HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQ0036561_NOD-2021-PC-0417_20210811ROY COOPER. Governor ELIZABETH S. BISER Secretary S. DANIEL SMITH Director NORTH CAROLINA Environmental Quality August 12, 2021 Mr. Alan Johnson, Director Division of Water and Wastewater Management City of Danville 279 Park Avenue Danville, Virginia 24541 SUBJECT: Notice of Deficiency NOD-2021-PC-0417 Compliance Evaluation Inspection City of Danville Residuals Land Application Program Permit No. WQ0036561 Caswell County Dear Mr. Johnson: On August 5, 2021, Division of Water Resources staff person Caitlin Caudle conducted a scheduled routine compliance inspection. Brent Collins of EMA Resources was present during the entire inspection. A review of the storage facility, records, transport vehicles, and application site was completed. This review reflected non-compliance with the subject permit. The following deficiencies were noted: 1. Fields CS-14-01 and CS-14-02 were being applied on at the time of inspection. In a review of the application area of CS-14-01, ponding and runoff from the application area was noted in two separate locations. The first location was where the landowner had cleared a portion of wooded land that was not in the application area, and a ditch had developed in the cleared area. Residuals were applied to the edge of the cleared area, with bare ground, as marked on the maps in the permit. Residuals had ponded in a depression in the cleared area and runoff from the application area was visible at least 50 feet to a stump pile. The second area was below a drainage way that was not buffered as marked on the maps. Ponding was visible in the application area and runoff could be tracked to the beginnings of a field ditch, where residuals were carried at least 50 feet into a wooded area by this ditch. Per Permit Condition 111.1 "the residuals management program shall be properly maintained and operated at all times," Permit Condition 111.9 "when the permittee land applies bulk residuals, adequate measures shall be taken to prevent wind erosion and NORTH D E Dopartmem of Envimnmomni au.i` North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Water Resources Winston-Salem Regional Office 1450 West Hanes Mill Road, Suite 300 I Winston-Salem, North Carolina 27105 336.776.9800 surface runoff from conveying residuals from the land application sites onto adjacent properties or into surface waters," and Permit Condition III.11.c "if the land fails to assimilate bulk residuals or the application causes contravention of surface water or groundwater standards." The residuals applied at this site failed to assimilate. As a result, the residuals ponded in and outside of the designated application area and left the application area via runoff. At one location the residuals entered a field ditch below a drainage way, and at the other entered an area of bare ground with only broadleaf weeds present. Moving forward, please take all necessary measures to ensure that ponding does not occur and no residuals runoff from the application area. 2. As mentioned above, Field CS-14-01 did not have all buffered areas clearly marked in the field as shown on the maps included in the permit. This resulted in residuals being applied within 25 feet of a surface water diversion ditch. A ditch had also developed in the newly cleared area where a buffer would have been appropriate. Per Permit Condition 11.9 "land application areas shall be clearly marked on each site prior to and during any residuals application event" and Permit Condition 11.8 "surface water diversions (ephemeral streams, waterways, ditches) shall have a setback of 25 feet." Moving forward, please ensure that all buffers are clearly marked, and the appropriate setbacks are met, whether marked on field maps or discovered during pre -application inspections. The following items of concern were noted: A. Piping and a pump were present, but not operating, at the time of inspection. The piping was coming from a manhole downslope of Basin B and emptying into Basin B. Mr. Collins contacted the wastewater treatment facility and stated that the purpose of the pump and piping was to lower wastewater levels in a lift station for the Southside treatment plant to install a flow meter. The Southside treatment plant is not a permitted source in the subject permit. Food byproducts and waste are also being dumped into Basin B. There was evidence on top of the embankment and on the concrete liner. Food packaging was visible. Mr. Collin's facility contact stated there is no domestic wastewater included in the food waste. Please provide clarification for the purpose and the source of wastewater that is entering Basin B through this piping and the food waste that is being dumped. Immediately stop using the pump and piping if the wastewater is from a non - permitted source per Permit Condition 11.3 within thirty (30) days of receipt of this Notice. Immediately stop dumping food waste as it is not a permitted source per Permit Condition 11.3. If you wish to keep dumping food waste a permit modification application must be submitted to add the source to Attachment A. B. Per Permit Condition V.2 "prior to each bulk residuals land application event, the Permittee or his designee shall inspect the residuals transport and application facilities LD_E NORTH CAROLINA gapartmeM of Environmental quaky North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality j Division of Water Resources Winston-Salem Regional Office 1450 West Hanes Mill Road, Suite 300 I Winston-Salem, North Carolina 27105 336.776.9800 ... The Permittee shall maintain an inspection log..." Mr. Collins stated that the application sites are inspected before any residuals are applied but no inspection log is kept. Moving forward, please begin keeping an inspection log of all field inspections prior to residuals application. C. At the time of inspection, one of the field application vehicles was leaking from the rear valve while the spreader was not in use. The vehicle operator removed a large piece of trash while Ms. Caudle was on site and the rear valve began operating normally. There was no floating trash on the surface of Basin A, but there was a large amount of floating trash on Basin B. Please be mindful that trash and other debris in the residuals can damage the equipment used to spread the residuals and impact the quality of the residual to landowners. D. CS-14-01 had a large amount of broadleaf weeds present. Per Permit Condition 111.10 "a suitable year round vegetative shall be maintained on land application sites onto which residuals are applied." Moving forward, please review all application sites to ensure that a suitable vegetative cover is present. E. Several ground hog holes were located on the top of the basin embankments at the time of inspection. These ground hog holes may serve as conduits for stormwater to enter the basins and impact the structural integrity of the basins. Please remove the animals and fill the holes. Please take the appropriate corrective actions to address the above -described deficiencies and concerns. Refer to the enclosed inspection report for additional comments and observations. If you have any questions concerning this Notice, please contact me or Caitlin Caudle at the letterhead address or phone number, or by email at caitlin.caudle@ncdenr.gov or lon.snider©ncdenr.gov. Sincerely, DocuSigned by: L-on l . mdte ‘.--145B49 225C94EA... Lon T. Snider, Regional Supervisor Water Quality Regional Operations Section Division of Water Resources, NCDEQ-WSRO enc: Inspection Report cc: Brent Collins, EMA Resources(brent.collins©emaresourcesinc.com) Caswell County Environmental Health (dpowell©caswellnc.us) WSRO Electronic Files DWR Laserfiche File WQ0036561 LD_E NORTH CAROLINA Department of Environmental quaky North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality j Division of Water Resources Winston-Salem Regional Office 1450 West Hanes Mill Road, Suite 300 I Winston-Salem, North Carolina 27105 336.776.9800 Compliance Inspection Report Permit: WQ0036561 Effective: 08/31/18 Expiration: 07/31/23 Owner : City of Danville SOC: Effective: Expiration: Facility: City of Danville RLAP County: Out of State 229 Northside Dr Region: Winston-Salem Contact Person: Charles Richard Overby Directions to Facility: Danville VA 24540 Title: Phone: 434-203-8098 System Classifications: LA, Primary ORC: Certification: Phone: Secondary ORC(s): On -Site Representative(s): Related Permits: Inspection Date: 08/05/2021 Primary Inspector: Caitlin Caudle Secondary Inspector(s): Entry Time 01:12PM Exit Time: 03:45PM Phone: 336-776-9699 Reason for Inspection: Routine Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation Permit Inspection Type: Land Application of Residual Solids (503) Facility Status: ❑ Compliant Not Compliant Question Areas: ▪ Miscellaneous Questions II Land Application Site ▪ Transport (See attachment summary) ▪ Record Keeping ▪ Pathogen and Vector Attraction ▪ Sampling ▪ Storage Page 1 of 6 Permit: WQ0036561 Owner - Facility: City of Danville Inspection Date: 08/05/2021 Inspection Type : Compliance Evaluation Reason for Visit: Routine Inspection Summary: On August 5, 2021 Division of Water Resources staff person Caitlin Caudle conducted a scheduled routine compliance inspection. Brent Collins of EMA Resources was present during the entire inspection. A review of the storage facility, records, transport vehicles, and application site was completed. This review reflected non-compliance with the subject permit. The following deficiencies were noted: 1. Fields CS-14-01 and CS-14-02 were being applied on at the time of inspection. In a review of the application area of CS-14-01, ponding and runoff from the application area was noted in two separate locations. The first location was where the landowner had cleared a portion of wooded land that was not in the application area, and a ditch had developed in the cleared area. Residuals were applied to the edge of the cleared area, with bare ground, as marked on the maps in the permit. Residuals had ponded in a depression in the cleared area and runoff from the application area was visible at least 50 feet to a stump pile. The second area was below a drainage way that was not buffered as marked on the maps. Ponding was visible in the application area and runoff could be tracked to the beginnings of a field ditch, where residuals were carried at least 50 feet into a wooded area by this ditch. Per Permit Condition 111.1 "the residuals management program shall be properly maintained and operated at all times," Permit Condition 111.9 "when the permittee land applies bulk residuals, adequate measures shall be taken to prevent wind erosion and surface runoff from conveying residuals from the land application sites onto adjacent properties or into surface waters," and Permit Condition 111.11.c "if the land fails to assimilate bulk residuals or the application causes contravention of surface water or groundwater standards." The residuals applied at this site failed to assimilate. As a result, the residuals ponded in and outside of the designated application area and left the application area via runoff. At one location the residuals entered a field ditch below a drainage way, and at the other entered an area of bare ground with only broadleaf weeds present. Moving forward, please take all necessary measures to ensure that ponding does not occur and no residuals runoff from the application area. 2. As mentioned above, Field CS-14-01 did not have all buffered areas clearly marked in the field as shown on the maps included in the permit. This resulted in residuals being applied within 25 feet of a surface water diversion ditch. A ditch had also developed in the newly cleared area where a buffer would have been appropriate. Per Permit Condition 11.9 "land application areas shall be clearly marked on each site prior to and during any residuals application event" and Permit Condition 11.8 "surface water diversions (ephemeral streams, waterways, ditches) shall have a setback of 25 feet." Moving forward, please ensure that all buffers are clearly marked and the appropriate setbacks are met, whether marked on field maps or discovered during pre -application inspections. The following items of concern were noted: A. Piping and a pump were present, but not operating, at the time of inspection. The piping was coming from a manhole downslope of Basin B and emptying into Basin B. Mr. Collins contacted the wastewater treatment facility and stated that the purpose of the pump and piping was to lower wastewater levels in a lift station for the Southside treatment plant to install a flow meter. The Southside treatment plant is not a permitted source in the subject permit. Food byproducts and waste are also being dumped into Basin B. There was evidence on top of the embankment and on the concrete liner. Food packaging was visible. Mr. Collin's facility contact stated there is no domestic wastewater included in the food waste. Please provide clarification for the purpose and the source of wastewater that is entering Basin B through this piping and the food waste that is being dumped. Immediately stop using the pump and piping if the wastewater is from a non -permitted source per Permit Condition 11.3. Immediately stop dumping food waste as it is not a permitted source per Permit Condition 11.3. If you wish to keep dumping food waste a permit modification application must be submitted to add the source to Page 2 of 6 Permit: WQ0036561 Owner - Facility: City of Danville Inspection Date: 08/05/2021 Inspection Type : Compliance Evaluation Reason for Visit: Routine Attachment A. B. Per Permit Condition V.2 "prior to each bulk residuals land application event, the Permittee or his designee shall inspect the residuals transport and application facilities ... The Permittee shall maintain an inspection log..." Mr. Collins stated that the application sites are inspected before any residuals are applied but no inspection log is kept. Moving forward, please begin keeping an inspection log of all field inspections prior to residuals application. C. At the time of inspection, one of the field application vehicles was leaking from the rear valve while the spreader was not in use. The vehicle operator removed a large piece of trash while Ms. Caudle was on site and the rear valve began operating normally. There was no floating trash on the surface of Basin A, but there was a large amount of floating trash on Basin B. Please be mindful that trash and other debris in the residuals can damage the equipment used to spread the residuals and impact the quality of the residual to landowners. D. CS-14-01 had a large amount of broadleaf weeds present. Per Permit Condition 111.10 "a suitable year round vegetative shall be maintained on land application sites onto which residuals are applied." Moving forward, please review all application sites to ensure that a suitable vegetative cover is present. E. Several ground hog holes were located on the top of the basin embankments at the time of inspection. These ground hog holes may serve as conduits for stormwater to enter the basins and impact the structural integrity of the basins. Please remove the animals and fill the holes. Other observations: • As a reminder, per Permit Condition 11.11, PAN must be reduced by 25% if the application site is being grazed. • As a reminder, per Permit Condition III.11.h, residuals may not be applied on land that does not have an established vegetative cover unless the residuals are incorporated or injected within 24 hours of application. • Robert Clifton is Mr. Collins contact at the Northside WWTP. • Only a portion of CS-14-02 was being applied on, Mr. Collins stated that the field summary forms will reflect that difference in acreage. • The storage facility consists of two —4,000,000 gallon concrete lined basins, Basin A and Basin B. One basin is cleaned out each year, meaning at any given time there is approximately one year of storage at this facility. • Basin A was being emptied this year. • Sludge is piped to this facility from the Northside WWTP when sludge needs to be wasted from the plant • Mr. Collins stated that they try to rotate between application fields to avoid using the same fields year after year. • Nutrients and metals were sampled on 4/13, 4/27, 5/10, and 5/24. • 30 day bench scale test was sampled for on 6/14 and 6/22. Mr. Collins stated that he is waiting on the results from two more tests. The 6/22 test was reviewed and reflected compliance with Class B requirements. • Fecal samples were collected on 4/13, 4/27, 5/10, and 5/24. Seven fecal samples were collected on each day from the individual catwalks that extend into the basin. Fecal samples reflect compliance with the Class B residuals requirement. • Mr. Collins stated that samples are collected leading up to the haul event to ensure that all application rates are appropriate. There is only one hauling event per year that lasts several weeks. • Samples are pulled from each catwalk that extends into the basins and a composite sample is made. • Mr. Collins stated that soil samples have been collected but the results are not back yet. • All transport vehicles and application vehicles reviewed had a copy of the spill plan and at least one application vehicle had a copy of the subject permit. • Mr. Collins stated that he has an inhouse spreadsheet that he uses to calculate the PAN/gallon in order to determine the application rate of residuals in loads/acre. He also uses this spreadsheet to determine the most limiting nutrient, which is nitrogen with this facility. • One of the application drivers keeps a record of the transfer vehicles as they haul throughout the day. • Application was occurring at CS-14-01 and CS-14-02. CS-14-03 was applied on the previous day. Page 3 of 6 Permit: WQ0036561 Owner - Facility: City of Danville Inspection Date: 08/05/2021 Inspection Type : Compliance Evaluation Reason for Visit: Routine Type Distribution and Marketing Land Application Record Keeping Is GW monitoring being conducted, if required? Are GW samples from all MWs sampled for all required parameters? Are there any GW quality violations? Is GW-59A certification form completed for facility? Is a copy of current permit on -site? Are current metals and nutrient analysis available? Are nutrient and metal loading calculating most limiting parameters? a. TCLP analysis? b. SSFA (Standard Soil Fertility Analysis)? Are PAN balances being maintained? Are PAN balances within permit limits? Has land application equipment been calibrated? Are there pH records for alkaline stabilization? Are there pH records for the land application site? Are nutrient/crop removal practices in place? Do lab sheets support data reported on Residual Analysis Summary? Are hauling records available? Are hauling records maintained and up-to-date? # Has permittee been free of public complaints in last 12 months? Has application occurred during Seasonal Restriction window? Comment: Pathogen and Vector Attraction a. Fecal coliform SM 9221 E (Class A or B) Class A, all test must be <1000 MPN/dry gram Geometric mean of 7 samples per monitoring period for class B<2.0*10E6 CFU/dry gram Fecal coliform SM 9222 D (Class B only) Geometric mean of 7 samples per monitoring period for class B<2.0*10E6 CFU/dry gram b. pH records for alkaline stabilization (Class A) c. pH records for alkaline stabilization (Class B) Temperature corrected d. Salmonella (Class A, all test must be < 3MPN/4 gram day) Yes No NA NE El • Yes No NA NE ❑ ❑ • ❑ ❑ ❑ • ❑ • ❑ ❑ ❑ • ❑ ❑ ❑ • ❑ ❑ ❑ • ▪ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ • ❑ ❑ ❑ • ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ • ❑ ▪ ❑ ❑ ❑ • ❑ ❑ ❑ • ❑ ❑ ❑ • ❑ ❑ ❑ • ❑ ❑ ❑ • ❑ ❑ ❑ ▪ ❑ ❑ ❑ Yes No NA NE • ❑ ❑ ❑ • ❑ ❑ ❑ • O 000 O 000 O 000 Page 4 of 6 Permit: WQ0036561 Owner - Facility: City of Danville Inspection Date: 08/05/2021 Inspection Type : Compliance Evaluation Reason for Visit: Routine e. Time/Temp on: Digester (MCRT) Compost Class A lime stabilization f. Volatile Solids Calculations g. Bench -top Aerobic/Anaerobic digestion results Comment: Sampling Describe sampling: Samples are collected from each catwalk that extends into the basins and a composite sample is made. Is sampling adequate? Is sampling representative? Comment: Transport Is a copy of the permit in the transport vehicle? Is a copy of the spill control plan in the vehicle? Is the spill control plan satisfactory? Does transport vehicle appear to be maintained? Comment: Land Application Site Is a copy of the permit on -site during application events? Is the application site in overall good condition? Is the site free of runoff/ponding? If present, is the application equipment in good operating condition? Are buffers being maintained? Are limiting slopes buffered? 10% for surface application 18% for subsurface application Are there access restrictions and/or signs? Is the application site free of odors or vectors? Have performance requirements for application method been met? For injection? For incorporation? Does permit require monitoring wells? Have required MWs been installed? Are MWs properly located w/ respect to RB and CB? Yes No NA NE • ❑ ❑ ❑ • ❑ ❑ ❑ Yes No NA NE • ❑ ❑ ❑ • ❑ ❑ ❑ • ❑ ❑ ❑ • ❑ ❑ ❑ Yes No NA NE • ❑ ❑ ❑ • ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ • ❑ ❑ • ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ • ❑ ❑ • ❑ ❑ ❑ • ❑ ❑ ❑ • ❑ ❑ ❑ • ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ • ❑ ❑ ❑ • ❑ ❑ ❑ • ❑ ❑ ❑ • ❑ ❑ ❑ • ❑ Page 5 of 6 Permit: WQ0036561 Owner - Facility: City of Danville Inspection Date: 08/05/2021 Inspection Type : Compliance Evaluation Reason for Visit: Routine Are MWs properly constructed (including screened interval)? Is the surrounding area served by public water? If Annual Report indicates overapplication of PAN, are wells nearby that may be impacted? Are soil types consistent w/ Soil Scientist report/evaluation? Is the water table greater than 173' bls. Is application occurring at the time of the inspection? Comment: Ponding and runoff was present and a buffer was not flagged. ❑ ❑ • ❑ ❑ ❑ • ❑ Page 6 of 6 Is a follow-up inspection necessary? E Primary Inspector: Caitlin Caudle Date of Inspection: cgJ 5I ZI. CC ibitex\A-- WC\(\t MO North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Water Resources Water Quality Section NON -DISCHARGE COMPLIANCE INSPECTION REPORT CLASS B RESIDUALS LAND APPLICATION General Information Facility Name: Danville RLAP Permit No.: W000 36561 Owner: Richard Alan Johnson Plant ORC Name: Roy Whitaker ��� 6. apwO �C LA ORC / Contract Compan rent Collins EM'A Resources Other Contact(s): Facility Locati n )ve�rk dress, gpsrdr echons). h 'AI(6Yhit{( (I�1 County: Caswell Permit Issuance Date: 08/31/2018 Permit Expiration Date: 07/31/2023 Telephone No.: 336-751-1441 Telephone No.: Telephone No.: 229-Nortside Dr, Danville, VA, 24540 Reason for Inspection [IX/ROUTINE ❑ FOLLOW-UP COMPLAINT ❑ PERMITTING ❑ Other: Comments (attach additional pages as necessary) -High copper values in NC-C$-06-03 and NC-CS-06-02 A-a LaSI43 I -Pttakhe 190StlA,dUO5e si-VS (abo ayeev, V O CMUtt C \Win t 6,6'W\5 VI GyeCVI 08 basin% �w nn O �loum- t n(p�in 9-6.4th,te\ i8n) oksiik 13,ah&&,30mcrestamks a4 bo,vltca_c 06 e\8v �iZ wo's ilniI- P I Pe �wtr C6`m%t M MOJA d\e IeAc1-tng t B asln`13, hab, von '&e C'n ).(Ak,0)X. for SQ+>�t-cn Q1o`rt� l i kD ;me(' 1eAreAs fir, ,, k\ ks i ( all Oh) to'(‘ WAX- 1 gov< PI and- deed s n o -1 vt. i dz (Armes b) \ns w4'u\ AtAx\--t w %skc ovv pla.01- 41 ak,\9 we r\ eAds �re tiuos \,eaA.i'Y 6 cot Of rea( vat, socvLe- FoonctAkcci, Rk o- F A.61--i\A V Ave/ Soak basins <n lr�rrje a tck sn+M- G mzkalsS- 4tA-/\en�+s 5am4ed ",115)2 1H)2Mt ,e)ro)zI Submit permit renewal by Jan 2023 sip-t Z( Yes Secondary Inspector: Entry Time: 1 1 `Kp 13 Day5enckk, co luisent IZVeZI til1311 400Jo mZI °(tint 61I612I Exit Time: 3=117_ p Non -Discharge Compliance Inspection Report Residuals Generating Facility Was the residuals generating facility inspected? ❑ Yes Residuals Storage: t NII Describe storage: 7, ij(hi s H, iD td; OCO Number of days/weeks/months of storage: 'L I, ll f �j- % r) a(le i A mat V/ jl& Residuals Sampling: 'V _I Is s ling adequate and representative for each sample type? Des i17` Sampling (Pn'oogens, VAR, Nputtrr,Sieenntts/ etalst TCLP): N�1 e,(oo lQ 1/µ�/ 1 Tr ns 11ort-'Vehtcle�,, 1 ° m P(% on co c C-1 V mG\ (�0 `JI G(p `( Is transport occurring at time o &Are necessary records (spill f}.nspection? / n) present in vehicle? ID?/observed vehicte(s): i0L1k0f1.: Record Keeping and Reporting Information: s current permit and prior annual reports available upon request? Has the facility been free of public complaints for the last 12 months? TCLP analysis conducted and results available? Frequency? ® 1/yr or El1/permit cycle Residuals metals and nutrient analysis conducted? Frequency? 4x year(See permit for frequency) Nutrient and metals loading calculations? (to determine most limiting parameter) Do lab sheets support data reported on Residuals Analysis Summary? Are PAN balance records available and within permit limits? Are there nutrient (crop) removal practices in place? ,,,Are hauling records available? (gal and/or tons haul d during calendar year to date) "Are field loadin cords available? Are field ins ions conducted and are rec s available? 1�. Are soil sample results available? as*ILO\ r�Ew . r85vtt Did soil results call for lime amendment? If so, are there records of application? Soil results indicate that Cu & Zn indices are <3,000 (ideally <2,000)? Soil results indicate Na <0.5 meq/100 cm', and Exchangeable Sodium Percentage (ESP) <15%? Does the permit require groundwater monitoring? Are groundwater lab results present? There are no 2L GW standard violations indicated in the lab results? Path en and Vector Attraction Reduction Records open Reduction Zit Nos yenn ich Alternative was used to demonstrate compliance? Alternative 1 Fecal Coliform Density. Were 7 samples collected and geometric mean <2 million mpn/cfu? ❑ Alternative 2 Process to Significantly Reduce Pathogens (5 options) ❑ Alternative 3 Use of Equivalent to RSRP (Not commonly used - See White House Manua N NA NE N ❑❑ Egi Y N NA ❑ ❑ NE NE a me 2 was used, select which Option was utilized and complete the section below. Y Are to s-pr,sent showing time and temperature? between 40 days at 68°F (20°C) and 60 days at 59° F (15°C)? ❑ Was the time ❑ Option 2 - Air Drying ElOption 3 - Anaerobic Digestion Are logs present showing time and temperature Was the time & temp; between 15 days at 95° F —13' 5°-55° C) and 60 days at >68° F (20° C)? ❑ Option 4 — Composting (Not commonl ed - See White House Manual) ElOption 5 - Lime Stabilizatio Are logs preset -showing time and temperature? Was t Ff raised to >12 after two hrs of contact? as the temperature corrected to 25° C (77° F) (by calculation, NOT auto correct)? Page 2 of 4 ❑ ❑ NA NE Non -Discharge Compliance Inspection Report Vector Attraction Reduction: Select which Option was used to demonstrate compliance and complete answer associated questions. Option 1 - 38% Volatile Solids Reduction Y _.N— --CA NE sults and calculations present? ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Was the reductio ile solids (not total solids)? Were samples collected at correc '. +s9 (beginning of digestion process & before lan Was there a >38% reduction? ❑ Option 2 - 40-Day Bench Scale Te Were residuals from ..+ : aerobic digester with average temp. 30°C — 40°C? Are lab resul Was calculations present? st anaerobically digested in lab, and test run for 40 days? as the lab bench -scale test done between 30°C (86°F) and 37°C (99°F)? Was the reduction of on volatile solids (not total solids)? Was the reduction less than 17%? ® Option 3 - 30-Day Bench Scale Test l tj 117.111 " Were residuals from aerobic digestion? Are lab results and calculations present? Were residuals 2% or less total solids? If not 2% total solids, was the test ran on a sample diluted to 2% with unchlorinated effluent? Was the test run for 30 days? Was the test done at 20°C (68°F)? Was the reduction of on volatile solids (not total solids)? Was the reduction less than 15%? ❑ Option 4 - Specific Oxygen Uptake Rate (SOUR Test) Were residuals from aerobic digestion? ere residuals <2% total solids (dry weight basis) (not diluted)? the test done between 10°C (50°F) and 30°C (86°F)? Was th- emperature corrected to 20°C (68°F)? Was the sa .ling holding time <2 hours? Was the test st. -d within 15 minutes of sampling or aeration maintained? Was the SOUR equ: o or less than 1.5 mg of oxygen per hour per gram of total residual solids (dry ;ight basis)? ❑ Option 5 - 14-Day Aerobic Process Were the residuals from aerobic dig ion? Was the average residuals temperature ''•herthan 45°C (113°F Were the residualstreated for 14 days and te-'..erature mai a"ed higher than 40°C (104°F) for the 14-day period? ❑ Option 6 - Alkaline Stabilization Was the pH of the residuals raised to >12 maintained fo o hours without addition of more alkali? Did the pH of residuals remain11.5 an additional twenty-two hd (i.e. 24 hours total) withou t1Th addition of more alkali? Was the pH corrected 5°C (77°F) (by calculation, NOT auto correct)? ❑ Option 7 - Drying of ilized Residuals The residu do not contain unstabilized residuals? Were t residuals mixed with any other materials? W the residuals dried >75% total solids? ❑❑❑❑ ❑ ❑ ❑❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ NA NE ❑ ❑ ❑ ■�❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ DOD DODO N NA NE ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑❑❑ ❑ ❑❑ ❑ ❑ ,LE ❑ LIODE ❑ ❑go on ❑ Y N NA NE ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 0 O ❑❑/u ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Y N NA NE LI0 ODE DODO Y N NA NE ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ DODO Y N NA NE ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 000 LI ❑ O•bn 8 - Drying ofUnstabilized Residuals Y NA NE Were the residuals mixed with any other materials? ❑ ❑ ❑ Were the residuals dried >90% total solids? ❑ ❑\ ❑ ❑ ❑ Option 9/10 — Injection/ Incorporation of Residuals (Not commonly used - See White House Manual) Page 3 of 4 Non -Discharge Compliance Inspection Report Land Application Site(a) Were application site(s) inspected?III so, le se list Site ID(s) below. Application Site ID(s): (5- 1)1 VI6/ 6 W2- Is application occurring at the time of inspection? ❑ Yes ❑ No No If no, note the date of the last event: Was the Division notified of the application event(s)? 'Yes ❑ No Weather Conditions: Sunny ❑ Partly Cloudy ❑ Windy (wind direction: ❑ Cloudy Breeze ❑ No Precipitation [s] Drizzle ❑ Rain Is there a rain gauge onsite? rYes ❑ No 0 1A Weather Notes (i.e. Significant Changes, Forecasts, etc): Temp. (° F): ❑ <32 ❑ 32 - 40 ❑ 40 - 60 60 - 80 ❑ >80 Yes ❑ No Application Observations: e of lication: uid ❑ Cake ❑ Other ❑ Overcast ❑ Calm ❑ Stormy Permit and Spill Plan onsite during application? (Typ Application Site -Field ID(s): fat - L./CA QL Intended Crop: 9 kiikArt PAN Requirement: Ibs/ac Application Rate (tons or gallons/acre): Nutrient Content: a pp ❑ Cloudburst (If applicable, precipitation measurement: 41440 5 i Bq % of total field area utilized or anticipated for this event? Application occurring at time of visit: Ye$ 0 No Application Method: Surface 0 I Corp/Injection Incorporation/Injection during visit: 0 Yes ❑ No N/A Vegetative Buffer description: ❑None Grass Crop 0 Shrub 0Tree ❑ Other Current Field Conditions: �,..,j ❑ Bare 0 Stubble 0 Planted (crop) [�y,Pasture gCondition: Dry 0 Moist 0 Wet 0 Saturated-3 fr mil• Not -Frozen ❑,GFrost 0 Frozen 0 Snow -Covered Slope: 0 0 3-6% 6-10% 0 10-18% 0 >18% Odor: J�'A ne ❑ Mild 0 Moderate 0 Strong Vectors: one 0 Few 0 Many ❑ Excessive Application Details: Application areas clearly marked? Application within authorized area? Application method appropriate?' Application is even (no ponding)? Sufficient setbacks from wells/residences? Sufficient setbacks from surface waters? Slopes > 10% avoided (Surface App.) ? Slopes >18% avoided (Incorp/Inject) ? Incorp./Injection within time -frame? Biosolids visible on surface? Site Restrictions Public access is restricted / Signage present? Grazing restrictions are met? Transfer ofbiosolids is in permitted area? No evidence of shallow GW? Sufficient timing for harvest restrictions? Off Site Transport Tracking is prevented? Bios ids run-off is prevented? W dblown biosolids prevented? getative buffers exist? Y,N NA NE ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Dn o ❑❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑Soo iYN NA NE ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Y N NA NE C❑❑❑ ❑ 0 o D O Application Site -Field ID(s): .4 " 4- , 2.1230A t Intended Crop:Oc PAN Requirement: Ibs/ac Application Rate (tons or gallons/acre): Nutrient Content: % of total field area utilized or anticipated for this event? Application occurringsss at time of visit: pQ Yes 0 No Application Method: Surface 0 Incorpfnjection Incorporation/Injectiion during visit: 0 Yes 0 No/A Vegetative Buffer description: ❑None DTree ❑ Other Current Field Conditions: ❑ Bare 0 Stubble 0 Planted (eronl Pasture Soil Condition: ❑ Dry 0 Moist 0 Wet 0 Saturated ❑ Not -Frozen 0 Frost 0 Frozen 0 Snow -Covered Slope: 0 0-3% 3-6%6-10% 0 10-18% 0 >18% Odor: 0 None 0 ild 0 Moderate -❑ Strong Vectors: 0 None 0 Few 0 Many 0 Excessive Application Details: Application areas clearly marked? Application within authorized area? Application method appropriate? - Application is even (no ponding)? Sufficient setbacks from wells/residences? Sufficient setbacks from surface waters? Slopes > 10% avoided (Surface App.) ? Slopes > 18% avoided (Incorp/Inject) ? Incorp./Injection within time -frame? Biosolids visible on surface? Grass ['Crop 0 Shrub Site Restrictions Public access is restricted / Signage present? Grazing restrictions are met? Transfer of biosolids is in permitted area? No evidence of shallow GW? Sufficient timing for harvest restrictions? Off Site Transport Tracking is prevented? Biosolids run-off is prevented? Windblown biosolids prevented? Vegetative buffers exist? Y N NA NE O 000 O 000 O 000 O 000 O 000 O 000 O 000 O 000 O 000 DODO Y N NA NE O 000 DODO O 000 O 000 O 000 Y N NA NE O 000 O 000 O 000 O 000 Xway&r ‘Qo \JQ Sb\ek, b R 041^2le yt es wVwre aa74- sal i}5 ed1 flan a1k' (\A 0,�'thc i elf�,(k \� uu� rill c rrecl� r s6 v t Pied c� I t Ines 1 �m��( Wok FieldTotal Acres % Applicable Acres 3 8.26 6.38 ... SCALE: DRAWN BY: 1" = 440' 07-27-21 -..Re ources, Inc. MY% Friglirmq • Off Site Dwelling Stream Buffer Field Boundary •e®e®a Lent Property Boundary City of Danville Land Application Program NC-CS-14 David Sartin FIGURE NO. Field Total Acres Applicable Acres 1 81.65 72.36 2 35.32 32.63 SCALE: 1 "=660' DATE 07-27-21 DRAWN BY: BC PROJECT NO: ..E�VIA --Re ources, Inc. ■ ■ Y/A On Site Dwelling Off Site Dwelling Stream Buffer Field Boundary Pond poses®. LEWD"Property Boundary City of Danville Land Application Program NC-CS-14 David Sartin FIGURE NO. 2 C\Usersgetsg\DocumenBWmGIS\GIS Data\Danvlle\Maps\CS14-(2).mxtl