0 Sum: 57.50 Curve numbers taken from: TR-55 Use: 58 Basin: RA-4 Drainage area= 19.58 acres = 0.031 mil Land Use % of Basin CN A CN B CN C CN D Woods - Fair 1001 36 60 73 79 Sum: 100.0 Curve numbers taken from: TR-55 Weighted CN 57.50 Sum: Si.50 Use: 58 4 Project Name: Cameron Trace {'�� T Client. Ksade PARR TE Project Number: 15255.PE r w n a c a, r w� � aw c� Prepared By. CWM Date: 1/8/16 P-asin: DAL #t [PO-T., Drainage area= 22.78 acres _ 0.03u m12 Time of Concentration Sheet Flow Hydraulic Length = 150 ft. Slope - 2 % Ground Cover = Grassed n-value = 0.15 T TR-55 Calc. = 11.4 min. Sheet Flow Hydraulic Length = 125 ft. Slope = 0.7 % Ground Cover = Pavement n-value = 0.011 T TR-55 Calc. = 1.9 min. Pipe Flow Hydraulic Length = 1,490 ft. Slope = 0.3 % Pipe C.S. Area = 3.14 sf Pipe Wetted Perm. = 6.3 ft n-value = 0.013 TR-55 Calc. = 6.3 min. 19.6 min. Basin: DA #2 [POST] Drainage area= 11.11 acres = 0.017 mil I7me of Concentration Sheet Flow Hydraulic Length = 150 ft. Slope = 2 % Ground Cover = Grassed n-value = 0.15 T TR-55 Calc. = 11.4 min. Sheet Flow Hydraulic Length = 125 ft. Slope - 0.7 % Ground Cover = Pavement n-value = 0.011 T TR-55 Calc. = 1.9 min. Pipe Flow Hydraulic Length = 1,000 ft. Slope = 0.3 % Pipe C.S. Area = 3.14 sf Pipe Wetted Perm. = 6.3 ft n-value = 0.013 T TR-55 Calc. = 4.2 min. T = 17.5 mi— Basin: RA-1 Drainage area= 4.76 acres = 0.007 mil Time of Concentration Shallow Concentrated Flow Hydraulic Length = 800 ft. Slope = 0.6 % Ground Cover = Woodland T TR-55 Calc. = 34.4 min. Channel Flow Hydraulic Length = 575 ft. Slope = 0.3 % Channel C.S. Area = 16 sf Channel Wetted Perm. = 14 ft n-value = 0.025 T (TR-55 Calc.) = 2.7 min. T. = 37.1 min. V. .I BEAR 0 8 2a�s Basin: RA-2 Drainage area= 14.23 acres = 0.022 miZ Time of Concentration Shallow Concentrated Flow Hydraulic Length = 1,360 ft. Slope = 0.3 % Ground Cover = Woodland T TR-55 Calc. = 82.8 min. Channel Flow Hydraulic Length = 575 ft. Slope = 0.3 % Channel C.S. Area = 16 sf Channel Wetted Perm. = 14 ft n-value = 0.025 T TR-55 Calc. = 2.7 min. T. = 85.5 min. Basin: RA-3 Drainage area= 14.48 acres = 0.023 miZ Time of Concentration Shallow Concentrated Flow Hydraulic Length = 790 ft. Slope = 0.6 % Ground Cover = Woodland T (TR-55 Calc.) = 32.7 min. IT, = 32.7 min. Basin: RA-4 Drainage area= 19.58 acres = 0.031 miZ Time of Concentration Shallow Concentrated Flow Hydraulic Length = 1,900 ft. Slope = 0.4 % Ground Cover = Woodland T TR-55 Calc. = 100.1 min. Channel Flow Hydraulic Length = 1,425 ft. Slope = 0.2 % Channel C.S. Area = 34 sf Channel Wetted Perm. = 21 ft n-value = 0.025 T -55 Calc. = 6.5 min. ITC = 106.6 min. ri MAR 882016 Br Project Name: Cameron brace Client: Ksade ��j�0� Project Number: 15255.PE E N a 1 " E L FC I N cm 1 N Prepared By: CWM Date: 1/8/16 PRE / POST SUMMARY Outfall A: PRE Outfall A: POST Qlyr.= 15.2 Cfs Qlyr,= 14.2 Cfs Q2yr.= 25.7 Cfs Q2yr.= 24.5 cfs Qioyr.= 79.9 Cfs Qioyr.= 76.6 Cfs Q25yr.= 107.0 Cfs Q25yr.= 100.4 Cfs Qiooyr.= 161,0 Cfs Qiooyr.= 159.8 Cfs tAAR BY: 1S 2S ?.3Sr 6S 78 9S PRE-0UTFALL A DA-1 OST DA-2 ' OST 1 RA-2 RA-3\ 4 A4P 5P Z10k POND-1 POND-� / OFFSITE BYPASS jjr 8L POST-0UTFALL A I VE t�l�R 4 sNs � r ` O'Subcat Reach. on jUnkj Routing Diagram for CAMERON TRACE Prepared by Paramounte Engineering, Inc., Printed 1/8/2016 HydroCADO 10.00-12 s!n 08877 0 2014 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC CAMERON TRACE Type /// 24-hr NHC-9 YEAR Rainfall=3.85" Prepared by Paramounte Engineering, Inc. Printed 1/8/2016 HydroCAD010.00-12 s/n 08877 02014 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Paae 2 Summary for Subcatchment 1S: PRE-OUTFALL A Runoff = 15.19 cfs @ 13.24 hrs, Volume= 188,802 cf, Depth= 0.60" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Weighted-CN, Time Span= 4.00-28.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Type III 24-hr NHC-1 YEAR Rainfall=3.85" Area (ac) CN Description * 86.950 58 86.950 100.00% Pervious Area Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description 68.0 1,290 0.0040 0.32 Shallow Concentrated Flow, SCF Woodland Kv= 5.0 fps 6.5 1,425 0.0020 3.67 124.62 Channel Flow, CHANNEL Area= 34.0 sf Perim= 21.0' r= 1.62' n= 0.025 Earth. arassed & windina 74.5 2,715 Total 1 Subcatchment 1S: PRE-OUTFALL A Hydrograph 1 15.19 ds I 14 EMI C -I . . -Type III 24-h r . NHC-1 YEAR Rainfall=385" Runoff-Area=86.950 ac Runoff Vq1 ne=188,862 cf.- Runoff Depth=0.60" Flow :L- eng.th=2;715' Tc=74.5 min CN=58 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 Time (hours) 20 22 24 26 ■ Runoff CAMERON TRACE Type 11124-hr NHC-1 YEAR Rainfall=3.85" Prepared by Paramounte Engineering, Inc. Printed 1/8/2016 HydroCADO 10.00-12 s/n 08877 © 2014 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 3 Summary for Subcatchment 2S: DA-1 POST Runoff = 36.15 cfs @ 12.27 hrs, Volume= 165,053 cf, Depth= 2.00" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Weighted-CN, Time Span= 4.00-28.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Type III 24-hr NHC-1 YEAR Rainfall=3.85" Area (ac) CN Description " 22.780 81 22.780 100.00% Pervious Area Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) (ft/ft) (ft/sec) (cfs) 11.4 150 0.0200 0.22 Sheet Flow, LOT -SF Grass: Short n= 0.150 P2= 4.50" 1.9 125 0.0070 1.12 Sheet Flow, PAV-SF Smooth surfaces n= 0.011 P2= 4.50" 6.3 1,490 0.0030 3.94 12.39 Pipe Channel, RCP Round 24" 24.0" Round Area= 3.1 sf Perim= 6.3' r= 0.50' n= 0.013 Concrete pipe. straight & clean 19.6 1,765 Tntal 40- " 35- 30: 25 3 20-- 0 " 15 10 Subcatchment 2S: DA-1 POST Hydrograph 36.15 cfs - Type 111'24=hr NHC-1 YEAR Rainfall=3 85" Runoff Area=22.780 ac Runoff Volume=165-,0$3-cf Runoff DeOth=2.00" Idw LerngfHm1,.7651 Tc=19.6 min -: -CN=81 , , .. , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. E . . � . v 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 1$ 20 22 24 26 28 Time (hours) Runoff . ;.I VE MAR 0 8 20 BY: CAMERON TRACE Type /ll 24-hr NHC-1 YEAR Rainfall=3.85" Prepared by Paramounte Engineering, Inc. Printed 1/8/2016 HydroCAD010.00-12 s/n 08877 ©2014 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Paae 4 Summary for Subcatchment 3S: DA-2 POST Runoff = 16.97 cfs @ 12.24 hrs, Volume= 74,304 cf, Depth= 1.84" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Weighted-CN, Time Span= 4.00-28.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Type III 24-hr NHC-1 YEAR Rainfall=3.85" Area (ac) CN Description " 11.110 79 11.110 100.00% Pervious Area Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) (ft/ft) (ft/sec) (cfs) 11.4 150 0.0200 0.22 Sheet Flow, LOT -SF Grass: Short n= 0.150 P2= 4.50" 1.9 125 0.0070 1.12 Sheet Flow, PAVE -SF Smooth surfaces n= 0.011 P2= 4.50" 4.2 1,000 0.0030 3.94 12.39 Pipe Channel, RCP 24" -Round 24.0" Round Area= 3.1 sf Perim= 6.3' r- 0.50' n= 0.013 Concrete pipe. straiaht & clean 17.5 1,275 Total Subcatchment 3S: DA-2 POST Hydrograph 18= 16.97 cfs 16 14 y 12_ 10. 3 �° 8- r� ■ Runoff _ Type III24-hr NHC-1 YEAR Rainfall=3.85'° - - ._, . _ . ... _ Runoff Area=11.110 ac Runoff Vo1um944;304 cf Runoff Depth=.1.84" Flow Length=1,275' - CN=79 . ° 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 Time (hours' lVOW vi ON BY: ■ Runoff _ Type III24-hr NHC-1 YEAR Rainfall=3.85'° - - ._, . _ . ... _ Runoff Area=11.110 ac Runoff Vo1um944;304 cf Runoff Depth=.1.84" Flow Length=1,275' - CN=79 . ° 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 Time (hours' lVOW vi ON BY: CAMERON TRACE Type /H 24-hr NHC-1 YEAR Rainfall=3.85" Prepared by Paramounte Engineering, Inc. Printed 1/8/2016 HydroCAD®10.00-12 s/n 08877 02014 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 5 Summary for Subcatchment 6S: RA-1 Runoff = 1.25 cis @ 12.65 hrs, Volume= 10,336 cf, Depth= 0.60" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Weighted-CN, Time Span= 4.00-28.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Type III 24-hr NHC-1 YEAR Rainfall=3.85" Area (ac) CN Description 4.760 58 4.760 100.00% Pervious Area Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) (ft/ft) (ft/sec) (cfs) 34.4 800 0.0060 0.39 Shallow Concentrated Flow, SCF Woodland Kv= 5.0 fps 2.7 575 0.0030 3.56 56.94 Channel Flow, Channel Flow Area= 16.0 sf Perim= 14.0' r- 1.14' n= 0.025 37.1 1,375 Total Subcatchment 6S: RA-1 Hydrograph 1.25 CfS Runoff Type III 24-hr NHC-1 YEAR Rainfall=3.85" 1. Runoff Afea=4.769 aib Runoff Volume=10,3�6 cf Runoff Depth=0.60" Flow .Length=1,375' o Tc=37.1 min CN=58 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 Time (hours) CAMERON TRACE Type M 24-hr NHC-1 YEAR Rainfall=3.85" Prepared by Paramounte Engineering, Inc. Printed 1/8/2016 HydroCAD010.00-12 s/n 08877 02014 H droCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 6 Summary for Subcatchment 7S: RA-2 Runoff = 2.30 cfs @ 13.39 hrs, Volume= 30,898 cf, Depth> 0.60" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Weighted-CN, Time Span= 4.00-28.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Type III 24-hr NHC-1 YEAR Rainfall=3,85" Area (ac) CN Description 14.230 58 14.230 100.00% Pervious Area Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) (ft/ft) (ft/sec) (cfs) 82.8 1,360 0.0030 0.27 Shallow Concentrated Flow, SCF Woodland Kv= 5.0 fps 2.7 575 0.0030 3,56 56.94 Channel Flow, Channel Flow Area= 16.0 sf Perim= 14.0' r= 1.14' n= 0.025 85.5 1,935 Total Subcatchment 7S: RA-2 Hydrograph 2.30 CfS Type III 24-hr 2 NHCA-YEAR Rainfall=3 85 Runoff Area=14.230 ac Runoff !Volume=30,8Q8 cf Runoff Depth>0.60" 3 Flow Length=1,935' o --Slopet0.0030 7' LL 1 ` Tc=85.5 :min CN=58 0 . ,.,.., 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 Time (hours) Runoff BY: CAMERON TRACE Type 11124-hr NHC-1 YEAR Rainfall=3.85" Prepared by Paramounte Engineering, Inc. Printed 1/8/2016 HydroCAD810.00-12 s/n 08877 02014 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 7 Summary for Subcatchment 9S: RA-3 Runoff = 4.02 cfs @ 12.58 hrs, Volume= 31,442 cf, Depth= 0.60" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Weighted-CN, Time Span= 4.00-28.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Type III 24-hr NHC-1 YEAR Rainfall=3.85" Area (ac) CN Description * 14.480 58 14.480 100.00% Pervious Area Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) (ft/ft) (ft/sec) (cfs) 32.7 760 0.0060 0.39 Shallow Concentrated Flow, SCF Woodland Kv= 5.0 fps WE 3 0 U- Subcatchment 9S: RA-3 Hydrograph 4.02 ds Runoff Type III 24-hr NHC-1 YEAR Rainfall=3.85" Runoff Area=14.480 ac Runoff Volume=31,442 cf Runoff Depth=0.60" Flow Length=760' Slope=0.0060 '1' Tc=32.7'min CN=58 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 Time (hours) 20 22 24 26 28 ' MAR 0 rids BY: CAMERON TRACE Prepared by Paramounte Engineering, Inc. HvdroCAD®10.00-12 s/n 08877 © 2014 HvdroO Type Nl 24-hr NHC-1 YEAR Rainfall=3.85" Printed 1/8/2016 Software Solutions Summary for Subcatchment IIS: RA-4 Runoff = 2.72 cfs @ 13.74 hrs, Volume= 42,506 cf, Depth> 0.60" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Weighted-CN, Time Span= 4.00-28.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Type III 24-hr NHC-1 YEAR Rainfall=3.85" Area (ac) CN Description 19.580 58 19.580 100.00% Pervious Area Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) (ft/ft) (ft/sec) (cfs) 100.1 1,900 0.0040 0.32 Shallow Concentrated Flow, SCF Woodland Kv= 5.0 fps 6.5 1,425 0.0020 3.67 124.62 Channel Flow, Channel Flow Area= 34.0 sf Perim= 21.0' r= 1.62' n= 0.025 106.6 3,325 Total Subcatchment 11S: RA-4 Hydrograph 3- 2.72 CfS Runoff Type III 24-hr NHC-1 YEAR 11ainfal1=3..85" Runoff Area=19.580 ac 2-- Runoff -Volume=.42,5 .6 cf Runoff Depth>0.60" Flow Length=3,325' o Tc='106.6 :min 1.. -CN=58 0 e. 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 Time (hours) BY: CAMERON TRACE Type 1/124-hr NHC-1 YEAR Rainfall=3.85" Prepared by Paramounte Engineering, Inc. Printed 1/8/2016 HydroCAM 10.00-12 s/n 08877 © 2014 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Paae 9 Summary for Pond 4P: POND-1 Inflow Area = 992,297 sf, 0.00% Impervious, Inflow Depth = 2.00" for NHC-1 YEAR event Inflow = 36.15 cfs @ 12.27 hrs, Volume= 165,053 cf Outflow = 5.59 cfs @ 13.21 hrs, Volume= 103,491 cf, Atten= 85%,, Lag= 56.6 min Primary = 5.59 cfs @ 13.21 hrs, Volume= 103,491 cf Routing by Stor-Ind method, Time Span= 4.00-28.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Peak Elev= 37.85' @ 13.21 hrs Surf.Area= 103,139 sf Storage= 86,662 cf Plug -Flow detention time= 256.4 min calculated for 103,448 cf (63% of inflow) Center -of -Mass det. time= 149.6 min ( 992.8 - 843.2 ) Volume Invert Avail.Storage Storage Description #1 37.00' 429,742 cf Custom Stage Data (Prismatic)Listed below (Recalc) Elevation Surf.Area Inc.Store Cum.Store (feet) (sq-ft) (cubic -feet) (cubic -feet) 37.00 100,017 0 0 38.00 103,676 101,847 101,847 39.00 107,393 105,535 207,381 40.00 111,167 109,280 316,661 41.00 114,995 113,081 429,742 Device Routing Invert Outlet Devices #1 Primary 37.00' 36.0" Round RCP -Round 36" X 2.00 L= 36.0' RCP, square edge headwall, Ke= 0.500 Inlet / Outlet Invert= 37.00'/37.00' S= 0.0000 'P Cc= 0.900 n= 0.013 Concrete pipe, straight & clean, Flow Area= 7.07 sf #2 Device 1 37.60' 36.0" x 84.0" Horiz. Primary Spillway C= 0.600 Limited to weir flow at low heads #3 Primary 39.50' 20.0' long x 20.0' breadth Emergency Spillway Head (feet) 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00 1.20 1.40 1.60 Coef. (English) 2.68 2.70 2.70 2.64 2.63 2.64 2.64 2.63 r=rimary OutFlow Max=5.59 cfs @ 13.21 hrs HW=37.85' (Free Discharge) RCP Round 36" (Barrel Controls 5.59 cfs @ 2.53 fps) 2=Primary Spillway (Passes 5.59 cfs of 8.33 cfs potential flow) 3-Emergency Spillway ( Controls 0.00 cfs) CAMERON TRACE Type 11124-hr NHC-1 YEAR Rainfall=3.85" Prepared by Paramounte Engineering, Inc. Printed 1/8/2016 HydroCAD®10.00-12 s/n 08877 © 2014 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 10 Pond 4P: POND-1 Hydrograph 40 36.15 Cfs ■ Inflow. Inflow Area=992,297 sf El Primary 35 Peak Elev=37.8T- 30- Storage=86,662..cf - 25� 20 c 15' 107 4 6 8 10 5.59 ds Wa.. 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 Time (hours) CAMERON TRACE Type 111 24-hr NHC-1 YEAR Rainfall=3.85" Prepared by Paramounte Engineering, Inc. Printed 1/8/2016 Software Solutions LLC Stage -Area -Storage for Pond 4P: POND-1 Elevation Surface Storage (feet) (sq-ft) (cubic -feet) 37.00 100,017 0 37.05 100,200 5,005 37.10 100,383 10,020 37.15 100,566 15,044 37.20 100,749 20,077 37.25 100,932 25,119 37.30 101,115 30,170 37.35 101,298 35,230 37.40 101,481 40,300 37.45 101,664 45,378 37.50 101,847 50,466 37.55 102,029 55,563 37.60 102,212 60,669 37.65 102,395 65,784 37.70 102,578 70,908 37.75 102,761 76,042 37.80 102,944 81,184 37.85 103,127 86,336 37.90 103,310 91,497 37.95 103,493 96,667 38.00 103,676 101,847 38.05 103,862 107,035 38.10 104,048 112,233 38.15 104,234 117,440 38.20 104,419 122,656 38.25 104,605 127,882 38.30 104,791 133,117 38.35 104,977 138,361 38.40 105,163 143,614 38.45 105,349 148,877 38.50 105,535 154,149 38.55 105,720 159,430 38.60 105,906 164,721 38.65 106,092 170,021 38.70 106,278 175,330 38.75 106,464 180,649 38.80 106,650 185,977 38.85 106,835 191,314 38.90 107,021 196,660 38.95 107,207 202,016 39.00 107,393 207,381 39.05 107,582 212,755 39.10 107,770 218,139 39.15 107,959 223,532 39.20 108,148 228,935 39.25 108,337 234,347 39.30 108,525 239,769 39.35 108,714 245,200 39.40 108,903 250,640 39.45 109,091 256,090 39.50 109,280 261,549 39.55 109,469 267,018 39.60 109,657 272,496 Elevation Surface Storage (feet) (sq-ft) (cubic -feet) 39.65 109,846 277,984 39.70 110,035 283,481 39.75 110,224 288,987 39.80 110,412 294,503 39.85 1.10,601 300,028 39.90 110,790 305,563 39.95 110,978 311,107 40.00 111,167 316,661 40.05 111,358 322,224 40.10 111,550 327,797 40.15 111,741 333,379 40.20 111,933 338,971 40.25 112,124 344,572 40.30 112,315 350,183 40.35 112,507 355,804 40.40 112,698 361,434 40.45 112,890 367,074 40.50 113,081 372,723 40.55 113,272 378,382 40.60 113,464 384,050 40.65 113,655 389,728 40.70 113,847 395,416 40.75 114,038 401,113 40.80 114,229 406,820 40.85 114,421 412,536 40.90 114,612 418,262 40.95 114,804 423,997 41.00 114,995 429,742 CAMERON TRACE Type 1/124-hr NHC-1 YEAR Rainfall=3.85" Prepared by Paramounte Engineering, Inc. Printed 1/8/2016 HydroCAD810.00-12 s/n 08877 02014 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 12 Summary for Pond 5P: POND-2 Inflow Area = 483,952 sf, 0.00% Impervious, Inflow Depth = 1.84" for NHC-1 YEAR event Inflow = 16.97 cfs @ 12.24 hrs, Volume= 74,304 cf Outflow = 5.41 cfs @ 12.72 hrs, Volume= 46,017 cf, Atten= 68%, Lag= 28.7 min Primary = 5.41 cfs @ 12.72 hrs, Volume= 46,017 cf Routing by Stor-Ind method, Time Span= 4.00-28.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Peak Elev= 39.14' @ 12.72 hrs Surf.Area= 31,324 sf Storage= 34,139 cf Plug -Flow detention time= 215.4 min calculated for 45,998 cf (62% of inflow) Center -of -Mass det. time= 106.1 min ( 953.4 - 847.2 ) Volume Invert Avail.Storage Storage Description #1 38.00' 133,825 cf Custom Stage Data (Prismatic)Listed below (Recalc) Elevation Surf.Area Inc.Store Cum.Store (feet) (sq-ft) (cubic -feet) (cubic -feet) 38.00 28,614 0 0 39.00 30,986 29,800 29,800 40.00 33,414 32,200 62,000 41.00 35,898 34,656 96,656 42.00 38,440 37,169 133,825 Device Routing Invert Outlet Devices #1 Primary 38.00' 36.0" Round RCP -Round 36" X 2.00 L= 38.0' RCP, square edge headwall, Ke= 0.500 Inlet / Outlet Invert= 38.00'/38.00' S= 0.0000 '/' Cc= 0.900 n= 0.013 Concrete pipe, straight & clean, Flow Area= 7.07 sf #2 Device 1 38.95' 36.0" x 84.0" Horiz. Primary Spillway C= 0.600 Limited to weir flow at low heads #3 Primary 40.25' 15.0' long x 12.0' breadth Emergency Spillway Head (feet) 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00 1.20 1.40 1.60 Coef. (English) 2.57 2.62 2.70 2.67 2.66 2.67 2.66 2.64 frTimary OutFlow Max=5.38 cfs @ 12.72 hrs HW=39.14' (Free Discharge) RCP_Round 36" (Passes 5.38 cfs of 10.09 cfs potential flow) 2=Primary Spillway (Weir Controls 5.38 cfs @ 1.42 fps) 3-Emergency Spillway ( Controls 0.00 cfs) CAMERON TRACE Type 111 24-hr NHC-1 YEAR Rainfall=3.85" Prepared by Paramounte Engineering, Inc. Printed 1/8/2016 HydroCAD®10.00-12 s/n 08877 02014 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 13 1 1 1 -- 1 3 0 Pond 5P: POND-2 Hydrograph 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 Time (hours) [] Inflow Primary CAMERON TRACE Type Ill 24-hr NHC-1 YEAR Rainfall=3.85" Prepared by Paramounte Engineering, Inc. Printed 1/8/2016 HydroCAD®10.00-12 s/n 08877 © 2014 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 14 Stage -Area -Storage for Pond 5P: POND-2 Elevation Surface Storage (feet) (sq-ft) (cubic feet) 38.00 28,614 0 38.05 28,733 1,434 38.10 28,851 2,873 38.15 28,970 4,319 38.20 29,088 5,770 38.25 29,207 7,228 38.30 29,326 8,691 38.35 29,444 10,160 38.40 29,563 11,635 38.45 29,681 13,116 38.50 29,800 14,604 38.55 29,919 16,096 38.60 30,037 17,595 38.65 30,156 19,100 38.70 30,274 20,611 38.75 30,393 22,128 38.80 30,512 23,650 38.85 30,630 25,179 38.90 30,749 26,713 38.95 30,867 28,254 39.00 30,986 29,800 39.05 31,107 31,352 39.10 31,229 32,911 39.15 31,350 34,475 39.20 31,472 36,046 39.25 31,593 37,622 39.30 31,714 39,205 39.35 31,836 40,794 39.40 31,957 42,389 39.45 32,079 43,990 39.50 32,200 45,597 39.55 32,321 47,210 39.60 32,443 48,829 39.65 32,564 50,454 39.70 32,686 52,085 39.75 32,807 53,722 39.80 32,928 55,366 39.85 33,050 57,015 39.90 33,171 58,671 39.95 33,293 60,332 40.00 33,414 62,000 40.05 33,538 63,674 40.10 33,662 65,354 40.15 33,787 67,040 40.20 33,911 68,732 40.25 34,035 70,431 40.30 34,159 72,136 40.35 34,283 73,847 40.40 34,408 75,564 40.45 34,532 77,288 40.50 34,656 79,018 40.55 34,780 80,753 40.60 34,904 82,496 Elevation Surface Storage (feet) (sq-ft) (cubic feet) 40.65 35,029 84,244 40.70 35,153 85,998 40.75 35,277 87,759 40.80 35,401 89,526 40.85 35,525 91,299 40.90 35,650 93,079 40.95 35,774 94,864 41.00 35,898 96,656 41.05 36,025 98,454 41.10 36,152 100,259 41.15 36,279 102,069 41.20 36,406 103,886 41.25 36,534 105,710 41.30 36,661 107,540 41.35 36,788 109,376 41.40 36,915 111,219 41.45 37,042 113,067 41.50 37,169 114,923 41.55 37,296 116,784 41.60 37,423 118,652 41.65 37,550 120,527 41.70 37,677 122,407 41.75 37,805 124,294 41.80 37,932 126,188 41.85 38,059 128,088 41.90 38,186 129,994 41.95 38,313 131,906 42.00 38,"0 133,825 BY: CAMERON TRACE Prepared by Paramounte E HvdroCAD®10.00-12 s/n 0887 Type 111 24-hr NHC-1 YEAR Rainfall=3.85" Bring, Inc. 14 HvdroCAD Software Solutions Printed 1/8/2016 Summary for Pond 10P: OFFSITE BYPASS Inflow Area = 630,749 sf, 0.00% Impervious, Inflow Depth = 0.60" for NHC-1 YEAR event Inflow = 4.02 cfs @ 12.58 hrs, Volume= 31,442 cf Outflow = 1.06 cis @ 14.16 hrs, Volume= 19,326 cf, Atten= 74%, Lag= 94.9 min Primary = 1.06 cfs @ 14.16 hrs, Volume= 19,326 cf Routing by Stor-Ind method, Time Span= 4.00-28.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs / 2 Peak Elev= 39.82' @ 14.16 hrs Surf.Area= 17,245 sf Storage= 13,377 cf Plug -Flow detention time= 260.7 min calculated for 19,318 cf (61 % of inflow) Center -of -Mass det. time= 129.6 min ( 1,061.7 - 932.1 ) Volume Invert Avail.Storage Storage Description #1 39.00' 56,948 cf Custom Stage Data (Prismatic)Listed below (Recalc) Elevation Surf.Area Inc.Store Cum.Store (feet) (sq-ft) (cubic -feet) (cubic -feet) 39.00 15,240 0 0 40.00 17,675 16,458 16,458 41.00 20,215 18,945 35,403 42.00 22,875 21,545 56,948 Device Routing Invert Outlet Devices #1 Primary 38.00' 36.0" Round RCP _Round 36" L=1,404.0' RCP, sq.cut end projecting, Ke= 0.500 Inlet / Outlet Invert= 38.00' 138.00' S= 0.0000 T Cc= 0.900 n= 0.013 Concrete pipe, straight & clean, Flow Area= 7.07 sf #2 Device 1 39.75' 48.0" x 48.0" Horiz. Orifice/Grate C= 0.600 Limited to weir flow at low heads #3 Primary 41.40' 20.0' long x 15.0' breadth Broad -Crested Rectangular Weir Head (feet) 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00 1.20 1.40 1.60 Coef. (English) 2.68 2.70 2.70 2.64 2.63 2.64 2.64 2.63 F=rim-ary OutFlow Max=1.04 cfs @ 14.16 hrs HW=39.82' (Free Discharge) RCP_Round 36" (Passes 1.04 cfs of 4.80 cfs potential flow) 2=Orifice/Grate (Weir Controls 1.04 cfs @ 0.89 fps) Broad -Crested Rectangular Weir( Controls 0.00 cfs) pY.�� CAMERON TRACE Type 1/1 24-hr NHC-1 YEAR Raintall=3.85" Prepared by Pararnounte Engineering, Inc. Printed 1/8/2016 HydroCAD@10.00-12 s/n08877 02014 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 16 Pond I OP: OFFSITE BYPASS Hydrograph 4.02 CfS LOInflow Primary 4 Inflow Area=630,740 ofPrimary Peak Elev=39,82' -Storag'e=13j377 cf- 0 2- 1.06 cfs 1 6 8 10 12 14 19 18 20 22 24 26 28 Time (hours) DOW CAMERON TRACE Type 11124-hr NHC-9 YEAR Rainfall=3.85" Prepared by Paramounte Engineering, Inc. Printed 1/8/2016 HydroCAD®10.00-12 s/n 08877 © 2014 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Pape 17 Stage -Area -Storage for Pond 90P: OFFSITE BYPASS Elevation Surface Storage (feet) (sq-ft) (cubic feet) 39.00 15,240 0 39.05 15,362 765 39.10 15,484 1,536 39.15 15,605 2,313 39.20 15,727 3,097 39.25 15,849 3,886 39.30 15,970 4,682 39.35 16,092 5,483 39.40 16,214 6,291 39.45 16,336 7,105 39.50 16,458 7,924 39.55 16,579 8,750 39.60 16,701 9,582 39.65 16,823 10,420 39.70 16,945 11,265 39.75 17,066 12,115 39.80 17,188 12,971 39.85 17,310 13,834 39.90 17,431 14,702 39.95 17,553 15,577 40.00 17,675 16,458 40.05 17,802 17,344 40.10 17,929 18,238 40.15 18,056 19,137 40.20 18,183 20,043 40.25 18,310 20,956 40.30 18,437 21,874 40.35 18,564 22,799 40.40 18,691 23,731 40.45 18,818 24,668 40.50 18,945 25,613 40.55 19,072 26,563 40.60 19,199 27,520 40.65 19,326 28,483 40.70 19,453 29,452 40.75 19,580 30,428 40.80 19,707 31,410 40.85 19,834 32,399 40.90 19,961 33,394 40.95 20,088 34,395 41.00 20,215 35,403 41.05 20,348 36,417 41.10 20,481 37,437 41.15 20,614 38,465 41.20 20,747 39,499 41.25 20,880 40,539 41.30 21,013 41,587 4135 21,146 42,641 41.40 21,279 43,701 41.45 21,412 44,769 41.50 21,545 45,843 41.55 21,678 46,923 41.60 21,811 48,010 Elevation Surface Storage (feet) (sq-ft) (cubic feet) 41.65 21,944 49,104 41.70 22,077 50,205 41.75 22,210 51,312 41.80 22,343 52,426 41.85 22,476 53,546 41.90 22,609 54,673 41.95 22,742 55,807 42.00 22,875 56,948 CAMERON TRACE Type 11124-hr NHC-9 YEAR Rainfall=3.85" Prepared by Paramounte Engineering, Inc. Printed 1/8/2016 HydroCAD®10.00-12 s/n 08877 ©2014 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Paae 18 Summary for Link 8L: POST-OUTFALL A Inflow Area = 3,787,106 sf, 0.00% Impervious, Inflow Depth > 0.80" for NHC-1 YEAR event Inflow = 14.04 cfs @ 13.02 hrs, Volume= 252,574 cf Primary = 14.04 cfs @ 13.02 hrs, Volume= 252,574 cf, Atten= 0%, Lag= 0.0 min Primary outflow = Inflow, Time Span= 4.00-28.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs i r L Link 8L: POST-OUTFALL A Hydrograph 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 Time (hours) Inflow Primary By: t- FIT rAf /olk(fallill- lo.J�Cfs a �� C5 1 0 - 1.51 Aj use 300 Outlet 120 TF. Dipe diameter 100), r T SO 4! 5 4i I 70 ilx 60 7' 40 - aw 30, + 2= 20 T I it; r f 2 .0 SC L C. 0 4k 2 ........... 3 5 I 20 so 100 200 Soo 1000 4 Discharge (ft3/Sec) 5 Curves may not be extrapolated. Figure 8.06b Desi9r. of "lle! prwecl-lon !M.-. 1 a rc-upid gipsfim ng hM, ma)pralwn 7akwater tAndfion (Tk 0.5 6-ame Mr). 8.06.4 Rev. 1203 I r9415'17- ME LYMI(e VVVCV'> MOM -Tvtjr%� gq-, 12-Af a O'A oipe diameter (Do): 110 50, i 100 :z 90-- 4 2 cr o.—k Discharge (01-sec) Curves may not he extrapolatetJ Figure 8.06b OesiV. of WtietpirtzeWontom a mmd;:r* ftwiry 'UH, max1roVin tQw.—%rcwdWon (T.2! 0.5 diameter). 8.06.4 RLY. 12)93 f 1 IZIP KAV Aflf-bk - 3 C 13 Q j -- qXT 4+- diameter (Lb)i -- LQ !, P5, NO 0 :7 LaMi4 BID 70 ar4` 60 _�q.l q C Discharge (Asec) Curves may not be extrapolated. Figure &06b Design oa. a ;a! protection from a round pike ffi�ing full. maximum tal.Wamrewd�an (Tw2 0.5 danwer). 8.06.4 Rsv. }2193 LVL)A-)L, MVPO� N lb tp, --------- a Pipe diameter G) 110 iiiE k e_r .9a V Q IN 90 Discharge (Olsec) Curves may not be extrapoiated Figure 8,05b 0"lp of o4st pmjle=tion fe-w-a a rour.eNips towing luil, mawnum tallwater condijor- fT,,k flS damwer), 8.06.4 Rev. 12193 f,i �*p Af UN �! 4 - b 5�4. ,e *3 VS T-5 V-6 . 1 -0. 44a Dips diameter La 80 70 14,60 120 110 50 1 100 Mo Uischarge, (Asec) 4- f,j z a YYY Curves may not be extrapolated O.g IT 2ckamp.:Sr). &06.4 2 Sr AM 120a �����•{'':. �_��:,`�, �,/�p!?S ��� it%�. A ff,e -77 OU'Llel --;r O.4La i2D rA diarne'erfF' 110 L VIM:: 90 go y kN Ir I i' 30 .9' 70 60 7:7-i 14 - - X 1* V-1 Ilh. M 3 5 10 20 SO ino 200 Soo Discharge (Alec) Cwrves may not be extralodlated. Figure 8.06b Gftign of. Ot.-;D:pcMcjOnfrom a rx-nid pipe Vow)nqAAl. mazin. ljv. (T. 2 aS damQ-ef), &06.4 Rtv. 12093 4;M Appendices �'�7 IC -3 0 T Outlet W : Do + Le pipe diameter (Lb) T ilwater 0.5D0 ���,all<l a o�P'0e0r» 50 100 Discharge (ft3/sec) N 2 N a m a tr ca 1 In .L.J 0 1000 Curves may not be extrapolated. Figure 8.06a Design of outlet protection protection from a round pipe flowing full, minimum tailwater condition (Tw < 0.5 diameter). Rev. 11/93 8,06.3 W 744) 4q 4�9, ob -go i►.) �2-} Q10 .-� 4/ 3 � Outlet �__ W = po + !_s pipe diameter (Do) a ---� ter a 0.5Dp 50 100 200 500 Discharge (0/sec) Appendices co CL Cc 0 1 LO L0 1000 Curves may not be extrapolated. Figure 8.06a Design of outltit protection protection from a round pipe flowing full. minimum tailwater condition (TW < 0.5 diameter). Rrz.12/93 8.06.3 tip 09 _Py 6� 4�� a 9J=3 0 (:vt':et 1 , IW = Do f Lar) f pipe 11 diameter (Db) twat 0.600 1 \,e0 st) { 50 100 200 500 Discharge (ft3/sec) Appendices N 2 Cn C. Cd a Ir 0 1 Ln .J 0 1000 Curves may not be extrapolated. Figure 8.06a Design of outlet protection protection from a round pipe flowing full. minimum talwater condition (T. < 0.6 diameter). Rev.12/93 8.06.3 Book 5938 Page 1395 BK: RB 5938 PG: 1395 -1397 2016038M RECORDED: 12/1817015 NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NC REAL ESTATE 02:12'52 M TALMYTHEUSCH BEASLEY EXTX3300DA00 RE613TB20F DEEDS 6Y: CAROLitJGHL V DEPUIN ELECTRONCALLY RECORDEn GENERALWARRANW DEED THE ATTORNEY PREPARING MS.INVMUMNT HAS MADE NO RECORD SEARCH OR M%E ERMMUTION AS TO TB$ PROPERTY HEREN DESCRIBED, UNLESS THE SAAM IS SHOWN BY HIS WRITTEN AND S104M CMIMCATIL Masi after recording iao-; Qowwind Development Inc. 2550 Capitol Drive, Ste_ 105 Cieedmoor, NC 27522 Tbis instrament was prepared by: F. Darryl M17is, PLC P. O. Box 216 Wdghtsvllle Beach, NC 2M Brief description for the rode= Trails 2 and 3 Recombination of Coswald, LLC and Coastal Caroliama Developers, hm (NM b], Page 95) Parcel No: Out of •R02700-001-004-012 & R02700-001-004-014 Revenue: $ 3000.00 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF NEW HANOM TMS DEED made this _17 th- day of Deoenber, 2015 by and between COSWALD, LTC, a North Carolina Limited Liability Compaq, 1030 E. Wendover Avenue, Greensboro, NC 27405 and COASTAL CAROMINA DEVELOPERS, INC., a North Carolina Corporation, 1030 E. Weadovelr Avenue, Gremboro, NC 27405, hereafter GRANTOR, and CROSSWIND DEVELOPhV1E1VT, INC., 259 Capitol Drive, Ste. 105, Creedmoor, NC 27522, hereafter GRANTEE. The dear Cuwtw awl Grantee as used herein shall include said parties, thew heirs, successors, ad 9.*Aga4 and shall inch de siagular, phwal, masculine, feminine or neuter as required by context. W1TNEmSEm That the Grantor, for a valuable cation paid by $ie Grantee, the receipt of which is hereby a knowledged, has and by these pry does gram, bargain, sell and convey gusto the Chantee in fee simple, all that certain lot or patW of land situated is New Hanover County, North Carolina and more particularly dewnibed as Mows: -%bmitted eiectranicaiiv by Nathan M Garren law in compliatw* with Nor& Carolina sMatm gavernlpa reawAable documents and the terms of the suhmitter agreement wkb the New Hanover Register of Deeds. Book 5938 Page 1396 BEING all of Tract 2 (consisting of 14.4 acres) and Tract 3 (consisting of 34 acres, more or less) as shown on a plat entitled ",Map of Recombination of COSWALD, L.L.C. & COASTAL CAROLINA DEVELOPERS, INC-,- drily recorded in Nap Book 61, Page 95, New Hanover County Registry, reference to which is hereby made for a more particular description of some. The property hereinabove described was acquired by Grantor by instrument recorded in the New Hanover County Registry. The preparer of this instrument has been informed that property desc ibed above noes not include the primary residence of the grantor, but no independent verification has been trade and none is represented herein TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the aforesaid lot or parcel of land and all privileges and appurtenances thereto belonging to the Grantee in fee simple. And the Grantor covenants with. the Grantee, that Grantor is seized of the premises in fee simple, has the right to convey the same in The simple, that title is marketable and free and clear of all encumbrances, and that Grantor will warrant and defend the title against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever except: 1. All restrictive covenants of record, 2. Ad valorem taxes for the year 2015 and thereafter; ?. All zoning, land use and planning rules, regulations, ordinances and statutes. IN WITNESS WHERM , the Grantor has hereunto set his hand and seal, or if corporate, has caused this instrument to be signed in its corporate name by its duly authorized officers and its seal to be hereunto affixed by authority of its Board of Directors, the day and year first above written. COSWALD, LLC Walter T. Wilson, Sr.. Member/Manager Book 5938 Page 1397 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF Granville I, Nathan M. Garreu -, a Notary Public of the County of Granville and State aforesaid, do hereby certify that WALTER T. WILSON, SR., personally appeared before me this day and aclaaowledged the foregoing instrument as a MemberftvLmager of COSWALD, LLC, A NORTH CAROLINA LIM£TED LIABILITY COMPANY. WITNESS my hand and official stamp or seal, this the 17 th day of December, 2015, My Commission Expires. 10/08/17 (Notary Seal) NAiTHAN M. GARREN Notary Public North Carolina Granville County STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF Granville Notary Public COAST C LINA Q , ]NC. Walter T. Wilson, Sr., President 1, Nathan M. Garren , a Notary Public of the County of Granyi7.1e and State aforesaid, do hereby certify that WALTER T. W ILSON, SR, personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged the foregoing instrument as President of COASTAL CAROLINA DEVELOPERS, INC., A NORTH CAROLINA CORPORATION. WITNESS my hand and official stamp or seal, this the 17thday of December, 2015. Noiary Public My Commission Expires: 10 /08 / 17 NA IiAN ! . 6A f2EN Notary Public North Carolina Granvitia L'ounty SOSID: 1479561 Date Filed: 11/5/2015 10:50:00 AM State of North Carolina Elaine F. Marshall Department_of the Secretary of Stat North Carolina Secretary of State C2015 303 04966 Limited Liability Company ARTICLES OF ORGANIZATION Pursuant to §57D-2-20 of the General Statutes of North Carolina, the undersigned does hereby submit these Articles of Organization for the purpose of forming a limited liability company. 1. The name of the limited liability company is: 1✓wS�T�+Riec— U_ (See Item ]of the Instructions for appropriate entity designation) 2. -The name and address of each person executing these articles of organization is as follows: (State whether each person is executing these articles oforganization in the capacity of member, organizer or both. Note: This document most he signed by ail persons listed.) [ g©C> �'A'S7wdcjp 4eC( s 3. The name of the initial registered agent is: 1 < (-k SAmEE Lj 4. The street address and county of the initial registered 89W office of the limited liability company is: Numberand Street ( C O C%s wOd) F_'Q 5 �� City W (- N 6To State: NC Zip Code: 2� County: (s 5. The mailing address, ifdit%rent from the street address, of the initial registered ageritoffrce is: Number and Street City State: NC Zip Code: County: 6. Principal office information: (Select either a or b.) a. ❑ The limited liability company has a principal office. The principal office telephone number: . The street address and county of the principal office of the limited liability company is: c Number and Street: City: State: Zip Code: CORPORATIONS DIVISION P.O. Box 29622 (Revised January 2014) 2 County: RALFIGH, NC 27626-0622 (Form L-01) The mailing address, if different from the street address, of the principal office of the company is: Number and Street: City- State: Zip Code: County: b. v, he li:nite�il liability company does nut have a principal office. 7. Any other provisions which the limited liability company elects to include (e.g., the purpose of the entity) are attached. Privacy Redaction B. (Optional): Please provide a business e-mail address: o The Secretary of State's Office will e-mail the business automatically at the address provided above at no cost when a document is filed. The e-mail provided will not be viewable on the website. For more information on why this service is offered, please see the instructions for this document. 9. These articles will be effective upon filing, unless a future date is specified: This is thej O day of O GT6 (3 t<F rZ-20 Signature KL i L4 5A e�D / CA C-Kf3 FtZ Type or Print Name aid Title The below space to be used if more than one organizer or member is listed in Item #2 above. Signature Type and Print None an rt e Signature Signature ype and P—nnt Name and Title _ Signature Type and Print Name an . i e TypeandPnnt ame an it e NOTES: 1. Filing fee is $125. This document must be filed with. the Secretary of State. CORPORATIONS DIVISION P.O. Box 29622 RjVj.EI0r1;, NC 2i626.0622 (Revised January 2014) 3 (Form I,-Ol) v New H.--, Count} - I1lierrlee ; r.!!F v...nh[gay.rmsl: i-�',!c1•'� rrueal.cesp.: ❑+ne Fp3?0^-i7Di -06idt�5gs y'a'1c55vYy�r ��:35o+rr:F1h{E,as�+ssq-:rPsr. rrdri WcokAft%nr. J&jtsn=laftr--1&oil-al&Iv ! He Edd Y.nw Fa.cr[W Tads Help PA RElft RDZA0D-89L-%tj12 A DEWdSTTINffF. UX ._ 17" PLPAOJsFRM ap Pa1C6t A. ID 379C.&t173Y1.0X Ad&— "30P:AN7AnCNRD u� vv.vNc l" Ivphm+a.e Fmcl Cm- RES-R-duff.. Lwdu. c..e u&Jm--dL.od u.,puM. Auer 65M Z—V R-154tE--IDEVML DIM CT lcg6t laps EtaoipF.ns T-D.W O1.mA@ c2k ZIP �Y S.MD.i Sal. Pria Gn.6- 16-DIEC-16 113am DEWf1T`HRff. LLC 1643EC-15 CCB'AN.D L..0 36,RL1-0B samJK$ CCBWA.o-LC CO-WAR-ep $3 COASTAL CAR0L*%W0E`/EOPERSPC C34mN w UM33C CCSYWLD L..CC C3-0CTF' i6'. BCC COBNM-DLLC tB.KLae $4.5W COASTALCAF.LMADE:'E.OPER aaC 11-FE&w 10 7RAPA'A EDWARDC 11-FEBBf so 3PAPAA EDRARDC 1014FR4, S&M DRAPA-A EDWARD0 Sate DetaR5 sre D.1e Sie hey S.10 Rice S.k: S— B..k Pope Fah :,pa Sol. Vadiy Sr. Tap S-m ;n.ScanaeA' ;+skuu.oTppe All R— Aq. P115e A4.Auw^; M.l6 A7tES? TR R PR •ii..TE CPE':SPACEC3W-ALCARD-rA DE: ...-- FD COSARLD.LC GREENSBORO IC 274C THE DATA IS FROM 7G 15 .. _ .. Qraor Book Papa SO -Key COSWALC LLC SM WX GM16 CROSSW-M am 13p6 am"41 OOFSTALCAFA.VADE'EOFERS!VC 2601 0466 ISM CQ9NpLDLLC 2=5 Wig IMM GRADG RONALDG 25n Wr ISM DRAPALAEOAWROC 2A10 JIM ISM FC'JNDATCN OF lA4LIA CC 2055 OM 'Ya3 DRAP/LLAEDVWMC :745 C175 ISM DRAPALAEDVOMC 1745 120 18021 FL'-VM7IONCFINCffiN:NC 137C 1406 1bB.'3 1 y+p 16DEG•5 m*r.2 s-_mc D'i DEWR''THREE. LLC 'C05{WALDLLD 5Sm IM2 LPROkED 11Y -tj Dead C�::. �9r�:b vierihedeed#-Lycp.m.i f V SOSID: 0817866 Date Filed: 4/24/2015 8:13:00 AM 'CD-479 (42) Business Corporation Annual Rej Elaine F. Marshall 10-22-13 North Carolina Secretary of State CA2015114 01 Name usiness Corporation: CROSSWIND DEVELOPMENT, INC. Secretary of State ID: 0817866 State of Formation: NC Fiscal Year Ending: 12 31 14 U I hereby certify that an annual report completed in its entirety has been submitted and the information requested below (required by NCGS 55-16-22) has not changed and is therefore complete. Section A: Reuistered Agent's Information 1. Name of Registered Agent: WILLIAM •H WYNN 2. Signature of the New Registered Agent: (Signature constitutes consent to the appointment) 3. Registered Office Street Address & County 4. Registered Office Mailing Address 1696 HAYES ROAD 1696 HAYES ROAD GRANVILL CREEDM00 NC 27522 CREEDMOOR NC 27522 Section B: Principal Office Information 1. Description of Nature of Business: REAL ESTATE DEVELOPMENT 2. Principal Office Phone Number: ql q-528-1347 3. Principal Office Email: 4. Principal Office Street Address & County 1696 HAYES ROAD CREEDM00 NC 27522 Section C: Officers (Enter additional Officers in Section E.) Name: WILLIAM H WYNN Name: Title: PRESIDENT Title: Address: 1696 HAYES ROAD Address: CREEDMOOR NC 2.7522 5. Principal Office Mailing Address 1696 HAYES ROAD CREEDMOOR NC 27522 Name: Title: Address: Section D: Certification of Annual Report Section D must be completed in its entirety and signed by a person listed under Section C, or a person signing for an entity listed under Section C. Signature (Foarmust be signed by an officer of corporation) Dets WILLIAM H WYNN PRESIDENT Print or Type Name of officer Title Corporations Division Page 1 of 1 441 Click Here To: North Carolina Elaine F. hrfarshatl DEPARTMENTSor, Tm Secretary S, E C RETARY OF STATE PO Box 29822 Raleigh NC 27626-M2 (919)807 2000 View Document Filings File an Annual Report Print a Pre -Populated Annual Report form Amend a Previous Annual Report Corporate Names Legal: Dewitt Three LLC Limited Liability Company Information Sosld: 1479561 Status: Current -Active Annual Report Status: Current Citizenship: Domestic Date Formed: 11/5/2015 Fiscal Month: State of Incorporation: Registered Agent: Saieed, Keith Corporate Addresses Reg Office: 1800 Eastwood Rd Ste 114 Wilmington, NC 28403 Reg Mailing: 1800 Eastwood Rd Ste 114 Wilmington, NC 28403 Company Officials All LLCs are managed by their managers pursuant to N.C.G.S. 57D-3-20. Account Login Register http://www.secretary.state.ne.us/Search/profcorp/l 1861917 3/4/2016 Weaver, Cameron To: bwetherill@nhcgov.com Subject: Cameron Trace Hi Beth. Thank you for your previous correspondence and follow-up about the proposed developments adjacent to the Quail Woods development. As expected, I have now received the Express Permitting request for the subject development and this is the project that will be directly across the northern boundary drainage ditch of the Quail Woods neighborhood. I am concerned that the Quail Woods boundary ditch (as currently engineered) is not going to be able to handle the drainage from the two ponds that are proposed to drain into it from Cameron Trace. From the preliminary plans I've seen (attached here but without drainage calculations), a large, new volume of water is slated to enter the ditch. As I mentioned earlier, the land alterations that have already been done during the wetland maintenance send water to the ditch in several places that previously did not reach the drainageway. Per the plans I have, two spillways will exit from ponds on Cameron Trace and be directed into the boundary ditch. What, if anything, is the County's purview in overseeing this? I know that from the State's perspective, as long as the drainage calculations provided for the development indicate a volume that is judged within the capacity of the existing ditch, it is deemed acceptable. Cameron Weaver Environmental Assistance Coordinator -Wilmington Regional Office NCDEQ-Division of Environmental Assistance and Customer Service 127 Cardinal Drive Ext, Wilmington, NC 28405 910-796-7303 NCDEQ Website: http://portal.ncdenr.org/web/guest DEACS Website: http://Portal.ncdenr.orR/web/deao/ E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. For DENR Use ONLY AReviewer. North Carolina Department of Environment and �1k Submit: Natural Resources NCIWNR Request for Express Permit Review rms — l b . �1� oc�� Confirm: FILL-IN all the information below and CHECK the Permits) you are requesting for express review. Call and Email the completed form to the Permit Coordinator along wirir a completed DETAILED narrative, site plan (PDF rile) and vicinity man (same items expected in the application Package of the project location. Please include this form in the application package. Asheville Region Alison Davidson 828-296.4698;alison.davidsondncdenrgov • Fayetteville or Raleigh Region -David Lee 919-791.4204, dav1d.1eeftcdenr.Qov ® Mooresville & Winston Salem Region -Marcia Allocco 704-235-2107 or marcia. a/locco@gcdenr srov o Washington Region -Lyn Hardison 252-948-3842 or lyn hardison(ft cdenr--pov • Wilmington Region -Cameron Weaver 910-796-7303 or camemn.weaver®.ncdenr oov NOTE. Project application received after 12 noon will be stamped in the following work day. Project Name: CAMERON TRACE County: NEW HANOVER Applicant: WILLIAM H. WYNN..AUTHORIZED AGENT Company: CROSSWIND DEVELOPMENT, INC. Address:1696 HAYES ROAD City: CREEDMOOR State: NO Zip: 27522-_ Phone: 919-528-1 7 Fax:.919-528-1347. Email: BILL@WYNNHOMES.COM Physical Location:1609 FLUSHING DRIVE. WILMINGTON. NC SW SW SW NPDES _ NPDES _ wQ wQ — Project Drains into SMITH CREEK waters - Water classification C. SW (for classification see- http:/Ipodal.nodenr.org/web/vmlastcsu/classifications) Project Located in CAPE FEAR River Basin. Is project draining to class ORW waters? Nwithin'/a mile and draining to class SA waters N or within 1 mile and draining to class HOW waters? N Engineer/Consultant: CHRIS MILLIS. PE Company: PARAMOUNTE ENGINEERING Address: 5911 OLEANDER DR City: WILMINGTON, State: NC Zip: 28403-_C,D 0 12015 Phone: 914-7 1- 7�07,, Fax: _ Email: cmillisBoaramounte-en PLEASE PROVIDE ESTIMATED INVESTMENT AND EXPECTED EMPLOYMENT, IF AVAILABLE $ # JOBS SECTION ONE: REQUESTING A SCOPING MEETING ONLY ❑ Scoping Meeting ONLY ❑ DWQ, ❑ DCM, ❑ DLR, ❑ OTHER: SECTION TWO: CHECK WILY THE PROGRAM (S) YOU ARE REQUESTING FOR EXPRESS PERMITTING ❑ 401 Unit ❑ Stream Origin Determination: _ # of stream calls - Please attach TOPO map marking the areas in questions ❑ InterrnittentlPerennial Determination: _ # of stream calls - Please attach TOPO map marling the areas in questions ❑ 401 Water Quality Certification ❑ Isolated Wetland (_linear ft or acres) ❑ Riparian Buffer Authorization n Minor Variance n Maor General Variance ® State Stormwater ❑ General ❑ SFR, ❑ SFR < 1 ac. ❑ Bkhd & Bt Rmp, ❑ Clear & Grub, ❑ Utility ❑ Other ❑ Low Density ❑ Low Density -Curb & Gutter _ # Curb Outlet Swales ❑ Off -site [SW (Provide permit #)] ® High Density -Detention Pond 2 # Treatment Systems ❑ High Density -Infiltration _ #Treatment Systems ❑ High' Density-Bio-Retention _ # Treatment Systems ❑ High Density -SW Wetlands _ # Treatment Systems ❑ High Density -Other _ # Treatment Systems / ❑ MOD:❑ Major ❑ Minor ❑ Plan Revision ❑ Redev. Exclusion SW (Provide permit #) ❑ Coastal Management ❑ Excavation & Fill ❑ Bridges & Culverts ❑ Structures Information ❑ Upland Development ❑ Marina Development ❑ Urban Waterfront ❑ Land Quality ❑ Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan with _ acres to be disturbed.(CK # (for DENR use)) SECTION THREE -- PLEASE CHECK ALL THAT IS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT [for both scaninq and express meetina request Wetlands on Site ® Yes ❑ No Buffer Impacts: ® No ❑ YES: —acre(s) Wetlands Delineation has bow. completed: Z Yes ❑ No Isolated wetland on Property ❑ Yes ® No US ACOE Approval of Delineation completed: ® Yes ❑ No 404 Application in Process w/ US ALOE: MI Yes ❑ No Permit Received from US ACOE ❑ Yes ❑ No For DEN R use only Fee Solit for mukiole oennits: (Check# 1 Total Fee Amount S SUBMITTAL DATES Fee SUBMITTAL DATES Fee CAMA $ Variance ( Ma); Min) 1 $ 'W (❑ HO, ❑ LD, ❑ Gen) $ Aft 1 $ $ Stream Deter,_ i $ ,EXPRESS August 2015 DESIGN NARRATIVE Crosswind Development, Inc. proposes to construct a 121 lot residential neighborhood off of Flushing Drive, approximately 0.50 miles northwest of the intersection of Flushing Drive and Murrayville Road. The address of the property is 1609 Flushing Drive, Wilmington, NC with a latitude and longitude of 34018'08"N, 77022'55"W (Deed Book 2601, Page 0496). The property drains to an unnamed tributary to Smith Creek (C, Sw; 18-74-63) — Cape Fear Basin. According to the NRCS Soil Survey of New Hanover County the soil across the site consists mainly of Murville (Mu), with very minor traces of Seagate (Se) and the ground cover consists of fair woodlands. DESIGN PROS All stormwater for the proposed development will be directed by way of a storm sewer system to an adequately designed stormwater BMP, two wet detention basins in the case of this project. Since the project is located in New Hanover County, all land disturbance activity will be design and permitted with New Hanover County Erosion Control. 6 ELM U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR nY�AreNrY4mN U. & GEOLOGICAL SURVEY }.. 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OFF -SITE FLOW BYPASS SYSTEM BONN #1 ...... IN: ... ......... 0.. L�w . .. .. ........... 'BYPASSSYSTEM ....... ......... .............. W04-451 INVU.00 ...... ............... j . L —_.7 . . ...... ............ ......... cast ....... . .. ........ . .................M.........,: . . ............ ........ ............... . ............... WETLANDS AT ........... ........ ......... . ......... ... ............. ....... ....... I .................... ........ . ....... .......... . BYPASS a ............. OFF41TE FLOW ............ SDMH#3 . . ........ MI . ............ ... ....... -QSI ..... RN VIV.-GRAO . .......... �i ................ .... ....... li! 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BYPASS SYSTEM SDMHA5 ..... . ....... ............ 0— 7— FURS-42M INVp3&OO OPF4M FLOW BYPASS SYSTEM OFFSITE FLOW BYPASS SYSTEM ...... ....... ..... SOMH 07 RIM-42A5 SDMH#S ..... ..... ............... INV.-3BOO Poems INV.-GLOO Ro; F., i OFF -SITE FLOW SWABS STORAGE OUTLET [NO STORMINATER TREATMENT IS APRON #8 OF"ITE DRAINAGE FLOW BE DETAIW STIRLICTUREIR OFFSITE FLOW CONTROL ONLY] (SEE DUAL) BYPASS STORAGE W 4 S BYPASS SYSTEM .... ................. SDMHN5 RI -4220 M wer EMERGENCY INV,*" SPILLWAY A13 ............. 0 FORESAY . ............. (SEE DETAIL) POND 92 RIPRAPAPRONX6 OFF -WE FLOW / Tn .............. a (SEE DETAKI t;: BYPASS S ------ SDMH #1 >1 EMERGENCY PJM-425D SPILLWAY 02 INV.�Loo I ............ .. (SEE DETAIL) OFFSITE FLOW BYPA99 ::,t '. I' OUTLETSTWRU RE23 t (SEE 4 DEBT OFF -WE FLOW BYPASS SYSTEM J GRAPHIC SCALE FWRAPAPRONNG (SEE DETAIL) MATCH LINE - SEE TOP RIGHT SCALE' 1-�W U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS WILMINGTON DISTRICT Action Id. SAW-2011-01979 County. New Hanover U.S.G.S. Quad: Scotts Hill NOTIFICATION OF JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATION Property Owner: Coastal Carolina Developers Agent: Land Mana¢ement Groua Attn: Tom Wilson Attn: Corey Novak Address: 1030 East Wendover Ave. Address: P.O. Box 2522 Greensboro, North Carolina 27405 Wilmington, NC 28402 Property description: Size (acres) Nearest Waterway USGS HUC 262 ac UT to Smith Creek 03030005 Nearest Town Wilmington River Basin Cape Fear Coordinates 34.299069N:-77.829510W Location description: Property is known as Greenview Ranches, located at the end of Murrawille Road, New Hanover County, North Carolina. Parcel IDs: R02700-001-004-014, R02700-001-004-012, R03600-003-041-000 R03600-003-003- 010, R03600-003-003-006, R03500-003-011-000, R03600403-053-000. R03600-003-003-009 R03600-003-003404 R03600-003-003-010, R03500-003-001-000, R03600-003-066-000, R03600-003-003-001 R03600-003-003-003 R03500- 003-005-000, R03500-003-002-000, R03600-003-096-000. R03600-003-097-000,R03500-003-004-000 R03600-003-105- 000, R03600-003-003-005, R02800-004-014-000, R02800-004-028-000, R02800-004-013-000 R02800-004-029-000 and R02800-004-031-000. Indicate Which of the Following Apply: A. Preliminary Determination Based on preliminary information, there may be wetlands on the above described property. We strongly suggest you have this property inspected to determine the extent of Department of the Army (DA) jurisdiction. To be considered final, a jurisdictional determination must be verified by the Corps. This preliminary determination is not an appealable action under the Regulatory Program Administrative Appeal Process ( Reference 33 CFR Part 331). If you wish, you may request an approved JD (which may be appealed), by contacting the Corps district for further instruction. Also, you may provide new information for further consideration by the Corps to reevaluate the JD. B. Approved Determination There are Navigable Waters of the United States within the above described project area subject to the permit requirements of Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act and Section 404 of the Clean Water Act. Unless there is a change in the law or our -published regulations, this determination may be relied upon for a period not to exceed five years from the date of this notification. X There are waters of the U.S. including wetlands on the above described property subject to the permit requirements of Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (CWA)(33 USC & 1344)Unless there is a change in the law or our published regulations, this determination may be relied upon for a period not to exceed five years from the date of this notification. _ We strongly suggest you have the wetlands on your property delineated. Due to the size of your property and/or our present workload, the Corps may not be able to accomplish this wetland delineation in a timely manner. For a more timely delineation, you may wish to obtain a consultant. To be considered final, any delineation must be verified by the Corps. _ The waters of the U.S. including wetlands on your property have been delineated and the delineation has been verified by the Corps. We strongly suggest you have this delineation surveyed. Upon completion, this survey should be reviewed and verified by the Corps. Once verified, this survey will provide an accurate depiction of all areas subject to CWA jurisdiction on your property which, provided there is no change in the law or our published regulations, may be relied upon for a period not to exceed five years. X The waters of the U.S. including wetlands have been delineated and surveyed and are accurately depicted on the plat signed by the Corps Regulatory Official identified below on 6/7/2012 . Unless there is a change in the law or our Page 1 of 2 published regulations, this determination may be relied upon for a period not to exceed five years from the date of this notification. There are no waters of the U.S., to include wetlands, present on the above described project area which are subject to the permit requirements of Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (33 USC 1344). Unless there is a change in the law or our published regulations, this determination may be relied upon for a period not to exceed five years from the date of this notification. X The Property is located in one of the 20 Coastal Counties subiect to regulation under the Coastal Area Management Act (CAMA). You should contact the Division of Coastal Management in Wilmington NC at (910) 796 7215 to determine their requirements. Placement of dredged or fill material within waters of the US and/or wetlands without a Department of the Army permit may constitute a violation of Section 301 of the Clean Water Act (33 USC § 1311). If you have any questions regarding this determination and/or the Corps regulatory program, please contact Emily Hughes at 910-251-4635. C. Basis For Determination flow to Smith Creek, a tributary to the Caue Fear River, a Navigable Water of the U.S. This determination is based on information Provided bvLand Management Group and a site visit by Emily Hughes on 10/18/2011 11/8/2011 & 12/13/2011. D. Remarks E. Attention USDA Program Participants This delineation/determination has been conducted to identify the limits of Corps' Clean Water Act jurisdiction for the particular site identified in this request. The delineation/determination may not be valid for the wetland conservation provisions of the Food Security Act of 1985. If you or your tenant are USDA Program participants, or anticipate participation in USDA programs, you should request a certified wetland determination from the local office of the Natural Resources Conservation Service, prior to starting work. F. Appeals Information (This information applies only to approved jurisdictional determinations as indicated in B. above) This correspondence constitutes an approved jurisdictional determination for the above described site. Ifyou object to this determination, you may request an administrative appeal under Corps regulations at 33 CFR Part 331. Enclosed you will find a Notification of Appeal Process (NAP) fact sheet and request for appeal (RFA) form. If you request to appeal this determination you must submit a completed RFA form to the following address: US Army Corps of Engineers South Atlantic Division Attn: Jason Steele, Review Officer 60 Forsyth Street SW, Room 1OM15 Atlanta, Georgia 30303-8801 In order for an RFA to be accepted by the Corps, the Corps must determine that it is complete, that it meets the criteria for appeal under 33 CFR part 331.5, and that it has been received by the Division Office within 60 days of the date of the NAP. Should you decide to submit an RFA form, it must be received at the above address by N/A. **It is not necessary to submit an RFA form to the Division Office if you do not object to the determination in this correspondence. * * ` y r Corps Regulatory O�cial5 .1 Date: June 7, 2012 v V Expiration Date: June 7, 2017