HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2021-01684_Well Construction - GW1_20210429 Feb 1519 05:43p Clearwater Wall Drilling 828-622-7241 p.1 +w+w a wru•. w E.L T JQN RECO t W 1 . '`,�� l~ar Intemat Use niy: 1.W0l cantraeter inrommion: Re 1► I 'Ins %Yeah�Cootramr Nsm�t � to !t. �Ott n, Ic-waltC,mhaamC«titealian Mm Informat WR S [MOMIt cam, % CompmeyPlAmc t,C '-� �$ L•+ 2.Well Cal_AOS e.'Q r7�f da C OR +ti m(dwea 1 C au otnttractioD Permit t3: TO D1 llitali oly+ttaaafr Wcttcrmrrrzmhartparrntts(/.a 4IIC Gmrrt},.StntAYarltarcq rfL) Ll � H'• 3.}YrJt Ilte(exit Well fist:): Wller Soppgr Welt: �17, Agrieultural �MtalicipaUPublia � I TO � I MILWIRM� I OWSM I't'utc tale ut. (l Goxxhcrmal(livatittg/Cooliag Supply) RMidential Water Supply(single) tadusiriatlCoM M,W Residential Water Supply(shamd) 11QWVt' Ertl titian a sna a s lVoa-Wntet-Su7tpia ll'elle n• � A, - Monitorif►g Recov w p, ft. tnjeetlan d: Aquifer ReethaMc n. R Groundwater itcmadiatian A fcrSt 719.SMVBLPA hkfe+ tlrRt an4 Reey DSiiity Bgt. Inttrl.. atcrtfoaf AtptiterTee r]SumnwaaarDrainage n ff. [xperimetiml Technoltmyr [JSutetidcnoc Control iti B. 01111ermal(Cloned Loop) D'Tcaccr 2Q ( DRILI3IVG LOG ehVNIMMEM CrauGetrrtnl Fl Romftn) Cher in under il21 Remarks) PROM S �.ttate>'dt(x)Cofnpteted: Well IDit R 5' tt. CA rQLQ r»f,Welt Lomttnn: '3TR' 1"acility.'CxnetNoma . Ffe+)ttytlht{ifapplicaMe) n' R' mCL n1 Adilmsx,,C,it�y,,and Zip �' ti.Ja3wv � A.M*AiKS Pnc:ai rdeotifimticm Na.(PiM Rx Latitude and longitude in dcgtecrJminutestsecondsordedwail degrees - (it%nett trcG,one latilbug in Sbilwcw) b , 27.Cet tt[ieatioa: I_'S.-130 W -- j I !+•tx(am)the wdt($O "lnaDem or DIremarary S4 of a 75"'Motwellcmetrsatar Data g.osmiag i41t f;,rm.]hr-AV-Wit.-0-the w l(4 erwr 0=4 cof MA%Zd A aewencr 7-Ix this it repair to an a dsoug wielt: DYes or Q�r4. x+%rb 15A hL:itC 02C.PlOO or 15A MUC i 2C.OX V Well Cown diarr ShMw,?r&mrd rhos it rtldr Len sgsolr I M aeirkmion iurll.earwruclnw inArnwllnn and explain the amum 4?r1hc wpy oflldi revord illar Ma pMtMlk 10lM:tt KIOW ar. r,aairoadrl all MAIDArsrcn`lat or on the harkofNltsfomh. 2,L Site dwpysm or additlanat wdt dee Mr S.For Geoptrobe/ppt'onr Cltw&li.cmp GenthorMl Wells having the same You may use the back of Etas ptt)pa to provide adatiotlal weft alas dasalis or well aanslntctifat aois 1 GW 1 is needed 1'ndioatc TOTAL NUMBER of~yells ci)a trudiondetailc. You May also attach additimt page&If namosalp, 9.llotat well*PM blow land sat9ler. � 110 t lnrhUNPrcW111Vlis C11Uetilta Y41WdrrnlfaxamplF3tDiU00'ond2@ltm) � wed' 3ultmit$l1.4�ltl'h 1Yitrin 3O days of completion of wCll cnnsttutatian to the roltotring: 10.8tRtie water level beinw top oftatting: �(R) DMd000f Water Rewwtxa,In%rmatkntPrvomingValk tlaolxrfosxllrrrJrrvacatlrrg rice'•1' JQ7 Mal Strrvice Center,Retelgh.MC17690-111S17 It.hotichatediameter�� lib.t7nr twicetiofi Wells: In aMdon'to wading the fans to dw addlew in 24a 11Z Well oanatnretion metkad; `t alcove,aim submit one copy of this to'nn within 30 days of aomplathm of well (i a m,ge•,retry--bk.irtrars ptuh.etc.? eotlatntetiaD to the fallowing Division of W ater Rtao nx%Underground Injection Canuid Program, [173s. WATER AU'PLY VVEI.L.S MLY: 1636 Man Service Ceatcr,RA1010.ADC 2709-11616 Yield(Rout) Method of test: .24c.,fir Wpforaeady&FAkeHon Wear In ndilion tm sanding the fmm to the addw,"Ces) above,also submil Ong copy o£thinfontwithin 3Q days of b.Disinfection typo: Amount: aampwtion of well cwww dion to the eatmty health depatlment of the coumy Wharf coftamteted. Form Gw-I North Ckmlimt iaapnrnnnnt of INvIrdinventnl CNghity-Division aCWater Romweas ReuLaed2-22 2at fi