HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW3210801_Soils/Geotechnical Report_20210804 (2)Irerracon GeoReport T&H Notes:1. Boring Map, pdf page 44. Geotechnical Engineering Report 1-85 Commerce Center Salisbury, Rowan County, North Carolina April 20, 2021 Terracon Project No. 71215021 Prepared for: NorthPoint Development Cincinnati, OH Prepared by: Terracon Consultants, Inc. Charlotte, North Carolina April 20, 2021 NorthPoint Development 4805 Montgomery Road, Suite 310 Cincinnati, OH 45212 Attn: Mr. Michael Johnston P: (614) 546-9850 E: mjohnston@northpointkc.com Re: Geotechnical Engineering Report 1-85 Commerce Center 410 Webb Road Salisbury, Rowan County, North Carolina Terracon Project No. 71215021 Dear Mr. Johnston: Irerracon GeoReport We have completed the Geotechnical Engineering services for the above referenced project. This study was performed in general accordance with Terracon Proposal No. P71215021 dated February 8, 2021. This report presents the findings of the subsurface exploration and provides geotechnical recommendations concerning earthwork and the design and construction of foundations, floor slabs, and pavements for the proposed project. We appreciate the opportunity to be of service to you on this project. If you have any questions concerning this report or if we may be of further service, please contact us. 4/20/2021 Sincerely, Y`,pisu+nrrrp�� ,f Terracon Consultants, Inc. �•�(1�CARp��., i 4�¢• Smriti Dhi i, E. I. Staff Geotechnical Professional Christopher R. Briggs, P.E. Geotechnical Department Manager e ' 0090%-) Michael R. Senior Engineer Terracon Consultants, Inc. 2701 Westport Road Charlotte, North Carolina 28208 INC License No. F-0869 P (704) 509 1777 F (704) 509 1888 terracon.com REPORT TOPICS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY................................................................................................. i INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................. 1 SITECONDITIONS.........................................................................................................1 PROJECT DESCRIPTION.............................................................................................. 2 GEOTECHNICAL CHARACTERIZATION...................................................................... 3 GEOTECHNICAL OVERVIEW....................................................................................... 5 EARTHWORK................................................................................................................. 7 SHALLOW FOUNDATIONS......................................................................................... 13 SEISMIC CONSIDERATIONS...................................................................................... 16 FLOORSLABS............................................................................................................. 16 LATERAL EARTH PRESSURES................................................................................. 18 PAVEMENTS................................................................................................................ 20 ADDITIONAL SERVICES.............................................................................................23 GENERAL COMMENTS............................................................................................... 24 FIGURES...................................................................................................................... 25 ATTACHMENTS........................................................................................................... 26 Note: This report was originally delivered in a web -based format. Orange Bold text in the report indicates a referenced section heading. The PDF version also includes hyperlinks which direct the reader to that section and clicking on the GeoReport logo will bring you back to this page. For more interactive features, please view your project online at client.terracon.com. ATTACHMENTS EXPLORATION AND TESTING PROCEDURES PHOTOGRAPHY LOG SITE LOCATION AND EXPLORATION PLANS EXPLORATION RESULTS SUPPORTING INFORMATION Note: Refer to each individual Attachment for a listing of contents. Responsive ■ Resourceful ■ Reliable Geotechnical Engineering Report 1-85 Commerce Center Salisbury, Rowan County, North Carolina April 20, 2021 Terracon Project No. 71215021 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Topic , Project Description Geotechnical Characterization Earthwork 1 rerracon GeoReport Overview Statement a The project is located at 410 Webb road in Salisbury, North Carolina. This project will include the construction of a single -story, approximately 635,000 SF industrial building, four stormwater ponds, surface parking and access drives. As part of our geotechnical exploration, twenty-nine borings, designated B-01 through B-29, performed to depths of approximately 10 to 50 feet below the existing ground surface at the project site. High plasticity soils (fat clays and elastic silts) were observed in all of our borings but B-20 and extended to depths of ranging from approximately 3 to 20 feet below existing site grades. These soils are moisture sensitive and may be difficult to work with. Shallow groundwater was encountered in a majority of borings during their 24 hour groundwater measurements. Additional testing such as installation of Piezometers is recommended to further analyze the groundwater levels across the site. Based on the results of our exploration and the 2018 North Carolina State Building Code (NCSBC), the seismic site classification for this site is D. The high plasticity soils encountered may be difficult to work with as they can be very moisture -sensitive. High -plasticity soils may be considered for structural fill at depths greater than 3 feet from proposed finished building and pavement elevations; however, are generally not suitable for reuse in structural areas in the upper 3 feet. Based on our laboratory results, and our experience with soils in this area, some of the soils appear wetter than optimum moisture and may require drying and scarification in order to reach optimum compaction. Further details and recommendations are included herein. Shallow groundwater was encountered in a majority of borings during their 24 hour groundwater measurements. Dewatering measures should be anticipated during construction in some areas of the site and temporary excavations should be opened for a minimal length of time. Permanent dewatering systems may be required depending on the finished Responsive ■ Resourceful ■ Reliable Geotechnical Engineering Report lrerracon 1-85 Commerce Center Salisbury, Rowan County, North Carolina April 20, 2021 Terracon Project No. 71215021 GeORepOrt Topic Overview Statement 2 Shallow Foundations Pavements grades and groundwater table. Additional testing such as installation of Piezometers is recommended to further analyze the groundwater levels across the site. Based on the current topography and the proposed grades, cuts and fills of greater than 10 feet may be required to achieve final grades. To reduce potential of excessive total and/or differential settlements in these areas, we recommend settlement monitoring performed in any locations with fill greater than 10 feet. The residual soils may be excavated with conventional construction equipment, such as bulldozers, backhoes, and trackhoes. Existing buildings, barns, stone piles, and debris stockpiles are present at the site and will likely be demolished as part of the construction process. Underground features, such as buried foundations, utilities and debris, should be anticipated to be encountered during demolition and site clearing. Photographs of debris shown in Photography Log. It is recommended that if an existing drainage feature will be impacted by construction, the applicable drainage feature should have a subdrain installed to reduce the potential for subsurface water to build up over time The proposed buildings may be supported on conventional shallow and spread foundations with an allowable bearing pressure of 2,500 psf with proper under slab drainage as recommended herein. Maximum settlements of less than 1-inch total and differential settlements: less than about 2/3 of total settlement are anticipated. Depending on the final grades, additional considerations may be needed due to the potential of groundwater near the foundation/slab elevations. An underslab drainage system may be considered to reduce the potential for subsurface water to build up over time. With subgrade prepared as noted in tarinwor. Asphalt: 3 inches Asphaltic Concrete (AC) surface course over 6 inches crushed stone in passenger car parking / light traffic areas Responsive ■ Resourceful ■ Reliable Geotechnical Engineering Report lrerracon 1-85 Commerce Center Salisbury, Rowan County, North Carolina April 20, 2021 Terracon Project No. 71215021 GeOReport Topic 1 Overview Statement 2 2 inches AC surface course and 3 inches of AC binder course over 8 inches granular base in main drive and truck access / heavy traffic areas Additional consideration for lime modification has been considered in our pavement analysis. Concrete: 6 inches Portland Cement Concrete (PCC) in passenger car parking / light traffic areas 8 inches PCC in main drive and truck access / heavy traffic areas ■ Concrete should be placed over at least 4 to 6 inches of crushed stone. General Comments This section contains important information about the limitations of this geotechnical engineering report. If the reader is reviewing this report as a pdf, the topics above can be used to access the appropriate section of the report by simply clicking on the topic itself. This summary is for convenience only. It should be used in conjunction with the entire report for design purposes. Responsive ■ Resourceful ■ Reliable 1 rerracon GeoReport Geotechnical Engineering Report 1-85 Commerce Center 410 Webb Road Salisbury, Rowan County, North Carolina Terracon Project No. 71215021 April 20, 2021 INTRODUCTION This report presents the results of our subsurface exploration and geotechnical engineering services performed for the proposed single -story structure to be located at 410 Webb Road in Salisbury, Rowan County, North Carolina. The purpose of these services is to provide information and geotechnical engineering recommendations relative to: Subsurface soil conditions Groundwater conditions Site preparation and earthwork Settlement due to fill Dewatering considerations Excavation considerations Foundation design and construction Floor slab design and construction Seismic site classification per NCSBC Lateral earth pressures Stormwater pond considerations Pavement design and construction The geotechnical engineering Scope of Services for this project included the advancement of twenty-nine test borings to depths ranging from approximately 10 to 50 feet below existing site grades. Maps showing the site and boring locations are shown in the Site Location and Exploration Plai , respectively. The results of the laboratory testing performed on soil samples obtained from the site during the field exploration are included on the boring logs in the Exploration Results section. SITE CONDITIONS The following description of site conditions is derived from our site visit in association with the field exploration and our review of publicly available geologic and topographic maps. Item Description The project is located at 410 Webb Road in Salisbury, Rowan County, North Location Information Carolina. The site is approximately 14.5 acres, and is located at approximate Latitude 35.60211 ° N and Longitude 80.53882' W Responsive ■ Resourceful ■ Reliable Geotechnical Engineering Report lrerracon 1-85 Commerce Center Salisbury, Rowan County, North Carolina April 20, 2021 Terracon Project No. 71215021 GeoReport Item Description Existing The site is mostly undeveloped and wooded. A single -story structure is Improvements located on the northwestern portion of the site. There are piles of debris on the northeast of the property. Current Ground Cover Moderately to heavily wooded and grass The site varies in elevation between approximately 759 feet along the Existing Topography (from Google Earth) southeastern border to an elevation is approximately 803 feet along the northwestern border. Geology Piedmont Physiographic Region. See Geology. We also collected photographs at the time of our field exploration program. Representative photos are provided in our I1ULUVIaNiiy L-vy. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Our initial understanding of the project was provided in our proposal and was discussed during project planning. A period of collaboration has transpired since the project was initiated, and our final understanding of the project conditions is as follows: Item Information Provided Description ■ "Concept Site Plan B1 — 1-85 Commerce Center (Rowan County, INC)" by NorthPoint Development dated 01/18/2021. The overall project will include the development of a 635,000 SF industrial Project Description building, four stormwater ponds, surface parking and access drives. The structure will be tilt -panel construction with slab -on -grade (non - Proposed Structure basement). Concrete Tilt -Panel Building Construction Slab -on -grade Finished Floor Elevation 774 feet ■ Columns: 250 kips Maximum Loads ■ Walls: 3 to 5 kips per linear foot (klf) (Assumed) Slabs: 250 pounds per square foot (psf) Finished floor elevation is expected to be at 774 feet, MSL. Up to 20 feet of cut and fill will be required to develop final grade. Grading/Slopes Final slope angles of as steep as 3H:1V (Horizontal: Vertical) are expected. Loading dock walls are anticipated. No other below grade structures are Below -Grade Structures anticipated. Free -Standing Retaining Retaining walls are not expected to be constructed as part of site Walls development to achieve final grades. Responsive ■ Resourceful ■ Reliah', Geotechnical Engineering Report lrerracon 1-85 Commerce Center Salisbury, Rowan County, North Carolina April 20, 2021 Terracon Project No. 71215021 GeORepOrt Item Description We assume both rigid (concrete) and flexible (asphalt) pavement sections should be considered. Please confirm this assumption. Anticipated traffic is as follows: Pavements Autos/light trucks: 1,000 vehicles per day ■ Light delivery and trash collection vehicles: 10 vehicles per day ■ Tractor -trailer trucks: 50 vehicles per day The pavement design period is 20 years. GEOTECHNICAL CHARACTERIZATION Geology The project site is located in the Piedmont Physiographic Province, an area underlain by ancient igneous and metamorphic rocks. The residual soils in this area are the product of in -place chemical weathering of rock. The typical residual soil profile consists of clayey/ elastic soils near the surface where soil weathering is more advanced, underlain by sandy silts and silty sands that generally become harder with depth to the top of parent bedrock. Alluvial soils are typically present within floodplain areas along creeks and rivers in the Piedmont. According to the 1985 Geologic Map of North Carolina, the site is within the Charlotte Belt. The bedrock underlying the site generally consists of metavolcanics, interbedded felsic to mafic tuffs. The boundary between soil and rock in the Piedmont is not sharply defined. A transitional zone termed "partially weathered rock" is normally found overlying the parent bedrock. Partially weathered rock (PWR) is defined for engineering purposes as residual material with a standard penetration test resistance exceeding 100 blows per foot. The transition between hard/dense residual soils and partially weathered rock occurs at irregular depths due to variations in degree of weathering. Groundwater is typically present in fractures within the partially weathered rock or underlying bedrock in upland areas of the Piedmont. Fluctuations in groundwater levels on the order of 2 to 4 feet are typical in residual soils and partially weathered rock in the Piedmont, depending on variations in precipitation, evaporation, and surface water runoff. Seasonal high groundwater levels are expected to occur during or just after the typically cooler months of the year (November through April). Subsurface Profile We have developed a general characterization of the subsurface conditions based upon our review of the subsurface exploration, laboratory data, geologic setting and our understanding of the project. This characterization, termed GeoModel, forms the basis of our geotechnical calculations and evaluation of site preparation and foundation options. Conditions encountered at Responsive ■ Resourceful ■ Reliable Geotechnical Engineering Report lrerracon 1-85 Commerce Center Salisbury, Rowan County, North Carolina April 20, 2021 Terracon Project No. 71215021 GeoReport each exploration point are indicated on the individual logs. The individual logs can be found in the -xploration Result section and the GeoModel can be found in the vu, section of this report. As part of our analyses, we identified the following model layers within the subsurface profile. For a more detailed view of the model layer depths at each boring location, refer to the GeoModel. Model Layer Name Layer 1 Surficial Material 2 High Plasticity Residual Soil 3 Low Plasticity Residual Soil 4 Partially Weathered Rock (PWR) Groundwater Conditions General Description Topsoil Elastic SILT and Fat CLAY with varying amount of Sand SILT and Lean CLAY with varying amounts of Sand and Silty SAND Sampled as Silty SAND The boreholes were observed while drilling and after completion for the presence and level of groundwater. In addition, delayed water levels were also obtained in some borings. The water levels observed in the boreholes can be found on the boring logs in Exploration Results, and are summarized in the following table: Boring Number Approximate Boring Elevation (feet) 796 Approximate Depth to Groundwater (feet) 8 11 2 Approximate Elevation of Groundwater (feet) 788 B-01 B-02 793 782 B-03 780 778 B-04 774 3 771 B-05 771 3.5 767.5 B-06 771 21 750 B-07 773 18 755 B-08 793 3 790 B-09 788 3 785 B-10 779 5 774 B-11 774 2 772 B-12 770 3.5 766.5 Responsive ■ Resourceful ■ Reliable 4 Geotechnical Engineering Report lrerracon 1-85 Commerce Center Salisbury, Rowan County, North Carolina April 20, 2021 Terracon Project No. 71215021 GeORepOrt Approximate Boring Boring Number Elevation (feet) B-13 767 B-15 789 Approximate Depth to Groundwater (feet) " z 18.5 Approximate Elevation of Groundwater (feet) 748.5 787.5 1.5 2 23.5 At Ground Surface 8.5 3.5 B-16 783 781 B-17 777 753.5 B-18 772 772 B-19 770 761.5 B-20 767 763.5 B-21 764 8 756 B-22 798 2.5 795.5 B-26 766 17 749 B-27 765 12.5 752.5 B-28 770 4 766 B-29 784 12.5 771.5 1. Below ground surface 2. Shallowest Groundwater Encountered Shallow groundwater was observed in most of the borings during 24-hour groundwater measurement. In order to further evaluate the groundwater levels, piezometers are recommended to be installed in the area. Groundwater level fluctuations occur due to seasonal variations in the amount of rainfall, runoff and other factors not evident at the time the borings were performed. Therefore, groundwater levels during construction or at other times in the life of the structure may be higher or lower than the levels indicated on the boring logs. The possibility of groundwater level fluctuations should be considered when developing the design and construction plans for the project. GEOTECHNICAL OVERVIEW Site preparation should begin with the demolition of the existing structures/pavements and debris removal. As part of the demolition, buried utilities and/or concrete foundations should also be removed. Existing utilities that are to be abandoned should be removed or filled with grout. The excavations resulting from foundation and utility removal should be properly backfilled with compacted structural fill as described in the following subsections. Responsive ■ Resourceful ■ Reliable Geotechnical Engineering Report lrerracon 1-85 Commerce Center Salisbury, Rowan County, North Carolina April 20, 2021 Terracon Project No. 71215021 GeORepOrt Near -surface high elasticity soils (MH/CH materials) were identified in the majority of the borings. Elastic silts and/or plastic clays were observed in each of the boring locations and extending to depths ranging approximately 3 to 20 feet below the existing surface. These soils can be moisture sensitive and difficult to work. If high plasticity/elasticity soils (ILL >_ 50 or PI >_ 30) are present at proposed subgrade elevations outside of the building footprints and appear stable when prepared in accordance with the recommendations herein, they may be acceptable to be left in place. If they do not appear stable, or are encountered within building footprints, we recommend they are undercut at least 3 feet below proposed foundation, pavement or slab subgrade elevations. High plasticity/elasticity soils should not be used as structural fill within three feet of proposed grades beneath structures/pavements. They may also be used as fill beneath non-structural areas, such as planters and green spaces. We recommend that the contractor be requested to submit a unit rate cost for removal (undercutting) and replacement as part of the bidding process. Additional details are provided herein. An alternative to the removal and replacement of high plasticity/elasticity soils is stabilization with lime or cement. The stabilization process alters the chemical characteristics of soil and produces a usable material. This alternative would generally entail the undercutting of high elasticity soils and thoroughly mixing the undercut soils with lime or cement. Once the soil has been properly mixed with an appropriate percentage of lime or cement, the soil can be reused as structural fill. Additional laboratory work may be required to determine the appropriate percentage of lime or cement to apply. Based on the results of our laboratory testing, several of the soils encountered may be wetter than optimum moisture content. Reusing these soils as structural fill will likely require drying to reach optimum moisture and may lead to significant delays during construction. Remediation options may include removal and replacement, scarifying and drying, mixing with dryer soil, and lime/cement treatment. Based on the current topography and the assumed grades, cuts and fills of greater than 20 feet may be required to achieve final grades. To reduce potential of excessive total and/or differential settlements in these areas, we recommend settlement monitoring performed in any locations with fill greater than 10 feet. Shallow groundwater was observed in a majority of the borings during delayed groundwater measurement. Dewatering measures should be anticipated during construction in some areas of the site and temporary excavations should be opened for a minimal length of time. Permanent dewatering systems may be required depending on the finished grades and groundwater table. Additional testing such as installation of Piezometers is recommended to further analyze the groundwater levels across the site. Based on the results of our subsurface exploration, proposed single -story structure may be supported on conventional spread and strip footings with underslab drainage with a net allowable bearing pressure of 2,500 psf. Further details and recommendations are provided herein. Responsive ■ Resourceful ■ Reliah' Geotechnical Engineering Report lrerracon 1-85 Commerce Center Salisbury, Rowan County, North Carolina April 20, 2021 Terracon Project No. 71215021 GeORepOrt Residual soils may be excavated with conventional construction equipment, such as bulldozers, backhoes, and trackhoes. It is recommended that if an existing drainage feature will be impacted by construction, the applicable drainage feature should have a subdrain installed to reduce the potential for subsurface water to build up overtime. Based on the results of our field testing and the 2018 North Carolina State Building Code (NCSBC), the seismic classification is D. The General Comme, section provides an understanding of the report limitations. EARTHWORK Earthwork is anticipated to include clearing and grubbing, excavations, and fill placement. The following sections provide recommendations for use in the preparation of specifications for the work. Recommendations include critical quality criteria, as necessary, to render the site in the state considered in our geotechnical engineering evaluation for foundations, floor slabs, and pavements. Site Preparation Site preparation should begin with the demolition of the existing structures/pavements and debris removal. Photos of the existing structure and debris can be viewed in iotoaraphy Logs As part of the demolition, buried utilities and/or concrete foundations should also be removed. Existing utilities that are to be abandoned should be removed or filled with grout. The excavations resulting from foundation and utility removal should be properly backfilled with compacted structural fill as described in the following subsections. Utilities that are to remain in service should be accurately located horizontally and vertically to minimize conflict with new foundation construction. Existing vegetation, topsoil, and any otherwise unsuitable material should be removed from the construction areas prior to placing fill. Stripped materials consisting of vegetation and organic materials should be wasted off site or used to vegetate landscaped areas or exposed slopes after completion of grading operations. The exposed subgrade soils should be proofrolled to detect soft or loose soils and identify unsuitable or poorly compacted fill. Proofrolling should be performed with a fully -loaded, tandem -axle dump truck or similar pneumatic -tired construction equipment. A Terracon representative should observe this operation to aid in delineating unstable soil areas. Proofrolling should be performed after a suitable period of dry weather to avoid degrading an otherwise acceptable subgrade. Soils which continue to rut or deflect excessively under the proofrolling operations should be remediated as recommended by the geotechnical engineer. Responsive ■ Resourceful ■ Reliable Geotechnical Engineering Report lrerracon 1-85 Commerce Center Salisbury, Rowan County, North Carolina April 20, 2021 Terracon Project No. 71215021 GeORepOrt Based on the results of our laboratory tests and visual classifications, high plasticity/elasticity soils were encountered in the majority of our borings. High plasticity/elasticity soils can be moisture sensitive, difficult to work, and should not be used as structural fill. These difficulties can include softening of exposed subgrade soils, excessive rutting or deflection under construction traffic, and the inability to adequately dry and compact wet soil. If subgrade soils are unsuitable, they will require removal and replacement; however, if they are unstable due to excessive moisture, the most economical solution for remediation may be to scarify, dry and recompact the material. This remediation is most effective during the typically hotter months of the year (May to October). If construction is performed during the cooler period of the year, the timeline for scarifying, drying, and recompacting typically increases considerably and may lead to alternative remediation solutions. These solutions can include overexcavation of some or all of the unstable material to be backfilled with either approved structural fill or geotextile and ABC Stone. Potential undercutting can be reduced if the site preparation work is performed during a period of dry weather and if construction traffic is kept to a minimum on prepared subgrades. We recommend that the contractor submit a unit rate cost for undercutting as part of the bidding process. An alternative to the removal and replacement of high plasticity/elasticity soils is stabilization with lime or cement. The stabilization process alters the chemical characteristics of soil and produces a usable material. This alternative would generally entail the undercutting of high plasticity/elasticity soils and thoroughly mixing the undercut soils with lime or cement. Once the soil has been properly mixed with an appropriate percentage of lime or cement, the soil can be reused as structural fill. Additional laboratory work may be required to determine the appropriate percentage of lime or cement to apply. Fill Material Types Earthen materials used for structural fill should meet the following material property requirements. Soil Type 1 USCS Classification Acceptable Location for Placement ML, CL, SC, SM Imported Low Plasticity Soils (ILL < 50 & PI < 20 with a minimum 15% passing No. 200 sieve) On -Site Low Plasticity Soils ML, CL, SM (ILL < 50 & PI < 30) On -Site High Plasticity Soils CH, MH (ILL >_ 50 or PI >_ 30) All locations and elevations. All locations and elevations. Non-structural areas and greater than 3 feet below foundations, slab -on -grades, or pavements. Structural fill should consist of approved materials free of organic matter and debris. Frozen material should not be used, and fill should not be placed on a frozen subgrade. A sample of each material type should be submitted to the Geotechnical Engineer for evaluation prior to use on this site. Responsive ■ Resourceful ■ Reliable Geotechnical Engineering Report lrerracon 1-85 Commerce Center Salisbury, Rowan County, North Carolina April 20, 2021 Terracon Project No. 71215021 GeORepOrt Fill Compaction Requirements Structural fill should meet the following compaction requirements. Item I Description 8 inches or less in loose thickness when heavy, self-propelled Maximum Lift Thickness compaction equipment is used. 4 to 6 inches in loose thickness when hand -guided equipment (i.e. jumping ack or plate compactor) is used. Minimum 95% of the material's maximum standard Proctor dry density Minimum Compaction (ASTM D 698). Requirements The upper 12 inches of subgrade in pavement areas should be compacted to at least 100% of the materials maximum standard Proctor dry density (ASTM D 698). Water Content Range Within 3% of optimum moisture content Maximum density and optimum water content as determined by the standard Proctor test (ASTM D 698). High plasticity cohesive fill should not be compacted to more than 100 percent of standard Proctor maximum dry density. If the granular material is a coarse sand or gravel, or of a uniform size, or has a low fines content, compaction comparison to relative density may be more appropriate. In this case, granular materials should be compacted to at least 70% relative density (ASTM D 4253 and D 4254). Summary of Settlements Due to Fill Based on provided grading information, up to approximately 15 to 20 feet of fill will be placed within portions of the proposed building and pavement areas. Based on the subsurface conditions encountered in the borings, and the results of our laboratory testing and analyses, we estimate that total settlements on the order of about 2 to 3 inches will occur due to the weight of the new fill soils within the proposed building and pavement areas. It is anticipated that the settlement due to new fill soils within the proposed building and pavement areas will occur over a period of about 1'/2 to 4 months; however, settlement rates and magnitudes for the proposed fill areas will depend on the amount of fill placed, the subsurface conditions, compactive effort (density) of the fill material, and moisture content of the fill material. Additional testing such as consolidation testing is recommended to further analyze the rate of settlement due to the new fill. Additional, long-term settlements (e.g., secondary consolidation) that may occur beyond 4 months are anticipated to be minimal (less than '/4 inch). Secondary consolidation is the compression of the soil that takes place after primary consolidation has occurred. This compression can be caused by reorganization/deformation of soil particles (creep), the readjustment of pore pressures within clay layers, or compression of organic matter under constant stress, and can take a very long time to occur. If the estimated magnitude of these secondary settlements is considered excessive, the Responsive ■ Resourceful ■ Reliable Geotechnical Engineering Report lrerracon 1-85 Commerce Center Salisbury, Rowan County, North Carolina April 20, 2021 Terracon Project No. 71215021 GeORepOrt potential for these long-term, additional settlements should be accounted for in the design of the proposed buildings. Based on the anticipated settlements of the existing soils due to newly placed fill soils, we recommend that areas that are to receive 10 feet or more of new engineered fill be monitored for settlement and construction of any settlement -sensitive improvements (e.g., pavements, curb and gutters, etc.) be delayed until anticipated settlements have substantially ceased. This program will allow the underlying soils to settle under the loads of the proposed fill soils prior to construction. Settlement monuments should be constructed to monitor the rates and magnitudes of settlement. To adequately monitor the fill settlement, we recommend that a minimum of one settlement plate per 10,000-square foot area of new fill be installed across the portions of the site where proposed new fill soils are to be 5 feet or more in height. Plates should be installed in the deepest area of fill in each 10,000-square foot area. The plates should consist of square steel plates (2 feet by 2 feet by '/4-inch thick) buried at the top of the existing ground surface following clearing and grubbing operations and prior to fill placement. A riser pipe (1.5- to 2-inch diameter) should be attached to the plate and extended to above the top of the fill. At completion of fill placement, we recommend placing survey points on top of the areas of deepest fill heights to also monitor the settlement of the fill under its own weight. The settlement plates and points should be read by the project surveyor weekly. The data should be forwarded to Terracon for review and additional recommendations, if necessary. Once it is established that the rate of fill settlement is approaching zero, final grading can be performed and construction of the settlement sensitive features (e.g. foundations, curb and gutter, etc.) can commence. Typical settlement hub installation and monitoring procedures have been included in the Supporting Informatioi Utility Trench Backfill For low permeability subgrades, utility trenches are a common source of water infiltration and migration. Utility trenches penetrating beneath the building should be effectively sealed to restrict water intrusion and flow through the trenches, which could migrate below the building. The trench should provide an effective trench plug that extends at least 5 feet from the face of the building exterior. The plug material should consist of cementitious flowable fill or low permeability clay. The trench plug material should be placed to surround the utility line. If used, the clay trench plug material should be placed and compacted to comply with the water content and compaction recommendations for structural fill stated previously in this report. Stormwater Pond Construction Typical BMP construction practices should be followed for design and construction of the stormwater ponds. Due to the shallow groundwater table stormwater ponds may have difficult excavations. Temporarily dewatering will likely be required during the excavations of the stormwater ponds. Spillway structures and pipes should be founded on firm residual soils to minimize the potential for differential settlement. Emergency spillways should be Responsive ■ Resourceful ■ Reliah' Geotechnical Engineering Report lrerracon 1-85 Commerce Center Salisbury, Rowan County, North Carolina April 20, 2021 Terracon Project No. 71215021 GeORepOrt constructed in residual soils whenever possible due to the erosive nature of flowing water over structural fill. Geotextile filter fabric should be placed beneath any rock riprap to minimize the potential for loss of soils through the riprap due to water movement. Due to the high probability of sandy soils at the bottom of each pond locations, clay liners will likely be required to prevent excessive seepage and to meet local stormwater pond permeability requirements. The elastic silts and clays encountered across the upper portions of the site should be utilized for pond embankment construction and pond liners as necessary. Plastic clays and elastic silts utilized as seepage cutoff and/or embankment core material may minimize long-term seepage problems for ponds with this configuration. Grading and Drainage All grades must provide effective drainage away from the building during and after construction and should be maintained throughout the life of the structure. Water retained next to the building can result in soil movements greater than those discussed in this report. Greater movements can result in unacceptable differential floor slab and/or foundation movements, cracked slabs and walls, and roof leaks. The roof should have gutters/drains with downspouts that discharge onto splash blocks at a distance of at least 10 feet from the building. Exposed ground should be sloped and maintained at a minimum 5% away from the building for at least 10 feet beyond the perimeter of the building. Locally, flatter grades may be necessary to transition ADA access requirements for flatwork. After building construction and landscaping have been completed, final grades should be verified to document effective drainage has been achieved. Grades around the structure should also be periodically inspected and adjusted, as necessary, as part of the structure's maintenance program. Where paving or flatwork abuts the structure, a maintenance program should be established to effectively seal and maintain joints and prevent surface water infiltration. Subdrains There appear to be existing natural drainage features across the site. It is recommended that if a drainage feature will be impacted by construction, the applicable drainage feature should have a subdrain installed to reduce the potential for subsurface water to build up over time. The subdrains should consist of 4-inch perforated PVC pipes surrounded by at least 12 inches NCDOT No. 57 stone and wrapped in a geotextile filter fabric (Mirafi 140N, or equivalent). The subdrains should be installed after the areas have been stripped and prior to placing any fill soils. Each subdrain should extend from the high end of the drainage feature and run following the center of the feature and terminate once out of the proposed building and pavement footprint. At that point, the subdrain should be connected to a solid pipe and suitable outlet. Care should be taken during fill placement and excavations for utilities and foundations to avoid damage to the subdrain systems. Responsive ■ Resourceful ■ Reliah' Geotechnical Engineering Report lrerracon 1-85 Commerce Center Salisbury, Rowan County, North Carolina April 20, 2021 Terracon Project No. 71215021 GeORepOrt Groundwater Considerations Groundwater was encountered in several of the borings at depths ranging from at the existing ground surface to approximately 23.5 feet below grade. Additionally, water may be encountered in areas between our boring locations. As such, appropriate dewatering measures may become necessary during construction and the excavation should be opened for a minimal length of time. Additionally, depending on the additional groundwater investigation, permanent dewatering measures may be required for the site. If groundwater is encountered in excavations during construction, a temporary dewatering system that has performed adequately on previous projects consist of sump pumps. Pumping from sumps should be maintained until the foundations are properly installed. If sump pumps are not able to adequately remove the water and keep the site dry for construction operations, conventional dewatering with drilled wells may be required; however, it is the contractors responsibility to assess the proper means and methods for dewatering the excavation, and to select an appropriate method to adequately dewater the excavation during construction, where necessary. Depending on the final grades for the building/pavements, additional considerations may be needed due to the potential of groundwater near the foundation/slab elevations. An underslab drainage system may be considered to reduce the potential for subsurface water to build up over time. The underslab drains should consist of 4-inch perforated PVC pipes surrounded by at least 12 inches NCDOT No. 57 stone and wrapped in a geotextile filter fabric (Mirafi 140N, or equivalent). The underslab drains should extend beneath the entire perimeter of the building, as well as beneath any floor slabs and footings that will be constructed below the water table. The system of underslab drains should be connected to a solid pipe and suitable outlet to remove the groundwater from the site. If there is no suitable gravity -fed outlet on site, a system of permanent sump pumps may be required to remove groundwater collecting in the underslab drains and allow it to drain from the site. Earthwork Construction Considerations Shallow excavations for the proposed structure are anticipated to be accomplished with conventional construction equipment. Upon completion of filling and grading, care should be taken to maintain the subgrade water content prior to construction of floor slabs. Construction traffic over the completed subgrades should be avoided. The site should also be graded to prevent ponding of surface water on the prepared subgrades or in excavations. Water collecting over or adjacent to construction areas should be removed. If the subgrade freezes, desiccates, saturates, or is disturbed, the affected material should be removed, or the materials should be scarified, moisture conditioned, and recompacted prior to floor slab construction. The residual and fill soils encountered at the boring locations may be excavated with conventional construction equipment such as bulldozers, backhoes, and trackhoes. The groundwater table could affect overexcavation efforts, especially for over -excavation and replacement of lower strength Responsive ■ Resourceful ■ Reliah' Geotechnical Engineering Report lrerracon 1-85 Commerce Center Salisbury, Rowan County, North Carolina April 20, 2021 Terracon Project No. 71215021 GeORepOrt soils. A temporary dewatering system consisting of sumps with pumps could be necessary to achieve the recommended depth of over -excavation. As a minimum, excavations should be performed in accordance with OSHA 29 CFR, Part 1926, Subpart P, "Excavations" and its appendices, and in accordance with any applicable local, and/or state regulations. Construction site safety is the sole responsibility of the contractor who controls the means, methods, and sequencing of construction operations. Under no circumstances shall the information provided herein be interpreted to mean Terracon is assuming responsibility for construction site safety, or the contractor's activities; such responsibility shall neither be implied nor inferred. Construction Observation and Testing The earthwork efforts should be monitored under the direction of the Geotechnical Engineer. Monitoring should include documentation of adequate removal of vegetation and topsoil, proofrolling, and mitigation of areas delineated by the proofroll to require mitigation. Each lift of compacted fill should be tested, evaluated, and reworked, as necessary, until approved by the Geotechnical Engineer prior to placement of additional lifts. Each lift of fill should be adequately tested for density and water content at a frequency under the direction of the Geotechnical Engineer. In areas of foundation excavations, the bearing subgrade should be evaluated under the direction of the Geotechnical Engineer. If unanticipated conditions are encountered, the Geotechnical Engineer should prescribe mitigation options. In addition to the documentation of the essential parameters necessary for construction, the continuation of the Geotechnical Engineer into the construction phase of the project provides the continuity to maintain the Geotechnical Engineer's evaluation of subsurface conditions, including assessing variations and associated design changes SHALLOW FOUNDATIONS If the site has been prepared in accordance with the requirements noted in Earthwork, the following design parameters are applicable for shallow foundations. Design Parameters — Compressive Loads Item Maximum Net Allowable Bearing pressure Required Bearing Stratum Minimum Foundation Dimensions Description 2,500 psf Structural fill or in -situ residual soils Columns: 24 inches Continuous:18 inches Responsive ■ Resourceful ■ Reliah', 13 Geotechnical Engineering Report 1-85 Commerce Center Salisbury, Rowan County, North Carolina April 20, 2021 Terracon Project No. 71215021 Item Minimum Embedment below 1 rerracon GeoReport Description Exterior footings: 18 inches Finished Grade Interior footings: 12 inches Estimated Total Settlement from Structural Loads 2 Less than about 1 inch Estimated Differential Settlement 2 About 2/3 of total settlement 1. The maximum net allowable bearing pressure is the pressure in excess of the minimum surrounding overburden pressure at the footing base elevation. An appropriate factor of safety has been applied. These bearing pressures can be increased by 1/3 for transient loads unless those loads have been factored to account for transient conditions. Values assume that exterior grades are no steeper than 20% within 10 feet of structure. Values provided are for maximum loads noted in-rujuut Description. Unsuitable or soft soils should be over -excavated and replaced per the recommendations presented in Earthwor . Embedment necessary to minimize the effects of frost and/or seasonal water content variations. For sloping ground, maintain depth below the lowest adjacent exterior grade within 5 horizontal feet of the structure. Differential settlements are as measured over a span of 50 feet. Design Parameters - Uplift Loads Uplift resistance of spread footings can be developed from the effective weight of the footing and the overlying soils. As illustrated on the subsequent figure, the effective weight of the soil prism defined by diagonal planes extending up from the top of the perimeter of the foundation to the ground surface at an angle, 0, of 20 degrees from the vertical can be included in uplift resistance. The maximum allowable uplift capacity should be taken as a sum of the effective weight of soil plus the dead weight of the foundation, divided by an appropriate factor of safety. A maximum total unit weight of 100 pcf should be used for the backfill. This unit weight should be reduced to 40 pcf for portions of the backfill or natural soils below the groundwater elevation. Responsive ■ Resourceful ■ Reliable Geotechnical Engineering Report lrerracon 1-85 Commerce Center Salisbury, Rowan County, North Carolina April 20, 2021 Terracon Project No. 71215021 GeORepOrt Foundation Construction Considerations As noted in 'arthworl', the footing excavations should be evaluated under the direction of the Geotechnical Engineer. The base of all foundation excavations should be free of water and loose soil, prior to placing concrete. Concrete should be placed soon after excavating to reduce bearing soil disturbance. Care should be taken to prevent wetting or drying of the bearing materials during construction. Excessively wet or dry material or any loose/disturbed material in the bottom of the footing excavations should be removed/reconditioned before foundation concrete is placed. If unsuitable bearing soils are encountered at the base of the planned footing excavation, the excavation should be extended deeper to suitable soils, and the footings could bear directly on these soils at the lower level or on lean concrete backfill placed in the excavations. This is illustrated on the sketch below. DESfG FOOTI RECC EXCA LEAN CONCRETE BACKFILL NOTE: EXCAVATIONS ARE SHOWN VERTICAL: HOWEVER, THE SIDEWALLS SHOULD BE SLOPED AS NECESSARY FOR SAFETY Over -excavation for structural fill placement below footings should be conducted as shown below. The over -excavation should be backfilled up to the footing base elevation, with structural fill placed, as recommended in the ='arthwoi section. Responsive ■ Resourceful ■ Reliable Geotechnical Engineering Report 1-85 Commerce Center Salisbury, Rowan County, North Carolina April 20, 2021 Terracon Project No. 71215021 IJESIC FOOT RECO EXCAI OVER -EXCAVATION / BACKFILL ZONE NOTE: EXCAVATIONS ARE SHOWN VERTICAL; HOWEVER, THE SIDEWALLS SHOULD BE SLOPED AS NECESSARY FOR SAFETY SEISMIC CONSIDERATIONS 1 rerracon GeoReport The seismic design requirements for buildings and other structures are based on Seismic Design Category. Site Classification is required to determine the Seismic Design Category for a structure. The Site Classification is based on the upper 100 feet of the site profile defined by a weighted average value of either shear wave velocity, standard penetration resistance, or undrained shear strength in accordance with Section 20 of ASCE 7. Description 2018 North Carolina State Building Code (NCSBC) ' Value DZ Seismic site classification in general accordance with the 2018 NCSBC, which refers to ASCE 7. The 2018 NCSBC uses a site profile extending to a depth of 100 feet for seismic site classification. Borings at this site were extended to a maximum depth of 50 feet. The site properties below the boring depth to 100 feet were estimated based on our experience and knowledge of geologic conditions of the general area. Design parameters for floor slabs assume the requirements for Earthwor have been followed. Specific attention should be given to positive drainage away from the structure and positive drainage of the aggregate base beneath the floor slab. Responsive ■ Resourceful ■ Reliable Geotechnical Engineering Report lrerracon 1-85 Commerce Center Salisbury, Rowan County, North Carolina April 20, 2021 Terracon Project No. 71215021 GeORepOrt Floor Slab Design Parameters Item Description Suitable existing soils or new structural fill compacted in accordance with Floor Slab Support Earthwork section of this report. Estimated Modulus of Subgrade Reaction 100 pounds per square inch per inch (psi/in) for point loads Aggregate base Minimum 4 inches of free -draining granular material (less than 5% passing course/capillary break 3'4 the U.S. No. 200 sieve) Floor slabs should be structurally independent of building footings or walls to reduce the possibility of floor slab cracking caused by differential movements between the slab and foundation. Modulus of subgrade reaction is an estimated value based upon our experience with the subgrade condition, the requirements noted in Earthw& , and the floor slab support as noted in this table. It is provided for point loads. For large area loads the modulus of subgrade reaction would be lower. Free -draining granular material should have less than 5% fines (material passing the No. 200 sieve). Other design considerations such as cold temperatures and condensation development could warrant more extensive design provisions. Additional considerations may be needed due to the potential of groundwater near the slab elevations. An underslab drainage system may be considered to reduce the potential for subsurface water to build up over time. The use of a vapor retarder should be considered beneath concrete slabs on grade covered with wood, tile, carpet, or other moisture sensitive or impervious coverings, or when the slab will support equipment sensitive to moisture. When conditions warrant the use of a vapor retarder, the slab designer should refer to ACI 302 and/or ACI 360 for procedures and cautions regarding the use and placement of a vapor retarder. Saw -cut control joints should be placed in the slab to help control the location and extent of cracking. For additional recommendations refer to the ACI Design Manual. Joints or cracks should be sealed with a water -proof, non -extruding compressible compound specifically recommended for heavy duty concrete pavement and wet environments. Where floor slabs are tied to perimeter walls or turn -down slabs to meet structural or other construction objectives, our experience indicates differential movement between the walls and slabs will likely be observed in adjacent slab expansion joints or floor slab cracks beyond the length of the structural dowels. The Structural Engineer should account for potential differential settlement through use of sufficient control joints, appropriate reinforcing or other means. Floor Slab Construction Considerations Finished subgrade, within and for at least 10 feet beyond the floor slab, should be protected from traffic, rutting, or other disturbance and maintained in a relatively moist condition until floor slabs are Responsive ■ Resourceful ■ Reliah', Geotechnical Engineering Report lrerracon 1-85 Commerce Center Salisbury, Rowan County, North Carolina April 20, 2021 Terracon Project No. 71215021 G��R�po�t constructed. If the subgrade should become damaged or desiccated prior to construction of floor slabs, the affected material should be removed and structural fill should be added to replace the resulting excavation. Additional considerations should be considered due to the potential of groundwater near the foundation/slab elevations. An underslab drainage system may be considered to reduce the potential for subsurface water to build up over time. Final conditioning of the finished subgrade should be performed immediately prior to placement of the floor slab support course. The Geotechnical Engineer should approve the condition of the floor slab subgrades immediately prior to placement of the floor slab support course, reinforcing steel, and concrete. Attention should be paid to high traffic areas that were rutted and disturbed earlier, and to areas where backfilled trenches are located. LATERAL EARTH PRESSURES Design Parameters Structures with unbalanced backfill levels on opposite sides should be designed for earth pressures at least equal to values indicated in the following table. Earth pressures will be influenced by structural design of the walls, conditions of wall restraint, methods of construction and/or compaction and the strength of the materials being restrained. Two wall restraint conditions are shown in the diagram below. Active earth pressure is commonly used for design of free- standing cantilever retaining walls and assumes wall movement. The "at -rest" condition assumes no wall movement and is commonly used for basement walls, loading dock walls, or other walls restrained at the top. The recommended design lateral earth pressures do not include a factor of safety and do not provide for possible hydrostatic pressure on the walls (unless stated). —0- 4 For active pressure movement S = Surcharge (0.002 H to 0.004 H) S� ,,, , , For at -rest pressure _T__T - No Movement Assumed Horizontal t Finished Groundwater Table Grade - T----------------- ------ - H + Horizontal Finished Grade I_ Y r Pz P1 Wall Responsive ■ Resourceful ■ Reliable 18 Geotechnical Engineering Report lrerracon 1-85 Commerce Center Salisbury, Rowan County, North Carolina April 20, 2021 Terracon Project No. 71215021 GeORepOrt Lateral Earth Pressure Design Parameters Earth Pressure Coefficient for Surcharges, a, s Effective Fluid Pressures p2 (psf) Pressure Condition Backfill Type Yp pi (psf) Unsaturated Submerged 7 Active (Ka) Granular - 0.33 (0.33)S (40)H1 (20)H2+yw H2 At -Rest (Ko) Granular - 0.50 (0.50)S (60)H1 (29)H2+yw H2 Passive (Kp) rGranular - 3.00 --- (360)H1 (172)H2+yw H2 For active earth pressure, wall must rotate about base, with top lateral movements 0.002 H to 0.004 H, where H is wall height. For passive earth pressure, wall must move horizontally to mobilize resistance. 2. Uniform, horizontal backfill, compacted to at least 95% of the ASTM D 698 maximum dry density, rendering a maximum unit weight of 120 pcf. 3. Uniform surcharge, where S is surcharge pressure. 4. Loading from heavy compaction equipment is not included. 5. No safety factor is included in these values. 6. Does not include any dynamic loading. 7. Unit weight of water (yw) is 62.4 pcf. Backfill placed against structures should consist of granular soils or low plasticity cohesive soils. For the granular values to be valid, the granular backfill must extend out and up from the base of the wall at an angle of at least 45 and 60 degrees from vertical for the active and passive cases, respectively. Subsurface Drainage for Below -Grade Walls If walls are designed for an unsaturated condition, a perforated rigid plastic drain line installed behind the base of walls and extends below adjacent grade is recommended to prevent hydrostatic loading on the walls. The invert of a drain line around a below -grade building area or exterior retaining wall should be placed near foundation bearing level. The drain line should be sloped to provide positive gravity drainage to daylight or to a sump pit and pump. The drain line should be surrounded by clean, free -draining granular material having less than 5% passing the No. 200 sieve, such as No. 57 aggregate. The free -draining aggregate should be encapsulated in a filter fabric. The granular fill should extend to within 2 feet of final grade, where it should be capped with compacted cohesive fill to reduce infiltration of surface water into the drain system. Responsive ■ Resourceful ■ Reliable Geotechnical Engineering Report 1-85 Commerce Center Salisbury, Rowan County, North Carolina April 20, 2021 Terracon Project No. 71215021 Slope to drain away from building Layer of cohesive fill Foundation wall —III= Backfill (see report requirements) Free -draining graded �A\\� �V A granular filter material or ion-graded free -draining material encapsulated in an appropriate filter Native, undisturbed fabric (see report) a AVA\\� soil or engineered fill a = - Perforated drain pipe (Rigid PVC - u unless stated otherwise in report' 1 rerracon GeoReport As an alternative to free -draining granular fill, a pre -fabricated drainage structure may be used. A pre -fabricated drainage structure is a plastic drainage core or mesh which is covered with filter fabric to prevent soil intrusion, and is fastened to the wall prior to placing backfill. PAVEMENTS General Pavement Comments Pavement designs are provided for the traffic conditions and pavement life conditions as noted in Project Descriptio, and in the following sections of this report. A critical aspect of pavement performance is site preparation. Pavement designs noted in this section must be applied to the site which has been prepared as recommended in the _iiammur section. Pavement Design Parameters Design of Asphaltic Concrete (AC) pavements are based on the 2018 NCDOT Pavement Design Procedure which references AASHTO Guide for Design of Pavement Structures, 1993 for flexible pavements. Design of Portland Cement Concrete (PCC) pavements are based upon American Concrete Institute (ACI) 330R-01; Guide for Design and Construction of Concrete Parking Lots. We anticipate most of the subgrade soils will require removal and replacement or lime/cement stabilization. Therefore, we have utilized an improved subgrade strength for pavement design. For unstabilized subgrades, a subgrade CBR of 3 was used for the AC pavement designs, and a modulus of subgrade reaction of 110 pci was used for the PCC pavement designs. For stabilized subgrades, a subgrade CBR of 12 was used for the AC pavement designs, and a modulus of subgrade reaction of 220 pci was used for the PCC pavement designs. The values were selected based upon our experience with the Piedmont soils and our understanding of the quality of the subgrade as prescribed by the e vreparatioi. conditions as outlined in _arinwo, . A modulus of rupture of 580 psi was used for pavement concrete. Responsive ■ Resourceful ■ Reliable Geotechnical Engineering Report lrerracon 1-85 Commerce Center Salisbury, Rowan County, North Carolina April 20, 2021 Terracon Project No. 71215021 GeORepOrt Traffic patterns and anticipated loading conditions were not available. However, we anticipate that traffic loads will be produced predominantly by light vehicle traffic, package and garbage trucks, and semi -trailer vehicles. We have assumed 1,000 passenger cars and light trucks, 1 C delivery trucks and trash removal trucks, and 50 semi -tractor trailer vehicles per day for the main drives and truck access areas. A pavement design life of 20 years was assumed. If heavier traffic loading is expected or a longer design life is required, this office should be provided with the information and allowed to review the pavement recommendations provided herein. Pavement Section Thicknesses The following table provides options for AC and PCC Sections: Asphaltic Concrete Design Existing Subgrade (CBR=3� Thickness (inches) Layer NCDOT Grading Main Drive and Truck Light Duty Access Asphalt Surface Course S-9.513 3 2 Asphalt Binder Course 1-19.00 -- 3 Aggregate Base Course ABC 6 8 1. Based on anticipated traffic loading as described in Pavement Design Parameters section. 2. All materials should meet the current North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) Standard Specifications for Highway and Bridge Construction. R9Asphaltic Concrete Design Lime Stabilization/Cement Mixing Subgrade (CBR=12) Thickness (inches) Layer NCDOT y Grading Main Drive and Truck Light Duty Access' Asphalt Surface Course S-9.513 21 1.5 Asphalt Binder Course 1-19.00 -- 2.5 Aggregate Base Course ABC 6 8 1. Based on anticipated traffic loading as described in Pavement Design Parameters section. 2. All materials should meet the current North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) Standard Specifications for Highway and Bridge Construction. 3. Based on an assumed 3% lime by weight. Responsive ■ Resourceful ■ Reliable Geotechnical Engineering Report 1-85 Commerce Center Salisbury, Rowan County, North Carolina April 20, 2021 Terracon Project No. 71215021 1 rerracon GeoReport Portland Cement Concrete Design Thickness (inches) Layer NCDOT Grading Main Drive and Truck Light Duty Access Portland Cement Concrete ACI 330.1-03 4,000 psi 5 Aggregate Base Course ABC 0 Based on anticipated traffic loading as described in Pavement Design Parameters section. All materials should meet the current North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) Standard Specifications for Highway and Bridge Construction. The minimum pavement sections outlined above were recommended based on assumed post - construction traffic loading conditions for this type of development. These pavement sections do not account for heavy construction traffic during construction. A partially constructed structural section that is subjected to heavy construction traffic can result in pavement deterioration and premature failure. Our experience indicates that this pavement construction practice can result in pavements that will not perform as intended. Considering this information, several alternatives are available to mitigate the impact of heavy construction traffic on the pavement construction. These include using thicker sections to account for the construction traffic, using some method of soil stabilization to improve the support characteristics of the pavement subgrade, or by routing heavy construction traffic around paved streets. ACI 330R-01 provides recommendations for control joints, joint spacing, and joint construction. Concrete slabs should be separated from other structures or fixed objects within or abutting paved areas with expansion joints to offset the effects of expected differential horizontal and vertical movements. Pavement Drainage Pavements should be sloped to provide rapid drainage of surface water. Water allowed to pond on or adjacent to the pavements could saturate the subgrade and contribute to premature pavement deterioration. In addition, the pavement subgrade should be graded to provide positive drainage within the granular base section. Appropriate sub -drainage or connection to a suitable daylight outlet should be provided to remove water from the granular subbase. Based on the possibility of shallow and/or perched groundwater, a pavement subdrain system to control groundwater, improve stability, and improve long-term pavement performance may be considered. Responsive ■ Resourceful ■ Reliable Geotechnical Engineering Report lrerracon 1-85 Commerce Center Salisbury, Rowan County, North Carolina April 20, 2021 Terracon Project No. 71215021 GeORepOrt Pavement Maintenance The pavement sections represent minimum recommended thicknesses and, as such, periodic maintenance should be anticipated. Therefore, preventive maintenance should be planned and provided for through an on -going pavement management program. Maintenance activities are intended to slow the rate of pavement deterioration and to preserve the pavement investment. Maintenance consists of both localized maintenance (e.g., crack and joint sealing and patching) and global maintenance (e.g., surface sealing). Preventive maintenance is usually the priority when implementing a pavement maintenance program. Additional engineering observation is recommended to determine the type and extent of a cost-effective program. Even with periodic maintenance, some movements and related cracking may still occur and repairs may be required. Pavement performance is affected by its surroundings. In addition to providing preventive maintenance, the civil engineer should consider the following recommendations in the design and layout of pavements: Final grade adjacent to paved areas should slope down from the edges at a minimum 2%. Subgrade and pavement surfaces should have a minimum 2% slope to promote proper surface drainage. Install below pavement drainage systems surrounding areas anticipated for frequent wetting. Install joint sealant and seal cracks immediately. Seal all landscaped areas in or adjacent to pavements to reduce moisture migration to subgrade soils. Place compacted, low permeability backfill against the exterior side of curb and gutter. Place curb, gutter and/or sidewalk directly on clay subgrade soils rather than on unbound granular base course materials. ADDITIONAL SERVICES Due to the existing shallow ground water table, additional testing such as installation of Piezometers is recommended to further analyze the groundwater levels across the site for longer ground water table measurements. Additionally, an undisturbed sample is recommended to further evaluate the time of consolidation that may take place due to the proposed deeper fill areas of the building pad. Responsive ■ Resourceful ■ Reliable Geotechnical Engineering Report lrerracon 1-85 Commerce Center Salisbury, Rowan County, North Carolina April 20, 2021 Terracon Project No. 71215021 GeORepOrt GENERAL COMMENTS Our analysis and opinions are based upon our understanding of the project, the geotechnical conditions in the area, and the data obtained from our site exploration. Natural variations will occur between exploration point locations or due to the modifying effects of construction or weather. The nature and extent of such variations may not become evident until during or after construction. Terracon should be retained as the Geotechnical Engineer, where noted in this report, to provide observation and testing services during pertinent construction phases. If variations appear, we can provide further evaluation and supplemental recommendations. If variations are noted in the absence of our observation and testing services on -site, we should be immediately notified so that we can provide evaluation and supplemental recommendations. Our Scope of Services does not include either specifically or by implication any environmental or biological (e.g., mold, fungi, bacteria) assessment of the site or identification or prevention of pollutants, hazardous materials or conditions. If the owner is concerned about the potential for such contamination or pollution, other studies should be undertaken. Our services and any correspondence or collaboration through this system are intended for the sole benefit and exclusive use of our client for specific application to the project discussed and are accomplished in accordance with generally accepted geotechnical engineering practices with no third -party beneficiaries intended. Any third -party access to services or correspondence is solely for information purposes to support the services provided by Terracon to our client. Reliance upon the services and any work product is limited to our client, and is not intended for third parties. Any use or reliance of the provided information by third parties is done solely at their own risk. No warranties, either express or implied, are intended or made. Site characteristics as provided are for design purposes and not to estimate excavation cost. Any use of our report in that regard is done at the sole risk of the excavating cost estimator as there may be variations on the site that are not apparent in the data that could significantly impact excavation cost. Any parties charged with estimating excavation costs should seek their own site characterization for specific purposes to obtain the specific level of detail necessary for costing. Site safety, and cost estimating including, excavation support, and dewatering requirements/design are the responsibility of others. If changes in the nature, design, or location of the project are planned, our conclusions and recommendations shall not be considered valid unless we review the changes and either verify or modify our conclusions in writing. Responsive ■ Resourceful ■ Reliable FIGURES Contents: GeoModel (5 pages) Responsive ■ Resourceful ■ Reliable 1-85 Commerce Center ■ Salisbury, NC Terracon Project No. 71215021 795 790 785 780 775 J 770 z 0 765 760 w 755 750 745 740 14 FA Jill - OVA I 1 rerracon GeoReport B-12 ......................:............................:.. 0.5 B-13 B-14 3.5 2 ' ............ 0.5........ 0.5 ........... 8 2 2 ....... ..:......... .. 8..........:.. 9: 13.5 3 ............ ..•......... ............. 3. ' ....... .:............. 3 ............. ...........:.. 18.5 25 22 ;. 4 zs......... 24.4 This is not a cross section. This is intended to display the Geotechnical Model only. See individual logs for more detailed conditions. Model Layer Layer Name General Description 1 Surface Material Topsoil 2 Residual (High Residual soils consisting of ELASTIC SILT and FAT CLAY Plasticity) with varying amounts of sand 3 Residual (Low Residual soils consisting of SILT and CLAY with varying Plasticity) amounts of sand, and silty SAND 4 Partially Weathered Sampled as silty SAND Rock Topsoil ® Fat Clay with Sand Silt with Sand First Water Observation Second Water Observation M Third Water Observation ® Silt Sandy Elastic Silt m Elastic Silt LEGEND Silty Sand Sandy Lean Clay m Elastic Silt with Sand Groundwater levels are temporal. The levels shown are representative of the date and time of our exploration. Significant changes are possible over time. Water levels shown are as measured during and/or after drilling. In some cases, boring advancement methods mask the presence/absence of groundwater. See individual logs for details. Sandy Silt Sandy Fat Clay ® Weathered Rock NOTES: Layering shown on this figure has been developed by the geotechnical engineer for purposes of modeling the subsurface conditions as required for the subsequent geotechnical engineering for this project. Numbers adjacent to soil column indicate depth below ground surface. 1-85 Commerce Center ■ Salisbury, NC Terracon Project No. 71215021 790 785 780 775 770 Cn 765 Z 0 760 755 w Wi 745 740 735 1 rerracon GeoReport 1.5 rs--i 7 0.5 6... 2 .............. ................................................ ............;...........................:................... 8.5 ....... 8 •............. 2 0.3 ..:...................................................................................:................... 2 B-17 0.5 .... .. .......... 9.. ...... . . ....... .• ......................... ... ........................ ................. 3 13 2 0.01 : B 1s 0.5 B-19 ...,........ .8............ 2 ............... ............................. o.s B-20 ............... ....... zs.......... 3 ' ... • ......... ...........:. g............. .... 3.5 • 0.4: B-21..... 0.s 8.5 :.........23.5. . •... zs: ........ 3 ...........j. ............... ............ s ................ 2 . 3 .' ' 8a 8 3 ............. ....:...... .......................................:......... 23.5 ....... .?? 18.5. ............... 3 ' 25 18.5 13.5 .......................................: ...........................:.. ................ 18.5 .. z5 3 zs •zs: ...............................................................................................:.................................... zs This is not a cross section. This is intended to display the Geotechnical Model only. See individual logs for more detailed conditions. Model Layer Layer Name General Description 1 Surface Material Topsoil 2 Residual (High Residual soils consisting of ELASTIC SILT and FAT CLAY Plasticity) with varying amounts of sand 3 Residual (Low Residual soils consisting of SILT and CLAY with varying Plasticity) amounts of sand, and silty SAND 4 Partially Weathered Sampled as silty SAND Rock LEGEND 17771 L�jTopsoil ED Silty Sand FM- Silt with Sand ® Fat Clay with Sand Sandy Silt m Sandy Elastic Silt ® Fat Clay Sandy Fat Clay m Elastic Silt First Water Observation Second Water Observation M Third Water Observation Groundwater levels are temporal. The levels shown are representative of the date and time of our exploration. Significant changes are possible over time. Water levels shown are as measured during and/or after drilling. In some cases, boring advancement methods mask the presence/absence of groundwater. See individual logs for details. NOTES: Layering shown on this figure has been developed by the geotechnical engineer for purposes of modeling the subsurface conditions as required for the subsequent geotechnical engineering for this project. Numbers adjacent to soil column indicate depth below ground surface. GEOMODEL 1-85 Commerce Center ■ Salisbury, NC Terracon Project No. 71215021 800 795 790 785 d d 780 J N Z 775 O > 770 w J w 765 760 755 750 1 rerracon GeoReport This is not a cross section. This is intended to display the Geotechnical Model only. See individual logs for more detailed conditions. Model Layer Layer Name General Description 1 Surface Material Topsoil 2 Residual (High Residual soils consisting of ELASTIC SILT and FAT CLAY Plasticity) with varying amounts of sand 3 Residual (Low Residual soils consisting of SILT and CLAY with varying Plasticity) amounts of sand, and silty SAND 4 Partially Weathered Sampled as silty SAND Rock LEGEND 17771 L�jTopsoil ® Fat Clay with Sand Silty Sand m Elastic Silt m Elastic Silt with Sand m Sandy Elastic Silt Silt with Sand Sandy Fat Clay First Water Observation Second Water Observation M Third Water Observation Groundwater levels are temporal. The levels shown are representative of the date and time of our exploration. Significant changes are possible over time. Water levels shown are as measured during and/or after drilling. In some cases, boring advancement methods mask the presence/absence of groundwater. See individual logs for details. NOTES: Layering shown on this figure has been developed by the geotechnical engineer for purposes of modeling the subsurface conditions as required for the subsequent geotechnical engineering for this project. Numbers adjacent to soil column indicate depth below ground surface. GEOMODEL 1-85 Commerce Center ■ Salisbury, NC Terracon Project No. 71215021 785 780 775 w 770 J N Z 765 O Q 760 w 755 750 745 1 rerracon GeoReport 0.5 2 ....... .. 3 ........................ :........................................................ :............................ ............................ :........... ....... .:• ........................ ............................ :............................:............................:............................: .......... 12.5 • B-M • ........................:...................... 0.5 ........:........................................................:.......... B-26 18.5 a B-27 ........................:....................... ...........................:........ :................... R,4 ........ zo 0.5 2 3 2 2 ......... ................ ....... 131T 8 ..........:.................................................... . ................................. ................... 3 • .;.......... t 12.5 18.5 3 ?e..................... ...... ........................ ..................... ......... ........... ..17. ....... 18.5 20 20 This is not a cross section. This is intended to display the Geotechnical Model only. See individual logs for more detailed conditions. Model Layer Layer Name General Description 1 Surface Material Topsoil 2 Residual (High Residual soils consisting of ELASTIC SILT and FAT CLAY Plasticity) with varying amounts of sand 3 Residual (Low Residual soils consisting of SILT and CLAY with varying Plasticity) amounts of sand, and silty SAND 4 Partially Weathered Sampled as silty SAND Rock LEGEND 17771 L�jTopsoil ED Silty Sand m Elastic Silt m Elastic Silt with Sand ® Fat Clay with Sand ® Fat Clay ®silt 11U Sandy Silt FM- Silt with Sand First Water Observation Second Water Observation M Third Water Observation Groundwater levels are temporal. The levels shown are representative of the date and time of our exploration. Significant changes are possible over time. Water levels shown are as measured during and/or after drilling. In some cases, boring advancement methods mask the presence/absence of groundwater. See individual logs for details. NOTES: Layering shown on this figure has been developed by the geotechnical engineer for purposes of modeling the subsurface conditions as required for the subsequent geotechnical engineering for this project. Numbers adjacent to soil column indicate depth below ground surface. 1-85 Commerce Center ■ Salisbury, NC Terracon Project No. 71215021 800 795 790 785 780 N 775 N Z 770 O Q 765 w J w 760 755 750 745 740 1 rerracon GeoReport B�01 ....... p,4.......... B02...... ........................................................ :............................ ............................ :........... 0.3 ....... s ........... ..... :........................................................ :........................................................ :........... 2 ' 2 .....; .......................................................:............................:............................;.......... 1 15 B-03 ....... 1T ........ ............ ........... :......... .................. ...........................!. 0.3 2 ; ........... ..17 .............. ...........: ...6-04 ................... ............................ :.........B_07 . ....................... s 0.4 B-05 B-06 3: 0.3 .. ........... :......... ::...........:. : .............. o.s......... 0:4 ........ 2 ............ ....... 3 2 3.s 3 5.5 • 2 •: .....28,5 . •• .........9 .............. ............ •• ............ 30 3 s 3 12 9 ....... .. ........................:........ 22 ......18.s .............. •............ .... ........ ....... 3 '' 3 ....... .. ................................. zs .......... .............. 1a .. ....................... 3 .. ' 3 ....... .. ..................................................... • .......18..... ........ ....... 48.5 235 125 25 50 29. ...... ........................ ........................ 29.2 ...... ..................... 1130 This is not a cross section. This is intended to display the Geotechnical Model only. See individual logs for more detailed conditions. Model Layer Layer Name General Description 1 Surface Material Topsoil 2 Residual (High Residual soils consisting of ELASTIC SILT and FAT CLAY Plasticity) with varying amounts of sand 3 Residual (Low Residual soils consisting of SILT and CLAY with varying Plasticity) amounts of sand, and silty SAND 4 Partially Weathered Sampled as silty SAND Rock Topsoil ® Fat Clay m Elastic Silt with Sand First Water Observation Second Water Observation M Third Water Observation ® Silt Sandy Elastic Silt m Elastic Silt LEGEND Silty Sand ® Fat Clay with Sand Silt with Sand Groundwater levels are temporal. The levels shown are representative of the date and time of our exploration. Significant changes are possible over time. Water levels shown are as measured during and/or after drilling. In some cases, boring advancement methods mask the presence/absence of groundwater. See individual logs for details. Sandy Silt Sandy Fat Clay ® Weathered Rock NOTES: Layering shown on this figure has been developed by the geotechnical engineer for purposes of modeling the subsurface conditions as required for the subsequent geotechnical engineering for this project. Numbers adjacent to soil column indicate depth below ground surface. ATTACHMENTS Responsive ■ Resourceful ■ Reliable Geotechnical Engineering Report 1-85 Commerce Center Salisbury, Rowan County, North Carolina April 20, 2021 Terracon Project No. 71215021 EXPLORATION AND TESTING PROCEDURES Field Exploration Number of Borings Boring Depth (feet) 1 rerracon GeoReport Location' B-01 to B-21 1 24.4 to 50 1 Buildings B-22 to B-27 I 10 to 30 1 Pavement / Detention Ponds See Exploration Plan for approximate locations. Boring Layout and Elevations: Unless otherwise noted, Terracon personnel provided the boring layout. Coordinates were obtained with a handheld GPS unit (estimated horizontal accuracy of about ±10 feet) and approximate elevations were obtained by interpolation from Google Earth Pro. If elevations and a more precise boring layout are desired, we recommend borings be surveyed following completion of fieldwork. Subsurface Exploration Procedures: We advanced the borings with track -mounted rotary drill rig using continuous flight augers. Four samples were obtained in the upper 10 feet of each boring and at intervals of 5 feet thereafter. In the split -barrel sampling procedure, a standard 2-inch outer diameter split -barrel sampling spoon was driven into the ground by a 140-pound automatic hammer falling a distance of 30 inches. The number of blows required to advance the sampling spoon the last 12 inches of a normal 18-inch penetration is recorded as the Standard Penetration Test (SPT) resistance value. The SPT resistance values, also referred to as N-values, are indicated on the boring logs at the test depths. We observed and recorded groundwater levels during drilling and sampling. For safety purposes, all borings were backfilled with auger cuttings after their completion. The sampling depths, penetration distances, and other sampling information was recorded on the field boring logs. The samples were placed in appropriate containers and taken to our soil laboratory for testing and classification by a Geotechnical Engineer. Our exploration team prepared field boring logs as part of the drilling operations. These field logs included visual classifications of the materials encountered during drilling and our interpretation of the subsurface conditions between samples. Final boring logs were prepared from the field logs. The final boring logs represent the Geotechnical Engineer's interpretation of the field logs and include modifications based on observations and tests of the samples in our laboratory. Laboratory Testing The project engineer reviewed the field data and assigned laboratory tests to understand the engineering properties of the various soil strata, as necessary, for this project. Procedural standards noted below are for reference to methodology in general. In some cases, variations to methods were applied because of local practice or professional judgment. Standards noted below Responsive ■ Resourceful ■ Reliah', EXPLORATION AND TESTING PROCEDURES 1 of 2 Geotechnical Engineering Report lrerracon 1-85 Commerce Center Salisbury, Rowan County, North Carolina April 20, 2021 Terracon Project No. 71215021 GeORepOrt include reference to other, related standards. Such references are not necessarily applicable to describe the specific test performed. ASTM D2216 Standard Test Methods for Laboratory Determination of Water (Moisture) Content of Soil and Rock by Mass ASTM D4318 Standard Test Methods for Liquid Limit, Plastic Limit, and Plasticity Index of Soils ASTM D1140 Standard Test Methods for Determining the Amount of Material Finer than 75-pm (No. 200) Sieve in Soils by Washing Detailed results of our laboratory testing can be found in in the xploration Result! section and are attached herein. Our laboratory testing program includes examination of soil samples by an engineer. Based on the material's texture and plasticity, we describe and classify soil samples in accordance with the Unified Soil Classification System (USCS). Responsive ■ Resourceful ■ Reliable EXPLORATION AND TESTING PROCEDURES 2 of 2 Geotechnical Engineering Report 1-85 Commerce Center Salisbury, Rowan County, North Carolina April 20, 2021 Terracon Project No. 71215021 PHOTOGRAPHY LOG Existing Debris near B-03 1 rerracon GeoReport Existing Debris Near B-04 Standina water near B-15 and B-16 1 Existina Structure Near B-03 Responsive ■ Resourceful ■ Reliable PHOTOGRAPHY LOG 1 of 2 Geotechnical Engineering Report 1-85 Commerce Center Salisbury, Rowan County, North Carolina April 20, 2021 Terracon Project No. 71215021 1 rerracon GeoReport Responsive ■ Resourceful ■ Reliable PHOTOGRAPHY LOG 2 of 2 SITE LOCATION AND EXPLORATION PLANS Contents: Site Location Plan Exploration Plan Note: All attachments are one page unless noted above. Responsive ■ Resourceful ■ Reliable E1 w i+�' DUI uY y i . e * KINGS IOR�Si � 14CL Mi,ror Park ASHLAND PLAC k IM ',` T �* TES.� •,A isOLITF� t. GAEL1�Eti AL 2 ' � } } ECI� , dei ' y�� } . KE L E1 I n Ft M , t' KNOLLWOOD PARK' ' b I �, S '4rt-+r I " ;. STAFF08 `9J¢gr ' .- e,ctwrch Rd �� � � r, ESTATE +� QUAIL P&INTE„� � '' J. alw XUOL IN IE 1N 4rclurd Rd ,k ikL UA:R {RELK fu ':p •i { � d LM4*�`i. i' 5OUTHERN xr �_ L SPRINGS '` erl2d OLD MILL �x r r —A COrr$[J Park } _ 4 a CAMR1111][:E - 11I{.1110 A� RCL +, 4YEIB$ ROAU • iOR1+kR5T(}Nk L 1 ti� LSrnsLt 'Y �' STATES VVqbb Rd _ x ►�, - FOX REP SOUTH' • Y 1 ACRE WHITE OAK ACRES '" � OLDFARM Al CRfiI( •; Sl1FRIT WOODSF � '�•� . ��'�o• . , � • +awe J � `` Y. WEST HAVEN. � i r°{OPPERfI1.LO T ,r } PINE MEADOWS .q ° _ EyAy�STVrEw HEIGHTS + ' ,C �� I�� It � �f• 5, T1m6ERFIELD HUT{' CD 2421 Microsoft iarpora�6.M 4'-iit)cL-Mmaging .D 2C omTom f r E EXPLORATION PLAN 1-85 Commerce Center Salisbury, Rowan County, North Carolina April 20, 2021 Terracon Project No. 71215021 :tom f 1-<0VVHIN k UU1"I I r , hv%, 1 %.0 1-4 L,, 1 %-rr 1 '6- Approximate Boring Location Cross Section A -A' Cross Section B-B' -, + Cross Section C-C' N I 1 I , P3UILDING 1 ~-- - 1 rerracon GeoReport- - $flE Ara e- tv Ac- u4�M19 CtD!cmr R *35.6% ■ ■ ® 7, ■ IM '00 AgoB-27 A L- - EXPLORATION RESULTS Contents: Building Cross Sections (A -A', B-B', and C-C') (3 pages) Boring Logs (B-01 through B-29) (29 pages) Summary of Laboratory Results Atterberg Limits Results Grain Size Distribution (3 pages) Note: All attachments are one page unless noted above. t A r A' B-01 TOPSOIL 795 ......................... 2-3-5 B-02 N=8 FAT CLAY TOPSOIL 5-7-8 N=15 3-4-3 790 .......................... •....................................... N=7.... ....SANDY ....................................................... 4-5-7 N=12 1 6-7-9 ELASTIC - N=16 SILT 1-2-4 ELASTIC 3-3-5 785 .......................... .... SILT .............................. N=8.... •.................................................................... WITH SAND 3N=7 N=7 i 2-2-2 - B-03 N=4 ELASTIC 780 .......................... • :.......................................................SILT.................................... TOPSOI'L' 1-2-4 2-3-3 FACTN=6 N=6 CLAY N 1-2-3 WITH m N=5 3-4-5 SAND 0 775 .......................... . .................................................. .......................................... N._g... .............. w 5-7-7 SILT 4_3_6 ELASTIC Q N=14 N=g SILT a 2-1-3 w N=4 4-6-7 SILT 770 ....................................................... •.:...................................... - 0 3-4-5 SILTY SAND z N=9 SAND 0 a 2-2-4 N=6 6-7-9 765 .......................... . ................................................. T............................. N"16... a O 5-5-6 0 > SILT N=11 5-5-6 BT-30 SANDY W N=11 7-10-8 SILT 0 760 .......................... . ............................................................................................ N"16... .............. 0 0 Co w 4-5-7 N=12 7-10-14 0 755 ....................................................................................................................... N=24.... N BT-26 0 6-7-9 o N=16 0 750 ..................................................................................................................................................... 0 a of Q 6-9-10 745 ........................ BT-60 ....................................................................................................................... 7 Explanation :Topsoil Fat Clay �withtSandic Silt B-01 Borehole Number _ Borehole Lithology Sandy Silt Elastic Silt Elastic Silt AR _ Borehole NOTES: BT Termination Type Q Water Level Reading See Exhibit for orientation of soil profile. at time of drilling. Soils profile provided for illustration purposes only. Soils between borings may differ 1 Water Level Reading AR - Auger Refusal after drilling. BT - Boring Termination Mill M-31 M-01 re -A re-111 ........... B-04 ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 775 TOPSOIL B-07 SANDY TOPSOIL 3-4-5 F T B-06 B-06 N=9 2-2-2 •GILAY + • • TOPSOIL TOPSOIL ELASTIC N=.4.... 3-4-5 ... EtA STIC.................................: PJkT ............................... ................ SILT 770 N=9 SILT 3-3-5 1-4-4 CLAY 2N=7 WITH N=8 N=8 NDY WITH N 2-2-4 SAND 4-3-4 FAT 6-10-12 SAND SILT N=6 • N=7 •' CLAY N=22 2-4-6 WITH SANDY '• 3-2-3... :...SANDY .................................................................................. J. ...SI-L.T............................ N.:9.Q... SANA......... 765 N=5 ELASTIC 3-3-4 6-10-13 2-5-7 SILT N=7 N=23 N=12 3-4-5 9-16-19 ' N=9 N=35 2.2-3... SiLT�..................................... ,................................................, .:............................................... . •................... 760 N=5 SAND 9-14-14 N=28 2-3-4 6-10-14 SILTY N=7 N=24 SAND 3-4-8... ...SANDY.................................................................................. .:...SILTY..................................... :X .................... 755 N=12 SILT SAND 7-9-12 �DY N=21 3-4-4 SILT 19-20-25 N=8 N=45 ':.• 8=10=13... :.:............................................... :. •............................................... ................................................ •... ........... 750 N=23 SILTY 4-5-8 SAND N=13 4-5-5 12-17-41 BT-25 • . PARTIALLY 47-50/2':... ' • WEATHERED ........................... . •.............................................BT-25....................................................................... 745 BT-29 N=50/2" ROCK (PWR) 6-7-8 N=15 740 Distance Along Baseline Project Manager: M. Bailey Project No.: 71215021 Drawn by: MRB Scale: NTS Approved by: MRB File Name: Date: 3/25/2021 Irerracon 2701 Westport Rd Charlotte, NC PH.704509-1777 FAX.704509-1888 SUBSURFACE PROFILE Section A -A' 1-85 COMMERCE CENTER 410 WED ROAD SALISBURY, NC II 111111111 ■ B B' W 795 795 B-08 TOPSOIL 2-3-4 ... ... { T.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 790 790 .................. = .. CLAY B-09 3-3-3 WITH N=6 SAND TOPSOIL SANDY 4-4-6 3-3-4 ELASTIC 785 ............... N=10.... N=....'T .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 785 5-7-8 SILT 3-3-5 N=15 WITH N=8 ELASTIC SAND SILT 3-4-5 780................................................................... N-9................................................. B.10.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 780 3-5-6 2-3-5 TOPSOI L N=11 N=8 3-3-5 SANDY SILT N=8 LEAN 775..................................................................................................................... ...CLAY .................................. B-1.1..................................................................................................................................................................................... 775 6-.6-8...... 3-5-5 2-3-4 N=14 1 TOPSOIL ELASTIC N=10 N=7 SILT 5-6-8 SILT 2-2-2 FSTATDY N=14 WITH N=4 CLAY SAND B-12 770......................... ..................................................................................4.4-5.... ................................... ....2_3_4...................................................'TOPSOIL ............................................................................................................... 770 4-6-8 4-7-10 N=9 N=7 SILT N=14 SILT N=17 2-2-2 B-13 B-14 WITH ELASTIC 3-5-5 N=4 , SAND SILT N=10 SENDY TOPSOIL TOPSOIL 3-3-4 ELASTIC 2-3-.4... .. FAT ..............................3-4-D.. . 765 .......................... I. •:... SILTY ........................... ...................................N=7... SILT ............................ :...SANDY....... 765 2=3=3""' ' ' ' 5-6-8 SANDY N=7 CLAY N=13 6-11-11 14-24-34 SAND N=6 N=14 SILT WITH ELASTIC N=22 N=58 2-3-4 2-3-4 SAND 6-5-6 SILT BT-30 BT-26 N=7 N=7 N=11 ELASTIC .......... 2-2-2 2-3-2.....ELASTIC........................2-6-.6.... . , SILT 760 . 3-4-4......... 8-12-13... N=4... WITH......... 760 N=8 N=25 N=5 SILT N=12 SAND 4-5-6 17-21-24 SILT N=11 N=45 -%—EN 3-3-5 : SILTY 755.........................................................................................................................3-3-4...........................................7-12-16......SAND............................. N=8................................................ . • . ....................... 755 SAND N=7 N=28 9-14-17 3-5-6 SILTY N=31 SILTY N=11 SAND M DY 6-8-9 SAND 750......................................................................................................................... 5-6.6.... ...SI L.T............................ 7-8-12 ... ' : '. t..................................... N=17 ... ' : '.'•...............................................:: •' 750 N=12 N=20 BT-30 BT-25 15-17-37 17-23-26 SANDY N=54 N=49 3-4-6 SILT 745................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... N=10 ...lim............................................... • •............................................... ... PARTIALLY- • 745 BT-25 SANDY WEATHERE SILT 23-50/5" N=27 N=50/5" BT-24 ROCK 7(PWR) 27 BT-25 740 740 Explanation Topsoil Fat Clay Silt with Distance Along Baseline with Sand Sand B-08 Borehole Number _ Borehole � Sandy Lithology Silt Elastic Silt Elastic Silt Project Manager: M. Bailey Project No.: 71215021 SUBSURFACE PROFILE E. BT _ Borehole NOTES: Irerracon BT Termination Type Drawn by: MRB Scale: NTS Section B-B' Q Water Level Reading See Exhibit for orientation of soil profile. I-85 COMMERCE CENTER Soils profile provided for illustration purposes only. at time of drilling. roved b MRB File Name: 27C Westport N Rd Soils between borings may differ Approved y� Charlotte NC 410 WED ROAD 1 Water Level Reading AR - Auger Refusal after drilling. BT - Boring Termination Date: 3/25/2021 PH.704509-1777 FAX.704509-1888 SALISBURY, NC II 111111111 ■ C C' W 790 790 TOPSOIL AT 0-1-2 N=3 CLAY WITH 785 ............... 4-4-4.... ... SAND....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 785 N=8 B-16 FAT TOPSOIL 3-2-3 CLAY N=5 • � 2-3-4 1 780 ...............1-4-4.... . ••........................................ N-�.... ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 780 N=8 SILTY SAND 4-6-10 SANDY N=16 FAT B-17 CLAY TOPSOIL 5-8-9 775 2-3.4.... ......................................N=1.7.... '......................................4-.5-5... 775 N=10 N=7 4-7-8 SANDY SANDY N=15 4-4-5 N=9 ELASTIC SILT B-18 SILT 1SPSOIL B-19 770 . 3-4-9.... SILTY ............................... SAND 3,4-4.... ' 2-2-2 ... ...FAT...................................... 'TOPSOIL...............................................................................................................770 N=13 3-5-5SA N=8J N=4 CLAY 3N_$ B-20 N=10 3-4-4 SILT 1-2-2 SANDWITH SLTDY N=8 WITH N=4 TOPSOIL SILTY SAND ELASTIC - 91214 SILTY SANDY 765 .............4-7-1.1.... .•...SRND...................................... 3N=4... S1L•T............................N=26... SANp............................3N=7... SItT....................................B.21...................... 765 N=18 ' • ' 7-8-12 SILT..................................... WITH 1 TOPSOIL BT-25 N=20 SAND 5-5-7 2-2-2 7-10-11 N=21 6-6-11 N=12 N=4 N DY N=17 '' 2-3-2 :. • 7-9-15 .• SILT N=5 FAT 760 .............................................................................. „ STY..................................... ; •• .....................................{�=24... ....................................5-6 8..... ; . SI.LT............................. CLAY......... 760 12-11-13 SAND SANDY N_14 WITH SAND N=10 WITH SAND N=24 5-7-7 SILT 3-4-6 6-8-10 BT-25 N=14 N=10 N=18 N 12 SILTY 4-6-10 755 ................................................................................................................................... ............................................... :.':...5•AN D........................... N=1 a ..... •............................................... :. ....................................7-7-8... : • :................... 755 N=15 5-7-8 5-7-8 9-10-16 N=15 N=15 MI TY N=26 BT-26 6-7-7 SAND 10-17-1.8... , : • . STY N=35 5-7-9 10-16-24 SAND SILTY N=16 N=40 SAND BT-25 9-15-18 745 ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... {�=33 ... .............................................. ...................................5=8=1.1....::................... 745 BT-26 N=19 15-31-45 N=76 BT-26 740 ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................5-8-8 ...: ................... 740 N=16 BT-26 Explanation B-15 Borehole Number _ Borehole Lithology AR Borehole BT Termination Type Q Water Level Reading at time of drilling. 1 Water Level Reading after drilling. TopsoilFat with Sland � ay Fat Clay Silty Sand Sandy Silt Clay Sandy Fat NOTES: See Exhibit for orientation of soil profile. Soils profile provided for illustration purposes only. Soils between borings may differ AR - Auger Refusal BT - Boring Termination Distance Along Baseline Project Manager: M. Bailey Project No.: 71215021 Drawn by: MRB Scale: NTS Approved by: MRB File Name: Date: 3/25/2021 Irerracon 2701 Westport Rd Charlotte, NC PH.704509-1777 FAX.704509-1888 SUBSURFACE PROFILE Section C-C' 1-85 COMMERCE CENTER 410 WED ROAD SALISBURY, NC 735 II 111111111 ■ BORING LOG NO. B-01 Page 1 of 2 PROJECT: 1-85 Commerce Center CLIENT: NorthPoint Development, LLC Cincinnati, OH SITE: 410 Wedd Road Salisbury, NC w > Q p O = LOCATION See Exploration Plan Latitude: 35.60280 Longitude:-80.54030 pproxmaeuaceev.: (.) DEPTH ELEVATION Ft. _ w z >O ; LU ' m O d w Q U) U) � j I E o z w 0 ATTERBERG LIMITS w z F- U w a LL-PL-PI TOPSOIL, 4-inches + FAT CLAY (CH), trace sand, red and light brown, medium stiff to stiff, X 2-3-5 residual N=8 red and white 5-7-8 5.5 790.5+/- 5 N=15 ELASTIC SILT WITH SAND (MH), white and red, medium stiff to stiff 4-5-7 N=12 2 1-2-4 10 N=6 15 2-2-2 N=4 56.7 60-44-16 85 17.0 779+/- SILT (ML), trace sand, light red and trace olive brown, medium stiff to very stiff, lenses of fat clay 1-2-3 20 N=5 2-1-3 25 N=4 2-2-4 3 30 N=6 X 5-5-6 35 N=11 4-5-7 40 N=12 Stratification lines are approximate. In -situ, the transition may be gradual. Hammer Type: Automatic Advancement Method: Hollow Stem Auger See Exploration and Testing Procedures for a description of field and laboratory procedures used Notes: and additional data (If any). See Supporting Information for explanation of symbols and abbreviations. Abandonment Method: Boring backfilled with auger cuttings after long term water measuement. Elevations obtained from GoogleEarthPro WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS IrerraconAfter 2701 Westport Rd Charlotte, NC Boring Started: 03-09-2021 Boring Completed: 03-09-2021 Whiledrillirrg d � rilling Drill Rig: CME BK Driller: J. Parrish 3(10/2021 Project No.: 71215021 EWL Wet Cave -In BORING LOG NO. B-01 Page 2 of 2 PROJECT: 1-85 Commerce Center CLIENT: NorthPoint Development, LLC Cincinnati, OH SITE: 410 Wedd Road Salisbury, NC w O LOCATION See Exploration Plan w z d o ATTERBERG LIMITS w > Q = Latitude: 35.60280 Longitude:-80.54030 _ >O ; LU U) U) � j z w z F- p ' w I LL-PL-PI U pproxmaeuaceev.: (.) m Q E 0 w DEPTH ELEVATION Ft. O a SILT (ML), trace sand, light red and trace olive brown, medium stiff to very stiff, lenses of fat clay (continued) X 6-7-9 45 N=16 3 6-9-10 50.0 746+/- 50 N=19 n Boring Teninated at 50 Feet Stratification lines are approximate. In -situ, the transition may be gradual. Hammer Type: Automatic Advancement Method: See Exploration and Testing Procedures for a Notes: Hollow Stem Auger description of field and laboratory procedures used and additional data (If any). See Supporting Information for explanation of symbols and abbreviations. Abandonment Method: Boring backfilled with auger cuttings after long term water measuement. Elevations obtained from GoogleEarthPro WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS IrerraconAfter 2701 Westport Rd Charlotte, NC Boring Started: 03-09-2021 Boring Completed: 03-09-2021 Whiledrillirrg d � rilling Drill Rig: CME BK Driller: J. Parrish 3(10/2021 Project No.: 71215021 EWL Wet Cave -In BORING LOG NO. B-02 Page 1 of 1 PROJECT: 1-85 Commerce Center CLIENT: NorthPoint Development, LLC Cincinnati, OH SITE: 410 Wedd Road Salisbury, NC w O LOCATION See Exploration Plan w z d o ATTERBERG LIMITS w > Q = Latitude: 35.60270 Longitude:-80.53960 _ LU ; � j w z z F- p Q w '� w w a I w z LL-PL-PI U Approximate Surface Elev.: 793 (Ft.) +/- o Q m Q E 0 w O a DEPTH ELEVATION Ft. TOPSOIL, 3 inches + SANDY ELASTIC SILT (M ), red, brown, and white, medium stiff to very X 3-4-3 stiff, residual N=7 6-7-9 36.7 5— N=16 3-3-5 8.0 785+/- N=8 ELASTIC SILT (M ), trace sand, trace manganese, white and red, 2 3-3-4 medium stiff 10 N=7 � 1-2-4 15 N=6 17.0 776+/- SILT (ML), trace sand, trace manganese, light brown and white, stiff 5-7-7 20 N=14 22.0 771+/- SILTY SAND (SM1, fine to medium grained, white, loose 3 3-4-5 25 N=9 27.0 766+/- SILT (ML), trace sand, brown, stiff to very stiff 5-5-6 Boring Tenninated at 30 Feet Stratification lines are approximate. In -situ, the transition may be gradual. Hammer Type: Automatic Advancement Method: See Exploration and Testing Procedures for a Notes: Hollow Stem Auger description of field and laboratory procedures used and additional data (If any). See Supporting Information for explanation of symbols and abbreviations. Abandonment Method: Boring backfilled with auger cuttings after long term water measuement. Elevations obtained from GoogleEarthPro WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS Irerracon Boring Started: 03-05-2021 Boring Completed: 03-05-2021 While drilling Drill Rig: CME BK Driller: J. Parrish 3(10/2021 2701 Westport Rd Charlotte, NC Project No.: 71215021 EWL Wet Cave -In BORING LOG NO. B-03 Page 1 of 1 PROJECT: 1-85 Commerce Center CLIENT: NorthPoint Development, LLC Cincinnati, OH SITE: 410 Wedd Road Salisbury, NC w > Q p O = Q LOCATION See Exploration Plan Latitude: 35.60270 Longitude:-80.53880 Approximate Surface Elev.: 780 (Ft.) +/- DEPTH ELEVATION Ft. _ w o w z >O LU ; '� w Q m O d w a Q U) U) � j I w E o w z z 0 ATTERBERG LIMITS w z F- U w a LL-PL-PI TOPSOIL, 2-inches + FAT CLAY WITH SAND (CH), brown and gray, medium stiff to stiff, residual 2-3-3 N=6 22.5 2 3-4-5 5.5 774.5+/- 5 N=9 ELASTIC SILT (MH), trace sand, white, stiff 4-3-6 8.0 772+/- N=9 SILT WITH SAND (ML), with trace manganese, light brown and gray, stiff 4-6-7 10 N=13 . • 12.0 768+/- SANDY SILT (ML), white and light brown, very stiff 6-7-9 15 N=16 3 7-10-8 20 N=18 �25.0 7-10-14 755+/_ 25 N=24 n Boring Teninated at 25 Feet Stratification lines are approximate. In -situ, the transition may be gradual. Hammer Type: Automatic Advancement Method: Hollow Stem Auger See Exploration and Testing Procedures for a description of field and laboratory procedures used Notes: and additional data (If any). See Supporting Information for explanation of symbols and abbreviations. Abandonment Method: Boring backfilled with auger cuttings after long term water measuement. Elevations obtained from GoogleEarthPro WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS Irerracon Boring Started: 03-10-2021 Boring Completed: 03-10-2021 After drilling 2701 Westport Rd Charlotte, NC Drill Rig: CME BK Driller: J. Parrish 3(11/2021 Project No.: 71215021 EWL Wet Cave -In a 0 U) 0 0 O Ir 0 N N r >J 0 z 6 0 Ir Ir a U) 0 0 w 0 BORING LOG NO. B-04 Page 1 of 1 PROJECT: 1-85 Commerce Center CLIENT: NorthPoint Development, LLC Cincinnati, OH SITE: 410 Wedd Road Salisbury, NC w O LOCATION See Exploration Plan w z d o ATTERBERG LIMITS w > Q = Latitude: 35.60270 Longitude:-80.53810 _ LU; � j w z z F- p Q w '� w w a I w z LL-PL-PI U Approximate Surface Elev.: 774 (Ft.) +/- o Q m Q E 0 w DEPTH ELEVATION Ft. O a TOPSOIL, 4-inches + SANDY FAT CLAY (CH), with manganese, light brown and black, stiff, 3-4-5 27.9 3.o residual 771+/- N=9 ELASTIC SILT WITH SAND (MH1, light brown and brown, medium stiff to 3-4-5 stiff 5— N=9 2 2-2-4 8.0 766+/- N=6 SANDY ELASTIC SILT (MH), gray and light brown, medium stiff 3-2-3 10 N=5 12.0 762+/- SILTY SAND (SM1, with manganese, fine to medium grained, light brown and black, loose 2-2-3 15 N=5 17.0 757+/- SANDY SILT (ML), light brown and black, stiff '\7 3-4-8 1*22.0 20 N=12 3 752+/- J. SAND (SM1, fine to medium grained, light brown, green and brown, medium dense 8-10-13 25 N=23 •. 29.0 745+/- 47-50/2 PARTIALLY WEATHERED ROCK (PWR1, sampled as light brown, silty + AND with rock fragments Boring Terminated at 29.2 Feet Stratification lines are approximate. In -situ, the transition may be gradual. Hammer Type: Automatic Advancement Method: See Exploration and Testing Procedures for a Notes: Hollow Stem Auger description of field and laboratory procedures used and additional data (If any). See Supporting Information for explanation of symbols and abbreviations. Abandonment Method: Boring backfilled with auger cuttings after long term water measuement. Elevations obtained from GoogleEarthPro WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS IrerraconAfter 2701 Westport Rd Charlotte, NC Boring Started: 03-11-2021 Boring Completed: 03-11-2021 Whiledrillirrg d � rilling Drill Rig: CME BK Driller: J. Parrish 3/12(2021 Project No.: 71215021 EWL Wet Cave -In a 0 U) 0 z 0 O Ir m N 0 N N r J w 0 z 0 0 Ir F Q U) 0 W 0 BORING LOG NO. B-05 Page 1 of 1 PROJECT: 1-85 Commerce Center CLIENT: NorthPoint Development, LLC Cincinnati, OH SITE: 410 Wedd Road Salisbury, NC w O LOCATION See Exploration Plan w z d o ATTERBERG LIMITS w > Q = Latitude: 35.60270 Longitude:-80.53730 _ >O LU ; U) U) � j w z z F- p Q w '� w w a I w z LL-PL-PI U Approximate Surface Elev.: 771 (Ft.) +/- o Q m Q E 0 w O a DEPTH ELEVATION Ft. TOPSOIL, 5-inches + SANDY FAT CLAY (CH), gray and light brown, medium stiff, residual 3-3-5 24.2 N=8 Z 4-3-4 2 5 N=7 3-3-4 8.0 763+/- N=7 SANDY SILT (ML), with manganese, light brown and gray, medium stiff to 3-4-5 stiff 10 N=9 2-3-4 15 N=7 olive brown X 3-4-4 3 20 N=8 4-5-5 25 N=10 6-7-8 30.0 741+/- 30 N=15 n Boring Teninated at 30 Feet Stratification lines are approximate. In -situ, the transition may be gradual. Hammer Type: Automatic Advancement Method: See Exploration and Testing Procedures for a Notes: Hollow Stem Auger description of field and laboratory procedures used and additional data (If any). See Supporting Information for explanation of symbols and abbreviations. Abandonment Method: Boring backfilled with auger cuttings after long term water measuement. Elevations obtained from GoogleEarthPro WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS IrerraconAfter 2701 Westport Rd Charlotte, NC Boring Started: 03-11-2021 Boring Completed: 03-11-2021 Whiledrillirrg d � rilling Drill Rig: CME BK Driller: J. Parrish 3/12/2021 Project No.: 71215021 EWL Wet Cave -In BORING LOG NO. B-06 Page 1 of 1 PROJECT: 1-85 Commerce Center CLIENT: NorthPoint Development, LLC Cincinnati, OH SITE: 410 Wedd Road Salisbury, NC w O LOCATION See Exploration Plan w z d o ATTERBERG LIMITS w > Q = Latitude: 35.60260 Longitude:-80.53650 _ >O LU ; U) U) � j w z z F- p Q w '� w w a I w z LL-PL-PI U Approximate Surface Elev.: 771 (Ft.) +/- o Q m Q E 0 w O a DEPTH ELEVATION Ft. L, 4-inches + WITH SAND (CH), light brown and red, medium stiff, residual 1-4-4 2AY 768+/-N=8 F.3.0 SILT(ML), trace manganese, olive brown, very stiff6-10-12 5N=22 6-10-13 763+/- N=23 J. SILTY SAND (SM1, fine to medium grained, olive brown and white, 9-16-19 medium dense to dense N=35 10 3 6-10-14 15 N=24 19-20-25 20 N=45 12-17-41 25.0 746+n/- 25 N=58 Boring Teninated at 25 Feet Stratification lines are approximate. In -situ, the transition may be gradual. Hammer Type: Automatic Advancement Method: See Exploration and Testing Procedures for a Notes: Hollow Stem Auger description of field and laboratory procedures used and additional data (If any). See Supporting Information for explanation of symbols and abbreviations. Abandonment Method: Boring backfilled with auger cuttings. Elevations obtained from GoogleEarthPro WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS 1 rarracon 2701 Westport Rd Charlotte, NC Boring Started: 03-12-2021 Boring Completed: 03-12-2021 Whiledrillirrg After d � rilling Drill Rig: CME BK Driller: J. Parrish Project No.: 71215021 EWL Wet Cave -In a 0 rr U) 0 z 0 O Ir m N 0 N r J w W O z 0 Ir J F Q U) O W 0 BORING LOG NO. B-07 Page 1 of 1 PROJECT: 1-85 Commerce Center CLIENT: NorthPoint Development, LLC Cincinnati, OH SITE: 410 Wedd Road Salisbury, NC w O LOCATION See Exploration Plan w z d o ATTERBERG LIMITS w > Q = Latitude: 35.60260 Longitude:-80.53580 _ LU ; � j w z z F- p Q w '� w w a I w z LL-PL-PI U Approximate Surface Elev.: 773 (Ft.) +/- o Q m Q E 0 w DEPTH ELEVATION Ft. O a TOPSOIL, 3-inches + ELASTIC SILT (MH), trace sand, red and light brown, soft to medium stiff, X 2-2-2 48.7 82-37-45 98 residual N=4 2 2-3-4 5.5 767.5+/- 5 N=7 SILT WITH SAND (ML), with manganese, light brown, stiff 2-4-6 8.0 765+/- N=10 SILTY SAND (SM1, fine to medium grained, white, green and gray, 2-5-7 medium dense 10 N=12 9-14-14 s 15 N=28 7-9-12 20 N=21 4-5-8 25.0 748+/- 25 N=13 Boring Tenninated at 25 Feet Stratification lines are approximate. In -situ, the transition may be gradual. Hammer Type: Automatic Advancement Method: See Exploration and Testing Procedures for a Notes: Hollow Stem Auger description of field and laboratory procedures used and additional data (If any). See Supporting Information for explanation of symbols and abbreviations. Abandonment Method: Boring backfilled with auger cuttings. Elevations obtained from GoogleEarthPro WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS 1 rarracon 2701 Westport Rd Charlotte, NC Boring Started: 03-12-2021 Boring Completed: 03-12-2021 Whiledrillirrg After d � rilling Drill Rig: CME BK Driller: J. Parrish Project No.: 71215021 EWL Wet Cave -In a 0 rr U) 0 z 0 O Ir 0 N N r >w 0 z 0 Ir J F Q U) 0 W 0 BORING LOG NO. B-08 Page 1 of 1 PROJECT: 1-85 Commerce Center CLIENT: NorthPoint Development, LLC Cincinnati, OH SITE: 410 Wedd Road Salisbury, NC w O LOCATION See Exploration Plan w z d o ATTERBERG LIMITS w > Q = Latitude: 35.60220 Longitude:-80.54030 _ >O LU ; U) U) � j w z z F- p Q w '� w w a I w z LL-PL-PI U Approximate Surface Elev.: 793 (Ft.) +/- o Q m Q E 0 w DEPTH ELEVATION Ft. O a TOPSOIL, 3-inches + FAT CLAY WITH SAND (CH), red, medium stiff to stiff, residual 2-3-4 N=7 2 3-3-3 5 N=6 4-4-6 32.2 8.0 785+/- N=10 SILT WITH SAND (ML), with manganese, light brown and red, stiff 5-7-8 10 N=15 12.0 781+/- SILT (ML), trace sand and with manganese, olive brown, stiff 3-5-6 15 N=11 3 3-5-5 20 N=10 22.0 771+/- SILT WITH SAND (ML), green and white, stiff to very stiff 4-6-8 25 N=14 6-11-11 30.0 763+/- 30 N-22 Boring Tenninated at 30 Feet Stratification lines are approximate. In -situ, the transition may be gradual. Hammer Type: Automatic Advancement Method: See Exploration and Testing Procedures for a Notes: Hollow Stem Auger description of field and laboratory procedures used and additional data (If any). See Supporting Information for explanation of symbols and abbreviations. Abandonment Method: Boring backfilled with auger cuttings after long term water measuement. Elevations obtained from GoogleEarthPro WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS Irerracon Boring Started: 03-10-2021 Boring Completed: 03-10-2021 While drilling Drill Rig: CME BK Driller: J. Parrish 3(10/2021 2701 Westport Rd Charlotte, NC Project No.: 71215021 EWL Wet Cave -In a 0 rr U) 0 z 0 O Ir N 0 N r J w W O z 0 Ir J F Q U) O W 0 BORING LOG NO. B-09 Page 1 of 1 PROJECT: 1-85 Commerce Center CLIENT: NorthPoint Development, LLC Cincinnati, OH SITE: 410 Wedd Road Salisbury, NC w O LOCATION See xploration Plan w z d o ATTERBERG LIMITS w > Q = Latitude: 35.6021 °Longitude: -80.53960 _ >O LU ; U) U) � j w z z F- p Q w '� w w a I w z LL-PL-PI U Approximate Surface Elev.: 788 (Ft.) +/- o Q m Q E 0 w O a DEPTH ELEVATION Ft. 3 inches + SANDY ELASTIC SILT (M ), red, medium stiff, residual 3-3-4 #TOPSOIL, 3. 0 785+/- N=7 ELASTIC SILT (M ), trace sand, light brown and gray, stiff 2 3-3-5 5 N=8 3-4-5 36.5 8.0 780+/- N=9 SILT (ML), trace sand, trace manganese, gray and light brown, medium 2-3-5 stiff to very stiff N=8 10 2-3-4 15 N=7 3 4-7-10 20 N=17 22.0 766+/- SILTY SAND (SM), fine to coarse grained, white and light brown, very dense 14-24-34 • : 25.0 763+/_ 25 N=58 n Boring Teninated at 25 Feet Stratification lines are approximate. In -situ, the transition may be gradual. Hammer Type: Automatic Advancement Method: See Exploration and Testing Procedures for a Notes: Hollow Stem Auger description of field and laboratory procedures used and additional data (If any). See Supporting Information for explanation of symbols and abbreviations. Abandonment Method: Boring backfilled with auger cuttings after long term water measuement. Elevations obtained from GoogleEarthPro WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS IrerraconAfter 2701 Westport Rd Charlotte, NC Boring Started: 03-05-2021 Boring Completed: 03-05-2021 Whiledrillirrg d � rilling Drill Rig: CME BK Driller: J. Parrish 3(10/2021 Project No.: 71215021 EWL Wet Cave -In BORING LOG NO. B-10 Page 1 of 1 PROJECT: 1-85 Commerce Center CLIENT: NorthPoint Development, LLC Cincinnati, OH SITE: 410 Wedd Road Salisbury, NC w O LOCATION See xploration Plan w z d o ATTERBERG LIMITS w > Q = Latitude: 35.6021 °Longitude: -80.53880 _ >O LU ; U) U) � j w z z F- p Q w '� w w a I w z LL-PL-PI U Approximate Surface Elev.: 779 (Ft.) +/- o Q m Q E 0 w O a DEPTH ELEVATION Ft. TOPSOIL, 3-inches + SANDY LEAN CLAY (CL), with manganese, red, medium stiff to stiff, 3-3-5 21.7 49-21-28 66 residual N=8 3 6-6-8 5.5 773.5+/- 5 N=14 ELASTIC SILT WITH SAND (MH), with manganese, red and light brown, 5-6-8 18.0 stiff 771+/- N=14 ELASTIC SILT (MH), with clay seams, trace sand, light brown and gray, 4-4-5 medium stiff to stiff N=9 10 2 2-3-3 15 N=6 17.0 762+/- SILT (ML), trace sand, light brown and olive brown, medium stiff to stiff 3-4-4 20 N=8 3 3-3-4 25 N=7 27.0 752+/- SANDY SILT (ML), green and white, stiff 5-6-6 30.0 749+/ 30 N=12 n Boring Teninated at 30 Feet Stratification lines are approximate. In -situ, the transition may be gradual. Hammer Type: Automatic Advancement Method: See Exploration and Testing Procedures for a Notes: Hollow Stem Auger description of field and laboratory procedures used and additional data (If any). See Supporting Information for explanation of symbols and abbreviations. Abandonment Method: Boring backfilled with auger cuttings after long term water measuement. Elevations obtained from GoogleEarthPro WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS IrerraconAfter 2701 Westport Rd Charlotte, NC Boring Started: 03-10-2021 Boring Completed: 03-10-2021 Whiledrillirrg d � rilling Drill Rig: CME BK Driller: J. Parrish 3/12/2021 Project No.: 71215021 EWL Wet Cave -In BORING LOG NO. B-11 Page 1 of 1 PROJECT: 1-85 Commerce Center CLIENT: NorthPoint Development, LLC Cincinnati, OH SITE: 410 Wedd Road Salisbury, NC w O LOCATION See xploration Plan w z d o ATTERBERG LIMITS w > Q = Latitude: 35.6021 °Longitude: -80.5381 ° _ >O LU ; U) U) � j w z z F- p Q w '� w w a I w z LL-PL-PI U Approximate Surface Elev.: 774 (Ft.) +/- o Q m Q E 0 w O a DEPTH ELEVATION Ft. TOPSOIL, 4-inches + SANDY FAT CLAY (CH), with gravel, gray and brown, medium stiff, 2-2-2 37.2 3.0 residual 771+/_ N=4 118.0 SILT (ML), trace sand, olive brown, white and light brown, medium stiff to 2-3-4 stiff 5— N=7 3-5-5 766+/- N=10 SANDY SILT (ML), with manganese, green and white, stiff 5-6-8 10 N=14 12.0 762+/- SILTY SAND (SM1, fine to medium grained, green and trace white, medium dense 8-12-13 3 15 N=25 7-12-16 20 N=28 125.0 7-8-12 749+/_ 25 N=20 Boring Tenninated at 25 Feet Stratification lines are approximate. In -situ, the transition may be gradual. Hammer Type: Automatic Advancement Method: See Exploration and Testing Procedures for a Notes: Hollow Stem Auger description of field and laboratory procedures used and additional data (If any). See Supporting Information for explanation of symbols and abbreviations. Abandonment Method: Boring backfilled with auger cuttings after long term water measuement. Elevations obtained from GoogleEarthPro WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS IrerraconAfter 2701 Westport Rd Charlotte, NC Boring Started: 03-11-2021 Boring Completed: 03-11-2021 Whiledrillirrg d � rilling Drill Rig: CME BK Driller: J. Parrish 3/12(2021 Project No.: 71215021 EWL Wet Cave -In BORING LOG NO. B-12 Page 1 of 1 PROJECT: 1-85 Commerce Center CLIENT: NorthPoint Development, LLC Cincinnati, OH SITE: 410 Wedd Road Salisbury, NC w O LOCATION See xploration Plan w z d o ATTERBERG LIMITS w > Q = Latitude: 35.6021 °Longitude: -80.53730 _ >O LU ; U) U) � j w z z F- p Q w '� w w a I w z LL-PL-PI U Approximate Surface Elev.: 770 (Ft.) +/- o Q m Q E 0 w O a DEPTH ELEVATION Ft. TOPSOIL, 6-inches + SANDY ELASTIC SILT (MH1, red and light brown, soft to medium stiff, X 2-2-2 residual N=4 with clay seams 3-3-4 2 5 N=7 2-3-4 8.0 762+/- N=7 . SILTY SAND (SM1, fine to medium grained, brown, loose to medium 2-2-2 dense 1 0 N=4 3-3-5 15 N=8 3 '. 6-8-9 1. �122.0 20 N=17 748+/- SANDY SILT (ML), olive brown, white and light brown, stiff 3-4-6 25.0 745+/_ 25 N=10 n Boring Teninated at 25 Feet Stratification lines are approximate. In -situ, the transition may be gradual. Hammer Type: Automatic Advancement Method: See Exploration and Testing Procedures for a Notes: Hollow Stem Auger description of field and laboratory procedures used and additional data (If any). See Supporting Information for explanation of symbols and abbreviations. Abandonment Method: Boring backfilled with auger cuttings after long term water measuement. Elevations obtained from GoogleEarthPro WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS IrerraconAfter 2701 Westport Rd Charlotte, NC Boring Started: 03-11-2021 Boring Completed: 03-11-2021 Whiledrillirrg d � rilling Drill Rig: CME BK Driller: J. Parrish 3/12(2021 Project No.: 71215021 EWL Wet Cave -In BORING LOG NO. B-13 Page 1 of 1 PROJECT: 1-85 Commerce Center CLIENT: NorthPoint Development, LLC Cincinnati, OH SITE: 410 Wedd Road Salisbury, NC w O LOCATION See xploration Plan w z d o ATTERBERG LIMITS w > Q = Latitude: 35.60200 Longitude:-80.53650 _ >O LU ; U) U) � j w z z UL F- p 'Lu w 0- I LL-PL-PI U pproxmaeuaceev.: (.) m Q E 0 w O a DEPTH ELEVATION Ft. L, 5-inches + AY WITH SAND (CH), with manganese, brown, and black, 2-3-4 stiff, residual N=7 2-3-4 2 761.5+/-rJ r5.5 N=7 C SILT(MH), trace sand, white and light brown, medium stiff 2 3 2 N=5 758+/- 10 4-5-6 N=11 SILTY SAND (SM), with manganese, fine to coarse grained, medium dense to very dense 9-14-17 15 N=31 3 15-17-37 20 N=54 22.0 745+/- SANDY SILT (ML), olive brown and white, very stiff -8-1 9 7-8-1 25.0 742+/_ 25 Boring Tenninated at 25 Feet Stratification lines are approximate. In -situ, the transition may be gradual. Hammer Type: Automatic Advancement Method: See Exploration and Testing Procedures for a Notes: Hollow Stem Auger description of field and laboratory procedures used and additional data (If any). See Supporting Information for explanation of symbols and abbreviations. Abandonment Method: Boring backfilled with auger cuttings. Elevations obtained from GoogleEarthPro WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS Irerracon Boring Started: 03-12-2021 Boring Completed: 03-12-2021 While drilling Drill Rig: CME BK Driller: J. Parrish 2701 Westport Rd Charlotte, NC Project No.: 71215021 EWL Wet Cave -In a 0 0 z 0 O Ir w N 0 N N r J w W O z 0 Ir J F Q U) O W 0 BORING LOG NO. B-14 Page 1 of 1 PROJECT: 1-85 Commerce Center CLIENT: NorthPoint Development, LLC Cincinnati, OH SITE: 410 Wedd Road Salisbury, NC w O LOCATION See xploration Plan w z d o ATTERBERG LIMITS w > Q = Latitude: 35.60200 Longitude:-80.53590 _ >O LU ; U) U) � j w z z UL F- p 'Lu w 0- I LL-PL-PI U pproxmaeuaceev.: (.) m Q E 0 w DEPTH ELEVATION Ft. O a TOPSOIL, 5-inches + SANDY ELASTIC SILT (MH1, with manganese, red and black, stiff, X 3-4-9 residual N=13 2 6-5-6 5.5 761.5+/- cJ N=11 ELASTIC SILT WITH SAND (MH), brown, stiff 2-6-6 8.0 759+/- N=12 SILTY SAND (SM1, with manganese, fine to coarse grained, brown, black 17-21-24 and light brown, medium dense to dense N=45 10 3-5-6 s 15 N=11 17-23-26 20 N=49 22.0 745+/- PARTIALLY WEATHERED ROCK (MR), sampled as brown, silty SAND a 23-50/5" 24.4 742.5+/- Boring Tenninated at 24.4 Feet Stratification lines are approximate. In -situ, the transition may be gradual. Hammer Type: Automatic Advancement Method: See Exploration and Testing Procedures for a Notes: Hollow Stem Auger description of field and laboratory procedures used and additional data (If any). See Supporting Information for explanation of symbols and abbreviations. Abandonment Method: Boring backfilled with auger cuttings after long term water measuement. Elevations obtained from GoogleEarthPro WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS Irerracon Boring Started: 03-12-2021 Boring Completed: 03-12-2021 Groundwater not encountered Drill Rig: CME BK Driller: J. Parrish 2701 Westport Rd Charlotte, NC Project No.: 71215021 EWL Dry Cave -In BORING LOG NO. B-15 Page 1 of 1 PROJECT: 1-85 Commerce Center CLIENT: NorthPoint Development, LLC Cincinnati, OH SITE: 410 Wedd Road Salisbury, NC w O LOCATION See Exploration Plan w z d o ATTERBERG LIMITS w > Q = Latitude: 35.60170 Longitude:-80.54030 _ >O LU ; U) U) � j w z z F- p Q w '� w w a I w z LL-PL-PI U Approximate Surface Elev.: 789 (Ft.) +/- o Q m Q E 0 w DEPTH ELEVATION Ft. O a TOPSOIL, 5-inches + FAT CLAY WITH SAND (CH), trace sand, with roots, brown and light 0-1-2 brown, soft to medium stiff, residual N=3 2 -48 30.3 50-25-25 78 5.5 783.5+/- 5 FAT CLAY (CH), trace sand, with manganese, gray and brown, medium 3-2-3 stiff 8.0 781+/- N=5 SILTY SAND (SM), fine to medium grained, white and light brown, loose 1-4-4 10 N=8 : 12.0 777+/- SANDY SILT (ML), with manganese, light brown and black, medium stiff to stiff 2-3-4 15 N=7 3 3-4-9 20 N=13 22.0 767+/- SILTY SAND (SM1, fine to medium grained, gray, medium dense 4-7-11 25.0 764+/- 25 N=18 Boring Tenninated at 25 Feet Stratification lines are approximate. In -situ, the transition may be gradual. Hammer Type: Automatic Advancement Method: See Exploration and Testing Procedures for a Notes: Hollow Stem Auger description of field and laboratory procedures used and additional data (If any). See Supporting Information for explanation of symbols and abbreviations. Abandonment Method: Boring backfilled with auger cuttings after long term water measuement. Elevations obtained from GoogleEarthPro WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS IrerraconAfter 2701 Westport Rd Charlotte, NC Boring Started: 03-10-2021 Boring Completed: 03-10-2021 Whiledrillirrg d � rilling Drill Rig: CME BK Driller: J. Parrish 3/12/2021 Project No.: 71215021 EWL Wet Cave -In BORING LOG NO. B-16 Page 1 of 1 PROJECT: 1-85 Commerce Center CLIENT: NorthPoint Development, LLC Cincinnati, OH SITE: 410 Wedd Road Salisbury, NC w O LOCATION See Exploration Plan w z d o ATTERBERG LIMITS w > Q = Latitude: 35.60160 Longitude:-80.53950 _ >O LU ; U) U) � j w z z F- p Q w '� w w a I w z LL-PL-PI U Approximate Surface Elev.: 783 (Ft.) +/- o Q m Q E 0 w O a DEPTH ELEVATION Ft. TOPSOIL, 4 inches + SANDY FAT CLAY (CH), trace manganese, light brown, medium stiff to 2-3-4 very stiff, residual N=7 4-6-10 26.4 54-28-26 55 2 5 N=16 5-8-9 N=17 9.0 trace mica, olive brown 774+/ 4-7-8 10 N=15 SILTY SAND (SM), with manganese, white and black, medium dense 3-5-5 15 N=10 3 17.0 766+/- SILT WITH SAND (ML), with manganese, olive brown to white, stiff to very stiff 7-8-12 20 N=20 22.0 761+/- SILTY SAND (SM), fine grained, brown and white, medium dense 12-11-13 25.0 758+/- 25 N=24 Boring Tenninated at 25 Feet Stratification lines are approximate. In -situ, the transition may be gradual. Hammer Type: Automatic Advancement Method: See Exploration and Testing Procedures for a Notes: Hollow Stem Auger description of field and laboratory procedures used Offset 10 feet north of marked location. and additional data (If any). See Supporting Information for explanation of symbols and abbreviations. Abandonment Method: Boring backfilled with auger cuttings after long term water measuement. Elevations obtained from GoogleEarthPro WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS IrerraconAfter 2701 Westport Rd Charlotte, NC Boring Started: 03-05-2021 Boring Completed: 03-05-2021 Whiledrillirrg d � rilling Drill Rig: CME BK Driller: J. Parrish 3(10/2021 Project No.: 71215021 EWL Wet Cave -In BORING LOG NO. B-17 Page 1 of 1 PROJECT: 1-85 Commerce Center CLIENT: NorthPoint Development, LLC Cincinnati, OH SITE: 410 Wedd Road Salisbury, NC w O LOCATION See Exploration Plan w z d o ATTERBERG LIMITS w > Q = Latitude: 35.60150 Longitude:-80.53880 _ >O LU ; U) U) � j w z z F- p Q w '� w w a I w z LL-PL-PI U Approximate Surface Elev.: 777 (Ft.) +/- o Q m Q E 0 w O a DEPTH ELEVATION Ft. TOPSOIL, 5-inches + SANDY ELASTIC SILT (MH1, with manganese, red, stiff, residual 4-5-5 26.4 N=10 2 4-4-5 5 N=9 3-4-4 8.0 769+/- N=8 SILT WITH SAND (ML), with manganese, green and light brown, medium 3-4-4 stiff 10 N=8 . • 12.0 765+/- SANDY SILT (ML), with trace manganese, green and light brown, stiff 5-5-7 15 N=12 3 5-7-7 20 N=14 V 5-7-8 �25.0 752+/- 25 N=15 n Boring Teninated at 25 Feet Stratification lines are approximate. In -situ, the transition may be gradual. Hammer Type: Automatic Advancement Method: See Exploration and Testing Procedures for a Notes: Hollow Stem Auger description of field and laboratory procedures used and additional data (If any). See Supporting Information for explanation of symbols and abbreviations. Abandonment Method: Boring backfilled with auger cuttings. Elevations obtained from GoogleEarthPro WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS Irerracon Boring Started: 03-10-2021 Boring Completed: 03-10-2021 While drilling Drill Rig: CME BK Driller: J. Parrish 2701 Westport Rd Charlotte, NC Project No.: 71215021 EWL Dry Cave -In BORING LOG NO. B-18 Page 1 of 1 PROJECT: 1-85 Commerce Center CLIENT: NorthPoint Development, LLC Cincinnati, OH SITE: 410 Wedd Road Salisbury, NC w O LOCATION See Exploration Plan w z d o ATTERBERG LIMITS w > Q = Latitude: 35.60150 Longitude:-80.5381 ° _ >O LU ; U) U) Lu j w z z UL p Q w '� w w a w z LL-PL-PI U 0 ry Approximate Surface Elev.: 772 (Ft.) +/- o < m Q 0 w a_ DEPTH ELEVATION Ft. L, 5-inches + AY WITH SAND (CH), brown and gray, soft, residual 2-2-2 44.3 N=4 2 F5.5 1-2-2 766.5+/- 5 N=4 C SILT (MH), trace sand, light brown and white, soft 3 2 2 764+/- N=4 SILTY SAND (SM1, brown, green and white, loose to medium dense 2-2-2 10 N=4 3-4-6 15 N=10 3 '. 5-7-8 20 N=15 5-7-9 25.0 747+/- 25 N=16 n Boring Teninated at 25 Feet Stratification lines are approximate. In -situ, the transition may be gradual. Hammer Type: Automatic Advancement Method: See Exploration and Testing Procedures for a Notes: Hollow Stem Auger description of field and laboratory procedures used and additional data (If any). See Supporting Information for explanation of symbols and abbreviations. Abandonment Method: Boring backfilled with auger cuttings after long term water measuement. Elevations obtained from GoogleEarthPro WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS IrerraconAfter 2701 Westport Rd Charlotte, NC Boring Started: 03-11-2021 Boring Completed: 03-11-2021 Whiledrillirrg d � rilling Drill Rig: CME BK Driller: J. Parrish 3/12(2021 Project No.: 71215021 EWL Wet Cave -In BORING LOG NO. B-19 Page 1 of 1 PROJECT: 1-85 Commerce Center CLIENT: NorthPoint Development, LLC Cincinnati, OH SITE: 410 Wedd Road Salisbury, NC w O LOCATION See Exploration Plan w z d o ATTERBERG LIMITS w > Q = Latitude: 35.60150 Longitude:-80.53730 _ >O LU ; U) U) � j w z z F- p Q w '� w w a I w z LL-PL-PI U Approximate Surface Elev.: 770 (Ft.) +/- o Q m Q E 0 w DEPTH ELEVATION Ft. O a TOPSOIL, 5-inches + SANDY SILT (ML), gray and brown, medium stiff, residual 3 3 5 3.0 767+/- N=8 SILTY SAND (SM1, fine to medium grained, medium dense 9-12-14 5.5 764.5+/- cJ N=26 SANDY SILT (ML), brown, very stiff 7-10-11 N=21 Z 7-9-15 10 N=24 12.0 758+/- SILTY SAND (SM1, fine to medium grained, brown and white, medium 3 dense to dense 4-6-10 15 N=16 J. max 6-7-7 20 N=14 9-15-18 ': •. 25.0 745+/_ 25 N=33 n Boring Teninated at 25 Feet Stratification lines are approximate. In -situ, the transition may be gradual. Hammer Type: Automatic Advancement Method: See Exploration and Testing Procedures for a Notes: Hollow Stem Auger description of field and laboratory procedures used and additional data (If any). See Supporting Information for explanation of symbols and abbreviations. Abandonment Method: Boring backfilled with auger cuttings after long term water measuement. Elevations obtained from GoogleEarthPro WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS IrerraconAfter 2701 Westport Rd Charlotte, NC Boring Started: 03-11-2021 Boring Completed: 03-11-2021 Whiledrillirrg d � rilling Drill Rig: CME BK Driller: J. Parrish 3/12(2021 Project No.: 71215021 EWL Wet Cave -In BORING LOG NO. B-20 Page 1 of 1 PROJECT: 1-85 Commerce Center CLIENT: NorthPoint Development, LLC Cincinnati, OH SITE: 410 Wedd Road Salisbury, NC w O LOCATION See xploration Plan w z d o ATTERBERG LIMITS w > Q = Latitude: 35.60140 Longitude:-80.53660 _ >O LU ; U) U) � j w z z UL F- p 'Lu w 0- I LL-PL-PI U pproxmaeuaceev.: (.) m Q E 0 w DEPTH ELEVATION Ft. O a TOPSOIL, 4-inches + SANDY SILT (ML), with clay seams and with manganese, brown, medium 3-3-4 13.0 stiff, residual 764+/- N=7 SILT WITH SAND (ML), olive brown and brown, stiff to very stiff 6-6-11 5 N=17 5-6-8 N=14 6-8-10 10 N=18 • 12.0 755+/- SILTY SAND (SM1, fine to medium grained, olive brown and white, 3 medium dense to very dense 9-10-16 15 N=26 10-16-24 20 N=40 15-31-45 % 25.0 742+/_ 25 N=76 n Boring Teninated at 25 Feet Stratification lines are approximate. In -situ, the transition may be gradual. Hammer Type: Automatic Advancement Method: See Exploration and Testing Procedures for a Notes: Hollow Stem Auger description of field and laboratory procedures used and additional data (If any). See Supporting Information for explanation of symbols and abbreviations. Abandonment Method: Boring backfilled with auger cuttings after long term water measuement. Elevations obtained from GoogleEarthPro WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS IrerraconAfter 2701 Westport Rd Charlotte, NC Boring Started: 03-12-2021 Boring Completed: 03-12-2021 Whiledrillirrg d � rilling Drill Rig: CME BK Driller: J. Parrish 3/12(2021 Project No.: 71215021 EWL Wet Cave -In BORING LOG NO. B-21 Page 1 of 1 PROJECT: 1-85 Commerce Center CLIENT: NorthPoint Development, LLC Cincinnati, OH SITE: 410 Wedd Road Salisbury, NC w O LOCATION See xploration Plan w z d o ATTERBERG LIMITS w > Q = Latitude: 35.60140 Longitude:-80.53590 _ >O LU ; U) U) � j w z z UL F- p 'Lu w 0- I LL-PL-PI U pproxmaeuaceev.: (.) m Q E 0 w DEPTH ELEVATION Ft. O a TOPSOIL, 5-inches + FAT CLAY WITH SAND (CH), trace roots, brown, medium stiff to stiff, X 2-3-2 residual N=5 2 2-5-5 5 N=10 5-5-7 8.0 756+/- N=12 SILTY SAND (SM), fine to coarse grained, light brown and brown, medium 7-7-8 dense to dense 10 N=15 10-17-18 15 N=35 3 '. olive brown, green and white 5-8-11 20 N=19 5-8-8 •.25.0 739+/_ 25 N=16 Boring Tenninated at 25 Feet Stratification lines are approximate. In -situ, the transition may be gradual. Hammer Type: Automatic Advancement Method: See Exploration and Testing Procedures for a Notes: Hollow Stem Auger description of field and laboratory procedures used and additional data (If any). See Supporting Information for explanation of symbols and abbreviations. Abandonment Method: Boring backfilled with auger cuttings. Elevations obtained from GoogleEarthPro WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS 1 rarracon 2701 Westport Rd Charlotte, NC Boring Started: 03-12-2021 Boring Completed: 03-12-2021 Whiledrillirrg After d � rilling Drill Rig: CME BK Driller: J. Parrish Project No.: 71215021 EWL Wet Cave -In a 0 rr U) 0 z 0 O Ir m 0 N N r J w O z 0 Ir J F Q U) O W 0 BORING LOG NO. B-22 Page 1 of 1 PROJECT: 1-85 Commerce Center CLIENT: NorthPoint Development, LLC Cincinnati, OH SITE: 410 Wedd Road Salisbury, NC w O LOCATION See xploration Plan w z d o ATTERBERG LIMITS w > Q = Latitude: 35.60210Longitude:-80.54120 _ >O LU; U) U) � j w z z F- p Q w '� w w a I w z LL-PL-PI U Approximate Surface Elev.: 798 (Ft.) +/- o Q m Q E 0 w O a DEPTH ELEVATION Ft. TOPSOIL, 4-inches + ELASTIC SILT (MH), trace sand, red and light brown, medium stiff to stiff, X 3-4-4 residual N=8 2 X 3-4-4 5 N=8 2-4-6 8.0 790+/- N=10 SILT WITH SAND (ML), with manganese, white and red, medium stiff 3-4-4 10 N=8 3-3-4 15 N=7 3 2-2-3 20 N=5 2-3-4 25 N=7 Boring Tenninated at 30 Feet Stratification lines are approximate. In -situ, the transition may be gradual. Hammer Type: Automatic Advancement Method: See Exploration and Testing Procedures for a Notes: Hollow Stem Auger description of field and laboratory procedures used and additional data (If any). See Supporting Information for explanation of symbols and abbreviations. Abandonment Method: Boring backfilled with auger cuttings after long term water measuement. Elevations obtained from GoogleEarthPro WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS IrerraconAfter 2701 Westport Rd Charlotte, NC Boring Started: 03-11-2021 Boring Completed: 03-11-2021 Whiledrillirrg d � rilling Drill Rig: CME BK Driller: J. Parrish 3/12(2021 Project No.: 71215021 EWL Wet Cave -In BORING LOG NO. B-23 Page 1 of 1 PROJECT: 1-85 Commerce Center CLIENT: NorthPoint Development, LLC Cincinnati, OH SITE: 410 Wedd Road Salisbury, NC w O LOCATION See Exploration Plan w z d o ATTERBERG LIMITS w > Q = Latitude: 35.60320 Longitude:-80.53990 _ >O ; LU U) U) � j z w z F- p ' w I LL-PL-PI U pproxmaeuaceev.: (.) m Q E 0 w O a DEPTH ELEVATION Ft. TOPSOIL, 3-inches + FAT CLAY WITH SAND (CH), red and light brown, medium stiff to very 2-5-3 43.4 stiff, residual N=8 6-8-10 2 ' 5.5 793.5+/- cJ N=18 ELASTIC SILT WITH SAND (MH), light brown, white and red, medium stiff 6-8-10 to very stiff N=18 4-4-5 100 10.0 Boring Tenninated at 10 Feet Stratification lines are approximate. In -situ, the transition may be gradual. Hammer Type: Automatic Advancement Method: See Exploration and Testing Procedures for a Notes: Hollow Stem Auger description of field and laboratory procedures used and additional data (If any). See Supporting Information for explanation of symbols and abbreviations. Abandonment Method: Boring backfilled with auger cuttings. Elevations obtained from GoogleEarthPro WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS Irerracon Boring Started: 03-09-2021 Boring Completed: 03-09-2021 Groundwater not encountered Drill Rig: CME BK Driller: J. Parrish 2701 Westport Rd Charlotte, NC Project No.: 71215021 EWL Dry Cave -In BORING LOG NO. B-24 Page 1 of 1 PROJECT: 1-85 Commerce Center CLIENT: NorthPoint Development, LLC Cincinnati, OH SITE: 410 Wedd Road Salisbury, NC w O LOCATION See xploration Plan w z d o ATTERBERG LIMITS w > Q = Latitude: 35.6031 °Longitude: -80.53760 _ >O ; LU U) U) � j z w z F- p ' w I LL-PL-PI U pproxmaeuaceev.: (.) m Q E 0 w DEPTH ELEVATION Ft. O a TOPSOIL, 3-inches + SANDY FAT CLAY (CH), with manganese, light brown, medium stiff to 2-2-3 31.1 77-25-52 69 stiff, residual N=5 2 4. 7770+/- ELASTIC SILT WITH SAND (MH), light brown and red, stiff 5MffZ�s N 4 0 4-4-5 8.0 766+/- N=9 SILTY SAND (SM1, fine to medium grained, olive brown and brown, 3 . 10.0 medium dense 764+/ 1012 N=12 n Boring Teninated at 10 Feet Stratification lines are approximate. In -situ, the transition may be gradual. Hammer Type: Automatic Advancement Method: See Exploration and Testing Procedures for a Notes: Hollow Stem Auger description of field and laboratory procedures used and additional data (If any). See Supporting Information for explanation of symbols and abbreviations. Abandonment Method: Boring backfilled with auger cuttings. Elevations obtained from GoogleEarthPro WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS Irerracon Boring Started: 03-11-2021 Boring Completed: 03-11-2021 Groundwater not encountered Drill Rig: CME BK Driller: J. Parrish 2701 Westport Rd Charlotte, NC Project No.: 71215021 EWL Dry Cave -In a 0 U) D 0 0 a O Ir m w N O N N r J w W O z 0 Ir J F Q U) O w 0 BORING LOG NO. B-25 Page 1 of 1 PROJECT: 1-85 Commerce Center CLIENT: NorthPoint Development, LLC Cincinnati, OH SITE: 410 Wedd Road Salisbury, NC w O LOCATION See xploration Plan w z d o ATTERBERG LIMITS w > Q = Latitude: 35.6031 °Longitude: -80.53580 _ >O ; LU U) U) � j z w z F- p ' w I LL-PL-PI U pproxmaeuaceev.: (.) m Q E 0 w DEPTH ELEVATION Ft. O a TOPSOIL, 4-inches + SANDY ELASTIC SILT WH1, with manganese, red and black, medium 3-3-5 43.2 2 3.0 stiff, residual 771+/- N=8 SILT WITH SAND (ML), red, medium stiff to stiff 4-6-6 5 N=12 4-4-4 N=8 4-7-8 10 N=15 3 12.0 762+/- SILTY SAND (SM1, fine to medium grained, light brown and red, medium dense to dense 12-13-20 15 N=33 10-9-16 754+/- 20 —XI N=25 Boring Tenninated at 20 Feet Stratification lines are approximate. In -situ, the transition may be gradual. Hammer Type: Automatic Advancement Method: See Exploration and Testing Procedures for a Notes: Hollow Stem Auger description of field and laboratory procedures used and additional data (If any). See Supporting Information for explanation of symbols and abbreviations. Abandonment Method: Boring backfilled with auger cuttings. Elevations obtained from GoogleEarthPro WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS Irerracon Boring Started: 03-11-2021 Boring Completed: 03-11-2021 Groundwater not encountered Drill Rig: CME BK Driller: J. Parrish 2701 Westport Rd Charlotte, NC Project No.: 71215021 EWL Dry Cave -In a 0 rr U) D 0 0 O Ir m w N O N N r J w W O z 0 Ir J F Q U) O w 0 BORING LOG NO. B-26 Page 1 of 1 PROJECT: 1-85 Commerce Center CLIENT: NorthPoint Development, LLC Cincinnati, OH SITE: 410 Wedd Road Salisbury, NC w O LOCATION See Exploration Plan w z d o ATTERBERG LIMITS w > Q = Latitude: 35.60220 Longitude:-80.53500 _ >O ; LU U) U) � j z w z F- p ' w I LL-PL-PI U pproxmaeuaceev.: (.) m Q E 0 w DEPTH ELEVATION Ft. O a TOPSOIL, 4-inches + ELASTIC SILT WITH SAND (MH), with manganese, light brown and black, 2-2-3 F K medium stiff, residual 763+/- N=5 .o SILT (ML), trace sand, green and white, stiff �5.5 2-3-6 760.5+/- 5 N=9 SILTY SAND (SM), fine to medium grained, green and white, medium 3-6-8 dense to dense N=14 J. 5-14-14 10 N=28 3 9-18-19 15 N=37 • 9-10-19 '• 20.0 746+/- 20 N=29 Boring Tenninated at 20 Feet Stratification lines are approximate. In -situ, the transition may be gradual. Hammer Type: Automatic Advancement Method: See Exploration and Testing Procedures for a Notes: Hollow Stem Auger description of field and laboratory procedures used and additional data (If any). See Supporting Information for explanation of symbols and abbreviations. Abandonment Method: Boring backfilled with auger cuttings. Elevations obtained from GoogleEarthPro WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS Irerracon Boring Started: 03-12-2021 Boring Completed: 03-12-2021 After drilling 2701 Westport Rd Charlotte, NC Drill Rig: CME BK Driller: J. Parrish Project No.: 71215021 EWL Wet Cave -In a 0 rr U) D 0 0 a O Ir m w N O N N r J w W O z 0 Ir J F Q U) O w 0 BORING LOG NO. B-27 Page 1 of 1 PROJECT: 1-85 Commerce Center CLIENT: NorthPoint Development, LLC Cincinnati, OH SITE: 410 Wedd Road Salisbury, NC w O LOCATION See Exploration Plan w z d o ATTERBERG LIMITS w > Q = Latitude: 35.60080 Longitude:-80.53620 _ >O ; LU U) U) � j z w z F- p ' w I LL-PL-PI U pproxmaeuaceev.: (.) m Q E 0 w DEPTH ELEVATION Ft. O a TOPSOIL, 5-inches + FAT CLAY WITH SAND (CH), light brown and gray, medium stiff to stiff, X 2-3-3 31.3 residual N=6 2 2-3-4 5 N=7 3-4-6 8.0 757+/- N=10 SANDY SILT (ML), light brown, very stiff 8-11-15 10 N=26 12.0 753+/- SILTY SAND (SM), fine to medium grained, dark brown, light brown and olive brown, dense to very dense 11-12-34 3 15 N=46 27-31-38 745+/- 20 N=69 Boring Tenninated at 20 Feet Stratification lines are approximate. In -situ, the transition may be gradual. Hammer Type: Automatic Advancement Method: See Exploration and Testing Procedures for a Notes: Hollow Stem Auger description of field and laboratory procedures used and additional data (If any). See Supporting Information for explanation of symbols and abbreviations. Abandonment Method: Boring backfilled with auger cuttings. Elevations obtained from GoogleEarthPro WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS 1 rarracon 2701 Westport Rd Charlotte, NC Boring Started: 03-12-2021 Boring Completed: 03-12-2021 Whiledrillirrg After d � rilling Drill Rig: CME BK Driller: J. Parrish Project No.: 71215021 EWL Wet Cave -In a 0 rr U) 0 0 O Ir m w N O N N r J w W O z 0 Ir J F Q U) O w 0 BORING LOG NO. B-28 Page 1 of 1 PROJECT: 1-85 Commerce Center CLIENT: NorthPoint Development, LLC Cincinnati, OH SITE: 410 Wedd Road Salisbury, NC w O LOCATION See xploration Plan w z d o ATTERBERG LIMITS w > Q = Latitude: 35.60090 Longitude:-80.53770 _ >O LU ; U) U) � j w z z UL F- p 'Lu w 0- I LL-PL-PI U pproxmaeuaceev.: (.) m Q E 0 w DEPTH ELEVATION Ft. O a TOPSOIL, 5-inches + ELASTIC SILT (MH), trace sand, light brown, medium stiff to very stiff, X 1-2-3 residual N=5 2-3-3 5 N=6 3-3-4 N=7 2-3-3 57.8 53-32-21 83 2 10 N=6 12.0 758+/- ELASTIC SILT WITH SAND (MH), light brown, very stiff 7-9-9 15 N=18 4-6-10 Boring Tenninated at 20 Feet Stratification lines are approximate. In -situ, the transition may be gradual. Hammer Type: Automatic Advancement Method: See Exploration and Testing Procedures for a Notes: Hollow Stem Auger description of field and laboratory procedures used and additional data (If any). See Supporting Information for explanation of symbols and abbreviations. Abandonment Method: Boring backfilled with auger cuttings after long term water measuement. Elevations obtained from GoogleEarthPro WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS IrerraconAfter 2701 Westport Rd Charlotte, NC Boring Started: 03-11-2021 Boring Completed: 03-11-2021 Whiledrillirrg d � rilling Drill Rig: CME BK Driller: J. Parrish 3/12(2021 Project No.: 71215021 EWL Wet Cave -In a 0 U) 0 0 O Ir m w N O N N r J w W O z 0 Ir J F Q U) O w 0 BORING LOG NO. B-29 Page 1 of 1 PROJECT: 1-85 Commerce Center CLIENT: NorthPoint Development, LLC Cincinnati, OH SITE: 410 Wedd Road Salisbury, NC w O LOCATION See xploration Plan w z d o ATTERBERG LIMITS w > Q = Latitude: 35.6011°Longitude:-80.53970 _ >O LU; U) U) � j z w z F- p ' w I LL-PL-PI U pproxmaeuaceev.: (.) m Q E 0 w DEPTH ELEVATION Ft. O a TOPSOIL, 5-inches + FAT CLAY (CH), red and light brown, stiff, residual 2-4-5 2 3.0 781+/- N=9 SILT (ML), dark red, light brown, and gray, stiff 5-5-7 5 N=12 3-5-6 8.0 776+/- N=1 1 SILT WITH SAND (ML), with manganese, white, red, and black, medium 3-4-3 stiff to stiff 10 N=7 3 4-4-4 15 N=8 olive brown 4-5-7 .120.0 Boring Tenninated at 20 Feet Stratification lines are approximate. In -situ, the transition may be gradual. Hammer Type: Automatic Advancement Method: See Exploration and Testing Procedures for a Notes: Hollow Stem Auger description of field and laboratory procedures used and additional data (If any). See Supporting Information for explanation of symbols and abbreviations. Abandonment Method: Boring backfilled with auger cuttings. Elevations obtained from GoogleEarthPro WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS Irerracon 2701 Westport Rd Charlotte, NC Boring Started: 03-05-2021 Boring Completed: 03-05-2021 rig � Atcompletion of drllng Drill Rig: CME BK Driller: J. Parrish Project No.: 71215021 EWL Wet Cave -In SUMMARY OF LABORATORY RESULTS BORING ID Depth (Ft.) Soil Classification USCS Water Content (%) Liquid Limit Plastic Limit Plasticity Index o Fines /o B-01 13.5 - 15 ELASTIC SILT with SAND(MH) 56.7 60 44 16 85.0 B-02 3.5 - 5 36.7 B-03 1 - 2.5 22.5 B-04 1 - 2.5 27.9 B-05 1 - 2.5 24.2 B-07 1 - 2.5 ELASTIC SILT(MH) 48.7 82 37 45 98.1 B-08 6 - 7.5 32.2 B-09 6 - 7.5 36.5 B-10 1 - 2.5 SANDY LEAN CLAY(CL) 21.7 49 21 28 65.9 B-11 1 - 2.5 37.2 B-15 3.5 - 5 FAT CLAY with SAND(CH) 30.3 50 25 25 78.1 B-16 3.5 - 5 SANDY FAT CLAY(CH) 26.4 54 28 26 54.6 B-17 1 - 2.5 26.4 B-18 1 - 2.5 44.3 B-23 1 - 2.5 43.4 B-24 1 - 2.5 SANDY FAT CLAY(CH) 31.1 77 25 52 69.3 B-25 1 - 2.5 43.2 B-27 1 - 2.5 31.3 B-28 8.5 - 10 ELASTIC SILT with SAND(MH) 57.8 53 32 21 83.4 PROJECT: 1-85 Commerce Center SITE: 410 Wedd Road Salisbury, NC PROJECT NUMBER: 71215021 Irerracon 2701 Westport Rd CLIENT: NorthPolnt Development, LLC Charlotte, NC Cincinnati, OH PH.704509-1777 FAX.704509-1888 ATTERBERG LIMITS RESULTS ASTM D4318 60 50 P L s 4C T I C T 3C Y I N 2C D E X 10 0 0 Zz O+ O G� i 10, O 40 MH or OH loe ML r OL CL-ML i _ 20 40 Boring ID Dept PI • B-01 13.5 - 15 60 44 16 * B-07 1 - 2.5 82 37 45 A B-10 1 - 2.5 49 21 28 * B-15 3.5 - 5 50 25 25 O B-16 3.5 - 5 54 28 26 * B-24 1 - 2.5 77 25 52 O B-28 8.5 - 10 53 32 21 PROJECT: 1-85 Commerce Center SITE: 410 Wedd Road Salisbury, NC 60 80 100 LIQUID LIMIT Fines USCS Descriptio 85.0 MH ELASTIC SILT with SAND 98.1 MH ELASTIC SILT 65.9 CL SANDY LEAN CLAY 78.1 CH FAT CLAY with SAND 54.6 CH SANDY FAT CLAY 69.3 CH SANDY FAT CLAY 83.4 MH ELASTIC SILT with SAND Irerracon 2701 Westport Rd Charlotte, NC PROJECT NUMBER: 71215021 CLIENT: NorthPoint Development, LLC Cincinnati, OH GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION ASTM D422 / ASTM C136 U.S. SIEVE OPENING IN INCHES U.S. SIEVE NUMBERS HYDROMETER 6 4 3 2 1.5 1 3/4 1/23/8 3 4 6 810 1416 20 30 40 50 60 100 140 200 0 100 95 10 90 85 80 20 75 70 30 65 60 40, m n 255 m z m 50 50 O D Z 45 70 ILL m 70 z 40 60 M U � m w 35 d x 30 70 25 20 80 15 90 10 5 0 1pp 100 : 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.00T0 FCOBBLES GRAVEL SAND SILT OR CLAY coarse fine coarse medium fine BORING ID DEPTH % COBBLES % GRAVEL % SAND % SILT % FINES % CLAY USCS • B-01 13.5 - 15 85.0 MH m B-07 1 - 2.5 98.1 MH A B-10 1 - 2.5 65.9 CL GRAIN SI m OIL DESCRIPTION • Sieve % Finer Sieve % Finer Sieve % Finer LT with SAND (MH) 7ELA'TIC #200 84.99 #200 98.13 #200 65.94 Dss LT (MH) D asD1s N CLAY (CL) REMARKS COEFFICIENTS ffCCP9 m Cu A PROJECT: 1-85 Commerce Center Irerracon PROJECT NUMBER: 71215021 SITE: 410 Wedd Road 2701 Westport Rd CLIENT: NorthPoint Development, LLC Salisbury, NC Charlotte, NC Cincinnati, OH GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION ASTM D422 / ASTM C136 U.S. SIEVE OPENING IN INCHES U.S. SIEVE NUMBERS HYDROMETER 6 4 3 2 1.5 1 3/4 1/23/8 3 4 6 810 1416 20 30 40 50 60 100 140 200 0 100 95 10 90 85 80 20 75 70 30 65 60 40, � m n 2 55 m z m 50 50 O D Z 45 Cl) L m z 40 60 U � m w 35 d x 30 70 25 20 80 15 90 10 5 0 1pp 100 : 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.00T0 FCOBBLES GRAVEL SAND SILT OR CLAY coarse fine coarse medium fine BORING ID DEPTH % COBBLES % GRAVEL % SAND % SILT % FINES % CLAY USCS • B-15 3.5 - 5 78.1 CH m B-16 3.5 - 5 54.6 CH A B-24 1 - 2.5 69.3 CH GRAIN SI m L DESCRIPTION • Sieve % Finer Sieve % Finer Sieve % Finer SAND (CH) 7FATCLA #200 78.14 #200 54.58 #200 69.27 D60LAY (CH) D�D1a LAY (CH) REMARKS COEFFICIENTS Icc m Cu 1 1A PROJECT: 1-85 Commerce Center Irerracon PROJECT NUMBER: 71215021 SITE: 410 Wedd Road 2701 Westport Rd CLIENT: NorthPoint Development, LLC Salisbury, NC Charlotte, NC Cincinnati, OH GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION ASTM D422 / ASTM C136 U.S. SIEVE OPENING IN INCHES U.S. SIEVE NUMBERS HYDROMETER 6 4 3 2 1.5 1 3/4 1/23/8 3 4 6 810 1416 20 30 40 50 60 100 140 200 0 100 95 10 90 85 80 20 75 70 30 65 60 40, 55 m n 2 m z m 50 50 O D Z 45 Cl) ILL m z 40 60 M U m m w 35 d x 30 70 25 20 80 15 90 10 5 0 1pp 100 : 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.00T0 FCOBBLES GRAVEL SAND SILT OR CLAY coarse fine coarse medium fine BORING ID DEPTH % COBBLES % GRAVEL % SAND % SILT % FINES % CLAY USCS • B-28 8.5 - 10 83.4 M H GRAIN SIZE SOIL DESCRIPTION • Sieve % Finer Sieve % Finer Sieve % Finer Aw� •ELASTIC SILT with SAND (MH) D60 #200 83.45 D, D1a REMARKS COEFFICIENTS ffCCP9 C, PROJECT: 1-85 Commerce Center Irerracon PROJECT NUMBER: 71215021 SITE: 410 Wedd Road 2701 Westport Rd CLIENT: NorthPoint Development, LLC Salisbury, NC Charlotte, NC Cincinnati, OH SUPPORTING INFORMATION Contents: General Notes Unified Soil Classification System NCDOT Standard Embankment Monitoring Note: All attachments are one page unless noted above. GENERAL NOTES DESCRIPTION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS 1-85 Commerce Center Salisbury, NC Terracon Project No. 71215021 SAMPLING I WATER LEVEL Water Initially Encountered Standard Water Level After a Penetration Specified Period of Time Test v Water Level After a Specified Period of Time zaCave In Encountered Water levels indicated on the soil boring logs are the levels measured in the borehole at the times indicated. Groundwater level variations will occur over time. In low permeability soils, accurate determination of groundwater levels is not possible with short term water level observations. DESCRIPTIVE SOIL CLASSIFICATION lrerracon GeoReport FIELD TESTS Standard Penetration Test Resistance (Blows/Ft.) (HP) Hand Penetrometer (T) Torvane (DCP) Dynamic Cone Penetrometer UC Unconfined Compressive Strength (PID) Photo -Ionization Detector (OVA) Organic Vapor Analyzer Soil classification as noted on the soil boring logs is based Unified Soil Classification System. Where sufficient laboratory data exist to classify the soils consistent with ASTM D2487 "Classification of Soils for Engineering Purposes" this procedure is used. ASTM D2488 "Description and Identification of Soils (Visual -Manual Procedure)" is also used to classify the soils, particularly where insufficient laboratory data exist to classify the soils in accordance with ASTM D2487. In addition to USCS classification, coarse grained soils are classified on the basis of their in -place relative density, and fine-grained soils are classified on the basis of their consistency. See "Strength Terms" table below for details. The ASTM standards noted above are for reference to methodology in general. In some cases, variations to methods are applied as a result of local practice or professional judgment. LOCATION AND ELEVATION NOTES Exploration point locations as shown on the Exploration Plan and as noted on the soil boring logs in the form of Latitude and Longitude are approximate. See Exploration and Testing Procedures in the report for the methods used to locate the exploration points for this project. Surface elevation data annotated with +/- indicates that no actual topographical survey was conducted to confirm the surface elevation. Instead, the surface elevation was approximately determined from topographic maps of the area. STRENGTH TERMS RELATIVE DENSITY OF COARSE -GRAINED SOILS CONSISTENCY OF FINE-GRAINED SOILS (More than 50% retained on No. 200 sieve.) (50% or more passing the No. 200 sieve.) Density determined by Standard Penetration Resistance Consistency determined by laboratory shear strength testing, field visual -manual procedures or standard penetration resistance Descriptive Term Standard Penetration or Descriptive Term Unconfined Compressive Strength Standard Penetration or (Density) N-Value (Consistency) Qu, (tsf) N-Value Blows/Ft. Blows/Ft. Very Loose 0-3 Very Soft less than 0.25 0-1 Loose 4-9 Soft 0.25 to 0.50 2-4 Medium Dense 10 - 29 Medium Stiff 0.50 to 1.00 4-8 Dense 30 - 50 Stiff 1.00 to 2.00 8 - 15 Very Dense > 50 Very Stiff 2.00 to 4.00 15 - 30 Hard > 4.00 > 30 RELEVANCE OF SOIL BORING LOG The soil boring logs contained within this document are intended for application to the project as described in this document. Use of these soil boring logs for any other purpose may not be appropriate. UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM 1 rerracon Geo—Re port Soil Classification Criteria for Assigning Group Symbols and Group Names Using Laboratory Tests A Group Symbol Group Nam GW Well -graded gravel F Gravels: Clean Gravels: Cu >- 4 and 1 <- Cc <- 3 E More than 50% of Less than 5% fines c Cu < 4 and/or [Cc<1 or Cc>3.0] E GP Poorly graded gravel F coarse fraction GM Silty ravel F, G, H retained on No. 4 Gravels with Fines: Fines classify as ML or MH GC Clayey gravel F, G, H Coarse -Grained Soils: sieve More than 12% fines c Fines classify as CL or CH More than 50% retained on No. 200 Clean Sands: Cu >- 6 and 1 <- Cc <- 3 E SW Well -graded sand sieve Sands: Less than 5% fines u Cu < 6 and/or [Cc<1 or Cc>3.0] E SP Poorly graded sand 1 50% or more of Sands with Fines: Fines classify as ML or MH SM Siltysand G, H, i coarse fraction passes No. 4 sieve More than 12% fines o Fines classify as CL or CH SC Clayey sand G, H, i PI > 7 and plots on or above "A" CL Lean clay K, L, M Silts and Clays: Inorganic: PI < 4 or plots below "A" line J ML Silt K, L, M Liquid limit less than 50 Liquid limit - oven Organic clayK, L, M, N Fine -Grained Soils: Organic: < 0.75 OL Liquid limit - not dried Or anic silt K, L, M, o 50% or more passes the No. 200 sieve Inorganic: PI plots on or above "A" line CH Fat clay K, L, M Silts and Clays: PI plots below "A" line MH Elastic Silt K, L, M Liquid limit 50 or more Liquid limit - oven I< Or anic clay K, L, M, P Organic: 0.75 OH Liquid limit - not dried L Or anic silt K, L, M, Q Highly organic soils: Primarily organic matter, dark in color, and organic odor PT Peat A Based on the material passing the 3-inch (75-mm) sieve. H If fines are organic, add "with organic fines" to group name. B If field sample contained cobbles or boulders, or both, add "with I If soil contains >- 15% gravel, add "with gravel" to group name. cobbles or boulders, or both" to group name. J IfAtterberg limits plot in shaded area, soil is a CL-ML, silty clay. c Gravels with 5 to 12% fines require dual symbols: GW-GM well- K If soil contains 15 to 29% plus No. 200, add "with sand" or "with graded gravel with silt, GW-GC well -graded gravel with clay, GP -GM gravel," whichever is predominant. poorly graded gravel with silt, GP -GC poorly graded gravel with clay. If soil contains >_ 30% plus No. 200 predominantly sand, add Sands with 5 to 12% fines require dual symbols: SW-SM well -graded "sandy" to group name. sand with silt, SW -SC well -graded sand with clay, SP-SM poorly graded sand with silt, SP-SC poorly graded sand with clay. MY soil contains >- 30% plus No. 200, predominantly gravel, add "gravelly" to group name. 2 (D30 ) H PI >- 4 and plots on or above "A" line. Cu = DH/D,o Cc = GPI < 4 or plots below "A" line. D10 X D60 P PI plots on or above "A" line. F If soil contains >- 15% sand, add "with sand" to group name. oPl plots below "A" line. G If fines classify as CL-ML. use dual svmbol GC -GM. or SC-SM. 60 50 :1 W 40 0 _Z 30 0 H Q 20 .J CIL 10 7 ---- 4 0 0 10 16 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 11 EMBANKMENT MONITORING SEQUENCE 1,1 'LER WOOD BASE ta) EXISTING GROUND I. PLACE STEEL/WOOD BASE AT APPROXIMATE GAUGE LOCATIONS SHOWN IN THE PLANS AS DETERMINED BY THE ENGINEER. 2. SET BASE ON LEVEL GROUND SO PIPE/COUPLER IS PLUMB. J. BEFORE CONSTRUCTING EMBANKMENT, NOTIFY ENGINEER TO SURVEY AND RECORD THE FOLLOWING: (a) EXISITING GROUND ELEVATION, (b) TOP OF BASE ELEVATION AND (c) TOP OF PIPE ELEVATION. STEEL P 2" DIA. MIA (c) ---- EMBANAWENT (e) NOTES: SETTLEMENT GAUGE PIPE/COUPLER EXTENSION 4. MAKE SETTLEMENT GAUGE HIGHLY VISIBLE SO GAUGE IS NOT HIT OR DAMAGED. 5. PLACE AND COMPACT FILL MATERIAL AROUND SETTLEMENT GAUGE WITHOUT DISTURBING GAUGE. 6. NOTIFY ENGINEER WEEKLY TO SURVEY AND RECORD THE FOLLOWING: (c) TOP OF PIPE ELEVATION AND (d) EMBANKMENT ELEVATION. 7. CONNECT PIPE/COUPLER EXTENSION TO EXISTING PIPE/COUPLER AS NEEDED TO MAINTAIN A PIPE/COUPLER STICK-UP OF AT LEAST I2"WHILE MONITORING SETTLEMENT. 8. SCREW PIPES/COUPLERS TOGETHER HAND TIGHT AND THEN TIGHTEN 2 TO 3 FULL TURNS WITH A WRENCH. 9. NOTIFY ENGINEER TO SURVEY AND RECORD THE FOLLOWING: (c) TOP OF PIPE ELEVATION, (d) EMBANKMENT ELEVATION AND (e) TOP OF EXTENSION ELEVATION. I0. RETURN TO STEP 4 WITH NEW TOP OF PIPE ELEVATION EOUAL TO TOP OF EXTENSION ELEVATION. I. SEE ROADWAY SUMMARY SHEETS FOR APPROXIMATE SETTLEMENT GAUGE LOCATIONS. 2. FOR STANDARD EMBANKMENT MONITORING,SEE EMBANKMENT SETTLEMENT GAUGES PROVISION. J. INSTALL SETTLEMENT GAUGES AFTER CLEARING AND GRUBBING GAUGE LOCATIONS AND BEFORE CONSTRUCTING EMBANKMENTS WITH EMBANKMENT MONITORING. SETTLEMENT GAUGE NTERED ON BASE) -LDED TO STEEL PLATE AND FOR -D TO WOOD BOARDS WITH 4 BOLT, IBLIES SPACED EOUALLY AROUND WELD WD NUT ASSEMBLY (TYP) VAL ON TOP OF STEEL PLATE/WOOD BASE ATE/BASE AND BOLT HEAD UNDERNEATH WOOD BASE BETWEEN UT FLAT STEEL OR WOOD BASE - %2"�"THICK MIN TOTAL)BOLTED T�HICK MIN STEEL PLATE OR 2 (''THICK MIN WOOD BOARDS fl-/2 TOGETHER AT EACH CORNER