HomeMy WebLinkAbout15A NCAC 2L .0100 AND .0200 1993 AMENDMENT VOL. 1State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources 512 North Salisbury Street• Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor February 26, 1993 Brenda Clement Rc:Man-caba.rrus Cannunity College P.O Box 1595 Jake Alexander Blvd. & Interstate 85 Salisbury, N.C. 28145 Dear Ms. Clement, Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary Per our February 24th, 1993 telephone conversation, this merrorandum is to confirm the Division of Environmental Management's public hearing date as April 20, 1993; the Teaching Alxlitoriun at 7:00 pn. If you need to contact me, please call (919) 733-3221 (ext. 428). cc: Carl Bailey David A. Hance Environmental Specialist P.O. Box 27687, Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Telephone 919-733-4984 Fax# 919-733-0513 An Equal Opportunity Affinnative Action Employer ( _, • : ! " : :(;' .. ,f State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources 512 North Salisbury Street • Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary February 26, 1993 Ms. Marilyn I.onnon UNC-Asheville 1 University Heights Asheville, N. C. Dear Ms. Lannon, Per our February 24th, 1993 telephone cnnversation, this menorandum is to confirm the Division of Environmental Management's public hearing date as April 21, 1993; the Qmnidlael. lbnanities lecture Hall at 7:00 po. If you need to contact me, please call (919) 733-3221 (ext. 428). cc: earl Bailey tfij~L David A. Hance Environmental Specialist P.O. Box 27687, Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Telephone 919-733-4984 Fax# 919-733-0513 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources 512 North Salisbury Street• Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Jonathan B. Howes, Secreta1y February 23, 1993 Carroll Fdocodson Trial Court Administrator Onslow COlmty Courthouse 625 Court Street Jacksonville, N.C. 28540-4797 Dear Mr. Fdnondson, Per our February 23rd, 1993 telephone conversation, this menorandum is to confirm the Division of Environmental Management's public hearing date as April 1 , 1993; the Old caxrthaJse at 7: 00 pn. If you need to ccntact me, please call (919) 733-3221 (ext~ 428). Sincerel~J. I I ~k~ David A. ~ce Environmental Specialist cc: Carl Bailey P.O. Box 27687, Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Telephone 919-733-4984 Fax# 919-733.0513 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative .Action Employer 03-30-1993 05=29PM FROM THE DAILY NEWS TD 19197332496 P.02 P.01 It's Our Groundwater They're Talking About! North Carolinian~ who drink from wells --about half of us -are drinking groundwater. Do you want weaker gl"onndwater protection regulations? Th~ S12r.. of North CAroJina, u:nd~r p~uic: fttlm tlle petroleum .and chemical induscries. is holdi~ public hearings i11 April on new regularions that would rnake it easier for polluters lO avoid cleaning up gtoundwacer they h.~"'"'" con<111,1inn,cd. Th~se pro~ed rules go far beyond the need to help ~Mom and Pop" gas stations deal with groundwate,; pollntion from 1ear<:rng u11aerground storage tanks, They remove a basic principk from North Carolina grotiiidwater policy --lhe principle lhl\t people and companies should actively clean up rheir own messes. These 11<:-w rules ask. \lS to trust O\l! safety, and our future property rights, to officials' ability to predict the flow of groundwa1er far into the furore •-and those Dredictions; a.re uocoriously u11reliahle. (LEAN J1(JP/ \ " ~-1t -.,.::,.. .. .... .... ...,~-·'." 1i-!£tR I.AND :: ~R.. LAUD " What ~hould state regulators do? .{eep NC"s ··~ou-mess-it-up. yo\1-clean~it-up" policy. The proposed changes drop that policy, and allow some polluter:s to get a.way with no accive clean-up effons. l-ff Mnm .14 P1>p ga .. stntioM ne~ h-clp, ch1Utgc: the r:ult::s m ne1p them., noL Superfund sites and major col'porations. Don't add big loopholes for big pollutcn.. 3. Mainuifo Ehe existing definicion of a responsible party, $0 d1at it still targets the person wbo made the mess. Proposed chanfes , .... entirely too vague. 4. Draw any rule changes mucll more narrowly and specifically. The proposed changes are so broad as to be a corporate l.lwye:r's dream and a scare• regt1la(or's nighunare. Should we even be considering weakening groundwaret procecck,n in. nua.I areas where chc~ i:s 110 city water} 5. lndude in the rules a c.lea.r starement thar groundwater contamination that reaches a neighbor's pt'Operty line mus.t be cle;.u~d up and prevenced from moving under the neighbor's land. That stacement is lacktng from che propo~ rut~. 6. Go back. aod draw up rule 1;:banges based on good science and thorough study. These changes are based on shaky $Cience and guesswork. IF YOU LIVE OR OWN PROPERTY NEAR AN INDUSTIUAL SlTE OR A GAS STATION ..• IF YOU WANT TO PROttCT TH£ FUTURE USES OF YOUR PROPERTY ..• IF YOU WANT TO HA VE A VOIC£ lN PROTECTING OUR GROUNDWATER SUPPLIES •• , AtTEND THESE CRITICAL PUBLIC ImAlUNGS-TALK TO YOUR ELECTED ANDAPPOlNTED OFFICIAJ.S- WRITE-YOUR LOCAL NEWSPAPER ~ AFTER. ALL ... It's Our Groundwater They"re Talking About! Public Hearings Start April 1 ! -,:n,e,r _ PAGE __ QF __ DATE MO I DAY I YR I JNL I DEPT/DIV N.C. Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Division of Fiscal Management For Division of Fiscal Mana~ement Use Only 4 101413 1010 DISBURSEMENTS ACCOUNTING CODE SHEET Audited for Payment __ Date ___ _ VENDOR lol~ql413lsl~l~I □ ADD □ CHANGE VENDOR NAME AND ADDRESS fflhl;J l'J,1\1\ I, lo:Jt\lsl\-blNI 1£1J~liJv-l~rk ri;l~I WcltJ wl lt\l~li bl sl \lr-le_b:l:\I I I I I I I I I I g lol l~lolx I l3leh I I I I I I I I I I I --1 I -I I ~I\I\I\I , IJ~lsl:\-bbl ~I(] 1111 ! 11111 I ZIP CODE ID/CODE TAXPAYER I.D. NUMBER @0 l5l-?i I I I I □ ~=~:10 I l I I I I I I I I b~:e □ REMARKS :--------------------------- I ·, ... ./.7 .. ~<..... Prepared By FUND (4) l ~c;c; \ (a q 0 ~ CONTROL (4) 7500 11' DEHNR XXXX (31,C &?~ l&~/jf-'2':J Division Approyal for Payment Date CR=X C AMOUNT ,( -R FRC OBJECT (12) (2) (4) ;::). 0 I 8 13 3C\oo ~ \ 4 f') a ~qr<) INVOICE NUMBER OR DESCRIPTION STUB TYPE □ S = Key Stub INVOICE AMOUNT lg~ !I l,ls ld-lAkll ~ol-\.li t' ]d lo~I I I I I I I I I I I I I l~~~j"iii~ftii2i~i~~ l l i l l i : ·. I I I l;ibl\lel31 I I I ! bllsb l IN1Ek~~51 I t3l/b~Llql?J I I I I I I hlcJsbl ~IPldt;,lsl 14-IL 1()1 i IL R 13 I I I I I lg~I~d ~!s=k3£:lsl slLI\ lzl/13!:?J I I I I l<\lolobl Nl~dt.lsl slLQhlLRl31 I I lglJ4bl I I I I I l I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I ·I I I I I I I I I CHECK TOTAL. I I I I <ol1 E>la~I PARTIAL= 1 PURCHASE .., OP RCC PROG. DIST. ORDER f" ,-p ID ASSET NUMBER REFERENCE (4) (4) (2) (5) (2) (6) NUMBER CoSS l l.,...C\O\ I General Account\, eclion (Review 7/94) Part I (white) -Fiscal Managem. ?art II (yellow) -Division Offices ~ '· State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, arid Natural Resources 512 North Salisbury Street• Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 James B. Hunt, Jr., Goverrior Ms. Joy 'Ih::mas Legal .Advertising News and Ci>server P.O. Box 191 Raleigh,~ 27602 Dear Ms. 'lhanas: Jonathan R Howes, Secretary March 10, 1993 'lhe Deparbnent of Envircnrent, · Health, and Natural Resources will be holding a public hearing en behalf of the Environmental Management camti.ssicn en April 7, 1993. You will find enclosed a Public Notice regarding the meeting. It is _ requested that · you publish the Public Notice in the _~ 21, 1993 issue. . I . . . Publicaticn charges will be paid by this office upc:n receipt of your invoice, affidavit, and proof of publicaticn. • Please send the invoice in triplicate and the affidavit in duplicate to the undersigned. Enclosure cc: Debbie Crane Sincerely, /IJ1&~~ M. Carl Bailey, Jr. Assistant Chief for Planning Groundwater Secticn P.O. Box 276frl, Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-76frl Telephone 919-733-4984 Fax # 919-733-0513 An ·Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources 512 North Salisbury Street • Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Dallas Coltrain '!he Enteiprise P.O Box 387 Williamstcn, le 27892 Dear Mr. Coltrain: Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary March 10, 1993 'Ihe Deparbnent of Envirooment, Health, and Natural Resources will be holding a public hearing en behalf of the Environrrental Management Ccmnission on April 5, 1993. You will find enclosed a Public Notice regarding the meeting. It is requested that yoo publish the Public Notice in the March 18, 1993 issue. Publication charges will be paid by this office upcn receipt of your invoice, affidavit, and pn:)Of of publication. Please send the invoice in triplicate and the affidavit in duplicate to the undersigned. Enclosure cc: Debbie Crane Sincerely, /JYJ~~ M. earl Bailey, Jr. Assistant Chief for Planning Groundwater Section P.O. Box 27687, Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Telephone 919-733-4984 Fax# 919-733-0513 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources 512 North Salisbury Street • Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 ·-· James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary March 8,· 1993 Marsha Rodrigues 'Ihe Daily News . P.O;Bax 0196 Jacksonville, N.C. 28540-0196 . Dear Ms. Rodrigues: 'lhe Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources will be holding a public hearing an behalf of the Envi~tal Management Ccmnissian an April 1, 1993. You will find enclosed a Public .. Notice regarding the rreeti.ng. It · is requested that yai publish the Public Notice in the March 14, 1993 issue. ' . Publication charges will be paid by this .office upon .receipt of your invoice, affidavit, and proof_ of publication .. Please send the invoice in triplicat_e pild the affidavit in duplicate to the undersigned. Sincerely, ~~-,_-fYJJ " M. earl Bailey, • Assistant Chief for Planning Groundwater Section · Enclosure cc: Debbie Crane P.O. Box 276'i!'1, Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Telephone 919-733-4984 Fax # 919-733-0513 An "Equal Opportunity Affirmative ktion Employer State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources 512 North Salisbury Street • Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Ms. Bonnie Russell Salisb.rry Evening Post P.O. Box 4639 Salisbu:ty, NC 28144 Dear Ms. Russell, Jonathan R Howes, Secretary March 23, 1993 'Ihe Deparbnent of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources will be holding a public hearing en behalf of the Enviroomental Management Ccmnissien en April 20, 1993. · Yai will find enclosed a Public Notice regarding the meeting. It is requested that yai publish the Public Notice in .the April 4, 1993 issue. Publicatien charges will be paid by this office upc:n receipt of your invoice, affidavit, and proof of publicaticn. Please send the invoice in triplicate and the affidavit in duplicate to the undersigned. Enclosure cc: Debbie Crane Sincerely, ~{;4£~ M. earl Bailey, Jr. Assistant Chief for Planning Groundwater Secticn P.O. Box 27€m, Raleigh, Nonh Carolina 27611-7687 Telephone 919-733-4984 Fax # 919-733-0513 Ali Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer . State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources 512 North Salisbury Street • Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Ms. Kelly Allen Asheville Citizen-Times P.O. Bax 2090 Asheville, OC 28802 Dear Ms. Allen, Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary March 23, · 1993 'Ihe Deparbnent of Envirooment, Health, and Natural Resources will be holding a public hearing en behalf of the Envircnnental Managanent Ccmnissicn en April 21 , 1993. You will find. enclosed a Public Notice regarding the meeting. It is requested that yoo publish the Public Notice in the April 4, 1993 issue. Publicaticn charges will be paid by this office upcn receipt of your invoice, affidavit, and pro:,f of publicatioo. Please send the invoice in triplicate and the affidavit in duplicate to the undersigned. Enclosure cc: Debbie Crane Sincerely, l)11-&,,J2_~ M. earl Bailey, Jr. Assistant Otlef for Planning Groundwater Sectioo P.O. Box 2761Il, Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-761Il Telephone 919-733-4984 Fax# 919-733-0513 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Empt~ PAGE __ QF __ DAT_E_ MO I DAY I YR I JNL I DEPT/DIV N.C. Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Division of Fiscal Management For Division of Fiscal Management Use Only 4 1014 13 10 10 DISBURSEMENTS ACCOUNTING CODE SHEET Audited for Payment __ Date ____ _ VENDOR I I I I I I I I I □ ADD □ CHANGE VENDOR NAME AND ADDRESS J;;;(;l.:ILl ,11 ldl~lJsl I I I I I I I.I 111 1 I I I I I. I. ,~1 r I ,~-,-,I I I I I I I I 1 · (. I I I I I I I foC:l(; I toi e 1(~-1 u 'l ekl I , I tlb I I I I I I I I I I I I I t . • .... , 1Jl1J .✓JA'd 4 L<Jlt1 I 1 ILIL l,?I ldbA I I I I I I I I I I ZIP CODE ID/CODE . TAXPAYER 1.0. NUMBER l.,:d ?b 1-4 1:l l 11 I i b(·-1 [] ~=~:,o I I I I I I I I I I ~O::e □ REMARKS:------------------------- ~/>:_ r ✓ ~---~~~·.:~~~~r.;.·._. .. / Prepared By Division Approval for Payment FUND CONTROL AMOUNT (4) (4) (12) .J .. ·,.'··· w,,-,~ . 7500 J Ir'." ~? ::; 1,/ :.., 1' DEHNR XXXX (3/91) -( /, :? "] ,,.,., ,,-:;!.;, ,.,,_} .. -',,·,,,c.._~·.7_.., Date CR=X C -R FRC OBJECT (2) (4) :::.· 7.,~1 INVOICE NUMBER OR DESCRIPTION STUB TYPE □ S = Key Stub INVOICE AMOUNT I ,· 1 , J J ; /, I Jl ✓, 7 I i ~JJ, I ~!✓~ I j I I I I I I I I I I ' I . I I' · , .:;, :.:. 1 ,,;:_ 1 ~ e;•. T I c, 1-J -=t-:.:5 · ,9 , ' u I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I l I I I I I l I I I I I I I I I I I I I I l I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I l I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I l I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CHECK TOTAL. I I I I I I I I I l . I l I PARTIAL ' PURCHASE ... OP RCC PROG . DIST. ORDER f" -P ID ASSET NUMBER REFERENCE (4) (4) (2) (5) (2) (6) NUMBER t:~:..s. :.::.::~·; r - General Accountir '"'ection (Review 7/94) Part I (white) -Fiscal Managemr 0 art II (yellow) -Division Offices " . ·,t.1, .. ,;,,: . t . :~tiJ:·~-.. ~. ,'i\· -<Ir Hi_ ,j :.Ji:· ?~.◄ ;;t . 1 -~:1 .. .. '•'t .. '·:t;·. :1:t ,µ{~; '.f,!•,. ".I "\_.· ·(,'.. l -··ii" ·. -.t ,:&i .. iii ·.:?J: ;.,. .. \!'.. : · .. ~:· . .. . :~_;t;., ·-.it: :~1j;~ .. · .. ,!!'.• JjJ~:' .,·,/· ;I -J~i ~I !!' ";: i ;:ll: :,;if· "'· -~: ... : ,' :•J..J:t: I, ''11•·,· ; ., -r ,, .. -:;\; ·.,.: . -Jf:-:: ;',!''• ,, ·p•-· ,· ;,•~i'-:; ~~-- , :,:; ,:: \ ,; .. ,, 1' :{.i :··:.:>.i-' ·-·11••.· ·)f}\::_-:, :l· ,1t,· ·'··• .-~.f:R:'_;•, ··. ·.i~\;. ,·_.: ,,, ·•.<t . . . . . '.:./;·:::; .'. 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Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Division of Fiscal Management For Division of Fiscal Management Use Only DISBURSE MENTS ACCOUNTING CODE SHEET Audited for Payment __ Date ____ _ VENDOR ! I I I I I I I I □ ADD □ CHANGE VENDOR NAME AND ADDRESS :-1:e: :~:,~trrr•:Mn'M ~:sH : : l : : : □ ] k Ld Wo ~I IJJ el,11 I I I I I I I I l I I I I ] I.Ae,l/1 1 1~ l/2 1t61~~v:I k1ld I I I I I I I I I I I I I ZIP CODE ID/CODE TAXPAYER I.D. NUMBER J;1, if h l:t<l~I c:I tl d-ldl] ~=~:,0 I I I I I I I I I I 6°::e □ REMARK S ~ ' /1,~;-,. ~ :;,~:?t:C!..?d.--/' ,/<::ff,:C,,' .5://£:'2 Prepared By Division Approval for Payment Date INVOICE NUMBER OR DESCRIPTION STUB TYPE □ S = Key Stub ~lalblL [lh-1 ltt'lolTl1 lchd 141«~ I I I I I I 11 I d t.l 1A -~l s l✓-~l i ]t!l a l 1l~l~,IA/I kl I l I I I I l~I/L,1,.;~tkr ~~L~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CHECK TOTAL . CR= X PARTIAL= 1 C PURCHASE • OP INVOICE AMOUNT I I l,11 9 3181 ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ! I I I I ! I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I L ~Jjkflql FUND CONTROL AMOUNT ,( -R FRC OBJECT RCC PROG. DIST ORDER ...(" -P ID ASSET NUMBER REFERENCE (4) (4) (12) (2) (4) (4) (4) (2) (5) (2) (6) NUMBER l .~~z;7 7500 I rJ. 1 <r: I':-? ~Po ~..-) ',/, £ /"".,,,,_-·; 1, - DEHNR XXXX (3/91) General Accountinr -~ction (Review 7/94) Part I (white) -Fiscal Managemes "'art II (yellow) -Division Offices DIVISICN OF ENVIRCNJIENI'AL MANAGEMENI' Groundwater Section Marcil 8, 1993 MEMORANDUM 'IO: Ms. Tainny Dodd; General Services FRCM: David Hance; DEM-Groundwater Section SUB.JECI': Gra.md FlCX>r Hearing Rocm for April 7, 1993 rules revision hearing. Per our February 26th telephone conversation, this menorandum is to confinn the Groundwater Section's public hearing date as April 7th, 1993 at 7:00 J;lll. If you need additional infonnation, please call me at 733-3221 (ext.428). '!hank you for your timely assistance. ~~. David Hance cc: Carl Bailey T I T L E S U B C H A P T E R S E C T I O N S 1 5 A 2 L R E V I S I O N S 0 1 0 0 A N D O 2 0 0 DRAFT HEARING VERSION: February 10, 1993 RULE .0102 DEFINITIONS RULE .0103 POLICY RULE .0104 RESTRICTED DESIGNATION (RS) RULE .0106 CORRECTIVE ACTION RULE .0107 COMPLIANCE BOUNDARY RULE .0109 DELEGATION RULE .0110 MONITORING RULE .0111 REPORTS RULE .0112 ANALYTICAL PROCEDURES RULE .0113 VARIANCE RULE . 0114 NOTIFICATION RE QUIREMENTS RULE .0201 GROUNDWATER CLASSIFICATIONS RULE .0202 WATER QUALITY STANDARDS (BOLD TYPE RULES ARE THOSE PROPOSED FOR AMENDMENT; UNDERLINED RULE IS A PROPOSED ADOPTION) SUBCHAPTER 2L -GROUNDWATER CLASSIFICATION AND STANDARDS SECTION .0100 GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS 15A NCAC 2L .0102 is proposed for amendment as follows: .0102 DEFINITIONS The definition of any word or phrase used in these rules shall be the same as given in G.S. 143-212 and G.S. 143-213 except that the following words and phrases shall have the following meanings: (1) "Bedrock" means any consolidated rock encountered in the place in which it was formed or deposited and which cannot be readily excavated without the use of explosives or power equipment. (2) "Commission" means the Environmental Management Commission as organized under Chapter 143B of the General Statutes. (3) "Compliance boundary" means a boundary around a disposal system at and beyond which waEeF g roundwater quality standards may not be exceeded and only applies to facilities which have received a permit issued under the authority of G.S. 143-215.1 or Chap ter 130A of the General Statutes. 7 -eF -€er -dispesal -sysEems -peFmiEEed -hy -Eke BepartmeRt-ei-HtlmaR-Resetlrees • .Lil "Corrective action p lan" means a p lan for eliminating sources of g roundwater contamination and achieving g roundwater q ualit y restoration or both. A corrective action p lan ma y p rop ose remediation b y the deg radation and natural attenuation of contaminants as well as b y conventional or innovative technolog ies . ..c_n f4t "Director" means Director of the Division of Environmental Management. ill "Division" means the Division of Environmental Manaq ement . .111 "Exp osure p athway " means a course taken b y a contaminant b y way of a trans p ort medium after its release to the environment . .ifil "Free p roduct" means a non-aq ueous p hase liq uid which ma y collect on the water table , within the saturated zone or in surface water . .1.fil f6t "Fresh groundwaters" means those groundwaters having a chloride concentration equal to or less than 250 milligrams per liter. i.1.Ql f6t "Groundwaters" means those waters in the saturated zone of the earth. il1..l f!7t "Hazardous substance" means any substance as defined by Section 101(14) of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA). 11£1 "Licensed g eolog ist" means a p erson who has been dul y licensed as a g eolog ist in accordance with the req uirements of Cha p ter 89E of the General Statutes . .1..1.J.l "Natural remedial p rocesses" means those natural p rocesses acting to restore g roundwater q uality, including dilution , filtration , sorp tion , ion-exchang e , chemical transformation and biodeg radation. 11..il "Practical Ouantitation Level" means the lowest g uantitation level of a g iven material that can be reliably achieved among laboratories within the s p ecified limits of p recision and accurac y of a q i ven anal y tical method during routine laborator y o p erating conditions. f8t ~~imit-ef-Eeteetability~-meaas-tae-metaea-eeteetiea-limit establisaea -fer -tae -9.S. -BPA -apprevea -test -preeeaHre previaiag--tae--lewest--methea--aeteetiea--limit--fer--tae sHastaaee-beiag-meaiterea. 11fil f9t "Natural conditions" means the physical, biological, chemical and radiological conditions which occur naturally. ill1 fH)t "Potable waters" means those waters suitable for drinking, by humans. J..11..l "Professional Eng ineer" means a p erson who has been dul y reg istered and licensed as a p rofessional eng ineer in accordance with the req uirements of Cha p ter 89C of the General Statutes. 1.1fil "Recep tor" means an y g roundwater , surface water , human , or structure , other than a monitoring well , which is or ma y be affected b y a contaminant from a contaminated site . .i.1ll "Res p onsible p art y " means: (a ) a p erson who is wholly or p artiall y res p onsible for actions causing or contributing to the violation of g roundwater q uality standards , (b ) a subse q uent p urchaser of p rop ert y which is the source of g roundwater q uality standard violations and who p urchased the p ro p erty with knowledg e of the contamination , or (c ) an ad j oining p ro p ert y owner who obstructs the imp lementation of corrective action that would p revent further contamination. ilQl t++t "Review boundary" means a boundary around a permitted disposal facility, midway between a waste boundary and a compliance boundary at which groundwater moni taring is required. il.11 t+~t "Saline groundwaters" means those groundwaters having a chloride concentration of more than 250 mg/1. ~ t+~t "Saturated zone" means that part of the subsurface below the water table in which all the interconnected voids are filled with water under pressure at or greater than atmospheric. It does not include the capillary fringe. J.n1. f+4+ "Suitable for drinking" means a quality of water which does not contain substances in concentrations which, either singularly or in combination if ingested into the human body, may cause death, disease, behavioral abnormalities, congenital defects, genetic mutations, or resu!5 in an incremental lifetime cancer risk in excess of 1x10 , or render the water unacceptable due to aesthetic qualities, including taste, odor or appearance. ilil "Time of travel" means the time req uired for contaminants in g roundwater to move a unit distance. illl -{-+§}"Waste boundary" means the perimeter of the permitted waste disposal area. ~ f+6} "Water table" means the surface of the saturated zone below which all interconnected voids are filled with water and at which the pressure is atmospheric. History Note: Statutory Authority G.S. 143-214.1; 143-215; 143B-282; Eff. June 10, 1979. Amended Eff. · August 1, 1989; July 1, 1988; March 1, 1985; September 1, 1984. 15A NCAC 2L .0103 is proposed for amendment as follows: .0103 POLICY (a) The rules established in this Subchapter are intended to maintain and preserve the quality of the groundwaters, prevent and abate pollution and contamination of the waters of the state, protect public health, and permit management of the groundwaters for their best usage by the citizens of North Carolina. It is the policy of the Commission that the best usage of the groundwaters of the state is as a source of drinking water. These groundwaters generally are a potable source of drinking water without the necessity of si g nificant treatment. It is the intent of these Rules to protect the overall high quality of North Carolina's groundwaters aaa-te-eahaaee-aaa-FesteFe-the-~Hality-ef-ae§Faaea §FSHRawateFs to the level established by the standards. and to enhance and restore the q uality of deg raded g roundwaters where feasible and necessary to p rotect human heal th and the environment , or to ensure their suitability as a future source of drinking water. ( b) It is the intention of the Commission to protect all groundwaters to a level of quality at least as high as that required under the standards established in Rule . 0202 of this Subchapter. In keeping with the policy of the Commission to protect, maintain, and enhance groundwater quality within the State of North Carolina, the Commission will not approve any disposal system subject to the provisions of G.S. 143-215.1 which would result in: (1) the significant degradation of groundwaters of which the existing quality is better than the assigned standard, unless found to be economically and socially justifiable, or (2) a violation of a wateF g roundwater quality standard beyond the -aeHRe.ai;ies -ef -the -~Fe~eFty -eH -whieh -the seHFee--ef--~ellHtieR--is--leeatea7 --eF a desi g nated com p liance boundary, or (3) the impairment of existing groundwater uses or an adverse impact on the public health, safety or welfare. (c) Violations of groundwater quality standards resulting from groundwater withdrawals which are in compliance with water use permits issued pursuant to G.S. 143-215.15, shall not be subject to the corrective action requirements of Rule .0106 of this Subchapter. (d) No person shall conduct or cause to be conducted, any activity which causes the concentration of any substance to exceed that specified in Rule .0202 of this Subchapter, except as authorized by the rules of this Subchapter. (e ) Work p erformed p ursuant to the rules of this Subchap ter which involves site assessment , the interp retation of subsurface g eolog ic conditions , p re p aration of conce p tual corrective action p lans or any work req uiring detailed technical knowledg e of site conditions which is submitted to the Director , shall be p erformed b y p ersons , firms or p rofessional corp orations who are dul y licensed to offer g eolog ical or eng ineering services b y the a pprop riate occup ational licensing board. Work which involves desi g n of remedial s y stems or s p ecialized construction techni q ues shall be p erformed b y p ersons , firms or p rofessional corp orations who are dul y licensed to offer eng ineering services. Corp orations that are authorized b y law to p erform eng ineering or g eolog ical services and are exemp t from the Professional Corp oration Act , Chap ter 55B of the General Statues , ma y p erform these services. History Note: Statutory Authority G.S. 143-214.1; 143-214.2; 143-215.3(e); 143-215.3(a)(1); 143B-282; Eff. June 10, 1979; Amended Eff. · August 1, 1989; July 1, 1988; September 1, 1984; December 30, 1983. 15A NCAC 2L .0104 is proposed for amendment as follows: .0104 RS RESTRICTED DESIGNATION 1.!§1. (a) The Director is authorized to designate GA or GSA groundwaters as RS under any of the following circumstances: (1) Where, as a result of man's activities, groundwaters contain concentrations of substances in excess of the groundwater quality standards established under this Subchapter, and remeaial termination of corrective action to restore groundwater quality has been re~Hirea 7 -er a pproved b y the Director , or where the Director has a pproved a corrective action p lan , or alternate cleanu p levels , rel y ing solel y or in p art u p on natural remedial p rocesses and , in either case , the g roundwaters can be made p otable b y using readil y available and economicall y reasonable technology . (2) Where a statutory variance has been granted as provided in Rule .0113 of this Subchapter. (3 ) Where the area im p acted is served b y a p ublic water s y stem. (b ) Groundwaters occurring within an area defined b y a com p liance boundary in a waste dis p osal p ermit are deemed to be desi g nated RS. J..Qlfa} The RS designation serves as a warning that groundwater so designated may not be suitable for use as a drinking water supply without sig nificant treatment. The boundaries of areas designated RS may be approximated in the absence of analytical data sufficient to define the exteat-ef-~reHHawateF-ae~Faaatiea. dimension of the area , at ri g ht an g les to the direction of g roundwater flow , into which the contaminants have the p otential to mi g rate. The designation is temporary and will be removed by the Director upon a determination that the quality of the groundwater so designated has been restored to the level of the applicable standards or when reclassified~GG. (d ) The p erson res p onsible for g roundwater contamination leading to the RS desi g nation shall establish and imp lement a g roundwater monitoring s y stem sufficient to detect chang es in g roundwater q uality within the desi g nated area. Monitoring shall be continued p eriodicall y until the a pp licable g roundwater q ualit y standards have been achieved. If during the monitoring p eriod , contaminant concentrations increase , additional remedial action ma y be req uired , as determined b y the Director. (e ) The Division shall g ive p ublic notice in accordance with the followin g req uirements of the intent to desi g nate an y g roundwater RS exce p t those defined in Parag rap h (b ) of this Rule: (1 } Notice shall be p ublished one time in a news p a p er having g eneral circulation in the g eog rap hic area of the RS desi g nation at least 30 da y s p rior to an y p rop osed final action. In addition , notice shall be p rovided to the local Count y Health Director and the chief administrative officer of the p olitical j urisdiction in which the contamination occurs. (2 ) The notice shall set forth at least the following : (A ) name , address , and p hone number of the a g enc y issuing the p ublic notice; (B ) the location and extent of the desi g nated area (C ) a brief descri p tion of the action or actions which resulted in the deg radation of g roundwater in the area ; (D ) actions or intended actions taken to restore g roundwater q ualit y; (E ) the sig nificance of the RS desi g nation; (F) conditions a pplicable to removal of the RS desi g nation; (G ) address and p hone number of the state a g ency p remises at which interested p arties ma y obtain further information. (3 ) The Director shall consider all req uests for a p ublic hearing, and if he determines that there is sig nificant p ublic interest he shall issue p ublic notice and hold a p ublic hearing in accordance with G.S 143-215.4 (b ) and .0113 (e ) of this Rule. History Note: Statutory Authority G.S. 143-214.1; 143-215.3(a)(1); 143B-282(2); Eff. June 10, 1979; Amended Eff. ------~ December 1, 1989; August 1, 1989; December 30, 1983. 15A NCAC 2L .0106 is proposed for amendment as follows: .0106 CORRECTIVE ACTION (a) ~he-§eal-ef-aeti:eas-takea-te-restere-§Fe~aawateF-~~ali:ty shall-ae-FesteFati:ea-te-the-level-ef-the-staaaaFas7 -eF-as-elese theFete -as -is -eeeaemi:eally -aaa -teehaele§i:eally -feasi:sle-. Where g roundwater g uali t y has been de g raded , the g oal of an y req uired corrective action shall be restoration to the level of the g roundwater g uali t y standards s p ecified in Rule . 0202 of this Subchap ter , or as closel y thereto as is economically and technolog icall y feasible. (b) Any person conducting or controlling an activity which results in the discharge of a waste or hazardous substance or oil to the groundwaters of the State, or in proximity thereto, shall take immediate action to terminate and control the discharge, mitigate any hazards resulting from exposure to the pollutants and notify the Bepartmeat Division of the discharge. (c) Any person conducting or controlling an activity which results in an increase in the concentration of a substance in excess of the groundwater standard: (1) as the result of activities, other than agricultural operations, not permitted by the $.§.tate, shall immediatel y notif y the Division of the increases ; take p romp t action to eliminate the source or sources of contamination ; submit a rep ort to the Director assessing the cause, significance and extent of the violation; and s~smi:t --a imp lement an a pproved corrective action plan aaa-seheatlle-fer-eli:mi:aatia§-the se~ree --ef --eeatam:i:aat:i:ea --aaa for restoration of groundwater qualityt aaa-i:mplemeat-aa-a~~Fevea-~laa in accordance with a schedule established by the Director, or his desi g nee. In establishing a schedule the Director, or his desi g nee shall consider any reasonable schedule proposed by the person submitting the plan. ~ re p ort shall be made to the Heal th Director of the count y or counties in which the contamination occurs in accordance with the req uirements of Rule . 011 4 (a ) in this Subchap ter. (2) as a result of activities conducted under the authority of a permit issued by the $.§.tate, shall, where such concentrations are detected: (A) at or beyond a review boundary, demonstrate, through predictive calculations or modeling, that natural site conditions, facility design and operational controls will prevent a violation of standards at the compliance boundary; or submit a plan for alteration of existing site conditions, facility design or operational controls that will prevent a violation at the compliance boundary, and implement that plan upon its approval by the Director, or his desi g nee. (B) at or beyond a compliance boundary, shall assess the cause, significance and extent of the violation of groundwater quality standards and submit the results of the investigation, a plan, and proposed schedule for ~Fe~aawaEeF--~~aliEy FesteFatieR corrective action to the Director.L..-...9.£ his desi g nee. The permittee shall implement the plan as approved by and in accordance with a schedule established by the Director , or his desi g nee. In establishing a schedule the DirectorL or his desi g nee shall consider any reasonable schedule proposed by the permittee. (d ) Corrective action req uired followin g discovery of the unauthorized release of a contaminant to the surface or subsurface of the land , and p rior to or concurrent with the assessment req uired in Parag ra p h (c ) of this Rule , shall include , but is not limited to: of ( 1 ) Prevention of fire , ex p losion or the s p read of noxious fumes; (2 ) Abatement , containment or control of the mi g ration of contaminants; (3 ) Removal , or treatment and control of an y p rimar y p ollution source such as buried waste , waste stockp iles or surficial accumulations of free p roducts ; (4 ) Removal , treatment or control of secondar y p ollution sources which would be a p otential continuing source of p ollutants to the g roundwaters such as contaminated soils and non-aq ueous p hase liq uids. Contaminated soils which threaten the q ualit y of g roundwaters must be treated , contained or dis p osed of in accordance with a pplicable rules and p rocedures established b y the Division. The treatment or dis p osal of contaminated soils shall be conducted in a manner that will not result in a violation of g roundwater q uality standards and North Carolina Hazardous Waste Manag ement rules. (e ) The site assessment conducted p ursuant to the req uirements Subp arag rap h (c )(1 ) of this Rule , shall consider or address: (1 ) The source and cause of contamination; (2 ) An y imminent hazards to p ublic health and safety and actions taken to miti g ate them in accordance with Parag rap h (d ) of this Rule : (3 ) All g roundwater rece p tors and sig nificant ex p osure pathways; (4 ) The horizontal and vertical extent of soil and roundwater contamination and all si nificant factors affecting contaminant trans p ort ; a,n (5 ) Geolog ical and h y dro g eolog ical features influencing the movement , chemical , and p h y sical character of the contaminants. Re p orts of site assessments shall be submitted to the Division as soon as p racticable or in accordance with a schedule established b y the Director , or his desi g nee. In establishing a schedule the Director , or his desi g nee shall consider any reasonable p rop osal b y the p erson submitting the re p ort . .ill Corrective action p lans for restoration of g roundwater q uality, submitted p ursuant to Parag ra p h (c ) of this rule shall include: ( 1 ) A descri p tion of the p rop osed corrective action and reasons for its selection. (2 ) S p ecific p lans , including eng ineering details where a pplicable , for restoring g roundwater q uality . (3 ) A schedule for the imp lementation and o p eration of the p rop osed p lan. (4 ) A monitoring p lan for determining the effectiveness of the p rop osed corrective action and the movement of the contaminant p lume. J.gl:fe.t In the evaluation of correcti veFeffleeial action plans, the Director , or his desi g nee shall consider the extent of any violations, the extent of any threat to human heal th or safety, the extent of damage or p otential adverse imp act to the environment, technology available to accomplish restorationL aaa the p otential for de g radation of the contaminants in the environment , the time and costs estimated to achieve g roundwater q uality restoration , aaa the public and economic benefits to be derived from groundwater quality restoration. and the p robable conseq uences of alternate actions. (h ) A corrective action p lan must be imp lemented using the best available technology for restoration of g roundwater q ualit y to the level of the g roundwater q uality standards s p ecified in Rule .0202 of this Subchap ter unless: (1 ) an alternate cleanu p level has been established b y the Director p ursuant to Parag ra p h ( i ) of this Rule , or, (2 ) natural remediation has been a pproved b y the Director in accordance with the p rovisions of Parag ra p h (k ) of this Rule. ( i ) An alternate cleanup level to a standard established in Rule .0202 of this Subchap ter ma y be a pproved b y the Director if sufficient information is presented to support a determination by the Director that: (1 ) an alternate cleanup level will be p rotective of human health and the environment based on evidence that the contaminant will not adversel y imp act an y existing or foreseeable rece p tor , either due to site s p ecific conditions or an a pproved remedial action involving eng ineering control of the contaminant ; such evidence could include , but is not limited to: (A ) travel time and natural attenuation cap acit y of subsurface materials are such that the standards s p ecified in Rule . 0202 of this Subchap ter at a location no closer than one y ear time of travel u pgradient of an existing or foreseeable rece p tor are p rotected. (B ) a p h y sical barrier to g roundwater mi g ration exists or will be installed b y the res p onsibl·e p arty sufficient to result in p reservation of the g roundwater standard s p ecified in Rule . 0202 of this Subchap ter at a location no closer than one y ear time of travel u pgradient of an existing or foreseeable rece p tor or , (2 ) new toxicolog ical information has become available which the Di vision of Ep idemiology determines would j ustify cleanup to a standard different from those ( j) A submitted ( 1 ) ( 2 ) ( 3 ) ( 4 ) s p ecified in Rule .0202 of this Subcha p ter. req uest for an alternate cleanu p level shall be to the Director and shall include: a descri p tion of site s p ecific conditions ; the technical basis for the req uest ; a discussion of and rationale for the req uest; sufficient evidence to support a determination by the Director that an alternate cleanup level would be consistent with all other environmental laws ; (5 ) an y other information req uested b y the Director to thoroug hl y evaluate the req uest; and (6 ) evidence that p ublic notice of the req uest has been p rovided in accordance with Rule .0114 (b ) of this Subchap ter. ( k ) The Director ma y be req uested to a pprove a corrective action p lan de p endent u p on natural p rocesses of de g radation and attenuation of contaminants. Evidence and other information submitted in support of the req uest shall include: (1 ) sufficient evidence to support a determination b y the Director that: (A ) all sources of contamination and free p roduct have been removed or controlled p ursuant to Parag rap h (d ) of this Rule ; and (B ) The contaminants p resent exist in concentrations that do not currentl y and are not calculated to mi g rate to an y existing or foreseeable rece p tor above a pp licable standards; (2 ) evidence of the contaminant's de g radation and attenuation cap acit y; (3 ) identification and discussion of site-s p ecific characteristics indicating that conditions are adeq uate to support contaminant de g radation or attenuation; (4 ) a g roundwater monitoring p rog ram sufficient to track the deg radation and attenuation of contaminants within and down g radient of the p lume and to detect contaminants p rior to their reaching an y existing or foreseeable rece p tor at least one y ear's time of travel u pgradient of the rece p tor and no g reater than the distance the g roundwater at the contaminated site could travel in five y ears. (5 ) written documentation of p ro i ected q roundwater use in the contaminated area based on current state or local g overnment p lanning efforts ; (6 } cop ies of written notice , to all p rop erty owners and all occup ants within or conti g uous to the area underlain b y the p ollution p lume , and under which it is exp ected to mi g rate , stating that fact ; (7 } evidence that all necessar y access a g reements needed to monitor g roundwater q ualit y p ursuant to (4 ) above have been or can be obtained ; and (8 ) evidence that p ublic notice of the req uest has been p rovided in accordance with Rule .0114 (b ) of this Subcha p ter. If at an y time the Director determines that a contaminant , being monitored under a natural remediation p rog ram , has the p otential to mi g rate to an y existing or foreseeable rece p tor above a pplicable g roundwater standards , or if contaminant concentrations are not decreasing, the res p onsible p art y shall imp lement an active g roundwater corrective action p lan in accordance with a schedule established b y the Director. (1 ) The Director ma y consider a req uest to allow the termination of corrective action. The req uest must include: (1 ) A demonstration b y the p art y making the req uest that continuance of corrective action would not result in a si g nificant reduction in the concentration of contaminants. At a minimum this demonstration must include a showing that the as y mp totic slop e of the contaminants curve of decontamination is less than a ratio of 1 :40 over a term of one y ear-based on q uarterl y samp ling . (2 ) A discussion of the duration of the corrective action , the total p ro j ect's cost , p ro j ected annual cost for continuance and evaluation of the success of the corrective action. (3 ) An evaluation of alternate treatment technolog ies which could result in further reduction of contaminant levels with p ro j ected cap ital and annual cost. (4 ) Effects , including health and safety imp acts , on g roundwater users if contaminant levels remain at levels existing at the time corrective action is terminated. (5 ) Evidence that p ublic notice of the req uest has been p rovided in accordance with Rule .0114 (b ) of this Subchap ter. fe+ The Director may authorize the-aiseeatiatlaaee-ef-Femeaial aetiea-te-FesteFe-~FetlRawateF-~tlality-te-the-level-ef-the-staaaaFe Hpea-a-eemeastFatiea-ay-the-FespeRsiale-paFty-te-the-9iFeeteF-that eeRtiRttaRee -wattle -aet -Festtlt -iR -si~Ri€ieaat -Fedtletiea -ia -the eeaeeatFatiea-ef-eeRtamiRaRts7--±R-tRe-eeRsiaeFatieR-e€-a-Fe~ttest te-aiseeatiaHe-remea:i:al-aet:i:eas,-the-9:i:FeeteF-shall-eeas:i:aeF-tae al:l!:'at:i:ea --aaa --ae§ree --ef --sHeeess --ef --Femeaial --efferts, --the feasiaility -ef -ether -treatmeRt -teehRi~Hes -whieh -eel:lla -Fesl:llt -iR fHE'the!:'--Feal:letiea--ef--eeatam:i:RaHt--levels,--aRa--the--effeet--eR ~FeHaawate!:'-l:lSeFs-:i:f-eeatamiaaRts-Femaia-at-levels-existia~-at-the time -ei -teFm:i:Ratiea -ef -Femea:i:al -aee.:i:ea-. the termination of the corrective action . or amend the corrective action p lan after considering all the information in the req uest. Up on termination of corrective action . a g roundwater moni taring p rog ram shall be req uired sufficient to track the de g radation and attenuation of contaminants at a location of at least one y ear's time of travel u pgradient of any existing or foreseeable recep tor. The monitoring p rog ram shall remain in effect until there is sufficient evidence that the contaminant concentrations have been reduced to the level of the standards. J..m.lfft Upon a determination by the Director that continued remedial corrective aee.ieas action would result in no significant reduction in contaminant concentrations, the -FesJ::leHsiale -:f::laFty shall -~etitiea -feF -a -vaFiaaee -eF -a -FeelassifieatieH -ef -the im~aetea-§FeuaawateFs-. and the imp acted g roundwaters can be made p otable b y treatment using readil y available and economically reasonable technology, the Director ma y desig nate the remaining area of deg raded g roundwater RS. Where the remaining deg raded g roundwaters cannot be made p otable b y such treatment , the Director ma y consider a req uest for reclassification. (n ) If at an y time the Director determines that new technology is available that would remediate the contaminated g roundwater to the standards s p ecified in Rule . 0202 , the Director ma y req uire the res p onsible p art y to im p lement an active g roundwater corrective action p lan in accordance with a schedule established b y the Director . .iQlf~t Where groundwater quality standards are exceeded as a result of the application of pesticides or other agricultural chemicals, the Director shall request the Pesticide Board or the Department of Agriculture to assist the Division of Environmental Management in determining the cause of the violation. If the violation is determined to have resulted from the use of pesticides, the Director shall request the Pesticide Board to take appropriate regulatory action to control the use of the chemical or chemicals responsible for, or contributing to, such violations, or to discontinue their use. History Note: Statutory Authority G.S. 143-215.2; 143-21 5. 3 (a) ( 1 ) ; 1 4 3B-2 8 2; Eff. August 1, 1989. Amended Eff. · September 1, 1992 15A NCAC 2L .0107 is proposed for amendment as follows: .0107 COMPLIANCE BOUNDARY (a) For disposal systems individuall y permitted prior to December 30, 1983, the compliance boundary is established at a horizontal distance of 500 feet from the waste boundary or at the property boundary, whichever is closer to the source. (b) For disposal systems individuall y permitted on or after December 30, 1983, a compliance boundary shall be established 250 feet from the waste boundary, or 50 feet within the property boundary, whichever point is closer to the source. (c) The boundary shall be established by the Director , or his desi g nee at the time of permit issuance. Any sale or transfer of property which affects a compliance boundary shall be reported immediately to the Director , or his desi g nee. For disposal systems which are not governed by Paragraphs (e) or (f) of this Rule, the compliance boundary affected by the sale or transfer of property will be re-established consistent with Paragraphs (a) or (b) of this Rule, whichever is applicable. (d) Exce p t as p rovided in Parag ra p h (g) of this Rule .Fer ais~esal-syseems-~eFmieeea-eF-Fe~ermittea-after-JaattaFy-+7-+993 7 no water supply wells shall be constructed or operated within the compliance boundary7 of a dis p osal s y stem individuall y p ermitted or rep ermitted after Januar y 1 , 1993. (e) Excep t as p rovided in Parag rap h (g) of this Rule , Fer ais~esal-systems-~eFmieeea-eF-Fe~ermietea-after-JaRttary-+7 -+993 7 a permittee shall not transfer land within an established compliance boundary of a dis p osal s y stem p ermitted or re p ermitted after January 1 , 1993 unless: (1) the land transferred is serviced by a community water system as defined in 15A NCAC 18C, the source of which is located outside the compliance boundary; and (2) the deed transferring the property: (A) contains notice of the permit, including the permit number, a description of the type of permit, and the name, address and telephone number of the permitting agency; and (B) contains a restrictive covenant running with the· land and in favor of the permittee and the State, as a third party beneficiary, which prohibits the construction and operation of water supply wells within the compliance boundary; and (C) contains a restrictive covenant running with the land and in favor of the permittee and the State, as a third party beneficiary, which grants the right to the permittee and the State to enter on such property within the compliance boundary for groundwater monitoring and remediation purposes. ( f) If at the time a permit is issued or reissued after January 1, 1993, the permittee is not owner of the land within the compliance boundary, it shall be a condition of the permit issued or renewed that the landowner of the land within the compliance boundary, if other than the permittee, and exce p t as p rovided in Parag rap h (g) of this Rule , execute and file in the Register of Deeds in the county in which the land is located, an easement running with the land which: (1) contains: (A) either a notice of the permit, including the permit number, a description of the type of permit, and the name, address and telephone number of the permitting agency; or (B) a reference to a notice of the permit with book and page number of its recordation if such notice is required to be filed by statute; (2) prohibits the construction and operation of water supply wells within the compliance boundary; and (3) reserves the right to the permittee and the State to enter on such property within the compliance boundary for groundwater monitoring and remediation purposes. The easement ma y be terminated b y the Director when its p urp ose has been fulfilled or the need for the easement no long er exists. Under those conditions the Director , at the req uest of the landowner . ma y file with the a pprop riate Re g ister of Deeds , a document terminating the easement. ( g) The req uirements of Parag ra p hs ( d ), ( e ) and ( f ) of this Rule are not a pp licable to g round adsorp tion treatment s y stems serving four or fewer sing le famil y dwelling s or multiunit dwelling s of four or fewer units. 1h.lf~t The boundary shall form a vertical plane extending from the water table to the maximum depth of saturation . .i.i.l:fht For ground absorption sewage treatment and disposal systems which are permitted under 15A NCAC 18A .1900, the compliance boundary shall be established at the property boundary. J..ilfit Penalties authorized pursuant to G.S. 143-215.6A(a)(1) will not be assessed for violations of waEer g roundwater quality standards within a compliance boundary unless the violations are the result of violations of permit conditions or negligence in the management of the facility. lklf1t The Director shall require: (1) that permits for all activities governed by G.S. 143-215.1 be written to protect the quality of groundwater established by applicable standards, at the compliance boundary; (2) that necessary groundwater quality monitoring shall be conducted within the compliance boundary; and (3) that a violation of standards within the compliance boundary resulting from activities conducted by the permitted facility be remedied through clean-up, recovery, containment, or other response when any of the following conditions occur: (A) a violation of any standard in adjoining classified wateFs g roundwaters occurs or can be reasonably predicted to occur considering hydrogeologic conditions, modeling, or other available evidence; (B) an imminent hazard or threat to the public health or safety exists; or (C) a violation of any standard in groundwater occurring in the bedrock other than limestones found in the Coastal Plain sediments7 , unless it can be demonstrated that the violation will not adversel y im p act , or have the p otential to adversel y imp act a water su ppl y well. History Note: Statutory Authority G.S. 143-215.1 (b); 143-215.3(a)(1 ); 143B-282; Eff. August 1, 1989.; Amended Eff. · November 2, 1992 15A NCAC 2L .0109 is proposed for amendment as follows: .0109 DELEGATION (a) The Director is delegated the authority to enter into consent special orders under G.S. 143-215.2 for violations of the wa~e~ g roundwater quality standards except when a public meeting is reguireq as provided in 15A NCAC 2H .1203. (b) The Director is delegated the authority to prepare a proposed special order to be issued by the Commission without the consent of the person affected and to notify the affected person of that proposed order and of the procedure set out in G. S. 150B-23 to contest the proposed special order. (c) The Director , or his desi g nee shall give public notice of proposed consent special orders as specified in 15A NCAC 2H .1203. History Note: Statutory Authority G.S. 143-215.2; 143-215.3(a)(1 ); 143-215.3(a)(4); Eff. August 1, 1989; Amended Eff. · October 1, 1990. 15A NCAC 2L .0110 is proposed for amendment as follows: .0110 MONITORING (a) Aay -~eFsea -Sl:iBjeet: -t:e -t:he -I:)Fevisieas -a€ -G.8. --l43-iH5.-l- Excep t where exemp ted b y statute or this Subchap ter , any p erson who causes, permits or has control over any discharge of waste, or g roundwater cleanup p rog ram , shall install and imp lement a monitoring system, at such locations, and in such detail, as the Director , or his desi g nee may require to evaluate the effects of the discharge upon the waters of the state, including the effect of any actions taken to restore groundwater quality, as well as the efficiency of any treatment facility. The moni taring p lan shall be p re p ared under the res p onsible charg e of a Professional Eng ineer or Licensed Geolog ist and bear the seal of the same. ( b) Monitoring systems shall be e~eFat:ea constructed in a manner that will not result in the contamination of adjacent groundwaters of a higher quality. ( c) Moni taring shall be conducted and results reported in a manner and at a frequency specified by the Director , or his desig nee. History Note: Statutory Authority G.S. 143-215.1(b); 143-215.3(a)(1); 143-215.65; 143-215.66; 143B-282; Eff. August 1, 1989. Amended Eff. 15A NCAC 2L .0111 is proposed for amendment as follows: .0111 REPORTS lJu Any person subject te-the-~FevisieRs-eE-G.8.-l43-2l§.l-aRe to the requirements for corrective action specified in Rule .0106 of this Subchapter shall submit to the Director, in such detail as the Director may require, a written report that describes: (1) the results of the investigation specified in Paragraphs (c)(1) and (c)(2)(B) of Rule .0106, including but not limited to: J.Alfa+ a description of the sampling procedures followed and methods of chemical analyses used; and .11U.fa+ all technical data utilized in support of any conclusions drawn or determinations made. (2) the results of the predictive calculations or modeling, including a copy of the calculations or model runs and all supporting technical data, used in the demonstration required in Paragraph (c)(2)(A) of Rule .0106; and (3) the proposed methodology and timetable associated with the FesteFatieR-eE-~FeHRewateF-~Halitycorrective action for those situations identified in Paragraphs ( c) ( 1} and (c)(2}(B} of Rule .0106. (b ) The re p ort shall be p re p ared under the res p onsible charg e of a Professional Eng ineer or Licensed Geolog ist and bear the seal of the same as s p ecified in Rule .0106 (c )(2 )(B ). History Note: Statutory Authority G.S. 143-215.1(b); 143-215.3(a}(1}; 143-215.65; 143B-282; Eff. August 1, 1989. Amended Eff. 15A NCAC 2L .0112 is proposed for amendment as follows: .0112 ANALYTICAL PROCEDURES Tests or analytical procedures to determine compliance or noncompliance with the water g roundwater quality standards established in Rule .0202 of this Subchapter will be in accordance with: ( 1 ) ( 2) The following methods or procedures for substances where the selected method or procedure provides a method detection limit value at or less than the standard: (a) Standard methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, +6th 17th Edition, +98§ 1989, including an y subseq uent amendments and editions published jointly by American Public Health Association, American Water Works Association and Water Pollution Control Federation; (b) Methods for Chemical Analysis of Water and Waste, 1979, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency publication number EPA-600/4-79-020, as revised March 1983; (c) Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Wastes: Physical/Chemical Methods, 3rd Edition, 1986, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency publication number SW-846; (d) Test Procedures for the Analysis of Pollutants Under the Clean Water Act, Federal Register Vol. 49, No. 209, 40 CFR Part 136, October 26, 1984; (e) Methods or procedures approved by letter from the Director upon application by the regulated source. A method or procedure approved by the Director for substances where the standard is less than the limit -ef aeteetaaility p ractical q uantitation level. History Note: Statutory Authority G.S. 143-215.3(a)(1); 143B-282; Eff. August 1, 1989 Amended Eff. 15A NCAC 2L .0113 is proposed for amendment as follows: .0113 VARIANCE (a) The Commission, on its own initiative or pursuant to a request under G.S. 143-215.3(e), may grant variances to wate:E ~eality-staaaaras-aaa-the-eemp1liaaee-aeHaaary. the rules of this Subchapter. Perseas -SHBjeet -te -the -fffevisieas -af -G.S. -+39A-~94 may-apply-feF-a-vaFiaaee-Haaer-this-Seetiea. (b) Requests for variances are filed by letter from the applicant to the Environmental Management Commission. The application should be mailed to the chairman of the Commission in care of the Director, Division of Environmental Management, Post Office Box ~+68+7 29535 Raleigh, N.C. ~+6++ 27626-0535. (c) The application should contain the following information: (1) Applications filed by counties or municipalities must include a resolution of the County Board of Commissioners or the governing board of the municipality requesting the variance from water groundwater quality standards which apply to the area for which the variance is requested. (2) A description of the past, existing or proposed activities or operations that have or would result in a discharge of contaminants to the groundwaters. (3) Description of the proposed area for which a variance is requested. A detailed location map, showing the orientation of the facility, potential for groundwater contaminant migration, as well as the area covered by the variance request, with reference to at least two geographic references (numbered roads, named streams/rivers, etc.) must be included. (4) Supporting information to establish that the variance will not endanger the public health and safety, including health and environmental effects from exposure to the groundwater contaminants. (Location of wells and other water supply sources including details of well construction within 1 / 2 mile of site must be shown on a map) . (5) Supporting information to establish that standards cannot be achieved by providing the best available technology economically reasonable. This information must identify specific technology considered, changes in quality of the contaminant plume as demonstrated through predictive calculations ap1p1revea --ay --the Bireeter, and technological constraints which limit groundwater quality restoration to the level of the standard. (6) Supporting information to establish that compliance would produce serious hardship on the applicant. (7) Supporting information that compliance would produce serious hardship without equal or greater public benefit. (8) A copy of any Special Order that was issued in connection with the contaminants in the proposed area and supporting information that applicant has complied with the Special Order. (9) A list of the names and addresses of any property owners within the proposed area of the variance as well as any property owners adjacent to the site covered by the variance. (d) Upon receipt of the application, the Director will review it for completeness and request additional information if necessary. When the application is complete, the Director shall give public notice of the application and schedule the matter for a public hearing in accordance with G.S. 143-215.4(b) and the procedures set out selew in Parag rap h (e ) of this Rule. (e) Notice of Public Hearing. (1) Notice of public hearing on any variance application shall be circulated in the geographical areas of the proposed variance by the Director at least 30 days prior to the date of the hearing: (A) by publishing the notice one time in a newspaper having general circulation in said county; (B) by mailing to the North Carolina Department of HtlmaR Environment , Health , and Natural Resources, Division of Heal~a-Serviees 7 Environmental Health and appropriate local health agency; (C) by mailing to any other federal, state or local agency upon request; (D) by mailing to the local governmental unit or units having jurisdiction over the geographic area covered by the variance; (E) by mailing to any property owner within the proposed area of the variance, as well as any property owners adjacent to the site covered by the variance; and (F) by mailing to any person or group upon request. (2) The contents of public notice of any hearing shall include at least the following: (A) name, address, and phone number of agency holding the public hearing; (B) name and address of each applicant whose application will be considered at the meeting; (C) brief summary of the proposed standard variance or modification of the perimeter of compliance being requested; (D) geographic description of a proposed area for which a variance is requested; (E) brief description of the activities or operations which have or will result in the discharge of contaminants to the groundwaters described in the variance application; (F) a brief reference to the public notice issued for each variance application; (G) information regarding the time and location for the hearing; (H) the purpose of the hearing; (I) address and phone number of premises at which interested persons may obtain further information, request a copy of each application, and inspect and copy forms and related documents; and (J) a brief description of the nature of the hearing including the rules and procedures to be followed. The notice shall also state that additional information is on file with the Director and may be inspected at any time during normal working hours. Copies of the information on file will be made available upon request and payment of cost or reproduction. (f) All comments received within 30 days following the date of the public hearing shall be made part of the application file and shall be considered by the Commission prior to taking final action on the application. (g) In determining whether to grant a variance, the Commission shall consider whether the applicant has complied with any Special Order, or Special Order by Consent issued under G.S. 143-215.2. (h) If the Commission's final decision is unacceptable, the applicant may file a petition for a contested case in accordance with Chapter 150B of the General Statutes. If the petition is not filed within 60 days, the decision on the variance shall be final and binding. (i) A variance shall not operate on a defense to an action at law based upon a public or private nuisance theory or any other cause of action. History Note: Statutory Authority G.S. 143-215.3(a)(1); 143-215.3(a)(3); 143-215.3(a)(4); 143-215.3(e); 143-215.4; Eff. August 1, 1989. Amended Eff. 15A NCAC 2L .0114 is proposed for adoption as follows: .0114 NOTIFICATION RE QUIREMENTS (a ) An y p erson sub j ect to the req uirements of Rule .0106 (c )(1 ) of this Subcha p ter shall submit to the Heal th Director of the count y or counties , and the chief administrative officer of the p olitical j urisdiction in which the g roundwater contamination has occurred , a re p ort that describes: (1 ) The area extent of the contaminant p lume ; (2 ) The chemical constituents in the g roundwater which exceed the standards described in Rule . 0202 of this Subchap ter ; (3 ) Actions taken and intended to miti g ate threats to human health ; (4 ) The location of an y wells installed for the p urp ose of monitoring the contaminant p lume and the fre q uenc y of samp ling . The re p ort described in this Rule shall be submitted no later than five da y s after submittal of the com p leted re p ort assessing the cause , sig nificance and extent of the violation as req uired b y Rule . 0106 ( c ) . (b ) An y p erson req uesting from the Director an alternate cleanu p level , a pproval of a natural remediation p rog ram or p ermission to terminate active g roundwater remediation shall notif y the Health Director of the count y or counties , and the chief administrative officer of the p olitical j urisdiction in which the contaminant p lume occurs , and all p ro p ert y owners and all occup ants within or conti g uous to the area underlain b y the p ollution p lume , and under which it is exp ected to mi g rate , of the nature of the req uest and reasons supporting it. Notification shall be made b y certified mail concurrent with the submittal of the req uest to the Director. A final decision b y the Director ma y not be made within 30 da y s of recei p t of the req uest. ( c ) An y p erson authorized b y the Director to cleanu p to an alternate cleanup level , rel y on a natural remediation p rog ram or to terminate active g roundwater remediation shall notif y p arties s p ecified in Parag rap h (b ) of this Rule of the Director's decision. Notification shall be made b y certified mail within 30 da y s of recei p t of the Director's decision. History Note Statutory Authorit y G.S. 143-214.1 ; 143-215.3 (a )(1 ); 143B-282 (2 )b ; Eff. .0200 -CLASSIFICATIONS AND WATER QUALITY STANDARDS 15A NCAC 2L .0201 is proposed for amendment as follows: .0201 GROUNDWATER CLASSIFICATIONS The classifications which may be will be those specified in classifications: assigned to the groundwaters the following series of ( 1 ) ( 2) Class GA wateFs g roundwaters; usage and occurrence: (a) Best Usage. Existing or potential source of drinking water supply for humans. (b) Conditions Related to Best Usage. This class is intended for those groundwaters in which chloride concentrations are equal to or less than 250 mg/1, and which are considered suitable for drinking in their natural state, but which may require treatment to improve quality related to natural conditions. (c) Occurrence. In the saturated zone. Class GSA wateFs g roundwaters; usage and occurrence: (a) Best Usage. Existing or potential source of water supply for potable mineral water and conversion to fresh waters. (b) Conditions Related to Best Usage. This class is intended for those groundwaters in which the chloride concentrations due to natural conditions is in excess of 250 mg/1, but which otherwise may be considered suitable for use as potable water after treatment to reduce concentrations of naturally occurring substances. (c) Occurrence. In the saturated zone. (3) Class GC wateFs g roundwaters: usage and occurrence: (a) Best Usage. The best usag e of GC g roundwaters is as a SeHFee source of water supply for purposes other than drinking , including other domestic uses b y humans. (b) Conditions Related to Best Usage. This class includes those groundwaters that do not meet the quality criteria ef-wateFs-haviR~-a-hi~heF-elassifieatieR for GA or GSA g roundwaters ef -wateFs -aaviR~ -a -ai~aeF elassifieatieR and for which efforts to FesteFe-iR-sittt te-a-hi~aeF-elassifieatieR im p rove g roundwater q uality would not be technologically feasible, or not in the best interest of the public. Continued consump tion of waters of this class b y humans could result in adverse health affects. (c) Occurrence. Groundwaters of this class ma y be defined Ia-the-satHFatea-2aae 7 -as-aeteFmiaea by the Commission on a case by case basis. History Note: Statutory Authority G.S. 143-214.1; 143B-282(2); Eff. June 10, 1979; Amended Eff. ____ _._ August 1, 1989; September 1, 1984; December 30, 1983. 15A NCAC 2L .0202 is proposed for amendment as follows: .0202 WATER GROUNDWATER QUALITY STANDARDS (a) The wateF g roundwater quality standards for the p rotection of the groundwaters of the state are those specified in this Rule. They are the maximum allowable concentrations resulting from any discharge of contaminants to the land or waters of the state, which may be tolerated without creating a threat to human health or which would otherwise render the groundwater unsuitable for its intended best usage. WheFe -EJFSl:lRel.wateF -EJl:lality -staRel.aFel.s -have aeeR-eKeeeeee-el:le-te-maR~s-aetivities,-FesteFatieR-effeFts-shall ae -eesiEJaee -ta -FesteFe -EJFSHaawateF -EJHality -te -the -level -ef -the staaaaFa-eF-as-elesely-therete-as-is-pFaetieaale. (b) The maKiml:lm-allewaale-eeaeeatratieas g roundwater q ualit y standards for contaminants specified in Paragraphs (g) and (h) of this Rule shall be as listed, except that: (1) Where the maximl:lm-allewaale-eeaeeatFatiea-ef standard for a substance is less than the limit-ef-aeteetaaility p ractical q uanti tat ion limit, the Sl:lastaaee -shall -aet ae-peFmittea-iR-aeteetaale-eeaeeatratieas. detection of that substance at or above the p ractical g uantitation limit shall constitute a violation of the standard. (2) Where two or more substances exist in combination, the Director shall consider the effects of chemical interactions as determined b y the Division of Epidemiology and may establish maximum concentrations at values less than those established in accordance with Paragraphs (c) and (g) of this Rule. In the absence of information to the contrary, the carcinogenic risks associated with carcinogens present shall be considered additive and the toxic effects associated with non-carcinogens present shall also be considered additive. (3) Where naturally occurring substances exceed the established standard, the standard will be the naturally occurring concentration as determined by the Director. (c) Exce p t for tracers used in concentrations which have been determined b y the Division of Ep idemiology to be p rotective of human health, and the use of which has been p ermitted b y the Division , SHastaaees substances which are not naturally occurring and for which no standard is specified shall not be permitted in detectable concentrations in Class GA or Class GSA groundwaters. Any person may petition the Director to establish an interim maximum allowable concentration for an unspecified substance, however, the burden of demonstrating those concentrations of the substance which correspond to the levels described in Paragraph (d) of this Rule rests with the petitioner. The petitioner shall submit all toxicological and epidemiological data, study results, and calculations necessary to establish a standard in accordance with the procedure prescribed in Paragraph ( d) of this Rule. Within three months after the establishment of an interim maximum allowable concentration for a substance by the Director, the Director shall initiate action to consider adoption of a standard for that substance. (d) MaHimam--allewaale--eeReeatFatieRs Groundwater q uality standards for substances in Class GA and Class GSA waters g roundwaters are established as the lesser of: (1) Systemic threshold concentration calculated as follows: [Reference Dose (mg/kg/day) x 70 kg (adult body weight) x Relative Source Contribution (.10 for inorganics; .20 for organics)] / [2 liters/day (avg. water consumption)]; (2) Concentration which correspo~gs to an incremental lifetime cancer risk of 1x10 ; (3) Taste threshold limit value; (4) Odor threshold limit value; (5) Maximum contaminant level; or (6) National secondary drinking water standard. (e) The following references, in order of preference, shall be used in establishing concentrations of substances which correspond to levels described in Paragraph (d) of this Rule. (1) Integrated Risk Information System (U.S. EPA). (2) Health Advisories (U.S. EPA Office of Drinking Water). (3) Other health risk assessment data published by U.S. EPA. (4) Other appropriate, published health risk assessment data. (f) WateFGroundwater quality standards specified in Paragraphs (g) and (h) of this Rule and interim maximum allowable concentrations established pursuant to Paragraph (c) of this Rule shall be reviewed on a biennial basis. Appropriate modifications to established standards will be made in accordance with the procedure prescribed in Paragraph (d) of this Rule where modifications are considered appropriate based on data published subsequent to the previous review. (g) Class GA Standards. Where not otherwise indicated, the standard refers to the total concentration in milligrams per liter of any constituent in a dissolved , colloidal or p articulate form which is mobile in g roundwater. This does not a pp l y to sediment or other p articulate matter which is p reserved in a g roundwater samp le as a result of well construction or samp ling p rocedures. {1 ) acetone: 0.7 illf+t acrylamide (propenamide): 0.00001 .Ll.lf~t arsenic: 0.05 .i.ilf3t barium: +.e 2.0 illf4t benzene: 0.001 illf§t bromoform (tribromomethane): 0.00019 illf6t cadmium: 0.005 .ifil..f+t carbofuran: 0.036 1llf8t carbon tetrachlorid~S 0.0003 .1..1Qlf9t chlordane: 2.7 x 10 i.1.1.lf+8t chloride: 250.0 .1..lllf++t chlorobenzene: 8.3 0.05 illlf+2t chloroform (trichloromethane): 0.00019 ililf+3t 2-chlorophenol: 0.0001 l.Ll.lf+4t chromium: 0.05 1.illf+5t cis-1,2-dichloroethene: 0.07 il1lf+6t coliform organisms (total): 1 per 100 milliliters i.lJUf++t color: 15 color units 1..12.lf+St copper: 1.0 il.Q.lf+9t cyanide: 0.154 il1.lf28t 2, 4-D (2,4-dichlorophenoxy acetic ac!g): 0.07 illlf2+t 1,2-dibromo-3-chloropropane: 2.5 x 10 ) il.li_f22t dichlorodifluoromethane (Freon-12; Halon): 8.888+9 L._i (24 ) 1 ,1 dichloroethane: 0.7 J..lllf23t 1,2-dichloroethane (ethylene dichloride): 0.00038 ilfil.f24t 1,1-dichloroethylene (vinylidene chloride): 0.007 .Ll.1.lf25t 1,2-dichloropropane: 0.00056 (28 ) di-n-but y l (or dibut y l ) p hthalate (DBP ): 0.7 {29 ) diethy l p hthalate (DEP ): 5.0 (30 ) di (2-eth y lhexy l ) p hthalate (DEHP ): 0.003 il1..lf~6t p-dioxane (1,4-d!r5hylene dioxide): 0.007 -1..J.llf~+t dioxin: 2.2 x 10 .1.1.ll.f~St dissolved solids (total): 500 .l.J.!lf~9t endrin: 8.999~ 0.002 .Ll.2lf38t epichlorohydrin (1-chloro-2,3-epoxypropane): 0.00354 .1.l.fil.f3+t ethylbenzene: 0.029 _5 ..Ll.Ilf32t ethylene_9ibromide (EDB; 1,2-dibromoethane): 9.95-M-+9-- 4.0 X 10 Llfilf33t ethylene glycol: 7.0 .Ll.2.lf34t fluoride €±eHFiae: 2.0 ilQlf35t foaming agents: 0.5 1llif36t gross alpha (adjusted)particle activity (iRe±HeiR§ FaeiHm-~~6-aHt excluding FaeeR radium-226 and uranium): 15 pCi/1 _5 _6 ~f3+t heptachlor: +.6-M-+9--8.0 x 5o _6 1..!J.J_f38t heptachlor epoxide: 3.8-M-+9--4.0 x 10 (44 ) hep tane: 2.1 J...i.2lf39t hexachlorobenzene (perchlorobenzene): 0.00002 il.fil.f4Gt n-hexane: +4.3 0.42 ill.lf4+t iron: 0.3 1.!filf4~t lead: 9.95 0.015 _5 4 i!fil..f43t lindane: ~.65-M-+9--2.0 x 10- ilQlf44t manganese: 0.05 il1.lf45t mercury: 0.0011 illlf46t metadichlorobenzene (1,3-dichlorobenzene): 0.62 illlf4+t methoxychlor: 9.+ 0.035 il.!l_f48t methylene chloride (dichloromethane): 0.005 illif49t methyl ethyl ketone (MEK; 2-butanone): 0.17 ilfilf59t methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE): 0.2 illlf5+t nickel: 8.+5 ~ 1.filUf52t nitrate: (as N) 10.0 .Ll.2.lf53t nitrite: (as N) 1 .0 1..§Qlf54t orthodichlorobenzene (1,2-dichlorobenzene): 0.62 i.§llf55t oxamyl: 0.175 illJ.f56t paradichlorobenzene (1,4-dichlorobenzene): 8.99+8 0.075 .tfillf5+t pentachlorophenol: 8.22 0.0003 .i.§.ilf58t pH: 6.5 -8.5 .i.§.ilf59t radium-226 and radium-228 (combined): 5 pCi/1 J..§_fil_f69t selenium: 9.9+ 0.05 ill.lf6+t silver: 9.95 0.018 .ifilU.f6~t styrene (ethenylbenzene): +.4-x-+9~ ~ .1.§.ilf63t sulfate: 250.0 11Qlf64t tetrachloroethylene (perchloroethylene; PCE): 0.0007 111lf65t toluene (methylbenz~ge): 1 .0 J.lllf66t toxaphene: 3.1 x 10 1.1..li.f6+t 2, 4, 5,-TP (Silvex): 8.8+ 0.05 11.ilf68t trans-1,2-dichloroethene: 0.07 11.alf69t 1,1,1-trichloroethane (methyl chloroform): 0.2 .i.1filf+9t trichloroethylene (TCE): 0.0028 (77 ) trichlorofluoromethane: 2.1 ilfilf++t vinyl chloride (chloroethylene): 1 .5 x 10-5 illif+~t xylenes (o-, m-, and p-): 9.4 0.53 _(_§Qj_f+3t zinc: 5.9 l._J (h) Class GSA Standards. The standards for this class shall be the same as those for Class GA except as follows: (1) chloride: allowable increase not to exceed 100 percent of the natural quality concentration. (2) total dissolved solids: 1000 mg/1. (i) Class GC Waters. (1) The concentrations of substances which, at the time of classification exceed water-qHality-staRaaras 7 the standards a pplicable to Class GA or GSA g roundwaters shall not be peFmittea caused to increase , nor shall the concentrations of other substances be caused to exceed the GA or GSA standards as a result of further dis p osal of contaminants to or beneath the surface of the land within the boundar y of the area classified GC. Fer-all-ether-SHBstaRees 7 -eeaeeRtratieRs-shall-Ret-ae eaHsea-eF-permittea-te-exeeea-the-estaalishea-staaaaFa. (2) The concentrations of substances which, at the time of classification, exceed wateF-qHality-staRaaFas-sha±± aet-eaHse-eF-eeRtFiaHte-te-the-eeRtraveRtieR-ef the standards a pp licable to GA or GSA g roundwaters shall not be caused to mi g rate as a result of activities within the boundary of the GC classification , so as to violate the groundwater or surface water quality standards in adjoining waters of a different class. (3) Concentrations of specific substances, which exceed the established standard at the time of classification, shall be listed in Section .0300 of this Subchapter. History Note: Statutory Authority G.S. 143-214.1; 143B-282(2); Eff. June 10, 1979; Amended Eff. · September 1, 1992; August 1, 1989; September 1, 1984; December 30, 1983. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Notice is hereby given in accordance with G. S. J 50B-21. 2 that the EHNR -Division qf Environmental Management intends to adopt rule cited as 15A NCA C 2L. OJ 14 and amend rules cited as 15A NCA C 2L. 0102 -.0104,· .0106 -.0107,· .0109 -.0113,· .0201 -.0202. The proposed effective date qf this action is September 1, 1993. The public hearings will be conducted at 7:00 p.m. on the.following dates and locations: April 1, 1993 Onslow County Courthouse Old Courthouse 625 Court Street Jacksonville, N. C. April 5, 1993 Martin County Community College College Auditorium Kehukee Park Road Williamston, N. C. April 7, 1993 Ground Floor Hearing Room Archdale Building 512 N. Salisbury St. Raleigh, N. C. April 20, 1993 Rowan-Cabarrus Community College Teaching Auditorium Jake Alexander Blvd. and 1-85 Salisbury, N. C. April 21, 1993 UNC-ASHEVII.LE Carmichael Lecture Hall I University Heights Asheville, N. C. Reason for Proposed Action: The proposed amendments to 15A NCA C 2L will amend the Groundwater Classifications and Standards regarding policy, RS designation, corrective action, compliance boundary, delegation, monitoring, reports, variance, groundwater class{fications, and water quality standards. The adoption qf I 5A NCA C 2L . OJ 14 will establish notification requirements under this Subchapter. Comment Procedures: Notice is hereby given of a series of public hearings to be held by the Division qf' Environmental Management, on behalf of the Environmental Management Commission (EMC), to consider amendments to 15A NCAC 2L, Groundwater Classlfication and Standards. The purpose of the proposed amendments is to improve the processes required to be followed in cleaning up groundwater contamination and providing protection for groundwater that ;,s being used, or may potentially be used for drinking water. To accomplish this objective, definitions have been added, some clean up activities have been restricted to persons licensed by prqfessional boards, and requirements for designation qf RS (Restricted) groundwaters are clartfied and extended to include monitoring and notice requirements. Corrective action requirements are rewritten to include minimum cleanup requirements, iriformation that must be included in cleanup plans, requirements for the use of best available technology, procedures for requesting alternative cleanup levels, and provisions that would allow for the natural degradation of contaminants when evidence is submitted that l this cleanup approach can be effective and is protective of groundwater that is or may be used for drinking water. In addition, revisions are proposed in the compliance boundary rule that would exempt small residential ground absorption systems from water well location restrictions and compliance boundary requirements, and that would maintain consistency with new rules for the permitting of agricultural waste management sites. Other proposed rule changes include requirements for providing notice ~f corrective action to the Health Director in the County where a contamination plume has occurred, and the addition and revision of standards to incorporate recent toxicological knowledge. In developing these rules, concern was expressed that considerable judgement must be exercised in enforcement regarding the determination of the impact of contamination on groundwater that may be a potential source of drinking water. Consideration was also given to the use of Maximum Contaminate Levels (MCLs) for cleanup standards instead of continuing the use of Groundwater Standards for both groundwater protection and contaminate cleanup. Comments were received regarding the adequacy of requirements for notice to parties that might be impacted by a proposed cleanup activity. In addition, comments were also received regarding the decision-making criteria the Director must use in approving cleanup plans. The EMC is interested in all comments from the public or interested parties regarding the proposed amendments and alternatives to these amendments and is particularly interested in comments and public opinion regarding the impact of these rule changes on the use ~f groundwater as existing or potential sources of drinking water for public or private use. THESE PROPOSED AMENDMENTS REPRESENT A SIGNIFICANT CHANGE FROM PRESENT PRACTICE SINCE THEY WOUW NOT AL WAYS REQWRE THE APPLICATION OF BEST AVAILABLE TECHNOLOGY TO RESTORE GROUNDWATER TO THE LEVEL OF THE STANDARD. NEW APPROACHES PROPOSED INCLUDE THE USE OF ALTERNATIVE CLEANUP LEVELS AND NATURAL REMEDIATION PROCESSES WHEN THESE PROCESSES ARE DETERMINED BY THE DIVISION TO BE PROTECTIVE OF PUBLIC HEALTH. IT IS VERY IMPORTANT THAT All INTERESTED AND POTENTIALLY AFFECTED PERSONS OR PARTIES MAKE THEIR VIEWS AND OPINIONS KNOWN, preferably in writing, TO THE EMC WHETHER THEY ARE IN FAVOR OR OPPOSED TO ANY OR ALL OF THE PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO THE GROUNDWATER CLASSIFICATIONANDSTANDARDS. PUBLJCCOMMENTISVITALLYIMPORTANTBECAUSETHEEMC MAY ADOPT MORE OR LESS STRINGENT AMENDMENTS IF THE EMC DETERMINES THAT THE FINAL ADOPTED RULES ARE A LOGICAL OUTGROWTH OF THE NOTICE AND PUBLIC COMMENT. All persons interested in these matters are invited to attend the public hearings noticed herein. Written comments may be presented at the public hearing or submitted through April 23, 1993. Please submit comments to Mr. David Hance, Division of Environmental Management, Groundwater Section, P. 0. Box 29535, Raleigh, NC 27626-0535, (919) 733-3221. Please notify Mr. Hance prior to the public hearing if you desire to speak. Oral presentation lengths may be limited depending on the number of people that wish to speak at the public hearing. Oral presentations greater than three minutes in length are requested to be submitted in writing. CHAPTER 2 -ENVIRONMENT AL MANAGEMENT SUBCHAPTER 2L -GROUNDWATER CLASSIFICATION AND STANDARDS SECTION .0100 -GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS .0102 DEFINITIONS The definition of any word or phrase used in these rules shall be the same as given in G.S. 143-212 and G.S. 143-213 except that the following words and phrases shall have the following meanings: (1) "Bedrock" means any consolidated rock encountered in the place in which it was formed or deposited and which cannot be readily excavated without the use of explosives or power equipment. (2) "Commission" means the Environmental Management Commission as organized under Chapter 143B of the General Statutes. (3) "Compliance boundary" means a boundary around a disposal system at and beyond which wfttet'- groundwater quality standards may not be exceeded and only applies to facilities which have received (a) The rules established in this Subchapter are intended to maintain and preserve the quality of the groundwaters, prevent and abate pollution and contamination of the waters of the state, protect public health, and permit management of the groundwaters for their best usage by the citizens of North Carolina. It is the policy of the Commission that the best usage of the groundwaters of the state is as a source of drinking water. These groundwaters generally are a potable source of drinking water without the necessity of si gnificant treatment. It is the intent of these Rules to protect the overall high quality of North Carolina's groundwaters and to enhttnee ttHEI feSt6fe the qua:lity of de,gfftded groundv,•fttefs to the level established by the standards-:-and to enhance and restore the quality of degraded ~roundwaters where feasible and necessa ry to protect human health and the environment . or to ensure their suitability as a future source of drinking water. (b) It is the intention of the Commission to protect all groundwaters to a level of quality at least as high as that required under the standards established in Rule .0202 of this Subchapter. In keeping with the policy of the Commission to protect, maintain, and enhance groundwater quality within the State of North Carolina, the Commission will not approve any disposal system subject to the provisions of G.S. 143-215.1 which would result in: (1) the significant degradation of groundwaters of which the existing quality is better than the assigned standard, unless found to be economically and socially justifiable, or (2) a violation of a wfttet' groundwater quality standard beyond the eouHdttfies of the pl'Operty ott '+Vhieh the soufee of poHtttioa is loeftted, or f!: desi gnated com pliance boundary, or (3) the impairment of existing groundwater uses or an adverse impact on the public health, safety or welfare. (c) Violations of groundwater quality standards resulting from groundwater withdrawals which are in compliance with water use permits issued pursuant to G.S. 143-215.15, shall not be subject to the corrective action requirements of Rule .0106 of this Subchapter. (d) No person shall conduct or cause to be conducted, any activity which causes the concentration of any substance to exceed that specified in Rule .0202 of this Subchapter, except as authorized by the rules of this Subcbapter. f!tl Work performed pursuant to the rules of this Subcha pter which involves site assessment. the inte rp retation of subsurface geologic conditions . preparation of conceptual corrective action plans or !!!!Y work requiring detailed technical knowled ge of site conditions which ~ submitted to the Director , shall be performed .!2y persons, firms or professional co rp orations who are duly licensed to offer geological or engineering services .!2y the appropriate occu pational licensin g board. Work which involves design of remedial systems or s pecialized construction techniq ues shall be performed .!2y persons, firms or professional co 1p orations who are duly licensed to offer engineering services. Co rp orations that are authorized .!2y law to perform engineering or geological services and~ exempt from the Professional Co rp oration Act, G.S. 55B. may perform these services. Statutory Authority G.S. 143-214.1,· 143-214.2; 143-215.3(e),· 143-215.3(a)(l); 143B-282 . . 0104 RESTRICTED DESIGNATION (RS) (a) The Director is authorized to designate GA or GSA groundwaters as RS under any of the following circumstances: (1) Where, as a result of man's activities, groundwaters contain concentrations of substances in excess of the groundwater quality standards established under this Subchapter, and remedial termination of corrective action to restore groundwater quality has been feCIUtred, Of approved .!2y the Director. or where the Director has approved ~ corrective action plan, or alternate cleanup levels, relying solely or in part upon natural remedial processes and, in either case, the groundwaters can be made potable .!2y using readily available and economically reasonable technolo gy . (2) Where a statutory variance has been granted as provided in Rule .0113 of this Subchapter. ill Where the area im pacted ll:! served .!2y _g public water system. ill Groundwaters occurrin g within an area defined .!2y ~ com pliance boundary in _g waste disposal permit are deemed to be desi gnated RS. il:}-EeJ The RS designation serves as a warning that groundwater so designated may not be suitable for use as a drinking water supply without si gnificant treatment. The boundaries of areas designated RS may be approximated in the absence of analytical data sufficient to define the eKteat of gfottadwB:ter degmdatioa. dimension of the area, at right angles to the direction of groundwater flow, into which the contaminants have the potential to migrate. The designation is temporary and will be removed by the Director upon a determination that the quality of the groundwater so designated has been restored to the level of the applicable standards or when reclassified.,_G&. @ The person res ponsible for groundwater contamination leading to the RS desi gnation shall establish and im plement ~ groundwater monitorin g system sufficient to detect changes in groundwater quality within the desi gnated area. Monitorin g shall be continued periodically until the applicable groundwater quality standards have been achieved. !f during the monitorirn! period, contaminant concentrations increase . additional remedial action may be r eq uired . as determined QY the Director . ill The Division shall give public notice in accordance with the followin g requirements of the intent to desi gnate fil!Y groundwater RS except those defined in Paragraph .(Q)_ of this Rule : ill Notice shall be published one time in~ newspaper having general circulation in the geographic area of the RS desi gnation fil least 30 days prior to ~ proposed final action . In addition . notice shall be provided to the local County Health Director and the chief administrative officer of the political jurisdiction in which the contamination occurs. ill The notice shall set forth fil least the followin g : ® name, address, and phone number of the agency issuing the public notice; ill)_ the location and extent of the desi rnated area; .(Q ~ brief descri ption of the action or actions which resulted in the degradation of groundwater in the area; fill actions or intended actions taken to restore groundwater quality; ill)_ the si gnificance of the RS desi gnation : .(fl conditions applicable to removal of the RS desi gnation: ill)_ address and phone number of the state agency premises at which interested parties may obtain further information. ill The Director shall consider all requests for ~ public bearing, and if be determines that there .i§ si gnificant public interest be shall issue public notice and hold ~ public hearing in accordance with G .S 143-215.4(b) and .0113(e) of this Rule. Statutory Authority G.S. 143-214.1; 143-215.3(a)(l); 143B-282(2) . . 0106 CORRECTIVE ACTION ( a) The goal of aetions taken to restore groundviater quality shall be restoratioH to the leYel of the standards, or as elose thereto as is eeoB.offlieaHy f:l.ftd teehnologieally feasible. Where groundwater quality bas been degraded . the goal of fil!Y required corrective action shall be restoration to the level of the groundwater quality standards specified in Rule .0202 of this Subcha pter. or as closely thereto as ~ economicall y and technolo gicall y feasible. (b) Any person conducting or controlling an activity which results in the discharge of a waste or hazardous substance or oil to the groundwaters of the State, or in proximity thereto , shall take immediate action to terminate and control the discharge, mitigate any hazards resulting from exposure to the pollutants and notify the DepartmeB.t Division of the discharge. (c) Any person conducting or controlling an activity which results in an increase in the concentration of a substance in excess of the groundwater standard: (1) as the result of activities, other than agricultural operations, not permitted by the 8~tate, shall immediately notify the Division of the increases ; take prompt action to eliminate the source or sources of contamination ; submit ~ report to the Director assessi!!g the cause, significance and extent of the violation; and submit a im plement an approved corrective action plan and sehedule for eliminating the souree of eontaffli:nation and for restoration of groundwater quality;-and implement an e.ppro't1etl. plan in accordance with a schedule established by the Director, or his designee . In establishing a schedule the Director, QI his desi 1rn ee shall consider any reasonable schedule proposed by the person submitting the plan. A report shall be made to the Health Director of the county or counties in which the contamination occurs in accordance with the reguirements of Rule .0114(a) in this Subcha pter. (2) as a result of activities conducted under the authority of a permit issued by the 8~tate, shall, where such concentrations are detected: (A) at or beyond a review boundary, demonstrate , through predictive calculations or modeling, that natural site conditions, facility design and operational controls will prevent a violation of standards at the compliance boundary; or submit a plan for alteration of existing site conditions , facility design or operational controls that will prevent a violation at the compliance boundary , and implement that plan upon its approval by the Director, or his designee. (B) at or beyond a compliance boundary, shall assess the cause, significance and extent of the violation of groundwater quality standards and submit the results of the investigation, a plan , and proposed schedule for grouadwater quality restoration corrective action to the Director,. or his designee. The permittee shall implement the plan as approved by and in accordance with a schedule established by the Director.,_ or his designee. In establishing a schedule the Director.,_ or his desi gnee shall consider any reasonable schedule proposed by the permittee. ill Corrective action required followin g discovery of the unauthorized release of .1! contaminant to the surface or subsurface of the land, and prior to or concurrent with the assessment required in Paragraph ill of this Rule, shall include, but~ not limited to: ill Prevention of fi r e, ex plosion or the spread of noxious fumes; ill Abatement. containment or control of the mi gration of contaminants : ill Removal , or treatment and control of fil!Y primary pollution source such as buried waste, waste stockpiles or surficial accumulations of free products: ill Removal . treatment or control of secondary p ollution sources which would be .1! potential continuing source of pollutants to the groundwaters such as contaminated soils and non-aq ueous phase liquids . Contaminated soils which threaten the quality of groundwaters must be treated, contained or disposed of in accordance with applicable rules and procedures established !2y the Division. The treatment or disposal of contaminated soils shall be conducted in g manner that will not result in g violation of groundwater quality standards and North Carolina Hazardous Waste Manae.ement rules . ~ The site assessment conducted pursuant to the n.guirements of Subparagraph ~ of this Rule, shall consider or address: ill The source and cause of contamination ; ill Any imminent hazards to public health and safety and actions taken to mitigate them in accordance with Paragraph ill of this Rule. ill All groundwater receptors and si gnificant exposure pathways; ill The horizontal and vertical extent of soil and groundwater contamination and all si gnificant factors affecting contaminant transport: ill Geolo gical and hydrogeological features influencin g the movement_ chemical. and physical character of the contaminants . Reports of site assessments shall be submitted to the Division as soon as practicable or in accordance with 1! schedule established QY the Director, or his desi gnee. In establishing .1! schedule the Director. or his designee shall consider l!!!Y reasonable proposal QY the person submittin g the report. ill Corrective action plans for restoration of groundwater quality, submitted pursuant to Paragraph ill of this rule shall include: ill A descri ption of the proposed corrective action and reasons for its selection. ill Specific plans, including engineering details where applicable, for restorin g groundwater quality . ill A schedule for the im plementation and o peration of the proposed plan. ill A monitorin g plan for determining the effectiveness of the proposed corrective action and the movement of the contaminant plume . .(g)_tdJ In the evaluation of corrective Femedial action plans, the Director,. or his designee shall consider the extent of any violations, the extent of any threat to human health or safety, the extent of damage or potential adverse impact to the environment, technology available to accomplish restoration.,, and the potential for degradation of the contaminants in the environment , the time and costs estimated to achieve e.roundwater quality restoration . and the public and economic benefits to be derived from groundwater quality restoration-,- and the probable conseq uences of alternate actions. {hl A corrective action plan must be im p lemented using the best available technology for restoration of groundwater quality to the level of the groundwater ~ standards s pecified in Rule .0202 of this Sub ch apter un les s : ill ill! alternate cleanup level has been established QY the Director pursuant to Paragraph ill of this Rule, QL. ill natural remediation has been approved QY the Director in accordance with the provisions of Paragraph 00 of this Rule . .ill An alternate cleanup level to .1! standard established in Rule .0202 of this Subchapter may be approved QY the Director if sufficient infonnation ~ presented to support .1! determination QY the Director that: ill an alternate cleanup level will be protective of human health and the environment based on evidence that the contaminant will not adversel y impact l!!!Y existing or foreseeable receptor . either due to site specific conditions or an approved remedial action involving engineering control of the contaminant ; such evidence could include, but~ not limited to: .(Al travel time and natural attenuation capacity of subsurface materials are such that the standards specified in Rule .0202 of this Subchapter at a location no closer than one year time of travel upgradient of an existing or foreseeable receptor are protected. {ID .!! physical barrier to groundwater mi e.ration exists or will be installed QY the res ponsible Pfil1Y sufficient to result in preservation of the groundwater standard s pecified in Rule .0202 of this Subchapter fil .!! location no closer than one year time of travel upgradient of an existing or foreseeable receptor : QL. ill new toxicolo gical information has become available which the Division of Epidemiology determines would justify cleanup to g standard different from those specified in Rule .0202 of this Subchapter . .ill A request for an alternate cleanup level shall be submitted to the Director and shall include: ill g descri ption of site specific conditions : ill the technical basis for the request; ill g discussion of and rationale for the request; ill sufficient evidence to support g determination t?y the Director that an alternate cleanup level would be consistent with all other environmental laws; ill ~ other information req uested QY the Director to thoroughly evaluate the request; and ® evidence that public notice of the request has been provided in accordance with Rule .0114(b) of this Subcha pter. 00 The Director may be r eq uested to approve .!! corrective action plan dependent upon natural processes of degradation and attenuation of contaminants . Evidence and other information submitted in support of the request shall include: ill sufficient evidence to support g determination QY the Director that: {A) all sources of contamination and free product have been removed or controlled pursuant to Paragraph @ of this Rule: and {ID The contaminants present exist in concentrations that do not currently and are not calculated to migrate to ~ existing or foreseeable receptor above applicable standards ; ill evidence of the contaminant's degradation and attenuation capacity: ill identification and discussion of site-s pecific characteristics indicatin g that conditions are adequate to support contaminant degradation or attenuation ; ill g groundwater monitorin g program sufficient to track the degradation and attenuation of contaminants within and down gradient of the plume and to detect contaminants prior to their reaching fil:!Y existing or foreseeable receptor at least one year's time of travel upgradient of the receptor and no greater than the distance the groundwater ill the contaminated site could travel in five years. ill written documentation of projected groundwater use in the contaminated area based on current state or local government planning efforts; ® copies of written notice, to all property owners and all occu pants within or conti l!uous to the area underlain t?y the pollution plume, and under which i! .i§_ ex pected to migrate, stating that fact; ffi evidence that all necessary access a greements needed to monitor groundwater quality pursuant to ill above have been or can be obtained: and .(fil evidence that public notice of the request has been provided in accordance with Rule .0114(b) of this Subchapter. If ill ~ time the Director determines that !! contaminant . being monitored under g natural remediation program, has the potential to migrate to any existing or foreseeable receptor above applicable groundwater standards . or if contaminant concentrations are not decreasin e:. the res ponsible party shall im plement an active g:roundwater corrective action plan in accordance with !! schedule established QY the Director. ill The Director may consider g request to allow the termination of corrective action . The request must include: ill m A demonstration QY the party making the request that continuance of corrective action would not result in .!! si gnificant reduction in the concentration of contaminants. At .!! minimum this demonstration must include .!! showing that the asymptotic slope of the contaminants curve of decontamination is less than a ratio of 1 :40 over a term of one year based on quarterly sampling. A discussion of the duration of the corrective action, the total project's cost, projected annual cost for continuance and evaluation of the success of the corrective action. ill An evaluation of alternate treatment technolo gies which could result in further reduction of contaminant levels with projected capital and annual cost. ill Effects, includin g health and safety impacts, on g_roundwater users if contaminant levels remain.!!! levels existing at the time corrective action .i§_ terminated. ill Evidence that public notice of the request has been provided in accordance with Rule .0114(b) of this Subchapter. fejThe Director may authorize the diseoB.tiB.1:tB:Hee ofremedia:l e:etioB to restore gro1:tB.d'NB:ter qt:te:lity to the level of the sta:B.de:rd l:tfJOB e: demoB.:StrB:tioB. by the respoB.sible party to the Direetor the:t eoB.tiB.1:tB:B.ee wot:tld Hot rest:tlt iB sigfl:ifieaB.t reduetioB iB the eoaeeB:tre:tioH of eoB:tamiB.nB.ts. 1ft the eoB:sideratioH of a request to diseoB:tiB:ue remedial e:etioB:s, the Direetor shall eoB.sider the dt:trB:tioH B:ftd degree of sueeess of remedial efforts , the feasibility of other tree:t:meB:t teel:tB:iques v1hieh eot:tld result iH further redt:tetioH of eoB.tamimmt le•,rels, B:B.d the effeet oft gre1:tB.d·.,,«8:ter 1:tsers if eoB.te:miHe:nts remaiH 8:t le·1els e:ltisting 8:t the time of term:ine:tion of remedial 8:etiefr.-the termination of the corrective action, or amend the corrective action plan after considerin g all the .. information in the request. Upon termination of corrective action, .!! groundwater monitoring program shall be required sufficient to track the degradation and attenuation of contaminants fil !! location of fil least one year's time of travel upgradient of any existing or foreseeable rece ptor. The monitorin g program shall remain in effect until there ~ sufficient evidence that the contaminant concentrations have been reduced to the level of the standards . .(m}OO Upon a determination by the Director that continued femedial corrective aetiet¥.r action would result in no significant reduction in contaminant concentrations, the responsiele pft:ffy shall petitioa for a •;afiaaee Of a feelassifieation of the impacted grottnd\Yaters. and the im pacted groundwaters can be made potable fil'. treatment using readily available and economically reasonable technology, the Director may desi gnate the remainin g ™ of degraded 2:roundwater RS. Where the remainin !!: de!!:raded !!roundwaters cannot be made potable fil'. such treatment. the Director may consider.!! request for reclassification. fu} If fil filll:'. time the Director determines that new technology ~ available that would remediate the contaminated groundwater to the standards specified in Rule .0202, the Director may require the res ponsible Pfil:!Y to implement an active groundwater corrective action plan in accordance with .!! schedule established QY the Director. fQ2W Where groundwater quality standards are exceeded as a result of the application of pesticides or other agricultural chemicals, the Director shall request the Pesticide Board or the Department of Agriculture to assist the Division of Environmental Management in determining the cause of the violation. If the violation is determined to have resulted from the use of pesticides, the Director shall request the Pesticide Board to take appropriate regulatory action to control the use of the chemical or chemicals responsible for, or contributing to, such violations, or to discontinue their use. Statutory Authority G.S. 143-215.2; 143-215.J(a)(l); 143B-282 . . 0107 COMPLIANCE BOUNDARY (a) For disposal systems individuall y permitted prior to December 30, 1983, the compliance boundary is established at a horizontal distance of 500 feet from the waste boundary or at the property boundary, whichever is closer to the source. (b) For disposal systems individuall y permitted on or after December 30, 1983, a compliance boundary shall be established 250 feet from the waste boundary, or 50 feet within the property boundary, whichever point is closer to the source. (c) The boundary shall be established by the Director.,_ or his desi gnee at the time of permit issuance. Any sale or transfer of property which affects a compliance boundary shall be reported immediately to the Director.,_ or his desi gnee. For disposal systems which are not governed by Paragraphs (e) or (f) of this Rule, the compliance boundary affected by the sale or transfer of property will be re-established consistent with Paragraphs (a) or (b) of this Rule, whichever is applicable. (d) Except as provided in Paragraph .(g} of this Rule.For disposal systems permitted or repermitted after January 1, 1993, no water supply wells shall be constructed or operated within the compliance boundary-: of .!! disposal system individuall y permitted or repermitted after January l,_ 1993. (e) Except as provided in Paragraph .(g} of this Rule, For disposal systems ~erlllitteEl or repeffflitted after Jaattary 1, 1993, a permittee shall not transfer land within an established compliance boundary of.!! disposal system permitted or repermitted after January 1_,_ 1993 unless: (1) the land transferred is serviced by a community water system as defined in 15A NCAC 18C, the source of which is located outside the compliance boundary; and (2) the deed transferring the property: (A) contains notice of the permit, including the permit number, a description of the type of permit, and the name, address and telephone number of the permitting agency; and (B) contains a restrictive covenant running with the land and in favor of the pennittee and the State, as a third party beneficiary, which prohibits the construction and operation of water supply wells within the compliance boundary; and (C) contains a restrictive covenant running with the land and in favor of the permittee and the State, as a third party beneficiary, which grants the right to the permittee and the State to enter on such property within the compliance boundary for groundwater monitoring and remediation purposes. (f) If at the time a permit is issued or reissued after January 1, 1993, the permittee is not owner of the land within the compliance boundary, it shall be a condition of the permit issued or renewed that the landowner of the land within the compliance boundary, if other than the permittee, and except as provided in Paragraph .(g} of this Rule, execute and file in the Register of Deeds in the county in which the land is located, an easement running with the land which: (1) contains: (A) either a notice of the permit, including the permit number, a description of the type of permit, and the name, address and telephone number of the permitting agency; or (B) a reference to a notice of the permit with book and page number of its recordation if such notice is required to be filed by statute; (2) prohibits the construction and operation of water supply wells within the compliance boundary; and (3) reserves the right to the permittee and the State to enter on such property within the compliance boundary for groundwater monitoring and remediation purposes. The easement may be tenninated !!)'. the Director when its purpose has been fulfilled or the need for the easement no longer exists. Under those conditions the Director. fil the request of the landowner. may file with the appropriate Register of Deeds, ~ document terminatin g the easement. .(g)_ The req uirements of Paragraphs @1 ill and ill of this Rule are not applicable to ground adso rp tion treatment systems serving four or fewer single family dwellin gs or multiunit dwellin gs of four or fewer units. {hlfgj The boundary shall form a vertical plane extending from the water table to the maximum depth of saturation. ill.W For ground absorption sewage treatment and disposal systems which are permitted under 15A NCAC 18A .1900, the compliance boundary shall be established at the property boundary. ffiftj Penalties authorized pursuant to G.S. 143-215.6A(a)(1) will not be assessed for violations of wttte¥ groundwater quality standards within a compliance boundary unless the violations are the result of violations of permit conditions or negligence in the management of the facility . .(k).f:H The Director shall require: (1) that permits for all activities governed by G.S. 143-215.1 be written to protect the quality of groundwater established by applicable standards, at the compliance boundary; (2) that necessary groundwater quality monitoring shall be conducted within the compliance boundary; and (3) that a violation of standards within the compliance boundary resulting from activities conducted by the permitted facility be remedied through clean-up, recovery, containment, or other response when any of the following conditions occur: (A) a violation of any standard in adjoining classified Wfttefs-groundwaters occurs or can be reasonably predicted to occur considering hydrogeologic conditions, modeling, or other available evidence; (B) an imminent hazard or threat to the public health or safety exists; or (C) a violation of any standard in groundwater occurring in the bedrock other than limestones found in the Coastal Plain sediments-:-.,_ unless i! can be demonstrated that the violation will not adversel y impact, or have the potential to adversel y impact!!: water ~ well. Statutory Authority G.S. 143-215.J(b); 143-215.3(a)(I); 143B-282 . . 0109 DELEGATION (a) The Director is delegated the authority to enter into consent special orders under G.S. 143-215.2 for violations of the water E:roundwater quality standards except when a public meeting is required as provided in 15A NCAC 2H .1203. (b) The Director is delegated the authority to prepare a proposed special order to be issued by the Commission without the consent of the person affected and to notify the affected person of that proposed order and of the procedure set out in G.S. 150B-23 to contest the proposed special order. (c) The Director,. or his desi gnee shall give public notice of proposed consent special orders as specified in 15A NCAC 2H .1203. Statutory Authority G.S. 143-215.2; 143-215.J(a)(I),· ]43-215.3(a)(4) . . 0110 MONITORING (a) A.Hy pet'SOfl suejeet to ~e pFoYisioBs of G.S. 143 215.1 Except where exem pted !!)'. statute or this Subcha pter . ill:!Y person who causes, permits or has control over any discharge of waste, or !!roundwater cleanup program, shall install and im plement a monitoring system, at such locations, and in such detail, as the Director,. or his desi !rnee may require to evaluate the effects of the discharge upon the waters of the state, including the effect of any actions taken to restore groundwater quality, as well as the efficiency of any treatment facility. The monitorin e: plan shall be prepared under the res ponsible charge of J:1: Professional En e.ineer or Licensed Geolo gist and bear the seal of the same. (b) Monitoring systems shall be opereted constructed in a manner that will not result in the contamination of adjacent groundwaters of a higher quality. (c) Monitoring shall be conducted and results reported in a manner and at a frequency specified by the Director,. or his designee. Statutory Authority G.S. 143-215.l(b); 143-215.J(a)(l); 143-215.65,· 143-215.66,· 143B-282 . . 0111 REPORTS ill Any person subject te Hie J3f'B"lisieas ef G.S. 143 215.1 B:fld to the requirements for corrective action specified in Rule .0106 of this Subchapter shall submit to the Director, in such detail as the Director may require, a written report that describes: (1) the results of the investigation specified in Paragraphs (c)(l) and (c)(2)(B) of Rule .0106, including but not limited to: {A} W a description of the sampling procedures followed and methods of chemical analyses used; and ill} (2) W all technical data utilized in support of any conclusions drawn or determinations made. the results of the predictive calculations or modeling, including a copy of the calculations or model runs and all supporting technical data, used in the demonstration required in Paragraph (c)(2)(A) of Rule .0106; and (3) the proposed methodology and timetable associated with the resteratieH ef greuHdwater quality corrective action for those situations identified in Paragraphs (c)(l) and (c)(2)(B) of Rule .0106 . .{hl The report shall be prepared under the res ponsible charge of ~ Professional En gineer or Licensed Geolo gist and bear the seal of the same as s pecified in Rule .0106(c)(2)(B). Statutory Authority G.S. 143-215.1 (b); 143-215.J(a)(l); 143-215.65; 143B-282 . . 0112 ANALYTICAL PROCEDURES Tests or analytical procedures to determine compliance or noncompliance with the wfttef' groundwater quality standards established in Rule .0202 of this Subchapter will be in accordance with: (1) The following methods or procedures for substances where the selected method or procedure provides a method detection limit value at or less than the standard: (a) Standard methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, -!-6th 17th Edition, -1-985 1989, including any subsequent amendments and editions published jointly by American Public Health Association, American Water Works Association and Water Pollution Control Federation; (b) Methods for Chemical Analysis of Water and Waste, 1979, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency publication number EPA-600/4-79-020, as revised March 1983; (c) Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Wastes: Physical/Chemical Methods, 3rd Edition, 1986, U.S . Environmental Protection Agency publication number SW-846; (d) Test Procedures for the Analysis of Pollutants Under the Clean Water Act, Federal Register Vol. 49, No. 209, 40 CFR Part 136, October 26 , 1984; (e) Methods or procedures approved by letter from the Director upon application by the regulated source. (2) A method or procedure approved by the Director for substances where the standard is less than the limit ef deteetability practical guantitation level. Statutory Authority G.S. 143-215.3(a)(l),· 143B-282 . . 0113 VARIANCE (a) The Commission, on its own initiative or pursuant to a request under G.S. 143-215.3(e), may grant variances to 'Nater qttality steHdBi'ds aHd the eemplieHee beuHdety. the rules of this Subchapter. Perseas subjeet te the pfevisieas ef G.S. 130A 294 may apply fof a verieaee ttftdCf this Seetiea. (b) Requests for variances are filed by letter from the applicant to the Environmental Management Commission. The application should be mailed to the chairman of the Commission in care of the Director, Division of Environmental Management, Post Office Box~ 29535 Raleigh, N.C. R6H 27626-0535. (c) The application should contain the following information: (1) Applications filed by counties or municipalities must include a resolution of the County Board of Commissioners or the governing board of the municipality requesting the variance from wtttef- groundwater quality standards which apply to the area for which the variance is requested. (2) A description of the past, existing or proposed activities or operations that have or would result in a discharge of contaminants to the groundwaters. (3) Description of the proposed area for which a variance is requested. A detailed location map, showing the orientation of the facility, potential for groundwater contaminant migration, as well as the area covered by the variance request, with reference to at least two geographic references (numbered roads, named streams/rivers, etc.) must be included. ( 4) Supporting information to establish that the variance will not endanger the public health and safety,. including health and environmental effects from exposure to the groundwater contaminants. (Location of wells and other water supply sources including details of well construction.within 1/2 mile of site must be shown on a map). (5) Supporting information to establish that standards cannot be achieved by providing the best available technology economically reasonable. This information must identify specific technology considered, changes in quality of the contaminant plume as demonstrated through predictive calculations appre•;ed by the Direeter, and technological constraints which limit groundwater quality restoration to the level of the standard. (6) Supporting information to establish that compliance would produce serious hardship on the applicant. (7) Supporting information that compliance would produce serious hardship without equal or greater public benefit. (8) A copy of any Special Order that was issued in connection with the contaminants in the proposed area and supporting information that applicant has complied with the Special Order. (9) A list of the names and addresses of any property owners within the proposed area of the variance as well as any property owners adjacent to the site covered by the variance. (d) Upon receipt of the application, the Director will review it for completeness and request additional information if necessary. When the application is complete, the Director shall give public notice of the application and schedule the matter for a public hearing in accordance with G.S. 143-215.4(b) and the procedures set out belew in Paragraph ill of this Rule. (e) Notice of Public Hearing: (1) Notice of public hearing on any variance application shall be circulated in the geographical areas of the proposed variance by the Director at least 30 days prior to the date of the hearing: (A) by publishing the notice one time in a newspaper having general circulation in said county; (B) by mailing to the North Carolina Department of HumaH. Environment. Health, and Natural Resources, Division of Health Services, Environmental Health and appropriate local health agency; (C) by mailing to any other federal, state or local agency upon request; (D) by mailing to the local governmental unit or units having jurisdiction over the geographic area covered by the variance; (E) by mailing to any property owner within the proposed area of the variance, as well as any property owners adjacent to the site covered by the variance; and (F) by mailing to any person or group upon request. (2) The contents of public notice of any hearing shall include at least the following: (A) name, address, and phone number of agency holding the public hearing; (B) name and address of each applicant whose application will be considered at the meeting; (C) brief summary of the proposed standard variance or modification of the perimeter of compliance being requested; (D) geographic description of a proposed area for which a variance is requested; (E) brief description of the activities or operations which have or will result in the discharge of contaminants to the groundwaters described in the variance application; (F) a brief reference to the public notice issued for each variance application; (G) information regarding the time and location for the hearing; (H) the purpose of the hearing; (I) address and phone number of premises at which interested persons may obtain further information, request a copy of each application, and inspect and copy fonns and related documents; and (J) a brief description of the nature of the hearing including the rules and procedures to be followed. The notice shall also state that additional information is on file with the Director and may be inspected at any time during normal working hours. Copies of the information on file will be made available upon request and payment of cost or reproduction. (t) All comments received within 30 days following the date of the public hearing shall be made part of the application file and shall be considered by the Commission prior to taking final action on the application. (g) In determining whether to grant a variance, the Commission shall consider whether the applicant has complied with any Special Order, or Special Order by Consent issued under G.S. 143-215.2. (h) If the Commission's final decision is unacceptable, the applicant may file a petition for a contested case in accordance with Chapter 150B of the General Statutes. If the petition is not filed within 60 days, the decision on the variance shall be final and binding. (i) A variance shall not operate on a defense to an action at law based upon a public or private nuisance theory or any other cause of action. Statutory Authority G.S. 143-215.3(a)(l),· 143-215.3(a)(3),· 143-215.3(a)(4); 143-215.3(e),· 143-215.4. .0114 NOTIFICATION REQUIREMENTS .(!!)_ Any person subject to the requirements of Rule .0106(c)(l) of this Subchapter shall submit to the Health Director of the county or counties . and the chief administrative officer of the political jurisdiction in which the groundwater contamination has occurred . ~ report that describes: ill The ™ extent of the contaminant plume; ill The chemical constituents in the groundwater which exceed the standards described in Rule .0202 of this Subchapter ; ill Actions taken and intended to mitigate threats to human health; ill The location of ~ wells installed for the putpose of monitoring the contaminant plume and the frequency of sampling. The report described in this Rule shall be submitted no later than five days after submittal of the com pleted report assessin g the cause, si gnificance and extent of the violation as required QY Rule .0106(c). ili} Any person requesting from the Director an alternate cleanup level, approval of~ natural remediation program or p ermission to terminate active groundwater remediation shall notify the Health Director of the county or counties . and the chief administrative officer of the political jurisdiction in which the contaminant plume occurs, and all property owners and all occupants within or conti e uous to the area underlain J2y the pollution plume, and under which it is expected to migrate, of the nature of the request and reasons supporting it. Notification shall be made QY certified mail concurrent with the submittal of the request to the Director. A final decision QY the Director may not be made within 30 days of receipt of the request. ~ Any person authorized QY the Director to cleanup to an alternate cleanup level, rely on ~ natural remediation program or to terminate active groundwater remediation shall notify parties s pecified in Paragraph ili} of this Rule of the Director's decision. Notification shall be made QY certified mail within 30 days of receipt of the Director's decision. Statutory Authority G.S. 143-214.1; 143-215.3(a)(I),· 143B-282(2)b. SECTION .0200-CLASSIFICATIONS AND WATER QUALITY STANDARDS .0201 GROUNDWATER CLASSIFICATIONS The classifications which may be assigned to the groundwaters will be those specified in the following series of classifications: (1) Class GA Wftteffl !!foundwaters; usage and occurrence: (a) Best Usage. Existing or potential source of drinking water supply for humans. (b) Conditions Related to Best Usage. This class is intended for those groundwaters in which chloride concentrations are equal to or less than 250 mg/1, and which are considered suitable for drinking in their natural state, but which may require treatment to improve quality related to natural conditions. (c) Occurrence. In the saturated zone. (2) Class GSA Wftteffl groundwaters ; usage and occurrence: (a) Best Usage. Existing or potential source of water supply for potable mineral water and conversion to fresh waters. (b) Conditions Related to Best Usage. This class is intended for those groundwaters in which the chloride concentrations due to natural conditions is in excess of 250 mg/I , but which otherwise may be considered suitable for use as potable water after treatment to reduce concentrations of naturally occurring substances. ( c) Occurrence. In the saturated zone. (3) Class GC Wftteffl groundwaters: usage and occurrence: (a) Best Usage. The best usage of GC groundwaters ~ as ~ 8ettfee source of water supply for purposes other than drinking.,_ including other domestic uses QY humans . (b) Conditions Related to Best Usage. Thls class includes those groundwaters that do not meet the quality criteria of w-otCfs haviag a highCf elassifiea-tiea for GA or GSA groundwatern of waters ha·ring a higher elassifiea-tion and for which efforts to restore ia sitli to a higher elassifieatiea improve groundwater quality would not be technologically feasible, or not in the best interest of the public. Continued consumption of waters of this class QY humans could result in adverse health affects. (c) Occurrence. Groundwaters of this class may be defined ltt the satlira-teEi ~otte , as Eietefffl:iaeEi by the Commission on a case by case basis. Statutory Authority G.S. 143-214.1; 143B-282(2) . . 0202 GROUNDWATER QUALITY STANDARDS (a) The water groundwater quality standards for the protection of the groundwaters of the state are those specified in this Rule. They are the maximum allowable concentrations resulting from any discharge of contaminants to the land or waters of the state, which may be tolerated without creating a threat to human health or which would otherwise render the groundwater unsuitable for its intended best usage. Where grottm!Wfttef qttctlity sttl:Haftfes hct¥e beea e*eeeeleel eltte oo meta' s ctetivities, restoftttioa efferts shctll be elesigaed to restore grouoovffttet" quctlity to the le¥el of the stctaelarel or as elosely thereto as is prnetieaele. (b) The ffiaJUffllUB ctllo 1,vable eoaeeatratioas f!roundwater quality standards for contaminants specified in Paragraphs (g) and (h) of this Rule shall be as listed, except that: (1) Where the max.i:m1:1m ctllo 1Nable eoneentratioa of standard for a substance is less than the limit of eleteetctbility practical quantitation limit, the s1:1bstctnee shall not be permi~ed ia deteetctble eoneentrations. detection of that substance fil or above the practical quantitation limit shall constitute ~ violation of the standard. (2) Where two or more substances exist in combination, the Director shall consider the effects of chemical interactions as determined hy the Division of Epidemiology and may establish maximum concentrations at values less than those established in accordance with Paragraphs (c) and (g) of this Rule. In the absence of information to the contrary, the carcinogenic risks associated with carcinogens present shall be considered additive and the toxic effects associated with non- carcinogens present shall also be considered additive. (3) Where naturally occurring substances exceed the established standard, the standard will be the naturally occurring concentration as determined by the Director. (c) Except for tracers used in concentrations which have been determined hy the Division of Epidemiology to be protective of human health, and the use of which has been permitted hy the Division. 81:1bstctnees substances which are not naturally occurring and for which no standard is specified shall not be permitted in detectable concentrations in Class GA or Class GSA groundwaters. Any person may petition the Director to establish an interim maximum allowable concentration for an unspecified substance, however, the burden of demonstrating those concentrations of the substance which correspond to the levels described in Paragraph (d) of this Rule rests with the petitioner. The petitioner shall submit all toxicological and epidemiological data, study results, and calculations necessary to establish a standard in accordance with the procedure prescribed in Paragraph (d) of this Rule. Within three months after the establishment of an interim maximum allowable concentration for a substance by the Director, the Director shall initiate action to consider adoption of a standard for that substance. (d) MEtXim1:1m a.How-able eoneentrations Groundwater quality standards for substances in Class GA and Class GSA wateffl groundwaters are established as the lesser of: (1) Systemic threshold concentration calculated as follows: [Reference Dose (mg/kg/day) x 70 kg (adult body weight) x Relative Source Contribution (.10 for inorganics; .20 for organics)] / [2 liters/day (avg. water consumption)]; (2) Concentration which corresponds to an incremental lifetime cancer risk of lxl0·6 ; (3) Taste threshold limit value; (4) Odor threshold limit value; (5) Maximum contaminant level; or (6) National secondary drinking water standard. (e) The following references, in order of preference, shall be used in establishing concentrations of substances which correspond to levels described in Paragraph (d) of this Rule. (1) Integrated Risk Information System (U.S. EPA). (2) Health Advisories (U.S. EPA Office of Drinking Water). (3) Other health risk assessment data published by U.S. EPA. (4) Other appropriate, published health risk assessment data. (t) Water Groundwater quality standards specified in Paragraphs (g) and (h) of this Rule and interim maximum allowable concentrations established pursuant to Paragraph (c) of this Rule shall be reviewed on a biennial basis. Appropriate modifications to established standards will be made in accordance with the procedure prescribed in Paragraph (d) of this Rule where modifications are considered appropriate based on data published subsequent to the previous review. (g) Class GA Standards. Where not otherwise indicated, the standard refers to the total concentration in milligrams per liter of any constituent in ~ dissolved , colloidal or particulate form which i§. mobile in groundwater. This does not ~ to sediment or other particulate matter which lli preserved in ~ !!:round water sample as 1! result of well construction or sampling procedures. ill acetone: 0. 7 (2) fB acrylamide (propenamide): 0.00001 (3) ~ arsenic: 0.05 ill ~ barium: -1-:-9 2.0 ill f41 benzene: 0.001 ® ~ bromoform (tribromomethane): 0.00019 QJ. f6J cadmium: 0.005 {fil f'1 carbofuran: 0.036 {2)_ ~ carbon tetrachloride: 0.0003 D.Q2 f9J chlordane: 2. 7 x 10-5 .Ll.l) fW1 chloride: 250.0 .@ fl--B chlorobenzene: ~ 0.05 ill:} f8j chloroform (trichloromethane): 0.00019 .QA) f-81 2-chlorophenol: 0.0001 @ fl-4j chromium: 0.05 .Ll.fil ~ cis-1,2-dichloroethene: 0.07 .Ll.12 f-1-6, coliform organisms (total): 1 per 100 milliliters .Ll.fil fl-17 color: 15 color units .Ll.2} fl-8j copper: 1.0 (20) fl-91 cyanide: 0.154 al) ~ 2, 4-D (2,4-dichlorophenoxy acetic acid): 0.07 (22) ~ 1,2-dibromo-3-chloropropane: 2.5 x 10-5) (23) ~ dichlorodifluoromethane (Freon-12; Halon): 0.00019 Ll {24) Ll dichloroethane: 0.7 (25) ~ 1,2-dichloroethane (ethylene dichloride): 0.00038 {26) ~ 1,1-dichloroethylene (vinylidene chloride): 0.007 {27) ~ 1,2-dichloropropane: 0.00056 {28) di-n-bu tv l.{Qrdibutyl) phthalate {DBP): 0.7 (29) diethylphthalate (DEP): 5 .0 (30) di{2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP): 0.003 Q_l} ~ p-dioxane (1,4-diethylene dioxide): 0.007 (32) ~ dioxin: 2 .2 x 10-10 ~ ~ dissolved solids (total): 500 {34) ~ endrin: ~ 0.002 .Q1l ~ epichlorohydrin (l-chloro-2,3-epoxypropane): 0.00354 {36) f3-.f) ethylbenzene: 0.029 {37) ~ ethylene dibromide (EDB; 1,2-dibromoethane): 0.05 x 10-5 4.0 ~ 10-7 Q.fil. ~ ethylene glycol: 7.0 {39) ~ fluoride fl01:tride: 2.0 ( 40) ~ foaming agents: 0. 5 .f1.U t¾1 gross alpha (adjusted)particle activity (ineh:iding mdil:lm 226 bl:lt excluding ftltffitl radium-226 and uranium): 15 pCi/1 (42) ~ heptachlor: 7.6 Jl 10-5 8.0 ~ 10-6 {43) ~ heptachlor epoxide: 3.8 x 10-5 4.0 ~ 10-6 {44) heptane: 2.1 {45) ~ hexachlorobenzene (perchlorobenzene): 0.00002 {46) ~ n-hexane: ~ 0.42 {47) f4B iron: 0.3 {48) fe1 lead: {}.-()5 0.015 (49) ~ lindane: 2.65 x 1~ 2.0 _! 104 (50) ~ manganese: 0 .05 ® ~ mercury: 0.0011 {52) ~ metadichlorobenzene (1,3-dichlorobenzene): 0.62 fru (471 methoxychlor: 0-:---1 0.035 {54) t48j methylene chloride (dichloromethane): 0.005 (55) t49j methyl ethyl ketone (MEK; 2-butanone): 0.17 {56) ~ methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE): 0.2 (57) tS-B nickel:~ Q.J (58) ~ nitrate: (as N) 10.0 (59) ~ nitrite: (as N) 1.0 (60) ~ orthodichlorobenzene (1,2-dichlorobenzene): 0.62 .(fil} ~ oxamyl: 0.175 (62) ~ paradichlorobenzene (1,4-dichlorobenzene): Q-:-00-1-8 0.075 _(fil} ffri7 pentachlorophenol: ~ 0.0003 (64) ~ pH: 6.5 -8.5 (65) ~ radium-226 and radium-228 (combined): 5 pCi/1 (66) ~ selenium: G-:-Gl 0.05 (67) (6B silver: ~ 0.018 @ ~ styrene (ethenylbenzene): 1.4 x 10~ QJ. (69) ~ sulfate: 250.0 (70) (64, tetrachloroethylene (perchloroethylene; PCE): 0.0007 .CT12 (est toluene (methylbenzene): 1.0 (72) ~ toxaphene: 3 .1 x 10-5 (73) ffil12, 4, 5,-TP (Silvex): G-:-Gl 0.05 (74) ~ trans-1,2-dichloroethene: 0.07 (75) t69j 1,1,1-trichloroethane (methyl chloroform): 0.2 (76) ~ trichloroethylene (TCE): 0.0028 (77) trichlorofluoromethane: il (78) PB vinyl chloride (chloroethylene): 1.5 x 10-5 (79) ~ xylenes (o-, m-, and p-): G-:-4 0.53 (80) ~ zinc: §.-;{) il (h) Class GSA Standards. The standards for this class shall be the same as those for Class GA except as follows: (1) chloride: allowable increase not to exceed 100 percent of the natural quality concentration. (2) total dissolved solids: 1000 mg/I. (i) Class GC Waters. (1) The concentrations of substances which, at the time of classification exceed v,·e:ter qtta.lity sta.t1da.rds, the standards applicable to Class GA or GSA groundwaters shall not be permitted caused to increase.,_ nor shall the concentrations of other substances be caused to exceed the GA or GSA standards as a result of further disposal of contaminants to or beneath the surface of the land within the boundary of the area classified GC. Fer all ether sttbstaHees, eeneefltre:tiefls shall net be eftl:tsed Of permitted to eX:eeed the established stattda.fd. (2) The concentrations of substances which, at the time of classification, exceed water quality standards shall net eftl:tse er eentribute te the eeH~aveBtieH of the standards applicable to GA or GSA groundwaters shall not be caused to migrate as a result of activities within the boundary of the GC classification . so as to violate the groundwater or surface water quality standards in adjoining waters of a different class. (3) Concentrations of specific substances, which exceed the established standard at the time of classification, shall be listed in Section .0300 of this Subchapter. Statutory Authority G. S. 143-214.1; 143B-282(2). clc-n~Ll . ( \ l6 on -e,.. l.O "'..-l and providing protection for groundwater that is being used, or entially be used for drinking water. To accomplish this objective, definitions have been added, some lean'),p activities have been restricted to persons licensed by professional boards, and requirements for designa wn of RS(Restricted) groundwaters are clarified and extended to include monitoring and notice requirements. Corrective action requirements are rewritten to include minimum cleanup requirements, information that must be included in cleanup plans, requirements for the use of best available technology, procedures for requesting alternative cleanup levels, and provisions that would allow for the natural degradation of contaminants when evidence is submitted that this cleanup approach can be effective and is protective of groundwater that is or may be used for drinking water. In addition, revisions are proposed in the compliance boundary rule that would exempt small residential ground absorption systems from water well location restrictions and compliance boundary requirements, and that would maintain consistency with new rules for the permitting of agricultural waste management sites. Other proposed rule changes include requirements for providing notice of corrective action to the Health Director in the County where a contamination plume has occurred, and the addition and revision of standards to incorporate recent toxicological knowledge. In developing these rules, concern was expressed that considerable judgement must be exercised in enforcement regarding the determination of the impact of contamination on groundwater that may be a potential source of drinking water. Consideration was also given to the use of Maximum Contaminate Levels (MCLs) for cleanup standards instead of continuing the use of Groundwater Standards for both groundwater protection and contaminate cleanup. Comments were received regarding the adequacy of requirements for notice to parties that might be impacted by a proposed cleanup activity. In addition, comments were also received regarding the decision-making criteria the Director must use in approving cleanup plans. The EMC is interested in all comments .from the public or interested parties regarding the proposed amendments and alternatives to these amendments and is particularly interested in comments and public opinion regarding the impact of these rule changes on the use of groundwater as existing or potential sources of drinking water for public or private use. THESE PROPOSED AMENDMENTS REPRESENT A SIGNIFICANT CHANGE FROM PRESENT PRACTI_CE SINCE THEY WOUI.D NOT AL WAYS REQUIRE THE APPLICATION OF BEST AVAILABLE TECHNOLOGY TO RESTORE GROUNDWATER TO THE LEVEL OF THE STANDARD. NEW APPROACHES PROPOSED INCLUDE THE USE OF ALTERNATIVE CLEANUP LEVELS AND NATURAL REMEDIATION PROCESSES WHEN THESE PROCESSES ARE DETERMINED BY THE DIVISION TO BE PROTECTI_VE OF PUBLIC HEALTH. /TIS VERY IMPORTANT THAT All INTERESTED AND POTENT/A/LY AFFECTED PERSONS OR PARTIES MAKE THEIR VIEWS AND OPINIONS KNOWN, pr(!ferably in writing, TO THE EMC WHETHER THEY ARE IN FAVOR OR OPPOSED TO ANY OR ALL OF THE PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO THE GROUNDWATER CLASSIFICATION AND STANDARDS. PUBLIC COMMENT IS VITALLY IMPORTANT BECAUSE THE EMC MAY ADOPT MORE OR LESS STRINGENT AMENDMENTS IF THE EMC DETERMINES THAT THE FINAL ADOPTED RULES ARE A LOGICAL OUTGROWTH OF THE NOTICE AND PUBLIC COMMENT. All persons interested in these matters are invited to attend the public hearings noticed herein. Written comments may be presented at the public hearing or submitted through April 23, 1993. Please submit comments to Mr. David Hance, Division of Environmental Management, Groundwater Section, P. 0. Box 29535, Raleigh, NC 27626-0535, (919) 733-3221. Please notify Mr. Hance prior to the public hearing if you desire to speak. Oral presentation lengths may be limited depending on the number of people that wish to speak at the public hearing. Oral presentations greater than three minutes in length are requested to be submitted in writing. CHAPTER 2 -ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT SUBCHAPTER 2L -GROUNDWATER CLASSIFICATION AND STANDARDS SECTION .0100 -GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS .0102 DEFINITIONS The definition of any word or phrase used in these rules shall be the same as given in G.S. 143-212 and , -PQ<c:\~ 10 including the effect of any actions taken to restore groun'tiwater quality, as well as the efficiency of any treatment facility. The monitoring plan shall be prepared under the res ponsible charge of .!! Professional Engineer or Licensed Geolo gist and bear the seal of the same. (b) Monitoring systems shall be opemted constructed in a manner that will not result in the contamination of adjacent groundwaters of a higher quality. ( c) Monitoring shall be conducted and results reported in a manner and at a frequency specified by the Director.,, or his designee. Statutory Authority G.S. 143-215.l(b); 143-215.J(a)(l); 143-215.65; 143-215.66,· 143B-282 . . 0111 REPORTS .@} Any person subject to the provisions of G.8. 143 215. l ftfld to the requirements for corrective action specified in Rule .0106 of this Subchapter shall submit to the Director, in such detail as the Director may require, a written report that describes: (1) the results of the investigation specified in Paragraphs (c)(l) and (c)(2)(B) of Rule .0106, including but not limited to: .(Al~a description of the sampling procedures followed and methods of chemical analyses used; and ffil---fe1all technical data utilized in support of any conclusions drawn or determinations made. (2) the results of the predictive calculations or modeling, including a cw y of the calculations or model runs and all supporting technical data, used in the demonstration ,r~uired in Paragraph (c)(2)(A) of Rule .0106; and .J..1-.e.w. ;s ~ e~·h"'=' s;:>"'c.<. (3) the proposed methodology and timetable associated with the restoration of gfottndwatet= ~orrective action for those situations identified in Paragraphs (c)(l) and (c)(2)(B) of Rule .0106. {hl The report shall be prepared under the res ponsible charge of .!! Professional Engi neer or Licensed Geolo gist and bear the seal of the same as s pecified in Rule .0106(c)(2)(B). Statutory Authority G.S. 143-215.l(b); 143-215.J(a)(l); 143-215.65; 143B-282 . . 0112 ANALYTICAL PROCEDURES Tests or analytical procedures to determine compliance or noncompliance with the water groundwater quality standards established in Rule .0202 of this Subchapter will be in accordance with: (1) The following methods or procedures for substances where the selected method or procedure provides a method detection limit value at or less than the standard: (a) Standard methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, -Hith 17th Edition, ~ 1989, including filU'. subseq uent amendments and editions published jointly by American Public Health Association, American Water Works Association and Water Pollution Control Federation; (b) Methods for Chemical Analysis of Water and Waste, 1979, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency publication number EPA-600/4-79-020, as revised March 1983; (c) Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Wastes: Physical/Chemical Methods, 3rd Edition, 1986, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency publication number SW-846; (d) Test Procedures for the Analysis of Pollutants Under the Clean Water Act, Federal Register Vol. 49, No. 209, 40 CFR Part 136, October 26, 1984; (e) Methods or procedures approved by letter from the Director upon application by the regulated source. (2) A method or procedure approved by the Director for substances where the standard is less than the limit of deteet:ability practical quantitation level. Statutory Authority G.S. 143-215.J(a)(l); 143B-282 . . 0113 VARIANCE (a) The Commission, on its own initiative or pursuant to a request under G.S. 143-215.3(e), may grant variances to water qmility stliftdards liftd the eompliftflee bottndary. the rules of this Subchapter. Pet'Softs sttbjeet te the pre•,risioBS of G.8. 130t\ 294 may apply for a ¥1U'iattee tmder this Seetioe:. (b) Requests for variances are filed by letter from the applicant to the Environmental Management Commission. The application should be mailed to the chairman of the Commission in care of the Director, Division of Environmental Management, Post Office Box~ 29535 Raleigh, N.C. ~ 27626-0535. (c) The application should contain the following information: (1) Applications filed by counties or municipalities must include a resolution of the County Board of Commissioners or the governing board of the municipality requesting the variance from water G.S. 143-213 except that the following words and phrases shall have the following meanings: (1) "Bedrock" means any consolidated rock encountered in the place in which it was formed or deposited and which cannot be readily excavated without the use of explosives or power equipment. (2) "Commission" means the Environmental Management Commission as organized under Chapter 143B of the General Statutes. (3) "Compliance boundary" means a boundary around a disposal system at and beyond which W&ter groundwater quality standards may not be exceeded and only applies to facilities which have received a permit issued under the authority of G.S. 143-215.1 or Chapter 130A of the General Statutes. , or far clisr,osal systems r,ermi~ed by tae Der,attmeflt of Httman Resottrees. G} "Corrective action plan" means !l plan for eliminating sources of groundwater contamination and achieving groundwater quality restoration or both. A corrective action plan may propose remediation .by the degradation and natural attenuation of contaminants as well as QY conventional or innovative technologies. m f41 "Director" means Director of the Division of Environmental Management. @ "Division" means the Division of Environmental Management. (7J. "Exposure pathway" means ~ course taken .by ~contaminant.by way of~ transport medium after its release to the environment. (fil "Free product" means ~ non-aqueous phase liquid which may collect on the water table, within the saturated zone or in surface water. (l_Q) (ill (1l) (1fil (11} (1fil f.12} 00 .(hl cm ~ "Fresh groundwaters" means those groundwaters having a chloride concentration equal to or less than 250 milligrams per liter. fe7 "Groundwaters" means those waters in the saturated zone of the earth. fPJ "Hazardous substance" means any substance as defined by Section 101(14) of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA). "Licensed geologist" means ~ person who has been duly licensed as ~ geologist in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 89E of the General Statutes. "Natural remedial processes" means those natural processes acting to restore groundwater quality, including dilution, filtration, sorption, ion-exchange. chemical transformation and biodegradation. "Practical Quantitation Level" means the lowest quantitation level of a given material that can be reliably achieved among laboratories within the specified limits of precision and accuracy of~ given analytical method during routine laboratory operating conditions. "Lim.it ofDeteetability" means tlie metbocl cleteetion limitestablished far the U.8. EPA ar,r,rovecl test f:Jfoeedttre f:JfOVidiBg the lm:vest EHetliocl cleteetion limit for the sttbstrutee beiag EHonitorecl. ~ "Natural conditions" means the physical, biological, chemical and radiological conditions which occur naturally. f1G) "Potable waters" means those waters suitable for drinking, by humans. "Professional Engineer" means ii person who has been duly registered and licensed as ~ I rofessional engineer in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 89C of the General Statutes. "Receptor" means fil1Y eroundwater . surface water, human, QI structure. other than ~ monitoring well, which ~ or may be affected QY ~ contaminant from ~ contaminated site. "Responsible~ means: ~ person who ~ wholly or partially responsible for actions causing or contributing to the violation of groundwater quality standards. ~ subsequent purchaser of property which ~ the source of groundwater quality standard violations and who purchased the property with knowledge of the contamination. or an adjoining property owner who obstructs the implementation of corrective action that would prevent further contamination. f1-B "Review boundary" means a boundary around a permitted disposal facility, midway between a waste boundary and a compliance boundary at which groundwater monitoring is required. ~ "Saline groundwaters" means those groundwaters having a chloride concentration of more than 250 mg/I. fl-3) "Saturated zone" means that part of the subsurface below the water table in which all the interconnected voids are filled with water under pressure at or greater than atmospheric. It does not include the capillary fringe. fl-41 "Suitable for drinking" means a quality of water which does not contain substances in concentrations which, either singularly or in combination if ingested into the human body, may cause death, disease, behavioral abnormalities, congenital defects, genetic mutations, or result in an incremental lifetime cancer risk in excess of lxl0-6, or render the water unacceptable due to aesthetic qualities, including taste, odor or appearance. "Time of travel" means the time required for contaminants in groundwater to move a unit distance. , " approximated in the absence of analytical data sufficient to define the e:,cteat of grouadwfttef degrad&tioa. dimension of the area, at right angles to the direction of groundwater flow, into which the contaminants have the potential to migrate. The designation is temporary and will be removed by the Director upon a determination that the quality of the groundwater so designated has been restored to the level of the applicable standards or when reclassified.:.GG-:- @ The person res ponsible for groundwater contamination leading to the RS desi gnation shall establish and im plement ~ groundwater monitorin g system sufficient to detect changes ID groundwater quality within the desi gnated area. Monitorin g shall be continued periodicall y until the applicable groundwater quality standards have been achieved. !f during the monitorin g period, contaminant concentrations increase. additional remedial action may be required, as determined !2y the Director. ~ The Division shall give public notice in accordance with the followin g req uirements of the intent to desi gn ate fil!Y groundwater RS except those defined in Paragraph _(Q2 of this Rule: ill Notice shall be published one time in £! newspaper having general circulation in the geographic area of the RS desi gnation fil least 30 days prior to _ill!Y proposed final action. In addition . notice shall be provided to the local County Health Director and the chief administrative officer of the political jurisdiction in which the contamination occurs. ill The notice shall set forth ;!! least the followin g: ® name, address, and phone number of the agency issuing the public notice; .(ID the location and extent of the desi gnated area; .(g !! brief descri ption of the action or actions which resulted in the degradation of groundwater in the area; @ actions or intended actions taken to restore groundwater quality; {ID the si gnificance of the RS desi gnation : ill conditions applicable to removal of the RS desi imation; .(ill address and phone number of the state agency premises at which interested parties may obtain further information. ill The Director shall consider all requests for !l public hearing, and if he determines that there i§ si gnificant public interest he shall issue public notice and hold ~ public hearing in accordance with G .S 143-215.4(b) and .0113(e) of this Rule. Statutory Authority G.S. 143-214.l; 143-215.3(a)(l); 143B-282(2) . . 0106 CORRECTIVE ACTION (a) Tbe goe:I of actions t:alcen t:o restore gro1:u1dwater q1:1ality slu1H be res1ora1iot1 Ee rhe le~·el of the staHdards , Of as elose thefete as is ecoaomicaHy aae teelmelogieaHy feasible. Where groundwater quality has been degraded . the goal of any required corrective action shall be restoration to the level of the groundwater quality standards specified in Rule .0202 of this Subchapter . or as closely thereto as ~ economicall v and technolo gi call v feasible. (b) Any person conducting or controlling an activity which results in the discharge of a waste or hazardous substance or oil to the groundwaters of the State, or in proximity thereto, shall take immediate action to terminate and control the discharge, mitigate any hazards resulting from exposure to the pollutants and notify the Department Division of the discharge. (c) Any person conducting or controlling an activity which results in an increase in the concentration of a substance in excess of the groundwater standard: (1) as the result of activities, other than agricultural operations, not permitted by the S2tate, shall immediatel y notify the Division of the increases ; take prompt action to eliminate the source or sources of contamination: submit ~ report to the Director assessi!:!g the cause, significance and extent of the violation; and submit a im plement an approved corrective action plan a:ad sebedule fof eliminati:B:g the searee of eoBta:mia&tieft ae.d for restoration of groundwater quality;-aad implemeat aa appro·,.ed pltlB: in accordance with a schedule established by the Director, or his designee. In establishing a schedule the Director, or his designee shall consider any reasonable schedule proposed by the person submitting the plan. A report shall be made to the Health Director of the county QI counties in which the contamination occurs in accordance with the r eq uirements of Rule .0114(a) in this Subchapter . (2) as a result of activities conducted under the authority of a permit issued by the 8§.tate, shall, where such concentrations are detected: (A) at or beyond a review boundary, demonstrate, through predictive calculations or modeling, that natural site conditions, facility design and operational controls will prevent a violation of standards at the compliance boundary; or submit a plan for alteration of existing site conditions, facility design or operational controls that will prevent a violation at the compliance boundary, WThe Director may authorize the diseofltiflufl:flee of remeEliaJ aetiofl to resc0re grouadwllier q1:1ali1y c0 the level ofllie shmderd upofl e clemoflslre1iot1 ey the respoBsible party to the Dircetor that eoAliflliftflee would Roi res.ult ifl sigaifieftflt reduetiofl ia u~e eot1ee1'1treliofl of eoflttlmtflftflt5 . ln the eo1rnidern1ioA of e request to diseofltiFHJe reH1edie:I ootiofu'!, the Direetor shall eoMider Hie duratiofl ftfld degree of sueeess of remedial effo~s , the feasibility of other treat meat teeht1-iques whiel) eould result in further red1:1etioa of eoAtftfflineflt le,·els , ftfld the effeet on grot:1Adwate,· users if eoote:mifle:nts remaifl at leYels e~tisliH.., at the ti,ne of terrnifla:tioa of remedial aetieft.:. the termination of the corrective action, or amend the corrective action plan after considering all the information in the request. Upon termination of corrective action, !! groundwater monitorin g program shall be required sufficient to track the de !!radation and attenuation of contaminants !!! !! location of !!! least one year's time of travel upgradient of any existing or foreseeable receptor. The monitoring program shall remain in effect until there i§ sufficient evidence that the contaminant concentrations have been reduced to the level of the standards. fuD.00 Upon a determination by the Director that continued remediaJ corrective aeheftS action would result in no significant reduction in contaminant concentrations, the responsible party shell petitioH for o vorie:nee or a reelossifieotion of the impeeted gr0tuidwoters. and the im pacted groundwaters can be made potable .!2y treatment using readily available and economicall y reasonable technology, the Director may desi gnate the remainin g area of degraded groundwater RS. Where the remaining degraded groundwaters cannot be made potable .!2y such treatment , the Director may consider!! request for reclassification. ll!l !f !!! @Y time the Director determines that new technology i§ available that would remediate the contaminated groundwater to the standards s pecified in Rule .0202, the Director may require the res ponsible ~ to im plement an active groundwater corrective action plan in accordance with !! schedule established QY the Director . .(Q}fgj Where groundwater quality standards are exceeded as a result of the application of pesticides or other agricultural chemicals, the Director shall request the Pesticide Board or the Department of Agriculture to assist the Division of Environmental Management in determining the cause of the violation. If the violation is determined to have resulted from the use of pesticides, the Director shall request the Pesticide Board to take appropriate regulatory action to control the use of the chemical or chemicals responsible for, or contributing to, such violations, or to discontinue their use. Statutory Authority G.S. 143-215.2; 143-215.J(a)(l); 143B-282 . . 0107 COMPLIANCE BOUNDARY (a) For disposal systems individuall y permitted prior to December 30, 1983, the compliance boundary is established at a horizontal distance of 500 feet from the waste boundary or at the property boundary, whichever is closer to the source. (b) For disposal systems individually permitted on or after December 30, 1983, a compliance boundary shall be established 250 feet from the waste boundary, or 50 feet within the property boundary, whichever point is closer to the source. (c) The boundary shall be established by the Director.,_ or his designee at the time of permit issuance. Any sale or transfer of property which affects a compliance boundary shall be reported immediately to the Director.,_ Q! his designee. For disposal systems which are not governed by Paragraphs (e) or (f) of this Rule, the compliance boundary affected by the sale or transfer of property will be re-established consistent with Paragraphs (a) or (b) of this Rule, whichever is applicable. (d) Except as provided in Paragraph .(g} of this Rule,For dispesaJ systems perm-itted er repermitted after JomHtry 1, 1993, no water supply wells shall be constructed or operated within the compliance boundary.,-of ~ disposal system individuall y permitted or repermitted after January L. 1993. (e) Except as provided in Paragraph .(g)_ of this Rule, For disposal systems peffflitted er Fepermitted ofter January 1, 1993, a permittee shall not transfer land within an established compliance boundary of~ disposal system permitted or repermitted after January 1~ 1993 unless: (1) the land transferred is serviced by a community water system as defined in 15A NCAC 18C, the source of which is located outside the compliance boundary; and (2) the deed transferring the property: (A) contains notice of the permit, including the permit number, a description of the type of permit, and the name, address and telephone number of the permitting agency; and (B) contains a restrictive covenant running with the land and in favor of the permittee and the State, as a third party beneficiary, which prohibits the construction and operation of water supply wells within the compliance boundary; and (C) contains a restrictive covenant running with the land and in favor of the permittee and the State, as a third party beneficiary, which grants the right to the permittee and the State to enter on such property within the compliance boundary for groundwater monitoring and remediation purposes. . \ (f) If at the time a permit is issued or reissued after January 1, 1993, the permittee is not owner of the land within the compliance boundary, it shall be a condition of the permit issued or renewed that the landowner of the land within the compliance boundary, if other than the permittee, and except as provided in Paragraph _(g2 of this Rule, execute and file in the Register of Deeds in the county in which the land is located, an easement running with the land which: (1) contains: (A) either a notice of the permit, including the permit number, a description of the type of permit, and the name, address and telephone number of the permitting agency; or (B) a reference to a notice of the permit with book and page number of its recordation if such notice is required to be filed by statute; (2) prohibits the construction and operation of water supply wells within the compliance boundary; and (3) reserves the right to the permittee and the State to enter on such property within the compliance boundary for groundwater monitoring and remediation purposes. The easement may be terminated ~ the Director when its put.pose has been fulfilled or the need for the easement !!Q. longer exists. Under those conditions the Director.~ the request of the landowner . may file with the appropriate Register of Deeds, !! document terminatin g the easement. {g} The requirements of Paragraphs .(Q)_,_ ~ and ill of this Rule are not applicable to ground adsorption treatment systems serving four or fewer single family dwellings or multiunit dwellin e s of four or fewer units. fhlW The boundary shall form a vertical plane extending from the water table to the maximum depth of saturation. ill.W For ground absorption sewage treatment and disposal systems which are permitted under 15A NCAC 18A .1900, the compliance boundary shall be established at the property boundary . .filti1 Penalties authorized pursuant to G.S. 143-215.6A(a)(l) will not be assessed for violations of Wfttef- groundwater quality standards within a compliance boundary unless the violations are the result of violations of permit conditions or negligence in the management of the facility. 00-ffi The Director shall require: (1) that permits for all activities governed by G.S. 143-215.1 be written to protect the quality of groundwater established by applicable standards, at the compliance boundary; (2) that necessary groundwater quality monitoring shall be conducted within the compliance boundary; and (3) that a violation of standards within the compliance boundary resulting from activities conducted by the permitted facility be remedied through clean-up, recovery, containment, or other response when any of the following conditions occur: (A) a violation of any standard in adjoining classified water& groundwaters occurs or can be reasonably predicted to occur considering hydrogeologic conditions, modeling, or other available evidence; (B) an imminent hazard or threat to the public health or safety exists; or (C) a violation of any standard in groundwater occurring in the bedrock other than limestones found in the Coastal Plain sediments-:-.,_ unless i! can be demonstrated that the violation will not adversel y impact, or have the potential to adversel y impact!! water~ well. Statutory Authority G.S. 143-215. J (b),· 143-215.J(a)(J); 143B-282 . . 0109 DELEGATION (a) The Director is delegated the authority to enter into consent special orders under G.S. 143-215.2 for violations of the •w•a-1:er groundwater quality standards except when a public meeting is required as provided in 15A NCAC 2H .1203. (b) The Director is delegated the authority to prepare a proposed special order to be issued by the Commission without the consent of the person affected and to notify the affected person of that proposed order and of the procedure set out in G.S. 150B-23 to contest the proposed special order. (c) The Director.,_ or his designee shall give public notice of proposed consent special orders as specified in 15A NCAC 2H .1203. Statutory Authority G.S. 143-215.2; 143-215.3(a)(l),· 143-215.3(a)(4) . . 0110 MONITORING (a) Any person slibjeet to the provisions of G.S. 143 215.1 Except where exem pted ~ statute or this Subchapter . any person who causes, permits or has control over any discharge of waste, or groundwater cleanup program, shall install and im plement a monitoring system, at such locations, and in such detail, as the Director.,_ or his desi gnee may require to evaluate the effects of the discharge upon the waters of the state, groundwater quality standards which apply to the area for which the variance is requested. (2) A description of the past, existing or proposed activities or operations that have or would result in a discharge of contaminants to the groundwaters. (3) Description of the proposed area for which a variance is requested. A detailed location map, showing the orientation of the facility, potential for groundwater contaminant migration, as well as the area covered by the variance request, with reference to at least two geographic references (numbered roads, named streams/rivers, etc.) must _be included. (4) Supporting information to establish that the variance will not endanger the public health and safety, including health and environmental effects from exposure to the groundwater contaminants. (Location of wells and other water supply sources including details of well construction within l /2 mile of site must be shown on a map). (5) Supporting information to establish that standards cannot be achieved by providing the best available technology economically reasonable. This information must identify specific technology considered, changes in quality of the contaminant plume as demonstrated through predictive calculations appro¥ea ey the Direetor, and technological constraints which limit groundwater quality restoration to the level of the standard. (6) Supporting information to establish that compliance would produce serious hardship on the applicant. (7) Supporting information that compliance would produce serious hardship without equal or greater public benefit. (8) A copy of any Special Order that was issued in connection with the contaminants in the proposed area and supporting information that applicant has complied with the Special Order. (9) A list of the names and addresses of any property owners within the proposed area of the variance as well as any property owners adjacent to the site covered by the variance. ( d) Upon receipt of the application, the Director will review it for completeness and request additional information if necessary. When the application is complete, the Director shall give public notice of the application and schedule the matter for a public hearing in accordance with G.S. 143-215.4(6) and the procedures set out belew in Paragraph .@)_ of this Rule. (e) Notice of Public Hearing: (1) Notice of public hearing on any variance application shall be circulated in the geographical areas of the proposed variance by the Director at least 30 days prior to the date of the hearing: (A) by publishing the notice one time in a newspaper having general circulation in said county; (B) by mailing to the North Carolina Department of Httmll:B: Environment. Health, and Natural Resources, Division of Health Serviees, Environmental Health and appropriate local health agency; (C) by mailing to any other federal, state or local agency upon request; (D) by mailing to the local governmental unit or units having jurisdiction over the geographic area covered by the variance; (E) by mailing to any property owner within the proposed area of the variance, as well as any property owners adjacent to the site covered by the variance; and (F) by mailing to any person or group upon request. (2) The contents of public notice of any hearing shall include at least the following: (A) name, address, and phone number of agency holding the public hearing; (B) name and address of each applicant whose application will be considered at the meeting; (C) brief summary of the proposed standard variance or modification of the perimeter of compliance being requested; (D) geographic description of a proposed area for which a variance is requested; (E) brief description of the activities or operations which have or will result in the discharge of contaminants to the groundwaters described in the variance application; (F) a brief reference to the public notice issued for each variance application; (G) information regarding the time and location for the hearing; (H) the purpose of the hearing; (I) address and phone number of premises at which interested persons may obtain further information, request a copy of each application, and inspect and copy forms and related documents; and (J) a brief description of the nature of the hearing including the rules and procedures to be followed. The notice shall also state that additional information is on file with the Director and may be inspected at any time during normal working hours. Copies of the information on file will be made available upon request and payment of cost or reproduction. (f) All comments received within 30 days following the date of the public hearing shall be made part of the T I T L E 1 5 A S U B C H A P T E R 2 L R E V I S I O N S S E C T I O N S . 0 1 0 0 A N D . 0 2 0 0 DRAFT HEARING VERSION: February 10, 1993 RULE .0102 DEFINITIONS RULE .0103 POLICY RULE .0104 RESTRICTED DESIGNATION (RS) RULE .0106 CORRECTIVE ACTION RULE .0107 COMPLIANCE BOUNDARY RULE .0109 DELEGATION RULE .0110 MONITORING RULE .0111 REPORTS RULE .0112 ANALYTICAL PROCEDURES RULE .0113 VARIANCE RULE ,0114 NOTIFICATION REQUIREMENTS RULE .0201 GROUNDWATER CLASSIFICATIONS RULE .0202 WATER QUALITY STANDARDS (BOLD TYPE RULES ARE THOSE PROPOSED FOR AMENDMENT; UNDERLINED RULE IS A PROPOSED ADOPTION) SUBCHAPTER 2L -GROUNDWATER CLASSIFICATION AND STANDARDS SECTION .0100 GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS 15A NCAC 2L .0102 is proposed for amendment as follows: .0102 DEFINITIONS The definition of any word or phrase used in these rules shall be the same as given in G.S. 143-212 and G.S. 143-213 except that the following words and phrases shall have the following meanings: (1) "Bedrock" means any consolidated rock encountered in the place in which it was formed or deposited and which cannot be readily excavated without the use of explosives or power equipment. (2) "Commission" means the Environmental Management Commission as organized under Chapter 143B of the General Statutes. (3) "Compliance boundary" means a boundary around a disposal system at and beyond which wateF g roundwater quality standards may not be exceeded and only applies to facilities which have received a permit issued under the authority of G.S. 143-215.1 or Chap ter 130A of the General statutes. 7 -eF -EeF -a:i:spesal -systems -peFmittea -ey -the 9epaFtmeat-ef-HHmaa-ReseHFees7 .l!l. "Corrective action p lan" means a p lan for eliminating sources of g roundwater contamination and achieving g roundwater q uality restoration or both. A corrective action p lan ma y p rop ose remediation b y the deg radation and natural attenuation of contaminants as well as b y conventional or innovative technolog ies. ill f4t "Director" means Director of the Division of Environmental Management . .i.§1 "Division" means the Division of Environmental Manag ement. ill "Exp osure p athway " means a course taken b y a contaminant b y wa y of a trans p ort medium after its release to the environment . .ifil "Free p roduct" means a non-aq ueous p hase liq uid which ma y collect on the water table , within the saturated zone or in surface water. 12.l f5t "Fresh groundwaters" means those groundwaters having a chloride concentration equal to or less than 250 milligrams per liter. 11.Ql t6t "Groundwaters" means those waters in the saturated zone of the earth. 1lli f=1t "Hazardous substance" means any substance as defined by Section 101(14) of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA). 11.1.l "Licensed geologist" means a person who has been duly licensed as a geologist in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 89E of the General Statutes. ill_l "Natural remedial processes'i means those natural processes acting to restore groundwater quality, including dilution, filtration, sorption, ion-exchange, chemical transformation and biodegradation. 11.il "Practical Ouantitation Level" means the lowest guantitation level of a given material that can be reliably achieved among laboratories within the specified limits of precision and accuracy of a · given analytical method during routine laboratory operating conditions. f8t ~Limit-ef-Beteetaaility~-meaas-tse-metsea-deteetiea-limit estaalissea -feF -tse -YTST -EPA -appFevea -test -pFeeeaHFe pFeviaiag--the--lewest--methed--deteetiea--limit--feF--the saastaaee-eeiag-meaiteFeaT 11.il f9t "Natural conditions" means the physical, biological, chemical and radiological conditions which occur naturally. 11.fil. fHH "Potable waters" means those waters suitable for drinking, by humans. ill1 "Professional Engineer" means a Person who has been duly registered and licensed as a professional engineer in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 89C of the General Statutes. i1fil. "Receptor" means any groundwater, surface water, human, or structure, other than a monitoring well, which is or may be affected by a contaminant from a contaminated site. 11.ll "Responsible party" means: (a) a Person who is wholly or Partially responsible for actions causing or contributing to the violation of groundwater quality standards, (b) a subsequent Purchaser of Property which is the source of groundwater quality standard violations and who purchased the property with knowledge of the contamination, or (c) an adjoining property owner who obstructs the implementation of corrective action that would prevent further contamination. il.QJ. f:J.:J.t "Review boundary" means a boundary around a permitted disposal facility, midway between a waste boundary and a compliance boundary at which groundwater monitoring is required. illl f~2t "Saline groundwaters" means those groundwaters having a chloride concentration of more than 250 mg/1. ~ f;a ➔ "Saturated zone" means that part of the subsurface below the water table in which all the interconnected voids are filled with water under pressure at or greater than atmospheric. It does not include the capillary fringe. il.ll f~4-}-"Suitable for drinking" means a quality of water which does not contain substances in concentrations which, either singularly or in combination if ingested into the human body, may cause death, disease, behavioral abnormalities, congenital defects, genetic mutations, or resu!6 in an incremental lifetime cancer risk in excess of 1x10 , or render the water unacceptable due to aesthetic qualities, including taste, odor or appearance. 1.1.!l "Time of travel" means the time req uired for contaminants in g roundwater to move a unit distance. 1.lli f~5-}-"Waste boundary" means the perimeter of the permitted waste disposal area. il.§.1 f~6-}-"water table" means the surface of the saturated zone below which all interconnected voids are filled with water and at which the pressure is atmospheric. History Note: Statutory Authority 143-215; 143B-282; Eff. June 10, 1979. G.S. 143-214.1; Amended Eff. _____ ~· August 1, 1989; July 1, 1988; March 1, 1985; September 1, 1984. 15A NCAC 2L .0103 is proposed for amendment as follows: .0103 POLICY (a) The rules established in this Subchapter are intended to maintain and preserve the quality of the groundwaters, prevent and abate pollution and contamination of the waters of the state, protect public health, and permit management of the groundwaters for their best usage by the citizens of North Carolina. It is the policy of the Commission that the best usage of the groundwaters of the state is as a source of drinking water. These groundwaters generally are a potable source of drinking water without the necessity of sig nificant treatment. It is the intent of these Rules to protect the overall high quality of North Carolina's groundwaters aRa -te -eRhaRee ~aaa -FesteFe -tae -EJeal:i:ty -ei -aegFaaea gFeeaawateFs to the level established by the standards. and to enhance and restore the q uality of deg raded g roundwaters where feasible and necessary to p rotect human heal th and the environment , or to ensure their suitability as a future source of drinking water. · (b) It is the intention of the Commission to protect all groundwaters to a level of quality at least as high as that required under the standards established in Rule . 0202 of this Subchapter. In keeping with the policy of the Commission to protect, maintain, and enhance groundwater quality within the State of North Carolina, the Commission will not approve any disposal system subject to the provisions of G.S. 143-215.1 which would result in: (1) the significant degradation of groundwaters of the existing quality is better than the standard, unless found to be economically and justifiable, or which assigned socially (2) a violation of a wateF g roundwater quality standard beyond tae -eeeaaaF:i:es -et -tae -pFepeFty -ea -wa:i:ea -tae seeFee--ei--pellat:i:ea--:i:s--leeatea7 --eF a desi g nated comp liance boundary, or (3) the impairment of existing groundwater uses or an adverse impact on the public health, safety or welfare. (c) Violations of groundwater quality standards resulting from groundwater withdrawals which are in compliance with water use permits issued pursuant to G.S. 143-215.15, shall not be subject to the corrective action requirements of Rule .0106 of this Subchapter. ( d) No person shall conduct or cause to be conducted, any activity which causes the concentration of any substance to exceed that specified in Rule .0202 of this Subchapter, except as authorized by the rules of this Subchapter. ( e ) Work p erformed p ursuant to the rules of this Subchap ter which involves site assessment , the interp retation of subsurface g eolog ic conditions , p re p aration of concep tual corrective action p lans or an y work req uiring detailed technical knowledg e of site conditions which is submitted to the Director , shall be p erformed b y p ersons . firms or p rofessional corp orations who are dul y licensed to offer g eolog ical or eng ineering services b y the a pprop riate occup ational licensing board. Work which involves desig n of remedial s y stems or s p ecialized construction techniq ues shall be p erformed b y p ersons , firms or p rofessional corp orations who are dul y licensed to offer eng ineering services. Corp orations that are authorized b y law to p erform eng ineering or g eolog ical services and are exemp t from the Professional Corp oration Act , Chap ter SSB of the General Statues , ma y p erform these services. History Note: Statutory Authority G.S. 143-214.1; 143-214.2; 143-215.3(e); 143-215.3{a)(1); 143B-282; Eff. June 10, 1979; Amended Eff. · August 1, 1989; July 1, 1988; September 1, 1984; December 30, 1983. 15A NCAC 2L .0104 is proposed for amendment as follows: .0104 RS RESTRICTED DESIGNATION 1Rfil (a) The Director is authorized to designate GA or GSA groundwaters as RS under any of the following circumstances: (1) Where, as a result of man's activities, groundwaters contain concentrations of substances in excess of the groundwater quality standards established under this Subchapter, and Femeaial termination of corrective action to restore groundwater quality has been FetJHiFea7 -eF a pproved b y the Director . or where the Director has a pproved a corrective action p lan , or alternate cleanup levels , rely ing . solely or in p art u p on natural remedial p rocesses and , in either case , the g roundwaters can be made p otable b y using readily available and economically reasonable technology . (2) Where a statutory variance has been granted as provided in Rule .0113 of this Subchapter. (3 ) Where the area impacted is served b y a public wa ter s y stem. (b ) Groundwaters occurring within an area defined b y a comp liance boundary in a waste dis p osal p ermit are deemed to be desi g nated RS. 1£.lfa+ The RS designation serves as a warning that groundwater so designated may not be suitable for use as a drinking water supply without si g nificant treatment. The boundaries of areas designated RS may be approximated in the absence of analytical data sufficient to define the exteat-ef-gFeHaelwateF-aegFaaatiea. dimension of the area , at rig ht ang les to the direction of g roundwater flow . into which the contaminants have the p otential to mi g rate. The designation is temporary and will be removed by the Director upon • a determination that the quality of the groundwater so designated has been restored to the level of the applicable standards or when reclassified~68. (d ) The p erson res p onsible for g roundwater contamination leading to the RS desig nation shall establish and imp lement a g roundwater monitoring s y stem suf.ficient to detect chang es in g roundwater q uality within the desi g nated area. Monitoring .shall be continued p eriodically until the a pplicable g roundwater q uality standards have been achieved. If during the monitoring p eriod , contaminant concentrations increase , additi o nal remedial action ma y be req uired , as determined b y the Director. (e ) The Division shall g ive p ublic notice in accordance with the following req uirements of the intent to desi g nate any g roundwater RS excep t those defined .in Parag rap h (b ) of this Rule: (1 ) Notice shall be p ublished one time in a news p a p er having g eneral circulation in the g eog rap hic area of the RS desig nation at least 30 day s p rior to any p rop osed final action. In addition , notice shall be p rovided to the local Count y Health Director and the chief administrative officer of the p olitical j urisdiction in which the contamination occurs. (2 ) The notice shall set forth at least the following : (A ) name , address , and p hone number of the a g ency issuing the p ublic notice; CB ) the location and extent of the desig nated area (C ) a brief descri p tion of the action or actions which resulted in the de g radation of g roundwater in the area; (D ) actions or intended actions taken to restore g roundwater g uali t y .; (E ) the sig nificance of the RS desi g nation; (F ) conditions a pplicable to removal of the RS desi g nation; (G ) address and p hone number of the state a g enc y p remises at which interested p arties ma y obtain further information. (3 ) The Director shall consider all req uests for a p ublic hearing, and if he determines that there is sig nificant p ublic interest he shall issue p ublic notice and hold a p ublic hearing in accordance with G.S 143-215.4 (b } and .0113 (e ) of this Rule. History Note: Statutory Authority G.S. 143-214.1; 143-215.3(a)(1); 143B-282(2); Eff. June 10, 1979; Amended Eff. ------~ December 1, 1989; August 1, 1989; December 30, 1983. 15A NCAC 2L .0106 is proposed for amendment as follows: .0106 CORRECTIVE ACTION (a) 'Fae ..-geal -ef -aetieRs -takeR -te -FesteFe -gFeeRElwateF -~eality ssall-ee-~esteFatieR-te-tse-level-ef-the-staRElaFEls7 -eF-as-elese theFete -as -is -eeeRelRieally -aREl -teehaelegieally -feas:i:ele-;-Where g roundwater · q uality has been deg rade d , the g oal of any req uired corrective action shall be restoration to the level of the g roundwater q uality standards s p ecified in Rule . 0202 of this Subchap ter , or as closely thereto as is economically and technolog ically feasible. (b) · Any person conducting or controlling an activity which results in the discharge of a waste or hazardous substance or oil to the groundwaters of the State, or in proximity thereto, shall take immediate action to terminate and control the discharge, mitigate any hazards resulting from exposure to the pollutants and notify the BepaFtmeRt Division of the discharge. ( c) Any person conducting or controlling an activity which results in an increase in the concentration of a substance in excess of the groundwater standard: (1) as the result of activities, other than agricultural operations, not permitted by the $,!itate, shall immediately notify the Division of the increases ; take p romp t action to eliminate the source or sources of contamination; submit a rep ort to the Director assessing the cause, significance and extent of the violation; and seblRit --a imp lement an a pproved corrective action plan aREl-seheaele-feF-elilRiRatiRg-the seeFee --ef --eeRta1RiRatieR --aREl for restoration of groundwater gualityt aRa-implemeRt-aR-appFevea-plaR in accordance with a schedule established by the Director, or his desi g nee. In establishing a · schedule the Director, or his desi g nee shall consider any reasonable schedule proposed by the person submitting the plan. A rep ort shall be made to the Health · Director of the county or counties in which the contamination occurs in accordance ·with . the req uirements of Rule , 0114 (a ) in this Subchap ter. (2) as a result of activities conducted under the authority of a permit issued by the S§tate, shall, where such concentrations are detected: (A) at or beyond a review boundary, demonstrate, through predictive calculations or modeling, that natural site conditions, facility design and operational controls will prevent a violation of standards at the compliance boundary; or submit a plan for alteration ·of existing site conditions, facility design or operational controls that will prevent a violation at the compliance boundary, and implement that plan upon its approval by the Director, o r his desig nee. (B) at or beyond a compliance boundary, shall assess the cause, significance and extent of the violation of groundwater quality standards and submit the results of the investigation, a plan, and proposed schedule for g£eHaawate£--~Hality ~este£atiea corrective acti o n to the Director.L.--2!: his desi g nee. The permittee shall implement the plan as approved by and in accordance with a schedule established by the Director . or his desi g nee. In establishing a schedule the DirectorL or his desig nee shall consider any reasonable schedule proposed by the permittee. {d ) Corrective action req uired following discovery of the unauthorized release of a contaminant to the surface or subsurface of the land , and p rior to or concurrent with the assessment req uired in Parag rap h {c ) of this Rule , shall include , but is not limited to: (1 ) Prevention of fire , exp losion or the s p read of noxious fumes; (2 ) Abatement , containment or control of the mi g ration of contaminants; (3 ) Removal , or treatment and control of an y p rimary p ollution source such as buried waste , waste stockp iles or surficial accumulations of free p roducts; (4 ) Removal , treatment or control of secondary p ollution sources which would be a p otential continuing source of p ollutants to the g roundwaters such as contaminated soils and non-aq ueous p hase liq uids. Contaminated soils which threaten the q uality of g roundwaters must be treated , contained or dis p osed of in accordance with a pplicable rules and p rocedures established b y the Di vision. The treatment or dis p osal of contaminated soils shall be conducted in a manner that will not result in a violation of g roundwater q uality standards and North Carolina Hazardous Waste Manag ement rules. (e ) The site assessment conducted p ursuant to the req uirements of Subp arag rap h (c )J 1 } of this Rule , shall consider or address: (1 ) The source and cause of contamination; (2 ) An y imminent hazards to p ublic health and safety and actions taken to miti g ate them in · accordance with Parag rap h (d ) of this Rule. (3 ) All g roundwater recep tors and sig nificant exp osure pathways; (4 ) The horizontal and vertical extent of soil and g roundwater contamination and all sig nificant factors affecting contaminant trans p ort; CS ) Geolog ical and h y drog eolog ical features influencing the movement , chemical , and p h y sical character of the contaminants. Re p orts of site assessments shall be submitted to the Division as soon as p racticable or in accordance with a schedule established b y the Director , or his desiq nee. In establishing a schedule the Director , or his desiq nee shall consider any reasonable p rop osal b y the p erson submitting the re p ort. ill Corrective action p lans for restoration of g roundwater q uality, submitted p ursuant to Parag rap h (c ) of this rule shall include: · (1 ) A descri p tion of the p rop osed corrective action and reasons for its selection. (2 ) S p ecific p lans , including eng ineering details where a pplicable , for restoring g roundwater q uality . (3 ) A schedule for the imp lementation and o p eration of the p rop osed p lan. (4 ) A monitoring p lan for determining the effectiveness of the p rop osed corrective action and the movement of the contaminant p lume. 1glfa,}-In the evaluation of corrective1:emea:i:al action plans, the Director , or his desi q nee shall consider the extent of any violations, the extent of any threat to human health or safety, the extent of damage or p otential adverse imp act to the environment, technology available to accomplish restoration-'-aRa the p otential for deg radation of the contaminants in the environment , the time and costs estimated to achieve g roundwater q uality restoration , aaa the public and economic benefits to be derived from groundwater quality restoration-. and the p robable conseq uences of alternate actions. (h ) A corrective action p lan must be imp lemented using the best available technology for restoration of g roundwater q uality to the level of the g roundwater q uality standards s p ecified in Rule .0202 of this Subchap ter unless: (1 ) an alternate cleanup level has been established b y the Director p ursuant to · Parag rap h ( i ) of this Rule , or, (2 ) natural remediation has been a pproved b y the Director in accordance with the p rovisions of Parag rap h (k ) of this Rule. · ( i ) An alternate cleanup level to a standard established in Rule .0202 of this Subchap ter ma y be a pproved b y the Director if sufficient information is p resented to support a determination b y the Director that: (1 ) an alternate cleanup level will be p rotective of human health and the environment based on evidence that the contaminant will not adversely imp act any existing or foreseeable recep tor , either due to site s p ecific conditions or an a pproved remedial action involving eng ineering control of the contaminant ; such evidence could include , but is not limited to: (A ) travel time and natural attenuation cap acity of subsurface materials are such that the standards s p ecified in Rule . 0202 of this Subchap ter at a location no closer than one y ear time of travel u pgradient of an existing or foreseeable recep tor are p rotected. (B ) a p h y sical barrier to g roundwater mi g ration exists or will be installed b y the res p onsible p arty sufficient to result in p reservation of the g roundwater standard s p ecified in Rule . 0202 of this Subcha p ter at a location no closer than one y ear time of travel u pgradient of an existing or foreseeable rece p tor or , (2 ) new toxicolog ical information has become available which the Di vision of Ep idemiology determines would j ustif y cleanup to a standard different from those ( j) A submitted ( 1 ) ( 2 ) ( 3 ) ( 4 ) s p ecified in Rule .0202 of this Subchap ter. req uest for an alternate cleanup level shall be to the Director and sha ll include: a descri p tion of site s p ecific conditions ; the technical basis for the req uest ; a discussion of and rationale for the request ; sufficient evidence to support· a determination b y the Director that an alternate cleanup level would be consistent with all other environmental laws ; (5 ) any other information req uested b y the Director to thoroug hl y evaluate the req uest ; and (6 ) evidence that p ublic notice of the req uest has been p rovided in accordance with Rule .0114 (b ) of this Subchap ter. ( k ) The Director ma y be re q uested to a pprove a corrective action p lan de p endent u p on natural p rocesses of deg radation and attenuation of contaminants. Evidence and other information submitted in su pport of the req uest shall include: (1 ) s u fficient evidence to support a determination b y the Director that: (A ) all sources of contamination and free p roduct have been removed or controlled p ursuant to Parag rap h (d ) of this Rule ; and (B l The contaminants p resent exist in concentrations that do not currentl y and are not calculated to mi g rate to any existing or foreseeable recep tor above a pplicable standards; (2 ) evidence of the contaminant's deg radation and attenuation cap acity; · (3 ) identification and discussion of site-sp ecific characteristics indicating that conditions are adeq uate to support contaminant deg radation or attenua tio n ; (4 ) a g roundwater monitoring p rog ram sufficient to track the deg radation and attenuation of contaminants within and down g radient of the p lume and to detect contaminants p rior t o their reaching any existing or foreseeable recep tor at least one y ear's time of travel u pgradient of the· recep tor and no g reater than the distance the g roundwater at the contaminated site could travel in five y ears. (5 ) written documentation of p ro j ected g roundwater use in the contaminated area based on current state or local g overnment p lanning efforts ; (6 ) cop ies of written notice , to all p rop erty owners and all occup ants within or contig uous to the area underlain b y the pollution p lume , and under which it is exp ected to mi g rate , stating that fact; (7 ) evidence that all necessary access a g reements needed to monitor g roundwater q uality p ursuant to (4 ) above have been or can be obtained ; and (8 ) evidence that p ublic notice of the req uest has been p rovided . in accordance with Rule . 011 4 ( b ) of . this Subchap ter. If at any time . the Director determines that a contaminant , being monitored under a natural remediation p rog ram , has the potential to mi g rate to any· existing or foreseeable receptor above a pplic able groundwater standards , or if contaminant concentrations are not decreasing, the res p onsible p art y shall imp lement an active g roundwater corrective action p lan in ac c ordance . with a schedule established b y the Director. (1 ) The Director ma y consider a req uest to allow the termination of corrective action. The req uest must include: (1 ) A demonstration b y the p arty making the req uest that continuance of corrective action would not result in a sig nificant reduction in the concentration of contaminants. At a m1n1mum this demonstration must include a showing that · the as ymp totic slop e of the contaminants curve of decontamination is less than a ratio of 1 ;40 over a term of one y ear based on q uarterl y . samp ling . (2 ) A discussion of the duration of the corrective action , the total p ro j ect's cost , p ro j ected annual cost for continuance and evaluation of the success of the corrective action. (3 ) An evaluation of alternate treatment technolog ies which could result in further reduction of contaminant levels with p ro j ected cap ital and annual cost. (4 ) Effects , including health and safety imp acts , on g roundwat er users if contaminant levels remain at levels existing at the time corrective action is terminated, (5 ) Evidence that p ublic notice of the req uest has been p rovided in accordance with Rule .0114 (b ) of this Subchap ter. fe~ The Director may authorize the-aiseeRtiRaaRee-ef-Femeaial aetieR-te-FesteFe-~FeaRawateF-~aality-te-the-level-ef-the-staRaaFa apeR-a-aemeastFatiea-ey-the-Fespeasiele-paFty-te-the-BiFeeteF-that eeRtisaaaee -weals -set -Fesalt -is -si~aifieaRt --FeaaetieR -iR -the eeReeRtFatieR-ef-eeRtamiRaRtST--iR-ehe-eeasiae~atieR-ef-a-Fe~aest te-aiseeatiaae-Femeaial-aetieas7 -tke-B:i:Feete£-shall-eeasiae£-tke aa£atiea--aa~--ae~Fee--e:f--saeeess--ef--Femeaial--effeFts7--the feasieility -e:f -etkeF -tFeatmeat -teehai~aes -whieh -eeala -Fesalt -:i:a :fa£tke£--Feaaetiea--ef--eeatamiaaat--levels7 --aaa--tke--effeet--ea ~FeaaawateF-aseFs-if-eeatam:i:aaats-Fema:i:a-at-levels-eK:i:stia~-at-tke time -ef -teFmiaatiea -ef -Femeaial -aetieR-:-the termination of the corrective action , or amend the corrective action p lan after considering all the information in the req uest. Up on termination of corrective action , a g roundwater monitoring p rog ram shall be req uired sufficient to track the deg radation and attenuation of contaminants at a location of at least one y ear's time of travel u pgradient of any existing or foreseeable recep tor. The monitoring p rog ram shall remain in effect until there is sufficient evidence that the contaminant concentrations have been reduced to the level of the standards. 1.mlf:f-}-Upon a determination by the Director-that continued Femea:i:al corrective aet:i:eas action would result in no significant reduction in contaminant concentrations, tae -Fespeasiele -paFty shall -petit:i:ea -fe£ -a -vaF:i:aaee -eF -a -Feelassifieatiea -ef -tae impaetea-~FeaaawateFs. and the imp acted g roundwaters can be made p otable b y treatment using readil y available and economically reasonable technology, the Director ma y desi g nate the remaining area of deg raded g roundwater RS. Where the remaining deg raded g roundwaters cannot be made p otable b y such treatment , the Director ma y consider a req uest for reclassification. (n ) If at any time the Director determines that new technology is available that would remediate the contaminated g roundwater to the standards s p ecified in Rule • 0202 , the Director ma y req uire the res p onsible p arty to imp lement an active g roundwater corrective action p lan in accordance with a schedule established b y the Director. 12.l.f~-}-Where groundwater quality standards are exceeded as a result of · the application of pesticides or other agricultural chemicals, the Director shall request the Pesticide Board or the Department of Agriculture to assist the Division of Environmental Management in determining the cause of the violation. If the violation is determined to have resulted from the use of pesticides, the Director shall request the Pesticide Board to take appropriate regulatory action to control the use of the chemical or chemicals responsible for, or contributing to, such violations, or to discontinue their use. History Note: Statutory Authority G.S. 143-215.2; 143-215.3(a)(1); 143B-282; Eff. August 1, 1989. Amended Eff. · September 1, 1992 15A NCAC 2L .0107 is proposed for amendment as follows: .0107 COMPLIANCE BOUNDARY (a) For disposal systems individually permitted prior to December 30, 1983, the compliance boundary is established at a horizontal distance of 500 feet from the waste boundary or at the property boundary, whichever is closer to the source. (b) For disposal systems individually permitted on or after December 30, 1983, a compliance boundary shall be established 250 feet from the waste boundary, or 50 feet within the property boundary, whichever point is closer to the source. (c) The boundary shall be established by the Director , or his desig nee at the time of permit issuance. Any sale or transfer of property which affects a compliance boundary shall be reported immediately to the Director , or his desi g nee. For disposal systems which are not governed by Paragraphs (e) or (f) of this Rule, the compliance boundary affected by the sale or transfer of property will be re-established consistent with Paragraphs (a) or (b) of this Rule, whichever is applicable. ( d) Excep t as p rovided in Parag rap h ( g) of this Rule , FeF dispesal-systems-peFmitted-eF-FepeFmitted-afteF-JaaHaFy-+7 -+99a, no water supply wells shall be constructed or operated within the compliance boundaryT of a dis p osal s y stem individually p ermitted or re p ermitted after January 1 , 1993. ( e) Excep t as p rovided in Parag rap h ( g) of this Rule , Fe£ dispesal-systems-peFmittea-eF-FepeFmittea-afteF-JaRHaFy-+7-+993, a permittee shall not transfer land within an established compliance boundary of a disp osal s y stem p ermitted or rep ermitted after January 1 , 1993 unless: (1) the land transferred is serviced ·by a community water system as defined in 15A NCAC 18C, the source of which is located outside the compliance boundary; and (2) the deed transferring the property: (A) contains notice of the permit, including the permit number, a description of the type of permit, and the name, address and telephone number of the permitting agency; and (B) contains a restrictive covenant running with the land and in favor of the permittee and the State, as a third party beneficiary, which prohibits the construction and operation of water supply wells within the compliance boundary; and (C) contains a restrictive covenant running with the land and in favor of the permittee and the State, as a third party beneficiary, which grants the right to the permittee and the State to enter on such property within the compliance boundary for groundwater monitoring and remediation purposes. ( f) If at the time a permit is issued or reissued after January 1, 1993, the permittee is not owner of the land within the compliance boundary, it shall be a condition of the permit issued or renewed that the landowner of the land within the compliance boundary, if other than the permittee, and excep t as p rovided in Parag rap h (g) of this Rule , execute and file in the Register of Deeds in the county in which the land is located, an easement running with the land which: (1) contains: (A) either a notice of the permit, including the permit number, a description of the type of permit, and the name, address and telephone number of the permitting agency; or (B) a reference to a notice of the permit with book and page number of its recordation if such notice is required to be filed by statute; (2) prohibits the construction and operation of water supply wells within the compliance boundary; and {3) reserves the right to the permittee and the State to enter on such property within the compliance boundary for groundwater monitoring and remediation purposes. The easement ma y be terminated b y the Director when its p urp ose has been fulfilled or the need for the easement no long er exists. Under those conditions the Director , at the req uest of the landowner , ma y file with the a pprop riate Re g ister of Deeds , a document terminating the easement. Cg) The req uirements of Parag rap hs (d ), (e ) and (f ) of this Rule are not a pplicable to g round adsorp tion treatment s y stems serving four or fewer sing le famil y dwelling s or multiunit dwelling s of four or fewer units. J.hlfg+ The boundary shall form a vertical plane extending from the water table to the maximum depth of saturation. illfh+ For ground absorption sewage treatment and disposal systems which are permitted under 15A NCAC 18A .1900, the compliance boundary shall be established at the property boundary. illfi+ Penalties authorized pursuant to G.S. 143-215.6A(a){1) will not be assessed for violations of wateF g roundwater quality standards within a compliance boundary unless the violations are the result of violations of permit conditions or negligence in the management of the facility. illf1+ The Director shall require: (1) that permits for all activities governed by G.S. 143-215.1 be written to protect the quality of groundwater established by applicable standards, at the compliance boundary; {2) that necessary groundwater quality monitoring shall be conducted within the compliance boundary; and (3) that a violation of standards within the compliance boundary resulting from activities conducted by the permitted facilit~ be remedied through clean-up, recovery, containment, or other response when any of the following conditions occur: (A) a violation of any standard in adjoining classified wateE"s g roundwaters occurs or can be reasonably predicted to occur considering hydrogeologic conditions, modeling, or other available evidence; (B) an imminent hazard or threat to the public health or safety exists; or (C) a violation of any standard in groundwater occurring in the bedrock other than limestones found in the Coastal Plain sediments7 , unless it can be demonstrated that the violation will not adversel y imp act , or have the p otential to adversely im p act a water suppl y well. History Note: Statutory Authority G.S. 143-215.1(b); 143-215.3(a)(1); 143B-282; Eff. August 1, 1989.; Amended Eff. · November 2, 1992 15A NCAC 2L .0109 is proposed for amendment as follows: .0109 DELEGATION (a) The Director is delegated the authority to enter into consent special orders under G.S. 143-215.2 for violations of the waee~ g roundwater quality standards except when a public meeting is required as provided in 15A NCAC 2H .1203. (b) The Director is delegated the authority to prepare a proposed special order to be issued by the Commission without the consent of the person affected and to notify the affected person of that proposed order and of the procedure set out in G. S. 150B-23 to contest the proposed special order. (c) The Director , or his desig nee shall give public notice of proposed consent special orders as specified in 15A NCAC 2H .1203. History Note: Statutory Authority G.S. 143-215.2; 143-215.3(a)(1); 143-215.3(a)(4); Eff. August 1, 1989; Amended Eff. · October 1, 1990. 15A NCAC 2L .0110 is proposed for amendment as follows: .0110 MONITORING (a) ARY -peESeft -see;ee4: -te -the -pEevisieas -ef -6.S-. -l-43-~l-6-.l- Excep t where exemp ted b y statute or this Subchap ter , any p erson who causes, permits or has control over any discharge of waste, or g roundwater cleanup p rog ram , shall install and imp lement a monitoring system, at such locations, and in such detail, as the Director , or his desig nee may require to evaluate the effects of the discharge upon the waters of the state, including the effect of any actions taken to restore groundwater quality, as well as the efficiency of any treatment facility. The monitoring p lan shall be p rep ared under the res p onsible charg e of a Professional Eng ineer or Licensed Geolog ist and bear the seal of the same. ( b) Moni taring systems shall be epeEa4:ed constructed in a manner that will not result in the contamination of adjacent groundwaters of a higher quality. ( c) Monitoring shall be conducted and results reported in a manner and at a frequency specified by the Director , or his desi g nee. History Note: Statutory Authority G.S. 143-215.1(b); 143-215.3(a)(1); 143-215.65; 143-215.66; 143B-282; Eff. August 1, 1989. Amended Eff. 15A NCAC 2L .0111 is proposed for amendment as follows: .0111 REPORTS ~ Any person subject te-the-pFevisieas-ef-G.s.-;4a-2;5_;-aRa to the requirements for corrective action specified in Rule .0106 of this Subchapter shall submit to the Director, in such detail as the Director may require, a written report that describes: (1) the results of the investigation specified in Paragraphs (c)(1) and (c)(2)(B) of Rule .0106, including but not limited to: JAlfa+ a description of the sampling procedures followed and methods of chemical analyses used; and .11Ufe+ all technical data utilized in support of any conclusions drawn or determinations made. (2) the results of the predictive calculations or modeling, including a copy of the calculations or model runs and all supporting technical data, used in the demonstration required in Paragraph (c)(2)(A) of Rule .0106; and (3) the proposed methodology and timetable associated with the EesteEatiea-ef-§FettRawateF-~ttalitycorrective action for those situations identified in Paragraphs ( c) ( 1 ) and (c)(2)(B) of Rule .0106. (b) The report shall be prepared under the responsible charge of a Professional Engineer or Licensed Geologist and bear the seal of the same as specified in Rule .0106{c){2)CB). History Note: Statutory Authority G.S. 143-215.1(b); 143-215.3(a)(1); 143-215.65; 143B-282; Eff. August 1, 1989. Amended Eff. 15A NCAC 2L .0112 is proposed for amendment as follows: .0112 ANALYTICAL PROCEDURES Tests or analytical procedures to determine compliance or noncompliance with the wate~ g roundwater quality standards established in Rule .0202 of this Subchapter will be in accordance with: ( 1 ) (2) The following methods or procedures for substances where the selected method or procedure provides a method detection limit value at or less than the standard: (a) Standard methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, t6th 17th Edition, t985 1989, including any subseq uent amendments and editions published jointly by American Public Health Association, American Water Works Association and Water Pollution Control Federation; . (b) Methods for Chemical Analysis of Water and Waste, 1979, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency publication number EPA-600/4-79-020, as revised March 1983; (c) Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Wastes: Physical/Chemical Methods, 3rd Edition, 1986, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency publication number SW-846; (d) Test Procedures for the Analysis of Pollutants Under the Cl _ean Water Act, Federal Register Vol. 49, No. 209, 40 CFR Part 136, October 26, 1984; (e) Methods or procedures approved by letter from the Director upon application by the regulated source. A method or procedure approved by the Director for substances where the standard is less than the l:i:m:i:t-ei aeteetae:i:l:i:ty p ractical g uantitation level. History Note: Statutory Authority G.S. 143-215.3(a)(1); 143B-282; Eff. August 1, 1989 Amended Eff. 15A NCAC 2L .0113 is proposed for amendment as follows: .0113 VARIANCE (a) The Commission, on its own initiative or pursuant to a request under G.S. 143-215.3(e), may grant variances to wateF ~aality-staRaaFas-aRa-tae-eempliaRee-heaRaaFyT the rules of this Subchap ter. PeFseRs-sah~eet-te-tke-pFevisieRs-ei-GTBT-+3GA-294 may-apply-ieF-a-vaFiaRee-aRaeF-tkis-SeetieRT (b) Requests for variances are filed by letter from the applicant to the Environmental Management Commission. The application should be mailed to the chairman of the Commission in care of the Director, Division of Environmental Management, Post Office Box 2~68~7 29535 Raleigh, N.C. ~~6++ 27626-0535. (c) The application should contain the following information: (1) Applications filed by counties or municipalities must include a resolution of the County Board of Commissioners or the governing board of the municipality requesting the variance from wateF g roundwater quality standards which apply to the area for which the variance is requested. (2) A description of the past, existing or proposed activities or operations that have or would result in a discharge of contaminants to the groundwaters. (3) Description of the proposed area for which a variance is requested. A detailed location map, showing the orientation of the facility, potential for groundwater contaminant migration, as well as the area covered by the variance request, with reference to at least two geographic references (numbered roads, named streams/rivers, etc.) must be included. (4) Supporting information to establish that the variance will not endanger the public health and safety, including health and environmental effects from exposure to the groundwater contaminants. (Location of wells and other water supply sources including details of well construction within 1 /2 mile of site must be shown on a map) . (5) Supporting information to establish that standards cannot be achieved by providing the best available technology economically reasonable. This information must identify specific technology considered, changes in quality of the contaminant plume· as demonstrated through predictive calculations appFevea --ey --the 9iFeeteF, and technological constraints which limit g roundwater q uality restoration to the level of the standard. (6) Supporting information to establish that compliance would produce serious hardship on the applicant. (7) Supporting information that compliance would produce serious hardship without equal or greater public benefit. (8) A copy of any Special Order that was issued in connection with the contaminants in the proposed area and supporting information that applicant has complied with the Special Order. (9) A list of the names and addresses of any property owners within the proposed area of the variance as well as any property owners adjacent to the site covered by the variance. {d) Upon receipt of the application, the Director will review it for completeness and request additional information if necessary. When the applica"tion is complete, the Director shall give public notice of the application and schedule the matter for a public hearing in accordance with G. S. 143-21 5. 4 ( b) and the procedures set out &e±ew in Parag rap h (e ) of this Rule. (e) Notice of Public Hearing. (1) Notice of public hearing on any variance application shall be circulated in the geographical areas of the proposed variance by the Director at least 30 days prior to the date of the hearing: (A) by publishing the notice one time in a newspaper having general circulation in said county; (B) by mailing to the North Carolina Department of H~maa Environment , Heal th , and Natural Resources, Divi•ion of Hea±th-SeFviees7 Environmental Health and appropriate local health agency; (C) by mailing to any other federal, state or local agency upon request; (D) by mailing to the local governmental unit or units having jurisdiction over the geographic area covered by the variance; (E) by mailing to any property owner within the proposed area of the variance, as well as any property owners adjacent to the site covered by the variance; and (F) by mailing to any person or group upon request. (2) The contents of public notice of any hearing shall include at least the following: (A) name, address, and phone number of agency holding the public hearing; (B) name and address of each applicant whose application will be considered at the meeting; (C) brief summary of the proposed standard variance or modification of the perimeter of compliance being requested; (D) geographic description of a proposed area for which a variance is requested; (E) brief description of the acti"vities or operations which have or will result in the discharge of contaminants to the groundwaters described in the variance application; (F) a brief reference to the public notice issued for each variance application; (G) information regarding the time and location for the hearing; (H) the purpose of the hearing; (I) address and phone number of premises at which interested persons may obtain further information, request a copy of each application, and inspect and copy forms and related documents; and (J) a brief description of the nature of the hearing including the rules and procedures to be followed. The notice shall also state that additional information is on file with the Director and may be inspected at any time during normal working hours. Copies of the information on file will be made available upon request and payment of cost or reproduction. (f) All comments received within 30 days following the date of the public hearing shall be made part of the application file and shall be considered by the Commission prior to taking final action on the application. (g) In determining whether to grant a variance, the Commission shall consider whether the applicant has complied with any Special Order, or Special Order by Consent issued under G.S. 143-215.2. (h) If the Commission's final decision is unacceptable, the applicant may file a petition for a contested case in accordance with Chapter 150B of the General Statutes. If the petition is not filed within 60 days, the decision on the variance shall be final and binding. (i) A variance shall not operate on a defense to an action at law based upon a public or private nuisance theory or any other cause of action. History Note: Statutory Authority G.S. 143-215.3(a)(1); 143-215.3(a)(3); 143-215.3(a)(4); 143-215.3(e); 143-215.4; Eff. August 1, 1989. Amended Eff. 15A NCAC 2L .0114 is proposed for adoption as follows: .0114 NOTIFICATION REQUIREMENTS (a) Any person subject to the requirements of Rule .0106(c)(1) of this Subchapter shall submit to the Health Director of the county or counties. and the chief administrative officer of the political jurisdiction in ·which the groundwater contamination has occurred, a report that describes: (1) The area extent of the contaminant plume; (2) The chemical constituents in the groundwater which exceed the standards described in Rule . 0202 of this Subchapter; (3) Actions taken and intended to mitigate threats to human health; (4) The location of any wells installed for the purpose of monitoring the contaminant plume and the frequency of sampling.· The report described in this Rule shall be submitted no later than five days after submittal of the completed report assessing the cause, significance and extent of the violation as required by Rule . 01 0 6 ( c ) . (b) Any person requesting from the Director an alternate cleanup level, approval of a natural remediation orogram or permission to terminate active groundwater remediation shall notify the Health Director of . the county or counties, and the chief administrative officer of · the political jurisdiction in which the contaminant plume occurs. and all property owners and all occupants within or contiguous to the area underlain by the pollution plume, and under which it is expected to migrate. of the nature of the request and reasons supporting it. Notification shall be made by certified mail concurrent with the submittal of the request to the Director. A final decision by the Director may not be made within 30 days of receipt of the request. ( c) Any person authorized by the Director to cleanup to an alternate cleanup level, rely on a natural remediation program or to terminate active groundwater remediation shall notify parties specified in Paragraph (b) of this Rule of the Director's decision. Notification shall be made by certified mail within 30 days of receipt of the Director's decision. History Note Statutory Authority G.S. 143-214.1; 143-215.3(a)(1); 143B-282(2)b; Eff. .0200 -CLASSIFICATIONS AND WATER QUALITY STANDARDS 15A NCAC 2L .0201 is proposed for amendment as follows: .0201 GROUNDWATER CLASSIFICATIONS The classifications which may be assigned to the will be those specified in the following classifications: groundwaters series of ( 1 ) ( 2 ) Class GA wateFs g roundwaters; usage and occurrence: (a) Best Usage. Existing or potential source of drinking water supply for humans. (b) Conditions Related to Best Usage. This class is intended for tho.se groundwaters in which chloride concentrations are equal to or less than 250 mg/1, and which are considered suitable for dr:i,nking in their natural state, but which may require treatment to improve quality related to natural conditions. (c) Occurrence. In the saturated zone. Class GSA wateFs g roundwaters; usage and occurrence: (a) Best Usage. Existing or potential source of water supply for potable mineral water and conversion to fresh waters. (b) Conditions Related to Best Usage. This class is intended for those groundwaters in which the chloride concentrations due to natural conditions is in excess of 250 mg/1, but which otherwise may be considered suitable for use as potable water after treatment to reduce concentrations of naturally occurring substances. (c) Occurrence. In the saturated zone. (3) Class GC wateFs g roundwaters: usage and occurrence: (a) Best Usage. The best usag e of GC g roundwaters is as a SeHFee source of water supply for purposes other than drinking , including other domestic uses b y humans. (b) Conditions Related to Best Usage. This class includes those groundwaters that do not meet the quality criteria ei-wateFs-aaviag-a-aigaeF-elassiiieatiea for GA or GSA g roundwaters ef -wateFs -aaviag -a -aigaeF elassiiieatiea and for which efforts to FesteFe-ia-sitH te-a-aigaeF-elassiiieatiea imp rove g roundwater q uality would not be technologically feasible, or not in the best interest of the public. Continued consump tion of waters of this class b y humans could result in adverse health affects. (c) Occurrence. Groundwaters of this class ma y be defined IR-ehe-saeeFaeea-eeRe7 -as-aeeeFm~Red by the Commission on a case by case basis. History Note: Statutory Authority G.S. 143-214.1; 143B-282(2); Eff. June 10, 1979; Amended Eff. · August 1, 1989; September 1, 1984; December 30, 1983. 15A NCAC 2L .0202 is proposed for amendment as follows: .0202 WA!l'ER GROUNDWATER QUALITY STANDARDS (a) The wateF g roundwater quality standards for the p rotection of the groundwaters of the state are those specified in this Rule. They are the maximum allowable concentrations resulting from any discharge of contaminants to the land or waters of the state, which may be tolerated without creating a threat to human health or which would otherwise render the groundwater unsuitable for its intended best usage. WheFe -gFe1::1aawateF -EJ1::1al:i:ty -staaaaFEls -have aees-exeeeaea-a1::1e-te-maa~s-aet:i:v:i:t:i:es7 -FesteFat:i:ea-effeFts-shall ae -ees:i:gaea -te -FesteFe -gFe'tlaewateF -EJ1::1al:i:ty -te -the -level -ef -the staaeaFe-eF-as-elesely-theFete-as-:i:s-pFaet:i:eaaleT (b) The max:i:m1::1m-allewaale-eeaeeatFat:i:eas g roundwater q uality standards for contaminants specified in Paragraphs (g) and (h) of this Rule shall be as listed, except that: (1) Where the max:i:m~m-allewaale-eeaeeatFat:i:ea-ei standard for a substance is less than the l:i:m:i:t-ei-eeteetaa:i:l:i:ty p ractical g uantitation limit, the s1::1astaaee-shall-aet ae-peFm:i:ttee~:i:a-aeteetaale-eeaeeatFat:i:easT detection of that substance at or above the p ractical g uantitation limit shall constitute a violation of the standard. (2) Where two or more substances exist in combination, the Director shall consider the effects of chemical interactions as determined b y the Di vision of Ep idemiology and may establish maximum concentrations at values less than those established in accordance with Paragraphs ( c) and ( g) of this Rule. In the absence of information to the contrary, the carcinogenic risks associated with carcinogens present shall be considered additive and the toxic effects associated with non-carcinogens present shall also be considered additive. (3) Where naturally occurring substances exceed the established standard, the standard will be the naturally occurring concentration as determined by the Director. (c) Exce p t for tracers used in concentrations which have been determined b y the Di vision of Ep idemiology to be p rotective of human health , and the use of which has been p ermitted b y the Division , S1::1astaaees substances which are not naturally occurring and for which no standard is specified shall not be permitted in detectable concentrations in Class GA or Class GSA groundwaters. Any person may petition the Director to establish an interim maximum allowable concentration for an unspecified substance, however, the burden of demonstrating those concentrations of the substance which correspond to the levels described in Paragraph (d) of this Rule rests with the petitioner. The petitioner shall submit all toxicological and epidemiological data, study results, and calculations necessary to establish a standard in accordance with the procedure prescribed in Paragraph ( d) of this Rule. Within three months after the establishment of an interim maximum allowable concentration for a substance by the Director, the Director shall initiate action to consider adoption of a standard for that substance. ( d) MaKi°Rll:lR\--allewaele --eeaeeRtE"at:i:eas Groundwater q uality standards for substances in Class GA and Class GSA wa~ePs g roundwaters are established as the lesser of: (1) Systemic threshold concentration calculated as follows: [Reference Dose (mg/kg/day) x 70 kg (adult body weight) x Relative Source Contribution (.10 for inorganics; .20 for organics)] / [2 liters/day (avg. water consumption)]; (2) Concentration which correspo~gs to an incremental lifetime cancer risk of 1x10 ; (3) Taste threshold limit value; (4) Odor threshold limit value; (5) Maximum contaminant level; or (6). National secondary drinking water standard. (e) The following references, in order of preference, shall be used in establishing concentrations of substances which correspond to levels described in Paragraph (d) of this Rule. (1) Integrated Risk Information System· (U.S. EPA). (2) Health Advisories (U.S. EPA Office of Drinking Water). (3) Other health risk assessment data published by U.S. EPA. (4) Other appropriate, published health risk assessment data. (f) WatePGroundwater quality standards specified in Paragraphs (g) and (h) of this Rule and interim maximum allowable concentrations established pursuant to Paragraph (c) of this Rule shall be reviewed on a biennial basis. Appropriate modifications to established standards will be made in accordance with the procedure prescribed in Paragraph (d) of this Rule where modifications are considered appropriate based on data published subsequent to the previous review. (g) Class GA Standards. Where not otherwise indicated, the standard refers to the total concentration in milligrams per liter of any constituent in a dissolved , colloidal or -particulate form which is mobile in g roundwater. This does not a ppl y to sediment or other p articulate matter which is p reserved in a g roundwater samp le as a result of well construction or samp ling p rocedures. (1 ) acetone: 0.7 illfll acrylamide (propenamide): 0.00001 ..{.JJJ2l arsenic: 0.05 illf3l barium: i~o 2.0 .. LalJ4l benzene: 0.001 illf5l broinoform (tribromomethane): 0.00019 ill..f6l cadmium: 0.005 .illf+t carbofuran: 0.036 1.2.lf8t carbon tetrachlorid~S 0.0003 1.1.Qlf9t chlordane: 2.7 x 10 illlf+8t chloride: 250.0 1..11lf++t chlorobenzene: 8.3 0.05 1.1.llf+2t chloroform (trichloromethane): 0.00019 .1.li.lft3t 2-chlorophenol: 0.0001 .L.lllft4t chromium: 0.05 ilfil_ft6t cis-1,2-dichloroethene: 0.07 11.llf+6t coliform organisms (total): 1 per 100 milliliters 1.lllf++t color: 15 color units 1.12.l.f+Bt copper: 1.0 il.Qlf+9t cyanide: 0.154 1.llif~Q+ 2, 4-D (2,4-dichlorophenoxy acetic ac!g): 0.07 1.111.f~+t 1,2-dibromo-3-chloropropane: 2.5 x 10 ) illlf22t dichlorodifluoromethane (Freon-12; Halon): Q.988+9 1.4 (24 ) 1 .1 dichloroethane: 0.7 .illlf23t 1,2-dichloroethane (ethylene dichloride): 0.00038 il.§.l.f24t 1,1-dichloroethylene (vinylidene chloride}: 0.007 i.11..lf25t 1,2-dichloropropane: 0.00056 (28 ) di-n-but y l (or dibut y l ) p hthalate (DBP ): 0.7 (29 ) diethy l p hthalate (DEP ): 5.0 (30 ) di (2-ethy lhexy l ) p hthalate (OEHP ): 0.003 ill.lf26t p-dioxane (1,4-d!rohylene dioxide): 0.007 1.illf2+t dioxin: 2.2 x 10 .illlf28t dissolved solids (total): 500 il.!lf29t endrin: Q.9QQ2 0.002 1.illf38t epichlorohydrin (1-chloro-2,3-epoxypropane): 0.00354 .Ll..§lf3+t ethylbenzene: 0.029 illlf32t ethylene_9ibromide (EDB; 1,2-dibromoethane): Q.85-x-+Q=~ 4.0 X 10 Jlil.f33t ethylene glycol: 7.0 il2.lf34t fluoride €leaFiae: 2.0 ..l!Qlf35t foaming agents: 0.5 1ill.f36t gross alpha (adjusted)particle activity (iRelaaiR§ Faaiam-226-eat excluding FaaeR radium-226 and uranium): 15 pCi/1 _5 _6 1..!1.lf3+t heptachlor: +.6-x-tQ--8.0 x_5o _6 illlf38t heptachlor epoxide: 3.8-K-+8--4.0 x 10 (44 ) hep tane: 2.1 1.illf39t hexachlorobenzene (perchlorobenzene): 0.00002 1.!.§lf49t n-hexane: +4.3 0.42 · ill.lf4+t iron: 0.3 ilfilf42t lead: Q.85 0.015 _5 4 iill.f43t lindane: 2.65-K-+8--2.0 x 10- .ill..lf44t manganese: 0.05 i2.1.lf45t mercury: 0.0011 121.lf46t metadichlorobenzene (1,3-dichlorobenzene): 0.62 i2.llf4+t methoxychlor: Q.t 0.035 J.ill..f48t methylene chlo!ide (dichloromethane): 0.005 l..illf49t methyl ethyl ketone (MEK; 2-butanone): 0.17 1..llif59t methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE ): 0.2 ifilf54t nickel: 8.45 ~ l..2filf5~t nitrate: (as N) 10.0 ~f5at nitrite: (as N) 1.0 12.Qlf54t orthodichlorobenzene (1,2-dichlorobenzene): 0.62 ill.lf55t oxamyl: 0.175 1.§1lf56t paradichlorobenzene (1,4-dichlorobenzene): 8.8848 0.075 1.&..ll.f5+t pentachlorophenol: 8.~~ 0.0003 il!J..f58t pH: 6.5 -8.5 ~f59t radium-226 and radium-228 (combined): 5 pCi/1 1§.§lf68t selenium: 8.84 0.05 1§.1lf64t silver: 8.95 0.018 1filti.f6~t styrene (ethenylbenzene): 4.4-K-48~ .Q..J. 1§.2.lf6at sulfate: 250.0 11.Qlf64t tetrachloroethylene (perchloroethylene; PCE): 0.0007 ill.lf65t toluene (methylbenz~ge): 1.0 ill.lf66t toxaphene: 3.1 x 10 . ..Llllf6+t 2, 4, 5,-TP (Silvex): Q.84 0.05 .11.!lf68-}-trans-1,2-dichloroethene: 0.07 illlf69t 1,1,1-trichloroethane (methyl chloroform): 0.2 11.§lf+Gt trichloroethylene (TCE): 0.0028 (77 ) trichlorofluoromethane: 2.1 _5 .!BUf~lt vinyl chloride (chloroethylene): 1.5 x 10 .i.lilf+~t xylenes (o-, m-, and p-): 8.4 0.53 J .. §.Q.1.f~a-}-zinc: 5.8 2.1 (h) Class GSA Standards. The standards for this class shall be the same as those for Class GA except as follows: (1) chloride: allowable increase not to exceed 100 percent of the natural quality concentration. (2) total dissolved solids: 1000 mg/1. (i) · Class GC waters. (1) The concentrations of substances which, at the time of classification exceed wateF-~eality-staeaaFas 7 the standards a pplicable to Class GA or GSA g roundwaters shall not be permittea caused to increase , nor shall the concentrations of other substances be caused to exceed the GA or GSA standards as a result of further dis p osal of contaminants to or beneath the surface of the land within the boundary of the area classified GC. FeF-all-etheF-seestaeees7 -eeaeeetratieas-shall-eet-ee eaesea-eF-permittea-te-eKeeea-the-estaelishea-staaaaFa. (2) The concentrations of substances which, at the time of classification, exceed water-~eality-staHaaFas-shall aet-eaese-eF-eeatrieate-te-the-eeHtraveatiea-ei the standards a pplicable to GA or GSA g roundwaters shall not be caused to mi g rate as a result -of activities within the boundary of the GC classification , so as to violate the groundwater or surface water quality standards in adjoining waters of a ·different class. (3) Concentrations of specific substances, which exceed the established standard at the time of classification, shall be listed in Section .0300 of this Subchapter. History Note: Statutory Authority Eff. June 10, 1979; G.S. 143-214.1; 143B-282(2); Amended Eff. ____ _,__· September 1, 1992; August 1, 1989; September 1, 1984; December 30, 1983. PROPOSED RULES (5) February 1, 1986; (6) August 3, 1992-:_; ffi December .L. 1993. (d) The Schedule of Classifications and Water Quality Standards for the Broad River Basin was amended effective August 3, 1992 with the reclas- sification of all water supply waters (waters with a primary classification of WS-1, WS-II or WS- III). These waters were reclassified to WS-1, WS- 11, WS-ill, WS-IV or WS-V as defined in the revised water supply protection rules, (ISA NCAC 2B .0100, .0200 and .0300) which became effec- tive on August 3, 1992. In some cases, streams with primary classifications other than WS were reclassified to a WS classification due to their proximity and linkage to water supply waters. In other cases, waters were reclassified from a WS classification to an alternate appropriate primary classification after being identified as downstream of a water supply intake or identified as not being used for water supply purposes. ~ The Schedule of Classifications and Water Quality Standards for the Broad River Basin ™ amended effective December .L. 1993 M follows: Sandy Run Creek (Index No. 9-46) and all tribu- taries from ~ to ! point 1.4 miles u pstream from Cleveland County SR 1003 ~ reclassified from Class C to Class WS-II and WS-II CA. Statutory Authority G. S. I 43-214. I; I 43-215.1; 143-215.3(a)(J). ****************** Notice is hereby given in accordance with G. S. I 50B-21. 2 that the EHNR -Division of Environ- mental Management intends to adopt rule cited as 15A NCAC 2L .OJ 14and amend rules cited as 15A NCAC 2L .0102 -.0104; .0106 -.0107,· .0109 - .0113; .0201 -.0202. The proposed effective date of this action is September I, 1993. The public hearings will be conducted at 7:00 p. m. on the following dates and locations: 7:24 April 1, 1993 Onslow County Courthouse Old Courthouse 625 Court Street Jacksonville, N. C. NORTH CAROLINA REGISTER Aprils, 1993 Martin County Community College College Auditorium Kehukee Park Road Williamston, N. C. April 7, 1993 Ground Floor Hearing Room Archdale Building 512 N. Salisbury St. Raleigh, N. C. April 20, 1993 Rowan-Cabarrus Community College Teaching Auditorium Jake Alexander Blvd. and /-85 Salisbury, N. C. April 21, 1993 UNC-ASHEV/UE Carmi.chael Lecture Hall 1 University Heights Asheville, N. C. Reason for Proposed Action: The proposed amendments to 15A NCAC 2L will amend the Groundwater Classifications and Standards regard- ing policy, RS designation, corrective actiqn, compliance boundary, delegation, monitoring, reports, variance, groundwater classifications, and water quality standards. The adoption of 15A NCA C 2.L . OJ 14 will establish notification require- ments under thi.s Subchapter. Comment Procedures: Notice is hereby given of a series of public hearings to be held by the Division of Environmental Management, on behalf of the Environmental Management Commission (EMC), to consider amendments to 15A NCAC 2L, Groundwater Classification and Standards. The purpose of the proposed amendments is to improve the processes required to be followed in cleaning up groundwater contamination and proyiding protection for groundwater that is being used, or may potentially be used for drinking water. To accomplish thi.s objective, definitions have been added, some clean up activities have been restrict- ed to persons licensed by professional boards, and requirements for designation of RS (Restricted) groundwaters are clarified and extended to include monitoring and notice requirements. Corrective action requirements are rewritten to include mini- mum cleanup requirements, information that must March 15, 1993 2668 PROPOSED RULES be included in cleanup plans, requirements for the use of best available technology, procedures for requesting alternative cleanup levels, and provi- sions that would allow for the natural degradation of contaminants when evidence is submitted that this cleanup approach can be effective and is protective of groundwater that is or may be used for drinking water. In addition, revisions are proposed in the compliance boundary rule that would exempt small residential ground absorption system$ from water well location restrictions and compliance boundary requirements, and that would maintain consistency with new rules for the permit- ting of agricultural waste management sites. Other proposed rule changes include requirements for providing notice of corrective action to the Health Director in the County where a contamina- tion plume has occurred, and the addition and revision of standards to incorporate recent toxico- logical knowledge. In aeveioping the{:e '!"ules.-concern was expressed that considerable judgement must be exercised in enforcement regarding the determination of the impact of contamination on groundwater that may be a potential source of drinking water. Consider- ation was also given to the use of Maximum Contaminate Levels (MCLs) for cleanup standards instead of continuing the use of Groundwater Standards for both groundwater protection and contaminate cleanup. Comments were received regarding the adequacy of requirements for notice to parties that might be impacted by a proposed cleanup activity. In addition, comments were also received regarding the decision-making criteria the Director must use in approving cleanup plans. The EMC is interested in all comments from the public or interested parties regarding the proposed amendments and alternatives to these amendments and is panicularly interested in comments and public opinion regarding the impact of these rule changes on the use of groundwater as existing or potential sources of drinking water for public or private use. THESE PROPOSED AMENDMENTS REPRESENT A SIGNIFICANT CHANGE FROM PRESENT PRACflCE SINCE THEY WOUW NOT ALWAYS REQUIRE THE APPLICATION OF BEST AVAIL- ABLE TECHNOLOGY TO RESTORE GROUND- WATER TO THE LEVEL OF THE STANDARD. NEW APPROACHES PROPOSED INCLUDE THE USE OF ALTERNATIVE CLEANUP LEVELS AND NATVRAL REMEDIATION PROCESSES WHEN THESE PROCESSES ARE DETERMINED BY THE DIVISION TO BE PROTECflVE OF PUBLIC HEALTH. IT IS VERY IMPORTANT THAT All INTERESTED AND POTENTIAILY AFFECTED PERSONS OR PARTIES MAKE THEIR VIEWS AND OPINIONS KNOWN. preferably in writing, TO THE EMC WHETHER THEY ARE IN FAVOR OR OPPOSED TO ANY OR ALL OF THE PROPOSED AMEND- MENTS TO THE GROUNDWATER CLASSIFICA- TION AND STANDARDS. PUBUC COMMENT IS VITALLYIMPORTANTBECAUSETHEEMCMAY ADOPT MORE OR LESS STRINGENT AMEND- MENTS IF THE EMC DETERMINES THAT THE FINAL ADOPTED RULES ARE A LOGICAL OUTGROWTH OF THE NOTICE AND PUBLIC COMMENT. All persons interested in these matters are invited to attend the public hearings noticed herein. Written comments may be presented at the public hearing or submitted through April 23, 1993. Please submit comments to Mr. David Hance , Division of Environmental Management, Ground- water Section, P. 0. Box 29535, Raleigh, NC 27626-0535, (919) 733-3221. Please notify Mr. Hance prior to the public hear- ing if you desire to speak. Oral presentation lengths may be limited depending on the number of people that wish to speak at the public hearing. Oral presentations greater than three minutes in length are requested to be submitted in writing. CHAPTER 2 -ENVIRONMENT AL MANAGEl\llENT SUBCHAPTER 2L -GROUNDWATER CLASSIFICATION AND STANDARDS SECTION .0100 -GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS .0102 DEFINITIONS The definition of any word or phrase used in these rules shall be the same as given in G.S. 143- 212 and G.S. 143-213 except that the following words and phrases shall have the following mean- ings: (1) "Bedrock" means any consolidated rock encountered in the place in which it was formed or deposited and which cannot be readily excavated without the use of explosives or power equipment. 2669 7:24 NORTH CAROLINA REGISTER March 15, 1993 (2) (3) ill ill m. ill) ill} ill} 7:24 PROPOSED RULES "Commission" means the Environmental Management Commission as organized under Chapter 143B of the General Stat- utes. "Compliance boundary" means a bound- ary around a disposal system at and beyond which Wfttef-groundwater quality standards may not be exceeded and only applies to facilities which have received a permit issued under the authority of G.S. 143-215.1 QI~ LlQA. , er fer eispesal systems peffflitted by the Depftft tBent ef HtuHan R-eseurees. "Corrective action plan" ~ !! plan for eliminating sources of groundwater £Q!!:. tamination and achievin g groundwater quality restoration QI both. A corrective action plan may propose remediation !2Y the degradation and natural attenuation of contaminants ~ well ~ !2Y conventional or innovative technolo gi es. ~ "Director" means Director of the Division of Env_ironmental Management. "Division" ~ the Division of Envi- ronmental Management. "Exposure pathway" means !! ~ taken !2Y ~ contaminant !2Y way of !! trans port medium after its release to the environment. "Free product" ~ !! non-aqueous phase liquid which may collect Q9 the water table, within the saturated ™ QI in surface water. ~ "Fresh groundwaters" means those groundwaters having a chloride concen- tration equal to or less than 250 milli- grams per liter. ~ "Groundwaters" means those waters in the saturated zone of the earth. ~ "Hazardous substance" means any substance as defined by Section 101(14) of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA). "Licensed geologist" means ~ person who has been duly licensed ~ ~ geologist in accordance with the requirements of G.S. 89E. "Natural remedial processes" means those natural p rocesses acting to restore groundwater quality, includin g dilution , filtration . sorption, ion-exchan ge . chemi- cal transformation and biodegradation. "Practical Ouantitation Level" ~ the lowest guantitation level of~ given mate- NORTH CAROLINA REGISTER .(1fil ill} ill} (20) ill) rial that £@ be ·reliably achieved among laboratories within the s pecified limits of precision and accuracv of a given analyti- cal method during routine laboratory operating conditions. "Limit ef Deteetebility" means the meth ea eeteetien limit establisbee fer the U.S. EPA appre:Yed test preeeeure 1n•eYitii1tg the le•.;rest methea aeteetiefl limit far the substa.eee beiflg mefliteree. ~-"Natural conditions" means the physi- cal, biological, chemical and radiological conditions which occur naturally. ~ "Potable waters" means those waters suitable for drinking, by humans. "Professional Engineer"-~ ~ person who has been duly registered and li- censed ~ ~ professional engineer in accordance with the r eq uirements ofG.S. 89C. "Receptor" ~ ID!Y groundwater . surface water, human, or structure. other than~ monitoring well, which i§. Q! may be affected !2Y ~ contaminant from ! contaminated site. "Res ponsible ~ ~ ! . person who i§. wholly QI partially responsible for actions causing QI £Qn: tributing to the violation of groundwater quality standards , ! subsequent purchaser of property which i§. the ~ of groundwater quality standard violations and who p urchased the property with knowledge of the contamination . or an adjoining property ~ who ob- structs the im plementation of corrective action that would prevent further £Qn: tamination. fH1 "Review boundary" means a bound- ary around a permitted disposal facility, midway between a waste boundary and a compliance boundary at which groundwa- ter monitoring is required. ~ "Saline groundwaters" means those groundwaters having a chloride concen- tration of more than 250 mg/I. ~ "Saturated zone" means that part of the subsurface below the water table in which all the interconnected voids are filled with water under pressure at or greater than atmospheric. It does not include the capillary fringe. fl4, "Suitable for drinking" means a quality of water which does not contain March 15, 1993 2670 PROPOSED RULES substances in concentrations which, either singularly or in combination if ingested into the human body, may cause death, disease, behavioral abnormalities, congenital defects, genetic mutations, or result in an incremental lifetime cancer risk in excess of lxl0·6, or render the water unacceptable due to aesthetic quali- ties, including taste, odor or appearance. (24) "Time of travel" ~ the time required for contaminants in groundwater to ~ ! unit distance. (25) ~"Waste boundary" means the perime- ter of the permitted waste disposal area. (26) ~ "Water table" means the surface of the saturated zone below which all inter- connected voids are filled with water and at which the pressure is atmospheric. Statutory Authority G.S. 143-214.1; 143-215; 143B-282. .0103 POLICY (a) The rules established in this Subchapter are intended to maintain and preserve the quality of the groundwaters, prevent and abate pollution and contamination of the waters of the state, protect public health, and permit management of the groundwaters for their best usage by the citizens of North Carolina. It is the policy of the Commis- sion that the best usage of the groundwaters of the state is as a source of drinking water. These groundwaters generally are a potable source of drinking water without the necessity of significant treatment. It is the intent of these Rules to protect the overall high quality of North Carolina's groundwaters eeEl te ee:heeee MtEl restere the q1ui:l.if)1 of ElegraeeEl gretteElv.reters to the level established by the standards-:-and to enhance and restore the quality of de!!raded groundwaters where feasible and necessaxy to protect human health and the environment. or to ensure their suitabilitv as~ future~ of drinking water. (b) It is the intention of the Commission to protect all groundwaters to a level of quality at least as high as that required under the standards established in Rule .0202 of this Subchapter. In keeping with the policy of the Commission to protect, maintain, and enhance groundwater quality within the State of North Carolina, the Commis- sion will not approve any disposal system subject to the provisions of G.S. 143-215. l which would result in: (1) the significant degradation of groundwaters of which the existing quality is better than the assigned stan- dard, unless found to be economically and socially justifiable, or (2) a violation of a weter groundwater quality standard beyond tee l:lettatleries ef tee propet'ty Oft whieb tee S8Hf'ee of poHtttiee is loeeteEl, er ~ designated compliance boundary. or (3) the impairment of existing groundwater uses or an adverse impact on the public health, safety or welfare. (c) Violations of groundwater quality standards resulting from groundwater withdrawals which are in compliance with water use permits issued pursuant to G.S. 143-215.15, shall not be subject to the corrective action requirements of Rule .0106 of this Subchapter. (d) No person shall conduct or cause to be conducted, any activity which causes the concen- tration of any substance to exceed that specified in Rule .0202 of this Subchapter, except as autho- rized by the rules of this Subchapter. {!tl Work performed pursuant to the rules of this Subchapter which involves site assessment, the interpretation of subsurface geologic conditions, preparation of conceptual corrective action plans QI any work requiring detailed technical knowledge of site conditions which ~ submitted !,Q the Director. shall be performed ~ persons, firms or profes- sional corporations who are duly licensed to offer geological .QI engineering services .Qj'. the appropri- ate occupational licensing board. Work which involves design of remedial systems or specialized construction techniques shall be performed ~ persons, firms or professional corporations who ~ duly licensed to offer engineering services. Corporations that ~ authorized ~ law to perform engineering or geological services and ~ exempt from the Professional Corporation Act, G.S. 55B, may perform these services. Statutory Authority G.S. 143-214. I; 143-214.2; 143-215.3(e); 143-215.3(a)(1); 143B-282. .0104 RESTRICTED DESIGNATION (RS) (a) The Director is authorized to designate GA or GSA groundwaters as RS under any of the following circumstances: (l) Where, as a result of man's activities, groundwaters contain concentrations of substances in excess of the groundwater quality standards established under this Subchapter, and remeEliel termination of corrective action to restore groundwater quality has been reqHireEl, er approved 2671 7:24 NORTH CAROLINA REGISTER March 15, 1993 PROPOSED RULES .QY the Director . Q! where the Director has approved .!! corrective action plan, Q! alternate cleanup levels, relying solely Q! in part upon natural remedial processes and, in either case, the groundwaters £@ be made potable ~ using readily available and economical- ly reasonable technology. (2) Where a statutory variance has been granted as provided in Rule .0113 of this Subchapter. ill Where the rn im pacted !§ served ~ .!! public water system. !hl Groundwaters occurrin g within ill! rn defined ID'. .!! com pliance boundary in .!! waste disposal permit fil deemed to be desi gnated RS. .@~ The RS designation serves as a warning that groundwater so designated may not be suitable for use as a drinking water supply without signifi- cant treatment. The boundaries of areas designat- ed RS may be approximated in the absence of analytical data sufficient to define the e~eet ef groltBEh¥atef Elegfaeatiee. dimension of the area. at right angles to the direction of groundwater flow, into which the contaminants have the potential to migrate. The designation is temporary and will be removed by the Director upon a determination that the quality of the groundwater so designated has been restored to the level of the applicable stan- dards or when reclassified.:.GG:- .. @ The person res ponsible for groundwater contamination leading to the RS desi gnation shall establish and im plement ~ groundwater monitorin g system sufficient to detect changes in groundwater quality within the desi gnated rn.,_ Monitorin g shall be continued periodically until the applicable groundwater quality standards have been achieved. If during the monitoring period, contaminant concentrations increase . additional remedial action may be required, as determined .QY the Director. @ The Division shall give public notice in accordance with the followin g requirements of the intent to desi gnate .!!!!Y groundwater RS except those defined in Paragraph .(hl of this Rule: ill Notice shall be published ~ time in .!! newspaper having general circulation in the geographic rn of the RS designa- tion fil least 30 days prior to .!!DY pro- posed final action. In addition , notice shall be provided to the local County Health Director and the chief adminis- trative officer of the political jurisdic- tion in which the contamination occurs. ill The notice shall set forth at least the followin g: 7:24 NORTH CAROLINA REGISTER !Al name, address, and phone number of the agency issuing the public notice; !ID the location and extent of the desig- nated area: .{g .!! brief descri ption of the action Q! actions which ·resulted in the degrada- tion of groundwater in _ the area: ill} actions Q! intended actions taken to restore groundwater quality: !fil the si gnificance of the RS desi gnation : ID conditions applicable to removal of the -RS desi gnation: fill address and phone number of the state agency premises !!! which interested parties may obtain further informa- tion . ill The Director shall consider all requests for .!! public hearing, and if he deter- mines that there !§ si gnificant public interest he shall issue public notice and hold .!! public hearing in accordance with G.S 143-215.4(b) and .0113{e) of this Rule . Statutory Authority G.S. 143-214. 1; 143- 215.J(a)(l); 143B-282(2). .0106 CORRECTIVE ACTION (a) The gea:l ef aetiens taken te fCStefC gfelt&EI Wfttef E!l¼a:lity shell ee FeSteffttiee te the le¥el ef the stenaards, ef as elese thefete as is eeenemieeHy eeEI teehoelegiea:lly feesiele. Where groundwater quality has been degraded . the goal of .!!!!Y ~ quired corrective action shall be restoration to the level of the groundwater quality standards speci- fied in Rule .0202 of this Subchaoter, or as closely thereto .!!§. !§. economically and technologicall y feasible. (b) Any person conducting or controlling an activity which results in the discharge of a waste or hazardous substance or oil to the groundwaters of the State, or in proximity thereto, shall take immediate action to terminate and control the discharge, mitigate any hazards resulting from exposure to the pollutants and notify the Depart ment Division of the discharge. (c) Any person conducting or controlling an activity which results in an increase in the concen- tration of a substance in excess of the groundwater standard: ( I) as the result of activities, other than agricultural operations, not permitted by the S~tate, shall immediately notify the Division of the increases ; take prompt action to eliminate the ~ or March 15, 1993 2672 PROPOSED RULES sources of contamination : submit ;! report to the Director assessmg the cause, significance and extent of the violation; and submit a im plement lID. approved corrective action plan ll8e sehedule. fer eliminating the souree of eon~amiBlltion ane for restoration of groundwater quality~ ana implement llB llJ!'J!'fOYee plan in accordance with a schedule established by the Director, Q! his designee. In establishing a schedule the Director, Q! his designee shall consider any reasonable schedule pro- posed by the person submitting the plan. A report shall be made to the Health Director of the county or ™= ties in which the contamination ~ in accordance with the req uirements of Rule .0114(a) in this Subchapter. (2) as a result of activities conducted under the authority of a permit issued by the S§.tate, shall, where such concentrations are detected: (A) at or beyond a review boundary, demonstrate, through predictive calcu- lations or modeling, that natural site conditions, facility design and opera- tional controls will prevent a violation of standards at the compliance bound- ary; or submit a plan for alteration of existing site conditions, facility design or operational controls that will pre- vent a violation at the compliance boundary, and implement that plan upon its approval by the Director, or his designee. (B) at or beyond a compliance boundary, shall assess the cause, significance and extent of the violation of ground- water quality standards and submit the results of the investigation, a plan, and proposed schedule for greunewa ter quality restorlltion corrective action to the Director.,, or his designee. The permittee shall imple- ment the plan as approved by and in accordance with a schedule estab- lished by the Director,. Q! his designee. In establishing a schedule the Director,. or his designee shall consider any reasonable schedule proposed by the permittee. @ Corrective action required followin g discov- ~ of the unauthorized release of~ contaminant to the surface Q! subsurface of the land. and prior to Q! concurrent with the assessment required in Paragraph {£1 of this Rule. shall include, but i§. not limited to: ill .m Prevention of fire. explosion QI the spread of noxious fumes; Abatement . containment Q!: control of the mi gration of contaminants : ill Removal . QI treatment and control of any primary pollution ~ such ~ buried waste, waste stock piles or surficial accumulations of free products: @ Removal, treatment or control of ~ ondary pollution sources which would be l! potential continuing ~ · of pollutants to the groundwaters such as contaminated soils and non-aq ueous phase liquids. Contaminated soils which threaten the quality of groundwaters must be treated. con- tained Q! disposed of in accordance with applicable rules and procedures established ID'. the Division. The !n:fil:. ment or disposal of contaminated soils shall be conducted in l! manner that will not result in ~ violation of groundwater quality standards and North Carolina Hazardous Waste Management rules. {ru The site assessment conducted pursuant to the req uirements of Subparagraph ~ of this Rule. shall consider QI address: ill The ~ and cause of contamination ; ill Any imminent hazards to public health and safety and actions taken to mitigate them in accordance with Paragraph @ of this Rule; ill All groundwater rece ptors and signifi- cant exposure pathways; @ The horizontal and vertical extent of soil and groundwater contamination and all si gnificant factors affecting contami- ill nant trans port: and Geolo gical and hydro geolo gical features influencin g the movement. chemical. and physical character of the contami- nants. Reports of site assessments shall be submitted to the Division .@ soon ~ practicable Q! in accor- dance with ~ schedule established !2Y the Director, Q!: his desi gnee. In establishin g ~ schedule the Director, Q! his designee shall consider fil!Y rea- sonable proposal QY the person submittin g the report. ill Corrective action plans for restoration of groundwater quality, submitted pursuant to Para- graph 1£1 of this rule shall include: 2673 7:24 NORTH CAR.OLINA REGISTER March 15, 1993 t. PROPOSED RULES ill A descri ption of the proposed ~ tive action and reasons for its selection. ill Specific plans, including en gi neering details where applicable, for restorin g groundwater quality. ill A schedule for the im plementation and o peration of the proposed plan. ffi A monitoring plan for determinin g the effectiveness of the proposed corrective action and the movement of the contam- inant plume. ~ In the evaluation of corrective remeeiel action plans, the Director.., or his designee shall consider the extent of any violations, the extent of any threat to human health or safety, the extent of damage QI potential adverse impact to the environ- ment, technology available to accomplish restora- tion.1 8:ftEl the potential for degradation of the contaminants in the environment . the time and . costs estimated to achieve groundwater quality restoration , 8:ftEl the public and economic benefits to be derived from groundwater quality restora- tion-:-and the probable conseq uences of alternate actions. ® A corrective action plan must be im plement- ed using the best available technology for restora- tion of groundwater quality to the level of the groundwater quality standards specified in Rule .0202 of this Subcbapter unless: ill · fill alternate cleanup level bas been established ~ the Director pursuant to Paragraph ill of this Rule, QI... ill natural remediation has been approved ~ the Director in accordance with the provisions of Paragraph 00 of this Rule. ill An alternate cleanup level to .!! standard established in Rule .0202 of this Subchapter ™ be approved ~ the Director jf sufficient informa- tion .!§ presented to support ! determination ~ the Director that: ill an alternate cleanup level will be pro- tective of human health and the envi- ronment based Q!! evidence that the contaminant will not adversel y impact any existing Q! foreseeable receptor, either due to site specific conditions QI fil! approved remedial action involving engi neerin g control of the contaminant; such evidence could include, but i§ not limited to: 7:24 .{Al travel time and natural attenuation capacity of subsurface materials ~ such that the standards specified in Rule .0202 of this Subchapter .!!! .! NORTH CAROLINA REGISTER location no closer than .Q!le year time of travel upgradient of fill existing or foreseeable receptor~ protected. {ID ! physical barrier to groundwater mi gration exists or will be installed~ the res ponsible pru:ty sufficient !Q result in preservation of the ground- water standard specified in Rule .0202 of this Subchapter at ! location ill! closer than one year time of travel upgradient of an existing ru: foresee- able receptor ; QI... .a} new toxicolo gical information has be- come available which the Division of Epidemiology determines would justify cleanup to ! standard different from those specified in Rule .0202 of this Subchapter. ill A request for fil! alternate cleanup level shall be submitted to the Director and shall include: ill _!! descri ption of site specific conditions : ill the technical basis for the request; ill ! discussion of and rationale for the request; @ sufficient evidence to support a determi- nation ~ the Director that an alternate cleanup level would be consistent with all other environmental laws: ill fil!Y other information req uested ~ the Director to thoroughly evaluate the request; and !fil evidence that public notice of the ~ guest has been provided in accordance with Rule .0114(b) of this Subchapter. 00 The Director may be req uested to approve .! corrective action plan dependent !!I!Q.9 natural processes of degradation and attenuation of £Q!!: taminants. Evidence and other information submit- ted in support of the request shall include: ill sufficient evidence to support.! determi- nation ~ the Director that: !A} all sources of contamination and free product have been removed or con- trolled pursuant to Paragraph @ of this Rule; and !.ID The contaminants present exist in concentrations that do not currently and are not calculated to migrate to fil!Y existing Q! foreseeable receptor above applicable standards : ill evidence of the contaminant's degrada- tion and attenuation capacity: ill identification and discussion of site- specific characteristics indicating that conditions ~ adequate to support March 15, 1993 2674 , PROPOSED RULES contaminant de gradation or attenuation ; ! groundwater monitorin g program sufficient to track the degradation and attenuation of contaminants within and down gradient of the plume and to detect contaminants prior to their reach- ing illll'.'. existing QI foreseeable receptor fil least one year's time of travel upgradient of the receptor and no great- g than the distance the groundwater at the contaminated site could travel in five years. ill written documentation of projected groundwater ~ in the contaminated area based on current state or local government planning efforts; .{fil copies of written notice, to all property owners and all occu pants within Q! conti guous to the ~ underlain ~ the pollution plume, and under which i! .lli ex pected to migrate, stating that fact; ffi evidence that all necessary access a greements needed to monitor ground- water quality pursuant to @ above have been Q! ~ be obtained : and .{fil evidence that public notice of the re- quest has been provided in accordance with Rule .0114(b) of this Subchapter. 1f at any time the Director determines that ! contaminant . being monitored under ~ natural remediation program, has the po tential to migrate to any existing or foreseeable receptor above applicable groundwater standards . Q! if contami- nant concentrations ~ not decreasin g, the respon- sible ~ shall im plement fil! active groundwater corrective action plan in accordance with ! sched- ule established !!Y the Director . ill The Director may consider ~ request to allow the termination of corrective action . The request must include: ill A demonstration ~ the ~ making the request that continuance of correc- tive action would not result in ~ signifi- cant reduction in the concentration of contaminants. At~ minimum this dem- onstration must include ~ showing that the asymptotic slope of the contami- nants curve of decontamination .lli less than a ratio of l :40 over a term of one year based Q_n quarterly sampling . ill A discussion of the duration of the corrective action, the total project's cost, projected annual cost for continu- ance and evaluation of the success of the corrective action. ill An evaluation of alternate treatment technolo gies which could result in further reduction of contaminant levels with projected capital and annual cost . @ Effects, including health and safety impacts, on groundwater~ if £Qil: taminant levels remain at levels existing fil the time corrective action .lli terminat- ed. ill Evidence that public notice of the ~ quest has been provided in accordance with Rule .0114(b) of this Subchapter. fe,The Director may authorize tile diseootinuaftee of Fetnedia:l aetioe to restofe gFOl:iftdY,•ateF quality to the le•1el of tile sffifldttfd upon a demoastfatioe by the respoRsible pafty to the Diteetor that eoB: tiH1:1anee would B:ot result in sigHifieaB:t teduetioft ift tile eoneefttFatioB: of eoetamiHaHts. In the eonsidefation of a request to diseonttf!.1:te Fetnedia:l aetioB:s, the Direetof shall eoasidef the duFation and degf'ee of s1:1eeess of fetnedial efferts, the feasibility of ethef' tfeatftl:ent teehBiq1:1es whieh eould res1:11t in f\trtheP FCd1:1etioft of eofttftffliBant levels, and the effeet Oft gro1:1Bd\·1Stef ttsefs if eontttfflinaHts refflaift at le·1els eK.istiBg at tac time of tePminatioB of remedial aetioB. the termination of the corrective action, or amend the corrective action plan after considerin g all the information in the request. Upon termination of corrective action, ~ groundwater monitorin g program shall be ~ quired sufficient to track the degradation and attenuation of contaminants at ~ location of at least Q!le year's time of travel upgradient of illll'.'. existing .Q!'. foreseeable rece ptor. The monitorin g program shall remain in effect until there .lli sufficient evidence that the contaminant concentrations have been reduced to the level of the standards. .(m}fB Upon a determination by the Director that continued remedial corrective aetieft5 action would result in no significant reduction in contaminant concentrations, the responsible party shall petitioH fsf a variaftee Of a Feelassifieation of the impaeted gto1:tftd•.·,•atefs. and the im pacted groundwaters ~ be made potable !!y treatment using readily avail- able and economicall y reasonable technolo gy. the Director may desi gnate the remainin g area of de graded groundwater RS. Where the remainin 2: de graded groundwaters cannot be made potable QY such treatment . the Director may consider ! request for reclassification . .(n) 1f !! any time the Director determines that ~ technology .lli available that would remediate the contaminated groundwater to the standards s pecified in Rule .0202, the Director may require the res ponsible 2675 7:24 NORTH CAROLINA REGISTER March 15, 1993 PROPOSED RULES ~ to im plement fill active groundwater~ tive action plan in accordance with ~ schedule established QY the Director. _(Q}~ Where groundwater quality standards are exceeded as a result of the application of pesticides or other agricultural chemicals, the Director shall request the Pesticide Board or the Department of Agriculture to assist the Division of Environmental Management in determining the cause of the violation. If the violation is determined to have resulted from the use of pesticides, the Director shall request the Pesticide Board to take appropri- ate regulatory action to control the use of the chemical or chemicals responsible for, or contrib- uting to, such violations, or to discontinue their use. Statutory Authority G.S. 143-215.2; 143- 215.3(a)(J); 143B-282. .0107 COMPLIANCE BOUNDARY (a) For disposal systems individuall y permitted prior to December 30, 1983, the compliance boundary is established at a horizontal distance of 500 feet from the waste boundary or at the proper- ty boundary, whichever is closer to the source. (b) For disposal systems individuall y permitted on or after December 30, 1983, a compliance .boundary shall be established 250 feet from the waste boundary, or 50 feet within the property boundary, whichever point is closer to the source. (c) The boundary shall be established by the Director.,_ Q! his designee at the time of permit issuance. Any sale or transfer of property which affects a compliance boundary shall be reported immediately to the Director.,_ Q! his designee. For disposal systems which are not governed by Paragraphs (e) or {t) of this Rule, the compliance boundary affected by the sale or transfer of prop- erty will be re-established consistent with Para- graphs (a) or (b) of this Rule, whichever is appli- cable. ( d) Except as provided in Paragraph .(g} of this Rule.For aisposttl systems permitteEI or repet'tB:itteEI after Je:tntftl)' I, 1993, no water supply wells shall be constructed or operated within the compliance boundary-: of~ disposal system individuall v permit- ted or repermitted after January .L 1993. (e) Except as provided in Paragraph .(gl of this Rule, For ~isposttl sys~ms permitted er repermiUea 8:'fter JB:ftttft:f')' I, 1993, a permittee sha11 not transfer land within an established com- pliance boundary of~ disposal system permitted or re permitted after January .L 1993 unless: (l) the land transferred is serviced by a 7:24 NORTH CAROLINA REGISTER community water system as defined in 15A NCAC 18C, the source of which is located outside the compliance bound- ary; and (2) the deed transferring the property: (A) contains notice of the permit, includ- ing the permit number, a description of the type of permit, and the name, address and telephone number of the permitting agency; and (B) contains a restrictive covenant running with the land and fo favor of the pennittee and the State, as a third party beneficiary, which prohibits the construction and operation of water supply wells within the compliance boundary; and (C) contains a restrictive covenant running with the land and in favor of the permittee and the State, as a third party beneficiary, which grants the right to the permittee and the State to enter on such property within the compliance boundary for groundwater monitoring and remediation purposes. {t) If at the time a permit is issued or reissued after January 1, 1993, the permittee is not owner of the land within the compliance boundary, it shall be a condition of the permit issued or re- newed that the landowner of the land within the compliance boundary, if other than the pennittee, and except ~ provided in Paragraph .uu of this Rule, execute and file in the Register of Deeds in the county in which the land is · 1ocated, an ease- ment running with the land which: (1) contains: · (A) either a notice of the permit, includ- ing the permit number, a description of the type of permit, and the name, address and telephone number of the permitting agency; or (B) a reference to a notice of the permit with book and page number of its recordation if such notice is required to be filed by statute; (2) prohibits the construction and operation of water supply wells within the com- pliance boundary; and (3) reserves the right to the permittee and the State to enter on such property within the compliance boundary for groundwater monitoring and remediation purposes. The easement may be terminated ID'. the Director when its purpose has been fulfilled or March 15, 1993 2676 PROPOSED RULES the need for the easement no longer exists. Under those conditions the Director. fil the request of the landown- ~ may file with the appropriate Regis- ter of Deeds, ~ document terminating the easement. .(g)_ The requirements of Paragraphs .(g).. .Ull and .ill of this Rule ~ not applicable to ground ad- sorption treatment systems serving four QI fewer single family dwellings or multiunit dwellings of four or fewer units. .(hlfgj The boundary shall form a vertical plane extending from the water table to the maximum depth of saturation. .filW For ground absorption sewage treatment and disposal systems which are permitted under 15A NCAC 18A .1900, the compliance boundary shall be established at the property boundary. ~ Penalties authorized pursuant to G.S. 143- 215.6A(a)(l) will not be assessed for violations of wetet: groundwater quality standards within a compliance boundary unless the violations are the result of violations of permit conditions or negli- gence in the management of the facility. !k.H:H The Director shall require: (1) that permits for all activities governed by G.S. 143-215. l be written to protect the quality of groundwater established by applicable standards, at the compli- ance boundary; (2) that necessary groundwater quality monitoring shall be conducted within the compliance boundary; and (3) that a violation of standards within the compliance boundary resulting from activities conducted by the permitted facility be remedied through clean-up, recovery, containment, or other re- sponse when any of the following con- ditions occur: (A) a violation of any standard in adjoin- ing classified Wftteffl groundwaters occurs ot can be reasonably predicted to occur considering hydrogeologic conditions, modeling, or other avail- able evidence; (B) an imminent hazard or threat to the public health or safety exists; or (C) a violation of any standard in ground- water occurring in the bedrock other than limestones found in the Coastal Plain sediments-;-.,_ unless .i! £00 be demonstrated that the violation will not adverselv impact, QI have the potential to adverselv impact £! water fil!lmly well . Statutory Authority G. S. 143-215.1 (b ); l 43- 215. 3(a)(l ); 143B-282. .0109 DELEGATION (a) The Director is delegated the authority to enter into consent special orders under G.S. 143- 215.2 for violations of the water groundwater quality standards except when a public meeting is required as provided in 15A NCAC 2H .1203. (b) The Director is delegated the authority to prepare a proposed special order to be issued by the Commission without the consent of the person affected and to notify the affected person of that proposed order and of the procedure set out in G.S. 150B-23 to contest the proposed special order. (c) The Director.,_ or his designee shall give public notice of proposed consent special orders as specified in 15A NCAC 2H .1203. Statutory Authority G.S. 143-215.2; 143- 215. 3(a)(l); 143-215. 3(a)(4). .0110 MONITORING (a) Aoy peroeB suejeet te the pre·risieftS ef G.8. 143 215.l Except where exempted !!y statute Q! this Subchapter. fil!Y person who causes, permits or has control over any discharge of waste, or groundwater cleanup program, shall install and implement a monitoring system, at such locations, and in such detail, as the Director._ or his designee may require to evaluate the effects of the discharge upon the waters of the state, including the effect of any actions taken to restore groundwater quality, as well as the efficiency of any treatment facility. The monitoring plan shall be prepared under the responsible charge of ~ Professional Engineer or Licensed Geologist and bear the seal of the ~ (b) Monitoring systems shall be epeFe.teEl £2!!: structed in a manner that will not result in the contamination of adjacent groundwaters of a higher quality. (c) Monitoring shall be conducted and results reported in a manner and at a frequency specified by the Director.,_ or his designee. Statutory Authority G. S. 143-215. I (b ); j 43- 215. 3(a)(J ); 143-215. 65; 143-215. 66; 143B-282. .Olli REPORTS .{fil Any person subject ~e th:e previsieos ef G.8. 143 215. l ena to the requirements for corrective action specified in Rule .0106 of this Subchapter 2677 7:24 NORTH CAROLINA REGISTER March 15, 1993 . __ .,_ PROPOSED RULES shall submit to the Director, in such detail as the Director may require, a written report that de- scribes: (1) the results of the investigation specified in Paragraphs (c)(l) and (c)(2)(B) of Rule .0106, including but not limited to: .!A) W a description of the sampling procedures followed and methods of chemical analyses used; and all fe,. all technical data utilized in sup- port of any conclusions drawn or determinations made .. (2) the results of the predictive calculations or modeling, including a copy of the calculations or model · runs and all supporting technical data, used in the demonstration required in Paragraph (c)(2)(A) of Rule .0106; and (3) the proposed methodology and timeta- ble associated with the Festefftl:iea ef g1'61toEl1w'Mer Etmllity corrective action for those situations identified in Para- graphs (c)(l) and (c)(2)(B) of Rule .0106. _(hl The report shall be prepared under the res ponsible charge of ~ Professional Engineer Q! Licensed Geolo gist and bear the seal of the ~ as s pecified in Rule .0106(c)(2)(B). Statutory Authority G. S. 143-215. l (b ); l 43- 215. 3(a)(l); 143-215.65; 143B-282. .0112 ANALYTICAL PROCEDURES Tests or analytical procedures to determine compliance or noncompliance with the watet' groundwater quality standards established in Rule .0202 of this Subchapter will be in accordance with: (1) The following methods or procedures for substances where the selected method or procedure provides a method detection limit value at or less than the standard: (a) Standard methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, ~ 17th Edition, ~ 1989, includin g any subs eq uent amendments and editions published jointly by American Public · Health Association, American Water Works Association and Water Pollution Control Federation; (b) Methods for Chemical Analysis of Water and Waste, 1979, U .S. Environ- mental Protection Agency publication number EPA-600/4-79-020, as revised 7:24 NORTH CAROLINA REGISTER March 1983; (c) Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Wastes: Physical/Chemical Methods, 3rd Edition, 1986, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency publication number SW-846; (d) Test Procedures for the Analysis of Pollutants Under the Cl~ Water Act, Federal Register Vol. 49, No. 209, 40 CFR Part 136, October 26, 1984; (e) Methods or procedures approved by letter from the Director upon applica- tion by the regulated source. (2) A method or procedure approved by the Director for substances where the stan- dard is less than the limit ef aeteetaeility practical guantitation level. Statutory Authority G.S. 143-215.3(a)(l); 143B- 282. .0113 VARIAN CE (a) The Commission, on its own initiative or pursuant to a request under G.S. 143-215.3(e), may grant variances to WMet' E11:tality staoa&fas 9:fle the eempliaoee ee1:tB:Elary. the rules of this Sub- chapter. PerseRs sttajeet te the pre 11isieRs ef G.S. 130A 294 may apply fop a ·,•arieaee ttoEler t:his Seetiea. (b) Requests for variances are filed by letter from the applicant to the Environmental Manage- ment Commission. The application should be mailed to the chairman of the Commission in care of the Director, Division of Environmental Man- agement, Post Office Box ~ 29535 rutl.eigh, N.C. ~ 27626-0535. (c) The application should contain the following information: (1) Applications filed by counties or munic- ipalities must include a resolution of the County Board of Commissioners or the governing board of the municipality requesting the variance from watet' groundwater quality standards which apply to the area for which the variance is requested. (2) A description of the past, existing or proposed activities or operations that have or would result in a discharge of contaminants to the groundwaters. (3) Description of the proposed area for which a variance is requested. A de- tailed location map, showing the orien- tation of the facility, potential for groundwater contaminant mi.gration, as March 15, 1993 2678 PROPOSED RULES (4) well as the area covered by the variance request, with reference to at least two geographic references (numbered roads, named streams/rivers, etc.) must be included. Supporting information to establish that the variance will not endanger the public health and safety, including health and environmental effects from exposure to the groundwater contami- nants. (Location of wells and other water supply sources including details of well construction within 1/2 mile of site must be shown on a map). (5) Supporting information to establish that standards cannot be achieved by provid- ing the best available technology eco- nomically reasonable. This information must identify specific technology con- sidered, changes in quality of the con- taminant plume as demonstrated through predictive calculations ep,- f't'O'reti by the DiFeeter, and technologi- cal constraints which limit groundwater quality restoration to the level of the standard. (6) Supporting information to establish that compliance ,, would produce serious hardship on the applicant. (7) Supporting information that compliance would produce serious hardship without equal or greater public benefit. (8) A copy of any Special Order that was issued in connection with the contami- nants in the proposed area and support- ing information that applicant has com- plied with the Special Order. (9) A list of the names and addresses of any property owners within the pro- posed area of the variance as well as any property owners adjacent to the site covered by the variance. (d) Upon receipt of the application, the Director will review it for completeness and request addi- tional information if necessary. When the applica- tion is complete, the Director shall give public notice of the application and schedule the matter for a public hearing in accordance with G.S. 143- 215.4(b) and the procedures set out belew in Paragraph ~ of this Rule. (e) Notice of Public Hearing: (1) Notice of public hearing on any vari- ance application shall be circulated in the geographical areas of the proposed variance by the Director at least 30 days prior to the date of the bearing: (A) by publishing the notice one time in a newspaper having general circulation in said county; (B) by mailing to the North Carolina Department of Hlimllft Environment , Health. and Natural Resources, Divi- sion of Health Serviees, Environmen- tal Health and appropriate local health agency; (C) by mailing to any other federal, state or local agency upon request; (D) by mailing to the local governmental unit or units having jurisdiction over the geographic area covered by the variance; (E) by mailing to any property owner within the proposed area of the vari- ance, as well as any property owners adjacent to the site covered by the variance; and (F) by mailing to any person or group upon request. (2) The contents of public notice of any hearing shall include at least the follow- ing: (A) name, address, and phone number of agency holding the public bearing; (B) name and address of each applicant whose application will be considered at the meeting; (C) brief summary of the proposed stan- dard variance or modification of the perimeter of compliance being re- quested; (D) geographic description of a proposed area for which a variance is request- ed; (E) brief description of the activities or operations which have or will result in the discharge of contaminants to the groundwaters described in the variance application; (F) a brief reference to the public notice issued for each variance application; (G) information regarding the time and location for the bearing; (H) the purpose of the hearing; (I) address and phone number of premis- es at which interested persons may obtain further information, request a copy of each application, and inspect and copy forms and related docu- ments; and (J) a brief description of the nature of the 2679 7:24 NORTH CAROLINA REGISTER March 15, 1993 PROPOSED RULES hearing including the rules and proce- dures to be followed. The notice shall also state that additional information is on file whb the Director and may be inspected at any time during nor- mal working hours. Copies of the information on file will be made available upon request and payment of cost or reproduction. (t) All comments received within 30 days following the date of the public hearing shall be made part of the application file and shall be considered by the Commission prior to taking final action on the application. (g) In determining whether to grant a variance, the Commission shall consider whether the appli- cant bas complied with any Special Order, or Special Order by Consent issued under G.S. 143- 215.2. (h) If the Commission's final decision is unac- ceptable, the applicant may file a petition for a contested case in accordance with Chapter 150B of the General Statutes. If the petition is not filed within 60 days, the decision on the variance shall be final and binding. · (i) A variance shall not operate on a defense to an action at law based upon a public or private nuisance theory or any other cause of action. Sta.tutory Authority G.S. 143-215.3(a)(JJ,· 143- 215.3(a)(3); 143-215.3(a)(4); 143-215.3(e); 143- 215.4. .0114 NOTIFICATION REQUIRE1\1ENTS {ru Any person subject to the req uirements of Rule .0106(c)(l) of this Subcha pter shall submit to the Health Director of the county or counties , and the chief administrative officer of the political jurisdiction in which the groundwater contamina- tion has occurred , !! report that describes: ill . The area ex.tent of the contaminant plume: ill The chemical constituents in the groundwater which exceed the stan- dards described in Rule .0202 of this Subcbapter: ill Actions taken and intended to mitigate threats to human health: ill The location of any wells installed for the purpose of monitoring the contami- nant plume and the frequency of film!: mm.g,_ The report described in this Rule shall be submit- ted no later than five days after submittal of the com pleted report assessin g the cause, si gnificance 7:24 NORTH CAROLINA REGISTER and extent of the violation as required ~ Rule .0106(c). flll Any person requesting from the Director an alternate cleanup level. approval of !! natural remediation program Q! permission to terminate active groundwater remediation shall notify the Health Director of the county or counties , and the chief administrative officer of the political jurisdic- tion in which the contaminant plume occurs, and all property owners and all occupants within or conti guous to the area underlain ~ the pollution plume, and under which .i! ~ ex pected to migrate, of the nature of the request and reasons supporting it. Notification shall be made .!ll'. certified mail concurrent with the submittal of the request to the Director. A final decision .!ll'. the Director may not be made within 30 days of receipt of the request. !£1 Any person authorized ~ the Director to cleanup to an alternate cleanup level, rely on !! natural remediation program Q! to terminate active groundwater remediation shall notify parties specified in Paragraph flll of this Rule of the Director's decision. Notification shall be made~ certified mail within 30 days of receipt of the Director's decision. Statutory Authority G.S. 143-214.J; 143- 215.3(a)(l); 143B-282(2Jb. SECTION .0200 -CLASSIFICATIONS AND WATER QUALITY STANDARDS .0201 GROUNDWATER CLASSIFICATIONS The classifications which may be assigned to the groundwaters will be those specified in the follow- ing series of classifications: (1) Class GA Wfttef9 groundwaters; usage and occurrence: (a) Best Usage. · Existing or potential source of drinking water supply for humans. (b) Conditions Related to Best Usage. This class is intended for those groundwaters in which chloride concentrations are equal to or less than 250 mg/I, and which are considered suitable for drink- ing in their natural state, but which may require treatment to improve quality related to natural conditions. (c) Occurrence. In the saturated zone. (2) Class GSA Wfttef9 groundwaters; usage and occurrence: (a) Best Usage. Existing or potential source of water supply for potable mineral water and conversion to fresh March 15, 1993 2680 PROPOSED RULES (b) (c) (3) (a) (b) waters. Conditions Related to Best Usage. This class is intended for those groundwaters in. which the chloride concentrations due to natural conditions is in excess of 250 mg/1, but which otherwise may be considered suitable for use as potable water after treatment to reduce concen- trations of naturally occurring substanc- es. Occurrence. In the saturated zone. Class GC wetef& groundwaters: usage and occurrence: Best Usage. The best usage of GC groundwaters ~ as ! Settt'ee source of water supply for purposes other than drinkin~ including other domestic Yfil:§ fil'. humans. Conditions Related to Best Usage. This class includes those groundwaters that do not meet the quality criteria ef-wa... tef9 Jia.,.ing a. higlier elMsifieMien for GA or GSA groundwaters ef ·uatef!I JiaYing a liigher e!MsifieMien and for which efforts to Pestere in sibi te a higher elassifieMien improve groundwa- ter quality would not be technologically feasible, or not in the best interest of the public. Continued consum ption of waters of this class fil'. humans could result in adverse health affects. (c) Occurrence . Groundwaters of this class may be defined ls the sftftl:ffltea z!ene, as aet:erfflinea by the Commission on a case by case basis. Statutory Authority G.S. 143-214. l;" 143B-282{2). .0202 GROUNDWATER QUALITY STANDARDS (a) The wttt:et-groundwater quality standards for the protection of the groundwaters of the state are those specified in this Rule. They are the maxi- mum allowable concentrations resulting from any discharge of contaminants to the land or waters of the state, which may be tolerated without creating a threat to human health or which would otherwise render the groundwater unsuitable for its intended best usage. Where gre1:taa 1,1.«Mer Eil:talit:y satedards ha ... e 880ft C'!Eeeeaea 81:tC te fflQtl'S aetiYities, r-este reties effort:s -shall ee aesigeea t:e restere gre1:tnd wat:er til:tality te the leYel ef the satedard er as elesely theret:e as is praetieaele. (b) The ffl&Kiffl1:tffl allewaele eeeeeatffltiees groundwater quality standards for contaminants specified in Paragraphs (g) and (h) of this Rule shall be as listed, except that: (I) Where the ffl&Jtiffl1:tffi allewaele eeeeen tffltiee ef standard for a substance is less than the limit ef aet:eeateility prac- tical guantitation limit, the s1:tesffi8ee shall net ee peFffliUea in aeteetaele eeneefttffltiens. detection of that sub- stance fil or above the practical g uantitation limit shall constitute ! violation of the standard. (2) Where two or more substances exist in combination, the Director shall consider the effects of chemical interactions ~ determined fil'. the Division of E pidemi- Q!Qgy and may establish maximum concentrations at values less than those established in accordance with Para- graphs (c) and (g) of this Rule. In the absence of information to the contrary, the carcinogenic risks associated with carcinogens present shall be considered additive and the toxic effects associated with non-carcinogens present shall also be considered additive. (3) Where naturally occurring substances exceed the established standard, the standard will be the naturally occurring concentration as determined by the Director. (c) Except for tracers used in concentrations which have been determined ~ the Division of Epidemiology to be protective of human health, and the use of which has been permitted ~ the Divjsion , 81:tesffttlees substances which are not naturally occurring and for which no standard is specified shall not be permitted in detectable concentrations in Class GA or Class GSA groundwaters. Any person may petition the Director to establish an interim maximum allow- able concentration for an unspecified substance, however, the burden of demonstrating those concentrations of the substance which correspond to the levels described in Paragraph (d) of this Rule rests with the petitioner. The petitioner shall submit all toxicological and epidemiological data, study results, and calculations necessary to estab- lish a standard in accordance with the procedure prescribed in Paragraph (d) of this Rule. Within three months after the establishment of an interim maximum allowable concentration for a substance by the Director, the Director shall initiate action to consider adoption of a standard for that substance. (d) Ma'lfiffl1:tffi allewaele eeeeefltfatieas Ground- water quality standards for substances in Class GA 2681 7:24 NORTH CAROLINA REGISTER March 15, 1993 PROPOSED RULES and Class GSA "Nfttefs-groundwaters are estab- lished as the lesser of: (1) Systemic threshold concentration calcu- lated as follows: [Reference Dose (mg/kg/day) x 70 kg (adult body weight) x Relative Source Contribution (.10 for inorganics; .20 for organics)] / [2 liters/day (avg. water consumption)]; (2) Concentration which corresponds to an incremental lifetime cancer risk of lxl0·6; (3) Taste threshold limit value; (4) Odor threshold limit value; (5) Maximum contaminant level; or (6) National secondary drinking water standard .. (e) The following references, in order of prefer- ence, shall be used in establishing concentrations of substances which correspond to levels described in Paragraph (d) of this Rule. (1) Integrated Risk Information System (U.S. EPA). (2) Health Advisories (U.S. EPA Office of Drinking Water). (3) _ Other health risk assessment data pub- lished by U.S. EPA. (4) Other appropriate, published health risk assessment data. (f) Wfttef Groundwater quality standards speci- fied in Paragraphs (g) and (h) of this Rule and interim maximum allowable concentrations estab- lished pursuant to Paragraph ( c) of this Rule shall be reviewed on a biennial basis. Appropriate modifications to established standards will be made in accordance with the procedure prescribed in Paragraph (d) of this Rule where modifications are considered appropriate based on data published subsequent to the previous review. (g) Class GA Standards. Where not otherwise indicated, the standard refers to the total concen- tration in milligrams per liter of any constituent in !! dissolved , colloidal or particulate form which i§. mobile in groundwater. This does not rumly to sediment or other particulate matter which i§. preserved in !! groundwater sample as !!: result of well construction .Q! sampling procedures. ill acetone: 0.7 (2) fB acrylamide (propenamide): 0.00001 (3) ~ arsenic: 0.05 .(£ ~ barium: +-:8 2.0 ill ~ benzene: 0.001 ® ~ bromoform (tribromomethane): 0.00019 !1l ~ cadmium: 0.005 .(fil ft, carbofuran: 0.036 7:24 NORTH CAROUNA REGISTER .(2)_ ~ carbon tetrachloride: 0.0003 ilQ) (9) chlordane: 2.7 x 10-s !l!) ~ chloride: 250.0 @ fH-1 chlorobenzene: ~ 0.05 @ ~ chloroform (trichloromethane): 0.00019 a£ f81 2-chlorophenol: 0.0001 @ ~ chromium: 0.05 !1fil ~ cis-1,2-dichloroethene: 0.07 il1} fM1 coliform organisms (total): 1 per -100 milliliters ilfil ~ color: 15 color units .(12} ~ copper: 1.0 (20) ~ cyanide: 0.154 ill} ~ 2, 4-D (2,4-dichlorophenoxy acetic acid): 0.07 (22) ~ 1,2-dibromo-3-chloropropane: 2.5 X 10"5) (23) ~ dichlorodifluoromethane (Freon- 12; Halon): 0.00019 1.4 (24) Ll dichloroethane: 0. 7 (25) ~ 1,2-dichloroethane (ethylene dichloride): 0.00038 (26) ~ 1, 1-dichloroethylene (vinylidene chloride): 0.007 (27) ~ 1,2-dichloropropane: 0.00056 (28) di-n-buty l fQ!: dibutyl) phthalate (DBP}: 0.7 (29) diethylphthalate <DEP): 5.0 (30) di (2-ethylhexyl) phthalate {DEHP): 0.003 Ql) ~ p-dioxane (1,4-diethylene dioxide): 0.007 (32) ~ dioxin: 2.2 x 10·10 (33) ~ dissolved solids (total): 500 (34) ~ endrin: ~ 0.002 - (35) ~ epichlorohydrin (l-chloro~2,3- epoxypropane): 0.00354 (36) f3-B ethylbenzene: 0.029 (37) ~ ethylene dibromide (EDB; 1,2- dibromoethane): 0.05 x 10-5 4.0 ~ 10-7 (38) ~ ethylene glycol: 7.0 (39) ~ fluoride tlmuiae: 2.0 (40) ~ foaming agents: 0.5 ffi). ~ gross alpha (adjusted)particle activity (inelHEling fftEiiHm 226 eHt -excluding t'tlElen radium-226 and urani- um): 15 pCi/l (42) ~ heptachlor: 7.6 x 10-s .!i:.Q ~ 10·6 (43) ~ heptachlor epoxide: 3.8 x 10-s 4.0 ~ 10-6 (44) heptane: 2.:.1 (45) ~ h e x a ch I o r o b en z en e (perchlorobenzene): 0.00002 (46) ~ n-hexane: ~ 0.42 March 15, 1993 2682 PROPOSED RULES (47) f4B iron: 0.3 (48) (,G, lead: ~ 0.015 (49) (43, lindane: 2.6§' X lre 2.0 ,! 10-4 (50) (44, manganese: 0.05 ® ~ mercury: 0.0011 (52) f4e) metadichlorobenzene (1,3-dichloro- benzene): 0.62 ~ ~ methoxychlor: 8-:-1-0.035 (54) ~ m et h y le n e c h 1 o r i de (dichloromethane): 0.005 (55) ~ methyl ethyl ketone (MEI(; 2- butanone): 0.17 (56) ~ methyl tert-butyl ether {MTBE): 0.2 (57) ~ nickel: G-:-1-§' Q.l (58) ~ nitrate: (as N) 10.0 (59) ~ nitrite: (as N) 1.0 (60) f§:4, orthodichlorobenzene (1,2-dichlo- robenzene): 0.62 !fil) ~ oxamyl: 0.175 (62) ~ paradichlorobenzene (1,4-dichloro- benzene): ~ 0.075 (63) ~ pentachlorophenol: ~ 0.0003 (64) f§'8, pH: 6.5 -8.5 (65) ~ radium-226 and radium-228 (com- bined): 5 pCi/1 (66) ~ selenium: ~ 0.05 {fil) ~ silver: ~ 0.018 (68) ~ styrene (ethenylbenzene): 1. 4 K lo! QJ (69) ~ sulfate: 250.0 (70) f-6-4-1 t e t r a c h 1 o r o e t h y l e n e (perchloroethylene; PCE): 0.0007 .<1ll ~ toluene (methylbenzene): 1.0 (72) ~ toxaphene: 3. 1 x 10·5 {73) (e+, 2, 4, 5,-TP (Silvex): 9-:G-l-0.05 (74) ~ trans-1,2-dichloroethene: 0.07 (75) ~ I, I, I-trichloroethane (methyl chloroform): 0.2 {76) f79, trichloroethylene (TCE): 0.0028 fJJJ. trichlorofluoromethane: U (78) f+B vinyl chloride (chloroethylene): 1.5 X 10"5 (79) (,+21 xylenes (o-, m-, and p-): 9-:-4 0.53 (80) ~ zinc: ➔.Q U (h) Class GSA Standards. The standards for this class shall be the same as those for Class GA except as follows: ( 1) chloride: allowable increase not to exceed 100 percent of the natural quali- ty concentration. (2) total dissolved solids: 1000 mg/I. (i) Class GC Waters. (1) The concentrations of substances which, at the time of classification exceed wMer tttttMity stttttEleres, the standards applicable to Class GA or GSA groundwaters shall not be permiiieEI caused to increase.., !!Q! shall the ~ centrations of other substances be caused to exceed the GA or GSA stan- dards as ! result of further disposal of contaminants to or beneath the surface of the land within the boundazy of the ™ classified GC. Fer Ml ether sub siflftees, eeeeeetrMiens shtMI net be eeuseEI er permitteEI te exeeeEI the esteb lislteEI siflfteere. (2) The concentrations of substances which, at the time of classification, exceed WMer tttttMity siflfteerEls shtMI net eeuse er eontl'ibule te the eontreYeetioe of the standards applicable to GA or GSA groundwaters shall not be caused to migrate as ! result of activities within the boundary of the GC classification, §Q ~ to violate the groundwater or surface water quality standards in ad- joining waters of a different class. (3) Concentrations of specific substances, which exceed the established standard at the time of classification, shall be listed in Section .0300 of this Subchap- ter. Statutory Authority G. S. 143-214. J ,· 143B-282(2). ****************** Nonce is hereby given in accordance with G. S. 150B-21. 2 that the N. C. Marine Fisheries Commis- sion intends to adopt rules cited as 15A NCA C 3J .0401; 3M .0103, .0510; amend rules cited as 15A NCAC 31 .0001, .0010,· 3J .0103, .0107; 3K .0101, .0304,· 3L .0201; 3M .0508,· 3Q .0107, .0202; 3R .0002, .0007 -.0008 and repeal rule cited as 15A NCAC 3K .0506. The proposed effective date of this action is July I, 1993. The public hearings will be begin at 7:00 p.m. except the hearing scheduled April 3, 1993, in Manteo which will begin at 10:00 a. m. The hearing on April 5, 1993, at the Archdale Build- ing, Raleigh, will begin as a joint hearing with the Wildlife Resources Commission on Rules 15A NCAC 3Q .0107 and 3Q .0202 only. After public 2683 7:24 NORTH CAROLINA REGISTER March 15, 1993 ( DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT GROUNDWATER SECTION November 1, 1993 MEMORANDUM: TO: THRU: FROM: Arthur Mouberry Carl Bailey ?(3 -'11~ David Hance . 'm SUBJECT: Change in the effective date of 15A NCAC 2L .0103. 15A NCAC 2L .0103-Policy was objected to by the Rules Review Commission at their September 19, 1993 meeting. In order for the Division to meet requirements of G.S. 150B-21.12, the effective date of Rule .0103 was delayed till November 1, 1993. Ms. Portia Rochelle, of the Division of Policy Development, has informed me that the effective date of this rule has. been changed to November 4, 1993 in accordance with G.S. 150B-21.3 It is requested that those Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources employees who are involved in rulemaking, Federal/State trust funds allocation, review of corrective action plans, litigation or enforcement of 15A NCAC 2L be informed of the change in the effective date of this rule. If you have any questions concerning this change please contact David Hance at (919) 733-3221 (ext. 428). cc: Arthur Mouberry Carl Bailey Ted Bush Dr. Burrie Boshoff David Hance Phil Telfer Don Laton Don Reuter Preston Howard Debbie Crane Regional Groundwater Hydrogeologists Director; Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste SUBl\tlISSION FOR FILING I I. Certifying Agency: 2. Rule Citation: EHNR-Envi romiental Managenent Carmi ssi on 15A NCAC 2L • 0202 3. Rule Catchline C~ame): 4. Statutory Authority for Rule: G.S. 143-214. 1; Groundwater Quality Standards 1438-282 (2) S. Action: 6 . Proposed Effective Date: D ADOPTION 0 A:\IEND:\fEl'iT □ REPEAL October 1, 1993 .7. ~ ;'\ oticc in Register ~ Public Hearing □ ;"1-;otice and Public I fearing ;'\ot Required Date: fv1a r!;;b 15 . 1993 Date: 1L1L93 -4L5L93 L'nder G.S. Date: Date: 4L7 L93 -4L 20L 93 Date: Date: 4/21/93 8. Ruic Summary (not required for a repealed rule): Specifies the maximun allowable concentration of substances in Class GL\, GSA and tl. groundwaters and procedures to establish standards for substances. 9. Statement of:--;ecessity for Rule !Sec G.S. 1508-21.2, 1508-21.91 (not required for a repeaied rule): revision of groundwater standards and recent toxicological knowledge. To incorporate 10. Rulemaking Coordinator or Agency Contact: 11. ~~acno/J: .J Portia Rochelle/Carl Bailey Address: Typed ~ame: A. Preston -H __ ; Jr., P.E. Roon 82fr.H, Archdale Bldg For Enviro11ental ManaQ8llent Corrmission Phone: Title: Director,· 3-637613-3221 Division of Enviromental Managanent fT I. Rules Review Commission t:se Only Office of Administrative I learings Vse Only Action Taken: □ Approval □ Objection .. □ Extension of Review □ Curati,·e Rule Effecti,•e Date: □ Returned Unchanged Approrcd by: f ORI\J OAlf-1 (REVISED 10/91) I~! : "il';.\ < •• ~ SUBl\rlISSION FOR FILING I. Certifying Agency: 2. Rule Citation: EHNR-Enviromie_ntal Managanent Cannission 15A NCAC 2L .0111 3. Rule Catchline (:'iame): 4. Statutory Authority for Rule: G.S. 143-215.1(b); Reports 143-215.3(a)(1); 143-215.65; 1438-282 5. Action: . 6. Proposed Effective Date: D ADOPTION ~ A:\IEND_:\1Ei',;T □. REPEAL October 1, 1993 7. ~ :\oticc _in Register ~ Public Hearing □ Notice and Public Hearing ;\"ot Required Date: March 15 2 1993 Date: 4l1l93 -~l5l93 L'nder G.S. Date: Date: 4L7 L93 -4l 20l 93 Date: Date: 4/21 L93 8. Ruic Summary (not required for a repealed rule): Specifies the require-rents for reports subnitted to the Director fran individuals subject to the corrective action req.iiranents of Rule .0106. · · 9. Statement of :\ccessit}' for Ruic !Sec G.S. 1508-21.2, 1508-2 I .9f (not required for a repealed rule): To specify the professional require-rents for ~rsons res1:x:msible for the preparation of reports and to clarify language in the rule. -I I 10. Rulemaking Coordinator or Agency Contact: 11. Si~//k cn o/1/~ / Portia Rochelle/earl Bailey /7/ ~ _,,,, -i-,,~ Address: Typed Name: AP t " _,J J • res on , UV1ft ~, r. , P.E. I Room 82~H, Archdale Blg. for Environnental Manaqanent Cannission Phone: Title: Director, 3-6376/3-3221 Division of Enviromiental Managanent ,/ Rules Rc,·icw Commission l:se Only Office of Administrative flearings Vse Only Action Taken: □ Approval □ Objection •· □ Extension of Review □ Curati~·e Rule Effectfre Date: [] Returned Unchanged Approved by: I FORl\1 OAll-1 (REVISED 10/91) {15.) "Practical -Ouantitation mtr~@~t tirilit'; means the ibwesi __ d.'ln~~tfutioh of !,gi'\t#f inatenal that cari be 1:elfablv iichfe{;ed art1ofrg laboratories wHhiri specified Hniits Sf precisior'l ati·d accuracv kii given analytical method during routine faboratefcy iiiiatvsis~ -~ ff ff r~-~-~·g-r~-~ r~-~-~ ~-ff :-~•g ·~-~-ff fff~f{ff Ur~-r~-~ rff ?~ f ff ffff ff t (8) "Limit ef Detectability" means the method detection ttmi4 established fet=-the--H-£-EPA: appmved te5t-proeedure pro·,iding the lowest method detet.'tiefl-ltmit-fet:-the-sttbstanec eeiftg-monitored. H6J:f f9) "Natural conditions" means the physical, biological, chemical and radiological . conditions which occur naturally. . <f7f::;~ f-HB "Potable waters" means those waters suitable for drinking~ by humans. (l&}t~ "Professional Engineer" means a person who has been duly registered and licensed as a professional engineer in accordance with the requirements of G.S. 89C. H9.fI "Receptor" means any huni~fi; pl.nit. aii1mal; or structure v.;hich g_ or h~ the , ... _ .. potentfal f6 be, adversely effected ~ the release or migrat'foit of contaminants; ArtV well constructed foi the purpose 6t rnonitonn·g groundwater and contatn1nant toncentrations shall ndt be· constdered ~ receptor.~~~:~~~~~~}::;:;;~:~l~~~~~:=:~}~~~::;~~~{~~{t~~~~@~~~ -~-~-~-r~-r~·rr~J-~~-r~·rrr~-~ ~-rrr~·r:·~-~-: ~-~-=-r~-r~-c~r~·r~ ~~~~ ~-~~~ ~~ ~~~~ ~;~ ~-~-~-rrr~-{~-~-~-~-r~•r~-r~·:-~·r ~"Review boundary" means a boundary around a pennitted disposal facility, midway between a waste boundary and a compliance boundary at which groundwater monitoring is required. ~"Saline groundwaters" means those groundwaters having a chloride concentration of more than 250 mg/I. ~"Saturated zone" means that part of the subsu1face below the water table in which all the interconnected voids are filled with water under pressure at or greater than atmosphe1ic. It does not include the capillary fringe. (23 )"Standards''· means groundwater gu0ality standards ·as specified in Rule .0202 Hr ili{j Subchapter: (24}t: f-14, "Suitable for drinking" means a quality of water which does not contain substances in concentrations which, either singularly or in combination if ingested into the human body, may cause death, disease, behavioral abn01malities, congenital defects, genetic mutations, or result in an incremental lifetime cancer risk in excess of lxI0·6 , or render the water unacceptable due to aesthetic qualities, including taste, odor or appearance. (25)M "Time of travel'' means the time required for contaminants in groundwater to moYe ~ unit distance. · (26):t f¾,'Waste boundary" means the perimeter of the pe1mitted waste disposal area. (27}{: H-6j'Water table" means the surface of the saturated zone below which all intercon nected voids are filled with water and at which the pressure is atmospheric. History Note: Statut01y Authority G.S. 143-214.1; 143-215; 143B-282; Eff. June I 0, l 979. Amt!nded Eff. October .L.. 1993; August I, 1989; July I, 1988; March l, 1985; September 1, 1984 . •-.. ---~---·· .............. -,J,· .,.. __ ~""''"""._ _____________ l><o .• ._.....,,..;nn,c;i· ·.a@llllo:£S1?itjj:i·~:;;,,~~c:.1:-•~~~~:·rr::ren::n~-l!!ttlli:llaliililtllll?PIIIIJS•tellili· tlliiX?Niiiliiil _________ _ or professional corporations who are QJ!!y_li<::ensed to offer engineering services . Corporations that are authorized bv law to perfonn ern?ineering or eeoloc:ical services and are exempt from the Professional Corporation Act. G.S. 55B. mav perfonn these services. History Note:· Statutory Authority G.S. 143-214.l; 143-214.2; 143-215.3(e); 143-215.3(a)(l); 143B-282; Eff. June 10, 1979; Amended Eff. October .L._1993; August 1, 1989; July 1, 1988; September l, 1984; December 30, 1983. ISA NCAC 2L .0104 has been amended with changes .as published in 7:24 NCR 2671- 2672 as follows: .0104 RESTRICTED DESIGNATION (RS) (a) The RS desilination sen1es as~ wainiti g t:hat grourid~ater so eldtgnated may riot 6J fuitlibfe fof frs~ i~ a drinking water suppiy without treatment~ The deshinati-on Ji t~rtip6rary _ a'iid will be removed bv the Director upon a determination that the quality of the grouridwatet ~ desl gn atecl h~ been tesfored fo the ieVel of the applicable standards 6r when the ¢h,undwaters haVe been reclassified !iy_ the Commission~--- The Director is authorized to designate GA or GSA groundwaters as RS under any of the followi~i) c;~~: 1 ::c::esult of man's activities, groundwaters_have beeri contatrih{alla fuld eelitain eo~ee_11tretiens ef ~~~time.c.~ iR-e,!,~ess ¥:~~~~~cf;r;iat# qttal __ ~JJ:}~~~ ~s~Hshc_cl -~~_Eltt~_ch.~ter~ ~remedial _:::~~;:~:~:~~:~;:~~; a:~Jtoft_ te: 11?.~tffl gipt:in~•.yat~f q~~hn' ~ b9e.~ required. et' j~~~~~~=~~:}~~t~~@~~~=~=::;I~~:=t~~~~~~~~§=~~~~;t~eIJ:Ltt::~~~ _the Dire?tor has approved a C()_rrectivc action plan, . ·:=~~=~~==:~~~=~f:~~}=~=:~;~::~~/):::=~=~~===~=?=?=~\ '.: or termination of corrective actiori. that will not .result in the immediaie testoratiori ~f such groundwaters to the standards established under this Subchaptet (2) Where a statutory variance has been granted as provided in Rule .0113 of this Subchapter. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~-~ ~ ~ ~ ~ : ; ~ ; = ·~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~; ~~ ~ ~ ~ : ~ ~ ~ ~ : ~ ~-~ ~ ~ ~; ~; ~ ~ ~: : : ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~:~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ _: ~-= : ~ ; ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~-~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ (b ) Groundwaters occurrin g within an area defined hY_a com pliance boundary in a waste dis posal permit are deemed to be desi smated RS. (c )fb-j The boundary of a designated RS area may be approximated iri the ab~-eii'tf 6f artal ytical dafa sufficient to define the dimension of the area. The boundary shall be foc"ated at least 250 feet away ffom the predicted edge ot the contaminant plume: and shall trich.J.de any areas into which the contamination lS expected to migrate. =Hie-R:£-desigaatio.~ ~cyy9& fis:-*- wammg thftt-grou~dvrttter :se desig1mt:ed may-aet-be suitable fef-~&'t-e--d1iakiag _y~~~ sttf;' . ~wi#to~ rI~:j:~~@:~~~~f treatm~., .. Tpp bettndarics et-ftfeft8-designatcd l{£-~~e,.ppres..im~!£4 tti-$i. ebscp:ee ef-anabrtieal <lMft-suffi~ierit ~defin~ ~cxteR-t ef. grettndw~er deg _~~ii~:, ~i;;:~;;~:~;~~:;~:=:;:;;!~~~:~=~.;ii~~~;;~~l~=~:~:;::ii:i;~~~~~:~~=~~~~~~~~ff~~~!-~R ~ the-q~li_ty_ ef:# gro.ood~ater ~ d~~_ign4lcd ~~rest-ered t<rthe-~~~ ~l'Pli~@ .l¢ standa:f:ds erwhen reelassified:.fil1 @)_In areas designated RS,{~ the person res ponsible for l!roundwater contamination ~~it}=tII%f: shall establish and im plement a groundwat~r monitoring system sufficient to de- tect changes in groundwater quality within the RS designated area. Monitoring shall be ~~~~t:~=~t~:=:~;~~~~~~~~~~t quarterly for the first year and may be reduced to semi-annuall y thereafter until the applicable ~HH:~tt~ttt~::: standards have been achieved. ftX}it~:~~~r~~_::~=:~:tI~~~~{t:~ If during the monitoring . period. contaminant concentrations increase. additional remedial ac- tion or monitorin g pursuant to these Rules may be re quired. &} The applicant for an RS designation shall also provide wtitten verification that all property owners within and adjacent to the proposed RS area have been notified of the~ guested RS desfonation. mt~ The Division shall prov1de public notice ~~~~;:~=i~~ff:1I:?::~~~r~rrr~~~@~~~ of the intent to desig- ~fil!.Y._ groundwater_ RS_ in accordanc~ with the following requiremertts; '' ' \if ~£\{:~~1Iiirl~:£8r~r~;~;;1;r:r;;;J~dl ttfih ~stf 4f~ff ~ :;~;::r:;d notice shall be provided to all property 0V:.11ers tdentified pifrsriant td l>araifraph@ of this Rule and to the local Count y Health Director and the chief administrative officer of the political iurisdiction(s) in which the contamination occurs. ill_ The notice shall =i~;:=:=:~:@}=}:~};~~~~~~~~~ contain the following infortriatf<fn: (A) name. address. and phone number of the agency issuing the public notice; .(fil_ the location and extent of the designated area . rt) the county title numbeL couritv tax identification number, or the pronlrt& . tax book and ~identifiers. @a brief description of the action or actions which resulted in the de!!radation of croundwater in the area; ID_ actions or intended actions taken to restore groundwater quality; (F) the si{!Tiificance of the RS designation: (G) conditions applicable to removal of the RS designation: {ill_ address and phone number of a Division contact from whoirt interested pmiies may obtain further info1mation. fil The Director shall consider all requests for a public hearing, and if he determines that there is significant public interest he shall issue public· notice and hold a pubiic . hearimr in accordance with G.S 143-215.4(b) and Rule 0l 13(e) of this Subchap'ter. fil These requirements shall not film!y_ to eroundwaters defined in Paraeraph ilil_ of this Rule. . History Note: Statutory Autho1ity G.S. 143-214.l; 143-215.3(a)(l ); 143B-282(2); Eff. June 10, 1979; Amended Eff. October .L.. 1993; December 1, 1989; August 1, 1989; December 30, 1983 . 15A NCAC 2L .0 I 06 has been amended with changes as published in 7:24 NCR 2672-2676 as follows: .0106 CORRECTIVE ACTION (a)~geal-ef-aetions tftk.eft-.to FcstoFe grotlfldwater quality shttll-l,e-testOfation te-the le¥el-ef-the staRda:rds, erftS-elese thereto ftS-iS eeonomiea:lly and teehnologically feasible. Where groundwater quality has been del!raded. the goal of fil!Y_re g uired correcti~e action shall be restoration to the level of the f~~~~J:~~~~~~~~~~~~t~~:=~~~~~~j~~j~~~~[~ standards, .f ~}J i,J~§~~J ~~{~~j~$~l~C , ... , or a~ cl?sel)'.' th~r~t? as is -~ce>n _omic~.ll ~-;~~d ~ech~ol~gica,l!_Y. feasi _p!e:}~. ~r.I_,~a~~J~t~!~i:t~~ guests to the Director for approval of corrective action plans, or terrnmat1oh gf cottecttve _~ Hon: the 1:esponsihilffy for providing al1 it,;formatiori re quired h_ this Rufo Hes with tlie pef~ son(s) makin g the re guesf:- (b) Any person conducting or controlling an activity which results in the discharge of .i waste or hazardous substance or oil to the groundwaters of the State, or in. proximity thereto, shall take immediate action to. tenuinate and control the discharge, mitigate any hazards result- ing from ·exposure to the pollutants and notify the Depa:rtrneat Division of the ·discharge. ( c) Any person conducting or controlling an activity_ which has not be'en 1fetniitted bv the Division an·d which results in an increase in the concentration of a substance in excess of the ~~:-ater standard~ other than amiculttiral o perations:· shall: ., . . . . . . . . H:}-ftS-the-~~ ~~tiy_ith~§~ ptjl _e,ti ~ B:gjl.9ul~I eri~~~~~ ~-~! ~,9fD,p~-~~ &. t~ $state~ ill imm~di~t~lv notifv the Division of the activi ty that has resufred i'n the 1ncrease and the coritam1nant co'nceiltratfon levels; ~::~~::=:::::-:::~:::::_: · (2) take immediate action to eliminate the-;;~~~~-or sources of contamination ; ill submit a report to the Director assessing the cause, significance and extent of the violation; and ffi submit a im plement an approved con-ective action plan ftftfr seheclule fef elimiHll:ting Htt: source ef. eont0:rniH0:tioH a:oo for restoration of groundwater qualityt ftft6 irnplemeat ftft-8:pproved p-tfttl in accordance with a schedule established by the Director, or his desil!llee. In establishing a schedule the Director, QLhis desiunee shall consider any reasonable schedule proposed ·by the person submitting the plan . A report shall be made to the Health Director of the countv or counties in which the contamination occurs in accordance with the re q uirements of Rule .01 l4(a) in this Subcha pter. (d)@, Any person conductin g or controllin u an as-~~of activities activitv ~hich i-~ conducted under the authorit y of a ·permit issued bv the Division s==:~:tttte; ~. wl3:9r~ ~ and which results in an increase fri concentration of a substance in -e~cess of the struid.ards· eoa.9.c_f?.trations ~ de~ee_*e~: (l)(A:) at or beyond a review boundary, shall demonstrate, through predictive calculations or modeling, that natural site conditions, facility design and operational controls will prevent a violation of standards at the compliance boundary; or submit a plan for alteration of existing site conditions, facility design or operational controls that will prevent a violation at the compliance boundary, and implement that plan upon its approval by the Director, or his des1gnee . {_.ijt_aj at or beyond a compliance boundary, shall assess the cause, significance and extent of the violation -of gioµ~~-~-a~ qq~l~ty standards and submit the results of the investigation, a.rid a plan; and proposed schedule for groundwater quality restoretion corrective action to the Directorl.. or his desi c.nee. The permittee shall implement the plan as approved by and in accordance with a schedule established by the Directorl.. or his <lesi gnee. In establishing a schedule the Director.1 or his designee shaU consider any reasonable schedule proposed .by the pennittee. (e) For the purposes of Pa1igraphs (c) ~nd @_ of this Rule. an activity condu"ded ~ndei: _ the ·authority of a permi"t issued .QY_ ihe Division. and subiect to Paragi:.ipfi td) M_ ilii! Rute: is on~ tor which': &ipermii has be:en issu'.ed pursu.imt to a:s: 143-215.l : (2 ) the permit was originallv issued after December 30, 1983; (3) the substance for which a standard has been exceeded outside the compffan~e boundary has been released to groundwater as a result of the p ermitted activity; (4) All other activities shall for the purpose of this Rule be deemed not pemutted ~ the Division and subject to the provisions of Paragraph (£}_ of this Rule~, filt Corrective action re quired followinl! discove ry of the unauthorized release of a contami- nant to the surface or subsurface of the land. and prior to or concurrent with the assessment req uired in Para gra phs @and (d) of this Rule. shall include. but is not limited to: ill Prevention of fire. ex plosion or the spread of noxious fumes; @Abatement. containment or control of the miuration of contaminants; filRemoval, or treatment and control of illlY._ p rimary pollution source such as buried waste. waste stock p iles or surficial accumulations of free p roducts; filRemoval. treatment or control of secondary pollution sources which would be ti potential continuin!! so.urces of pollutants to the groundwaters such as contaminated soils and non-aq ueous phase li q uids. Contaminated soils which threaten the quality of 11:roundwaters must be treated. contained or disposed of in accordance with applicable rules and p rocedures established bv the Division. The treatment or dis posal of contaminated soils shall be conducted in a manner that will not result in a violation of [Jjf}jiJJIJ\tfttf standards ?t{ or North Carolina Hazardous Waste Management rules. 1,g_l(j The site assessment conducte~_P~~~~~n!_ !? __ t~e_!~g uirements of ~;}{== Paragraph (c(:: of this Rule, shall include L;~;~~~;~g:;;;~:~;~;:~::~;~;=;~~~;~;~;::~;~;:; ~ W The source and cause of contamination: filAnv imminent hazards to public health and safety and actions taken to mitigate them in accordance with Paragra ph ill !:~t~ of this Rule: (3) All :/~\}~:~~}=~~f rece ptors and significant ex posure· p athways; (4) The horizontal and vertical extent of soil and ground\vater contamination and all significant factors affectin!! contaminant trans port: and fil Geological and hvdrogeolmrical features influencing the movement. chemical. and phvsical character of the contaminants. Re po11s of site assessments shall be submitted to the Division as soon as p racticabk or in accordance with a schedule established bv the Director. or his designee. In establishing a schedule the Director. or his designee shall consider anv reasonable proposal bv the person submitting the report. ;'0 ·1·14Cb) 6f this Subch~pt€h ill that the pi-01,iosed c-0n~ct1vt icribrt pi~n ~outd be con·srstent with iii 6tii€f erivirorimenta.1 laws: ffil=~~~~£}~~;l~~J.~~~U1~tii~f~~~~~:~~:~~~;lJJ~~~1~~~~J;~1:i-~~~8J~~1jt i i%rH,et~ fuitteii. ~iteQUrsU~iit id this Rule ma'.y fequeif that the Director approve siich ~ pfafi based up6ri natural processes of degradatfr>n ~nd attinuation hf contaminants: A request submitted td the Director under this Paragraph shall hichide ~ description of site spedfic tond1ti6h!fi lhdiid~ written documentation of projected groundwater use h1 the confarhiriaiM area based 6n ciirreiit . state & lc,cat go,;·ernrriei'i't planning effoi1s; the iechnic'al basis for the rechiesl; and ifiy odiet. infonriatlon recji1esfod _h.Y_the Director to thoroughly e\1aluate the retjuesfi ln additwrii the person making the thlfoest must aemortsttate to the satisfaction of the :bfrectoti . ffi that all sources of contaminaticin and free product have be~n remo,,ed QI controlled pursuant to Paragraph ill_ of this Rule: ill_ that th~ oontainiri'arit has the capacitytodegrade or attenuat~ undel: ~ site-sb'ecific conditions: fil that the tfrne and directton of iontiminaht travel can be predicted with teasonabf~ certainty'; ffithat contamin.ant mi1?.tation wht not result in any violation bfapplicabte groundwater standards at arty existing or foreseeable receptor! ill.that contaminants have.riot and will not migrate onto adjacent pmperties·: ?fr_ihit (A} such prop·ei·fles are se'i-ved bv an ex1stin1? public water supplv sys 't6m dependent on surface waters or hydrauficallv isoiated g'roundwafef; at ill}_ the owners of such prop.eriies have consented in writing to the reguest~ fil that: if the contaminant plume is expected to intercept swface waters; fh6 groundwater discharge w11l not possess contaminant concentrations that wouid result in violations of standards for surface waters contained in 15A NCAC 2B .0200; ffi that the person making the request will put in place !_groundwater monitorinsi program sufficient to track the degradation and attenuation of contaminants and contaminant bv-products within and down gradient of the plume and to detect contaminants and contaminant by-products prior to their reaching any existing or foreseeable receptor at least one year's time of travel upgradient of the receptor and no greater than the distance the groundwater at the contaminated site is predicted to travel in five years; .{fil_ that all necessary access agreements needed to monitor groundwater ,iuality pursu,: ant to Subparagraph ffi of this Rule have been or can be obtained.~ . fil that public notice of the request has been provided in accordance with Rufo .0114(b) of this Subchapter: and .LlQl_ that the proposed corrective action plan would be consistent with ~ tither environmental laws. r :~: ~ :~~~ ~ ~=~ :} ~ ·~~ ~ ::::; =~:=: ~--~ :~: ~ :~: ~ :~:= =~= = :~:: :~:~ :~=~~~=~ =~=~ :;~ -?~ =~=~ =~:; :~: ~ :}~ :~=~ =~=~ =~=~ =~=~ =~:~ :~: i :~:~ ~~: ~ :~:: ~ ~-~ :~:~=~-= :~=~ :; :: : =::: ~;: :; ~===~ :}~ f :~ :;: · :~:~ :;{ =~=~ ==~~: ~=~ ~~=-= f:~ =~:~ :~: ~ :~ fm>fr· Th~·-15r~:i·;;~~--~·;. -~~;;· J;~~:~~~---~~ci~;·;~-~1 t~--f ~·;;·1 e~~-~ 1··;;·-~;j;;~~~J··•~~;;~~t r;~--~~tiort_._._._._ plan for a non-pe1mitted site pursuant to this Rule mav request that the Director appr6,,e ter- mination of cmTective action. remedial" action. the termination of m? corrective action, or amend the con-ective action plan after considering all the information in the re q uest. Uoon termination of corrective action. the Director shall require imp lementation of !_groundwater moni- toring program :~=~=~:~=~-~~:~=~:~=~:~:~: sufficient to track the degradation and attenuation of contaminants at a location of at least one year's predicted time of travel upgradient of~ existirnz or foreseeable rece ptor. The monitorin g program shall remain in effect until there is sufficient evidence that the contaminant concentrations have been reduced to the level of the standards. 1.!l}tf) Upon a dete1mination by the Director that continued remedial corrective aetioAs ac- tion would result in no significant reduction in contaminant concentrations, the respoHsiele ~5-h-frH pctitioH fet:-a Yafia:nee era-feela:ssifieation ef-the impacted groundwatefs. and the ~ontaxhinated ::~I~() groundwaters can be rendered ~:=t~~:t: potable bv treatment using readily available and economicall y reasonable technolo!!ies ~==~~:f~? . the Director may dcsi 1mate the remainin !! area of degraded groundwater RS. Where the remainirn.! degraded groundwaters cannot be made potable bv such treatment. the Director mav consider a request for reclassifi- cation of the groundwater to a GC classification as outlined in Rule :020 L (o) If at anv time the Director determines that a new technology is available that would remediate the contaminated groundwater to the standards s pecified in Rule .0202, the Director may require the res ponsible party to evaluate the economic and technolo gical feasibili ty Qf lm plementim~ the new technolog y in an ~~~~~~:~~tt@@j=~? active groundwater corrective action plan in accordance with a schedule established bv the Director. The Director's determination fu -~tize new technology·. at anv site or for any particular constituent shall include a consider[ ation of the factors in Rule .0106{h}. (p~ Where grounq•Nater t:tttality standards are exceeded as a result of the application of pesticides or other ag1icultural chemicals, the Director shall requl!st the Pesticide Board or the Depa11ment of Agriculture to assist the Division of Environmental Management in determining the cause of the violation. If the violation is determined to have resulted from the use of pes- ticides, the Director shall request the Pesticide Board to take appropriate regulatory action to control the use of the chemical or chemicals responsible for, or contributing to, such viola- tions, or to discontinue their use. 1.91 The approval pursuant to this section .0106 of any corrective action plan, or modifica~ tion or te1mination thereof. which pe1mits the migration of a contaminant onto adjacent proJ>½ ertv, shall not affect any private right of action bv anv pa1tv which may be effected hY._ that contamination History Note: Statutory Authotity G.S. 143-215.2; 143-215.3(a)(l); 1438-282; Eff. August l, 1989. Amended Eff. October L_ 1993; September l, 1992 15A NCAC 2L .0107 has been amended with changes as published in 7:24 NCR 2676.-2677 as follows: .0107 COMPLIANCE BOUNDARY (a) For disposal systems individually pennitted prior to December 30, l 983~ the compli- ance boundary is established at a horizontal distance of 500 feet from the waste boundary or at the property boundary. whichever is closer to the source. (b) For disposal systems individually pennitted on or after December 30, 1983, a compli- ance boundary shall be established 250 feet from the waste boundary, or 50 feet within the property boundary, whichever point is closer to the source. (c) The boundary shall be established by the Director:.. or his designee at the time of pe1mit issuance. Any sale or transfer of property which affects a compliance boundary shall be re- ported immediately to the Director:.. or his desiunee. For disposal systems which are not gov- erned by Paragraphs (e) or (t) of this Rule, the compliance boundary affected by the sale or transfer of prope11y will be re-established consistent with Paragraphs (a) or (b) of this Rule, whichever is applicable. (d) Except as provided in Paragraph !&l.of this Rule,f.ef-dispose.1 systems peffflitted M fepeffllitted after ffiftttat.)' ±,f993; no water supply wells shall be constructed or operated with- in the compliance boundary-; of a disposal system individuallv petmitted or repermitted after January .L,.l 993. (e) Except as provided in Paragraph {g}_of this Rule. fer disposal systems peffflittea. et' fcpeffflitted afrer Janttary +,+993, a permittee shall not transfer land within an established compliance boundary of~ disposal system permitted or repermitted after January 1~ 1993 un- less: (1) the land transfe1Ted is serviced by a community water system as defined in 15A NCAC l 8C, the sourc~ of which is located outside the compliance boundary; and (2) the deed transferring the property: (A) contains notice of the permit, including the permit number, a description of the type of permit; and the name, address and tdephone number of the permitting agency; and (B) contains a restrictive covenant running with the land and in favor of the pe1mit- tee and the State, as a third pany beneficiary, which prohibits the construction and operation of water supply wells within the compliance boundary; and (C) contains a restrictive covenant running with the land and in favor of the pe1mit- tee and the State, as a third party beneficiary, which grants the right to the per- rnittee and the State to enter on such prope11y within the compliance boundary for groundwater monitoring and remediation purposes. (f) Except as provided in Paragraph {g)_of this Rule, if at the time a permit is issued or reissued after January 1, 1993, the permittee is not the owner of the land within the compli- ance boundary, it shall be a condition of the permit issued or renewed that the landowner of the land within the compliance boundary, if other than the pennittee, ~-!-'..:-:.))).;_~-\-~-~~-)-~-~-~-~-!-execute and file in the Register of Deeds in the county in which the land is located, an easement run- ning with the land which: ( 1 ) contains: 15A NCAC 2L .0 l 09 has been amended with changes as published in 7:24 NCR 2677 as fol- lows: .0109 DELEGATION {a) The Director is delegated the authority to enter into consent special orders under G.S. 143-215.2 for violations of the watef ~;:~~I;:~;~~a;i:~~~~: quaHti. standards except when a public meet- ing is required as provided in 15A NCAC 2H .1203. (b) The Director is delegated the authority to prepare a proposed special order to be is- sued by the Commission without the consent of the person affected and to notify the affected person of that proposed order and of the procedure set out in G.S. lS0B-23 to contest the proposed special order. (c) The Directorl.. or his designee shall give public notice of proposed consent special or- ders as specified in 15A NCAC 2H .1203. History Note: Statutory Authority G.S. 143-215.2; 143-215.3(a)(l); 143-215.3(a)(4); Eff. August l, 1989; Amended Eff. October I. 1993; October 1, 1990. 15A NCAC 2L .0110 has been amended as published in 7:24 NCR 2677 as follows: .OHO MONITORING (a) Afly-_pcrson subject kHhe-_pro¥isions ef.G:&-143 215. l Except where exem pted !!Y statute or -this Subcha pter. fil!Y person -who causes, permits or has control.over any discharge of waste, or groundwater cleanu p program, shall install and im plement a monitoring system, at such locations, and in such detail, as the Directorl.. or his designee may require to evaluate the effects of the discharge upon th~ waters of the state, including the effect of any actions taken to restore groundwater quality, as well as the efficiency of any treatment facility. The moni- toring plan shall be prepared under the res ponsible charge of a Professional En gineer or Li- censed Geolo gist and bear the seal of the same. (b) Monitoring systems shall be o_perated·constructed in a manner that will not result in the contamination of adjacent groundwaters of a higher quality. ( c) Monitoring shall be conducted and results reported in a manner and at a frequency specified by the Director.:.. or his desi 1mee. History Note: Statutory Authority G.S. 143-215.l(b); 143-215.3(a)tl); 14;3-215.65; 143-215.66; 143B-282; 1 Eff. August l~-1989. Amended Eff. October h 1993; 15A NCAC 2L .0111 has been amended with changes as published in 7:24 NCR 2677-2678 as follows: .0111 REPORTS . (fil Any person subject te the provisioRs ef-G.-&:-143 215 .1 ftOO to the requirements for corrective action specified in Ru1e .0106 of this Subchapter shall submit to the Director, in such detail as the Director may require, a vnitten report that descri~~s: _ . _ __ ____ __ ,, { 1) the results of the investigation specified in Paragraphs .@land @ (£1(£) &,r!g (e.)C4)ffi) of Rule .0106, including but not limited to: {A}Ettj a description of the sampling procedures followed and methods of chemical analyses used~ and i!lli:-b, all technical data utilized iR support of any conclusions drawn or determinations made. ' (2) the results of the predictive calculations or modeling, il)cluding a copy of the calculations or model runs and all supporting technical data, used in the demonstration required in Paragraph {ill (e)(;)(A) of Rule .0 I 06; and (3) the proposed methodology and timetable associated with the FC::itoration ef-ground Wffief-quality corrective action for those situations identified in Paragraphs (c) ~ @ W01 @,4 (c)O),(ID of Rule .o 106 . .{Ql The report shall be prepared under the res ponsible charge of a Professional Engineer or Licensed Geolo ~ist and bear the seal of the same as sp ecified in Rule .0106 @ ~~~~¥.~~~~=~I~ ~ History Note: Statutory Authority G.S. 143-215.l(b); 143-215.J(a)(l); 143-215.65; 143B-282; Eff. August I, 1989. Amended Eff. October 1. 1993; 15A NCAC 2L .0113 has been amended with changes as published in 7:24 NCR 2678-2680 as follows: .0113 VARIANCE {a) The Commission, on its own initiative or pursuant to a request under G.S. 143-215.3(e), may grant variances to Wfttef quality standafds aoo-the-eomplianee botindary. the rules of this Subcha pter. Pefsons subjeet te-~ provisions ef-G-:&:-130A 294 may-ftWly fere-¥arianec ttflder-thts Section. (b) Requests for variances are filed by letter from the applicant to the Environmental Management Commission. The application sha11 s·hqttl4 be mailed to the chairman of the Commission in care of the Director, Division of Environmental Management, Post Office Box 27687, 29535 Raleigh, N.C. ti6-H 27626-0535. (c) The application shall sh.eul.d. contain the following inf01mation: (1) Applications filed by counties or municipalities must include a resolution of the County Board of Commissioners or the governing hoard of the municipality requesting the variance; ffittlrWfttef ;~;I:~:;;~~'.:~ ~.ality stt1:n~~~ ~i~h ~ ttHhe-~~ .w~ich the-:,:ari8;Bcc is-rcqtt~stcd. (2) A description of the past, existing or proposed activities or operations that havt: or would result _in a discharge of contaminants to the groundwaters. (3) Description of the proposed area for which a variance is requested. A detailed location map, showing the orientation of the facility, potential for groundwater .. contaminant migration, as well as the area covered by the variance request, with reference to at least two geographic references (numbered roads , named streams/rivers, etc .) must be included. ( 4) Supporting inf01mation to establish that the variance will not endanger the public health and safety, including health and environmental effects from exposure to the groundwater contaminants. (Location of wells and other water supply sourci:s including details of well construction within 1/2 mile of site must be sho-wn on a map). (5) Suppo11ing info1mation to establish that re quirements of this Rule sta~dp:rds cannot be achieved by providing the best available technology ~conomically reasonable. This infonnation must identify specific technology considered, and the costs of implementing the technoloev and the impact of the costs on the applicant eh.aHges m-quality ef.the contaminant plume as-demonstrated through r,redietive ealettlations appro·,·ed by-the Director. ftfl<i technological constraints ·,yai9h limit ?~~I '.I:~ trr~< restoration te-the-kvel-ef.the standard. (6) Suppo11ing information to establish that compliance would produce serious financial hardship on the applicant. (7) Supp011ing inf01mation that compliance would produce serious financial hardship without equal or greater public benefit. (8) A copy of any Special Order that was issued in connection with the contaminants in the proposed area and suppo11ing information that applicant has complied with the Special Order. (9) A list of the names and addresses of any property owners within the proposed area of the variance as well as any prope11y owners adjacent to the site covered by the . . vanance. (d) Upon receipt of the application, the Director will review it for completeness and re- quest additional information if necessal)'. When the application is complete, the Director shall give public notice of the application and schedule the matter for a public hearing in accor- dance with G.S. 143-215.4(b) and the procedures set out belew in Paragra ph hlof this Rule. (e) Notice of Public Hearing. ( l) Notice of public hearing on any variance application shall be circulated in the geographical areas of the proposed variance by the Director at least 30 days prior to the date of the hearing: (A) by publishing the notice one time in a newspaper having general circulation in said county; (B) by mailing to the North Carolina Depa11ment of Httman_Environment. Health, and Natural Resources, Division of Hettlth Set-vices, Environmental Health and approp1iate local health agency; (C) by mailing to any other federal, state or local agency upon request; (D) by mailing to the local governmental unit or units having juri,sdiction over the geographic area covered by the variance; (E) by mailing to any property owner within the proposed area of the variance, as well as any property owners adjacent to the site covered by the variance; and (F) by mailing to any person or group upon request. , (2) The contents of public notice of any hearing shall include at least the following: (A) name, address, and phone number of agency holding the public hearing; (B) name and address of each applicant whose application will be considered at the meeting; (C) brief summary of the f'-ffiP-9.59.cl · s4;fl~~ variance re quest; et' modification ef the perimeter ef eompliaHee beiftg requestecl; (D) geographic description of a proposed area for which a variance is requested; (E) brief description of~ activities or operations which have or will result in the discharge of contaminants to the groundwaters described in the variance application; (F) a brief reference to the public notice issued for each va1iance application; (G) infonnation regarding the time and location for the hearing; (H) the purpose of the hearing; (I) address and phone number of premises at which inter~sted persons may obtain further info1mation, request a copy of each application, and inspect and copy forms and related documents; and (J) a brief description of the nature of the hearing including the rules and procedures to be followed. The notice shall also state that additional informa- tion is on file with the Director and may be inspected at any time during no1mal working hours. Copies of the . information on file will be made available upon request and payment of cost or reproduction. (f) All comments received within 30 days following the date of the public hearing shall be made part -of the application file and shall be considered by the Commission prior to taking final action on the application. (g) In determining whether to grant a variance, the Commission shall consider whether the applicant has complied w~th any Special Order, or Special Order by Consent jssued under G.S. 143-215.2. (h) If the Commission's final decision is un·acceptable, the applicant may file a petition for a contested case in accordance with Chapter 150B of the General Statutes. If the petition is not filed within 60 days, the decision on the variance shall be final and binding. (i) A variance shall not operate fi:s M a defense to an action at law based upon a public or private nuisance the01y or any other cause of action. History Note: Statutory Authority G.S. 143-215.3(a)(l); 143-215.3(a)(3); 143-215.3(a)(4}; 143-215.3(e); 143-215.4; Eff. August I, 1989. Amended Eff. October I 1 1993; 15A NCAC 2L .0114 has been adopted with changes as published in 7:24 NCR 2680 as fol- lows: .0114 NOTIFICATION RE Q UIREMENTS !!) Any person sub ject to "the re quirements of Rule .0 I 06(c ) m.:i~~ of this Subchap ter shall submit to the local Health Director ~~~~~~~~~J:=?~J~@:~ ,_ and the chief administrative officer of the po- litical ju risdictions in which the groundwater contamination has occun-ed. a report that de- scribes: ill The area extent of the contaminant plume; ill The chemical constituents in the groundwater which exceed the standards described in Rule .0202 of this Subcha pter; ill Actions taken and intended to miti 1rnte threats to human health; {11 The location of any wells installed for the purpose of monitorin g the contaminant plume and the frequency of sampling. .. . _ ._. ,, The report described in this Rule shall be submitted no later than five workin g day s after submittal of the com pleted report assessin g the cause. si gnificance and extent of the violation as re quired QY_Rule .0106 (c). _ _ .. . .. , (b) Any person who submhs ~ regue·st under Rule .0106 !k1 (i); or {ml . !~~jj ~~~:i:~ ~!~~~1K~~ru~~l~~~;;1~~~~;1%¥i~~;~:~:lr ~~~~~ ~~~~~~h:i~i ~~1~I~l~}~~tive officer of the polit- ical hirisdictioris in which the contami;~--;;tj;T~~e occurs. and all property owners and~@~~~ occu pants within or conti guous to the .area underlain QY.the contaminant ~rn=~~t~rn~~~? ... ·.,-..... . ··-----------.. , plume, and under the areas where ::=~=:=~~=:=}}~=~:;: it is ex pected to mi l!rate . of the . nature of the re- quest and reasons supporting it. Notification shall be made bv certified mail concurrent with the submittal of the re quest to the Director. A final decision QY.the Director shall be post ; .- poned for a period of f~~~=:~fa :~~~~~:~:~~:~:~~~:~=~~=--}~~t~~}=:~~~:~/~=~~ 30 days {~==~-followin g receipt of the re quest so that the Director may ~~~~ider -~~~~t~-~~i,~fo~d QY.. individ~~ls interested in the reguesL - ( c )Anv person ~:~~~~:~~~~t~~~~~r whose re·g uest under Rule .0 I 06 (k ). (!1_ of (in) is granted by the Director =:=~=~::=~=:-~:~~-~=~-:~=;=~}=~~~~~~~:===t~=~=~=:=~·=-==::=:=:=:===~:;-=~:~:=:~.:~ :=~-~=~·~:~·:=:=:=~=:-~·==~=~:;=::~::::::=::?:::=::::~:~:~::~:::=:==~-r~=:-:=t:=t~=~=- shall notify parties specified in Paragraph (b) of this Rule of the Director's decision . Notifica- tion shall be made by certified mail within 30 days of receipt of the Director's decision. History Note: Statutory Authority G.S. 143-214.l ; 143-215.3(a}(l); 143B-282 (2 )b : Eff. October 1. 199}; · (4) Odor threshold limit value; (5) Maximum contaminant level; or (6) National secondary drinking water standard. (e) The following references, in order of preference, shall be used in establishing concen- trations of substances which correspond to levels described in Paragraph (d) of this Rule. (1} Integrated Risk Information System (U.S. EPA). (2) Health Advisories (U.S. EPA Office of Drinking ¥/ater). (3) Other health risk assessment data published by U.S. EPA. (_4) . Other appropriate, published health risk assessment datal ''"'d scfontifi at · vaHd ··e ·'=:';\;~e ··ec1 ·u1,··shed to,Hcoio··1c~i"' da·---~; ~-. . ... _. . . ,, qJ _,y ... -.. -p,,;pr __ ~_,J.,,:w. -R h . --. -. -. --_g . J ..... !i! (f) WtttefGroundwater quality standards specified in Paragraphs (g) and (h) of this Rule and interim maximum allowable concentrations established pursuant to Paragraph (c) of this Rule shall be reviewed on a biennial basis. Appropriate modifications to established standards will be made in accordance with the procedure prescribed in Paragraph (d) of this Rule where modifications are considered appropriate based on data published subsequent to the previous review. (g) Class GA Standards. \Vhere not othe1wise indicated, the standard refers to the total concentration in milligrams per liter of any constituent in ~ dissolved. colloidal or particulate form which is mobile in groundwater. This does not ~to sediment or other particulate matter which is preserved in a groundwater sample as a result of well construction or sam- rui!:!g_ procedures. ill acetone: 0.7 mt+, acrylamide (propenamide): 0.00001 ~ arsenic: 0.05 ~ barium: ~ 2.0 ~ benzene: 0.00 l ~ bromofonn (tribrorilomethane ): 0.00019 ~ cadmium: 0.005 .{filf1-} carbofuran: 0.036 i2..}t8-} carbon tetrachloride: 0.0003 LJ..Q.2(-9-j chlordane: 2.7 x 10-5 !..1lli-l-G-} chloride: 250.0 f.l.f.H•H-} chlorobenzene: G:-3-0.05 ~ chlorofonn (trichloromethane): 0 .00019 ~ 2-chlorophenol: 0.000 l ~ chromium: 0.05 ~ cis-1,2-dichloroethene: 0.07 i..!1.!f-l-61 colifonn organisms (total): l per 100 milliliters f..!...fil(-l-+ color: 15 color units !.l21f-H4 cop per: I . 0 ~ cyanide: 0.154 ~ 2. 4-D (2,4-dichlorophenoxy acetic acid}: 0.07 ~ 1,2-dibromo-3-chloropropane: 2.5 x I o-5 ) (23)(22) dichlorodifluoromethane (Freon-12: Halon): 0.00019 1.1 (24) .L.l... dichloroethane: 0. 7 'I, Tag s and Labels 2 NCAC 48C .0020 Amend/Establishes requirements for labeling of seed containers~ Res p onsibility 2 NCAC 48C .0021 Amend/Establishes requirements for seed germination tests. Analy sis for Farmers 2 NCAC 48C .0023 Amend/Establishes rules and fees for seed analysis service. Identification and Size 2 NCAC 48C .0024 Amend/Establishes procedures for submitting seed samples for analysis. Health Re g ulations 2 NCAC 52B .0502 Amend/Establishes health rules for poultry exhibitions. Ps y chiatric Admission Criteria Adopt/Establishes Psychiatric Admission Medicaid beneficiaries under age 21. Date Requirements DHR/DIVISION OF MEDICAL ASSISTANCE 10 NCAC 26B Criteria for DEPARTMENT OF INSURANCE Amend/Shows data requirements for individual health policies for rate revision process. 11 NCAC 16 accident and .0112 .0205 Restrictions 11 NCAC 16 .0302 Amend/Recites certain premium relationships within and between classes of business and sets limits on renewal rate increases. ~ . I\ n O ~ ~DEHNR Interest and Term ~ ~ 15A NCAC lK . 0402 Amend/Specifies the interest rate and term of loans made from the Loan Fund. DEHNR/ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT '"--t-f_ _ _ 0fJri, COMMISSION . l N)~ L.U('_V&l'---,' Permit Req uirements Amend/Describes procedures and requirements for emit toxic air pollutants. 15A NCAC 2H .0610 permits to 3 .. Notification Re q uirements 15A NCAC 2L .0114 Adopt/Specifies notification requirements that persons subject to .0106 must meet. Groundwater Classifications 15A NCAC 2L .0201 Amend/Specifies the classification, best usage, and occurrence of GA, GSA, and GC groundwaters in .the state. Groundwater Quality Standards 15A NCAC 2L ~0202 Amend/Specifies the maximum allowable concentration of substances in Class GA,GSA and GC groundwaters and procedures to establish standards for substances. DEBNR/MARINE ~~ w FISHERIES coMM£ssIOH Definitions 15A NCAC 3I .0001 Amend/Defines terms used in this subchapter. Fishing Gear 15A NCAC 3J .0401 Amend/Establishes proclamation authority on fishing gear during certain months in specified areas. Purse Seines Prohibited 15A NCAC 3R .0011 Amend/Describes areas where the use of purse seines is prohibited. DEBNR/SOIL AND WATER~. CONSERVATION ~ V Prereq uisite for Disbursement . 15A NCAC 6C .o 7 Amend/Establishes prerequisite for disbursement of grant funds under the Sm~ll Watershed Program. DEBNR/COASTAL ~. · M¥AG~NT . Mana g ement Ob j ective ~~ ~~. 15A NCAC Amend/States the management objective of the estuarine system. 7H .0203 Coastal Wetlands 15A NCAC 7H .0205 Amend/Describes and defines coastal wetlands and their land uses. Estuarine Waters 15A NCAC 7H .0206 Amend/Describes and defines estuarine waters and their use standards. 5 State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary A Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director NA DEHNR September 13, 1993 MEMORANDUM: TO: THRU: FROM: Portia Rochelle Arthur Mouberry(#' Car 1 Bailey (:t3 SUBJECT: Groundwater Section Responses to Rules Review Commission (RRC) Proposed Technical Changes and Objections to 15A NCAC 2L .0100 and .0200. Attached are the rules with changes as a result of review by the Rules Review Commission Staff. All technical changes were incorporated by the Division of Environmental Management. Other changes in the rules were the result of objections raised by the RRC. The Groundwater Staff has developed appropriate responses to these concerns. If you need additional assistance, please contact David Hance in the Groundwater Section Planning Branch at 733-3221 (ext. 428). cc: Arthur Mouberry Carl Bailey David Hance Phil Telfer P.O. Box 29535, Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Telephone 919-733-3221 FAX 919-715-0588 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/ l 0% post-consumer paper Suggested Changes to 15A NCAC 2L Proposed Amendments Based on Objections made by the Rules Review Committee Ob jection #1 .0103(b )(l ) The use of the term "economicallv and socially justifiable" is ambi!!uous. The standard bv which the Commission will allow si!:!nificant deg-radation needs to be more clearlv defined. Pro posed or Cun-ent Rule : ( 1) the significant degradation of groundwaters which have existing quality that is better than the assigned standani., unless such degradcition is found to be economically or socially justifiable. or Srnn:ested Change: (I) the significant degradation of groundwaters which have existing quality that is better than the assigned st~ndard, unle;;s such degradation is found to be in the best interests of the citizens of North Carolina based upon the projected ?conomic hen di ts of the fa.:iliry and a determination that public health will be protected. Ob jection #2 .0103(b)(3) The use of the te1m ":-idverse imoact on public health. saferv or welfare" is unclear. There is no clear standard as to \Vhat actions constitute an adverse im pact to health. safetv. and welfare . Pro posed or Cunent Rule : (3 ) the impairment of existing groundwater uses or an adverse impact on the public health, safety, or welfare. Sug geskd Chan2.e: the impairment of existing groundwater uses or an adverse impact on the public health, safety, or '.:ve!fare due to the operation of a waste disposal system. Objection #3 .0104(d) The hrase "as detem1ine<l bv the Director" is highlv obiectionable . This p ara2:ra ph does not s pecifv the circumstances. criteria. or standards that will be used to re quire additional remedial actions or monito1in2. in the event contaminant concentrations increase. Pro po::;ed or Cunent Rule: (d) In areas designated RS, the person responsible for groundwater (.;Ontamination shall establish and implement a ground\1\.-ater monit01ing system sufficient to detect changes in groundwater quality within the RS designated area. \1onit01ing shall be qua11erly for the first year and may be reduced to semi-annually thereafter until th-c applicable standards have been achieved. If during the monitoring period, contaminant concentrations increase, additional remedial action and monitoring may be required. as detennined by the Director. · Su2:!l ested Change: (d) In areas d.esignated RS , the person responsible for groundwater contamination shall establish and implement a groundwater monitoring system sufficient to detect State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Healt-h -and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management James B, Hunt, Jr,, Governor Jonathan B, Howes, Secretary A Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director NA DEHNR October 14, 1993 MEMORANDUM: TO: THRU: FROM: Portia Rochelle Arthur Mouberry~ Carl BaileyCt.S SUBJECT: Groundwater Section Responses to Rules Review Commission (RRC) Objections to 15A NCAC 2L .0103 (e). The Environmental Management Commission met on October 14, 1993 to discuss the objection to 15A NCAC 2L. 0103 (e) from the September 17, 1993 Rules Review Commission (RRC) meeting. Please be advised that in accordance with N.C.G.S 150B-21.12(a), the Environmental Management Commission has decided not to satisfy the RRC objection. Please forward a letter to the RRC Staff Director informing him of this decision so that the rule may be compiled into the North Carolina Administrative Code in accordance with N.C.G.S. 150B-21 .12(b); 21.18; 21 .19 and 21 .20. If you need additional assistance, please contact David Hance in the Groundwater Section Planning Branch at 733-3221 (ext. 428). Attachment cc: Arthur Mouberry Carl Bailey David Hance Phil Telfer P.O . Box 29535, Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Telephone 9i9-733-3221 FAX 919-715-0588 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Ac ti on Employer 50% recycled/ 10% post-consumer paper -5- AGENDA ITEM: Re q uest for Environmental Manag ement Commission Res p onse to the Rules Review Commission Ob j ection 930054 to 15A NCAC 2L . 01 03 EXPLANATION: On September 17, 1993 the Rules Review Commission (RRC) met to discuss and review amendments to 15A NCAC 2L .0100 and .0200. The RRC approved the rules with technical changes and responses to previous legal objections raised prior to thi·s meeting. However, the RRC has informed the Groundwater Section that it has an objection to 1 SA NCAC 2L .0103. The objection centers on Rule .0103(e) as amended by the Groundwater Staff to address RRC objections prior to the September 17, 1993 meeting. 15A NCAC 2L .0103(e) is shown as follows: "Work that is within the scope and practice of geology and engineering, performed pursuant to the requirements of this Subchapter, which involves site assessment, the interpretation of subsurface geologic conditions, preparation of conceptual corrective action plans or any work requiring detailed technical knowledge of site conditions which is submitted to the Director, shall be performed by persons, firms, or professional corporations who are duly licensed to offer geological or engineering services by the appropriate occupational licensing board or are exempted from such licensing by G.S. 89E-6. Work which involves design of remedial systems or specialized construction techniques shall be performed by persons, firms, or professional corporations who are duly licensed to offer engineering services. Corporations that are authorized by law to perform engineering or geological services and are exempt from the Professional Corporation Act, G.S. 55B, may perform these services." The Division of Environmental Management believes that this language in 15A NCAC 2L .0103 (e) best reflects the Commissions rule making intent, the comment resulting from the public notice and hearing, and sufficiently clarifies the meaning of the rule. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Environmental Management Commission file 15A NCAC 2L .0103 with the Rules Review Commission objection in the North Carolina Administrative Code. 15A NCAC 2L .0100 AND 0200 CLASSIFICATION AND -STANDARDS OBJECTIONS RAISED BY THE OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATIVE HEARINGS RULES REVIEW COMMISSION STAFF SEPTEMBER 7, 1993 RULE CITATION: 15A NCAC 2L .0103 (b)(1) OBJECTION: The use of the term "economically and socially justifiable" is ambiguous. The standard by which the Commission will allow s~gnificant degradation needs to be more clearly defined . RULE CITATION: 15A NCAC 2L .0103 (b)(3) OBJECTION: The use of · the term "adverse impact on public health, safety .or welfare" is unclear. There is no clear standard as to what actions constitute an adverse impact to health, safety and welfare. RULE CITATION: 15A NCAC 2L .0104 (d) OBJECTION: The phrase "as determined by the Director. 11 is highly objectionable. This paragraph does not specify the circumstances, criteria, or standards that will be used to require additional remedial actions or monitoring in the event contaminant concentrations increase. RULE CITATION: 15A NCAC 2L .0113 (c)(6) and (7). OBJECTION: is unclear . The phrase "serious hardship" in both subparagraphs RULE CITATION: 15A NCAC 2L .0201 (3)(c) OBJECTION: The phrase "case by case basis" does not i nclude clear standards for making case-by-case determinations . 15A NCAC 2L .0103 has been amended with changes as published in 7:24 NCR 2671 as follows: .0103 POLICY (a) The rules established in this Subchapter are intended to maintain and preserve the quality of the groundwaters, prevent and abate pollution and contamination of the waters of the state, protect public health, and permit management of the groundwaters for their best usage by the citizens of North Carolina. It is the policy of the Commission that the best us- age of the groundwaters of the state is as a source of drinking water. These groundwaters generally are a potable source of drinking water without the necessity of significant treatment. It is the intent of these Rules to protect the overall high quality of North Carolina's groundwaters MttHe-eflhe.Hee mttl-restore the qttality of degnu:led grettndwa.tcf's to the level established by the standards: and to enhance and restore the quality of degraded groundwaters where feasible and necessary to protect human health and the environment. or to ensure their suitability as a future source of drinking water. (b) It is the intention of the Commission to protect all groundwaters to a level of quality at least as high as that required under the standards established in Rule .0202 of this Subchap- ter. In keeping with the policy of the Commission to protect, maintain, and enhance ground- water -quality within the State of North Carolina, the Commission will not approve any dispos- al system subject to the provisions of G.S. 143-215.1 which would result in: (1) !he significant degra~ation of groundwaters J.-~N~~-,-~!~-~' existing quality fffit ts better than the assigned standard, unless sudi tieitra~t10n 1s found to be ~td'ft~ti~Yi iWa ~~~tr~ ~iw,,,.,-, 'l. ·:-~~ ffi lli~ l:i~si hilei.~ 6t itili ttfff~ ~ ~~ ,,,,,,~'-·,Y,""/.';,·i"ttt ,,,,,,,_? ~/ ,,,-,1. ···,0,1/,W//,,·,'"'z•, ·-· ,-==;;;;;;;,_£!__ t'itf&ftrtii iii~~ ah~ t&~ bloie~fed iSSnfrite b.enefld 6r th~ facmt:v and a lietErtnftfatldK Mat p~ tr~!ltli ~u ~ protected, or (2) a violation of a water groundwater quality standard beyond the bottHda-rics ef.the property Oft-which the-sotlfee ef pollutioft is-locatecl, er_ a desi gnated comp liance boundary, or . 3) the impairment-of existin groundwater uses or~ i,fci,'v'~r~:¢ ~C:''~~ ~~ ~m~ea ( nll'. f8 tH~ f{e'alftt & f£({j ~ft th~ ublic ~@:th' ;i~ri/,tn~f~iie ifti~ ~ ~ . · ~iferaHbtl N 1 wifsie at®oi-'4f~fii. ,,, ,,, __ --·' .......... ~, ,,. ,_,, __ , __ , ___ ,,_ -- cc) Violations of ~&'~~~i# i~~tandards resulting from groundwater withdrawals which are in compliance with water use permits issued pursuant to G.S. 143-215.15, shall not be subject to the corrective action requirements of Rule .0106 of this Subchapter. (d) No person shall conduct or cause to be conducted, any activity which causes the con- centration of any substance to exceed that specified in Rule .0202 of this Subchapter, except as authorized ~X,~/!\:. i:?!~f,.f. tJ!;.i!,,~,,~.'~~'~.~~J-¼'",,,,, .. ,,,.,:i(✓,w ""'~ W,(/,,,,, .. ,.,,,,, '" ¼'•W/.i 'W_''i<''~w·,7,;1/,/'"',< .. ,x.,;,». · ( e) Work tnat 1'8 Whriifi fo~ g'cofe 2!.. dte ~fact1te of geology iifo erfgi11eeriftg; performed p ursuant to the ¥eguff~enf~ of this Subchapted which involves site assessment. the interp reta- tion of subsurface geologic conditions . preparation of conceptual corrective action plans or any work requiring detailed technical knowled ge of site conditions which is submitted to the Director. shall be performed bv persons, firms or professional co rp orations who are duly li- censed ,to,offer g e?l?,Hica_!_ o.r _ en~ir~e~~-n-~ ~eryic~~ -~,t~_e,, appropriate occupational licensin g board I_~ ~pted frdffi iti'ch If[eifsfn ~ ~trS1 g~J~. Work which involves design of remedial svstems or sp ecialized construction techni ques shall be p erformed !?Y persons, firms ( . or professional corp orations who are duly licensed to offer en gineerin g services. Corporations that are authorized J2y_ law to perform en gineerin g or geological services and are exempt from the Professional Corp oration Act, G.S. 55B, may perform these services . . History Note: Statutory Authority G.S'. 143-214.1; 143-214.2; 143-215.3(e); 143-215.3(a)(l); 143B-282; Eff. June 10, 1979; Amended Etf. October l,_1993; August l, 1989; July 1, 1988; September 1, 1984; December 30, 1983. changes in groundwater quality within the RS designated area. l\.fonitoring shall be quarterly for the first year and may be reduced to semi-annually thereafter until the applicable standards have been achieved. An increase in contaminant levels \Vil! be reviewed by the Director or his designee. Additional monit01ing or remedial action may be required if it is dderrnined or suspected that the increase represents: (1) another release which may or may not be associated with the original contaminant release , (2) an increase in contaminant levels resulting from the de 61-radation or attenuation of the 01iginal contaminant into new or related chemical wmpounds, or (_3) an increase due to unknown conditions or circumstan 0es . Ob jection #4.0113 (c )(6) and (7 ) The phrase "serious hardshin'' in both sub oara1rra hs seems unclear. Pro oos;;:d or Cun-ent Rule: (6) Supporting information to establish that complianc~ would produce se1icus hardship rm the applicant. (7) Suppo11ing information that compliance would produce serious hardship without equal or greater public b enefit. Smzrrested Change: (6) Suppo1iing informatior. to establish that compliance \vould produce se1ious financial hardship on the part of the applicant. (7) Supp01iing info1mation that compliance would produc e :;-::r:ous fo~;mcial hardship without equal or greater public benefit. Ob jection #5 .. 0201(3 )( c ) The phrase "case-bv-case basis" does not include clear st1.ndards for making case-bv-c ase determinativm. Prop osed or Current Rule : (c) Occun-ence . Groundwoters of this class may be defined by the Commission on a i::ase-by-cas,; basis. Sucge s ted Chan12:e: (c) OccwTence. Groundwaters which me,.:t the crite1ia of subp:iragraphs .0201 (J)(a) and (b) above may be defined as GC by the Commission . Ob jection #6 .. 0103 (e ): Paragra ph should also reference those persons exem pted bv Statute from the licensing re quirements. Pro r osed or Current Ru1e: (e) ... shall be performed by. persons, firms or professicwal corporations who are duly licensed to offer geological or engineering services by the appropriate occupational licensing boa,rd. Work which involves design or remedial systems ... Suggested Change: (e) ... shall be pe1fmmed by persons, films or profession,11 corporations who are duly licensed to offer geological or engineering services by the appropriate occupational licensing board or are exempted from such licensing by G.S . 89E-6. Work which involves design or remedin l systems ... INrnCIXCI'ICN SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATION OF THE HEARING OFFICERS (15A NCAC 2L .0100 and .0200) 'Ihe North carolina General statutes 143-214.1 directs the Envirconental Management c.amrl.ssiC11 to adopt, for the protection of the groundwaters of the State for their intended best use, a series of classifica.tiC11S and standards appropriate for the :purp:>ses of classifying the waters of the state. Coosistent with this duty, the CcmnissiC11 has developed amendments to Title 15A North carolina Administrative Code, SUbchapter 2L .0100 and .0200, Groundwater Classifica.tiC11 and Standards ( 15A NCAC 2L • 0100 and . 0200) • BAO<GRCXJND 'Ihe camri.ssiC11 has recx:)9Ilized that utilizing the current 15A NCAC 2L rules as a regulatory vehicle for groundwater remediatiC11 in the State has resulted in the wasteful use of public trust funds and state enforcement resources while providing little health or enviraunental benefit. Since new state and federal requirements CC11tained in 15A NCAC 2N , Criteria ard Standards Aw]..icable to ~ Storage Tanks, have gone into effect, the number of groundwater cantaminaticn incidents related to leaking petroleum underground storage tanks has increased dramatically. 'l'he Leaking Petroleum Underground Storage Tank Trust Funds are being used to CC11tinually finance groundwater cleanup activities in the state after the deductible is paid with no regard to site specific informatiC11 or the technological limitatiC11S of active cleanup methods. 'Ihe Groundwater cannittee of the Envirca1mental Management CCJnnissiC11 has identified provisiC11S within the rules where improvements are necessary and are shown as follows: 1 ) Remgnizing natm:al renedi at-im as a viable cleanup techmlogy: 'Ihe current rules require the use of active remediaticn technology (pump and treat) in every situaticn. Natural bioremediaticn processes that retard the novement of contaminates and degrade CC11tarninants to noo.-toxic levels cannot currently be CXDSidered as a means to remediate groundwaters in carrecti ve acticn plans. The current rules requires perSC11S respca,sible for cleanup to actively remediate groundwaters in-situ even where active remediation technology has been denalstrated ineffective at reducing CC11taminates to the standards in 15A NCAC 2L. Clearly, natural remedial processes should be pennitted for sites where it is ea:xx:mically and technically achievable and protective of the public interest. 2) All.owing for altema.te cleanup metmds ard levels in additicn to the Varianre provisials in 1 SA RX 2L • 0113: Active remediation of CC11taminated groundwaters is required until the water quality Draft Versicn 07/07/93 (dh) 1 standards in 15A NCAC 2L .0202 are achieved under the current rules. In many instances active remediaticn efforts cannot provide cleanups to the standards. It has been observed that there is little incentive to get a variance to the Rule .0202 standards. ~ respct1Sible individuals reach the deductible en a pump and treat system, nost operating costs are reimbursable through the State Trust Funds. 'lhe process to obtain variances are not reimbursable through State Trust Funds. 'lhe Q:mni ttee feels that the rules. need to allow for alternate cleanup levels where it has been dem:Xlstra.ted that other corrective acticns cannot provide further reducticns and where no adverse impact l«>Uld be incurred up:n human health and the environment. 3) 'Die need to specify mininln criteria related to mr.cective acti.cn pl.ans: '1he rules do not specifically delineate the minimal set of criteria the Director needs to cx::nsider before approving any corrective actiai plan. '1he Ccmnissiai felt that any rule changes needed to detail oorrective acticn requirements following the disaovery of cx:ntaminate release, site assessments and ex>rrective acticns to remediate groundwaters. 4) 'Die need to al.low the ter:mina.tim of mnective actials 1iien it is denolstrated that pc:wcntly avaiJahJe t:edmology is incapable of briDJing abort: further :r::educt:ials in cx:ntam:inant cxmcentrati.als: 'Ihe current rules require active groundwater ranediaticn until cx:ntarninant ccncentra.ticns reach the standards of 15A OCAC 2L .0202. It has been delalstra.ted at a large number of sites that little or no reductic:ns are occurring far cx:ntaminant ccncentra.ticns in situ. Reducing cx:ntarninants to the standards is not technically achievable at these sites. '1he rules need to be rrore flexible at allowing tenninatiai of ex>rrective acticns where it can be delalstra.ted that remediaticn to the Rule .0202 standards is not a technically achievable goal. s > Reducing -wasteful disbJrsements of JIDleYS tlunlgh the state Trust Form: A large p.roporticn of the reported groundwater cx:ntaminaticn incidents that are reimbursable under the leaking Petroleun Undergroond Storage Tank Trust Funds are those sites that cannot be cleaned up using best available technology • At many of these sites, where active groundwater punp and treat systems have been arployed, arrple evidence indicates these systems cannot achieve a level of cleanup to the groundwater standards in 1 SA NCAC 2L • 0202. '1he State is having to reimburse lCDJ term operaticn and equipnent costs for active remediaticns that are not achieving any measurable level of cleanup. state Trust Funds are also being disbursed to perfann purcp and treat remediaticn at sites that: A) are using a p.mlic drinking water supply other than the groundwater am far which the groundwaters have no current or planned use to the public; Draft Versicn 07/07/93 (dh) 2 B) have site specific soil, geologic and hydrogeologic characteristics that would retard the IIDV€fflel1t of cx:ntaminants; C) have ccntaminant cxncen.tratioos that barely exceed the standards of 15A :tCAC 2L .0202. 'Ihe Crnmittee felt that the rules changes would nore effectively direct the use of state Trust Funds to corrective actioos that provide the nest cost effective cleanups and b::Mard those sites that have the nest ~ten public health and the envircnnent. 6) Providing m:ininun educatialal. and pmfessialal. :registratial :requi.reoents far tlDSe individuals perlouning cleamJp activities: 'lhe current rules do not require credentials for persons who engage in developing corrective acticn plans, designing remediaticn systems, perfonning site assessments, or evaluating site specific characteristics such as hydrology, geology, hydrogeology or the extent of ccntaminant novement. 'lhe camrl.ttee felt rulemaking to define these requirements would protect the public interest by giving the Divisicn a mean of assuring envircnnental ccntra.ctor perfcmnance through the use of State b:>ards of registraticn. RULE Sl'fJlllIARY 'Ihe proposed amendments to 1 SA :tCAC 2L • 0100 and • 0200 are intended to do the following: a) Clarify rules specificatioos by adding definitioos. b) Restrict certain site characterizatioos and corrective action work to persons licensed by appzopz: iate professialal. licensing b:>ards. c) Add ncnitoring and notificaticn requirements applicable to the Restricted Designaticn (RS) , including its applicaticn within canpliance boundaries. 'Ihe amendment also outlines cx::n:litioos under which the Director may designate Class ~ and GSA groundwaters as RS. d) Specifies new mi.niJrrum cleanup requirements for all sites including corrective actions follCMing the discovery of ccntaminant release, site assessment criteria, and cx::n:litions under which Best Available Technology is required. Draft Versicn 07/07/93 (dh) 3 e) Specifies canditian required for approval of alternate cleanup levels, natural rernediatian and tenninatian of corrective acticns. f) Revises the c::arpliance l:x::Juooary :rule to inq;>rove ccnsistency with other envircnnental protectian :rules. g) Allows the Director to require groundwater remediatian to the 1 SA l'CAC 2L • 0202 standards as new technology beoanes available to rernediate any site. h) For sites not permitted by the Divisicn, requires that respcrlSible perscns sul:Jnit detailed site infonna.tian alx:JUt corrective acticns to the local health director and chief administrative officer. Requires notification of local health director, adjacent property owners, and those residing within the contaminated area when the Director has approved a corrective actian plan, natural remediatian or termination of a corrective action. MAJOR PUBLIC cx:tn:RNS A nmiber of changes were proposed by public ccmnentors to 1 SA l'CAC 2L .0100 and .0200. '!he :rule change that elicited the rrost :Pl]blic respcnse was the prop:>Sed definition of ''Resp:llsible Party''. Participants also expressed many ccmnents regarding the ciramistances under which a Restricted Designaticn or RS 'WOUld be applied to groundwaters. Additionally, other cx::mnents or staff reccmnendaticns dealt with p:rofessional requirements for those who engage in groundwater remediation, the p:>l.icy statement in Rule .0103, criteria to tenninate CX>rrective acticns, new public notice requirements, and the application of 1 SA l'CAC 2L • 0200 standards to corrective actions. 'lhe following smrmarizes the critical issues and the hearing offices rea::mnendatians: Listing of HeariDJ Officers Recxmoendatials to Ma.jar Public Qmce:ms far 1 SA RX 2L • 0100 and .0200 Gramdwater Cl.assificatial and standards ISSUE RAISED 1 ) new defini ticns in Rule • 0102 2) professional requirements Draft Version 07/07/93 (dh) 4 REXXl'-1-'JENDATICN New definiticns are added for ''contaminant'' and ''standards'' to allow easier reading of the :rules. 'lhe requirement that Professional Engineers and Licensed Geologists do certain work will remain in the :rule as proposed. 3) 11Respa1sible Party" definition 4) policy statement in Rule .0103 5) restricted designation (RS) 6) alternate cleanup levels 7) evidence to support natural remediation 8) tenninating corrective actions (1:40 ratio of deocntamination) Draft Version 07/07/93 (dh) 5 'lhe proposed definition for 11Respa1sible Party'' was deleted as a result of strcng public opinion. 'lhe rreaning of the phrase was maintained fran the existing rules in 1 SA NC.AC 2L .0100. Remained as proposed at the public hearing. Deleted the authority for RS designations to areas served by public water. Added a provision that prchibits RS designations where cxntaminant plumes have crossed onto adjacent properties unless public water is available or the adjacent property owner grants c::cnsent for an RS designation. 'lhe proposed rule for the use of alternate cleanup levels was deleted and the corrective action rule in Rule .0106(j) was rewritten to allo-, setting goals for corrective action that exceed groundwater standards. Change Rule .0106(1)(2) and (3) to require evidence that natural remediaticn will produce non-toxic cxntaminates and levels. M:ni taring requirements in Rule .0106(4) included by-products of natural remediation as a cc:nstituent to be tracked in a groundwater m::nitoring program. Added language to require respoosible persons show "duraticn and degree of success of existing ranedial effort to attain standards" in tenninating corrective actions as a part of the denDnstraticn to the Director. 9) protecting surface waters fran cx:ntaminated groundwater discharges. 10) public notice requirements Added language specifying that any cx:ntaminants cx:ntained in groundwater discharges to surface waters will not exceed 15A K".AC 2B .0210. Remain as proposed at public hearing. All additiCXlal changes were to clarify cx:ncepts or language of the rules. 'lhe definitians for "Receptor" and "Groundwaters" were revised to better express the CCmnissians intent. "Practical Quantitatioo Level" was changed to "Practical Quantitatioo Limit" after consultation with the Di visicn of Epidemiology to provide a term nore a:nsistent with EPA literature. '!he hearing officers reccmnend these requested changes be incorporated in the rules. Numerous cannents proposed drastic changes to 15A K".AC 2L .0100 and • 0200. 'Ihese proposed changes are not :r:eccmnended by the ~ officers. 'Ihe criteria by which ccmnentors proposed changes are not recxmnended for rulemaking are as follows: 1) 'Ihe Connission lacks the statutory authority to pranulgate cannentors suggestion into the rules; 2) 'Ihe issues are best addressed as pemrl.tting, enforcement or policy issues by the Divisioo. 3) Prqx)sed changes presented teclmical solutions which are not as sound or desirable as the approach already stated in the rule. 4) Public notice did not indicate an intent to anend that particular rule; or 5) Cormentors proposed changes are WI' perceived as in accorrlance with the cannissicn's resp:nsibility of protecting groundwater resources and remediating groundwater cx:ntaminaticn. Sane of these pi:oposals are perceived as inconsistent with the State's groundwater policy expressed in the North Carolina General Statutes. Draft Version 07/07/93 (dh) 6 > PRESENTATION OF THE SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATION OF THE HEARING OFFICERS (15A NCAC 2L .0100 and .0200) INIRODUCI'ICN AND BACKGROUND For nore than a year the Groundwater Crnrnittee and the Groundwater Section have been developing changes to the Groundwater Classifications and Standards rules ( 15A NCAC 2L) • 'Ihese amendments were developed because the Crnrnission has recognized that using the current 15A NCAC 2L rules for groundwater remediation in the State has resulted in the wasteful use of public trust funds and state enforcement resources while providing little health or environmental benefit. Since new state and federal requirements for underground storage tanks, have gone into effect, the m.unber of groundwater contamination incidents in the state has increased dramatically. State Tank Trust Funds are being used to continually finance groundwater cleanup activities in the state after the deductible is paid with little regard to site specific infonnaticm or the technological limitations of active cleanup methods. On February 11 , of this year the Crnrnission gave approval for the proposed 2L amendments to go to public hearing. RULE REVISICNS PROPOSED The pro~ed amendments to 15A NCAC 2L .0100 and .0200 were intended to: a) Clarify rules specifications by adding definitions. b) Restrict certain site characterizations and corrective action work to persons licensed by appropriate professional licensing boards. c) Add m:::m.itoring and notification requirements applicable to the Restricted Designation (RS), including its application within canpliance boundaries. The amendment also outline conditions under which the Director may designate groundwaters as RS. d) Specify new minimum cleanup requirements for all sites including notification of the Division and local authorities, corrective actions following the discovery of contaminant release, site assessment criteria, new infonnation requirements for corrective action plans and conditions under which Best Available Technology is required. e) Specify infonnation required for approval of corrective action plans, natural remediation and the te:anination of corrective action. Draft Version 07/06/93 (dh) 1 f) Allows the Director to require groundwater remediation to the 15A NCAC 2L .0202 standards as new technology becanes available to remediate any site. g) Requires that responsible persons sutmit detailed site infonnatian to the local health director and chief political officer regarding corrective actions. PUBLIC HEARING SOfJJARY Five public hearings were held in North carolina by the Environmental Management Ccmnission to receive public ccmnent an the amendments to 15A NCAC 2L .0100 and .0200 Groundwater Classification and Standards. The hearing were held in April 1993 in Jacksonville, Williamston, Raleigh, Salisbury and Asheville. 'Ihe hearing officers for these hearings were myself (Dermis Ioflin), Robert Griffith, Winston Pullia'll and the past DEM-Regional Supervisor of the Fayetteville Regional Office, Mick Noland. A total of 346 persons registered their attendance at the public hearings. Eighty-Six of these persons provided ccmnents at the hearings and sixty-eight ( 68) letters of written ccmnent consisting of 390 pages of infonnatian were received. Also, the Olainnan of the Envirarnnental Management Ccmnission received 194 letters fran citizens, the majority of which reside in Wake and Durham Counties. MAJOR PUBLIC CXNCERNS AND REO:M-'IENDED CHANGES The rule change that elicited the nost public response was the prqposed definition of ''Resp:osible Party''. Participants also expressed many ccmnents regarding the circumstances under which a Restricted Designation or RS would be applied to groundwaters. Additionally, other ccmnents or staff recarmendations dealt with professional requirements for those who engage in groundwater remediation, the policy statement in Rule .0103, criteria to tenninate corrective actions, new public notice requirements, and the application of 15A NCAC 2L .0200 standards to corrective actions. As a result of the public ccmnent received and discussion with the Division staff the hearing officers reccmnendatians are as follows: Listing of Hearing Officers Recxmnendatiais to Major Public Concerns far 1 SA H:'AC 2L • 0100 and .0200 Gramdwater CJ assifica.tim and Standards ISSUE RAISED 1) new definitions in Rule .0102 Draft Version 07/06/93 (dh) 2 RECCJVl'IIENDATICN New defini tians are added for ''contaminant'' and ''standards'' to allow easier reading of the rules. 2) p:rofessional requirements Requiring that Professional Engineers and Licensed Geologists do certain work will remain in the rule as proposed. 3) ''Responsible Party'' defini tian 'Ihe proposed defini tian for "Responsible Party" was deleted as a result of strong public opinion. '!he meaning of the phrase was maintained fran the existing rules in 15A NCAC 2L .0100. 4) p:>licy statement in Remained as proposed at the Rule .0103 public hearing. 5) restricted designaticn (RS) Deleted the authority for RS designaticns to areas served by public water. Added a p:rovisicn that prohibits RS designaticns where contaminant plumes have crossed onto adjacent properties unless public water is available or the adjacent property owner grants ccnsent for an RS designation. 6) alternate cleanup levels 'Ihe proposed rule for the use of alternate cleanup levels was deleted and the corrective acticn rule in Rule • 0106 ( j) was rewritten to allCM setting goals for corrective acticn that exceed groundwater standards. 7) evidence to support natural Change Rule .0106(1)(2) and (3) remediation to require evidence that natural remediaticn will produce non-toxic contaminates and levels. r.t:lnitoring requirements in Rule .0106(4) included by-products of natural remediaticn as a constituent to be tracked in a groundwater narl toring program. Draft Version 07/06/93 (dh) 3 8) terminating corrective actions (1:40 ratio of decontamination) 9) protecting surface waters fran oontaminated groundwater discharges. 10) public notice requirements Add.ed language to require responsible persons show ''duration and degree of success of existing ranedial effort to attain starmrds" in tenninating a:n-rective actions as a part of the dencnstration to the Director. Added language specifying that any contaminants ccntained in groundwater discharges to surface waters will not exceed 15A NCAC 2B .0210. Remain as proposed at public hearing. All additional changes were to clarify concepts or language of the rules. 'Ihe definitions for "Receptor" and "Groundwaters" were altered to better express the Ccmni.ssians intent. ''Practical Quantitation Level' 1 was changed to "Practical Quantitation Limit" after ooosultation with the Division of Epidemiology to provide a tenn nore ocnsistent with EPA literature. 'Ihe hearing officers rea:::mceid these requested changes be incorporated in the rules. Numerous ccmnents prq:osed drastic changes to 15A Ne.AC 2L .0100 and • 0200. 'lhese prqxJSed changes are IX>t :reccmnemed by the hearing officers. '!he criteria by which ccmnentors proposed changes are not reccmnended for rulemaking are as follows: 1) 'Ihe Ccmn:i.ssion lacks the statutory authority to prarulgate o:mnentors suggestion into the rules; 2) 'lhe issues are best addressed as permitting, enforcement or policy issues by the Division. 3) Proposed changes presented technical solutions which are not as sound or desirable as the approach already stated in the rule. 4) Public notice did not indicate an intent to amend that particular rule; or 5) Ccmnentors proposed changes are WI' perceived as in accordance with the a:mnission's respoosibility of protecting groundwater resources and rarediating groundwater contamination. Sane of these prqx)Sals are perceived as inocnsistent with the State's groundwater policy expressed in the North carolina General statutes. Draft Version 07 /06/93 (dh) 4 HEARlNG OFFICERS REXXMVIENDATIOOS 'Ihe Hearing Officers reccmnend that the proposed amendments, with the changes incorporated in the rules since the public hearings, be adopted by the Environmental Management camri.ssion. Draft Version 07 /06/93 (dh) 5 • SUBCHAPTER 2L -GROUNDWATER CLASSIFICATION AND STANDARDS DRAFT VERSION -8/5/93 2:00 pm SECTION .0100 -GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS 15A NCAC 2L .0102 has been amended with changes as published in 7:24 NCR 2669- 2671 as follows: .0102 DEFINITIONS The definition of any word or phrase used in these rules shall be the same as given in G.S. 143-212 and G.S. 143-213 except that the following words and phrases shall have the following meanings: (1) "Bedrock" means any consolidated rock encountered in the place in which it was formed or deposited and which cannot be readily excavated without the use of explo- sives or power equipment. (2) "Commission" means the Environmental Management Commission as organized under Chapter 143B of the General Statutes. (3) "Compliance boundary" means a boundary around a disposal system at and beyond which groundwater quality standards may not be exceeded and only applies to facilities which have received a pennit issued under the authority of G.S. 143-215.l_or Chapter 130A of the General · Statutes. £4) 11Containinani '' means anv substance ()C~urnn ii fo groundwater 1n concentrations which ,., ,. exceed the groundwater quality standards specified in .0202 of this Rule: lli "Corrective action plan" means a plan for eliminatin g sources of groundwater .. . contamination or for achievin g groundwater quality restoration or both. lfil "Director" means Director of the Division of Environmental Management . tn "Division" means the Division of Environmental Management. 00 "Exposure pathway" means a course taken by ·a ·contaminant k way of a transport medium after its release to the environment . ID "Free product" means a non-a queous phase liquid which may be present within the saturated zone or in surface water. (i(jj "Fresh groundwaters" means those groundwaters having a chloride concentration equal to or Jess than 250 mil1igrams per Jiter. lffi "Groundwaters" means those v..·ateis occurring in the subsurface tiiidet saturated t6rtditi6ns': - (12) "Hazardous substance" means any substance as defined by Section 101(14) of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act of 1980 · (CERCLA). fijj "Licensed geologist" means a person who has been duly licensed as a geologist in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 89E of the General Statutes. (14) "Natural remediation" means those natural processes acting to •restore groundwater quality, includin g dilution . filtration . sorption, ion-exchan ge . chemical transfonnation and biode gr adation. ffs) "Practical Q uantitation tirrtit" means the fow~si fuhc~ntration of a gi~en . material that can be reliabl y achieved among laborat01ies within sp ecified limits of pfe8s16n fuia actiiiac'{; lii. a g;,;en anatmcat method aunng foui'ine iaboraio& '1talvsis: lj . z:1,1m,t ef Dete~mti•1 tee~~ ~e ;eme4 <1eteetiee H~t e~lii:i9hed ~the-.~ ~P2\ a\'rPevetl ~p~~edttPC ~~#!4mg tb,e-1,~wei~ metlt·ed eet~tien, ~(M,-~ ,. . ~es~eei ~~i~~-~-: . {16) "Natural conditions" means the physical, biological, chemical and radiological conditions which occur naturally. ir1J "Potable waters" means those waters suitable for d.Jinking by humans. [1'8} "Professional Engineer" means a person who has been duly registered and licensed as a professional en gineer in accordance with the re quirements of Cha pter 89C of the General Statutes. H'9) "Receptor" means !!!Y,.llhm'in : plant an1m'at or itiucture v.·hich ~ot has th~ j,otentia1 to be. adversel y effected bv the release or mi gration of contaminants'. An y well constructed for the purpose of monitorin g groundwater and contaminant boncentration s sbalJ pot be considered a rece ptor. (20) "Review boundary" means a boundary around a pennitted disposal facility, midway between a waste boundaIJ' and a compliance boundary at which groundwater monitoring is required. - {2t) "Saline groundwaters" means those groundwaters having a chloride concentration of more than 250 mg,1. l.22) "Saturated zone" means that part of the subsurface below the water table in which all the interconnected voids are filled with water under pressure at or greater than ...... at111g~pheric. It __ ~c,e_s _n<?t incJ1:1~e _the c~pillary fringe. . . . . . .. . . . .. . ........... _ @. "Standards'1 means groundwaiet quality standards as specified in Rule .0202 of this Subchapter. (24) "Suitable for drinking" means a quality of water which does not contain sub stances in concentrations which, either singularly or in combination if ingested into the human body, may cause death, disease, behavioral abnonnalities, congenital defects, genetic mutations, or result in an incremental lifetime cancer risk in excess of lxl0-6, or render the water unacceptable due to aesthetic qualities, including taste, odor or appearance. {25) "Time of travel" means the time required for contaminants in groundwater to move a unit distance. (16) "Waste boundary" means the perimeter of the pennitted waste disposal area. 127) "Water table" means the surface of the saturated zone below which all intercon nected voids are filled with water and at which the pressure is atmospheric. History Note: Statutory Authority G.S. 143-214.1; 143-215; 1438-282; Eff. June 10, 1979. Amended Eff. · August 1, 1989; July 1, 1988; March 1, 1985; September 1, 1984. 2 15A NCAC 2L .0103 has been amended with changes as published in 7:24 NCR 2671 as folJows: .0103 POLICY (a) J'he rules established in this Subchapter are intended to maintain and preserve the quality of the groundwaters, prevent and abate pollution and contamination of the waters of the state, protect public health, and permit management of the groundwaters for their best usage by the citizens of North Carolina. It is the policy of the Commission that the best us- age of the groundwaters of the state is as a source of drinking water. These groundwaters genera)]y are a potable source of drinking water without the necessity of significant treatment. It is the intent of these Rules to protect the overall high quality of North Carolina's. groundwaters to the level established by the standards and to enhance and restore the quality of degraded groundwaters where feasible and necessary to protect human health and the envi- ronment, or to ensure their suitability as a future source of drinking water. (b) It is the intention of the Commission to protect all groundwaters to a Jevel of quality at least as high as that required under the standards established in Rule .0202 of this Subchap- ter. In keeping with the policy of the Commission to protect, maintain, and enhance ground-· water quality within the State of North Carolina, the Commission will not approve any dispos- al system subject to the provisions of G.S. 143-215.l which would result in: (1) the significant degradation of groundwaters which have existing quality Jpat is better than the assigned standard, unless such degradation is found to be economically and socially justifiable, or (2) a violation of a groundwater quality standard beyond a designate-cl compliance boundary, or (3) the impainnent of existing groundwater uses or an adverse impact on the public health, safety or welfare. (c) Violations of standards resulting from groundwater withdrawals which are in compli- ance with water use permits issued pursuant to G.S. 143-215.15, shall not be subject to the corrective action requirements of Rule .0106 of this Subchapter. (d) No person shall conduct or cause to be conducted, any activity which causes the con- centration of any substance to exceed that specified in Rule .0202 of this Subchapter, except as authorized by the rules of this Subchapter. (e) ·work performed pursuant to the regu°freinenf~ of this Subchapter which involves site assessment. the interpretation of subsuiface geologic conditions, preparation of conceptual corrective action plans or fil!Y_ work requiring detailed technical knowledge of site conditions which is submitted to the Director. sha11 be perfonned l'?Y_persons, firms or professional corpo- rations who are duly licensed to offer geological or engineering services QY.. the appropriate occupational licensing board. Work which involves design of remedial systems or specialized construction techniques shall be perfom:ied QY_persons, firms or professional corporations who are duly licensed to offer engineering services. CoJJ)Orations that are authorized Jn:_Jaw to perform engineering or geological services and are exempt from th·e Professional Corporation Act, Chapter 558 of the General Statues, may perform these services. 3 History Note: Statutory Authority G.S. 143-214.l; 143-214.2; 143-215.3(e); 143-215.3(a)(l); 143B-282; Eff. June 10, 1979; Amended Eff. · August 1, 1989; July 1, 1988; September 1, 1984; December 30, 1983 . 4 ISA NCAC 2L .0104 has been amended with changes as published in 7:24 NCR 2671- 2672 as foJiows: ~0104 RS RESTRICTED DESIGNATION (RS) ~~w.,, k '"·'"·. ~zu,;,/,'.Z'f.'//·'/'.;I' , .• !/, X?½ W .-"f,'."' .... ;Y///.~ 1/,l'.-~j,'. .,.-.,-:.,'/~M/.'/.',1//'•1/.(, '. '//':'~.¥q 'l.//.·,,,.,_,,.,.,,.,_, ·;.,._..,. -~.,_,.,,, • .,-1,,·. ½N'l. ~~/,".':'l"/h/;'0//1'· .. "'>:a-1/.',., ...... ,,,,..,,,. '-'//"'l'F/,/ ~--2 . · ,(!l) ;1ne . s a~ffination ,en1es !!_[warning ffiat eroifuowatet IQ..oesiciiairu rMv bor ~ "'"m-«fitffe toi ,~ Y. r annlaHE ~atet 1ufil)1v w1tfi8U:t treatment; the desigriaiMn is t~mwa& lf,d !in ~-~· ~etfi~\1 ~ ~}hd .. _ Difi?~fo~ ~6,~: ,i deterrni1fatiori that th~ 9tili1ihi .,~(~~ gi-btindwhld so pesfarfated h.as beeii fesi&ed 'o. the leve.1 of the applicable standards or iivhtm -"-" . --. ~--...-~=.---_,;;_;;,.a.-.-,,;~.:~=--------f)r~ firi$uHd~a@'.g Ka~~· li¢n ied~~sifie a hf_ thB C'tfulhussidn'; The Director is authorized to designate GA or GSA groundwaters as RS under any of the following circumstances: (1) Where, as a resu1t of man's activities, groundwaters_ha~e' ~fri SortGffiffffg ~ the Director has approved ~ ~rleBfWe ~6i'i~ii p1an:· &r termination bf 86&eet1v6 i"Hon; Uiat tv.iti nM ~iiif fo th~ unm&tfate testoratiori of such groundwaters t6 ~ itan&irds es~~ ifocier this Sµbchaptef.f -- (2) \}\'here a statutory variance has been granted as provided in Rule .0113 of this Subchapter. (b) Groundwaters occunin g within an area defined QY. a compliance boundary .in a waste disposal permit are deemed to be designated RS. · < c) The b8uiidarv oi a jle$1gl1afecl RS ~ea ma~ B~ approxfnf ateo H{ the ~bse'hc~ ~ Kiiafwt ~ tllif~' ~ilificitrtf to define the dime11~ bf the area: The houndafv shall be located at least ~50 feet froffi the ~dieted edge of th6 oorifufufuant phirne, and shall include' atiy areas intu whidi th¢ c oiltam1riatioh &_ex pected to roigratcf; · (d) fa ~s designatbd RS; the person responsible for groundwater contamination shall establish and.im plement a groundwater monitorin g system sufficient to detect chan ges in groundwater quality within tbe RS designated area.· Monitorin g shall be 4uarleiiy for nit tfcii ~elir itid fiiliy b~ r&luced ttl ~~~riuatl ✓ thereafter until the applicable standards have been achieved. If during the monitorin g period, contaminant concentrations increase, additional remedial action ihd h.1orittonrig mav be required. as determined QY. the Director. 'e' Th~ iipptitani t6r iiri Rs deitgn~tibrt sha11 ~ls6 provide Written verification itiat iit .. i'lA -~-=___...._-~~'-~~------pid~ owiiert tvHlihi atid a'd fa6ent tQ..ihe.br®osed Rs atea h~ve b'een noHfled bf the~ ti'fres·ted M. He 'signati~ .. (fj The Division sha11 pi6,;1d~ public notice of the intent to designate .fil!Y_groundwater RS Ui ~oc'ora~nce Witli the follo\\~tfg reguifomen® (1) Notice shall be ublished at lelit 30. a;-1 ~rf& }~ ait'; f7FW6s&l tfrtit f~ij~ fii~~rtfiiic~ lrth tr-s~ f4~~2f5 ;4[1n";'~t'd~io~.~~ti~ ~h~i,,be--p~o~id~d t~-'11 pfbperty §wneli1&ntified pursuant lli paragraph{~} of thfs ~ufe and to the local County Health Director and the chief administrative officer of the political jurisdiction (s) in which the contamination occurs. ill. The notice shall 6ontaffi tii~ foilowin'jf infomiatifun {&name, address , and phone number of the agency issuin g the public notice; ml the location and extent of the desi gnated ~ . . rci llib 60\ihi§ title riumbeti eouHtv tax' 1denttficaHofi it'.timB&J ~ tR'e pt'S'pe11Y tai bobk iirid p·age ideritlfierg i ---. 5 illl_a brief descri ption of the action or actions which resulted in the degr adation of groundwater in the area; @actions or intended actions taken to restore groundwater quality; (F) the si gnificance of the RS designation; !Ql. conditions appJicable to removal of the RS designation; ilil.address and phone number of i_bivision contact from wb'oni interested parties may obtain further information. ill The Director shall consider all re quests for a public hearin g, and if he determines that there is significant public interest he sha11 issue pubJic notice and hold a public hearin g in accordance with G.S 143-215.4(b) and .0113(e) of this Rule. (4} these requirements Shall not ~ to groundwaters defined in paragraph !hl_ of this Rule·. History Note: Statutory Authority G.S. 143-214.1; 143-215.3(a)(]); 143B-282(2); Eff. June 10, 1979; Amended Eff. · December 1, 1989; August 1, 1989; December 30, 1983 . 6 15A NCAC 2L .0106 has been amended with changes as published in 7:24 NCR 2672-2676 as follows: · .0106 CORRECTIVE ACTION (a) Where groundwater quality has been degraded, the goa1 of any required corrective action shall be restoration to the 1eve1 of the standards. or as close1 y thereto as is economica1- Jx__and tec~nologic_~ll y feasibl_e. In.all pases mvolviri g requests to the Director for approval Q.f Fectiy~_action_plaris, fu:.Jetmiriat!o~ -~~ corrective action,_th~ responsibility for providing all Jnfonnatton teg Utred ~ this Rule hes with the person(s) makmg the request. (b) Any person conducting or controlling an activity which results in the discharge of a waste or hazardous substance or oil to the groundwaters of the State, or in proximity thereto, sha]l take immediate action to tenninate and control the discharge, mitigate any hazards result- ing from exposure to the polJutants and notify the Division ·of the discharge. _,. _(c)_~y person conducting or controlling an activity which bas rit>t been permittoo hi.the bivision and which results in an increase in the concentration of a substance in excess of the standardt othef thah a"gticiilturai pperaHons: sliliii: . ill immediatel y notify the Division of the ietivi'ty ffi~t has resulted iri" the inc~ase and the contaminant concentration levels; · · t!) take immediate action to eliminate the source OT sources of contamination ; (11 submit a report to the Director assessing the cause, significance and extent of the Yiolation; and @I im plement an approved corrective action plan for restoration of groundwater quality in accordance with a schedule established by the Director; or his designee. In establishing a schedu1e the Director. or his designee sha11 consider any reasonable schedule proposed by the person submitting the plan. A report shall be made to the Health Director of the county or counties in which the contamination occurs in accordance with the requirements of Rule .0114(a ) in this Subchapter. ffl) Afiy person furiductiri g 6r t6ntfolHn g in activit y which is conducted under the authori ty of a permit issued !2Y_the :Oivi~ion and which resultsin m1_increase bi bcmcentration bf a substance in excess of the standards:- (.!) at or beyond~ review boundary, shall demonstrate, through predictive caJcula tions or modeling, that natural site conditions, facility design and operational con trots will prevent a violation of standards at the compliance boundary; or submit a plan for alteration of existing site conditions, facility design OT operational controls that wiJI prevent a violation at the compliance boundary, and implement that plan upon its approval by the Director, or his designee. (2) at or beyond a compliance boundary, shalJ assess the cause, significance and extent of the violation of standards and submit the results of the investigation, arid a plan and proposed schedule for corrective action to the Director...,or his. designee. The pennittee shall implement the plan as approved by and in accordance with a schedule established by the Director~ or his designee. In establishing a schedule the Director.a or his designee shall consider any reasonable Cei Frir i h~t]U£~Plt1~~?~f ~k~bit~TTftci ras: an acth;•iv &>nau·ctea unaer ihe authority of a permit issued hi.the i>ivfslo11, and subject to subparagraph !41._is bne fot 7 ~ich m-; permit has li&m issuea fuir~iuint 1o o:s. l43-2ts.n . (2) the gennit v.,~ t>,rigi~a11y i~siied after December ~o: 19_83; . ····. __ ,, ., ·. .,,.,--: '.'·" ,.-- (3) the substance for which a st andard bas peen exceeded outside the compliance ~undary has been released to 'grmmdwater as a result of the permitted activity. ia1i other activities shall fot the purpose of this Rule be deemed !!Qt.permitted hY _ .. ,, ~Divisiori and subiect hi.the provisions of subparagraph {fl ffi. Corrective action required fo)]owin g discove ry of the unauthorized release of a contami- nant to the surface or subsurface of the ]and, and prior to or concurrent with the assessment re quired in Paragraphs !£}_and 1f!i of this Rule, shall include. but is not limited to: ill Prevention of fire, ex plosion or the spread of noxious fumes; · .Q)_Abatement , containment or control of the migration of contaminants ; ill Removal , or treatment and control of !!!Y_primary pollution source such as buried waste, waste stockp iles or surficia] accumulations of free products ; ffiRemoval. treatment or control of secondary pollution sources which would be potential continuin g sources of po1lutants ~ the groundwaters such as contaminated soils and non-a queous phase li quids. Contaminated soils which threaten the quality of groundwaters must be treated , contained or disposed of in accordance with applicable rules and procedures established hY. the Division. The treatment or dis posal of contaminated soils shall be conducted in a manner that will not result in a violation of standards or North Carolina Hazardous Waste Mana gement rules. &ii The site assessment conducted pursuant to the re quirements of Paragraph !£1. of this Rule, shall include: ill The source and cause of contamination ; Ql_Any imminent hazards to public health and safety and actions taken to miti gate them in accordance with Paragraph !fl of this Rule; filAll receptors and si gnificant ex posure pathways; ill_ The horizontal and vertical extent of soil and groundwater contamination and all si gn ificant factors affectin g contaminant trans port; and {a Geological and hvdro eeological features influencin g the movement , chemical. and physical character of the contaminants. Reports of site assessments shall be submitted to the Division as soon as practicable or in accordance with a schedule established h_the Director , or his desi gnee. In establishin g ! schedule th~Director, or his designee shall consider !!lY_reasonable proposal hY. the person submittin g the report. (h) Corrective action plans for restoration of groundwater quality, submitted pursuant to Paragraphs ,{fl and @l of this rule shall include: ill A descri ption of the proposed corrective action and reasons for its selection. ill S pecific plans, includin g engineering details where applicable, for restorin g ground water quality. ill A schedule for the im plementation and o peration of the proposed plan. ffi A monitolin g plan for evaluating the effectiveness of the proposed corrective action __ ,_. and the movement of the _ contaminant plume. . ill In the evaluation of co1Tective action plans, the Director.2..or his desi gnee shall consid- er the extent of any violations, the extent of any threat to human health or safety, the extent 8 of damage or potential adverse impact to the environment, technology available to accomplish restoration.a the potential for de gradation of the contaminants in the environment. the time and costs estimated to achieve groundwater quality restoration , and the public and economic bene- fits to be derived from groundwater quality restorationi . ffl A corrective action plan ptepafed putsulnt !£_Paragraph le) ru: fdl of this ·Rufo !ID!fil be im plemented using !hs_best avaiJable technology for restoration of groundwater quality to the ~ of the standards ; except is provided i!,i paragraphs (k),(I), ind {mlbf this Rule~ _ . 00 Afly petson required to im plement ah approved corrective action plan foi a non~per~ jnltted site p~rsuant to this Rule m·ay request that the Director approve such !. plan without ... feguirlng m:oundwater femeciiatfori to the standards·: A request iubmitted to the Director under this J>aragraph shall mch.ide a d~scri i;>tion of site specific condition~. incJudin g information Q!! Jhe ~vailabili fy Q[public water supplies for the affected area; the technical basis for the~--... guest; and any other information recjuested hi. th·e Dire-etor to thorou ghl y evaluate the re quest: In addition, the person making the request ~ dettionstrate fo the satisfaction of the Director. Ill that an sources of contamination and free product haYe been removed m: . controlled pursuant to Para gra ph Ifi_of this Rule; . ~j that the time and direction of contaminant travel eart be pre-dieted· with reasonable ~~-- 0) that contaminari'ts li~t;t riot aid wiff £Jot fu1grat~ onto id jacent properties: bi th~t .. (A) such pro:t,ertfos are served !?i ~n existfr1 g public water Supply system dependent mi. surface waters fu bydraulicaU y isolated groundwater. QI ml the t>\1iners of such properties have consented iri writing to the reg"ii.est; (4) that the standards specified in Rule .0202 of this Subchapter will be met !!...@ location !!Q. closer ihan one year time of travel upgradient of an existing or _ _ .. foreseeable rece ptor , based on travel time and the natural attenuation capadty of $Ubsurface materials or on a physical banier to gr oundwater mi gration that exists or \vill be installed !!Y_ the person makin g the re quest; ts} that; if the contarriiriitrt plume ~ ~x pectedfo intercept fuifa.de waters ~ ~ p:roundwater discharge will not possess contamiriarit concentrations that would result in ~iofations of standards for surface waters contained in I SA NCAC ---'-"-------"-------'=---'---~'-=----......a.=--------------~-------~ -------2B .0200; .· i6) Uiat oubtit hoH8e ir the feq{reii Ra~ been prc>,;rae<1 iii a&ordin~ with Rufe _ · 01 l 4(b) of this Subchapter. ii) that the proposed corrective ~ctibn pfart \vc\utci ~ tb'nsistent with ah other environmental laws } ffj Arty person tegui~ lfu B1etEent iti appfu~ed oorrlcH<~e icHoii i,iaii tor a non~p&r~ fnittoo site pfirsuarii fo this Rule may tegri'est that the Director appro,,e such a plan based upori natural processes of oe grada.tion and attenuation of contaminants. A request submitted fo !M Director under this Paragraph shall iridude a descri ption of site specific conditions , inc1uding lYtitteri documentation of projected ground\,~ater use in the . 6ontaminated area based ori ttittent ~ bi focal gdvernment planning efforts·; the technical basis for the request; and any oth~ . inforin.atiori re quested h the Dfreitor fo tho1:oughly e,,aluate the request; In" addition ~ thd person makin g the request must deinori"strate fo the satisfaction bf the Dfreclot ill.that an sources of &>fifairlfriation arid fte~ product ha,1e been removed or controlled pursuant fo Paragraph ffi. of this Rule} 9 fi> ttiai fh'e ronwninanf iw die ci&ztrv fo aegra4e or ahenuate under ihe ~o~ l~~.::clf:Je~::1:::~ioo ~cotitMnartf ffiivel cart ht predicted with reasonable ~~-----......... ~ .......... --==-~---~-=-===--------=::....::.==,;:,.. . tertainty; @j thkt coniartilnanf fn{gi-atlori wili not ~lt in inv ~iolat'ion M aoolicabie -fu'oundwater standards ai any existin g QLforeseeabJe receptor. f$l that contaminants ha,,e not and wi11 not migrate onto ad iac-ent properl.es ~ Qt.that {Al.such pfuperties are served by an-existin g pub1ic water suppty system_ dependent on surface waters or hydrau1ica11 y isolated groundwater, 6r _ @) the owners of such properties have consented 1n writing to the request; {6} that. if the contaminant plume is ex pected to intercept surface waters. the _ _ groundwater discharge will not possess conuiminant concentrations that would result in irio1ations of standanis for surface waters contained in 1 SA NCAC 2B .0200: {7) that the person ~ the tequest w1tf put m plact ! groundwater mon'itorin g program sufficient to track the degradation and attenuation of contaminants and contaminant by-prodticts withm and down gradient of the pJwne and to detect __ c-0ntaminants and contaminant by-products prior to their reachin g any existin g or foreseeable receptor at least one yearfs time of travel upgradient of the rece ptor and no greater than the distance the gro undwater at the contaminated site is _ predicted to travel in five years; ,,_ _ .,, _ _ _ ___ ,, _ _ ___ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ , , ,, ___ _ ID that an necessary access ~gre-ements needed to monitor groundwater cjiiality pursu-ant to m_ above have been or can be obtained ; - (9} that publfo notice of the reg~st has beeri provided fo accordance Y,'.ith Rule .OJ 14 (b) of this Subcha pter; arid ff o) that the proposed corrective action plart would be 6onsi'sient with all other \environmental Jawsi [m) ~~~; the Division or any person feguired io im plement an appro,;ed corrective action plan t'o'r a non -p ermitted site pursuant to this Rule may reguest that the Director approve ter~ minatfori df corrective actiort : n J A request submitted f3 th~ birecto·r under this Paragraph shan include: @a discussion of the duration of the corrective action, the toial project's cost, projected annual cost fot oontinuance and eva1uation of the success of the corrective ifotion; tm_ah evaluation of alternate treatment tecbnolo g'ies which could result in further reduction of contaminant levels projected capital and annual operating costs fut each technology; {C) effeds ~ includin g h'eaith and safetv im'i,acts: on &ouiidwaier users if oontamf2 hant le,1els remaiti at levels existin g at the time corrective action is tenninate d; and -- to >-an-v other it{forrriafforl te ,fuesied !?i. the bi.rector tB ihorouihii evaluate ili~ request l25 tn addition ~ the p~tsSn ffiikfn g ll{e riciu-esi miist demonsiiafo to the saii'sracffofr ru the Director: -. -,· ,•••••,'•:..'''•••h •' •••• ••••••••••,,,_., .. ,,,, "✓-•~9,,,,,,,,-, :•,•,',?/~,. '•. J•• ••••• •• •• ••• •'. , •, 'I .•,,,,_','I,·~••·•• (Al that continuatioii of correcti\,:e action would not result in a si gnificant reduction 10 culture to assist the Division of Environmental Management in determining the cause of the violation. If the violation is determined to have resulted from the use of pesticides, the Direc- tor shall request the Pesticide Board to take appropriate regulatory action to control the use of the chemical or chemicals responsible for, or contributing to, such violations, or to discontinue their use. _ fID the ipprovai rfursuaht to tfil~ section :o f06 or anv torrecti\ie action· plan. or ffiod1 ·fica-,ori Qt termination theteof. which peimits the migration of a contaminant onto adjacent prop- ~shall not affect any private right of action h_any t!fil1Y.. which may be effected l!Y_that ppntaminaticin' History Note: Statutory Authority G.S. 143-215.2; 143-215.3(a)(I); l43B-282; Eff. August 1, 1989. Amended Eff. · September 1, 1992 12 ISA NCAC 2L .0107 has been amended with changes as published in 7:24 NCR 2676-2677 as follows: .0107 COMPLIANCE BOUNDARY (a) For disposal systems individually pennitted prior to December 30, 1983, the compli- ance boundary is established at a horizontal distance of 500 feet from the waste boundary or at the property boundary, whichever is closer to the source. (b) For disposal systems individuaH y pennitted on or after December 30~ 1983, a compli- ance boundary shall be established 250 feet from the waste boundary, or 50 feet within the property boundary, whichever point is closer to the source. (c) The boundary shall be established by the Director.Lor his designee at the time of pennit issuance. Any sale or transfer of property which affects a compJiance boundary shaJl be re- ported immediately to the Director.Lor his designee. For disposal systems which are not gov- erned by Paragraphs (e) or (f) of this Rule, the compliance boundary affected by the sale or transfer of property will be re-established consistent with Paragraphs (a) or (b) of this Rule, whichever is applicable. (d) Except as provided in Paragraph 1&l. of this Rule, no water supply weJls shall be con- structed or operated '\\cithin the compliance boundary of a disposal sy stem individuall y permit- ted or re pennitted after January h, 1993. (e) Except as provided in Param-a ph .(g}_ of this Rule, a pennittee shall not transfer land within an established compliance boundary of a dis posal system p ermitted or repennitted after January ..L.. 1993 unless: (1) the land transferred is serviced by a community water system as defined in 15A NCAC 18C, the source of which is located outside the compliance boundary; and (2) the deed transfening the property: (A) contains notice of the pennit. inc1uding the pennit number, a description of the type of permit, and the name, address and telephone number of the pennitting agency; and (B) contains a restrictive covenant _running with the land and in favor of the permit- tee and the State, as a third party beneficiary, which prohibits the construction and operation of water supply wells within the compliance boundary; and · · (C) contains a restrictive covenant running with the land and in favor of the pennit- tee and the State, as a third party beneficiary, which grants the 1ight to the per- mittee and the State to enter on such property within the compliance boundary ________ for_ groundw_ater._monitoring and r~mediation purposes. (f) ~x~pt as bro\;Jdeo 1n Paragraph {g)_ of this Ruie. if at the time a pennit is issued or reissued after January 1, 1993, the pennittee is not the owner of the land within the compli- ance boundary, it shall be a condition of the permit issued or renewed that the landowner of the land within the compliance boundary, if other than the permittee, execute and file in the Register of Deeds in the county in which the land is located, an easement running with the land which: (1) contains: (A) either a notice of the permit, including the permit number,. a description of the type of permit, and the name, address and telephone number of the permitting agency; or 13 (B) a reference to a notice of the pennit with book and page number of its recorda- tion if such notice is required to be filed by statute; (2) prohibits the construction and operation of water supply wells within the • compliance boundary; and (3) reserves the right to the pennittee and the State to enter on such property within ·. the compliance boundary for groundwater monitoring and remediation purposes. The easement ~ be tenninated h the Director when its purpose has been fut filled or the need for the easement no longer exists. Under those conditions the Director $ball, \mQiireguest hy_ the landowner, file a. document terminatin g the easement with the appropriate Re gister of Deeds, (g) The requirements of Paragraphs {Q.1.J.tl.and ffi. of this Rule are not app licable to g round adsorp tion treatment sv stems servin g four or fewer single family dwe11in gs or multiunit dwellin gs of four or fewer units . .<h} The boundary shall form a vertical plane extending from the water table to the maxi- mum depth of saturation. ill For ground absorption sewage treatment and disposal systems which are permitted un- der 15A NCAC l 8A .1900, the comp1iance boundary shaJI be established at the property boundary . .ill Penalties authorized pursuant to G.S. 143-215.6A(a)(l) wi]) not be assessed for viola- tions of standards within a compliance boundary unless the violations are the result of viola- tions of permit conditions or negligence in the management of the facility. ill The Director shall require: (1) that permits for all activities governed by G.S. 143-215.l be written to protect the quality of groundwater established by applicable standards, at the compliance boundary; (2) that necessary groundwater quality monitoring shall be conducted within the compliance boundal)'; and (3) that a violation of standards within the compliance boundary resulting from activities conducted by the permitted facility be remedied through clean-up, recovery, containment, or other response when any of the following conditions occur: (A) a violation of any standard in adjoining classified gr oundwaters occurs or can be reasonably predicted to occur considering hydrogeologic conditions, modeling, or other available evidence; (B) an imminent hazard or threat to the public health or safety exists; or (C) a Yiolation of any standard in groundwater occurring in the bedrock other than limestones found in the Coastal Plain sediments unless it can be demonstrated that the violation wiU not adversel y a"ffect or have the potential to adversel y affect a water supply well. 14 History Note: Statutory Authority G.S. 143-215.l(b); 143-215.3(a)(l); 143B-282; Eff. August 1, 1989.; Amended Eff. __ ,;, November 2, 1992 15 15A NCAC 2L .0109 has been amended with changes as published io 7:24 NCR 2677 as fol- lows: .0109 DELEGATION (a) The Director is delegated the authority to enter into consent special orders under G.S. 143-215.2 for violations of the standards except when a public meeting is required as provided in ISA NCAC 2H .1203. (b) The Director is delegated the authority to prepare a proposed special order to be is- sued by the Commission without the consent of the person affected and to notify the affected person of that proposed order and of the procedure set out in G.S. 1 S0B-23 to contest the proposed special order. (c) The Director.:.. or his desi gnee shall give public notice of proposed consent special or- ders as specified in 15A NCAC 2H .1203. History Note: Statutory Authority G.S. 143-215.2; 143-215.3(a)(l); 143-215.3(a)(4); Eff. August 1. 1989; Amended Eff. · October I. 1990. 16 ISA NCAC 2L .0110 has been amended with changes as published in 7:24 NCR 2677 as fol- lows: .0110 MONITORING (a) Except where exem pted ~statute or this Subcha pter, any person who causes, permits or has control over any discharge of waste, or groundwater cleanu p program. shall install and implement a monitoring system, at such locations, and in such detail, as the Director.L.or his designee may require to evaluate the effects of the discharge upon the waters of the state, including the effect of any actions ta.ken to restore groundwater quality, as well as the effi- ciency of any treatment faciJity. ·The monitorin g plan shall be prepared under the res ponsible charge of a Professional En gineer or Licensed Geologist and bear the seal of the same. (b) Monitoring systems shall be constructed in a manner that will not result in the con- tamination of adjacent groundwaters of a higher quality. (c) Monitoring shall be conducted and results reported in a manner and at a frequency specified by the Director.a.. or his designee. History Note: Statutory Authority G.S. 143-215.l(b); 143-215.3(a){l);l43-215.65; 143-215 .66; l 43B-282; Eff. August 1, 1989. Amended Eff. __ _, 17 15A NCAC 2L .0111 has been amended with changes as published in 7:24 NCR 2677-2678 as follows: .0111 REPORTS ~ Any person subject to the requirements for corrective action specified in Rule .0 l 06 of this Subchapter shall submit to the Director, in such detail as the Director may require, a writ- ten report that describes: (l) the results of the investigation specified in Paragraphs !£)__and@ of Rule .0106, including but not limited to: ~ a description of the sampling procedures followed and methods of chemical analyses used; and !ID all technical data utilized in support of any conclusions drawn or detenninations made. (2) the results of the predictive calculations or modeling, including a copy of the calculations or model runs and all supporting technical data, used in the demonstration required in Paragraph@ of Rule .0106; and (3) the proposed methodology and timetable associated with the corrective action for those situations identified in Paragraph {c) and @ of Rule .0 l 06. flu The report shall be prepared under the res ponsible charge of a Professional En g ineer or Licensed Geolo gist and bear the seal of the same as specified in Rule .0106 ~ History Note: Statutory Authority G.S. 143-215.l(b); 143-215.3(a)(l); 143-215.65; 143B-282; Eff. August 1. 1989 . Amended Eff. 18 15A NCAC 2L .0112 has been amended with changes as published in 7:24 NCR 2678 as follows: .0112 ANALYTICAL PROCEDURES Tests or analytical procedures to detennine compliance or noncompliance with the standards established in Rule .0202 of this Subchapter will be in accordance with: ( 1) T,h~ niost sensitive of the following methods or procedures for substances where the st andard is at or above the method detection limit value: (a) [he inost reedit version ![_Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, published jointly by American Public Health Association, American Water Works Association and Water Pollution Control Federation; . · (b) Methods for Chemical Analysis of Water and Waste, 1979, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency publication number EPA-600/4-79-020, as revised March 1983; (c) Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Wastes: Physical/Chemical Methods, 3rd Edi tion, 1986, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency publication number SW-846; (d) Test Procedures for the Analysis of Pollutants Under the Clean \Vater Act, Federal Register Vol. 49, No. 209, 40 CFR Part 136, October 26, J 984; (e) Methods or procedures approved by letter from the Director upon app1ication by the regulated sourcei_i . (2) A method or procedure approved by the Director for substances where the standard is less than the method detectioll iimft fatue. History Note: Statutory Authority G.S. 143-215.3(a)(l); 143B-282; Eff. August J, 1989 Amended Eff. 19 15A NCAC 2L .0113 has been amended with changes as published in 7:24 NCR 2678-2680 as follows: .0113 VARIANCE (a) The Commission, on its own _initiative _or pursuant to a r~quest under G.S; 143-215.3(e), may grant variances to {he ntld of this Subchapter~ (b) Requests for variances are filed by letter from the applicant to the Environmental Management Commission. The application should be mailed to the chairman of the Commis- sion in care of the Director, Division of Environmental Management, Post Office Box 29535~ Raleigh, N.C. 27626-0535. (c) The application should contain the following information: (I) Applications filed by counties or municipalities must include a resolution of the County Board of Commissioners or the governing board of the municipaJity requesting the variance~ (2) A description of the past, existing or proposed activities or operations that have or would result in a discharge of contaminants to the groundwaters. (3) Description of the proposed area for which a variance is requested. A detailed location map, showing the orientation of the facility, potential for groundwater contaminant migration, as we11 as the area covered by the variance request, with reference to at least two geographic references (numbered roads, named streams 1rivers, etc.) must be included. (4) Supporting information to establish that the variance wi11 not endanger the public health and safety, including health and environmental effects from exposure to groundwater contaminants. (Location of wells and other water supply sources including details of well construction within 1/2 mile of site must be shown on a map). (5) Supporting information to establish that re quirements of the Rule cannot be achie\'ed by providing the best available technology economically reasonable. This !~f'?_rmatio~-!Il~st i,d_e~!!!)', ~P~~!~c .!e~~nol?,gy . ~~~~~:r~, _and the co~ts of 1mplementmg the technofogy and the impact of the costs on the apphcant. (6) Supporting information to establish that compliance would produce serious hardship on the applicant. (7) Supporting information that compliance would produce serious hardship without equal or greater public benefit. (8) A copy of any Special Order that was issued in connection with contaminants in the proposed area and supporting information that applicant has complied with the Special Order. (9) A list of the names and addresses of any property owners within the proposed area of the variance as well as any property owners adjacent to the site covered by the vanance. (d) Upon receipt of the application, the Director wilJ review it for completeness and re- quest additional info1mation if necessary. When the application is complete, the Director shall give public notice of the appJication and schedule the matter for a public hearing in accor- dance with G.S. 143-215.4(b) and the procedures set out in Paragraph {dof this Rule. (e) Notice of Public Hearing. 20 (1) Notice of public hearing on any ,•ariance application sha11 be· circulated in the geographical areas of the proposed variance by the Director at least 30 days prior to the date of the hearing: (A) by publishing the notice one time in a newspaper having general circulation in said county; (B) by mailing to the North Carolina Department o(.Environrnent , Health , and Nat- ural Resources, Division of Environmental Health and appropriate local health agency; (C) by mailing to any other federal, state or local agency upon request; (D) by mai1ing to the local governmental unit or units haYing jurisdiction over the geographic area covered by the variance; (E) by mailing to any property owner within the proposed area of the variance, as welI as any property owners adjacent to the site covered by the variance; and {F) by mailing to any person or group upon request. (2) The contents of public notice of any hearing shall include at least the following: (A) name, address, and phone number of agency holding the public hearing; (B) name and address of each applicant whose application will be considered at the meeting; _ ... ,., ..... (C) brief summary of the variance rtcjuesfi (D) geographic description of a proposed area for which a variance is requested; (E) brief description of activities or operations which have or wil1 result in the discharge of contaminants to the groundwaters described in the variance application; (F) a brief reference to the public notice issued for each variance application; (G) information regarding the time and location for the hearing; (H) the purpose of the hearing; (I) address and phone number of premises at which interested persons may obtain further information, request a copy of each application, and inspect and copy forms and related documents; and (J) a brief description of the nature of the hearing including the rules and procedures to be foUowed. The notice shall also state that additional informa- tion is on file with the Director and may be inspected at any time during normal working hours. Copies of the information on tile will be made available upon request and payment of cost or reproduction. (f) All comments received within 30 days following the date of the public hearing shall be made part of the application fi1e and sha11 be considered by the Commission prior to taking final action on the application. (g) In determining whether to grant a variance, the Commission shall consider whether the applicant has comp1ied with any Special Order, or Special Order by Consent issued under G.S. 143-215.2. (h) If the Commission's final decision is unacceptable, the applicant may file a petition for a contested case in accordance with Chapter 150B of the General Statutes. If the petition is not filed v.ithin 60 days, the decision on the variance shaU be final and binding. (i) A variance sha11 not operate on a defense to an action at law based upon a public or private nuisance theocy or any other cause of action. 21 History Note: Statutory Authority G.S. 143-215.3(a)(l); 143-215.3(a)(3); 143-215.3(a)(4); 143-215.3(e); 143-215.4; Eff. August 1, 1989. Amended Eff. 22 15A NCAC 2L .0114 has been adopted with changes as published in 7:24 NCR 2680 as fol- lows: .0114 NOTIFICATION RE QUIREMENTS !!) Any person sub ject to the requirements of Rule .0J06(c ) of this Subchaptei-shall sub- mit to the local Health Director,_and the chief administrative officer of the political jurisdic- tion(s} in which the groundwater contamination has occurre<t Lreport that describes: ill The area extent of the contaminant plume; ill The chemical constituents in the groundwater which exceed the standards des·cribed in Rule .0202 of this Subchapter; ill Actions taken and intended to miti gate threats to human health; ffi The location of any we1Js installed for the purpose of monitorin g the contaminant plume and the frequency of sampling. The report described in this Rule shall be submitted no later than five ;,-oridng da y s after submittal of the com pleted report assessin g the cause, si gn ificance and extent of the violation as required ~Rule .0106(c). {bl Any person \1/ho ~bmits a reque~ wider Rule ]H 06 (kl. dt 2i:.Cm) sha11 D(?tify the local Health Director and the chief administrative officer of the p olitical juris- dictionfsj in which the contaminant plume occurs, and a11 property owners and occu pants within or conti guous to the area underlain ~the contaminant plume, and under the areas where it is ex pected to mi grate , of the nature of the re quest and reasons supporting it. Notifi- cation sha11 be made bv certified mail concurrent with the submittal of the re quest to the Di- rector. A final decision .QY.. the Director sbal1 be postponed for a period of 30-days followin g receipt of the re quest so that the Director may consider comments submitted 1?:t_individuals fo- ierested iri the request. {c)Any person whose rtgue'st hnder Rufe ~of66 ru: ~or {m) is granted by the Director shall notify parties specified in Paragraph (b) of this Rule of the Director's decision. Notifica- tion shall be made by certified mail within 30 days of receipt of the Director's decision. History Note: Statutory Authority G.S. 143-214.l ; 143-215.3(a)(1): 143B•282(2 )b: Eff. 23 .0200 -CLASSIFICATIONS AND CiROUNDWAtER QUALITY STANDARDS 15A NCAC 2L .0201 has been amended with changes as published in 7:24 NCR 2680-2681 as follows: .0201 GROUND\\'ATER CLASSIFICATIONS The classifications which may be assigne-d to the groundwaters will be those specified in the following series of classifications: (1) Class GA groundwaters; usage and occurrence: (a) Best Usage. Existing or potential source of drinking water supply for humans. (b) Conditions Related to Best Usage. This class is intended for those groundwaters in which chloride concentrations are equal to or less than 250 mg/I, and which are considered suitable for drinking in their natural state, but which may require treatment to improve quality related to natural conditions. ( c) Occurrence. In the saturated zone. (2) Class GSA groundwaters; usage and occurrence: (a) Best Usage. Existing or potential source of water supply for potable mineral water and conversion to fresh waters. (b) Conditions Related to Best Usage. This class is intended for those groundwaters in which the chloride concentrations due to natural conditions is in excess of 250 mg/1, but which otherwise may be considered suitable for use as potable water after treatment to reduce concentrations of naturally occurring substances. ( c) Occurrence. In the saturated zone. (3) Class GC groundwaters: usage and occurrence: (a) Best Usage. The best usage of GC groundwaters is as a source of water supply for purposes other than drinking.:....includin g other domestic uses !!y_humans. (b) Conditions Related to Best Usage. This class includes those groundwaters that do not meet the quality criteria for GA or GSA groundwaters and for which efforts to im prove groundwater quality would not be technologically feasible, or not in the best interest of the public. Continued consum ption of waters of this class h_ humans could result in adverse health affects. (c) Occurrence. Groundwaters of this class may be defined by the Commission on a case by case basis. History Note: Statutory Authority G.S. 143-214.1; 1438-282(2); EfT. June 10, 1979; Amended Eff._; August l, 1989; September 1, 1984; December 30, 1983. 24 15A NCAC 2L .0202 has been amended with changes as pubJished in 7:24 NCR 2681-2683 as follows: .0202 GROUND\\'A TER QUALITY STANDARDS (a) The groundwater quality standards for the protection of the groundwaters of the state arc those specified in this Ruk They are the maximum allowable concentrations resulting from any discharge of contaminants to the land or waters of the state, which may be tolerated without creating a threat to human health or which would · otherwise render the groundwater unsuitable for its intended best usage. (b) The groundwater quali ty standards for c-0ntaminants specified in Paragraphs (g) and (h) of this Rule shalJ be as listed, except that: (1) Where the standard for a substance is Jess than the practical q uantitation ·Jimit, the detection of that substance at or above the p ractical quantitation limit shall constitute a violation of the standard. (2) Where two or more substances exist in combination, the Director shall consider the effects of chemical interactions _as determined kthe Division of Epidemiology and may establish maximum concentrations at values less than those established in accordance with Paragraphs (c) and (g) of this Rule. In the absence of information to the contrary, the carcinogenic risks associated with carcinogens present shall be considered additiYe and the toxic effects associated with non-carcinogens present shaU also be considered additive. (3) Where naturally occurring substances exceed the established standard, the standard will be the naturalJy occurring concentration as determined by the .Director. (c) Except for tracers used in concentrations which have been determined h.the Division of Epidemiology to be protective of human health, and the use of which has been p ermitted h. the Dh1 ision. substances which are not naturally occurring and for which no standard is specified shall not be permitted in detectable concentrations in Class GA or Class GSA groundwaters. Any person may petition the Director to estabJish an interim maximum allow- able concentration for an unspecified substance, however, the burden of demonstrating those concentrations of the substance which correspond to the levels described in Paragraph (d) of this Rule rests with the petitioner. The petitioner shall submit relevant toxicological and epi- demiological data, study results, and calculations necessary to establish a standard in accor- dance with the procedure prescribed in Paragraph (d) of this Rule. Within three months after the establishment of an interim maximum allowable concentration for a substance by the Di- rector, the Director shall initiate action to consider adoption of. a standard for that substance. (d) Groundwater quality standards for substances in Class GA and Class GSA groundwaters are established as ihe lesser of: (1) Syst~mic threshold concentration ca1cufated as foJlows: [Reference Dose (mg/kg/day) x 70 kg (adult body weight) x Relative Source Contribution (.1 O_ for inorganics; .20 for organics)] / [2 liters/day (avg. waterconsumption)]; (2) Concentration which corresponds to an incremental lifetime cancer risk of lxl0·6; (3) Taste threshold limit value; (4) Odor threshold limit value; (5) Maximum contaminant level; or (6) National secondary drinking water standard. 25 (e) The following references, in order of preference, shall be used in establishing concen- trations of substances which correspond to levels described in Paragraph (d) of this Rule. (1) Integrated Risk Information System (U.S. EPA). (2) Health Advisories (U.S. EPA Office of Drinking Water). (3) Other health risk assessment data published by U.S. EPA. <4 ) ~s>:r~i:~i~i~!e~~f!~_.i~h~J~~~~stbt~:~:nl~~~:i ical data. @P. . .. . ,. . .. ., . . . y '• .. peer. . . , . . . . p . . . . . g ,, .. (f) Groundwater quality standards specified in Paragraphs (g) and (h) of this Rule and interim maximum allowable concentrations established pursuant to Paragraph (c) of this Rule shall be reviewed on a biennial basis. Appropriate modifications to established standards will be made in accordance with the procedure prescribed in Paragraph (d) of this Rule where modifications are considered appropriate based on data published subsequent to the previous review. (g) Class GA Standards. Where not otherwise indicated, the standard refers to the total concentration in milligrams per liter of any constituent in a dissolved. colloidal or particulate forrn which is mobile in groundwater. This does not ~ to sediment or other particulate matter which is preserved in a groundwater sample as a result of well construction or sam- Iili!!g procedures. ill acetone: 0.7 ill acrylamide (propenamide): 0.00001 ill arsenic: 0.05 ffi barium: 2.0 ill benzene: 0.001 1fil bromoforrn (tribromomethane): 0.00019 ill cadmium: 0.005 .(fil carbofuran: 0.036 12.} carbon tetrachloride: 0.0003 .(!fil chlordane: 2. 7 x l 0·5 .Ll.ll chloride: 250.0 01.} chlorobenzene: 0.05 !1l) chloroform (trichloromethane): 0.00019 f.W 2-chlorophenol: 0.0001 @ chromium: 0.05 ilfil cis-1,2-dichloroethene: 0.07 ilfil color: 15 color units @ copper: 1.0 (20) cyanide: 0.154 @ 2, 4-D (2,4-dichlorophenoxy acetic acid): 0.07 Ql} 1,2-dibromo-3-chloropropane: 2.5 x 10·5) (23) dichlorodifluoromethane (Freon-12; Halon): 1.4 fl!Llidichloroethane: 0.7 @ 1 ,2-dichloroethane (ethylene dichloride): 0.00038 (26) 1,1-dichloroethylene (Yinylidene chloride): 0.007 (27) 1,2-dichloropropane: 0.00056 (28) di-n-butyl (or dibutyl} phthalate (DBP): 0.7 26 (29) dieth y l phthalate (DEP ): 5.0 .<lQl di (2-eth y1hex yl) phthalate (DEHP ): 0.003 Ql} p-dioxane (1,4-diethylene dioxide): 0.007 (32) dioxin: 2.2 x 10-10 fill dissolved solids (total): 500 {34) endrin: 0.002 ~ epich)orohydrin (l-chloro-2,3-epoxypropane): 0.00354 (36) ethylbenzene: 0.029 (37) ethylene dibromide (EDB; 1,2-dibromoethane): 4.0 !,.IO·' (38) ethylene glycol: 7.0 (39) fluoride 2.0 (40) foaming agents: 0.5 ~ gross alpha (adjusted)particle activity (excluding radium-226 and uranium): 15pCi/l (42) heptachlor: 8.0 !.. 10-6 (43) heptachlor epoxide: 4.0 !.. I o-6 ~heptane: 2.1 (45) hexachlorobenzene (perchlorobenzene): 0.00002 (46) n-hexane: 0.42 (47) iron: 0.3 (48) lead: 0.015 . (49) lindane: 2.0 !,_104 (50) manganese: 0.05 ill.) mercury: 0.0011 (52) metadichlorobenzene (l ,3-dichlorobenzene ): 0 .62 {ill methoxychlor: 0.035 . 1H) methylene chlori<:{e (dichloromethane): 0.005 (55) methyl ethyl ketone (MEK; 2-butanone): 0.17 (56) methyl tert-butyl ether {MTBE): 0.2 !fl} nickel: QJ. (58) nitrate: (as N) 10.0 {W nitrite: (as N) J .0 (60) orthodichlorobenzene (l,2-dichlorobenzene): 0.62 .{filj oxamyl: 0.175 (62) paradichlorobenzene (l,4-dichlorobenzene): 0.075 {fill pentachlorophenol: 0.0003 (64) pH: 6.5 -8.5 (65) radium-2~6 and radium-228 (combined): 5 pCi/1 (66) selenium: 0.05 (67) silver: 0.018 {68) styrene (ethenylbenzene): 0.1 (69) sulfate: 250.0 iZQ} tetrachloroethylene (perchloroethylene; PCE): 0.0007 !1ll toluene (methylbenzene): LO (72) toxaphene: 3.1 x 10·5 27 (ill 2, 4, 5,-TP (Silvex): 0.05 ~ trans-1,2-dichloroethene: 0.07 ill.11, 1, I-trichloroethane (methyl chloroform): 0.2 {Zfil trichloroethylene (TCE): 0.0028 .CT1l_trich1orofluoromethane: 2.1 (78) vinyl chloride (chloroethylene): 1.5 x 10-5 (79) xylenes (o-, m-, and p-): 0.53 (80) zinc: 2.1 (h) · Class GSA Standards. The standards for this class shall be the -same as those for Class GA except as follows: (I) chloride: allowable increase not to exceed I 00 percent of the natural quality concentration. (2) total dissolved solids: I 000 mg/I. (i) Class GC Waters. (1) The concentrations of substances which, at the time of classification exceed the standards applicable to Class GA or GSA groundwaters shall not be caused to increase. nor shall the concentrations of other substances be caused to exceed the GA or GSA standards as a result of further disposal of contaminants to or beneath the surface of the land within the boundary of the area classified GC. (2) The concentrations of substances which, at the time of classification, exceed the standards applicable to GA or GSA groundwaters sha11 not be caused to migrate as !_result of activities within the boundarv of the GC classification. so as to violate the groundwater or surface water quality standards in adjoining waters of a different class. (3) Concentrations of specific substances, which exceed the established standard at the time of classification, sha11 be listed in Section .0300 of this Subchapter. History Note: Statutory Authority G.S. 143-214.1; 143B-282(2); Eff. June 10, 1979; Amended Eff. : September 1, 1992; August I, 1989; September 1, 1984; December 30, 1983. 28 Proposed Amendment to 15A NCAC 2L . 100: Groundwater Classifications and Standards TO BE INSERTED AT THE END OF2L .0106(c): "For the purposes of subparagraphs (c) and (d), an activity conducted under the authority of a permit issued by the Division, and subject to subparagraph (d), is one for which: (i) a permit has been issued pursuant to G. S. 143-215.1; (ii) the pennit was originally issued after December 30, 1983; (iii) the substance for which a standard has been exceeded outside the compliance boundary has been released to groundwater as a result of the pennitted activity. All other activities shall for the purpose of this Rule be deemed not pennitted by the Division and subject to the provisions of subparagraph (c)." 1(;..7/'l3 MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: SUBJECT: THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA AT ASHEVILLE ENROLLMENT SERVICES March 4, 1993 David Hance Kathy Jackson Room Confirmation I have reserved, as per your request, the Humanities Lecture Hall for Wednesday, April 21, 1993 from 7:00 pm until 11:00 pm for the NC Division of Environmental Management -Groundwater Section's public hearing on Groundwater Rules, Enclosed you will find copies of the rental agreement. Although there is no charge, please sign and return two of the copies to me as soon as possible. Also enclosed you will find copies of the campus map. Feel free to duplicate them if you need to do so. You will also need to notify the Campus Security Office at (704) 251-6710 to obtain parking permits, If you have any questions, please feel free to call me or Marilyn Lonon at (704) 251-6439, KEY .TO CAMPUS BUILDINGS ~<\}~,:- ;?if ~i~]~~~f\;]: .•. •· ... ·· "\~ii GV Governors-Village Residence Halls: • -,:;: a Swain Hall f Moore Hall b Aycock Hall h Ashe Hall c Craig Hall i Hoey Hall d Gardner Hall j Vance Hall e Scott Hall (Security Office) PARKING ZONE DESIGNATION HC HI HLH JG KH LH MH OH Highsmith University Center Highrise Hall Humanities Lecture Hall Justice Gym Karpen Hall Lipinsky Hall Mills Hall Owen Hall :;:-, .. ; .)ff :-:-;(/;pH Phillips Hall ->)P Physical Plant · . : RBH Robinson Hall RH Rhoades Hall . ·RL Ramsey Library WHC Weizenblatt Health Center ZH Zageir Hall Unless otherwise design a ted by signs or directives, the foll o wing :ones are Jes ignaced by painted lines and/o r curbs: Student Parking Faculty/Scaff Parking Emergency/Serv ice Vehicle Parking Handicapped Parking No Parking Parking Zone Map Key Student Parking Faculty/Scaff Parking Open Parking Motorcycle Parking Visitor Parking Under Construction -0· UNd~~ \'(/hire Green Red Blue Yellow Odd numbers Even numbers A,B,C M Visitor Shaded area on map THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA AT ASHEVILLE DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT GROUNDWATER SECTION August 3, 1993 MEMORANDUM TO: STEVEN LEVITAS FROM: ARTHURMOUBERRY SUBJECT: CHANGES MADE TO 15A NCAC 2L BY THE ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION The Environmental Management Commission on July 26, 1993, accepted the Hearing Officer's recommendation to approve the proposed amendment to 15A NCAC 2L with the following changes: RULE (1) .0104( d) --------- (2) .0106( d) --------- (3) . 0106( e) --------- ( 4) .0106(i) --------- (5) .0106G),(k),(l)(2) --------- ( 6) .0106(1) --------- (7) .0106(p) --------- cc: Preston Howard CHANGE Delete this paragraph. Insert ( 1) and (2) where (A) and (B) are being deleted. Add a provision allowing facilities pe1mitted pursuanttoG.S.143-215.1 priort0Janua1yl, 1984,to make use of Corrective Action Plans that allow remediation to a level different than the groundwater standard or to approve the use of natural remediation. Termination of corrective action provisions specified in the proposed mle could also be utilized by this group of facilities .. Reference paragraph ( d) as well as ( c) Change the term "demonstrate" to "demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Director" Change the phrase "Any person ... " to "The Division or any person ... " Add the following paragraph: "The approval pursuant to this section .0106 of any corrective action plan, or modification or te1mination thereof, which permits the migration of a contaminant onto adjacent property, shall not affect any private right of action by any party which may be effected by that contamination." MEMO DATE: ____ _ TO : _______ _ SUBJECT: ____ _ /I ?u l~ , ()/06 {j)-::> 7k_ 'Ilv1~1CJY! From: _______ _ ~ .. = ... ~-~STA.Ti~ ..... , -•.~. f~ ~) North Carolina Department of Environment, :,'G _7/ Health, and Natural Resources @ PnntedonRecycledPape ·,,"-,~~~ ... ~.;.~·..;,,-- c:!5tate of cfV o'ith Ca'iofina '3£nnal Cou'tt of :J.u1.tic£ CARROLL EDMONDSON GROur,owATER SECTION RALEIGH, NC :Judicial '.£){,j,hict q.!B -c:!Su.pe'iio'l. Cou.7.t FRANKLIN FREEMAN. DIRECTOR ADMINISTRATIVE OFFI C E OF THE COURTS TRIAL COURT ADMINISTRATOR ONSLOW COUNTY COURTHOUSE 625 COURT STREET JACKSONVILLE. N. C. 28540-4797 PHON E : (919) 455-4458 Mr. David Hance February 24, 1993 Department of Environmental Management-Groundwater P.O. Box 29535 Raleigh, NC 27626-0535 Re: Directions to Onslow County Courthouse Dear Mr. Hance: JAMES R. STRICKLAND SENIOR RESIDENT SUPERIOR COURT JUDGE KENNETH W . TURNER CHIEF DISTRICT COURT JUDGE We have reserved the large courtroom on the second floor of the old courthouse from 7:00-10:00 p.m. on April 1, 1993 for the DEM public hearing. The old courthouse is at the corner of Court Street and Old Bridge Street. Public parking is available behind the courthouse. I assume you will be coming into Jacksonville on Highway 24 since I- 40 has a Hwy 24 exit. When you get into Jacksonville on Hwy 24, you can either stay in the far right lane and take the fork in the road to the right and reach the courthouse by Old Bridge Street or turn right at the stoplight by Bojangles and reach the courthouse by Court Street. I have attached a rudimentary map for your convenience. Sincerely, Carroll Edmondson Trial Court Administrator DIRECTIONS TO PUBLIC HEARING ON SUBCHAPTER 2L WILLIAMSTON; APRIL 5, 1993 AT 7:00 PM MARTIN COMMUNITY COLLEGE FROM RALEIGH: Take U.S. 64 East go toward Williamston, N.C. Go past large cemetery on left then travel 3 miles. Turn right on Kehukee Park Road. The college is at the corner. (college phone: (919) 792-1521). WILLIAMSTON . -:-.:.· ..:~: '}::~~~ - KEY.TO CAMPUS BUILDINGS·:.< ":-';*t: ~¥;t;~?i~ttfkf e•· •.·· .. •.•·•·· .. ·.· .. ···•~· .~,. GV . Governo~ Village Residence Halls: . <~ a Swain Hall f Moore Hall b Aycock Hall h Ashe Hall c Craig Hall i Hoey Hall d Gardner Hall i Vance Hall e Scott Hall (Security Office) PARKING ZONE DESIGNATION HC HI HLH JG KH LH MH OH Highsmith University Center Highrise Hall Humanities Lecture Hall Justice Gym Karpen Hall Lipinsky Hall Mills Hall Owen Hall ·-·l. . -.~ ;--:.:-- •It:,;. --~.:):::".;. · \(/.'!pH Phillips Hall '.·.:.')pp Physical Plant . RBH Robinson Hall . RH Rhoades Hall 'RL Ramsey Library WHC Weizenblatt Health Center ZH Zageir Hall Unless otherwise designated by signs or Jireccive s . che following :ones are Jes ignaced by ~1ainced l ines and/or curbs: Srudenc Parking Faculty/Staff Parking Emergency/Service Vehicle Parking Handicapped Parking No Parking Parking Zone Map Key Student Parking Faculty/Scaff Parking Open Parking Motorcycle Parking Visitor Parking Under Construction 1.:-~ .. UNCfl: \Vhite Green Red Blue Yellow Odd numbers Even numbers A,B,C M Visitor Shaded area on map THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA AT ASHEVILLE Attachment for 1'SA NCJ\C 2L .0102; .0103; .0104; .0106; .0107; .0109; .0110; .0111; .0112; .0113; .0114; .0201; .0202 Itan.s #4 through #6 '!he following public .hearing dates and locations have been scheduled for am are shown below: JAO<SONILLE April 1, 1993 7:00 1?M Qlslow OJtmty Courthouse Old Courthouse 625 Court street SALISBURY April 20, 1993 7:00 PM WILLIAMSirn April 5, 1993 7:00 PM Martin OJtmty Camumity Colleg-e College Auditorium Kehukee Park Road ASHEVILLE April 21 , 1993 7:00 PM RALEIGH April 7, 1993 7:00 PM Ground Floor Hearing Rcx:m Archdale Building 512 N. salisbury St ., RcMan--caharrus Comumity College Teaching Auditorium Jake Alexander Blvd. and I-85 UNC-ASHE.VILLE cannichael Lecture Hall 1 University Heights Item #8 carment Procedures: Notice is hereby given of a series of public hearings to be held by the Divisian of Envircnnental Management, an behalf of the Envircwnental Management camri.ssian (EM:) , to cx::nsider amendrrents to 1 SA !IC.AC 2L, Groundwater Classificatian and Standards. '!he purpose of the proposed arrendrnents is to improve the processes required to be follCMed in cleaning up groundwater ccntaminatian and providing protection for groundwater that is being used, or may potentially be used for drinking water. 'Ib accanplish this objective, definitians have been added, sane clean up activities have been restricted to perSC11S licensed by professional boards; and requirements for designatian of RS(Restricted) groundwaters are clarified and extended to include m:ni taring arrl notice requirements. Corrective actian requirements are rewritten to include mininrum cleanup requirements, infonnatian that rrust be included in cleanup plans, requirements for the use of best available technology, procedures for requesting alternative ' cleanup levels, and provisions that would allow for the natural degradatian of ccntaminants when evidence is sul:Jnitted that this cleanup approach can be effective and is protective of groundwater that is or may be used for drinking water. In additian, revisians are proposed in the canpliance boundary rule that 'WOUld exempt small residential ground absorption systan.s fran water well locatian restrictians and canpliance boundary requirements, and that 'WOUld maintain cx::nsistency with new rules for the pennitting of agricultural. waste management sites. Other proposed rule changes include requirements for providing notice of corrective action to the Health Director in the County where a ccntamination pl\.llle has occurred, and the additian and revisian of standards to incorporate recent toxicological knc:Mledge. In developing these rules, concern was expressed that a::nsiderable judgement must be exercised in enforcement regarding the detennination of the i.npact of contamination on groundwater that may be a potential source of drinking water. Consideration was also given to the use of Maxirrum Ccntaminate revels (l'vO..s) for cleanup standards instead of continuing the use of Groondwater Standards for both grourrlwater protection and contaminate cleanup. Ccmnents were received regarding the adequacy of requirenaits for notice to parties that might be impacted by a proposed cleanup activity. In addition, ccmrents were also received regarding the decision-making criteria the Director must use in approving cleanup plans. 'Ihe E}.C is interested in all ccmrents fran the·public or interested parties regarding the proposed amendments and alternatives to these amendments and is particularly interested in ccmrents and public opinion regarding the impact of these rule changes on the use of groundwater as existing or potential sources of drinking water for public Qr private use. 'lHESE POOPOSED AMENrMEN1'S REPRF.SENI' A SIGITFICANI' CHANGE FRCN PRESENI' PRACI'ICE sna 'IBEY ~ mr AT.JilAYS REl'.PIRE 'IHE APPLICATICN OF BESr AVAILABLE ~ 'IO RES'IOOE GRCXJNrmATER 'IO 'IHE LEVEL OF· 'IHE Sl'ANDARD. NEW APPROAOIES PROPOSED rncllJDE '!HE USE OF ALTERNATIVE CLF.ANUP LEVELS AND NA'lURAL REMEDIATICN PRCX:ESSES WHEN 'IHESE PRCX:!ESSES ARE DEI'ERMINED BY 'IHE DIVISICN 'IO BE PROl'ECI'IVE OF PUBLIC HEAL'IH. rr IS VERY IMPORI'ANI' '!HAT All INl'ERESTED AND POI'ENI'IALLY AE'FEX.:l'ED PERSCNS CR PARTIFS MAKE 'IHEIR VIE.WS AND OPINICNS ~, preferably in writing, 'IO 'lHE EM:: WHEIHER 'IHEY ARE IN FAV'CR OR OPPOSED 'IO ANY OR ALL OF 'IHE PROPOSED AMENJ:tvlENl'S 'IO · 'IHE GROONrMATER CLASSIFICATICN AND Sl'ANDARDS.. PUBLIC CXMv1ENI' IS VITALLY IMPORl'ANl' BEr.AI.JSE 'lliE ~ MAY AOOPI' M'JRE CR LESS S'IRINGENl' ~ IF 'lHE ElvC DETERMINES '!HAT 'IHE FINAL_AOOPI'ED RULES ARE A I.03ICAL CXJIGU'1IH OF 'IHE NJI'ICE AND PUBLIC <nNENI'. All persons interested in these ma.tters are invited to attend the public hearings noticed herein. Written cx::mnents may be presented at the public hearing or sul:mi.tted through April 23, 1993. Please sul:mit ccmnents to Mr. David Hance, Division of Environmental Managerent, Groundwater Section, P.O. Box 29535, Raleigh, NC 27626-0535, (919) 733-3221. Please notify Mr. Hance prior to the public hearing if you desire to speak. Oral presentation lengths may be limited depending on the number of people that wish to speak at the public hearing. Oral presentations greater than three minutes in length are requested to be sutrnitted in writing. 12/6/95 .0103 .0104 .0106 .0106 .0114 lSA NCAC 2L IMPLEMENTATION GUIDANCE TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION: .0100 -GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS POLICY GUIDANCE RS DESIGNATION GUIDANCE CORRECTIVE ACTION GUIDANCE ALTERNATIVE CORRECTIVE ACTION STRATEGIES .0106 (k) .0106 (1) .0106 (m) GENERAL INFORMATION Source Control Natural Attenuation of Groundwater Natural Attenuation of Bedrock Contamination Natural Attenuation of Soils Selecting Contaminants of Concern Estimating Aquifier Parameters Modeling of Contaminant Fate and Transport Identifying Potential Receptors Monitoring Public Notification Corrective Action Plan Preparation and Submittal Reimbursement: State Underground Storage Tank Trust Funds NOTIFICATION REQUIREMENTS Effective Dates: October 1, 1993 November 4, 1993 -Requirements for .0103(e) January 1, 1994 -PE/LG Sign Off for UST Closure Reports 2 3 5 8 8 11 14 17 17 18 20 21 23 23 24 25 27 27 28 29 30 1,000 copies of this public document were printed at a cost of $508.40 or $0.51 per copy. December 1995 . 1 DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT 15A NCAC 2L IMPLEMENTATION GUIDANCE .0103 POLICY GUIDANCE Purp ose of Rule The Rule defines the general policy of the Environmental Management Commission (EMC) with regard to groundwater protection and use. The Rule also restricts site characterizations and corrective actions to persons licensed by appropriate professional licensing boards. (a) This is a statement of general policy. The term 'significant' found in the third sentence has no regulatory meaning. The Paragraph is considered to be a statement of fact given to make the reader aware of groundwater conditions in the state and is for informational purposes. The statement does not require any regulatory action or activity toward any person or entity and as a result is not considered regulatory. (b) Considered to be self-explanatory. (c) Considered to be self-explanatory. ( d) Considered to be self-explanatory. ( e) Any investigation, assessment, interpretation, characterization, or corrective action plan will require appropriate licensing as specified in .0103(e). Monitoring plans required in .0110 and .0106, and monitoring reports required in .0106 which contain the interpretation of monitoring data likewise require appropriate licensing. Excluded from these requirements are emergency response reports, initial response reports, 24-hour reports, and reports which serve only to transmit information and do not contain data interpretation. Examples of reports and forms submitted to the Division which must be signed and sealed by an individual properly licensed by the state include, but are not limited to: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 12/6/95 UST Closure Reports (the site assessment portions only) Initial Abatement and Site Check (20-day report) Initial Site Characterization ( 45-day report) CSA -Comprehensive Site Assessment CAP -Corrective Action Plan Monitoring and Free Product Reports (those which include the interpretation of data) Design of vapor and groundwater monitoring systems RS Designation Applications (15A NCAC 2L .0104) Variance Applications (15A NCAC 2L .0113) 2 UST Closure reports, Initial Site Characterization Reports, Initial Abatement and Site Check Reports, CSAs, Design of Groundwater or Vapor Monitoring Systems, Monitoring Reports, and CAPs that do not contain plans or designs for active groundwater remediation systems may be prepared and sealed by either a North Carolina Professional Engineer or Licensed Geologist. Active groundwater remediation is defined to mean any remediation method which employs the use of pumps to move liquids and/or gases at a site. All plans and specifications required under .0106 and intended for use in construction ot: or for obtaining regulatory authorization to construct an active remediation system must be prepared under responsible charge of a Professional Engineer and must bear the seal of the same. However, preliminary or conceptual site restoration plans which are not intended for use in construction or for obtaining regulatory approval may be prepared by either a Professional Engineer or a Licensed Geologist. .0104 RESTRICTED DESIGNATION (RS) POLICY GUIDANCE Purp ose of Rule The Rule establishes a temporary groundwater designation (RS) that is intended to warn the public that groundwater so designated may not be suitable for use as a source of drinking water without treatment. If the groundwater remediation effort is successful, the groundwater will be restored to its original classification. If remedial efforts are unsuccessful, the groundwater may be reclassified as GC. When groundwater has been contaminated as a result of man's activities, the Director may designate an area of groundwater as RS under any of the following conditions: -the Director has approved a corrective action plan, or temiination of corrective action, and it is evident that the approved plan will not result in restoration of the resource without an extended period ohime; or -a statutory variance to the groundwater standards specified in ISA NCAC .0202 has been granted in accordance with ISA NCAC 2L .0113 . Additionally, any groundwater occurring in an area previously defined within a Compliance Boundary associated with a waste disposal permit is automatically designated RS. It has been noted that .0104(c), (d), and (e) could be interpreted to conflict with the Compliance Boundary requirements found in I SA NCAC 2L . 0107. In all cases the requirements of . 0107 will take precedence over those specified in . 0104( c ), ( d), and ( e). (a) Considered to be self-explanatory. (b) Considered to be self-explanatory. ( c) The determination of the RS boundary must be performed using predictive calculations or computer modeling of environmental contaminant fate · and transport. A description of the methodology used, assumptions made and a discussion of the applicability of the modeling to the site 12/6/95 3 are required. All supporting technical data and modeling results must be included with the request. Please refer to Modeling of Contaminant Fate and Trans port in the General Information section for further guidance on computer modeling and requisite documentation. (d) The monitoring program must comply with .0103(e) and must be sufficient to: -determine the quality of the groundwater within the contaminant plume, -determine the movement of the plume, and -ensure that the conditions established for the approved RS area are maintained. The State may require the installation of additional monitoring wells as conditions change in the RS area. The term 'increase' refers to an escalation of any chemical parameter concentration above the level determined for the plume at the time the RS designation was approved. An increase in contaminant levels will be reviewed by the Director or his designee. Additional monitoring or remedial action may be required if it is determined or suspected that the increase represents: -another release which may or may not be associated with the original contaminant release, -degradation or transformation of the original contaminant into new or related chemical compounds, or -unknown conditions or circumstances. ( e) The individual responsible for the contamination is considered the 'applicant' for the purposes of this Rule. If a responsible party cannot be identified and the Division initiates the RS designation for an area of groundwater, then the Division shall ensure that all public notification requirements have been met. (f) The individual responsible for the contamination must submit to the Division any information specified in .0104(f)(2) necessary to complete the required public notice. 12/6/95 (2) (3) (4) The Chief Administrative Officer is considered to be the Mayor, Chairman of the County Commissioners, the County Manager, the City Manager or other individual of equal or similar position as appropriate. Considered to be self-explanatory. Considered to be self-explanatory. Considered to be self-explanatory. 4 .0106 CORRECTIVE ACTION GUIDANCE Purp ose of Rule The Rule defines the following: 1) notification and corrective action requirements for permitted and non-permitted facilities; 2) the kinds of data required for approval of alternate cleanup levels, natural remediation, or termination of corrective actions; . 3) the conditions in which contaminated groundwater may be designated RS or reclassified as GC; and 4) the conditions in which current remedial activities shall be abandoned in favor of new technologies. (a) Considered to be self-explanatory. (b) This Paragraph refers to the discovery of a sudden and unexpected release of a contaminant into the environment. The term 'immediate' is defined as being within a 24 hour period unless there are extenuating circumstances. If the release occurs at a time when it is not possible to report the release to the Division within 24 hours due to weekends or holidays, the morning of the next business day is acceptable. The Paragraph also defines the reporting requirements to the Division of Environmental Management. It has no bearing upon, nor does it affect any rule or regulation defining additional reporting requirements by North Carolina General Statute, the Division of Emergency Management or any federal agency. ( c) This Paragraph is applicable to all contamination incidents resulting from activities which have not been permitted by the Division, including all non-permitted facilities . The term 'immediate' is defined as being within a 24-hour period unless there are extenuating circumstances. If the release occurs at a time when it is not possible to report the release to the Division within 24 hours due to weekends or holidays, the morning of the next business day is acceptable. The Paragraph also defines the reporting requirements to the Division of Environmental Management. It has no bearing upon, nor does it affect any rule or regulation defining additional reporting requirements by North Carolina Statute, the Division of Emergency Management or any federal agency. 12/6/95 (1) (2) (3) Considered to be self-explanatory . Non-aqueous phase liquids (free product) must be recovered and controlled to the maximum extent feasible . Corrective actions must be initiated as soon as possible following discovery of free product. Reports must be prepared in accordance with .0103(e). 5 (4) Corrective action plans must be prepared in accordance with .0103(e). In addition, each CAP must have a properly executed GW-100( c) form, entitled Certification for the Submittal of a Corrective Action Plan Under 15A NCAC 2L .0106(c). attached to the front. Either an original or a legible photocopy of an original form must be used; a CAP will not be accepted if a retyped version of the GW-l00(c) form is used. The GW-l00(c) forms have been revised since the original November 1993 printing. Copies of current forms are available from the Groundwater Section's regional offices or Pollution Control Branch. Each item on the GW-100( c) certification form must be initialed by hand and the form must bear the seal and signature of the certifying North Carolina-licensed professional [see Section .0103(e) for clarification on the professional jurisdictions of Professional Engineers and Licensed Geologists]. In addition, the CAP must display the seal and signature of the certifying licensed professional. The term 'prepared' as used on the GW-l00(c) form should be construed to mean that the CAP has been prepared under the responsible charge of the certifying licensed professional pursuant to North Carolina Statutes. The term is included on the form because Professional Engineers and Licensed Geologists are prohibited from certifying plans prepared by individuals not working under their direct control and supervision. The responsible party must report the cause and extent of the release and the corrective actions taken and intended to be taken to mitigate threats to human health and the environment to the local Health Director and the chief administrative officer of the local political jurisdictions [ see Section . 0114( a)]. ( d) This Paragraph is applicable to violations resulting from an activity performed under authority of a permit issued by the Division. Reports and corrective action plans must be prepared in accordance with .0103(e). (e) Considered to be self-explanatory. (f) 12/6/95 (1) (2) (3) Considered to be self-explanatory. Considered to be self-explanatory. All primary sources of contamination (e.g., leaking storage containers, waste stockpiles, etc.) must be removed, or remediated and controlled. Here 'control' means demonstrating the physical ability to direct restrain or dominantly influence the contaminated media and free product (non-aqueous phase liquid). If needed, initial abatement actions taken to remove, remediate or control primary source(s) of contamination must be initiated prior to, or concurrent with the site assessment activities required under .0106(c) and (d). The goal of free product recovery efforts must be recovery to the maximum extent feasible. Please refer to Source Control in the General Information section for further guidance on the meaning of control. 6 ( 4) All secondary sources of contamination · ( e.g., non-aqueous phase liquids and contaminated soil) must be either remediated (removed or treated), or controlled. Here, 'controlled' means demonstrating the physical ability to direct, restrain or dominantly influence the contaminated media and free product (non-aqueous phase liquid). If needed, initial abatement actions taken to remediate or control secondary source(s) of contamination must be initiated prior to, or concurrent with the site assessment activities required under .0106(c) and (d). The goal of free product recovery efforts must be to recover product to the maximum extent feasible. Please refer to Source Control in the General Information section of this document for further guidance on the meaning of control. (g) Reporting must be done in accordance with the provisions of .0103(e). (h) All corrective action plans are submitted pursuant to Paragraph (c) or (d) of this Rule and must meet the requirements of .0103(e) and .0106(j). Please refer to Monitoring in the General Information section for guidance and policy related to monitoring of corrective actions. (i) Considered to be self-explanatory. G) All corrective action plans are submitted pursuant to Paragraph ( c) or ( d) of this Rule. This Paragraph: (1) reiterates the general Rule that cleanup must restore groundwater to prerelease conditions; and (2) adds the requirement that plans submitted under Paragraphs (c) and (d) must use the best available technology. Best Available Technology (BAT) is considered to be that technology which achieves the specified cleanup goals within a reasonable time frame at the most economical cost per unit of cleanup. For example, a remedial technology which has the capacity to clean up a site in nine months at a cost of $1,000,000 would not be considered the BAT if an alternative technology existed which would accomplish the same goals in twelve months at a cost of $10,000. For those sites at which BAT is required, the Director, or his designee, will review the CAPs to determine if the requested time frames for remedial activities are appropriate and if the technologies proposed can be considered to be the BAT for the site in question. The Paragraph also recognizes the exceptions to these two general requirements as set out in Paragraphs (k), (1), and (m). Paragraph (I) does not require the use of BAT, but requires restoration to the standards specified in . 0202 by the natural processes of degradation and attenuation of contaminants. Paragraphs (k) and (m) allow for termination of active cleanup prior to achieving the standards in .0202, but contain no exception to the requirement to use BAT. For sites being remediated under Paragraphs (k) and (m), site monitoring will be required until the standards have been achieved by natural attenuation processes. 12/6/95 7 ALTERNATIVE CORRECTIVE ACTION STRATEGIES .0106(k), Q) and (m) (k) The purpose of this Paragraph is to provide a means by which a responsible party may seek approval to actively remediate groundwater to a level other than the standards specified in . 0202. Approval of a corrective action plan (CAP) under this Paragraph will be considered only for non- permitted sites for which active groundwater remediation, other than by natural processes, has already been or is proposed to be implemented. Responsible parties will be required to use the Best Available Technology until the alternate standards established under Paragraph (k) are achieved. Please refer to Paragraph G) for the definition of Best Available Technology. Requests for approval of remediation to alternate standards will be made as part of the proposed CAP submitted pursuant to Paragraph ( c) of this Rule. The request must be based on current site data. A description of site conditions must be included with the. CAP; however, previously submitted CAPs, site assessment reports, and monitoring report(s) should be referenced. All critical data should be summarized in figures and tables. The items enumerated in .0106(k) are considered the minimum information needed to consider such a request and should be submitted with the CAP in the order presented in the Rule. The Director may request additional information. In determining whether to approve a CAP submitted under . 0106(k), the Director will apply the standard for approval of all corrective action plans set out in Paragraph (i). The CAP must include a list of all contaminants detected at the site in concentrations which exceed the standards specified in .0202 and their respective proposed cleanup levels. Justification must be provided that the recommended cleanup levels are protective of human health and the environment. The active remediation phase will be followed by a period of natural attenuation and monitoring until the standards have been achieved. Therefore, it should be understood that .0106(k)(4) and .0106(k)(5) define the minimum degree to which contaminants must attenuate in order for the site to be considered eligible for the provisions of .0106(k), and that monitoring will be required to verify that natural attenuation is occurring. In addition, the proponent must demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Director that the remaining contamination will be remediated to the standards by natural processes within an acceptable period of time. The period of time considered acceptable for remediation will depend on a number of site-specific parameters; therefore, it will vary between sites. Please refer to Natural Attenuation of Groundwater and Monitoring in the General Information section for guidance and policy on demonstrating natural attenuation. Documentation that groundwater in the area of the plume has not been identified for future use or development by a state or local government planning process must be included in the CAP. This information may be available from the local county or municipal planning offices, local utility commissions, or from the Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources, Division of Water Resources. An example of documentation which would be satisfactory to meet this requirement is a signed letter from the appropriate governing body stating that no plans are on record for the development of groundwater resources in the area. Alternatively, the CAP proponent may write a letter for the appropriate government representative to sign which confirms that there are no plans for groundwater development in the vicinity of the site. Another option may be to peruse the appropriate government files and planning documents and copy the appropriate portions which serve 12/6/95 8 as evidence that groundwater in the area of the plume will not be developed because another type of development is planned for the area ( e.g., a large shopping mall is slated for construction over the contamination area and will be served by municipal water). Detennining Alternate Standards The CAP must present a listing of proposed alternate cleanup levels for all contaminants detected above 2L standards. Once these levels are achieved, active remedial actions may terminate. One approach to detennining appropriate alternate standards for a site is to recognize that the contamination will not be permitted to adversely impact any receptor. First, determine acceptable contaminant concentrations for groundwater at all potentially impacted receptor(s). Then, use contaminant fate and transport calculations or modeling to "back calculate" the cleanup goals for the source area of the plume that will allow natural attenuation processes to reduce the concentrations to acceptable levels by the time the groundwater reaches the receptor(s). Another method of determining alternate standards which may be acceptable is to base the target concentrations on the projected effectiveness of the most cost-effective remediation technique that is applicable to the site. Target cleanup levels derived in this manner would have to be justified to be protective of human health and the environment. 12/6/95 (I) All sources of contamination and free product have been removed or controlled pursuant to 15A NCAC 2L .0106 (t), and ISA NCAC 2N .0703 and .0705, if applicable. Demonstrating complete delineation of the soil contamination and non-aqueous phase liquid ( secondary sources of contamination) in accordance with Groundwater Section Guidelines for the Investigation and Remediation of Soils and Groundwater and providing an acceptable plan for the remediation or control of all sources may satisfy the meaning of 'controlled' as it pertains to this Rule. Please refer to Section .0106(±)(4) and Source Control in the General Information section for further guidance on control of contamination sources. (2) Time and direction of contaminant travel can be predicted with reasonable certainty. The technical basis for the determination of rate and direction of groundwater flow used in modeling and/or calculations must be provided. The direction of contaminant transport should be predicted based on groundwater hydraulic head measurements and should take all nearby pumping, recharge and discharge influences into account. The rate of contaminant transport should be estimated directly from empirical site data or predicted through the use of an appropriate model. Please see Modeling of Contaminant Fate and Transport and Estimating Aquifier Parameters in the General Information section for additional information. Site monitoring will be required to determine if natural attenuation is occurring, and to test the validity of the conceptual model for the site. Please refer to Monitoring in the General Information section of this document and Rule .0110 for additional information regarding monitoring plans and reports. 9 (3) (4) (5) 12/6/95 Migration of contaminants onto adjacent prop erties. In order to be considered for approval, the CAP must demonstrate that at least one of the three conditions described in subsection (k)(3) is true .. The term 'served' in (k)(3)(A) means connected to an approved public water supply. Suitable water supplies must meet the regulatory definition of a public water supply and be approved by the Public Water Supply Section of the Division of Health Resources. Documentation, preferably a letter from the utility company, should be provided indicating which households are on public water supply. The CAP must certify that the public water supply is dependent on surface waters or hydraulically isolated groundwater, as applicable. A map must be provided that shows the current plume boundary as well as all adjacent properties and those down gradient properties where the plume is predicted to migrate. A tax map of the area would be ideal for this purpose. Any supply wells on those properties must be located on the map. An indication of which properties are predicted to be impacted and the technical basis for this determination must also be provided. In addition, a map must be provided which shows the predicted maximum extent of the plume. When applicable under .0106(k)(3)(B), the CAP must include documentation of the property owner's written consent allowing contamination to migrate onto their property. Please see Public Notification in the General Information Section and Section .0114 (b) for addi!ional information. The groundwater standards s pecified in 2L. 0202 will be met at a location no closer than one year time of travel u p gradient of an existing or foreseeable rece ptor. All existing and foreseeable receptors must be identified on the base map. Receptors may include but are not limited to utility lines, basements, elevator shafts, public and domestic supply wells, surface waters, and regions of groundwater that have been identified for planned resource development by state or local governments. If a property is to be developed in the future and is served by a public water supply, then planned domestic supply wells might not be considered receptors. Please refer to Identifying Potential Receptors in the General Information section for information on the definition of receptors. Groundwater discharge will not result in the violation of a surface water quality standard specified in ISA NCAC 2B .0200. If the groundwater plume is predicted to discharge to surface waters, the CAP must document the technical basis for predicting that such discharge will not result in the violation of a surface water quality standard or criteria, as applicable. The DEM classification of the surface water body (as specified in ISA NCAC 2B) must be included in the CAP. The OEM's Water Quality Section staff may be contacted for information pertaining to surface water classifications, standards and criteria. 10 If the plume is already discharging to surface waters, the CAP should include recent laboratory analytical results from that water body. Samples should be collected from upstream and downstream of the discharge area, if applicable. All surface water quality data should be provided in table format with lab reports, sample locations and chain of custody forms provided. (6) Public notice provided in accordance with 15A NCAC 2L .0114(b). Please refer to Public Notification in the General Information section for policy regarding public notification requirements. (1) The purpose of this Paragraph is to allow for natural remediation of contaminated groundwater until such time as the affected groundwater conforms with .the standards specified in .0202. This Paragraph applies only to sites where the contamination resulted from a non-permitted activity, and does not apply if the site requires any type of ongoing active groundwater remediation. However, for sites which have already undergone active groundwater remediation and which meet the criteria specified in . 0 I 06(1), approval may be requested to remediate remaining contamination by natural attenuation processes. Documentation that groundwater in the area of the plume has not been identified for future use or development by a state or local government planning process must be included in the CAP. This information may be available from the local county or municipal planning offices, local utility commissions, or from the Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources, Division of Water Resources. An example of documentation which would be satisfactory to meet this requirement is a signed letter from the appropriate governing body stating that no plans are on record for the development of groundwater resources in the area. Alternatively, the CAP proponent may write a letter for the appropriate government representative to sign which confirms that there are no plans for groundwater development in the vicinity of the site. Another option may be to peruse the appropriate government files and planning documents and copy the appropriate portions which serve as evidence that groundwater in the area of the plume will not be developed because another type of development is planned for the area ( e.g., a large shopping mall is slated for construction over the contamination area and will be served by municipal water). In order to be granted approval to remediate any site by natural attenuation processes, it must be demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Director that the contaminant(s) in question can be remediated to . 0202 standards within an acceptable period of time. The period of time considered acceptable for remediation will depend on a number of site-specific parameters; therefore, it will vary between sites. Please refer to Natural Attenuation of Groundwater in the General Information section for additional information and guidance. In determining whether to approve a CAP, the Director will apply the standard for approval of all corrective action plans set out in Paragraph (i). 12/6/95 11 ( 1) All sources of contamination and free product have been removed or controlled pursuant to 15ANCAC 2L .0106 (0, and 15ANCAC 2N .0703 and .0705 , if applicable. Demonstrating complete delineation of the soil contamination and non-aqueous phase liquid .(secondary sources of contamination) in accordance with Groundwater Section Guidelines for the Investigation and Remediation of Soils and Groundwater and providing an acceptable plan for the remediation of those sources may satisfy the meaning of'controlled' as it pertains to this Rule. Please refer to Section .0106(f)(4) and Source Control in the General Information section for further discussion on control of contamination sources. (2) The contaminant has the capaci ty to de grade or attenuate under site-sp ecific conditions. Please refer to the Natural Attenuation of Groundwater, Natural Attenuation of Soil. and Natural Attenuation of Bedrock Contamination in the General Information section for further information. (3) Time and direction of contaminant travel can be predicted with reasonable certainty . The direction of contaminant transport should be predicted based on groundwater hydraulic head measurements and should take all nearby pumping, recharge and discharge influences into account. The technical basis for determining values for aquifer parameters used in modeling of contaminant transport must be provided in the CAP. The rate of contaminant transport should be estimated directly from empirical site data or predicted through the use of an appropriate model. Please see Modelin g of Contaminant Fate and Transport and Estimating Aquifier Parameters in the General Information section for additional guidance. (4) Contaminant mi gration will not result in any violation of groundwater standards at any existing or foreseeable receptor. All existing and foreseeable receptors must be identified on the base map. Receptors may include but are not limited to utility lines, basements, elevator shafts. public and domestic supply wells, surface waters, and regions of groundwater that have been identified for planned resource development by state or local governments. If a property is to be developed in the future but is served by a public water supply, then planned domestic supply wells might not be considered receptors. Please refer to Identifyi ng Potential Receptors in the General Information section for information on the definition of receptors. (5) Mi gration of contaminants onto ad jacent pro perties. In order to be considered for approval. the CAP must demonstrate that at least one of the three conditions described in subsection (1)(5) is true. The term 'served' in (1)(5)(A) means connected to an approved public water supply. Suitable water supplies must meet the regulatory definition of a public water supply and be approved by the Public Water Supply Section of the Division of Health Resources. Documentation, preferably a letter from the utility company, should be provided indicating which households are on public water supply. The CAP must certify that the public water supply is dependent on surface waters or hydraulically isolated groundwater, as applicable. 12/6/95 12 (6) A map must be provided that shows the current plume boundary as well as all adjacent properties and those down gradient properties where the plume is predicted to migrate. A tax map of the area would be ideal for this purpose. Any supply wells on those properties must be located on the map. An indication of which properties are predicted to be impacted and the technical basis for this determination must also be provided. In addition, a map must be provided which shows the predicted maximum extent of the plume. When applicable under .0106 (l)(S)(B), the CAP must include documentation of the property owner's written consent allowing contamination to migrate onto their property. Groundwater discharge may not result in the violation of a surface water quality specified in ISA NCAC 2B.0200. If the groundwater plume is predicted to discharge to surface waters, the CAP must document the technical basis for predicting that such discharge will not result in the violation of a surface water quality standard or criteria, as applicable. The DEM classification of the surface water body pursuant to 15A NCAC 2B must be specified in the CAP. The DEM' s Water Quality Section staff may be contacted for information pertaining to surface water classifi~ations, standards and criteria. , If the plume is already discharging to surface waters, the CAP should include recent laboratory analytical results from that water body. Samples should be collected from upstream and downstream of the discharge area, if applicable. All surface water quality data should be provided in table format with lab reports and chain of custody forms provided. (7) Groundwater monitorin g pro gram. A groundwater monitoring program sufficient to track the migration, degradation and attenuation of contaminants and contaminant byproducts must be included in the CAP. Rule . 0110 specifies the requirements of monitoring plans and reports. Proposed monitoring wells must include one or more well(s) placed in the zone defined to be: -at least one year of groundwater travel time up gradient of the closest, down gradient existing or foreseeable receptor; and -no further down gradient from the current leading edge of the plume than the distance groundwater is predicted to travel in five years. Please refer to Natural Attenuation of Groundwater and Monitoring in the General Information section for additional information on site monitoring; (8) Access agreements. Documents must be included with the CAP documenting that all necessary access agreements needed to monitor groundwater quality have been or can be obtained. 12/6/95 13 If access necessary for monitoring natural attenuation cannot be obtained, the site will not be considered approvable under .0106(1). (9) Public notice provided in accordance with 15A NCAC 2L .0114(b). Please refer to Public Notification in the General Information section for information regarding public notification. (m) The purpose of this Paragraph is to provide a mechanism whereby a responsible party may seek approval to terminate active remediation prior to achieving the groundwater standards. A corrective action plan submitted pursuant to this Paragraph must demonstrate that continued operation pf the remediation system will not result in a significant decrease in dissolved contaminant concentrations. The items enumerated in .0106(m) are considered the minimum information needed to consider such a request and should be submitted with the CAP in the order presented in the Rule. The Director may request additional information. In determining whether to approve a CAP, the Director will apply the standard for approval of all corrective action plans set out in Paragraph (i). It should be understood that .0106(m)(4) defines the minimum degree to which a contaminant must degrade or attenuate in order for termination of corrective action to be approved. If a contaminant plume does not have the capacity to achieve compliance within the defined time of travel, the site is not eligible for the provisions specified in .0106(m). Please refer to Natural Attenuation of Groundwater in the General Information section for additional guidance. (1) Considered to be self-explanatory. (2)(A) Continued corrective action will not si gni ficantl y reduce contaminant concentrations. The asymptotic slope described in this Paragraph is used as a means of determining the rate at which remediation is progressing. In order to qualify for the provisions in .0106(m), a showing must be made that current remedial efforts have produced their maximum result in terms of lowering the concentration of contaminant compounds in groundwater. The slope is determined from the curve representing the concentration of the dissolved contaminants over time. The contaminant concentrations must be in milligrams per liter and the time scale must be months. The absolute value of the slope of the curve of decontamination (which is a negative slope) must be less than or equal to one unit of chemical contamination remediated during the course of 40 months, and greater than or equal to zero. Therefore, if the absolute value of the slope is calculated to be equal to or less than a ratio of 1 :40, then the stipulations of .0106(m)(2)(A) have been met. Please note that the slope of the curve must be calculated mathematically and may not be determined by measuring directly from a graph. However, a graphical representation of the data must be included with the CAP. 12/6/95 14 A minimum of four quarters of monitoring data must be used to graph and evaluate the curve of decontamination. Using the ratio of one milligram per liter over 40 months, the decrease in the concentration of a contaminant in groundwater cannot exceed 300 micrograms per liter in the previous 12 month period to be eligible for approval under .0106(m). Ifa "best fit" curve is used to fit the data, the CAP must include an explanation of the type of statistical analysis performed. The demonstration of asymptotic slope must be made for each contaminant detected in concentrations exceeding the groundwater standards listed in .0202. The demonstration cannot be based on total organic compounds, total BTEX, total petroleum hydrocarbons, etc. Additionally, the slope determination must be made for data from all existing monitoring wells which have had contaminants detected in concentrations exceeding the standards. Groundwater samples used for determining the slope of decontamination must be collected from properly constructed · monitoring wells; data collected from remediation wells cannot be used. Please note that improperly designed, constructed or operated remediation systems may render a site ineligible for the provisions of Paragraph (m). (2)(B) Migration of contaminants onto adj acent properties. 12/6/95 In order to be considered for approval, the CAP must demonstrate that at least one of the three conditions described in subsection (m)(2) is true. The term 'served' in (m)(2)(B) means connected to an approved public water supply. Suitable water supplies must meet the regulatory definition of a public water supply and be approved by the Public Water Supply Section of the Division of Health Resources. Documentation, preferably a letter from the utility company, should be provided indicating which households are on public water supply. The CAP must certify that the public water supply is dependent on surface waters or hydraulically isolated groundwater, as applicable. A map must be pr9vided Quit shows the current plume boundary as well as all adjacent properties and those down gradient properties within and contiguous to the area where the plume is predicted to migrate. A tax map of the area would be ideal for this purpose. Any supply wells on those properties must be located on the map. An indication of which properties are predicted to be impacted and the technical basis for this determination must also be provided. In addition, a map must be provided which shows the predicted maximum extent of the plume. When applicable under .0106(m)(2)(B)(ii), the CAP must include documentation of the property owner's written consent allowing contamination to migrate onto their property. (2)(C) Groundwater dischar ge will not result in the violation of a surface water quali ty standard specified in ISA NCAC 2B .0200. If the groundwater plume is predicted to discharge to surface waters, the CAP must document the technical basis for predicting that such discharge will not result in the violation of a surface water quality standard. The DEM classification of the surface water body pursuant to I SA NCAC 2B must be specified in the CAP. The DEM's Water Quality Section staff may be contacted for information 15 pertaining to surface water classifications, standards, and criteria. If the plume is already discharging to surface waters, the CAP should include laboratory analytical results of recent sampling of that water body. Analyses should include samples from upstream and downstream of the discharge area, if applicable. All surface water quality data should be provided in table format with a description of sampling locations, lab reports and chain of custody forms also included. (2)(D) Public notice provided in accordance with 15A NCAC 2L .0114(b). Please refer to Public Notification in the General Information section for policy regarding public notification requirements. (3) Groundwater develo pment not planned. 12/6/95 Documentation that groundwater in the area of the plume has not been identified for future use or development by a state or local government planning process must be included in the CAP. This information may be available from the local county or municipal planning offices, local utility commissions, or from the Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources, Division of Water Resources. An example of documentation which would be satisfactory to meet this requirement is a signed letter from the appropriate governing body stating that no plans are on record for the development of groundwater resources in the area. Alternatively, the CAP proponent may write a letter for the appropriate government representative to sign which confirms that there are no plans for groundwater development in the vicinity of the site. Another option may be to peruse the appropriate government files and planning documents and copy the appropriate portions which serve as evidence that groundwater in the area of the plume will not be developed because another type of development is planned for the area (e.g., a large shopping mall is slated for construction over the contamination area and will be served by municipal water). ( 4) Groundwater monitoring p ro gram. A groundwater monitoring plan sufficient to track the migration, degradation and attenuation of cont_aminants and contaminant byproducts at a location at least one year time of travel up gradient of any existing of foreseeable receptor must be provided in the CAP. The monitoring requirement should be construed to mean that the migration of the contaminant plume must be restricted. More specifically, the contaminant plume must conform to the groundwater standards specified in .0202 at the location one year's predicted time of travel up gradient of any receptor. Please refer to Monitorin g in the General Information section for further policy and guidance related to monitoring. Additionally, Natural Attenuation of Groundwater in the General Information section provides guidance on monitoring sites undergoing natural attenuation. 16 General Information Source Control Primary and secondary sources of contamination are required by .0106{f) to be removed or controlled. 'Control' is defined to mean the physical ability to direct, restrain or dominantly influence non-aqueous phase liquid (free product) and other source(s) of contamination. Demonstrating complete delineation of all soil contamination and providing an acceptable plan for its remediation may satisfy the meaning of' control' as it pertains to . 0106. Similarly, providing continued delineation of non-aqueous phase liquid and providing an acceptable plan for its continued recovery and containment may satisfy the meaning of control of free product. Contamination that is trapped in the capillary fringe and saturated zone may continue to leach to groundwater, resulting in unreasonably long remediation and monitoring periods. The effect of residual contamination is especially critical if natural attenuation processes will be reli~d on for remediation. Therefore, the assessment of contaminant sources should include the delineation of any significant soil contamination and free product existing in the capillary fringe or saturated zones near the source area or "hot spot" of the plume. If trapped or residual soil contamination is discovered in or near the saturated zone, the CAP should include a discussion of options for its remediation. A cost-benefit analysis which takes long-term monitoring into consideration should be provided for viable remedial options. It is important to note that soil contamination which occurs down gradient of the source area in a relatively narrow, horizontal zone at or near the water table surface (i.e., in the capillary fringe) may have resulted from the adsorption of dissolved contaminants to the soil. This soil contamination is considered to be the result of the migration of the groundwater contamination; therefore, it is not generally considered a source of contamination. In general, the use of impermeable barriers (caps) will not be approved as a method for exerting control over contamination source areas. However, in some cases where site conditions preclude the possibility of source remediation and an impermeable barrier exists, the impermeable barrier may be considered to provide control of the secondary contamination sources. However, it must be demonstrated that that the CAP will prevent water from leaching contaminants from the source area and causing groundwater contamination in excess of the standards specified in .0202. The CAP must include a discussion on the expected effectiveness, integrity and cost of the barrier over an extended period of time. A discussion of the projected future uses of the site, including potential exposure pathways, must also be provided in the CAP. Additionally, the proponent should be aware that a low permeability cap may limit the availability of terminal electron acceptors and nutrients necessary for effective in situ biodegradation. One example where a barrier or cap may be approved to control secondary soil contamination is a situation where a No. 6 fuel oil release has occurred in clayey soil under a manufacturing facility. In this example, the fuel does not contain enough volatile constituents to effectively strip using a vacuum extraction technique. Furthermore, due to the nature of the soil and the contamination, the rate of natural attenuation will be slow. Demolition of the building in order to excavate the soil may be cost-prohibitive, and leaving the building in place could serve as a barrier to prevent leaching of 12/6/95 17 contaminants to the groundwater. Ifit can be demonstrated that leachate will not cause a groundwater standards violation, then the soil contamination may be considered to be controlled by the presence of the low permeability cap. Natural attenuation may be an approved method of remediation or control for soil contamination under some circumstances. Please refer to Natural Attenuation of Soil for policy guidance on the applicability of natural attenuation to soil contamination. Natural Attenuation of Groundwater The CAP should reference the publication(s) which indicate that the contaminants have the capacity to attenuate under appropriate conditions. For example, research has shown that the BTEX compounds (benzene, toluene, ethyl benzene, xylenes) can readily biodegrade under aerobic conditions, and may degrade at lower rates in some anaerobic environments. In contrast, trichloroethylene (TCE) has not been demonstrated to readily degrade under aerobic conditions but may degrade in some anaerobic settings. Further, many dissolved organic and inorganic compounds attenuate due to adsorption to aquifer material, especially when it contains a relatively high percentage of organic carbon. The CAP must document that conditions at the subject site are conducive to natural remediation processes and should present any evidence that natural attenuation is occurring at the site. A demonstration of n~tural attenuation may be based on direct evidence such as monitoring data which shows the plume decreasing in volume and concentration. Indirect evidence may also demonstrate that natural attenuation is occurring at the site. Such a demonstration may include, but is not limited to, showing: decreases in terminal electron acceptors, increases in the byproducts of microbial respiration, and the presence of a significant population of bacteria capable of degrading the contaminants. In addition, the CAP should indicate which site-specific parameters are predicted to limit the rate ofbiodegradation and natural attenuation. If groundwater remediation by natural attenuation is proposed for a site where trapped contamination exists in the capillary fringe and saturated zone, the CAP should contain a discussion on the effect the residual contamination will have on the timing and success of remedial efforts. This discussion should generally include estimates of leachate concentrations for the contaminants of concern based on their concentrations in the soil or aquifer matrix and other site-specific parameters. Please refer to Selecting Contaminants of Concern in the General Information section for further guidance. The CAP should also include a discussion of the relative toxicity and environmental fate of potential chemical compounds which may result from incomplete degradation of contaminants, if applicable. This information may be available in the literature or may be determined from site data. For example, TCE has been demonstrated to degrade to vinyl chloride under anaerobic conditions . Vinyl chloride is more toxic and presents more potential risk than the parent compound from which it was produced. Potential breakdown products should be also be considered in monitoring plans. Adsorption is another natural attenuation process that can be considered in the CAP. Soil and aquifer matrices with high organic carbon content have greater adsorption potential for hydrophobic contaminants and, therefore, tend to retard contaminant transport . Total organic carbon (TOC) values are used to determine fraction organic carbon (foe ). When the contaminants are organic chemicals, soil and aquifer matrix samples collected for TOC analysis must be collected from an uncontaminated 12/6/95 18 area. If the samples were -collected from zones containing organic compounds, the measured TOC fraction would be too great and estimates of retardation rates due to adsorption to organic carbon would be too high. Furthermore, samples collected for TOC analysis should come from the zone(s) within the aquifer that contain the contamination. This is because dissolved contamination is commonly demonstrated to migrate preferentially through more transmissive zones within an aquifer. TOC values will generally range from 0.1 % to 1 % for aquifer matrix, and from 1 % to 3.4% for surficial soils. If higher values are used for predictive calculations or modeling, they must be based on lab analyses for samples collected as indicated above. All estimated values must be justified to be conservative for the soil type(s) present at the site. It is important to note that organic compounds may adsorb to mineral surfaces if the TOC in the sediment is low. This process is particularly important in fine-grained sediments which have a high surface area to volume ratio. Research has provided a general understanding of site conditions which are amenable to natural attenuation of dissolved phase contamination. The aquifer matrix must be sufficiently permeable to allow for the diffusion and advection of nutrients and terminal electron acceptors. Sites with saturated hydraulic conductivity (K) values greater than t 0-4 cm/sec are usually considered good candidates. The pH of the groundwater, which affects microbial viability and the availability of nutrients, should be between 6 and 8 for optimal microbial growth. Natural attenuation may be marginally effective at sites with a pH slightly outside ohhis range. Aquifer temperatures in North Carolina are generally within ihe acceptable range (5 to 45 degrees Celsius) for bioremediation. Ideally, the carbon:nitt:ogen:phosphorous (C:N:P) ratio in the aquifer should be between 100: 10: 1 and 100: 1 :0.5. Both organic nitrogen (measured as total organic nitrogen) and inorganic nitrogen (measured as ammonia, nitrate and nitrite) may be available to organisms. A well-aerated aquifer could contain dissolved oxygen concentrations near 8 milligrams per liter. Background dissolved oxygen levels greater than 2 milligrams per liter are generally considered adequate to support aerobic biodegradation. However, because oxygenated water intersects the contaminant plume at its periphery, most aerobic biodegradation occurs at the plume margins. Therefore, the core of the plume will generally be anaerobic. Groundwater parameters that may be appropriate for analysis at potential natural remediation sites include: contaminant concentrations, concentrations of intermediate compounds formed by degradation of contaminants, nutrient concentrations, pH, redox potential (Eh), terminal electron acceptors (e.g., oxygen, nitrate, sulfate, Fe3+, Mn4+ ,Mn3+,etc.), and byproducts of respiration (e.g., carbon dioxide, methane, Fe2+, Md+, etc.). Eh measures a solution's ability to accept or transfer electrons, and provides indirect information on the oxygen content of the plume. Not all of the parameters listed above are required to be measured at every site; in some cases an adequate evaluation can be done based on some of these indicator parameters. However, if natural attenuation is proposed for marginal sites, the proponent will want to provide as many lines of evidence as is reasonable to support the claim that natural processes will remediate the plume. All parameters analyzed for and the values obtained must be reported in the CAP . A description of the methods used for all analyses and site measurements, and justification of their applicability to the site, must also be provided. For field measurements, the instrument type and calibration method should also be provided . Any parameter values that were not measured directly but were calculated or estimated by other means must be justified and conservative. Conservative 12/6/95 19 values will result in the prediction of worst-case scenarios for contaminant transport and remedial progress. Direct measurement of natural attenuation involves analyzing for contaminant concentrations periodically and comparing these values to historic values. If the plume is no longer expanding and the contaminant concentrations are diminishing [ which generally occurs only if the contaminant sources have been remediated, or if the groundwater plume has achieved a steady-state (equilibrium) with residual contamination] then natural attenuation may be assumed to be occurring at the site. For sites where the plume is still expanding, natural attenuation may be demonstrated if it can be shown that the rate of contaminant transport is significantly less than the estimated rate of linear groundwater velocity. For some sites, the rate of natural attenuation may be estimated by comparing concentration decreases along the longitudinal ax.is of the plume for contaminants that readily attenuate with contaminants that are known to be recalcitrant to attenuation (Wiedemeier et al., 1995; McAllister and Chiang, 1994; see the attached reference list). Indirect indicators of natural attenuation may include a decrease in the concentrations of dissolved oxygen and other terminal electron acceptors relative to levels in uncontaminated background wells. Similarly, an increase in concentration of the products of redox reactions may provide evidence for natural attenuation. For example, an increase in dissolved Fe3+ in the plume, as compared to up gradient wells, may indicate that anaerobic biodegradation is occurring (Wiedemeier et al., 1995; McAllister and Chiang, 1994; see the attached reference list). Natural Attenuation of Bedrock Contamination Natural attenuation will generally not be approved for sites where contamination occurs in bedrock ( e.g., fractured rock, permeable carbonate rock). This policy is based on two considerations: 1) dispersion may be the principal attenuation mechanism causing the plume to attenuate in bedrock, and 2) a reasonable estimate of the rate and direction of contaminant transport will be difficult or impossible to obtain. However, approval may be granted for some sites where no potential receptors are identified, and contaminant concentrations are low enough to allow for the designation of a compliance boundary (radius) beyond which it can be certified that contaminants will not exceed the standards. Approval may be granted on a case-by-case basis if all of the following conditions are met: 12/6/95 -the CAP certifies that contamination exceeding the standards is not predicted to migrate beyond the compliance boundary specified in the CAP, -implementation of the CAP will not result in impacts to receptors or surface water, -the assessment demonstrates a knowledge of where the contamination is located in the subsurface, -the CAP proposes a monitoring plan sufficient to track the migration of the plume and to serve as a warning system to protect potential receptors, and -public notification has been made to all owners and occupants of properties that could be impacted by the migration of the plume. 20 It is important to recognize that the primary attenuation process that is likely to occur in bedrock environments is dispersion. Therefore, CAPs submitted pursuant to this Paragraph may not · be approved if contaminant levels are so high that a large volume of the aquifer would be required to effectively disperse the plume. Additionally, a detailed assessment of contaminant migration pathways and a more elaborate monitoring well network, including nested wells screened at discreet intervals, may be required. Approval of CAPs for bedrock contamination sites will not be granted on the basis of a lack of knowledge of site conditions. Natural Attenuation of Soils Natural attenuation of contamination in the unsaturated (vadose) zone primarily involves the processes ofbiodegradation, dissolutio~ and adsorption to soil matrix. Natural attenuation may be approved for remediation of contaminated soil if all of the following conditions apply: -petroleum hydrocarbon contamination concentrations exceed the cleanup levels derived from the Site Sensitivity Evaluation (SSE), -the soil contamination has not caused groundwater contaminant concentrations to exceed the standards specified in . 0202, -leachate from the contaminated soil is not predicted to create a groundwater violation at any time in the future, . -the contaminant has the capacity to degrade or attenuate under site specific conditions, -soil remediation by other methods is not economically or technically reasonable due to site conditions and /or the nature of the contaminant, and -the contaminated soil will not pose a threat to human health due to soil ingestion, inhalation or absorption through skin contact. Scientific literature provides various analytical methods for calculating leachate concentrations. A reference for a peer-reviewed formula is provided in the list of selected references which accompanies this document (see Menatti, 1994). In addition, several computer models which calculate soil leachate concentrations are commercially available (e.g., SESOIL, JURY). All estimated parameters must be conservative and predict worst-case scenerios. The following rules of thumb for natural attenuation of petroleum-contaminated soil should be considered when developing a CAP for natural attenuation of soil. The soil pH, which affects both the viability of organisms and the availability of nutrients, should be between 5.5 and 8.5, with 6.5 to 8 considered optimal. Seasonal average soil temperature should be between 15 and 45 degrees Celsius. Average soil temperatures for sites in North Carolina are within this range. The optimal carbon:nitrogen:phosphorous (C:N:P) ratio in the soil is between 100: 10: 1 to 100: 1 :0.5. Both organic nitrogen (measured as total organic nitrogen) and inorganic nitrogen (measured as ammonia, nitrate and nitrite) may be available to organisms. Soil moisture should be within the range of25% to 85% ofits water-holding (field) capacity; 50% to 80% is optimal. Too little moisture in the soil can limit the presence of microbes; too much moisture may occlude pore space, thereby limiting the rate of air flow through the soil. The air filled porosity should be at least 10% of the total porosity in order to allow for adequate replenishment of oxygen in the soil. In general, the intrinsic permeability of the contaminated soil should be >10"10 cm2. Intrinsic permeability is a measure of the permeability of the 12/6/95 21 matrix to fluid and is independent of the fluid type. Saturated hydraulic conductivity for the soil should be greater than 10·5 cm/sec. Clays and very clay-rich sediments generally do not have sufficient air permeability to allow oxygen to be supplied at a rate adequate to support biodegradation. However, soil structures, if present, may increase soil permeability above that expected on the basis of sediment grain size analysis only. In addition to the above parameters, several soil analyses and measurements can be done which may provide evidence that natural attenuation is occurring in the soil. J\.feasurements made on soil from the zones of contamination must be compared with measurements from uncontaminated background areas. Reduced concentrations of oxygen (soil gas or dissolved in pore water), nitrogen, phosphorous, oxidized iron (Fe3+), oxidized manganese (Mn4+, Mn3+), or sulfate (SO/") may indicate that biodegradation is occurring at the site. An increase in reduced iron (F e2+) or reduced manganese (Mn2+) may indicate anoxic conditions, which can be the result of biodegradation. An increase in carbon dioxide (COJ or methane (CH4) in the soil gas can indicate anaerobic respiration. However, methanogenic organisms are sensitive to pH and generally do not thrive in soil with a pH below 6.0 (i.e., acidic soil). Because the majority of soils in North Carolina are acidic, anaerobic degradation of contamination by methanogenic bacteria is not typically a major attenuation process. Please note that not all of the parameters listed above are required to be measured at every site; in some cases an adequate evaluation can be accomplished based on some of these parameters. However, if natural attenuation is proposed for a marginal site, then the proponent will want to provide as many lines of evidep.ce as is reasonable to support the claim that natural processes will remediate the plume. Because they represent actual field conditions, field measurements for natural attenuation indicators are generally preferable to laboratory plate count studies or bench-scale tests. Soil gas respirometry studies are commonly used to measure indications of in situ biodegradation. These studies involve field measurements of soil oxygen depletion and the production of carbon dioxide ( or methane) as byproducts of microbial respiration. Soil gas measurements made in the zone of contamination must be compared with measurements made in uncontaminated background areas to detemune if biodegradation is occurring at the site. In general, laboratory microcosm studies (bench tests) do not duplicate field conditions and are not necessary for demonstrating the applicability of natural attenuation to a particular site. U: due to the nature and/or concentration of contaminants, toxicity to microbes is suspected, then plate counts of aerobic or anaerobic heterotrophs [measured in colony forming units (CFU)] should be measured in the lab. These tests are necessary only when there is reason to suspect that toxic or marginal conditions may exist at the site. Values below 1000 CFU/gram may indicate either a toxicity problem or the lack of nutrients necessary to support microbial metabolism. Plate counts specific for petroleum degrading bacteria can also be done. Soil samples for microbial plate counts must be collected aseptically using sterile sampling equipment and must be maintained at approximately four degrees Celsius. Samples must not be frozen . Monitoring natural attenuation of soil contamination must include analyzing soil samples for the contaminants of concern. In addition, the monitoring plan should include periodic soil gas respirometry tests or other indirect measurements of natural attenuation. A monitoring well will be required to verify that groundwater is not impacted. If possible, this well should be installed just outside of the soil contamination in a down gradient location. A well installed through the contaminated soil has the potential to create an artificial pathway for contaminant migration which 12/6/95 22 could result in groundwater contamination. The monitoring frequency for natual attenuation of soil contamination may vary between sites, but in general will be required less often than for groundwater remediation sites. The Director will consider all reasonable proposed monitoring plans. Selecting Contaminants of Concern Contaminants of concern must be chosen so that the behavior of the entire plume can be modeled conservatively based on those compounds. The selection criteria must be explained in the CAP. For complex chemical mixtures such as petroleum fuels, the contaminants of concern will generally be those chemicals which: -have the highest solubility in water, -are the most toxic, -form toxic chemicals as a result of incomplete degradation, and/or -are least susceptible to environmental attenuation processes. Residual soil and/or free product with the potential to leach to groundwater should be analyzed for the concentrations of contaminants of concern. These values may be used fo calculate leachate concentrations and to predict contaminant fate and transport using analytical or computer models. Estimating A quifer Parameters For sites with potentially impacted receptors (i.e., situations where the most accurate data possible is necessary due to a potential threat to human health or the environment) and sites where the data are needed to properly design remediation systems, aquifer pumping tests may be required to estimate values of aquifer parameters. However, for sites where potential receptors have not been identified, an aquifer pumping test may not be required to obtain estimated values for hydraulic conductivity (K) and transmissivity (t). In these cases, an alternative means of estimating aquifer characteristics may be adequate. For example, it may be acceptable at some sites to perform textural analysis on soil samples collected from the zone(s) of contamination and to base conservative estimates of aquifer characteristics on published values for K corresponding to the soil types present. Any observed soil or relict rock structures should be considered for potential affects on contaminant transport. In addition, the scientific literature provides methodologies for estimating K from grain size distribution data [Hazan, 1911; Masch and Denny, 1966; Sherard, Dunningan and Talbot, 1984]. Alternatively, or in addition to soil data, the use of slug test data may be used to estimate K. It is important to recognize for assessment and monitoring purposes that dissolved contamination generally migrates in the most transmissive media. Therefore, slug tests should be conducted in the zones through which contamination is migrating. Further, for aquifers with significant heterogeneity, several slug tests should be performed in order to obtain a range of values for contaminant transport rates. Please refer to the Groundwater Section's policy statement on the use of slug tests, dated October 6, 1995. Copies of this policy may be obtained from the regional offices or from the Pollution Control Branch. 12/6/95 23 Another method which may be used to estimate contaminant transport rates is to utilize the site monitoring history in cases where the approximate release date is known or where monitoring has tracked the migration of the plume over time. If site data demonstrate the approximate time elapsed for contaminants to migrate from one down gradient monitoring well to another, an estimate of the transport rate may be calculated. By comparing this empirically-derived contaminant transport rate with the estimated linear (seepage) velocity for groundwater flow, a rate for natural attenuation may be estimated for the site. Regardless of how the groundwater linear velocities and contaminant transport rates are estimated, the values should always be conservative. In order to predict a worst-case scenario, it should be generally assumed that there will be no contaminant losses from volatilization. Further, unless significant organic carbon is documented to be present in the zone(s) through which the contamination is migrating, adsorption to aquifer material should be assumed to be a minor component of natural attenuation. Please note that the soil samples for total organic carbon (TOC) analysis should be collected from an uncontaminated area representative of the contaminant-bearing zones of the aquifer. If the sample is collected from an area containing significant contamination by organic compounds the value for TOC could be artificially high causing estimates of retardation due to adsorption to be too high. A potentiometric surface map (superimposed on the base map) which identifies the location of the current plume and all potential receptors must be included in the CAP. The location of one year of groundwater travel time up gradient of the existing or foreseeable receptor closest to the leading edge of the plume must be indicated on the map, if applicable. All current and proposed monitoring wells must also be located on the base map. lsoconcentration maps based on the most recent analytical data should also be included. Modeling of Contaminant Fate and Transport Contaminant fate and transport calculations or computer modeling will often be necessary to predict the maximum extent to which the plume is expected to migrate. This is particularly important ifit cannot be demonstrated that the rate at which contaminants are entering the dissolved phase has reached a steady-state equilibrium with natural attenuation processes and that the plume is not expanding. Predictive calculations or modeling will be used to provide assurance that potential receptors will not be impacted and that monitoring plans are adequate to track plume migration. In addition, they will ensure that all parties required under . 0114(b) to be notified have been identified. In order to model contaminant transport, the distribution and concentrations or mass fraction of the contaminants of concern for any residual contaminated soil, aquifer material, or free product present at the site must be identified. The contaminants of concern must be chosen so that the behavior of the entire plume can be modeled conservatively based on those compounds. Please refer to Selecting Contaminants of Concern in the General Information section for additional guidance. The concentrations of the contaminants of concern may be used to calculate leachate concentrations and to predict contaminant fate and transport using analytical or numerical ( computer) models. A decaying source may be used in numerical models to simulate a source area which is undergoing remediation. A tiered approach should be used for contaminant fate and transport modeling. The first step in evaluating plume migration is to develop an appropriate conceptual model of contaminant 12/6/95 24 distnbution and the hydrogeologic framework of the site. Then, ihe available site monitoring history should be reviewed to see if it can be determined empirically that the plume has reached a steady state (equilibrium) configuration or is shrinking in size and concentration. If the data are insufficient to make this determination, simple analytical calculations may be used to predict retardation factors and contaminant transport rates (Wiedemeier et al., 1995; McAllister and Chiang, 1994). The use of simple, one-dimensional computer models may also be considered. Two-and three-dimensional models should not be utilized unless the amount and quality of site data warrants their use. If these complex models are run using many estimated input values, the model output may not be worth the effort and expense. Furthermore, several years of monitoring data are often needed to properly calibrate a numerical model. If these data are available, it might be sufficient to base predictions of transport and attenuation rates on site history alone, thereby eliminating the need to run a computer model. Because all models are based on severely simplifying assumptions about the site, implementation of CAPs based on modeling will rely heavily on site monitoring. The monitoring network will provide an early warning system and will provide data necessary to reevaluate predictions. Computer modeling efforts must be well documented in order to be considered acceptable. At a minimum, this documentation must include: -the name, version, and developer of the model, -the type of sites for which the model was designed and/or is applicable, -critical assumptions inherent to the model, -critical conceptual assumptions and estimates ofinput values made by the modeler, -a description of the calibration process used by the modeler, -a description of the range of values used and the results of sensitivity analyses on critical data inputs to the model, and -a graphical representation and narrative explanation of the modeling results. Please note that all assumptions and estimated values must be documented in the CAP to be conservative. Conservative estimates are values that predict worst-case scenarios. Identifyi n g Potential Receptors The meaning of'foreseeable receptor' as used in .0106 is defined to include any receptor listed in Rule .0102 (19). Additionally, a foreseeable receptor may be any property where the groundwater resources have a potential use, public water is not available, and the permission of the area property owners allowing contamination to migrate onto their land has not been obtained, including: 12/6/95 -locations for which formal plans exist to use groundwater for public or private use; -locations for which the property owner(s) has expressed an anticipated or possible future use of groundwater resources; -rural locations for which public water supplies will most likely not be available for future residential, agricultural or industrial development and the owner(s) has expressed a future anticipated use; and -locations where the land ownership cannot be determined at present. 25 Utilities will not be considered receptors unless they are predicted to be adversely impacted. If the plume is predicted to intercept utilities, the CAP must contain a discussion on the physical integrity of the construction materials (e.g., PVC, polyethylene, glues, gaskets, seals, etc.) in contact with the contamination. The discussion of material integrity must be presented by a North Carolina Professional Engineer. Drainage ditches and surface impoundments of water are considered surface water bodies, and as such are subject to the standards and criteria set forth in 15A NCAC 2B. The Water Quality Section of the Division of Environmental Management may be contacted for information related to surface water classification and standards. The site, and adjacent properties on to which the plume is predicted to migrate, should be evaluated for the existence of any of the environmentally sensitive areas listed below. Knowledge of the presence of sensitive environments will facilitate the determination of special sampling requirements and the evaluaton of risk to the environment. 1) National Parks and State Parks; Designated and Proposed Federal and State Wilderness and Natural Areas; Sensitive Areas Identified Under the Natural Estuary Program or the Near Coastal Waters Program; Critical Areas Identified Under the Clean Lakes Program; Criticial Habitats or Habitats Known to be Used by State or Federally Designated or Proposed Endangered or Threatened Species or Species Under Review as to Their Endangered or Threatened Status; National and State Preserves and Forests; National or State Wildlife Refuges; Federal Land Designated for Protection of_Natural Ecosystems; Terrestrial Areas Utilized for Breeding by Large or Dense Aggregations of Animals; Areas Important to Maintenance of Unique Biotic Communities; State-Designated Areas for Protecton or Maintenance of Aquatic Life -contact NC Division of Parks and Recreation -Natural Heritage Program at (919) 733-7701. 2) Marine Sanctuaries -contact NOAA at 202-606-4126. 3) National Monuments -contact U.S. Park Service at 202-343-7014. 12/6/95 4) National and State Historical Sites-contact NC Department of Cultural Resources at (919) 733-5722. 5) National and State Seashore, Lakeshore and River Recreational Areas; State or Federal Designated Scenic or Wild Rivers -contact NC Division of Parks and Recreation -Planning and Development Section at (919) 846-9991. 6) Areas Identified Under Coastal Protecton Legislation; Coastal Barriers or Units of a Coastal Barrier Resources System -contact NC Division of Coastal Management at (919) 733- 2293. 7) Spawning Areas Critical for the Maintenance of Fish/Shellfish Species within River, Lake or Coastal Tidal Waters; Migratory Pathways and Feeding Areas Critical for Maintenance of Anadromous Fish Species within River Reaches or Areas in Lakes or Coastal Tidal Waters in which such Fish Spend Extended Periods of Time; State Lands Designated for Wildlife or Game Managment; State-Designated Areas for Protection or Maintenance of Aquatic Life -contact NC Wildlife Resources Commission at (919) 288-5738. 8) Wetlands -(On site or adjacent to site)-contact US Army Corps ofEngineers at (919) 847- 1707. 26 Monitoring Monitoring plans for alternative corrective action sites must include sufficient monitoring points to track the horizontal and vertical migration of the plume and to create a warning system of wells up gradient of potentially impacted receptors as specified in . 0106(1)(7). In addition to tracking migration, the progress of the remediation must be monitored. This may be done by both direct and indirect methods. In accordance with ISA NCAC 2L .0110, a North Carolina Professional Engineer or North Carolina Licensed Geologist is required to report any indication that the implementation of a CAP pursuant to .0106(k), (1) or (m) is not performing according to predictions. Monitoring of natural attenuation may be based on direct evidence such as monitoring data which shows the plume decreasing in volume and concentration. Indirect evidence may also demonstrate that natural attenuation is occurring at the site. Such a demonstration may include, but is not limited to, showing: decreases in terminal electron acceptors, increases in the byproducts of microbial respiration, and the presence ofa significant population of bacteria capable of degrading the contaminants. In addition, the CAP should indicate which site-specific parameters are predicted to limit the rate of biodegradation and natural attenuation. Specific groundwater parameters that may be appropriate to monitor at natural remediation sites include: contaminant concentrations, concentrations of intermediate compounds formed by incomplete degradation of contaminants, nutrient concentrations, pH, redox potential (Eh), terminal electron acceptors ( e.g., oxygen, nitrate, sulfate, Fe3+, Mn4+, Mn3+, etc.), and byproducts of respiration (e.g., carbon dioxide, methane, Fe2+, Mn+, etc.). Not all of the parameters listed above are required to be monitored at every site; in some cases an adequate evaluation of the progress of remediation can be made based on some of these parameters. For example, if the plume can be shown to be steadily decreasing in concentration, it may not be necessary to monitor any parameters other than the concentrations of the contaminants of concern. In addition, if the plume is, or is predicted to discharge to surface water, then water samples must be collected and analyzed periodically to monitor for impacts to the surface water body. A description of the methods used for all analyses and field measurements, and justification of their applicability to the site, must also be provided. For field measurements, the instrument type and calibration method should also be provided. Alternative corrective action sites will generally be monitored quarterly for the first year followed by less frequent monitoring. The Director will consider all reasonable, site-specific monitoring proposals. The predicted rate of contaminant transport and proximaty to potential receptors should ·be considered when proposing a monitoring schedule. Public Notification All potentially affected parties [as specified in .0114(b)] are required to be notified of proposed corrective actions. A list of individuals notified, along with copies of the notification letters and the certified mail receipts (the receipts retained by the sender after mailing), must be included with the CAP. If the signed return receipts (green cards) are submitted to the Groundwater Section (Section) at a later date, they should be clearly labeled with the site name, county and Groundwater Incident Number (PIRF number) so that they can be matched with the CAP. Please note that renotification will be required if subsequent CAPs or CAP addendums are submitted which contain significant changes to proposed site actions. 12/6/95 27 The Section has developed a standard letter format to assist the regulated community in preparing the notification letters required in .0106 (k), (I) and (m) and .0114 (b). The standard letter contains key elements which must be included in any notification letter in order to satisfy the requirements of the Rule. In addition, the Section has prepared a standard format for placing public notice in newspapers. Copies of these shell documents are available from the regional offices and from the Pollution Control Branch. The shell documents state that the CAP proponent is required to provide these parties with a copy of the CAP upon request. A public (newspaper) notice may be substituted for individual notices only under the following conditions: -the plume has not migrated, and is not predicted to migrate, onto the properties owned or occupied by the parties for whom the public notice is replacing individual notification, and -approval to substitute the public notice for individual notification has been obtained from the appropriate Regional Office. Newspaper notices may not be substituted for individual notification of the following parties: the local Health Director; the chief administrative officer of the local political jurisdiction containing the plume; and all owners and occupants of properties within the area where the plume is, or is predicted to migrate. For sites where the plume is on, or is predicted to migrate onto, property with roads or highways, the North Carolina Department of Transportation or appropriate local government authority maintaining ownership or easement should be notified. Similarily, if roads or highways are located adjacent to the property containing the plume, the DOT or local government authority maintaining ownership or easement is considered the adjacent property owner and/or occupant and must be notified pursuant to .0114(b). In situations where the contamination resulted from the release of petroleum fuel hydrocarbons from regulated underground storage tanks, the Division may need to fulfill additional public notice requirements. For sites where public notice of corrective action was placed in local newspapers prior to implementation of active remediation, the Division shall place a similar notice prior to approving a CAP under .0106(k), (I) or (m). If approval of a CAP submitted under this paragraph is granted, the CAP proponent is required by .0114(c) to notify all parties specified under .0114(b) of the decision. This notification must be done via certified mail within 30 days of receipt of the approval letter from the Director. Corrective Action Plan Preparation and Submittal Each CAP must be submitted to the appropriate regional office on the same day the letters for public notice are mailed . Each CAP must have a properly executed GW-100 certification form attached to the front. Either an original or a legible photocopy of an original form must be used; a CAP will not be accepted if a retyped version of the GW-100 form is used. The GW-100 forms have been revised since the original November 1993 printing. Copies are available from the Groundwater Section's regional offices and from the Pollution Control Branch. Each item on the GW-100 certification form must be initialed in ink by hand and the form must bear the seal and signature of the 12/6/95 28 certifying North Carolina-licensed professional [see section .0103(e) for clarification on the professional jurisdictions of Professional Engineers and Licensed Geologists]. In addition, the CAP must display the seal and signature of the certifying licensed professional. The term 'prepared' as used on the GW-100 certification form should be construed to mean that the CAP has been prepared under the responsible charge of the certifying licensed professional pursuant to North Carolina Statutes. The term is included on the form because Professional Engineers and Licensed Geologists are prohibited from certifying plans prepared by individuals not working under their direct control and supervision. Reimbursement: State Undergr ound Storage Tank Trust Funds Reasonable and necessary costs associated with the preparation and implementation of a CAP will be reimbursed by the State UST Trust Fund for eligible sites under :0I06(k), (1) or (m). Costs associated with the preparation of a CAP will not be reimbursable if data existed prior to CAP preparation which clearly indicated that site conditions do not meet the requirements specified in .0106(k), (1) or (m). Situations where reimbursment will not be made include: -the plume has migrated ( or is predicted to migrate) off site, public water is not available, and the permission of offsite property owners allowing the plume onto their property has not been granted; · -the plume is currently causing, or is predicted to cause a violation of surface water standards or criteria (ISA NCAC 2B); -the time and direction of contaminant transport cannot be predicted with reasonable certainty; -contaminated groundwater has or is expected to reach a receptor and resultant adverse impacts will not be mitigated (see Ident ifyi ng Potential Rece ptors in the General Information section); .. -access agreements required for site monitoring and/or remediation cannot be obtained, and the need for such access should have been anticipated; -another regulatory agency has authority over any portion of the plume and requires active remediation; and -the area in the vicinity of the plume was identified for groundwater resource development prior to CAP preparation. In addition to the above, other conditions where reimbursement for the development of a CAP pursuant to .0106(m) will not be made include: -sites for which it has not been demonstrated that further groundwater remediation will not result in significant reductions in contaminant concentrations, and -sites where the remediation system was improperly designed and/or operated. Costs associated with the preparation of a "soil only'' CAP under .0106(1) will not be reimbursable if the Site Sensitivity Evaluation (SSE) is applicable to the site and soil contaminant concentrations did not exceed the cleanup levels derived from the SSE at the time of CAP preparation. 12/6/95 29 For sites where a CAP has previously been received by the DEM, only those costs associated with the preparation of new text, calculations, figures, and tables not previously submitted in either the CSA or the first CAP will be reimbursable. Costs for the purchase of computer equipment, modeling software, and staff training are not reimbursable. Additionally, costs for performing toxicological exposure assessments or health risk evaluations are not reimbursable. (n) Considered to be self-explanatory. ( o) Considered to be self-explanatory. (p) Considered to be self-explanatory. ( q) Considered to be self-explanatory . . 0114 NOTIFICATION REQUIREMENTS Purp ose of Rule · The Rule defines the notification requirements for contamination incidents not related to permitted facilities. Although not specified in the Rule, the notice requirements contained in 15A NCAC .0114 have, as part oftheir·authority, North Carolina General Statute 143.215 .2. (a) The Chief Administrative Officer is considered to be the Mayor, Chairman of the County Commissioners, the County Manager, the City Manager or other individual of equal or similar position as appropriate. Notification must be made by certified mail. These requirements apply to CAPs submitted pursuant to .0106(c) only. Please be aware that renotification will be required if subsequent CAPs or CAP addendums are submitted which contain significant changes to proposed site actions. (b) These requirements apply to CAPs submitted pursuant to .0106(k), (1) and (m). The Chief Administrative Officer is considered to be the Mayor, Chairman of the County Commissioners, the County Manager, the City Manager or other individual of equal or similar position as appropriate. It is important to note that both the property owners and the occupants of those properties specified must be notified. The Groundwater Section of the DEM has developed a standard format to be used by the regulated community when preparing the notification letters as required under this subsection. It contains several key elements which must be included in any notification letter if it is to satisfy the requirements of the Rule. Copies of this shell document are available from the regional offices or from the Pollution Control Branch. Please be aware that renotification will be required if subsequent CAPs or CAP addendums are submitted which contain significant changes to proposed site actions. (c) If the Director grants approval of the CAP, the proponent is required to re-notify all parties specified in . 0114(b) of the approval . This requirement pertains to all CAPs approved under .0106(k), (1) and (m). 12/6/95 30 REFERENCES Borden, RC., C.A. Gomez. and M.T. Becker. 1995. Geochemical indicators of intrinsic bioremediation. Ground Water Monitoring Review.Vol. 33, No. 2, pp. 180-189. Buscheck, T.E., K.T. O'Reilly, and S.N. Nelson. 1993. Evaluation of intrinsic bioremediation at field sites. Proceedings of the Conference on Petroleum Hydrocarbons and Organic Chemicals in Ground Water: Prevention, Detection, and Restoration. National Ground Water Association/AP!, Houston, Texas. November 10-12, 1993 (in press) Hazen, A. 1911. Discussion of 'dams on sand foundations,' by A.C. Koenig. Transactions of the American Society of Civil Engineers. Vol. 73, pp. 199. Lee, M.D., J.M. Thomas, RC. Borden, P.B. Bedient. J.T. Wilson, and C.H. Ward. 1988. Biorestoration of aquifiers contaminated with organic compounds. National Center For Ground Water Research. A consortium of Rice University, University of Oklahoma and Oklahoma State University in cooperation with U.S. EPA, Robert S. Kerr Environmental Research Laboratory, Ada, Oklahoma. Vol. 18, Issue l, pp. 29-89. Masch, F.D., and K.l Denny. 1966. Grain-size distribution and its effect on the permeability of unconsolidated sands. Water Resources Research. Vol. 2, pp. 665-677 McAllister, P.M. and C.Y. Chiang. 1994. A practical approach to evaluating natural attentuation of contaminants. Ground Water Monitoring Review. Spring 1994. pp. 161-173. · Menatti, J.A. 1994. Fate and transport modeling of diesel fuel contamination in the vadose zone. Proceedings of the 4th Annual _ _ . West Coast Conference on Hydrocarbon Contaminated Soils and Groundwater (m press). Norris, RD., RE. Hinchee, R Brown, P.L. McCarty, L. Semprini, J. T. Wilson, D.H. Kampbell, M. Reinhard, E.J. Bouwer, RC. Borden, T.M. Vogel, J.M. Thomas, and C.H. Ward. 1994. In-situ bioremediation of groundwater and geological material: a review of technologies. U.S. EPA, Robert S. Kerr Environmental Research Laboratory, Ada, Oklahoma. Report No. 68-C8-0058: Section 9. Piwoni, M.D., and J.W. Keeley. 1990. Basic concepts of contaminant sorption at hazardous waste sites. Ground Water Issue, EP A/540/4- 90/053. U.S. EPA, Robert S. Kerr Environmental Research Laboratory, Ada, Oklahoma. Rawls, W.J. and D.L.Brakensiek. 1989. Estimation of soil water retention and hydraulic properties. Unsaturated Flow in Hydrologic Modeling. H.J. Morel-Seytoux. Kluwer Academic Publishers. Sherard, J.L., L.P. Dunningan, and J.R. Talbot. 1984. Basic properties of sand and gravel filters. Journal o/Geotechnical Engineering. Vol. 110, No. GT6, pp. 684-700. Sims, J.L., RC. Sims, R.R. Dupont, J.E. Matthews, and R.H. Russell. 1993. In-situ bioremediation of contaminated unsaturated subsurface soils. Engineering Issue. EPA/540/S-93/501. U.S. EPA, Robert S. Kerr Environmental Research Laboratory, Ada, Oklahoma. Sims, J.L., RC. Sims, and J.E. Matthews. 1989. Bioremediation of contaminated surface soils. EPA-600/9-89/073. U.S. EPA, Robert S. Kerr Environmental Research Laboratory, Ada, Oklahoma. Sims, J.L., J.M. Suflita, and R.H. Russell. 1992. In-situ bioremediation of contaminated ground water. Ground Water Issue. EPA/540/S-92/003. U.S. EPA, Robert S. Kerr Environmental Research Laboratory, Ada, Oklahoma. Salanitro, J.P. 1993. The role ofbioattenuation in the management of aromatic hydrocarbon plumes in aquifiers. Ground Water Monitoring Review. pp. 150-161. Wiedemeier, T.H., J.T. Wilson, D.H. Kampbell, RN. Miller, and J.E. Hansen. 1995. Technical protocol for implementing intrinsic remediation with long-term monitoring for natural attentuation of fuel contamination dissolved in groundwater. Air Force Center for Environmental Excellence, Technology Transfer Division, Brooks Air Force Base, San Antonio, Texas. Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, Emergency and Remedial Response Program. 1994. Naturally occurring biodegradation as a remedial action option for soil contamination: interim guidance (revision). Madison, Wisconsin. Wise, W.R., and R.J. Charbeneau. 1994. In situ estimation of transport parameters: a field demonstration. Ground Water. Vol. 32, No. 3, pp. 420-429. GROUNDWATER 1 SA NCAC 2L CLASSIFICATION AND STANDARDS AMENDMENTS: RULE .0102; .0103; .0104; .0106; .0107 .0108; .0109; .0110; .0111; .0112; .0113; .0201 AND .0202 ADOPTION: RULE .0114 {APPROVAL DATE: VOLUME ONE: TABLE OF CONTENTS OCTOBER 1, 1993 (RULE .0103 EFFECTIVE NOVEMBER 1, 1993)} I. FINAL APPROVAL MATERIALS A. Final Rule B. Submission for Filing Forms C. Rule approved by Rules Review Commission (RRC) D. RRC Memoranda and Final Changes to Rules E. RRC Objection to Rule .0103 and Response II. HEARING OFFICERS MATERIALS A. Summary of Hearing Officers Recommendations to the Environmental Management Commission B. Rule presented to the Environmental Management Commission C. Douglas Boykin's letter D. Staff Memorandum and other documents III. PUBLIC NOTICE MATERIALS A. Submission for Notice Form B. Rule presented at the hearings C. Newspaper notices VOLUME TWO: IV. RULEMAKING SUPPORT DOCUMENTS A. APA Form 101 B. Summaries of Comment from Hearing Notice C. Hearing list D. Proceedings of Hearing Summary V. CORRESPONDENCE VI. NEWSPAPER ARTICLES VOLUME THREE: VII. PUBLIC COMMENTS A. Written Comments VOLUME FOUR: VIII. PUBLIC COMMENTS A. Written Comments (CONTINUED) B. Timely Legislative Comment C. Timely Letters to the EMC Chairman VOLUME FIVE: IX. PUBLIC COMMENTS A. Timely Letters to the EMC Chairman (CONTINUED) B. Groundwater Section Staff Comments C. Timely Response/Comment from Professional Practice Boards (Geology and Engineering) D. Responses of the Division of Epidemiology E. Late Comments SUBCHAPTER 2L -GROUNDWATER CLASSIFICATION AND STANDARDS SECTION .0100 -GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS 15A NCAC 2L .0102 has been amended with changes as published in 7:24 NCR 2669-2671 as follows : .0102 DEFINITIONS The definition of any word or phrase used in these mies shall be the same as given in G .S. 143-212 and G.S. 143-213 except that the following words and phrases shall have the following meanings: ( 1) "Bedrock" means any consolidated rock encountered in the place in which it was fo1med or deposited and which cannot be readily excavated without the use of explo- sives or power equipment. (2) "Commission" means the Environmental Management Commission as organized under Chapter 143B of the General Statutes. (3) "Compliance boundary" means a boundary around a disposal system at and beyond which wttlef ~roundwater quality standards may not be exceeded and only applies to facilities which have received a permit issued under the authoritv of G.S. 143-215.l_or G.S. 130A. ,er-fer-disposal systems pet'fflitted lry-th-e-Department ef-Human R:esttt:ttv. es-: fil "Contaminant" means fil!Y_Substance occurrin g in groundwater in concentrations which exceed the Qroundwater quality standards s pecified in Rule .0202 of this Subcha pt~r: (5)\~ "Corrective action .Q.@!L_means a plan for eli:rninating sources of groundwater con- taminat~~1:} __ J}.f%~~,=~=i:~( ___ ~r __ (~{::{{t~}j__J?_r __ ~~~i-~~-i r1~ __ gro~1~~~ate!:_gu_~~i_tv ~e~_t_o;·~ti,Jn 0r both. ,== :t:t::=:,=j:: :i: ::::: :=:===== =~::~:, =?=:? ==--·-:-=::E:=::::=~=:====l =?=~=: =~=,=t :;:::,:?:?==== ::,=:~t =::/?=::::======>:=-:-===:::=:===--======:r:=t =:-:-__ -_ --• _:_ :_:: ®t t4J ''Dir~~-t~~~~;--;;-~~~~--6;~:~~ct~~:--~Tth;--n{~-,T~i~-~---~ri~~;-i~:~~~-~-~t;i---M~~-;g~~-~;-;:-------.-----. ('t~) "Division" means the Division of Environmental Management. (8}( "Ex posure pathway" means a course taken Qy_a contaminant bv ~of a trans po1i medium after its release to the environment. @:::~ "Free product" means a non-aq ueous phase liquid which mav be present _j))=,=t~~tJ!:~~/?f~=f/}i? within the saturated zone or in smface water . (}Of~ f-5j "Fresh groundwaters" means those groundwaters having a chloride concentration equal to or less than 250 milligrams per liter. ffi){ t-61 "Groundwater( means those waters occurring in the subsurface unde¾ saturated conditioris.~ef~~ cfifa= fH'Hazardou~ sub;tan~~,; means any substance as defined by Section 101 (14) of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA). (13)::~:: "Licensed geologist" means a person who has been duly licensed as a geologist in accordance with the re y uirements of G.S. 89£. (1:4'):}'Natural remediation" ~~~~=!~=~~~~=~=~~~~=~~~=~ means those natural processes acting to restore groundwater q ualitv. includirn.! dilution. filtration. SOI J)tion. ion-exchan ge. chemical transfo1mation and biodegradation. (15) "Practical Quantitation ~~~~@):~@~~ Lilffit" means th~ fo~esi 86tfc&nriatr6h _QI~ ~i¾j tnate11al' that eari he folfablv ~cht~{;ed artioii'g fabornfories wfrhiri 'specifiect H{rift~ fil' precisiort irtd illicutacV !?i_ li gt-Seri an~vtical h1ethod during 1-outlifo faboiiitifiy ana1ys1~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ = ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~-~ ~ ~:~ ~ ~ ~ =: = ~ = ~ ~ (8) "Limit ef Detectability" means the method detection ttmit established fef-the--H:-8-:--:EPA appro·.zed test-procedure providing the-lo•,;vest method de-teet-ieH-l-i-mi-t-fuf-the substarwe bemg--monitored. lfoi? (-9J "Natural conditions" means the physical, biological, chemical and radiological conditions which occur naturally. {17 %~ f+G1 "Potable waters" means those waters suitable for drinking~ by humans. U&~? "Professional Engineer" means a person who has been duly re gistered and licensed as a professional encineer in accordance with the requirements .of G .. s. 89C. fJ§t~ "Receptor" means _ any hurriati; pfarit, ah1mar} of structure _ ~+tich !& or ha~ th¢ - potential fo be~ adv'ersel~ effect~d hi the 1·elease 6r migrritlort of contarriirtants~ AfiV well constructed fot the purpo~e of monitonri 'i.! iriuundwater and CC>htatn1n~rit ~~~~f1t~\!~~A ~~~~~1~-~~;:~~~=-~~f ~•~t-~~~l~r~~~t:~i:1~ff ff ~~~~:;ffJm=n=~~~~(;=~:~=~=~=~:~=~=~~:~=;=~=~:~=~:~: QQ}(+--1--)"Review boundary" means a boundaty around a permitted disposal facility, midway between a waste bounda1y and a compliance boundary at which groundwater monitoring is required. (21)( l2)"Saline groundwaters" means those groundwaters having a chloride concentration of more than 250 mg/I. ~"Saturated zone" means that part of the subsurface below the water table in which all the interconnected voids are filled with water under pressure at or greater than atmosphe1ic. It does not include the capilla1y fringe. C23)"Standardsj ' means grouridwater cr11°ality standa1~ds as specified in Rule .0202 of th ti Subchapter. (24 f : fl-41 "Suitable for drinking" means a quality of water which does not contain substances in concentrations which, either singularly or in combination if ingested into the human body, may cause death, disease, behavioral abnoimalities, congenital defects, genetic mutations, or result in an incremental lifetime cancer risk in excess of lxI0·6, or render the water unacceptable due to aesthetic qualities, including taste , odor or appearance. (25f;~ "Time of travel'' means the time required for contaminants in groundwater to move a unit distance. · (26 -~~~ f:-l---57'Waste bounda1y" means the perimeter of the pe1mitted waste disposal area. (27):i f-t-67'Water table" means the smface of the saturated zone below which all intercon nected voids are filled with water and at which the pressure is atmospheric. Hist01y Note: Statut01y Authority G.S. 143-214.1; 143-215; 143B-282; Eff. June 10, 1979. Amended Eff. October 1.. 1993: August I, 1989; July 1, 1988; March 1, 1985; September 1, 1984 . 15A NCAC 2L .0103 has been amended with changes as published in 7:24 NCR 2671 as follows: .0103 POLICY (a) The rules established in this Subchapter are intended to maintain and preserve the quality of the groundwaters, prevent and abate pollution and contamination of the waters of the state, protect public health, and pennit management of the groundwaters for their best usage by the citizens of Notth Carolina. It is the policy of the Commission that the best us- age of the groundwaters of the state is as a source of drinking water. These groundwaters generally are a potable source of drinking water without the necessity of significant treatment. It is the intent of these Rules to protect the overall high quality of N011h Carolina's groundwaters ruttHe-eahanee aoo restore the-quality ef degraded groundwatef5 to the level established by the standards: and to enhance and restore the quality of de graded groundwaters where feasible and necessarv to protect human health and the environment. or to ensure their suitabilit \' as a future source of drinkin g water. {b) It is the intention of the Commission to protect all groundwaters to a level of quality at least as high as that required under the stan<l.ards established in Rule .0202 of this Subchap- ter. In keeping with the policy of the Commission to protect, maintain, and enhance ground- water quality within the State of North Carolina, the Commission will not approve any dispos- al system subject to the provisions ofG.S. 143-215.1 which would result in: { 1) the significant degradation of groundwaters ef which have t¥ existing quality that is better than the assigned standard. unless such de 2radation fs found to be ~eoHonlically ttft6 soeially justifiable. in the best interests of th~ dtiz-ens of North Carolina based uport the prciiected econmic benefits of the facility and a detetmination that public health will be protected, or {2) a violation of a watef groundwater quality standard beyond the boundaries ef-the property Oft-which the-source of pollution i-s-loeated, 6f_a designated com pliance bounda1v. or (3) the impainnent of existing groundwater uses or an adverse:: 1mp_!).Cl eF.rtfte increased rtsk td the health or safety of the public ~9al~~, safety ~ ":!'.elf~i-¢ due t◊ ine o p eration of a waste disp osal system. (c) Violations of ground:Vv·atet" qll:tll _ity standards resulting from groundwater withdrawals which are in compliance with water use petmits issued pursuant to G.S. 143-215.15, shall not be subject to the cotTective action requirements of Rule .0 I 06 of this Subchapter. (d) No person shall conduct or cause to be conducted, any activity which causes the con- centration of any substance to exceed that specified in Rule .0202 of this Subchapter, except as authorized by the mies of this Subchapter. (e ) Work that fs within the s~ope of the practice of geology and engineering. performed nursuant to the requirements of this Subchapter. which invoh·es site assessment. the interpreta- tion of subsmface 11 eolog ic conditions. preparation of conceptual coITective action plans or ~ work requiring detailed technical knowledge of site conditions which is submitted to the Director. shall be perfo1med bv persons. foms or professional corporations who are dulv li- censed to offer l!eoloc ical or en l!ineerin g services bv the appropriate occu pational licensin g board or are exempted from such licen'sing '2Y_ G.S .. 89E-6. Work which involves design of remedial sy stems or sp ecialized constrnction techni q ues shall be petformed hY. persons, foms or professional co rp orations who are duly licensed to offer en 11:ineerin e services. Corp orations that are authorized bv law to perform erni ineering or 2:eolo l!ical services and are exem pt from the Professional Co1 p oration Act. G.S. 55B, mav perform these services. History Note: Statut01y Authority G.S. 143-214.1; 143-214.2; 143-215.3(e); 143-215 .3(a)(l); 143B-282; Eff. June 10, 1979; Amended Eff. October 1_1993; August 1, 1989; July 1, 1988; September 1, 1984; December 30, 1983 . 15A NCAC 2L .0104 has been amended with changes as published in 7:24 NCR 2671- 2672 as follows: .0104 RESTRICTED DESIGNATION (RS) fa) The RS designatio~ serves as~ warning that i,~ou~dwate{ so designated -mav iiot bd <,,.'.'✓• ..... ,;,._,.,;,,_,~:I"··--·;·-_-•:.,,. . --~-. ·---·. --•.;.:-,, ·_ .• , ·:-·'."./ .• -.·-. ·;, •.• ·-·'. -.;~--,,:·-%"/.-1/..-:,! .. ,._.; suitable fot use as ~ drinkmu water supply without treatment. __ The des1gnat10n JS temporary_ ~d will be removed bv the DiL:ector upori ~ determination that the quality of th€ gro.uridwater !2_ designated has beeri restored fu . the level of the applicable standards ot when ~he groundwaters have been reclassified ID'... the Commission: The Director is authorized to designate GA or GSA groundwaters as RS under any of the following circumstances: (I) Where, as a result of man's activities, groundwaters_have been contamiuat~a {m.d eoftta.in concentrations ef Sttb~tane,es m-~~ess M-Hle-gro~ndviat~t; qualI~ ~ifff~§ :=!!:.::e~~~~:e~=. l:TI~:f;~~1J~:~~t:\f r;;i :~:~K!t~i::M~;~l~~I:~~::~:=~~:::=:~~~ the Director has approved , a COITective a<.:tion plan. , ::}}::~~::~::~~~~~::~~::\~::~~f;}:~::::~rn~:~~~=~===~f\ ,: or term1nation of cdn·ective action. that will not result in the immediate restoration of such ri'rouridwaters to the standards established under this Subchapteri {2) Where a statutory variance has been granted as provided in Rule .0113 of this .. ~-{!~C~-~P!~r:-__ -----------·-------· --------------------------·· -------------·-·· ----;~; ~;~; ~;~; :;:;;~; ~;~; ~=:-; ;~; ~~~; ~;~: ~;~;~1;~;~;;;~;~;~; ~;~; ~;~; t~; :;= ;~ ~~;~;~: {~~ ;;~; ;;~; ;;:~ :;~;:;~; ~;~; ~;;~~ ~~~ ~;~: ;;~; ~~~~~:; ~;~;~;~ ~ :;~_ :;~~: ;~: :;~~ ~;~~ ~~~~ ~;~;~;~; ~;~~~~; ~; (b) Groundwaters occmTin~ within an area defined J2y_a compliance boundary in _i!_ waste disposal pennit are deemed to be desi1rnated RS. (c )fb1 The boundary of a designated RS area may be approximated in the absei{ce of artilyticaf cfufa sufficient to define the dimension of the area. The boundaiy shall be located &_least 250 feet away from the predicted edge of the contaminant plume, and shall rhdude any areas into which the contamination is expected to migrate. '.fhe-RB desigHati.o,~ ~6Q·9~ ftS:-~. v,arniHg thftt-grouHdvta:ter so desigHa-ted lflfty"ftet-l}e suitable fflrttae-ftS-tl drinking :waiff-~ ~i¥~~~~~i.;:;1~~~;;::.;~~:~~;a;~~;'"'94 : : : : : ~:::::: =-~ =:::::: :_::: -: : : : : : :_::: =-= ~::: :-:::::::: ~ ::~ :: :: :: : : : : ·:: ~-=~: :-_·--=-~-=-= :_:_:_:_.:_-:_._:_:_: __ ":._:_:~:_:~:_:_-~_-._:_:_:_:_:_:_:_:_ TP,i _ desi~ation i5--temporary ftfld--vvtl+-be fCffim•e4 by-the-Director ttpefrft dg~etmi~~~!Ofl ~ ~e, g~ality et:~ gf()ttnd·~vater ~-dp~igµaj:ed ~~ restored to-the-~?f-~ ~ll:Pli9~~J¢ standards ef-Wftefl reclassified . GC. ,_ (d") Iri areas designated RS. ;~j~j the person responsible for groundwater contamination f ~~&;-~=:~n:~~I~=~t shall establish and implement a groundwater monitoring system sufficient to de- tect changes in groundwater quality within the RS designated area. Monitorinl! shall be t~~~~~=~~=~~:::~;=~~=~~~~~~~:~= quarterly for the first year and may be reduced to semi.:annuaUy iliereafter until the applicable ~~~~~~~1{:~r~t~~t~S=~ standards have been achieved. ~~~~~~:~/~:i~~it~~~~~~~~~:Ir~~j~~~j~=~ti~j If during the monitoring pe1iod. contaminant concentrations increase. additional remedial ac- tion §i..monitoring pursuant to these Rules may be required. &} The applicant for an RS deshmation shall also prnvide written verifica.tfon that all property owners within and adjacent to the proposed RS area have been notified of the .r~., guest~ RS desi unation. tnr~ The Division shall p rov1de public notice ~~~~~~:~==~~jtHI}J~r~~~t~=t~~~~r of the intent to desig- nate ~ g roundwater RS in accordattce whh the following re guirefuer1ti; ~~~rf r~-rf r~-~--~-rf r~-~ ~-~ f ~ ~rf ~ f~ ~-= r~ ~-f ( 1 ) ~~:;c:c~:~ 1 :Jil~t!~t~t;~1~:~i~l!if}~i~l~~is:r=~:=i~f~I~i:~~L11 tt:h ~:sfai4liitt~ :~:~~~r::,ed notice shall -b~ -p ~o;i~i~~( to -~if p;6pertv -o-iners identified putsriant tg_'.Paiigraph@ of this Rule and to the local Count v Health Director and the chief administrative officer of the political jurisdiction (s) in which the contamination occurs. ID The notice shall ,il:=:=flt :~:::~}f,f contain the following in:tofhiaHt;ii: .{Al_name, address, and phone number of the agency issuin g the public notice: @l the location and extent of the designc1ted area . (C) th¢ county title number: couritv tax id~ntificatiOtl number'; 6i the pron~tty _ tax book and page identifiers. (D) a brief descri ption of the action or actions which resulted in the de!!radation of groundwater in the area; (E) actions or intended actions taken to restore groundwater quality; (F) the si !!nificance of the RS designation: (G) conditions applicable to removal of the RS designation: tH) address and phone number of a Division contact from whorii interested paities may obtain further info1mation. ill The Director shall consider all re quests for a public hearing . and if he dete1mines that there ii_significant public interest he shall issue public · notice and hold a public hearing in accordance with G.S 143-215 .4(b l and Rule 0 l l 3 (e ) of this Subcha ()'ter. ('4} These re quirements shall not ~ to groundwaters defined in J>arafu:a pb ilil of this Rul~i . Histoiy Note: Statuto1y Autho1ity G.S. 143-214 .1; 143-215 .3(a)(l); 143B-282(2); Eff. June 10, 1979 ; Amended Eff. October 1_ 1993; December I , 1989; August 1, 1989; December 30, 1983. 15A NCAC 2L .0106 has been amended with changes as published in 7:24 NCR 2672-2676 as follows: .0106 CORRECTIVE ACTION (a)--.'.f-he-gool-ef actions ta:kefl-te-rcstore groundv1ater quality Af½frH--be testoration re-the kwet-ef the standards, er-as-el-ose-thereto as-is-eeoRomieall)· -aoo technologically feasible. Where l!roundwater quality has been degraded. the goal of ~required cotTective action shall be restoration to the level of the t t tt~J\JtI I II][\~j standards. }Jjj{f{I@JtlJtf(. "'' or ~ closely thereto as is economicall v and technologicall y feasible. In all cases involving te4 ~-. -. . -·-.. -. -_-•" .· .. .,,-, .... --. . .. ..·, . '·-···,•·· _···· --·-.·,;,;,,,-,·,,, ... i,,.~ guests to the Director for approval of corrective action plans, or te1mination gf_ corrective aci ·• . . . . . .. . . . . . ...... ·. .. .· . .... . . . . . . .,, .. , ,. ' . ',, .. ,.;':;;,\""" tion; the 1:esponsibilitv for providing all hff01mation req uired .!2y_ this Rule lies with the pe.r~ son{~) tnakini the requesE (b) Any person conducting or controlling an activity which results in the discharge of a waste or hazardous substance or oil to the groundwaters of the State, or in. proximity thereto, shall take immediate action to tenninate and control the discharge, mitigate any hazards result- ing from exposure to the pollutants and notify the Department Division of the discharge. (c) Any person conducting or controlling an activity_ which has not been permitted bv the Division and which results in an increase in the concentration of a substance in excess of the gt'Ottn.d1,yater standard~ other than a l!r icultui:al o perations. shall: ·•· · · ···flras-the-~of~.tiy_iH~§, ~$,:tm agri9ultt1ftll oper,a,tion§~ 1fo! t19rJWtJq4, ·µ-y ~ Ssta.te shftH- ill i~medi;t~lv notifv· the Division of the activity that has resulted in the increase ;and the contaminant concentratfon levels; -//~-?:~:~~~::: (2) take immediate action to eliminate the source or sources of contamination: Q2 submit a report to the Director assessing the cause, significance and extent of the violation; and ffi submit a im plement an approved cmTective action plan ftftti schedule fut: eliminating t-he-sourne ef con:tamina.tioR -aoo for restoration of groundwater quality~ attd-implement an-approved l}t8:fl in accordance with a schedule established by the Director, or his desi 1mee. In establishing a schedule the Director, or his designee shall consider any reasonable schedule proposed by the person submitting the plan. A repoti shall ~made to the Health Director of the county or counties in which the contamination occurs in accordance with the re yuirements of Rule .0114(a ) in this Subchapter . .(g)ffi Any person conducting or controllin ~ an as-a-restt#-of activities activity which i$ conducted under the authority of a pennit issued bv the Division g~=:::tftter ~y1h¢:re SttOO and which results i11 an increase in concentration of a substance iii e~ce~s of the ;tandards' 909,9,~mtni.tions ~ getee~q~: (1){:t\j at or beyond a review boundary, shall demonstrate, through predictive calculations or modeling, that natural site conditions, facility design and operational controls will prevent a violation of standards at the compliance boundary; or submit a plan for alteration of existing site conditions, facility design or operational controls that will prevent a violation at the compliance boundary, and implement that plan upon its approval by the Director, QLhis desi~nee. (2)(1'{) at or beyond a compliance boundary, shall assess the cause, significance and extent of the violation of grpµnsh;{~~ qy~Jity standards and submit the results of the investigation, [nd a plan~ ~nd p~op~sed ~~hedule for groundwater quality restoration corrective action to the Director.1.. or his desi gnee. The pe1mittee shall implement the plan as approved by and in accordance with a schedule established by the Director.1.. or his desi imee. In establishing a schedule the Directorl or his desi gnee shall . consider any reasonable schedule proposed '.by the pe1mittee. fe) Foi; the phlposes c>f Paiigriphs (c) ~nd @_ of thE! Rule. an activity condu'cted Jndeli . the . ··authotitv of a permi't fasUed & the Division. and sub i ect to Pai~agraph {cl) bf ilii§ Rule, is orie for w.hfoh: _ .·· ... _ _ _, _ _ ... _. _ _ _ .. _ (r) a perrriit has been issued pufsuant to d-.s. 143-215.1: {') the permit was ong:in.-aH v issued after December 30. 1983; (3) the substance for which a standard has been exceeded outside the corri pltan~~ boundarv has been released to g roundwater as a result of the permitted activity; (4 ) All other activities shall for the purpose of this Rule be deemed not perini{ted ~ the Division and subject to the provisions of Paragraph fil of this Rule-) filt C01Tective action re quired following discoverv of the unauthorized release of a contami- nant !Q. the smface or subsurface of the land, and prior to or concutTent with the assessment re q uired in Paragraphs ffland (d) of this Rule. shall include. but is not limited to: ill Prevention of fire. ex plosion or the spread of noxious fumes; @Abatement. containment or control of the migration of contaminants: filRemoval. or treatment and control of~ primary pollution source such as buried waste, waste stock p iles or surficial accumulations of free p roducts: ffi.Removal. treatment or control of secondary pollution sources which would be {i potential continuing sources of pollutants to the groundwaters such as contaminateJ soils and non-aqueous phase li q uids. Contaminated soils which threaten the quality of groundwaters must be treated. contained or dis posed of in accordance with applicable mies and procedures established QY_the Division. The treatment or dis posal of contaminated soils shall be conducted in a manner that will not result in El_ Violation of f tt/:trtt f{tft fl standards }ft= or N01th Carolina Hazardous Waste Mana l!ement rules. Wt~ The si_te assessment. conduct=~~-£~~~~-~~~J.}~.:-:!~_;:1~~g uirements of Paragraph ( c)c>, of this Rule, shall mclude ::_:====::::;::::========:::=::::::======::::::::i::: ~ ill The source and cause of contamination: filAnv imminent hazards to public health and safetv and actions taken to miti gate them in accordance with Para(rra ph ill It~ of this Rule: filAII :=:~=~:~=/~=;=~=~=~=~~=~= rece ptors and significant ex posure pathways; fil The horizontal and ve1tical extent of soil and groundwater contamination and all significant factors affecting contaminant trans po1t: and 12_ Geolog ical and hvdro l!eological features influencing the movement. chemical. and phvsical character of the contaminants . Re p01ts of site assessments shall .!2!._submitted to the Division as soon as p racticabie or in accordance with a schedule established QY_ the Director. or his designee. ln establishin u a schedule the Director. or his designee shall consider ~reasonable proposal bv the person submitting the report. ::0-1 I 4<h) bf th1s Subch~'otir ~ .· . . . . ·.. . .·. . . ··.· . . . . . .... · ... f7) that the proposed c.oii'ectiv~ hctf&ri plan would be consistent whB alt Qthey Jnvirorimentai fawi r -_-__________ --------------------_. __ ._ --------------------_-_-.-. ----·----------_-_-_-_-_-_-__________ -_-___________ ------------_-_. ---· ------_-_-_______________________________ _ ~~f ===~=;=-gi~~6~=-~~-~~~~f f ~-=r~~r~~~fl~=-~;ri:irJ:J-I2~~1~~IH~i-=r~m;A:~1=J~==1JI ~. rion~petr tnitted site pursuant id_ this. Rule rriay request that ihe Director approve siich ~ plah based iiri6rt riatural procesifos of degradatfon arid attciiuatfon 6'f contaminants: A regrtest 1;ubm1tted !4_ ftie bi~for uiid~i-tMg Pa1;igraoh siiMl i'iiclud'e li descri ption of site i pedfic foiidi'.tioiis't lhc1ucilrig •. : .""" · .. , .... -.·, • .... -~-.-··,/'•., • • · .. ,_..... .· ·•· .,, .. ,· ... _,, -•• .••-'. •-. , • · .. ••• ,:•.•'.'~·•••; "/, ··.•":.,.,_ .··,• .. •"·• .· ('"/ ,., .. ,_h/_'"% written documetitation of projected droiliidwater use iri the contaminated area b~ed oh 6.tifetd State dr focal g&/ernnie~ planning e.ffo11s; th~ techni6aI basis f01; the feguesH and afi·y cidie.t information re quested hY_ the Director to thoroughly evaluate the re tj uesH In add.itIDM ~ pets5h triaktrig ihe reiiuest rt1\isi cfotnc>ristra'.fo fo the siitisfaction Of the tHrectoH . fl} that ail sourc~0 S of contaminaiion and .free product have been feirt<ived ru: controlled gursuant to Paragraph lli of this Rule; .• .. _ . _ . . _ . _ .·· {21 that th~. ootitaminarit has the fapaci ty to de !!rade or attenuate unde1: fM site--s pecific conditions : ID that the time and direction ol €ontam1narit travel can be predicted WJth fe :isonablri certaintvi @_ that contaminant mi ~1·ation 'w{il not 1:esuhin any violatlon 6f applicabl~ gtoundwater standards at i1riy existing or foreseeable receptot~ (5) that contaminants have riot a.n°J will not mi erate onto ad jacent propert1e's°; ()I: ih~t (A) such pt~obeiiies a1~e served bv an exfstin ~ public water supply syst~m dependeht ort surface waters or hvdraulicallv isolated gi·oundwat<6ri cit (B) the owners of ·such properties have consented in writin g to the regtiesh fil_ that. if the coritaminarit plume ts ex pected to interce pt surface waters:; thJ ru:oundwater dischar ge wtH not possess contaminant concentratiorts ihat Would result in violations of standards for surface waters contained iri 15A NCAC 2B ,0200; Ql that the person makin g the request will put in place a groundwater monitorin g prograrii sufficient to track the de i.!radation and attenuation of confaminanis and contaminant by-products within and down gradient of the plume . and t6 detect contaminants and contaminant by-products prior to their reachin g anj(exfating QI foreseeable receptor at least one year's time of travei upgradient of the reaeptot and no greater than the distance the groundwater at the contaminated iiie is predicted to travel iri five vead; (8) that aH necessa ry~ access agreements needed to monitor groundwater ciuaHty pu~:si~ imt to Subparagraph (7) qf this Rule havci been or can he obta1ned; . . . {9) that public iioHc-e of the regtiest has been provided in accorda11be with Rµl~ .0 l 14 (h l of this Subcha pter': artd (iO) that the proposed corrective aciion plan .Would be consistent with ~ ◊th~ _____ ):nvironiiienhil laws'.__________________________________ _ ______________________________________ _ : : :-: : :: : : :-: -: : :: : : :-: :-: :-: :-: : : : : : : ::-: : : : : .-: . : : : : :-: : : :-: :-: : : :-: :-: :-: ..:-: :-: :-: :-:-_-: :-: ~-= :-: -: : -: : :-: : : : : : : -:-: : : :-: : : --: : : : : :-: : : :-: (m:~rr==;:h~==-1si=~,:i6~=~~-==~ri~==;~i:~6~=-;~6~i=;~~=-~6==r~=~=t;~=~~;=':-,·z~=;;~:~~:==6~rie6~i=;~~=~2B~t======= pla1d'or a non-petmitted sitepursuant t-0 this Rule may request that the Director appt~# minatibn of codectiv~ action: (1) A teq ue-si submitted to the 6,rectoi: i.mdet this Paragr~ph shall intlude ~ (A) a discussion of the duration of the corrective action; the ·total fu;o;eds co~tj profected arthual cost for continuance and evaluation Qf the success of th6 corrective action '; ml an evaluation of alternate treatment technolog ies which could result in furth~t reduction of contaminant levels projected capital and arinual operating costs for each technology; (C) effects, includin g health arid safety impacts, on groiindwater users if contatnlf nant levels remain at levels existing at the time corrective actidn is terminate.d\ and -.. _. __ ,,_., . ,._ .•. _. __ .. ·. ··•·¾ ffil<:m:y ot~er infom1ation requested QY. the Director to thoroughly evaluate the request (2) In addition . the person making the request m~st demonstrate to the satisfactioti Qf the Directori {Al that continuation of corrective action ~ould not result in a si ~nificant r~duction in the concentration of contaminants (At a rniniriuim this demcinstration iriiist show the duration and degree of success of existin g l~emedial efforts to att~iii standards and include a showing that the asymptotic slope of fhi contaminant§ curve of decontamination is less than a ratio of I :40 over a term of one veAf based on quarterly sampling): fill that contaminants . have not and will not migrate onto ad jacent -properties. ill~ . ···-,, , .. , .... (ii such properties are served bv an existin g public water supply system de pendent on surface waters or h vdraulica1l v isolated grouhd'water. or ilil the m,vners of such properties have consented in writing fd the regiiest;; (C) that. if the contaminant p lumes ex pected to interce pt surface watets; the groundwater discharge will not possess contaminant concentrations that would result in violations of standards for surface waters contained in 15A NCAC 2B .0200; @that public notice of the request has been provided in accordance with Rule .0114(h) of this Subchapter: and ,(fil_ that . the proposed termination would be consisknt with all other environmental laws ; ill The ~ctor shall not authorize termination of COlTective action for any area th~t. at the time the request is made; has been identified bv a state or 1-0dl groundw;iiter use planning process for resource development. \=:I~=~:~=~:~=~~~=~:~:~~:.:~~~~~:;~~:~=~:~=::~=~~~:~:~:~:~:~~~=~~_:~~~=~~~~~~~:~~~~~~;~~~~=;~~~~~=):~~~~~ ~~~~~f ~~~~~~x~:~~: .~: ~:~-:~~:~:~: ~ =~~=~~:~~t ~ ~ ~= ~~~ -~ ~ :=~:~~=:~~~:~: ~:~~-~~: r~ ~~~=: ~ :~:~:~~ ~: ~~ f ~~~:~: ~: ffiftj The_ Director may authorize the-diseofltifluafloe e-f remedial actiofl re restore groufldwater quality te--tfte-±eTcl-ef-the-stafldard ~ft demoflstration by-tfte-re- sponsible pat1y-te--tfte-Director that continuance vrnuld net-resttlt-i-n-significant re- duction ifl-the-eofleentratimi. ef-contam.inants. In tm: cofl:sider1:1.tion ef-a-request te discontinue remedial actions , the-Director s-haH-eonsider th-c du.ration flflfrdegree ef success of remedial efforts, the-feasibility ef-etflef-treatment techfliques whieft eettld-restttt-tft fu11her rnduction et eofl:tamiflant lc\·els, ftfttl--tfte-effeet..OR groundwa tef-USCff-i-f-contaminants remain at-1-eveh existing ttt--the-ti-me-ef-tcnnination ef remedial aetioB. the te1mination of _-_-_-~ c01Tective action, or amend the conective action plan after considerin g all the info1mation in the re q uest. Uoon termination of COlTective action. the Director shall requite implemenfatfon of a groundwater moni- toring program ~=~=~=~~=~=~=~~~=?~~=~= sufficient to track the degradation and attenuation of contaminants at a location of at least one year's pred1cted time of travel upgradient of fil!Y.. existin1r or foreseeable rece r tor. The monitorin rr program shall remain in effect until there is sufficient evidence that the contaminant concentrations have been reduced to the level of the standards. !.!!}ff) Upon a dete1mination by the Director that continued remedial corTective actioHs ac- tion would result in no significant reduction in contaminant concentrations, the-responsible pttrty-sha-H---petition fof-tt-varifl:Bce &-tl reclassification of-the-impacted grotind>vvaters. and the thniarhinated '.?~~IL~~ l!roundwaters can be tendered }~~~If~: potable .!2_y_ treatment using readily available and economicall v reasonable technolo uies \~~~:~~~~~? . the Director may desi l!nate the remainin g area of degraded groundwater RS. Where the remainine: de e:raded groundwaters cannot be made potable by such treatment. the Director mav consider a re quest for reclassifi- cation of the gtouridwater to a GC classification as outlined in Rul~ .0201. (o) lf at anv time the Director determines that a new technolog v is available that would remediate the contaminated groundwater to the standards s pecified in Rule .0202, the Director may require the res ponsible pmiv to evaluate the economic and technological feasibi1if v gf implementing the new techriologv in an t:~g:~:~;~:~;;:~:::~)-=: active e:roundwater conective action plan in accordance with a schedule established bv the Director. The Director's determination fti ····.'.-·:·. · .. ·-,• ' .. ·•·,. . . . . ,;, ,'' .. ~- utilize new technology af any site or for any particular constituent shall include a consider~ ati-0n of the factors in Rule .0106 (h ). (p)fg) Where grottflcj.vi•a:ter quality standards are exceeded as a result of the application of pesticides or other agricultural chemicals, the Director shall requ~st the Pesticide Board or the Depa1iment of Agriculture to assist the Division of Environmental Management in determining the cause of the violation. If the violation is dete1mined to have resulted from the use of pes- ticides, the Director shall request the Pesticide Board to take appropriate regulatory action to control the use of the chemical or chemicals responsible for, or contributing to, such viola- tions, or to discontinue their use. . fu The approval pursuant to this section _o 106 of any corrective actiori plan; Ot mo<lifita+ tion or tennination thereof. which pennits the mi!:!ration of a contaminant onto .adj'acent proj,;4 ~shall not affect any private right of action bv anv pa1tv which ~be effected J2y_that contamination History Note : Statutoty Authority G.S. 143-2 lS.2; 143-215.3(a)(l ); l 43B-282; Eff. August 1, 1989. Amended Eff. October l.,_ 1993 ; September 1, 1992 ISA NCAC 2L .0107 has been amended with changes as published in 7:24 NCR 2676_-2677 as follows: .0107 COMPLIANCE BOUNDARY (a) For disposal systems individuall v pe1mitted prior to December 30, 1983, the compli- ance boundary is established at a horizontal distance of 500 feet from the waste boundary or at the property boundary, whichever is closer to the source. (b) For disposal systems individuall y pe1mitted on or after December 30, 1983, a compli- ance boundary shall be established 250 feet from the waste boundary, or 50 feet within the prope11y boundary, whichever point is closer to the source. (c) The bounda1y shall be established by the Directori..or his desi gnee at the time of pennit issuance. Any sale or transfer of property which affects a compliance boundary shall be re- pmied immediately to the Dire<.:tor,_ or his desi imee. For disposal systems which are not gov- erned by Paragraphs (e) or ct) of this Rule, the compliance boundaiy affected by the sale or transfer of prope11y will be re-established consistent with Paragraphs (a) or (b) of this Rule, whichever is applicable. (d) Exce pt as provided in Paragraph (gl of this Rule,Fer disposal systems permitted et= rcpcrmitted afret.-January +,+99-3, no water supply wells shall be constructed or operated with- in the compliance bounda1y: of a dis posal system individuall v pe1mitted or re p e1mitted after January .L.J 993. ( e) Except as provided in Paragraph .{gl_ of this Rule, Fer disposal systems permitted 6f repermitted after January +,-1-99-3-; a permittee shall not transfer land within an established compliance bounda1y of a dis posal system permitted or re pe1mitted after Januarv _L_ 1993 un- less: (1) the land transfe1Ted is serviced by a community water system as defined in 15A NCAC l 8C, the source of which is located outside the compliance boundary; and (2) the deed transfeffing the prope11y: (A) contains notice of the permit, including the pe1mit number, a description of the type of pe1mit, and the name, address and telephone number of the permitting agency; and (B) contains a restrictive covenant running with the land and in favor of the pe1mit- tee and the State, as a third pa11y beneficiary, which prohibits the construction and operation of water supply wells within the compliance boundmy; and (C) contains a restrictive covenant running with the land and in favor of the pe1mit- tee and the State. as a third party beneficia1y, which grants the right to the per- mittee and the State to enter on such prope11y within the compliance boundary for groundwater monitoring and remediation purposes. (t) Except as provided in Paragraph .(g}_of this Rule, if at the time a permit is issued or reissued after January 1, 1993, the pe1mittee is not the owner of the land within the compli- ance bounda1y, it shall be a condition of the permit issued or renewed that the landowner of the land within the compliance boundary, if other than the permittee, ~-~-:.:-:-!-~-!-~-!-!-;-!.:-~_:))_:_~-~-;;_ execute and file in the Register of Deeds in the county in which the land is located, an easement run- ning with the land which: (I) contains: History Note: Statutory Autho1ity G.S. 143-215.l(b); 143-215.3(a)(l); 143B-282; Eff. August l, 1989 .; Amended Eff. October L._1993 ; November 2, 1992 15A NCAC 2L .0109 has been amended with changes as published in 7:24 NCR 2677 as fol- lows: .0109 DELEGATION (a) The Director is delegated the authority to enter into consent special orders under G.S. 143-215 .2 for violations of the Wfttef i~:~~~§~§:§~~~~~~~;:~~;:'. IDiaHti standards except when a public meet- ing is required as provided in 15A NCAC 2H .1203. (b) The Director is delegated the authority to prepare a proposed special order to be is- sued by the Commission without the consent of the person affected and to notify the affected person of that proposed order and of the procedure set out in G.S. 150B-23 to contest the proposed special order. (c) The Director.1.. or his desi 1mee shall give public notice of proposed consent special or- ders as specified in 15A NCAC 2H .1203. History Note: Statutory Authority G .S. 143-215.2; 143-215.3(a)(l_); 143-215.3(a)(4); Eff. August 1, 1989; Amended Eff. October I. 1993; October 1, 1990 . 15A NCAC 2L .0110 has been amended as published in 7:24 NCR 2677 as follows: .0110 MONITORING (a) Aft;' pefson subject te-the provisions Gf.G:-8-. 143 215. l Except where exem pted Qy statute or this Subcha pter. fil!Y. person who causes, permits or has control over any discharge of waste, or groundwater cleanu p program . shall install and im plement a monitoring system, at such locations, and in such detail, as the Director.Lor his desi gnee may require to evaluate the effects of the discharge upon the waters of the state, including the effect of any actions taken to restore groundwater quality, as well as the efficiency of any treatment facility. The moni- toring plan shall be prepared under the res ponsible charge of a Professional En 11 ineer or Li- censed Geologist and bear the seal of the same. (b) Monitoring systems shall be operated constructed in a manner that will not result in the contamination of adjacent groundwaters of a higher quality. (c) Monitoring shall be conducted and results reported in a manner and at a frequency specified by the Director!... or his desi 1mee. History Note: Statutmy Authority G.S. 143-215.l(b); 143-215.3(a)(l);143-215.65; 143-215.66; 143B-282; Eff. August 1, 1989. Amended Eff. October 1._ 1993; 15A NCAC 2L .0111 has been amended with changes as published in 7:24 NCR 2677-2678 as follows: .0111 REPORTS W Any person subject -te-the provisions ef-G:-8-:-143 215. l aoo to the requirements for corrective action specified in Rule .0106 of this Subchapter shall submit to the Director, in such detail as the Director may require, a written report that desc1ibes: . . o) . the , r~s~lts of the investigation specified in Paragraphs t'bj and oo t9.Jtf), ~ml (9)(;)@) of Rule .0106, including but not limited to: {A)W a description of the sampling procedw-es followed and methods of chemical analyses used; and @.}fbj all technical data utilized in support of any conclusions drawn or determinations made. (2) the results of the predictive calculations or modeling, including a copy of the calculations or model rnns and all supp()tting technical data, used in the demonstration required in Paragraph fill €1;,)(;)(A) of Rule .0 I 06; and (3) the proposed methodology and timetable associated with the reJtoration ef ground water quality corrective action for those situations identified in Paragraphs {t) and !ill Wffi-@,4 f§)@l(f}) of Rule .0 I 06. ill The report shall be prepared under the res ponsible charge of a Professional En gineer or Licensed Geolo gist and bear the seal of the same as s1 ecified in Rule .0 I 06 fill ;~;~=-~;~==;~t; . History Note: Statutory Authority G.S. 143-215.l(b); 143-215.3(a)(l); 143-215.65; 143B-282; Eff. August I, 1989. Amended Eff. October· I. 1993; ISA NCAC 2L .0112 has been amended with changes as published in 7:24 NCR 2678 as follows: .0112 ANALYTICAL PROCEDURES Tests or analytical procedures to determine compliance or noncompliance with the wttlef ~~~I~~~~~HI~~~~~~~~~ ~~ standards established in Rule .0202 of this Subchapter will be in accordance with: (1) The most sertsitivd of (h·e fol_lowip.g .!llethod~ o~_p_rocedure~for __ sub,stances where the standard ts a'.t or ~b6ve .JM ~QJ~§J~4 ~tfo:39 -~ pfu~~u~ p_t:Qiis!¢.$. ~ method detection limit value: at-er,-~ tflaft-tae-sttmdarck (a) fhe fu~st il~en't ver~ion g{~t;~_d;~-d -~M,~thpfl~ for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, Mth-f~~j~~~j~~t '$,4.nieft, i9.~;$, I~~~tr= published jointly by American Public Health Association, American Water Works Association and Water Pollution Control Federation; (b) Methods for Chemical Analysis of Water and Waste, 1979, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency publication number EPA-600/4-79-020, as revised March 1983 ; (c) Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Wastes: Physical/Chemical Methods, 3rd Edi tion, 1986, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency publication number SW-846; (d) Test Procedures for the Analysis of Pollutants Under the Clean Water Act, Federal Register Vol. 49, No. 209, 40 CFR Patt 136, October 26, 1984; ( e) Methods or procedures approved by letter from the Director upon application by the regulated source;_ or (2) A method or procedure approved by the Director for substances where the standard is less than the Hmi-t-ef deteetability_method detection limit valu.e. History Note: Statutory Authority G .S. 143-215.3(a)(l); 143B-282; Eff. August 1, 1989 Amended Eff. October I. l 993; 15A NCAC 2L .0113 has been amended with changes as published in 7:24 NCR 2678-2680 as follows: .0113 VARIANCE (a) The Commission, on its own initiative or pursuant to a request under G.S. 143-215 .3( e), may grant variances to water quality staHdards aflfrtfte--eomplianec bounda1y the rules of this Subchapter. Persons subject ttr-the-provisioHs ef-G:-&:-130A 294 may-apply for-fl variaHce cmdef-thts SeetioH. (b) Requests for variances are filed by letter frolTI the applicant to the Environmental Management Commission. The application shall should be mailed to the chairman of the Commission in care of the Director, Division of Environmental Management, Post Office Box 27687, 29535 Raleigh, N.C. ±-76++ 27626-0535. (c) The application shall slioul_d_ contain the following infmmation: (l) Applications filed by counties or municipalities must include a resolution of the County Board of Commissioners or the governing board of the municipality requesting the variance~ tffiffi-Wfrtef ~;:~~~~~~;~~~~~~ quality sta_11garti,~ ·.yhj9h ~ ttrthe-~ffw-:,v~ieh the :;tmfl;Hec tT requ9stcd. (2) A description of the past, existing or proposed activities or operations that have or would resuhin a discharge of contaminants to the groundwaters. (3) Description of the proposed area for which a variance is requested. A detailed location map, showing the orientation of the facility, potential for ,groundwater contaminant migration, as well as the area covered by the variance request, with reference to at least two geographic references (numbered roads, named streams/rivers, etc.) must be included. (4) Suppo1ting info1mation to establish that the variance will not endanger the public health and safety, including health and environmental effects from exposure to~ groundwater contaminants. (Location of wells and other water supply sources including details of well constmction within 1/2 mile of site must be shmvn on a map). (5) Suppo1ting infotmation to establish that re quirements of this Rule stangard~ cannot be achieved by providing the best available technology economically reasonable. This info1mation must identify specific technology considered, and the costs of im plementin g the technology and the impact of the costs 011 the applicant ehaages ift-quality of-the contamina~t plume ft5-dernonstrated through predietiY~ ~~lqttlajo,ns approved by-'the Director, tffld. tcehflologieal COflStraints ',Nhieh limit It~::}; :~:~~~;:~~::;;~; restoratioff te,-Hl:e-~~~ staadru=d: ( 6) Suppmting information to establish that compliance would produce se1ious financial hardship on the applicant. · (7) Suppmiing infmmation that compliance would produce serious financial hardship without equal or greater public benefit. (8) A copy of any Special Order that was issued in connection with ~ contaminants in the proposed area and suppmting information that applicant has complied with the Special Order. (9) A list of the names and addresses of any prope1ty owners within the proposed area of the variance as well as any prope1ty owners adjacent to the site covered by the vanance. (d) Upon receipt of the application; the Director will review it for completeness and re- quest additional infonnation if necessary. When the application is complete, the Director shall give public notice of the application and schedule the matter for a public hearing in accor- dance with G.S . l43-215.4(b) and the procedures set out bele-w in Paragraph hlof this Rule. (e) Notice of Public Hearing. ( 1) Notice of public hearing on any variance application shall be circulated in the geographical areas of the proposed variance by the Director at least 30 days prior to the date of the hearing: (A) by publishing the notice one time in a newspaper having general circulation in said county; (B) by mailing to the Nmth Carolina Depa1tment of Human_Environment. Health, and Natural Resources, Division of Health Services, Environmental Health and appropriate local health agency ; (C) by mailing to any other federal, state or local agency upon request; (D) by mailing to the local governmental unit or units having jurisdiction over the geographic area covered by the variance; (E) by mailing to any property owner within the proposed area of the variance, as well as any property owners adjacent to the site covered by the variance; and (F) by mailing to any person or group upon request. (2) The contents of public notice of any hearing shall include at least the following: (A) name, address, and phone number of agency holding the public hearing; (B) name and address of each applicant whose application will be considered at the meeting; (C) brief summary of the pr.qp.9 _s9,q ~tf!;f}Q~ variance re quest; er modification of the perimeter ef complianee beiflg requested; (D) geographic description of a proposed area for which a variance is requested; (E) brief description of~ activities or operations which have or will result in the discharge of contaminants to the groundwaters described in the variance application; (F) a brief reference to the public notice issued for each variance application; (G) information regarding the time and location for the hearing ; (H) the purpose of the hearing ; (I) address and phone number of premises at which interested persons may obtain fwther info1mation, request a copy of each application, and inspect and copy fo1ms and related documents; and (J) a brief description of the nature of the hearing including the rules and procedures to be followed. The notice shall also state that additional informa- tion is on file with the Director and may be inspected at any time during noimal working hours. Copies of the information on file will be made available upon request and payment of cost or reproduction. (t) All comments received within 30 days following the date of the public hearing shall be made paii of the application file and shall be considered by the Commission prior to taking final action on the application. (g) In determining whether to grant a variance, the Commission shall consider whether the applicant has complied with any Special Order, or Special Order by Consent issued under G.S. 143-215.2. (h) If the Commission's final decision is unacceptable, the applicant may file a petition for a contested case in accordance with Chapter 150B of the General Statutes. If the petition is not filed within 60 days, the decision on the variance shall be final and binding. (i) A variance shall not operate fi:s ~ a defense to an action at law based upon a public or private nuisance theory or any other cause of action. Histmy Note: Statuto1y Authority G.S. 143-215.J(a)(l ); 143-215.3(a)(3); 143-2 l 5.3(a)(4); 143-215 .3(e); 143-215.4; Eff. August 1, 1989: Amended Eff. October L._ 1993; 15A NCAC 2L .0114 has been adopted with changes as published in 7:24 NCR 2680 as fol- lows: .0114 NOTIFICATION REQUIREMENTS ~ Any person subject to the re quirements of Rule .0106 (c ) 1~} of this Subchapter shall submit to the looai Health Director~;::{~~:?:-~;~;~\;~;~;:: ,_and the chief administrative officer of the po- litical jurisdictions in which the groundwater contamination has occmTed. a report that de- scribes: ill The area extent of the contaminant plume; ill The chemical constituents in the groundwater which exceed· the standards described in Rule .0202 of this Subchapter; ill Actions taken and intended to miti l!ate threats to human health; i±l The location of fil!Y.. wells installed for the purpose of monitoring the contaminant plume and the fre quency of sampling. The rep011 described in this Rule shall be submitted no later than five ~orkin d davs after submittal of the com pleted report assessing the cause. significance and extent of the violation as re quired !ri:::._ Rule .0 I 06 ( c). --_j~_)--~~X_P~~~?~-~h_?_S~~~JJ~ a r_eguest un~e! ~~'-~-:_~1 -~~ _(_~). J~\_-~~-_(m} ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~;; ~ ;_~.} ~-~·~}.~ ~ ~-~~~=~=~-~-~-~-~-~.~-~.~-i-~ ~~~~ ~~~~~=~~~~=~ ~-~ ~-~-~ ~ ;.~ ~ ~ ~-~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~-~: ~ ;~ ~: i ~ ~-~ ~ ~. ~-~ i ~- shall notify the local Health Director :~::=~:~=~=:~=:~}~=~= and the chief administrative officer of the polit- ical jurisdictions in which the contam(~~~t -pi~-me occurs. and all property owners and ,~::~} occupants within or contiguous to the area underlain !ri:::._the contaminant :=:~::~{=~=~::-:·:~~:~~) plume, and under the areas where I=t=t:f~j=~~ it is ex pected to mi l!rate . of the nature of the re- quest and reasons suppo11ing it. Notification shall be made bv ce11ified mail concurrent with the submittal of the request to the Director. A final decision !ri:::._ the Director shall be post; poned for a period of {~==~~:j:~~~~:j :t~H{~~j~~=~~~j~~~!IIt r~rn~=~j lQ_ days mg followin g receipt of the request SQ tltat the Director inay consider cotn111ents submitted QY_ individuals interested in the request ( c )Any person ::~~{~~~-{~~=I:=~ whose request under Rule .0 I 06 (k ), f11_ or {m) is granted by the Di rector ?-,=--===~:: i-:::=:-?: ?:-:=::~=i~~=~:===::=:::=:::=: ::::::==::=,=:=:: ?::: ::=-== :=:: :=, :::_:::::=:=::·?::::: :::: ?'?::=:::=:::=:•:==: ?: :=c=:=: := =::~:=:=c=:=::i -----------· -----·-·-··------------.. ----------------------.--.-----_-----------------. -----·-·----------·. --_. --- - ------. shall notify pat1ies specified in Paragraph (b) of this Rule of the Director's decision. Notifica- tion shall be made by ce11ified mail within 30 days of receipt of the Director's decision. History Note: Statutmy Authority G.S. 143-214.1: 143-215.3 (a)( l }: 143B-282 (2)b; Eff. October .L 1993; .0200 -CLASSIFICATIONS AND OROUNDW ATER \,Vl+Tf3R QUALITY STANDARDS 15A NCAC 2L .0201 has been amended with changes as published in 7:24 NCR 2680-2681 as follows: .0201 GROUNDWATER CLASSIFICATIONS The classifications which may be assigned to the groundwaters will be those specified in the following series of classifications: (I) Class GA v,·aters !!round waters; usage and occmTence: (a) Best Usage. Existing or potential source of drinking water supply for humans. (b) Conditions Related to Best Usage. This class is intended for those groundwaters in which chloride concentrations are equal to or less than 250 mg/1, and which are considered suitable for drinking in their natural state, but which may require treatment to improve quality related to natural conditions. (c) OccuITence. In the saturated zone. (2) Class GSA 1.vaters groundwaters; usage and occurrence: (a) Best Usage. Existing or potential source of water supply for potable mineral water and conversion to fresh waters. (b) Conditions Related to Best Usage. This class is intended for those groundwaters in which the chloride concentrations due to natural conditions is in excess of 250 mg/I, but which otherwise may be considered suitable for use as potable water after treatment to reduce concentrations of naturally occuJTing substances. ( c) Occurrence. In the saturated zone. (3) Class GC waters groundwaters: usage and occun-ence: (a) Best Usage. The best usage of GC groundwaters is £!:§_~ Source source of water supply for purposes other than drinking. including other domestic uses bv humans. (b) Conditions Related to Best Usage. This class includes those groundwaters that do not meet the quality c1iteria ef.watcrs haviAg a higher da~sifieatioA for GA or GSA !.!roundwaters of waters haying a higher classifieatioA and for which eff011s to restore iR situ kT-tt--higher elassifieatioR im prove groundwater quality would not be technologically feasible, or not in the best interest of the public. Continued consum ption of waters of this class bv humans could result in adverse health affects. (c) Occurrence. Groundwaters of this class may be defined :lft--the saturated ffifle; -as dctermiRed by the Commission pursuant to Section .0300 on a case by case basis. History Note: Statutory Authority G.S. 143-214.1; 143B-282(2); Eff. June 10, 1979; Amended Eff. October _L_ 1993; August 1, 1989; September I , 1984; December 30, 1983 . 15A NCAC 2L .0202 has been amended with changes as published in 7:24 NCR 2681-2683 as follows: .0202 WATER GROUNDWA. TER QUALITY STANDARDS (a) The -wfttef groundwater quality standards for the protection of the groundwaters of the state are those specified in this Rule. They are the maximum allowable concentrations result- ing from any discharge of contaminants to the. land or waters of the state, which may be toler- ated without creating a threat to human health or which would otherwise render the groundwa- ter unsuitable for its intended best usage. \Vhere groufldv1ater quality standards have--beefl exceeded dtte-ttrflffit'M'l activities, restorntiofl efforts SftftH-be designed te-restore groundv1ater quality t~the-!evel-ef-the stafldard 0ras-closely thereto as--ffl-practicable. (b) The maximum allmvable e.ofleentrations !.!round water q uality standards for contami- nants specified in Paragraphs (g) and (h) of this Rule shall be as listed, except that: ( 1) Where the maximum allo•.vablc eoncefltration of standard foi· a substance is less than the ttmtt-of detectability practical q uantitation limit, the substance SfiftH-fl6t-bc permitted ttt--detectable concentrations. detection of that substance at or above the practical g uantitation limit shall constitute a violation of the standard. (2) Where two or more substances exist in combination, the Director shall consider the effects of chemical interactions as dete1mined bv the Division of E p idemiolog · and may establish maximum concentrations at values less than those established in accordance with Paragraphs (c) and (g) of this Rule. In the absence of info1mation to the contrary, the carcinogenic risks associated with carcinogens present shall be considered additive and the toxic effects associated with non-carcinogens present shall also be considered additive. (3) Where naturally occurring substances exceed the established standard, the standard will be the naturally occurring concentration as dete1mined by the Director. ( c) Except for tracers used in concentrations which have been determined QY_ the Division of Epidemiology to be protective of human health. and the use of which has been permitted !2Y.. the Division. Substances substances which are not naturally occu1Ting and for which no standard is specified shall not be permitted in detectable concentrations in Class GA or Class GSA groundwaters. Any person may petition the Director to establish an interim maximum allowable concentration for an unspecified substance, however, the burden of demonstrating those concentrations of the substance which correspond to the levels described in Paragraph (d) of this Rule rests with the petitioner. The petitioner shall submit aH relevant toxicological and epidemiological data, study results, and calculations necessary to establish a standard in accordance with the procedure prescribed in Paragraph (d) of this Rule. Within three months after the establishment of an interim maximum allowable concentration for a substance by the Director, the Director shall initiate action to consider adoption of a standard for that substance. (d) Maximum allov.able eofleentra:tions Groundwater quality standards for substances in Class GA and Class GSA 1vvaters groundwaters are established as the lesser of: (1) Systemic threshold concentration calculated as follows: [Reference Dose (mg/kg/day) x 70 kg (adult body weight) x Relative Source Contribution (.10 for inorganics; .20 for organics)] / [2 liters/day (avg. waterconsumption)]; (2) Concentration which cmTesponds to an incremental lifetime cancer risk of lxl0-6; (3) Taste threshold limit value; (4) Odor threshold limit value; (5) Maximum contaminant level; or (6) National secondary drinking water standard. (e) The following references, in order of preference, shall be used in establishing concen- trations of substances which c01Tespond to levels described in Paragraph (d) of this Rule. (I) Integrated Risk Information System (U.S. EPA). (2) Health Advisories (U.S. EPA Office of Drinking Water). (3) Other health risk assessment data published by U.S. EPA. (4) Otherappropriate, published health risk assessment data: ~d, ftfiintifif~!y v~na PJ~ir~i:iii:wed published to~icol,qgical <J~ti.~ (t) WatefGroundwater quality standards specified in Paragraphs (g) and (h) of this Rule and interim maximum allowable concentrations established pursuant to Paragraph ( c) of this Rule shall be reviewed on a biennial basis. Appropriate modifications to established standards will be made in accordance with the procedure prescribed in Paragraph (d) of this Rule where modifications are considered appropriate based on data published subsequent to the previous review. (g) Class GA Standards. Where not otherwise indicated, the standard refers to the total concentration in milligrams per liter of any constituent in a dissolved. colloidal or particulate fo1m which is mobile in e:roundwater. This does not ill2.Q.!y_ to sediment or other particulate matter which is preserved in a groundwater sample as a result of well construction or sam- Pli!!g_ procedures. ill acetone: 0. 7 WfB acrylamide (propenamide): 0.00001 ~ arsenic: 0.05 tl}f3j barium: +:B 2.0 fl2f41 benzene: 0.001 @f-5-t bromofmm (tribromomethane): 0.00019 illt61 cadmium: 0.005 .(filf7-} carbofuran: 0.036 i.2..lf-81 carbon tetrachloride: 0.0003 .Ll.Q2f9-} chlordane: 2.7 x 10-5 U.Uf-1-97 chloride: 250.0 LLl.lt+B chlorobenzene: G-3-0.05 .Lll}~ chlorofo1m (trichloromethane): 0.00019 ~ 2-chlorophenol: 0.0001 ~ chromium: 0.05 ~ cis-1,2-dichloroethene: 0 .07 .LlllfM-7 coliform organisms (total): 1 per 100 milliliters Ll..filf-l-+) color: 15 color units .l1.22f-l-81 copper: 1.0 @2f-l-91 cyanide: 0.154 @~ 2, 4-D (2,4-dichlorophenoxy acetic acid): 0.07 ~ l,2-dibromo-3-chloropropane: 2.5 x 10-5 ) (23)fE, dichlorodifluoromethane (Freon-12; Halon): 0.00019 ld @.Ll_dichloroethane: 0.7 ~ 1,2-dichloroethane (ethylene dichlo1ide): 0.00038 @~ 1,1-dichloroethylene (vinylidene chloride): 0.007 ~ 1,2-dichloropropane: 0.00056 .Ll.fil_di-n-but v l (or dibutyl) phthalate (DBP): 0.7 fl2.ldieth v l phthalate (DEP): 5.0 QQldi(2-ethylhexyl} phthalate (DEHP ): 0.003 ~ p-dioxane (1,4-diethylene dioxide): 0.007 ~ dioxin: 2.2 X 10-10 ~ dissolved solids (total): 500 ~ endrin: 0.0002 0.002 ~ epichlorohydrin (1-chloro-2,3-epoxypropane): 0.00354 Q.§_)B-1-J ethylbenzene: 0.029 ~ ethylene dibromide (EDB; 1,2-dibromoethane): ~~+G-§. 4.0 ~ 10-1 (38)8--:3-) ethylene glycol: 7.0 ~ fluoride flouride: 2.0 ~ foaming agents: 0.5 ~ gross alpha (adjusted)particle activity (iAeludiflg radium 226 httt excluding radofl radium-226 and uranium): 15 pCi/1 fillf.ttj heptachlor: -7-:6-~+G-§. 8.0 ~ 1 o-6 ~ heptachlor epoxide: 3-:-8-~-l{}-§-4.0 ~ 10'6 B±Lheptane: 2.1 ( 45 )8-9-1 hexachlorobenzene (perchlorobenzene): 0. 00002 ~ n-hexane: +4::3-0.42 i11.2f4½ iron: 0.3 ~ lead: G:-0-5 0.015 ~ lindane: 2-:-6§-~-l{}-§-2.0 ~ 10-4 ~ manganese: 0.05 ~ mercmy: 0.0011 ~ metadichlorobenzene (1,3-dichlorobenzene): 0.62 ~ methoxychlor: 0:-+ 0.035 (54)f48-) methylene chloride (dichloromethane): 0.005 ill.}f:497 methyl ethyl ketone (MEK; 2-butanone ): 0 .17 ~ methyl te1t-butyl ether (MTBE): 0.2 ~ nickel: ~ !L_l ~ nitrate: (as N) 10.0 Q21~ nitrite: (as N) 1.0 ~ orthodichlorobenzene ( 1,2-dichlorobenzene): 0.62 ~ oxamyl: 0.175 ~ paradichlorobenzene (1,4-dichlorobenzene): 0.0018 0.075 ~ pentachlorophenol: G:ti 0 .0003 ~ pH: 6.5 -8.5 ~ radium-226 and radium-228 (combined): 5 pCi/1 ~ selenium: ~ 0.05 ~ silver: G:-0-5 0 .018 ~ styrene (ethenylbenzene ): +:4-~-l-O" !L_l ~ sulfate: 250.0 (ZQ}f64) tetrachloroethylene (perchloroethylene; PCE): 0.0007 ~ toluene (methylbenzene): 1.0 ~ toxaphene: 3 .1 x 10-5 .{]l}fe-1i 2, 4, 5,-TP (Silvex): GM 0.05 ~ trans~l,2-dichloroethene: 0.07 ~ 1, 1, 1-trichloroethane (methyl chloroform): 0.2 ~ trichloroethylene (TCE): 0.0028 [l]J_ trichlorofluoromethane: 2.1 {1filf7-l--} vinyl chloride (chloroethylene): 1.5 x 10-5 ~ xylenes (o-, m-, and p-): G-:4 0.53 ~ zinc: ~ .U. (h) Class GSA Standards. The standards for this class shall be the same as those for Class GA except as follows: (l) chloride: allowable increase not to exceed 100 percent of the natural quality concentration. (2) total dissolved solids: 1000 mg/I. (i) Class GC Waters. ( 1) The concentrations of substances which, at the time of classification exceed Wfttef quality stfffldaf<is, the standards applicable to Class GA or GSA groundwaters shall not be peffflitted caused to increase.1...nor shall the concentrations of other substances be caused to exceed the GA or GSA standards as. a result of fmther dis posal of contaminants to or beneath the surface of the land within the boundary of the area classified GC. Fer-aH-ether substances, eoneentrntiotts Sftfttl--oot-be-eaused ef pefffl:itted te-exceed the established standaFd. (2) The concentrations of substances which, at the time of classification, exceed wttteF quality standat·ds shaH-oot-eftU5e-ercoHtribute te--the-eontravetttion ef the standards applicable to GA or GSA u:roundwaters shall not be caused to mi ~rate as a result . of activities within the boundarv of the GC classification. so as to violate the groundwater or smface water quality standards in adjoining waters of a different class. (3) Concentrations of specific substances, which exceed the established standard at the time of classification, shall be listed in Section .0300 of this Subchapter. History Note: Statutory Authority G.S. 143-214.1; 143B-282(2); Eff. June 10, 1979; Amended Eff. October 1_1993; September 1, 1992; August 1, 1989; September 1, 1984; December 30, 1983. COMMISSION REVIEW/ADMINISTRATIVE RULES Log of Filings (Log #84) July 20, 1993 through August 20, 1993 NC BOARD OF AGRICULTURE Traffic Re g ulations 2 NCAC 20B .0102 Amend/Establishes traffic regulations for State Fairgrounds. Advertising Matter 2 NCAC 20B .0103 Amend/Regulates advertising on State Fairgrounds. Admission Re g ulations 2 NCAC 20B .0104 Amend/Establishes admission policies and prices for State Fair. General 2 NCAC 20B .0106 Amend/Establishes rules of conduct for persons on State Fairgrounds. Occup ancy of Sp ace 2 NCAC 20B .0203 Amend/Establishes rules for occupying rental apaces at State Fairgrounds. Forfeiture 2 NCAC 20B .0204 Amend/Establishes rules for occupying rental spaces at State Fairgrounds. Ex p iration of Contracts 2 NCAC 20B .0206 Amend/Establishes rules for occupying rental spaces at State Fairgrounds. Time Limits on Removal 2 NCAC 20B .0208 Amend/Establishes rules for removal of exhibits from State Fair. Signs 2 NCAC 20B .0211 Amend/Establishes rules for signs on State Fairgrounds. Louds p eakers 2 NCAC 20B .0214 Amend/Establishes rules for signs on State Fairgrounds. 1 Price Sig ns 2 NCAC 20B .0216 Amend/Establishes rules for price signs at State Fair. Cleanliness 2 NCAC 20B .0218 Amend/Establishes rules for sanitation by lessees at State Fair. Storag e Trailers 2 NCAC 20B . 0220 Amend/Establishes rules for storage trailers on State Fairgrounds. Gas or Electric Service 2 NCAC 20B .0225 Amend/Establishes rules for gas and electric service at State Fairgrounds. Exhibits and Exhibitors 2 NCAC 20B .0301 Amend/Establishes rules for State Fair exhibitors. Reservations and Pay ment 2 NCAC 20B .0411 Amend/Establishes rules for building rental at State Fairgrounds. Alcoholic Beverag es 2 NCAC 20B .0413 Amend/Establishes rules for alcoholic beverages at State Fairgrounds. Rental Rates 2 NCAC 20B .0426 Amend/Establishes procedures for adoption of State Fair rental rates and other fees. Prog ram Particip ation 2 NCAC 48A .0611 Amend/Establishes requirements for participation in boll weevil eradication program. Prohibited Sales 2 NCAC 48C .0005 Amend/Lists weeds which are prohibited in seed. Insp ection and Stop Sale Action 2 NCAC 48C .0017 Amend/Establishes procedures for inspection and stop-sale of seed. 2 Tag s and Labels 2 NCAC 48C .0020 Amend/Establishes requirements for labeling of seed containers. Res p onsibility 2 NCAC 48C . 0021 Amend/Establishes requirements for seed germination tests. Analy sis for Farmers 2 NCAC 48C • 0'023 Amend/Establishes rules and fees for seed analysis service. Identification and Size 2 NCAC 48C .0024 Amend/Establishes procedures for submitting seed samples for analysis. Health Re g ulations 2 NCAC 52B .0502 Amend/Establishes health rules for poultry exhibitions. Psy chiatric Admission Criteria Adopt/Establishes Psychiatric Admission Medicaid beneficiaries under age 21. Date Re q uirements DHR/DIVISION OF MEDICAL ASSISTANCE 10 NCAC 26B Criteria for DEPARTMENT OF INSURANCE . Amend/Shows data requirements for individual health policies for rate revision process. 11 NCAC 16 accident and .0112 .0205 Restrictions 11 NCAC 16 .0302 Amend/Recites certain premium relationships within and between classes of business and sets limits on renewal rate increases. DEHNR Interest and Term 15A NCAC lK . 0402 Amend/Specifies the interest rate and term of loans made from the Loan Fund. Permit Re q uirements Amend/Describes procedures and emit toxic air pollutants. 3 DEHNR/ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION 15A NCAC 2H requirements for permits to .0610 Definitions 15A NCAC 2L .0102 Amend/Defines terms used in this subchapter. Policy 15A NCAC 2L .0103 Amend/Specifies the intent to protect, maintain and preserve the groundwaters of the state to their best use. Restricted Desig nation 15A NCAC 2L .0104 Amend/Specifies the conditions under which a temporary Restricted Designation (RS) will be applied toward contaminated groundwaters. Corrective Action 15A NCAC 2L .0106 Amend/Specifies minimum information requirements and groundwater cleanup criteria that must be included in any corrective action plan. Com p liance Boundary 15A NCAC 2L .0107 Amend/Delineates an area at which groundwater quality standards are protected and penalties are applicable for locations permitted by the state. Dele g ation 15A NCAC 2L .0109 Amend/Specifies the responsible state officials authorized to enter into special orders under applicable rules and statutes. Monitoring 15A NCAC 2L .0110 Amend/Specifies monitoring standards for the restoration of groundwater quality and for treatment facilities. Re p orts 15A NCAC 2L .0111 Amend/Specifies the requirements for reports submitted to the director from individuals subject to the corrective action requirements of .0106. Analy tical Procedures 15A NCAC 2L .0112 Amend/Specifies the tests and analytical procedures to determine if groundwaters are in compliance or non- compliance. Variance 15A NCAC 2L .0113 Amend/Specifies the procedures to obtain variances to the -rules of this subchapter. 4 Notification Re q uirements 15A NCAC 2L .0114 Adopt/Specifies notification requirements that persons subject to .0106 must meet. Groundwater Classifications 15A NCAC 2L .0201 Amend/Specifies the classification, best usage, and occurrence of GA, GSA, and GC groundwaters in the state. Groundwater Quality Standards 15A NCAC 2L .0202 Amend/Specifies the maximum allowable concentration of substances in Class GA,GSA and GC groundwaters and procedures to establish standards for substances. DEHNR/MARINE FISHERIES COMMISSION Definitions 15A NCAC 3I .0001 Amend/Defines terms used in this subchapter. Fishing Gear 15A NCAC 3J • 0401 Amend/Establishes proclamation authority on fishing gear during certain months in specified areas. Purse Seines Prohibited 15A NCAC 3R .0011 Amend/Describes areas where the use of purse seines is prohibited. DEHNR/SOIL AND WATER CONSERVATION Prereq uisite for Disbursement 15A NCAC 6C .0417 Amend/Establishes prerequisite for disbursement of grant funds under the Small Watershed Program. Mana g ement Ob j ective Amend/States the management objective system. DEHNR/COASTAL MANAGEMENT 15A NCAC of the estuarine 7H .0203 Coastal Wetlands 15A NCAC 7H . 0205 Amend/Describes and defines coastai wetlands and their land uses. Estuarine Waters 15A NCAC 7H .0206 Amend/Describes and defines estuarine waters and their use standards. 5 Public Trust Areas 15A NCAC 7H .0207 Amend/Describes and defines public trust areas and their use standards. Permit Fee 15A NCAC 7H .1703 Amend/Establishes permit fees for emergency permits. Purp ose 15A NCAC 7H .2001 Adopt/Describes the purpose of the general permit authorizing minor modifications and repair to existing pier/mooring facilities in estuarine and public trust waters. Approval Procedures 15A NCAC 7H .2002 Adopt/Sets procedures for an applicant to follow to obtain approval for requested development. Permit Fee 15A NCAC 7H .2003 Adopt/Establishes the permit fee for a general permit. General Conditions 15A NCAC 7H .2004 Adopt/Lists the general conditions for structures authorized by this permit for minor modifications. S p ecific Conditions 15A NCAC 7H .2005 Adopt/Describes the specific conditions for proposed permitted work in estuarine and public trust waters. General Amend/Establishes the State agency which hazardous waste management program. DEHNR/COMMISSION FOR HEALTH SERVICES 15A NCAC 13A .0001 will administer the Standards 15A NCAC 13A .0009 Amend/Establishes standards for owners and/or operators of hazardous waste facilities. Standards 15A NCAC 13A .0018 Adopt/Establishes standards for the management of used oil. Food Protection 15A NCAC 18A .1022 Amend/Specifies proper food storage and handling practices and some equipment needs. 6 Food Protection 15A NCAC 18A .1323 Amend/Specifies proper food storage and handling practices and some equipment needs. Food Protection 15A NCAC 18A .1522 Amend/Specifies proper food storage and handling practices and some equipment needs. Food Protection 15A NCAC 18A .1620 Amend/Specifies proper food storage and handling practices and some equipment needs. Food Protection 15A NCAC 18A .2218 Amend/Specifies proper food storage and handling practices and some equipment needs. Maintenance and Op eration 15A NCAC 18A .2537 Amend/States minimum standards for safe maintenance and operation of public swimming pools. Refrig eration 15A NCAC 18A .2609 Amend/Specifies proper food storage and handling practices and some equipment needs. Food Pre p aration 15A NCAC 18A . 2807 Amend/Specifies proper food storage and handling practices and some equipment needs. Food Sources 15A NCAC 18A .3006 Amend/Specifies proper food storage and handling practices and some equipment needs. Control Measures HIV 15A NCAC 19A . 0202 Amend/Describes the control measures which are to be followed by individuals infected with HIV/AIDS in order to prevent the spread of this infection/disease. App lication for Initial Permit 15A NCAC 19B .0301 Amend/Tells how to apply for initial permit. Conditions for Renewal 15A NCAC 19B .0304 Amend/Lists conditions for renewal. 7 Qualifications 15A NCAC 19B .0309 Amend/Lists qualifications of maintenance personnel. Screening Tests 15A NCAC 19B .0501 Amend/Explains screening tests for alcohol concentration. Eligibility 15A NCAC 21D .0401 Amend/States requirements for eligibility. Allowable Foods 15A NCAC 21D .0501 Amend/Sets forth eligible and ineligible food items. Authorized WIC Vendors 15A NCAC 21D .0706 Amend/Describes the terms and conditions to be followed by authorized WIC vendors and local agencies. General 15A NCAC 21D .1201 Adopt/Describes the administrator of the Maternal and Child Health Block Grant Nutrition Program. Proper Eligibility 15A NCAC 21D .1202 Adopt/Requires all eligible providers to comply with all of the rules of the section. Allocation of Funds 15A NCAC 21D .1203 Adopt/States when funds are allocated. Client Eligibility 15A NCAC 21D .1204 Adopt/Describes the criteria for eligibility. Scope of Service 15A NCAC 21D .1205 Adopt/Lists the services covered by the grant. Service Provider Qualifications 15A NCAC 21D .1206 Adopt/Describes the qualifications of the individual who can provide the services rendered under the grant. Payment 15A NCAC 21D .1207 Adopt/Describes how payments will be made under the grant. 8 Definitions 15A NCAC 21F .0102 Amend/Defines terms used in this subchapter. Fees 15A NCAC 21G .0107 Amend/Describes the basis for the fee schedule utilized in billing for DEC services. Client and Third Party Fees 15A NCAC 21G .0508 Amend/States billing and reimbursement policies regarding clients and third parties. Certificate Sus p ension Amend/Provides grounds for and process may be suspended or revoked. STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION 16 NCAC 6C by which certificate .0312 Vacation Leave 16 NCAC 6C .0401 Amend/Specifies how public school employees earn and use vacation leave. Sick Leave 16 NCAC 6C .0402 Amend/Specifies how public school employees earn and use sick leave. DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE Form of Pay ment 17 NCAC lC .0501 Adopt/Sets forth the scope of the section. Method of Pay ment 17 NCAC lC . 0502 Adopt/Sets forth the specific forms for remitting tax payments. EFT Definitions 17 NCAC lC .0503 Adopt/Defines terms used in this subchapter. EFT General Re q uirements 17 NCAC lC .0504 Adopt/Sets forth the general requirements of the Electronic Funds Transfer Program. EFT Identification 17 NCAC lC .0505 Adopt/Sets forth the electronic funds transfer identification and notification procedures of taxpayers. 9 Voluntary EFT Prog ram 17 NCAC lC .0506 Adopt/Sets forth the non-voluntary provision of the EFT Program. Re g istration 17 NCAC lC .0507 Adopt/Sets forth the EFT registration procedures. Methods of Electronic Funds 17 NCAC lC .0508 Adopt/Explains the methods of electronic funds transfer available to taxpayers. EFT Pay ment Procedures 17 NCAC lC .0509 Adopt/Explains the general provisions for making tax payments by electronic funds transfer. EFT Payment Procedures . 17 NCAC lC .0510 Adopt/Explains the procedures for making tax payments electronically by the ACH Debit Method. EFT Pay ment Procedures 17 NCAC lC .0511 Adopt/Explains the procedures for making tax payments electronically by the ACH Credit Method. EFT Pay ment Procedures 17 NCAC lC .0512 Adopt/Explains the procedures for making tax payments electronically by wire transfer. EFT Paym ent Transmission Errors 17 NCAC lC .0513 Adopt/Sets forth the procedures to be followed by the taxpayer should an electronic funds transfer payment transmission error occur. Refunds 17 NCAC 4B .0104 Amend/Privilege licenses shall be returned with refund request. Ceded Areas 17 NCAC 4B .0106 Amend/Privilege license not required for ceded areas. Mail-Order Business 17 NCAC 4B .0109 Amend/Mail-order sales of certain items requires privilege license. 10 Food and Entertainment Amend/A business charging subject to gross receipts entertainment. 17 NCAC 4B .0304 for food and entertainment is tax on the charge for Drag Strip s 17 NCAC 4B .0308 Amend/Admission charged to spectators at a drag strip is subject to gross receipts tax. Go-Cart Races 17 NCAC 4B .0309 Amend/Admission charged to spectators at a go-cart race is subject to gross receipts tax. Fishing Piers 17 NCAC 4B .0310 Amend/Admission charged to spectators at a fishing pier is subject to gross receipts tax. Horse and Do g Shows 17 NCAC 4B .0311 Amend/Admission charged to spectators at a horse or dog show is subject to gross receipts tax. Other Applicable Licenses Due 17 NCAC 4B .1305 Amend/A peddler or an itinerant merchant may be subject to privilege licenses in addition to the requirements of G.S. 105-53. Peddling b y Foot Amend/Peddler returning to vehicle between calls to $25 peddler's license. 17 NCAC 4B .1306 is subject Date Due 17 NCAC 4B .1402 Amend/Contractor project license is due upon the awarding of the job. Diap er Services 17 NCAC 4B .3006 Amend/Laundry privilege license is applicable to a diaper supply service. Real Estate Loans 17 NCAC 4B .3301 Amend/A person engaged in the business of negotiating loans on real estate and lending his own funds may be subject to both licenses. 11 Parking Facilities 17 NCAC 4B .3402 Amend/Parking facilities providing services to motor vehicles for compensation are subject to a privilege license. No Transfer Fee 17 NCAC 4B .3406 Amend/An auto dealer is not subject to a transfer fee for moving within a municipality for which he is licensed. Finance Com p anies 17 NCAC 4B .3407 Amend/Finance companies are not subject to a privilege license for selling cars repossessed by them. Structures 17 NCAC 4B .3704 Amend/Structures supporting electrical fixtures installed by an electrician or electrical contractor is covered under G.S. 105-91. Exemp tion 17 NCAC 4B .4005 Amend/A wholesale sale is a sale for resale. Warehouse 17 NCAC 4B .4013 Amend/A warehouse which distributes merchandise to its own stores only is not subject to the chain store license. Rate of Penalty 17 NCAC 4B .4402 Amend/Rate of penalty and interest. Not S p ecifically Mentioned 17 NCAC 4B .4503 Amend/Items not specifically covered in the statute are not subject to the general business license. Government Campgrounds 17 NCAC 4B .4504 Amend/The operation of a campground by a unit of the federal, state or local government does not require a general business privilege license. Prison Cam p s 17 NCAC 4B .4506 Amend/Concession sales at prison camps restricted to prisoners and prison personnel and subject to audit are not subject to the general business license. 12 Municip ality 17 NCAC 4B . 4509 Amend/A municipality engaged in proprietary operations is subject to State licenses. State Government 17 NCAC 4B .4511 Amend/Concession sales at State institutions restricted to patients and employees and subject to audit are not subject to the general business license. Shuffleboard 17 NCAC 4B .4516 Amend/Certain game machines are subject to the general business license. Definitions 17 NCAC 4C .0101 Amend/Defines terms used in this subchapter. Application of License 17 NCAC 4C . 02 o 1 Amend/License application requirements for cigarette distributors. Distributor to Notif y 17 NCAC 4C • 0205 Amend/A cigarette distributor is responsible for notifying cigarette manufacturers of the issuance of and changes to licenses. Out-of-State Sales 17 NCAC 4C .0504 Amend/Requirements for out-of-state sales. Tax on Com p limentary Packs 17 NCAC 4C .0603 Amend/Reporting requirements for tax on complimentary packs. Distributor Res p onsible for Tax 17 NCAC 4C .0701 Amend/A distributor is responsible for payment of tax due on cigarettes received. Insure Cig arette Inventory 17 NCAC 4C .0702 Amend/A distributor is liable for the tax on unaccounted for inventory. Federal Government 17 NCAC 4C .0801 Amend/Determining whether cigarettes are sold to the federal government and exempt from the cigarette tax. 13 Free Distribution 17 NCAC 4C .0802 Amend/Requirements to exempt cigarettes given to employees. Monthly Re p ort 17 NCAC 4C .0901 Amend/Monthly reporting requirement of resident distributor. Record Re q uirement 17 NCAC 4C .0903 Amend/Invoicing requirements for the sale of cigarettes. Refunds Only 17 NCAC 4C .1002 Amend/Refunds are made only to distributors. Dealers on Trains 17 NCAC 4C .1101 Amend/Monthly reporting requirement of railroads operating interstate. Ocean-Going Vessels 17 NCAC 4C .1102 Amend/Ocean-going vessels exemption from the cigarette tax. Identification Re q uirement 17 NCAC 4C .1201 Amend/Each cigarette vending machine is required to have identification showing the name, address and telephone number of the operator. License Re q uirements 17 NCAC 4C .1301 Amend/License application requirements for other tobacco products. Sales to Licensed Dealers Only 17 NCAC 4C .1402 Amend/A manufacturer of other tobacco products can sell only to licensed dealers. Primary Liability 17 NCAC 4C .1501 Amend/Liability for other tobacco products excise tax. Re p orting Re q uirements 17 NCAC 4C .1705 Amend/Reporting requirements of wholesale dealer of other tobacco products. Penalties 17 NCAC 4C .1707 Amend/Penalties for improper handling of other tobacco products designated exempt. 14 Liq uid Base Rate Illustrated Amend/Explanation of liquid base tax rate. 17 NCAC 4D .0303 Products Used b y Manufacturer 17 NCAC 4D .0305 Amend/Storage and record requirements for base products not used in the manufacturing process of bottled soft drinks. Domestic Use 17 NCAC 4D . 0401 Amend/Clarification of the taxable status of soft drink products. Re o resentative List 17 NCAC 4D .0402 Amend/A soft drink product may be subject to the soft drink excise tax. Application for Exemp tion 17 NCAC 4D .0505 Amend/The appropriate application for exemption must be filed to exempt a soft drink product from the excise tax. Natural Products Exemp tion 17 NCAC 4D .0508 Amend/Requirements for natural products exemption. Desig nation of Exemp t Sales 17 NCAC 4D .0509 Amend/Requirements related to designation of exempt sales. Only N.C. Taxp aid Indicia 17 NCAC 4D .0610 Amend/Written notification required to sell products evidencing another State's indicia. Bond Re q uirements 17 NCAC 4D .0909 Amend/Bond requirements for out-of-state distributors or dealers. Primary Liability 17 NCAC 4D .1001 Amend/Liability for the soft drink excise tax. Application for License 17 NCAC 4E .0102 Amend/Due date for alcoholic beverage licenses. 15 Sep arate Re p orts for Wines 17 NCAC 4E .0203 Amend/Separate excise tax reports are required for fortified and unfortified wine. Bond Re q uired 17 NCAC 4E .0601 Amend/Bond requirements of resident wholesalers and importers. New Wholesaler 17 NCAC 4E .0602 Amend/Bond requirements of a new resident wholesaler or importer. Issuance of Stamp s 17 NCAC 4F .0001 Amend/County register of deeds may procure real estate excise tax stamps from the Secretary of Revenue. Dissolution or Withdrawal Amend/Franchise tax liability of withdrawing from N.C. DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE/CORPORATE INCOME AND FRANCHISE TAX DIVISION 17 NCAC SB .0105 corporations dissolving or Extension of Filing Date 17 NCAC SB .0107 Amend/Requirements for receiving an extension for filing the franchise and income tax return. Form to be Used for Filing 17 NCAC SB .0403 Amend/Taxpayer shall devise a form to be used for reporting gross receipts of pullman, sleeping, chair and dining cars. Form to be Used for Filing 17 NCAC SB .0503 Amend/Taxpayer shall devise a form to be used for reporting franchise tax on express companies. Form to be Used for Filing 17 NCAC SB .0603 Amend/Taxpayer shall devise a form to be used for reporting franchise tax on telegraph companies. Cor p oration Billed for the Tax 17 NCAC SB .0803 Amend/The franchise tax is billed to the corporation by the corporate division. 16 Corp oration Billed for the Tax 17 NCAC 5B .0903 Amend/The franchise tax is billed to the corporation by the corporate division. Investment in Foreig n Subsidiary 17 NCAC 5B .1105 Amend/The capital stock base may not be reduced by the amount invested in a foreign subsidiary. Exclusion Provision 17 NCAC 5B .1108 Amend/The Capital Stock Base is increased or decreased based on indebtedness due to/from an affiliated corporation. Treatment of Construction 17 NCAC SB .1303 Amen.d/If owned, construction in progress is includable in the tangible properties base. Carrier Op erations 17 NCAC SB .1304 Amend/Property attributable to motor carrier operations is excludable from the property base. Determination of Inclusion 17 NCAC SB .1309 Amend/When it is unclear which of two corporations will include certain property in its tangible property base, the one taking the depreciation will include that property. Carrier Op erations 17 NCAC 5B .1402 Amend/Property value attributable to motor carrier operations is excludable from the appraised valuation base. Com p utation of Tax 17 NCAC SB .1502 Amend/re prevent double taxation in the event of a merger, the survivor may claim credit for unused portion of franchise tax paid by the submerged corporation. DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE Refunds to Institutions 17 NCAC 7B .1602 Amend/Sets forth the provisions for refunds of sales and/or use taxes to hospitals, etc. Refunds to Counties 17 NCAC 7B . 1702 Amend/Describes the refund provisions applicable to governmental entities. 17 Sales to and b y Hos p itals 17 NCAC 7B .1801 Amend/Sets forth the application of sales tax to sales to and by hospitals, etc. Refunds to Hos p itals 17 NCAC 7B .1802 Amend/Sets forth the provisions for refunds of sales taxes to hospitals, etc. Scrap Tire Dis p osal Tax 17 NCAC 7B .1907 Amend/Describes the provisions of G.S. 105-187.16 which imposes a privilege tax at the prescribed rates on the sales price of new tires. Taxable Op tical Supp lies 17 NCAC 7B .5004 Amend/Sets forth the application of sales tax to sales to users or consumers of eyeglass frames, etc. Certificate of Authority 17 NCAC 7B .5301 Amend/Describes the procedure to be used by firms which have posted a bond with this department to insure the direct payment of sales and/or use taxes on purchases on tangible personal property for use. Scrap Tire Dis p osal Tax Re p ort 17 NCAC 7B .5448 Amend/Describes the form to be used by taxpayers to report the scrap tire disposal tax. Com p uting Tax Due 17 NCAC 9H .0307 Adopt/Sets forth how special fuels tax and inspection fees are computed on compressed natural gas. Ne g otiation with DOT Em p loy ees Amend/States conditions for right of DOT employees. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORATION 19A NCAC 2B way negotiation with .0114 No Oblig ation 19A NCAC 2B .0129 Amend/States conditions for right of way agreements. Conditions Precedent 19A NCAC 2B . 0131 Amend/States conditions involved in condemnation proceedings. 18 Notice to Owner 19A NCAC 2B . O 132 Amend/States procedure for notifying property owner that DOT will proceed with condemnation. Notice to Dis p lacees 19A NCAC 2B .0133 Amend/States conditions for DOT notification of displacees to vacate property. Dis p osition of Imp rovements 19A NCAC 2B .0138 Amend/Sets parameters for disposition of property acquired for right of way improvement. Public Sale 19A NCAC 2B .0139 Amend/States conditions under which DOT may sell property. Removal of Graves 19A NCAC 2B . 0142 Amend/States procedures DOT must follow if removal of graves is necessary for right of way improvement. The Sale of Surp lus Lands 19A NCAC 2B .0143 Amend/States conditions under which DOT disposes of remainder property. Construction 19A NCAC 2B .0155 Amend/Sets conditions for DOT construction and maintenance of railroad crossings. Paving of Roadway 19A NCAC 2B • 0156 Amend/States conditions of paving road surfaces crossing railroad tracks. Cost of Chang ing Elevation 19A NCAC 2B .0157 Amend/States conditions for DOT to pay for change in railroad facilities when road surface is changed. Chang ing Grade of Road 19A NCAC 2B . 0158 Amend/Sets responsibility for change of road grade when railroad track grade is changed. Bicy cle Trails 19A NCAC 2B .0161 Amend/Sets conditions and responsibility for municipalities to use highway rights of way for bicycle trails. 19 Dele g ation to Manag er 19A NCAC 2B .0162 Amend/Clarifies responsibility for municipal agreements for small urban funds. Use of Rig ht of Wa y Consultants 19A NCAC 2B .0164 Amend/States parameters for right of way branch to use consultants. Dele g ation b y Administrator 19A NCAC 2B .0201 Amend/States conditions for State Highway Administrator to delegate to manager of traffic engineering authority to approve spot safety funds. Res p onsibility 19A NCAC 2B .0203 Amend/States conditions for traffic control device responsibility. Uniform Traffic Devices 19A NCAC 2B .0208 Amend/States incorporation by reference of 'Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices' into Administrative Code. Parking Sig ns 19A NCAC 2B .0212 Amend/Sets parameters and responsibility for No Parking signs. Truck Route Desig nation 19A NCAC 2B .0213 Amend/Clarifies responsibility to set truck routes on state highway system. Shopping Center Sig ns 19A NCAC 2B .0215 Amend/States conditions for erection of shopping center signs. Street Name Sig ns 19A NCAC 2B .0216 Amend/States parameters for street name sign responsibility. All America City Sig ns 19A NCAC 2B .0217 Amend/States parameters and conditions for All America City signs. Railroad Name Sig ns 19A NCAC 2B .0218 Amend/Sets conditions for railroad name signs on overpasses. 20 Fire District Sig n 19A NCAC 2B . 0220 Amend/States conditions for erection of Fire District signs on highway right of way. Services Sig ns 19A NCAC 2B .0221 Amend/States requirements for services signs on state highway system. Telep hone Sig ns 19A NCAC 2B .0224 Amend/Sets conditions for approval and placement of telephone signs on highway right of way. Blue Star 19A NCAC 2B .0225 Amend/Sets criteria for establishing Blue Star Memorial Highway Signs. Community Watch Sig ns 19A NCAC 2B .0227 Amend/States criteria for erection of Community Watch Signs. Relocation Assistance 19A NCAC 2B .0432 Adopt/Incorporates by reference federal regulations for relocation assistance. Applicability 19A NCAC 2B .0433 Adopt/States conditions for relocation assistance rules. Utility Encroachments 19A NCAC 2B .0500 Amend/Incorporates utilities manual into Administrative Code. Definitions 19A NCAC 2B .0501 Amend/Defines terms used in this subchapter. App lication for Utility Enc. 19A NCAC 2B .0503 Amend/States instructions for utility encroachment applications. Approval of Encroachment 19A NCAC 2B .0504 Amend/States parameters for approval of utility encroachments. 21 Execution of Utility Ag reement 19A NCAC 2B .0507 Amend/States procedures for executing utility agreements. Bond Re q uired 19A NCAC 2B .0508 Amend/States conditions under which bond may be required for encroachment on highway right of way. Ag reements 19A NCAC 2B .0509 Amend/States procedures for encroachment agreements during highway construction. Ve g etation 19A NCAC 2B .0510 Amend/States procedures for removing vegetation in highway right of way areas when utility encroachments are involved. Final Ins p ection 19A NCAC 2B .0513 Amend/States procedures required for final inspection and final reports of encroachments on rights of way. Relocation of Utilities 19A NCAC 2B .0515 Amend/States conditions and responsibility for relocation of utilities in highway improvements. Driveway s 19A NCAC 2B .0601 Amend/States conditions for permitting and constructing driveways within highway right of way. Obtaining a Permit 19A NCAC 2B .0602 Amend/States conditions for obtaining a driveway construction permit. Driveway Permits 19A NCAC 2B .0603 Amend/States parameters for commercial property driveway permits. Approval of Application 19A NCAC 2B .0604 Amend/States conditions for approval of driveway application. App lication Review Period 19A NCAC 2B .0605 Amend/States time frame for driveway permit applications. 22 Non-Collusion 19A NCAC 2D . 0218 Amend/States parameters for affidavits and on-collusion certifications required for bidding. Hi g hway Sy stem Limitations 19A NCAC 2D .0702 Amend/Limitations are placed on secondary roads in state. App lication Procedures 19A NCAC 2D .0704 Amend/States parameters for intermittent road closings. Warning Sig ns 19A NCAC 2D .0708 Amend/Sets conditions for erection of. warning signs on secondary roads. Appeal Procedures 19A NCAC 2D . 0709 Amend/States procedures for appeal of denial of road closing application. Preg ualify ing Bid 19A NCAC 2D .0801 Amend/States requirements for bidders to prequalify for bidding on highway projects. Invitation to Bid 19A NCAC 2D • 0802 Amend/States information contained in invitations to bid. Advertisement 19A NCAC 2D .0803 Amend/States procedures for advertisement and invitations for bids. Examination of Plans 19A NCAC 2D • 0807 Amend/States assumption that bidder has investigated scope of work before submitting bid. Bid Bond 19A NCAC 2D .0809 Amend/Sets conditions for bid bonds and bid deposits. Withdrawal or Revision of Bids 19A NCAC 2D .0811 Amend/Sets conditions under which a bidder may withdraw a bid. 23 Withdraw of Bids-Mistake 19A NCAC 2D .0813 Amend/Sets conditions under which a bidder may withdraw a bid. Correction of Bid Errors 19A NCAC 2D .0814 Amend/Sets provisions for correcting clerical errors in contract bid items. Re j ection of Bids 19A NCAC 2D .0815 Amend/States conditions under which a bid is rejected. Dis q ualification of Bidders 19A NCAC 2D .0816 Amend/States conditions under which bidders may be disqualified. Consideration of Bids 19A NCAC 2D .0817 Amend/States conditions the department uses to compare and consider bids. Award of Contract 19A NCAC 2D .0819 Amend/Sets standards for the award of a contract to a bidder. Cancellation of Award 19A NCAC 2D .0820 Amend/States time frame board may rescind award of contract. Return of Bid 19A NCAC 2D .0821 Amend/States conditions of return of bid bond or deposit. Confidentiality 19A NCAC 2D .0825 Amend/States conditions under which cost estimates are kept confidential. Subsurface Information 19A NCAC 2D .0827 Amend/Describes additional information which is available to bidders. Com p uter Bid Prep aration 19A NCAC 2D .0828 Amend/Bidders may request and use a computer diskette to assist in bid preparation. 24 Definitions 19A NCAC 2D .0830 Adopt/Defines terms used in this subchapter. S p ecific Information 19A NCAC 2E .0216 Amend/States procedures for specific information signing program. Prog ram Definitions 19A NCAC 2E .0217 Amend/Lists definitions for Specific Information Program. Location of Panels 19A NCAC 2E .0218 Amend/States parameters of location of official sign panels on the state highway system. Elig ibility for Prog ram 19A NCAC 2E .0219 Amend/States conditions for businesses to participate in the business sign program. Com p osition of Sig ns· 19A NCAC 2E .0220 Amend/States criteria for composition of signs in the logo sign program. Fees 19A NCAC 2E .0221 Amend/States criteria for fees for business sign program. Contracts with De p artment 19A NCAC 2E .0222 Amend/Sets parameters for contracts for business sign program. Org anization Amend/Lists agencies and authorities Systems Division administers. BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE TEACHERS' AND STATE EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT 20 NCAC 2A .0101 which the Retirement Establishment 20 NCAC 2A .0201 Amend/Provides procedures and address for correspondence related to rulemaking. Definitions 20 NCAC 2A .0202 Amend/Defines terms used in this subchapter. 25 Establishment of Procedural Rights 20 NCAC 2A .0301 Amend/Establishes procedures for requesting a declaratory ruling. Definitions 20 NCAC 2A .0302 Amend/Defines terms used in this subchapter. Establishment of Procedural Rights 20 NCAC 2A .0401 Amend/Tells how a member or beneficiary can obtain a hearing when he or she feels it is needed. Definitions 20 NCAC 2A .0402 Amend/Defines terms used in this subchapter. Definitions 20 NCAC 2N .0105 Amend/Defines terms used in this subchapter. Office of the Director 20 NCAC 2N .0106 Amend/Provides address of the Fund and its office hours. Board of Trustees 20 NCAC 2N .0107 Amend/Provides a description of the board's internal rules. Divisional Rules 20 NCAC 2N .0108 Adopt/Adopts by reference standard operating procedures contained in divisional rules. Annual Certification 20 NCAC 2N .0110 Amend/Provides procedures for the required annual certification of firemen. Annual Certification 20 NCAC 2N .0111 Amend/Provides procedures for required annual certification of Rescue Squad Workers. NC STATE BOARD OF REGISTRATION FOR FORESTERS Re-Registration 21 NCAC 20 .0014 Amend/States procedure for a registered forester to follow when he allows his registration to lapse. 26 Certification 21 NCAC 20 .0020 Adopt/States requirement of a registered forester to file an affidavit annually with the board. Re j ection of Consultant Affidavit 21 NCAC 20 .0021 Adopt/An applicant whose application to practice as a certified consultant forester is rejected, he can submit additional justification. Handling of Com p laints 21 NCAC 20 .0022 Adopt/Outlines how complaints received by the board against certified consulting foresters will be handled. N·c STATE BOARD OF MEDICAL EXAMINERS Definition 21 NCAC 32B .0801 Adopt/Defines the practice limitations of a physician practicing with a medical school faculty license within the confines of the medical school employment. Elig ibility Req uirements Adopt/Requires verification of lecturer, assistant professor, medical schools in the state. 21 NCAC 32B .0802 appointment as full time etc. at one of the four Application 21 NCAC 32B .0803 Adopt/Explains the information required in the application for license. Fee 21 NCAC 32B .0804 Adopt/A non-refundable fee 1.s charged to process the license applicati6n. Certified Photog rap h 21 NCAC 32B . 0805 Adopt/Describes the required certification on the photograph and the information required to certify that the applicant graduated from medical school. Verification 21 NCAC 32B .0806 Adopt/Requires verification reports from all State Medical Boards by which the applicant has been licensed. Letters of Recommendation 21 NCAC 32B .0807 Adopt/Requires letters-of recommendation to be submitted to the board on the applicant's behalf. 27 Personal Interview 21 NCAC 32B .0808 Adopt/Requires a personal interview as part of the credentialling process. NC BOARD OF MORTUARY SCIENCE Com p laints 21 NCAC 34A .0126 Adopt/Provides for authority of staff and probable-cause committee in screening complaints against licensees. NC BOARD OF PHARMACY Procedure for Dis p osing of Drug s 21 NCAC 46 .3001 Adopt/Sets out procedures for disposing of outdated, adulterated or unwanted drugs. 28 SUBCHAPTER 2L -GROUNDWATER CLASSIFICATION AND STANDARDS SECTION .0100 -GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS 15A NCAC 2L .0102 has been amended with changes as published in 7:24 NCR 2669-2671 as follows: .0102 DEFINITIONS The definition of any word or phrase used in these mies shall be the same as given in G.S. 143-212 and G.S. 143-213 except that the following \vords and phrases shall have the following meanings: (1) "Bedrock" means any consolidated rock encountered in the place in which it was formed or deposited and which cannot be readily excavated without the use of explo- sives or power equipment. (2) "Commission" means the Environmental Management Commission as organized under Chapter 143B of the General Statutes. (3) "Compliance boundary" means a boundary Mound a disposal system at and beyond which watef \:!,roundwater quality standards may not be exceeded and only applies to facilities which have received a permit issued under the authorit v of G.S. 143-215. l_or G.S. 130A. ,er-fur-disposal systems permitted ey-the-Department ef-Human Res-t:tt:tre- (4) "Contaminant" means ~substance occurrin g in groundwater in concentratiorts which exceed the groundwater quality standards s pecified in Rule .0202 of this Subchapt~t ill\ "Corrective action ~ means a .!2.li!!!._ for eliminating sources of groundwater con- tamination r~=}={~~==~~:~:;:~t or {f~~:=f~~~I;~~~=:~} for achievimr Qroundwater qualitv restoi·ati,Jn or both . . i~=tJ tJ}:/IJt tff ==f :=:=/t\~J/f f }\t:~;r ~~~;f l f }::{Jf r:~:/~l }.{t\~;f:=rc::?tfi (.filf t4J "Director" means Director of the Division of Environmental Management. f'.Z1f "Division" means the Division of Environmental Management. ffil{: "Ex posure pathway" means a course taken bv a contaminant .!2y_ wav of~ trans port medium after its release to the environment. £21} __ "fi~~~-prn~u_c~" m~_~n_s __ a non-aq ueous phase liquid which mav be present ~-:~:_:c:=:?===:==:E====:=?===:=-:::::t=:::::-~::===:=?'= within the saturated zone or in smface water. (iot(r~·;·,f;~;h-.g~:~~;d;;;~~-s" means those groundwaters having a chloride concentration equal to or less than 250 milligrams per liter. flJ ff ~ "Groundwaters" means those waters occurring in the subsurface unde~ saturated c-◊nditions:zooe-ef the-~ (125:f R,'Hazardous sub~tance;; means any substance as defined by Section 10 l ( 14) of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA). (13);.L "Licensed geolo \!ist" means a person who has been duly licensed as a !!eologist in accordance with the re q uirements of G.S. 89E. (l4f:~'Natural remediation" ~t}===f~=~\~~=\~~=~= means those natural processes acting to restore groundwater quality. including dilution, filtration. sor ption. ion-exchange. chemical transfoimation and biodegradation. ~;,. ,~'-• • • _____________________ --~,~:,-,-❖_,.,-_._ /,;.· -1/·. ,. _:_,.·. ---~::--'.;-:_:-;:-; ·.,._.~~-~.:~,;•:/t"."(--·,•t-'':'';.;.•:.-:, 0-~;-. :-r1-%-~;.',;,·_:.",; (1$;) f1Pract1cal Q uanhtat1o_n .==~===~==/======:=:: Lufiit'' rrieans the lowest _c6nce~t1:atio~_.$!~_j)N£P foat~nat that t'ari be foHahlv achfe,,ecl aniotrg laboratories within sfa edfied UfutM ~ 'b t~cisiort ind abfo'fa.c v !rit_~ giv¢n anal yt ical irtethod during i·oiittn¢ t~boia(ifiy anwvsis: -~-r~-~-~-r~-~ ~~~-ff~~-= ff~-~~-=-~·=\-~-r~-~-~-~ ~-~ ~-r~-~ ~-~ ~-~ ~-~\-~-~ ~-~-~-~ {~ ~-~-ffff (8) "Limit ef Detectability" means t-h-e-method detection 1-i-mi-t established f-er-the-B:&--EPA flf)tJroved tes-t vrncedure providing the lowest method dereetien-l-imtt-fef-the substance being-mm1itored. ITott f9} "Natural conditions" means the physical, biological , chemical and radiological conditions which occur naturally. (17)\ fl-Gj "Potable waters" means those waters suitable for drinking~ by humans. {18,lf:~j "Professional Ernrineer" means a person who has been duly re gistered and licensed as a professional en!.!ineer in accordance with the re quirements of G.S. 89C. lt9¥f ''Rece ptor" means any 6umafi~ plant~ ariimaL of structure which .~ ()1' ha~ th~ ... . pgfontial fo he, adveisel v effecied h_the 1·elease 6r migratfortof coiitamin~ts; Afi~ well coristriicted for the purp6'.se of monitonn ~ groundwater arid cotitainiriint ¢oncehtrations_ sha11 _iik considered_ A recep tot.~~::~t~~~~{~I=~~~~~~~~~:~t~:~~r~~~~~t~~~~~~~I~~~~~~~~~ : : : : : ~ =: : : : : : :: :_: : : : : :_: : : ~ : : : :_ :_: : : : : : : : : : : ~ : :. : ~::: ~: =::.::::: = = ~-: : : : : = : : : : ; : : : : : : : : : __ : ~"Review bounda1y" means a bounda1y around a pem1itted disposal facility, midway between a waste boundaiy and a compliance boundary at which groundwater monitoring is required. {2f)(l2)"Saline groundwaters" means those groundwaters having a chloride concentration of more than 250 mg/1. {22)( 13) "Saturated zone" means that · part of the subsurface below the water table in which all the interconnected voids are filled with water under pressure at or greater than atmospheric. It does not include the capillaiy fringe . f23)"Standard~i means groundwrttei g'lialitv standards as s pecified in Rufe .0202 df furs Subchaptet f24 f: 8-4-t "Suitable for drinking" means a quality of water which does not contain substances in concentrations which, either singularly or in combination if ingested into the human body, may cause death, disease, behavioral abnoimalities, congenital defects, genetic mutations, or result in an incremental lifetime cancer risk in excess of lxI0·6, or render the water unacceptable due to aesthetic qualities, including taste, odor or appearance. {2S)t~ "Timi:! of travel'' means the time re yuired for contaminants in t!roundwater to move ~ unit distance. (26 'it (--1-5,'Waste bounda1y" means the perimeter of the pe1mitted waste disposal area . (27I~~~~ t+6:;'Water table" means the su1face of the saturated zone bdow which all intercon nected voids are filled with water and at which the pressure is atmospheric. Histmy Note: Statut01y Authority G.S. 143-214.1; 143-215; 143B-282; Eff. June 10, 1979. Amended Eff. October I. 1993; August 1, 1989; July 1, 1988; March 1, 1985; September 1, 1984 . 15A NCAC 2L .0103 has been amended with changes as published in 7:24 NCR 2671 as follows: .0103 POLICY (a) The mles established in this Subchapter are intended to maintain and preserve the quality of the groundwaters, prevent and abate pollution and contamination of the waters of the state, protect public health, and permit management of the groundwaters for their best usage by the citizens of Notih Carolina. It is the policy of the Commission that the best us- age of the groundwaters of the state is as a source of drinking water. These groundwaters generally are a potable source of drinking water without the necessity of significant treatment. It is the intent of these Rules to protect the overall high quality of No1ih Carolina's groundwaters ftfid..re-enhance anti restore the quality of degraded grnunclv,:aters to the level established by the standards: and to enhance and restore the quality of dearaded groundwaters where feasible and necessary to protect human health and the environment, or to ensure their suitability as a future source of drinkin1! water. (b) It is the intention of the Commission to protect all groundwaters to a level of quality at least as high as that required under the stmJards established in Rule .0202 of this Subchap- ter. In keeping with the policy of the Commission to protect, maintain, and enhance ground- water quality within the State of N01ih Carolina, the Commission will not approve any dispos- al system subject to the proYisions of G.S. 143-215. l which would result in: (1) the significant degradation of groundwaters of which have~ existing quality that is better than the assigned standard. unless such degradatio'r1 1s found to be economically aftfl socially justifiable, in the best interests of th~ citizens bf North Carolina based upon . the pro1ected econmic benefits of the facilit~ and ~ determination that public health will be protected, or (2) a violation of a watef ~roundwater quality standard beyond the boundaries ef-ilie property e-n--which the-source ef pollutioA i:t-located, &_a designated com p liance boundarv. or (3) th,e •im.pai1mer,i~_of existing groundwater uses or aa: adverse imp~et oo-~ inci-eased rfsk t6 the health or safetv of the public h,9.alth, s_fi.fy,~y ~ ·.yc:lfa.1;~ due to the o peration of a waste disp osal svstem. (c) Violations of ground·.vate~ qli,Rlity standards resulting from groundwater withdrawals which are in compliance with water use pennits issued pursuant to G.S. 143-215.15, shall not be subject to the corrective action requirements of Rule .0106 of this Subchapter. (d) No person shall conduct or cause to be conducted, any activity which causes the con- centration of any substance to exceed that specified in Rule .0202 of this Subchapter, except as authorized by the mies of this Subchapter. {e ) Work th~t IS within the scope of the practice of geology and engineerin g , p e1forrned pursuant to the re q uirements of this Subcha oter. which involves site assessment the interpreta- tion of subsurface geologic conditions. preparation of conceptual co1Tective action plans or ~ work re yuiring detailed technical knowledge of site conditions which is submitted to the Director. shall be perfo1med bv persons . firms or professional co1 µorations who are dulv li- censed to offer geolo g ical or engineerin !! services bv the appropriate occu p ational Jicensimr board ◊rare exemp ted from such licensin 2 hY_ G:S. 89E-6. Work which involves design of remedial s sterns or s pecialized constmction techni ques shall be performed bv oersons. firms or professional corporations who are duly licensed to offer engineering services. Corporations that are authorized .!2Y_law to perfo1m en!lineering or geological services and are exempt from the Professional Corporation Act. G.S. 55B, may perfo1m these services. History Note: Statuto1y Authority G.S. 143-214.1; 143-214.2; 143-215.3(e); 143-215.3(a)(l); 143B-282; Eff. June 10, 1979; Amended Eff. October .L.1993; August 1, 1989; July 1, 1988; September 1, 1984; December 30, 1983 . ISA NCAC 2L .0104 has been amended with changes as published in 7:24 NCR 2671- 2672 as follows: .0104 RESTRICTED DESIGNATION (RS) (a) The Ji§ designatio~ seri;es is ~ ~arnin i! that g1~ouridwiltet so d~signated -~av riot 6J ~fficible fot lise as a drinkin g watef suppiy without treatment. The desi gnation!§_ tei'nporaiv, Kttd will be 1:emoved .!2Y_ the Directorupon a determination that the quality~ th~ groyndwiicl: ~ desi gn ate<l has been restored fo the level of the applicable standards or When Ute groundwiters h~ve been redassified ki_ the Cornrnissior{ The Director is authorized to designate GA or GSA groundwaters as RS under any of the following circumstances: ( I) Where, as a result of man's activities, groundwaters_ have been contamln'afi& hnd -ebntain ooneentrations e:f sttbstartb_e~ ift e;t_eess ~$& gJ~nchvate~ quaHt),,; fa~4~ t:z:,:;eY~~;-~~:;:f~e~= 1 :~:~;t~~=1d:t~it:~~I~i@:~~l~~~~~:t~:~ji~r~~I:~:::~~=~~====~~~: the Director has approved a con-ective action ~ -:=~~~~~:~=::f~;~;~~~g:~~:)~~--:t?:::=~-=:~;::t={~=~-t=:==:~ or termination of corrective action. that will not result in the immediate restoratidri gf_such groundwaters to th~ standards established under this Subchapter~ (2) Where a statutory variance has been granted as provided in Rule .0113 of this ___ ~l!~C~_~P!~!-. ________________________________________________ . _____________________ _ ~:==~~ t~: ===~ ;:~=~=~= ~==-;=~: ~~~: ~=~-~~~: ~=~=~}:~=~~~~~= ~=~= ~s= ~~~~~~~=~~=~=~~ ~=~~ ~~~~ ~~~: i =~: ===~ =~~~~~~~ ~~~:~~~= ~=~:~~~: ~3 = ;~~= ~~:~~~~ ==~: ==:~~-~: _ ;=~= ~3~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~=~= :~~~ =~~~ ~: (b ) Groundwaters occun-in l! within an area defined .!2Y_ a com pliance boundary in a waste dis posal permit are deemed to be desi gnated RS. . _ .. _ ... _ . (c)(i}J The boundarv of a designated RS area may be a pproximated in the absence of anaiytical data sufficient to define the dimension of the area. The boundarv shall b~ foCateci at least 250 feet away froni the predicted edge of the contaminant plume, a.rid shall ihch.1:de any areas lnto which the contamination is ex pected to migrate. '.f.he-R:S-de~ignaJio.~ :S~:~s tt:t-~ 1fit1rning thftt-groundv{atef :,e designated ma-y-Ret-be s-uitable ff>f-ttSc-$-a-drinking ~~ ~~~~~~f1Ytie;;::~~~;!~:~;.;-;;~~g;a;d;.¥!.::.~=~ tPf-~~-~{gaation ~te~~~t)'-~ -w-111-1,e-~~~:.:~d i;~ot~~~t~~--~~-4£t~t~i~_ttt.i9~ #lat ~ qt,tality ef:.the groundrwatef ~ d9~ignated ~~r,estore.d ~tr~~~t½ ~P.PH.Q!Wl~ stand8:Rls (:}f-Wfteff-re elassi fied. GC. .. (d) In -~eas designated RS, ;r~ the person res ponsible for !l roundwater contamination ~==~::=~==~;:-:~r{t~~~:~~~:= shall establish and im plement a groundwater monitoring svstem sufficient to de- tect changes in groundwater quality within the RS designated area. Monitoring shall be :~~~=ft~~~~?=~}~~~~~~=? _ gua_i:ter~y_for_the first v ear and may be reduce_~ to ~~~i-~n~mall _y ~h~r_e~ftef until the app Ii cab le ~~={~~~~~~=~:~~~:~~~~~~=~~::=~=== standards have been achieved. ~~=t ~{?{I ::'=~=~~~~-==~f~r~~~~~~~~~~~~~8~~ If during the monitorirnr period. contaminant concentrations increase . additional remedial ac- tion or monfroring pursuant to these Rules may be re q uired. W The applicant for an RS desi gnation shall also provide written verificatioti that all propertv owners within and adja_cent to the proposed RS area have been notified Qf_ the te~ g,uested RS designatiqn, ff"[~ The Division shall provide public notice ~~~~~:~~~:}}~=~~=I}::===~~~==~~=;~;}=:~~~:~~~~:~~ of the intent to desig- ~~t~-~~y -~1~0~-~?W..~t ~r _ ~~-fo a'.Ccotdance {vfrh the followin g re guireinenfa: ~ ~-~-~ ~ ~ ~-~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~-~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~-~ ~: ~ ~ ~ ~ ( 1 ) ~;:~c;c:~a~I l=~~~lr~~~~][\¥:[i~j\iiitii:i}ti~ii :-~1~~-~;l;;~iin2l tt: h ~lai43~g1}:~ ::::~~~r::.ed notice shall be provided to all property owhei-s identified pu"tsuii.ht td Patagfaph ID of this Rule and to the local Countv Health Director and the chief administrative officer of the political iurisdiction (s ) in which the contamination occurs . .m_ The notice shall //~~:::::::=/:=:=/;;=~:~=~:=: c·bntain the following infofn:iatiofr (Al_name. address. and phone number of the agency issuing the public notice; @l the location and extent of the desi rr nated area (C) fhe county title number; courity tax identification number ~ 2r_ the prou'.e@ tax book and page identifiers. (D) a brief descri ption of the action or actions which resulted in the de l!radation of e;roundwater in the area; (E) actions or intended actions taken to restore t:roundwater quality; (F) the significance of the RS desi Q:nation ; (G) conditions applicable to removal of the RS designation : iill__address and phone number of a Division contact from whotti interested pmties may obtain further infonnation. fil The Director shall consider all re quests for a public hearing . and if he dete1m111es that therl:! i§_si 1Inificant public interest he shall issue public notice and hold ~pubiic hearirnr in accordance with G.S 143-215.4(b) and Rule 0113 !e ) ofthis8ubchapter. (4} The~e re q uirements shan not ~ to ~round waters defined in Paragra ph (b) of thi~s Rule£ / History Note: Statut01y Authority G.S. 143-214.1; 143-215.3(a)( 1 ); 143B-282(2); Eff. June 10, 1979; Amended Eff. October 1_ 1993 ; December 1, 1989; August l, 1989; December 30, 1983. 15A NCAC 2L .0106 has been amended with changes as published in 7:24 NCR 2672-2676 as follows: .0106 CORRECTIVE ACTION (a)--'.f-he-goo-1-ef. actions -talretrro restofc grnundwater quality shft.H-ee restoration t-e--Hte le¥el-ef.th-e standards, er-as-clese thereto as-ts eeo11omieally frfl:ti teehnoiogieally feasible. Where !!round water qua! i ty has b~en ~-~~r~~~_c!:__~~~ -~?-~!-_of ~ req uired_ ~<_>~T~~~i_':'~--~~!~?~ -~ha] 1 be restoration to the level of the {=:=r=f{~~,=~,~~:=:::=~===!=~~=~~~,~~=}f: standards. ,/t :=:~,\~:?!=~=\=====}~=={,{=r "=i=? or as closely thereto as is eco~mi-~~Iiv -;-~d t~~h~~l-~g i-~~llv feasible. I~-iifc;;;~~-irtfuI¾i~g-fe'.J qUests to the Director for approval of cofrective action plans, or terrriiriatiori of co1.+ec'Hve ~ ttori; the res ponsibilHv for pro✓idirig al1 infonnation required by_ this Rule li~s with tlie b~~ son(s} fuaid'n ii the: request? (b) Any person conducting or controlling an activity which results in the discharge of a waste or hazardous substance or oil to the groundwaters of the State, or in proximity thereto, shall take immediate action to tenuinate and control the discharge, mitigate any hazards result'" ing from exposure to the pollutants and notify the Departmefit Division of the disc9arge: ,,, (c) Any person conducting or controlling an activity_ which has ri'ot been permitted bv the Division and which results in an increase in the concentration of a substance in excess of the gf()lfflQVlater standard~ other than agricultural o perations~ shall : •· . ,, . (i,) ~H½e-~ef ite_ti•f _itie _ey~ ~$tin.-~gri9ttltl:lfftl operariOil§~ ~~-p;em,)i,t_t9~ ~~ .... $stil.te ~ . . .. . . .. . . .. ill immediately notify the Division of the activitv that has resulted in the increase and the contaminant concentration levels; =~=~=~=~~!:~:::::'::,==~=:= (2) take immediate action to eliminate the source or sources of contamination: Q2 submit a report to the Director assessing the cause, significance and extent of the violation; and {!} submit a im p lement an approved cmTective action plan ftflfr schedule fur elimittating the-source 6f. eoHtamittation afl6 for restoration of groundwater quality~ ftftd implement aH-approved fttftH in accordance with a schedule established by the Director, or his designee . In establishing a schedule the Director, or his designee shall consider any reasonable schedule proposed by the person submitting the plan. A repoti shall be made to the Health Director of the county or counties in which the contamination occurs in accordance with the re quirements of Rule .01 ]4(a l in this Subchapter. .@2ffi Any persoh co11ductin c or controllin,; an ttS-a-rest:tty-of activities activitV :Which i~ C()nducted under the authority of a pe1mit issued by the Division S'.)ttte; _shalt, W~~C ~u9~ and which results in an increase in concentration of a substance in excess of the stanctards Cea,emtratiOHS ftfe deteeted: · · ,,,,,,,.,, (,1M1 ~t ~r -bey~~d a review bounda1y, shall demonstrate, through predictive calculations or modeling, that natural site conditions, facility design and operational controls will pi·event a violation of standards at the compliance boundaty; or submit a plan for alteration of existing site conditions, facility design or operational controls that will prevent a violation at the compliance boundary, and implement that plan upon its approval by the Director, or his desi !.!11ee. 0:){B) at or beyond a compliance boundaiy, shall assess the cause, significance and extent of the v~~Jation of_gro~~~"'.Xl:!-t,9f: @~ljty standards and submit the results of the investigation, arid a plan, and proposed schedule for grouHdvvatct· quality restorntioH con-ective action to the Director.:..2r..his desi gnee. The pem1ittee shall implement the plan as approved by and in accordance with a schedule established by the Director.:.. or his desi 1!11 ee. In establishing a schedule the Directori or his desi 12nee shaH consider any reasonable schedule proposed by the pe1mittee. fe) For the pufooses cit Paragraphs(¢) and (d) of this Rule~ an activitv conifo"cted undet the ':· ·auihoriiv of a permtl issued !2Y._the Division. and sub ied to Pa1~agra ph (d:) 6t th ($ Rule: is or1e tor whfoh: . . . .. . . . . (11 a permit has been issued pursuant to G.S. 143-215. l : .. tn the pefrrnH was 6riginally issued after December 30. 1983";· . . . .. .. . ... •· .. z ,, (3) the substance for which a standard has been exceeded outside the com plfahce boundarv has been released to groundwater as a result of the permitted activ1H;,; (4) AH other activities shall for the purpose of this Rule be deeined not permitted hY the Division and subject. to the provisions of Paragra ph {& of this Rule;. ffi~~:= C01Tective action re quired following discove rv of the unauthorized release of a contami- nant to the smface or subsurface of the land, and prior !Q_ or concu1Tent with the assessment reyuired in Paragraphs hland (dj of this Rule. shall include. but is not limited to : fil Prevention of fire . ex p losion or the spread of noxious fumes; @Abatement. containment or control of the migration of contaminants: filRemoval..or treatment and control of ~primarv pollution source such as buried waste, waste stock piles or surficial accumulations of free products : filRemovaL treatment or control of secondary pollution sources which would be f; potential continuing sources of pollutants to the groundwaters such as contaminateJ soils and non-aqueous phase li q uids . Contaminated soils which threaten the quality of groundwaters must ~treated. contained or dis posed of in accordance with applicable mies and procedures established bv the Division. The treatment or dis posal of contaminated soils shall be conducted in a manner that will not result in a violation of }f ftfffft t \Itf~f standards f i?~? or N01ih Carolina Hazardous Waste Mana l!ement mies. Wt The site assessment conducted pursuant to the req uirements of _._ Paragraph (cp: of this Rule, shall include {~E?r~~;~~:;:~::~~;;~:::~~;:i:ifa:: ~ ill The source and cause of contamination : filAnv imminent hazards to public health and safetv and actions taken to miti gate them in accordance with Paragraph ill f~t of this Rule: filAll ==:=~=:=:~:-::=~=~=:=:=?:= rece ptors and significant ex posure pathways; fil The horizontal and vertical extent of soil and groundwater contamination and all significant factors affecting contaminant trans p01i: and f2l_ Geolog ical and hvdro geological features influencing the movement, chemical. and physical character of the contaminants . Re p01ts of site assessments shall be submitted to the Division as soon as practicabk or in accordance with a schedule established J2y_ the Director. or his designee . In establishin g a schedule the Director. or his desi gnee shall consider anv reasonable proposal QY. the person submittin g the rep01i. . fu1L Co1Tective action plans for restoration of groundwater gualitv, submitted pursuant to Paragraphs .{£Land fil of this Rule shall include: ill A descri ption of the proposed corrective action and reasons for its selection. ill S pecific plans. includin c: en g ineering details where applicable. for restoring ground water quality. ill A schedule for the im p lementation and o peration of the proposed plan. {±1 A monito1ing plan for evaluating the effectiveness of the proposed co1Tective action and the movement of the contaminant plume .. .liif ftB In the evaluation of corrective remedial action plans, the Director.,_Q!:_his designee shall consider the extent of any violations, the extent of any threat to human health or safety, the extent of damage or pot~ntial adverse impact to the environment, technology available to accomplish restoration.1 ftfl<l the potential for degradation of the contaminants in the environ- ment, the time and costs estimated to achieve groundwater quality restoration. arid the public ;~~--=~i:~~-~~~:i~ •:t~:~:~~~\1,~},~ 1 :~-1te~:/1~~g\f·?undwater qua! i ty restoration~ ~::=:=:::fil:~~(:~'.(~~;~~~~:ii:~~t~~~r~:~:::~:l:~~::~~~:!~l~~rsuant to Paragra ph hl or ( d) of this Rule must be im p lemented using the best available techno)og v for restoration of groundwater quality to the level of the ~f~~;;~:}~=~+f~)ttf::~=: standards :;~}tr~&~~{~~~~t)~) .,_ except as p rovided fo Paragraphs (k); !1J_,_<1!1~--(~L?f_~~-i-~-~1:1!~_, _______ ----·-__________ ---•-···-----· ___ --·--·-___________ __________ · ~= :;~: ::::~ ::::: ~== =~=~ ==== =~:: :::::::::: === ~ ::: : ::: ~: =:: ::::: :==:: :::::: t.·: :~:~ ~=~= :::~: ==--=: -~= :~: ~ :~? :: =~ ::::~::::: :::: ~ ==:::~=: ==== ~== ==:-::::: ::::. ::? :::::: =:~ ~-~= :::-: -=:: :::: : ==:= :=::: :==: -=--~ =-== ~-==: ;~ :. =-=~= ::::-: =~~ ~==== === ~==== ~~ ------·ai_i1. :~---A~v 11~;;;~--;~9:;;i;;<l ·t;--r~-~1;;~~~t~~-~-ppr~~~~t;~~;e~1r;~--~cti;~-·;1;ri-·-;6;· ~-~6'ri~per- mitted ~ite pursuant to this Rule may request that the Director approve such a plan without req uiring 2roundwater remediation to the standards. A re quest submitted to the Director Linder this Paragraph shall include a description of site s pecific conditions. including information on the avaflabilitv of public water supplies for the affected area: the technical basis for the re- quest·; and anv other information requested bv the Director to thoroughlv evaluate the req uest. In addition. the person making the request must demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Director: ill that ~ sources of contamination and free product have been removed or controlled pursuant to Paragra ph ffi. of this Rule: fil that the time and. direction of contaminant travel can be predicted with reasonable ce1taintv : (3) that contaminants have not and will not migrate onto ad jacent properties~ ot that @such properties are served Qy_an existin2 public water supply system de pendent on surface waters or hvdrau1ical1v isolated groundwater. or .(fil_ the owners of such properties have consented in writin ll to the re quest: fil that the standards s pecified iri Rule .0202 of this Subchapter will be met at ~ location no closer than one year time of travel u pQiadient of ari existin g OF foreseeable receptor, based ori travel time and the natural attenuation caoadtv of subsurface materials or on a physical barrier to \Zroundwater migration that exists ot will be installed bv the person makin1:t the request ID that. if the contaminant plume is ex pected to intercept surface waters. the groundwater discharge will not possess contaminant concentrations that woufcl result in violations of standards for surface waters contained in 15A NCAC 2B .0200; ffil_ that public notice of the re g uest has been provided in accordance with Rule :o'f14 cb) Jr t"frii subchapt~t : f7) that the prdposed corfecti✓~ ~ctibri piart Would be consis tent with an 8th~ enfitontnenti1 fawt mH ~ ~~ ~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~Wi~~ ~1~b ~~~~~i ~~~~ k~J~J~~ ~l ~1;~~2~:J~ ~lc~i~~: ~.~ ~ non ~fi et2 triirtba site purstiarit to this Rtlle riliiy fegue -st thatihe Director appi-ove focH i pfaft t,ased ii@rt riarilfal processes of di~~ afid atteiiuation 6f contaminants. A request . $ubmfftedtdihe bfrectot Undef this Pa1:~graph sha1l lndrtde li descri ption of site spedftc 6on,Htibrt ~ 1niiltidirtg hrhien . d6Cumentati6n of ptofocted Ji roiirtdwater use ln the confaminafed areW hase'd ~chtt.ent stat~ fii:_lo ;caI gch,erninent plann1rtg eff01ts: the technical basis for ihe tequesi i and diii binet tnformation re cfuesfod hY_ the Ditectdr to thoroughly evaluate the re tj uesL In ~ddiHon: ~ pei:S<>h fuakHi g the reg11esi mhst [e'mon'sttate. to the satfsfaction of the Direciot2 fl) that alt sources of contarninatfon and free product have been reinoved Qt controlled buisuant fo Paragraph ill_ of this Rule; (2) that the cotifami'hant has ihe c'apacityt~grade 01' att~nuat~ under th1 site-s pecific conditions: Qi that the Hrrfo and direction of tontaminant travel can be predic~ted with t¢as6nabl¢ certa.iritv·; fil that COilt~rnitHin't midl~ation wi'n not resuH in anv violation of appltc~bf~ gf:cnfridwater standai·ds ai adv existin g or foreseeable reCeptor~ {5) that contarninaiits haVe not and will not migrate onto ad jacent properttgs': &r thit tA) such properties are served bv an existing public water suppl-v syst6m dependeilt oti surface waters or hvdraulicallv isolated groundw.ate£ tit (B) the owned of such properties have consented in writin g to the request! (6.) that. if the coritam1narit plume .is ex pected to interce pt surfaCe wat~rs:J th~ ..... c.roundwater discharge will not possess contaminant conceritratlohs that Wobl'd result iri violafions of standards for surface waters contained in 15A NCAC 2B .0200; ffi that the person fuakin g the request will put in place a !!roundwater monitotin ri program sufficient to track tlie degradation and attenuation of con.taminants and contaminant by~_products within and down irr adient of the plume and to detect contaminants and contaminant by-products prior to their reachin g ariy ¢X:isiing qr foreseeable receptor at least orie year's time of travet upgradieni of the te$¢ptgt and no greater than the distance the groundwater at the contaminated gHe fs . predicted to travel iri five years ; ('8) that an Ilecessary abcess agreements needed to monitor groundwafot gj.{ai'Hv P~r;tIJ ,.int to Subparagraph (7) of this Rule have been or can he obta111ed~ f9) that buhlic fi oHce of the ftgti¢~f has been provided in accordance w'itll RW~ . :o114 (b ) of this Subchapter; fuid {10) that the proposed cocrectiv~ action plan wowd be consistent with ail airier ',environmerttal laws{ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------·····•·-ffui:~~~~~:=i~~~-:&i~~~-;i6~-~t~-~~;-=t~;~6~~:i~~~r;;j-~~~-i~~-;~~:~~:t~:.~~~;;~~~J~~~~~~i1~J~-;it~:~~-:-:-:.~- pfah for a tion~perinitte4 site pursuant to this Rule may request that the Director app~r.~ minatfon of cofrective action'. . ft j A t~que'st submitted to the Dir~cihr undet this Paragraph shall irtthide ~ (A).~--. ~-~sc,i.issio~ 6f the durati~h o! the . COITective acti?°-; t~e tota.~ pioi~~!'# .?1~t{ pro1ected annual cost for contmuance and evaluation of the success of the cdrrectfre actioff; CB) ari evaltiation of alte111ate treatrrient technol~gies whichcould resulHti further redi.iction of coniaminant levels projected capital and annual opeiati11st cost's f.ot each technology; (C) effects~ includin g health and safety im pacts . on groun.dwater users {f t(mtarrii4 . nant levels remain at levels existin 2: at the time correcifrve act1on ili_ iertninatedi arid --, : . . , ~-, . . ... ..· ~-•/~---'.. ·•-~ fill_ any other infom1atiori req uested QY.. the Director to thoroughlv evaluate th e req uest: (2) In addition~ the person making the l·eguest must demonst1:ate to the satisfaction: bf the Directori (A) that continuation of ccirrective action would not result in !!_Si gnificaht redtictl6ri in the concentration of contaminants (At a minimum this demoristratfoh iiiu st show the duration and degree of success of existin g temedial efforts to attaifi . standards and include a showing that the asymptotic slope of the. contam1Hattts curve of decontamination is less than a ratio of 1:40 ovet a term of one ve~ based on quaiierlv sampling); IBl that contaminants have not and will not migrate onto adjacent properties.% or that IB 7uch prope1i~e-s are served by an existing public water supply system de pendent cm smface waters or h vdraulicallv isolated g roundwatek hr (ii) the owners of such properties have consented in writing fo the request ~ (C) that, if the contaminant plumes ex pected to interce pt surface watei:s; (he .... c roundwater discharge will not possess contaminant concentrations that would result in violations of standards for surface waters contained in 15A NCAC 2B .0200· .--~ .-=·. . . ···.,. @that public notice of the re quest has been provided in accordance with Rule .0114(b) of this Subchapter: and IBl_ that the proposed te1mination would be consistent with all othe1: envitonmentai laws. {3) The ~ctor shall not authorize termination of co1Tective action for any .area that ~ at the time the request is made, has been identified bv !!_State or local groundwate'r ·----~~ _p_l_al!ni_~R _e :?~~~-~X?!.!~-~◊-~r~e-~ev:~~?e ~e-~!: ____ -. --··-·-. --· ---· -·. ·-----·---. -·-· - ~-~=~= :=~~ ~ =~: == ~: ~=~: ~=~= ~-:~ :;=~: ~ = ~= ~=~~ ~~~~~=~=r~~ ~: ~= ~=~= ~=~~ ~~ ~ -~~= ~=~: ~= ~= ~=~~~=~~ ~=;= t~ ~ ~ ~~ ~=~~ ~= ~~~ ~ ~~ ~=~= ~=~-~=~: ~~=: ~ ~~-:~~= ~= i= ~ =: ~ : .. ;: ~~~-~= ~= ~= ~-~~~-~ ~~~~=~ =~=: = ~=~ -. --~ :t~ ~ ~=~~~=~= ~=~: ~~~= r~= ~=~= ~- ~ The Director may authorize the-discontinuance ef remedial action re-restore grouRdwater quality -te-the--1-e-rel-efthe-staRdard t:tptm-a demonstratioR by-the-re- sponsible paFty--te-the-Director that eontiRuaRce v,rould oot-resttlt-tti signifieaflt re- duction i-n-the-eoReentration ef contaminants . In the-consideration ef a-request -t-o discontinue remedial actions, the Director -sh-aH consider the duration ftlffi-degree ef success ef remedial efforts, the-feasibility efethef treatment techniques Wftteft eettkl-resttlt-m further reduction of contaminant levels, ftfld.Hrc-effeet-oo groundwa te-f-usefS-if contaminants remain ftt--1-evets existing at-the-ti-me-ef termination ef remedial action. the te1mination of _____ co1Tective action, or amend the coJTective action plan after considering all the infonnation in the request. Uoon termination of conective action, the Difectof. shall requite ii:n plemerifatioh of a groundwater moni- toring program :~\;~t~:~~\\;~: sufficient to track the degradation and attenuation of contaminants at a location of at least one year's predicted: time of travel upg:radient of any existin rr or foreseeable recep tor. The monitorin g program shall remain in effect until there is sufficient evidence that the contaminant concentrations have been reduced to the level of the standards. 1.!!.}ff) Upon a determination by the Director that continued remedial coITective actions ac- tion would result in no significant reduction in contaminant concentrations, the-responsible pttrty-ffiftl-1 petitioH fer-a-variaHce er-a reelassificatiofl of-the-impacted groundvtaters. and the tontarrtiriated ~=~~~~~~~{) groundwaters can be rendei·ed ~=:~}=f ~= potable ]2_y_ treatment using readily available and ~~~~~micall reasonable technologies :=:It;~r . the Director may desi gnate the remaining_ area of de c.raded groundwater RS. Where the remaininc de l.!raded !.!foundwaters cannot be made potable .!2_y_such treatment. the Director mav consider a request for reclassifi- cation of the grouridwater to a GC classification as outlined in Rule ,020 f (o) If at @Y. time the Director determines that a new technolo l!v is available that would remediate the contaminated groundwater to the standards specified in Rule .0202. the Director may require the res ponsible pa,tv to evaluate the economic and technolo aical feasibili'f v of implementin g the new technology in an t:~:=:~~:~:~:~;~:~:=:~;:==-~: active 0:roundwater con-ective action plan in accordance with ~schedule established bv the Director. The Director's dete1mihation fu utHize new technology at any site or for anv paiticular constituent shall include a 6on'sider-: ation of the factors in Rule .0106(h}. (p,}fg-} Where groU:Hd,~yeyrer quality standards are exceeded as a result of the application of pesticides or other agricultural chemicals, the Director shall request the Pesticide Board or the Depaitment of Agriculture to assist the Division of Environmental Management in determining the cause of the violatiori. If the violation is determined to have resulted from the use of pes- ticides, the Director shall request the Pesticide Board to take appropriate regulato1y action to control the use of the chemical or chemicals responsible for, or contributing to, such viola- tions, 01; to discontinue their use. fil the approval pursuant to this section .0106 of any corrective actio"n plan. dr modiftca~ tion or te1mination thereof. which permits the migration of a contaminant onto adf;6eni prdp~ ~ shall not affect any: private right of action bv anv ~ which may be effected !;&_ that contamination History Note: Statutmy Authority G.S. 143-215.2; 143-215.3(a)(l); 143B-282; Eff. August 1, 1989. Amended Eff. October _L_ 1993; September 1, 1992 15A NCAC 2L .0107 has been amended with changes as published in 7:24 NCR 2676-2677 as follows: .0107 COMPLIANCE BOUNDARY (a) For disposal systems individuall y permitted prior to December 30, 1983, the compli- ance boundary is established at a horizontal distance of 500 feet from the waste boundary or at the property boundary, whichever is closer to the source. (b) For disposal systems individuall y pe1mitted on or after December 30, 1983, a compli- ance boundary shall be established 250 feet from the waste boundary, or 50 feet within the prope1iy bounda1y, whichever point is closer to the source. (c) The boundaly shall be established by the Director1...or his desi rr nee at the time of pennit issuance. Any sale or transfer of property which affects a compliance boundary shall be re- pmied immediately to the Director1... or his desi !mee. For disposal systems which are not gov- erned by Paragraphs (e) or (f) of this Rule, the compliance boundaiy affected by the sale or transfer of property will be re-established consistent with Paragraphs (a) or (b) of this Rule, whichever is applicable. (d) Exce pt as provided in Paragraph {gl_ of this Rule,fef-disposal systems permitted 0f repermitted ttftei-Januat)' -l,-l-9-93-; no water supply wells shall be constructed or operated with- in the compliance boundaiy-: of a dis posal system individuall v pe1mitted or re pe1mitted after Januarv .L_ 1993. (e) Exce pt as provided in Para gra ph .(g}_of this Rule. Fer-disposal :;ystems permitted er repermitted aftei· Januat)' -l,-l-9-93-; a pennittee shall not transfer land within an established compliance bounda1y of~ dis posal system permitted or re pennitted after January .L.. 1993 un- less: (1) the land transfe1Ted is serviced by a community water system as defined in 15A NCAC 18C, the source of which is located outside the compliance boundary; and (2) the deed transfeITing the prope1iy: (A) contains notice of the permit, including the permit number, a description of the type of permit, and the name, address and telephone number of the permitting agency; and (B) contains a restrictive covenant nrnning with the land and in favor of the pe1mit- tee and the State, as a third pa1ty beneficiary, which prohibits the construction and operation of water supply wells within the compliance bounda1y; and (C) contains a restrictive covenant running with the land and in favor of the pe1mit- tee and the State, as a third party beneficiaiy, which grants the right to the per- mittee and the State to enter on such prope1iy within the compliance boundary for groundwater monitoring and remediation purposes. ( t) Except as provided in Paragraph {ii_ of this Rule, if at the time a pe1mit is issued or reissued after January 1, 1993, the permittee is not the owner of the land within the compli- ance bqunda1y, it shall be a condition of the pennit issued or renewed that the landowner of the land within the compliance boundaiy, if other than the pennittee, ~-~-:-:-;.!-~-~-~-!-).(.~-~-:-~-:-~-!-~~-~-!-execute and file in the Register of Deeds in the county in which the land is located, an easement tun- ning with the land which: ( l) contains: (A) either a notice of the permit, including the pe1mit number, a descdption of the type of permit, and the name, address and telephone number of the pe1mitting agency; or (B) a reference to a notice of the pennit with book and page number of its rccorda- tion if such notice is required to be filed by statute; (2) prohibits the constmction and operation of water supply wells within the compliance boundary; and (3) reserves the 1ight to the pe1mittee and the State to enter on such property within the compliance boundary for groundwater monitoring and remediation purposes. The easement may be te1minated .!2Y_ the Director when its purpose has been ful filled or the need for the easement no longer exists . Under those conditions the ~~sh~H. upori r~est hY_the landowner. ~~==~::::r::~~:= file ·a 4g{~Wf~-~-/~~finatirtg .the easement with the appropriate Re uister of Deeds. (g) The re q uirements of Paragraphs (d). {tl_and ffi. of this Rule are not applicable to ground adso1 p tion treatment s stems servin l.! four or fewer single familv dwellin gs or multiunit dwellin gs of four or fewer units. 1.!!1® The bounda1y shall form a ve1iical plane extending from the water table to the maximum depth of saturation. {.i_}fftj For ground absorption sewage treatment and disposal systems which are pe1mitted under 15A NCAC 18A .1900 , the compliance boundaiy shall be established at the prope1ty boundaiy. {j}ftj Penalties authorized pursuant to G.S. 143-215.6A(a)(l) will not be assessed for vio- lations of water ~~:~~~}I ~ ql:1tt-.lity standards within a compliance bounda1y unless the violations are the result of violations of pennit conditions or negligence in the management of the facility . .Llili:i-} The Director shall require: (]) that pe1mits for all activities go verned by G.S. 143-215 . I be w1itten to protect the quality of groundwater established by applicable standards, at the compliance boundary; (2) that necessary groundwater quality monitoring shall be conducted within the compliance boundary; and (3) that a violation of standards within the compliance boundary resulting from activities conducted by the permitted facility be remedied through clean-up, recovery, containment, or other response when any of the following conditions occur: (A) a violation of any standard in adjoining classified waters i_rroundwaters occurs or can be reasonably predicted to occur considering hydrogeologic conditions, modeling, or other available evidence; (B) an imminent hazard or threat to the public health or safety exists; or (C) a violation of any standard in groundwater occmTing in the bedrock other than limestones found in the Coastal Plain sediments:.i.. unless it can be demonstrated that the violation will not adverselv affect, or have the potential to adversel v affect a watersupply well. History Note: Statutory Authority G.S. 143-215.l(b); l43-'2l5.3(a)(l); l43B-282; Eff. August 1, 1989.; Amended Eff. October _L_ 1993; November 2, 1992 . . . 15A NCAC 2L .0109 has been amended with changes as published in 7:24 NCR 2677 as fol- lows: .0109 DELEGATION (a) The Director is delegated the authority to enter into consent special orders under G.S. 143-215.2 for violations of the Wfttef t~;~~~~:~~~=~~~;~~t~~~§:~~ qa;aj'hi standards except when a public meet- ing is required as provided in 15A NCAC 2H .1203. {b) The Director is delegated the authority to prepare a proposed special order to be is.;; sued by the Commission without the consent of the person affected and to notify the affected person of that proposed order and of the procedure set out in G.S . lS0B-23 to contest the proposed special order. (c) The Director.!...or his desi unee shall give public notice of proposed consent special or- ders as specified in 15A NCAC 2H .1203. Histoty Note : Statutoty Authority G.S . 143-215.2; 143-2 l 5.3(a)(l); 143-2 l 5.3(a)(4); Eff. August 1, 1989; Amended Eff. October 1. 1993; October 1, 1990 . I I 15A NCAC 2L .0110 has been amended as published in 7:24 NCR 2677 as follows: .0110 MONITORING (a) Afly-pCrson subj eet te-the-provisioHs o?&.-8:-143 215. l Except where exempted QY statute or this Subcha pter. ~ person who causes, permits or has control over any discharge of waste, or groundwater cleanu p program. shall install and im plement a monitoring system, at such locations, and in such detail, as the Directorl... or his desi gn ee may require to evaluate the effects of the discharge upon the waters of the state, including the effect of any actions taken to restore groundwater quality , as well as the efficiency of any treatment facility. The moni- t01ing plan shall ~ prepared under the res ponsible charge of a Professional En g ineer or Li- censed Geolo l!.ist and bear the seal of the same. (b) Monitoring systems shall be operated constrncted in a manner that will not result in the contamination of adjacent groundwaters of a higher quality. ( c) Monitoring shall be conducted and results reported in a manner and at a frequency specified by the Director.:... or his desi !mee. Histoty Note: Statuto1y Authority G.S . 143-215 .l(b); 143-215.3(a)(l); 143-215.65; 143-215 .66; 143B-282; Eff. August 1, 1989. Amended Eff. October .L_ 1993; I> .. 15A NCAC 2L .0111 has been amended with changes as published in 7:24 NCR 2677-2678 as follows: .0111 REPORTS fill Any person subject ffi-tfte provisions ef..&.&: 143 215.1 ftfltl to the requirements for corrective action specified in Rule .0 I 06 of this Subchapter shall submit to the Director, in such detail as the Director may require, a wiitten repo1t that desc1ibes: ( 1) _ there~~lts of the investigation specified in Paragraphs {c} and (g1 (21({} ~~ (.1;))(7)ffi) of Rule .0106, including but not limited to: {A}fttj a description of the sampling procedures followed and methods of chemical analyses used; and @}faj all technical data utilized in support of any conclusions drawn or dete1minations made. (2) the results of the predictive calculations or modeling, including a copy of the calculations or model rnns and all supporting technical data, used in the demonstration required in Paragraph @ (p)(;}(,h,) of Rule .0106; and (3) the proposed methodology and timetable associated with the re:,toration of ~round ~ quality con-ective action for those situations identified in Paragraphs {c) 1md fil} (p)(H ~,4 fe)(f}(~) of Rule .0 I 06. {hl The report shall be prepared under the res ponsible charge of a Professional En l!ineer or Licensed Geolol!ist and bear the seal of the same as s pecified in Rule .0 I 06 @} r~:~}=~;~~~ .:. Histo1y Note: Statutoiy Authmity G.S . 143-215 .l(b); 143-215.3(a)(l); 143-215.65; l 43B.:.282; Eff. August I, 1989. Amended Eff. October .L_ 1993; r' 15A NCAC 2L .0112 has been amended with changes as published in 7:24 NCR 2678 as follows: .0112 ANALYTICAL PROCEDURES Tests or analytical procedures to detennine compliance or noncompliance with the Wfttef :~:~=~:~=~:~=~:~=~:~=~:~~:~=~:~: qu~iiW standards established in Rule .0202 of this Subchapter will be in accordance with: ( 1) The most. sertsitivd of the. following methods or procedures for.· substances where the standard fs .it or &bove the ~~J~~Y9~ meths>4 9i-pJ9,9,gq.u,t~x Pisii14~-~ ~ method detection limit value:ttt-~less tfum-the st~·d: (a) The most ieceitt ver;ion pf St~~dard ~M~tho<:1$ for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, +6th-~~~=~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~t~9H~ }?~-$ I~~:~~~~r~ published jointly by American Public Health Association, American Water Works Association and Water Pollution Control Federation; (b) Methods for Chemical Analysis of Water and Waste, 1979, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency publication number EPA-600/4-79-020, as revised March 1983; (c) Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Wastes: Physical/Chemical Methods, 3rd Edi tion, 1986, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency publication number SW-846; (d) Test Procedures for the Analysis of Pollutants Under the Clean Water Act, Federal Register Vol. 49, No. 209, 40 CFR Part 136, October 26, 1984; (e) Methods or procedures approved by letter from the Director upon application by the regulated source,;_ or (2) A method or procedure approved by the Director for substances where the standard is less than the ttmi+-ef deteeta:bility_ method detection limit vah.i'e. History Note: Statutory Authority G.S. 143-215.3(a)(l); 143B-282; Eff. August 1, 1989 Amended Eff. October L 1993; 15A NCAC 2L .0113 has been amended with changes as published in 7:24 NCR 2678-2680 as follows: .0113 VARIANCE (a) The Commission, on its own initiative or pursuant to a request under G.S. 143-215 .3(e ), may grant variances to watei· quality staHdards attti-the-eomplianee boundary. the rules of this Subchapter. · Persotts subject ttH-he-provisioHs ef-G:&-130A 294 may-apply fef-tt-v aria Hee under thts-S eetion. (b) Requests for variances are filed by letter from the applicant to the Environmental Management Commission. The application shall sh~ulc.l be mailed to the chaimian of the Commission in care of the Director, Division of Environmental Management, Post Office Box 27687, 29535 Raleigh, N.C. HM+ 27626-0535. (c) The application .shall s~oµl_d contain the following information: ( 1) Applications filed by counties or municipalities must include a resolution of the County Board of Commissioners or the governing board of the municipality requesting the variance~ ffeffl-Wfttef ;~;:~~;~~~;:~~~~~ quality ~~tl_ndard,~ ythf.aj} af!tthi ~Hte-~fflr \yµicli ~y~aaee i5 fCqu~~ted. (2) A description of the past, existing or proposed activities or operations that have or would result in a discharge of contaminants to the groundwaters. (3) Description of the proposed area for which a variance is requested. A detailed location map, showing the orientation of the facility, potential for groundwater contaminant migration, as well as the area cowred by the variance request, with reference to at least two geographic references (numbered roads, named streams/rivers, etc.) must be included. (4) Supp01iing info1mation to establish that the variance will not endanger the public health and safety, including health and environmental effects from exposure to~ groundwater contaminants. (Location of wells and other water supply sources including details of well constmction within 1/2 mile of site must be sho\\-n on a map). (5) Suppo1iing infotmation to establish that re quirements of this Rule s:fftllci_w4~ cannot be achieved by providing the best available technology economically reasonable. · This info1mation must identify specific technology considered, arid the cosis or im plementin g; the technology and the impact of the costs on the applicant qhang9$ jfi-qualit)· et-the eontaminaf!t plume as-demonstrated through predietiv¢ Q!!\@iilmi~~ ttppro;ted by-$:e _ ;bireetor; and tcclmologie~l eoo:straint~ '.Yhi~h µ_~t, fiii~i ~i~~Is:;~; f{)~tol:~iqn ftr il,:te. ~t:tf-~ struidaftl (6) Suppotiing information to establish that compliance would produce serious financial hardship on the applicant. (7) Suppo1iing info1mation that compliance would produce serious financial hardship without equal or greater public benefit. (8) A copy of any Special Order that was issued in connection with ~ contaminants in the proposed area and supporting information that applicant has complied with the Special Order. l > f (9) A list of the names and addresses of any propeiiy owners within the proposed area of the variance as well as any prope1iy owners adjacent to the site covered by the variance. (d) Upon receipt of the application, the Director will review it for completeness and re- quest additional infonnation if necessary. When the application is complete, the Director shall give public notice of the application and schedule the matter for a public hearing in accor- dance with G.S. 143-215.4(b) and the procedures set out belew in Paragraph hl_of this Rule. (e) Notice of Public Heating. ( 1) Notice of public hearing on any variance application shall be circulated in the geographical areas of the proposed variance by the Director at least 30 days prior to the date of the hearing: (A) by publishing the notice one time in a newspaper having general circulation in said county; (B) by mailing to the No1ih Carolina Depa11ment of Human_Environment, Health, and Natural Resources, Division of Health Services, Environmental Health and appropriate local health agency; (C) by mailing to any other federal, state or local agency upon request; (D) by mailing to the local governmental unit or units having jurisdiction over the geographic area covered by the variance; (E) by mailing to any property owner within the proposed area of the variance, as well as any property owners adjacent to the site covered by the variance; and (F) by mailing to any person or group upon request. (2) The contents of public notice of any hearing shall include at least the following: (A) name, address, and phone number of agency holding the public hearing; (B) name and address of each applicant whose application will be considered at the meeting; . (C) brief summary of the prgp.Q,!1~.4 stfl;fl<i:ti,aj variance request;· er modification of the-perimeter ef compliance betttg requested; (D) geographic description of a proposed area for which a variance is requested; (E) brief description of the activities or operations which have or will result in the discharge of contaminants to · the groundwaters described in the variance application; (FJ a brief reference to the public notice issued for each variance application; (G) infonnation regarding the time and location for the hearing; (H) the purpose of the hearing; (I) address and phone number of premises at which interested persons may obtain further info1mation, request a copy of each application, and inspect and copy forms and related documents; and (J) a brief description of the nature of the hearing including the rules and procedures to be followed. The notice shall also state that additional informa- tion is on file with the Director and may be inspected at any time during no1mal working hours. Copies of the information on file will be made available upon request and payment of cost or reproduction . (t) All comments received within 30 days following the date of the public hearing shall be made pait of the application file and shall be considered by the Commission prior to taking final action on the application. (g) In determining whether to grant a variance, the Commission shall consider whether the applicant has complied with any Special Order, or Special Order by Consent issued under G.S. 143-215.2. (h) If the Commission's final decision is unacceptable, the applicant may file a petition for a contested case in accordance with Chapter 150B of the General Statutes. If the petition is not filed within 60 days, the decision on the variance shall be final and binding. (i) A variance shall not operate lis ~ a defense to an action at law based upon a public or private nuisance the01y or any other cause of action. Histoty Note: Statutory Authority G.S. 143-215.3(a)(l); 143-215.3(a)(3); 143-2 l 5.3(a)(4); 143-215.3(e); 143-215.4; Eff. August 1, 1989. Amended Eff. October .1._ 1993; 15A NCAC 2L .0114 has been adopted with changes as published in 7:24 NCR 2680 as fol- lows: .0114 NOTIFICATION REQUIREMENTS W Any person subject to the requirements of Rule .0106( c) t~==~~ of this Subchapter shall submit to the local Health Director:~:~=~=~=~:~=-:-~-~:~=~:;~:~=~=~= ,_and the chief administrative officer of the po- litical jurisdfotions in which the l!roundwater contamination has occmTed. a report that de- scribes: ill The area extent of the contaminant plume; ill The chemical constituents in the irroundwater which exceed the standards desc1ibed in Rule .0202 of this Subchapter: ill Actions taken and intended to mitil!ate threats to human health; ill The location of~ wells installed for the purpose of monitoring the contaminant plume and the frequency of sampling . The repoti described in this Rule shall be submitted no later than five ~orkirif! days after submittal of the completed repo1i assessing the cause. significance and extent of the violation as required !2.Y_Rule .0106(c) . .. ___ (~_L~1!)'_p~rS?~-~h_<?_s~b~iJ~ ~l~~g_uest ~~~-~~!-~ -~~-1-~~J~} _m,_~~j~) -=--:-:-:-:::-:==-=-=-=-=~-:-:.:~~-=-=-=-=-=~-=-:-:-:.:-:.:-:.:-:.:-:.:-:.:-:.: ====-=======~=== =·=-=-=-=-=-:::-:.:-:.:-:-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-:-:-:-.-=-~-=-=-=-:-~-=-:::_ ~h~ii -~~ti-fy-th~ -l~c~l--H~~-Ith-Dit:~~t~-;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:\~c --~~d-th~-~hi~f-~d~i-~i~t~ative officer of the polit- ical jurisdictions in which the contaminant plume occurs. and all property owners and It: occupants within or contiguous to the area underlain !2.Y_ the contaminant =:=~=:=~=:=~=:·'==~=~} plume, and under the areas where{~:=~~===\=~=~=') it is expected to migrate. of the nature of the re- quest and reasons suppo1iing it. Notification shall be made bv ce1iified mail concutTent with the submittal of the request to the Director. A final decision bv the Director shall be post; . pone<l for a period of t ~=I I=t~~t:~~:F~}j:f~~~~:==t~@~I ~j N_ davs tf: following receipt of the request §2 that the Director ~ consider comments submitted !2.Y_ individuals interested in the request: (c )Anv person ~JI~Ii I~~ whose request under Rule .0106 (k ). D1_ or fu!l_ lS granted by the Dirt(;tor -:-r:-:-~-=-~:r~r :-/:_~-:-~~~{~~~-~\-~-r~-r~-:-:-~-/:-:\-~~-: ~-: :-: r:· ~-~ff=-~~-~-:\-:'. -,-=~:-~_:_:_:~\\_:_r:-r{=-~-~-:-~ ~-~-:-~~g: shall notify paities specified in Paragraph (b) of this Rule of the Director's decision. Notifica- tion shall be made by ce1iified mail within 30 days of receipt of the Director's decision. History Note: Statut01y Authority G.S. 143-214 .1; 143-215.3 (a)( l ): 143B-282(2)b: Eff. October _L_ 1993; t .0200 -CLASSIFICATIONS AND GROUND.WATER \ll,~~TpR QUALITY ST AND ARDS 15A NCAC 2L .0201 has been amended with changes as published in 7:24 NCR 2680-2681 as follows: .0201 GROUNDWATER CLASSIFICATIONS The classifications which may be assigned to the groundwaters will be those specified in the following series of classifications: ( 1) Class GA waters l!roundwaters ; usage and occurrence : (a) Best Usage . Existing or potential source of drinking water supply for humans. (b) Conditions Related to Best Usage . This class is intended for those groundwaters in which chloride concentrations are equal to or less than 250 mg/I, and which are considered suitable for drinking in their natural state, but which may require treatment to improve quality related to natural conditions. (c) Occtmence . In the saturated zone . (2) Class GSA waters groundwaters; usag e and occurrence: (a) Best Usage. Existing or potential source of water supply for potable mineral water and conversion to fresh waters. (b) Conditions Related to Best Usage. This class is intended for those groundwaters in which the chloride concentrations due to natural conditions is in excess of 250 mg/I, but which otherwise may be considered suitable for use as potable water after treatment to reduce concentrations of naturally occun-ing substances. ( c) Occurrence. In the saturated zone. (3) Class GC ·.vaters l!roundwaters: usage and occurrence: (a) Best Usage . The best usage of GC groundwaters is as a Source source of water supply for purposes other than drinking.L including other domestic uses bv humans. (b) Conditions Related to Best Usage . This class includes those groundwaters that do not meet the quality criteria ef.·.vaters haviAg a higher dassifieati0f1 for GA or GSA Q'roundwaters of \Vaters Raviflg 1rhi!;her classification and for which efforts to restore in situ te-a-high~r elassifieation im prove 12:roundwater quality would not be technologically feasible, or not in the best interest of the public . Continued consum ption of waters of this class bv humans could result in adverse health affects . (c) Occun-ence . Groundwaters of this class mav be defined -lfl--the saturated WHe; ftS detetmined by the Commission pursuant to Section .0300 on a case by case basis. History Note: Statutory Authority G.S. 143-214 .1; 143B-282(2); Eff. June 10, 1979; Amended Eff. October I. 1993 ; August 1, 1989; September 1, 1984; December 30, 1983 . ,. ,. 15A NCAC 2L .0202 has been amended with changes as published in 7:24 NCR 2681-2683 as follows: .0202 WATER GROUNDWATER QUALITY STANDARDS (a) The water g roundwater quality standards for the protection of the groundwaters of the state are those specified in this Rule. They are the maximum allowable concentrations result- ing from any discharge of contaminants to the land or waters of the state, which may be toler- ated without creating a threat to human health or which would otherwise render the groundwa- ter unsuitable for its intended best usage. 1.1lhere groundvtater quality standards ruwe--been exceeded ~te man's actiYities, restoflttion efforts sh-ftH---ee designed te-restore groundwater quality te-the-le¥el-ef-the standard eras-closely thereto as-is-practicable. (b) The maximum allowable concentrations groundwater qualit v standards for contami- nants specified in Paragraphs (g) and (h) of this Rule shall be as listed, except that: ( 1) Where the maximum al101vvable concentration ef standard for a substance is less than the -1-i-mt-t-of detectability practical q uantitation limit , the substance sh-a-H-ftOt---be permitted m-detectable eoncentrntions. detection of that substance at or above the practical quantitation limit shall constitute a violation of the standard. (2) Where two or more substances exist in combination, the Director shall consider the effects of chemical ·interactions _ as determined J2y_ the Division of Epidemiology and may establish maximum concentrations at values less than those established in accordance with Pai"agraphs (c) and (g) of this Rule. In the absence of info1mation to the contra1y, the carcinogenic risks associated with carcinogens present shall be considered additive and the toxic effects associated with non-carcinogens present shall also be considered additive .· (3) Where naturally occurring substances exceed the established standard, the standard will be the naturally occun-ing concentration as determined by the Director. (c) Except for tracers used in concentrations which have been determined .QY_ the Division of Epidemiology to be protective of human health. and the use of which has been permitted J2y_ the Division. Substa:A:ees substances which are not naturally occutTing and for which no standard is specified shall not be permitted in detectable concentrations in Class GA or Class GSA groundwaters. Any person may petition the Director to establish an interim maximum allowable concentration for an unspecified substance, however, the burden of demonstrating those concentrations of the substance which correspond to the levels desc1ibed in Paragraph (d) of this Rule rests with the petitioner. The petitioner shall submit ~ relevant toxicological and epidemiological data, study results, and calculations necessary to establish a standard in accordance with the procedure prescribed in Paragraph (d) of this Rule. Within three months after the establishment of an interim maximum allowable concentration for a substance by the Director, the Director shall initiate action to consider adoption of a standard for that substance. (d) Maximum all01vvable concentrations Groundwater quality standards for substances in Class GA and Class GSA watet:s groundwaters are established as the lesser of: (I) Systemic threshold concentration calculated as follows: [Reference Dose (mg/kg/day) x 70 kg (adult body weight) x Relative Source Contribution (.10 for inorganics; .20 for organics)] / [2 liters/day (avg. waterconsurnption)]; (2) Concentration which corresponds to an incremental lifetime cancer 1isk of lx10-6; (3) Taste threshold limit value; ,. ~ 1,2-dichloroethane (ethylene dichloride): 0.00038 (26)~ 1, 1-dichloroethylene (vinylidene chloride): 0.007 ~ 1,2-dichloropropane: 0.00056 .G.fil_di-n-but vl {or dibut l ) phthalate <DBP ): 0.7 .G.2.)_dieth v l phthalate (DEP): 5.0 QQldi{2-ethvlhexvl ) phthalate (DEHP): 0.003 ~ p-dioxane (1,4-diethylene dioxide): 0.007 ~ dioxin: 2.2 x 10·10 ~ dissolved solids (total): 500 ~ endrin: 0.0002 0.002 ~ epichlorohydrin (l-chloro-2,3-epoxypropane): 0.00354 ~ ethylbenzene: 0.029 ·Ll.1.}B±J ethylene di bromide (EDB; 1,2-dibromoethane): ~;'t-~ 4.0 ~ I 0·7 Qfil831 ethylene glycol: 7.0 Q2lf34i fluoride flouride: 2.0 ~ foaming agents: 0.5 ~ gross alpha (adjusted)particle activity (including radium 226 hut excluding ftldoo radium-226 and uranium): 15 pCi/1 ~ heptachlor: f:6-~-1-G-§. 8.0 ~ 10·6 ~ heptachlor epoxide: 3-¾;'t-~ 4.0 ~ I o-6 tl11.he ptane: 2.1 ~ hexachlorobenzene (perchlorobenzene): 0.00002 ~ n-hexane: -l-43 0.42 BTh4Biron: 0.3 (48")fe:j lead:~ 0.015 ~ lindane: 2-:M-~~ 2.0 x 10-4 ~ manganese: 0.05 ii!}f4§-) mercury: 0.0011 ~ metadichlorobenzene (l,3-dichlorobenzene): 0.62 ~ methoxychlor: 0:4-0.035 ~ methylene chloride (dichloromethane): 0.005 ~ methyl ethyl ketone (MEK; 2-butanone): 0.17 ~ methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE 1: 0.2 ~ nickel: ~ Ql ~ nitrate: (as N) I 0.0 ~ nitrite: (as N) 1.0 (60)f§4, orthodichlorobenzene ( 1,2-dichlorobenzene): 0.62 ~ oxamyl: 0 .17 5 ~ paradichlorobenzene (1,4-dichlorobenzene): 0.0018 0.075 ~ pentachlorophenol: ~ 0.0003 ~ pH: 6.5 -8.5 ~ radium-226 and radium-228 ( combined): 5 pCi/1 (66)f6G-} selenium: {}-;-0-1-0.05 ~ silver: ~ 0.018 ~ styrene (ethenylbenzene): -l-:4-~M~ Ql ~ sulfate: 250.0 .CTQ2f647 tetrachloroethylene (perchloroethylene; PCE): 0.0007 fl.!JfM-J toluene (methylbenzene): 1.0 ~ toxaphene: 3 .1 x 10-5 .(Illi6=A 2, 4, 5,-TP (Silvex): G-:G-1-0.05 (74)f-68:} trans-1,2-dichloroethene: 0.07 .(Zl}f69-:} 1, 1, I-trichloroethane (methyl chloroform): 0.2 ·~ trichloroethylene (TCE): 0.0028 [[JJ_ trichlorofluoromethane: 2.1 Qfilf7-B vinyl chloride ( chloroethylene ): 1.5 x 10-5 ~ xylenes (o-, m-, and p-): M 0.53 ~ zinc: :S-:{) bl (h) Class GSA Standards. The standards for this class shall be the same as those for Class GA except as follows: (1) chloride: allowable increase not to exceed 100 percent of the natural quality concentration. (2) total dissolved solids: 1000 mg/I. (i) Class GC Waters_ (l) The concentrations of substances which, at the time of classification exceed Wfttef quality standards, the standards applicable to Class GA or GSA g roundwaters shall not be permitted caused to increase.:...nor shall the concentrations of other substances be caused to exceed the GA or GSA standards as a result of further dis posal of contaminants to or beneath the surface of the land within the boundarv of the area classified GC. :FerftH-ethef-substaBees, coBerntrations Sftftl+.oot--be-eaused ef permitted te-exceed the established sttJ:Hdaro. (2) The concentrations of substances which, at the time of classification, exceed Wfttef quality standards SfiftH-fl6t'-~ereontFibute tt=rthe-eontravention of the standards applicable to GA or GSA groundwaters shall not be caused to mi !!rate .as a result of activities within the boundarv of the GC classification. so as to violate the groundwater or smface water quality standards in adjoining waters of a different class. (3) Concentrations of specific substances, which exceed the established standard at the time of classification, shall be listed in Section .0300 of this Subchapter. History Note: Statutory Authority G.S. 143-214.1; 143B-282(2); Eff. June 10, 1979; Amended Eff. October 1. 1993; September 1, 1992; August 1, 1989; September 1, 1984; December 30, 1983. DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT GROUNDWATER SECTION November 1, 1993 MEMORANDUM: TO: THRU: FROM: Arthur Mouberry Carl Bailey tJ/3 .,(l ~ David Hance, .'m SUBJECT: Change in the effective date of 15A NCAC 2L .0103. 15A NCAC 2L .0103~Policy was objected to by the Rules Review Commission at their September 19, 1993 meeting. In order for the Division to meet requirements of G.S. 150B-21.12, the effective date of Rule .0103 was delayed till November 1, 1993. Ms. Portia Rochelle, of the Division· of Policy Development, has informed me that the effective date of this rule has been changed to November 4, 1993 in accordance with G.S. 150B-21.3 It is requested that those Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources employees who are involved in rulemaking, Federal/State trust funds allocation, review of corrective action plans, litigation or enforcement of 15A NCAC 2L be informed of the change in the effective date of this rule. If you have any questions concerning this change please contact David Hance at (919) 733-3221 (ext. 428). cc: Arthur Mouberry Carl Bailey Ted Bush Dr. Burrie Boshoff David Hance Phil Telfer Don Laton Don Reuter Preston Howard Debbie Crane Regional Groundwater Hydrogeologists Director; Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste