HomeMy WebLinkAbout20110857 Ver 1_Other Agency Comments_20060303I NMI- Mr. Tim Johnson Division Engineer North Carolina Department of Transportation Highway Division 8 P.O. Box 1067 Aberdeen, NC 28315 Eastern Federal Lands 21400 Ridgetop Circle Highway Division Sterling, VA 20166-6511 Refer to: HFPP-15 LITI Subject: Environmental Assessment for Rehabilitation of Forest Developmental Road (FDR) 597 in Uwharrie National Forest Dear Mr. Johnson: The Federal Highway Administration, in cooperation with the United States Forest Service, is in the process of preparing an Environmental Assessment for rehabilitation of Forest Developmental Road (FDR) 597 in Uwharrie National Forest. This project will include widening and resurfacing FDR 597, replacing a "vented ford" structure over Reeves Spring Branch with a bridge, and reconstructing stone masonry culverts. The primary purpose for this project is to bring FDR 597 up to current NCDOT design standards for local rural roads, as NCDOT plans to add Forest Highway 49 (which includes FDR 597) to the NCDOT system. The roadway is currently only 13 to 16 feet wide with a gravel surface, and the vented ford frequently clogs with natural debris and causes it to be overtopped by the stream. The project study area is located in Montgomery County, North Carolina, and extends from State Route 1179 to FDR 544, McLean's Creek Road, a distance of approximately 3.5 miles (see attached map). The objective of the EA is to evaluate all reasonable alternatives for the proposed roadway reconstruction of FDR 597, including the no build alternative. This study is in the early stages of development and we would like to invite your participation. We request your input early in this environmental scoping process to assist us in determining the range of issues to be addressed and to identify significant issues related to the proposed action. As the project moves forward, your agency will be asked to review the analysis portion of the environmental document concerning issues in which your Agency has jurisdiction and/or special expertise. We are also requesting your participation in our ongoing discussions, meetings, and the preparation of submissions to the appropriate Commissions and Agencies for review and/or approval. Upon completion, we anticipate that the Environmental Assessment be E Alit ti) 201M sufficient to address the needs of our Agencies and stakeholders and to serve as a decision-making document. We would appreciate your response at your earliest convenience to identify a representative from your Agency to assist us in this study and to confirm attendance at the agency scoping/kick-off meeting, scheduled for Wednesday, March 22, 2006, at 10:00 AM at Partnership for Children, 404 N. Main Street (Hwy 134), Troy, North Carolina (located I block north of City Hall). Following the meeting, there will be an opportunity to review the project area in the field. Kevin S. Rose Environmental Protection Specialist MEETING MINUTES AGENCY KICK -OFF MEETING Uwharrie National Forest — FDR 597 Environmental Assessment March 22, 2006 10 :00 AM —12:00 PM Partnership for Children Conference Room, Troy, NC Attendees: C I ME F -- Kfrn leyNorn and Associates, Inc. Name Representing Phone Email Charles Crawford FHWA _ EFLHD Design (703) 404 -6316 charles.crawford @fhwa.dot.gov Jeff Johnson FHWA — EFLHD Design (703) 404 -6299 jeffrey Johnson c fhwa.dot.gov Lisa Thaxton FHWA -- EFLHD Environmental (571) 434 - 1552 lisa. thaxton((p lhwa. dot. gov Nicholas Finch FHWA — EFLHD (571) 434 -1548 nick. finch @f iwa.dot.gov Environmental Jannie Loubser New South Associates (770) 498 -4155 jloubser @newsouthassoc.com Steve Juhan NC Wildlife Resources (910) 439 -5103 juhans @mc- online.net Commission Deborah Walker USES Uwharrie (910) 576 -6391 deborahwalker@fs.fed.us Alison Whiteseli NCDOT —Division 8 (910) 944 -2344 awhitcsell@dot.state.nc.us Ken Averitte NCDENR DWQ (Fayetteville) (910) 486 -1541 ken.averitte@ncmail.net Richard K. Spencer USACE (910) 251 -4172 richard.k.spencer@saw02.usace.army.mil Art King NCDOT Division 8 (910) 944 -2344 ticking @dot.state.nc.us Teresa Gresham Kimley -Horn (919) 677 -2000 teresa.gresham@kimley-horn.com Norton Webster Kimle -Horn 91 9) 677 -2000 norton.webster@kimley-horn.com Chuck Nuckols Kimley -Horn (919) 677 -2114 chuck.nuckols@kimley-hom.com Larry Meisner Kimle -Horn 919) 677 -2079 larry.mcisner@kimley-hom.com Mr. Finch opened the meeting with a welcome, followed by self-introductions. Mr. Johnson then gave a brief background on this project, Forest Development Road (FDR) 597, including its relationship to other portions of Forest Highway 49 which have been or are scheduled to be paved. One of those projects, including FDR 576 and 544, has been designed but is on hold because the environmental compliance requirements have not been completed. Ms. Walker will discuss the status of that project with Lynn Flicks (US Forest Service, Asheville). This project, FDR 597, also designated as PI-IF 49 -1(3), is scheduled to begin construction no sooner than 2008. Mr. Meisner read the Purpose and Need Statement. Ms. Walker mentioned that there is a sewer project proposed near this project, and that Woodland Estates may be interested in connecting into the new sewer line. If so, it would affect the design of the road as well as introduce additional indirect and cumulative effects. The contact for the project is the Handy Sanitary District in Davidson County. Mr. Meisner reviewed the schedule. Ms. Walker asked about a cooperating- agency agreement between the Forest Service and FHWA. Mr. Finch said that the project would use Federal requirements, and that the Forest Service could either have cooperating- agency status or signatory Minutes front March 22, 2006 Interagency Kick -off Meeting Uwharrie National Forest — FDR 597 EA authority. Mr. Finch and Ms. Walker will coordinate to determine the Forest Service's role on this project. Mr. Spencer also requested a non- signatory cooperating - agency agreement with FHWA. Mr. Finch will send USACE a request letter to that effect. Mr. Finch also said that all agencies will have an opportunity to review the Environmental Assessment (EA) before it is finalized. Mr. Meisner briefly summarized the topics to be addressed in the EA. The only question was regarding the termini of the project. The project extends from SR 1179 to and including the intersection with FDR 544. The quad map on the Existing Conditions figure shows the intersection of FDR 597 and FDR 544 incorrectly; it is now a T- intersection. Ms. Gresham and Mr. Webster reviewed the existing conditions information collected during the initial field visit and data research. There are four mapped streams, but are probably others. There is at least one wetland adjacent to the road. The FEMA floodplains are shown on the map. Mr. Webster visited the site in October to look for the Schweinitz's sunflower during its growing season. Although the Natural Heritage Program identified sunflower sites within a half mile of the project corridor, Mr. Webster did not find specimens within the study corridor. Ms. Walker said that bald eagles may be nesting in the area, and recommended that Mr. Webster coordinate with the Division of Water Quality (DWQ) to verify. The US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) and DWQ will also coordinate to field- verify wetlands together. The team discussed the tourism impacts in the study area. Saturday, April 1 is the first day of off - highway vehicle (OHV) season, and the Forest expects up to 10,000 visitors per day on the first two weekends. Other peak days include Memorial Day, Labor Day, and the Fourth of July. Hunting season also draws a Iarge number of visitors, especially opening days of muzzle and rifle seasons (November 5 and November 12, respectively), and Veteran's Day. A summary the Uwharrie National Forest hunting seasons are at the end of these meeting minutes. Ms. Walker will provide Kimley -Horn visitation information on campgrounds and OHVs. The Forest Service does not have any traffic count data. The 24 -hour counts will be done for two weeks the week prior to April 1, and the first week of April. The turning movement count at FDR 597 and FDR 544 will be done on April 1. Mr. Webster asked the agency representatives for issues important to them. Ms. Walker said that there is a Regional Forester's Sensitive Species List. She will provide contact information for the appropriate Forest Service biologist who can provide that information. Mr. Juhan said that WRC has shifted some of its resources away from the Badin Lake area because of the tourism activities. Hunting and recreation are allowed in the same areas simultaneously. Mr. Loubser gave a brief background on the archaeological resources in the study area. A surface survey was completed in 1979, and discovered 11 sites in the study area, which is a high density of archaeological sites. These high density areas were classified as "archaeological zones." The surface survey only looked at the area between Badin Lake and FDR 597, and no surveys have been done on the east side of FDR 597. New South Associates will delineate the area of potential effect (APE) through shovel tests. Based on the results of the surface survey, it appears that the level of effort required for the shovel tests may be higher than expected. The amount of work required may also increase because of a Forest Service agreement which would require the archaeologist to continue testing any historic sites to delineate the entire boundary. One well known archaeological area in Uwharrie is the Uwharrie Slate Belt, where the plentiful slate was used by Native Americans to form tools. That site is primarily prehistoric, although there may also be historic sites. Mr. Finch recommended that the preliminary alternatives take into account any known archaeological sites, and then additional testing will be done within the alternatives' Date Prepared: March 24, 2006 Minutes front March 22, 2006 Interagency Kick -off Meeting Uwharrie National Forest -- FDR 597 EA alignments. Mr. Spencer also recommended consulting SHPO about the historic status of the vented ford. If it is historic, SHPO may require a data recovery before removing the ford, and an MOA with FHWA would be required. The team then discussed design issues. Ms. Walker is concerned that paving the road will lead to increases in speed. The road is posted at 25 mph now, and would have a proposed design speed of 35 mph. She asked about possible additions to the road to slow down traffic and increase safety. Ms. Whitesell said that the road could not have speed bumps because it will be maintained by NCDOT. Mr. Meisner suggested signing and striping for pedestrian, equestrian, and OHV crossings. Mr. Meisner asked about the level of public involvement for this project. Currently, Kimley- Horn is scheduled to do two newsletters. No public meetings are planned, but they may be added based on public interest. Ms. Walker said that there is a list that is mailed to over 500 citizens each month, listing all projects in the area (SOPA Schedule of Proposed Actions). People who are interested in the project would contact the Forest to be placed on a smaller project - specific mailing list for additional information. Kimley -Hom will send the newsletters to agencies, citizens who access FDR 597, OHV and equestrian groups, and citizens who have expressed interest. Ms. Walker will also provide Kimley -Horn with the Woodland Estates homeowner's association contact. Ms. Walker suggested that Kimley -Horn may want to meet with individuals or groups interested in the project. The most recent plan for the Uwharrie National Forest was completed in 1985, and was based on 1984 regulations. The 2004 regulations have changed considerably, and the plan is currently being updated. The Recreation Management Plan is also underway. Since the master plan will not be available for this project, Kimley -Horn should coordinate with the Forest Service and the County to determine anticipated growth and development patterns. The meeting was adjourned at 1 1:45 AM. All attendees except Mr. Loubser met after lunch to visit the site. Some notes from the field visit include: • At the Holt's Cabin Picnic Area, include a paved parking area with 90 degree parking spaces. If possible when widening, do not disrupt the visitor sign and restroom. • The vented ford was constructed in 1937. It is likely that the house by the road near the ford was constructed at the same time. There are 12 homes in Woodland Estates, with additional lots for sale and to be developed. There are 6 -8 homes in Skier's Ford. • More wetlands exist than were shown on the project area map. Date Prepared: March 29, 2006 Minutes from March 22, 2006 Interagency Kick -off Meeting Uwharrie National Forest — FDR 597 EA Hunting seasons in Uwharrie National Forest are as follows: Date Prepared: March 24, 2006 From To Deer - Bow & Arrow 9 /10 11 14 Deer - Muzzleloading 11 /5 11 /11 Deer - Gun 11 /12 112 Wild Boar 10/17 11/19 Wild Boar 12/12 1/2 Wild Turkey 418 5/6 Youth Turkey Hunt Da 4/1 4/1 Squirrel - Gray /Red 10/17 1 /31 Squirrel - Fox 10 /17 12/31 Rabbit 11 /19 2128 Quail 11119 2/28 Grouse 10117 2/28 Non - native Pheasant 11/19 2/1 Bobcat 10 /17 2/28 Racoon & Opossum 10 /17 2/28 Fox 11 /19 1/2 Crow 6/1 2128 Beaver Any Open Season Groundhog No Closed Season Coyote No Closed Season Nutria No Closed Season Date Prepared: March 24, 2006 At r March 22, 2006 FDR 597 Improvements Environmental Assessment DTFH71 -02 -D -04006 NC PFH 49 -1(3) Uwharric National Forest, North Carolina Agency Kickoff Meeting A Benda Welcome — FHWA/USFS Introductions — All Project Background — Nick Finch Purpose and Need — Larry Meisner Planning Process — Larry Meisner U.$. raOMMwrofTrm pofta faFederal Highway aw Administration Summary of Existing Conditions — Teresa Gresham, Norton Webster Cultural Resources — Jannie Loubser Discussion of Areas of Concern — Agency Representatives Break for Lunch Optional Field Visit Northern terminus at SR 179 Vented ford at Reeves Spring Branch -zuuui ui reeves opnng, Lirancn Reeves Spring Branch Grossing House adjacent to road U.S. Deporiment of TransWotWn 41; Federal Highway Administration Study Area & Existing Conditions Begin Study Area SR 1179 FDR 597A End Study Area I FDR 597 1, 0 1 2 L" Miles N W+ 1, S 0 1,000 2,000 LLLLI—U—u Feet Z; Legend Study Area FDR 5 y, Floodplains Streams s A Campground 001; pay U Area S e Q Hiking Trail - Residences 0 U.S, OVarimenl of TranspWailon bw Federal Highway ft0f Administration Archaeological Resources Begin Study Area SR 1179 FDR 597A I End Study Area F FDR 597 FDR 544 0 1 2 LiLd Miles N W+ r S 0 1,000 2,000 Lu i I j i i Feet Legend Study Area Streams Archaeological Site Archaeological zone U.S. DepadmGnl of Rmsportation Federal Highway Administration Federal • a Administration Topics to be Addressed in EA • Natural resources: flora and fauna • Water resources: streams, wetlands, floodplains • Physiography, geology, and soils • Biological communities: terrestrial and aquatic habitats, threatened and endangered species, exotic species • Air quality, noise, and energy impacts (qualitative) • Cultural resources: historic, tribal, and archaeological resources • Roads, traffic operations, and safety • Socioeconomic features: demographics, economics, land use, environmental justice • Aesthetics and viewsheds • Indirect and cumulative impacts • Forest Visitation �ar�t r Resources Within Studv Area US. Qepurtment QP Y`mtttpoltoiEan Federal Highway Administration Existing Roadways • FDR 597 0 13 to 16 feet wide, unpaved, 25 mile per hour speed limit c, Stone masonry headwall culverts at mileposts 1.9 and 2.4 * Vented ford over Reeves Spring Branch, one lane wide, with three 30" corrugated metal pipe culverts underneath • Intersecting Roads include SR 1179, Lakeland Drive, Skiers Cove Road, FDR 597A, and FDR 544 Streams • Reeves Spring Branch crosses FDR 597 at the vented ford at mule 3.2 • Two unnamed streams cross FDR 597 between FDR 544 and Skiers Cove Road • An unnamed stream crosses FDR 597 just south of Holt's Cabin Picnic Area • A tributary to Moccasin Creek is just south of the study area on FDR 597 Floodpllain Crossings • Reeves Spring Branch • Approximately 0.25 miles south of Reeves Spring Branch • Unnamed stream near middle of corridor National Forest Facilities • Holt's Cabin Picnic Area (along FDR 597) • Badin Lake Hiking Trail (accessed via FDR 597) • Badin Lake Group Camp (accessed via FDR 597) • Badin Lake Campground (accessed via FDR 597) • King's Mountain Point and Floating Pier (accessed via FDR 597) Cultural Resources • Area between road and lake previously surveyed • Approximately 10 known sites and two Archeological Zones within study area Socioeconomics ': Census blocks or block groups Percent Minorit Percent His anic Median Household Income Per Capita Income Below Povert Affected Area* 0% 0% $40,486 ...- _ ....... $27,216 ........... 8.1% Montgomery Count 31'% 10% $39,616 $16,504 15.4% North Carolina 28% 5% $39,184 $20,307 12,3% United States 1 25% 1 13% 1 $41,994 1 $21,587 12.4% ': Census blocks or block groups