HomeMy WebLinkAbout20161072 Ver 2_More Info Received_20210812Strickland, Bev From: Sydni Law <Sydni.Law@timmons.com> Sent: Thursday, August 12, 2021 2:06 PM To: Cohn, Colleen M Cc: Goss, Stephanie; Matt Michel Subject: [External] RE: Leighson Landing Attachments: Leighson Landing - RAI Response.pdf CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to Report Spam. Good afternoon Colleen, Please find attached our response to the Request for Additional Information regarding the Leighson Landing buffer authorization application. Please let us know if you have any additional comments or concerns regarding this project. Best, Sydni Law, WPIT Environmental Scientist TIMMONS GROUP I www.timmons.com 5410 Trinity Rd, Suite 102 I Raleigh, NC 27607 Office: (919) 532-3261 I Fax: (919) 859-5663 Mobile: (252) 414-6167 Sydni.Law@timmons.com Your Vision Achieved Through Ours From: Cohn, Colleen M <colleen.cohn@ncdenr.gov> Sent: Thursday, July 22, 2021 3:37 PM To: Sydni Law <Sydni.Law@timmons.com> Cc: Goss, Stephanie <stephanie.goss@ncdenr.gov> Subject: Leighson Landing CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Sydni, I am currently reviewing the application for the above reference project and in order to complete the review process, some additional information is required: 1. Page 8 of 18 carries the signature of Sydni L. Law. In order for Sydni to sign, the application package requires an agent authorization letter from the owner. A sample agent authorization letter can be found on the USACE website. (http://www.saw.usace.army.mil/Portals/59/docs/regulatory/regdocs/Permits/SAMPLE AGENT AUTH ORIZATION FORM.pdf). [15A NCAC 02H .0502(a)(11)] 1 2. Please provide more details regarding avoidance and minimization of Zones 1 and 2 impacts for this project. [15A NCAC 02H .0502(b)(1)] This Office believes that the SCM Conveyance labeled on the plans as Impact 1 can be moved or reconfigured to avoid the impacts to the riparian buffer. The plans included for the prior Buffer Authorization Application for this project, DWR #16-1072 submitted November 4, 2016, showed the SCM Conveyance to the north of the SCM Conveyance indicated in the new application. The previous Authorization Certificate dated November 17, 2016 approved 202 square feet of impacts in Zone 2 compared to the proposed 51 square feet of impact to Zone 1 and 684 square feet of impact to Zone 2. I have attached a copy of the 2016 Authorization Certificate for your convenience. Please revise the plans to avoid the impacts or provide a detailed explanation of why this plan for the activity cannot be practically accomplished, reduced or reconfigured to avoid impacts to Zone 1. Thank you in advance. Colleen Cohn Environmental Specialist II Division of Water Resources Raleigh Regional Office 380o Barrett Drive Raleigh, NC 27609 Office: 919-791-4258 �D_ Q E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. 2 ENGINEERING | DESIGN | TECHNOLOGY 5410 Trinity Road Suite 102 Raleigh, NC 27607 P 919.866.4951 F 919.859.5663 www.timmons.com August 12, 2021 Colleen Cohn NCDEQ – Division of Water Resources Raleigh Regional Office 3800 Barrett Drive Raleigh, NC 27609 Re: Response to Requests for Additional Information Leighson Landing USACE AID: SAW-2021-00877 NBRRO #21-133 (Approx. 1.66 acres) Wake County, North Carolina Dear Ms. Cohn, On behalf of Geff Rucker Homes, we are providing a response to the Request for Additional Information (RAI) email received on July 22, 2021 for Leighson Landing, an approximately 1.66-acre site located south of Poole Drive and west of Aversboro Road in Garner, Wake County, North Carolina (the Site). The revised Impact Maps have been attached showing adjustments to Riparian Buffer Impact 1, including reduction in the Limits of Disturbance (LOD) to reduce the amount of total Zone 2 riparian buffer impacts from 684-sq.ft. to 374-sq.ft. and eliminate all Zone 1 buffer impacts. Further, Zone 2 buffer impacts have been called out as temporary (300-sq.ft.) and permanent (74-sq.ft.). The comments are outlined below in italics and are grouped by impact, with DWR comments in green. Our response is below each comment. 1. Page 8 of 18 carries the signature of Sydni L. Law. In order for Sydni to sign, the application package requires an agent authorization letter from the owner. A sample agent authorization letter can be found on the USACE website. A copy of the Agent Authorization form dated March 2, 2021 and signed by Geff Rucker, representative of GFR Properties, LLC, the deeded property owner of the Site is included below. Per the signed agreement, representatives of Timmons Group are granted permission to act on the behalf of the signee. 2. Please provide more details regarding avoidance and minimization of Zones 1 and 2 impacts for this project. [15A NCAC 02H .0502(b)(1)] This Office believes that the SCM Conveyance labeled on the plans as Impact 1 can be moved or reconfigured to avoid the impacts to the riparian buffer. The plans included for the prior Buffer Authorization Application for this project, DWR #16-1072 submitted November 4, 2016, showed the SCM Conveyance to the north of the SCM Conveyance indicated in the new application. The previous Authorization Certificate dated November 17, 2016 approved 202 square feet of impacts in Zone 2 compared to the proposed 51 square feet of impact to Zone 1 and 684 square feet of impact to Zone 2. I have attached a copy of the 2016 Authorization Certificate for your convenience. Please revise the plans to avoid the impacts or provide a detailed explanation of why this plan for the activity cannot be practically accomplished, reduced or reconfigured to avoid impacts to Zone 1. Upon further review, due to utility and roadway layout and alignment restrictions, the SCM depicted in the southwestern corner of the site cannot be moved if the project’s goals are to be realized. The site plans have been revised to reduce the extent of the project’s LOD, which includes required silt and tree protection area fencing, within the riparian buffer area to minimize impacts to the maximum extent practicable (see attached Figure 7 – Wetlands and Waters Impacts Map). Reduction of the LOD has decreased the proposed Zone 2 buffer impacts from 684-sq.ft. to 374- sq.ft. and eliminated Zone 1 buffer impacts altogether. Of the 374-sq.ft. of proposed Zone 2 buffer impacts, 74-sq.ft. are proposed permanent impacts resulting from riprap dissipater pad and stormwater conveyance installation. The remaining 300-sq.ft. of proposed Zone 2 buffer impacts will be temporary, with the area being stabilized and revegetated following completion of the work. Please review the updated Impact Maps and contact Sydni Law at (919) 532-3261 or sydni.law@timmons.com if additional information is required. Sincerely, Timmons Group Sydni Law, WPIT Environmental Scientist Matt Michel, PWS, PhD Senior Environmental Scientist 02 March 21 (919)291-6738 gruckerhomes@gmail.com 1418 Aversboro Road, Suite 105 Garner, NC 27529-3981