HomeMy WebLinkAboutWI0400574_Permit (Issuance)_20210819NC Department of Environmental Quality — Division of Water Resources (DWR) NOTIFICATION OF INTENT (NOI) TO CONSTRUCT OR OPERATE INJECTION WELLS The following are `permitted by rule" and do not require an individual permit when constructed in accordance with the rules of 15A NCAC 02C.0200 (NOTE: This form must be received at least 14 DAYS prior to injection) AQUIFER TEST WELLS (15A NCAC 02C .0220) These wells are used to inject uncontaminated fluid into an aquifer to determine aquifer hydraulic characteristics. IN SITU REMEDIATION (15A NCAC 02C .0225) or TRACER WELLS (15A NCAC 02C .0229): 1) Passive Injection Systems - In -well delivery systems to diffuse injectants into the subsurface. Examples include ORC socks, iSOC systems, and other gas infusion methods (Note: Injection Event Records (IER) do not need to be submitted for replacement of each sock used in ORC systems). 2) Small -Scale Injection Operations — Injection wells located within a land surface area not to exceed 10,000 square feet for the purpose of soil or groundwater remediation or tracer tests. An individual permit shall be required for test or treatment areas exceeding 10,000 square feet. 3) Pilot Tests - Preliminary studies conducted for the purpose of evaluating the technical feasibility of a remediation strategy in order to develop a full scale remediation plan for future implementation, and where the surface area of the injection zone wells is located within an area that does not exceed five percent of the land surface above the known extent of groundwater contamination. An individual permit shall be required to conduct more than one pilot test on any separate groundwater contaminant plume. 4) Air Injection Wells - Used to inject ambient air to enhance in -situ treatment of soil or groundwater. 5) In -Situ Thermal Wells (IST) — Used to `heat' contaminated groundwater to enhance remediation Print Clearly or Type Information. Illegible Submittals Will Be Returned as Incomplete. DATE: August 4, , 2021 PERMIT NO. W 10400574 (to be filled in by DWR) NOTE- If this NOI is being submitted as notification of a modification of a previously issued NOI for this site (e.g., different injection wells, plume, additives, etc.) and still meets the deemed permitted by rule criteria, provide the previously assigned permit tracking number and any needed relevant information to assess and approve injection: Permit No. WI Issued Date: A. WELL TYPE TO BE CONSTRUCTED OR OPERATED (1) Air Injection Well Complete sections B through F, J, M (2) Aquifer Test Well .Complete sections B through F, J, M (3) Passive Injection System ..Complete sections B through F, H-M (4) x Small -Scale Injection Operation Complete sections B through M (5) Pilot Test Complete sections B through M (6) In -Situ Thermal (IST) Well Complete all sections except K B. STATUS OF WELL OWNER: Business/Organization Deemed Permitted GW Remediation NOI Rev. 2-14-2020 Page 1 C. WELL OWNER(S) — State name of Business/Agency, and Name and Title of person delegated authority to sign on behalf of the business or agency: Name(s): Tyson Foods Inc., Kevin Ig1i, Senior Vice President and Chief Environmental Officer Mailing Address: 2790 S Thompson, Suite 201 City: Springdale State: AR Zip Code: 72764 County: Day Tele No.: 479-290-4055 Ce11 No.: EMAIL Address: Kevin.igli@tyson.com Fax No.: D. PROPERTY OWNER(S) (if different than well owner/applicant) Name and Title: LI Building LLC 449 Trollingwood Road Haw River, North Carolina 27258 Mailing Address: City: State: Zip Code: County: Day Tele No.: Ce11 No.: EMAIL Address: Fax No.: E. PROJECT CONTACT (Typically Environmental Consulting/Engineering Firm) Name and Title: JC Weaver Company Name Terracon Mailing Address: 2701 Westport Rd City: Charlotte State: NC Zip Code: 28208 County: Mecklenburg Day Tele No.: 7043452230 Cell No.: EMAIL Address: JC.Weaver@terracon.com Fax No.: F. PHYSICAL LOCATION OF WELL SITE (1) Facility Name & Address: 449 Trollingwood Rd City: Haw River County: Aamance Zip Code:27528 (2) Geographic Coordinates: Latitude**: 36 ° 05 ' 00.4 " or Longitude**: 79 ° 20 ' 59.4 " or Reference Datum: Accuracy: ° ° Method of Collection: Google **FOR AIR INJECTION AND AQUIFER TEST WELLS ONLY: A FACILITY SITE MAP WITH PROPERTY BOUNDARIES MAY BE SUBMITTED IN LIEU OF GEOGRAPHIC COORDINATES. G. TREATMENT AREA Land surface area of contaminant plume: N/A square feet Land surface area of inj. well network: 500 square feet (< 10,000 ft2 for small-scale injections) Percent of contaminant plume area to be treated: N/A (must be < 5% of plume for pilot test injections) H. INJECTION ZONE MAPS — Attach the following to the notification. Deemed Permitted GW Remediation NOI Rev. 2-14-2020 Page 2 (1) Contaminant plume map(s) with isoconcentration lines that show the horizontal extent of the contaminant plume in soil and groundwater, existing and proposed monitoring wells, and existing and proposed injection wells; and (2) Cross-section(s) to the known or projected depth of contamination that show the horizontal and vertical extent of the contaminant plume in soil and groundwater, changes in lithology, existing and proposed monitoring wells, and existing and proposed injection wells. (3) Potentiometric surface map(s) indicating the rate and direction of groundwater movement, plus existing and proposed wells. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED INJECTION ACTIVITIES AT THE SITE — Provide a brief narrative regarding the cause of the contamination, and purpose, scope, goals of the proposed injection activity: 4.25-inch hollow stem augers to be advanced to an estimated depth of 50 feet, or 20 feet below the water table. RemRxTM CRP Persulfate will be emplaced from a depth range of 30 to 50 feet below grade, or the depth interval corresponding to 20 feet below the water table. Once the auger is advanced to depth, the auger would be pulled up where RemRxTM CRP Persulfate can be fed within the augers, filling the borehole within the treatment interval. Eight soil borings will be advanced within the treatment area. J. WELL CONSTRUCTION DATA (1) No. of injection wells: 8 Proposed 0 Existing (provide NC Well Construction Record (GW-1) for each well) (2) Appx. injection depths (BLS): 50 feet (3) For Proposed wells or Existing wells not having GW-ls, provide well construction details for each injection well in a diagram or table format. A single diagram or line in a table can be used for multiple wells with the same construction details. Well construction details shall include the following (indicate if construction is proposed or as -built): (a) Well type as permanent, Geoprobe/DPT, or subsurface distribution infiltration gallery (b) Depth below land surface of casing, each grout type and depth, screen, and sand pack (c) Well contractor name and certification number K. INJECTION SUMMARY NOTE: Only injectants approved by the epidemiology section of the NC Division ofPublic Health, Department of_ Health and Human Services can be injected. Approved injectants can be found online at http://deq.nc. gov/about/divisions/water-resources/water-resources-permits/wastewater-branch/ground-water- protection/ground-water-approved-injectants. All other substances must be reviewed by the DHHSprior to use. Contact the UIC Program for more info if you wish to get approval for a different additive. However, please note it may take 3 months or longer. Injectant: RemRx CRP Total Amt. to be injected (gal)/event: 3,300 lb Injectant: Iron EDTA Total Amt. to be injected (gal)/event: 165 lbs Injectant: Total Amt. to be injected (gal)/event: Injectant: Total Amt. to be injected (gal)/event: Injectant: Total Amt. to be injected (gal)/event: Amt. Water to be injected (gal/event): 0 Deemed Permitted GW Remediation NOI Rev. 2-14-2020 Page 3 Total Amt. to be injected (gal/event): 3,465 lbs No. of separate injection events:1 Est. Total Amt. to be injected (gal): 3,465 lbs Source of Water (if applicable): N/A L. MONITORING PLAN — Describe below or in separate attachment a monitoring plan to be used to determine if violations of groundwater quality standards specified in Subchapter 02L result from the injection activity. Terracon Consultants proposes to monitor groundwater quality parameters at site monitoring well MW-01R for a period of 1 year post iniection. Monitoring will be conducted on a quarterly basis. Groundwater parameters to be monitored include conductivity. pH. oxidation/reduction potential, and dissolved oxygen. In addition to groundwater quality parameters. groundwater may be collected for analysis of persulfate. sulfate. and volatile organic compounds. M. SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT AND PROPERTY OWNER Well Owner/Applicant: `1 hereby certify, under penalty of law, that I am familiar with the information submitted in this document and all attachments thereto and that, based on my inquiry of those individuals immediately responsible for obtaining said information, I believe that the information is true, accurate and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment, for submitting false information. 1 agree to construct, operate, maintain, repair, and if applicable, abandon the in'ection well and all related appurtenances in accordance with the 15A NCAC 02C 0200 Rules." JC Weaver/Project Scientist ture of Applicant Print or Type Full Name and Title Property Owner (if the property is not owned by the Well Owner/Applicant1 "As owner of the property on which the injection well(s) are to be constructed and operated, I hereby consent to allow the applicant to construct each injection well as outlined in this application and agree that it shall be the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that the injection well(s) conform to the Well Construction Standards (I SA NCAC 02C .0200). " "Owner" means any person who holds the fee or other property rights in the well being constructed. A well is real property and its construction on land shall be deemed to vest ownership in the land owner, in the absence of contrary agreement in writing. Please refer to attached agreement Signature* of Property Owner (if different from applicant) Print or Type Full Name and Title *An access agreement between the applicant and property owner may be submitted in lieu of a signature on this form. Please send 1 (one) hard color copy of this NOI along with a copy on an attached CD or Flash Drive at least two (2) weeks prior to injection to: DWR — UIC Program 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 Telephone: (919) 707-9000 Deemed Permitted GW Remediation NOI Rev. 2-14-2020 Page 4 Legend Regcldh MandlOririg Well (Type II) Oh Rep' rl rock Monitoring Well (Type II) leb gedrack Manitorlrg Will (Type III) - CrourldwaIllr Flaw Direction, - Groundw9I r ElrealiOn C4ntoo Site Boundary El Tex Perces MIW-150 Treatment Area PM VI Fr No.: 719h7.11r1 1 Terra con 1 I:;, u1 r„• Palenllolnelrlc Map- Groundlwaler Flow 5I1allow.Aqulrer G:rari By. J4V4 St�4 Sr,tsrw}a; e: Ylar.lonng Rawl Ser¢rar. 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Indusarazi 449 Trc1Irgud nod H.o Ha.c River 1iLrninoa Gaunhe Norlh Caraina c:r�■d GLG FlWronr 11 r4P'sr"d¢!' tit En I■ . Nati+arnh dr IDE. 27DaYfEepGrtRoad eMrlmkMarl! INroirw26'1A8 Phan: O0#] 935-1777 Ftc I7ri4J 5E - iEBE 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1! 1 1 4 596- 560 516- 560- 550 540- 530- 5tU- 510- SO6- 496- 4B6- 470- 466- 456- 440- 436- 430- 410 406 106 390 376- .160 14W-435 YW-4313 F4CI{TIY Boring Backfill Treatment Borings uw-OT6 M%-0T1 Tar-M uw- 4 RW-(rl IIM- 7 5G ATM-i5B Trn-1 x -15 500 515D 570 556 Sb0 94.6 5343 976 51D 500 490 4tl0 410 460 450 - 440 450 - 420 410 430 344 320 xo 360 LEGEND _ 1 SGpEE1+EG WTFFlti74 507H 1,7-442t 004(1;0411tAll 770 IH kICR1GRMIZ PER LITER b OPEN BOREHOLE IPi 1.4-GCE COACERTR T10N 41.0 ip 1.4CROGRNT+S PER LITER YLkTER TABLE - KNOWER 2003 —7— 1,7-6t1= mtrt-2L STAMM:6 = MLR LPC (DASHED WNEITE 1TJFE1 RED} H5 HOT 4UULDO %VT. 4L pu1GCp54TTCr4 - 4 k I/ cgnsullCrns, Inc. Hart C1101RA 1rkTER KNATS r—T TLC NO 4T Tr 11TW Min "CRC VSED TO 'WAX UETtIC" Critya Cr 1,1-01:E, 514LLLOR MELLS WERE 119EO 10 .OA1C THT PCITCTITKIWTMC SAME- 0 80 160 FEE T PTl. VERTICAL EXTENT Or 1,1—DCE IN GROUND WATER ABOVE 2L STANDARDS (A —A') SARAMAR, LLC (FORMERLY LAWRENCE INDUSTRIES) HAW RIVER, NORTH CAf#OLINA Durk 5Pw f EJS 6Ei DOM: DATE: 03/13/01 02/0IS/04 PREFACT1M, E098-007 FOX E 14 9