HomeMy WebLinkAbout20211248 Ver 1_Pre-Filing Meeting Information_20210816Structure No: 560222 1 of 5 NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FIELD SCOPING MEETING WORKSHEET Design Build Process TIP: B-6017 WBS: 48212.1.1 Field Scoping Meeting Date: 11/8/18 Division: 13 Location: On-site Route (US/NC/SR): SR 1151 County: Madison Project Description: Structure 560222 over Back Branch on SR 1151 (Baltimore Branch Road) Tier: Sub-Regional Funding: Federal Municipality: N/A Attendees Name Phone E-mail Division Bridge Manager Chris Medlin (828) 298-1128 cdmedlin@ncdot.gov Division Engineering Specialist Joel Davis 828-298-1128 jmdavis@ncdot.gov Division Environmental Officer Roger Bryan (828) 251-6171 ext. 221 rdbryan@ncdot.gov Hydraulics Engineer Marc Shown (919) 707-6751 mshown@ncdot.gov Division Location & Surveys Richard Hensley 828-667-9616 rhensley@ncdot.gov Division Location & Surveys Lee House 828-667-9616 jlhouse@ncdot.gov PPU Pam Williams (919) 707-6608 prwilliams@ncdot.gov PPU Jess Earley (919) 707-6606 jsearley@ncdot.gov USFWS Claire Ellwanger claire_ellwanger@fws.gov NCDWR Kevin Barnett Kevin.barnett@ncdwr.gov Structure No: 560222 2 of 5 Existing Features Feature Bridged: Bridge No. 560222 over Back Branch on SR 1151 Ex. Bridge Clear Deck Width: 16.33 Ft Roadway width: 18 Ft (Bridge / Culvert) Length: 22 Ft Deck Width (Out To Out): 17.833 Ft Water Depth: 1 Ft Height Bed-To -Crown: 6 Ft Year Built: 1951 Posted: SV 23 TTST: 32 Superstructure: Timber Floors on Salvaged I-Beams Abutment: Timber Caps/Yount Masonry Pier Type: 1 @ 22’ Temp. Shored: Historic High Water (Elev. To The Existing Structure): (Ft) PRI: 39.25 DP: 2.5 SR: 48.62 School Bussing crossings per day: Buses per day: 1, Trips per day: 4 Posted Speed Limit Vicinity: 55 mph (statutory) Detour Off-Site Stage Construction New Alignment On-site If Off -Site, Description Of Detour Route: N/A Approximate Length Of Detour? N/A Improvements Needed To Road(s) On Detour? N/A Div. Traffic Eng. Recommend Off-site detour signing? N/A Improvements Needed To Bridges On Detour? N/A Are future plans for upgrading this roadway either at or in the vicinity of this project? N/A Are Bridges On Detour Currently Programmed? N/A Are There EMS Or Business Access Issues? N/A Are There Any Railroad Crossings On Detour? N/A Should Work Zone Pedestrian Access Be Maintained During Construction? No Overhead Utility Lines In Conflict Yes Power Transmission Lines In Conflict Telephone In Conflict Yes Cable Lines In Conflict Fiber Optic In Conflict Water In Conflict Sewer In Conflict Natural Gas In Conflict Other In Conflict Is There Any Future Utility Construction Anticipated In The Project Area: No Is A FEMA Buy-Out Property Being Impacted: No Structure No: 560222 3 of 5 Environmental Wetlands At Site: No Comments: Endangered Species In County: Gray Bat, Northern Long-Eared Bat T&E species effect: No effect Trout County: Yes TVA County: CAMA County: No Primary Nursery Area: Moratoria: No Which species: N/A Duration: N/A Permits discussion: Nationwide 3 Water Quality Classification: C 303d: No Coast Guard Permit? No Drainage Basin: French Broad Riparian Buffer Rules: No Is The Project Site In Or Near Any Of The Following: National Forest: No Wildlife Refuge: No State, County, Or Local Park: No Wild And Scenic River: No Airport: No Recreation or Power Generation: No Water Supply Reservoir: No Nutrient Sensitive Waters: No Public Use Boat Ramp: No Cemeteries: No VAD/Farmland Protection: No Game Lands: No Kwn Or Potential Historic Properties In The Area: No Architecture: Survey Required—Effects Required Archaeology: Survey Required—No Effect Is The Bridge Structure Itself, Or Any Part Thereof, Considered Historic: No Impacts to a Church, Community Center, Or Other Public Facility? No Is this a Statewide Bicycle Route or a Local n-Marked Bicycle Route: No Comments: Geotechnical Are There Any Historical and/or Vibration Sensitive Structures Near By? -------- Comments: Are There Any Kwn Landfills and/or Geo-environmental Hazard Sites at/or Within Close Proximity To The Project Site? -------- Comments: Are Any Impacts Anticipated To Natural Springs Or Artesian Wells? -------- Comments: Possible Foundation Type: End Bents: Interior Bents: Structure No: 560222 4 of 5 Hydraulics FEMA Approval? No (MOA ) State Stormwater Permit? No Is There Unusual Scour Potential? No Is Protection Needed? Std Are Banks Stable? Yes Is Protection Needed? Std Appreciable Amount Of Large Debris? Moderate Placement Of Bents In The Water Be Allowed: No Where : Structure Type: Bridge If Bridge: CS or BB If girder; why? Length Of Structure: 30ft Min. Number Of Spans: 1 Span Arrangement: 1@30ft Waive offset: Yes EB Cap: 4'-0" Skewed: 60° Items To Be Discussed / Resolved At FSM By Attendees Off-Site Stage Construction New Alignment On-site Clear roadway width: Temp. Signals: Alignment: N, E, W, S Alignment: N, E, W, S Clear roadway width: 1- 10ft lane one lane w/ signals: Yes, 15mph Alignment: Downstream (South) Environmental Document Prepared by DEO : CE (federal) Minimum Criteria Checklist (state) ADT: 510 per SIR NHS: 0 Tier: Sub-Regional Func. Class: Minor Collector Bridge Min . Clear Deck W idth Recommended by Div.: 27 ft OTO Roadway lane width: 10' with 3' shoulders Extension of Paved shoulders: N/A Pave to face of guardrail and taper 8:1 to travel lane/paved shoulder? Yes Min. Pavement Surface Course: 3” Existing Roadway: 17ft Pavement Marking: Paint Pavement Markers: None Will Railroad Involvement Be Required: No Method of Clearing: Type II Mod ified Truck Percentage: 6% per BIR Reasonable Safe Speed per SIR: 35 mph (from speed study) Liquidated damages: will be imposed after 180 days of closure/construction. Amt: $ 500 per day CEI by? NCDOT R/W by? DBT R/W monuments? Conc. Salvageable materials: No Contact Person/number: Deliver to: Removal of previous structure remnant abutments/piers: Remove all Sequencing priority in construction? None Comments: Structure No: 560222 5 of 5