HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2021-05697_Well Construction - GW1_20210727 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD For letenml UscONLY: This form can be used ft sinle or maniple wells 1.Well Contractor Information: 11C WATBA NIC Brian Ewing rROM, )O 1 DrS- IVNIONi well Contraaor Name 4240-B d.L i)t]i Fdt Tl+lti= aierPiuhi iastvl?rt Ell :OR'LTIYFR if`. . OcaD NC Well CordrattorCeriiGcation Nmnbcr PROM To PiAmrmw TnICh'NESi MATERIAL. SAEDACCO Inc (L n. hL Neatly Norm sB: NNPR'C�t<tN 08? 7NC. 46t►rirw>tt a ruAAoe PROM 1 TO OLf1IMR TIRM'ESS MAIMRIA 2.Well Construction Permit#: R. tt list atl applinible urnpe"Wh(ie.Gamer,Stair.Variance,lt} fftlt sir.7 kL 3.Well Use(cbcck well use): a. ScRIi�N 1 , WaterSuppty Well: PROM TO 01A11tT1:R S.OT617F. TttrcTcarssI MATMUAL OAgrkultural DMunicipall ttblic 65 ft. 70 n. 1 In. -001 STAINLESS STEEL OCreothemtal(HeatingACooling Supply) OlkesidertU Water Supply(single) & (L OlndtratriaUCommeicial DResidontial Writer Supplyfsllamd) iN 4iR0 FROM I TO MATERUL 011PIACTMEW MMOD&AMOUNT 011nigiflion ft. fr. Non-Water SupplyWcit: (L k DMonitorigg oRccovery Injection Well: n. (L i OAgllifer Recharge OCiroundmicr RemciliAt on 19i SiANDlGlt7L P d ;erta OAquft Storage and Rcco%viy asalinily Harrier FROM MATP,Rrwr RMPi A LL irr�TMITN01) n. a: ❑Aquifer Test ❑5tortmsatcr Drainage OExrcnmcntaI'Tcchnotog OSt"dcncc Control 70.:DRi1,IdiYti.i�OG' ❑C,eothemml(Closed Loop) oTraeee FROM I To DrSCRTMON gogr,k1rom rowmck t* aGeolhetnml(H 11. Return) O0thet(yokin under#2t Renlafk3) 0 ft. 15 (L FILL SILTY SAND 15 fL 20 ft. SAME 4.Date Weil(s)Completed: 6-28-21 Wd)IDAC;W-1 20 (1. 30 rL SILTY SAND CLAY Ss.Well Latatlnn: 30 (L 40 (L SILTY SAND MOIST TO WET 40 (L 50 r4 SAME 1. � Facility0o,wrNorm Facility IDlr(ifapp5cabk) 50 tt. 70 ft. MICA PWR 7110 Sandy Forks Road Raleigh, NC 27609 crake Count,--, n- n. Phrsisel Addm n City.and Zip 21 WATER SAMPLE tf/SP-22 C.aaah PArcet idnq Goatioa io,(PIN) 11�;,tl�: �e� sh.IAtitpde and Terigitude In degreedmimitc0scc6nds or declma)degrees: 22.Certification: (1tsselt(Acid.am(atJattac is sui('i.*t0.) w —Brian.-Ew.i.n 6/30/2021 6idruttm orcet"Wil Weil Canuactar '��- Date 6.Is(arc)the w'ell(s): OPermanent or Temporary Al xfgilirig A b form I twebt,crrl char Aw wv-14sI mar fowerl carim red tit aee6rdimer +vflh!3A NGAC A3C.(140t�nr I,fA NCAG;(Y_'C AIO(1 R`ep CaxsirnHYJan Srew(arda aiuJ disk a 7.Ls this a repair to an existing well: Mee or ENn .spy aJrh21►rty niAna barn pru�iikd rr,thr sirll akmir.. I/M(r It n repair,jilt out kwmn will rantrtrn Bern lnf6miatian and exe4in rhr_nanare of fir repair andera21 rmwrarlrrserAm or an thr bark ref this farm. 23.Site diagrRm or additional well dmflgA You nwy use the ba&of this page to prm•ide additional well site details or well 8.Number of wells constructed: 1 constmWon deceits. You tnav also attach additional pages if tmcessary. Farmutrlrrfr tttjrcrlbn ar nrxr-nmrer stgfplr xr(b ONLY ti0i the anise erNrshvrrAw,ymM" SL"tRMTiTA INS7(IGTIONR sxUmir arxe Arturo. - 9.Total'a'ell depth below,land surface: 70 (R•) 24a. Por AU Weller Submit this.form within 30 days of campMion of nrll For MAJIdVir Wells lift nli hPt(ra(fdo'erenr(erangilr .I@ I(Kr'and IfW) construction to the rfotl€rn ng; 10.Static water level below top of easingr (R.) Division of Water Re'sourt:es.Information Pmmsinp'tlnit. Ijv.nArr level h d6fttle cdatfljr,,OR"+" 1611 Mail,Scrvicc Ctutcr,Ralcig)t,PVC 216"4617 11.Mrdrok diameter:2.25 fin) 24b.For Inicedon V_a ONLY: In addition to sending the form to the address in 24aabme. also submit a oaW of this form within 30 days of completion of well 12.Well constMetlon method: DRIVEN construction to the follm ijW j (i.e.au0er.ratarg,cable direct posh etc.) Division of Water PAwarees,Underpround Injection Control Program, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1636 Afatl Service Center.Ralt.10.N. C 27699.1636 i 13a,Vidd(gpm) Method of test: 24c.For Water Spue&&iniactkrn Wells: Also submit one cop}of this form':%►ithrn 30 days of completion of 13b.Disinfectiont)pe�- p „- Amount: well construction to the county health"department of the cotuuy where constructed, FormGW-t Noah Carolina Dqurbacm of Emimnnrnl aid Nana)ltcsowmi-Dhislonoflisw Resources, Aesltsed A*02013