HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0025984_SPAR_20210224Town of Forest City 2020 System Performance Annual Report (SPAR) January 1, 2020 to December 31, 2020 I. General Information • Name of regulated entity: County: • Responsible persons: Mailing address: Physical address Public Works: Town of Forest City Rutherford County Steve Holland, Mayor Janet Mason, City Manager Physical address Forest City WWTP: PO Box 728; Forest City, NC 28043-0728 132 Wilkie Street, Forest City 28043 397 Riverside Drive, Forest City 28043 219 Broad River Blvd, Forest City 28043 Physical address Riverstone WWTP: Phone numbers: 828-245-4747 Janet Mason 828-245-0149 Barry Spurlin 828-248-5217 Sonny Penson 828-248-5217 Jeff Dotson 828-245-0149 Avery Hamrick 828-245-0149 Reid Guffey • Listing of applicable permits: City Manager Public Works Director WWTP Chief Plant Operator/ORC WWTP Plant Superintendent/Back-up ORC Water and Sewer Superintendent Collections ORC Collection System: WQCS00050 Wastewater Treatment Plants: NC0025984 Forest City WWTP -Riverside Drive NC0087084 Riverstone Industrial Park WWTP NC0083272 DRG Harris WWTP • Description of sewer collection system and wastewater treatment systems or processes: Collection System: WQCS00050 The Town of Forest City maintains and operates 27 lift stations (19 in Forest City, 6 in Ellenboro, 1 at Riverstone Industrial Park, and 1 on site at American Zinc Products .) There are~ 95 miles of gravity sewer and ~13.6 miles of force main. Chase Middle School makes up 2.4 miles of this force main and Chase High School makes up another 1.5 miles of this force main . The Riverstone Industrial Park makes up 0.7 miles of the gravity sewer total and 390 .8 feet of force main. The Hicks Grove station serving AZP (American Zinc Products) has 1.1 miles of force main contributing to the above total. Riverstone's lift station and the Hicks Grove (AZP) station are pumped to the Riverstone VMI/TP headworks located at 219 Broad River Blvd . The Town of Forest City also maintains the Town of Ellenboro's sewer collection system. This system has ~ 6.2 miles of gravity sewer, 7.4 miles of force main and four pump stations (with telemetry and dual "high water'' alarms). Ellenboro Elementary School and East High School each have lift stations that pump into Ellenboro's collection system and are maintained by the Town of Forest City. Pretreatment Program: There are 4 significant industrial users which contribute flow to the collection system and Forest City wastewater treatment plant: Everest Textiles, Eaton Corporation, Westrock and Parker Hannifin . Riverstone WWTP has one IUP issued to AZP (American Zinc Products .) ProAmpac was removed as an IUP during the 2020 year. Wastewater Treatment Plants (WWTP) / Water Reclamation Facility (WRF): NC0025984 Wastewater Treatment Plant located at 397 Riverside Drive in Forest City is a 4.95 MGD plant consisting of the following units : • Influent mechanical step/bar screen and manual bypass screen. • Aerated traveling bridge grit chamber and grease removal. • 5 smaller first stage aeration tanks with floating aerators (currently not operating.) • Second stage aeration basin with floating aerators (3. 99 MG capacity.) • Dual secondary clarifiers (75 ft. diameter.) • Chlorine contact chamber and step aeration. • Chlorine gas feed equipment • Sulfur Dioxide gas feed equipment for dechlorination . • Aerobic Digester with Aquatec SAM submersible aerator and mixer (approximately 0.450 MG capacity.) • Aerobic Digester with 60 hp floating aerator (approximately 0.230 MG capacity.) • (2) Waste Activated Sludge pumps discharge approximately 500 gpm direct to the digester(s), and approximately 375 gpm maximum to the rotary drum thickener. • JWC Monster drum thickener IFT Series Rotary Screen . • Enviroquip 2.0 meter belt filter press (14% -17% solids .) • Class B sludge cake is hauled to permitted fields under Southern Soil Builders permit (WQ0010926.) • Average flow is approximately 1.25 MGD. NC0087084 Riverstone WWTP Located at 219 Broad River Blvd in the Riverstone Industrial Park. The Plant is a 0.05 MGD SBR plant consisting of: • Influent mechan ical step/bar screen and manual bypass screen. • Pre EQ basin with maximum capacity of 0 .017 MG and max design flow rate of 138.9 gpm. • SBR basin with minimum capacity of 0.043 MG and maximum capacity of 0 .063 MG . Decant flow rate (average high to low) 313 gpm. Sludge waste rate 100 gpm. • Post SBR EQ basin maximum volume 0.0156 MG. Flow control valve feeds chlorine contact chamber at a rate of 0 -313 gpm. • Chlorine contact chamber with tablet feeders for chlorination and dechlorination • Aerobic digester with maximum volume of 0.033 MG. PLC operation of this facility enable various settling cycles as needed. These have been adjusted as needed to accommodate the small flow rate currently received by the plant. Sludge waste is conducted manually as needed. Riverstone WWTP flow is approximately 3,000 to 5,000 gallons per day average. NC0083272 DRG Harris Plant A 0.91 MGD WWTP which is inoperative & currently inactive. WWTP Sludge Management: WQ0037135 Class B land application Southern Soil Builders US Biolsolids Incorporated (formerly Southern Soil Builders) applies Class B cake sludge to sites they have permitted under permit number WQ0037135 . 236 .55 dry tons were bulk land applied using pathogen reduction option: Class B Alternative 1 -Fecal Coliform Geometric Mean and vector attraction reduction options : Bench-Scale Volatile Solids Reduction (Aerobic Bench Test w/ Percent Solids -2% or Less.) Southern Soil submits the NC DEQ report for this permit. EPA online submission was uploaded on 02/11/2021 for the 2020 year II. Performance • Description of overall 12 month performance, noting highlights and deficiencies. The Forest City WWTP and Collection System performed adequately during calendar year 2020 . The staff of the WWTP, Collection System, and Pump Maintenance departments continuously look for ways to minimize or eliminate heavy flow conditions associated with l&I. 75hp blowers were added to the large digester replacing the outdated 40hp units previously in service. The small digester has been modified with larger decant lines and outfitted with a new sludge pump . A new JWC Environmental Rotary Drum Thickener was install in June 2020 . Completing the treatment plants CDBG updates. Brackett Creek lift station had a Duperon Flex Rake screen from the CDBG grant. The screen was placed in service 2nd quarter 2020 . The station saw new piping and valve updates that allows all pumps to operate during severe storms improving station output thereby reducing Sanitary Sewer Overflows. Funding has been approved and carried over for a new Dogwood pump station . Preliminary drawings by are under review by McGill and Associates. Budget request have been made for soft starts to be added at Brackett Creek lift station for pumps 1 and 2. • By month, list of the number and type of any violations of permit conditions, environmental regulations or environmental laws, including (but not limited to): Permit Limit Violations, Monitoring and Reporting Violations: NC0025984 Forest City WWTP: No violations for calendar year 2020 NC0087084 Riverstone WWTP: No violations for calendar year 2020 SSOs or Bypasses of treatment facilities. None Collection System SSOs: 5 SSOs ' reached surface waters . • 02/06/2020 Notice of Violation for Incident #202000255 140 Pitman Street -Brackett Creek pump station 4 ,510,000 during heavy rainfall event. • 02/06/2020 Notice of Violation for Incident #202000257 126 Sunset Drive -Alexander pump station 130,500 gallons during heavy rainfall event. • 02/06/2020 Notice of Violation for Incident #202000581 439 Dogwood Lane -manhole #469 upstream of Dogwood pump station 75 ,000 gallons during heavy rainfall event. • 05/19/2020 Incident #202001406 140 Pitman Street -Brackett Creek pump station 1,156,150 gallons during heavy rainfall event. • 08/07/2020 Incident #202002294 140 Pitman Street -Brackett Creek pump station 900 gallons from manhole above station during heavy rainfall event. Corrective Measures Collection System : During 2020 the Town of Forest City had 55,142 feet of sewer line cleaned and 12 ,536 feet of sewer treated for root control. Camera inspection consisted of 47,094 feet. The Town of Ellenboro collection system is maintained by Forest City. A total of 8,086 feet of cleaning to the Ellenboro collection system took place in 2020 . • Description of any known environmental impact of violations: None • Description of corrective measures taken to address violations or deficiencies at WWTP: Sewer Collection System Infiltration and Inflow (l&I) Rehabilitation Projects: The Town will actively pursue grants and repair/rehabilitate sewer lines, infrastructure , and equipment where possible. Ill. Notification Notification of the Town's System Performance Annual Report shall be conveyed to Town customers by a statement printed on monthly billing that "System Performance Annual Report is available on the Town 's website www.townofforestcity .com by clicking Departments and selecting either Public Works or Wastewater Treatment." "Hard copy" available upon request from the following locations: • Forest City Town Hall, located at 128 N Powell Street, • Public Works Department located at 132 Wilkie Street, • Forest City Wastewater Treatment Plant located at 397 Riverside Drive. IV. Certification North Ca rolina Certified Operators in Responsible Charge (ORC) and backups: W\/1/f P ORC: (Sonny) Barnard N. Penson, Jr. \/1/W IV Cert. # 22338 W\/1/fP Back-up ORC(s): Jeffrey W. Dotson \/1/W IV Cert.# 11688 Collections ORC(s): Brian Reid Guffey CS 4 Cert.# 1000714 Collections Backup ORC(s) Justin David Jones CS 3 Cert. # 1008467 • Statement by responsible officials certifying the report is accurate and complete. I certify under penalty of law that this report is complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge. further certify that this report has been made available to the users or customers of the named system and hat those users have been notified of its availability. Barry Spurlin Public Works Director Date r I Barn d N Penson Jr~ /J--JJX:: 5 Chief Plant Operator/ORC Date WWTP Plant Superintendent/backup ORC Date Water and Sewer Superintendent Date @,, ;J) JJJhc Brian Reid Guffey Collections System ORC Date Note: Annual reports (SPAR) must be submitted within 60 days of the end of the applicable 12- month review period. To satisfy the Departmental reporting requirement, three copies of the annual report (SPAR) should be submitted to the following address: System Performance Annual Report North Carolina Division of Water Quality 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617