HomeMy WebLinkAbout15A NCAC 1K Groundwater Protection Loan Fund Public Hearing Record (Interdepartmental Rule)1 5 A NC AC 1 K G R O U N D W A T E R P R O T E C T I O N L O A N F U N D T A B L E 0 F C O N T E N T S (APPROVAL DATE: DECEMBER 1, 1992) I. FINAL APPROVAL MATERIALS A) Submission for filing form B) Rule approved by Rules Review Commission (RRC) C) RRC Memoranda D) Departmental approval II. HEARING AND PUBLIC NOTICE MATERIALS A) Public Notice form and request for adoption B) Summary of Hearing Officers Recommendations to the Environmental Management Commission C) Public Comment and Responses D) Proceedings of Hearings E) Fiscal Note F) Rule presented at hearings III. RULEMAKING SUPPORT DOCUMENTS IV. NOTIFICATION MEMORANDA V. PUBLIC COMMENTS. .. SUB!\IISSION FOR FILING I. Certifying Agency: 2. Rule Citation: Environment, Health, and Natural Resources 15A NCAC 1K.0101 3. Rule Catchline ('.\ame): 4. Statutory Authority for Rule: General 143-215.94P· 1438-279 .2 s. Action: 6. Proposed Effective Date: [l1 ADOPTIO:'\ □ A\IEN0:\1Ei'\T □ REPEAL December 1 ' 1992 7. [8) ;\oticc in Register ~ Public Hearing □ :'\otice and Public Hearing '.\ot Required Date: Jul y 15 , 1992 Oate: Au g ust 6, 1992 L'nder G.S. Oatc: Date: Date: Date: 8. Ruic Summary (not required for a repealed rule): This Rule states the purpose of the Subchapter and designates the agen_cy which wi 11 administer the rules. 9 . Statement of '-cccssit) for Ruic !Sec G.S. I S0H-21.2, I S0B-21.91 (not required for a repealed rule): This Rule is necessary for the administration of the Subchapter. \ /7 10. Rulcmaking Coordinator or Agency Contact: I(. Signature of Agency Ilea~ / / J. William Reid --•--::;T I\ ¼1 -; Add res~.:. T ~ame: O'EPOTY ·sECRETARV f DEM -Groundwater 441 N. Harrington St., Ralei q h , NC William W. r.nh~v .Jr Phone: T /(Je: 733-1313 Secretary of Department Rulcs _RcYicw Commission t.:sc Only Office of Administrative I learings L'se Only Action Taken: □ Appro val □ Objec tion □ Extension of Review □ Curatii e Rule Effectii•e Date: □ Retumed Un changed Approved hy: FORI\I OAll-1 (R E VISED 10 /91) SUBl\lISSION FOR FILING I . Certifying Agency: 2. Rule Citation: Environment, Health, and Natural Resources 15A NCAC 1K.0102 3. Rule Catchline (:\ame): 4. Statutory Authority for Rule: Applicability 143-215.94P; 143-215.94T 5. Action: 6. Proposed Effective Date: ~ AOOPTIO:-..-□ A,1 E~D:\1F.i'T □ REPEAL December 1 , 1992 7. [8J :'\oticc in Register ~ Public Hearing □ '.'\otice and Public I fearing '.'\ot Required Date: July 1 5 , 1992 Oate: Au g ust 6 I 1992 Lndcr G.S. Oatc: Date: Date: Date: 8. Ruic Summary (not required for a repealed rule): This Rule designates to whom this Subchapter applies what the loans • may be utilized for, and also establishes caps on the amount of money loaned to borrowers. 9 . Statement of :\cccssity for Ruic ISee G .S. I S0H-21.2, I 50B-2 i .91 (not rc4uircd for a repealed rule): This Rule is needed to clarify the scope of the Subchapter. 10. Rulcmaking Coordinator or Agency Contact: 11. Signalu: of Agency Head:~ _ -µ . J. William Reid .-\ddrc ss: T1 -..; arJ£PUTI SECRilJRY I DEM -Groundwater 441 N. Harrington St., Raleigh, NC "--Wi 11 i am W. Cobe y, Jr. Phone: '·i"iflc: 733-1313 Secretary of Department Rules Rc,icw Commiss ion Lse Only Office of .\dministrati\"e I lcarings Lse Only A ction Taken: □ Approval 0 Objection □ Extension of Review □ Curatfre Rule Effectfre Dute: □ Returned {_ ·nchanged Approw:d l>y: FORi'\1 OAll-t (RE\"ISEO 10/91) SUBI\USSION FOR FILING I. Certifying Agency: 2. Rule Citation: Environment, Health, and Natural Resources 15A NCAC 1K.0103 3. Rule Catchline (~lame): 4. Statutory Authority for Rule: . 143-215.94A; Definitions 143-215.94P; 143-215.94T 5. Action : 6. Proposed Effective Date: ~ ADOPTION □ A:\fEND:\1ENT D REPEAL December 1 ' 1992 .. 7 . IB] :\ oticc in Register IBI Public Hearing .□ Notice and Public Hearing :'\ot Required Date: July 1 5 , 1992 Date: August 6 ' 1992 Under G.S. Date: Date: Date: Date: 8. Ruic Summary (not required for a repealed rule): This Rule defines the terms used in this Subchapter. c:: r-,,,,,... 9. Statement of:\cccssity for Ruic !Sec G.S. 1508-21.2, 150B-21.91 (not required for a repealed rule): ...,_ This Rule is necessary in order to understand the content of the Subchapter. -- 10. Rulcmaking Coordinator or Agency Contact: 11. Signature of A 11 e ~ ,_,,.,.,. v -J. William Reid .__ ~ I ._ultl,l:'l;:.T A f"'ADI Address: DEM -Groundwater T~ame=oEPUTY SECRETARY 441 N. Harrington St., Raleigh, NC William W. Cobey, Jr. Phone: Ti(le: 733-1313 Secretary of Department Rules Rc,·icw Commission Use Only Office of Administrative Hearings Use Only Action Taken: □ Approval □ Objection □ Extension of Review □ Curatfre Rule Effective Date: □ Returned Unchan.ged Approved by: FOR,t OAll-1 (REVISED 10/91) SUBl\USSION FOR FILING I. Certifying Agency: 2. Rule Citation: Environment, Health, and Natural Resources 15A NCAC 1K.0201 3. Rule Catchline ('.'iame): 4. Statutory Authority for Rule: Eligibility 143-215.94P; 143-215.94T 5. Action: 6. Proposed Effective Date: IR] ADOPTION □ A:\1END:\1Ei'l.'T □ REPEAL December 1 I 1992 7. ~ 1'otice in Register ~ Public Hearing □ Notice and Public I (earing ;\'ot Required Date: July 15 I 1992 Date: August 6 I 1992 Under G.S. Date: Date: Date: Date: 8. Rule Summary (not required for a repealed rule): This Rule specifies the basic requirements necessary to obtain a loan from the Loan Fund. 9. Statement of Necessity for Ruic !See G.S. 150B-21.2, 150B-2L91 (not required for a: repealed rule): This Ru·1e sets forth the requirements for participating in the ( program which wi 11 be governed by this Subchapter. /1 10. Rulcmaking Coordinator or Agency Contact: ti. Signature of Agency lie~ J . Wi 11 iam Reid ""'"'11.IC'C!T A ,.. -~ ·- Addres_s: DEM -Groundwater Tt ;\'ame: DEPUTY SEC RH Atn 441 N. Harrington St., Raleigh, NC William W. Cobey, Jr. Phone: "Tille: 733-1313 Secretary of Department Rules Review Commission t:sc Only Office of Administrative Hearings Use Only Action Taken: □ Approval □ Objection □ Extension of Review □ Curati~·e Rule Effective Date: □ Returned Unchanged Approved by: FOR:\1 OAll-1 (REVISED 10/91) SUBl\USSION FOR FILING 1. Certifying Agency: 2. Rule Citation: Environment, Health, and Natural Resources 15A NCAC lK.0202 3. Rule Catchline (Name): 4. Statutory Authority for Rule: 143-215.94C; . Application Procedures 143-215.94P; 143-215.94T 5. Action: 6. Proposed Effective Date: 0 ADOPTION □ A:\·IEND:\fEi'ff □ REPEAL December 1, 1992 7. ~ ;\oticc in Register Kl Public Hearing □ Notice and Public Hearing ;\'ot Required Date: July 15, 1992 Date: August 6 ' 1992 Under G.S. Date: Date: Date: Date: 8. Ruic Summary (not required for a rcpcalctl'rule): This Rule specifies the procedures by which the regulated community may apply for a loan under the Rules of this Subchapter. 9. Statement of :\'cccssity for Ruic (Se_e G .S. 1508-21.2, 1508-21.91 (not required for a repealed rule): The Rule sets the basic requirements for participation in the loan t.--' program. ~ i-- /] l 0. Rulcmaking Coordinator or Agency Contact: 11. Signature of Agenc II~// J. William Reid -- -✓~-----; Address: Ji Name: DEPUTY SECRETARY I DEM -Groundwater 441 N. Harrington St., Raleigh, NC Willi~m W. -Oobey, Jr. Phone: .... lltle: 733-1313 Secretary of Department Rules RcYicw Commission Use Only Office of Administrative Hearings Use Only Action Taken: □ Approval □ Objection □ Extension of Review □ Curntive Rule Effective Date: □ Returned Unchanged Approved by: FOR:\1 OAII-J (REVISED 10/91) SUBl\tIISSION FOR FILING I. Certifying Agency: 2. Rule Citation: Environment, Health, and Natural Resources 15A NCAC 1K.0301 3. Rule Catchline (Name): 4. Statutory Authority for Rule: Bank Eligibility 143-"215.94P s. Action: 6. Proposed Effective Date: ~ ADOPTION □ A:\·IEND:vlEi'\T □ REPEAL December 1 ' 1992 7. ~ ;'\ oticc in Register 1992 ~ Public Hearing □ Notice and Public Hearing Not Required Date: July 1 5 , Date: August 6 , 1992 Under G.S. Date: Date: Date: Date: 8. Ruic Summary (not required for a repealed rule): This Rule specifies the terms under which Banks wi 11 participate in the administration of the loan program. 9. Statement of Necessity for Ruic !Sec G.S . 150B-21.2, 150B-21.9J (not required for a repealed rule): This Rule is needed so that Banks can be used to administer the loans. { 10. Rulcmaking Coordinator or Agency Contact: 1 ~ Signature of Agency J. William Reid -,.. f',Mlf/ Address: DEM Groundwater Tl Name:oEPUTY SECREfARV I - 441 N. Harrington St., Raleigh, NC tk-william w. Cobey, Jr . Phone: .....,.rft1e: 733-1313 Secretary of Department Rules Review Commission Use Only Office of Administrative Hearings Use Only Action Taken: □ Approval □ Objection □ Extensioll of Review □ Curative Rule Effecti1•e Date: □ Returned Unchanged Approved by: FOR:\1 OAll-1 (REVISED 10/91) SUBl\lISSION FOR FILING I. Certifying Agency: 2. Rule Citation: Environment, Health, and Natural Resources 15A NCAC 1K.0303 3. Rule Catchline (Xame): Fund 4. Statutory Authority. for Rule: Duties of the Loan11 coodinator 143-215.940(9); 143-215.94P 5. Action: 6. Propos ed Effective Date: [8] ADOPTION □ A,IE:'\D\IE:'.'T □ REPEAL December 1 I 1992 7. ~ :'\uticc in Register 1992 ~ Public Hearing □ ;',;otice and Pub.lie Hearing :\"ot Required Date: July 15, Date: August 6, 1992 Cnder G.S. Date: Date: ·. Oate: Date: 8. Ruic Summary (not required for a repealed rule): This Rule sets out the duties of the Loan Coordinator. 9 . Statement of ~cccssity for Ruic !Sec G .S. 1508-21.2, 1508-21.91 (not required for a repealed rule): This Rule defines the role and duties of the Loan ·coordinator. Because this coordinator will te ·, a contractor, this will serve as· the oo.s is for, the coordinator I s actions, and wi l1 a 11 ow the Banks to work with th~ c6ordinator without confusion aoout judsdiction and resr;onsibilities . . . --./7 10. Rulcmaking Coordinator or Agency C ontact: 11. Signature of Agency I lead: ..&"'~ __V J. William Reid ~ (_ '--I -- Address: DEM Groundwater T~'\at,f'm.,., r.. L.PinL I -· PUTY SECRETARY 441 N. Harrington St., Raleigh, NC William W. Cobey, Jr. Phone: Tihe: 733-1313 Secretary of Department Rules Review Commission Lsc Only Office of Administrative Hearings l.Jse Only Action Taken: □ Approval □ Objection □ Extension of Review □ Curatii·e Rule Effectfre Date: □ Returned Unchang ed Approved by: FOR,t 0 .-\11 -1 (REVISED 10/91) SUBl\HSSION FOR FILING I . Certifying Agency: 2. Rule Citation: Environment, Health, and Natural Resources 15A NCAC 1K.0305 3. Rule Catchline (:--;ame): 4. Statutory Authority_ for Rule: Delinquent Accounts 143-215.94P 5. Action: 6. Proposed Effective Date: IB] ADOPTION □ A:\·IE:XD:\IE:':T □ REPEAL December 1 ' 1992 7. ~ :'\uticc in Register 1992 ~ Public Hearing □ ;'\otice and Public Hearing :\"ot Re quired Date: July 15, Date: August 6 ' 1992 Lnder G.S. Date: Date: Date: Date: 8. Ruic Summary (not required for a repealed rule): This Rule sets the criteria for when a loan is delinquent and the actions that must be taken by the Bank. 9. Statement of ,cccssity for Ruic (Sec G.S. 1508-21.2, 1508-21.9( (not required for a repealed rule): This Rule is needed so that the Department can respond in a timely and efficient manner to delinquent accounts. ,. /1 10. Rulemaking Coordinator or Agency Contact: 11. Signature of Agency I lead: l7 J. William Reid -/ I f'A n1 Address: DEM -Groundwater X ~am,,EPUTY SEi RETA .. PY 441 N, Harrington St., Raleigh, NC William W. Cobey, Jr. Phone: "'T(tle: of 733-1313 Secretary Department Rules Review Commission Lse Only Office of Administrative Hearings Lse Only Action Taken: □ Approval □ Objection □ Extens ion of Review □ Curative Rule Effectfre Date: □ Returned Unchanged Approved by: FOR:\l Or\11-1 (REVISED 10/91} SUB1"IISSION FOR FILING I. Certifying Agency: 2. Rule Citation: Environment, Health, and Natural Resources 15A NCAC 1K.0401 3. Rule Catchline (Name): 4. Statutory Authority for Rule : . Loan Administration Fees and Costs 143-215. 94.P 5. Action: 6. Proposed Effective Date: ~ ADOPTIO;"\I □ A:\1END:\fE~T □ REPEAL December 1 ' 1992 .. 7. ~ ;-..·uticc in Register 1992 ~ Public Hearing □ Notice arid Public I [earing :\"ot Required Date: July 15, Date: August 6' 1992 Under G.S. Date: Date: Date: Date: 8. Ruic Summary (not required for a repealed rule): This Rule sets the fees that must be paid by a borrower. .,, 9. Statement of ;-.;ccessit_y for Ruic (See G.S. 1508-21.2, 1508-21.9( (not required for a repealed rule): This Rule is needed to allow Fund. the efficient operation of the Loan{ ........... 10. Rulcmaking Coordinator or Agency Contact: 11. s;g•a:re of Ag•••y I~ u J. William Reid - • r&D I Address: DEM -Groundwater .,_ NffiUTY SECRETAffv 441 N. Harrington St., Raleigh, NC William W. Cobey, Jr. Phone: T il le: 733-1313 Secretary of Department Rules Review Commission Use Only Office of Administrative Hearings Use Only Action Taken: □ App,.oval □ Objection □ Extension of Rc11iew □ Cw·atil'e Rule Effectii•e Date: □ Returned Unchanged Appro11ed by: FOR:\1 OAll-1 (REVISED 10/91) SUBl\tlISSION FOR FILING I 'I. Certifying Agency: 2. Rule Citation: Environment, Health, and Natural Resources 15A NCAC 1K.0402 3. Rule Catchline (Name): 4. Statutory Authority for Rule: Interest and Term 143-21 5 . 94P . s. Action: 6. Proposed Effective Date: ~ ADOPTION □ A,1END:\-1E~T □ REPEAL December 1992 1 ' .. 7. 0 ;'\ oticc in Register 1992 ° Public Hearing □ Notice and Public Hearing ;'\ot Required Date: July 15, Date: August 6 ' 1992 L'nder G.S. Date: Date: Date: Date: 8. Ruic Summary (not required for a repealed rule): This Rule specifies the interest rate and term of loans made from thE Loan Fund. 9. Statement of Necessity for Ruic !Sec G.S. 1508-21.2, 1508-21.91 (not required for a: repealed rule): This Rule is needed for the fair and equitable operation of the 1 -Fund. l /J - 10. Rulcmaking Coordinator or Agency Contact: 11. Signature of Agency Head: ~ D J . William Reid ----·----~ -r Address: Ty1"-ame: DEPUTY SECRE1'ARV 7 DEM -Groundwater 441 N. Harrington St., Raleigh, NC William W. Cobey, Jr. Phone: f~e: 733-1313 Secretary of Department Rules Review Commission Cse Only Office of AdministratiYe Hearings Use Only Action Taken: □ Approval □ Objection □ Extension of Review □ Curative Rule Effccti\•e Date: □ Returned Unchanged Approved by: FOR:\1 OAll-1 (REVISED 10/91) SUBl\tIISSION FOR FILING ' I. Certifying Agency: 2. Rule Citation: Environment, Health, and Natural Resources 15A NCAC 1K.0403 3. Rule Catchline (:\'ame): 4. Statutory Authority for Rule: . Additional Conditions 143-215.94P s. Action: 6. Proposed Effective Date: ~ ADOP110N □ A:\1END:\1E1"T □ REPEAL December 1 ' 1992 .. 7 . [] :\otice in Register ~ Public Hearing □ Notice and Public Hearing :\ot Required Date: July 15, 1992 Date: Au g ust 6 , 1992 Under G.S. Date: Date: Date: Date: 8. Ruic Summary {not required for a repealed rule): This Rule sets out additional conditions that wi 11 apply only in specific circumstances. 9 . Statement of :\ecessity for Ruic !See G.S. 1508-21.2, 1508-21.91 (not required for a: repealed rule): - This Rule is necessary to facilitate the smooth and efficient 1 - operation of the Loan Fund. /} IO. Rulemaking Coordinator or Agency Contact: 11. Signature of Agency I lead: _.;. ....--:, / _./ J. William Reid , .. A~(_ I Address: DEM Groundwater T ~ame=oifuTY-SECRETARY - 441 N. Harrington St., Raleigh, NC William W. Cobe y, Jr. Phone: i it re: 733-1313 Secretary of Department Rules ReYiew Commission Vse Only Office of Administrative Hearings Use Only Action Taken: □ Approval □ Objection □ Extension of Review □ Curative Rule Ejfectii•e Date: □ Returned Unchanged Approved by: FOR:\l OAll-1 (R EVISED 10/91) SUBl\USSION FOR FILING . I . Certifying Agency: 2. Rule Citation: Environment, Health, and Natural Resources 15A NCAC 1K.0404 3. Rule Catchline (Name): 4. Statutory Authority for Rule: Funding of Loan 143-215.94P· 143-215.94T s. Action: 6. Proposed Effective Date: ~ ADOPTION □ A:\·tEND:\1Ei'ff □ REPEAL December 1 , 1992 7. ~ ;\" oticc in Register ~ Public Hearing □ Notice and Public Hearing ;-.;-ot Required Date: Jul y 15 , 1992 Date: Au gust 6 • 199 2 Under G.S. Date: Date: Date: Date: 8. Ruic Suinmary (not required for a repealed rule): This Rule specifies how the money is actually disbursed after the loan commitment is made. 9. Statement of Necessity for Ruic !Sec G.S. 1508-21.2, 150B-21.9) (not required for a: repealed rule): This -Rule is necessary to implement this Subchapter. ( /1 10. Rulemaking Coordinator or Agency Contact: 11. Signature of Agency Head: -PL/ J. William Reid - '---7 . Address: X N . ..," rc:.e1 "-vl'!.rlL 7 DEM -Groundwater ' ame. DEPUTY SECRETARY 441 N. Harrington St., Raleigh, NC William W. Cobey, Jr. Phone: V-fille: 733-1313 Secretary of Department Rules Re,·iew Commission t:se Only Office of Administrative Hearings Use Only Action Taken: □ Approval □ Objection □ Extension of Review □ Curative Rule Effectfre Date: □ Returned Unchanged Approved by: FOR:\t OAll-1 (REVISED 10/91) TITLE 15A SUBCHAPTER 1K GROUNDWATER PROTECTION LOAN FUND .0100 PROGRAM SCOPE . 0101 GENERAL .0102 APPLICABILITY • 0103 DEFINITIONS • 0200 APPLICATION .0201 ELIGIBILITY .0202 APPLICATION PROCEDURES .0300 LOAN ADMINISTRATION :0301 BANK ELIGIBILITY .0302 LOAN PROCESSING BY BANKS .0303 DUTIES OF THE COORDINATOR .0304 LOAN APPROVAL CRITERIA . 0305 DELINQUENT ACCOUNTS .0400 LOAN CONDITIONS .0401 LOAN ADMINISTRATION FEES ANO COSTS .0402 INTEREST AND TERM . 0403 ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS .0404 FUNDING OF LOAN SECTION • 0100 PROGRAM SCOPE .0101 GENERAL (a) The purpose of this Subchapter is to establish requirements for borrowers and administrators of the monies of the Groundwater Protection Loan Fund (Loan Fund). (b) The Division of Environmental Management (Division) shall administer the Loan Fund. History Note: Statutory Authority G.S. 743-275.94P; 1438-279.2 Eff. December 1, 1992 .0102 APPLICABILITY (a) Monies from the Loan Fund are available to all owners of commercial underground storage tanks in North Carolina which were in use on July 1, 1991, and which are subject to the technical standards contained in 15A NCAC 2N. (b) Monies from the Loan Fund shall only be used to upgrade or replace commercial underground storage tanks to meet technical standards set forth in 15A NCAC 2N relating to corrosion protection, spill and overfill containment and prevention, and leak detection. Loan monies shall not be used to conduct environmental site assessments or environmental remediation, to construct new · buildings, nor to install or replace petroleum marketing equipment such as dispensers, islands, and canopies. Loan monies may be used for landscaping or paving of the site only if the landscaping or paving is required to complete the upgrade or to restore the site after tank replacement. 15A NCAC 7K -Fina7 Version 12/7/92 1 (c) Each loan shall be designated for a specific site . No owner shall apply for or receive more than one loan under the provisions of this Subchapter for a single site • (d) No single loan under the provisions of this Subchapter shall exceed one hundred thousand dollars ($100, ODO) • (e) No owner shall apply for or receive loans under the provisions of this Subchapter in excess of five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000). If one or more business(es) under the same or different name(s) is(are) fifty percent owned by a single individual, partnership, or corporation, this(these) company(ies) shall not apply for or receive loans under the provisions of this Subchapter ·in excess of five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000) . (f) Applications for loans from the Loan Fund must be made in accordance with the provisions of this Subchapter and must be received by a participating Bank prior to January 1, 1995. All approved loans must be funded on or before June 30, 1995 • History Note: Statutory Authority G.S. 143-215.94P; 143-215.94T Eff. December 1, 1992 ,0103 DEFINITIONS (a) The terms used in this Subchapter shall be as defined in 15A NCAC 2N.0203. (b) The following definitions are defined for the purpose of this Subchapter: (1) "Annual Operating Fee" is an annual fee required to be paid to the Department by the owner or operator of each commercial underground storage tank in use on or after January 1 of the year, beginning with. 1989. (2) "Bank" means any commercial lending institution as specifically defined in N.C.G.S. 53-1. (3) "Borrower" means any owner of a commercial underground storage tank who applies for or receives a loan from the Loan Fund. ( 4) "Coordinator" means an 1 nd i vi dua 1 or contractor authorized by the Department to coordinate all activities between the Department and banks pertaining to the Loan Fund. The official title of this individual or contractor shall be Loan Fund Coordinator. (5) "Department" means the Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources. (6) "Primary Bank" means a bank in which the borrower has existing accounts or from which the borrower has received loans. (7) "Serious Contamination" means any ground-water contamination at levels above the standards established in 15A NCAC 2L or any soil contamination extending beyond the property boundaries which requires remediation pursuant to the Oil Pollution and Hazardous Substances Control Act of 1978 (G.S. 143-215.75 -.94), · (8) "Tank In Use" means an underground storage tank which is intended for the containment or dispensing of petroleum products. History Note: Statutory Authority G.S. 743-215.94A; 743-215.94P; 143-275.94T Eff. December 7, 1992 SECTION .0200 APPLICATION •. 0201 ELIGIBILITY For an owner of a COl!lllercial petroleum underground storage tank to be eligible for a loan from the Loan Fund to upgrade or replace that tank, all of the following criteria must be met. (1) The tank must be located in North Carolina and have been in use on July 1, 1991. (2) The tank must be registered with the Department. (3) All annual operating fees required of the borrower pursuant to G.S. 143-215.94C must have been paid. (4) The owner must have formally applied for a conventional loan from his primary bank for the subject work, and must have been denied based solely on reasonable concerns with respect to potential liability for environmental compliance by the lender, not financial reasons. The owner must have qualified for the loan 1n all other respects using generally accepted standards prevailing among commercial lending institutions. History Note: Statutory Authority G.S. 143-215.94P; 143-215.94T Eff. December 7, 7992 .0202 APPLICATION PROCEDURES (a) Each application to the Loan Fund must be made through a Bank that has entered into an agreement with the Department to act as an administrative agency for the Loan Fund. (b) Each application submitted to the Loan Fund must be made on forms supplied by the Department and must be accompanied by the following: (1) A letter from the declining Bank stating the reason the loan application was denied; (2) Supporting financial statements; (3) A complete scope of work for the upgrade or replacement of the tank(s) which provides a description of the work to be performed addressing each of the following three categories according to the technical standards specified in 15A NCAC 2N: (A) Corrosion protection for tank(s) and piping, (B) Spill and overfill protection and prevention, and (C) Leak detection for tanks and piping; (4) A binding estimate for the scope of work. This work may be performed by the borrower's own qualified construction personnel; and (5) Any applicable fees required by Paragraph (b) of Rule .0401 of this Subchapter. (c) If the borrower plans to use real estate where commercial petroleum underground storage tanks are located or were formerly located as collateral, a site assessment must be performed by a Professional Engineer or a Licensed Geologist as defined in G.S. 89C-3 and G.S. 89E-3, respectively, prior to the submittal of the application. The site assessment report shall be attached to a letter of certification stating whether the site has serious contamination, and shall be submitted to the Bank with the application. (d) In the event the borrower must use real estate where commercial petroleum underground storage tanks are not and have not been located as collateral, the borrower must certify and furnish evidence satisfactory to the Bank and in accordance with all generally accepted prevailing standards commonly used by banks, including those for environmental compliance, that the real estate to be used would be acceptable as collateral. History Note: Statutory Authority G.S. 143-215.94C; 143-215.94P; 143-215.94T Eff. December 1, 7992 15A NCAC 1K -Fina7 Version 12/1/92 2 .0300 LOAN ADMINISTRATION .0301 BANK ELIGIBILITY (a) Each bank in North Carolina shall be invited to participate in the Loan Fund program. Acceptance of a letter of agreement with the Department shall qualify the Bank to participate in the administration of the Loan Fund. (b) For the purposes of providing loans from the Loan Fund, Banks shall act only as administrative agencies for the Department and, if acting within the terms of the agreement with the Department, shall not incur any financial or environmental liability associated with loans from the Loan Fund. History Note: Statutory Authority G.S. 743-275.94P Eff. December 1, 1992 .0302 LOAN PROCESSING BY BANKS (a) Banks shall utilize any rules adopted and established by the Department. These rules will complement generally accepted standards prevailing among banks and relating to commercial loans. (b) Banks shall receive and process loan applications. (c) Banks shall gather and process all necessary documents. (d) Banks shall receive monthly payments from borrowers, maintain records, and deposit payment amounts daily to a designated account of the State Treasurer after deduction of fees. (e) Banks shall maintain all original loan documents until the loan is satisfied. (f) The Bank shall forward one copy of each of the following documents to the Coordinator: (1) the Loan Application; (2) the Bank letter explaining the reasons for denial; (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) financial statements; credit report; scope of work and binding cost estimate; originating Bank's letter of certification; and site assessment report, if applicable, and if other real property is used as collateral, the borrower's certification and other evidence satisfactory to the Bank that the property conforms with the applicable Rules of this Subchapter. (g) The Bank shall make a monthly report to the Coordinator of each delinquent loan. (h) Each Bank shall make all Loan Fund files available to audit and review by the Coordinator, the Department, the Petroleum Underground Storage Tank Funds Council, or other authorized persons or agencies. (i) The Bank shall notify the Borrower of the approval or denial of the loan application. History Note: Statutory Authority G.S. 143-215.94P Eff. December 1, 1992 .0303 DUTIES OF THE LOAN FUNO COORDINATOR (a) The Coordinator shall be responsible for coordinating Bank and Department activities relative to all loans under the Loan Fund. (b) The Coordinator shall be responsible for determining the following: (1) whether all required annual operating fees have been paid; (2) whether the application exceeds allowable amounts for funding pursuant to Paragraphs (c), (d), and (e) of Rule .0102 of this Subchapter. (3) whether there are sufficient funds available in the Loan Fund; and (4) whether the.application has been completed in accordance with this Subchapter. '-(c) If the Coordinator finds that the loan cannot be • funded, he shall notify the Bank of the reasons that the 1oan cannot be funded. (d) The Coordinator shall keep copies of all completed loan documents. (e) The Coordinator shall make a quarterly report to the Department and the Petroleum Underground Storage Tank Funds Council indicating the following: (1) The number and amount of loan corrrnitments; (2) Available funds to be lent; (3) Amount lent to each borrower; (4) Amount lent by each bank; and (5) The following information for each loan: (A) Name of Borrower; (B) Originating Bank; (C) Amount of Loan; (D) Whether loan is for upgrade or for replacement; and (E) Status of loan. (f) The Coordinator shall make the Loan Fund files available to audit and review by the Department, the Petroleum Underground Storage Tank Funds Council, or other authorized persons or agencies. History Note: Statutory Authority G.S. 743-275.940(g}; 143-27 5. 94P £ff. December 1, 7992 • 0304 LOAN APPROVAL CRITERIA (a) Before a loan may be funded, all supporting materials must have been received and reviewed by the Bank administering the loan. · (b) Eligibility for the loan shall be determined in accordance with Rules .0102 and .0201 of this Subchapter. (c) If real estate where commercial petroleum underground storage tanks are located is to be used as collateral, the site assessment must show that no serious contamination exists. Other real estate may only be used as collateral considering all generally accepted prevailing standards commonly used by banks, including those for environmental compliance. (d) Banks shall approve or disapprove loans from the Loan Fund based on generally accepted commercial bank loan standards including those for considering the appraised value of any real estate used for collateral. History Note: Statutory Authority G.S. 743-275.94P £ff. December 1, 7992 • 0305 DELINQUENT ACCOUNTS (a) For a loan made in accordance with this Subchapter, a loan is del'inquent when the payment is over 30 days in arrears. (b) Banks shall place one telephone call and send one certified letter to any borrower whose account is delinquent. (c) If a loan account remains delinquent, Banks shall forward notice of the delinquent account to the Loan Coordinator 30 days after the placing of the telephone call or the mailing of the certified letter. History Note: Statutory Authority G.S. 143-275.94P £ff. December 7, 7992 • 0400 LOAN CONDITIONS .0401 LOAN ADMINISTRATION FEES AND COSTS (a) All fees and administrative costs associated with processing and servicing a loan shall be paid by the borrower. 15A NCAC 1K -fina7 Version 72/7/92 3 (b) The borrower shall pay to the Bank at the time the loan application is submitted, fees for a credit report and for an appraisal if real property must be used for collateral. Fees for title insurance, recording, and other closing costs shall be paid by the borrower as applicable. (c) A loan origination fee equal to the greater of seven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00) or one percent of the loan amount shall be paid to the Bank by the borrower upon approval of the loan. (d) A loan servicing fee equal to the greater of fifty dollars ($50.00) or one-twelfth of one percent per month of the outstanding loan balance may be retained by the Bank from each monthly payment. (e) The interest on loans that is received by the Department may be used to pay coordination costs of the Loan Fund. History Note: Statutory Authority G.S. 143-275.94P £ff. December 7, 1992 • 0402 INTEREST AND TERM (a) All loans made in accordance with this Subchapter shall use a variable interest rate. The interest rate shall be the New York Prime Rate, as reported in the Wall Street Journal, plus three percent. This rate includes the loan fees specified in Paragraphs (d) and (e) of Rule .0401 of this Subchapter. (b) The term of each loan shall not exceed 120 months • History Note: Statutory Authority G.S. 743-275.94P £ff. December 1, 1992 .0403 ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS (a) Loans made in accordance ·with this Subchapter may be for the full amount or any part of the cost of the upgrade or replacement. (b) Based on borrower's financial ability and in accordance with generally accepted banking standards, personal guaranties may be required from borrower, spouse, and other owners of the borrower's business. (c) Based on borrower's financial ability and in accordance with generally accepted banking standards, sufficient collateral to secure the loan may be required. (d) Any subsequent owner of the business or corrrnercial petroleum underground storage tanks, may apply to assume the outstanding loan. A bank may authorize an assumption by a subsequent owner only in accordance with generally accepted prevailing standards commonly used by banks for assumptions of corrmercial loans • History Note: Statutory Authority G.S. 743-275.94P £ff. December 1, 1992 .0404 FUNDING OF LOAN (a) Following approval of the loan, loan checks will be made payable to the !)orrower and the contractor(s) performing the work after the following is provided to the Bank: (1) A completed copy of "Notification For A 11 Underground Storage Tanks (New & Upgraded)" (Form GW/UST-8) stating all work was completed in accordance with technical requirements of 15A NCAC 2N. This form is available from the Department; and (2) Copies of itemized . invoices • (b) Loan convnitments shall be made for six months. periods up to History Note: Statutory Authority G.S. 143-275.94P; 143-275.94T £ff. December 1, 1992 TITLE 15A SUBCHAPTER 1K GROUNDWATER PROTECTION LOAN FUND . 0100 PROGRAM SCOPE . 0101 GENERAL . 0102 APPLICABILITY .0103 DEFINITIONS . 0200 APPLICATION .0201 ELIGIBILITY .0202 APPLICATION PROCEDURES .0300 LOAN ADMINISTRATION .0301 BANK ELIGIBILITY .0302 LOAN PROCESSING BY BANKS .0303 DUTIES OF THE COORDINATOR . 0304 LOAN APPROVAL CRITERIA .0305 DELINQUENT ACCOUNTS .0400 LOAN CONDITIONS .0401 LOAN ADMINISTRATION FEES AND COSTS • 0402 INTEREST AND TERM .0403 ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS .0404 FUNDING OF LOAN SECTION .0100 PROGRAM SCOPE . 0101 GENERAL (a) The purpose of this Subchapter is to establish requirements for borrowers and administrators of the monies of the Groundwater Protection Loan Fund (Loan Fund). (b) The Division of Environmental Management (Division) shall administer the Loan Fund. History Note: Statutory Authority G.S. 743-275.94P; 7438-279.2 £ff. December 1, 7992 .0102 APPLICABILITY (a) Monies from the Loan Fund are available to all owners of commercial underground storage tanks in North Carolina which were in use on July 1, 1991, and which are subject to the technical standards contained in 15A NCAC 2N. (b) Monies from the Loan Fund shallonly be used to upgrade or replace commercial underground storage tanks to meet technical standards set forth in 15A NCAC 2N relating to corrosion protection, spill and overfill containment and prevention, and leak detection. Loan monies shall not be used to conduct environmental site assessments or environmental remediation, to construct new buildings, nor to install or replace petroleum marketing equipment such as dispensers, islands, and canopies. Loan monies may be used for landscaping or paving of the site only if the landscaping or paving is required to complete the upgrade or to restore the site after tank replacement. 15A NCAC 7K -Final Version 12/7/92 1 (c) Each loan shall be designated for a specific site • No owner shall apply for or receive more than one loan under the provisions of this Subchapter for a single site • (d) No single loan under the provisions of this Subchapter shall exceed one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) . (e) No owner shall apply for or receive loans under the provisions of this Subchapter in excess of five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000), If one or more business(es) under the same or different name(s) is(are) fifty percent owned by a single individual, partnership, or corporation, this(these) company(ies) shall not apply for or receive loans under the provisions of this Subchapter in excess of five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000) . (f) Applications for loans from the Loan Fund must be made in accordance with the provisions of this Subchapter and must be received by a participating Bank prior to January 1, 1995. All approved loans must be funded on or before June 30, 1995 • History Note: Statutory Authority G. S. 743-27 5. 94P; 743-275.94T £ff. December 1, 7992 .0103 DEFINITIONS (a) The terms used in this Subchapter shall be as defined in 15A NCAC 2N.0203. (b) The following definitions are defined for the purpose of this Subchapter: (1) "Annual Operating Fee" is an annual fee required to be paid to the Department by the owner or operator of each commercial underground storage tank in use on or after January 1 of the year, beginning with 1989 • (2) "Bank" means any commercial lending institution as specifically defined in N.C.G.S. 53-1. (3) "Borrower" means any owner of a commercial underground storage tank who applies for or receives a loan from the Loan Fund. (4) "Coordinator" means an individual or contractor authorized by the Department to coordinate all activities between the Department and banks pertaining to the Loan Fund. The official title of this individual or contractor shall be Loan Fund Coordinator. ( 5) "Department" means the Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources. (6) "Primary Bank" means a bank in which the borrower has existing accounts or from which the borrower has received loans. (7) "Serious Contamination" means any ground-water contamination at levels above the standards established in 15A NCAC 2L or any soil contamination extending beyond the property boundaries which requires remediation pursuant to the Oil Pollution and Hazardous Substances Control Act of 1978 (G.S. 143-215.75 -.94). (8) "Tank In Use" means an underground storage tank which is intended for the containment or dispensing of petroleum products. History Note: Statutory Authority G.S. 743-275.94A; 743-275.94P; 143-215.94T £ff. December 7, 1992 SECTION .0200 APPLICATION .0207 ELIGIBILITY For an owner of a comnercial petroleum underground storage tank to be eligible for a loan from the Loan Fund to upgrade or replace that tank, all of the following criteria must be met. (1) The tank must be located in North Carolina and have been in use on July 1, 7991. (2) The tank must be registered with the Department. (3) All annual operating fees required of the borrower pursuant to G.S. 143-215.94C must have been paid. (4) The owner must have formally applied for a conventional loan from his primary bank for the subject work, and must have been denied based solely on reasonable concerns with respect to potential liability for environmental compliance by the lender, not financial reasons. The owner must have qualified for the loan in all other respects using generally accepted standards prevailing among commercial lending institutions. History Note: Statutory Authority G.S. 743-275.94P; 743-275.94T Eff. December 1, 1992 .0202 APPLICATION PROCEDURES (a) Each application to the Loan Fund must be made through a Bank that has entered into an agreement with the Department to act as an administrative agency for the Loan Fund. (b) Each application submitted to the Loan Fund must be made on forms supplied by the Department and must be accompanied.by the following: (7) A letter from the declining Bank stating the reason the loan application was denied; (2) Supporting financial statements; (3) A complete scope of work for the upgrade or replacement of the tank(s) which provides a description of the work to be performed addressing each of the following three categories according to the technical standards specified in 15A NCAC 2N: (A) Corrosion protection for tank(s) and piping, (B) Spill and overfill protection and prevention, and (C) Leak detection for tanks and piping; (4) A binding estimate for the scope of work. This work may be performed by the borrower's own qualified construction personnel; and (5) Any applicable fees required by Paragraph (b) of Rule .0401 of this Subchapter. (c) If the borrower plans to use real estate where coornercial petroleum underground storage tanks are located or were formerly located as collateral, a site assessment must be performed by a Professional Engineer or a Licensed Geologist as defined in G.S. B9C-3 and G.S. B9E-3, respectively, prior to the submittal of the application. The site assessment report shall be attached to a letter of certification stating whether the site has serious contamination, and shall be submitted to the Bank with the application. (d) In the event the borrower must use real estate where commercial petroleum underground storage tanks are not and have not been located as collateral, the borrower must certify and furnish evidence satisfactory to the Bank and in accordance with all generally accepted prevailing standards commonly used by banks, including those for environmental compliance, that the real estate to be used would be acceptable as collateral, History Note: Statutory Authority G.S. 743-275.94C; 143-275.94P; 743-275.94T Eff. December 7, 1992 15A NCAC 7K -Final Version 12/7/92 2 .0300 LOAN ADMINISTRATION .0307 BANK ELIGIBILITY (a) Each bank in North Carolina shall be invited to participate in the Loan Fund program. Acceptance of a letter of agreement with the Department shall qualify the Bank to participate in the administration of the Loan Fund. (b) For the purposes of providing loans from the Loan Fund, Banks shall act only as administrative agencies for the Department and, if acting within the terms of the agreement with the Department, shall not incur any financial or environmental liability associated with loans from the Loan Fund. History Note: Statutory Authority G.S. 143-215.94P Eff. December 1, 7992 .0302 LOAN PROCESSING BY BANKS (a) Banks shall utilize any rules adopted and established by the Department. These rules will complement generally accepted standards prevailing among banks and relating to commercial loans. (b) Banks shall receive and process loan applications. (c) Banks shall gather and process all necessary documents. (d) Banks shall receive monthly payments from borrowers, maintain records, and deposit payment amounts daily to a designated account of the State Treasurer after deduction of fees. (e) Banks shall maintain all original loan documents until the loan is satisfied. (f) The Bank shall forward one copy of each of the following documents to the Coordinator: (1) the Loan Application; (2) the Bank letter explaining the reasons for denial; (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) financial statements; credit report; scope of work and binding cost estimate; originating Bank's letter of certification; and site assessment report, if applicable, and if other real property is used as collateral, the borrower's certification and other evidence satisfactory to the Bank that the property conforms with the applicable Rules of this Subchapter. (g) The Bank shall make a monthly report to the Coordinator of each delinquent loan. (h) Each Bank shall make all Loan Fund files available to audit and review by the Coordinator, the Department, the Petroleum Underground Storage Tank Funds Council, or other authorized persons or agencies. (i) The Bank shall notify the Borrower of the approval or denial of the loan application. History Note: Statutory Authority G.S. 743-275.94P E ff. December 7, 7 992 .0303 DUTIES OF THE LOAN FUND COORDINATOR (a) The Coordinator shall be responsible for coordinating Bank and Department activities relative to all loans under the Loan Fund. (b) The Coordinator shall be responsible for determining the following: (1) whether all required annual operating fees have been paid; (2) whether the application exceeds allowable amounts for funding pursuant to Paragraphs (c), (d), and (e) of Rule .0702 of this Subchapter. (3) whether there are sufficient funds available in the Loan Fund; and (4) whether the application has been completed in accordance with this Subchapter. (c) If the Coordinator finds that the loan cannot be funded, he shall notify the Bank of the reasons that the loan cannot be funded. (d) The Coordinator shall keep copies of all completed loan documents. (e) The Coordinator shall make a quarterly report to the Department and the Petroleum Underground Storage Tank Funds Council indicating the following: (1) The number and amount of loan commitments; (2) Available funds to be lent; (3) Amount lent to each borrower; (4) Amount lent by each bank; and (5) The following information for each loan: (A) Name of Borrower; (8) Originating Bank; (C) Amount of Loan; (D) Whether loan is for upgrade or for replacement; and (E) Status of loan. (f) The Coordinator shall make the Loan Fund files available to audit and review by the Department, the Petroleum Underground Storage Tank Funds Council, or other authorized persons or agencies. History Note: Statutory Authority G.S. 743-275.940(9); 743-275. 94P Eff. December 1, 1992 . 0304 LOAN APPROVAL CRITERIA (a) Before a loan may be funded, all supporting materials must have been received and reviewed by the Bank administering the loan. (b) Eligibility for the loan shall be determined in accordance with Rules .0102 and .0201 of this Subchapter. (c) If real estate where commercial petroleum underground storage tanks are located is to be used as collateral, the site assessment must show that no serious contamination exists. Other real estate may only be used as collateral considering all generally accepted prevailing standards commonly used by banks, including those for environmental compliance. (d) Banks shall approve or disapprove loans from the Loan Fund based on generally accepted commercial bank loan standards including those for considering the appraised value of any real estate used for collateral. History Note: Statutory Authority G.S. 143-215.94P Eff. December 7, 1992 .0305 DELINQUENT ACCOUNTS (a) For a loan made in accordance with this Subchapter, a loan is del"inquent when the payment is over 30 days in arrears. (b) Banks shall place one telephone call and send one certified letter to any borrower whose account is delinquent. (c) If a loan a=unt remains delinquent, Banks shall forward notice of the delinquent account to the Loan Coordinator 30 days after the placing of the telephone call or the mailing of the certified letter. History Note: Statutory Authority G.S. 743-275.94P Eff. December 7, 1992 . 0400 LOAN CONDITIONS .0401 LOAN ADMINISTRATION FEES AND COSTS (a) All fees and administrative costs associated with processing and servicing a loan shall be paid by the borrower. 15A NCAC 7K -Final Version 72/7/92 3 (b) The borrower shall pay to the Bank at the t1me the loan application is submitted, fees for a credit report and for an appraisal if real property must be used for collateral. Fees for title insurance, recording, and other closing costs shall be paid by the borrower as applicable. (c) A loan origination fee equal to the greater of seven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00) or one percent of the loan amount shall be paid to the Bank by the borrower upon approval of the loan. (d) A loan servicing fee equal to the greater of fifty dollars ($50.00) or one-twelfth of one percent per month of the outstanding loan balance may be retained by the Bank from each monthly payment. (e) The interest on loans that is received by the Department may be used to pay coordination costs of the Loan Fund. History Note: Statutory Authority G.S. 743-275,94P ff f. December 1, 7 992 .0402 INTEREST AND TERM (a) All loans made in accordance with this Subchapter shall use a variable interest rate. The interest rate shall be the New York Prime Rate, as reported in the Wall Street Journal, plus three percent. This rate includes the loan fees specified in Paragraphs (d) and (e) of Rule .0401 of this Subchapter. (b) The term of each loan shall not exceed 120 months . History Note: Statutory Authority G.S. 143-275.94P Eff. December 1, 1992 .0403 ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS (a) Loans made in accordance ·with this Subchapter may be for the full amount or any part of the cost of the upgrade or replacement. (b) Based on borrower's financial ability and in accordance with generally accepted banking standards, personal guaranties may be required from borrower, spouse, and other owners of the borrower's business. (c) Based on borrower's financial ability and in accordance with generally accepted banking standards, sufficient collateral to secure the loan may be required. (d) Any subsequent owner of the business or commercial petroleum underground storage tanks, may apply to assume the outstanding loan. A bank may authorize an assumption by a subsequent owner only in accordance with generally accepted prevailing standards commonly used by banks for assumptions of commercial loans. History Note: Statutory Authority G.S. 743-215.94P Eff. December 1, 7992 .0404 FUNDING OF LOAN (a) Following approval of the loan, loan checks will be made payable to the borrower and the contractor(s) performing the work after the following is provided to the Bank: ( 1) A completed copy of "Notification For All Underground Storage Tanks (New & Upgraded)" (Form GW/UST-8) stating all work was completed in accordance with technical requirements of 15A NCAC 2N. This form is available from the Department; and (2) Copies of itemized invoices • (b) Loan commitments shall be made for periods up to six months. History Note: Statutory Authority G.S. 143-275.94P: 143-215. 94T Eff. December 7, 1992 TITLE 15A SUBCHAPTER 1 K GROUNDWATER PROTECTION LOAN FUND .0100 PROGRAM SCOPE .0101 GENERAL .0702 APPLICABILITY .0703 DEFINITIONS .0200 APPLICATION .0201 ELIGIBILITY .0202 APPLICATION PROCEDURES .0300 LOAN ADMINISTRATION .0301 BANK ELIGIBILITY .0302 LOAN PROCESSING BY BANKS .0303 DUTIES OF THE COORDINATOR .0304 LOAN APPROVAL CRITERIA .0305 DELINQUENT ACCOUNTS .0400 LOAN CONDITIONS .0401 LOAN ADMINISTRATION FEES AND COSTS .0402 INTEREST AND TERM .0403 ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS • 0404 FUNDING OF LOAN SECTION .0100 PROGRAM SCOPE • 0101 GENERAL W. The pur po se of this Subcha pter is to establish r eq uirements for borrowers and administrators of the monies of the Groundwater Protection Loan Fund (Loan Fund). ill The Division of Environmental Management (Division ) shall administer the Loan Fund. Histor y Note: Statutory Authorit y G. S. 743-27 5. 94P; 7438-279.2 Eff. December 7, 7 992 .0702 APPLICABILITY (a ) Monies from the Loan Fund are available to all owners of coovnercial unde rg round storage tanks in North Carolina which were in use on Jul y 1 1 1991 1 and which are sub ject to the technical standards contained in 15A NCAC 2N. ill Monies from the Loan Fund shall onl y be used to upg rade or replace coovnercial underground storage tanks to meet technical standards set forth in 15A NCAC 2N relating to corro.sion protection , s pill and overfill containment and prevention , and leak detection. Loan monies shall not be used to conduct environmental site assessments or environmental remediation, to construct new buildings , nor to install or replace petroleum marketing e qui pme nt such as dispensers , islands, and cano pies. Loan monies ma y be used for landsca ping or pavi ng of the site onl y if the landscaping or paving is required to com plete the upg rade or to restore the site after tank replacement. W. Each loan shall be desi gnated for a specific site. No owner shall a pp l y for or receive more than one loan under the provisions of this Subcha pter for a sing le site. ill No sing le loan under the provisions of this Subcha pter shall exceed one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000). 75A NCAC 7K -Final Version showing changes 1 i.!tl No owner shall a pp l y for or receive loans under the provisions of this Subcha pter in excess of five hundred thousand dollars ($500 ,000 ). If one or more business(es ) under the same or different name (s ) is(are ) fifty percent owned by a single individual , partnershi p , or corporation, this (these ) com pan y(ies ) shall not a pp l y for or receive loans under the provisions of this Subcha pter in excess of five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000 ). ill App lications for loans from the Loan Fund must be made in accordance with the provisions of this Subcha pter and must be received by a partici pating Bank prior to Januar y 1 , 1995. All a pp roved loans must be funded on or before June 30 , 1995. Histor y Note: Statutor y Authorit y G. S. 743-27 5. 94P; 743-275.94T Eff. December 11 7992 .0103 DEFINITIONS (a) The terms used in this Subchapter shall be as defined in 15A NCAC 2N.0203 • (b) The following definitions are defined for the purpose of this Subchapter: (1) "Annual Operating Fee" is an annual fee required to be paid to the Department by the owner or operator of each commercial underground storage tank in use on or after January 1 of the year, beginning with 1989. (2) "Bank" means any corrmercial lending institution as specifically defined in N.C.G.S. 53-1 . (3) "Borrower" means any owner of a coovnercial underground storage tank who applies for or receives a loan from the Loan Fund. (4) "Coordinator" means an individual or contractor authorized by the Department to coordinate all activities between the Department and banks pertaining to the Loan Fund. The official title of this individual or contractor shall be Loan Fund Coordinator. (5) "Department" means the Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources. ill "Primar y Bank" means a bank in which the borrower has existing accounts or from which the borrower has received loans. (e7) "Serious Contamination" means any groundwater -contamination at levels above the standards established in 15A NCAC 2L or any soil contamination extending beyond the property boundaries at lo><ols sbeuo 9widolinos set b,i the Ce~artffient which r eq uires remediation pursuant to the Oil Pollution and Hazardous Substances Control Act of 1978 (G.S. 143- 215. 75 -.94 ). (+§) "Tank In Use" means an underground storage tank which is intended for the containment or dispensing of petroleum products. History Note: Statutory Authority G.S. 743-275.94A; 743-275.94P; 743-275.94T Eff. December 7, 7992 SECTION .0200 APPLICATION .0201 ELIGIBILITY ~ an owner of a corrrnercial petroleum unde rg round storage tank to be eli g ible for a loan from the Loan Fund to upg rade or replace that tank , all of the following criteria must be met. ill The tank must be located in North Carolina and have been in use on Jul y 1 , 1991. ill The tank must be r eg istered with the De partment. ill All annual o pe rating fees r equired of the borrower pursuant to G.S. 143-215.94C must have been paid. ill The owner must have formall y a pp lied for a conventional loan from hi s primary bank for the subj ect work , and must have been denied based solel y on reasonable concerns with respect to po tential liability for environmental com pliance by the lender , not financial reasons. The owner must have qualified for the loan in all other res pects using generall y acce pted standards prevailing amon g commercial lending institutions. Histor y Note: Statutory Authorit y G.S. 143-215.94P; 143-275.94T E ff. December 1, 1992 .0202 APP LICATION PROCEDURES W Each a pp l i cat ion to the Loan Fund must be made through a Bank that has entered into an agreement with the De partment to act as an administrative a gency for the Loan Fund. ill Each a pp lication submitted to the Loan Fund must be made on forms su pp lied by the De partment and must be accom panied by the followi ng : ill A letter from the declining Bank stating the reason the loan a pp lication was denied j ill Su ppo rting financial statements ; ill A com plete sco pe of work for the upg rade or replacement of the tank (s ) which provides a descri ption of the work to be pe rformed addressing each of the follow i ng three categories according to the technical standards specified in 15A NCAC 2N: ill Corrosion protection for tank(s ) and pi ping, ill Spill and overfill protection and prevention , and .{fl Leak detection for tanks and pi ping ; ill A binding estimate for the scope of work. This work ma y be pe rformed by the borrower's own qualified construction personnel ; and ill An y a pp licable fees r eq uired by Paragraph (b ) of Rule .0401 of this Subcha pter. !.£2. If the borrower plans to use real estate where corrrnercial petroleum underground storage tanks are located or were formerl y located as collateral , a site assessment must be pe rformed by a Professional Eng ineer or a Licensed Geol og ist as defined in G.S. 89C-3 and G.S. 89E-3 . respectivel y, prior to the submittal of the a pp lication. The site assessment repo rt shall be attached to a letter of certifi cation stating whether the site has serious contamination , and shall be submitted to the Bank with the a pplication. ill In the event the borrower must use real estate where commercial petroleum unde rg round storage tanks are not and have not been located as collateral , the borrower must certify and furnish evidence satisfactory to the Bank and in accordance with all generall y accepted prevailing standards commonl y used by banks , including those for envi ronmental com pliance , that the real estate to be used would be acce ptable as collateral. Histor y Note: Statutory Au t horit y G.S. 143-215.94C; 143-275.94P: 743-215.94T Eff. December 7, 1992 75A NCAC 1K -Fina7 Version showing changes 2 .0300 LOAN ADMINISTRATION .0301 BANK ELIGIBILITY (a) Each bank in North Carolina w4++ shall be invited to participate in the Loan Fund program. Acceptance of a letter of agreement with the Department w4++ shall qualify the Bank to participate in the administration of the Loan Fund. (b) For the purposes of providing loans from the Loan Fund, Banks w4++ shall act only as administrative agencies for the Department and, if acting within the terms of the agreement with the Department, 69 shall not incur any financial or environment al liability associated with loans from the Loan Fund. History Note: Statutory Authority G.S. 743-275.94P Eff. December 1, 1992 .0302 LOAN PROCESSING BY BANKS (a) Banks w4++ shall utilize any rules aAd g~idoliAOG adopted and established by the Department. These rules aAd g~idoliAos will complement generally accepted standards prevailing among banks and relating to commercial loans. (b) Banks w4l,l. shall receive and process loan applications. -- (c) Banks w4l,l. shall gather and process all necessary documents. -- (d) Banks w4l,l. shall receive monthly payments from borrowers, maintain records, and deposit payment amounts daily to a designated account of the State Treasurer after deduction of fees. (e) Banks w4l,l. shall maintain all original loan documents until the loan is satisfied. (f) The Bank w4l,l. shall forward one copy of each of the following documents to the Coordinator: (1) the Loan Application; (2) the Bank letter explaining the reasons for denial; (3) financ i al statements; (4) credit report; (5) scope of work and binding cost estimate; (6) originating Bank's letter of soiotifisat i oAs certification; and (7) site assessment report, if applicable, and if other real property is used as collateral, the borrower's certification and other evidence satisfactory to the Bank that the property conforms with the applicable Rules of this Subchapter. (g) The Bank shall make a monthly report to the Coordinator of each delinquent loan. (h) Each Bank shall make all Loan Fund files available to audit and review by the Coordinator, the Department, the Petroleum Underground Storage Tank Funds Council, or other author i zed persons or agencies. (i) The Bank shall notify the Borrower of the approval or denial of the loan application. History Note: Statutory Authority G.S. 143-215.94P Eff. December 1, 7992 .0303 DUTIES OF THE LOAN FUND COORDINATOR (a) The Coordinator 4& shall be responsible for coordinating Bank and Department activities relative to all loans under the Loan Fund. (b) The Coordinator 4& shall be responsible for determining the follow i ng: (1) whether all required annual operating fees have been paid; (2) whether the application exceeds allowable amounts for funding pu r suant to Paragraphs (c), (d), and (e) of Rule .0102 of this Subchapter. (3) whether there are sufficient funds available in the Loan Fund; and (4) whether the application has been completed in accordance with this Subchapter. (c) If the Coordinator finds that the loan cannot be funded, he shall notify the Bank of the reasons that the loan cannot be funded. (d) The Coordinator shall keep copies of all completed loan documents. (e) The Coordinator shall make a quarterly report to the Department and the Petroleum Underground Storage Tank Funds Council indicating the following: (1) The number and amount of loan conmitments; (2) Available funds to be lent; (3) Amount lent. to each borrower; (4) Amount lent by each bank; and (5) The following information for each loan: (A) Name of Borrower; (B) Originating Bank; (C) Amount of Loan; (D) Whether loan is for upgrade or for replacement; and (E) Status of loan. (f) The Coordinator shall make the Loan Fund files available to audit and review by the Department, the Petroleum Underground Storage Tank Funds Council, or other authorized persons or agencies. History Note: Statutory Authority G.S. 743-215.940(g); 143-27 5. 94P Eff. December 1, 1992 .0304 LOAN APPROVAL CRITERIA (a) Before a loan may be funded, all supporting materials must have been received and reviewed by the Bank administering the loan. (b) Eligibility for the loan sha·ll be determined in accordance with Rules .0102 and .0201 of this Subchapter. (c) If real estate where commercial petroleum underground storage tanks are located is to be used as collateral, the site assessment must show that no serious contamination exists. Other real estate may only be used as collateral =nsidering all generally accepted prevailing standards conrnonly used by banks, including those for environmental compliance. · (d) Banks w4-l+ shall approve or disapprove loans from the Loan Fund based on generally accepted commercial bank loan standards including those for considering the appraised value of any real estate used for collateral . History Note: Statutory Authority G.S. 143-215.94P E ff. December 1, 1992 .0305 DELINQUENT ACCOUNTS (a) For a loan made in accordance with this Subchapter, a loan is delinquent when the payment is over 30 days in arrears. (b) Banks are respoRsiblo for plaQiRg shall place one telephone call and send one certified letter to any borrower whose account is delinquent. (c) If a loan account remains delinquent, Banks w4-l+ shall forward notice of the delinquent ac=unt to the Loan Coordinator 30 days after the placing of the telephone call or the mailing of the certified letter. History Note: Statutory Authority G.S. 143-275.94P Eff. December 7, 7992 .0400 LOAN CONDITIONS .0401 LOAN ADMINISTRATION FEES AND COSTS (a) All fees and administrative costs associated with processing and servicing a loan~ shall be paid by the borrower . 15A NCAC 1K -Final Version showing changes 3 (b) The borrower shall pay to the Bank at the time the loan application is submitted, fees for a credit report and for an appraisal if real property must be used for collateral. Fees for title insurance, recording, and other closing =sts shall be paid by the borrower as applicable. (c) A loan origination fee equal to the greater of seven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00) or one percent of the loan amount shall be paid to the Bank by the borrower upon approval of the loan. (d) A loan servicing fee equal to the greater of fifty dollars ($50.00) or one-twelfth of one percent per month of the outstanding loan balance w4-l+ !!!!!.:l be retained by the Bank from each monthly payment. (e) All QooraiRatiQR .g.t. of the leaR fwRa shall be paia owt of The interest on loans that is received by the Department m;;:;--be used to pa y coordination costs of the Loan Fund. History Note: Statutory Authority G.S. 143-215.94P Eff. December 1, 7992 .0402 INTEREST AND TERM W All loans made in accordance with this Subcha pter shall use a variable interest rate. The interest rate shall be the New York Prime Rate , as repo rted in the Wall Street Journal , plus three percent. This rate includes the loan fees specified in Paragraphs (d ) and (e ) of Rule .0401 of this Subcha oter. ill The term of each loan shall not exceed 120 months. History Note: Statutor y Authorit y G.S. 743-275.94P Eff. December 1, 7992 .0403 ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS W Loans made in accordance with this Subcha pter ma y be for the full amount or an y part of the cost of the upg rade or re placement. ill Based on borrower's financial ability and in accordance with generall y accepted banking standards , personal guaranties ma y be r equired from borrower , s pouse , and other owners of the borrower's business. !.£l Based on borrower's financial ability and in accordance with generall y accepted banking standards , sufficient collateral to secure the loan may be r eq uired. ill An y subseq uent owner of the business or commercial petroleum underground storage tanks , ma y a pp l y to assume the outstanding loan. A bank ma y authorize an assum ption by a subseq uent owner onl y in accordance with generall y accepted prevaili ng standards commonl y used by banks for assum ptions of commerc i al loans. History Note: Statutory Authority G.S. 143-215.94P Eff. December 1 , 1992 .0404 FUNDING OF LOAN W Following a pp roval of the loan, loan checks will be made pa yable to the borrower and the =ntractor(s ) pe rforming the work after the following is provided to the Bank: -ill A com pleted co py of "Notification For A 11 Under ground Storage Tanks (New & Upg raded )" (Form GW/UST-8 ) stating all work was com pleted in accordance with technical requirements of 15A NCAC 2N. This form is available from the De oartment; and (2 ) Co oies of itemized invoices. · ill Loan commitments shall be made for periods up to six months. Histor y Note: Statutor y Authorit y G. S. 143-215. 94P; 143-215. 94T Eff. December 1, 1992 De p artment Head Res p onsibilities 12 NCAC lOB .2101 Amend/Establishes responsibilities of the department head with regards to in-service firearms training. Instructors 12 NCAC lOB .2102 Amend/Establishes responsibilities of instructors who conduct in-service firearms training. Minimum Training Re q uirements 12 NCAC lOB .2103 Amend/Establishes minimum training requirements and specified topics which must be included in each agency's in- service firearms training program. In-Service Firearms Re g ualification 12 NCAC lOB .2104 Amend/Establishes minimum requirements/specifications for qualification with certain weapons. Failure to Oualifv 12 NCAC lOB .2105 Ani.end/E-stablishes procedures for action by the commission when a justice officer fails to qualify pursuant to in- service firearms training requirements. General Adopt/States the the agency which DEHNR 6~/11:e.~J ~~7'¼tMk4£.....tJ~ ... ~~ lK purpose of the subchapter and designa es will administer the rules. .0101 Ap olicability 15A NCAC lK .0102 Adopt/Designates to whom this subchapter applies. Definitions 15A NCAC lK . 0103 Adopt/Defines the terms used in this subch~pter. Elig ibility 15A NCAC lK .0201 Adopt/Specifies the basic requirements necessary to obtain a loan from the loan fund. Ap olication Procedures 15A NCAC lK . 02 02 Adopt/Specifies the procedures by which the regulated community may apply for a loan under the rules of this subchapter. Bank Elig ibility 15A NCAC lK .0301 Adopt/Specifies the terms under which banks will participate in .the administration of the loan program. Loan Processing b y Banks 15A NCAC lK .0302 Adopt/Sets the processing requirements for banks participating in the administration of the program. Duties of the Loan Fund Coordinator 15A NCAC lK .0303 Adopt/Sets out the duties of the loan coordinator. Loan Approval Criteria lSA NCAC lK .0304 Adopt/Sets the criteria which will determine whether a loan may be approved from an eligible borrower. Delinq uent Accounts lSA NCAC lK .0305 Adopt/Sets the criteria for when a loan is delinquent and the actions that must be taken by the bank. Loan Administration Fees and Costs lSA NCAC lK . 0401 Adopt/Sets the fees that must be paid by a borrower. Interest and Term lSA NCAC lK . 0402 Adopt/Specifies the interest rate and term of loans made from the loan fund. Additional Conditions lSA NCAC lK . 0403 Adopt/Sets out additional conditions that will apply only in specific circumstances. Funding of Loan 15A NCAC lK . 0404 Adopt/Specifies how the money is actually disbursed after the l ·oan commitment is made. . Outstanding Resource Waters Sc.z.aM-c. keY'\ 15A NCAC 2B . 0216 Amend/Describes criteria and management strategies associated with the Outstanding Resource Waters classification. Yadkin-Pee Dee River Basin 15A NCAC 2B .0309 Amend/Lists the water quality standards and classifications for streams in the Yadkin-Pee Dee River Basin. •. Attachment for 15A NCAC 1K .0101; .0102; .0103; .0201; .0202; .0301; .0302; .0303; .0304; .0305; .0401; .0402; .0403; .0404 Items #4 through #6 A public hearing has been scheduled for August and is shown below: Item #8 RALEIGH August 6, 1992 7:00 PM Ground Floor Hearing Room Archdale Building 512 N. Salisbury Street Comment Procedures All persons interested in these matters are invited to attend the public hearing. Written comments may be pre - sented at the public hearing or submitted through August 14th, 1992. Please submit comments to Mr. David Hance, Division of Environmental Management, Groundwater Section, P.O. Box 29535, Raleigh, NC 27626-0535, (919)733-3221. Please notify Mr. Hance prior to the public hearing if you desire to speak. Oral presentation lengths may be limited depending on the number of people that wish to speak at the public hearing. IT IS VERY IMPORTANT THAT ALL INTERESTED AND POTENTIALLY AFFECTED PERSONS, GROUPS, BUSINESSES, ASSOCIATIONS, INSTITUTIONS OR AGENCIES MAKE THEIR VIEWS AND OPINIONS KNOWN TO THE DEPARTMENT THROUGH THE PUBLIC HEARING AND COMMENT PROCESS, WHETHER THEY SUPPORT OR OPPOSE ANY OR ALL PROVISIONS OF THE PROPOSED RULES. Public Hearing An'endment to 1 SA N:'AC 1 K Raleigh, North carolina August 6th, 1992 HEAR.rm OFFICER Is SPEEUf HEARIN; OFFICER: MR. JOON R. BU:ME; DIVISICN OF ENVIRCRlEN1'AL ~, cx:NS'IBIJCI'ICN ~ AND lili\NS SECI'ICN. HFARrN:; OFFICER: QXD EVENIN3, I ~ LIKE 'IO CALL 'IHIS PUBLIC ~ 'IO ORDER. MY NAME IS JOON R. m.£:ME, AND I AM 'lliE SECI'ICN OiIEF FOO. 'lHE DIVISIW ·OF ENVIRCH,1ENI'AL ~ ~CN GRANrS AND IflANS SECI'ICN. I HAVE BEEN DESIGNATED HEARING OFFICER FOO. '!HIS EVENiliG'S HE'ARJN3. THIS IIFARIN:; IS BEIN:; HEill PURSUANl' 'IO l'Oml CAROLINA GENERAL STA'IUIE 1 S0B-21 • 2. IN ACXX>RDAN::E WITH 'lliE GENERAL STA'IUI'F.S, A PUBLIC NJI'ICE OF '!HIS HE:ARIN:; WAS PUBLISHED IN 'lliE JULY EDITICN OF 'lHE N:RIH CAROLINA RroISTER AND IN 'IHE IOCAL RALEIGH NEWSPAPER. IDI'ICFS WERE ALSO DIS'IRIBUI'ED 'IO 'IHE PUBLIC AT LARGE. 'IHE DEPARIMENI'' S PUBLIC INFOOMATICN OFFICER ALSO FURNISHED A NEWS RELEASE 'IO 'IHE MEDIA. 'lHE PURPOSE OF THIS HEARIN; IS 'IO OBI'AIN PUBLIC CXM1ENl' CN 'IHE PROPOSED AOOPl'ICN OF 1 SA N:'AC 1K EN1Tl'LED ''~TER PROI'ECl'ICN lili\N FUID II. 'lHE PROPOSED RULES AUJJII 'lHE DEPARIMENI' OF ENVIRCNw1ENI', HEAL'IH, AND NA'IURAL RESaJRCES ( abbreviated as DEPARIMENI') 'IO MAKE IOANS 'IO CN-mRS AND OPERA'ICRS OF lJNDERGOJND SIOOAGE TANKS (lJSrs) 'IO REPLACE 00. UPGRADE USTs IN ~ WI'IH 15A N::'AC 2N. 'lHE PROPOSED RULES SEI' APPLICATICN AND REVIEW PRO:EJURF.S, LIMI'I'S CN TERM OF IOANS, AND INI'ERFST RATES • '!HIS RULE-MAKIN:; ACl'ICN WAS AIJIH:ittZED BY 'lHE LEX:;ISLA'lURE IN G. S. 143-215. 94P CN JUNE 3, 1991 • 'lHE IOAN APPLICATICE IEADLINE SE!' ~ '1HESE R[J[R; IS ~ 31, 1994. A WRITl'EN REXXIID OF THIS I-IEAR]N; WILL BE PREPARED WHIOi WILL IlOlJDE ALL 'lHE RELEVANI' <XJvr.1ENI'S, ~CNS, AND DISClJSSICNS. FOO. '!HIS RFASCN, 'lHE HE'ARIN'.i IS BEJN:i TAPE REXXEDED. WRITI'EN <XM-1ENI'S REX:EIVED BY AUGJSr 14'IH, 1992 WILL ALSO BE IlCWDED IN 'lHE REXmD. BASED CN 'IHESE PUBLIC CXM'v1ENI'S AND INPlJ1' FRCM 'lHE ~TER STAFF, I WILL MAKE A REX:X:MJIENDATICN 'IO 'lHE DEPARIMENI'. IN MAK1N:i 'IHE FINAL DECISICN, 'IHE DEPARIMENI' OF ENVIRCNw1ENI', HE'AL'IH, AND NA'IURAL RESOJRCFS CXNSIDERS 'lHE WRI'ITEN ~, 'lHE ~TICN CF 'Ilffi~ HEARIN; OFFICER, AND <XNCEBNS OF IT'S CMN DEPARIMENI'AL STAFF. THE PFDPO .. STID EFF'l!.CrIVE DATE FOO. 'lHE ~ 'IO 15A N:'AC 1K IS OOVEMBER 2, 1992. AT '!HIS TIME, I WJLD LIKE 'IO REXXnITZE [nanes of 1.ocal or state officials] AND '!HANK YOO FCR ATIENDJN:i THIS HEARING. I ~ ALSO LIKE 'IO REO:GITZE 'IHE F'ClLI£MNG PEOPLE FR0,1 'IHE DIVISICN OF ENVIRCN-1ENI'AL MANAGEMENI'; [DEM central office and Ilf.M regicnal office persoonel.]. MR. [GRCXJNCMATER SECT'ICN STAFF SPEAKER] WILL N:M ffiMVIARIZE 'IHE PROPOSED RULES WHIOi ARE 'lHE SUB:JECr OF '!HIS HE"MUN:;. STAFF SPF.AKER: (STAFF SPEAKER &M-WUZES '!HE RULES). HE'ARING OFFICER: 'IHANK YOO. WE WILL N'.l'l AO:EPl' PUBLIC <XM"IENI' CN 'IHE PROPOSED RULES. I ~ LIKE 'ID RE7J]ES'I' '1HAT E.VERYOm FILL CXJl' A REX:iIS'ffiATICN FORM. AFI'ER ALL REX;ISTERED SPEAKERS HAVE HAD AN OPParn.JNITY 'IO CXMVIENl', I WILL AU/Jil ADDITICNAL SPEAKERS AS T1ME PERMITS. mEN Ya.JR NAME IS CALLED, PLEASE CXJ-1E UP 'IO 'IHE MICBJPl-llm AND STA'IE YOOR NAME AND AFFILIATIOO. ALL CXM'1ENI'S SH:XlID BE LIMITED 'ID MA'ITERS '!HAT ARE RELATIVE 'IO 'lHE PROPOSED AOOPI'IOO. IF Ya.JR c:x::M-Em, ARE I.OGR '!HAN 'IHREE MINlJIES, I \'Olm LIKE 'IO RE7J]ES'I' 'lHAT 'IHEY BE SlJBvllTI'ED m WRITIN;. I RESERVE '!HE RIGHI' 'IO ~CN SPEAKERS IF 'IHE NEED SllXJID ARISE. DIVISICN OF ENVIRCN\1ENrAL MANA<:E-1ENI' STAFF WILL BE AVAILABLE 'ID ANSWER YCXJR WESTIOOS IF N&:ESSARY. I v0.JID N:M LIKE 'IO CALL [FIRSr SPEAKER] • [SPEAKERS ••• ] ('!HE HFAroN; OFFICER, REFERRIN'.i 'IO 'IHE REX;IS'IRATICN CARDS, CALL.5 EAOi SPEAKER 'IO 'lHE MICROPI-mE lli 'IURN) HE'ARING OFFICER: 'IHANK YOO [I.A5T SPEAKER]. ARE 'IHEm: 1>Ni ADDITICNAL cx»1ENI'S? IF '!HERE ARE 00 r-mE cx»1ENI'S, I WILL DEC:ARE '!HE HEARING CWSED. 'lHE HE'ARING R&XlID WILL REMAIN OPEN lNI'IL AUQJST 14'IH, 1992. ANYOOE WISID::R.; 'ID SlDllT WRITim a»1ENl'S MAY 00 SO UNI'IL 'IHAT DATE. AFl'ER WHIOI TIME,. '!HE aMt'IENl'S WILL BE MADE PARI' OF 'HIE PUBLIC REXXlID AND I SHALL MAKE MY REXXM®IDATICN 'ID '!HE ~ARY WILLIAM W. COBEY·, Jr. IT IS 'lHE DESIRE OF '!HE DEPARIMENI' 'IO AIJllAYS ACr m 'IHE BEST POSSIBLE INl'EREST OF 'lHE PUBLIC. 'IHEREFOOE, PUBLIC PARI'ICIPATICN IS A VERY IMPCRrANr PARI' OF '!HE RULE--MAKIN:i PRCXESS. WE ~ LIKE 'IO '!HANK YOO FOR A'ITENDIN:i 'lHE HE'ARING AND OF'FERIN3 YOOR <XM1ENI'S. Dept. of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Div. of Env. Management 1424 Carolina Avenue Washington, NC 27889 (919) 946-6481 Dept. of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Div. of Env. Management 919 North Main Street Mooresville, NC 28115 ( 704) 663-1 699 Dept. of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Div. of Env. Management Wachovia Building, Suite 714 225 Green Street Fayetteville, NC 28301-5043 (919) 486-1541 Dept. of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Div. of Env. Management 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, NC 28405-3845 (919) 395-3900 Dept. of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Div. of Env. Management 8025 North Point Blvd., Suite 100 Winston-Salem, NC 27106 (919) 761-2351 Dept. of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Div. of Env. Management 59 Woodfin Place Asheville, NC 28801-2482 (704) 251-6208 Dept. of Environment,Health, and Natural Resources Div. of Env. Management 512 N. Salisbury Street, Archdale Building P.O. Box 29535 Raleigh, NC 27626-0535 (919) 733-3221 PROCEEDINGS OF DEPARTMENTAL 15A NCAC 1K HEARING Introduction A public hearings were held in North carolina by the Division of Environmental Managerrent to receive public carment on the amendments to 1 SA NC'AC 1 K, Glnmdwater Protecticn loan Furn. This hearing was held August 6th ,1992 at 7:00 pn in Raleigh: 'lhe Archdale Building; Ground Floor Hearing Rocm, 512 North Salisbury Street. A total of Seven (7) registered peq>le attemed this hearing am. two (2) public mmenls were presented at these hearings. Four ( 4) camentars :r:espcnEd in writing prior t.o the deadline given in the public IDtioe. Public notice of these hearings was mailed to local governments, environmental organizations, and persons registered as having and interest in groundwater regulation. Public notice was also published in the Raleigh News and Observer. '!his notice appeared on public on the 19th of July 1992. 'Ihe hearing ccmnent period remained open through August 14th, 1992. Presiding over the Raleigh hearing was Mr. John Robert BlCMe, Section Chief of the Division of Environmental Management Construction Grants and Loans Section. Atterrlees-Raleigh, N.C. August 6th, 1992 Seven (7) registered attemees were at this hearing: 1 ) Ms. Arme Coan, Natural Resources Di vision Director, North Carolina Farm Bureau Federation; P.O. Box 27766, Raleigh, N.C. 27611. (-kttsubnitted written caments at hearing-ktt). 2) Mr. Douglas Havey, P.G., N.C. Petroleum Marketers Association; P.O. Box 30519, Raleigh, N.C. 27612. 3) Mr. Don Ward, Executive Vice-President; N.C. Petroleum Marketers Association; P.O. Box 30519, Raleigh, N.C. 27612. (~subnitted written caments at hearing-ktt). 4) Mr. Paul Washington, Hydrogeol(XJist, DEM-Pollution Control Branch. 5) Mr. Sharon Batts, UST Trust Fund Co-op, Spa.tea Environmental Co. ; 130-112 Penmarc Dr., Raleigh, N.C. 27603. 6) Mr. Jack Ward, Environmental Sales, Spa.tea Environmental Co.; 130-112 Penmarc Dr., Raleigh, N.C. 27603. 7) Mr. Wayne Floyd, Corporate Construction Service Manager, Spa.tea Environmental Co.; 130-112 Penmarc Dr., Raleigh, N.C. 27603. DRAFT REVISION 08/13/92 (dh) Dept . of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Div. of Env. Management 1424 Carolina Avenue Washington, NC 27889 (919) 946-6481 Dept. of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Div. of Env. Management 919 North Main Street Mooresville, NC 28115 (704) 663-1699 Dept. of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Div. of Env. Management Wachovia Building, Suite 714 225 Green Street Fayetteville, NC 28301-5043 (919) 486-1541 Dept. of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Div. of Env. Management 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, NC 28405-3845 (919) 395-3900 Dept . of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Div. of Env. Management 8025 North Point Blvd., Suite 100 Winston-Salem, NC 27106 (919) 761-2351 Dept . of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Div. of Env. Management 59 Woodfin Place Asheville, NC 28801-2482 (704) 251-6208 Dept. of Environment,Health, and Natural Resources Div. of Env. Management 512 N. Salisbury Street, Archdale Building P.O. Box 29535 Raleigh, NC 27626-0535 (919) 733-3221 Attachments. cc: Prestcn HcMard earl Bailey Perry Nelsen Jennie OOette Public Hearing Amendment to 1 SA tCAC 1 K Raleigh, North carolina August 6th, 1992 HEARIR, CFFICFR Is SPEEOI HEARING OFFICER: MR. JOHN R. BI.(ME; DIVISICN OF ENVIRCNMENI'AL ~ I a:NS'ffiUCI'ICN GRANI'S AND I..01\NS SECI'ICN. HF.ARIN; OFFICER: axD EVENIN:;, I w:::xJI.J) LIKE 'IO CALL '!HIS PUBLIC HEARING 'IO ORDER. MY NAME IS JOON R. :BU:ME, AND I AM THE SECI'ICN OllEF FOR THE DIVISICN ·OF ENVIRCN-1ENl'AL MANAGEMENl' a:NS'ffiUCI'ICN GRANrS AND I.Oi\NS SECI'ICN. I HAVE BEEN DFSI~ HFARlN3 OFFICER FOR 'IHIS EVENING'S HF.ARIN:;. 'IHIS HEARIN3 IS BEIN3 HELD PURSUANI' 'IO N:RIH CAROLINA GENERAL STA'IUIE 150B-21.2. IN ~ WI'IH THE GENERAL STA'IUI'ES, A PUBLIC NJI'ICE OF 'IHIS HFARIN3 WAS PUBLISHED IN THE JULY EDITICN OF THE N)RIH CAROLINA R&;ISTER AND IN 'IHE I.OCAL RALEIGH NEWSPAPER. NJI'ICE'S WERE ALSO DIS'IRIBIB'ED 'IO 'IHE PUBLIC AT LARGE. THE DEPARIMENI' 1 S PUBLIC INFORMATICN OFFICER ALSO FURNISHED A NEl'lS RELF.ASE 'IO THE MEDIA. THE PURPOSE OF 'IHIS HF.ARIN; IS 'IO OBl'AIN PUBLIC CXM'1ENI' CN '!HE PROPOSED AOOPI'ICN OF 1 SA J.lr.AC 1 K ENITl'LED ''GRaJNI:MA'IER PROI'ECITCN I..01\N FUID II. THE PROPOSED RULES AU.CM THE DEPARIMENI' CF :ENVIRCN-1ENr' HEAL'IH, AND NA'IURAL RF.sOORCES ( ali)reviated as DEPARIMENI') 'IO MAKE LOANS 'IO aim:RS AND OPmA'IOOS OF UNDERGEO.lND SirnAGE TANKS (USTs) 'IO REPLACE OR UPGRADE USTs IN ~ WI'IH 1 SA N:'.AC 2N. '!HE PROPOSED RULES SE!' APPLICATICN AND REVIEW PRCX:EXJRES, LIMI'I'S CN 'IERM OF IOANS, AND INIERFST RATES. '!HIS RULE-MAKIN:; ACI'ICN WAS AI.JnmIZED BY 'IHE LmISIA'IURE IN G. S. 143-215.94P CN JUNE 3, 1991. 'lHE UlAN APPLICATIOO' IEADLINE SEl' ~ 'IHESE RULES IS I'E:Et&R. 31, 1994. A WRITI'EN REXmD OF '!HIS HEAR1N3 WILL BE PREPARED WHIOI WILL JN:LUDE ALL THE RELE.VANI' aM-1ENI'S, (UFSI'ICNS, AND DISOJSSICNS. FOR '!HIS REASCN, THE HEARIN::; IS BEIN3 TAPE REXXIIDED. WRITIEN <XM-1ENI'S REx::::EIVED BY AI.nJST 14'IH, 1992 WILL ALSO BE INCLUDED IN '!HE REX:XJID. BASED CN 'IHESE PUBLIC CXMvlENI'S AND INPUl' FRCM THE GRCXJNJ:MA'IER STAFF, I WILL MAKE A REXXM-1ENDATICN 'IO THE DEPARIMENI'. IN MAICIN3 'IHE FINAL DOCISICN, '!HE DEPARIMENr OF mv:mcNv1ENI', HEAL'IH, AND NA'IURAL RF.SaJRCES CXNSIDERS '!HE WRITim REXXIID, 'IHE REXXM-1ENDATICN CF 'IBI!~ HEARIN; OFFICER, AND CXNCERNS OF IT'S ~ DEPARIMENI'AL STAFF. THE PP.OPOSlID EFFFL--r!VE DATE FOR '!HE .AME?D1ENI' 'IO 15A ~ 1K IS OOVEMBER 2, 1992. AT 'IHIS TIME, I ~ LIKE 'IO REXJXNIZE [naae; of local or state officials] AND '!HANK YOO FOO. ATI'ENDIN3 'IHIS HF.ARIN;. I WJLD ALSO LIKE 'IO REXXXN.rZE THE ~ PEDPLE FRCM THE DIVISICN OF ENVIBCN-1ENrAL MANAGEMENr; [DEM centra1 office and DEM regiaial office persaad] . MR. [GRCUNI:mATER SECI'ICN STAFF SPEAKER] WILL N:l'l St.MWUZE THE PROPOSED RULES WHIOI ARE THE SUBJECI' OF 'IHIS ~. STAFF SPEAKER: (STAFF SPEAKER SlM-1ARIZES THE RULES). HF.ARING OFFICER: 'IHANK YOO. WE WILL N::M ACX:EPl' PUBLIC CXMvJENI' CN THE PROPOSED RULES. I WJLD LIKE 'IO ~ '!HAT EVERYCNE FILL .001' A RmIS'IRATICN FORM. AFIER ALL REGISTERED SPEAKERS HAVE HAD AN OPPORIUNITY 'IO CXMv1ENI', I WILL AU..Oil ADDITirnAL SPEAKERS AS TIME PERMITS. WHEN Ya.JR NAME IS CALLED, PLEASE a::ME UP -'IO THE MICROPKNE AND STATE YCXJR NAME AND AFFILIATICN. ALL <XM-1ENI'S SHOOLD BE LIMITED 'IO MA.TIERS '!HAT ARE RELATIVE 'IO THE PROPOSED AOOPI'ICN. IF YOOR ClM-1ENI'S ARE I..CNGER '!HAN 'IHREE MINUIES, I WJID LIKE 'IO REQJEST 'IHAT '!HEY BE SUEMITrED IN WRITIN:i. I RF.SERVE THE RIGfl' 'IO c,uESTICN SPEAKERS IF 'lHE NEED SHOOLD ARISE. DIVISICN OF ~AL fWWEv1ENl' STAFF WILL BE AVAILABLE 'IO AN&"WER YOOR. QJESTICNS IF NOCESSl\RY. I WJLD :tOl LIKE 'IO CALL [FIRST SPEAKER] • [SPF.AKERS ••• ] (THE HEARill; OFFICER, REFERRING 'IO THE REX:;IS'IRATICN CARDS, CALLS EACH SPEAKER 'IO THE MICROP:EK:NE IN 'IURN) HFARIN3 OFFICER: 'lHANK YOO [I.AST SPEAKER]. ARE '!HERE ANY ADDITICIU\L aMv1ENI'S? IF '!HERE ARE ID :r-mE OM-1ENI'S, I WILL DEX::LARE 'lHE HEAR.IN:; CU>SED. THE HEAR.IN:; REXXED WILL REMAIN OPEN lNI'IL AlmSI' 14'IH, 1992. ANYOOE WISHIN; '10 SUEMIT WRITI'EN <XM-1ENI'S MAY 00 SO UNTIL 'IHAT DATE. AFI'ER WHIOI TIME, THE <XM-1ENI'S WILL BE MADE PARI' OF THE PUBLIC Rm AND I SHALL MAKE MY REXD-NENDATICN 'IO '!HE SEX:REI'ARY WILLIAM W. COBEY, Jr. IT IS THE DESIRE OF THE DEPARIMENI' 'IO AIJilAYS 1Cr IN THE BE.ST POSSIBLE INI'ERFSI',,..OF THE PUBLIC. 'IHEREF'CEE, PUBLIC P.ARI'ICIPATICN IS A VERY IMPCRI'ANI' PARI' OF THE RIJLE-MAKIN3 PRCCESS. WE WJLD LIKE 'IO '!HANK YOO FOR A'ITENDJN; '!HE HEAR.IN:; AND OFFERIRi YOOR CXM1ENI'S. Department Head Res ~onsibilities 12 ~CAC lOB .210: Amend/Establishes responsibilities of the department head with regards to in-service firearms training. Instructors 12 NCAC lOB .2102 Amend/Establishes responsibilities of instructors who conduct in-service firearms training. Minimum Training Re q uirements 12 NCAC lOB .2l03 Amend/Establishes minimum training requirements and specified topics which must be included in each agency's in- service firearms training program. In-Service Firearms Re g ualification 12 NCAC lOB .2104 Amend/Establishes minimum requirements/specificatio~s for qualification with certain weapons. Failure to Qualify 12 NCAC lOB .2105 Amend/Establishes procedures for action by the com.mission when a justice officer fails to qualify pursuant to in- service firearms training requirements. General Adopt/States the the agency which DEHNR 13~ II t?e ~ J ~~--~\;;~aq,,]ci~ &~ lK purpose of the subchapter and designates will administer the rules. .0101 Aoolicability 15A NCAC lK .0102 Adopt/Designates to whom this subchapter applies. Definitions 15A NCAC lK .0103 Adopt/Defines the terms used in this subch~pter. Eli g ibility lSA NCAC lK .0201 Adopt/Specifies the baqiB requirements necessary to obtain a loan from the loan fund. Ap olication Procedures Adopt/Specifies the procedures community may apply for a loan subchapter. lSA NCAC lK .0202 by which the regulated under the rules of this Bank Flioibility 15A NCAC lK . 0301 Adopt/Sp e cifies the terms under which banks will participate in the adrninistrati c n of the loan program. Loan Processing b y Banks 15A NCAC lK .0302 Ado p t /Sets the processing requirements for banks participating in the administration o f the program. Duties of the Loan Fund Coordinator 15A NCAC lK .0303 Adopt/Sets out the duties of the loan coordinator. Loan Ao proval Criteria 15A NCAC lK . 0304 Adopt/Sets the criteria which will determine whether a loan may be approved from an eligible borrower. Delinauent Accounts 15A NCAC lK . 0305 Adopt/Sets the criteria for when a loan is delinquent and the actions that must be taken by the bank. Loan A.ciministration Fees and Costs ISA NCAC lK . 0401 Adopt/Sets the fees that must be paid by a borrower. Interest and Term lSA NCAC lK . 0402 Adopt/Specifies the interest rate and term of loans _made from the loan fund. Additional Conditions 15A NCAC lK .0403 Adopt/Sets out additional conditions that will apply only in specific circumstances. Funding of Loan 15A NCAC lK .0404 Adopt/Specifies how the money is actually disbursed after the loan commitment is made. ~ -.:-,. Outstandin g Resource Waters Sc. z.a""~ ke:•, 15A NCAC 2B . 0216 Amend/Describes criteria and management strategies associated with the Outstanding Resource Waters classification. Yadkin-Pee Dee River Basin 15A NCAC 2B .0309 Amend/Lists the water quality standards and classifications for streams in the Yadkin-Pee Dee River Basin. TITLE 15A SUBCHAPTER 1K GROUNDWATER PROTECTION LOAN FUND .0100 PROGRAM SCOPE .0101 GENERAL .0102 APPLICABILITY .0103 DEFINITIONS .0200 APPLICATION .0201 ELIGIBILITY .0202 APPLICATION PROCEDURES .0300 LOAN ADMINISTRATION .0301 BANK ELIGIBILITY .0302 LOAN PROCESSING BY BANKS .0303 DUTIES OF THE COORDINATOR .0304 LOAN APPROVAL CRITERIA .0305 DELINQUENT ACCOUNTS .0400 LOAN CONDITIONS .0401 LOAN ADMINISTRATION FEES AND COSTS .0402 INTEREST AND TERM .0403 ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS .0404 FUNDING OF LOAN TITLE 115A SUBCHAPTER 1K -GROUNDWATER PROTECTION LOAN FUND SECTION .0100 PROGRAM SCOPE 15A NCAC 1K.0101 is adopted as published in 7:8 NCR 827 as follows: .0101 GENERAL J.il The p urp ose of this Subchap ter is to establish req uirements for borrowers and administrators of the monies of the Groundwater Protection Loan Fund (Loan Fund ). 1hl The Division of Environmental Manag ement (Division ) shall administer the Loan Fund. History Note: Statutory Authority G.S. 143-215.94P ; 143B-279.2 Eff. December 1 , 1992 15A NCAC 1K.0102 is adopted as published in 7:8 NCR 827 as follows: .0102 APPLICABILITY (a ) Monies from the Loan Fund are available to all owners of commercial underg round storag e tanks in North Carolina which were in use on Jul y 1 , 1991 , and which are sub j ect to the technical standards contained in 15A NCAC 2N. 1hl Monies from the Loan Fund shall only be used to u pgrade or rep lace commercial underg round storag e tanks to meet technical standards set forth in 15A NCAC 2N relating to corrosion p rotection , s p ill and overfill containment and p revention , and leak detection. Loan monies shall not be used to conduct environmental site assessments or environmental remediation , to construct new building s , nor to install or re p lace p etroleum marketing e q ui p ment such as dis p ensers , islands , and canop ies. Loan monies ma y be used for landscap ing or p aving of the site onl y if the landscap ing or p aving is req uired to comp lete the u pgrade or to restore the site after tank rep lacement. 1£1 Each loan shall be desig nated for a s p ecific site. No owner shall a ppl y for or receive more than one loan under the p rovisions of this Subchap ter for a sing le site . .1.fil No sing le loan under the p rovisions of this Subchap ter shall exceed one hundred thousand dollars ($100 ,000 ). J.tl No owner shall a pp l y for or receive loans under the p rovisions of this Subchap ter in excess of five hundred thousand dollars ($500 ,000 ). If one or more business (es ) under the same or different name (s ) is (are ) fift y p ercent (50%} owned b y a sing le individual , p artnershi p, or corp oration , this (these ) comp any(ies ) shall not a ppl y for or receive loans under the p rovisions of this Subchap ter in excess of five hundred thousand dollars ($500 ,000 } . .1.il Applications for loans from the Loan Fund must be made in accordance with the p rovisions of this Subchap ter and must be received b y a p artici p ating Bank p rior to January 1 , 1995. All a pproved loans must be funded on or before June 30 , 1995. History Note: Statutory Authority G.S. 143-215.94P; 143-215.94T Eff. December 1 , 1992 15A NCAC 1K.0103 is adopted with changes as published in 7:8 NCR 827 as follows: .0103 DEFINITIONS (a) The terms used in this Subchapter shall be as defined in 15A NCAC 2N.0203. (b) The following definitions are defined for the purpose of this Subchapter: (1) "Annual Operating Fee" is an annual fee required to be paid to the Department by the owner or operator of each commercial underground storage tank in use on or after January 1 of the year, beginning with 1989. (2) "Bank" means any commercial lending institution as specifically defined in N.C.G.S. 53-1. (3) "Borrower" means any owner of a commercial underground storage tank who applies for or receives a loan from the Loan Fund. _ (4) "Coordinator" means an individual or contractor authorized by the Department to coordinate all activities between the Department and banks pertaining to the Loan Fund. The official title of this individual or contractor shall be Loan Fund Coordinator. (5) "Department" means the Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources. _{_Q_1_ "Primary Bank" means a bank in which the borrower has existing accounts or from which the borrower has received loans. (-6-.I) "Serious Contamination" means any groundwater contamination at levels above the standards established in 15A NCAC 2L or any soil contamination extending beyond the property boundaries at levels above guidelines set by the Department. (+8) "Tank In Use" means an underground storage tank which is intended for the containment or dispensing of petroleum products. History Note: Statutory Authority G.S. 143-215.94A; 143-215.94P; 143-215.94T Eff. December 1, 1992 SECTION .0200 APPLICATION 15A NCAC 1K.0201 is adopted as published in 7:8 NCR 828 as follows: .0201 ELIGIBILITY For an owner of a commercial p etroleum underg round storag e tank to be elig ible for a loan from the Loan Fund to u pgrade or rep lace that tank , all of the following criteria must be met. 11.l The tank must be located in North Carolina and have been in use on July 1 , 1991 . .Ll.l The tank must be reg istered with the De p artment. 111 All annual o p erating fees req uired of the borrower p ursuant to G.S. 143-215.94C must have been p aid. 1..!l The owner must have formall y a pplied for a conventional loan from his p rimary bank for the sub j ect work , and must have been denied based solely on reasonable concerns with resp ect to p otential liability for environmental comp liance b y the lender , not financial reasons. The owner must have q ualified for the loan in all other res p ects using g enerally accep ted standards p revailing among commercial lending institutions. History Note: Statutory Authorit y G.S. 143-215.94P ; 143-215.94T Eff. December 1 , 1992 15A NCAC 1K.0202 is adopted as published in 7:8 NCR 828 as follows: .0202 APPLICATION PROCEDURES .1il Each a pplication to the Loan Fund must be made throug h a Bank that has entered into an a g reement with the De p artment to act as an administrative a g ency for the Loan Fund • .112.l Each a pp lication submitted to the loan fund must be made on forms supplied b y the De p artment and must be accomp anied b y the following : ill A letter from the declining Bank stating the reason the loan a pplication was denied; ill Supporting financial statements ; ..lll. A comp lete scop e of work for the u pgrade or re p lacement of the tank (s ) which p rovides a descri p tion of the work to be p erformed addressing each of the following three categ ories according to the technical standards s p ecified in 15A NCAC 2N: 1.Al Corrosion p rotection for tank (s ) and p i p ing, 1fil S p ill and overfill p rotection and p revention , and ~ Leak detection for tanks and p i p ing; 1il A binding estimate for the scop e of work. This work ma y be p erformed b y the borrower's own q ualified construction p ersonnel ; and J_fil An y a pplicable fees req uired b y Parag rap h (b ) of Rule .0401 of this Subchap ter . .i,Ql If the borrower p lans to use real estate where commercial p etroleum underg round storag e tanks are located or were formerl y located as collateral , a site assessment must be p erformed b y a Professional Eng ineer or a Licensed Geolog ist as defined in G.S. 89C-3 and G.S. 89E-3 , res p ectively, p rior to the submittal of the a pplication. The site assessment re p ort shall be attached to a letter of certification stating whether the site has serious contamination , and shall be submitted to the Bank with the a pp lication. _ig_1_ In the event the borrower must use real estate where commercial p etroleum underg round storag e tanks are not and have not been located as collateral , the borrower must certify and furnish evidence satisfactory to the Bank and in accordance with all g enerally accep ted p revailing standards commonly used b y banks , including those for environmental comp liance , that the real estate to be used would be acce p table as collateral. History Note: Statutory Authority G.S. 143-215.94C ; 143-215.94P ; 143-215.94T Eff. December 1 , 1992 .0300 LOAN ADMINISTRATION 15A NCAC 1K.0301 is adopted as published in 7:8 NCR 828 as follows: .0301 BANK ELIGIBILITY .1.fil Each Bank in North Carolina will be invited to p artici p ate in the Loan Fund p rog ram. Acce p tance of a letter of a g reement with the De p artment will q ualify the Bank to p artici p ate in the administration of the Loan Fund. . ..Ll2l For the p urp oses of p roviding loans from the Loan Fund , Banks will act onl y as administrative a g encies for the Dep artment and , if acting within the terms of the a g reement with the De p artment , do not incur any financial or environmental liability associated with loans from the Loan Fund. History Note: Statutory Authority G.S. 143-215.94P Eff. December 1 , 1992 15A NCAC 1K.0302 is adopted as published in 7:8 NCR 828-829 as follows: .0302 LOAN PROCESSING BY BANKS 1£1 Banks will utilize any rules and g uidelines adop ted and established b y the De p artment. These rules and g uidelines will comp lement g enerall y accep ted standards p revailing among banks and relating to commercial loans . .ihl Banks will receive and p rocess loan a pplications. 1...£1 Banks will g ather and p rocess all necessary documents. J..gl Banks will receive monthl y p a y ments from borrowers , maintain records , and de p osit p a y ment amounts daily to a desi g nated account of the State Treasurer after deduction of fees. 1tl Banks will maintain all ori g inal loan documents until the loan is satisfied. ill The Bank will forward one copy of each of the following documents to the Coordinator: ill the Loan Application; .Ll.l the Bank letter ex p laining the reasons for denial; .Ll.l financial statements; 1.1.l credit re p ort; .ill scop e of work and binding cost estimate; _{_§1 orig inating Bank's letter of certification ; and 1.1.l site assessment rep ort , if a pplicable . and if other real p rop erty is used as collateral , the borrower's certification and other evidence satisfactory to the Bank that the p rop erty conforms with the a pplicable Rules of this Subchap ter. 1fil The Bank shall make a monthl y rep ort to the Coordinator of each delinq uent loan . .1hl Each Bank shall make all Loan Fund files available to audit and review b y the Coordinator , the De p artment , the Petroleum Underg round Storag e Tank Funds Council , or other authorized p ersons or a g encies . .1il The Bank shall notify the borrower of the a pproval or denial of the loan a pplication. History Note: Statutory Authority G.S. 143-215.94P Eff. December 1 , 1992 15A NCAC 1K.0303 is adopted as published in 7:8 NCR 829 as follows: .0303 DUTIES OF THE LOAN FUND COORDINATOR ~ The Coordinator is res p onsible for coordinating Bank and De p artment activities relative to all loans under the Loan Fund . .1hl The Coordinator is resp onsible for determining the following : .ill whether all req uired annual o p erating fees have been p aid; .ill. whether the a pplication exceeds allowable amount of funding p ursuant to Parag rap hs (c ), (d ), and {e ) of Rule .0102 of this Subchap ter . .Ll..l whether there are sufficient funds available in the Loan Fund; and .ill whether the a pplication has been comp leted in accordance with this Subchap ter. 1.£1 If the Coordinator finds that the loan cannot be funded , he shall notify the Bank of the reasons that the loan cannot be funded . .1.g_}_ The Coordinator shall kee p cop ies of all com p leted loan documents . .<.Ju The Coordinator shall make a q uarterl y re p ort to the De p artment and the Petroleum Underg round Storag e Tank Funds Council indicating the followin g : (1 ) The number and amount of loan commitments; (2 ) Available funds to be lent; (3 ) Amount lent to each borrower; (4 ) Amount lent b y each bank; and (5 ) The following information for each loan: (A ) Name of Borrower; (B ) Orig inating Bank; (C ) Amount of Loan; J..!U Whether loan is for u pgrade or for rep lacement; and JJU Status of loan . ..lfl The Coordinator shall make the Loan Fund files available to audit and review b y the De p artment . the Petroleum Underg round Storag e Tank Funds Council , or other authorized p ersons or a g encies. History Note: Statutory Authority G.S. 143-215.940 (9); 143-215.94P Eff. December 1 , 1992 15A NCAC 1K.0304 is adopted as published in 7:8 NCR 829 as follows: .0304 LOAN APPROVAL CRITERIA .1.fil Before a loan ma y be funded , all supporting materials must have been received and reviewed b y the Bank administering the loan . .1hl Elig ibility for the loan shall be determined in accordance with Rules .0102 and .0201 of this Subchap ter. 1£1 If real estate where commercial p etroleum underg round storag e tanks are located is to be used as collateral , the site assessment must show that no serious contamination exists. Other real estate ma y onl y be used as collateral considering all g enerally accep ted p revailing standards commonl y used b y banks . including those for environmental comp liance . .1fil Banks will a pprove or disapprove loans from the Loan Fund based on g enerally accep ted commercial bank loan· standards including those for considering the a ppraised value of any real estate used for collateral. History Note: Statutory Authorit y G.S. 143-215.94P Eff. December 1, 1992 15A NCAC 1K.0305 is adopted as published in 7:8 NCR 829 as follows: .0305 DELINQUENT ACCOUNTS 1.fil For a loan made in accordance with this Subchap ter , a loan is delinq uent when the p a y ment is over 30 da y s in arrears. _{J;u_ Banks are res p onsible for p lacing one telep hone call and one certified letter to any borrower whose account is delinq uent . .1..£.l If a loan account remains delinq uent, Banks will forward notice of the delinq uent account to the Loan Coordinator 30 day s after the p lacing of the telep hone call or the mailing of the certified letter. History Note: Statutory Authority G.S. 143-215.94P Eff. December 1 , 1992 .0400 LOAN CONDITIONS 15A NCAC 1K.0401 is with changes adopted as published in 7:8 NCR 830 as follows: .0401 LOAN ADMINISTRATION FEES AND COSTS (a) All fees and administrative costs associated with processing and servicing a loan are to be paid by the borrower. (b) The borrower shall pay to the Bank at the time the loan application is submitted, fees for a credit report and for an appraisal if real property must be used for collateral. Fees for title insurance, recording, and other closing costs shall be paid by the borrower as applicable. (c) A loan origination fee equal to the greater of seven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00) or one percent (1%) of the loan amount shall be paid to the Bank by the borrower upon approval of the loan. (d) A loan servicing fee equal to the greater of fifty dollars ($50.00) or one-twelfth of one percent (1/12 %) per month of the outstanding loan balance will be retained by the Bank from each monthly payment. (e) All coordination costs of the loan fund shall be paid out ef. The interest on loans that is received by the Department may be used to p a y coordination costs of the Loan Fund. History Note: Statutory Authority G.S. 143-215.94P Eff. December 1, 1992 , . 15A NCAC 1K.0402 is adopted as published in 7:8 NCR 830 as follows: .0402 INTEREST AND TERM J..il All loans made in accordance with this Subchap ter shall use a variable interest rate. The interest rate shall be the New York Prime Rate , as rep orted in the Wall Street Journal , p lus three p ercent {3%). This rate includes the loan fees s p ecified in Parag rap hs (d ) and (e ) of Rule .0401 of this Subchap ter. 1.hl The term of each loan shall not exceed 120 months. History Note: Statutory Authority G.S. 143-215.94P Eff. December 1 , 1992 15A NCAC 1K.0403 is adopted as published in 7:8 NCR 830 as follows: .0403 ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS .ifil Loans made in accordance with this Subchap ter ma y be for the full amount or any p art of the cost of the u pgrade or re p lacement . .1hl Based on borrower's financial ability and in accordance with g enerally acce p ted banking standards , p ersonal a uaranties ma y be req uired from borrower , s p ouse, and other owners of the borrower's business. _{__Q.1_ Based on borrower's financial ability and in accordance with g enerall y acce p ted banking standards , sufficient collateral to secure the loan ma y be req uired. J_fil An y subseq uent owner of the business or commercial p etroleum underg round storag e tanks , ma y a ppl y to assume the outstanding loan. A bank ma y authorize an assump tion b y a subseq uent owner only in accordance with g enerally accep ted p revailing standards commonl y used b y banks for assump tions of commercial loans. History Note: Statutory Authorit y G.S. 143-215.94P Eff. December 1 , 1992 15A NCAC 1K.0404 is adopted as published in 7:8 NCR 830 as follows: .0404 FUNDING OF LOAN .1.fil Following a pproval of the loan , loan checks will be made p a y able to the borrower and the contractor (s ) p erforming the work after the following is p rovided to the Bank: ill A comp leted copy of "Notification For All Underg round Storag e Tanks (New & Upgraded )" (Form GW /UST-8 ) stating all work was comp leted in accordance with technical req uirements of 15A NCAC 2N. This form is available from the De p artment; and (2 ) Co p ies of itemized invoices . .1.hl Loan commitments shall be made for p eriods u p to six months. History Note: Statutory Authority G.S. 143-215.94P ; 143-215.94T Eff. December 1 , 1992 TITLE 15A SUBCHAPTER 1K GROUNDWATER PROTECTION LOAN FUND .0700 PROGRAM SCOPE .0101 GENERAL .0102 APPLICABILITY .0103 DEFINITIONS .0200 APPLICATION .0201 ELIGIBILITY .0202 APPLICATION PROCEDURES .0300 LOAN ADMINISTRATION .0301 BANK ELIGIBILITY .0302 LOAN PROCESSING BY BANKS .0303 .0304 .0305 DUTIES OF THE COORDINATOR LOAN APPROVAL CRITERIA DELINQUENT ACCOUNTS .0400 LOAN CONDITIONS .0401 LOAN ADMINISTRATidN FEES AND COSTS .0402 INTEREST AND TERM .0403 ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS .0404 FUNDING OF LOAN TITLE 15A SUBCHAPTER 1K -GROUNDWATER PROTECTION LOAN FUND SECTION .0100 PROGRAM SCOPE 15A NCAC 1K.0101 has been adopted as published in 7:8 NCR 827 as follows: .0101 GENERAL w_ The p urp ose of this Subchap ter is to establish re q uirements for borrowers and administrators of the monies of the Groundwater Protection Loan Fund (Loan Fund ). J..hl The Division of Environmental Manaa ement (Division ) shall administer the Loan Fund. History Note: Statutory Authorit y G.S. 143-215.94P ; 143B-279.2 Eff. December 1 , 1992 15A NCAC 1K.0102 has been adopted as published in 7:8 NCR 827 as follows: .0102 APPLICABILITY (a ) Monies from the Loan Fund are available to all owners of commercial underg round storag e tanks in North Carolina which were in use on Jul y 1 , 1991 , and which are sub j ect to the technical standards contained in 15A NCAC 2N. {hl_ Monies from the Loan Fund shall onl y be used to u pgrade or rep lace commercial underg round storag e tanks to meet technical standards set forth in 15A NCAC 2N relating to corrosion p rotection , s p ill and overfill containment and p revention , and leak detection. Loan monies shall not be used to conduct environmental site assessments or environmental remediation , to construct new building s , nor to install or re p lace p etroleum marketing e q ui p ment such as disp ensers , islands , and canop ies. Loan monies ma y be used for landscap ing -or p aving of the site ortl y if the landsca p ing or p aving is req uired to com p lete the u pg rade or to restore the site after tank re p lacement. iQl Each loan shall bedesi g nated for a s p ecific site. No owner shall a ppl y for or receive more than one loan under the p rovisions of this Subchap ter for a sing le site. 191 ·No sing l-e loan under the p rovisions of this Subchap ter shall exceed one hundred thousand dollars ($100 ,000 ). kl_ No owner shall a ppl y for or receive loans under the p rovisions of this Subchap ter in excess of five hundred thousand dollars ($500 ,000 ). If one or more business (es ) under the same or different name (s ) is (are ) fift y p ercent owned b y a sing le individual , p artnershi p, or cor p oration , this (these ) comp an y(ies ) shall not a pp l y for or receive loans under the p rovisions of this Subcha p ter in excess of five hundred thousand dollars ($500 ,000 ). 1.tl App lications for loans from the Loan Fund must be made in accordance with the p rovisions of this Subcha p ter and must be received b y a p artici p ating Bank p rior to Januar y 1 , 1995. All a pproved loans must be funded on or before June 30 , 1995. Histor y Note: Statutor y Authorit y G.S. 143-215.94P ; 143-215.94T Eff. December 1 , 1992 \ 15A NCAC 1K.0103 has been adopted with changes as published in 7:8 NCR 827 as follows: .0103 DEFINITIONS (a) The terms used in this Subchapter shall be as defined in 15A NCAC 2N.0203. ( b) this The following definitions are defined for the purpose -of Subchapter: (1) "Annual Operating Fee" is an annual fee required to he p~id to the Department by the owner or operator of each commercial underground storage tank in use on or after January 1 of the year, beginning with 1989. (2) "Bank" means any commercial _ lending institution as specifically defined in N.C.G.S. 53-1. (3) "Borrower" means any owner of a commercial underground storage tank who applies for or receives a loan· from the Loan ·Fund . , (4) "Coordinator"-means an individual or contractor authorized by the Department to coordinate all activities between the Department and banks pertaining to the Loan Fund. The official title of this individual or contractor shall be Loan Fund Coordinator. (5) "Department" means the Department of Environment, Health; and Natural Resources. ill "Primary Bank 11 means a bank in which the borrower has existing accounts .or from which the borrower has received loans. (-6-1) "Serious Contamination" means any groundwater contamination at levels above the standa~ds established in 15A NCAC 2L or any soil contamination extending beyond the property boundaries at levels above guidelines set by the Department. ('1-§_) 11 'I'ank In Use" means an underground storage tank which is intended for the containment or dispensing of petroleum products. History Note: Statutory Aut:hority G.S. 143-215.94A; 143-215.94P; 143-215.94T Eff. December 1, 1992 \ I:' :'.I .'! SECTION .0200 APPLICATION 15A NCAC 1K.0201 has been adopted as published in 7:8 NCR 828 as follows: .0201 ELIGIBILITY For an owner of a commercial p etroleum underg round storao e tank to be elig ible for .a loan from the Loan Fund to u pgrade or re p lace that tank , all of the followin g criteria must be met. ill The tank must be located in North Carolina and have been in use on Jul y 1 , 1991. J.21 The tank must be reg istered with the De p artment . .Llj_ All annual o p erating fees req uired of the borrower p ursuant to G.S. 143-215.94C must have been p aid. l..tl The owner must have formall y a pp lied for a conventional loan from his p rimar y bank for the sub j ect work , and must have been den~ed based solel y on reasonable concerns with res p ect to p otential liability for environmental comp liance b y the lender , not financial reasons. The owner must have q ualified for the loan in all other res p ects using g enerall y acce p ted standards p revailing amon g commercial lending institutions. History Note: Statutory Authorit y •G.S. 143-215.94P ; 143-215.94T Eff . December 1 , 1992 15A NCAC 1K.0202 has been adopted as published in 7:8 NCR 828 as follows: .0202 APPLICATION PROCEDURES i..£1 Each a pp lication to the Loan Fund must be made throug h a Bank that has entered into an a g reement with the De p artment to act as an administrative a g enc y for the Loan Fund . .iJ:2.1 Each a pp lication submitted to the Loan Fund must be made on forms supplied b y the De p artment and must be accom p anied b y the followin g : ..L1l A letter from the declining Bank stating the reason the loan a pp lication was denied ; 111_ Su pporting financial statements ; JJj_ A comp lete .sco p e of work for the u pgrade or re p lacement of the tank (s ) which p rovides a descri p tion of the work to be p erformed addressing each of the following three categ ories according to the technical standards s p ecified in 15A NCAC 2N: _(Af Corrosion p rotection for tank (s ) and p i p ing, J.1il S p ill and overfill p rotection and p revention c and iQl Leak detection for tanks and p i p ing; 1tl A binding estimate for the sco p e of work. This work ma y be p erformed b y .the borrower's own q ualified construction p ersonnel; and ~ An y a pplicable fees req uired b y Parag rap h (b ) of Rule .0401 of this Subchap ter. _Ltl If the borrower p lans to use real estate where commercial o etroleum underg round storag e tanks are located or were formerl y located as collateral , a site assessment must be ·p erformed b y a Professional Eng ineer or a Licensed Geolog ist ~s defined in G.S . BSC-3 and G.S. 89E-3 , res p ectivel y, p rior to the submittal of the a pp lication. The site assessment re p ort shall be attached to a letter of certification stating whether the site has serious contamination , and shall be submitted to the Bank with the a pp lication. 1.91 In the event the borrower must use real estate where commercial p etroleum underg round storag e tanks are not and have not been located as collateral , the borrower must certify and furnish evidence satisfactory to the Bank and in accordance with all g enerall y accep ted p revailing standards commonl y used b y banks , including those for .environmental comp liance , that the real estate to be used would be acce p table as collateral. History Note: Statutory Authorit y G.S. 143-215.94C ; 143-215.94~; 143-21~-.94T Eff. December 1 , 1992 .0300 LOAN ADMINISTRATION 15A NCAC 1K.0301 has been adopted as published in 7:8 NCR 828 as follows: .0301 BANK ELIGIBILITY ill Each Bank in North Carolina will be invited to p artici p ate in the Loan Fund p rog ram. Accep tance of a letter of a g reement with the Dep artment will q ualif y the Bank to p artici p ate in the administration of the Loan Fund. ill For the p ur p oses of p roviding loans from the Loan Fund , Banks will act onl y as administrative a q encies for the Dep artment and , if acting within the terms of the a g reement with the De p artment , do not incur an y financial or environmental liability associated with loans from the Loan Fund . Histor y Note: Statutory Authorit y G.S. 143-215.94P Eff. December 1 , 1992 \ i 15A NCAC 1K.0302 has been adopted with changes as published in 7:8 NCR 828-829 as follows:· .0302 LOAN PROCESSING BY BANKS (a) Banks will utilize any rules and guidelines adopted and established by the Department. These rules and guidelines will complement generally accepted standards prevailing among banks and relating to commercial loans. (b) Banks will receive and process loan applications. (c) Banks will gather and process all necessary documents. (d) Banks will receive monthly payments from borrowers, maintain records, and deposit payment amounts daily to a designated account of the State Treasurer afte~ deduction of fees. (e) Banks will maintain all original loan documents until the loan is satisfied. (f) The Bank will forward one copy of each of the following documents to the Coordinator: (1) the Loan Application; (2) the Bank letter explaining the reasons for denial; (3) financial statements; (4) credit report; (5) scope of work and binding cost estimate; ( 6) ·originating Bank's letter of certifications certification; and (7) site assessment report, if applicable, and if other real property is used as collateral, the borrower's certification and other evidence satisfactory to the Bank that the property conforms with the applicable Rules of this Subchapter. (g) The Bank shall make a monthly report to the Coordinator of each delinquent loan. (h) Each Bank shall make all Loan Fund files available to audit and review by the Coordinator, the Department, the Petroleum Underground Storage Tank Funds Council, or other authorized persons 6r agencies. (i) The Bank shall notify the Borrower of the approval or denial of the loan application. History Note: Statutory Authority G.S. 143-215.94P Eff. December 1, 1992 15A NCAC lK.0303 has been adopted as published in 7:8 NCR 829 as follows: .0303 DUTIES OF THE LOAN FUND COORDINATOR lA.l The Coordinator is res p onsible for coordinating Bank and De p artment activities relative to all loans under the Loan Fund. i!1l The Coordinator is res p onsible for determining the followin g : ..L1l whether all re q uired annual o p erating fees have been paid; ill_ whether the a pp lication exceeds allowable amounts for fundin g p ursuant to Parag ra p hs (c ), (d ), and (e ) of Rule .0102 of this Subchap ter. ill_ whether there are sufficient funds available in the Loan Fund; and ill whether the a p .olication has been comp leted in accordance with this Subchap ter. l£l If the Coordinator finds that the loan cannot be funded , he shall notif y the Bank of the reasons that the loan cannot be funded. ifil The Coordinator shall kee p co p ies of all comp leted loan documents. J..tl The Coordinator shall make a q uarterl y re p ort to the De p artment and the Petroleum Underaround Storag e Tank Funds Council indicating the followin g : (1 ) The number an<l amount of loan commitments ; (2 ) Available funds to be lent ; ( 3 ) Amount lent to ea,ch borrower ; (4 ) Amount lent b y each bank ; and (5 ) The followin g information for each loan: (A ) Name of Borrower ; {B ) Ori g inating Bank ; (C ) Amount of Loan ; J.Ql Whether loan is for u pgrade or for re p lacement ; and lfil. Status of loan. ill The Coordinator shail make .the Loan Fund files available to audit and review b y the De p artment , the Petroleum Underg round Storag e Tank Funds Council , or other authorized p ersons or a g encies. History Note: Statutor y Authorit y G.S. 143~215.940 (9); 143-:-215.94P Eff. December 1 , 1992 15A NCAC 1K.0304 has been adopted as published in 7:8 NCR 829 as follows: .0304 LOAN APPROVAL CRITERIA hl Before a loan ma y be funded , all supp orting materials must have been received and reviewed b y the Bank administering the loan. ill Elig ibility for the loan shall be determined in accordance with Rules .0102 and .0201 of this Subcha p ter. ill If real estate where commercial p etroleum underg round storag e tanks are located is to be used as collateral , the site assessment must show that no serious contamination exists. Other real estate ma y onl y be used as collateral considering all g enerall y acce p ted p revailing standards commonl y used b y banks , including those for environmental com p liance . . lfil Banks will a pp;rove or disapprove loans from the Loan Fund based on g enerall y acce p ted commercial bank loan standards including those for considering the a ppraised value of an y real estate used for collateral. History Note: Statutory Authority G.S. 143-215.94P Eff. December 1 , 1992 15A NCAC 1K.0305 has been adopted as published in 7:8 NCR 829 as follows: .0305 DELINQUENT ACCOUNTS ill For a loan made in accordance with this Subchap ter , a loan is delinq uent when the p a y ment is over 30 da y s in arrears. J.hl Banks are res p onsible for p lacing one tele p hone call and one certified letter to an y borrower whose account is .delinq uent . icl If a loan account remains delinq uent , Banks .will forward notice of the delinq uent account to the Loan Coordinator 30 davs after the p lacing of the telep hone call or the mailing of the certified letter. Histor y Note: Statutory Authority G.S. 143-215 .94P Eff. December 1 , 1992 .0400 LOAN CONDITIONS 15A NCAC 1K.0401 has been adopted with changes as published in 7:8 NCR 830 as follows: .0401 LOAN ADMINISTRATION FEES AND COSTS (a) All fees ahd administrative costs associated with processing and servicing a loan are to be paid by the borrower. (b) The borrower shall pay to the Bank at the time the loan application is submitted, fees for a credit report and for an appraisal if real property must be used for collateral. Fees for title insurance, recording, and other closing costs shall be paid by the borrower as applicable. (c) A loan origination fee equal to the greater of seven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00) or one percent of the loan amount shall be paid to the Bank by the borrower upon approval of the loan. (d) A loan servicing fee equal to the greater of fifty dollars ($50.00) or one-twelfth of one percent per month of the outstanding loin balance ~ill be retained by the Bank from each monthly payment. (e) All coordination costs of the loan fund shall be paid out ~ The interest on loans that is received by the Department may be used to p a y coordination costs of the Loan Fund. History Note: Statutory Authority G.S. 143-215.94P Eff. December 1, 1992 15A NCAC 1K.0402 has been adopted as published in 7:8 NCR 830 as follows: .0402 INTEREST AND TERM ..uu_ All loans made in accordance with this Subchap ter shall use a variable interest rate. The interest rate shall be the New York Prime Rate , as rep orted in the Wall Street Journal , p lus three p ercent. This rate includes the loan fees s p ecified in Parag rap hs ( d ) and ( e ) of Rule •.0401 of this Subchap ter. 1hl The term of each loan shall not exceed 120 months. History Note: Statutory Authorit y G.S. 143-215.94P Eff. December 1 , 1992 15A NCAC 1K.0403 has been adopted as published in 7:8 NCR 830 as follows: .0403 ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS ill Loans made in accordance with this Subchap ter ma y be for the full amount or an y p art of the cost of the u pgrade or rep lacement. ill Based on borrower's financial ability and in accordance with g enerally acce p ted banking staridards , p ersonal a uaranties ma y be req uired from borrower , s p ouse , and other owners of the borrower's business. kl Based on borrower's financial ability and in accordance with g enerall y acce p ted banking standards , sufficient collateral to secure the loan ma y be req uired. ill An y subse q uent owner of the business or commercial p etroleum underg round storag e tanks , ma y a pp l y to assume the outstanding loan. A bank ma y authorize an assump tion b y a subseq uent owner onl y in accordance with g enerally acce p ted p revailing standards commonly used b y banks for assump tions of commercial loans . Histor y Note: Statutor y Authorit y G.S. 143-215.94P Eff. December 1 , 1992 15A NCAC 1K.0404 has been adopted as published in 7:8 NCR 830 as follows: .0404 FUNDING OF LOAN _{fil Following a pproval of the loan , loan checks will be made p a y able to the borrower and the contractor (s ) p erforrnihg the work after the followin g is p rovided to the Bank: .ill A com p leted co py of "Notification For All Underg round Storag e Tanks (New & Upgraded )" '(Form GW /UST-8 ) stating all work was comp leted in accordance with technical re q uirements of 15A NCAC 2N. This form is available from the De p artment ; and (2 ) Co p ies 6f itemized invoices. ihl Loan commitments shall be made for p eriods u p to six months. History Note: Statutory Authorit y G .S. 143-215.94P ; 143-215.94T Eff. December 1 , 1992 \ Mr. Milton Alford Page Two April 22, 1992 Effects on State Revenues The monies for loans to be made under the proposed rules are contained within the Groundwater Protection Loan Fund. Pursuant to G.S. 105-445, the revenue for this fund is derived from $0. 25 of the excise tax on motor fuel collected pursuant to G.S. 105-434(a) for the period January 1, 1992 through December 31, 1994 .. Based on projections of these revenues by the Department of Revenue, approximately $29,000,000 are expected to be available for loans. All administrative costs and fees are to be paid by the borrowers, as specified in 143-215.94P(c). DEHNR expects that virtually all of the available monies will be distributed as loans; any unused monies and all subsequent income from loans will go to the Commercial Leaking Petroleum Underground Storage Tank Cleanup Fund in accordance with G.S. 143-215.94P(d}. These rules require the creation of the position of Loan Fund Coordinator (either a DEHNR employee or a contractor) who will monitor available loans and revenues to insure that loan commitments do not exceed available funds. Effect on Local Revenues Local governments may be able to qualify for loans from the Groundwater Protection Loan Fund. Any loans made to local governments under this program will be subject to terms and interest rates that are the same as for any other borrower. These rules specify those terms and interest rates. cc: Ms. Carol Shaw, Fiscal Research Division N.C. Association of County Commissioners N.C. League of Municipalities Perry Nelson Burrie Boshoff Portia Rochelle * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Notice is hereby given in accordance with G.S. JSOB-21.2 that the DEM-Groundwater Section intends to adopt rule(s) cited as /SA NCAC 2P .0/0/ -.0/03, .020/ -.0202, .030/ -.0302, .040/ -.0407. The proposed effective date of this action is No- vember I, /992. The public hearing will be conducted on the fol- lowing dates and locations: NEW BERN July 7, /992 7:00 p.m. Superior Court, 2nd Floor Craven County Courthouse RALEIGH July 9, 1992 7:00 p.m. Ground Floor Hearing Room Archdale Building 5/ 2 N. Salisbury Street HICKORY July /3, /992 7:00 p,m. Auditorium Catawba Valley Community College Reason for Proposed Action: The proposed rules enable the operation of the commercial and non-commercial leaking petroleum underground storage tank cleanup funds. The rules set forth conditions and procedures for reimbursement of cost for environmental damage cleanup, bodily in- jury, or property damage resulting from the re- lease of petroleum from an underground storage tank. Rules for the collection of annual fees are also included. Comment Procedures: All persons interested in these matters are invited to attend the public hearing. Written comments may be presented at the public hearing or submitted through July 15, /992. Please submit comments to ,Hr. David Hance, Division of Emironmental Management. Groundwater Section, P.O. Box 29535, · Raleigh, NC 27626-0535, (9/9) 733-322/. Please notify Mr. Hance prior to the public hearing ifyou desire to speak. _ Oral presentation lengths may be lim 0 ited depending on the number of people that ·wish to speak at the public hearing. · IT IS VERY I\IPORTAi\T THAT ALL E\TER- ESTED· A\'D POTE:\TIALLY AFFECTED PER- SO:\S, GROCPS, BLS['\ESSES, ASSO- CIATIOi\S, l:\STITUTIO:"IS OR AGEi\CIES i\lAKE THEIR VIEWS AND OPI\'IOi\S KNOW:\1 TO THE DEPART\.tEi\T THROUGH THE PlJB- LIC HEARING Ai\D COM\1ENT PROCESS, WHETHER THEY SLPPORT OR OPPOSE Al\"V OR ALL PROVISIO:'\S OF THE PROPOSED RULES. Ftscal Note: These Rules affect the expenditures or revenues of local funds. A fiscal note was sub- mitted to the Fiscal Research Division on May 6, /992, OSBM on May 6, /992, N.C. League of J,,-funicipalities on May 7, /992, and N.C. Associ- ation of County Commissioners on May 7, /992. SUBCHAPTER 2P -LEAKING PETROLELM UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK CLEAJ\UP FUNDS SECTION .0l00 -GENERAL CD'.'ISIDERATIONS .0101 -GENERAL ~ The purpose of this Subchapter ~ to es- tablish criteria and procedures for the reimburse- ment of costs incurred 2Y owners and o perators from the Leaking Petroleum Undergr ound Stor- ~ Tank Cleanup Funds. . -. -. - {Ql The Groundwater Section of the Dms10n of Environmental Management of the Depart- ment of Environment , Health, and 1'atural Re- sources shall administer the Commercial and 1'oncomm~ial Underground Storage Tank Cleanup Funds for the State of ~forth Carolina. !fl Staff of the Division of Environmental Management shall conduct .inspections and !!:_ view records ~ necessary to assure comp liance with this Subchapter. @. As authorized QY G.S. 143-215.94G . the De partment !!§Y engage in cleanup work !! deems appropriate and ~ the costs from the ~oncommercial Fund in accordance with G.S. 143-215.94D. ~ The De partment may engage in investi- gations and cleanups in accordance with ~ prior- itv ranking system and the availabilitv of resources as detennined bv the Division. ==-==--- Statutory Authority G.S. /43-2 I 5.94£; /43--2 I 5. 94G; /43-2 I 5.94L. .OIOZ COPIES OF RULES I:\CORPORATEO BY REFERE:\CE ~ Copies of applicable sections of Suhcha pter 2:--.' of Title 15A. '.\orth Carolina Administrative Code incorp~d bv reference in this Subchap - ter. includim?. anv subse q uent amendments and editions. are available for puhlic im r cction at De partment of Em·ironment, Health. and '-.:a- tural Resources Recional Offices. Thcv arc: ill Asheville Regional Office, Interchan ge Building, 59 Woodfin Place, Asheville. North Carolina 2880 l; ill Winston-Salem Regional Office, Suite 100, 8025 North Point Boulevard , Winston- Salem, North Carolina 27106; Lll Mooresville Regional Office, 919 North Main Street, Mooresville , North Carolina 28115; {11 Raleigh Regional Office, 3800 Barrett Drive, Post Office Box 27687 1 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611; ill Fayetteville Regional Office, Wachovia Building, Suite 7 I 4, Fayetteville . North Carolina 2830 l; {21 Washingt on Regional Office, 1424 Carolina Avenue, Farish Building, Washin gt on , North Carolina 27889; ill Wilmingt on Regional Office, 127 Cardinal Drive Extension , Wilmington , North Carolina 28405. {hl Copies of such regulations can be made at these regional offices for ten cents ($0 .10) ~ ~ Statutory Authority G.S. 12-3./(c); 143-215.94£; l43-2l5.94L. .0103 FALSE OR MISLEADING l:\FORMATIOl\ Any owner Q! operator or authorized agent who knowingly submits ~ false or misleadin g infor- mation with regard to these Rules may be con- sidered to be contributin g to i!_ discharge, interfering with the miti gation of i!_ discharge , Q! preventing the early detection of i!_ discharge p ursuant to G.S. 143-215.94E{g)(l ) !f the false or misleading information results in delay of any efforts to stop the release or discharn e , results in delay of detection of~ portion of the discharge or release, Q! results in delay of investigatory Q! remedial activities. Statutory Authority G.S . /43-215.94£; /43s2/5 .94L. SECTION .0200 -PROGRA\I SCOPE .0201 APPLICABILITY W This Subchapter shall ~ to the dis- bursement of funds from the Commercial Leak- !Qg Petroleum lJ~ound Storage Tank Cleanup Fund and :-.:oncommercial Leaking Pe- troleum Lndergr ound Stora2e Tank Cleanup Fund . and to the collection of annual operating fees . {hl Anv portions of this Suhcha ptcr which concern annual tank o peratirnr fees i!12PlY to all owners and o perators of Comi11ercial Cnder- e:round Stora!!c Tanks that ha,·e heen in use in :\orth Carolina on or after .lmrv 1_ 1989-:-- {9 This Subcha pter shall ~ to discharges or releases from noncommercial or commercial undergr ound storage tank svstem~ re gardless of whether such systems are regu lated under Sub- chapter 2N of Title I SA, of the North Carolina Administrative Code. Statutory Authority G .S. 143-215.94£; /43-2/5.94L. .0202 DEFl'.'iITIONS W The definitions for "Criteria and Standards Applicable to Underground Storage Tanks" contained in 15A NCAC 2N .0203 ~ hereby inco rp orated QY reference includin l! subseq uent amendments and editions, except that for the putposes of this Subchapter, the definition of "Underground Storage Tank" shall be as defined in Subparagraph {hlill)_ of this Rule . (Q1 The following terms ~ defined for ~ in this Subchapter: ill "Annual operating fee" ~ !!!! annual fee required to be paid to the De p artment Qi'. the ~ or operator of each commercial underground storage tank in use on or af- ter ! January of the year. beginning with 1989. ill "Commission" means the Environmental Management Commission as organized under Chapter 143B of the General Stat- utes. Lll "Department" means Department of En- vironment , Health, and Natural Re- sources. ill "Discovered release" means ~ release which !!!! owner Q! o perator , Q!: its em- ployee or agent I has been made aware 2L, has been notified 2L, Q!: has ~ reasonable . basis for knowing has occurred. ~ 1 I ill "Dual usage tank" means an undergr ound storage tank which could be considered both a commercial unde n rr ound storage tank and a noncommercial undergr ound storage tarik and for which both the com- mercial and the noncommercial usages are integral to the o peration or existence of the tank. ill -..Household " ~ i!_ permanent struc- ture, whether free-standin g or connected to other units. used for living, where pri- ~ living space and primary food ~ aration facilities are controlled or mamtained QY -the residents.' "Household" includes simtle-famil v houses, a partments. and single living units, v.·hether or not the residents arc re- lated to each other. "Hou sehold" docs not include domutorie s . hos pitals . hotels . motels . a partment buildings ~ distin ct from the indi,·idual a partments therein). or other multiple dwdlin!!. structures . The term "four or fewer households" shall re- late tounderground storage tanks serving households only. ill "Occurrence" ~ one or more release(s) that result(s) in ~ single plume of soil, surface water, and/or groundwater contamination ( consisting of free product and/or dissolved contaminants exceedin g standards specified in 15A NCAC 2L or any other applicable laws, rules or ~ lations) emanating from ~ given site . (.fil "Reasonable and necessary expendi- tures" means exp enditures for cleanup work p erformed in accordance with i!P..:. plicable environmental laws and ~ lations and which is essential in deterrniningthe extent of contamination, in conducting release response or remedi- ation, or which compensates third parties for resulting bodily injury and property . damage. The Commission shall consider such expenditures reasonable and ~ ~ to the extent that they are sufficiently documented , c!!:._e performed in an efficient manner considering comp arable costs for labor, equipment, and materials , and uti- lize cost-efficient methods. {21 -"Substantive law, rule, or regulation" shall mean any law, rule, or regulation re- quiring ~ ~ or operator to perform any act necessary and essential in pre- venting discharges or releases, in facilitat- ~ their early detection , and in mitigating the impact of discharges or releases. UQl "Tank in operation" ~ !!!! under- ground storage tank into which product ~ added or from which product ~ !!.: moved for purposes other than closure. Ull "Tank in use" ~ !!!! underground storage tank intended for the containment or dispensing of p etroleum product. @ "Underground storage tank", as used in this Subchap ter ~ ~ Commercial or Noncommercial Undergr ound Storage Tank as defined in G.S. 143-215.94A. A dual usage tank ~ considered to be~· Commercial underground storage tank . Statutory Authority G.S. 143-2 l 5.94£; 143-215.94L. SECTION .oJ00 -A:\:\LJAL OPERATl'IG FEES .0301 HES A:\D PAY"E:\T W The owner or operator of each commercial undenrround storage tank shall ~ all annual tank operating fees due for that underground storage tank. f.hl The Division shall send an invoice. for the amount of the annual o r crating fees due. to the owner or o pe rator of~ commercial p etroleum undergr ound ~ tank in use on January ! of the · year and which has been re e:i stered with the De p artment. The annual o pe rating fee shall be due and payable 30 days following the date of the invoice and shall be submitted to the Division accordin~ ---- - 1£1 Anv owner or operator not receiYing an invoice for annual operating fees shall still ~ any fees due accordin g to the followin ~ schedule : ill !f the owner or operator has paid annual operating fees for the subject tank in pre- vious years, the payment will be submit- ted to the Division within 30 days of the anniversary of the last invoicing date for the fees. (ll !f the owner or operator has not previ- ously paid annual operating fees for the subject tank, '!!!Y. annual operating fee ~ due on l January of that year and shall be submitted to the Division accordincl v. @ Any commercial undergr ound storage tank ( except commercial undergr mmd storage tanks not regulated under 15A NCAC 2N) which~ in operation on or after December ~ 1988 and has not been permanently closed in accordance with 15A NCAC 2N .0800 is considered to be in use. (£1 Anv annual operating fee due on or after January 1. 1992, that ~ not paid within JO days of the due date shall be subject to a late penalty of five dollars ($5.00) ~ ~ ~ to an amount equal to the original fee. The late penalty will be assessed based Q!! the date of receipt of fee payment QY. the Division. ffi All annual operating fees due for any year are assessed in accordance with the schedule of fees in effect during that year. Pavment of fees due for a prior year will be at the rate in effect during that prior year. !!. ~ the res ponsibilitv of the ™I or operator to determine that all fees have been paid in accordance with Paragraph ta:}. of this Rule. -{gl-:-ln the event that an annual operating fee was paid for a tank for which a fee was not re- quired, ~ refund of that fee payment ~ be re- quested Q.Y the owner or o p erator. The owner or operator must provide ade q uate documenta- tion that the tank ~ exempt from the require- ment to ~ the annual o p erating fee. · Statutory Authority G.S. 143-2/5.94£; 143-215 .94L. .0302 ;\OTIFICATIO:\ Anv person transferring ownershi p of i! com- mercial underground storage tank shall pro\·ide written notification to the DiYision of this action within 30 davs of th~ date of transl~. ~his no- tification must indicate the follO\\·ing: ill '.\ame and address of the previom m, ncr and the new oi.rncr: ------- ill Name, identification number, and street address of the facility; ffi Date of transfer; {11 Signatures of the transfenin g owner and the ~ owner 2! their authorized re presen- tatives. --- Statutory Authority G.S. /43-2/5.94L; /43-2/5.94T. SECTION .0400 -REIMBURSEMENT PROCEOL'RE . 0401 ELIGIBILITY OF OWNER OR OPERATOR ~ Date of Release: ill An ~ 2! operator of !! commercial undergr ound storage tank ~ not eligible for reimbursement for costs related to re- leases which were dISCovered prior to June ~ 1988. ill An ~ Q! operator of!! noncommercial underground storage tank ~ eligible for reimbursement for costs without regard to the date a release is discovered. m An owner or operator of !! commercial undenrr ound storage tank, from which !! release ~ discovered on or after July J.i 1991, ~ not eligible for reimbursement !f the tank had been removed from the grouncimore than 120 days prior to the date of discovery of the release. {Ql An ~ 2! operator of!! commercial undere:r ound storage tank ~ not eligible for ~ imbursement for costs related to releases g !!!!Y annual operating fees due have not been paid in accordance with Rule .0301 of this Subchap ter prior to discove ry . {£1 An ~ Q! operator of !! commercial Q! noncommercial undergr ound storage tank ~ not eligible for reimbursement of any expended costs which are in excess of the amount determined ~ahle in accordance with Rule .0402, and which are not necessa rv in perfonning cleanup of environmental damage and in compensating third parties for bodilv injurv and property dam- ~ and which are less than any deductible es- tablished for the appropriate fund. @ An owner or operator of !! commercial Q! noncommercial undenrround storage tank may be reimbursed for elicible costs only after sub- mittal of !! written application to the Division . on forms provided bv the Division. and which includes anv information and documentation neccssarv ~ determine clicibility and to deter- mine that any expended costs are r~nable and nccessarv. ~ An mvner or operator of !! commercial or noncommercial underground storage tank shall not be cli!!ibk for reimbursement for costs related to rcicases !f the mrnn or opcratm has \\T!Tiuily violated ~ substantive law, rule, or regulation applicable to undergr ound storage tanks intended to prevent, mitigate, or facilitate the early de- tection of discharges Q!: releases. ffi The release response and corrective action re q uirements of~ rules of the Commission and of any statute administered QY_ the De p artment shall not in !!!!I way be construed as limited Q.Y,_ or contin gent upon, !!!!I reimbursement from ei- ther the Noncommercial Fund or the Commer- cial Fund. ---- Statucory Authority G.S . /43-2/5.94£; /43-2/5.94L. .0402 CLEANUP COSTS W In detennining whether costs ex pended QY_ an owner or operator are reasonable and neces- ~ the Division shall consider the following: ill Adequacy and cost-effectiveness of any work perfonned and technical activity utilized QY the ~ or o perator in per- forming release response, site assessment and corrective action. ill Typical billing rates of engineering, geological, or other environmental ~ suiting firms providing similar services in the State as determined 2Y the Division. ill Typical rental rates for any necessa rv equipment as determined QY. the Division. The amount reimbursed for equipment rental shall not exceed the typical pur- chase price of such equipment. ill Typical costs or rates of i!!!J'. other neces- gry service, labor Q! expense as deter- mined 2Y the Division. {Ql Expenditures not eligible for reimbursement shall include the followin g: ill Costs of the removal and disposal of noncommercial undergr ound storage tanks and contents removed on or after July 1. 1991, and of commercral under- ground storage tanks and contents re- moved on or after January 1. 1992; ill Costs of the re placement of ~ under- ground storage tank, P!P!!!&. fitting, or ancillary equipment; ill Costs incurred in preparation of any pro- posals to perform work for environmental cleanup; {11 Interest Q!! !!!!Y accounts. loans, etc.; ill Ex penses charged 2I the ~ or opera- tor in the processin g and mana!!ement of !! reimbursement application or subse- quent claims; ill Attornev's fees; ill Penalties , ~ and fines assessed bY ~ court or agencv; ill Loss of profits, fees. and ~ incurred bv the owner or o perator: ill Any other ex penses not specifically related to environmental cleanup, or im plemen- tation of a cost effective environmental cleanup~ or third ~ bodily injury or property damage . Statutory Authority G.S. 143-215.94B; 143-215.94D; 143-215.94£; 143-215.94L. . 0403 THIRD PARTY CLAI:VIS {fil An owner or operator seeking reiml>urse- ment from the appropriate fund for ~ third ~ claim for bodily injury or property damage must notify the Division of~ such claim. The ~ or operator must provide the Division with all pleadings and other related documents !f !!_ lawsuit has been filed. The ~ or operator shall provide to the Division copies of ~ med- ical reports, statements , investigative reportsi gr . certifications from licensed professionals ~ ~ to determine that ! claim for bodily injury or property damage~ reasonable and necessary . lli} The term third ~ bodily injury ~ specific physical bodily injury proximately !!.: suiting from exp osure , explosion, Q! fire caused QY the presence of !! petroleum release and which i§. incurred QY ~ person other than the ~ or operator, 2! employees or agents of an~ or o perator. {£)_ · The term third ~ property damage ~ actual physical damage Q! damage due to specific loss of normal ~ of property owned QY !!_ person other than the ~ Q! operator of ~ undergr ound storage tank from which !! release has occurred. A property ~ shall not be considered !!_ third ~ !f the property was transferred QY the ~ . 2£ operator of an underground storage tank in · antici pation of damage due to !! release. Third ~ property damage shall be reimbursed from the appropriate fund based on the rental costs of com p arable property during the period of loss of ~ !!£ to !!_ maximum amount equal to the fair market value . In the ~ of property that ~ actually destro yed as !!_ result of ii, petroleum release, reimbursement shall be at an amount neceSS!ty to replace or re- pair the destroved property. Statutory Authority G.S. 143-215.94B; 143-215.94D; 143-215.94£; 143-215.94L. .0404 REQUESTS FOR REL\IBURSEME'.'\T !.!)_ An application for reimbursement -must be made on !!_ form provided br the Division . The application form must accom pan v the initial re - imbursement request. {Ql A request for reimbursement shall include copies of ~ documentation required bv the Division to determine that expended costs are reasonable anJ nec essarv . Proof of pa,·ment must accom p::inv ~ request for reimbur sement . except when reimbursement will be made jointly to the owner or operator and either !!_ provider of service or! third partv claimant. The Division may require the owner or operator to submit ~ information required for the purpose of substan- tiating ~ claim for reimbursement on forms provided QY the Division. {£)_ ~ request for reimbursement may be ~ turned or additional information re q uested by the Division , if!! h found to be incom plete . @ The Division shall reimburse ~ owner or operator for expenses followin g comp letion of any significant phase of cleanup work or in ac- cordance with the schedule allowed QY G .S: 143-215 .94E (e ). ~ !f !!.!!Y. amount approved for reimbursement is less than the amount of reimbursement re- quested, the Thvision shall issue !! written expla- nation of why the amount ·requested was not a p proved: Statutory Authority G .S. /43-2/5.94£; 143-215.94L. .0405 METHOD OF RElMBlRSEMENT {fil Reimbursement for cleanup costs shall be made only to ~ owner or operator of !! petro- leum underground · storage tank, or jointly to an owner or o perator and i!_ provider of service. lli} Reimbursement of cleanup costs to the ~ or operator shall be made only after proof of payment for such costs has been received QY the Division. {£)_ Joint reimbursement of cleanup costs shall be made to an ~ or o perator and !!_ p rovider of service only upon receipt of !!_ written agree- ment acknowledged QY both parties . MY ~ imbursement check shall be sent directlv to the owner Q! o perator. @ Pa yment of third party claims shall be made to the ~ or operator, or jointly to the ~ or operator and the third partv claimant. Statutory Authority G .S . 143-215 .94£; 143-2/5.94L. .0406 REli\lBlRSE\IE'.'T APPORTlO:\:\IE:'\T {.!)_ Where multiple occurrences are addressed in !! single cleanup action, ex penses will be reim- bursed based on a pportionment among the oc- currences . The method of apportionment will be as follows: -ill Ex pe nses related directlv to !!_ p articular occurrence shall be applied onlv-to that occurrence: ffi Expenses that are related to more than ~ occurrence will be a pp ortioned equally among the occurrences. {Ql \Vhcre annual opera tinsr fees due have not been paid on all undcnrround storage tanks con- tributing to an occurrence . reimburscm~nt will be made at a rate equal to the number of tanks contributine. to the occurrence for which all an- nual operating fees due have been paid divided QY the total number of tanks contributing to the occurrence. (£1 !f multiple unden rr ound storage tanks at ~ single site are contributing to i! single occurrence and the tanks ~ owned or operated QY different persons, reimbursement may be made to any of the owners or operators ~ ![ the occurrence were caused solely Qy that person's underground stor- ~ tanks. Statutory Authority G.S. /43-2/5.94£; /43-2!5.94L. • 0407 FIN AL ACTION ~ The Director, or his delegate, shall make! final decision on ! written application for eligi- bility for reimbursement from the appropriate fund. The Director. or his delegate. shall make ~ final decision on ~ written requestfor re- imbursement made subse q uent to an initial ~ p lication. lli). An ~ or operator who has been denied eligibility for reimbursement from the appropri- ate fund after submittal of a written application in accordance with the proceduresof this Sub- chapter, or who has had ~ written reimburse- ment request denied after submittal in accordance with the procedures of this Subchapter , shall be notified of the tighl to petition for !! contested case in the Office of Administrative Hearin gs in ~rdanCT with the p rocedure set out in G.S. 150B-23 . Statutory Authority G.S. /43-215.94£; /43-2!5.94L. •· Public Hearing Registration Form (Legibly print. please I) / le :"-6 ... ,, ~ Hearing --~____;_____,;;:;;...__ ________________ Date ~Q_~-----~--- Please furnish the Inf ormatlon requested below and Indicate whether you wish to be heard during this public hearing. This Information Is necessary In order that you be given an opportunity to speak and so that your name and affiliation wlll be correctly entered In the hearing record. Name ~2:\a vr_~9 ~1,tJL.,,1 Tltle CNV', Spec . Employer/Represelt;ng _ _____.IV.____C_l"'-~-~--_,,_. ______________ _ )O(J n~✓ ~ .,,-l q Mailing Address _ __,__ ___ t_:::tl'---;'1~.___-~_u_~_ •....£L _____________ _ City and State ------'--/?-----'AC....:..../4'---'--t!"--" .,,' ..,__,:t,"'--'' '----'--I\/-~_-_· __ 7 Zip Code _:i._. '"1_(.._z.,_z.._. --- Yfil ~ ~~ you wish to be heard? If your presentation will exceed three minutes, please submit three copies of your statement to the hearing clerk along with this registration form. ~ Do you wish to receive a copy of regulations, If any, resulting from this hearing? Division of Environmental Management, North Carolina Department of Environment. Health, and Natural Resources Public Hearing Registration Form (Legibly print. please!) Hearing ---'----J_____,___/( __ G_Ja_ill_vAJ_~_iuJ__;IJT._c'J'c_-'-~-w=_':T._-e-._-Ln_,:;._w_lo._~_N------'h---'v:;_;.w~>ac.__ Date __ 8'.....,/~t ....,..)_9_2., __ _ I I Please furnish the Information requested below and Indicate whether you wish to be heard during this public hearing. This Information Is necessary In order that you be given an opportunity to speak and so that your name and affiliation wlll be correctly entered In the hearing record. Name :::;;ic;~ ~,4..;~j).. Title 8,vv,;O'Mrrl J?~rl>L ~LB---s Employer/Representing __ Sp ___ '/J_J_C_o __ e,_· _,,r.,J_v,_~_/4/_dl_lrlv_'T._rl-_L ___________ _ Mailing Address __ /_3_d _ _;_A_e._,,cJ_m_t9_/2_C_· _h_R._~ __ S:_o_J7:._e __ l _l _2.. __________ _ City and State &L-e-1t:::/I , P c__ Zip Code __ 2-_7_t _o_3 ___ _ Yfil ~ .i_ Do you wish to be heard? If your presentation will exceed three minutes, please submit three copies of your statement to the hearing clerk along with this registration form. 1 Do you wish to receive a copy of regulations, If any, resulting from this hearing? Division of Environmental Management , North Carolina Department of Environment , Health, and Natural Resources