HomeMy WebLinkAbout20210502 Ver 1_More Info Received_20210805Strickland, Bev From: Matt Michel <Matt.Michel@timmons.com> Sent: Thursday, August 5, 2021 12:03 PM To: David.E.Bailey2@usace.army.mil Cc: Goss, Stephanie; Morgan Gilbert Subject: [External] RE: Request for Additional Information: SAW-2018-01947 (Meritage Homes / Ferguson property / New Bethel Church Road / Garner / Wake County / residential) Attachments: Ferguson_Updated Impact Maps and Tables_08052021.pdf CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to Report Spam. Good afternoon Dave, Please find attached an updated Wetland Impacts Table, updated Wetland Impacts Map plan sheets, and updated Delineation Map for the Ferguson/New Bethel Church Road project. This attachment is a supporting document to the Response to RAI that we had sent over on Friday, July 30th, and provides updates to the wetlands that were adjusted during the site visit conducted on August 3ra As a follow up question, has the USFWS responded to your consultation request yet? Please let me know if you have any further questions or comments. Thanks, Matt Matt Michel, PWS, PhD Sr. Environmental Scientist TIMMONS GROUP I www.timmons.com 428 Eastwood Road I Wilmington, NC 28403 Office: 910.746.1142 Cell: 574.514.3115 matt.michel©timmons.com Your Vision Achieved Through Ours To send me files larger than 20MB please click here From: Matt Michel Sent: Friday, July 30, 2021 2:23 PM To: David.E.Bailey2@usace.army.mil Cc: Goss, Stephanie <stephanie.goss@ncdenr.gov>; Morgan Gilbert <Morgan.Gilbert@timmons.com> Subject: FW: Request for Additional Information: SAW-2018-01947 (Meritage Homes / Ferguson property / New Bethel Church Road / Garner / Wake County / residential) Good afternoon Dave, Morgan just alerted me that I had the wrong email address for this Response to the Ferguson RAI. Please find them attached to this email. 1 Sorry about that! Matt From: Matt Michel Sent: Wednesday, July 28, 2021 2:33 PM To: dave.e.bailey2@usace.army.mil; Goss, Stephanie <stephanie.goss@ncdenr.gov> Cc: Morgan Gilbert <Morgan.Gilbert@timmons.com> Subject: RE: Request for Additional Information: SAW-2018-01947 (Meritage Homes / Ferguson property / New Bethel Church Road / Garner / Wake County / residential) Good afternoon Dave and Stephanie, Please find our response to your Request for Additional Information for the Ferguson/New Bethel Church Road project attached to this email. Please let us know if you have any additional comments or concerns regarding this project. Thanks, Matt Matt Michel, PWS, PhD Sr. Environmental Scientist TIMMONS GROUP I www.timmons.com 428 Eastwood Road I Wilmington, NC 28403 Cell: 574.514.3115 matt.michel©timmons.com Your Vision Achieved Through Ours To send me files larger than 20MB please click here From: Morgan Gilbert <Morgan.Gilbert@timmons.com> Sent: Thursday, July 8, 2021 1:50 PM To: dave.e.bailey2@usace.army.mil Cc: Lauren Norris -Heflin <Lauren.Norris-Heflin@timmons.com>; Matt Michel <Matt.Michel@timmons.com>; Stephanie Davis <Stephanie.Davis@timmons.com> Subject: RE: Request for Additional Information: SAW-2018-01947 (Meritage Homes / Ferguson property / New Bethel Church Road / Garner / Wake County / residential) Good afternoon Dave, We are still working on responses to the other items, but please see the below information for item 6. I've attached the below additional information for 6a regarding the Ferguson FM Corridor. Photopages PSA FDS's Regarding 6b, we did confirm that the proposed forcemain is necessary for the function of the proposed subdivision. Best regards, Morgan Gilbert Environmental Technician 2 ...., • 'ib TIP ONS GROUP ENGINEERING I DESIGN I TECHNOLOGY Celebrating LGBTQ+ Pride Month TIMMONS GROUP I www.timmons.com 5410 Trinity Rd, Suite 102 I Raleigh, NC 27607 Office: 984.255.2351 I Fax: 919.859.5663 Mobile: 910.338.6005Imorgan.gilbert@timmons.com Your Vision Achieved Through Ours From: Bailey, David E CIV USARMY CESAW (USA) <David.E.Bailey2@usace.army.mil> Sent: Wednesday, June 30, 2021 4:46 PM To: Matt Michel <Matt.Michel@timmons.com>; martin.fuchs@meritagehomes.com Cc: Goss, Stephanie <stephanie.goss@ncdenr.gov> Subject: Request for Additional Information: SAW-2018-01947 (Meritage Homes / Ferguson property / New Bethel Church Road / Garner / Wake County / residential) CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. All, Thank you for your PCN, dated 6/2/2021, for the above referenced project. I have reviewed the information and need clarification before proceeding with verifying the use of Nationwide Permit (NWP) 29 and 58 (https://saw- reg.usace.army.mil/NWP2021/NWP29.pdf; https://saw-reg.usace.army.mil/NWP2021/NWP58.pdf). Please submit the requested information below (via e-mail is fine) within 30 days of receipt of this Notification, otherwise we may deny verification of the use of the Nationwide Permit or consider your application withdrawn and close the file: 1) Per NWP General Condition 23(a) and (b) you are required to avoid and minimize all adverse impacts, both temporary and permanent, to waters of the US to the maximum extent practicable. It appears that additional impacts could be avoided by: a. Bridging all proposed greenway crossings of streams and wetlands; b. Shifting much of the proposed sewer force main corridor to the north or east to avoid wetlands running essentially parallel with Swift Creek (e.g. Sheets CWI-1.9-1.11), as well as Swift Creek itself (Sheet CWI- 1.11); c. Straightening sections of proposed sewer forcemain to cross wetland drainages perpendicularly (e.g. Sheet CWI-1.6); d. Avoiding impacts to streams for the sewer forcemain via HDD or jack -and -bore, especially at Mahlers Creek (e.g. Sheet CWI-1.13) and unnamed tributaries to Swift Creek (e.g. Sheet CWI-1.12). This is especially important given the known occurrences of dwarf wedgemussel in Swift Creek and critical habitat for the Atlantic pigtoe, both Federally protected species; 2) For Impact 1: a. Based on proposed grading, and associated wetland fill, the project would eliminate the drainage area/hydrology source for much of Wetland B downstream of the proposed road crossing. Similarly, the majority of the drainage area for Wetland A would be cutoff between the proposed road and the proposed greenway crossing. As such, the Corps would consider the remainder of Wetland B, and most (if not all) of the remainder of Wetland A, as indirect impacts (see NWP General Conditions "District Engineers Decision") to wetlands resulting from a loss of hydrology. Note that compensatory mitigation would be required for both direct and indirect impacts resulting in a loss of hydrology and therefore 3 aquatic function; compensatory mitigation is typically required at a 2:1 ratio unless otherwise justified based on resource quality (NCWAM/NCSAM); b. Further, it is unclear what is meant by "fine grading to avoid impacts"; c. Lastly, could the greenway alignment be shifted slightly east along Wetland B to avoid associated grading impacts? 3) For Impact 4: a. See Item 1 above re: bridging all greenway crossings; b. The plan view appears to show that the culvert is proposed slightly off-line from the existing stream channel location; c. The Profile appears to show that the culvert would outlet into a Stream bank, resulting in additional indirect impacts due to downstream bank erosion; d. Although rip rap dissipater pad is shown on the plan view, it is not apparent on the profile view. Note that any rip rap placed in the streambed must be keyed in/depressed into the stream bed such that the top of the rip rap is no higher than the stream bed (NWP 29 Regional Condition B8), and the profile view should be clearly shown; 4) Proposed Impact 7 is a greenway impacting and terminating within a wetland. This facility has no logical termini and this impact has no Purpose and Need. Although the plans reference a proposed greenway on adjacent property, this greenway has not been submitted to or approved by the Corps. Further, as stated in Item 1 above, this impact can be avoided per NWP General Condition 23(a) and (b); 5) The PJD included the adjacent parcel to the southeast. Is any development proposed on that parcel that may be at all associated with the proposed development? 6) Thank you for the delineation of the proposed off -site sewer forcemain: a. Please provide wetland data forms, stream forms, pictures, and any other information you have that may support your delineation. Please note that, based on this information I may need to schedule an on - site review. If so, we may be able to add this corridor to the site visit day I already have scheduled with the Timmons Group Raleigh office on August 3rd; b. Please confirm that this proposed forcemain is necessary for the function of the proposed New Bethel subdivision; 7) Thank you for the documentation submitted regarding your coordination with the US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). Although the USFWS has already concurred with the Section 7 species determinations you submitted, it is unclear that their concurrence included an evaluation of the proposed off -site sewer forcemain (see Item 1d above). As such, I will initiate informal consultation with the USFWS, specific to the potentially affected aquatic species listed for this area of Wake County: Atlantic pigtoe (Fusconaia masoni), dwarf wedgemussel (Alasmidonta heterodonand), yellow lance (Elliptio lanceolata), Carolina madtom (Noturus furiosus), and Neuse River waterdog (Necturus lewisi). Please note that the Corps cannot verify the use of a NWP until Section 7 consultation is complete; 8) Please note that responses to the questions above may prompt additional information requests to allow full evaluation of the proposed project. Please let me know if you have any questions. Sincerely, Dave Bailey David E. Bailey, PWS Regulatory Project Manager US Army Corps of Engineers CE-SAW-RG-R 3331 Heritage Trade Drive, Suite 105 Wake Forest, North Carolina 27587 4 Office: (919) 554-4884, Ext. 30. Mobile: (919) 817-2436 Fax: (919) 562-0421 Email: David.E.Bailey2@usace.army.mil We would appreciate your feedback on how we are performing our duties. Our automated Customer Service Survey is located at: https://regulatory.ops.usace.army.mil/customer-service-survey/ Thank you for taking the time to visit this site and complete the survey. From: RaleighNCREG <RaleighNCREG@usace.army.mil> Sent: Thursday, June 3, 2021 7:32 AM To: matt.michel@timmons.com Cc: Bailey, David E CIV USARMY CESAW (USA) <David.E.Bailey2@usace.army.mil>; Thames, Joyce A CIV USARMY CESAW (USA) <Joyce.A.Thames@usace.army.mil> Subject: SAW-2018-01947 (Meritage Homes / Ferguson property / New Bethel Church Road / Garner / Wake County / residential) Good Morning, We have received your Pre -Construction Notification (PCN) NWP request for the above project and forwarded it to Mr. David Bailey for further processing. Thank you, Josephine Schaffer 5 Updated Wetland Impacts Table 2. Wetland Impacts IF there are wetland impacts proposed on the site, then complete this question for each wetland area impacted. IIV." will he used in the table below to represent the word "wetland". 23. Site M tat Reason* :7i 2h. Impact type*fa/ 2c.Type of W.* 2d. W. name* 2e. Fo rested* 21. Type or Ju risdic ito n* 2g. Impact (1 1 (Road fill and grel IP v I [-;s=safer Forest v I IA & B I (yes v I Both v I 0-144 1 lure, I6 (Sanitary sewer of IT v I [-===`+abet Forest v I IA I Ir s v I Both v I 0.062 lx lure, I7 IGreenway constf IP v I raamdater Forest v I IE I Its v I Both v 10.099 lx lacresi 18 I IGreenway constl IT v I [-;;=..safer Forest '1 IE ( Ir s v I Both v I 0.109 IM bassi 19 I (Sanitary forcemel IT v I [-==:..air Forest v I ILW2 I (r s v I ''nth VI 0.001 IM heron 110 I 'Sanitary forcemel IT v I r aa=water Forest v I I WB I Its v I ''nth v I 0.109 IM l.resi 111 I (Sanitary forcemel IT v I 'Headwater Forest v I I W5 I (Y. v I Both v I 0.064 Im lacrusi 112 (Sanitary forcemel IT v IBotlomland Hardwood For...? I W& G Its v ea-, v I 9-aaia— lured 112 I (Sanitary forcemel IT v (Non -Tidal Freshwater MarshvI IG- utilityline I INo vI Both vI 0.113 f` hems! 112 I (Sanitary forcemel IT v ( loar.omiand Hardwood For. V. ( IG - utility line I (yes v I Both v 1 0.096 f` 113 I (Sanitary. forceme( IT v ( kor.omland I-ardwood =ores V I IG - utility line I (yes v I Both v 1 0.192 lx 114 I (Sanitary forcemzI IT " I Inodomland Hardwood For. v I IE - utility line I Iyes v I Both v (. perati 115 I (Sanitary forceme( IT "I IBottomland Hardwood Farm V I IC & 13 - utility lint Iyes v1 Both v I 0.003 lx 110 I (Sanitary forceme( IT v I Inattomland HardwoodForesv 1 IB - utility line I Ire' v I ''oth v I 0.020 Ix lacresi 2g. Total Temporary Wetland Impact 4- 1.243 I 2g. Total Permanent Wetland Impact 0.243 2g. Total Wetland Impact .- 1.485 Updated Environmental Impacts Map (Updated Sheets CWI-1.2, CWI-1.8, CWI-1.9, and CWI-1.11) e, EXISTING PUMP STATION 1.1 SCALE 1"-1,000' • FOR FORCEMAIN TIE IN !• THIS DRAWING PREPARED AT THE RALEIGH OFFICE 5410 Trinity Road, Suite 102 I Raleigh, NC 27607 TEL 919.866.4951 FAX 919.833.8124 www.timmons.com REVISION DESCRIPTION I �i� ��/// /// �■mi�■ma� ._ III 0 1,000' 2,000' gli IA,,N -, ��, 1ir,ii; '1 ..... CLIFFORD Ire v . CWI-1.13 _ "'- ROAD :J��i WETLAND & STREAM IMPACT LEGEND: �/a -_ r� -s I ue� �I✓l j eye ,�; I I (-1 1 1 ♦ l \\ �\ �) II (( I a WWI( UM/ �IL4A, --,I�,� %Iw. PERMANENT PFO WETLANDS GREEN -- f \' ` 1 CWI-1.12 _ . (III((\\\� ?; 1 �� J %% �� g � '� g, a1 � ,, vv� IIIIII-1111 TEMPORARY PFO WETLANDS - CYAN i- •. •. PERMANENT CONVERSION TO PEM WETLANDS - LIGHT PINK Aro' _ (\\_ - -, v , _ ' .--__ „Atli i� , I l' --�7 d ` �►, ' ME TEMPORARY PEM WETLANDS - DARK GREEN f {G ,• PROPOSED OFF -SITE FORCEMAIN L I 1 �- rg� )'- YOUR VISION ACHIEVED THROUGH OURS. 11 >/ ;�/// / �fl��Ir. f iLi) v -- ;IIIIII-1111 TEMPORARY PSS WETLANDS - VIOLET 1 ', �I ����� ♦ I / lll�))) // _ i 7i� ilk® �,' ar `' 1 v ` / 1 ♦ ♦� �, - f //ll l� %iiiifig „� / ✓ 1� 7-\ ♦ 11 //I// �/ // :IIIIII-1111 ,_ TEMPORARY POW WETLANDS - DARK BLUE V/ -,, '�\\ �� ��/( \� „14,„-�/1,14 e: l II I '� \\\ . '/ // CWI-1.11 % - =� ( 1 (+ 1�y;,� r1 I l I III 1 I I '••••••� PERMANENT NO LOSS STREAM ORANGE ::. ( ) i ;• 1i1 \� II �� _% c \ ' ----- " // d 1 �� I 1 1) •.•. 1 1 1 `G+ ��� •' Li)))/) • /!//, /frr., 1 1� STREAMS TAKEN FROM !NEW 8ET % , ,1 'ate / ja. I I II CWI-1.10 HEL II Q Z ��' PERMANENT STREAM RED ��11rj - ` WAKE COUNTY GIS DATA, \ ROAD a- / 1''�� 9 11�1 1 ,.......--_. ,••••••••••� TEMPORARY STREAM NAVY ,w_ \\ j///(r ♦,�'' GROU\ 2-( � %II / .'�'� 30' ZONE 1 PERMANENT BUFFER IMPACT -PINK DATE mimnBYl � ) TIMMONS % _ ����a ENVIRONMENTAL _ e-' e ^� O SGROUP/ v� // `� ����� e Alb , �1(.4� 1�1i1% 30' ZONE 1 TEMPORARY BUFFER IMPACT BROWN DRAWN BY :- CWh1.9 Il)I A vv � �- )�v�� /:,'/� CWI \ "., i i I . ��\ t -• -/ ��, - 20' ZONE 2 PERMANENT BUFFER IMPACT YELLOW v' • EXISTING PUMP STATION = v ' �'� •, TIMMONS GROUP .••':^•. DESIGNED BY 331 s_ �- ' ]] �- � fi , -•� _ I \` r �f��� �(( I 1 �® �. �' �� �. CWI-1 3 [I-1-1-1-it 20' ZONE 2 TEMPORARY BUFFER IMPACT - TAN ill ffid• I 1p _� r1/�� 1�'\\\\ �- /`�� CHECKED BY 331 A 3v I ( 6'\ V A �� - �l yl 1 / _ / AA iI �\ cwl-1.s \ \ I J)1 III J,11 � :� O 1 , \v v v v, . � �� vv�. \v .---. ,, \ 1 1 ( �� \. • \ i //,' / v �Mi'O I °1 ��' ��•%� �',� a.'l v / / 2- _ I / /l/ 1, �� % / LEGEND SCALE 1„ =1000 a%,` � a..�\v imp .�_. °b vv° v� wv A`vv �� I�' � r'�r ))II ►s'14� of r /f III v /� ����'� NEUSE RIPARIAN BUFFER � X NEW BETHEL GARNER, WAKE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA OVERALL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS 4 �t• `' SWIFT CREEK )° v 1 ---1 . e �� J ,° (( 1��®, .5 A, �, l.gi J //ii1V// \\ \\ , , A I I/O / / / 1 /,Ir� ■ / a �� 9� " / / SITE DATA TABLE: WETLANDS . w . w - o / A\ VA :. ' �� e- !� .�/° 44,14 - s -, ) /,/ CWI-1.7 C a►4r ���-�>.�y )). "�.� 0 E� i' _'�� % ��,,.P\\� \11 w � /l l/id/ a � --/dam ��pV.7 i/Ii l //\ ✓, �/11111�1 'llJ s %- A 9 � ///�� C `\ �/ TOTAL AREA: 167.53 ACRES 100 YEAR FLOOD PLAIN o 0 0 0 \ �1 4\i. • `_ I/ �� � � .... � t� > ��r; )\ „ E vv� � � , . r � � � - d ���, "y v� r_ i TOTAL WETLANDS: 6.41 ACRES (279 032 SF) STREAM - - 111� - �u1�° isr %' lir/ll w�. �� TOTAL STREAMS' 3,257 LF 4...,•%sou 7� ° �,�fx , t 77 /III - _ ----I-1 l (\�\ �� •s e9 / I° RJR r i iI - , CWI-1.6 y �J°' - n J j/ / /// \\ \ / -.t 4�\\„AA� 4, '.�� J/\ IIIA )/// WETLAND AN D STREAM IMPACTS I � � � "rza " � �t s r.. " ir--' 7- 7�) 1 \�/// (� EXISTING WETLANDS i( °;d �;f , J JT »/ // /(( . �,. / ( \\\\ `� >Ka �`�` �. 0 j%'/ {)/,/� AA`" � 1 PFO WETLANDIM PACT PEM WETLAND IMPACT P55 WETLAND IMPACT POW WETLAND IMPACT STREAMIM PACT 30'ZONE1 IMPACT 30'ZONE1 IMPACT 20'ZO IMPACT ZO'ZONE2 IMPACT ,ti�\ \ )�/��ii_, -` ^. A\V / /� �� /� / 4 A� ,a �., ,•� .. \ \\ I\ J ///��///-, ,� � 1\ ((1�� \ � L\ L a- c/.s'�`:a \\\ �i/,/�s. / � 2 //�( 11 MAP SHEET IMPACT NUMBER IMPACT SPECIFICATION PERMANENT PERMANENT CO TO CONVERSION TEMPORARY : PORARYTEMPORARY TEMPORARY PERMANENT- NO LOSS TEMPORARY PERM TEMPORARY PERMANENT TEMPORARY (SF) I (AC) (SF) 1 (AC) (SF) 1 (AC) (SF) (AC) (SF) (AC) (SF) (AC) (LF) (SF) (AC) (LF) (SF) (AC) (LF)1 (SF) I (AC) (SF) 1 (AC) (SF) (AC) (SF) I (AC) (SF) I (AC) CWI-1.3 _CWI-1.4 _CWI-1.4 CWI-1.4 _ CWI-1.4 CWI-1.5 CWI-1.6 _CWI-1.6 CWI-1.7 CWI-1.7 CWI-1.8 CWI-1.9 CWI-1.10 CWI-1.11 CWI-1.11 CWI-1.12 CWI-1.12 CWI-1.13 CWI-1.13 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 ROADFILL&GREENWAY GREENWAYCONSTRUCTION SCMOUTFALL GREENWAYCONSTRUCTION SCM OUTFALL SAN. SEWER OUTFALL GREENWAYCONSTRUCTION SANITARYFORCEMAIN SANITARYFORCEMAIN SANITARYFORCEMAIN SANITARYFORCEMAIN SANITARYFORCEMAIN SANITARYFORCEMAIN SANITARYFORCEMAIN SANITARYFORCEMAIN SANITARYFORCEMAIN SANITARYFORCEMAIN SANITARYFORCEMAIN SANITARYFORCEMAIN 6259 0.1437 - - - - - - - - 4290 0.0985 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 8252 0.1894 42 0.0010 4744 0.1089 2779 0.0638 15535 0.3566 8361 0.1919 1624 0.0373 129 0.0030 854 0.0196 2710 0.0622 - - - - 4918 0.1129 - - 4191 0.0962 - - - 1228 0.0282 - - - - 41 135 0.0031 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 25 74 0.0017 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 31 221 0.0051 - - - 33 65 0.0015 - - - - - - - - - - 83 0.0019 - 2908 0.0668 164 0.0038 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 963 0.0221 320 0.0073 2120 0.0487 407 0.0093 1980 0.0455 2400 0.0551 - - 2475 0.0568 1932 0.0444 3408 0.0782 - - 2029 0.0466 22 0.0005 1795 0.0412 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 130 0.0030 - - 264 0.0061 1681 0.0386 1964 0.0451 3732 0.0857 1419 0.0326 - - - - 2480 0.0569 1501 0.0345 1482 0.0340 1202 0.0276 299 0.0069 JOB NO 41804 SHEET NO. CWI-1.2 TOTAL 1054910.2422 4232010.9715 271010.0622 4918 0.1129 419110.0962 1228 0.0282 41 135 0.0031 25 I 74 1 0.0017 641 286I0.0066 315510.0724 1600510.3674 3846I0.0883 16154I0.3708 iIJ UHIH� 0 0 a \ TEMPORARY PSS WETLAND IMPACT 12 \ 0o \ FOR SANITARY FORCEMAIN CONSTRUCTION \ \ \ \ a\ \ 1 1 o �\ 1 \ \ \ \0 \ 0\\ \ b \ o \ 1 e ° j \® \ \° \ 0 \ \o° \ °\\ 0 1,834 SF (TOTAL SF = 4,191) N \ TEMPORARY PEM WETLAND IMPACT 12 FOR SANITARY FORCEMAIN CONSTRUCTION 945 SF (TOTAL SF = 4,918) \' STREAM BASED OFF OF \ WAKE COUNTY GIS DATA 0 \ \ \ \ \ 0\ o\ \ °\ \ \ \ \ 0 \ b\ oa \ \ \° '\ \ \ \°°\ \®\ \ \ \ \ o\ 0 \- \ o ® \ \ \ \ o\ \o \ \ \ I 1 \ o\ 8 \ \ �\ ° \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 0 \ \ \ \ \ I I I I I I \ 1 \ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PEM WETLANDS 30' FORCE MAIN EASEMENT 0° \ \ 1 1 0 \ 1 1 1° 1 1 I 1 0 I I 1 1 ' / / I I / /o°/ /c / o/ ' /0°/ I / o 0/ I 0 0 / 0 1 0 0 of 0 \ 0 o \ / / \I / o \ / o 0 I 0 0 0 0 PERMANENT CONVERSION TO PEM WETLAND IMPACT 12 FOR SANITARY FORCEMAIN CONSTRUCTION 5,631 SF (TOTAL SF = 15,535) / PERMANENT CONVERSION TO PEM WETAND IMPACT 11 FOR SANITARY FORCEMAIN CONSTRUCTION 2,779 SF \jam 0 SCALE 1 "=50' 50' WETLAND & STREAM IMPACT LEGEND: kr6Z,.. IIIIII1111 IIIII-1111 :IIIIII1111 1IIII-1111 diNik d MY 100' PERMANENT PFO WETLANDS - GREEN TEMPORARY PFO WETLANDS - CYAN PERMANENT CONVERSION TO PEM WETLANDS - LIGHT PINK TEMPORARY PEM WETLANDS - DARK GREEN TEMPORARY PSS WETLANDS - VIOLET TEMPORARY POW WETLANDS - DARK BLUE PERMANENT (NO LOSS) STREAM - ORANGE PERMANENT STREAM - RED TEMPORARY STREAM - NAVY 30' ZONE 1 PERMANENT BUFFER IMPACT - PINK 30' ZONE 1 TEMPORARY BUFFER IMPACT - BROWN 20' ZONE 2 PERMANENT BUFFER IMPACT - YELLOW 20' ZONE 2 TEMPORARY BUFFER IMPACT - TAN LEGEND NEUSE RIPARIAN BUFFER WETLANDS 100 YEAR FLOOD PLAIN STREAM E cem cc co YOUR VISION ACHIEVED THROUGH OURS. REVISION DESCRIPTION DATE 07/07/2021 • • • • • • Om 0 TIMMONS DRAMBY 331 cEsmmEw 331 CHECKED BY 331 SCALE UJ ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT 11 41804 \ \ PERMANENT CONVERSION TO PEM WETLAND IMPACT 12 THIS DRAWING PREPARED AT THE RALEIGH OFFICE 5410 Trinity Road, Suite 102 I Raleigh, NC 27607 TEL 919.866.4951 FAX 919.833.8124 www.timmons.com REVISION DESCRIPTION I FOR SANITARY FORCEMAIN CONSTRUCTION ./,i/�,i/ .v `� 3,848 vv vv vv .v �� ..:, ,v, ', * * vvim` ��. v .v .v .v .v vv 1- �/ w1�A v .v .v w vv vv`.� NA v v/ * * * vv Ni , ". •,,s..-- v ' .v * * �� •� v `' SF \v I (TOTAL SF = 15,535) PSS WETLANDS v v * * * * * \v \v vv * * * . vv vv vv ,v vv SCALE 1 "=50' YOUR VISION ACHIEVED THROUGH OURS. v * * * ` * PEM WETLANDS vv ,v ,/ A vv vv vv .v 0 50' 100' v \ * * vv vv . vv * vv vv .v \.- *N/ �� �\l/ *� �/ '� '. ==i1. *�\V �/ \ PERMANENT CONVERSION TO PEM WETLAND IMPACT 12 ` .v v .v v/ v 111 Imo- * * v/ v/ * ` \ q11�= 1►�► FOR SANITARY FORCEMAIN CONSTRUCTION A \v \v v/ v/ .v .v .v .v o �` v' .v * v 101— 'r " v �v 6,056 SF(TOTAL SF = Ii .v .v 15,535) vN.v \v \v .vim v \v \v \v N�v I'—. ` \ .I/ .V .V\ .V .V .V .V DATE 07/07/2021 \w \ 1 v \ �,�/1 -� y 1 ti . \ ► WETLAND & STREAM IMPACT LEGEND: .V \v \v i V / .V * * DRAWN BY 331 / .v \v \v v TEMPORARY PSS WETLAND IMPACT 12 ®_ I _� \v \v \v \v \v ► �_ L/YXI PERMANENT PFO WETLANDS - GREEN TIMMONS GROUP .•. \ i' \I/ FOR SANITARY FORCEMAIN CONSTRUCTION � \ \i, \i, ,i, � �.�� I �1 iDESIGNED 111, ri►?. -*49`. \v \ *�\v� *� PROPOSED FORCE MAIN TEMPORARY PFO WETLANDS - CYAN BY 331 * 2,357 SF (TOTAL SF = 4,191)/, * * II -��Xts * �� * PERMANENT CONVERSION TO PEM WETLANDS - LIGHT PINK \ v v\��(11 ,_IiI� 1•I1� + 1�`�1,r \v ��* CHECKED BY 331 \fr .. 1�� `.. \v w \v `�/\ ,. =IIIIII1111 TEMPORARY PEM WETLANDS - DARK GREEN ;— //�� \ \ 11 I _ SCALE 1��-50' \v \v w �_ ":4\`\v \v \v \v I \V O\ q��_:A��_ IIIIII-E \I/ \I/ * * IIr ���� r * * * TEMPORARY PSS WETLANDS - VIOLET NEW BETHEL GARNER, WAKE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT 12 TEMPORARY PEM WETLAND IMPACT 12 • • i m���a����o,� \' IIIIIIIIII TEMPORARY POW WETLANDS DARK BLUE \v \v \v v v FOR SANITARY FORCEMAIN CONSTRUCTION v v/ ' 1I` v v v �7:C�44'744�� v v v v v 0 1�.� ;—_ — — \ V V * 3,973 SF SF = 4,918) �` r I w Ib -w� Oi \ v v ► ��.�*�r��� 4•4. ° �������� . PERMANENT NO LOSS STREAM - ORANGE (TOTAL / N \v \v \v • .,t to .,;Is a . v v v v v ° ° / \ _, /� \v v I v�T*W0170 N5W`AA%lr, \V \V \V \ v ° ' � PERMANENT STREAM RED I _ /* .. vv Jv v 4 0 01!POt, � � vfr ` °"# I TEMPORARY STREAM - NAVY ° / I I *l \v \v .vim'., ��' ,v _ \v \v \v \v .v � ���� dlili 30' ZONE 1 PERMANENT BUFFER IMPACT - PINK �° ° ° ° * * ' , v. Av v v w w _ I — ° ° ° — , — ��� �I, w v . ; a/ N,v v/ v/ — vv dlili 30' ZONE 1 TEMPORARY BUFFER IMPACT - BROWN _ _ �° ° °� 30' FORCE MAIN EASEMENT v y v/ � * * • ° ` ,,, ,,, \i, \v.,-_, \w,a.! w /\i, �, �, .... 20' ZONE 2 PERMANENT BUFFER IMPACT - YELLOW — ° cL°� —_ w vv vv vv �`� w `N� / vv vv \ \ \ o� \ — • °� \ \v \v \v \v \i ` 1/ V, 20' ZONE 2 TEMPORARY BUFFER IMPACT TAN ® �� °� -� ®o ° I * * * * �� ��/ ' _- _ E ,, * * * *� * �.,� / vv r ,r * * � , ,,, _ — — — — y° \��., .� a����1� o oo \v \v \v .v .v — ° ----a\ ., 9 0 •.FF�. o°om o \ \v \v \I/ \v �•I 1� , 1�. \v ,_, - T ° ° -- 0 ®0 F \ v v v ��11 ' 0a\ — ` ° °\ PFO WETLANDS �II III_ •— ° \ •°o.-.o°°° �, * QjQj ,� LEGEND °° o ° ° o. EllAinn \ \ - �� �A � ° ` PSS WETLANDS — ' , STREAM BASED OFF OF - — — WAKE COUNTY GIS DATA °\ \ \ \ .v .v \v \v \v w w 1 -\� NEUSE RIPARIAN BUFFER /// — \ ° ° vv vv J' ` �� TEMPORARY PSS WETLAND IMPACT 12 ° \ ° * \v 1 ° \ \ �\ FOR SANITARY FORCEMAIN CONSTRUCTION �` \ 4 ��. �N WETLANDS �, W w W W*w.-w. sk � �� v Av�o v ° 1,834SF(TOTALSF=4,191) v v — . . � A A 0 \ ® A \ °\ \ -0 \ ° \ \ \ ° \ .. /� ` ° I \ \ TEMPORARY PEM WETLAND IMPACT 12 100 YEAR FLOOD PLAIN o 0 0 0 STREAM — — \ \\ FOR SANITARY FORCEMAIN CONSTRUCTION o\ �° PEM WETLANDS 0 0 0 0 o 00 \ \ \ 945 SF (TOTAL SF = 4,918) V- o \ NO 41804 \4 \ 4O\ \ 0° \ \ \ \ \°\ 0\ \JOB \ 0 ° �� ° \ A A A ° A\\ SHEET NO. \ \ I \ PFO WETLANDS I PERMANENT CONVERSION TO PEM WETLAND IMPACT 15 1. 1 �90 O. o \O O / 1/\ �-T ` \ 00 THIS DRAWING PREPARED AT THE RALEIGH OFFICE 5410 Trinity Road, Suite 102 I Raleigh, NC 27607 TEL 919.866.4951 FAX 919.833.8124 www.timmons.com REVISION DESCRIPTION I FOR SANITARY FORCEMAIN CONSTRUCTION I 129 SF .. l ti• STREAM WILL NOT BE IMPACTED ••'!'•'!.. °i•,,- ,H E!' :: / \ ° I� v r• \ TEMPORARY 30' ZONE 1 IMPACT 15 EDGE OF CREEK i' i' i : i •.•' q .!' :!' .,• 1 I 1I• i� 1°•" : i;:•i1� • 1 �_ FOR SANITARY FORCEMAIN CONSTRUCTION : 2,475 SF 1i/ , `' TEMPORARY 20' ZONE 2 IMPACT 15 YOUR VISION ACHIEVED THROUGH OURS. FROM TIMMONS ENVIRONMENTAL =— / of y �[11y.J11� /:•': I.. ......:� / / ... _- '.. // / �� �oF�A7000° / / OO/ °::!ii /1/ /— / o / JOO O/ / / o / \P i i / / / J s i4'1 i 1 1 1 .: i •i• 1 i;e' .. . / J — PROPOSED FOR SANITARY FORCEMAIN CONSTRUCTION 2,480 SF \ o° o�y9/ —°oo° °O 0 0 o O O FORCE MAIN °O N / T DATE DRAWN BY 331 TIMMONS GROUP : •':'+. CHECKED BV 331 SCALE 1., - 50' NEW BETHEL GARNER, WAKE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS 14 AND 15 °°°° _ — — — /O // / 30' PROPOSED ° Q _ FORCE MAIN °° ° kk, I / / EASEMENT o / I /I O° I , I SCALE 1"=50' WETLAND & STREAM IMPACT LEGEND: x'/+ PERMANENT PFO WETLANDS GREEN - PFO WETLANDS \ i - 0 50' 100' IF TEMPORARY PFO WETLANDS - CYAN \,�\k�\k A i PERMANENT CONVERSION TO PEM WETLANDS - LIGHT PINK I \- \i, \i, � o :IIIIIIE TEMPORARY PEM WETLANDS - DARK GREEN \k\- \,�\i, 4 I ME T TEMPORARY PSS WETLANDS VIOLET A \fr\,�\,� IIIIIIE TEMPORARY POW WETLANDS - DARK BLUE * * * bA •�• LEGEND um PERMANENT (NO LOSS) STREAM - ORANGE \ 5s� ' Z PERMANENT STREAM RED \v ►�= I NEUSE RIPARIAN BUFFER j/ D•-•-�-.-- TEMPORARY STREAM - NAVY \ I 1±IYli 30' ZONE 1 PERMANENT BUFFER IMPACT - PINK WETLANDS v* `. v .i, .i. .i, .i. , L'.I.'1'.I.S.I 30' ZONE 1 TEMPORARY BUFFER IMPACT - BROWN \, \\ PERMANENT CONVERSION TO PEM WETLAND IMPACT 14 100 YEAR FLOOD PLAIN \ o 0 0 _ 20' ZONE 2 PERMANENT BUFFER IMPACT - YELLOW JOB NO. 41804 * k'r'r'r'r'r'r 20' ZONE 2 TEMPORARY BUFFER IMPACT - TAN FOR SANITARY FORCEMAIN CONSTRUCTION 1624 SF STREAM — — SHEE NO. CWI-1.11 ` Updated Wetlands and Waters of the U.S. Delineation Map Resource Identification Enna ollli19ZIIMllllll�llllll�llllll�llllll�® © "63 I_® mcmaimmEnigam mmannacramaiEcuricom mammEnammmzsm ME=1=llllll�llllll�llllll�llllll MEINllllll�llllll�® NEEIMEMEOLFEHEMIEILZIEEMEMEMEMI PFO (sq ft) PSS (sq ft) Total Wetland Area = PEM (sq ft) POW (sq ft) Ditch (If) Resource Description Notes` T=Tdal; NT=Non-tidal; V=Vegetated; NV=Non-Vegetated; PFO=Palustrine Forested Wetland; PSS=Palustrine Scrub -Shrub Wetland; PEM=Palustrine Emergent Wetland; POW= Palustrine Open Water, EIW= Estuarine Intertidal Wetlands; R3= Upper Perennial Streams; R4=Intermittent Streams; R6 = Ephemeral Streams Legend Project Study Limits - 10.5 Acres © Stream Identifier © Wetland Identifier Flag Field Data Station = Culvert Perennial Stream (R3) Intermittent Stream (R4) Stream Buffer n Palustrine Scrub (PSS) Wetlands n Palustrine Emergent (PEM) Wetlands Palustrine Forested (PFO) Wetlands Palustrine Open Water (POW) Topographic Contours Major - 10 Feet — - Minor - 1 Foot 1. Waters of the U.S. within the project study limits have been located using submeter, Bluetooth GPS antennas by Timmons Group. 2. Preliminary waters of the U.S. have not been confirmed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers until stamped. 3. Project limits are approximate. 4. Topography based on USGS LiDAR. 5. Cowardin Stream Classifications are based on NC DWQ Stream Identification form version 4.11. 0 2 (41. • • o. 0 ac C9 Z 0 1— DATE 07/31/2020 DRAWN BY K. SCHMIDT DESIGNED BY K. SCHMIDT CHECKED BY M. GILBERT SCALE 1 "=400' cc 0 (go 8 N 2 J W 2o � F m Z 1[eIUJ:11IW Ti 1 iL1► I IT=V_L I_WiT/IN 4:1=1•1 1:I411611 4110I V1 MOI['i JOB NUMBER 41804 SHEET NO. 1 of 5 • • imited to construction, biddin., and or construction stakin. without the ex. ress written consent o TIMM• N R•UP Resource Identification PFO (sq ft) PSS (sq ft) PEM (sq ft) Confirmation POW (sq ft) R3 (IQ R4 (If) R6 (If) Ditch (It) Resource Description Notes' A 6 G K Total 1,074 2,438 136 3,074 6,063 466 50,347 63,598 15,073 15,073 915 13,843 14,758 2,845 2,845 101 4 150 255 134 134 NT/V NT/V NT/V NT/V NTN NTN NTN; NT/NV NT/NV NT/NV NT/NV NT/NV Total Wetland Area = Total Stream Length = 96,274 sq ft 3891f 2.21 as T=Tdal; NT=Non-tidal; V=Vegetated; NV=Non-Vegetated; PFO=Palustrine Forested Wetland; PSS=Palustrine Scrub -Shrub Wetland; PEM=Palustrine Emergent Wetland; POW= Palustrine Open Water, EIW= Estuarine Intertidal Wetlands; R3= Upper Perennial Streams; R4=Intermittent Streams; R6 = Ephemeral Streams Legend Project Study Limits - 10.5 Acres © Stream Identifier © Wetland Identifier Flag Field Data Station = Culvert Perennial Stream (R3) Intermittent Stream (R4) Stream Buffer n Palustrine Scrub (PSS) Wetlands n Palustrine Emergent (PEM) Wetlands Palustrine Forested (PFO) Wetlands Palustrine Open Water (POW) Topographic Contours Major - 10 Feet - - Minor - 1 Foot 1. Waters of the U.S. within the project study limits have been located using submeter, Bluetooth GPS antennas by Timmons Group. 2. Preliminary waters of the U.S. have not been confirmed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers until stamped. 3. Project limits are approximate. 4. Topography based on USGS LiDAR. 5. Cowardin Stream Classifications are based on NC DWQ Stream Identification form version 4.11. a 5 • • • ill • nne DATE 07/31/2020 DRAWN BY K. SCHMIDT DESIGNED BY K. SCHMIDT CHECKED BY M. GILBERT SCALE 1 "= 100' 1[e111:1A Wdl1IV_1► I BIS_L I.Wi%r4a:X*1al: I ammo gm! �_� � [�7►�t�i/_1i JOB NUMBER 41804 SHEET NO. 2 of 5 imited to construction, biddin., and or construction stakin. without the ex. ress written consent o TIMM• N R•UP Resource Identification PFO (sq ft) PSS (sq ft) PEM (sq ft) Confirmation POW (sq ft) R3 (10 R4 (If) R6 (If) Ditch (I!) Resource Description Notes' A 6 G K Total 1,074 2,438 136 3,074 6,063 466 50,347 63,598 15,073 15,073 915 13,843 14,758 2,845 2,845 101 4 150 255 134 134 NT/V NT/V NT/V NT/V NTN NTN NTN; NT/NV NT/NV NT/NV NT/NV NT/NV Total Wetland Area = Total Stream Length = 96,274 sq ft 3891f 2.21 as T=Tdal; NT=Non-tidal; V=Vegetated; NV=Non-Vegetated; PFO=Palustrine Forested Wetland; PSS=Palustrine Scrub -Shrub Wetland; PEM=Palustrine Emergent Wetland; POW= Palustrine Open Water, EIW= Estuarine Intertidal Wetlands; R3= Upper Perennial Streams; R4=Intermittent Streams; R6 = Ephemeral Streams Legend Project Study Limits - 10.5 Acres © Stream Identifier © Wetland Identifier Flag Field Data Station = Culvert Perennial Stream (R3) Intermittent Stream (R4) Stream Buffer n Palustrine Scrub (PSS) Wetlands n Palustrine Emergent (PEM) Wetlands Palustrine Forested (PFO) Wetlands Palustrine Open Water (POW) Topographic Contours Major - 10 Feet - - Minor - 1 Foot 1. Waters of the U.S. within the project study limits have been located using submeter, Bluetooth GPS antennas by Timmons Group. 2. Preliminary waters of the U.S. have not been confirmed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers until stamped. 3. Project limits are approximate. 4. Topography based on USGS LiDAR. 5. Cowardin Stream Classifications are based on NC DWQ Stream Identification form version 4.11. + l i r _t t fir . t. r 5' —], . c L r/ 1 • 1 •t r / ! — / — I 1/ r ' 1 ./ 1 I I , — 1 • 1, ! r r 1 1 L .. ' t 1 . i 1 I r t-- . —— ,5y-I 1 r• r t s , r" 1 t r l !! t r 1 — • 1 rrr 1 r r t I . •!. 1 1 1 1 1 I ! I 1'r 1 1 1 / • stP419 r 5� r r ( • 5AC.r r tr 1r / i7' T) . t t l rrrr r1 •"/ • 1 I tr`!� r 1 fi r I r .- .I , r ,.�•1 1 1 1 1 I 1 �•'• .41 • / — 'tiei7r, 5r/r J r t r Y rl ! r1 r + J. r 11 1 1 1 1 •' T• r'� 1 I • • r� _r 1 ■ I f . r r yfi r. `— - !ir 1 f r „1; rf •�o q'! I fir !F I r r i . I \1,1 1 I fit ! " • l 1 T �!! /�r 1 • • -� r t r /10 + I ! •• r , 1 r - 1 ] e p r. r rf lrl ,fir r , /I ! Cln /r r' ,Afj5,-,. . - 96VI: •r r I _ T]R! �ii�11 ► Fl.f;r - 16 r s — .-1,. 1 fir` '• ' 5 1 1 r ::..- 1 t!,i, l!? Yi t r.,i. ,L •46-..!._, l , i 1 1 ( .1, r dti 1 '1 1 1 4C. I. y- 1 1,• 1 n' I .ia.`-I it 4 f• '%:- 1 y. r 1 :a 4 i r 54 , ,, ' 1 t 1 ' IrCl%1 .(.1'.• :1 .: - '';,.: lk-::"Ti. .'t. '' . . '' - r 1 1 t 1 5• (1i. , • h •, + ��1•�. \ a lb • i l _ 1 t 1 , 1q 1 r ..r t I r , 1 I , 1 �a• �r } �`, ( t •• 1 r i1= •� fir rl•t '�: 1 r r.. ,I`.ttt , ■ram 1 t 1 1 '1 1 (1 ! r • l t / AJ'. lirvo ` I fit >. 1, - ••tom 5r •r 1 • . 1 I '-11 , t r1 .1. •'•ty.t �.. ' 1 11f I s 1 / r 1 1 r I, r r I i •t I :-.fin 1+r ti 1 t 1 1 t + 5 r 1 4- Y 1 •1 5 , , 1 L • 1 •tl 1 '( - — 1 �t-M a.- tM a tak ril • a. 0 0 F17- NOM DATE 07/31/2020 DRAWN BY K. SCHMIDT DESIGNED BY K. SCHMIDT CHECKED BY M. GILBERT SCALE cc 0 8 g F § co Ile111:144Wil 4 0E1 Iil:_LI_1fiT/IN 4a3•121:1all1=11 411►1VI ECZIi JOB NUMBER 41804 SHEET NO. imited to construction, biddin., and or construction stakin. without the ex.ress written consent of TIMM • N R• UP Resource Identification A 8 G K Total PFO (sq ft) 1,074 2,438 136 3,074 6,063 466 50,347 63,598 PSS (sq ft) 15,073 15,073 Total Wetland Area = Total Stream Length = PEM (sq ft) 915 13,843 14,758 Confirmation POW (sq ft) 2,845 2,845 96,274 sq ft 3891f R3 (I0 101 4 150 255 R4 (Il) 134 134 R6 (Il) 2.21 as Ditch (It) Resource Description Notes' NT/V NT/V NTN NTN NTN NTN NTN; NT/NV NT/NV NT/NV NT/NV NT/NV T=Tdal; NT=Non-tidal; V=Vegetated; NV=Non-Vegetated; PFO=Palustrine Forested Wetland; PSS=Palustrine Scrub -Shrub Wetland; PEM=Palustrine Emergent Wetland; POW= Palustrine Open Water, EIW= Estuarine Intertidal Wetlands; R3= Upper Perennial Streams; R4=Intermittent Streams; R6 = Ephemeral Streams Legend Project Study Limits - 10.5 Acres © Stream Identifier © Wetland Identifier Flag Field Data Station = Culvert Perennial Stream (R3) Intermittent Stream (R4) Stream Buffer n Palustrine Scrub (PSS) Wetlands n Palustrine Emergent (PEM) Wetlands Palustrine Forested (PFO) Wetlands Palustrine Open Water (POW) Topographic Contours Major - 10 Feet - - Minor - 1 Foot 1. Waters of the U.S. within the project study limits have been located using submeter, Bluetooth GPS antennas by Timmons Group. 2. Preliminary waters of the U.S. have not been confirmed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers until stamped. 3. Project limits are approximate. 4. Topography based on USGS LiDAR. 5. Cowardin Stream Classifications are based on NC DWQ Stream Identification form version 4.11. 0 50 100 200 G DATE 07/31/2020 DRAWN BY - K. SCHMIDT DESIGNED BY i K. SCHMIDT CHECKED BY M. GILBERT SCALE 1 "= 100' 1Cr1u1:1A;Wdl1M1►1BILV_LI_WiT/r4:14-1•11:Iall=1 SHEET NO. 4 of 5 Resource Identification PFO (sq ft) 50,347 63,598 PSS (sq ft) 15,073 Total Wetland Area = Total Stream Length = PEM (sq ft) 13,843 Confirmation POW (sq ft) 96,274 sq ft 2.21 as Ditch (It) Resource Description Notes' NTN; NT/NV NT/NV T=Tdal; NT=Non-tidal; V=Vegetated; NV=Non-Vegetated; PFO=Palustrine Forested Wetland; PSS=Palustrine Scrub -Shrub Wetland; PEM=Palustrine Emergent Wetland; POW= Palustrine Open Water, EIW= Estuarine Intertidal Wetlands; R3= Upper Perennial Streams; R4=Intermittent Streams; R6 = Ephemeral Streams Legend Project Study Limits - 10.5 Acres © Stream Identifier © Wetland Identifier Flag Field Data Station = Culvert Perennial Stream (R3) Intermittent Stream (R4) Stream Buffer n Palustrine Scrub (PSS) Wetlands n Palustrine Emergent (PEM) Wetlands Palustrine Forested (PFO) Wetlands Palustrine Open Water (POW) Topographic Contours Major - 10 Feet - - Minor - 1 Foot 1. Waters of the U.S. within the project study limits have been located using submeter, Bluetooth GPS antennas by Timmons Group. 2. Preliminary waters of the U.S. have not been confirmed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers until stamped. 3. Project limits are approximate. 4. Topography based on USGS LiDAR. 5. Cowardin Stream Classifications are based on NC DWQ Stream Identification form version 4.11. 100 Feet 0 a • • • • • w • • 1- DATE 07/31/2020 DRAWN BY K. SCHMIDT DESIGNED BY K. SCHMIDT CHECKED BY M. GILBERT SCALE 1 "= 100' JOB NUMBER 41804 SHEET NO. 5 of 5 mited to construction, biddin., and or construction stakin. without the ex. ress written consent o TIMM• N R•UP