HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2021-01687_Well Construction - GW1_20210429 Feb 161906;43p ClearwaterWellDrilling 828-622-7241 p'1 WE L ION t ne Use a1y: 1.Wellll<`atntraeterinformaiion: V -AQ Sh P inmrnpn s 9 2021 d ZONES %Vdll"C�onrr�a orNemt n ra !t. InfarrO WR Season9 ±IC Well Crmtr*ciorC ftlinnM_00 HALOMRCA51ING11armtdieatei OR it: ft. Ae. DVC Campmty Name 1 R CASING 9R I11DNKC ebotrtmai 2-%Vc1l Ce=rraefta pamit�: �tCt -- o a a� ,ro B1�t Mr >I,�L i.(i9 all agdiaetilr well erntefaamlon l VIC,C h M) �• � '�' pQfetrr (� (1iRAf);.SielG Y41WaM•c 3.Well Ric(eke&Well use): - iVster Sappiy Wcq: �t7. Tt? 6 tC ®B fAL Agricubura) �NFonicipal/Publle () 1t. tt 'm Geathcrmat(Iieetiag/Cooling Supply) Residential Water Supply(single) 1t tr in Industriawotnmetoia) DResMentiat Water Supply(shared) lrri aliOn ttnoM T YA rS L >w Ddc mon-W nter su"IF Neil: �- IL MonitoringEIReMovery 1n)tcoon Well: Aquifa Reeh 130ronndwater Rentcdiation ft. Aquifer StCtrage tmd Recovery EJ,Satinity Bruner atstF�SMNAK.RAVBL PA a L >rMr MCnMo ACprirerTea DSm newwaDrainage C xnerimentat Ted inolim [jSulbidence Control IL n• Geothermal(nosed Loop) DTracer 21i.021L LOC .0 (lmthcrmni Heatin ticnftr►) in under#2l ltcmarks} RBOIR 70 A.DateWdl(a)Completed: Well IDY V R• S-1 (t 1 l 11Ln Wit.well LnrntMn: 231 Cotlstyu( on iroc R. o s& i - r•,ci►"Ow"axamc . Facility DO(ifapplicave)� I�3 S��ic'Vd, W ecwe u L le iNv ,t nisei nda�ciy,Rd ztP a1. ARKti Camay pareel IdemiAtsttion No.(PiN) Fb.Latitude a00 lonl(ltnde in dalreedmimites/secandsor dccimnl degrees: (ii►mn field,at iatgaau is auffidmt�", p / !2.Ce tilicafifm: k ls(ure)the Wtill(a Pamantnt or DTewponwy 94VAGre ofCknirerl well Cownewr Date !!v.11jM t$rlals.{nr m,7 hrrtAr—to,'hat tlrr.ttvdlfaj"wt(WOV)CONW V%d 6f oeanrd"M 7-Is this A repairto an a slog weW E3XC% or boNo twNr lSA.tir,AC a2t .410Aor1JA.V(tfC OIC.'.O1at)WrllGau/rsteraaytat rhrrdr mrd rhaf a �Rler too as�vli;f111 anrrknatvn well.�avnnrarof i>�irmatloa and ulsltrNa the nnwnt n{ihc SPY afdalt rr:aarrl hoe lMr'JJ prmNBerlln the twit!mvtru. r Mrundu 9:1 reroarbaxilm arm*harkafthlt,Ibim. Ll Site diagram or atl0iuotrol well detrtiis: 8.For GeoproheAlPT or Closed-tamp Ge(dherml Wells having the same Tou may use btu:lack of this page to provide additional well sits details or well unnaltttctien,oniv 1 GW 1 is needed. Indicts TOTAL NUMBER of wclls coannirAion drtnils. You may also a1mch eddifionai penes if lime nary. drilled: _ __ NAY1OX&LIMMI� 9.T101411 well ticptlt belolr land surAtt:c 3 � .1R.) 24A. tier ad )}yells: Submit this form.vithin 30 dabs of completion or well rnrtenJNplewcl)rlittolidarlJeftf�arrnr{errlmpla-3�TlJO'aut;@1W) eon0l follolvft 10.Sietic water level bunny tap of tailing: _ (ft:} Division of Wane'Rewarem laibrmadorl Prociemft UaU, q'rmrr.r hrml is rdvrre tmtatg,rae(••', Q 16171Hai1 Service Center,Reldilb,MC27690-1617 ,I-%1teholedinmeter: `a u (10 .) 24b,179C Isicetiem Wells: fit addit onto sanding the to=to the addroas in 24a U. above,also submit one copy of this fmm within 30 days of completion of well Welt constrnetioe method: r"` '`�� amisbntction to the fallowing: (i 1.auger,"oats'•eabk.dtrm ptisll,Ctc,) Division ofWater Remun x%Undcrgtround injet:tioa Control Program, FOR WATER St,'PKV WELLS ONLY: iM Mail Service Ceata r RAtelglt,NC 27b99-1636 132.Yield(gpal) 4 I►icthtul of test: 2itc For W r3onoty&laicctloe Wells: In addition in sanding the ftnt to rile addrem(cs) above, also submit one copy of this fomi w)0nin 30 days or 13b.Dlsintection typo Amount: comptation of well construction to the comity health department of the county where constracted. Vann C.W-t Norr11 CLmlifln Daphmnent of lin-kintnental QrctrttF-Divisionat'Warer P"01Uees Redm ill 22-2a16 --Y i