HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCS000409_Draft SWMP_20210811Permit NCS000409 — 2022-2027 CITY OF BELMONT STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM This Stormwater Management Program has been prepared in support of the NPDES Phase II stormwater permit program. As such, it provides information regarding the management plan developed by the City of Belmont to protect and lessen the pollutant impact on the streams and rivers which cross and abut the City and its municipal separate storm sewer system (MS4). This management program is divided into 22 sections: RECEIVE 1. Population and Estimated Growth Rate AUG 112021 2. Jurisdictional Area DENR-LAND QUALITY 3. Stormwater Conveyance System STORMWATER PERMITTING 4. Estimated Land Use 5. Receiving Streams 6. TMDL Identification 7. Impaired Stream Identification 8. Existing Water Quality Programs 9. Partnerships and/or Inter -Local Agreements 10. State Programs 11. Reliance on Other Entities 12. Points of Contact 13. Public Education and Outreach Program 14. Public Involvement and Participation Program 15. Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination Program 16. Construction Site Runoff Program 17. Post -Construction Site Runoff Program 18. Practices to Inspect and Maintain Municipally -Owned Facilities 19. Practices to Inspect and Maintain Structural Stormwater Control Devices 20. Practices to Reduce Polluted Stormwater Runoff from Municipally - Owned Streets, Roads, Public Parking Lots, Storm Drains/Catch Basins/Drainage Structures, Manholes, Piped and Vegetative Conveyances 21. Training Programs for Municipal Staff 22. Spill Response Procedures for Municipally -Owned and/or Operated Facilities and Public Rights -of -Way The information that follows comprises the entire stormwater management program of the City of Belmont, North Carolina for the five year permit period beginning February 17, CITY OF BELMONT 1 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM Permit NCS000409 — 2022-2027 2022. As the program continues and experience is gained as to the successfulness of program elements, modifications and additions may be made to enhance the program effectiveness. Any changes to the program are subject to prior review and approval by the permitting agency. It shall be noted that the City of Belmont has a Watershed Water Supply IV Program and a Phase II Stormwater Program within the City Limits. Belmont is located between the main branch of the Catawba River and the South Fork of the Catawba River. The center of the City lies approximately halfway between these two major water courses, with the tributary divide between the two basins running north and south through the downtown. As such, stormwater runoff from the City flows in approximately equal portions either to the east toward the Catawba River or westerly to the South Fork. The eastern portion of the City is subject to the Watershed Water Supply IV rules. The Watershed Water Supply IV rules are regulated and enforced by the City of Belmont, while the western portion of the City is subject to Phase II Stormwater rules. The Phase II Stormwater Post Construction and Construction Site Runoff rules, through adoption of the Gaston County Stormwater Ordinance, Gaston County Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control Ordinance, and Inter -local Agreements with Gaston County, are regulated and enforced by and in cooperation with, Gaston County Natural Resources (GNR). 1. Population and Estimated Growth: Belmont's population per a certified estimate from State demographer is 12,558 as of July 1, 2019. The City is not subject to seasonal variations in population. The annual population growth rate for the MS4 service area is 1.48 percent. This has been calculated on the basis of the relative change between the 2007 and 2015 Office of State Budget and Management population data. More recent population data is not available. 2. Jurisdictional and MS4 Service Areas: The City of Belmont is comprised of 10.1 square miles within its current City Limits. In addition to the area within the city limits, Belmont has planning jurisdictional authority within two areas bounding the City on the south and west. These extra -territorial jurisdiction (ETJ) areas total 3.7 square miles. The MS4 service area is the area within the current City Limits. Belmont does not have authority to operate or maintain storm sewer systems outside its municipal corporate boundaries. 3. MS4 Conveyance System: Belmont is located between the main branch of the Catawba River and the South Fork of the Catawba River. The center of the City lies approximately halfway between these two major water courses, with the tributary divide between the two basins running north and south through the downtown. As such, stormwater runoff from the City flows in approximately equal portions either to the east toward the Catawba River or westerly to the South Fork. Although a separate storm sewer system exists throughout the city, the system is not extensive. There is a heavy reliance on local streams, creeks and ditches to convey runoff to the rivers. Maintenance of the MS4 is on an "as needed" basis to unclog pipes, clean catch basins, and otherwise CITY OF BELMONT 2 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM Permit NCS000409 — 2022-2027 maintain the system. Under current City regulations and practice, only conveyances within City rights of way and easements are maintained. NCDOT maintains stormwater conveyances in rights of way falling under their jurisdiction, also on an "as needed" basis. 4. Land Use Composition Estimates: The following is an estimate of the percentage of the MS4 service area that consist of residential, commercial, industrial, and open space land uses: Residential 75% Commercial 10% Industrial 5% Open Space 10% Total 100% These estimates were obtained using CAD methods from Gaston County GIS mapping data. Commercial and industrial land uses were calculated on this basis from the city's official zoning map which is maintained by the County GIS Department. Open space consists of the approximate areas of the many parks and recreational areas (sports fields) in the City. The areas of the commercial, industrial and open space were subtracted from the total jurisdictional area to derive the residential land uses. These estimates are based on zoning designations. Vacant property was classified by zoning district and accordingly is included in the four categories. The areas of Institutional land uses such as Belmont Abbey College, Sisters of Mercy Campus, four public schools and the many churches in Belmont were included in the residential category. CITY OF BELMONT 3 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM Permit NCS000409 — 2022-2027 5. Receiving Streams The entire jurisdictional area of the MS4 lies within the Catawba River Basin. The seventeen primary streams receiving stormwater runoff from the Belmont MS4 are: Receiving Stream AU Description Water Quality IR Water Quality Name, AU # Classification Category Issues Catawba River Mountain Island Lake WS-IV;CA 5 PCB Fish Tissue #11-(117) to Interstate 85 Bridge Advisory Catawba River Interstate 85 Bridge to WS-IV;B;CA 5 PCB Fish Tissue #11-(122) Paw Creek Arm of Advisory Lake Wylie, Catawba River Catawba River (Lake From the upstream WS-V;B 5 PCB Fish Tissue Wylie below elevation side of Paw Creek Advisory 570) Arm of Lake Wylie to 11-(123.5)a North Carolina -South Carolina State Line Catawba River (Lake South Fork Catawba WS-V;B 5 Copper, PCB Fish Wylie South Fork River Arm of Lake Tissue Advisory Catawba Arm) Wylie 11- 123.5 b South Fork Catawba Point 0.4 miles WS-V Not on None River upstream of Long 303(d) or #11-129-(15.5) Creek to Lake Wylie local list at Upper Armstrong Bridge South Fork Catawba Not Listed by Classification Not on None River Tributary 2 NCDEMLR but on NC not listed 303(d) or Floodplain Maps local list CID: 370320 Panel: 3585 Ma #: 3710358500J Fites Creek From source to a WS-IV Not on None 11-121-(1) point 0.3 mile 303(d) or downstream of N.C. local list Hwy 273 Fites Creek Tributary 1 Not Listed by NCDEQ Classification Not on None but on NC Floodplain not listed 303(d) or Maps local list CID: 370320 Panel: 3586 Map#: 3710358600J Fites Creek Tributary 1 A Not Listed by NCDEQ Classification Not on None but on NC Floodplain not listed 303(d) or Maps local list CID: 370120 Panel: 3596 Ma #: 3710359600K CITY OF BELMONT 4 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM Permit NCS000409 — 2022-2027 Receiving Stream AU Description Water Quality IR Water Quality Name, AU # Classification Category Issues Unnamed Tributary at Source to point 0.5 WS-IV Not on None Belmont Abbey College miles downstream of 303(d) or (Abbey Creek) NC Hwy 273 local list #11-123-(1) Unnamed Tributary at Point 0.5 miles WS-IV Not on None Belmont Abbey College downstream of NC 303(d) or (Abbey Creek) Hwy 273 to Lake local list #11-123-(2) Wylie Stowe Branch From source to Lake C Not on None 11-127 Wylie, Catawba River 303(d) or local list Stowe Tributary Not Listed by NCDEQ Classification Not on None but on NC Floodplain not listed 303(d) or Maps local list CID:370320 Panel: 3594 Ma #: 3710359400L Halls Rocky Branch Not Listed by NCDEQ Classification Not on None but on NC Floodplain not listed 303(d) or Maps local list CID:370320 Panel: 3585 Ma #: 3710358500J Nancy Hanks Branch Not Listed by NCDEQ Classification Not on None but on NC Floodplain not listed 303(d) or Maps local list CID:370320 Panel: 3594 Ma #: 3710359400L Curtis Branch Not Listed by NCDEQ Classification Not on None but on NC Floodplain not listed 303(d) or Maps local list CID:370320 Panel: 3584 Ma #: 3710358400J Kitty's Branch Not Listed by NCDEQ Classification Not on None but on NC Floodplain not listed 303(d) or Maps local list CID:370320 Panel: 3593 Ma #: 3710359300L CITY OF BELMONT 5 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM Permit NCS000409 — 2022-2027 Information Sources: 2014 Final 303(d) List: https:Hncdenr.s3.amazonaws.com/s3fs- public/Water%20Quality/Planning/TMDL/303d/2014/2014 303dlist pdf NC Floodplain Mapping Program: http://www.ncfloodmaps.com/ NCDWR 2014 Integrated Report (Impaired Waters & TMDL Map): http://ncdenr.maps.arcqis.com/apps/webappviewer/index htmI?id=dcb442 80272e4ac49d9a86b999939fec NC Surface Water Classifications Map: http://ncdenr.maps arcgis com/apps/webappviewer/index htmi?id=6el25a d7628f494694e259c80dd64265 CITY OF BELMONT 6 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM Permit NCS000409 — 2022-2027 6. TMDL Identification: 6.1. BMP Summary Table (Appendix A) 6.2. Lake Wylie TMDL Nutrient Management — In 1995 a TMDL for chlorophyll a was developed for Lake Wylie. This TMDL set a total phosphorous (TP) and total nitrogen (TN) limits for WWTPs discharging to Lake Wylie. The City of Belmont Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) has Total Phosphorus and Total Nitrogen discharge limits set under its individual NPDES Permit. Pretreatment Inspections, Testing, and Cleaning Schedules for two industries, and all restaurants and car washes connected to the sanitary sewer system are performed, scheduled, and monitored by the Wastewater Pretreatment Division to ensure that acceptable levels of Phosphates, Nitrogen, BOD, grease, etc. are entering the WWTP. This TMDL does not have an approved WLA assigned to stormwater/non-point sources. The City is working to reduce nutrients from non -point sources by tailoring existing BMPs to better target nutrient loading. 6.2.1. Public Education and Outreach — Spotlight erosion and sedimentation control, lawn care and disposal of yard waste, and illicit discharges in educational materials and at educational events to inform citizens of the negative impacts total phosphorus and total nitrogen can have on water quality. Promote the Stormwater hotline/helpline and encourage citizens to report observed or suspected pollution. 6.2.2. Public Involvement and Participation — maintain the volunteer storm drain labeling program with efforts to increase participation. Promote the Stormwater hotline/helpline and encourage citizens to report observed or suspected pollution. Recommend to the Stormwater Committee starting a Volunteer Stream Clean -Up or Adopt -A -Stream Program. 6.2.3. Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination (IDDE) — maintain the IDDE Program and with efforts to increase the number of stream walks and system inspections to find and eliminate illicit discharges and/or connections. Promote the Stormwater hotline/helpline and encourage citizens to report observed or suspected pollution. 6.2.4. Construction Site Runoff Controls — Maintain construction site inspections and reporting to Gaston Natural Resources. Gaston Natural Resources permits and enforces the E&SC Ordinance. 6.2.5. Post -Construction Site Runoff Controls — maintain the current program and ensure that new development, and redevelopment, subject to CITY OF BELMONT 7 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM Permit NCS000409 — 2022-2027 Stormwater Ph II Rules or WSIV Rules are following through with approved plans, BMP inspection and maintenance, and annual reporting. 6.2.6. Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping for Municipal Operations — Maintain and evaluate Facility Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPPs) to work better for each unique facility. Maintain Street Sweeping Program. 6.2.7. Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs) — monitor NCDEMLR List of Approved TMDLs to stay abreast of any new TMDLs that the City of Belmont may become subject to. Update annually. 6.3. Mercury Statewide TMDL — In 2012, NCDENR developed a statewide mercury TMDL to determine how wastewater discharges, in -state air sources, and out-of- state air sources contribute to the surface water mercury load. This TMDL acknowledged that most mercury in stormwater comes from atmospheric deposition and that concentrations in stormwater are typically within the same range as mercury concentrations in rainwater, between zero and 10 ng/L. No MS4 NPDES WLA for mercury was assigned for this TMDL. CITY OF BELMONT 8 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM Permit NCS000409 — 2022-2027 7.Identify Impaired Streams, likely sources, and existing programs that address the impairment: Receiving AU Description Water Quality IR Water Likely Existing Stream Classification Category Quality Sources of Programs Name, AU # Issues Impairment Catawba Mountain Island WS-IV;CA 5 PCB Fish Atmospheric Gaston County River Lake to Tissue Deposition, Soil Erosion and #11-(117) Interstate 85 Advisory Sedimentation Sediment Control, Bridge Stormwater Ph II, Watershed Protection, Catawba River Basin Buffer Rules Catawba Interstate 85 WS-IV;B;CA 5 PCB Fish Atmospheric Gaston County River Bridge to Paw Tissue Deposition, Soil Erosion and #11-(122) Creek Arm of Advisory Sedimentation Sediment Control, Lake Wylie, Stormwater Ph II, Catawba River Watershed Protection, Catawba River Basin Buffer Rules Catawba From the WS-V;B 5 PCB Fish Atmospheric Gaston County River (Lake upstream side of Tissue Deposition, Soil Erosion and Wylie below Paw Creek Arm Advisory Sedimentation Sediment Control, elevation of Lake Wylie to Stormwater Ph II, 570) North Carolina- Watershed 11-(123.5)a South Carolina Protection, State Line Catawba River Basin Buffer Rules Catawba South Fork WS-V;B 5 Copper, PCB Atmospheric Gaston County River (Lake Catawba River Fish Tissue Deposition, Soil Erosion and Wylie South Arm of Lake Advisory Sedimentation Sediment Control, Fork Wylie Stormwater Ph II, Catawba Watershed Arm) Protection, 11-(123.5)b Catawba River Basin Buffer Rules Information Sources: 2014 Final 303(d) List: https:Hncdenr.s3.amazonaws.com/s3fs- public/Water%20Quality/Planning/TMDL/303d/2014/2014 303dlist pdf NC Floodplain Mapping Program: http://www. ncfloodmaps.com/ NCDWR 2014 Integrated Report (Impaired Waters & TMDL Map): http://ncdenr.maps.arcqis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=dcb442 80272e4ac49d9a86b999939fec NC Surface Water Classifications Map: http://ncdenr.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=6el25a d7628f494694e259c80dd64265 CITY OF BELMONT 9 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM Permit NCS000409 — 2022-2027 8. Existing Water Quality Programs: 8.1. Below is a table of existing local Water Quality Programs and how they are monitored and/or implemented by the City of Belmont, in coordination with Gaston Natural Resources, or by Gaston Natural Resources. Program Description Inter -Local Adopted Monitored Implemented Implemented in Implemented Agreement Coordination with by Gaston Gaston Natural Natural Resources Resources Provides regulations meant to protect a public water supply, in this case, Belmont's Catawba River source. The City of Belmont ordinance includes provisions Watershed that limit maximum Protection imperviousness in new X X X Ordinance development and requires engineered stormwater controls for developments exceeding a two -dwelling -unit - per -acre limit Provides regulations meant to protect, maintain and enhance the public health, safety, Gaston County environment and general Stormwater welfare by establishing X X X X Ordinance minimum requirements and procedures to control the adverse effects of stormwater runoff associated with new development. Provides regulations on certain land -disturbing activity to Gaston County Soil control accelerated erosion Erosion and and sedimentation in order to Sediment Control prevent the pollution of water X X X X Ordinance and other damage to lakes, watercourses, and other public and private property by sedimentation. City of Belmont Provides regulation of non - Illicit Discharge stormwater discharges to the Detection and storm drainage system and X X X Elimination methods for controlling the Ordinance introduction of pollutants into the MS4. Provides mitigation Catawba River requirements that apply to Basin Buffer Rules maintain and protect existing X riparian buffers on the Catawba River mainstem. City of Belmont The Permit and Stormwater MS4 NPDES Management Program Permit NCS000409 includes requirements and and corresponding practices to reduce or prevent X X Stormwater polluted stormwater Management discharges from the MS4 Program City of Belmont The Permit and Stormwater WWTP NPDES Pollution Prevention Plan Industrial includes requirements and Stormwater Permit practices to reduce or prevent NCG110023 and polluted stormwater X X corresponding discharges from the industrial Stormwater facility Pollution Prevention Plan CITY OF BELMONT 10 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM Permit NCS000409 — 2022-2027 8.2. Local Programs: 8.2.1. Watershed Protection Ordinance - The City of Belmont currently enforces a Watershed Protection Ordinance modeled after regulations established by the NCDEQ and as approved by that agency. This ordinance provides regulations meant to protect a public water supply, in this case, Belmont's Catawba River source. The ordinance includes provisions that limit maximum imperviousness in new development and requires engineered stormwater controls for developments exceeding a two -dwelling -unit -per - acre limit. Visit http://www.cityofbelmont.orq/DocumentCenter/HomeNiew/624 to view the Watershed Protection Ordinance in its entirety. 8.2.2. City of Belmont MS4 NPDES Permit and Corresponding Stormwater Management Program - The NPDES Phase II Stormwater Permit was issued to the City of Belmont on July 1, 2005 and the City has been operating under the permit to the present. The Permit and Stormwater Management Program include requirements and practices to reduce or prevent polluted stormwater discharges from the MS4. Several elements of the Stormwater Program are implemented by and in coordination with Gaston County through Inter -Local Agreements; Construction Site Runoff and Post -Construction Site Runoff. 8.2.3. Gaston County Stormwater Ordinance: On June 11, 2007 the City of Belmont resolved to adopt the Gaston County Stormwater Ordinance and enter into an Inter -local Agreement with Gaston County for Enforcement Services of the Gaston County Stormwater Ordinance within the City of Belmont jurisdiction. Gaston County implements the Post -Construction Runoff element of our Phase II Permit through the above mentioned Inter - local Agreement for Enforcement Services of the Gaston County Stormwater Ordinance within City of Belmont jurisdictions. The City of Belmont fully cooperates and coordinates with Gaston County on plan review and reporting. Gaston County issues and holds all permits and enforces the Post -Construction rules as documented in the Gaston County Stormwater Ordinance. Visit http://www.cityofbelmont.orq/DocumentCenter/Home/View/207 to view the Gaston County Stormwater Ordinance in its entirety. 8.2.4. Soil Erosion and Sediment Control: On April 7, 2003 the City of Belmont resolved to adopt the Gaston County Soil Erosion and Sediment Control Ordinance and entered into an Inter -local Agreement with Gaston County for Enforcement Services of the Gaston County Soil Erosion and Sediment Control Ordinance within the City of Belmont jurisdiction. Gaston County implements the Construction Site Runoff element of our Phase II Permit through the above mentioned Inter -local Agreement for Enforcement CITY OF BELMONT 11 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM Permit NCS000409 — 2022-2027 Services of the Gaston County Soil Erosion and Sediment Control Ordinance. The City of Belmont fully cooperates and coordinates with Gaston County on plan review and reporting erosion and sediment issues, and construction site waste issues (per the State NCGO10000 permit) on construction sites. Gaston County issues and holds all permits and enforces the Construction Site Runoff rules as documented in the Gaston County Soil Erosion and Sediment Control Ordinance. Visit http://www.cityofbelmont.org/DocumentCenter/Home/View/206 to view the Gaston County Soil Erosion and Sediment Control Ordinance in its entirety. 8.2.5.Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination Program: The western portion of the City of Belmont, Phase II Stormwater area, has been under the Gaston County Stormwater Ordinance since July 7, 2007. The Gaston County Stormwater Ordinance includes a section on Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination and has been enforced by Gaston County officials. However, the eastern portion of the City of Belmont, Watershed Water -Supply IV area, was not covered by the Gaston County Stormwater Ordinance. On September 15, 2009 the City of Belmont adopted a separate Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination Ordinance, which is enforceable by the City of Belmont and encompasses the entire jurisdictional area. 8.2.6. City of Belmont WWTP NPDES Industrial Stormwater Permit NCG110023 and corresponding Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan: The Permit and Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan includes requirements and practices to reduce or prevent polluted stormwater discharges from the industrial facility. 8.2.7. Catawba River Basin Buffer Rules: The rules provide mitigation requirements that apply to maintain and protect existing riparian buffers on the Catawba River mainstem. The City of Belmont monitors for and reports potential issues, issues, and violations of the Catawba River Basin Buffer Rules to Gaston Natural Resources and/or the State. 9. Partnerships and/or Inter -Local Agreements: 9.1. Partnerships: The City of Belmont is a member of the Regional Stormwater Partnership (RSWP). The RSWP is comprised of 26 Charlotte Metropolitan municipalities and serves as a forum for stormwater professionals to work collaboratively on stormwater education and outreach and also serves as a local source for stormwater professionals to learn and engage in stormwater best management practices. The RSWP also provides education and outreach activities as part of their stormwater permit requirements. Visit http://regionalstormwater.org/ for more information. CITY OF BELMONT 12 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM Permit NCS000409 — 2022-2027 9.2. Inter -local Agreements: The City of Belmont has Inter -Local Agreements with Gaston County to enforce the Gaston County Soil Erosion & Sedimentation Control Ordinance and the Gaston County Stormwater Ordinance within City of Belmont jurisdictions. The City of Belmont fully cooperates and coordinates with Gaston County on plan review, enforcement of ordinances, and reporting. 10. State Programs: All projects funded publicly by the City of Belmont are subject to the approval and requirements as set forth by the state of North Carolina including State Erosion and Sedimentation Control requirements, State Phase II Stormwater requirements, State Watershed Water -Supply IV requirements, and Riparian Buffers along the Catawba River. The NCGO10000 permit, as administered by the State, establishes requirements for construction site operators to control waste such as discarded building materials, concrete truck washout, chemicals, litter, and sanitary waste at the construction site that may cause adverse impacts to water quality. The City of Belmont reports construction site waste issues to Gaston Natural Resources and/or the State. 11. Reliance on Other Entities 11.1. On April 7, 2003 the City of Belmont resolved to adopt the Gaston County Soil Erosion and Sediment Control Ordinance and entered into an Inter -local Agreement with Gaston County for Enforcement Services of the Gaston County Soil Erosion and Sediment Control Ordinance within City of Belmont jurisdiction. Gaston County implements the Construction Site Runoff element of our Phase II Permit through the above mentioned Inter -local Agreement for Enforcement Services of the Gaston County Soil Erosion and Sediment Control Ordinance. The City of Belmont fully cooperates and coordinates with Gaston County on plan review, reporting erosion and sediment issues, and construction site waste issues (per the State NCG010000 permit) on construction sites. However, Gaston County issues and holds all permits and enforces the Construction Site Runoff rules as documented in the Gaston County Soil Erosion and Sediment Control Ordinance. 11.2. On June 11, 2007 the City of Belmont resolved to adopt the Gaston County Stormwater Ordinance and enter into an Inter -local Agreement with Gaston County for Enforcement Services of the Gaston County Stormwater Ordinance within City of Belmont jurisdiction. Gaston County implements the Post -Construction Runoff element of our Phase II Permit through the above mentioned Inter -local Agreement for Enforcement Services of the Gaston County Stormwater Ordinance within City of Belmont jurisdictions. The City of Belmont fully cooperates and coordinates with Gaston County on plan review and reporting. However, Gaston County issues and holds all permits and enforces the Post -Construction rules as documented in the Gaston County Stormwater Ordinance. CITY OF BELMONT 13 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM Permit NCS000409 — 2022-2027 12. Points of Contact: Various elements of the stormwater management program fall under the authority of key staff of the City of Belmont. Specific responsibility is identified in the best management practices summary tables included under the six minimum requirements Appendix A of this document. The contact information for each and a general description of their associated responsibility follows: Adrian Miller Duly Authorized Representative for City Manager Stormwater Ph II and Watershed 704-825-5586 Administrator. 704-825-0514 fax amiller(aD-cityofbelmont.org Bill Carroll Oversee Stormwater, Street, Parks Director of Public Works Maintenance, Water Treatment Plant, Waste 704-825-0506 Water Treatment Plant, Water and Sewer 704-825-0514 fax Department and Solid Waste Contract. bcarroll(cDcityofbelmont.orq Jerry Hatton Review of submitted plans in coordination City Engineer with City Departments and Gaston Natural 704-825-5586 Resources. Develop plans for City of Belmont 704-825-0514 fax infrastructure projects. Review stormwater Ihatton(cDcityofbelmont.org related ordinances for required changes. Alex Robinson Coordinate with Engineering Department, City Senior Planner / Watershed Manager, Public Works Director, Stormwater Coordinator Coordinator, and Planning and Zoning 704-901-2066 Department on Watershed plan review and 704-825-0514 fax post -construction site management. arobinson(cDcitvofbelmont.orq Hayden Davis Public education and outreach, illicit Stormwater Coordinator discharge detection and elimination, 704-901-2076 coordinate with Gaston County and City Staff 704-825-0514 fax on post -construction site management, hdavis(o)cityofbelmont.org coordinate with Gaston County and City Staff on construction site runoff management, and coordinate training of City staff as required for the program. Inspection and Maintenance of MS4 Conveyance System. Lindsay Yager Supports enforcement of regulations Code Enforcement Officer regarding illicit discharges and connections, 704-901-2078 illegal dumping, and post -construction site 704-825-0514 fax management. Iyager(c-cityofbelmont.org 12.1. Organizational Chart: An organizational chart that shows where the responsible parties listed above fit into the structure of the organization is included at the end of this section. CITY OF BELMONT 14 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM Permit NCS000409 — 2022-2027 12.2. Signing Official: The Mayor and City Council have authorized the City Manager as representative for the City of Belmont in regards to the NPDES stormwater application and permit and the stormwater management program. 12.3. Duly Authorized Representative: The City Manager was duly authorized by the Belmont City Council at their March 3, 2003 regular council meeting. The authorization was presented and adopted by resolution and designates the City Manager as having overall responsibility for environmental / stormwater matters. A copy of the resolution is attached to the application in Appendix B. CITY OF BELMONT 15 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM City of Belmont City Council Gaston County Counstruction Site Runoff/ Post -Construction Runoff Phase 11 Stormwater Jerry Hatton ■ Shelly Dehart City Engineer Planning Director Alex Robinson Senior Planner/ Watershed Lindsay Yager Coordinator Code Enforcement Officer Adrian Miller City Manager Kevin Krouse Assistant City Manager Chad Hawkins Chief of Police Danny Whisnant Water & Sewer Supervisor Jake Kanburoglo Streets and Parks Maintenance Supervisor Bill Carroll Public Works Director Crystal Waymam Works Administi Assistant Hayden Davis Stormwater Coordinator Permit NCS000409 — 2022-2027 13. Public Education and Outreach 13.1. BMP Summary Table (Appendix A) 13.2. Goals and Objectives: The Public Education and Outreach Program works to inform the public on what stormwater is, how it affects water quality, why this is important, and what the public can do to prevent and reduce pollution in stormwater. Many residents are unaware that the stormwater system is not connected to the sanitary sewer system and that runoff is not treated before draining into local streams and rivers. Communicating this simple fact is imperative to affecting public behavioral change. Once the public is aware of stormwater and its potential for pollution, the Public Education and Outreach Program works to equip the public with practices they can use to help protect water quality. 13.3. Target Pollutant Sources: The City is not aware of any significant target pollutant sources but will concentrate on used oil disposal; proper handling, applications and disposal of lawn and insect chemicals; sediments; and disposal of household cleaning chemicals, paint, illicit discharges, etc. As the City proceeds through this SWMP, it is expected that the impact of these sources of pollution will be better defined and other significant sources identified. Because the education program will be continuous during the permit period, and presumably during subsequent permit renewals, the content of the educational materials and presentations will change to meet the objectives of the SWMP. 13.3.1. Lawn Care Activities — Improper application, handling and storage of lawn care products such as pesticides, herbicides and fertilizers can result in the discharge of pollutants to the storm drain system. Improper disposal of grass clippings and leaves can negatively impact water quality by depleting oxygen levels in waterways. Significant residential development exists in the City of Belmont with the potential for negative water quality impacts associated with improper lawn care activities. 13.3.2. Improper Disposal — Improper disposal can result in the discharge of a variety of pollutants to the storm drainage system. This can be a problem at construction sites where paint and other construction wastes are generated and in established commercial and residential areas where used oil, grease, animal waste, household cleaners, paints and a variety of other pollutants can be a problem. 13.3.3. Poor Housekeeping — Poor housekeeping can result in the discharge of petroleum products, miscellaneous chemicals and other wastes to the storm drain system and surface waters. This is usually a problem at commercial facilities. 13.3.4. Erosion — Poor erosion control and soil stabilization at construction sites, utility maintenance, and residential and commercial lawns results in sediment discharges to the storm drainage system. 13.3.5. Pet Waste — Pet waste contains bacteria, viruses, and parasites that are harmful to human health. Contact with stormwater runoff carries these bacteria, viruses, and parasites into waterways. CITY OF BELMONT 17 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM Permit NCS000409 — 2022-2027 13.4. Target Audiences: The target audiences for the education program include those likely to have significant stormwater impacts. Homeowners were selected as a primary target for the educational program due to the significant positive and negative impacts they could have on water quality. This is also the group that will most likely engage in activities such as disposal of auto oil and household wastes, disposal of yard wastes, application of fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides, pet waste, etc. Commercial facilities such as gas stations, car washes, restaurants, shopping centers and industrial warehouses/plants were targeted for the educational program due to the significant impacts they could have on water quality by potentially improperly handling and disposing of wastes, making illicit connections to the storm drain system, and practicing poor housekeeping at their facilities. Through education, the City is hopeful that it can inform and advise the public of the small behavioral changes that can be made to improve water quality. 13.5. Residential Issues: 13.5.1. Lawn Care — Yard waste disposal such as leaves, limbs, brush, grass clippings, etc. are to be placed at curb for pickup by the City of Belmont, but often the debris is placed in the street or in the curb -line. Rain events can wash leaves, limbs, yard debris into the storm drains which clog storm drains as well as having potential to be conveyed to waterways. As these items decompose in waterways they deplete oxygen levels in the water. 13.5.2. Improper Disposal/Illegal Dumping of Hazardous Household Materials such as paints, cleaners, other household chemicals, and used vehicle oil and fluids often contain toxins, heavy metals, and nutrients. These pollutants can negatively impact water quality, wildlife, and human health. 13.5.3. Erosion — Bare areas on lawns and common open spaces can lead to sediment discharges to the storm drain system. Sediment build up in the system can lead to clogs, system failures, and polluted waterways. 13.6. Commercial Issues: 13.6.1. Poor Housekeeping such as overflowing or leaking dumpsters, spills at/overflowing grease containers, loose trash and debris in parking lots, and improper disposal of wastes. Aging commercial properties have the potential for illicit connections to the storm drain system. Illicit connections include, but are not limited to, floor drains and sanitary sewer connections. 13.7. Informational Website: The Stormwater Management web site is one of the best ways to provide the general public with educational stormwater information. The web site includes Stormwater Management Contact Information, FAQs, Educational Materials, links to stormwater related web sites, and stormwater ordinances: https://www.cityofbelmont.org/stormwater/ 13.8. Distribution of Public Education Materials - Educational materials and promotional CITY OF BELMONT 18 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM Permit NCS000409 — 2022-2027 items have been developed to target homeowners, commercial facilities and the general public. All materials and promotional items include the slogan "Keep It Clean, We All Live Downstream", Hotline Number, and City website address. Promotional items are comprised of pens, stadium cups, and magnetic chip clips. Educational materials are made available at the City Hall information kiosk. Educational materials and promotional items are given out at stormwater educational presentations. Staff participate in community events to promote stormwater education, give out educational materials and promotional items, and provide one-on-one education opportunities. Community events include: 13.8.1. Annual Spring Festival 13.8.2. Annual City Pride Day 13.8.3. Annual Earth Day/Arbor Day 13.8.4. Annual Big Sweep Event 13.8.5. Annual Fall BooFest 13.9. Hotline/Helpline: The Stormwater Coordinator's office telephone number, (704)901- 2076, serves as the Hotline/Help Line and is set up with a voice message service for the public to requests services, or report stormwater pollution, illicit discharges, and erosion control issues. The Hotline/Help Line is printed on all educational materials and promotional items, and is also on the City web site, located on the Stormwater Management page https://www.cityofbelmont.org/stormwater/ 13.10. Outreach Program: The outreach program includes the distribution of printed educational materials and promotional items with the website address and hotline/helpline printed on them at specific meetings with commercial and industrial businesses, class room educational presentations, and prominent visibility at City sponsored festivals. The program includes TV commercials and radio spots broadcast throughout the region in cooperation with the Regional Stormwater Partnership. City festivals and community events are well attended by Belmont citizens and offer one-on-one educational opportunities. The City's webpage is visited by citizens and non -city users for information on education and development. Targeted meetings with the commercial and industrial community in Belmont is expected to be very effective in distributing information to those individuals that have the most opportunity of making immediate impact on water quality. The number of target audience participants will vary by the outreach element. 13.11. Decision Process: The education program presented herein is consistent with the requirements of the NPDES Phase II regulations and guidance materials. Education programs enacted by Phase I NPDES communities have had a positive impact in those jurisdictions. 13.12. Evaluation: The measurable goals consist of a specific number of events to occur under the BMPs proposed. Although the annual evaluation will be based on accomplishing those events, the City will also subjectively evaluate the effectiveness of the BMPs after they are implemented. Adjustment to the materials and presentations will be likely to improve the CITY OF BELMONT 19 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM Permit NCS000409 — 2022-2027 message. 14. Public Involvement and Participation 14.1. BMP Summary Table (Appendix A) 14.2. If any future changes to stormwater related ordinances are required, public hearings will be advertised, held, and documented. 14.3. The City of Belmont has a Stormwater Committee which is comprised of the entire City Council. Citizens can request to go before the Stormwater Committee for stormwater related requests, concerns, issues, disputes and grievances. 14.4. The City of Belmont has and will continue to provide a Storm Drain Labeling Program for volunteer groups to participate in. Evaluation of the program has and will continue to be based on the number of storm drains successfully labeled by volunteer groups each fiscal year. 14.5. The Stormwater Coordinator's office telephone number, (704)901-2076, serves as the Hotline/Help Line and is set up with a voice message service for the public to requests services, or report stormwater pollution, illicit discharges, and erosion control issues. The Hotline/Help Line is printed on all educational materials and promotional items, and is also on the City web site, located on the Stormwater Management page https://www.cityofbelmont.org/stormwater/ CITY OF BELMONT 20 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM Permit NCS000409 — 2022-2027 15. Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination 15.1. BMP Summary Table (Appendix A) 15.2. Regulatory Mechanism: The western portion of the City of Belmont, Phase II Stormwater area, has been under the Gaston County Stormwater Ordinance since July 7, 2007. The Gaston County Stormwater Ordinance includes a section on Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination and has been enforced by Gaston County officials. However, the eastern portion of the City of Belmont, Watershed Water -Supply IV area, was not covered by the Gaston County Stormwater Ordinance. On September 15, 2009 the City of Belmont adopted a separate Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination Ordinance, which is enforceable by the City of Belmont and encompasses the entire jurisdictional area. 15.3. Storm Sewer System Map: Several years ago, the City undertook to develop a storm sewer system atlas in anticipation of the impending NPDES Phase I I regulations. The field inspections were completed by summer interns and system elements were approximately located on existing sanitary sewer and water main maps. The information was transferred to a digital storm sewer map. These maps are checked for accuracy as the ongoing illicit discharge detection and elimination program and MS4 inspections are implemented. As the MS4 is inspected, the existing maps are updated by hand with the information received. As significant information is obtained, the mapping will be computer updated and published. 15.4. Dry Weather Flow Screening is incorporated into the Stormwater System Inspection and Mapping Program (SWIM). As system elements and outfalls are inspected and mapped on GPS, dry weather flow screening is performed. Inspections are performed, at minimum, twenty-four hours after a rain event to ensure flows are not stormwater runoff. Observed flows at any system element triggers an Illicit Discharge/Connection Investigation. Procedures for detecting dry weather flows and conducting investigations of identified illicit discharges are outlined in the IDDE section of the SWMP. The City maintains electronic and hard copy files of all investigations of identified illicit discharge Investigation files are organized by the address/location where the illicit discharge occurred and the Fiscal Year in which they occurred. 15.5. Employee Training is implemented on an annual basis to those employees, who in the course of their normal work day, may come into contact with or observe an illicit discharge. The training is conducted by the Stormwater Coordinator who presents a power point presentation to employees. Training is documented by an attendance roster and kept on file. The presentation includes: 15.5.1. What are Illicit Discharges? Examples and discussion 15.5.2. What non-stormwater discharges are allowable? Examples and discussion 15.5.3. What are Illicit Connections? Examples and discussion 15.5.4. What to look for when out in the field 15.5.5. Who to contact if you suspect or observe an ID/IC CITY OF BELMONT 21 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM Permit NCS000409 — 2022-2027 15.6. Provide Public Education: The City has developed a Fact Sheet for Illicit Discharges and Connections 15.6.1. The "Illicit Discharges and Connections" fact sheet includes: The difference between the sanitary sewer systems and the stormwater system What an Illicit Discharge is What an Illicit Connection is What to do if you suspect or see an Illicit Discharge or Connection Stormwater Hotline 15.6.2. The "Illicit Discharges and Connections" fact sheet is given out at Staff attended community events to promote stormwater education and provide face-to-face education opportunities. Community events include: Annual Spring Festival Annual City Pride Day Annual Earth Day/Arbor Day Annual Big Sweep Event Annual Fall Festival 15.6.3. The "Illicit Discharges and Connections" fact sheet is available on the City's Stormwater Management page: http://www.cityofbelmont.org/DocumentCenter/HomeNiew/393 15.6.4. The "Illicit Discharges and Connections" fact sheets are made available at the City Hall information kiosk. 15.6.5. Stormwater educational presentations include a section on Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination and the "Illicit Discharges and Connections" fact sheets are given out to attendees. 15.7. Public Reporting Mechanism: The Stormwater Coordinator's office telephone number, (704)901-2076, serves as the Hotline/Help Line and is set up with a voice message service for the public to report stormwater pollution, illicit discharges, and erosion control issues. The Hotline/Help Line is printed on all educational materials and promotional items. The Hotline/Help Line is also on the City web site, located on the Stormwater Management page https://www.cityofbelmont.org/stormwater/ 15.8. Enforcement: Enforcement is carried out by the Stormwater Department as supported by the Public Works Director, Code Enforcement Officer, and City Manager. Compliance with the ordinance is monitored by the Stormwater Coordinator and when official action must take place, the Stormwater Coordinator has primary responsibility for issuing warnings and Notices of Violation. Issuance of citations and fines, if applicable, are the responsibility of the Code Enforcement Officer as supported by the City Manager and City CITY OF BELMONT 22 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM Permit NCS000409 — 2022-2027 Attorney. 15.9. Evaluation of Detection and Elimination Plan: On an annual basis, the success of the procedures and results will be evaluated as measured by the number of illicit discharges located, violation notices served, fines collected, and discharges eliminated. 15.10. Non-Stormwater Discharges: The list of activities below are allowed provided they do not significantly impact water quality per our ordinance 15.10.1. Water line flushing, 15.10.2. Discharges from potable water sources (water main leaks), 15.10.3. Air conditioning condensation, 15.10.4. Springs, 15.10.5. Landscape irrigation or lawn watering, 15.10.6. Individual residential car washing, 15.10.7. Street wash water, 15.10.8. Diverted stream flows, 15.10.9. Rising Ground Waters, 15.10.10. Uncontaminated ground water infiltration (as defined at 40 CFR35.2005 (20)), 15.10.11. Uncontaminated pumped ground water, 15.10.12. Foundation or footing drains, 15.10.13. Water from crawl space pumps, 15.10.14. Footing drains, 15.10.15. Flows from riparian habitats and wetlands, 15.10.16. De -chlorinated swimming pool discharges, 15.10.17. Firefighting activities, and 15.10.18. Other non-stormwater discharges for which a valid NPDES discharge permit has been approved and issued by the State of North Carolina, and provided that any such discharges to the MS4 shall be authorized by the City of Belmont. 15.11. Similar Occasional Incidental Non -Storm Water Discharges: No other non- stormwater discharges have been identified as significant sources of pollutants. 15.12. Decision Process: The development of the stormwater illicit discharge detection and elimination program was completed with input from Belmont staff in the administrative, public works, planning and zoning, and code enforcement departments. The illicit discharge detection and elimination program was subject to review by the City Council Stormwater Committee, City Council and public input. CITY OF BELMONT 23 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM Permit NCS000409 — 2022-2027 16. Construction Site Stormwater Runoff Control 16.1. BMP Summary Table (Appendix A) 16.2. Reliance on Gaston County Programs: On April 7, 2003 the City of Belmont resolved to adopt the Gaston County Soil Erosion and Sediment Control Ordinance and entered into an Inter -local Agreement with Gaston County for Enforcement Services of the Gaston County Soil Erosion and Sediment Control Ordinance within City of Belmont jurisdiction. Gaston County implements the Construction Site Runoff element of our Phase II Permit through the above mentioned Inter -local Agreement for Enforcement Services of the Gaston County Soil Erosion and Sediment Control Ordinance. The City of Belmont fully cooperates and coordinates with Gaston County on plan review and reporting erosion and sediment issues on construction sites. However, Gaston County issues and holds all permits and enforces the Construction Site Runoff rules as documented in the Gaston County Soil Erosion and Sediment Control Ordinance. 16.3. State Programs: The NCGO10000 permit, as administered by the State, establishes requirements for construction site operators to control waste such as discarded building materials, concrete truck washout, chemicals, litter, and sanitary waste at the construction site that may cause adverse impacts to water quality. The City of Belmont reports observed construction site waste issues to Gaston Natural Resources or the State. 16.4.Hotline/Helpline: The Stormwater Coordinator's office telephone number, (704)901- 2076, serves as the Hotline/Help Line and is set up with a voice message service for the public to report stormwater pollution, illicit discharges, and erosion control issues. The Hotline/Help Line is printed on all educational materials and promotional items. The Hotline/Help Line is also on the City web site, located on the Stormwater Management page https://www.cityofbelmont.org/stormwater/ All reports of erosion and sedimentation problems are reported to Gaston Natural Resources for enforcement of the Gaston County Sediment and Erosion Control Program. CITY OF BELMONT 24 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM Permit NCS000409 — 2022-2027 17. Post -Construction Stormwater Program 17.1. BMP Summary Table (Appendix A) 17.2. Adequate Legal Authorities: On June 11, 2007 the City of Belmont resolved to adopt the Gaston County Stormwater Ordinance and enter into an Inter -local Agreement with Gaston County for Enforcement Services of the Gaston County Stormwater Ordinance within City of Belmont jurisdiction. Gaston County implements the Post -Construction Runoff element of our Phase 11 Permit through the above mentioned Inter -local Agreement for Enforcement Services of the Gaston County Stormwater Ordinance within City of Belmont jurisdictions. The City of Belmont fully cooperates and coordinates with Gaston County on plan review and reporting. However, Gaston County issues and holds all permits and enforces the Post -Construction rules as documented in the Gaston County Stormwater Ordinance. The City of Belmont currently enforces a Watershed Protection Ordinance modeled after regulations established by the NCDENR and as approved by that agency. This ordinance provides regulations meant to protect a public water supply, in this case, Belmont's Catawba River source. The ordinance includes provisions that limit maximum imperviousness in new development and requires engineered stormwater controls for developments exceeding a two -dwelling -unit -per -acre limit. Visit http://www.citvofbelmont.org/DocumentCenter/HomeNiew/624 to view the Watershed Protection Ordinance in its entirety. 17.3. Applicability: The adopted Gaston County Stormwater Ordinance addresses stormwater runoff from new development and redevelopment projects that disturb greater than or equal to one acre, including projects less than one acre that are part of a larger common plan of development or sale. The City of Belmont Watershed Protection Ordinance address stormwater runoff from new development and redevelopment projects that require an erosion/sedimentation control plan under State law or approved local program and are required to meet the provisions of the Watershed Protection Ordinance when located in a WS-IV watershed. Structural Stormwater Control Measures shall meet or exceed the requirements in the NC DWQ BMP Design Manual. 17.4. Watershed Protection Stormwater Management Options: For purposes of the Watershed Protection Ordinance, the city and its one mile extraterritorial jurisdiction are divided into the following areas, as WS-IV-CA (Critical Area) and WS-IV-PA (Protected Area). The ordinance requires all subject projects (as defined in 17.3) to apply for locally issued permit coverage under one of the following stormwater management requirements: CITY OF BELMONT 25 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM Permit NCS000409 — 2022-2027 17.4.1. WS-IV-CA (Critical Area): In order to address a moderate to high land use intensity pattern, single family residential uses are allowed at a maximum of 2 dwelling units per acre. All other residential and non-residential development shall be allowed at a maximum of 24% built -upon area. New residuals application sites and landfills are specifically prohibited. Density and Built -upon Limits: (a) Single Family Residential --development shall not exceed two dwelling units per acre on a project by project basis. No residential lot shall be less than 1/2 acre (or 20,000 square feet excluding roadway right-of- way), except within an approved cluster development. (b) All Other Residential and Non -Residential --development shall not exceed 24% built -upon area on a project by project basis. For the purpose of calculating the built -upon area, total project area shall include total acreage in the tract on which the project is to be developed. (c) Where new development exceeds either 2 dwelling units per acre or 24% built -upon area, engineered stormwater controls shall be used to control runoff from the first inch of rainfall and development shall not exceed 50% built -upon area. High density options using engineered stormwater control devices are permitted in this district in accordance with the High Density Development Standards, Permit Application, Stormwater Control Measures, Financial Security, Maintenance and Upkeep, Application and Inspection Fees, Inspection and Release of Performance Bond, and Sanctions requirements as defined in the ordinance. 17.4.2. WS-IV-PA (Protected Area): In order to accommodate moderate to high land use intensity, single family residential uses shall develop at a maximum of 2 dwelling units per acre (2 du/ac). All other residential and non-residential development shall be allowed at a maximum of 24% built -upon area. A maximum of 3 dwelling units per acre (3 du/ac) or 36% percent built -upon area is allowed for projects without a curb and gutter street system. Density and Built -upon Limits: (a) Single Family Residential --development shall not exceed 2 dwelling units per acre, as defined on a project by project basis. No residential lot shall be less than 1/2 acre (or 20,000 square feet excluding roadway right-of-way), or 1/3 acre for projects without a curb and gutter street system, except within an approved cluster development. CITY OF BELMONT 26 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM Permit NCS000409 — 2022-2027 (b) All Other Residential and Non -Residential --development shall not exceed 24% built -upon area on a project by project basis. For projects without a curb and gutter street system, development shall not exceed 36% built -upon area on a project by project basis. For the purpose of calculating built -upon area, total project area shall include acreage in the tract on which the project is to be developed. (c) Where new development requires a Sedimentation/Erosion Control Plan and exceeds either 2 dwelling units per acre or 24% built -upon area or 3 dwelling units per area or 36% built -upon area for projects without curb and gutter street systems, engineered stormwater controls shall be used to control runoff from the first inch of rainfall and development shall not exceed 70% built -upon area. High density options using engineered stormwater control devices are permitted in this district in accordance with the High Density Development Standards, Permit Application, Stormwater Control Measures, Financial Security, Maintenance and Upkeep, Application and Inspection Fees, Inspection and Release of Performance Bond, and Sanctions requirements as defined in the ordinance. 17.5. Phase II Stormwater Management Options: The program requires all subject projects (as defined in 17.3) to apply for locally issued permit coverage under one of the following stormwater management options: 17.5.1. Low Density Projects: Projects are permitted as low density if they meet all of the following: No more than 2 dwelling units per acre or 24 percent built -upon area (BUA) for all residential and non-residential development; Stormwater runoff from the development is transported from the development by vegetated conveyances to the maximum extent practicable; All built upon area and stormwater controls are at a minimum of 30 feet landward of all perennial and intermittent surface waters as approximately shown on either the most recent version of the soil survey map prepared by the Natural Resources Conservation Service of the United States Department of Agriculture or the most recent version of the 1:24,000 scale (7.5 minute) quadrangle topographic maps prepared by the United States Geologic Survey (USGS); and The permit requires recorded deed restrictions and protective covenants to ensure that development activities maintain the development consistent with the approved project plans. 17.5.2. High Density Projects: Projects exceeding the low density threshold, or in the CITY OF BELMONT 27 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM Permit NCS000409 — 2022-2027 case of lots less than one acre, if more than 10,000 square feet of impervious surface exists, are required to implement stormwater control measures that: Control and treat the difference in stormwater runoff volume leaving the project site between the pre- and post -development conditions for the 1 year 24 hour storm with a runoff volume drawdown time between 24 and 120 hours; All structural stormwater treatment systems used to meet the requirements of the program are required to be designed to have an 85% average annual removal for Total Suspended Solids; All built upon area and stormwater controls shall be at a minimum of 30 feet landward of all perennial and intermittent surface waters as defined in paragraph above; and The permit requires recorded deed restrictions and protective covenants to ensure that development activities maintain the development consistent with the approved project plans. 17.6. Plan Reviews: 17.6.1. Watershed Site Plan Reviews are conducted by City Staff on all development and redevelopment projects that require an erosion/sedimentation control plan under State law or approved local program and are required to meet the provisions of the Watershed Protection Ordinance when located in a WS-IV watershed. 17.6.2. Phase II Site Plan Reviews are conducted by Gaston Natural Resources and appropriate City Staff on all new development and redeveloped sites that disturb greater than or equal to one acre (including sites that disturb less than one acre that are part of a larger common plan of development or sale) per the inter -local agreement. 17.7. Inventory of Projects with Post -Construction Structural Stormwater Control Measures: The City of Belmont maintains an inventory of post -construction structural stormwater control measures. The inventory is updated as new structural stormwater control measures come on line. 17.8. Deed Restrictions and Protective Covenants: 17.8.1. Phase II Stormwater: Per the adopted Gaston County Stormwater Ordinance Section 18 all stormwater improvements must be maintained so they will continue to serve their intended functions. The developer must disclose which party will be responsible for continued maintenance on the record plat and on the stormwater management plan. The responsibility and O&M for the stormwater system is transferred with title, as each property is conveyed. Additionally, the developer must record and reference on the record plat an operations and maintenance plan that instructs the property owners' association or lot owner about the required operations and maintenance tasks. The developer must also record and reference CITY OF BELMONT 28 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM Permit NCS000409 — 2022-2027 on the record plat a maintenance agreement, or restrictive covenant that sets forth the property owners association's or lot owner's continuing responsibilities for maintenance, including specifying how cost will be apportioned among lot owners served. 17.8.2. Watershed Protection: Per the Watershed Protection Ordinance the permit applicant shall enter into the binding Operation and Maintenance Agreement between the Watershed Review Board and all interests in the development. The Agreement shall require the owning entity to maintain, repair, and if necessary, reconstruct the stormwater control structure in accordance with the operation management plan or manual provided by the developer. The Operation and Maintenance Agreement shall be filed with the Gaston County Register of Deeds by the Watershed Review Board. 17.9. Long -Term Operation and Maintenance of Structural BMPs: The regulations for the program include requirements for operation and maintenance components that ensure the adequate long-term operation of the structural BMPs required by the program. The program includes a requirement that the owner of a permitted structural BMP submit a maintenance inspection report on each structural BMP annually to the City of Belmont and/or Gaston Natural Resources. The inspection must be conducted by a qualified professional engineer, surveyor, or landscape architect performing services only in their area of competence. The long-term operation and maintenance (O&M) of the selected structural BMPs is ensured through the permitting and enforcement procedures and penalties currently used under the Watershed Protection Ordinance and the Gaston County Stormwater Ordinance. These ordinances provide regulations regarding post -construction O&M, annual inspections, fines, bonds, and legal mechanisms allowing the City of Belmont and/or Gaston County to enforce the ordinances adequately. 17.10. Sources of Fecal Coliform: Belmont's program is developed to control, to the maximum extent practicable, sources of fecal coliform in the receiving MS4 and water bodies. At a minimum, the program will include coordination with the Gaston County Health Department an oversight program to ensure proper operation and maintenance of on -site wastewater treatment systems for domestic wastewater. 17.11. Structural BMPs: Potential structural BMPs that are considered in the City's program upon proper engineering review of effectiveness may include the following: 17.11.1. Storage practices such as wet ponds and extended -detention outlet structures; 17.11.2. Filtration practices such as grassed swales, sand filters and filter strips. 17.11.3. Bio-Retention systems 17.11.4. Level Spreaders 17.11.5. Stormwater Wetlands 17.11.6. Permeable Pavers/pavement CITY OF BELMONT 29 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM Permit NCS000409 — 2022-2027 17.11.7. Other structural BMPs as defined in the NCDWQ BMP Manual 17.12. Non -Structural BMPs: The following is a listing of non-structural BMPs that are included in the program: 17.12.1. Education programs for developers and the public about project designs that minimize water quality impacts; and 17.12.2. Other measures such as source control measures often thought of as good housekeeping, preventive maintenance and spill prevention. 17.12.3. Natural Resource Protection: The adopted Gaston County Stormwater Ordinance and the City of Belmont's Watershed Protection Ordinance require a 30 foot riparian buffer between all built upon area and surface waters. The City of Belmont also monitors the Catawba River Basin Buffer Rules which requires a 50 foot riparian buffer between all built upon area and the Catawba River. 17.12.4. Open Space Protection: Refer to Section 4 of this document for land use composition estimates within City of Belmont jurisdiction. Dedicated open space requirements for development are located and outlined in Chapter 7: Open Space of the City of Belmont's Land Development Code. This chapter defines open space, and the requirements of open space dedication. The excerpts below give a brief overview of the purpose and intent of the requirements in Chapter 7 of the Land Development Code: "The intent of these requirements is to allow for the usage of centrally located unencumbered land as neighborhood open spaces and not to permit the use of leftover or otherwise unusable land to fulfill the requirements of this Chapter. Open space as defined by this Chapter is also distinct from those areas that are environmentally significant and must be protected in their pristine state as dedicated open space is designed to supplement the human habitat through its use and enjoyment." "All residential developments with more than 8 total units shall be required to dedicate open space. To encourage development of residential units in the Downtown District, all such residential development shall be exempt from these provisions. The amount of useable open space required for dedication shall be determined using the Open Space Dedication Matrix. These figures are based upon similar dedication requirements throughout the State of North Carolina with three minor adaptations:" Visit http://www.citvofbelmont.org/DocumentCenter/HomeNiew/201 to view CITY OF BELMONT 30 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM Permit NCS000409 — 2022-2027 Chapter 7: Open Space of the Land Development Code in its entirety. 17.12.5. Tree Preservation: Tree preservation requirements are located and outlined in Chapter 11: Tree Protection and Landscaping of the City of Belmont Land Development Code. This chapter places requirements on the planting of new trees, protection and replacement of trees during construction, and planting standards. The excerpt below gives a brief overview of the purpose and intent of the requirements in Chapter 11 of the Land Development Code: "The landscaping regulations apply to both public and private property excluding the development of individual single family or duplex residences. The purpose and intent of these regulations is to establish minimum standards for preservation of existing and the planting of new trees and vegetation in order to: Better control soil erosion Reduce the hazards of flooding Stabilize the ground water tables Absorb carbon dioxide Provide shade for cooling Screen noise, dust, and glare Enhance property values Provide architectural interest and human scale Preserve, protect, and enhance the natural environment Maintain and/or improve aesthetic values" Visit http://www.cityofbelmont.org/DocumentCenter/Home/View/77 to view Chapter 11: Tree Protection and Landscaping of the Land Development Code in its entirety. 17.12.6. Reduced Parking Requirements: Parking requirements are located and outlined in Chapter 9: Parking of The City of Belmont's Land Development Code. Requirements to reduce total impervious surface amounts of parking lots are found in the excerpts below: "In an effort to establish a limit on the amount of impervious surfaces and to reduce the urban heat island effect, the maximum number of parking spaces allowed shall be 125% of the number of required parking spaces in the above table. Structured parking facilities are exempt from this maximum." "In order to minimize the impact of large expanses of impervious surfaces on the environment, 5% of the parking spaces of all lots in excess of 36 spaces shall be constructed using pervious pavement systems. This figure shall be calculated on a development -wide basis." "Any additional parking spaces over the maximum (125% of the minimum) must CITY OF BELMONT 31 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM Permit NCS000409 — 2022-2027 be no more than 30 feet from the base of a large shade tree and must be constructed from an approved pervious material. The pervious material must be properly maintained, using a technique found in the NCDENR Stormwater BMP manual." Visit http://www.cityofbelmont.org/DocumentCenter/Home/View/203 to view Chapter 9: Parking of the Land Development Code in its entirety. 17.12.7. Minimizing Stormwater from Parking Lots: Landscaping requirements on parking lots are found in Chapter 9: Parking of the City of Belmont's Land Development Code. Section 9.3 of the Land Development Code states: "Parking lots are to be treated as enclosed rooms for cars. For small lots (36 spaces or less), landscaping shall be required at the perimeter; for large lots (more than 36 spaces), landscaping shall be at the perimeter and the interior. In large lots, the landscaping shall be placed to break the lot into parking modules of not more than thirty-six spaces. The perimeter yard of all parking lots shall be screened with a Type B (Semi -Opaque Screen) in accordance with 11.2 (B). The interior yard of all parking areas shall be landscaped with Type C (Interior Plantings) in accordance with 11.2 (C)." Visit http://www.citvofbelmont.org/DocumentCenter/HomeNiew/203 to view Chapter 9: Parking of the Land Development Code in its entirety. 17.13. Inspections: 17.13.1. Structural Stormwater Controls Measures subject to the Gaston County Stormwater Ordinance are required to be inspected annually. These annual inspections are monitored and enforced by Gaston Natural Resources per the Inter -local Agreement as described in Section 17. 2 of this document. 17.13.2. Structural Stormwater Control Measures subject to the Watershed Protection Ordinance are required to be inspected annually. These annual inspections are monitored and enforced by the City of Belmont per the Watershed Protection Ordinance. 17.14. Educational Materials and Training for Developers: Gaston Natural Resources offers an Annual Stormwater and Erosion Control Workshop geared toward developers, contractors, and engineers. Ordinances, post -construction requirements, design standards, plan review process, and other materials appropriate for developers are located and are available for download on the City's Planning and Zoning and/or Stormwater Management web pages. 17.15. Enforcement: 17.15.1. Per the Inter -local Agreement, Gaston Natural Resources issues and holds all permits and enforces the Post -Construction rules as documented in the Gaston CITY OF BELMONT 32 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM Permit NCS000409 — 2022-2027 County Stormwater Ordinance. The City of Belmont cooperates and works with Gaston Natural Resources to enforce the Gaston County Stormwater Ordinance. 17.15.2. The City of Belmont issues and holds all permits and enforces the Post - Construction rules as documented in the Watershed Protection Ordinance. 17.16. Decision Process: Refer to Section 17.2. of this document. 17.17. Evaluation: The annual compliance reporting to the NCDENR will include a listing of structural BMPs installed during the year and the O&M statistics for existing facilities. 18. Practices to Inspect and Maintain Municipally -Owned Facilities (Good Housekeeping and Pollution Prevention): The operations of several City departments are impacted by the requirements of the SWMP including the activities of the Water and Sewer, Streets, and Stormwater Divisions. This includes daily maintenance and repair operations, street maintenance, water treatment, wastewater pumping facilities, and wastewater treatment. Only the wastewater treatment plant is classified as an industrial facility under the regulations and is operating under an NPDES Stormwater General Permit No. 110023. 18.1. BMP Summary Table (Appendix A) 18.2. Inventory of Municipally Owned or Operated Facilities: An inventory of municipally owned or operated facilities with the potential to for generating polluted stormwater runoff has been developed. The inventory includes facility address, description of the facility operations, and a site map (using imagery from Gaston County GIS or Google Maps) with stormwater drainage system element locations. 18.3. Operation and Maintenance for Municipally Owned or Operated Facilities: The City of Belmont has developed a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan which includes inspections, and guidelines and practices to reduce pollution from municipally -owned Facilities. It is an umbrella plan and some items do not apply to all facilities. Facility inspections are to be performed as outlined in the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan and/or incorporated into the daily operations of each facility. Annual inspections are performed by the Stormwater Coordinator. Needed facility maintenance is performed by appropriate City Staff or the maintenance is contracted out. 18.4. Spill Response Procedures for Municipally Owned Facilities: Spill Response procedures are located in the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan along with a Spill Report Form. All spills discovered in Public Rights -of -Way are reported to 911 and City Staff supports as needed. 18.5. Operation and Maintenance (O&M) for Municipally Owned or Maintained Catch Basins and Conveyance Systems: The City of Belmont has developed a Streets & Stormwater System Operation and Maintenance Manual (SSSOMM) which outlines inspections and cleaning procedures for catch basins, piped and vegetative conveyances, CITY OF BELMONT 33 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM Permit NCS000409 — 2022-2027 and stormwater manholes. 18.6. Identify Municipally Owned or Maintained Structural Stormwater Controls: The City of Belmont owns three structural stormwater control measures (SCMs), however none of the SCMs were required for water quality or treatment purposes per the City's Watershed Protection Ordinance or the adopted Gaston County Stormwater Ordinance. Gantt Soccer Park — approximately 1760 SQFT of Permeable Interlocking Concrete Pavers (PICP) make up 10 parking spaces in the parking lot. Kevin Loftin Riverfront Park — approximately 1005 SQFT of Permeable Interlocking Concrete Pavers (PICP) at the parking lot entrance round -a -bout. Also at this site is a 0.8' x 1.5' x 70' Concrete Level Spreader which drains the PICP, Parking Lot, and portions of surrounding Open Spaces. 18.7. O&M for Municipally -Owned or maintained structural stormwater controls: O&Ms have been developed for each of the structural stormwater controls and they are located in the Streets & Stormwater System Operation & Maintenance Manual (SSSOMM). The O&Ms include inspection schedules and maintenance procedures for each of the SCMs. 18.8. Pesticides, Herbicides, and Fertilizers (PHFs) — The Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) contains a section on Pesticide, Herbicide, and Fertilizer (PHF) Application Management; Section XII of the SWPPP includes guidelines and procedures for the storage and application of PHFs. A list of certified City Staff and Contracted Operations is kept on file and updated as needed. 18.9. Staff Training: Employee Training is implemented on an annual basis to those employees involved in implementing pollution prevention and good housekeeping practices. The training is conducted by the Stormwater Coordinator who presents a power point presentation to employees. Training is documented by an attendance roster and kept on file. The presentation includes: 18.9.1. What is Stormwater? 18.9.2. What is the Stormwater System? 18.9.3. Brief History of Stormwater 18.9.4. Why a SWPPP? 18.9.5. What is a SWPPP? 18.9.6. Spill Prevention and Response, 18.9.7. Material Storage and Handling, 18.9.8. Solid Waste Storage practices, 18.9.9. Vehicle and Equipment Washing, 18.9.10. Parking Lot/Driveway Cleaning/Inspecting, 18.9.11. Street Cleaning and Maintenance Practices 18.9.12. SW System Cleaning and Maintenance, 18.9.13. Construction/Repairs/Land Disturbance, CITY OF BELMONT 34 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM Permit NCS000409 — 2022-2027 18.9.14. Open Space Management and Practices, 18.9.15. Pesticide/Herbicide/Fertilizer Practices, 18.9.16. Inspections -schedule, what to inspect, documentation, 18.10. Prevent or Minimize Contamination of Stormwater Runoff From All Areas used for Vehicle and Equipment Cleaning: The City of Belmont does not currently own or operate a covered vehicle wash bay with an oil/water separator connected to the sanitary sewer system. However there is a project for a dedicated wash bay to be installed at Public Works on the Capital Improvements Project List. Vehicle and Equipment cleaning is covered in the SWPPP Section V and includes guidelines and practices to prevent or minimize contamination of stormwater runoff from areas used for Vehicle and Equipment Washing. The Sludge Transfer Station at the Wastewater Treatment Plant is a designated area for municipally -owned vehicles and equipment. This area is on an asphalt drive with a drop inlet drain that is connected to the influent of the plant so that wash water drains to the headworks and goes through the wastewater treatment plant. Use of biodegradable phosphate -free wash detergent is required. A second designated wash area is located at the rear of Public Works on a gravel area that sheet flows to the surrounding vegetated area where wash water is absorbed by the vegetation and soil. Use of biodegradable phosphate -free wash detergent is required. 18.11. Waste Disposal: The City has and will continue to dispose of waste removed from the MS4 and other municipal operations, including accumulated sediments, floatables, and other debris at a certified landfill in accordance with the regulations governing the disposal facility. 18.12. Flood Management Projects: There are no existing or proposed flood plain management projects. Should one be proposed in the future, particularly to facilitate the development of property, the City will review the project through its current project/plan review procedures. This process involves the Planning Department, Public Works Department and Engineering Department. 18.13. Decision Process: The pollution prevention/good housekeeping program was developed in cooperation with the City's Administrative, Public Works, and Planning Departments and measurable goals established. Appropriate staff was designated as the responsible person for each BMP. 18.14. Evaluation: The pollution prevention program is evaluated annually during the preparation of the annual compliance report. The Stormwater Coordinator evaluates the effectiveness of the program and recommends modifications and improvements to the Public Works Director. The BMP measurable goals are indicated in the BMP summary. CITY OF BELMONT 35 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM Permit NCS000409 — 2022-2027 19. Practices to Inspect and Maintain Structural Stormwater Control Devices: The City of Belmont owns three structural stormwater control measures (SCMs), however none of the SCMs were required for water quality or treatment purposes per the City's Watershed Protection Ordinance or the adopted Gaston County Stormwater Ordinance. Gantt Soccer Park — approximately 1760 SQFT of Permeable Interlocking Concrete Pavers (PICP) make up 10 parking spaces in the parking lot. Kevin Loftin Riverfront Park — approximately 1005 SQFT of Permeable Interlocking Concrete Pavers (PICP) at the parking lot entrance round -a -bout. Also at this site is a 0.8' x 1.5' x 70' Concrete Level Spreader which drains the PICP, Parking Lot, and portions of surrounding Open Spaces. O&Ms have been developed for each of the structural stormwater controls and they are located in the Streets & Stormwater System Operation & Maintenance Manual (SSSOMM). The O&Ms include inspection schedules and maintenance procedures for each of the SCMs. 20. Practices to Reduce Polluted Stormwater Runoff from Municipally -Owned Streets, Roads, and Public Parking Lots, Storm Drains/Catch Basins/Drainage Structures, Manholes, Piped and Vegetative Conveyances: The City of Belmont has developed a Streets & Stormwater System Operation and Maintenance Manual (SSSOMM) to outline practices that work to reduce polluted stormwater runoff from municipally owned Streets, Roads, Public Parking Lots, storm drains and drainage structures, piped and vegetative conveyances, and storm sewer manholes. 20.1. Streets, Roads, and Public Parking Lots: The City currently has a street sweeping program that helps to reduce floatable materials and other pollutants from reaching the MS4. City Streets, as well as several NCDOT roads, are separated into routes for the Street Sweeper Operator to work in. The Recommended Schedule for sweeping City Streets is list as well but adherence to schedule is heavily based on the Stormwater Department's work schedule. Street Sweeper maintenance down -time is also a determining factor in the sweeping schedule. The City also has a list of Priority Streets comprised of major thorough fares and areas historically prone to flooding, that are kept clean whether by running the street sweeper or by manually cleaning off storm drain tops with shovels. Public parking lots and City Facility parking lots are to be swept on a quarterly and/or as needed basis. 20.2. Storm Drains/Catch Basins/Drainage Structures: Storm drains, catch basins, and/or drainage structures are to be inspected annually for build-up of sediments, debris, trash, vegetation, structural condition, etc. If SD/CB is one-third to one-half full from the invert of pipe to the top of the grate, then it requires cleaning. If SD/CB is more than one-half full then it should be cleaned more frequently. If the structural condition requires maintenance, CITY OF BELMONT 36 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM Permit NCS000409 — 2022-2027 the drainage structure is scheduled for maintenance by city staff or contracted repair. 20.3. Manholes: MS4 manholes are to be inspected annually for build-up of sediments, debris, trash, vegetation, structural condition, etc. If the manhole is one-third to one-half full from the invert of pipe to the top of the grate, then it requires cleaning. If the manhole is more than one-half full then it should be cleaned more frequently. If the structural condition requires maintenance, the manhole is scheduled for maintenance by city staff or contracted repair. 20.4. Piped Conveyances: Piped conveyances are to be inspected annually for build-up of sediments, debris, trash, vegetation, structural condition, etc. If pipe is one-third to one- half full from the invert of pipe to the top of the pipe, then it requires cleaning. If pipe is more than one-half full then it should be cleaned more frequently. If the structural condition requires maintenance, the piped conveyance is scheduled for maintenance by city staff or contracted repair. 20.5. Vegetated Conveyances: Vegetated conveyances are to be inspected annually for build- up of sediments, debris, trash, vegetation, structural condition, etc. If the vegetated conveyance is one-third to one-half full from the invert to the top of the slope, then it requires cleaning. If the vegetative conveyance is more than one-half full then it should be cleaned more frequently. If the vegetated conveyance is eroding or washing out, then it requires maintenance and is put on schedule for maintenance by city staff or contracted repair. 21. Describe any training programs for municipal staff: 21.1. Good Housekeeping and Pollution Prevention Training is implemented on an annual basis to those employees involved in implementing pollution prevention and good housekeeping practices. The training is conducted by the Stormwater Coordinator who presents a power point presentation to employees. Training is documented by an attendance roster and kept on file. The presentation includes: 21.1.1. What is Stormwater? 21.1.2. What is the Stormwater System? 21.1.3. Brief History of Stormwater, 21.1.4. Why a SWPPP? 21.1.5. What is a SWPPP? 21.1.6. Spill Prevention and Response, 21.1.7. Material Storage and Handling, 21.1.8. Solid Waste Storage practices, 21.1.9. Vehicle and Equipment Washing, 21.1.10. Vehicle and Equipment Maintenance, 21.1.11. Parking Lot/Driveway Cleaning/Inspecting, 21.1.12. Street Cleaning and Maintenance Practices, 21.1.13. SW System Cleaning and Maintenance, CITY OF BELMONT 37 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM Permit NCS000409 — 2022-2027 21.1.14. Construction/Repairs/Land Disturbance, 21.1.15. Open Space Management and Practices, 21.1.16. Pesticide/Herbicide/Fertilizer Practices, 21.1.17. Inspections -schedule, what to inspect, documentation, 21.2. Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination Training is implemented on an annual basis to those employees, who in the course of their normal work day, may come into contact with or observe an illicit discharge. The training is conducted by the Stormwater Coordinator who presents a power point presentation to employees. Training is documented by an attendance roster and kept on file. The presentation includes: 21.2.1. What are Illicit Discharges? Examples and discussion 21.2.2. What non-stormwater discharges are allowable? Examples and discussion, 21.2.3. What are Illicit Connections? Examples and discussion, 21.2.4. What to look for when out in the field, 21.2.5. Who to contact if you suspect an ID/IC 21.3. Gaston Natural Resources offers an Annual Stormwater and Erosion Control Workshop geared toward developers, contractors, and engineers. The workshop is open to municipal staff as well, and has been well attended by City Staff in previous years. The workshop covers the Gaston County Stormwater Ordinance and the Gaston County Soil Erosion and Sediment Control Ordinance, development and redevelopment requirements, and guest speakers on various stormwater related topics. 22. Spill Response Procedures for Municipally Owned and/or Operated Facilities and Public Rights -of -Way: 22.1. Municipally Owned Facilities: Spill Response procedures are located in the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan along with a Spill Report Form that is to be filled out and kept on file. Below are the Spill Response Procedure and the Spill/Leak/Overflow Report Form as detailed in the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan: II. Spill Response Frequency 1. Notify Supervisor. Always 2. Identify and note nearest stormwater drainage structure and/or Always area, provide protection from spill/leak/overflow. 3. Spill/leak/overflow of S gallons or more, and spill/leak/overflow Always extending off property a. Identify material and refer to respective Material Safety Data Sheets for health hazards, detailed CITY OF BELMONT 38 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM Permit NCS000409 — 2022-2027 instructions on spill response, clean up, and disposal procedures. b. Supervisor to call 911 and provide information on the location of spill, identity of the spilled material, and the amount. c. 911 Responders have authority on the site. d. 911 Responder, Supervisor, or designee, to call Identified Clean Up Contractor - Haz-Mat Environmental 704 332-5600 - Hepaco 704-598-9782 or for 24hr emergency response 1-800-888-7689 e. No Non-911 City Employee is to, under any circumstances, attempt to contain or clean up a spill off property. f. Fill out Spill Report Form (see Appendix A) and keep on file. 4. On -site small quantity spill/leak/overflow (Less than 5 gallons) Always a. Identify material and refer to respective Material Safety Data Sheets for health hazards, detailed instructions on spill response, clean up, and disposal procedures. b. Contain and clean up following the instructions in MSDS, unless a hazardous material has spilled/leaked/overflowed then follow instructions in section 3 above. c. Follow MSDS disposal procedures and/or sweep remnants of spill or leak and place in empty and good condition drum or container. d. Label drum or container "Spill Waste Cleanup, Chemical " and dispose of properly. e. Fill out Spill Report Form (see Appendix A) and keep on file. 5. Report any seen spills and illicit discharges or connections Always immediately to the Stormwater Coordinator (704) 901-2076. Include the address (or nearest address) and the nature of the spill, illicit discharge or connection in the report. 22.2. Public Rights -of -Way: All spills discovered in Public Rights -of -Way are reported to 911 and City Staff supports as needed CITY OF BELMONT 39 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM Permit NCS000409 — 2022-2027 Spill/Leak/Overflow Report Form City of Belmont Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Date: Time: Name: Supervisor's Name: Location of spill/leak: Type of Material spilled/leaked: Amount spilled/leaked (gallons): 911 called? YES NO Clean -Up Contractor Contacted? YES NO Name of Contractor Corrective Actions Taken: Was SpiWLeak contained onsite? YES NO If NO, did any amount enter the stormwater system or surface waters? YES NO If YES, what amount in gallons? If YES, Corrective Actions Taken: Are measures in place to prevent a future spill/leak? YES NO Preventative Measures Taken: Comments: Signature: Date: CITY OF BELMONT 40 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM Permit NCS000409 — 2022-2027 "Retain original form for facility records and submit one copy of this report to the Stormwater Coordinator CITY OF BELMONT 41 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM CITY OF BELMONT RI~ICEIVED STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN AUG 11-201 1. PUBLIC EDUCATION BMP SUMMARY TABLE DENR-LAND QUALITY STORMWATER PERMITTING BMP BMP Description Measurable Goals Responsible (by permit year) Position/Party 1 2 3 4 5 Goals and objectives Define goals and objectives Define goals and Review community Review community Review community Review community Public Works Director, of the Local Public objectives of the Local wide issues and wide issues and update wide issues and wide issues and Stormwater Coordinator Education and Outreach Public Education Program update the goals and the goals and update the goals and update the goals and Program based on priority based on community objectives as objectives as necessary. objectives as objectives as community wide issues wide issues. necessary. necessary. necessary. regarding stormwater management practices and environmental issues. Describe target pollutants Maintain a description of Identify and Describe Review and update Review and update Review and update Review and update Stormwater Coordinator and/or stressors the target pollutants and/or target pollutants and/or target pollutants as target pollutants as target pollutants as target pollutants as stressors and likely sources. stressors and likely necessary. necessary. necessary. necessary. sources. Describe Target Describe, evaluate and Identify, describe, Review and update Review and update Review and update Review and update Stormwater Coordinator Audiences update description of the evaluate and update target audiences as target audiences as target audiences as target audiences as target audiences likely to target audiences likely to necessary. necessary. necessary. necessary. have significant stormwater have significant impacts and why they were stormwater impacts. selected. Describe residential and Describe issues, such as Identify and describe Review and update Review and update Review and update Review and update Stormwater Coordinator industrial/commercial pollutants, the likely residential and residential and residential and residential and residential and issues sources of those pollutants, industrial/commercial industrial/commercia industrial/commercial industrial/commercial industrial/commercia impacts, and the physical issues, likely sources of I issues as issues as necessary. issues as necessary. I issues as attributes of stormwater pollutants and update necessary. necessary. runoff, in their Education Program. education/outreach program. Informational Website Promote and maintain an Promote and maintain a Promote and Promote and maintain a Promote and maintain Promote and Stormwater Coordinator internet website designed stormwater informational maintain a stormwater a stormwater maintain a to convey the program's internet website. stormwater informational internet informational internet stormwater message. informational website. website. informational internet website. internet website. Distribute public Distribute stormwater Distribute educational Distribute Distribute educational Distribute educational Distribute Stormwater Coordinator education materials to educational material to and promotional educational and and promotional and promotional educational and identified target appropriate target groups. materials at public events promotional materials at public materials at public promotional audiences and user and presentations. materials at public events and events and materials at public groups. For example, events and presentations. presentations. events and schools, homeowners, presentations. presentations. and/or businesses. Maintain Hotline/Help Promote and maintain a Promote and maintain Promote and Promote and maintain Promote and maintain Promote and Stormwater Coordinator Line stormwater hotline/helpline the stormwater maintain the the stormwater the stormwater maintain the for the purpose of public hotline/helpline for the stormwater hotline/helpline for the hotline/helpline for stormwater education and outreach. purpose of public hotline/helpline for purpose of public the purpose of public hotline/helpline for education and outreach. the purpose of public education and outreach the purpose of public A-1. Stormwater Management Plan CITY OF BELMONT STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN BMP BMP Description Measurable Goals Responsible (by permit year) Position/Party 1 2 3 4 5 education and education and education and outreach, outreach. outreach. Implement a Public The permittee's outreach Implement the Public Continue Continue implementing Continue Continue Stormwater Coordinator Education and Outreach program, including those Education and Outreach implementing the the Public Education implementing the implementing the Program elements implemented Program. Public Education and and Outreach Program. Public Education and Public Education and locally or through a Outreach Program. Outreach Program. Outreach Program. cooperative agreement, Maintain membership in Maintain membership in shall include a combination the Regional Stormwater Maintain the Regional Maintain membership Maintain of approaches designed to Partnership. membership in the Stormwater in the Regional membership in the reach the identified target Regional Stormwater Partnership. Stormwater Regional Stormwater audiences. For each media, Partnership. Partnership. Partnership. event or activity, including those elements implemented locally or through a cooperative agreement the permittee shall estimate and record the extent of exposure. A-2. Stormwater Management Plan CITY OF BELMONT PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT PROGRAM BMP SUMMARY TABLE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN BMP BMP Description Measurable Goals Responsible (by permit year) Position/Party 1 2 3 4 5 Volunteer community The permittee shall include Maintain the Maintain the Volunteer Maintain the Volunteer Maintain the Volunteer Maintain the Volunteer Stormwater Coordinator involvement program and promote volunteer Volunteer Storm Storm Drain Labeling Storm Drain Labeling Storm Drain Labeling Storm Drain Labeling opportunities designed to Drain Labeling Program and host 2 Program and host 2 Program and host 2 Program and host 2 promote ongoing citizen Program and host 2 labeling events per labeling events per labeling events per fiscal labeling events per participation. labeling events per fiscal year. fiscal year. year. fiscal year. fiscal year. Mechanism for Public The permittee shall provide The Stormwater The Stormwater The Stormwater The Stormwater The Stormwater City Manager, City Involvement and promote a mechanism Committee Committee (comprised Committee (comprised Committee (comprised of Committee (comprised Engineer, Public Works for public involvement that (comprised of City of City Council of City Council City Council Members) Is of City Council Director, Utilities provides for input on Council Members) is Members) Is available Members) is available available by request to Members) Is available Director stormwater issues and the available by request by request to hear by request to hear hear requests, concerns, by request to hear stormwater program. to hear requests, requests, concerns, requests, concerns, complaints, and issues. requests, concerns, concerns, complaints, and complaints, and Issues. complaints, and issues. complaints, and issues. issues. Hotline/Help Line The permittee shall Promote and Promote and maintain Promote and maintain Promote and maintain the Promote and maintain Stormwater Coordinator promote and maintain a maintain the the stormwater the stormwater stormwater the stormwater hotline/helpline for the stormwater hotline/helpline for hotline/helpline for the hotline/helpline for the hotline/helpline for the purpose of public hotline/helpline for the purpose of public purpose of public purpose of public purpose of public Involvement and the purpose of public involvement and involvement and involvement and Involvement and participation. involvement and participation. participation. participation. participation. participation. Environmental The permittee shall Promote and hold 2 Promote and hold 2 Promote and hold 2 Promote and hold 2 Promote and hold 2 Stormwater Sustainability Board collaborate with the ESB at educational events educational events educational events with educational events with educational events with Coordinator, ESB Collaboration two events each fiscal year with the ESB and with the ESB and the ESB and the ESB and Stormwater the ESB and Members promoting stormwater Stormwater Stormwater Stormwater Coordinator Coordinator collaborating Stormwater Coordinator management and Coordinator Coordinator collaborating together. together. collaborating together. sustainability practices. collaborating collaborating together. together. A-3. Stormwater Management Plan CITY OF BELMONT STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN 3. ILLICIT DISCHARGE DETECTION AND ELIMINATION BMP SUMMARY TABLE BMP BMP Description Measurable Goals Responsible (by permit year) Position/Party 1 2 3 4 5 Maintain adequate legal The permittee shall Continue Continue Continue administration Continue administration and Continue administration City Engineer, Public authorities annually review the administration and administration and enforcement of the enforcement of the IDDE and enforcement of the Works Director, permittee's IDDE enforcement of the and IDDE Ordinance. Review Ordinance. Review IDDE IDDE Ordinance. Stormwater ordinances or other IDDE Ordinance. enforcement of IDDE Ordinance annually Ordinance annually for Review IDDE Ordinance Coordinator, Code regulatory mechanisms, Review IDDE the IDDE for adequate legal adequate legal authority. annually for adequate Enforcement Officer or adopt any new Ordinance annually Ordinance. authority. legal authority. ordinances or other for adequate legal Review IDDE regulatory mechanisms authority. Ordinance that provide the annually for permittee with adequate adequate legal legal authority to authority. prohibit illicit connections and discharges and enforce the approved IDDE Program. Maintain a Storm Sewer The permittee shall Continue to maintain Continue to Continue to maintain Continue to maintain storm Continue to maintain Stormwater Coordinator System Base Map of maintain a current map storm sewer atlas maintain storm storm sewer atlas and GPS sewer atlas and GPS Data. storm sewer atlas and Major Outfalls. showing major outfalls. and GPS Data. sewer atlas and Data. Update as necessary Update as necessary to show GPS Data. Update as Update as necessary GPS Data. to show additional outfalls. additional outfalls. necessary to show to show additional Update as additional outfalls. outfalls. necessary to show additional outfalls. Detect Dry Weather The permittee shall Develop and Continue Continue implementing the Continue Implementing the Continue implementing Stormwater Coordinator Flows develop and Implement implement a implementing dry weather flow program. dry weather flow program. the dry weather flow a program for program for the dry weather program. conducting dry weather conducting dry flow program. flow field observations in weather flow field accordance with a observations in written procedure for accordance with a detecting and removing written procedure for the sources of illicit detecting and discharges. removing the sources of illicit discharges. Investigations into the The permittee shall Develop written Maintain and Maintain and annually Maintain and annually Maintain and annually Stormwater Coordinator source of all identified maintain and evaluate procedures for annually evaluate written evaluate written procedures evaluate written illicit discharges annually written conducting evaluate written procedures for conducting for conducting Investigations procedures for procedures for investigations of procedures for investigations of identified of identified illicit discharges. conducting conducting identified Illicit conducting illicit discharges. investigations of Investigations of discharges. investigations of identified illicit Identified illicit identified illicit discharges. discharges. I I discharges. A-4. Stormwater Management Plan CITY OF BELMONT STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN BMP BMP Description Measurable Goals Responsible (by permit year) Position/Party 1 2 3 4 -5 ---- Track investigations and The permittee shall track Maintain files on all Maintain files on Maintain files on all illicit Maintain files on all illicit Maintain files on all Stormwater Coordinator document illicit all investigations and Illicit discharge all Illicit discharge investigations. discharge investigations. illicit discharge discharges document the date(s) investigations. discharge Investigations. the illicit discharge was investigations. observed; the results of the investigation; any follow-up of the investigation; and the date the investigation was closed Employee Training The permittee shall Continue Employee Continue Continue Employee IDDE Continue Employee IDDE Continue Employee Stormwater Coordinator implement and IDDE Training Employee IDDE Training Program for Training Program for IDDE Training Program document a training Program for Training appropriate municipal appropriate municipal staff. for appropriate program for appropriate appropriate Program for staff. municipal staff. municipal staff, who, as municipal staff. appropriate part of their normal job municipal staff. responsibilities, may come into contact with or otherwise observe an Illicit discharge or Illicit connection to the storm sewer system. Provide Public Education The permittee shall Distribute IDDE Distribute IDDE Distribute IDDE Distribute IDDE educational Distribute IDDE Stormwater Coordinator inform public employees, educational materials educational educational materials at materials at public events and educational materials at businesses, and the at public events and materials at public events and educational presentations. public events and general public of hazards educational public events educational presentations. educational associated with Illegal presentations. and educational presentations. discharges and improper presentations. disposal of waste Public reporting The permittee shall Promote and Promote and Promote and maintain the Promote and maintain the Promote and maintain Stormwater Coordinator mechanism promote, publicize, and maintain the maintain the stormwater stormwater hotline/helpline the stormwater facilitate a reporting stormwater stormwater hotline/helpline for the for the purpose of reporting hotline/helpline for the mechanism for the hotline/helpline for hotline/helpline purpose of reporting illicit illicit discharges and purpose of reporting public and staff to report the purpose of for the purpose discharges and connections. illicit discharges and illicit discharges and reporting illicit of reporting illicit connections. connections. establish and implement discharges and discharges and citizen request response connections. connections. procedures. Enforcement The permittee shall Maintain database of Maintain Maintain database of Illicit Maintain database of Illicit Maintain database of Stormwater Coordinator implement a mechanism Illicit Discharge Files. database of Discharge Files. Discharge Files. Illicit Discharge Files. to track the Issuance of Illicit Discharge notices of violation and Files. enforcement actions as administered by the permittee. This mechanism shall Include the ability to Identify chronic violators for 1/A� Stormwater Management Plan CITY OF BELMONT STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN BMP BMP Description Measurable Goals Responsible (by permit year) Position/Party 1 Z 3 4 5 initiation of actions to reduce noncompliance. A-6. Stormwater Management Plan CITY OF BELMONT STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN 4. CONSTRUCTION SITE STORMWATER RUNOFF CONTROLS BMP SUMMARY TABLE BMP BMP Description Measurable Goals Responsible (by permit year) Position/Party 1 2 3 4 5 Gaston County enforces Continue the monitoring of Continue the Continue the Continue the Continue the Continue the Stormwater Coordinator the Gaston County Soil active construction sites and monitoring of active monitoring of active monitoring of active monitoring of active monitoring of active Erosion and report any issues to construction sites and construction sites and construction sites and construction sites and construction sites Sedimentation Control appropriate Gaston County report any issues to report any Issues to report any issues to report any issues to and report any Ordinance which Staff. Document Issues, appropriate Gaston appropriate Gaston appropriate Gaston appropriate Gaston issues to appropriate encompasses all private reports, and pictures for County Staff. County Staff. County Staff. County Staff. Gaston County Staff. development within city records. Document issues, Document issues, Document issues, Document issues, Document Issues, limits and ET]. reports, and pictures reports, and pictures reports, and pictures reports, and pictures reports, and pictures for records. for records. for records. for records. for records. The State administers the Continue the monitoring of Continue the Continue the Continue the Continue the Continue the Stormwater Coordinator NCG010000 permit which active construction sites and monitoring of active monitoring of active monitoring of active monitoring of active monitoring of active establishes requirements report any issues to construction sites and construction sites and construction sites and construction sites and construction sites for construction site appropriate Gaston County report any issues to report any issues to report any issues to report any issues to and report any operators to control Staff or appropriate State appropriate Gaston appropriate Gaston appropriate Gaston appropriate Gaston issues to appropriate waste such as discarded Staff. Document issues, County Staff or County Staff or County Staff or County Staff or Gaston County Staff building materials, reports, and pictures for appropriate State Staff. appropriate State Staff. appropriate State Staff. appropriate State or appropriate State concrete truck washout, records. Document Issues, Document issues, Document issues, Staff. Document Staff. Document chemicals, litter, and reports, and pictures reports, and pictures reports, and pictures Issues, reports, and issues, reports, and sanitary waste at the for records. for records. for records. pictures for records. pictures for records. construction site that may cause adverse impacts to water quality Public Reporting The Permittee shall provide Promote and maintain Promote and maintain Promote and maintain Promote and maintain Promote and Stormwater Coordinator Mechanism and promote a means for the the stormwater the stormwater the stormwater the stormwater maintain the public to notify the hotline/helpline for the hotline/helpline for the hotline/helpline for the hotline/helpline for stormwater appropriate authorities of purpose of reporting purpose of reporting purpose of reporting the purpose of hotline/helpline for observed erosion and erosion and erosion and erosion and reporting erosion and the purpose of sedimentation problems sedimentation issues sedimentation issues sedimentation issues sedimentation Issues reporting erosion and sedimentation issues A-7. Stormwater Management Plan CITY OF BELMONT STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN POST CONSTRUCTION SITE MANAGEMENT FOR NEW & RE -DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITIES BMP SUMMARY TABLE BMP BMP Description Measurable Goals Responsible (by permit year) Position/Party 1 2 3 4 5 Adequate Legal Maintain through an ordinance, Maintain the adopted Maintain the adopted Maintain the adopted Maintain the adopted Maintain the Gaston Natural Authorities or other regulatory mechanism, Gaston County Gaston County Gaston County Gaston County adopted Gaston Resources, City Manager, adequate legal authorities to Stormwater Ordinance Stormwater Ordinance Stormwater Ordinance Stormwater Ordinance County Stormwater Public Works Director, meet the objectives of the Post- and Inter -local and Inter -local and Inter -local and Inter -local Ordinance and City Engineer Construction Site Runoff Agreement with Gaston Agreement with Agreement with Agreement with Inter -local Controls program County. Gaston County. Gaston County. Gaston County. Agreement with Maintain the Watershed Maintain the Maintain the Maintain the Gaston County. Protection Ordinance. Watershed Protection Watershed Protection Watershed Protection Maintain the Ordinance. Ordinance. Ordinance. Watershed Protection Ordinance. Strategies which include The permittee shall adopt the Require post- Require post- Require post- Require post- Require post- Gaston Natural BMPs appropriate for the DWQ BMP Design Manual or construction BMP construction BMP construction BMP construction BMP construction BMP Resources, City Engineer MS4 certify that the local BMP standards meet or standards meet or standards meet or standards meet or standards meet or Design Manual meets or exceed NCDWQ BMP exceed NCDWQ BMP exceed NCDWQ BMP exceed NCDWQ BMP exceed NCDWQ exceeds the requirements in the Manual requirements. Manual requirements. Manual requirements. Manual requirements. BMP Manual DWQ BMP Design Manual requirements. Plan Reviews The permittee shall conduct site Continue coordination Continue coordination Continue coordination Continue coordination Continue City Engineer, Planning plan reviews of all new with Gaston Natural with Gaston Natural with Gaston Natural with Gaston Natural coordination with Director, Gaston Natural development and redeveloped Resources on site plan Resources on site plan Resources on site plan Resources on site plan Gaston Natural Resources sites that disturb greater than reviews of all new reviews of all new reviews of all new reviews of all new Resources on site or equal to one acre (including development and development and development and development and plan reviews of all sites that disturb less than one redeveloped per the redeveloped per the redeveloped per the redeveloped per the new development acre that are part of a larger Gaston County Gaston County Gaston County Gaston County and redeveloped plan of development or sale). Stormwater Ordinance. Stormwater Stormwater Stormwater per the Gaston The site plan review shall Continue site plan Ordinance. Continue Ordinance. Continue Ordinance. Continue County Stormwater address how the project reviews of all new site plan reviews of all site plan reviews of all site plan reviews of all Ordinance. applicant meets the development and new development and new development and new development and Continue site plan performance standards and how redevelopment per the redevelopment per redevelopment per redevelopment per reviews of all new the project will ensure long- Watershed Protection the Watershed the Watershed the Watershed development and term maintenance Ordinance. Protection Ordinance. Protection Ordinance. Protection Ordinance. redevelopment per the Watershed Protection Ordinance. Inventory of projects with The permittee shall maintain an Maintain PCSM Maintain PCSM Maintain PCSM Maintain PCSM Maintain PCSM Stormwater Coordinator, post -construction inventory of projects with post- Inventory and update Inventory and update Inventory and update Inventory and update Inventory and City Engineer, Senior structural stormwater construction structural as new Projects come as new Projects come as new Projects come as new Projects come update as new Planner control measures stormwater control measures on line on line on line on line Projects come on Installed and implemented at line new development and redeveloped sites, Including both public and private sector sites located within the permittee's corporate limits that are covered by its ost- A-$• Stormwater Management Plan CITY OF BELMONT STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN BMP BMP Description Measurable Goals Responsible (by permit year) Position/Party 1 2 3 4 5 construction ordinance requirements Deed Restrictions and The permittee shall provide Continue implementing, Continue Continue Continue Continue City Engineer, Planning Protective Covenants mechanisms such as recorded in coordination with implementing, in implementing, In implementing, in implementing, in Director, Gaston Natural deed restrictions and protective Gaston Natural coordination with coordination with coordination with coordination with Resources covenants that ensure Resources, the Gaston Gaston Natural Gaston Natural Gaston Natural Gaston Natural development activities will County Stormwater Resources, the Gaston Resources, the Gaston Resources, the Gaston Resources, the maintain the project consistent Ordinance requirements County Stormwater County Stormwater County Stormwater Gaston County with approved plans for Deed Restrictions Ordinance Ordinance Ordinance Stormwater and Protective requirements for Deed requirements for Deed requirements for Deed Ordinance Covenants. Restrictions and Restrictions and Restrictions and requirements for Continue implementing Protective Covenants. Protective Covenants. Protective Covenants. Deed Restrictions the Watershed Continue Continue Continue and Protective Protection Ordinance Implementing the implementing the implementing the Covenants. requirements for Deed Watershed Protection Watershed Protection Watershed Protection Continue Restrictions and Ordinance Ordinance Ordinance Implementing the Protective Covenants. requirements for Deed requirements for Deed requirements for Deed Watershed Restrictions and Restrictions and Restrictions and Protection Protective Covenants. Protective Covenants. Protective Covenants. Ordinance requirements for Deed Restrictions and Protective Covenants. Provide a mechanism to The permittee shall implement Continue implementing, Continue Continue Continue Continue City Engineer, Planning require long-term or require an operation and in coordination with Implementing, in implementing, in implementing, in implementing, In Director, Gaston Natural operation and maintenance plan for the long- Gaston Natural coordination with coordination with coordination with coordination with Resources maintenance of structural term operation of the structural Resources, the Gaston Gaston Natural Gaston Natural Gaston Natural Gaston Natural BMPs BMPs required by the program. County Stormwater Resources, the Gaston Resources, the Gaston Resources, the Gaston Resources, the The operation and maintenance Ordinance requirements County Stormwater County Stormwater County Stormwater Gaston County plan shall require the owner of for the long-term Ordinance Ordinance Ordinance Stormwater each structural BMP to perform operation and requirements for the requirements for the requirements for the Ordinance maintenance of long-term operation long-term operation long-term operation requirements for structural BMPs. and maintenance of and maintenance of and maintenance of the long-term Continue implementing structural BMPs. structural BMPs. structural BMPs. operation and the Watershed Continue Continue Continue maintenance of Protection Ordinance implementing the implementing the implementing the structural BMPs. requirements the long- Watershed Protection Watershed Protection Watershed Protection Continue term operation and Ordinance Ordinance Ordinance implementing the maintenance of requirements the requirements the requirements the Watershed structural BMPs. long-term operation long-term operation long-term operation Protection and maintenance of and maintenance of and maintenance of Ordinance structural BMPs. structural BMPs. structural BMPs. requirements the long-term operation and maintenance of structural BMPs. A-9. Stormwater Management Plan CITY OF BELMONT STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN BMP BMP Description Measurable Goals Responsible (by permit year) Position/Party 1 2 3 4 5 Inspections To ensure that all stormwater Continue coordination Continue coordination Continue coordination Continue coordination Continue Stormwater Coordinator, control measures meet the with Gaston Natural with Gaston Natural with Gaston Natural with Gaston Natural coordination with Senior Planner, Gaston permittee's performance Resources on annual Resources on annual Resources on annual Resources on annual Gaston Natural Natural Resources standards and are being PCSM Inspections per PCSM Inspections per PCSM Inspections per PCSM Inspections per Resources on maintained pursuant to the the Gaston County the Gaston County the Gaston County the Gaston County annual PCSM maintenance agreement, the Stormwater Ordinance Stormwater Ordinance Stormwater Ordinance Stormwater Ordinance Inspections per the permittee shall develop and and Inter -Local and Inter -Local and Inter -Local and Inter -Local Gaston County implement a written inspection Agreement. Agreement. Agreement. Agreement. Stormwater program for structural Continue implementing Continue Continue Continue Ordinance and stormwater controls installed the Watershed implementing the implementing the implementing the Inter -Local pursuant to the permittee's Protection Ordinance Watershed Protection Watershed Protection Watershed Protection Agreement. post -construction program. The requirements for annual Ordinance Ordinance Ordinance Continue permittee shall document and PCSM Inspections. requirements for requirements for requirements for implementing the maintain records of inspections, annual PCSM annual PCSM annual PCSM Watershed findings and enforcement Inspections. Inspections. Inspections. Protection actions and make them Ordinance available for review by the requirements for permitting authority. annual PCSM Inspections. Educational materials and The permittee shall make Maintain and make Maintain and make Maintain and make Maintain and make Maintain and make City Engineer, Planning training for developers available through paper or available via City available via City available via City available via City available via City Director, Stormwater electronic means, ordinances, Website the ordinances, Website the Website the Website the Website the Coordinator post -construction requirements, post -construction ordinances, post- ordinances, post- ordinances, post- ordinances, post - design standards checklists, and requirements, design construction construction construction construction other materials appropriate for standards checklists, requirements, design requirements, design requirements, design requirements, developers. New materials may and other materials standards checklists, standards checklists, standards checklists, design standards be developed by the permittee, appropriate for and other materials and other materials and other materials checklists, and or the permittee may use developers. Update City appropriate for appropriate for appropriate for other materials materials adopted from other website as needed developers. Update developers. Update developers. Update appropriate for programs and adapted to the City website as City website as City website as developers. Update permittee's new development needed needed needed City website as and redevelopment program. needed Enforcement The permittee shall track the Work with Gaston Work with Gaston Work with Gaston Work with Gaston Work with Gaston City Engineer, Senior issuance of notices of violation Natural Resources, the Natural Resources, Natural Resources, Natural Resources, Natural Resources, Planner, Stormwater and enforcement actions. This permitting authority, to the permitting the permitting the permitting the permitting Coordinator, Gaston mechanism shall include the enforce the Gaston authority, to enforce authority, to enforce authority, to enforce authority, to Natural Resources ability to identify chronic County Stormwater the Gaston County the Gaston County the Gaston County enforce the Gaston violators for initiation of actions Ordinance. Stormwater Stormwater Stormwater County Stormwater to reduce noncompliance Enforce the Watershed Ordinance. Ordinance. Ordinance. Ordinance. Protection Ordinance. Enforce the Enforce the Enforce the Enforce the Maintain files and Watershed Protection Watershed Protection Watershed Protection Watershed database of Notice of Ordinance. Ordinance. Ordinance. Protection Violations and Maintain files and Maintain files and Maintain files and Ordinance. Enforcement Actions database of Notice of database of Notice of database of Notice of Maintain files and Violations and Violations and Violations and database of Notice Enforcement Actions Enforcement Actions Enforcement Actions of Violations and Enforcement Actions A-10. Stormwater Management Plan CITY OF BELMONT STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN BMP BMP Description Measurable Goals (by permit year) Responsible Position/Party 1 2 3 4 5 A-11. Stormwater Management Plan CITY OF BELMONT STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN 6. POLLUTION PREVENTION / GOOD HOUSEKEEPING FOR MUNICIPAL OPERATIONS BMP SUMMARY TABLE BMP BMP Description Measurable Goals Responsible (by permit year) Position/Party 1 2 3 4 5 Inventory of municipally The permittee shall maintain a Maintain inventory of Maintain inventory of Maintain inventory of Maintain inventory of Maintain inventory of Stormwater owned or operated current inventory of facilities municipally owned municipally owned municipally owned and municipally owned municipally owned Coordinator, Public facilities and operations owned and and operated and operated facilities. operated facilities. and operated facilities. and operated facilities. Works Director operated by the permittee facilities. Update as Update as new Update as new facilities Update as new Update as new with the potential for new facilities come facilities come on line. come on line. facilities come on line. facilities come on line. generating polluted on line. stormwater runoff Operation and The permittee shall maintain Maintain the Maintain the Maintain the Maintain the Maintain the Stormwater Maintenance (O&M) for and implement, evaluate Stormwater Pollution Stormwater Pollution Stormwater Pollution Stormwater Pollution Stormwater Pollution Coordinator, Public municipally owned or annually and update as Prevention Plan Prevention Plan Prevention Plan Prevention Plan Prevention Plan Works Director operated facilities necessary an Operation and (SWPPP) for (SWPPP) for (SWPPP) for municipally (SWPPP) for (SWPPP) for Maintenance (O&M) program municipally owned municipally owned owned facilities with the municipally owned municipally owned for municipal owned and facilities with the facilities with the potential for generating facilities with the facilities with the operated facilities with the potential for potential for polluted stormwater potential for potential for potential for generating generating polluted generating polluted runoff. Evaluate generating polluted generating polluted polluted stormwater runoff. stormwater runoff. stormwater runoff. Annually and update as stormwater runoff. stormwater runoff. The O&M program shall Evaluate Annually Evaluate Annually and needed. Evaluate Annually and Evaluate Annually and specify the frequency of and update as update as needed. update as needed. update as needed. inspections and routine needed. maintenance requirements Spill Response The permittee shall have Maintain a written Maintain a written Maintain a written Spill Maintain a written Maintain a written Stormwater Procedures written spill response Spill Response Spill Response Response Procedure for Spill Response Spill Response Coordinator, Public procedures for municipal Procedure for Procedure for municipal owned and Procedure for Procedure for Works Director owned and operated facilities municipal owned and municipal owned and operated facilities. municipal owned and municipal owned and operated facilities. operated facilities. Update as needed operated facilities. operated facilities. Update as needed Update as needed Update as needed Update as needed Streets, roads, and public The permittee shall evaluate Evaluate BMPs to None None None None Stormwater parking lots maintenance BMPs to reduce polluted reduce polluted Coordinator, Public stormwater runoff from stormwater runoff Works Director municipally -owned streets from municipally roads, and public parking lots owned streets, within their corporate limits. roads, and public Within 12 months, the parking lots within permittee must update its corporate limits. Stormwater Plan to Include the Update Stormwater BMPs selected Plan with the selected BMPs. Streets, roads, and public Within 24 months, the None Implement the Implement the selected Implement the Implement the Stormwater parking lots maintenance permittee must implement selected BMPs to BMPs to reduce selected BMPs to selected BMPs to Coordinator, Public BMPs selected to reduce reduce polluted polluted stormwater reduce polluted reduce polluted Works Director polluted stormwater runoff stormwater runoff runoff from municipally stormwater runoff stormwater runoff from municipally -owned from municipally owned streets, roads, from municipally from municipally streets, roads, and public owned streets, roads, and public parking lots owned streets, roads, owned streets, roads, parking lots and public parking lots and public parking lots and public parking lots A-12. Stormwater Management Plan CITY OF BELMONT STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN BMP BMP Description Measurable Goals Responsible (by permit year) Position/Party 1 2 3 4 5 Operation and Within 12 months, the Develop an O&M Implement the Streets Implement the Streets Implement the Streets Implement the Streets Stormwater Maintenance (O&M) for permittee shall develop and program for the & Stormwater O&M & Stormwater O&M & Stormwater 0&M & Stormwater 0&M Coordinator, Public municipally owned or implement an O&M program municipally owned program program program program Works Director maintained catch basins for the stormwater sewer stormwater sewer and conveyance systems system including catch basins system including and conveyance systems that catch basins and it owns and maintains conveyance systems Identify municipally The permittee shall develop Identify, develop, Maintain inventory of Maintain inventory of Maintain inventory of Maintain inventory of Stormwater owned or maintained and maintain a current and maintain an MSSWCs. Update as MSSWCs. Update as MSSWCs. Update as MSSWCs. Update as Coordinator, City structural stormwater inventory of municipally inventory of needed needed needed needed Engineer control measures owned or operated structural municipally owned or stormwater controls installed operated structural for compliance with the stormwater controls permittee's post -construction (MSSWCs) installed ordinance for compliance with the permittee's post - construction ordinance O&M for municipally- The permittee shall maintain Identify MSSWCs, Continue MSSWC Continue MSSWC O&M Continue MSSWC Continue MSSWC Stormwater Coordinator owned or maintained and implement an O&M develop and O&M Program. As new Program. As new O&M Program. As new O&M Program. As new structural stormwater program for municipally implement an O&M MSSWCs come on MSSWCs come on line, MSSWCs come on MSSWCs come on controls owned or maintained program for each line, develop and develop and implement line, develop and line, develop and structural stormwater controls control implement an O&M an O&M program for implement an O&M implement an O&M installed for compliance with program for the new the new control program for the new program for the new the permittee's post- control control control construction ordinance. The 0&M program shall specify the frequency of inspections and routine maintenance requirements. The permittee shall inspect and maintain municipally - owned or maintained structural stormwater controls in accordance with the schedule developed by permittee. The permittee shall document inspections and maintenance of all municipally owned or maintained structural Stormwater controls. Pesticide, Herbicide, and The permittee shall ensure Identify employees Identify employees Identify employees and Identify employees Identify employees Stormwater Coordinator Fertilizer Application municipal employees and and contractors who and contractors who contractors who apply and contractors who and contractors who Management contractors are properly apply pesticide, apply pesticide, pesticide, herbicide, apply pesticide, apply pesticide, trained and all permits, herbicide, and herbicide, and and fertilizer for the herbicide, and herbicide, and certifications, and measures fertilizer for the City. fertilizer for the City. City. Ensure fertilizer for the City. fertilizer for the City. for applicators are followed. Ensure certifications Ensure certifications certifications are up to Ensure certifications Ensure certifications are up to date and are up to date and date and measures for are up to date and are up to date and A-13. Stormwater Management Plan CITY OF BELMONT STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN BMP BMP Description Measurable Goals Responsible (by permit year) Position/Party 1 2 3 4 5 measures for measures for applicators are measures for measures for applicators are applicators are followed, applicators are applicators are followed. followed. followed. followed. Staff Training The permittee shall implement Conduct employee Conduct employee Conduct employee Conduct employee Conduct employee Stormwater Coordinator an employee training program training for training for employees training for employees training for employees training for employees for employees involved in employees involved involved in involved in involved in involved in implementing pollution in implementing implementing implementing pollution implementing implementing prevention and good pollution prevention pollution prevention prevention and good pollution prevention pollution prevention housekeeping practices and good and good housekeeping practices and good and good housekeeping housekeeping housekeeping housekeeping practices practices practices practices Prevent or minimize The permittee shall describe Vehicle and Vehicle and Vehicle and equipment Vehicle and Vehicle and Public Works Director, contamination of measures that prevent or equipment washing equipment washing is washing is covered in equipment washing is equipment washing is Stormwater Coordinator stormwater runoff from minimize contamination of the is covered in Section covered in Section 5 Section 5 of the covered in Section 5 covered in Section 5 all areas used for vehicle stormwater runoff from all 5 of the SWPPP. of the SWPPP. Update SWPPP. Update as of the SWPPP. Update of the SWPPP. Update and equipment cleaning areas used for vehicle and Update as needed. as needed. needed. as needed. as needed. equipment cleaning. A-14. Stormwater Management Plan CITY OF BELMONT 7. Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs) STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN BMP BMP Description Measurable Goals Responsible (by permit year) Position/Party 1 2 3 4 5 Determine whether a Determine whether a TMDL Review approved Review NCDWQ TMDL Review NCDWQ TMDL Review NCDWQ TMDL Review NCDWQ City Engineer, Public TMDL has been has been developed and TMDLs on the website Updates for new Updates for new Updates for new TMDL Updates for Works Director, Utilities developed and approved approved or established by provided by the State developed and developed and developed and new developed and Director, Stormwater or established by EPA for EPA for the receiving to determine whether a approved TMDLs with approved TMDLs with approved TMDLs with approved TMDLs Coordinator the receiving water(s) of water(s) of the MS4 TMDL has been WLA assigned to WLA assigned to WLA assigned to with WLA assigned the MS4 stormwater stormwater discharge and/or developed and stormwater for the stormwater for the stormwater for the to stormwater for discharge and/or downstream waters into approved or established receiving water(s) of receiving water(s) of receiving water(s) of the receiving downstream waters into which the receiving water by EPA for the receiving the MS4 stormwater the MS4 stormwater the MS4 stormwater water(s) of the MS4 which the receiving water directly flows. water(s) of the MS4 discharge and/or discharge and/or discharge and/or stormwater directly flows stormwater discharge downstream waters downstream waters into downstream waters discharge and/or and/or downstream into which the which the receiving into which the downstream waters waters into which the receiving water water directly flows. receiving water into which the receiving water directly directly flows. directly flows. receiving water flows. directly flows. If there was no If there was no stormwater Evaluate strategies and Continue to Continue to implement Continue to Continue to City Engineer, Public stormwater waste load waste load allocation in the existing BMPs and tailor implement strategies strategies and tailored implement strategies implement strategies Works Director, allocation in the TMDL, in TMDL, in lieu of developing a and/or expand BMPs and tailored and/or and/or expanded BMPs. and tailored and/or and tailored and/or stormwater Coordinator lieu of developing a Water Quality Recovery Plan, within the scope of the expanded BMPs. Include in annual expanded BMPs. expanded BMPs. Water Quality Recovery the permittee shall evaluate six minimum measures Include in annual report. Include in annual Include in annual Plan, the permittee shall strategies and tailor and/or to enhance water report. report. report. evaluate strategies and expand BMPs within the quality recovery tailor and/or expand scope of the six minimum strategies in the BMPs within the scope of measures to enhance water watershed(s) to which the six minimum quality recovery strategies in the TMDL applies. measures to enhance the watershed(s) to which Describe the strategies water quality recovery the TMDL applies. The and tailored and/or strategies in the permittee shall describe the expanded BMPs in their watershed(s) to which strategies and tailored Stormwater the TMDL applies. The and/or expanded BMPs in Management Plan and permittee shall describe their Stormwater annual reports. the strategies and Management Plan and tailored and/or expanded annual reports. BMPs in their Stormwater Management Plan and annual reports. Identify, describe and Within 12 months the None (If applicable per (If applicable per (If applicable per (If applicable per City Engineer, Public map watershed, outfalls, permittee shall prepare a Section H.2 of the Section H.2 of the Section H.2 of the Section H.2 of the Works Director, and streams plan that: NPDES MS4 Permit) NPDES MS4 Permit) NPDES MS4 Permit) NPDES MS4 Permit) Stormwater Coordinator • Identifies the watershed(s) Identify and describe Update TMDL Update TMDL Update TMDL subject to an approved the watershed(s) Watershed Plan as Watershed Plan as Watershed Plan as TMDL with an approved subject to an necessary necessary necessary Waste Load Allocation approved TMDL with (WLAs) assigned to an approved Waste Load Allocation stormwater, A-15. Stormwater Management Plan CITY OF BELMONT STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN BMP BMP Description Measurable Goals Responsible (by permit year) Position/Party 1 2 3 4 5 • Includes a description of assigned to the watershed(s), stormwater. • Includes a map of watershed(s) showing Develop a map of streams and outfalls watershed(s) showing streams and outfallsowi • Identifies the locations of currently known major Identify locations of outfalls within its currently known major corporate limits with the outfalls within potential of contributing to corporate limits with the cause(s)of the the potential of impairment to the contributing to the cause(s) of the impaired segments, to impairment their tributaries, and to the segments and tributaries Develop a schedule to within the watershed discover and locate contributing to the other major outfalls impaired segments and within its corporatelimits that may be • Includes a schedule to contributing to the discover and locate other cause(s) of the major outfalls within its impairment corporate limits that may be contributing to the cause of the impairment to the impaired stream segments, to their tributaries, and to segments and tributaries within the watershed contributing to the impaired segment Existing measures Within 24 months the None (If applicable per (If applicable per (If applicable per (If applicable per City Engineer, Public permittee's plan: Section H.2 of the Section H.2 of the Section H.2 of the Section H.2 of the Works Director, • Shall describe existing NPDES MS4 Permit) NPDES MS4 Permit) NPDES MS4 Permit) NPDES MS4 Permit) Stormwater Coordinator measures being Identify existing Continue to implement Continue to Continue to implemented by the measures within existing measures per implement existing implement existing permittee to enhance TMDL Plan TMDL plan measures per TMDL measures per TMDL water quality in the plan plan watershed to which the TMDL applies; and A-16. Stormwater Management Plan CITY OF BELMONT STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN BMP BMP Description Measurable Goals Responsible (by permit year) -- Position/Party 1 2 3 -- 4 5 . Provide an explanation as to how those measures are designed to enhance water quality. Assessment of available Within 24 months the None (If applicable per (If applicable per (If applicable per (If applicable per City Engineer, Public monitoring data permittee's plan shall include Section H.2 of the Section H.2 of the Section H.2 of the Section H.2 of the Works Director, an assessment of available NPDES MS4 Permit) NPDES MS4 Permit) NPDES MS4 Permit) NPDES MS4 Permit) Stormwater Coordinator monitoring data. Where Conduct a review and Continue to review and Continue to review Continue to review long-term data Is available, assessment of assess monitoring data and assess monitoring and assess this assessment should available monitoring as it becomes available. data as it becomes monitoring data as it Include an analysis of the data. available. becomes available. data to show trends. Monitoring Plan Within 36 months the None None (If applicable per (If applicable r pe (If applicable per City Engineer, Public permittee shall develop and Section H.2 of the Section H.2 of the Section H.2 of the Works Director, submit to the Division a NPDES MS4 Permit) NPDES MS4 Permit) NPDES MS4 Permit) Stormwater Coordinator Monitoring Plan for each Develop monitoring Complete Monitoring Complete monitoring pollutant of concern or cause plan for each TMDL activities specified in activities specified In of Impairment as specified in watershed for the the plan. Assess the plan. Assess the TMDL. The permittee TMDL pollutants of monitoring data monitoring data shall maintain and implement concern. collected under the collected under the the Monitoring Plan as monitoring plan to monitoring plan to additional outfalls are determine determine identified and as effectiveness of Water effectiveness of accumulating data may Quality Programs. Water Quality suggest. Following any Update monitoring Programs. Update review and comment by the plan as necessary monitoring plan as Division the permittee shall based on data review necessary based on incorporate any necessary and assessment data review and changes to monitoring plan activities. assessment and Initiate the plan within 6 activities. months. Modifications to the monitoring plan shall be approved by the Division. Upon request, the requirement to develop a Monitoring Plan may be waived by the Division if the existing and proposed measures are determined to be adequate to enhance water quality and reduce non -point source pollutant loading to the maximum extent practicable (MEP). A-17. Stormwater Management Plan CITY OF BELMONT STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN BMP BMP Description Measurable Goals Responsible (by permit year) Position/Party 1 2 3 4 5 Additional Measures Within 36 months the None None (If applicable per (If applicable per (If applicable per City Engineer, Public permittee's plan: Section H.2 of the Section H.2 of the Section H.2 of the Works Director, • Shall describe additional NPDES M54 Permit) NPDES M54 Permit) NPDES MS4 Permit) Stormwater Coordinator measures to be Determine additional Continue to evaluate Continue to evaluate implemented by the measures that may be and update additional and update permittee to enhance needed to achieve measures per TMDL additional measures water quality in the assigned MS4 NPDES plan, as needed. per TMDL plan, as watershed to which the regulated WLA and address TMDL pollutant needed. TMDL applies; and of concern. • Provide an explanation as to how those measures are designed to enhance water quality. Implementation plan Within 48 months the None None None (If applicable per (If applicable per City Engineer, Public permittee's plan shall: Section H.2 of the Section H.2 of the Works Director, • Describe the measures to NPDES MS4 Permit) NPDES MS4 Permit) Stormwater Coordinator be implemented within the Develop an Continue to remainder of the permit implementation plan implement additional term to enhance water for identified measures per the quality in the watershed to additional measures plan.that which the TMDL applies may be needed to achieve assigned and MS4 NPDES regulated • Identify a schedule for WLA and address completing the activities. TMDL pollutant of concern. Incremental Success The permittee's plan must None None None (If applicable per (If applicable per City Engineer, Public outline ways to track and Section H.2 of the Section H.2 of the Works Director, report successes designed to NPDES MS4 Permit) NPDES MS4 Permit) Stormwater Coordinator reduce non -point source Develop a Continue to track pollutant loading to MEP, methodology to track and report successes Successes could include and report data and per the plan. increased inspections, success for identified expanded and/or tailored additional measures BMPs within the scope of the that may be needed six minimum measures, to achieve assigned structural and non-structural MS4 NPDES regulated BMP installed and/ or WLA and address implemented, including TMDL pollutant of retrofits, and strategies concern. developed and implemented for development and redevelopment that include green infrastructure and LID practices. A-18. Stormwater Management Plan CITY OF BELMONT STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN BMP BMP Description Measurable Goals (by permit year) Responsible Position/Party 1 2 3 4 5 Reporting The permittee shall conduct None (If applicable per (If applicable per (If applicable per (If applicable per City Engineer, Public an annual assessment of the Section H.2 of the Section H.2 of the Section H.2 of the Section H.2 of the Works Director, program to enhance water NPDES MS4 Permit) NPDES MS4 Permit) NPDES MS4 Permit) NPDES MS4 Permit) Stormwater Coordinator quality in the watershed to Prepare an annual Prepare an annual Prepare an annual Prepare an annual which the TMDL applies and assessment of assessment of activities assessment of assessment of submit a report to the activities and data and data analysis for activities and data activities and data assessment to the Division. analysis for the TMDL the TMDL watershed analysis for the TMDL analysis for the Any monitoring data and watershed plan. plan. Provide this watershed plan. TMDL watershed information generated from Provide this information in the Provide this plan. Provide this the previous year are to be information in the NPDES MS4 permit information in the information in the submitted with each annual NPDES MS4 permit annual report. NPDES MS4 permit NPDES MS4 permit report. annual report. annual report annual report. A-19. Stormwater Management Plan