HomeMy WebLinkAbout20210703 Ver 1_More Info Received_20210727 (2)St te of Narth Caratina Depertment of Environrr,antat Quetity Division of Water Rescurces 15A NCAC 028 .0233 {8Xb}, .0243 {8iib}, .0?s0 {11xb), .025e {8iibi, .0267 {1f )-{c), .0607 (ex?} - Buffer Authorizat*on FORil: BA 10-2013 Riparian Buffer Authorization Fcrm A. Applicart lnform*tisn l, Pryidlnfo*ndiut la. t'lame of prolact Lot 39S 1b. County:lilake 1c. Nearest rnunicipality:Gamer 1d. Subdrvision name:Eagle Ridge 1e. ls the project lecated in any of l*orth Carolina's twenty esastal countes? lfyes, answer lfbetow.Yes XNo 1f. ls the project tocated within a NC Diuision of Coastal ManagementArea of Environrnental Concern (AEC)?Yes XNo 2, Ovmer tniormqtion 2a. Narne on Recorded Deed; LJ Clark, LLC 2b- No" Deed Book and Page 1813* 1850 2c. Map Book and Page No, (include e copy of ffie recorded map that ndicates when the rol was cr€aled): 2d. Responsible Party {for CorporBtions): 2e. Street address:t39 G Technology Dr 2f. City, state, zip:Gamer, No(h Cerolina 27529 29. Telephone no.:919.+22-7306 2h. Fax no.: 2i, Email addrms:!rlc1!@!jqa5[Is.eotr 3. Applicant lnformation (if difieeot from ownerl 3a. fuplicant is:Aq€nt Other, specify: 3b. t'lame; 3c. Bueiness name (if apdicabte): 3d. Sueetad&esa: 3e. City, state, zip: 3f. Telephone no.; 39. Fax no.: FOR/vt BA 10-2013 Page 1 of 6 3h. Email address: AgenUConsuttant lnfonrption tif applicahlo)4, 4a. Narna: 4b. Businass name (if applicahl,s): 4c. Street address: 4d. City, state, zip: 4e. Telephore nc.: 4f. Fax no.: 49. Email addre; .! FORM: BA 10-?013 Fage 2 cf 6 B.Proiect lnformation and Prior Project History 1. Pt"p"tty ld*,ift*fi"r, 1a. Property identification no. {tax PIN orparcel lD}:160919139S Real Estate lD:0417261 1b, Site coordinates iin decimal degrees):Latitude: 35.6711423 l-ongitude: -78.8552721 1c. Property size:-32 acres Z, $ur'acetttHers 2a. Name of nearest body of water to proposed projeet:Swift CreeUlake Benson 2b, \Alater Quality Clamification of nearest receiving water:\AE tll; NSW:CA 2c. River basin:Neuse 3, Pmiect De*cript*m 3a. Describe the existiag conditions on tfte site and the general land use in the vicinity of the Project at the time of this applicalion: lillroded. Singte Famity Residences 3b. Attach an & 1A,x 11 excerpt fom the most reoent version of the USGS topographic map indicating the location of the site 3c. Attach an S Tz x f i excerpt from the most rec9nt version of the published County NRCS Soil Survey Map depicting the project site 3d. Listthe total estimated linear feet of all existing s?eams {intxmittent and perennial) on the property: 3e- Explain the purpose ollhe props€ed project: 3f. Describe lhe overall project in debil, including the type of equipment to be uaed: 4. Jurisdictional Determinations 4a" Have jurisdictionsl wedand or sfeam determinations by the Corps or Slate been requested or obtahed for tfiis prspertyl proiect $trduding all prior phases) in the past? Yes No XUnknown Comments: 4b. lf yes, y{ho delineated the jurisdictional areas? Name 6t known): ASency/ Gonsuttant Company: Other: 4c. lf yes, listthe dates of the Corps jurisdictional determinations or State determinations and attach documentation. 6. Proiest History 5a. Have permits or certifieations been requested or obtained for this project (including alt prior phases) in the past? Yes XNo Unknown S. ffyas, $#aiu ffid desil acesr&U t* Yldp fle" insuelifrIs' L F$trr" PnSrct Flans FORI{: BAlO-2013 Page 3 of 6 €a. 6b. ls this a phased pro.iecn Yes XNo lf yes, expiain. C. Proposed lmpacis lnventory t. B*frtlmpm* 1a. Project is in u*hich protected basin?X Neuse Tar-Pamlico Catau&a Randleman Jordan Goose Creek .tb. lndividuatly list all bufier impacts below. lf any inpacB require mitigafron, then you MU$T fill out Section D of this form. Buffer impact number - Permanent (P) or Temporary IT Reason for impact Type olimpact (exempt, allswable. allowahl€ wl mitig.tion) $Iream name Buffer mitigation required? Zone 1 impact (sq ff) Zane2 impact (sc ft) B1 XP T &"r*o*.-**&t**o,*;:';r {*a .Yes X No 800 BZKP T artt!:.<qrl6,r^Nr-r-<r.J*Bl.d l{ iL t-zt:*i Lt gr{x 1l*o ffiPr Yes No B1 PT Yes No B$PT Yes No ffiFT Yes No Total hdferimp#h '1c. Commefits: FCIRft BAlO-2013 Page 4 of 6 Avoidanc€ and Mimimizalion't" la.Specifcally describe measures taken to avoid or minimize the proposed impacts in designing project' . L. r-l: '.\ { t: 1b. Specifically describe mea$ures taken to avc$d or minimize the proposed impacts through construction techniques. / ,- -._.,. ( .,,. lirL - -- ,. "rtt*M'-S*-ro,2a.wilt the project result in an impact vyithin a p{otected riparian buf$er that requires buffer mitigation? Yes XNc ;;y-". th* id".fii, ,h" square feet of inpact to each zone of lhe riparian buffer that requires mitigation and catculate the amount of mitigation required in ihe table below. Zone Reason for impact Totat impact {square feeQ Multiplier Required mitigalion {square feet) Zone 1 3 (2 fot Catawba) Zone2 l.c Total bufier mitQdi,on requir:d: ?c.lf buffer rnitigation is required, is payment to a mitigation bank or NG DMS proposed? Yes No ;;y""**tt * "**"nce tetter tam the mi€gation bank or NC DM6' ,-rf ,r, *, dr"t * **t.-type of mfigalion is propasad. 2f. Comments: E.Diffuse Flow Plan All bufier impacts and high ground impacts require diftrse flow or other form of i {orm.rT -!w stormwater Leatment nauOe a plan that fulty docriments how dfr.se flonr will be I OSTer BMP maintained. lf a Level spreader is proposed, attaeh a Level sprmder $upplenent Form. lf due to site cc*sffaints, a BMP other fran a level spreader is proposed, piease provide a plan for stormwater teatrneflt as oudined in Chapter 8 ol fie NS $tegnqater EMP Mgnual and attad: a BMP Supplement Form. FORlvt tsA 10-2013 Fage 5 of S F" $upplernentery lnformation 1. Envircnnental Documefilation 1a. Does the project involve an expenditure of public (federallstate/local) funds or the use of public (federal/state) land? Yes XNo ,lh lf you answered Yee" to the above, does the project require preparaton of an environmental document pursuant to &e requiremenb af &e Nalional or State (Nortr Carolina) Environmenhl Policy Ar* (NEPIJSEPA)? Yes X No 1c.lf you ansrirered Yes" to the above , has the document besn finalized by tbe State Clearing Hwse? (lf so, attach a copy of the NEPA or $EFA final appraval letter,) Comments: Yes X No 2. Violationt 2a.ls the site in violation of DIAR tAHand Rules (15A NCAC 02H .0500), lsolated Wetland Rules {15A NCAC 02}l .1300), DIfVR Surface \Ahter or \Ileflard Standards. or Riparian Bufrer Rules {15A NCAC 028 .0200}? Yes XNo 2b. ls this an after-th+.tuct permit application?Yes X No 2c. lf you answered !es' to one or bo{h of Sre above questions, provide an explanation of the violation{s}: !'i ' :^ '. .!;: t: I - Applicent/Agent's Printed Narne ApplicenUAgent's Sbnature (Agerffs sbBahls is valil sB if an authuizatim iedttr fffi tte apgtiEot is pro'{ided.} Send 3 campl€te sets of this form a*d accompanying documents to the following: Far governnlent tmlls,portdtlon prajects sent hy First Class ttloil. via the US Posfof Service: NC DWR, Transpartation Permitting Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleiqh, NC 276S9 - 1617 For all other projects sent by First Class ilail vta fhe US Posfal Sarvrce Karen Higglns NCD\AR - 401 & Bufler Permitting Branch 161 7 Mail Service Center Raleigh. NC 27699 - 1S17 For govenrnenf fransportatian project s sent by delivery seruice {UPS, FedEx, etc.): OR NC DWR, Transportation Permitting Unit 512 N. Satisbury $treet Raleioh, tic 27E04 For alt other prajects sent by delivery service {Ufi, FedEx, etc.): OR Karen HQgins II{CD\A,R - 401 & Bufler Permitting Branch 512 N. Salisbilry Street Raleigh, NC 27604 F0Rin: BA 10-2013 Page 6 of 6