HomeMy WebLinkAbout20210361 Ver 1_More Info Received_20210817Strickland, Bev From: Alex Aycrigg <AAycrigg@FandR.com> Sent: Tuesday, August 17, 2021 3:41 PM To: Goss, Stephanie; Phillips, George L CIV USARMY CESAW (USA) Subject: RE: [External] Perry Creek Neuse River Interceptor / Raleigh / Wake County / SAW-2021-01051 / Request for Additional Information Attachments: 66V-0170-001 F2 Purpose and Need.pdf; Perry Creek Interceptor - Wetland SOA 04-20-2021.pdf; Perry Creek Impact Tables.xlsx; 2021-07-19 Impact Maps - Corps.pdf; 2021-07-19_Perry Creek Impact Maps - DEQ.pdf CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to Report Spam. Stephanie and Lyle, Please find attached revised impact tables in excel format reflecting the removal of the Neuse River Crossing and adjustments to the tables per Stephanie's comments as well as updated plans. Lyle please find also my responses to your request for additional information below in red and attached. Thanks and please let me know if you need anything else. Best, Alex Alex Aycrigg, PWS Project Manager Wetland Scientist FROEHLING & ROBERTSON, INC. 310 Hubert Street Raleigh, NC 27603 I USA T 919.719.1088 I F 919.582.0304 I M 919.630.3330 www.FandR.com INTRODUCING the NEW FandR.com! From: Goss, Stephanie <stephanie.goss@ncdenr.gov> Sent: Tuesday, August 17, 2021 10:16 AM To: Alex Aycrigg <AAycrigg@FandR.com>; Phillips, George L CIV USARMY CESAW (USA) <George.L.Phillips@usace.army.mil> Subject: RE: [External] Perry Creek Neuse River Interceptor / Raleigh / Wake County / SAW-2021-01051 / Request for Additional Information Alex, The 90 day mark was August 12, 2021. I need to be making a final action at this point to either issue or deny. 1 Stephanie Z. Goss Environmental Program Consultant Division of Water Resources Raleigh Regional Office 380o Barrett Drive Raleigh, NC 27609 919-791-4256 E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Alex Aycrigg <AAycrigg@FandR.com> Sent: Monday, August 16, 2021 8:28 AM To: Goss, Stephanie <stephanie.goss@ncdenr.gov>; Phillips, George L CIV USARMY CESAW (USA) <George.L.Phillips@usace.army.mil> Subject: RE: [External] Perry Creek Neuse River Interceptor / Raleigh / Wake County / SAW-2021-01051 / Request for Additional Information CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to Report Spam. Hello Stephanie, My apologies for the delay in my response as I have been out of the office. When is the 90-day for this project please? Alex Aycrigg, PWS Project Manager Wetland Scientist FROEHLING & ROBERTSON, INC. 310 Hubert Street Raleigh, NC 27603 1 USA T 919.719.1088 F 919.582.0304 M 919.630.3330 www.FandR.com INTRODUCING the NEW FandR.com! From: Goss, Stephanie <stephanie.goss@ncdenr.gov> Sent: Tuesday, August 10, 2021 3:32 PM To: Alex Aycrigg <AAycrigg@FandR.com>; Phillips, George L CIV USARMY CESAW (USA) <George.L.Phillips@usace.army.mil> Subject: RE: [External] Perry Creek Neuse River Interceptor / Raleigh / Wake County / SAW-2021-01051 / Request for Additional Information Alex, Do you have any updates regarding this project. We are nearing the 90 day mark. Stephanie Z. Goss Environmental Program Consultant Division of Water Resources Raleigh Regional Office 380o Barrett Drive 2 Raleigh, NC 27609 919-791-4256 E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Alex Aycrigg <AAycrigg@FandR.com> Sent: Thursday, July 8, 2021 2:34 PM To: Goss, Stephanie <stephanie.goss@ncdenr.gov>; Phillips, George L CIV USARMY CESAW (USA) <George.L.Phillips@usace.army.mil> Subject: RE: [External] Perry Creek Neuse River Interceptor / Raleigh / Wake County / SAW-2021-01051 / Request for Additional Information CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to Report Spam. Thanks Stephanie and Lyle for your review. I will go back through and check the quantities but wanted to let you both know that the Neuse crossing is likely to get pulled from the project so will be coming back with some revised plans with the crossing excluded. Best, Alex Alex Aycrigg, PWS Project Manager Wetland Scientist FROEHLING & ROBERTSON, INC. 310 Hubert Street Raleigh, NC 27603 I USA T 919.719.1088 I F 919.582.0304 I M 919.630.3330 www.FandR.com INTRODUCING the NEW FandR.com! From: Goss, Stephanie <stephanie.goss@ncdenr.gov> Sent: Thursday, July 8, 2021 2:29 PM To: Phillips, George L CIV USARMY CESAW (USA) <George.L.Phillips@usace.army.mil>; Alex Aycrigg <AAycrigg@ Fa nd R.com> Subject: RE: [External] Perry Creek Neuse River Interceptor / Raleigh / Wake County / SAW-2021-01051 / Request for Additional Information Alex, I am currently reviewing the above referenced application. Were there any changes made to the PCN table due to Lyle's questions below? If so, can you pleas forward to me. Also, I am not getting the same amounts from the PCN compared to the impact maps for the ones highlighted in yellow: 3 Stream S1: Sewer Crossing -Excavation -Meuse 0 (linear feet) 139 (linear feet) S2: Sewer Crossing-Excavation-54 0 (linear feet) 204 (linear feet) S3: Sewer Crossing -Excavation -Perry Creek 0 (linear feet) 58 (linear feet). S4: Sewer Crossing-Excavation-52 0 (linear feet) 128 (linear feet) S5: Sewer Crossing -Excavation -Perry Creek 0 (linear feet) 10 (linear feet) S6: Sewer Crossing -Excavation -Perry Creek 0 (linear feet) 13 (linear feet) Type of Impact Amount Approved (units) Permanent Amount Approved (units) Temporary Buffers — Zone 1 B 1: Sewer Line Installation 0 (square feet) 11:913 (square feet) B2: Sever Line Installation 0 (square feet) 12:250 (square feet) B3: Sewer Line Installation 0 (square feet) 4,313 (square feet) B4: Sewer Line Installation 0 (square feet) 18:045 (square feet) B5: Sewer Line Installation 0 (square feet) 4,941 (square feet) How wide will the permanent easement be? Stephanie Z. Goss Environmental Program Consultant Division of Water Resources Raleigh Regional Office 380o Barrett Drive Raleigh, NC 27609 919-791-4256 E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Phillips, George L CIV USARMY CESAW (USA) <George.L.Phillips@usace.army.mil> Sent: Friday, June 11, 2021 11:50 AM To: Alex Aycrigg <AAycrigg@FandR.com> Cc: Goss, Stephanie <stephanie.goss@ncdenr.gov>; Trone, Rick V <rick.trone@ncdenr.gov> Subject: [External] Perry Creek Neuse River Interceptor / Raleigh / Wake County / SAW-2021-01051 / Request for Additional Information CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to Report Spam. Mr. Aycrigg, I have reviewed the above referenced project and need the following comments/questions addressed to evaluate the proposed activities. 1) The requested NWP 12 authorizes activities required for the construction, maintenance, repair, and removal of oil and natural gas pipelines and associated facilities in waters of the United States. It appears the proposed activities are more applicable to and may be authorized under NWP 58 (attached). Please review NWP 58 and conditions and advise if you would like to proceed under NWP 58. Yes please this was the original intent. 2) The referenced "purpose and need" document is not located in the file. Please provide the "purpose and need" document that details the purpose, project description and avoidance and minimization. Note: There may be additional comments after review of the "purpose and need" document. Please see attached. 3) Please provide a brief statement explaining the proposed compensatory mitigation plan. Mitigation is proposed. Please see attached SOA. 4) It appears that the proposed permanent wetland impacts (easement impacts) are conversion of forested wetlands to herbaceous wetlands and not a result of permanent fill? Please confirm. Correct. 5) It appears that the temporary crossing of the Neuse River and two crossings of Perry Creek will include the introduction of riprap fill to the toe of slope. Permanent fill installed below the OHWM would be considered a 4 permanent stream impact. Based on the plans it appears the riprap will match the pre -construction stream elevation and contours and therefore would be considered permanent impacts resulting in no functional loss. If this is the case please update the PCN and exhibits accordingly. The applicant does not propose riprap below the OHWM. 6) The location of the Neuse River crossing is located approximately 6 river miles upstream of NOAAs critical habitat designation and NCWRCs Anadromous Fish Spawning Inland Waters Area. The extent of these areas end at the former location of the Milburnie Dam, which since has been removed. In order to verify compliance with General Condition 3 & 18 coordination/consultation with NOAA and NCWRC will be necessary. As the Neuse River crossing has been removed from the project, this effort is not needed. a. I have attached the Section 7 checklist which will need to be filled out in order to consult with NOAA. 7) It appears the stream width at S5 is less than the 334 feet listed in the PCN. Please update the stream width on the PCN. The tables have been updated to reflect the updated plan set. Please let me know if you have any questions/concerns. It may be helpful to set up a phone call to discuss the Section 7 process if you would like to. Lyle Phillips Regulatory Specialist US Army Corps of Engineers CE-SAW-RG-R 3331 Heritage Trade Drive, Suite 105 Wake Forest, North Carolina 27587 Phone: (919) 554-4884, Ext. 25. Fax: (919) 562-0421 Email: George.L.Phillips@usace.army.mil We would appreciate your feedback on how we are performing our duties. Our automated Customer Service Survey is located at https://regulatory.ops.usace.army.mil/customer-service-survey/ . Thank you for taking the time to visit this site and complete the survey. The content of this email is the confidential property of Froehling & Robertson, Inc. (F&R) and should not be copied, modified, retransmitted, or used for any purpose except with F&R's written authorization. If you are not the intended recipient, please delete all copies and notify the sender immediately. The content of this email is the confidential property of Froehling & Robertson, Inc. (F&R) and should not be copied, modified, retransmitted, or used for any purpose except with F&R's written authorization. If you are not the intended recipient, please delete all copies and notify the sender immediately. The content of this email is the confidential property of Froehling & Robertson, Inc. (F&R) and should not be copied, modified, retransmitted, or used for any purpose except with F&R's written authorization. If you are not the intended recipient, please delete all copies and notify the sender immediately. 5 FROEHLING & ROBERTSON, INC. Engineering Stability Since 1881 310 Hubert Street Raleigh, North Carolina 27603-2302 T 919.828.3441 I F 919.582-0304 Purpose & Need/Avoidance & Minimization Statement for Proposed Wetland and Stream Impacts Perry Creek Neuse River Interceptor Project Raleigh, Wake County, North Carolina F&R Project No. 66V-0170-1000 PURPOSE AND NEED The proposed sewer line replacement project is located in northern Wake County and generally follows Perry Creek from Capital Boulevard east to east of Perry Creek Road, then turns south, crosses SR 401 and continues to the Neuse River where a siphon is proposed. The proposed project is intended to address existing and future system wet -weather hydraulic deficiencies by upgrading 12,400 linear feet (LF) of a gravity outfall consisting of 24" sewer pipe, comprised of approximately 6,650 LF of direct replacement and 5,750 LF of relocated pipe. This Purpose and Need statement provides general project information and describes the design aspects utilized to reduce and eliminate wetland and stream impacts to the maximum extent practicable. The project has had two riparian stream buffer calls; one was completed July 6, 2018 that covered the alignment (NBRRO #18-211) and a second call was completed March 4, 2020 (RRO #20-009) that covered access roads that may be used to for construction. Additionally, a Preliminary Jurisdictional Determination was completed October 10, 2018 (see included approval email from Mr. Ross Morton, PWS). The applicant has conferred with the US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) with regard to threatened and endangered species for this project. The USFWS has recommended a salvage and relocation effort be completed for the Neuse River siphon. Three Oaks Engineering has been contracted to complete the salvage and recovery effort. No other concerns have been raised with regard to other species besides mussels in the Neuse River. AVOIDANCE AND MINIMIZATION Project construction will require excavation within the boundaries of the project as soil is temporarily side cast during construction/installation of the sewer line. In wetland areas, upon completion of installation, side cast soil material will be approximately returned to its original location to maintain the preconstruction grade elevation. Once grade is reestablished in the temporary impact areas, the restored areas will be seeded with appropriate native grasses as referenced in the Temporary and Permanent Seeding Specs published by the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality. This reference is included with the PCN and will be included with the bid package for the job. Soil erosion during construction will be minimized by following a DEQ-approved Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan, submitted to the DEQ at least 30 days prior to construction. A number of steps were taken during the planning stages of this project in an effort to substantially reduce and, in Corporate HQ: 3015 Dumbarton Road Richmond, Virginia 23228 T 804.264.2701 F 804.264.1202 www.fandr.com VIRGINIA • NORTH CAROLINA • SOUTH CAROLINA • MARYLAND • DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA A Minority -Owned Business some cases, eliminate wetland and stream impacts; however, the alignment design is largely based on utilizing the existing corridor and gravity flow for the sewer pipes. Some of the specific measures and considerations taken to avoid and minimize impacts to streams and wetlands include: • Realignment of the sewer location where practical to avoid placing permanent aboveground features such as vents and manholes in wetlands. • Natural vegetated buffers being maintained where possible. • Consideration of practices such as aerial crossings, bore and jack, etc. • Lay -down and staging areas located outside of wetlands and greater than 100' from streams • Limiting areas of disturbance within wetlands where feasible to reduce construction footprint • Utilizing super silt fence and other enhanced erosion and sediment control measures to prevent silt and sediment from entering wetlands. • Reducing permanent maintained easement corridor where feasible. • Completion of a salvage and recovery effort for mussels that may occur in the vicinity of the Neuse River siphon. The planning measures listed above have been taken to effectively reduce the amount of wetland and stream impacts to the greatest extent practicable. To address potential impacts to aquatic species, the USFWS recommends all practicable measures be taken to avoid adverse impacts, including sediment and erosion control measures, maintaining natural vegetated buffers on streams adjacent to the project site. All practicable measures will be taken to avoid adverse impacts to aquatic species. Examples of these measures include installing silt fence tree protection fencing, super silt fence, rock check dams, silt sack inlet protection, temporary pump -around for streams, concrete washouts and temporary gravel construction entrances. Erosion and sedimentation controls will be installed and maintained between the construction site and nearby down -gradient surface waters. An erosion and sedimentation control plan will be submitted to the NC Land Quality Section for approval of a NPDES Stormwater prior to construction and is pending review and approval. The USFWS may also recommend directional drill methods for stream and wetland crossings; however, directional drill is not appropriate for this project. The project entails a long, relatively flat sewer outfall with little elevation difference between the upstream and downstream portions of the project. Therefore, directional drill of stream or wetland crossings is not practical due to the challenges of maintaining grade with horizontal directional drill. Dips or sags could easily form resulting in significant constructability issues or worse, operability issues if left unresolved. As recommended, open cut stream crossing methods will be utilized when water levels are low and stream flow is minimal, and pump -around methods will be used where applicable. Negative impacts to protected aquatic species or aquatic resources are not anticipated as a result of this project. It is our opinion that these efforts satisfy the requirement to avoid wetland and stream impacts where possible and reduce impacts where necessary to the maximum extent practicable. W.K. Dickson 2 Perry Creek Interceptor F&R Project Number: 66v-0170-1000 April 2021 As recommended by USFWS, natural vegetated buffers on all streams and creeks adjacent to the project site will be protected to the maximum extent practicable. Reasonable care will be taken during construction to avoid damage to vegetation not located in the easements. Trees that are not selected for removal within the proposed alignment and trees located outside of the project boundary will be protected from unnecessary cutting, breaking or skinning of roots; skinning and bruising of bark; smothering of trees by stockpiling construction materials or excavated material within the drip line; excessive foot and vehicular traffic including parking of vehicles within drip line during construction. SUMMARY The Purpose of the Perry Creek Neuse River Interceptor project, as described above, is to address wet -weather hydraulic deficiencies in the existing sewer line system, protect the environment by providing a means of replacing septic systems areas that will eventually fail, and provide for future growth.. This PCN submittal addresses the general and regional conditions of Nationwide Permit 58 and ensures aquatic resources are protected. F&R on behalf of W.K. Dickson respectfully requests review and approval of this NWP 58 verification so that bidding and construction of the project can proceed without delay. Sincerely, FROEHLING & ROBERTSON, INC. Alex D. Aycrigg, MS, PWS Wetland Scientist W.K. Dickson 3 Perry Creek Interceptor F&R Project Number: 66v-0170-1000 April 2021 WILDLANDS HOLDINGS Statement of Availability April 20, 2021 City of Raleigh Public Utilities I Raleigh Water Capital Improvements Division PO Box 590 Raleigh, NC 27601 Attn: Ms. Janeen Goodwin, PE RE: Availability of Riparian Wetland Credits for the "Perry Creek Interceptor" project Bank Name: Falling Creek Stream and Wetland Umbrella Mitigation Bank Bank Site: Falling Creek Mitigation Site Bank Sponsor: Wildlands Holdings III, LLC USACE Action ID: 2015-00940 Riparian Wetland Credits Needed: 0.48 acres Riparian Wetland Credits Available: 4.24 acres Neuse 03020201 River Basin Dear Ms. Goodwin, Wildlands Holdings III, LLC has the above -mentioned riparian wetland credits from the Falling Creek Stream and Wetland Umbrella Mitigation Bank: Falling Creek Mitigation Site to satisfy the mitigation requirements related to the above -mentioned project. The project is located within the service area (HUC 03020201) of the Bank. Credits may be reserved for a period of 6 months upon the receipt of a non-refundable deposit of 10% of the purchase price. Should credits not be reserved, they will be sold on a first come, first serve basis. Credit prices will be guaranteed for a period of 6 months from the date of this letter and are then subject to change. An invoice for this transaction will be sent upon your request and we will reserve the credits and price for a period of 30 days from invoice. This letter is a Statement of Availability as of the date provided — it is not a reservation of credits nor a guarantee of price. Credits will be sold on a first come, first serve basis. Final transfer of credits will occur upon completion of the Mitigation Responsibility Transfer Form within the completed 404 permit. We appreciate the opportunity to assist you with your mitigation requirements. Please contact me at (704) 332-7754 x124 or ayarsinske@wildlandseng.com if you have any questions or need any additional information. Wildlands Holdings III, LLC • Wildlands Engineering, Inc • 1430 South Mint Street, Suite 104, Charlotte, NC 28203 WILDLANDS HOLDINGS Sincerely, Ashley N. Yarsinske Wildlands Engineering, Inc. Marketing & Credit Sales ayarsinske@wildlandseng.com 0: (704) 332-7754 ext. 124 M: (757) 572-5269 Cc: Mr. Alex Aycrigg, PWS, Project Manager I Froehling & Robertson, Inc. Wildlands Holdings III, LLC • Wildlands Engineering, Inc • 1430 South Mint Street, Suite 104, Charlotte, NC 28203 Perry Creek Outfall - PCN Impact Tables 2. Wetland Impacts Wetland ID Impact Type Impact Type of Wetland Forested? Type of Jurisdiction Acres of Impact W2 W3 W3 W4 W4 W5 W5 W6 W6 W7 W8 W8 W9 Ti T P T P T P T T P T T Temporary Clearing Maintained Easement Temporary Clearing Maintained Easement Temporary Clearing Maintained Easement Temporary Clearing Maintained Easement Temporary Clearing Temporary Clearing Maintained Easement Temporary Clearing Temporary Access Rd Temporary impacts = installing the sewerline Permanent Impacts = 20'+/- wide maintenance corridor/gravel access 3. Stream Impacts (revised 8/17/21) Forested -Palustrine Forested - Palustrine Forested - Palustrine Forested - Palustrine Forested - Palustrine Forested - Palustrine Forested - Palustrine Forested - Palustrine Forested - Palustrine Forested - Palustrine Forested - Palustrine Forested - Palustrine Forested - Palustrine Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes CORPS CORPS CORPS CORPS CORPS CORPS CORPS CORPS CORPS CORPS CORPS CORPS CORPS Temporary Impacts: Permanent Impacts: 0.0141 0.0769 0.382 0.1063 0.6325 0.0111 0.042 0.008 0.0096 0.0051 0.0433 0.4947 0.15 1.73 0.246 Stream ID Impact Number Impact Type Stream Name Perennial or Intermittent? Type of Jurisdiction Average Width (ft) Average Impact Length (LF) Impact Area (sq. ft.) S4 Perry Creek S2 Perry Creek 2 Perry Creek 3 Sheet 2 Sheet 4 Sheet 6 Sheet 9 Sheet 11 Temporary Construction Temporary Construction Temporary Construction Temporary Construction Temporary Construction T of Perry Creek Perry Creek T of Perry Creek Perry Creek Perry Creek Intermittent CORPS & DWR Perennial CORPS & DWR Perennial CORPS & DWR Perennial CORPS & DWR Intermittent CORPS & DWR 1 39.6 6.9 10 54.5 204.6 60.0 128.0 334.48 13.9 204 2312 884.43 3344.81 757.34 Temporary Impacts:1 406.51 7502.61 Riparian Buffer Impacts (Revised 8/17/21) Sheet Number Impact Type Easement Type/New or Existing Angle of Crossing Area of Impact Square Feet (Z1) Area of Impact Square Feet (Z2) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Temporary Temporary Temporary Temporary Temporary Temporary Temporary 50' Perm/New 60' Perm/Existing 50' Perm/Existing 50' Perm/Existing 60' Perm/Existing 40' Perm/Existing 60' Perm/Existing Perp Perp Perp Perp Perp Perp Perp 12660 4813 8176.29 22986 4571 0 1485 7670 3670 5634.05 28080 3278 575 610 Totals 54691.29 49517.05 17020701 SHT IMPACT MAPS INDEX CORPS.dwg, APITTS, 7/19/2021 5:08:29 PM PERRY CREEK ronmental\RALUT\2017 FILE PATH:Z:\Proje PERRY CREEK SITE MAP SCALE: 1 "=1000' 0' SCALE: 1" = 1,000' 1,000' 2,000' TOTAL IMPACTS (AC) STREAM WETLAND TEMPORARY 0.17 1.73 PERMANENT 0 0.24 TOTAL 0.17 1.97 SHEET INDEX SHEET NUMBER SHEET TITLE SHEET INDEX 1 W1 2 STREAM 4 3 W2 4 PERRY CREEK 5 W3 6 STREAM 2 7 W4 8 W5 & W6 9 PERRY CREEK 10 W7 11 PERRY CREEK 12 W8 13 STREAM CROSS SECTIONS 14 STREAM CROSS SECTIONS 15 STREAM CROSS SECTIONS z 0 w w m m 0 J r r >- z J w a WK DICKSON community infrastructure consultants 720 CORPORATE CENTER DRIVE RALEIGH, NC 27607 (t)919-782-0495 (f)919-782-9672 WWW.WKDICKSON.COM NC LICENSE NO.F-0374 w 2 z U w O PERRY CREEK OUTFALL & NEUSE RIVER INTERCEPTOR IMPROVEMENTS THE CITY OF RALEIGH PUBLIC UTILITIES DEPT DRAWING TITLE: STREAM AND WETLAND IMPACTS SHEET INDEX PROJ. MGR.: B. GRANT DESIGN BY: A. PITTS DRAWN BY: A. PITTS PROJ. DATE: 05-2021 DRAWING NUMBER: -- OF 16 WKD PROD. NO.: �20170207.00. RA SHT IMPACT MAPS CORPS.dwg, APITTS, 7/19/2021 5:25:53 PM ronmental\RALUT\2017 FILE PATH:Z:\Proje 18"HDPE INV=190.44 EIP LEGEND SYMBOL IMPACT WETLAND (TEMPORARY) ......... .........' WETLAND (PERMANENT) EIR W 11, SCALE:1 "=60' O Ss p �p� p„p�= WETLAND IMPACTS WETLAND "W1" AREA (SF) AREA (AC) TEMPORARY 614.41 0.0141 PERMANENT 0 0 TOTAL 614.41 0.0141 TEMPORARY WETLAND W1 IMPACT AREA = 614.41 SF (0.0141 AC) PROPERTY LINE PER D.B. 1315, PG. 361 \ PROPERTY LINE PER D.B. 1764, PG. 434 0' w 0„PVC SCALE: 1" = 60' 60' 120' 7-Ck J z 0 w w cc 0 J r r m >- z J w a WK DICKSON community infrastructure consultants 720 CORPORATE CENTER DRIVE RALEIGH, NC 27607 (t)919-782-0495 (f)919-782-9672 WWW.WKDICKSON.COM NC LICENSE NO.F-0374 w 2 z U w O PERRY CREEK OUTFALL & NEUSE RIVER INTERCEPTOR IMPROVEMENTS THE CITY OF RALEIGH PUBLIC UTILITIES DEPT DRAWING TITLE: STREAM AND WETLAND IMPACTS PROJ. MGR.: B. GRANT DESIGN BY: A. PITTS DRAWN BY: A. PITTS PROJ. DATE: 05-2021 DRAWING NUMBER: 1 OF 16 WKD PROJ. NO.: �20170207.00. RA erry Creek Outfall - Design\CADD\Plan Set\_misc\Impact Maps\2017020701_SHT_IMPACT MAPS_CORPS.dwg, APITTS, 7/19/2021 5: ronmental\RALUT\2017 FILE PATH:Z:\Proje 0 TEMPORARY STREAM 4 IMPACT LENGTH = 204.63 LF, WIDTH = 1 LF STREAM IMPACTS STREAM 4 LENGTH (LF) WIDTH (LF) AREA (SF) TEMPORARY 204.63 1 204.63 PERMANENT 0 0 0 7 OQ / 7 a►y Q� 7 44. N //SI /Isr / / / I/ SCALE:1 "=60' WOOD TRAILER S`' ENT SS / SS' 2 QckOe /% i 0_---6 BATTING CAu BLEACHERS NRCA FOOTBALL FIELD AND TRACK LEGEND SYMBOL IMPACT STREAM (TEMPORARY) 0' SCALE: 1" = 60' 60' 120' WK DICKSON community infrastructure consultants 720 CORPORATE CENTER DRIVE RALEIGH, NC 27607 (t)919-782-0495 (f)919-782-9672 WWW.WKDICKSON.COM NC LICENSE NO.F-0374 PERRY CREEK OUTFALL & NEUSE RIVER INTERCEPTOR IMPROVEMENTS THE CITY OF RALEIGH PUBLIC UTILITIES DEPT DRAWING TITLE: STREAM AND WETLAND IMPACTS PROJ. MGR.: B. GRANT DESIGN BY: A. PITTS DRAWN BY: A. PITTS PROJ. DATE: 05-2021 DRAWING NUMBER: 2 OF 16 WKD PROD. NO.: �20170207.00. RA sc\Impact Maps\2017020701 SHT IMPACT MAPS CORPS.dwg, APITTS, 7/19/2021 5:26:11 PM N LL 0 WETLAND IMPACTS WETLAND "W2" AREA (SF) AREA (AC) TEMPORARY 16640.86 0.3820 PERMANENT 3351.26 0.0769 TOTAL 19992.12 0.4589 TEMPORARY WETLAND W2 IMPACT AREA = 7847.96 SF (0.1802 AC) CENTERLINE OF CREEK IS PROPERTY LINE PERMANENT WETLAND W2 IMPACT AREA = 3351.26 SF (0.0769 AC) 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 ACME\ AMMEMMEMMEW AMMEM.■■■■■■■■■■,ri 4i■■■■■■■■■► �► 4i■■■■■■■■■Oimi■�. ■■■■■■■■■■ �r .■■■■■■■. .iiiiiiiiiisr�iiiiimEmmmr A•••••••••• ,iiiiiiiiiii !. .immmommEmmi- iiiiiiiiii #!d* iiiiiimmo �- .iiiiiiiiii� iiiiiiiii r► .■■■■■■■■■■rr 4■■■■■■■■■■► .■■■■■■■■■■►r t►i■■■■■■■■■■► .iiiiiiiiii"olliiiiiiiii •► .iiiiiEMMEMP# ■ iiiiiiENv .■MMEMMEiiii W?� iiiiiiiii �► .■iiiiEMMEMMyr#4iiiiiiiii �► ■iiiiiiiiiiar .iiiiiimomm. ► v .iiiiiiiiii evil iiiiiiiim. .iiiiiiiiii r,iimmommommore�iiiiiiir , ■■■■■■■■■■�1 /1.■■■■■■■■■■► Ammommiiirr .iiiiiiiiiii a•••••i�r�liiiiiiiiiii Ammommommor Arnos:■■■■■■■■■■►- bstiVATATIF ,s..momiiiiiiiiAommommommommr- i■■■■■-- =■■P' AP �. A' AP' i 7 7 7 i 7 \ TEMPORARY WETLAND W3 IMPACT AREA = 8792.90 SF (0.2019 AC) SCALE:1 "=60' 7 I / I /I Y I i 4 I ti• ,b V,o;• LEGEND SYMBOL IMPACT ■■■■■■■■■• WETLAND (TEMPORARY) .\\: WETLAND (PERMANENT) 0' SCALE: 1" = 60' 60' 120' WK DICKSON community infrastructure consultants 720 CORPORATE CENTER DRIVE RALEIGH, NC 27607 (t)919-782-0495 (f)919-782-9672 WWW.WKDICKSON.COM NC LICENSE NO.F-0374 PERRY CREEK OUTFALL & NEUSE RIVER INTERCEPTOR IMPROVEMENTS THE CITY OF RALEIGH PUBLIC UTILITIES DEPT DRAWING TITLE: STREAM AND WETLAND IMPACTS PROJ. MGR.: B. GRANT DESIGN BY: A. PITTS DRAWN BY: A. PITTS PROJ. DATE: 05-2021 DRAWING NUMBER: 3 OF 16 WKD PROD. NO.: �20170207.00. RA 0 a �cOD OD z U / Y TOP OF N BANK FILE PATH:Z:\Projects\Environmental \RALUT\2017020701 RA - Perry Creek Outfall - Design\CADD\Pla •Oitit Z2----- / TEMPORARY PERRY CREEK IMPACT - CENTERLINE LENGTH = VARIES LF, WIDTH = 39.58 LF *IS PROP / 7/ 1 * A/ eW i , Y.�' .AI W W Q VV / P ),09 fir)- / �* * A/ / A/A--. A/ \v * * STREAM IMPACTS PERRY CREEK LENGTH (LF) WIDTH (LF) AREA (SF) TEMPORARY VARIES 39.58 2312.62 PERMANENT 0 0 0 \y87. SCALE:1 "=60' OUT= LEGEND SYMBOL IMPACT STREAM (TEMPORARY) 0' SCALE: 1" = 60' 60' 120' WK DICKSON community infrastructure consultants 720 CORPORATE CENTER DRIVE RALEIGH, NC 27607 (t)919-782-0495 (f)919-782-9672 WWW.WKDICKSON.COM NC LICENSE NO.F-0374 w 2 Z 0 w 0 PERRY CREEK OUTFALL & NEUSE RIVER INTERCEPTOR IMPROVEMENTS THE CITY OF RALEIGH PUBLIC UTILITIES DEPT DRAWING TITLE: STREAM AND WETLAND IMPACTS PERRY CREEK PROJ. MGR.: B. GRANT DESIGN BY: A. PITTS DRAWN BY: A. PITTS PROJ. DATE: 05-2021 DRAWING NUMBER: 4 OF 16 WKD PROJ. NO.: �20170207.00. RA 0 PERMANENT WETLAND W3 IMPACT AREA = 4632.46 SF (0.1063 AC) TOP OF BANK PROP 42„ 6 1 Z2----- LEGEND SYMBOL IMPACT ......., WETLAND (TEMPORARY) .......' \\\ \\, (PERMANENT) WETLAND PERMANENT ronmental\RALUT\2017 0' FILE PATH2:\Proje SCALE: 1" = 60' 60' 120' TEMPORARY WETLAND W3 IMPACT AREA = 10380.11 SF (0.2383 AC) 1� 7 CENTERLINE CRE CIS PROP LINEi`�' 0 • UU I= 0 0 vA!G /\ � c EAlk iiiiiiii.A�ii Am MEMMEMOr _AMEN P2P2WWW AMEMbOMMOCMCAMMEMOv �ir!!!!!!!r! r iiiiiiii:®p1 -�iiiiiihN1iB d•!!!!P *il!!!!!!!!!AMMEMMO!r!!!V- AommEm�ssammEmmEmmEmp- iiiiii ��u••••••MOP' r d!!!!!P'--'�d!!!!!!!!!!.r ,diMMEMERWMMEMMEMMEMPr gym!!!!.► ,i!!!!!!!!!!!• AmmmmumLIOVmmEmEmmEmmor -dmmEm ��iiie®siiiimr- / Arno.- AMMEMME_ �� FV!!M �� AMMA.!!!!!!lr.. A14,, t—.p r!!!!!!!!!!P- rllr-!!!!!!!!!!!!!!r.\R3 .i!!!!!!!!!!.. ii��®tommEmmiiiiiiiiiiiiEmmeiroiiiiiEmmw �v !!!!!!!It!!k MOIMMEMEMMEL • \' I y ii i 9 9 R 'AMC �[ I MEM ;\ \ M SCALE:1 "=60' 18 0 / 9 / LEANT TEMPORARY WETLAND W4 IMPACT AREA = 17172.99 SF (0.3942 AC) WETLAND IMPACTS WETLAND "W3" AREA (SF) AREA (AC) TEMPORARY 27553.10 0.6325 PERMANENT 4632.46 0.1063 TOTAL 32185.56 0.7388 z 0 w w cc 0 tL J r 1- m >- z J w tr a WK DICKSON community infrastructure consultants 720 CORPORATE CENTER DRIVE RALEIGH, NC 27607 (t)919-782-0495 (f)919-782-9672 WWW.WKDICKSON.COM NC LICENSE NO.F-0374 7 PERRY CREEK OUTFALL & NEUSE RIVER INTERCEPTOR IMPROVEMENTS THE CITY OF RALEIGH PUBLIC UTILITIES DEPT DRAWING TITLE: STREAM AND WETLAND IMPACTS J PROJ. MGR.: \ B. GRANT DESIGN BY: A. PITTS DRAWN BY: A. PITTS PROJ. DATE: 05-2021 DRAWING NUMBER: 5 OF 16 WKD PROJ. NO.: �20170207.00. RA ow Z°Oa FUO OJU <ZW aoH zo~ wwa �ma V=� OOw Oa0 ~ w Ozw wUO Z oSU °om wY� ~Ox 0Y� w3¢ DLLCO ¢oo zwa .0a a8E6 m w¢Q ¢3z o c7 >o� ¢x 0 wiz w3a =a3 Y fL fL UOZ zxW oZ= U O ZZO o�= yUH U°w ❑oo Y U1Q ooQ i)o >w� \Ow0 UV erry Creek Outfall - Design\CADD\Plan Set\_misc\Impact Maps \2017020701_SHT_IMPACT MAPS_CORPS.dwg, APITTS, 7/19/2021 5:26:42 PM ronmental\RALUT\2017 FILE PATH:Z:\Proje a 0 0 W !f' 88.79 B ALUMINUM IR PORT 66"CMP (X3) INV=188.04' INV=187.92' INV=187.95' ii& 6.5X7.5' COMPRESSED CMP INV=ii, 188.51' 1 ss,„ r, te,„, \ ' N ,, , .. M \ i� '.�. RIP . \ SS rO /� RAP / \ \ �• \� \ N \\ N \ A. Te TOP OAF \ BANK !; \ I/� STREAM IMPACTS STREAM 2 LENGTH (LF) WIDTH (LF) AREA (SF) TEMPORARY VARIES 6.91 884.43 PERMANENT 0 0 0 0' SCALE: 1" = 60' 60' 120' ti U IZ to co a 0 ct a Q4 Z. ' " ♦4`♦fir♦*: CONCz1 PADS RETE DIRT PATH SCALE:1 "=60' LEGEND SYMBOL IMPACT .;.;.;.;.,;.;., STREAM (TEMPORARY) OD PROP TEMPORARY STREAM 2 IMPACT LENGTH = VARIES LF, WIDTH = 6.91 LF 42„ PVC FW OD WK DICKSON community infrastructure consultants 720 CORPORATE CENTER DRIVE RALEIGH, NC 27607 (t)919-782-0495 (f)919-782-9672 WWW.WKDICKSON.COM NC LICENSE NO.F-0374 PERRY CREEK OUTFALL & NEUSE RIVER INTERCEPTOR IMPROVEMENTS THE CITY OF RALEIGH PUBLIC UTILITIES DEPT DRAWING TITLE: STREAM AND WETLAND IMPACTS PROD. MGR.: B. GRANT DESIGN BY: A. PITTS DRAWN BY: A. PITTS PROJ. DATE: 05-2021 DRAWING NUMBER: 6 OF 16 WKD PROD. NO.: �20170207.00. RA a erry Creek Outfall - Design\CADD\Plan Set\_misc\Impact Maps\2017020701_SHT_IMPACT MAPS_CORPS.dwg, APITTS, 7/19/2021 5:2 ronmental\RALUT\2017 0' FILE PATH:Z:\Proje WETLAND IMPACTS WETLAND "W4" AREA (SF) AREA (AC) TEMPORARY 1827.36 0.0420 PERMANENT 482.95 0.0111 TOTAL 2310.31 0.0531 S 0 INak188.79 a0 B ALUMINUM CAR PORT SCALE: 1" = 60' 60' 120' INV=188.04' INV=187.92' INV=187.95' 6.5X7.5' COMPRESSED CMP INV=188.51' 9:\N4i\ '1141. RIP W4RAP 0 to co a 0 q) d w U H 4RGE KS TEMPORARY WETLAND W4 IMPACT AREA = 1484.48 SF (0.0341 AC) N / \/ ss/ /_ \ A \ N \� PIiTe� TOP OAF \ BANK z; DIRT PATH CONCRETE z1 PADS \ W TEMPORARY WETLAND W4 IMPACT AREA = 342.88 SF (0.0079 AC) SCALE:1 "=60' 4 1MENEM._ i\11*.:. ' •- MENNEN► MEW. �c3�\:M LEGEND SYMBOL IMPACT .������ WETLAND (TEMPORARY) .m .......... WETLAND (PERMANENT) PERMANENT WETLAND W4 IMPACT AREA = 359.23 SF (0.0082 AC) OD PLOP 42 PVC 'V:39 OD PERMANENT WETLAND W4 IMPACT AREA = 123.72 SF (0.0028 AC) 0 WK DICKSON community infrastructure consultants 720 CORPORATE CENTER DRIVE RALEIGH, NC 27607 (t)919-782-0495 (f)919-782-9672 WWW.WKDICKSON.COM NC LICENSE NO.F-0374 w 2 Z U w 3 PERRY CREEK OUTFALL & NEUSE RIVER INTERCEPTOR IMPROVEMENTS THE CITY OF RALEIGH PUBLIC UTILITIES DEPT DRAWING TITLE: STREAM AND WETLAND IMPACTS PROJ. MGR.: B. GRANT DESIGN BY: A. PITTS DRAWN BY: A. PITTS PROJ. DATE: 05-2021 DRAWING NUMBER: 7 OF 16 WKD PROJ. NO.: �20170207.00. RA El a vi a 0 a U 0 E FILE PATH2:\Proje LEGEND SYMBOL IMPACT .������� 11 WETLAND (TEMPORARY) ....... ..... ..' WETLAND (PERMANENT) TCE 0' SCALE: 1" = 60' 60' 120' TEMPORARY WETLAND W5 IMPACT AREA = 223.51 SF (0.0051 AC) TEMPORARY WETLAND W6 IMPACT AREA = 221.89 SF (0.0051 AC) N ss --- Z2---- ---Z2 G/ 4_f r II i WETLAND IMPACTS WETLAND "W5" AREA (SF) AREA (AC) TEMPORARY 417.03 0.0096 PERMANENT 36.10 0.0008 TOTAL 453.13 0.0104 SCALE:1 "=60' P 0 TEMPORARY WETLAND W5 IMPACT 0 AREA = 193.52 SF (0.0044 AC) it 4E1111 1Mr PERMANENT WETLAND W5 IMPACT AREA = 36.10 SF (0.0008 AC) WETLAND IMPACTS WETLAND "W6" AREA (SF) AREA (AC) TEMPORARY 221.89 0.0051 PERMANENT 0 0 TOTAL 221.89 0.0051 WK DICKSON community infrastructure consultants 720 CORPORATE CENTER DRIVE RALEIGH, NC 27607 (t)919-782-0495 (f)919-782-9672 WWW.WKDICKSON.COM NC LICENSE NO.F-0374 w 2 z 0 w 0 \a PERRY CREEK OUTFALL & NEUSE RIVER INTERCEPTOR IMPROVEMENTS THE CITY OF RALEIGH PUBLIC UTILITIES DEPT DRAWING TITLE: PROJ. MGR.: B. GRANT DESIGN BY: A. PITTS DRAWN BY: A. PITTS PROJ. DATE: 05-2021 DRAWING NUMBER: 8 OF 16 WKD PROJ. NO.: �20170207.00. RA APITTS, 7/19/2021 5:27:12 PM s\2017020701 SHT IMPACT MAPS_CORPS.d E E m A �� ss`�-- 1— PROP 36" PVC _\= 0 P. TCE TCE *�4 * * ,!---------- 1- FILE PATH:Z:\Projects\Envir TEMPORARY PERRY CREEK IMPACT LENGTH = VARIES LF, WIDTH = 9.45 LF 0 SCALE: 1" = 60' 0' 60' 120' — TCE TCE PROP 36' PVC PR( 'ERTY-tC13E iZ — * � * \fr� _ \ _ \frZZ A yV fr c7-- ZZ TEMPORARY PERRY CREEK IMPACT LENGTH = VARIES LF, WIDTH = 22.73 LF TEMPORARY PERRY CREEK IMPACT LENGTH = VARIES LF, WIDTH = 11.76 LF Az/ z * * * * „ w w ct cr 0 w J FW Az *(//; SCALE:1 "=80' STREAM IMPACTS PERRY CREEK LENGTH (LF) WIDTH (LF) TOTAL AREA (SF) TEMPORARY VARIES VARIES 3344.81 PERMANENT 0 0 0 a z J w VW DICKSON community infrastructure consultants 720 CORPORATE CENTER DRIVE RALEIGH, NC 27607 (t)919-782-0495 (f)919-782-9672 WWW.WKDICKSON.COM NC LICENSE NO.F-0374 J w 2 z 0 w 0 PERRY CREEK OUTFALL & NEUSE RIVER INTERCEPTOR IMPROVEMENTS THE CITY OF RALEIGH PUBLIC UTILITIES DEPT DRAWING TITLE: STREAM AND WETLAND IMPACTS PERRY CREEK PROJ. MGR.: B. GRANT DESIGN BY: A. PITS DRAWN BY: A. PITS PROJ. DATE: 05-2021 DRAWING NUMBER: 9 OF 16 WKD PROJ. NO.: �20170207.00.RA J 0 EIR WETLAND IMPACTS WETLAND "W7" AREA (SF) AREA (AC) TEMPORARY 21546.28 0.4947 PERMANENT 1881.92 0.0433 TOTAL 23428.20 0.5380 Z2 TEMPORARY WETLAND W7 IMPACT z1 AREA = 2794.53 SF (0.0642 AC) / BANK • o � Gz 0 o/ / ronmental\RALUT\2017 FILE PATH2:\Proje z IN / z- f" \ c 2 / - �Z A PROP 36" PVC N I■••■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■r■1MmIMOELC■IJ■■WsI■■■■■■Im■■' �+ .■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■.I■■■i■U■■G_-_' S -/ -\ E. IM■■■■■■■■■■■__-_-- MZ__-_ ■■■■■■■P'...t ..■■ PROP 36" PVC .:■■■■.4•■■■. iiiiiiiiiii■■■■■. MeAML■■■..__ ■uuuuuuuuuuuuuu ____ ______-- .■._= . . .. ■za■■uuuo■dMMEMEN ---- u, TEMPORARY WETLAND W7 IMPACT AREA = 186.41 SF (0.0043 AC) PERMANENT WETLAND W7 IMPACT AREA = 1757.96 SF (0.0404 AC) PERMANENT WETLAND W7 IMPACT 0' SCALE: 1" = 80' z2 AREA = 25.77 SF (0.0006 AC) — — z1 Al\I TEMPORARY W/ ETLAND W7 IMPACT AREA = 766.92 SF (0.0176 AC) \ �/ — Zi /7:2- <> /ZZ �S/ / \ iz y �.,-- 0.> / s • �V✓ W� s'3 TEMPORARY WETLAND W7 IMPACT AREA = 2261.42 SF (0.0519 AC) TEMPORARY WETLAND W7 IMPACT AREA = 15033.88 SF (0.3451 AC) SCALE:1 "=80' G .:■:- 80' 72— Z1 1MENN.. ■■.. M ENEM 160' fr 0 TEMPORARY WETLAND W7 IMPACT AREA = 503.12 SF (0.0116 AC) PERMANENT WETLAND W7 IMPACT AREA = 98.19 SF (0.0023 AC) 7 LEGEND SYMBOL IMPACT ......... ■■■■■■■■■■ WETLAND (TEMPORARY) .........I \\\\\ WETLAND (PERMANENT) WK DICKSON community infrastructure consultants 720 CORPORATE CENTER DRIVE RALEIGH, NC 27607 (t)919-782-0495 (f)919-782-9672 WWW.WKDICKSON.COM NC LICENSE NO.F-0374 PERRY CREEK OUTFALL & NEUSE RIVER INTERCEPTOR IMPROVEMENTS THE CITY OF RALEIGH PUBLIC UTILITIES DEPT DRAWING TITLE: STREAM AND WETLAND IMPACTS PROJ. MGR.: B. GRANT DESIGN BY: A. PITTS DRAWN BY: A. PITTS PROJ. DATE: 05-2021 DRAWING NUMBER: 10 OF 16 WKD PROJ. NO.: �20170207.00. RA STREAM IMPACTS PERRY CREEK LENGTH (LF) WIDTH (LF) AREA (SF) TEMPORARY VARIES 13.90 757.34 PERMANENT 0 0 0 2 erry Creek Outfall - Design\CADD\Plan Set\_misc\Impact Maps\2017020701_SHT_IMPACT MAPS_CORPS.dwg, APITTS, 7/19/2021 5:2 s ronmental\RALUT\2017 FILE PATH:Z:\Proje 0' 2 SCALE: 1" = 60' 60' 120' O w/ / / tr,S7 / L / / Z1 Z�� / titi SSTEMPORARY PERRY CREEK IMPACT - LENGTH = VARIES LF, WIDTH = 13.90 LF W _a__ i AA Z CENTERLINE- REEK IS PROPRTY LINEZZ -- (B_M�0".f6, P 209) ZZ — WOOD WALL FOR GARDEN 0 1 SCALE:1 "=60' J titi/ _ Z1 / / — Z2 — — Z1 ..N 11/ NN SEE SHEET 11 FOR PERRY CREEK IMPACTS z ti� PROP 36" PVC s.s TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION ACCESS i \ — Z< —z W tz TCE TCE LEGEND SYMBOL IMPACT •-a.-.-.-aa ►iii•OOi•O�• STREAM (TEMPORARY) J z O w w cc 0 tL J r 1- m >- z J w a WK DICKSON community infrastructure consultants 720 CORPORATE CENTER DRIVE RALEIGH, NC 27607 (t)919-782-0495 (f)919-782-9672 WWW.WKDICKSON.COM NC LICENSE NO.F-0374 w 2 z U w O PERRY CREEK OUTFALL & NEUSE RIVER INTERCEPTOR IMPROVEMENTS THE CITY OF RALEIGH PUBLIC UTILITIES DEPT DRAWING TITLE: STREAM AND WETLAND IMPACTS PERRY CREEK PROJ. MGR.: B. GRANT DESIGN BY: A. PITTS DRAWN BY: A. PITTS PROJ. DATE: 05-2021 DRAWING NUMBER: 11 OF16 WKD PROJ. NO.: �20170207.00. RA ow ZOOa FUO OJU <ZW aoH zo W W �ma V=� OOw �n O =�o ~ w Ozw -o wU0 Z oSU �Om WY� ~os OY� DLLN ¢Op zwa 00a ow0 ozz aG� w¢a �3z o >o� wiz w3a =a3 eZ° Y fL fL Qo� UOZ ?=w z o U-O ZZO Og= yUH UUW ❑�O oo� i)o oJ `o= 0 00LL LEGEND SYMBOL IMPACT WETLAND (TEMPORARY) ;:::::::; WETLAND (PERMANENT) ry Creek Outfall - Design\CADD\Plan Set\_misc\Impact Maps\2017020701_SHT_IMPACT MAPS_CORPS.dwg, APITTS, 7/19/2021 5: a/ JP JF F a E FILE PATH:Z:\Proje TEMPORARY WETLAND W8 IMPACT AREA = 659.80 SF (0.0151 AC) FW WETLAND CONTINUES OFF PROJECT SITE A/ '\WF WF WFA WF SCALE: 1" = 60' 0' 60' 120' WF Av* WF WF \ WF /4/(<��`' 12"HDPE (TEMPORARY) 12"HDPE (TEMPORARY) 6"PVC RY) i TEMPORARY WETLAND W8 IMPACT AREA = 979.71 SF (0.0225 AC) AMMEMM►--�.aMMEMME•ME•MEMM•••E!. /Mu••••rt. uMId...v rl01 SILT FENCE WF TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION ACCESS TEMPORARY WETLAND W8 IMPACT AREA = 384.64 SF (0.0088 AC) SCALE:1 "=60' WF F WF� III — TOP OF BANK WF WF �WFWF2 _ GARDEN AREAV PERGOLA — TEMPORARY WETLAND W8 IMPACT AREA = 4727.33 SF (0.1085 AC) • EIP WETLAND IMPACTS WETLAND "W8" AREA (SF) AREA (AC) TEMPORARY 6751.48 0.15 PERMANENT 0 0 TOTAL 6751.48 0.15 WK DICKSON community infrastructure consultants 720 CORPORATE CENTER DRIVE RALEIGH, NC 27607 (t)919-782-0495 (f)919-782-9672 WWW.WKDICKSON.COM NC LICENSE NO.F-0374 PERRY CREEK OUTFALL & NEUSE RIVER INTERCEPTOR IMPROVEMENTS THE CITY OF RALEIGH PUBLIC UTILITIES DEPT DRAWING TITLE: STREAM AND WETLAND IMPACTS PROJ. MGR.: B. GRANT DESIGN BY: A. PITTS DRAWN BY: A. PITTS PROJ. DATE: 05-2021 DRAWING NUMBER: 12 OF 16 WKD PROJ. NO.: �20170207.00. RA w ZOOa FUO �JU <ZW a0¢ zo wwa �ma V=� OOw Oa0 ~ W Ozw wU0 Z oSU °om WY� OY� w3¢ DLLCO ¢Op zwa oww ozz m w¢Q ¢3z d c7 >O� L=O WHZ EPA =a3 VZ� fL fL QO W UOZ ?=w OZ� U 0 zzo YUH UUW ❑�O H � OO OQ FVO >w� \O W0 UV 204 200 196 192 188 184 — 180 ronmental\RALUT\2017 FILE PATH2:\Proje / / / / / / SCALE: HOR 1 "=40'; VERT 1 "=4' / 204 200 196 192 188 — 184 STREAM 4 180 J Z O w w tr 0 J r r m >- Z J w tr a WK DICKSON community infrastructure consultants 720 CORPORATE CENTER DRIVE RALEIGH, NC 27607 (t)919-782-0495 (f)919-782-9672 WWW.WKDICKSON.COM NC LICENSE NO.F-0374 PERRY CREEK OUTFALL & NEUSE RIVER INTERCEPTOR IMPROVEMENTS THE CITY OF RALEIGH PUBLIC UTILITIES DEPT DRAWING TITLE: STREAM AND WETLAND IMPACTS STREAM CROSS SECTIONS PROJ. MGR.: B. GRANT DESIGN BY: A. PITTS DRAWN BY: A. PITTS PROJ. DATE: 05-2021 DRAWING NUMBER: 13 OF 16 WKD PROJ. NO.: �20170207.00. RA ZOOa FUO 0JU <ZW a0¢ zo wwa �ma V=� OOw Oa0 =�o ~ W Ozw �o� wU0 oSU °om WY� ~O� OY" DLLCO zwa DO< oozZw gEwkm w¢Q ¢3z d c7 >O� =O WHZ EPA =a3 VZt' Y fL fL QO W VO ?=Z OZg U O ZZO VYUH UW O ❑� Y U1Q � U OO OQ �o= >w� 0 00LL U 196 192 — 188 = 184 — 180 — 176 ronmental\RALUT\2017 FILE PATH2:\Proje -- 1 r____ 1 I 1 I 1 / 1 / 1 / I N/ \/ 196 196 — 192 192 — — 188 188 — — 184 — 180 / 196 192 — 188 184 — — 184 180 — — 180 SCALE: HOR 1 "=40'; VERT 1 "=4' SCALE: HOR 1 "=40'; VERT 1 "=4' 176 176 PERRY CREED 1 STREAM 2 176 J z O w w tr 0 J ✓ r CO >- z J w a WK DICKSON community infrastructure consultants 720 CORPORATE CENTER DRIVE RALEIGH, NC 27607 (t)919-782-0495 (f)919-782-9672 WWW.WKDICKSON.COM NC LICENSE NO.F-0374 w 2 z U w O PERRY CREEK OUTFALL & NEUSE RIVER INTERCEPTOR IMPROVEMENTS THE CITY OF RALEIGH PUBLIC UTILITIES DEPT DRAWING TITLE: STREAM AND WETLAND IMPACTS STREAM CROSS SECTIONS PROJ. MGR.: B. GRANT DESIGN BY: A. PITTS DRAWN BY: A. PITTS PROJ. DATE: 05-2021 DRAWING NUMBER: 14 OF 16 WKD PROD. NO.: �20170207.00. RA ZOOa FUO 0JU <ZW a0¢ zo wwa �ma V=� OOw Oa0 ~ W Ozw �o� wU0 oSU °om WY� ~O� OY� DLLCO zwa DO< oozZ w gEwkm w¢Q ¢3z d c7 >O� ¢=O wiz EPA =a3 VZ� fL fL Q O � VO ?=Z Z 8 U-O ZZO VYUH UW O ❑� H � OO OQ FVO �OF >w� 0 °oLL U erry Creek Outfall - Design\CADD\Plan Set\_misc\Impact Maps\2017020701_SHT_IMPACT MAPS_CROSS SECTIONS.dwg, APITTS, 7/19/2021 5:14:07 PM ronmental\RALUT\2017 FILE PATH2:\Proje 204 200 196 192 188 184 I 2 SCALE: HOR 1 "=40'; VERT 1 "=4' 204 204 — 200 200 — 196 196 — — 192 192 — PERRY CREEK 2 188 188 — 184 184 204 204 — 200 200 — 196 196 ▪ � I I I I I I — 192 192 1 204 200 196 192 — 188 188 188 SCALE: HOR 1 "=40'; VERT 1 "=4' SCALE: HOR 1 "=40'; VERT 1 "=4' 184 184 PERRY CREED 3 PERRY CREED 4 184 J z O w w tr 0 J ✓ r CO >- z J w a WK DICKSON community infrastructure consultants 720 CORPORATE CENTER DRIVE RALEIGH, NC 27607 (t)919-782-0495 (f)919-782-9672 WWW.WKDICKSON.COM NC LICENSE NO.F-0374 w 2 Q z 0 w O PERRY CREEK OUTFALL & NEUSE RIVER INTERCEPTOR IMPROVEMENTS THE CITY OF RALEIGH PUBLIC UTILITIES DEPT DRAWING TITLE: STREAM AND WETLAND IMPACTS STREAM CROSS SECTIONS PROJ. MGR.: B. GRANT DESIGN BY: A. PITTS DRAWN BY: A. PITTS PROJ. DATE: 05-2021 DRAWING NUMBER: 15 OF 16 WKD PROD. NO.: �20170207.00. RA ow OOOa FUO oJU p0W a0H z .- zp wwo �m< U=� �a0 =Co ~ W ozw gwoz FUQ �U z °om WY1U OY� vwj3w OWUI OOp OZWZ< O U � ?OQ ❑zz �� aG� w¢Q o�c7 >O� �=O wiz 3= ¢ter =a� UZL a - Y Q 2 Q 2 W UOZ z=W OZp UU zzoo W Og= p� Ug pp0 3=z oo2 = Z W �o= a�O0 D� outfall - design\CADD\Plan Set\_misc\impact maps \2017020701 SHT IMPACT MAPS INDEX DEO.dwg, APITTS, 7/19/2021 5:42:35 PM 3 E LL TOTAL IMPACTS (AC) STREAM RIPARIAN BUFFER (ZONE 1) RIPARIAN BUFFER (ZONE 2) TEMPORARY 0.17 1.25 1.14 PERMANENT 0 0 0 TOTAL 0.17 1.25 1.14 PERRY CREEK SITE MAP SCALE: 1 "=1000' 0' SCALE: 1" = 1,000' 1,000' 2,000' VICINITY MAP NOT TO SCALE SHEET INDEX SHEET NUMBER SHEET TITLE -- SHEET INDEX 1 NEUSE RIVER 2 STREAM 4 3 PERRY CREEK 4 STREAM 2 5 PERRY CREEK 6 PERRY CREEK 7 FEATURE 13 8 STREAM 15 9 STREAM CROSS SECTIONS 10 STREAM CROSS SECTIONS 11 STREAM CROSS SECTIONS z 0 W w cc 0 m cc Sc_ /wD CKSON community infrastructure consultants 720 CORPORATE CENTER DRIVE RALEIGH, NC 27607 (t)919-782-0495 (f)919-782-9672 WWW.WKDICKSON.COM NC LICENSE NO.F-0374 w 2 z 1- 0 w 0 tr PERRY CREEK OUTFALL & NEUSE RIVER INTERCEPTOR IMPROVEMENTS THE CITY OF RALEIGH PUBLIC UTILITIES DEPT DRAWING TITLE: STREAM AND RIPARIAN BUFFER IMPACTS SHEET INDEX PROJ. MGR.: B. GRANT DESIGN BY: A. PITTS DRAWN BY: B. WALKER PROJ. DATE: 05/2021 DRAWING NUMBER: --OF11 WKD PROD. NO.: �20170207.00. RA /O miss \impact maps \2017020701 SHTIMPACT MAPS DEQ.dwg, APITTS, 7/19/2021 5: TEMPORARY STREAM 4 IMPACT LENGTH = 204.63 LF, WIDTH = 1 LF STREAM IMPACTS STREAM 4 LENGTH (LF) WIDTH (LF) AREA (SF) TEMPORARY 204.63 1 204.63 PERMANENT 0 0 0 RIPARIAN BUFFER IMPACTS STREAM 4 AREA (SF) Z1 (TEMPORARY) 12260.46 Z1 (PERMANENT) 0 Z2 (TEMPORARY) 7670.93 Z2 (PERMANENT) 0 TEMPORARY STREAM 4 IMPACT RIPARIAN BUFFER ZONE 2 AREA = 3066.15 SF z TEMPORARY STREAM 4 IMPACT RIPARIAN BUFFER ZONE 2 AREA = 4604.78 SF WOOD TRAILER TEMPORARY STREAM 4 IMPACT — RIPARIAN BUFFER ZONE 1 AREA = 12260.46 SF SCALE:1 "=60' / / 7 7 7 ^f CIx' BATTING C BLEACHE S NRCA FOOTBALL FIELD AND TRACK LEGEND SYMBOL IMPACT RIPARIAN BUFFER (ZONE 1) RIPARIAN BUFFER (ZONE 2) K'�'�' . STREAM (TEMPORARY) 0' SCALE: 1" = 60' 60' 120' J L.7z O W CC CC 0 U_ CO cc W 1/iii KSON community infrastructure consultants 720 CORPORATE CENTER DRIVE RALEIGH, NC 27607 (t)919-782-0495 (f)919-782-9672 WWW.WKDICKSON.COM NC LICENSE NO.F-0374 PERRY CREEK OUTFALL & NEUSE RIVER INTERCEPTOR IMPROVEMENTS THE CITY OF RALEIGH PUBLIC UTILITIES DEPT DRAWING TITLE: STREAM AND RIPARIAN BUFFER IMPACTS PROJ. MGR.: B. GRANT DESIGN BY: A. PITS DRAWN BY: B. WALKER PROJ. DATE: 05/2021 DRAWING NUMBER: 1 OF 11 WKD PROJ. NO.: 20170207.00. RA J co 3 E LL TEMPORARY PERRY CREEK IMPACT RIPARIAN BUFFER ZONE 2 AREA = 2057.58 SF Z2- RIPARIAN BUFFER IMPACTS PERRY CREEK AREA (SF) Z1 (TEMPORARY) 4813.26 Z1 (PERMANENT) 0 Z2 (TEMPORARY) 3670.34 Z2 (PERMANENT) 0 NI / TEMPORARY PERRY CREEK IMPACT 6 RIPARIAN BUFFER ZONE 1 AREA = 2712.85 SF� �? \iv �—> AZ TEMPORARY PERRY CREEK IMPACT - CENTERLINE 0 j� CRE LENGTH = 60.87 LF, WIDTH = VARIES LF *IS PROP IN / M (M\ TEMPORARY P,ERY CREEK IMPACT J RIPARIAN BUFFER ZONE 1 AREA = 2'f00.41 SF % < 7 7 STREAM IMPACTS PERRY CREEK LENGTH (LF) WIDTH (LF) AREA (SF) TEMPORARY 60.87 VARIES 2312.62 PERMANENT 0 0 0 /'A ��� WE G M . \I� 187.0 \N TEMPORARY PERRY CREEK IMPA T RIPARIAN BUFFER ZONE 2 AREA = 1612.76 SF z 1,87 2s)\ _ � \ C44 \ SCALE:1"=60' / CONSTRUCTION ACCESS ROAD / / 0 LEGEND SYMBOL IMPACT '<;1'/j RIPARIAN BUFFER (ZONE 1) RIPARIAN BUFFER (ZONE 2) ►:❖:::❖:•: o.•.00❖.•o. STREAM (TEMPORARY) 0' SCALE: 1" = 60' 60' 120' /woDICKSON community infrastructure consultants 720 CORPORATE CENTER DRIVE RALEIGH, NC 27607 (t)919-782-0495 (f)919-782-9672 WWW.WKDICKSON.COM NC LICENSE NO.F-0374 PERRY CREEK OUTFALL & NEUSE RIVER INTERCEPTOR IMPROVEMENTS THE CITY OF RALEIGH PUBLIC UTILITIES DEPT DRAWING TITLE: STREAM AND RIPARIAN BUFFER IMPACTS PERRY CREEK 0 PROJ. MGR.: B. GRANT DESIGN BY: A. PITTS DRAWN BY: B. WALKER PROJ. DATE: 05/2021 DRAWING NUMBER: 20F11 WKD PROD. NO.: �20170207.00. RA outfall - design CADD plan Set\_misc\impact maps \2017020701 SHT IMPACT MAPS DEQ.dwg, APITTS, 7/19/2021 5:43:59 PM co 3 E LL TEMPORARY STREAM 2 IMPACT RIPARIAN BUFFER ZONE 2 AREA = 2514.94 SF 0 pi;NV=187.77' V= :7.41' INV=187.5•„Iv \188.79'. RIPARIAN BUFFER IMPACTS STREAM 2 AREA (SF) Z1 (TEMPORARY) 8176.29 Z1 (PERMANENT) 0 Z2 (TEMPORARY) 5634.05 Z2 (PERMANENT) 0 / W� LCMP (X3) V=188.04' =187.92' 87.95' MPRESSED CMP STREAM IMPACTS STREAM 2 LENGTH (LF) WIDTH (LF) AREA (SF) TEMPORARY 122.78 VARIES 884.43 PERMANENT 0 0 0 0' SCALE: 1" = 60' 60' 120' 0 w 0 TEMPORARY STREAM 2 IMPACT RIPARIAN BUFFER ZONE 1 AREA = 3406.83 SF ss/ Ss/ / \ \ \ \ \ Te \ \\ v — CNC,RETE\ Zi PADS SCALE:1 "=60' i LEGEND SYMBOL IMPACT //'/ ' '� RIPARIAN BUFFER (ZONE 1) RIPARIAN BUFFER (ZONE 2) '0000000.• ................. STREAM (TEMPORARY) TEMPORARY STREAM 2 IMPACT RIPARIAN BUFFER ZONE 2 AREA = 3119.11 SF OD P1,4,zUP 42„ PVC Pfr w TEMPORARY STREAM 2 IMPACT RIPARIAN BUFFER ZONE 1 AREA = 4769.46 SF TEMPORARY STREAM 2 IMPACT LENGTH = 122.78 LF, WIDTH = VARIES LF OD /�DICKSON community infrastructure consultants 720 CORPORATE CENTER DRIVE RALEIGH, NC 27607 (t)919-782-0495 (f)919-782-9672 WWW.WKDICKSON.COM NC LICENSE NO.F-0374 PERRY CREEK OUTFALL & NEUSE RIVER INTERCEPTOR IMPROVEMENTS THE CITY OF RALEIGH PUBLIC UTILITIES DEPT DRAWING TITLE: STREAM AND RIPARIAN BUFFER IMPACTS N MW (PROJ. MGR.: MGR.: B. GRANT DESIGN BY: A. PITTS DRAWN BY: B. WALKER PROJ. DATE: 05/2021 DRAWING NUMBER: 30F11 WKD PROJ. NO.: �20170207.00. RA , LEGEND SYMBOL IMPACT ; j RIPARIAN BUFFER (ZONE 1) RIPARIAN BUFFER (ZONE 2) '••••••••••••••' STREAM (TEMPORARY) /2021 5:44:04 PM N 0 a — 0 — m_ FILE PATH:z:\ Projects \ environmental \RALUT\2017020701 ra - perry c Z2 — IP TEMPORARY PERRY CREEK IMPACT RIPARIAN BUFFER ZONE 1 AREA = 1169.09 SF TEMPORARY PERRY CREEK IMPACT RIPARIAN BUFFER ZONE 1 AREA = 4840.59 SF TEMPORARY PERRY CREEK IMPACT RIPARIAN BUFFER ZONE 2 AREA = 11960.50 SF TEMPORARY PERRY CREEK IMPACT RIPARIAN BUFFER ZONE 1 AREA = 2008.55 SF TEMPORARY PERRY CREEK IMPACT RIPARIAN BUFFER ZONE 1 AREA = 782.33 SF TEMPORARY PERRY CREEK IMPACT RIPARIAN BUFFER ZONE 1 AREA = 215.78 SF 1 TEMPORARY PERRY CREEK IMPACT LENGTH = 26.74 LF, WIDTH = VARIES LF PROP 36" PVC TCE � TCE TEMPORARY PERRY CREEK IMPACT RIPARIAN BUFFER ZONE 1 I` a AREA = 8264.72 SF °fr 1\ TEMPORARY PERRY CREEK IMPACT LENGTH = 62.4 LF, WIDTH = VARIES LF fr J 1 0, 0 9Z TCE PROP 36" PVC �" 4%,:jr:111",:te I;. c•cl-v /0 TEMPORARY PERRY CREEK IMPACT RIPARIAN BUFFER ZONE 1 AREA = 2933.30 SF TEMPORARY PERRY CREEK IMPACT RIPARIAN BUFFER ZONE 2 AREA = 15398.01 SF SCALE:1 "=60' 0' w TEMPORARY / PERRY CREEK IMPACT 7 RIPARIAN BUFFER ZONE 2€8 AREA = 721.72 SF SCALE: 1" = 60' TEMPORARY PERRY CREEK IMPACT RIPARIAN BUFFER ZONE 1 AREA = 2772.08 SF TEMPORARY PERRY CREEK IMPACT LENGTH = 62.31 LF WIDTH = VARIES LF 60' 120' TEMPORARY PERRY CREEK IMPACT LENGTH = 63.86 LF WIDTH = VARIES LF RIPARIAN BUFFER IMPACTS PERRY CREEK AREA (SF) Z1 (TEMPORARY) 22986.44 Z1 (PERMANENT) 0 Z2 (TEMPORARY) 28080.22 Z2 (PERMANENT) 0 STREAM IMPACTS PERRY CREEK LENGTH (LF) WIDTH (LF) TOTAL AREA (SF) TEMPORARY VARIES VARIES 3344.81 PERMANENT 0 0 0 J z 0 W w CC CC 0 U_ 44 CO cc W DICKSON community infrastructure consultants 720 CORPORATE CENTER DRIVE RALEIGH, NC 27607 (t)919-782-0495 (f)919-782-9672 WWW.WKDICKSON.COM NC LICENSE NO.F-0374 w z 0 w 0 PERRY CREEK OUTFALL & NEUSE RIVER INTERCEPTOR IMPROVEMENTS THE CITY OF RALEIGH PUBLIC UTILITIES DEPT DRAWING TITLE: STREAM AND RIPARIAN BUFFER IMPACTS PERRY CREEK PROJ. MGR.: B. GRANT DESIGN BY: A. PITS DRAWN BY: B. WALKER PROJ. DATE: 05/2021 DRAWING NUMBER: 4 OF 11 WKD PROJ. NO.: 20170207.00. RA J outfall - design\CADD\Plan Set\_misc\impact maps \2017020701 SHT IMPACT MAPS DEQ.dwg, APITTS, 7/19/2021 5:44:09 PM co 3 E LL STREAM IMPACTS PERRY CREEK LENGTH (LF) WIDTH (LF) AREA (SF) TEMPORARY 60.96 VARIES 757.34 PERMANENT 0 0 0 RIPARIAN BUFFER IMPACTS PERRY CREEK AREA (SF) Z1 (TEMPORARY) 4571.11 Z1 (PERMANENT) 0 Z2 (TEMPORARY) 3278.05 Z2 (PERMANENT) 0 / TEMPORARY PERRY CREEK IMPACT RIPARIAN BUFFER ZONE 1 AREA = 2050.00 SF TEMPORARY PERRY CREEK IMPACT RIPARIAN BUFFER ZONE 2 AREA = 976.99 SF /tit //i Ss% Z2- — zL z � ti', ss TEMPORARY PERRY CREEK IMPACT / 2 � �� - — - LENGTH = 60.96 LF, WIDTH = VARIES LF 19' ass/ / / �� /ti /// / - - /SS� -�2 0' SCALE: 1" = 60' 60' 120' / w/ / CENTERLINE OREEK IS PROPRtY LINFZZ 9 (M.0�6, PG.26 B� ) — bZ i zZ WOOD WALL FOR GARDEN SCALE:1"=60' Q tiz / TOP OF BANK /I II TEMPORARY PERRY CREEK IMPACT —RIPARIAN BUFFER ZONE 1 AREA = 2521.11 SF — Z2 — ti2- 7 / �_— —Z1_\ N� _z —/ /tip ��w L`V/ —zi w �,N —z< ..Nti —\\ _ Z SEE SHEET 11 FOR �, PERRY CREEK IMPACTS / qq " �� �W� 7 / z2 — �z i / PROP36"PVC TCE TCE TCE TEMPORARY PERRY CREEK IMPACT RIPARIAN BUFFER ZONE 2 AREA = 2301.06 SF TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION ACCESS TE LEGEND SYMBOL IMPACT RIPARIAN BUFFER (ZONE 1) RIPARIAN BUFFER (ZONE 2) 11/101/1/• ; ................ STREAM (TEMPORARY) /�DICKSON community infrastructure consultants 720 CORPORATE CENTER DRIVE RALEIGH, NC 27607 (t)919-782-0495 (f)919-782-9672 WWW.WKDICKSON.COM NC LICENSE NO.F-0374 PERRY CREEK OUTFALL & NEUSE RIVER INTERCEPTOR IMPROVEMENTS THE CITY OF RALEIGH PUBLIC UTILITIES DEPT DRAWING TITLE: STREAM AND RIPARIAN BUFFER IMPACTS PERRY CREEK (PROJ. MGR.: B. GRANT DESIGN BY: A. PITTS DRAWN BY: B. WALKER PROJ. DATE: 05/2021 DRAWING NUMBER: 5 OF 11 WKD PROJ. NO.: �20170207.00. RA J outfall - design\CADD\Plan Set\_misc\impact maps \2017020701 SHT IMPACT MAPS DEQ.dwg, APITTS, 7/19/2021 5:44:14 PM co 3 E LL STREAM IMPACTS FEATURE 13 LENGTH (LF) WIDTH (LF) AREA (SF) TEMPORARY 0 0 0 PERMANENT 0 0 0 RIPARIAN BUFFER IMPACTS FEATURE 13 AREA (SF) Z1 (TEMPORARY) 0 Z1 (PERMANENT) 0 Z2 (TEMPORARY) 575.64 Z2 (PERMANENT) 0 0' TEMPORARY FEATURE 13 IMPACT RIPARIAN BUFFER ZONE 2 AREA = 155.96 SF SCALE: 1" = 60' 60' 120' /TOP k3ANKOF — \ \) WFA N II 1 N ITOP ' OF DANK 1 \ N I N N I\VV=226.97' 2u <‹; WF 206.99' 12"HDPE (TEMPORARY) 6"PVC (TEMPORARY) INV=211 89' 12"HDPE (TEMPORARY) TEMPORARY FEATURE 13 IMPACT RIPARIAN BUFFER ZONE 2 AREA = 419.68 SF 6"PVC (STUBBED OUT) TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION ACCESS GRAVEL DRIVE INV=227.91' C=241.23' SCALE:1 "=60' \\v 0 LEGEND SYMBOL IMPACT RIPARIAN BUFFER (ZONE 1) \ RIPARIAN BUFFER (ZONE 2) ::::::::� STREAM (TEMPORARY) TOC=242.61' IN(S)=237.51' IN(W)=233.11' OUT=233.01' 0 PSG �� 20�'� Q�� QG• q3,. T/ 1.61' IN=234.61' OUT=234.51' DICKSON community infrastructure consultants 720 CORPORATE CENTER DRIVE RALEIGH, NC 27607 (t)919-782-0495 (f)919-782-9672 WWW.WKDICKSON.COM NC LICENSE NO.F-0374 PERRY CREEK OUTFALL & NEUSE RIVER INTERCEPTOR IMPROVEMENTS THE CITY OF RALEIGH PUBLIC UTILITIES DEPT DRAWING TITLE: STREAM AND RIPARIAN BUFFER IMPACTS FEATURE 13 (PROJ. MGR.: B. GRANT DESIGN BY: A. PITTS DRAWN BY: B. WALKER PROJ. DATE: 05/2021 DRAWING NUMBER: 6 OF 11 WKD PROJ. NO.: �20170207.00. RA , ow OOa FUo oJU p0W ¢OH z .- zo wwo �m< U=� �a0 =Co E- ozw oz o FUQ Z�U °om WY1U OY� vwj3w OWUI 0 z6z HZ` O❑zc� z aGwT, WQ o�c7 wO� �Oo wiz w3= ¢ter =a� oz° Qo� tioZ =w Oz8 UU zzo g 0Uw 00 3=Z oo� =Zw �o= a�0 °off �J outfall - design\CADD\Plan Set\_misc\impact maps \2017020701 SHT IMPACT MAPS DEQ.dwg, APITTS, 7/19/2021 5:4419 PM co 3 E 1 LL LEGEND SYMBOL IMPACT '/ RIPARIAN BUFFER (ZONE 1) RIPARIAN BUFFER (ZONE 2) STREAM (TEMPORARY) 0' TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION ACCESS WF WF S/\ 4\ 74** EIP BENT TEMPORARY STREAM 15 IMPACT RIPARIAN BUFFER ZONE 2 AREA = 610.25 SF SCALE: 1" = 60' 60' 120' MB 24QR t..) ;np TOP \ OF BANK WF WF A EL 2OPT w U STONE WALL O STREAM IMPACTS STREAM 15 LENGTH (LF) WIDTH (LF) AREA (SF) TEMPORARY 0 0 0 PERMANENT 0 0 0 IRON /QA � EIP �eM jiOo 79>7?4 ° RIPARIAN BUFFER IMPACTS STREAM 15 AREA (SF) Z1 (TEMPORARY) 1485.36 Z1 (PERMANENT) 0 Z2 (TEMPORARY) 610.25 Z2 (PERMANENT) 0 TEMPORARY STREAM 15 IMPACT RIPARIAN BUFFER ZONE 1 AREA = 1485.36 SF SCALE:1 "=60' 4DICKSON community infrastructure consultants 720 CORPORATE CENTER DRIVE RALEIGH, NC 27607 (t)919-782-0495 (f)919-782-9672 WWW.WKDICKSON.COM NC LICENSE NO.F-0374 PERRY CREEK OUTFALL & NEUSE RIVER INTERCEPTOR IMPROVEMENTS THE CITY OF RALEIGH PUBLIC UTILITIES DEPT DRAWING TITLE: STREAM AND RIPARIAN BUFFER IMPACTS STREAM 15 PROJ. MGR.: B. GRANT DESIGN BY: A. PITTS DRAWN BY: B. WALKER PROJ. DATE: 05/2021 DRAWING NUMBER: 70F11 WKD PROJ. NO.: �20170207.00. RA J ow O FUOOa oJU <ZW ¢OH z .- Zp wwo L1m< Un0� �a0 =Co ~ W ozw �-p woz FUQ Z�U °om WY� OY� vw j3w OOp OZWZ¢ O U � ?OQ ❑ZZ �� aG� w¢Q w�O� 7 0 1Z = ¢ter =a� UZ� a - Y Q 2 Q 2 W UOZ z=W Ozp UU zzo Yp� Ugo pp0 3=Z H � OO O� =Zw `O= OFF a�qf wg, APITTS, 7/19/2021 5:45:21 PM N m 0 a 0 E E E 0 U L co 3 E 0) LL 204 200 196 — 192 188 / / / / 204 200 196 / 192 — 188 / 184 — — 184 180 SCALE: HOR 1"=40'; VERT 1 "=4' STREAM 4 180 } Z O W W cc 0 m cc /woDICKSON community infrastructure consultants 720 CORPORATE CENTER DRIVE RALEIGH, NC 27607 (t)919-782-0495 (f)919-782-9672 WWW.WKDICKSON.COM NC LICENSE NO.F-0374 PERRY CREEK OUTFALL & NEUSE RIVER INTERCEPTOR IMPROVEMENTS THE CITY OF RALEIGH PUBLIC UTILITIES DEPT DRAWING TITLE: STREAM AND RIPARIAN BUFFER IMPACTS STREAM CROSS SECTIONS PROJ. MGR.: B. GRANT DESIGN BY: A. PITTS DRAWN BY: B. WALKER PROJ. DATE: 05/2021 DRAWING NUMBER: 9 OF 11 WKD PROJ. NO.: �20170207.00. RA J ow O FUOOa oJU <ZW ¢OH z .- zo wwo �m< U=� �a0 =Co ~ W ozw 1) woe FUQ Z�U °om WY1U OY� Ooo zwa ` ❑ZZ � W� G� w¢Q o �c7 >O� ==O wiz w�= ¢ter =a� UZ� a - Y Q 2 Q 2 W UOZ z=W Oz8 UU ZZo W �� pUgo �0 3=Z oo2 = Z W �o= a�0 U wg, APITTS, 7/19/2021 5:45:29 PM outfall - design \CADD\Plan Set\_misc\impact maps \2017020701 SHT IMPACT MAPS CROSS SE 3 E LL 196 196 196 1 1 I 192 — — 192 192 188 — 184 — 1 r---_ 1 I � 1 / I I I 196 192 — 188 188 — — 188 I / I / l i — 184 184 — — 184 180 — — 180 180 — — 180 176 SCALE: HOR 1 "=40'; VERT 1 "=4' SCALE: HOR 1 "=40'; VERT 1 "=4' 176 176 PERRY CREED 1 STREAM 2 176 Z O W W CC CC 0 CO cc /wD CKSON community infrastructure consultants 720 CORPORATE CENTER DRIVE RALEIGH, NC 27607 (t)919-782-0495 (f)919-782-9672 WWW.WKDICKSON.COM NC LICENSE NO.F-0374 PERRY CREEK OUTFALL & NEUSE RIVER INTERCEPTOR IMPROVEMENTS THE CITY OF RALEIGH PUBLIC UTILITIES DEPT DRAWING TITLE: STREAM AND RIPARIAN BUFFER IMPACTS STREAM CROSS SECTIONS PROJ. MGR.: B. GRANT DESIGN BY: A. PITTS DRAWN BY: B. WALKER PROJ. DATE: 05/2021 DRAWING NUMBER: 10 OF 11 WKD PROJ. NO.: �20170207.00. RA ow O FUOOa oJU <ZW ¢OH z .- Zo wwo �m< Un0=� �a0 =Co ~ W ozw 1) woe FUQ Z�U °om WY� OY� Ooo zwa ` ❑ZZ � W� G� w¢Q o �c7 >O� wiz w3= ¢ter =a� UZ� a - Y Q 2 Q O � �oz z=W oZ8 UU zzo W Og= �� pUgo �0 3=Z OO O� H 2 =Zw `O= OFF a�0 U a M perry creek outfall - design\CADD\Plan Set\_misc\impact maps \2017020701 SHT IMPACT MAPS CROSS SE co 3 E LL 204 200 196 — 192 — 188 184 SCALE: HOR 1 "=40'; VERT 1 "=4' 204 204 204 204 — 200 200 200 200 — 196 196 — — 192 192 PERRY CREEK 2 188 188 184 184 - -1 r— 196 196 I ----�� I I I I i I 1 I 1 ---- 192 192 — � 1 J 204 200 — 196 — 192 188 188 — — 188 SCALE: HOR 1 "=40'; VERT 1 "=4' SCALE: HOR 1"=40'; VERT 1 "=4' 184 184 PERRY CREED 3 PERRY CREED 4 184 Z O W W CC CC 0 CO cc /wD CKSON community infrastructure consultants 720 CORPORATE CENTER DRIVE RALEIGH, NC 27607 (t)919-782-0495 (f)919-782-9672 WWW.WKDICKSON.COM NC LICENSE NO.F-0374 PERRY CREEK OUTFALL & NEUSE RIVER INTERCEPTOR IMPROVEMENTS THE CITY OF RALEIGH PUBLIC UTILITIES DEPT DRAWING TITLE: STREAM AND RIPARIAN BUFFER IMPACTS STREAM CROSS SECTIONS PROJ. MGR.: B. GRANT DESIGN BY: A. PITTS DRAWN BY: B. WALKER PROJ. DATE: 05/2021 DRAWING NUMBER: 11 OF 11 WKD PROJ. NO.: �20170207.00. RA J