HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2021-02972_Well Construction - GW1_20210512 f 3 WELL CONSTRUCTION R�CO:ItD ,�` For Troerml Usc ONLY: This Conn can be used for On&cc multipk wCus 1.Well Contractor information: .0-AVAT13tZONES Zach Thompson FROM Ttt IDFSCRIptTQ %'Ot Goiilrnclor Nm w ft. fL 4478A NC Well Conlmcior Con ifxmtionNinber '15.OUTER CASING, rhreiilh'Fe4kil-''eR_ RLINTRfif-WoOlkabM.. FROM - TO DSANTETF,R TWC-K 4En MATERIAL. SARDACCO Inc 0 ft, 75- fL 2" 1in. SCH-40 PVC (:6fa sisq.Name T61A R :ASIXG ORIT 1BIP1G' '-eaW dood4on FROM TO I DIAMETER TifICRNESS MATERIAL 2,Well!Construction Permit k: ft, ft. I ilk. List all.rplrfirnhlr Teal!prrinirs 0-e-Cmrnh,:Sear.Madame-1njWdcn rlr.j R. fL tat, 3.Wert Use(cheek well use): akktW Witter Supply Well: 1110M TO PtAKF'rPlt; SUIT S1U� T`uT(%Nr-s I MATKRiAI, 04fietdtural 75' ft. 851 fL 2" in,' 0.010 SCH-40 PVC ❑Geothenmtl(Heatit%tooliilgSuppty) ❑R.esidential Water Suppb,(single) R' 17lndustrial/Conimercial OResidcmial Water Supph'(shmed) 18 CROUI FROM TO MATERML I EMPLACVMr;1TMLMl0D&Arl0lT t OlnigaWn 0 ft. 71' fL Portland Injection Non-water Supply Well: fL IL wmanitorin 1311move ' injection well: R, % O.AgniferRecharge DGrtmndnnterRcinlcdiation 19.` AND,lORA4e!' X (;f: narite" raon Tn InIATFatnt,__ t i]Aquifcr Storage find Recevcq ❑Salinity Barrier 73- ft, 85- ft. Filtered Sand2 ❑Aquifer Test 05 m 1omatcr Dmirtpgc R. ft ❑15..VeTimcnial Tcchnoloq 11$11bsid=c C'otdtal . 20.''DJtTL!I1NGL4DG faltach rid4litionii.1 ali d0f:kccwn ❑Geotltermal(Closed Loop) ❑Tracer Fmo.I To PYSCRmnoN(*bur.bRran snri»�trr n*t.Hr:1 u'C . r Under(Heatiuootins Return) ❑Other( aitder 92.1 Retnae s) ft. fL fL ft 4.Date Wel1(s)Coniplctt:d: 4/19/2021 Well ID#Mta-15 fr ft, &L Well L.Ileation: ft. tt Swannanoa Pre-Regulatory LF fL fL Y 2 2021 FkrIhy)Gvvncr Nnroc Facility iD✓r(Kapplicable) fL OIL 51 Mountain Ridge Dr., Swannanoa, NC, 28778 ft. ft. Intorn MccessiAg P1tS6ca1 A;itdress Cah•.and Zip Pori r '2L-ItF:MAtt[t5 Buncombe Bentonite Seal from 711=73, Conroy Parcel Ideniir=t;on No,(PIN) 5b,Latitude and Longitude in dcgrecs/minute0sm.nds or Vlocimal duress: 12.Certification: flt%i ell acid,one l;w7oi ;x siditelc/d) 35.595952 N -82.386142 W 4/19/2021 /nature afCen trod Wd Comractar Dale 6.IS(are)the well(/): xPermanent or ❑Temporary Br•signing this form,1 hcreJn-erriify f)!dLr file nrllfs')WUS f k-err)emuimeird by oveor&mlre kith 1,54 NCAC 02C.01(k)or l SA NCAC n2C,0200 Well Coirserrrcrfon Standards caul r)Nrr o 7.h-thin a repair to an existing well. ❑Ycc or NNo r„rrl nl fhir rrrlriYl lT;c lrervr priayirkd to thr�i+lt lrµitrr, if this!s n replrlr,fill lRrr lnV+irrf wet!cnvurnrcttrJri l�rfornxrrlr+n arld e_cpf�ln rltr n�rrMre,rjthr repeir e"dlcrA71 rmarks•.erefion or on fire bra-4-c!fthis form. 23.Site diagram or additional well details: You may use The back of this page-to provide additional well Site details or%veil 8.Number of Wells constructed: 1 construction details. You ilia),also attach additional pages if necessary. For multiple InfemkNi a Nem-ulna rmpply wr(lr ONLY trirh the mme ronstracrimi.}m Carr .=15vnif one form. SUBAIMAL INSTUCTIONS 9.Total well depth below land surface: 85 qt.) 24a. Fbr All Wells: Submit !Iris;foot Within 3(1 days of completion of well For itwerip)rwrtlrliarrt71.!rlubsfld( rvn+(C.rrma)vte-.l@;0f'a>rd2cm/4Q'1 construction to the foftowing: 10.Static water level below top of rasing: ((y,) Division of Water Ration rtes,Information Protessiug Unit, lf+rrr)ar k•vel is d&ve[r siyy;eisr"4 1617 Mail Service Ccntcr,Riticegh,NC 27699-1617 11.Bnrehole diameters 8.25. (in,) 24b.jute[iliMflon Mlb ONLY: itn addition to sending the form to Ale addtess in 24aabove. also submit a copy of this form tritbin 70 days 8f completion of Well 12.Well corictructlon method: Bored construction to it Following: (i.e.migr,rolaq.csbk.dines push ctc.1 Dlyision of Water Resour'ces,1Uadergr6imd Injection Control Program, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1636 Mail Service Cenier,Raleigh.NC 27699-1636 G 13a.Yield(gpm) Method of test: 24c-For Water Supply&lnlccthm.Wells: Also submit one cop} of this fort Within'30 days of completion of 13b.DisinfMion type: Amount: well consinaction to the county health depaitment of the cotutly n•bm r-onctnretod. FomiGW-1 Ntonln Carolina 13,1mienlofEtwimmacni and Wtita:lRewumes-Dl% ton or'RralerRlaou%M Rc+•ised.4vgusty01.1