HomeMy WebLinkAboutCircle K US 117 North Mitigation Credit Transfer Certificate
January 7,2020
Circle K
1100 Situs Ct., Ste. 100
Raleigh,NC 27606
Flat Swamp Bank Parcel ID: DWR#18-1640 V3
Local Government: City of Goldsboro
Project Name: Circle K US 117 North
Transaction#: N/A
Nutrient Offset Credits: 442.26 lbs
8 digit-HUC: 03020202
River Basin: Neuse
You have elected to fulfill your permitted nutrient mitigation requirements by participating into the Flat Swamp
Mitigation Bank.
The Bank has transferred the nutrient offset requirement for the above referenced project. This project is located
in the jurisdiction of the above named Local Government which is required to implement stormwater management
requirements as part of the Neuse River Nutrient Sensitive Waters Management Strategy. The above named Local
Government must review and approve developers' stormwater management plans which are to include options to
offset nutrients loads occurring at the development site. Participation into a private mitigation bank is acceptable
per this nutrient strategy rule. The above named Local Government specified and verified the amount of the offset
necessary for permit approval.
You must also comply with any other state, federal or local government permits or authorization associated with
this activity including SL 2009-337, An Act to Promote Compensatory Mitigation Banks. This participation into
the Bank is not transferable. If you have any questions or need additional information,please contact Tiffani Bylow
at(919) 334-9123.
`4V11L- pr—
Tiffani Bylow
CC: (at a later date)DWR-Katie Merritt,Nutrient Offset Bank Coordinator
RS Flat Swamp,LLC 1101 Haynes Street, Suite 211 Raleigh NC 27604
919-755-9490 tbylow(a.restorationsystems.com www.restorationsystems.com
City of Goldsboro
September 20, 2019
Stan Wingo, apriolo@circlek.com
1100 Situs Court, Suite 100
Raleigh, NC 27606
Subject: Authorization for Circle K US 117 North, Carolina Commerce Drive, Goldsboro, NC
Development to seek offsite nutrient credits
This letter confirms our receipt and review of the stormwater plan you provided for the subject
developments. Our review confirms that your developments have not met the target loading rate of 3.6
Ibs N/ac/yr for the Neuse River Nutrient Strategy. You have, however met the thresholds that allow you
to buy down the remainder of your nutrient load offsite.
Provided on the back of this letter is a table characterizing your development project. As indicated on
this table,you need to purchase an additional 7.50-3.60=3.90 Ibs N/ac/yr to achieve the loading rate
targets and satisfy your nutrient requirements for this site. All applicants are required by law to comply
with Session Law 2009-337,An Act to Promote the Use of Compensatory Mitigation Banks. A current list
of banks is available on the Web at: https://ncdenr.s3.amazonaws.com/s3fs-
anks website 7-5-16km.pdf. Nutrient loading requirements must be satisfied prior to approval of a
building permit. When you have purchased the remaining nitrogen credits, please provide us with a
copy of the credit purchase certificate.
The site will meet the Peak Runoff requirements of the Stormwater Management Plan. Post
Development peak runoff will be attenuated through the use of adequately sized SCMs to the pre-
development peak runoff quantity.
In accordance to the City of Goldsboro Ordinance No. 2007-48,the applicant must submit an application
(http://www.goldsboronc.gov/wp-content/uploads/filebase/engineering/Stormwater Permit App.pdf)
and obtain Stormwater permit from the Engineering Department.This permit must be obtained prior to
the final site plan approval.
Upon completion of the development and prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, the ordinance
requires that the post-development peak flow be recalculated based upon "as built" conditions and that
the developer submit an engineering certification (attached)that any BMP has been properly
constructed and is operating properly. In addition all "BMP and access easements" and maintenance
agreements must be recorded.
The Building Inspector (or other authorized agent of the city) has full power and authority to enter upon
a premise housing a BMP for the purpose of inspecting the BMP on an annual basis.The City Council has
established an annual inspection fee of$100 per structural BMP to fund this additional inspection
program.The City will invoice you $100.00 per structural BMP, and will provide you with a copy of the
inspection within 30 days. If additional action is required, instructions will be provided with the
inspection form.
Thank you,
Rama K Chittilla, PE, PLS.
Neuse,Tar-Pamlico,and Falls Nutrient Load Reporting Form. September 12,2012
PROJECT INFORMATION (for use in Neuse, Tar-Pamlico,or Falls Lake)
Applicant Name : Stan Wingo,
Project Name: Circle K
Project Address (if available): Street: US 117 North, Carolina Commerce Drive, City/Town: Goldsboro,
County: Wayne
Project Lat: (decimal degrees) Long: (decimal degrees)
Date: (mo/d/yr) 9/20/2019 Location: 35.421594 77.981166
Is this Redevelopment? ❑ -Yes
Development Type (Please check all that apply)
_ No
Impervious Cover(%): Commercial Mixed-Use ' Single Fam. Residential
® ❑ ❑
(Pre-Construction) Industrial E] ❑- Duplex Residential ❑ Multi-Fam. Residential
Impervious Cover(%): 53.97 ❑ Institutional
12-Digit Watershed ID: (See online map) New Development Load Requirements (See individual rules fora full
description of nutrient requirements.)
Nutrient Strategy(Please check one) Loading Rate Targets
Neuse HUC Tar-Pamlico = Falls Lake Strate Nitrogen(N)and = Offsite Thresholds
HUC Sub-Area gY Phosphorus(P)
03020201 03020101 3.6 N Ib/ac/yr;
❑ ❑ Upper Neuse(below Falls) El No P goal
6 N Ibs/ac—Residential;
❑ 03020102 Falls
03020202 Tar
4.0 N Ib/ac/yr; 10 N Ibs/ac Commercial
®' ❑ ' Lower 0.4 P Ib/ac/ r
❑ 03020103 Pam Y
03020203 ; Falls 30%of N&P reduction need onsite
❑' 03020104
❑ for projects less than one acre;
Falls 2.2 N Ib/ac/yr;
❑ 03020204 0.33 P Ib/ac/ r
= Y 50%of N&P reduction need onsite
for projects over one acre
NUTRIENT OFFSET REQUEST(Must meet the offsite thresholds—see above)
Nitrogen Loading/Offset Needs
(A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) (G) (H)(Where Applicable)
Untreated Treated Loading Rate Reduction Project Offset State Buy Down € Local Gov't Buy Down
Loading Rate Loading Rate Target(Ibs/ac/yr) Need Size(ac) Duration(yrs) Amount(Ibs) Amount(Ibs)
(Ibs/ac/yr) (Ibs/ac/yr) _ _ (Ibs/ac/yr) D•E•F
11.99 = 7.50 3.60 3.9 3.78 30 442.26 N/A
Phosphorus Loading/Offset Needs(For the Tar-Pam Basin and Falls Watershed areas)
(A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) (G) (H)(Where Applicable) s
Untreated Treated Load Rate Target Reduction Project Offset State Buy Down Local Gov't Buy Down
Loading Rate Loading Rate (Ibs/ac/yr) Need I Size(ac) Duration(yrs) I Amount(Ibs) Amount(Ibs)
(Ibs/ac/yr) (Ibs/ac/yr) (Ibs/ac/yr) D•E•F
30 N/A N/A
Authorizing Local Government Name: City of Goldsboro
Staff Name: I Rama K Chittilla, PE, PLS
Staff Email: rchittilla@goldsboronc.gov Phone: 919-580-4328
Neuse,Tar-Pamlico,and Falls Nutrient Load Reporting Form. September 12,2012