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20200982 Ver 1_More Info Received_20210727
Strickland, Bev From: Kevin A <keaccomazzo@gmail.com> Sent: Monday, July 26, 2021 4:33 PM To: Johnson, Alan Subject: Re: [External] 7644 Buckland rd. Attachments: 7644 Buckland Rd project scope.docx; 7644 Buckland Road - Charlotte, NC Self- Gatekeeping Checklist.pdf; 10'- 85'x15' impact.png; 7644 Buckland Road - Charlotte, NC Model.pdf CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to Report Spam. Good afternoon, Received the engineered plans and ready to go! Here are the full detailed plans with the engineered plans included. Thank you for your patience with this and please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks, Kevin On Mon, Jul 26, 2021 at 9:25 AM Johnson, Alan <alan.johnson@ncdenr.gov> wrote: Look forward to it DWR Division of Water Resources Alan D Johnson — Senior Environmental Specialist NC Dept. of Environment & Natural Resources (NCDENR) Division of Water Resources - Water Quality Regional Operations 610 East Center Ave., Suite 301, Mooresville, NC 28115 Phone: (704) 235-2200 Fax: (704) 663-6040 i E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties unless the content is exempt by statute or other regulation. From: Kevin A [mailto:keaccomazzo@gmail.com] Sent: Tuesday, July 20, 2021 2:44 PM To: Johnson, Alan <alan.johnson@ncdenr.gov> Subject: [External] 7644 Buckland rd. CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to Report Spam. Hi sir, Just wanted to give you the heads up. With using World Wide Engineering, I should be able to have a official plan for you by the end of this week. Thanks for your patience. Kevin 2 7644 Buckland Rd shoreline project scope To whom it may concern, The project scope for 7644 Buckland Rd is as follows: Description: The above -mentioned property has 235 linear feet of shoreline with vertical drops to the water ranging from heights of up to 20' in the northern area and 10' in the southern area as depicted in the survey. There has been continuous deterioration from erosion which is extending onto neighboring properties resulting in an unstable/unsafe shoreline that is worsening by the day. The bank is barely being held together by frail tree roots which will soon slump into the water. The property is .558 acre wooded lot. From what I understand, it once housed a single -wide trailer in the early 90's. The only indication of previous habitancy is two wooden storage sheds, poles from a seawall, and poles where there was once a dock. I haven't been able to locate either registration/permit for either the previous dock or the seawall. Project scope: To mitigate further shoreline erosion and further destruction by falling trees, I intend to stabilize the shoreline by installing a retaining wall and rip rap. Please review attachment. As you will see, the northern part (largest drop) will have an approximate 80-100 linear foot retaining wall, averaging 10' in height. As of this date, I intend to use Redi-rock gravity blocks engineered and approved by Charlotte -Mecklenburg code enforcement. The base of the retaining wall will be at the 576' mark. In addition, I will provide ample rip rap to the remainder of the shoreline to ensure proper stabilization which will align well with the neighboring property to the north. The southern part of the shoreline will also have rip rap added even though the slope will continue to go above the 576' waterline. Aesthetically, this will blend better with the southernmost neighboring property. There is also the possibility of lessening the slope on the southern area. Concrete blocks (2'x2'x4') may be used to create a small 4' high retaining wall ranging approximately 100 linear feet. This would help create a flat area to prevent against water runoff into the lake as well as further vegetation growth on the property. The location would be in the pre -mitigated area. To assist with future repair and maintenance for shoreline as well as shoreline clean up, I am requesting a vehicular access road/ canoe access to the surface water but not crossing the surface water that is restricted to the minimum width practicable not to exceed 15 feet in width. This is in accordance with new regulations 15A NCAC 02B.0614 (Catawba river basin: protection and maintenance of existing riparian buffers) paragraph 10 ( table: rr) since no practical alternatives exists to access the base of the rip rap/shoreline. All buffer revegetation will be in accordance with section 6 of the Charlotte -Mecklenburg water Quality buffer implementation guidelines and incorporate level 2 revegetation levels. To create minimal impact, shoreline access for construction will be accessed via the southeastern end of the property. This temporary road will be in accordance with 15A NCAC 026.0614 paragraph 10 (table: dd). The disturbed area will be less than 2,500 square feet of riparian buffer disturbance and will be restored to pre -construction topographic and hydrologic conditions and replanted with comparable vegetation within two months of when construction is complete. The road will be routed in the most feasible way to create minimal impact to surrounding vegetation. Mitigation: The total disturbance area equates to 2775 sq ft (10' width from the edge for 150 linear feet and 15' width mitigation for 85 linear feet where the retaining wall will be) see attached map. Trees that are necessary for removal will be replaced in accordance with section 6 water quality buffer revegetation using the approved plants from Appendix 15: Approved Plants for use in water quality buffers. Notes for water quality buffer revegetation plan: 1. The total area of the lot is 24,299 sq ft./ .558 acres a total buffer area of 11,750 sq. ft (235'x50'). 7,050 sq ft zone 1 and 4,700 sq ft zone 2. 2. Containerized trees will be planted in the restoration area at a density of 8 trees/1000 sq. ft 3. Trees marked with a single red slash represent trees that will have to be removed due to under rooting within their vicinity to the edge. Trees with red crosses will be removed as it will be detrimental to retaining wall construction or housing footprint. Removal is deemed allowable in accordance with 15A NCAC 026.0614 paragraph 10 (table: VI -IX). All mentioned above are in the revegetation mitigation area which is 10' from the edge for 150' and 15' mitigation for 85' where the retaining wall will be 4. 10% of the area to be revegetated can be planted with shrubs in lieu of trees (a density of 30 shrubs for every 1,000 sq. ft.). 5. All exposed soil in the restoration area will be covered with 2 inches of hardwood mulch. 6. Tree shelters will be used to protect against deer grazing and mower damage. 7. Following buffer restoration, diffuse flow will be maintained through the buffer in perpetuity. 8. Temporary sediment and erosion control devices provided that the disturbed area is restored to preconstructed conditions and replanted with comparable vegetation will be used, such as silt fences, to mitigate runoff into the surrounding waters 9. It is the responsibility of the property owner to maintain the revegetation site and repair, protect, and add additional controls to protect the buffer as necessary. 10. No pines or other conifer trees will be planted within Level 2 revegetation 11. Any slope within the buffer will not exceed 2:1 ratio in accordance with county, state, and Duke power's regulations Planting for Stabilization Plantings must meet Level 2 Revegetation standards referenced in the Charlotte Mecklenburg Water Quality Buffer Implementation Guidelines* (section 6.1.2). The plans below meet the required specification. Please see attached Charlotte -Mecklenburg Water Quality Buffer Implementation Guidelines Appendix 16 for plant lists. Additional native alternatives may be utilized with approval from Mecklenburg County Storm Water Services. Total area of disturbance = 2775 sq ft. Option 1 (100% Trees): 22 Trees (8 trees per 1000') - Trees must be 1.5" caliper or 15-gallon containerized minimum - No pines or other conifer trees - Select 0-9 trees from List 1 'Deciduous Trees' - Select 13-22 trees from List 2 or List 4 'Understory Trees (Deciduous)' or 'Understory Trees (Evergreen)' - Select a minimum of 6 different species of trees - 100% ground cover of exposed soil is required - ground cover may include native seed mix, grass/grass- like plants or forbs from List 6, 7 or 8 (minimum of two species) and temporary cover as needed (native seed mix is recommended for groundcover within the buffer) Option 2 (90% Trees and 10% Shrubs): (20 trees/ 9 shrubs ) - Trees must be 1.5" caliper or 15-gallon containerized minimum - No pines or other conifers trees - Select 0-8 trees from List 1 'Deciduous Trees' - Select 12-20 trees from List 2 or List 4 'Understory Trees (Deciduous)' or 'Understory Trees (Evergreen)' - Select a minimum of 6 species of trees - Shrubs must be at least 1 gallon containerized - Select 9 shrubs from List 5 'Deciduous Shrubs' - Plant shrubs in dense groups around edges to prevent invasive species infestation of buffer - 100% ground cover of exposed soil is required - ground cover may include native seed mix, grass/grass-like plants or forbs from List 6, 7 or 8 (minimum of two species) and temporary cover as needed (native seed mix is recommended for groundcover within the buffer) EHBU I" t L f » ' Self-Gatekeeping Checklist for Commercial Permitting and Plan Review Oq rM CAR Mecklenburg County Code Enforcement 2145 Suttle Avenue, Charlotte, NC 28208 Questions? Contact Customer Service at (980) 314-CODE (2633) www.meckpermit.com Date Submitted Date to be Reviewed Date Accepted Project Name 7644 Bucklond Road Project Number Project Address 7644 Buckland Road, Charlotte, NC 28278 Contact Person Michael L. Kiser, P.E. Cell Number (704) 408-0080 Phone Number (704) 483-5225 Email mlkiser@bellsouth.net Fax Number (704) 483-5466 I certify, to the best of my professional belief, this submission meets all minimum submittal requirements required by Meckloburg CouVy CocJp Elifoycement and the Plans Submittal Guidelines. Signature of Seal holder / Designer License # NC 19258 This form is intended to be used with O Schedule, Express Review, Rehab and CTAC (Commercial Technical Assistance Center) plan submittals only. It is not intended to be used with Mega plan submittals. Each item should be evaluated and then indicate Included or N/A for each item as applicable. Every project is different and will require different items. This form should be completed by the Seal holder responsible for the submittal package. If a seal holder is not required, it should be completed by the designer responsible for the submittal package. If items are missing from the submittal package that require the review to be stopped, the review will be disapproved and the disapproval will be counted against the A/E Pass Rate. This form must be submitted with the submittal package. G1 (*'Included C N/A Drawings Packaged per Packaging Guidelines G2 (: Included C N/A 2012 Appendix B - (Including Schedule of Special Inspection Services) must be reproduced on the plans G3 (9 Included N/A Completed Permit Application with Estimated Project Cost and Address Verification (one application per building or unit address) G4 Included (: N/A Plans that are submitted to our office, if they are marked, must be marked "For Construction Only". Cannot be marked as Bid Only, Permit Only, or 80% complete, only. G5 C Included G N/A A key plan is required to show location for upfit, renovations, and alterations only G6 (* Included C N/A Estimated Permit Fees are required for OnSchedule, Express Review, RTAP's, and Rehab project submittals G7 (a Included (- N/A Zoning Approval from Towns (Huntersville, Cornelius, Davidson) if applicable G8 C Included C N/A Planning Commission Approval as required G9 (e Included (' N/A Professional Seals signed and dated as required G10 G11 (^ Included N/A Included C N/A All plan sheets are required to be "authored". Need name, address, phone, and signature of individual responsible for each plan sheet when not done by licensed professional. Drawings Packaged per Packaging Guidelines contained in one file (all trades) including a table of contents G12 Included C N/A 2012 Appendix B - (Including Schedule of Special Inspection Services) must be reproduced on the plans G13 C' Included (' N/A Completed Permit Application submitted by contractor online, including Lien Agent (one application per building or unit address) Identify projects that involve multiple building permits G14 C Included C N/A A key plan is required to show location for upfit, renovations, and alterations only PDF processed with CutePDF evaluation edition www.CutePDF.com Plans Submittal Document for additional information) G15 CIncluded N/A Construction Phasing Plan with detailed information on the scope of work for each phase along with the appropriate number of permit applications for each phase if applicable G16 (—Included N/A Footing / Foundation G17 C Included N/A Structural Frame G18 C Included N/A Shell G19 C, Included N/A G20 C Included C N/A Shell with Core Only the revised sheets from the original drawings needs to be uploaded and listed on the Sheet Index with appropriate dates and revision numbers G21 C Included C N/A If the original approved plans were electronic plans from the old system (pre Feb. 1, 2012) upload the original plans as reference plans G22 G23 C Included C N/A cial Inspe Co Included C, N/A If the original approved plans were electronic plans in the new system (post Feb. 1, 2012) no reference plans are necessary to be uploaded, but will be accessed internally by our staff. ter 17, www.meck-si.com ) Plan Shee a: Special Inspections checklist completed on Appendix B G24 (: Included C N/A b: Statement of Special Inspections (DPIRC) must be reproduced on the plans - see www.meck-si.com G25 (^ Included C N/A c: IT categories 1-19 must be reproduced on the plans with the appropriate items indicated that are required for this project. This information is consistent with Appendix B - see www.meck-si.com G26 C Included C N/A als - Disapproved a: Upload modified Sheet Index G27 C Included C N/A b: Modified Drawing Files G28 C^ Included C^ N/A c: Written and signed response letter to Reviewers comments and uploaded as file G29 (- Included C' N/A CTAC: Modified drawing files should include the disapproved plan set with the revised sheets at the back of the plan set and amended table of contents Civil / Site an Type of Occupancy and Land Use Cl C Included C: N/A C2 C Included t: N/A Vicinity Map / Key Map C3 (' Included G N/A North Arrow and Map Scale C4 C Included N/A Property and Street Right of Way Lines with Dimensions C5 C Included (: N/A Existing and Proposed Driveway Connections C6 C Included (9 N/A Show All Easements and Right of Ways C7 C Included (e N/A Locations of All Existing and Proposed Structures with Dimensions from Property Lines C8 C Included (9 N/A Locations of All Other Existing and Proposed Site Improvements C9 C Included N/A Parking Plan, including Accessible Parking, with Calculations CIO C Included N/A Accessible Curb Cuts C11 C Included N/A Site Lighting Plan C 12 C Included (: N/A Screening and Buffers C13 C Included N/A Location, Type and Size of Public/Private Water Lines, Meters and Backflows C 14 C Included C: N/A Fire Hydrants - Public and Private C15 (^ Included N/A Location of Sewer Lines C 16 C Included C: N/A Storm Drainage / Topography / Grading C17 C Included N/A Adjoining Property Owners Names and Land Uses C 18 C Included N/A Owners Name, Address, and Contact Information C19 C Included N/A Person Responsible for Plan ( Name, Address and Contact Information) Al (: Included C N/A Soil Reports or Load Capacity when required A2 C Included (: N/A Design Loads A3 C* Included C N/A Footing Details (sizes & steps) A4 C Included (: N/A Foundation Plan A5 C Included N/A Show foundation slab details including vapor barrier A6 C Included (: N/A Provide basement percentage below grade calculations A7 C Included Co N/A Floor/ Wall/ Roof Plan A8 C Included (o N/A Elevations of building with dimensions (building height, floor to floor, height to ridge and eave) A9 C Included C-o N/A Identify the names and uses of each room A10 C Included (o N/A All penetration details for fire -rated construction including approved agency system information All C Included % N/A Partition Layout/ Fire Ratings with UL/FM # Al2 C Included (o N/A Seating Layout - Furniture Plans A13 C Included Co N/A Calculations for means of egress widths for occupancy loads A14 C Included (o N/A Show toilet room layouts at sufficient scale for dimensions and details to verify for accessibility compliance A15 C Included (4 N/A NCSBC Chapter 3411.7 Compliance shown on plans if applicable A16 C Included (o' N/A Rehab Code expenditure log information shown on plans if applicable A17 C Included (4 N/A Ramps (slope) A18 C Included (4- N/A Stair Details (risers/treads/handrails) A19 C Included (: N/A Firestopping and Draftstopping A20 C Included (o' N/A Interior Finish Schedule/ Type Material A21 C Included (o N/A Door Schedule Including Hardware A22 C Included (o' N/A Sections through Building (Detailed Wall Sections) A23 C Included (o N/A Wall bracing details A24 C Included (o N/A Insulation/Energy Form - Comcheck information must be included on plan sheets if used A25 C Included (o N/A Glass Type - Safety Glass as Required A26 C Included Co N/A Chimney/ Fireplace Details A27 C Included (4 N/A Gross and Net Floor Area A28 C Included Co N/A Construction Type A29 C Included (o N/A Occupancy Category A30 C Included (9 N/A Hazardous Materials Storage or Use A31 C Included (o' N/A High Piled Storage A32 C Included (9 N/A I-2 occupancy color coded life safety drawings from NC (DHSR) A33 C Included (-o N/A Attic ventilation details including overall ventilation calculations A34 C Included (: N/A Fixed Extinguishing Systems (halon/foam) A35 C Included C-o N/A Window Schedule A36 C Included (: N/A Pre -Engineered Metal Building Details - Option A or B - see Department policy A37 C Included Co N/A Details for fabric awnings and canopies including fire -resistance information E1 C Included (o N/A Number of Services and Equipment Physical Locations E2 C Included (9 N/A Riser Diagram E3 C Included (o' N/A Grounding Electrode Conductor E4 C Included (o N/A Service Overcurrent Protection - Identify service mains, ratings and characteristics E5 C Included (o' N/A Panel Overcurrent Protection E6 C Included (: N/A Feeder Overcurrent Protection E7 C Included (o N/A Transformer Overcurrent Protection E8 C Included (o N/A Panel Schedules with NEC 220 load summary for all new and/or affected panels and services E9 C Included (o' N/A Ground Fault Protection E10 C Included (o N/A Separately Derived Systems Ground Ell C Included (o N/A Fixed Electric Heat E12 C Included (o- N/A Hazardous Areas - Show classification of hazardous areas and define all boundaries. E13 C Included % N/A Signs E14 C Included (o N/A Emergency Systems/ Lights E15 C Included C9 N/A Exit Lights E 16 C Included (4- N/A Smoke Detectors E17 C Included (: N/A Lighting Fixtures/ Outlet Layout E18 C Included (o N/A Upfits of Multi -Tenant Buildings E19 C Included (: N/A Require Electrical Shell Drawing of Building E20 C- Included Co N/A Fire Alarm Devices, Riser Diagram and Sequence of Operations M nical M1 C Included (o N/A Equipment (types, sizes, & location) M2 C Included (o N/A Fuel -Vent or Chimney Size and Location M3 C Included (o' N/A Combustion/ Ventilation, Air, Size and Location with Calculations M4 C Included G N/A Ductwork (sizing, locations & insulation) M5 C Included (o N/A Supply & Return Air Outlet, Inlet Locations, and Exhaust Terminations M6 C Included (o N/A Type of Duct Materials M7 C Included (o N/A Show all fire -rated and smoke -rated walls (both existing and new) with their ratings on the Mechanical Plans M8 C Included (9 N/A Exhaust Fans (CFM's) M9 C Included (o N/A Smoke Detection for Return Air M10 C Included (-o N/A Fire Dampers with applicable type noted; Static or Dynamic Ml l C Included (9 N/A Kitchen Hood M12 C Included (-o N/A HVAC Condensation Drain and termination / discharge location M13 C Included (: N/A Energy Form (2012 NCECC 506 Requirements) M14 C Included (-o N/A Gas Piping Detail Material, Size, Loads (Existing & New) and Total Equivalent Pipe Length M15 C Included (o N/A Rooftop Equipment Detail M16 C Included (-o N/A Structural Support Detail for RTU's > 500 lbs M17 C Included (o N/A Accessibility of Equipment M18 C Included (-o N/A BTU's/ CFM/ Tons of Equipment P1 ( Included C0 N/A Fixture (location) P2 C^ Included N/A Drainage, Waste and Vent System Pipe Diagram Sizes (isometric & floor plans) and Materials P3 C1 Included N/A Traps P4 C^ Included N/A Cleanouts P5 C Included N/A Water Distribution Diagram and Piping Materials P6 C^ Included N/A Pressure Reducing Valves P7 C Included N/A Backflow Preventers (Fixtures and Appliances) P8 C Included N/A Equipment Accessibility P9 C Included N/A Leaders and Storm Drains with storm sizing calculations and design criteria P10 C Included N/A Connector to City Water/ Sewer P11 C Included N/A Connection to Private Well/ Septic Tank P12 C Included N/A Water Heater Details and Location P13 C Included N/A Interceptors - sizing and calculations P14 C Included N/A Minimum Facilities with calculations SI C1 Included N/A System Standard (NFPA 13, 13R, 231 etc) S2 C^ Included N/A Location of Water Connection S3 C1 Included N/A Test Data (Static, Residual, Flow) S4 C Included N/A Fire Pump Data S5 C Included N/A Type System (wet, dry, etc.) S6 C^ Included N/A Pipe Schedule or Hydraulic S7 C Included N/A Total Flow & Pressure Demand S8 C Included N/A Size, Location, & Main Risers and FDC S9 C Included N/A Location of Private Mains S 10 C Included N/A Note Any Unprotected Areas S 11 C Included N/A If Hydraulic Design provide: a) Design/ Density/ Area S12 CIncluded N/A If Hydraulic Design provide: b) Type & Model Sprinkler S13 C Included N/A If Hydraulic Design provide: c) Discharge Constant (X) S14 C Included C9 N/A If Hydraulic Design provide: d) Hazen -Williams C. Factor S 15 C Included N/A Evacuation Alarm S16 C Included N/A Electrical Connection to Central Station S17 C^ Included N/A Sprinkler Riser Detail S18 C1 Included N/A Sprinkler Information (alterations, renovations, and upfits- Reflective ceiling plan head locations) m — -- / LAKE WYLIE MCINIW MAP LAKE WYLIE 1D• _ __,________ _-. _ �— E z..zae . rise rc7 wall �cw / \ / ___ _ �__ PHIUP M CTCAEr LOT D956�e]EPG ;D.' JAYA 9 wvm Eoe 24 & PART OF Eor 29 BECDONrnax n MBI9 PGK (SEE .LLEO D9 31 BS0 PG SQ • F MOO BuCKLAND - so' pUB IC RROAD M, ss`------------------------------ wm a--------- 21-458 2018 APPENDIX B BUILDING CODE SUMMARY FOR ALL COMMERCIAL PROJECTS (EXCEPT 1 AND 2-FAMILY DWELLINGS AND TOWNHOUSES) (Reproduce the following data on the building plans sheet 1 or 2) Name of Project: 7644 BUckland Road Address: ?4 Buciclarnd Road, Chorloi` e, NC zip Code Owner/Authorized Agent: Owned By: Select one Code Enforcement Jurisdiction: Select one CONTACT: Phone # ( ) - E-Mail DESIGNER FIRM NAME LICENSE # TELEPHONE # E-MAIL Architectural (_) Civil (_) Electrical (_) Fire Alarm �) Plumbing (_) Mechanical (_) Sprinkler -Standpipe (_) Structural ( ) Retaining Walls >5' High W.Idwi&Engi;ng.1nc. Michael L. Kiser NC 19258 (704) 483-5225 mlkiserCabellsouth.net Other ( ) ("Other" should include firms and individuals such as truss, precast, pre-engineered, interior designers, etc.) 2018 NC BUILDING CODE: Select one 2018 NC EXISTING BUILDING CODE: NISKTae ) ATEe) IT 604 BASIC BUILDING DATA Construction Type: Select one Sprinklers: Select one Select one Standpipes: Select one Primary Fire District: Select one Special Inspections Required: Select one PAN (Ch. Flood Hazard Area: Select one [all, -Wo, iAimlf 0 1 W, il. "01 — U 1 2nd Floor Mezzanine 1 st Floor Basement TOTAL 2018 NC Administrative Code and Policies ALLOWABLE AREA Primary Occupancy Classification(s): Select one Select one Select one Select one Select one Select one Nc cry cu ncy Class do i ntal U s ( ble 50Jist ec (Ch ter 4 — C ection Special Provisions: (Chapter 5 — List Code Sections): Mixed Occupancy: Select one Separation: Select one Exception: Select one Actual Area of Occupancy A + Actual Area of Occupancy B < 1 Allowable Area of Occupancy A Allowable Area of Occupancy B — L7 < 1.00 STORY NO. DESCRIPTION AND USE (A) BLDG AREA PER STORY (ACTUAL) (B) TABLE 506.24 AREA (C) AREA FOR FRONTAGE INCREASE'S (D) ALLOWABLE AREA PER STORY OR UNLIMITED?'3 1 Frontage area increases from Section 506.3 are computed thus: a. Perimeter which fronts a public way or open space having 20 feet minimum width = (F) b. Total Building Perimeter = (P) c. Ratio (F/P) = (F/P) d. W = Minimum width of public way = (W) e. Percent of frontage increase If = 100[F/P — 0.25] x W/30 2 Unlimited area applicable under conditions of Section 507. 3 Maximum Building Area = total number of stories in the building x D (maximum 3 stories) (506.2). 4 The maximum area of open parking garages must comply with Table 406.5.4. 5 Frontage increase is based on the unsprinklered area value in Table 506.2. ALLOWABLE HEIGHT 2 The maximum height of air traffic control towers must comply with Table 412.3.1. 3 The maximum height of open parking garages must comply with Table 406.5.4. 2018 NC Administrative Code and Policies FIRE PROTECTION REQUIREMENTS BUILDING ELEMENT FIRE SEPARATION DISTANCE (FEET) RATING DETAIL # AND SHEET# DESIGN4 FOR RATED ASSEMBLY SHEET # FOR RATED PENETRATION SHEET FOR RATED JOINTS REQ'D PROVIDED (W/ REDUCTION) Structural Frame, including columns, girders, trusses Bearing Walls Exterior North East West South Interior Nonbearing Walls and Partitions Exterior walls North Ea st th Tns A L I rior d Floor Construction Including supporting beams and joists Floor Ceiling Assembly Columns Supporting Floors Roof Construction, including supporting beams and joists Roof Ceiling Assembly Columns Supporting Roof Shaft Enclosures - Exit Shaft Enclosures - Other Corridor Separation Occupancy/Fire Barrier Separation Party/Fire Wall Separation Smoke Barrier Separation Smoke Partition Tenant/Dwelling Unit/ Sleeping Unit Separation Incidental Use Separation Indicate section number permitting reduction 2018 NC Administrative Code and Policies =C�aCivt7 C�G�]�CQ� INDEX OF DRAWINGS Q Sheet 1 of 7: Cover Sheet Sheet 2 of 7: Special Inspections Sheet 3 of 7: Special Inspections Sheet 4 of 7: Plan View Sheet 5 of 7: Elevation Views (Wall 1) Sheet 6 of 7: Details Sheet 7 of 7: Notes 21-458 PERCENTAGE OF WALL OPENING CALCULATIONS FIRE SEPARATION DISTANCE (F T) S DEGREE OF OPENINGS P N (T LE 5.11X ALLOWABLE AREA (° ACTUAL SHOWN ON PLANS srn 1 .3 LIFE SAFETY SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS ency ghti le N t ns: one A Se one LICA L Smoke Detection Systems: Select one Carbon Monoxide Detection: Select one LIFE SAFETY PLAN REQUIREMENTS Life Safety Plan Sheet #: ❑ Fire and/or smoke rated wall locations (Chapter 7) ❑ Assumed and real property line locations (if not on the site plan) ❑ Exterior wall opening area with respect to distance to assumed property lines (705.8) ❑ NOccu ancy Use for each area as it relates to occupant load calculation (Table 1004.1.2) up t oa or each a it acc s tr el dista a 10 pat f trave ista e (Table 006.2. 013 . CA L ❑ Dead end lengths (1020.4) ❑ Clear exit widths for each exit door ❑ Maximum calculated occupant load capacity each exit door can accommodate based on egress width (1005.3) ❑ Actual occupant load for each exit door ❑ A separate schematic plan indicating where fire rated floor/ceiling and/or roof structure is provided for purposes of occupancy separation ❑ Location of doors with panic hardware (1010.1.10) ❑ Location of doors with delayed egress locks and the amount of delay (1010.1.9.7) ❑ Location of doors with electromagnetic egress locks (1010.1.9.9) ❑ Location of doors equipped with hold -open devices ❑ Location of emergency escape windows (1030) ❑ The square footage of each fire area (202) ❑ The square footage of each smoke compartment for Occupancy Classification 1-2 (407.5) ❑ Note any code exceptions or table notes that may have been utilized regarding the items above 2018 INC Administrative Code and Policies ACCESSIBLE DWELLING UNITS (SECTION 1107) al_ 1 ACCESSIBLE PARKING (SECTION 1106) LOT OR PARKING TOTAL # OF PARKING SPACES ACCESSIBLE PARKING (SECTION 1106) LOT OR PARKING TOTAL # OF PARKING SPACES # OF ACCESSIBLE SPACES PROVIDED TOTAL # ARE D MAIC TH SSA E VAN S WIT ACC SIBLE R IDED 132" C L 8' SS ISL TOTAL PLUMBING FIXTURE REQUIREMENTS (TABLE 2902.1) � ►tea ,,. - • .i��� 'I��� "' .���■��-'- 11MWMLW MMAMI lram'=1MMI'lim=1 1®=I�AavJJI=■MWMM_■M- ILV.WA= I�Amll � �1 E" WIMUMV1 MA EM 1: 2018 INC Administrative Code and Policies SPECIAL APPROVALS ENERGY SUMMARY ENERGY REQUIREMENTS: The following data shall be considered minimum and any special attribute required to meet the energy code shall also be provided. Each Designer shall furnish the required portions of the project information for the plan data sheet. If performance method, state the annual energy cost for the standard reference design vs annual energy cost for the proposed design. Existing building envelope complies with code: Select one Exempt Building: Select one Provide code or statutory reference: Climate Zone: Select one Method of Compliance: Select one (If "Other" specify source h THERMAL ENVELOPE (Prescriptive method only) Roof/ceiling Assembly (each assembly) Description of assembly: U-Value of total assembly: R-Value of insulation: Skylights in each assembly: UAass t al squaf s i is in a asse b_A Nrior Its (eay) Description of assembly: U-Value of total assembly: R-Value of insulation: Openings (windows or doors with glazing) U-Value of assembly: Solar heat gain coefficient: projection factor: Door R-Values: Walls below grade (each assembly) Description of assembly: _ U-Value of total assembly: R-Value of insulation: Floors over unconditioned space (each assembly) Description of assembly: _ U-Value of total assembly: R-Value of insulation: Floors slab on grade Description of assembly: U-Value of total assembly: R-Value of insulation: Horizontal/vertical requirement: slab heated: 2018 INC Administrative Code and Policies LE 21-458 2018 APPENDIX B BUILDING CODE SUMMARY FOR ALL COMMERCIAL PROJECTS STRUCTURAL DESIGN (PROVIDE ON THE STRUCTURAL SHEETS IF APPLICABLE) DESIGN LOADS: Importance Factors: Live Loads: Ground Snow Load: Wind Load: 2018 APPENDIX B BUILDING CODE SUMMARY FOR ALL COMMERCIAL PROJECTS MECHANICAL DESIGN (PROVIDE ON THE MECHANICAL SHEETS IF APPLICABLE) Snow (IS) Select one MECHANICAL SUMMARY Seismic (IE) 1.0 MECHANICAL SYSTEMS, SERVICE SYSTEMS AND EQUIPMENT Roof psf Thermal Zone Mezzanine psf winter dry bulb: Floor psf summer dry bulb: psf Ultimate Wind Speed Exposure Category Select one SEISMIC DESIGN CATEGORY: Select one Provide the following Seismic Design Parameters: Risk Category (Table 1604.5) Select one Spectral Response Acceleration SS 0.35 %g Site Classification (ASCE 7) Select one Data Source: Select one Basic structural system Select one Analysis Procedure: Select one Architectural, Mechanical, Components anchored? YES LATERAL DESIGN CONTROL: EARTHol1AKE SOIL BEARING CAPACITIES: Select one Pile size, type, and capacity 2018 NC Administrative Code and Policies psf mph (ASCE-7) S1 0.12 %g OrN conAil, dry erd . P::::::P L I CA L relative humidity: Building heating load: Building cooling load: Mechanical Spacing Conditioning System Unitary description of unit: heating efficiency: cooling efficiency: size category of unit: Boiler Size category. If oversized, state reason.: Chiller Size category. If oversized, state reason.: List equipment efficiencies: 2018 NC Administrative Code and Policies 'e A\ Noll • ' I I IIIIII 11111 I IIM E;C:I�II; ILIE N B, IJI R G C:OU NTY o V :ioN loll IE ns (,=:mm�nl��. IIIII I I IIII IIIII I I1/ I/ --� www.meck-si.com Statement of Special Inspections Code Enforcement Project No: Permit No: Project Name: 7644 Buckland Road Owner: Project Address: ickland Road, Charlotte, NC 26270 Date: 7114121 RDPIRC: Worldwide Engineering, Inc. SI FIRM: The following information is being submitted in accordance with the Special Inspection provisions of the North Carolina State Building Code. Attached is the Schedule of Special Inspections (SSI) required for this project. This completed form is required to be placed on the drawings for plan review. After permit issuance, a listing of the Special Inspection Firms (SIF) and the Designated Special Inspectors (DSI) for each inspection type will be attached to this form and uploaded to www.meck-si.com prior to scheduling the Pre -Construction Meeting with Mecklenburg County Code Enforcement. No work is permitted to be performed prior to the Special Inspections Pre -Construction Meeting (see the meck-si.com website for details). This and all subsequent reports, logs, testing results, and other related SI documents shall be uploaded to the meck-si.com website within 10 business days of the event documented. Only documents that are prepared by Authorized Special Inspectors (ASI), and signed/sealed by Designated Special Inspectors (DSI) are valid and are permitted to be uploaded to the meck-si.com website. The DSI will notify the Department upon the discovery of information that would controvert the result of any information posted on meck-si.com, and update said information within 10 days. The DSI is responsible for verifying all information on each document prior to signing/sealing and uploading it. The DSI is responsible for verifying each document that is uploaded and stored on the meck-si.com website, is the correct document and it is associated with the correct attributes for storage in the database on meck-si.com. The DSI is responsible for deleting any documents that have incorrect attributes or contain errors, and reloading the correct information or document onto meck-si.com. The DSI is responsible for verifying all ASIs maintain current certifications during the course of the project, as failure to maintain current certifications may result in a voided document. At the conclusion of each individual Special Inspection type, the DSI will complete a Final Report and upload it to the meck-si.com website. The RDPIRC is responsible for completing the RDPIRC Letter at the conclusion of all Special Inspections. The Special Inspection program outlined herein, does not relieve the Contractor or any other entity of any contractual duties, including quality control, quality assurance, or safety. The Contractor is solely responsible for construction means, methods, and job site safety. Failure to adhere to the SI program as outlined herein, and on meck-si.com, may result in a stop work notice being issued by the Department. ��..!�N CARpI••'•. Respectfully submitted, �•`p`� •, ESS•j•'• �Lq The Registered Design Professional in Responsible Charge, SEAL 19258 _%� 7114121 1 �'•.;'� • Nc 1.NE`- Signature Date Lic� &&fesT SE Michael L. Kiser, P.E. Type or Print Name PEOPLE • PRIDE • PROGRESS • PARTNERSHIPS 2145 Suttle Ave. • Charlotte, North Carolina 28208 •980.314.CODE (2633) www.meck-si.com / www.meckpermit.com © 2005 Mecklenburg County Last Revision 6/14/2019 MI E C IIll,11. IIE NI IIII lll 11111 4G 11:11, I I ,1 Ili LI I 'll "1I III I Eo �I�IiLKI'llI'' 01111111111 r �����I ������������ ����� ���� 11 I www.meck-si.com SCHEDULE OF SPECIAL INSPECTIONS Code Enforcement Project No: Permit No: Project Name: 7644 Buckland Road Owner: Project Address: 7644 Buckland Road, Charlotte, NC 28278 Date: 7114121 RDPIRC: Worldwide Engineering, Inc. SI FIRM: Instructions for completing the Schedule of Special Inspections Form 1. Indicate the Inspection Type (IT-#) required for this project per NCBC sections 1704 and 1705. 2. Indicate whether Special Inspections are Continuous (C), Periodic (P) or both by checking the appropriate box. 3. Insure the scope meets NCBC section 1704 and 1705 as well as other applicable standards for each Inspection Type. Note: This form and the Statement of Special Inspections must be included on a plan sheet as part of the plan submittal for this project. The following Special Inspections are required for this project:(C= continuous, P=periodic) IT-1 SPECIAL CASES (Refer to NCBC Section 1705.1.1) Check if required Inspection Task C St ndard Notes / Comments ❑ Construction materials and systems thz are alternatives to materials and systems prescribed by the 2012 NCBC t❑ ❑ NCBC 1705.1.1, #1 ❑ Unusual design applications of materia described in the 2012 NCBC s❑ ❑ NCBC 1705.1.1, #2 ❑ Materials and systems required to be installed in accordance with additional manufacturer's instructions that prescribe requirements not contained i this code or in standards referenced b this code NCBC 1705.1.1, #3 ❑ Special Events (as decided / required ty❑ Code Enforcement) ❑ Per Mecklenburg County Policy ® Retaining Walls ❑ IT-6 SOILS (Refer to NCBC Table 1705.6 & Section 1705.6) Check if Inspection Task C P Standard Notes / Comments required 1. Verify materials below shallow NCBC 1705.6; See NCBC 1705.6 ® foundation are adequate to ® geotechnical exception achieve the design bearing report & capacity construction documents from RDPIRC 2. Verify excavations are extended NCBC 1705.6; ® to proper depth and have ® geotechnical reached proper material report & construction documents from RDPIRC 3. Perform classification and NCBC 1705.6; ® testing of compacted fill ® geotechnical materials report & construction documents from RDPIRC 4. Verify use of proper materials, NCBC 1705.6; ® densities and lift thicknesses ® geotechnical during placement and report & compaction of compacted fill construction documents from RDPIRC 5. Prior to placement of NCBC 1705.6; ® compacted fill, inspect sub- ® geotechnical grade and verify that site has report & been prepared properly construction documents from RDPIRC 21-458 VICINITY MAP n.t.s. F.E.M.A.— F.I.R.M. INFORMATION COMMUNITY NUMBER: 370158 MAP NUMBER:3710450200L EFFECTIVE DATE:09/02/2015 ZONE: AE (IN) YING R S 9 o � w � ,7°rmafl 11,9 LAKE WYLIE i� NMFS �'� NMFS #4b (F) ///N2�•�j�t��S` ONLINE NMFS n0 76- ' /NMFS NMFS /' --\\\��,�-''� - / "E ,� i //' N37•10,32 / , BEGINS LAKE WYLIE NMFS N 50*04'32"E N632 " ��� `L4��NMFS- 6 29 / 18.58 NMFS � 3.2'E '42'32 E ,,, F aPNK CE ---5 �j NMFS N 43 p o -- 32„E 23.�5�\�� 3 Cr6'- NMFS �0 •Ul Ncp -'5A' '(� o -� d 9 OAK--- .P, N/F ol #4b (F) _ ' / �'�' ---- FEMA FLOODPLAIN LINE_ i 245WEE1� UM 6- ----- �-'- W JAYA B GUPTA --`'----------- NK DER°� T 24,299 sq. ft. �'`'$ -- 24° OAK LOT 24 & PART OF LOT 25, -vi SECTION 37 / of ei 12"OOAK cv 0.558 acres /' __588" / 0 / �0P i O • —,_ sC• N " sYCAMOReMB 18 PG 49 / o s° OAK/DB 24292 PC 870 �� < r'�eECH --� ,.'3o°oAK /590' E ALSO DB 31930 PG 5 ) l j C� s OAK _ -- (SE 4 n 15"HICKORY 0 _ _ - / i" - 101, SOU jWO6D IG 6 ' / • 0 5" SWEET GLIM - - d �160' 1 2" HICKORY ���'�'' /� 36"-OFLHI? \ ! //' 30" OAII- • �1 1 _ — 6 SETg CK & �_ Cis_ ------ 0_ i 9"S» ORE __1� 54C�AM RJ:/ / \\\ \� III �� ` •O 5 O __28 GE:DAR (� /--__---- 4 / 24" OAK _ 10" HICKORY l 8" CEDPR 03 �/ I , O�,v� ®T ��� - �------ -�-- 1 2" POPLAR I?y'SWEET GUM �I �' 1 8" OAK \ / /' �� //--3F!QCKgf OAK OAK rn I I" MIMOSA / -598-- O ' �lr n 1 - -- -rC / N _ _ '1 N /F I� /_. rn 30 SETBACK N / _-------- /r / /� / 12" PIN OAK --_ / / / • 24" SWEET GUM / _ — PHILIP MCKNIGHT CAREY � 24" OAK N Q '^ � � / � LOT 22, SECTION 37 Z a oAK �, /' 0\� ,� * 5" HlcK 30' SETBACK —1 — #4b (F) M B 18 PC 49 /',� / - ,' 9" MIMOSA • \ 0 , 22" SWEET GUM DB 5683 PG 604 g�'� 2"�PII� / / / �� • 10"MAPLE / / C� i� Cx / `� � /, / 8" MIM 5A 8" OAK / � � � / R _ V / oCKLU/ — 4b /F / I O" MIMOSA �� c / N1# o � _D r , c . ..W R / 8" SWEET GUM / 6 OA D II"HICCRY O -Y O / /� / O % I c' iio � `� c % O PUgLIC I I ^ / - I 10" CH G// oS�� OAK: I\ // tF6"99Z • // / / i..' � i n / V v \ / 14" PIN OAK 12" OAK NMFS w 8"OOAK WELL OAK p T 14" OAK BENCHMARK MAG (S) CO��❑U ELEV=604.17" #4b (F) NOTES: / SUBJECT PARCEL: TAX PARCEL #11330226 LOT 23, SECTION 37 MAPBOOK 18 PAGE 49 DB 33263 PG 791 N /F KEVIN E. ACCOMAZZO 20 GRAPHIC SCALE 0 10 20 40 ( IN FEET ) 1 inch = 20 ft. 80 IL�7►1 �:�CCa•". y■1:1_�y:(.�.yCNPi9�■,�:iII:0E:Nle=L!a THIS PROPERTY IS SUBJECT TO THE EASEMENTS, RESERVATIONS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS IN DEED BOOK 4006 PAGE 80 IN THE OFFICE OF THE REGISTER OF DEEDS FOR MECKLENBURG COUNTY. THIS PROPERTY MAY BE SUBJECT TO EASEMENTS AND/OR RIGHTS -OF -WAY EITHER RECORDED OR IMPLIED. ELEVATIONS ARE REFERENCED TO NAVD 1988 AND WERE DETERMINED BY GPS OBSERVATIONS. LEGEND 0 PROPERTY CORNER F FOUND S SET #4b No. 4 REBAR #5b No. 5 REBAR CM CONTROL MONUMENT R/W RIGHT OF WAY b/c BACK OF CURB —X— FENCE LINE -S- PROPOSED SEPTIC LINES C-Q> UTILITY POLE OU OVERHEAD UTILITY CB CATCH BASIN RCP REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE MAG MAGNETIC SURVEY NAIL NMFS NO MONUMENT FOUND OR SET ou OU c ❑U BU � / BU — ❑U ❑u ` 21 NCAC 56 .1604: MAP CERTIFICATION I certify that this map was drawn under my supervision from an actual survey made under my supervision (title references as shown on plat); that the boundaries not surveyed are indicated as drawn from tit e references as shown on plat; that the ratio of precision or positional accuracy meets or exceeds 1:10,000; and that this map meets the requirements of The Standards of Practice for Land Surveying in North Carolina (21 NCAC 56. 1600). This 18TH day of JUNE, 2019. Seal 0 - Z SEAL �- L-3141 F. F Professional Land Surveyor REV. 1109/25/191JTEIADD SEPTIC LINES AND WELL `■ Lucas -Forman Incorporated ' Land Surve`Ting Planning & Engineering N.C. License C-1215 4000 Stuart Andrew Boulevard Charlotte, North Carolina 28277 P.O. Box 9 1386 28220— 1 386 (704) 527-6626 Fax 527-9640 NOT TO SCALE NOTES.- �I G�121 0 THIS SHEET IS NOT A CERTIFIED DOCUMENT OF WORLDWIDE ENGINEERING GEO. DIV. INC.. GRADING PLAN IS THE PROPERTY OF THE CIVIL ENGINEER OF RECORD AND IS SHOWN FOR REFERENCE TO VIEW WALLS. LOCATE WALLS USING CIVIL ENGINEER'S DOCUMENTS ONLY. • 2018 IBC CODE REQUIRES SEGMENTAL RETAINING WALLS TO BE CERTIFIED AT THE END OF CONSTRUCTION. THE CERTIFYING FIRM SHALL BE UNDER CONTRACT AND ONSITE AT THE BEGINNING OF CONSTRUCTION. TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY OF 7644 BUCKLAND ROAD STEELE CREEK TOWNSHIP, MECKLENBUYRG COUNTY, N.C. SURVEYED FOR: KEVIN ACCOMAZZO SURVEYED BY DESIGNED BY DMM CHECKED BY JOB NUMBER AFF 19119 DRAWN BY DATE JTE 06/18/2019 FILE NUMBER SHEET 1 of 1 21-458 WALL PROFILE#1 A 588.0 - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BEND (STA 0+26) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .BEND (STA .1 +06) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 586.0 - 584.0 - 582.0 - 580.0 - 578.0 - 576.0 - 574.0 - 572 0 - 28" 1 28" 1 28" 28" 28" 28" 28" 28" 28" 28" 28" 28" 28" 28" 28" 28" 28" 28" 28" 28" 28" 28" 28" 28" 28" 28" 28" 28" 28" 28 28" 28" 28" 28" 28" 28" 28" 28". 28" 28" . . .28" 28" 28" 28". 28" 28" .28" 28" 28" 28". 28 28" .28" 28" 28" 28"' 28" 28" •28" 28" 28 28"• 28" 28" •28" 28" -28" 2.8" E28" 41" 41." .41" 41" . . 41. . . 4.1. .41". .41." . . .41" . . 41" . . 41. . . 4.1. .41". .41" . . .41" . . 41" . . 41. . . 4.1. .41". .41" . . .41." . . 41" . . 41. . . 4.1. .41". .41" . . .41." . . 417 . . 41. . . 4.1. .41". .41" . .4,1.'y. . 41" 41 41 4-1� 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 '41" 41" 41" 41" -41" 41 41" 41 41" 41" 1 41 1 41 1 41" 41" 41" 41" 41 41" 41" 41" 41" 41 41" 41 41 41" 41" 41" 41 1 41" 4�'%' 41" 41" . . . . . . . . . 60" 60'- 60" "60" '60" 60" 60" 60"' 60" 60" '60" 60" 60" 60"• 60" 60" •60" 60" 60" 60"• 60" 60" •60" 60" 60' 60"• ,•-5b" .60" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60". 6.0". ��60" .60" 60" 607 . 60". . 6.0". . 60" . .60" .60" 60" 60". 6.0". . 60" . .60" .60." 607 60". 6.0". . 60" . .60" .60." 60" 60". 6.0". 60" . . . . . . . . . . . . 60" 60' �0" - - -6» - - 6crl- 6('� - �U�� - - - 60 - - -60- - - 60» - -.60„ - fi0« - 60•'- - �0,� - �,� - � - - -�- - - -M- - - �» - - U0» - - fi0" - --6 60» . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60" 60" 60" 60" 60" 60" 60" 60" 60" 60" 60" 60" 60" 60" 60" 60" 60" 60" 60" 60" 60" 60" N N In N O O I, O� N O� + + + + A MINIMUM ELEVATION + + + FOR TOE OF WALL (n U) (n (n (n N (n 4 OZ. GEOTEXTILE FABRIC WALL SECTION A:A (SCALE: NTS) - 588.0 - 586.0 - 584.0 - 582.0 - 580.0 - 578.0 - 576.0 - 574.0 - 572.0 Lo N N (n NOTES: 1. THE REINFORCED BACKFILL SHALL BE #57 WASHED STONE TO THE EXTENTS ILLUSTRATED BY WALL SECTION A:A. 0 3' 6' 12' HORIZONTAL SCALE 1 " = 6' 21-458 SHEET 6 OF 7 REV. RIP —RAP TOE OF WALL BELOW PIPE CERTIFICATE NO. C-2446 (704) 483-5225 Fax: (704) 483-5466 4090 N. NC HWY 16 P.O. Box 2189 DENVER, NC 28037 www.WWEgeo.com MLKiser@bellsouth.net *�N CARp* *••,. •Q� : • • • SEAL 19258 • • : • .••• /*.NGINE S<cSLS� 1.25 y 18 REDI—ROCK UNIT 11 Finished Grade �� Embedment Depth 8" MIN. LOW PERMEABLE SOIL DRAINAGE SWALE TO DIVERT SURFACE WATER Grade Finishes #57 Washed Stone Free Draining Backfill 1' Stone Behind Tails of Block 4" PERF. DRAIN PIPE 41" Sc 60" Block Geotextile Fabric Washed Stone Leveling Pad NOTE: USE 1" STONE TO INFILL BETWEEN BLOCKS TYPICAL CROSS-SECTION REDI-ROCK WALL NOT TO SCALE RETAINED BACKFILL WALL HEIGHT TO FIT AROUND PIPE WITH 3" MIN. GROUT. FILL VOIDS BETWEEN FIELD CUT BLOCKS BLOCKS AND PIPE _,_-- ■ REM ■a 0111 ..14.147.77447.411144114 NOTE: PROVIDE 3' OF #57 STONE FOR ENVELOPE AROUND PIPE. SEPARATE WASHED STONE BACKFILL FROM SOIL BACKFILL WITH A 6 OZ. GEOTEXTILE FABRIC 36' OR SMALLER PIPE PENETRATION DETAIL (SCALE: NTS) NOTES: — COMPACT SOILS TO 95% STANDARD PROCTOR — COMPACT SOILS IN FRONT OF WALL — UNIT CORE FILL INSTALLED TO 12" BEHIND REDI—ROCK UNITS SHALL BE 3/4" MINUS STONE. OUTLET DRAIN LINES THROUGH WALL AT 100' 0.C. WITH SCHEDULE 40 PVC 4" DIA. PIPE. — STABLE FOUNDATION SHALL BE APPROVED BY A GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER. 6 + r / REDI-ROCK UNIT 53" & 72" 8" #57 WASHED STONE LEVELING PAD LEVELI\ G PAD DETAIL N.T.S. 41.0" Retaining Middle - 41" N.T.S. FORK LIFT SLOT CAP UNIT 12" BLOCK UNIT RAILING (BY OTHERS) CONCRETE FILLED POST HOLES NOTE: AUGER THROUGH TOP GEOGRID LAYER WHEN INSTALLING POSTS. TYPICAL HANDRAIL DETAIL N.T.S. 12" BLOCK UNIT 12" 3'-O" RAILING (BY OTHERS) TYPICAL ROADWAY GUARD RAIL DETAIL N.T.S. DETAILS DESIGNER: MICHAEL KISER PE 7644 Buckland Road RETAINING WALLS Charlotte, NC DEam DRAWN CCH DATE 7/14/21 gap MLK DATE 7/14/21 lisp DATE DATE CONSULTING ENGINEERS & PLANNERS NO. REVISIONS DRN DATE CHK DATE SCALE SEGMENTAL RETAINING WALL 21-458 Redi-Rock Retaining Walls 3.1 Excavation: 1.1 General - Scope A. Contractor shall excavate to the lines and grades shown on the construction drawings. Work includes furnishing and installing concrete retaining wall units to the lines and grades designated on the civil construction drawings and as specified herein. 3.2 Foundation Soil Preparation: 1.2 Reference Standards A. Native foundation soil shall be compacted to 95% of standard proctor or 90% of modified proctor prior to placement of the Leveling Pad material. A. Contractor shall check the materials upon delivery to assure proper material has been B. In —Situ foundation soil shall be examined by the Engineer to ensure that the actual foundation soil received. strength meets or exceeds assumed design strength. Soil not meeting the required strength shall be B. Contractor shall prevent excessive mud, wet cement and like materials from coming in removed and replaced with acceptable, compacted material. contact with the segmental retaining wall, (SRW) units. C. The minimum bearing capacity for this wall is 3,000 psf. C. Contractor shall protect the materials from damage. Damaged material shall not be incorporated in the project. 3.3 Leveling Pad Placement: 2.1 Wall Units - Materials A. Wall units shall be Redi—Rock as produced by a licensed manufacturer. B. Wall units shall have minimum specification per the following chart (Concrete specifications ASTM-94 and ACI 301-99 latest additions apply): Climate Air Content Recommended PSI Slump* Minimum concrete temperature at placement Negligible 1-1 /2% to 4-1 /2% 3000 3" to 5" 50' Moderate 3% to 6% 3000 3" to 5" 50° Severe 4-1 /2% to 7-1 /2% 3000 3" to 5" 50' Notwithstanding anything stated above, all material used in the wall units, steps and pavers must meet applicable ASTM and local requirements for exterior concrete. Redi—Rock International requires that all licensed dealer send a representative cylinder test from their blocks to Redi—Rock International once every May and once every August to document that quality control procedures are in place. C. Exterior block dimensions shall be uniform and consistent. Maximum dimensional deviations shall be 0.50 inch or 2%, whichever is less, not including textured face. D. Exposed face shall be finished as specified. Other surfaces to be smooth form type. Dime —size bug holes on the block face may be patched and/or shake —on color stain can be used to blend into the remainder of the block face. 2.2 Leveling Pad and Free Draining Backfill A. Leveling pad option 1: #57 Washed Stone Leveling Pad option 2: Compacted Gravel B. Free Draining Backfill material shall be #57 washed stone and shall be placed to a minimum of 1' depth behind the back of the wall and shall extend vertically from the Leveling Pad to an elevation 4" below the top of wall. C. Backfill material shall be approved by the geotechnical engineer. Site excavated soils may be used if approved unless otherwise specified in the civil drawings. Unsuitable soils with a PI>15, organic soils and frost susceptible soils) shall not be used within a 1 to 1 influence area. D. Where additional fill is needed, contractor shall submit sample and specifications to the Engineer for approval. 1.2 Backfill Materials The soil material associated with the retaining wall in the reinforced zone, the retained zone, or the foundation bedding shall have the following properties: A) Foundation Soils: 0=28% cohesion= 150 psf, unit weight=120 lbs./cu.ft (moist weight) B) Retained Soils: 0=28% cohesion= 150 psf, unit weight=120 lbs./cu.ft (moist weight) The soil characteristics above were assumed based on information supplied to the Engineer. If this information does not represent the actual soil to be used, the Engineer shall be notified immediately, the new soil parameters shall be submitted to the Engineer, and the wall will be required to be redesigned. Payment for all designs is the responsibility of the Owner and/or General Contractor. A. Leveling Pad shall be placed as shown on the construction drawings. B. Leveling Pad shall be placed on undisturbed native soils or suitable replacement fills. C. Leveling Pad shall be compacted to 95% of standard proctor or 90% of modified proctor to ensure a level, hard surface on which to place the first course blocks. Pad shall be constructed to the proper elevation to ensure the final elevation shown on the plans. Well —graded sand may be used to smooth the top J inch on the Leveling Pad (when using gravel pad). D. Leveling pad shall have 6—inch minimum depth for walls under 8 feet in height and a 12—inch minimum depth for walls over 8 feet. Pad dimensions shall extend beyond the blocks in all directions to a distance at least equal to the depth of the pad or as designed by an engineer. E. For steps and pavers, a minimum of 1 " to 1 —1/2" of free draining sand shall be screened smooth to act as a placement bed for the steps of the pavers. 3.4 Unit Installation: A. The first course of wall units shall be placed on the prepared Leveling Pad with the aesthetic surface facing out and the front edges tight together. All units shall be checked for level and alignment as they are placed. B. Ensure that units are in full contact with Leveling Pad. Proper care shall be taken to develop straight lines and smooth curves on base course as per wall layout. C. The backfill in front and back of entire base row shall be placed and compacted to firmly lock them in place. Check all units again for level and alignment. All excess material shall be swept from tops of units. D. Install next course of wall units on top of base row. Position blocks to be offset from seams of blocks below. Blocks shall be placed fully forward so the knob and groove are engaged. Check each block for proper alignment and level. Backfill to 12—inch depth behind block with Free Draining Backfill. Spread backfill in uniform lifts not exceeding 8 inches. Employ methods using lightweight compaction equipment that will not disrupt the stability or batter of the wall. Hand —operated place compaction equipment shall be used around the block and within 3 feet of the wall to achieve consolidation. Compact backfill to 95% of standard proctor (ASTM D 698, AASHTO T-99) density within 2% of its optimum moisture. E. Install each subsequent course in like manner. Repeat procedure to the extent of wall height. F. Allowable construction tolerance at the wall face is 2 degrees vertically and 1 inch in 10 feet horizontally. All walls shall be installed in accordance with local building codes and requirements. G. Stability of any temporary slopes required by the installation of a segmental retaining wall shall be addressed by a qualified Geotechnical Engineer. Responsibility of these temporary slopes rests with the Owner and/or Architect of this project and the slopes shall meet all OSHA standards of maximum slope steepness = 1.5H:1V. H. Handrail/guardrail requirements shall be determined by the Architect or General Contractor. I. The top of wall elevation for this design has been established by the retaining wall engineer at his discretion. The flexibility of this design allows for the top of wall to be adjusted higher of lower by 12 vertical inches and still meet acceptable factors of safety. Any adjustments to the wall height must include maintaining a maximum geogrid spacing of 24 inches and must be supplied to the retaining wall engineer in writing. J. The general contractor is responsible for integrating the retaining wall installation into the project. The general contractor is responsible for verifying that the wall configuration illustrated on these plans can be installed according to the site information provided on the civil engineer's grading plan without conflicts associated with curb and gutter, pavement sections, building foundations, utilities, or any other component to be installed in close proximity to this retaining wall system. K. All conflicts or discrepancies must be presented to the retaining wall engineer at a project meeting on site before construction begins on the retaining wall. An allowable time for revisions to be made and provided by the retaining wall engineer shall be established at the same meeting before construction begins.