HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW4210802_Property Deed_202108162021001052 DAVIDSON COUNTY NC FEE $26 STATE OF NC REAL ESTATE EXI $467.00 PRESENTED & RECORDED 01/15/2021 120d-0A PM MICHAEL HORNE REGISTER OF DEEDS BY: NATASHA MCKENZIE DEPUTY BK: DE 2452 PG: 2061 - 2065 NORTH CAROLINA SPECIAL WARRANTY DEED Excise Tax: $ 467.00 Parcel Identifier No.: a portion of 1803300000030 Mail/Box to: Grantee This instrument was prepared by: Emily A. Gallimore (Gallimore Levy Chrisawn Levy PLLC), a licensed North Carolina attorney, delinquent taxes, if any, to be paid by the closing attorney to the county tax collector upon disbursement of closing proceeds. Brief description for the Index: 25.653 acres, +/- off Front Street and Old Salisbury Road THIS DEED made this 15th day of January, 2021, by and between GRANTOR Erin Lynn Bowen Wheeler and husband, David Wheeler 8005 Tanjier Bay Raleigh, NC 27613 Jennifer Carol Bowen Greanias and husband, George Greanias 3822 Acosta Road Fairfax, VA 22031 GRANTEE RS Parker Homes, LLC, a North Carolina limited liability company 502 Hickory Ridge Drive Greensboro, NC 27409 The designation Grantor and Grantee as used herein shall include said parties, their heirs, successors, and assigns, and shall include singular, plural, masculine, feminine or neuter as required by context. WITNESSETH, that the Grantor, for a valuable consideration paid by the Grantee, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, has and by these presents does grant, bargain, sell and convey unto the Grantee in fee simple, all that certain lot or parcel of land situated in Davidson County, North Carolina and more particularly described in attached Exhibit A. The property hereinabove described and herein conveyed is not the Grantor's primary residence. The property hereinabove described was acquired by Grantor by instrument recorded in Deed Book 2254 Page 63. See also estate file 17 E 590 for Rachel Caroline Fritz Stokes, Davidson County Clerk of Superior Court and estate file 16 E 208 for Christopher Frank Stokes, Davidson County Clerk of Superior Court. submitted electronically by "Gallimore Levy Chrisawn Gallimore PLLC" in compliance with North Carolina statutes governing recordable documents and the terms of the submitter agreement with the Davidson County Register of Deeds. 4827-6398-2038, v. 1 2021001052 TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the aforesaid lot or parcel of land and all privileges and appurtenances thereto belonging to the Grantee in fee simple. And the Grantor covenants with the Grantee, that Grantor has done nothing to impair such title as Grantor received, and Grantor will warrant and defend the title against the lawful claims of all persons claiming by, under or through Grantor, other than: zoning ordinances affecting the property and ad valorem taxes for current year. 4827-6398-2038, v. 1 2021001052 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantor has duly executed the foregoing as of the day and year first above written. By: 6y2; z6wKi 173�ti (SEAL) Erin Lynn Kowen Wheeler STATE OF N C COUNTY OF Wake - I, Sjt& `' RWYM? , a Notary Public of the county and state aforesaid, do hereby certify that Erin Lynn Bowen Wheeler personally appeared before me this day and at the same time and place all of the following occurred: (a) the aforesaid individual appeared in person before me; (b) the aforesaid individual was personally known to me, or identified by me through satisfactory evidence; and (c) the aforesaid individual either indicated and acknowledged to me that the signature on the above document was his/hers, or signed the above document while in my physical presence, and while being personally observed by me doing so. Witness my hand and official seal, this thel 0 day of January, 2021. J� My Commission Expires: 'd d P��a` QcIR Vl 1'�yYV1� �7 ,Notary Public (Seal/Stamp) siedah T. Th mas Notary Public Durham County, NO N!u Commissionix ;res: t0%,12(23 By:�D) tX&- (SEAL) avid Wheeler STATE OF ! V COUNTY OF 43kVC, I, '5d Qly1D6, a Notary Public of the county and state aforesaid, do hereby certify that David Wheeler personally appeared before me this day and at the same time and place all of the following occurred: (a) the aforesaid individual appeared in person before me; (b) the aforesaid individual was personally known to me, or identified by me through satisfactory evidence; and (c) the aforesaid individual either indicated and acknowledged to me that the signature on the above document was his/hers, or signed the above document while in my physical presence, and while being personally observed by me doing so. Witness my hand and official seal, this the 1` I day of January, 2021. My Commission Expires: Doi h ��`('y 7 Notary Public (Seal/Stamp) Siedah T. Thomas Notary Pubic Durham County, NC My Commission Expires: 110/0212023 4827-6398-2038, v. 1 2021001052 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantor has duly executed the foregoing as of the day and year first above written. By. c we EAL) Jennifer rol Bowen Greanias STATE OF COUNTY OF a Notary Public of the county and state aforesaid, do hereby certify that Jennifer Carol Bowen Greanias personally appeared before me this day and at the same time and place all of the following occurred: (a) the aforesaid individual appeared in person before me; (b) the aforesaid individual was personally known to me, or identified by me through satisfactory evidence; and (c) the aforesaid individual either indicated and acknowledged to me that the signature on the above document was his/hers, or signed the above document while in my physical presence, and while being personally observed by me doing so. Witness my hand and official seal, this the 19 'day of January, 2021. My Commission Expires: 4 113J 2.12 I , Notary Public (Seal/Stamp) „w DAVID J. REINER i+oraAr''s < Registration # 7717674 ` PueiW = My Commission Expires •:O •.... •'�P: November 30,. 2021 yFq+1 (SEAL) Geo Greanias STATE OF V % (-I i r` COUNTY OF F d, i 4& ?� I, � \VZ a Notary Public of the county and state aforesaid, do hereby certify that George Greanias personally appeared before me this day and at the same time and place all of the following occurred: (a) the aforesaid individual appeared in person before me; (b) the aforesaid individual was personally known to me, or identified by me through satisfactory evidence; and (c) the aforesaid individual either indicated and acknowledged to me that the signature on the above document was his/hers, or signed the above document while in my physical presence, and while being personally observed by me doing so. Witness my hand and official seal, this the 14 th day of January, 2021, My Commission Expires: 11 1-3 n (Seal/Stamp) DAVID J. REINER Registration # 7717674 My Commission Expires November 30, 2021 Notary Public 4827-6398-2038, v. 1 2021001052 Exhibit A Beginning at a new iron pin set being a common corner with Gene S. Fritts and wife, Hazel B. Fritts as recorded in deed book 2352, page 2486 of the Davidson County Register of Deeds, said point also being in the north right of way of Old Salisbury Road (Secondary Road 1147) as described in deed book 1926, page 890; thence the following two calls along the north right of way, (1) South 75 Degrees, 06 Minutes, 52 Seconds West, 74.63 feet, to a new iron pin set, (2) 29.31 feet along a curve to the left of radius 945.00 feet, a chord bearing and distance of South 74 Degrees, 12 Minutes, 11 Seconds West, 29.31 feet, to a new iron pin set marking the south east corner of Freddie Darrell Lanning & Larry L. Lanning as described in deed book 1337, page 597; thence the following four calls with Lanning, (1) North 25 Degrees, 52 Minutes, 49 Seconds West, 15.19 feet, to a new iron pin set, (2) North 25 Degrees, 52 Minutes, 48 Seconds West, 240.81 feet, to a new iron pin set, (3) South 73 Degrees, 46 Minutes, 18 Seconds West, 510.00 feet, to a new iron pin set, (4) South 33 Degrees, 11 Minutes, 42 Seconds East, 70.00 feet, to a new iron pin set; thence with the following two new lines, (1) South 73 Degrees, 46 Minutes, 25 Seconds West, 343.77 feet, to a new iron pin set, (2) North 3 Degrees, 23 Minutes, 53 Seconds East, 68.49 feet, to an existing stone found marking a east line of Gene S. Fritts & Hazel B. Fritts; thence North 3 Degrees, 25 Minutes, 31 Seconds East, 1177.33 feet, to a new iron pin set in the south right of way of Front Street (Secondary Road 1217); thence with the south right of way of Front Street the following two calls, (1) 264.39 feet along a curve to the left of radius 595.00 feet, a chord bearing and distance of North 46 Degrees, 03 Minutes, 59 Seconds East, 262.22 feet, to a new iron pin set, (2) North 33 Degrees, 20 Minutes, 12 Seconds East, 171.21 feet, to an existing concrete monument found marking station 10+45 as shown on North Carolina Department of Transportation plans project B-2539; thence with the following three calls as shown on sheet 4 of said plans, (1) South 56 Degrees, 39 Minutes, 48 Seconds East, 12.65 feet, to a new iron pin set, (2) North 36 Degrees, 16 Minutes, 21 Seconds East, 312.31 feet, to a new iron pin set, (3) North 34 Degrees, 49 Minutes, 02 Seconds East, 120.30 feet, to a new iron pin set marking a common corner with James E. Smith and wife, Jeanette F. Smith as described in deed book 1995, page 1075; thence with the west line of Smith, South 11 Degrees, 38 Minutes, 28 Seconds East, 709.97 feet, to an existing iron pin found marking the south west corner of Smith and the north west corner of Christine C. Ward and Angela Louise Ward as described in deed book 1812, page 1603; thence with the west line of Ward, South 11 Degrees, 38 Minutes, 26 Seconds East, 411.91 feet, to an existing iron pin found marking the south west corner of Ward and the north west corner of Robert C. Mackinnon & Tammy Everhart Mackinnon as described in deed book 963, page 934; thence with the west line of Mackinnon, South 11 Degrees, 27 Minutes, 16 Seconds East, 459.31 feet, to an existing iron pin found marking the south west corner of Mackinnon and the north west corner of Gene S. Fritts and wife, Hazel B. Fritts as described in deed book 2352, page 2486; thence with the west line of Fritts the following two calls (1) South 11 Degrees, 27 Minutes, 15 Seconds East, 259.63 feet, to a new iron pin set, (2) South 11 Degrees, 27 Minutes, 15 Seconds East, 15.06 feet, to the Point and Place of Beginning containing 25.653 acres, more or less, shown as New Tract B on Survey for RS Parker Homes, LLC "Front Street and Old Salisbury Road" dated December 9, 2020, by Jamestown Engineering Group, Inc. (Job# 2020040). 4827-6398-2038, v. 1 2021001052