HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW8061001_Historical File_20130506Casmer; Jo From: Sent: To: Subject: Sorry... David Newsom [crystalcoasteng@bizec.rr.com] Sunday, June 09, 2013 11:12 AM Casmer, Jo RE: The Hammocks at Port Swansboro SW8 061001 Craig Rigsbee7 19 Sloop St. r Swansboro, NC 28584 Ph 910 548 2240 From: Casmer, Jo rmailtoJo.casmerg@ncdenr.govl Sent: Friday, June 07, 2013 2:08 PM To: David Newsom Subject: RE: The Hammocks at Port Swansboro SW8 061001 J I never heard back from you with an address. I tried another address I found on the Sec. of State website (18 Schooner Drive, Swansboro) but that's no good either. I would think they would want their permit.....1'm holding it until I get a good address as I don't want to waste anymore postage. Thanks. fo owsmer Administrative Assistant IV NC Dept. of Environment & Natural Resources Division of Water Quality -Surface Water Protection Section 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, NC 28405 Phone: (910) 796-7336 Fax: (910) 350-2004 Please pore emall address has change¢ Email correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties From: David Newsom r mailto:crystalcoastena(&bizec.rr.coml Sent: Tuesday, May 21, 2013 6:56 AM To: Casmer, Jo Subject: RE: The Hammocks at Port Swansboro SW8 061001 Interesting... Let me call him today.....and get his current address. From: Casmer, Jo rmailto:jo.casmer(&ncdenr.gov] Sent: Monday, May 20, 2013 4:49 PM To: crystalcoasteng@bizec.rr.com Subject: The Hammocks at Port Swansboro SW8 061001 David: 1 malled,the permit to Craig Rigsbee May 81h and it was returned today by the post office as "return to sender/unable to forward." l used the address that was on the application (1143 Hammocks Beach Rd., Swansboro). Do you have a current address that 1 can send the permit to? Thanks. Jo CRswer Administrative Assistant IV NC Dept. of Environment & Natural Resources Division of Water Quality -Surface Water Protection Section 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, NC 28405 Phone: (910) 796-7336 Fax: (910) 350-2004 Please note emall address has changed. Email correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties Design Calculations Stormwater Treatment Facilities for The Hammocks at Pc;rt of Swansboro, Phase II (includes located In Carteret County Revised 4/25/13 1. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The Project consists of proposed townhome project and site work. 2. COMPUTE POND AREA REQUIRED a. Compute Percent Impervious: Impervious Areas: On -Site Buildings On -Site Streets On -Site Parking On -Site Sidewalks Other on -site Off -site Sub -Total FUTURE FUTURE(reserved) Total Total Area Drainage to Pond: Percent Impervious = b. Compute Pond Surface Area OFFSITE Phase 1 Phase 2 Kisting Proposed Total 33,732 64,021 97,753 SF 0 0 0 SF 56,189 89,562 145,751 SF 8,194 29,250 37,444 SF 0 0 0 0 0 0 98,115 182,833 280,948 SF 0 Q 0SF 500 2,200 2,700 98,615 185,033 283,648 SF 0.463 or 46.3 % 612,000 SF Using Surface Area to Drainage Area Ratio Chart for 90% TSS Removal (copy attached) and assuming F 3.75 foot pond depth: SA/DA = 4.32 % (interpolated - Select from Highlighted Cell in SA/DA) Therefore: Surface Area = SA/DA x Drainage Area 26,446 SF say 26.4,i2. SF must be > 26,446 SF c. Compute Minimum Pond Dimensions EcC EIVE'04 MAY 0 2 2013 Assume rectangular shape with 3:1 Length (L) to Width (W) Ratio: Min Length = 281.67 feet Min Width = 93.89 feet Site conditions, however, dictate irregular shaped pond: Hydr. Length = 244.1 Ifeet so, Hydr. Width (a% 108.4 feet (avg) Actual L/W = 2.3 (irregular shape) 3. DETERMINE REQUIRED STORAGE VOLUME Based on required rainfall depth: Design Rainfall Depth =1 1.5 inches Using Schuler "Simple Method": Rv = 0.05 + 0.009(I) where I = percent impervious Rv = 0.467 inrn Runoff Volume = Design Rainfall x Rv x Drainage Area Runoff Volume = 35,735 CF Based on Q1/24 Post Development less Q1/24 PreDevelopment PreDevelopment Runoff 1-yr, 24 hour rainfall depth 3.65 in Using Schuler "Simple Method": Rv = 0.05 + 0.009(1) where I = percent impervious Rv = 0.050 in/in Runoff Volume = Design Rainfall x Rv x Drainage Area Runoff Volume = 9,308 CF Post Development Runoff Using Schuler "Simple Method": Rv = 0.05 + 0.009(1) where I = percent impervious Rv = 0.467 in/in Runoff Volume Design Rainfall x Rv x Drainage Area Runoff Volume = 86,956 CF Post Development Q1/24 - PreDevelopment Q1/24 = 77,649 CF Controlling Storage Volume = 77,649 CF say 81,134 CF Must be > 77,649 SF 4. DETERMINE REQUIRED STORAGE DEPTH Assume: 3:1 side slopes solving for depth (d) by trial & error: d = 2.65 5. DETERMINE ORIFICE SIZE Control Volume must be drawn down over a 2 day - 5 day period. Using orifice equation, solve for Diameter (D) that results in 3-1/2 day period: D = (Q / 0.026 (h).5).5 Where: Q = (Control Volume / 3.5 days x 86,400 sec/day) = 0.268 cfs h= D / 3 = 0.88 Solving for D: D = 3.31 Use 3.00 " pipe Actual Drawdown with actual drawdown pipe diameter (using orifice equation): Q= 0.220 cfs Draw Down Period = jjjffj.4.04 days OK, < 5.0 6. SELECT OUTLET STRUCTURE SIZE Size outlet structure such that depth of Q10 flow < or + to 2.25 Feet Using Rational Formula (Q=CIA) where: Cimper = 0.9 Cpery = 1 0.2 Ccum = 0.52 110 = 7.50 in/hr A = 14.05 ac Q10 = 55.26 cfs Using Francis Formuia (0=3.OLH'A) to solve for L such that H = 2.25 Feet Min L = 5.458 Linear Feet Use 62 Linear Foot Weir Use 63 Square Precast Structure N/A 7. DETERMINE 010 STAGE Q10 = 55.26 cfs From Routing Analysis, H10 = 12.76 8. DETERMINE 0100 STAGE (ELEV. OF EMERGENCY SPILLWAY) Using Rational Formula (Q=CIA) where: Cimper = 0.9 Cpery = 0.2 Ccum = 0.52 1100 = 9.50 in/hr A = 14.05 ac Q100 = 70.00 cfs From Routing Analysis, H100 = 13.00 9. DETERMINE 0100 STAGE OVER EMERGENCY SPILLWAY (TOP BERM ELEV.) Assume prima ;1 spillway blocked (i.e., emergency spillway to accommodate Q100) Emergency spillway shall be a broad crested earthern weir designed to pass 100 year storm. Using broad crested weir equation H = (Q/(Cw x L))m where: Q = Q100 70.00 cfs Cw = 3.0 Length = 65 feet H = 0.51 feet 10. FOREBAY SIZING Compute Actual Pond Volumes (using average end method): Avg Incr. Incr. Cum. Main Bay Volume: Elevation Area SF Area SF Depth (FT) Vol CF Vol CF Pond Bottom 21.00 5,830 Bottom Veg Shelf 27.00 17,32-2 11,576 6.00 69,456 69,456 Normal Pond 27.50 20,792 19,057 0.50 9,529 78,985 Main Bay Volume = 78,985 CF Forebay Volume : Elevation Area SF Area SF Depth (FT) Vol CF Vol CF Pond Bottom 22.001 1,704 Normal Pond 27.501 5,660 3,682 5.50 20,251 20,251 Forebay Volume = 20,251 CF Total Pond Volume 1 99,236 CF Total Pond Area = 26,452 SF Forebay Volume equates to % of Total Volume Must be > 18% and < 22% Average Pond Depth = 3.75 feet Compare to assumed Depth 3.75 feet Temp. Storage Volume: Elevation Area SF Area SF Depth (FT) Vol (CF) Vol CF Normal Pond 27.50 26,452 Temp. Pond Level 30.001 38,4651 32,454 2.50 81,134 81,134 Temporary Level should be 30.15 or greater Temp. Pool Volume = 81,134 CF 11. SUMMARY Pond Elevations: Top Berm (minimum) H= 0.51 100-Yr. Storm H100 = 3.00 10-Yr. Storm H10 = 2.75 Temp. Storage storage depth = 2.50 Permanent Pool Pond Bottom pond depth = 6.50 Relative Actual 12.51 31.50 12.00 30.50 (emerg. weir elev) 11.75 30.25 9.00 30.00 (primary weir elev) 6.50 27.50 (invert out elev) 0 21.00 12. WET DETENTION BASIN SUPPLEMENT Site Characteristics Drainage Area 612,000 sf Impervious Area 283,648 sf % Impervious 46.3 % Design Rainfall Depth 1.5 in Storage Volume Min. Volume Required 35,735 cf Volume Provided 81,134 cf Peak Flow Calculations 1-yr, 24 hour rainfall depth 3.65 in Rational C, predevelopment ( 0.2( Rational C, post development 0.52 Rainfall Intensity 1 yr 24 hr 0.15 in/hr Pre Dev Q1(24 hour) 0.43 cfs Post Dev Q1 (24 hour) 1.12 cfs Pre/Post Flow Control 0.69 cfs Basin Elevations Basin Bottom Elevation 20.00 feet (Elev) Sediment Cleanout Elevation 21.00 feet (Elev) Permanent Pool Elevation 27.50 feet (Elev) Temporary Pool Elevation 30.00 feet (Elev) Volume and Surface Area Calculations SA/DA ratio 4.32 Surface Area Required 26,446 sf Surface Area Provided 26,452 sf Permanent Pool Volume 99,236 cf Average Depth 3.75 feet Forebay Volume 20,251 cf Forebay % of Total Volume 20.4 % Temporary pool Area 38,455 sf Drawdown Calculations Drawdown Time Discharge Rate Pre Dev Q1(24 hour) Post Dev Q1 (24 hour) Additional Information Diameter of orifice Design TSS Removal Basin Side Slopes Vegetated Shelf Slope Vegetated Shelf Width 4.09 days 0.220 cfs 0.43 cfs 0.16 cfs 3.00 in 90 % 3 :1 10 :1 10 ft Length to Width Ratio 2 :1 Trash Rack? Yes Freeboard Provided? Yes Vegetated Filter Provided? No Recorded Easement? Yes Captures all Runoff? Yes Drain Mechanism Pump NA SEAI Design Calculations 18143 Stormwater Treatment Facilities .y'vGt�.F for yp& The Hammocks at Port of Swansboro, Phase II (includes Phase/.K. NO,.'' located in Carteret County �! < Revised 4/25/13 1. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The Project consists of proposed townhome project and site work. 2. COMPUTE POND AREA REQUIRED a. Compute Percent Impervious: Impervious Areas: On -Site Buildings On -Site Streets On -Site Parking On -Site Sidewalks Other on -site Off -site Sub -Total FUTURE FUTURE(reserved) Total Total Area Drainage to Pond: Percent Impervious = b. Compute Pond Surface Area OFFSITE Phase 1 Phase 2 Kis_ tins Proposed Total 33,732 64,021 97,753 SF 0 +7 0 SF 56,189 89,56;2 145,751 SF 8,194 29,250 37,444 SF 0 0 0 0 0 98,115 182,833 280,948 SF DI 0 0 SF 500 2,200 2,700 98,615 185,033 283,648 SF 0.463 or 46.3 % 612,000 SF Using Surface Area to Drainage Area Ratio Chart for 90% TSS Removal (copy attached) and assuming F 3.75 foot pond depth: SA/DA = 4.32 % (interpolated - Select from Highlighted Cell in SA/DA) Therefore: Surface Area = SA/DA x Drainage Area 26,446 SF say; , �6,4521 SF must be > 26,446 SF c. Compute Minimum Pond Dimensions Assume rectangular shape with 3:1 Length (L) to Width (W) Ratio: Min Length = 281.67 feet Min Width = 93.89 feet Site conditions, however, dictate irregular shaped pond: Hydr. Length = I 244.1 feet so, Hydr. Width (a% 108.4 feet (avg) Actual L/W = 2.3 (irregular shape) 3. DETERMINE REQUIRED STORAGE VOLUME Based on required rainfall depth: Design Rainfall Depth = 1.5 inches Using Schuler "Simple Method": Rv = 0.05 + 0.009(I) where I = percent impervious Rv = 0.467 in/in Runoff Volume = Design Rainfall x Rv x Drainage Area Runoff Volume = 35,735 CF Based on Q1/24 Post Development less Q1/24 PreDevelopment PreDevelopment Runoff 1-yr, 24 hour rainfall depth 3.65 in Using Schuler "Simple Method": Rv = 0.05 + 0.009(I) where I = percent impervious Rv = 0.050 in/in Runoff Volume = Design Rainfall x Rv x Drainage Area Runoff Volume = 9,308 CF Post Development Runoff Using Schuler "Simple Method": Rv 0.05 + 0.009(I) where I = percent impervious Rv 0.467 in/in Runoff Volume = Design Rainfall x Rv x Drainage Area Runoff Volume = 86,956 CF Post Development Q1/24 - PreDevelopment Q1/24 = 77,649 CF Controlling Storage Volume = 77,649 CF 4. DETERMINE REQUIRED STORAGE DEPTH Assume: 3:1 side slopes solving for depth (d) by trial & error: d = 2.65 5. DETERMINE ORIFICE SIZE says 8�,134CF Must be > 77,649 SF Control Volume must be drawn down over a 2 day - 5 day period. Using orifice equation, solve for Diameter (D) that results in 3-1/2 day period: D = (Q / 0.026 (h)')-5 Where: Q = (Control Volume / 3.5 days x 86,400 sec/day) 0.268 cfs h= D / 3 = 0.88 Solving for D: D = 3.31 Use 3.00 " pipe Actual Drawdown with actual drawdown pipe diameter (using orifice equation): Q= 0.220 cfs Draw Down Period = days OK, < 5.0 6. SELECT OUTLET STRUCTURE SIZE Size outlet structure such that depth of Q10 flow < or + to 2.25 Feet Using Rational Formula (Q=CIA) where: Cimper = 0.9 Cpery 0.2 Ccum = 0.52 110 = 7.50 in/hr A = 14.05 ac Q10 = 55.26 cfs Using Francis Formula (Q=3.OLH `'3) to solve for L such that H = 2.25 Feet Min L = 5.458 Linear Feet Use 62 Linear Foot Weir Use 63 Square Precast Structure N/A 7. DETERMINE 010 STAGE Q10 = 55.26 cfs From Routing Analysis, H10 = 2.75 8. DETERMINE 0100 STAGE (ELEV. OF EMERGENCY SPILLWAY) Using Rational Formula (Q=CIA) where: Cimper = 0.9 Cpery = 0.2 Ccum = 0.52 1100 = 9.50 in/hr A = 14.05 ac Q100 = 70.00 cfs From Routing Analysis, H100 = 13.00 9. DETERMINE 0100 STAGE OVER EMERGENCY SPILLWAY (TOP BERM ELEV.) Assume primary spillway blocked (i.e., emergency spillway to accommodate 0100) Emergency spillway shall be a broad crested earthern weir designed to pass 100 year storm. Using broad crested weir equation H = (Q/(Cw x L))2'�3 where: Q = Q100 70.00 cfs Cw = 3.0 Length = 65 feet H = 0.51 feet 10. FOREBAY SIZING Compute Actual Pond Volumes (using average end method): Avg Incr. Incr. Cum. Main Bay Volume: Elevation Area SF Area SF Depth (FT) Vol CF Vol CF Pond Bottom 21.00 51830 Bottom Veg Shelf 27.00 17,322 11,576 6.00 69,456 69,456 Normal Pond 27.50 20,792 19,057 0.50 9,529 78,985 Main Bay Volume = 78,985 CF Forebay Volume: Elevation Area SF Area SF De th FT Vol CF Vol CF Pond Bottom 22.Q0 1,744 Normal Pond 27.50' 15 60 3,682 5.50 20,251 20,251 Forebay Volume = 20,251 CF Total Pond Volume 1 99,236 CF Total Pond Area = 26,452 SF Forebay Volume equates to a % of Total Volume Must be > 18% and < 22% Average Pond Depth = 3.75 feet Compare to assumed Depth 3.75 feet Temp. Storage Volume: Elevation Area SF Area SF Depth FT Vol CF Vol (CF) Normal Pond 27.50 26,452 Temp. Pond Level 30-001 38,465 32,454 2.50 81,134 81,134 Temporary Level should be 30.15 or greater Temp. Pool Volume = 81,134 CF 11. SUMMARY Pond Elevations: Reiative Actual Top Berm (minimum) 12.51 31.50 H= 0.51 100-Yr. Storm 12.00 30.50 (emerg. weir elev) H100 = 3.00 10-Yr. Storm 11.75 30.25 H10 = 2.75 Temp. Storage 9.00 30.00 (primary weir elev) storage depth 2.50 Permanent Pool 6.50 27.50 (invert out elev) pond depth 6.50 Pond Bottom 0 21.00 12. WET DETENTION BASIN SUPPLEMENT Site Characteristics Drainage Area 612,000 sf Impervious Area 283,648 sf % Impervious 46.3 % Design Rainfall Depth 1.5 in Storage Volume Min. Volume Required 35,735 cf Volume Provided 81,134 cf Peak Flow Calculations 1-yr, 24 hour rainfall depth 3.65 in Rational C, predevelopment 0.2� Rational C, post development 0.52 Rainfall Intensity 1 yr 24 hr 0.15 in/hr Pre Dev Q1 (24 hour) 0.43 cis Post Dev Q1 (24 hour) 1.12 cfs Pre/Post Flow Control 0.69 cis Basin Elevations Basin Bottom Elevation 20.00 feet (Elev) Sediment Cleanout Elevation 21.00 feet (Elev) Permanent Pool Elevation 27.50 feet (Elev) Temporary Pool Elevation 30.00 feet (Elev) Volume and Surface Area Calculations SA/DA ratio 4.32 Surface Area Required 26,446 sf Surface Area Provided 26,452 sf Permanent Pool Volume 99,236 of Average Depth 3.75 feet Forebay Volume 20,251 cf Forebay % of Total Volume 20.4 % Temporary pool Area 38,455 sf Drawdown Calculations Drawdown Time Discharge Rate Pre Dev Q1(24 hour) Post Dev Q1 (24 hour) Additional Information Diameter of orifice Design TSS Removal Basin Side Slopes Vegetated Shelf Slope Vegetated Shelf Width 4.09 days 0.220 cfs 0.43 cfs 0.16. cfs 3.00 in 90 % 3 :1 10 :1 10 ft Length to Width Ratio 2 :1 Trash Rack? Yes Freeboard Provided? Yes Vegetated Filter Provided? No Recorded Easement? Yes Captures all Runoff? Yes Drain Mechanism Pump ALeru-ww f� MENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Pat McCrory Charles Wakild, P. E. Governor Director March 5, 2013 Criag Rigsbee, Manager The Hammocks at Port Swainsboro, LLC 1143 Hammocks Beach Road Swansboro, NC 28584 Subject: Request for Additional Information Stormwater Project No. SW8 061001 The Hammocks at Port Swansboro Onslow County Dear Mr. Rigsbee: John Skvarla Secretary The Wilmington Regional Office received a Stormwater Management Permit Application for The Hammocks at Port Swansboro on February 26, 2013. A preliminary review of that information has determined that the application is not complete. The following Information is needed to continue the stormwater review: 1. The plan submitted with "The Hammocks at Port Swainsboro" project is the grading plan for "The Hammocks at Port of Swansboro, Phase II" project. Please submit a grading and drainage plan for "The Hammocks at Port Swansboro" project showing the property boundary (with the calls), all impervious structures (dimensioned), as well as the grading/drainage and how it will be collected and conveyed to the offsite treatment system. Please note that this request for additional information is in response to a partial, preliminary review. The requested information should be received by this Office prior to April 5, 2013, or the application will be returned as incomplete. The return of a project will necessitate resubmittal of all required items, including the application fee. If you need additional time to submit the information, please mail, email or fax your request for a time extension to the Division at the address and fax number at the bottom of this letter. The request must indicate the date by which you expect to submit the required information. The Division is allowed 90 days from the receipt of a completed application to issue the permit. The construction of any impervious surfaces, other than a construction entrance under an approved Sedimentation Erosion Control Plan, is a violation of NCGS 143-215.1 and is subject to enforcement action pursuant to NCGS 143-215.6A. Please reference the State assigned project number on all correspondence. Any original documents that need to be revised have been sent to the engineer or agent. All original documents must be returned or new originals must be provided. Copies are not acceptable. If you have any questions concerning this matter please feel free to call me at (910) 796-7215 or email me at chris.baker@ncdenr.gov. Sincerely, t Chris Baker Environmental Engineer II GDS/csb: S:\WQS\Stormwater\Permits & Projects\2006\061001 HD\2013 02 addinfo 061001 cc: David Newsom, P: E., Crystal Coast Engineering, P. A. Wilmington Regional Office Stormwater File 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 Location: 512 N. Salisbury St. Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 Phone: 919-807-63001 FAX: 919-807-6492 Internet: www rimaterauality.orn ne NorthCarolina Natumll# An Equal Opportunity \ Affirmative Action Employer North Carolina Secretary of State Page 1 of 1 Account Login Register North Carolina Elaine F. Marshall DEPARTMENTOF THE Secretary SECRETARY O1= STATE PO Box 29622 Raleigh, NC 27626-0622 (919)807-2000 Date: 3/5/2013 Click here to: View Document Filings I File an Annual Report ®J Print a Pre -populated Annual Report Fillable PDF Form I Amended A Previous Annual Report Corporation Names Name Name Type NC THE HAMMOCKS AT PORT SWANSBORO, LLC LEGAL Limited Liability Company Information SOSID: 0838007 Status: Current -Active Effective Date: 3/31/2006 Annual Report Due Date: Citizenship: DOMESTIC State of Inc.: NC Duration: PERPETUAL Annual Report Status: CURRENT Registered Agent Agent Name: RIGSBEE, ANTHONY C Office Address: 18 SCHOONER DRIVE SWANSBORO NC 28584 Mailing Address: 18 SCHOONER DRIVE SWANSBORO NC 28584 Principal Office Office Address: 18 SCHOONER DRIVE Mailing Address: Officers Title - Name: Business Address: Title: Name: Business Address: SWANSBORO NC 28584 18 SCHOONER DRIVE SWANSBORO NC 28584 MANAGER ANTHONY CRAIG RIGSBEE 201 RIVER READH SWANSBORO NC 28584 MEMBER ESTES RIGSBEE 7909 STEEP HILL RALEIGH NC 27603 This website is provided to the public as a part of the Secretary of State Knowledge Base (SOSKB) system. Version: 4235 http://www.secretary.state.nc.us/corporations/Corp.aspx?PitemId=7947776 3/5/2013 CompletenW Review Checklist Project Blame: �� �]AOC �/S (PVO Received Date: Project Location:iuS3aq-o f'UniSCC1VJ Accepted Date: ++ Paperwork Emailed Engineer on: ®Supplement(s) (1 original per BMP) BMP Type(s): ®O&M with correct/original signatures (1 original per BMP except LS/VFS and swales) ®Application with correct/original signatures ®Corp or LLC: Sig. Auth. per SoS or letter Note to Reviewer. ®$505 (within 6mo) a ®Soils Report with SHWT Calculations si ned seated `f� —i/� I�C;Al SF /0 C S ® (g / ) IDNo obvious errors (Y PCkn'r%J C( �EWE.5-f Density includes common areas, etc Deed Restrictions, if subdivided: Signed & Notarized Plans ,02 Sets ®Grading ®Vicinity Map Legend Infiltration Soils Report SHWT: Bottom: Additional Information: Permitted BUA (sf) DA (sf) PP (el) SHWT (el) Depth (ft) SA (sf) ®Details (roads, cul-de-sacs, curbs, sidewalks, BMPs, Buildings, etc) Wetlands: Delineated or No Wetlands ®Layout (proposed BUA dimensions) ®DA Maps LJProject Boundaries Wet Pond Offsite Soils Report �PE Cert for Master SHWT: ®Deed Rest for Master PP: BUA Permitted (Master): BUA Proposed (Offsite): Proposed: Proposed: Lot #: ®Lot # Matches Master Proposed: sf sf JOHN L. PIERCE & ASSOCIATES, P.A. LAND SURVEYING — LAND PLANNING — MAPPING P.O. BOX 1685 JACKSONVILLE, NC 28541 OFFICE: (910) 346-9800 FAX: (910) 346-1210 E-MAIL: bettyb@jl nn c.com Or hriani/nlilnnn nnm TO: Mr. Chris Baker N.C. Department of Environment and Natural Resources — Department of Stormwater 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, NC 28405 Letter of Transmittal DATE: February 25, 2013 ATTENTION: Mr. Chris Baker Re: The Hammocks at Port of Swamsboro COPIES DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION 2 -Copy of stormwater plan 2 Stormwater applications with calculations for permit modification 1 Check in the amount of $505.00 SIGNED: 0 0 Exin in Existing BUA Ph 1 = 98,115 sf n O BULDINGS 33,732 sf a STREETS 56,189 sf 4 u u d n 0 0 0 0 0 O p � o O Q o � O O e 0 Q v o a o SIDEWALKS 8,194 sf North Carolina Secretary of State Page 1 of 1 North Carolina Elaine iF. marshaff D EPARTM E NT OF THE Secretary SECRETARY Ol= STATE PO Sox 29622 Raleigh. NC 27626-0622 (919)807-2001a Date: 11 /28/2012 Click here to: View Document Filings I File an Annual Report ®J Print a Pre -populated Annual Report Fillable PDF Form I Amended A Previous Annual Report Corporation Names Name Name Type NC THE HAMMOCKS AT PORT LEGAL SWANSBORO, LLC Limited Liability Company Information SOSID: 0838007 Status: Current -Active Effective Date: 3/31/2006 Annual Report Due Date: Citizenship: DOMESTIC State of Inc.: NC Duration: PERPETUAL Annual Report Status: CURRENT Registered Agent Agent Name: RIGSBEE, ANTHONY C Office Address: 18 SCHOONER DRIVE SWANSBORO NC 2,8584 --� _ ... Mailing Address: .._._........._.... _� "' 18 SCHOONER DRIVE SWANSBORO NC 28584 Principal Office Office Address: 18 SCHOONER DRIVE SWANSBORO NC 28584 Mailing Address: 18 SCHOONER DRIVE SWANSBORO NC 28584 Officers Title: MANAGER Name: ANTHONY CRAIG RIGSBEE Business Address: 201 RIVER READH SWANSBORO NC 28584 Title: MEMBER Name: ESTES RIGSBEE Business Address: 7909 STEEP HILL RALEIGH NC 27603 This website is provided to the public as a part of the Secretary of State Knowledge Base (SOSKB) system. Version: 3744 http://www.secretary.state.nc.us/corporations/Corp.aspx?Pitemld=7947776 11/28/2012 , North Carolina Secretary of State Page 1 of 1 > North Carolina Maine F Marshall DEPARTMENT OFTHE Secretary SECRETARYOFSTATE PO Box 29622 Raleigh NC 27626-W22 (919)807 2000 Date: 11 /26/2012 Click here to: View Document Filings I File an Annual Report I Print a Pre -populated Annual Report Fillable PDF Form I Amended A Previous Annual Report I Corporation Names Name Name Type SIC THE HAMMOCKS AT PORT LEGAL SWANSBORO, LLC Limited Liability Company Information SOSID: 0838007 Status: Current -Active Effective Date: 3/31/2006 Annual Report Due Date: Citizenship: DOMESTIC State of Inc.: NC Duration: PERPETUAL Annual Report Status: CURRENT Registered Agent Agent Name: RIGSBEE, ANTHONY C Office Address: 18 SCHOONER DRIVE SWANSBORO NC 28584 Mailing Address: 18 SCHOONER DRIVE SWANSBORO NC 28584 Principal Office Office Address: 18 SCHOONER DRIVE SWANSBORO NC 28584 Mailing Address: Officers Title: Name: Business Address: Title: Name: Business Address: 18 SCHOONER DRIVE SWANSBORO NC 28584 MANAGER ANTHONY CRAIG RIGSBEE 201 RIVER READH SWANSBORO NC 28584 MEMBER ESTES RIGSBEE 7909 STEEP HILL RALEIGH NC 27603 This website is provided to the public as a part of the Secretary of State Knowledge Base (SOSKB) system. Version: 3718 hq://www.secretary.state.nc.us/corporations/Corp.aspx?Pitemld=7947776 11/26/2012 �X.00w /6-7ct;5-54 Lewis,Undla From: David Newsom [crystalcoasteng@bizec.rr.com] Sent: Monday, November 26, 2012 10:01 AM To: Lewis, Linda Subject: RE: I am at a loss....... Great...working on the applications now. From: Lewis,Linda [mailto:linda.lewis@ncdenr.gov] Sent: Monday, November 26, 2012 9:35 AM To: David Newsom Subject: RE: I am at a loss....... Dave - That sounds reasonable to me. Linda Lewis NC Division of Water Quality 127 Cardinal Drive Ext. Wilmington, NC 28405 910-796-7215 E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: David Newsom fmailto:crystalcoasteng@bizec.rr.coml Sent: Sunday, November 25, 2012 1:18 PM To: Lewis,Linda; Betty Bullock Subject: RE: I am at a loss....... Consider the following...... The NEW owner (JEJ Properties) does NOT want to assume responsibility for that portion of the original project that has already been developed (i.e., portion of SW8 061001)..... So, I think that permit (SW8 061001) needs to continue, with Craig Rigsbee as the permittee. But, since only a portion of that project was constructed ..... and perhaps more importantly, the infiltration system NOT constructed, it would seem necessary to MODIFY that permit accordingly (i.e. change project size to ONLY that constructed....and add and offsite supplement whereby stormwater from that project can be received and treated in the new BMP's (pond and wetland in series) proposed for the NEW project. So, if you agree, this is my plan. 1) Submit modification to SW8 061001 as described above. 2) Ask that permit SW8 070654 (Hammocks Port of Swansboro EAST Section) be rescinded in its entirely as that project will NOT be constructed. 3) Submit NEW permit application for the proposed development, that project to include adequate treatment capacity to accommodate stormwater from the SW8 061001 as modified. Does that sound reasonable? From: Lewis,Unda rmailto:linda.lewis ncdenr.gov Sent: Tuesday, November 20, 2012 4:52 PM To: David Newsom Subject: RE: I am at a loss....... Hey Dave: It's not quite as complicated as you might think, but I do tend to oversimplify things a bit. Essentially, no modifications to a permit can be accepted until that permit is transferred to the new owner, or rescinded at the request of the current permittee. Once transfers/rescissions are completed, then the necessary modifications can be submitted by the new permittee for approval. Permit #SW8 061001 covers the initial development of the Hammocks at Port of Swansboro. I've included a copy for you. Permit #SW8 070654 covers the East Section (Keith Walsh). I need to know if JEJ Properties bought and is developing both phases of the project? We could not modify the SW8 061001 permit by combining the 061001 project and the 070654 project without first transferring both permits to the new owner. Then the owner can submit a modification to combine the permits. If the 061001 project will be owned by a different entity than the 070654 project, but will require the use of a BMP that will be permitted under 070654, for all or just a portion of the 061001 development, then we need to transfer the 061001 permit °as is" to the owner of the 061001 project, approve a modification to the 070654 permit to acknowledge the.offsite drainage from 061001, and then accept an application from the new permittee to modify the 061001 transferred permit to acknowledge treatment of some or all of the BUA in the offsite BMP permitted under 070654. If Keith Walsh did not develop anything under the 070654 permit, then he can request that the permit be rescinded because it is no longer needed. Along with that request, though, he would have to provide us with the new property owner contact information so that the new property owner could submit for a new permit. If the new property owner will develop per the existing permit, then Mr. Walsh could elect to just transfer that permit. Linda Lewis NC Division of Water Quality 127 Cardinal Drive Ext. Wilmington, NC 28405 910-796-7215 E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: David Newsom rmalito:crystalcoastenci(dbizec.rr.coml Sent: Tuesday, November 20, 2012 3:55 PM To: Lewis,Linda Subject: I am at a loss....... I am at a loss of how best to permit this project.....The Hammocks at Port of Swansboro. At some date prior to November 2007, DWQ issued a Stormwater Permit (High Density Infiltration) for The Hammocks at Port of Swansboro (I did NOT do the design work and I do NOT have copy of that permit). A portion of this project has been built. However, I understand the developer/permittee (Hammocks at Port of Swansboro, I-I-Q does NOT intend to complete the project. Part of the stormwater facilities have been constructed (i.e. collection and stormwater pump station) have been installed,..however, I do not believe that the infiltration system has been installed/certified. For the sake of simplicity, we will refer to this portion of the Hammocks project as Phase 1. In November 2007, we (Crystal Coast Eng) applied for and received permit SW8 070654 for The Hammocks at Port Swansboro EAST SECTION. NONE of this project has been constructed. Again, the developer/permittee does NOT intend to proceed with this development. Another developer (JEJ Properties, Inc) has recently bought the undeveloped portion of the Hammocks tract, and intends to develop, however develop considerably different from what was previously designed and permitted for Hammocks EAST SECTION. Those plans are almost complete. We are proposing a Wet Pond in series with Constructed Wetland (trib to SA waters) with excess flows going to Veg Filter. For the sake of simplicity, we will refer to this project as Phase 2. Perhaps most importantly,'flow from the Phase 1(as previously described) pump station is to be diverted to the proposed stormwater treatment facilities in this new section (Phase 2), as the BMP for Phase 1 was never constructed. So, in short, it seems I need a permit that will incorporate PORTIONS of what was permitted in the ORIGINAL permit .... as well as new construction proposed for PHASE 2. How best, in your view, to permit this scenario.... It seems logical to me to first Rescind SW8 070654 (EAST SECTION)...... and then seek a modification to the ORIGINAL permit (I do not have that number)....adding the proposed Phase 2 construction to that portion of Phase 1 construction that was actually completed. Do you agree? .... Or is there perhaps an easier/more straitforward way to approach this? Cox, David From: Scott, Georgette Sent: Wednesday, November 14, 2012 2:40 PM To: Cox, David Subject: FW: The Hammocks at Port Swansboro SW8 061001 FYI Georgette Scott Stormwater Program Supervisor State Stormwater Program NC Division of Water Quality 127 Cardinal Drive Ext. Wilmington, NC 28405 Phone (910) 796-7335 Fax (910) 350-2004 E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina. Public Records law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Scott Durham [mailto:durhamrs(&hotmail.coml Sent: Wednesday, November 14, 2012 9:36 AM To: Scott, Georgette Subject: Re: The Hammocks at Port Swansboro SW8 061001 Ms. Scott, Thank you so much for your prompt response. I will inform the residents of your involvement. They will be quite pleased. We understand that progress will be slow but at least you have 'eyes on' and we are moving forward. Again, thank you for attentiveness to our plight. Scott Durham On Wed, Nov 14, 2012 at 8:21 AM, Scott, Georgette <georgette.scott c(e,ncdenr.go_v> wrote: Mr. Durham, I spoke with a representative from the town of Swansboro on Friday and understand there may be some issues concerning this development. I'm sorry about the issue with your foundations, however we only handle issues with the stormwater system and will be looking into the construction of the basin and the entire stormwater system along with the sale of the property. The city might be able to help on the construction of the buildings if they don't meet code. Based on the information I have heard thus far there are some possible serious issues that may have to be elevated to our central office in Raleigh. (Page 1 c j 3) This deed �.,,.,, : ,.•:.. The U: slu , Cu ! .; Date lurk jt__ Doc ID: otOrD7280008 Typp•: CRP FeAmt: 65 6 0002Pag*aI OOT:88:14 PH Revenue Tax: "So.Do ""' oountv� tID Rebecca L. Poilerd Rag. o9 Deada SK3869 Pc,55-57 Delinquent taxes, if any, to be paid by the closing attorney to the Onslow County Tax Collector upon disbursement of closing proceeds. The hereinafter described property — does _xxx does not include the primary residence of Grantor. NORTH CAROLiNA GENERAL WARRANTY DEED Excise Tax S660.00 Roc tag Time. Bookend EM set forth ehomm _ This instrument prepared by: Gaylor Edwards & Vatcher, P.A.,Licensed North Carolina Attorneys Tax Parcel LD,/New PARCEL ID.- 1319-60.1 (060M) Brief description for index: Approx. 3 acres off NC Hwy 24, Map Bk 50, Page 110 THIS DEED made this 191 day of October, 2012 by and between: GRANTOR GRANTEE: MMY ESTES RIGSBEE and wife, " JEJ INVESTORS, INC., a North XAY PL RIGS1 EE * Carolina corporation * Mailing address: Mailing address: 6909 Field Hill Road * P.O. Box 1685 Raleigh, NC 27603 * Jacksonville, NC 28541 * The designation Grantor and Grantee as used herein shall include said parties, their heirs, successors and assigns and shall include singular, plural, masculine, feminine or neater as required by context. WITNESSEM that the Grantor, for a valuable consideration paid by the Grantee, the receipt and wfficlency of which is hereby acknowledged, has and by these presents does grant bargain, sell, and convey unto the Grantee, in fee simple, all that/those certain tract(s), lot(s) or pareek(s) of land, situated in Swansbow Township, Onslow County, North Carolina and more particularly described as follows: Being all of that 6.57 acres tract of land as shown and described on a plat entitled, "PCR DIVESI'MBNTS, INC., d/b/a THE HAMMOCKS AT PORT OF SWANSBORO, being part of that property described and shown on a map recorded In Map Boole 34, Page 119, Swansboro, NC", prepared by Charles A. Rawls and Associates, dated November 15, 2005, and recorded to Map Book 50, Page 110, Slide 1-1208, Onslow Coumy Registry, LESS AND EXCBPT THB FOLLOWING: All of the Lots and Streets as recorded on a map entitled, "Me Hammocks at Port Swansboro Phase I" recorded in Map Book M, Page 113, Onslow County Registry, and All of the Lots and Streets as recorded on a map entitled, "lire Hammocks at Port Swansboro J:1wP =1GEWORelOMMR1GS0Q1A WvairOA5x4W Book: 3869 Page: 55 Page 1 of 3 Book: 3869 Page: 55 Seq: 1 (Pa ,!�ge 2 of 3) Phase 11", recorded in Map Book 52, Page 172, Onslow County Registry, and All of the Lots and Streets as recorded on a map entitled, "The Hammocks at Part Swansboro Phase U' recorded in Map Book 52, Page 204, Onslow County Registry, and All of the Lots and Streets as recorded on a map entitled, ' Phe Hammocks at port Swansboro Phase 1V" recorded in Map Book M, Page 193, Onslow County Registry, and All of the Lots and Streets as recorded on a map entitled, "The Hammocks at Port Swamibcm Phase T recorded in Map Book 56, Page 119, Onslow County Registry, and All the Lois and Streets as recorded on a map entitled, "Final Subdivision Map for The Hammocks at Part Swansboro, Phase VP recorded in Map Book 58, Page 47, Slide M-1121, Onslow County Registry. Said properly also being described as follows: Commencing at an existing N.C.GS monument entitled "Rink' and having N.C. Grid values of North 350,991.24 feet and Eastern values of 2,%7,714A2 feet and running thence from the said existing N.C.G.S. mormment and running South 14 degrees 00 minutes 52 seconds Bast 124.76 feet to an existing iron stake located along the Southwestern right of way of N.C. Highway 24 (100 foot right of way), thence leaving the said right of way and running South 32 degrees 21 minutes 09 seconds West 184.95 feet to an existing iron stake, said iron stake also being THE TRUE POINT Of BEGINNING: thence from the described beginning and running South 32 degrees 11 minutes 05 seconds West 62.22 feet to an iron stake; thence South 50 degrees 19 minutes 41 seconds West 419.86 feet to an existing iron stake; thence North 39 degrees 23 minutes 19 seconds West 78M to an existing iron stake; thence North 50 degrees 36 minutes 41 seconds Bast 72.50 feet to an iron stake; thence North 39 degrees 24 minutes 13 seconds West 201M het to an existing iron stake; thence North 50 degrees 15 minutes 01 seconds Bast 107.34 feet to an iron stake, thence North 39 degrees 27 minutes 49 seconds West 40.00 feet to an iron stake; thence North 39 degrees 27 minutes 49 seconds West 79.29 feet to an iron stake; thence North 51 degrees 00 minutes 38 seconds East 106.04 feet to an existing iron pipe; thence South 62 degrees 08 minutes 42 seconds East 107.99 feet to an existing inn pipe; thence South 63 degrees 48 minutes 04 seconds East 14.53 fleet to an iron stake; thence South 42 degrees 00 minutes 18 seconds East 24.79 feet to an iron slake, thence South 15 degrees 35 minutes 53 seconds East 31.51 feet to an iron stake; thence North 73 degrees 06 minutes 38 seconds East 37.05 feet to an iron stake; thence North 29 degrees it minutes 45 seconds Bast 32M feet to an ins► stake; thence South 60 degrees 54mimutes 22 seconds East 53.39 feet to an existing iron stake; thence South 68 degrees 23 minutes 37 seconds East 76.78 feet to an existing iron stake, thence South 60 degrees 49minutes 06 seconds East 98.95 feet to the point and place of beginning. Containing 2.69 acres and being a portion of the property described in Deed book 2630 Page 888 of the Onslow County Registry. The courses contained herein are correct in angular relationship and are referenced to N.C. Grid North Prepared by John L. Pierce 6s Associates, P.A., JOHN LYIERCE, P.L.S., L-2596, on September 17, 2012. The property herein above described was acquired, or is a portion of the property acquired, by Grantor by Instrument recorded in: Book 3668, Page 929, Onslow County Registry. A map showing the above described property is recorded in: Map Book 50, Page 110, Onslow County Registry. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the aforesaid tract(s), lots) or parcel(s) of land and all privileges and appurtenances thereto belonging to the Grantee In fee simple. 1-lwroM%GEMMWWEo51 Qq WVeirOR9.W Book: 3869 Page: 55 Page 2 of 3 Book: 3869 Page: 55 Seq: 2 (Page 3 of 3) THE GRANTOR COVENANTS WITH THE GRANTEE, that Grantor is seized of the premises in fee simple, has the right to convey the same in fee simple, that title is marketable and free and clear of all encumbrances, and that Grantor will warrant and defend the title against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever except for the exceptions hereinafter stated. Title to the property herein above described is subject to the following exceptiam 1. Real property taxes for the year 2012, and thereafter, 2. Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions recorded in Book 2818, Page 93Z Onslow Coulty Registry, 3. Matters shown on any recorded map of the above described property. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantor has hereto set his/her hand and seal, or if corporate or other entity, has caused this instrument to be executed by its duly authorized par(s), manager(s) or officer(s), the day and year first above written. / _ , KAY STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF �ohivs i m I certify that the following Person(s) personally appeared before me this day, each acknowledging to me that he or she voluntarily signed the foregoing document for the purposes stated therein and in the capacity(ies) indicated: HU1 Y ESTES RIGSBEE and wifg, KAY H. RIGSBEB Date: October IA2012 fQ/jidai Signature OfNofmy) Dray,re,//,1'f- {Notery's printed or typed name) My commission expires: h-Q 7� 13 J:%WR*MCZdMMIOra: ITMIMJa envrerM.•pd Book: 3869 Page: 55 Page 3 of 3 Book: 3869 Page: 55 8eq: 3 NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Beverly Eaves Perdue Charles Wakild, P. E. Dee Freeman Governor Director Secretary September 21, 2012 Joe T. Prescott, Managing Partner Prescott Management Partnership 5809 E. Landing Drive Emerald Isle, NC 28594 Subject: Status of Stormwater Permit Permit No. SW8 980339 Ivy Manor Assisted Living Center Onslow County Dear Mr. Prescott: On March 14, 2003, the Wilmington Regional Office of the Division of Water Quality (DWQ) issued a modified Stormwater Management Permit SW8 980339 for the construction of Ivy Manor Assisted Living Center at Hwy 24 in Swansboro to Prescott Management Partnership. On July 18, 2007, DWQ attempted to contact Prescott'Management Partnership regarding the renewal of this permit; however there was no response. Inspections of this site have found that the project has not been constructed and that the property appears to have been sold to The Hammocks at Port Swansboro, LLC and subsequently permitted under Stormwater Management Permit No. SW8061001. As of this date, DWQ has not received a request to renew and transfer this permit to the current property owners. Due to the fact the permit has expired, the project has not been constructed, and that DWQ has had no response to written requests from the permittee or the current property owners, Stormwater Management Permit SW8 980339 is hereby deemed Inactive effective immediately. If it would be helpful to discuss this matter further, please contact Steve Pusey in the Surface Water Protection Section of the Division of Water Quality in the Wilmington Regional Office at (910) 796-7215. Sincerely, S� �m Charles Wakild, P.E., Director Division of Water Quality GDS\sgp: S:\WQS\Stormwater\Permits & Projects\1998\980339 HD\2012 09 rescind 980339 cc: Craig Rigsbee, Member - The Hammocks at Port Swansboro, LLC Bradley Bennett, Stormwater Unit Georgette Scott Wilmington Regional Office Stormwater File SW8 061001 Wilmington Regional Office Stormwater File SW8 980339 Wilmington Regional Office 127 Cardinal Drive Extension, Wilmington, North Carolina 28405 Phone: 910-796-72151 FAX: 910-350-20041 DENR Assistance: 1-877-623-6748 Internet: www.ncwaterquality.org One NorthCarohna Natur dy- An Equal Opportunity \ Affirmative Action Employer Scott, Georgette From: Scott, Georgette Sent: Tuesday, June 26, 2012 3:20 PM To: 'Cynthia Ross' Subject: RE: The Hammocks at Port Swansboro I will look into it immediately. However, if you can provide me with the name of the developer you are dealing with and his correct address and the HOA and their address it will help us to determine the status a lot quicker. Thank you Georgette Scott Stormwater Program Supervisor State Stormwater Program NC Division of Water Quality 127 Cardinal Drive Ext. Wilmington, NC 28405 Phone (910) 796-7335 Fax (910) 350-2004 Umail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Uw and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Cynthia Ross[mailto:shellseekeresr@yahoo.com] Sent: Monday, June 25, 2012 2:47 PM To: Scott, Georgette Subject: The Hammocks at Port Swansboro Ms. Scott, I was referred to you by Cameron weaver and Janet weaver. I currently live in The Hammocks and am a homeowner here. The HOA is going through a turnover and we are trying to gather information pertaining to the stormwater Retention System here in the Hammocks. Everything is under the permit numberSw8 061001. what we are inquiring about is wether the stormwater system is as it should be and Ms. Russell could not find where the existing system is a "certified and signed off on System". I know per the community plans that there was supposed to be a underground system and the builder has stayed that he does not havve to do this at this time. with a turnover of the HOA, which has been paying for this system, will he have to complete this and will he have to have or does he have certification. There is also a small pond size hole at the main entrance that may or may not be for erosion control. If the roads are in and established can this be filled in? At this time the builder has stated in meeting of the HOA that there are no plans to continue building in the immediate or distant future. I hope that you can help me with this information. Please email any answers that you can provide or call me at 910 381 7806. Thank you in advance for anything that you can do to help us with in this endeavor. sincerely Cindy Ross Casmer, Jo From: Casmer, Jo Sent: Thursday, May 26, 2011 3:10 PM To: 'W. Keith Walsh' Subject: RE': File Review Request - Follow up I am assuming this file is where it should be in the file room, however I cannot get access to the room right now as there is another division using it {we have rolling files). As soon as I can get my hands on the file, I will be back in touch with you. This is the procedure: I will schedule an appointment for you to come in and review the file. You will check in with the receptionist, she will put you at a table near a copy machine and give you the file. You can copy anything that you need out of it. First 25 copies are free, then there is a nominal charge after that. Should you require copies of the site plans, you will not be able to make these onsite. As my time allows, I have to take the plans offsite and have the copies made for you. Once I have done so, I will let you know they are available to pick up and you will need to reimburse us whatever the cost is we are charged. I'll be back in touch once I get my hands on the file and we will get you scheduled. 00 /o casmer b O Administrative Assistant IV NC Dept. of Environment & Natural Resources f Division of Water Quality-Surrace Water Protection Section 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, NC 28405 Phone: (910) 796-7336 Fax: (910) 350-2004 Please note email addmss has dranged. ftnefl ca maspon t*nae to and from this address may be subW to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be dbdosed to third parties. From: W. Keith Walsh [mailtio:keithwalsh bizec.rr.com] Sent: Thursday, May 26, 2011 12:18 PM To: Casmer, Jo Subject: Re: File Review Request - Follow up No problem. When can I come to see you? I have an unusual circumstance. -- Original Message ---- From: Casmer, Jo To: keithwalshD-bizee.rr.com Cc: Hammers, Anuela Sent: Thursday, May 26, 2011 11:56 AM Subject: File Review Request - Follow up Please disregard my previous email. 1 saw the referenced permit number and thought that was the file you wanted to see. Angel tells me it is actually a stormwater permit you needed so that would be something I would help you with. My apologies. /o clZsmer Administrative Assistant IV NC Dept. of Environment & Natural Resources Division of Water Quality -Surface Water Protection Section 127 Cardinal Drive Extension . .x Wilmington, NC 28405 Phone: (910) 796-7336 Fax: (910) 350-2004 Please note email addrnss has diangcad. Email comesponnfence to and from this address may be subvert to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disdosed to thhd parties VA2m lM602057 0 LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY SOSID: 0838007 Date Filed: 3/17/20119:39:00 AM Elaine F. Marshall North Carolina Secretary of State CA201107602057 ANNUAL REP NAME OF LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY: The Hammocks at Port Swansboro, LLC SECRETARY OF STATE ID NUMBER: 0838007 STATE OF FORMATION: NC REPORT FOR THE YEAR: 2011 SECTION A: REGISTERED AGENTS INFORMATION 1. NAME OF REGISTERED AGENT: Anthony C Rigsbee 2. SIGNATURE OF THE NEW REGISTERED AGENT: FIN9,011coUssOnty Changes SIGNATURE CONSTITUTES CON8ENT TO THE APPOINTMENT 3. REGISTERED OFFICE STREET ADDRESS & COUNTY 4. REGISTERED OFFICE MAILING ADDRESS 18 Schooner Drive Swansboro, NC 28584 Onslow SECTION B: PRINCIPAL OFFICE INFORMATION 1. DESCRIPTION OF NATURE OF BUSINESS: Builder 2. PRINCIPAL OFFICE PHONE NUMBER: (910) 548-2240 4. PRINCIPAL OFFICE STREET ADDRESS & COUNTY 18 Schooner Drive SwansboM NC 28584 Onslow 18 Schooner Drive Swansboro, NC 28S84 3. PRINCIPAL OFFICE EMAIL: 5. PRINCIPAL OFFICE MAILING ADDRESS 18 Schooner Drive Swansboro, NC 28584 SECTION C: MANAGERS MEMBERS / ORGANJRRS (Enter additional Managers / Members / Organizers in Section E.) NAME: Anthony Craig Rigsbee NAME: Estes Rigsbee TITLE: Manager TITLE: Member NAME: TITLE: ADDRESS: ADDRESS: / l/ADDRESS: .-28�twlh t� Swansboro, NC 28584 Raleigh, NC 27603 SECTION D: CERTIF O OF ANNUAL REPOPA. Section D must be completed in its entirety by a person / business entity. IGNA RE DATE Forth must be signed by a Menag ! Meru Nsted Sect C of tlde rpm. ANTHONY CRAIG RIGSSEE Print or Type Name of Manager I Member MANAGER THIS ENTITY DOES NOT QUALIFY FOR THE 2011 ANNUAL REPORT FILING FEE EXEMPTION GRANTED UNDER SL2010.31 SU91YliLTHI�S ANNI.�"4RFPORT wRH TARE IRE�L�t2E4 MAIL TO: Secretary of State. Corporations Division. Post Office Box 29525. Raleigh, NC 27626-0525 TITLE