HomeMy WebLinkAbout20171605 Ver 1_Baseline Monitoring Report - DRAFT_20210723 Mitigation Project Information Upload ID#* 20171605 Version* 1 Select Reviewer:* Erin Davis Initial Review Completed Date 07/23/2021 Mitigation Project Submittal -7/23/2021 Is this a Prospectus,Technical Proposal or a New Site?* C' Yes r No Type of Mitigation Project:* rJ Stream 17 Wetlands r Buffer r Nutrient Offset (Select all that apply) Project Contact Information Contact Name:* Email Address:* Jason Lorch jlorch©wildlandseng.com Project Information ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ID#:* 20171605 Version:*1 Existing ID## Existing Version Project Type: r DMS C•' Mitigation Bank Project Name: Daniels Creek Mitigation Site County: Harnett Document Information Mitigation Document Type:* Mitigation Monitoring Report File Upload: Daniels Creek Baseline Monitoring Report- 104.19MB DRAFT.pdf Rease upload only one R]Fof the complete file that needs to be submitted... Signature Print Name:* Carlynn Walker Signature:* t ? l t.• • ;.. pr Ord "w c� Nsk� • r,, . a�2 sr &e • BASELINE MONITORING DANIELS CREEK MITIGATION SITE Harnett County, NC DOCUMENT AND AS-BUILT BASELINE REPORT Cape Fear River Basin HUC 03030004 USACE Action ID Number 2017-00998 Data Collection Period: April 2021—July 2021 Submission Date:July 23, 2021 PREPARED FOR: The North Carolina Interagency Review Team (IRT) USACE Project Manager: Mickey Sugg 69 Darlington Avenue Wilmington, NC 28403 PREPARED BY: °SI WILDLANDS ENGINEERING Wildlands Engineering, Inc. 312 West Mil!brook Road, Suite 225 Raleigh, NC 27609 Jason Lorch jlorch@wildlandseng.com Phone: (919)851-9986 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Wildlands Engineering, Inc. developed the Daniels Creek Mitigation Site (Site) under the Middle Cape Fear Umbrella Mitigation Banking Instrument.The Site is located in Harnett County near the town of Broadway, North Carolina within the Cape Fear River Basin Hydrologic Unit 03030004010020 (Daniels Creek).The Site was selected to provide stream and wetland mitigation credits to compensate for permitted impacts to waters of the United States and/or State waters in the Cape Fear 04 watershed (HUC 03030004; DWR Sub-basin 03-06-07).The project includes the restoration and enhancement of 15,162 linear feet of stream on Daniels Creek and unnamed tributaries. Restoration and enhancement of these streams will provide 12,024.727 stream credits.The project also included the restoration of 11.524 acres, rehabilitation of 0.165 acres, and enhancement of 10.313 acres of riparian wetlands; as well as the restoration of 0.066 acres, rehabilitation of 0.112 acres, and enhancement of 1.114 acres of non-riparian wetlands resulting in a total of 13.923 riparian and 0.392 non-riparian wetland mitigation credits.The 56.144-acre site is protected with a permanent conservation easement. Stream and wetland stressors at the Site were primarily the result of direct cattle access to the streams, which have resulted in extensive degradation. Stream channels were generally incised, unstable, lacking bedform diversity, and lacking adequate riparian buffers. Wetland vegetation and hydrology were impaired throughout the Site. The restoration and enhancement of streams and wetlands on the Site will directly and indirectly address stressors identified in the Division of Mitigation Services River Basin Restoration Priorities (2009) and the North Carolina Division of Water Resources Cape Fear Basinwide Water Quality Plan (2005).The restoration of streams, wetlands, and a forested riparian buffer will slow surface runoff, increase retention times, provide shade to streams, and reconnect the streams to their historic floodplains and riparian wetlands, which should reduce sediment and nutrients. The project goals established in the Mitigation Plan (Wildlands, 2019)were designed with careful consideration of watershed stressors. Project goals are to: • Reconnect channels with floodplains and riparian wetlands to allow a natural flooding regime; • Improve the stability of stream channels; • Exclude cattle from project streams; • Improve instream habitat; • Restore wetland hydrology, soils, and plant communities; • Restore and enhance native floodplain and streambank vegetation, and; • Permanently protect the project site from harmful uses. Site construction and planting were completed in April 2021. As-built surveys were completed in May 2021. Minimal field adjustments were made during construction. Baseline (MVO) profiles and cross- section dimensions closely match the design parameters. Cross-section widths and pool depths occasionally deviate from the design parameters but fall within a normal range of variability for natural streams.The Site has been built as designed and is expected to meet the upcoming monitoring year's performance criteria. Daniels Creek Mitigation Site 41, Baseline Monitoring Document and As-Built Baseline Report i DANIELS CREEK MITIGATION SITE Baseline Monitoring Document and As-Built Baseline Report TABLE OF CONTENTS Section 1: PROJECT GOALS, BACKGROUND AND ATTRIBUTES 1-1 1.1 Project Location and Setting 1-1 1.2 Project Goals and Objectives 1-1 1.3 Project Structure and Design Approach 1-2 1.3.1 Project Structure 1-2 1.3.2 Stream Design Type and Approach 1-3 1.3.3 Wetland Design Type and Approach 1-4 1.4 Project History, Contacts, and Attribute Data 1-4 Section 2: PERFORMANCE STANDARDS 2-1 2.1 Streams 2-1 2.1.1 Dimension 2-1 2.1.2 Pattern and Profile 2-1 2.1.3 Substrate 2-1 2.1.4 Photo Documentation 2-1 2.1.5 Bankfull Events and Stream Hydrology 2-1 2.2 Vegetation 2-2 2.3 Wetlands 2-2 Section 3: MONITORING PLAN 3-1 3.1 Monitoring Plan Details 3-1 3.1.1 Dimension 3-1 3.1.2 Pattern and Profile 3-1 3.1.3 Substrate 3-1 3.1.4 Photo Documentation 3-1 3.1.5 Visual Assessments 3-1 3.1.6 Bankfull Events and Stream Hydrology 3-2 3.1.7 Vegetation 3-2 3.1.8 Wetlands 3-2 Section 4: ADAPTIVE MANAGEMENT AND CONTINGENCY PLAN 4-1 4.1 Stream 4-1 4.2 Vegetation 4-1 4.3 Site Boundary 4-1 Section 5: AS-BUILT CONDITION (BASELINE) 5-1 5.1 As-Built/Record Drawings 5-1 5.1.1 Daniels Creek Reach 1 5-1 5.1.2 Daniels Creek Reach 2 5-1 5.1.3 Daniels Creek Reach 3 5-1 5.1.4 Daniels Creek Reach 4 5-1 5.1.5 Daniels Creek Reach 5 5-1 5.1.6 T1 R1 5-1 5.1.7 T1 R2 5-1 5.1.8 T1 R3 5-1 5.1.9 T1 R4 5-1 Daniels Creek Mitigation Site 411 Baseline Monitoring Document and As-Built Baseline Report ii 5.1.10 T1 R5 5-1 5.1.11 T1A 5-2 5.1.12 T2 R1 5-2 5.1.13 T2 R2 5-2 5.1.14 T3 R1 5-2 5.1.15 T3 R2 5-2 5.1.16 T3A 5-2 5.1.17 T4 R1 5-2 5.1.18 T4 R2 5-2 5.1.19 T4A 5-2 5.1.20 T5 R1 5-2 5.1.21 T5 R2 5-2 5.1.22 T6 R1 5-2 5.1.23 T6 R2 5-2 5.1.24 T6A 5-2 5.1.25 T7 5-3 5.1.26 T8 R1 5-3 5.1.27 T8 R2 5-3 5.1.28 T9 5-3 5.1.29 T9A 5-3 5.1.30 T10 5-3 5.1.31 T10A 5-3 5.2 Baseline Data Assessment 5-3 5.2.1 Morphological State of the Channel 5-3 5.2.2 Vegetation 5-4 5.2.3 Wetlands 5-4 5.2.4 Hydrology 5-4 Section 6: REFERENCES 6-1 Daniels Creek Mitigation Site 411 Baseline Monitoring Document and As-Built Baseline Report iii Table 1. Mitigation Goals and Objectives 1-1 Table 2. Stream Stressors and Restoration Approach 1-3 Table 3.Wetland Stressors and Restoration Approach 1-4 APPENDICES Appendix 1 General Figures and Tables Figure 1 Project Vicinity Map Figure 2.0 Project Component Asset Map Figure 2.1 Project Component Asset Map (Wetlands) Table 1 Project Components and Mitigation Credits Table 2 Project Activity and Reporting History Table 3 Project Contact Table Table 4 Project Information and Attributes Table 5a Monitoring Component Summary—Restoration Reaches Table 5b Monitoring Component Summary—Enhancement Reaches Appendix 2 Visual Assessment Data Figure 3.0-3.5 Monitoring Plan View Map Stream Photographs Groundwater Well Photographs Vegetation Photographs Appendix 3 Vegetation Plot Data Table 6a Fixed Plot Planted and Total Stem Counts Table 6b Random Plot Planted and Total Stem Counts Appendix 4 Morphological Summary Data and Plots Longitudinal Profile Plots Cross-Section Plots Table 7 Cross-Section Morphology Monitoring Summary Reachwide and Cross-Section Pebble Count Plots Appendix 5 Record Drawings Daniels Creek Mitigation Site Baseline Monitoring Document and As-Built Baseline Report iv Section 1: PROJECT GOALS, BACKGROUND AND ATTRIBUTES 1.1 Project Location and Setting The Daniels Creek Mitigation Site (Site) is located in western Harnett County, approximately 1.3 miles southeast of Broadway, NC(Figure 1). From Raleigh, take US 1 south to the US 421 south exit in Sanford. Continue on US 421 for 5.7 miles to Sandy Ridge Drive on the left. Continue to end of Sandy Ridge Road and the project area is accessible through the gate.The conservation easement covers a total of 56.144 acres. The Site is situated on the boundary of the Piedmont and Inner Coastal Plain Physiographic Province of North Carolina.The Site topography is mostly moderately sloped with some steep topography within the upstream reaches. Daniels Creek has a moderately confined alluvial valley with widths ranging from 70 to 100 feet wide. Valleys are more confined along the tributary reaches with valley widths of at least 30 feet. Stream and wetland stressors at the Site included livestock access and ditching. Stream channels were generally incised, unstable, lacking bedform diversity, and lacking adequate riparian buffers.The extents of riparian buffers and agricultural land on the Site have remained consistent since 1992. Beginning in the early 90's, much of the Site was converted from timber land to pasture.The Site is primarily located within the headwaters, and any land use changes or development pressure in the watershed should have a minimal impact on the project. 1.2 Project Goals and Objectives The project is intended to contribute to ecological improvement of downstream waters within the Cape Fear River Basin. While benefits such as habitat improvement and geomorphic stability are limited to the project site, others, such as reduced pollutant and sediment loading, have farther reaching effects. Expected improvements to water quality and ecological processes are outlined below in Table 1 as project goals and objectives. Table 1. Mitigation Goals and Objectives Goals Objectives Expected Outcomes Raise water table and hydrate riparian Reconnect channels with wetlands.Allow flood flows to disperse floodplains and riparian Reconstruct stream channels for on the floodplain. Hydrologically wetlands to allow a natural bankfull dimensions and depth connect stream and riparian wetlands. flooding regime. relative to the existing floodplain. Support geomorphology and higher level functions. Construct stream channels that Significantly reduce sediment and will maintain a stable pattern and phosphorus inputs from bank erosion. Improve the stability of stream profile considering the hydrologic Reduce shear stress on channel channels. and sediment inputs to the system,the landscape setting, and boundary.Support all stream functions the watershed conditions. above hydrology. Implement cattle exclusion Reduce and control sediment inputs; Exclude cattle from project measures around conservation reduce and manage nutrient inputs; streams. easements adjacent to cattle reduce and manage fecal coliform pastures. inputs. Daniels Creek Mitigation Site 41, Baseline Monitoring Document and As-Built Baseline Report 1-1 Goals Objectives Expected Outcomes Install habitat features such as Increase and diversify available habitats constructed riffles, cover/lunker for macroinvertebrates,fish, and logs, and brush toes into Improve instream habitat. restored/enhanced streams. Add amphibians leading to colonization and woody materials to channel beds. increase in biodiversity over time.Add Construct pools of varying depth. complexity including LWD to streams. Restore riparian wetland and associated soil structure by raising Restore wetland hydrology, stream beds, plugging existing Raise local groundwater elevations. Periodically inundate floodplain soils, and plant communities. ditches, removing livestock wetlands and vernal pools. impacts, and planting native wetland species. Reduce sediment inputs from bank Restore and enhance native Plant native tree and understory erosion and runoff. Increase nutrient floodplain and streambank species in riparian zone and plant cycling and storage in floodplain. appropriate species on Provide riparian habitat.Add a source of vegetation. streambank. LWD and organic material to stream. Support all stream functions. Protect Site from encroachment on the Permanently protect the project Establish conservation easements riparian corridor and direct impact to site from harmful uses. on the Site. streams and wetlands.Support all stream functions. 1.3 Project Structure and Design Approach The project streams were designed appropriately based on the surrounding landscape, climate, and natural vegetation communities, as well as with consideration for watershed conditions.The stream designs were developed to convey a range of flows up to a design bankfull discharge. Reference reaches of similar stream type and setting were chosen to inform the selection of design parameters. Design parameters were based on consideration of healthy reference streams in the Carolina Slate Belt region of the Piedmont (Foust, UT to Varnals Creek, UT to Daniels Creek, and UT to Wells Creek), Cenozoic terrace deposits (Raven Rock Sites 1-3), and from a steeper, sand bed watershed (Scout West), as well as engineering analyses and the professional judgement of the design team. Sediment transport was considered in the creation of the dimension and profile of the stream networks. The Mitigation Plan (Wildlands, 2019)was submitted and accepted by the North Carolina Interagency Review Team (NCIRT) in August 2019. Construction activities were completed by Land Mechanic Designs, Inc and the planting was completed by Bruton Natural Systems, Inc. in April 2021.The baseline as-built survey was completed by Turner Land Surveying, PLLC in May 2021. Minimal field adjustments were made during construction and are described in further detail in Section 5.1. Refer to Appendix 1 for detailed project activity, history, contact information, and watershed/site background information. 1.3.1 Project Structure The project will provide 12,024.727 stream credits, 13.923 riparian wetland credits, and 0.392 non- riparian wetland credits.There is a 256 stream credit reduction from the approved Mitigation Plan.T1 Reach 4 was calculated incorrectly in the Mitigation Plan and has been updated for the As-Built Report. Daniels Creek Mitigation Site 41, Baseline Monitoring Document and As-Built Baseline Report 1-2 Refer to Figures 2.0 and 2.1 for the Project Component Asset Map and Table 1 for the Project Components and Mitigation Credits information for the Site in Appendix 1. 1.3.2 Stream Design Type and Approach The project consists of stream restoration and enhancement activities as summarized below in Table 2. Table 2.Stream Stressors and Restoration Approach Resource Functional Impairments Restoration Approach Daniels Creek Incision, unstable pattern, streambank scouring, mass wasting, lack of Priority 1 and 1.5 R1-R5 bedform diversity, lack of riparian vegetation, livestock access Restoration T1 R1 Incision, active headcuts, unstable pattern, mass wasting, lack of Priority 1 and 1.5 bedform diversity, lack of riparian vegetation, livestock access Restoration T1 R2-R3 Isolated bank erosion, lack of riparian vegetation, livestock access Enhancement II T1 R4-R5 Incision, active headcuts, unstable pattern, mass wasting, lack of Priority 1 and 1.5 bedform diversity, lack of riparian vegetation, livestock access Restoration T1A Lack of riparian vegetation, livestock access Enhancement II T2 R1-R2 Incision, active headcuts, lack of riparian vegetation, livestock access Priority 1 Restoration T3 R1 Isolated bank erosion, livestock access Enhancement II Incision, active headcuts, unstable pattern, streambank scouring, lack T3 R2 Priority 1 Restoration of bedform diversity, lack of riparian vegetation, livestock access T3A Lack of riparian vegetation, livestock access Enhancement II Incision, active headcuts, unstable pattern, streambank scouring, T4 R1-R2 mass wasting, lack of bedform diversity, lack of riparian vegetation, Priority 1 Restoration livestock access T5 R1 Isolated bank erosion, livestock access Enhancement II T5 R2 Incision, active headcuts, streambank scouring, lack of bedform Priority 1.5 diversity, lack of riparian vegetation, livestock access Restoration T6 R1 Isolated bank erosion, livestock access Enhancement II Incision, active headcuts, streambank scouring, lack of pattern, lack of T6 R2 Priority 1 Restoration bedform diversity, lack of riparian vegetation, livestock access Incision, active headcuts, streambank scouring, mass wasting, lack of T7 Enhancement I bedform diversity, lack of riparian vegetation, livestock access Incision, active headcuts, streambank scouring, mass wasting, lack of T8 R1 Enhancement I bedform diversity, lack of riparian vegetation, livestock access Incision, active headcuts, streambank scouring, mass wasting, lack of T8 R2 Priority 1 Restoration bedform diversity, lack of riparian vegetation, livestock access T9 Lack of riparian vegetation, livestock access Enhancement II T9A Failed pond dam (active headcut), streambank scouring, lack of Enhancement II riparian vegetation, livestock access T10 R1 R2 Unstable pond dam, active headcut, streambank scouring, lack of Enhancement II riparian vegetation, livestock access TWA Livestock access, active headcut Enhancement II Reference reaches were a primary source of information to develop the pattern and profile design parameters for the streams. Pattern parameter ranges were developed within the reference reach parameter ranges but included some modifications based on best professional judgement and knowledge from previous projects. Daniels Creek Mitigation Site 41, Baseline Monitoring Document and As-Built Baseline Report 1-3 Reference ranges were also used to inform the design of the cross-sections on the streams. Cross- section parameters such as area, depth, and width were designed based on the design discharge and targeting of stable bank slopes. 1.3.3 Wetland Design Type and Approach The project consists of wetland restoration, rehabilitation, and enhancement activities as summarized below in Table 3. Table 3.Wetland Stressors and Restoration Approach Wetland Category Location Description and Approach Included in this are many previously impacted linear seeps, as well A. JD wetlands T1,T2, lower T3,T4,T5, as riparian wetlands along the listed channels.Wildlands proposed logged in T6,T8,T9,T10, and wetland enhancement utilizing replanting and cattle exclusion. 2009-2010. lower Daniels Creek One exception to this is the linear wetland at the head of T2,which has limited jurisdictional wetlands and no other hydric soil. Wildlands proposed wetland rehabilitation in this case. B. JD wetlands T7 and upper Daniels Wetland enhancement for riparian wetlands along the listed Creek(above crossing at channels because logging was conducted prior to 2003.Wetland logged prior to station 116+94), and enhancement included site grading,wetland vegetation planting, 2003. upper T3 and cattle exclusion to restore wetland hydrology and function. Wetland re-establishment with hydric soils present but wetland C. Non-JD Daniels Creek,T1,T2,T3, hydrology and woody vegetation previously lacking.Wetland re- wetlands T4,T6,T7, and T8 establishment included site grading,wetland vegetation planting, and cattle exclusion to restore wetland hydrology and function. Wetland re-establishment areas (Daniels Creek,T1,T2,T3,T4,T6,T7,T8) are portions of the Site where wetlands previously existed but have been drained, deforested, and impacted by livestock access. Hydrology was improved in all of these areas by raising the stream bed and spreading out flow from adjacent hillslopes and seeps.The activities described above to improve hydrology in addition to planting with native wetland vegetation and excluding livestock will result in functioning wetlands.T7, upper Daniels Creek(above crossing at station 116+94), and upper T3 were deforested and impacted by livestock access.This area has been planted with native wetland vegetation and protected from livestock encroachment by fencing to result in wetland enhancement.Wetland enhancement in JD wetlands logged in 2009-2010 (T1,T2, lower T3,T4,T5,T6,T8,T9,T10, and lower Daniels Creek)were replanted and fenced to exclude cattle. All wetland mitigation areas have been protected by the conservation easement. 1.4 Project History, Contacts, and Attribute Data The Site was developed by Wildlands Engineering to establish the Middle Cape Fear Umbrella Mitigation Bank, a mitigation bank operated by Wildlands Holdings IV, LLC.Tables 2, 3, and 4 in Appendix 1 provide detailed information regarding the Project Activity and Reporting History, Project Contacts, and Project Information and Attributes. Daniels Creek Mitigation Site 41, Baseline Monitoring Document and As-Built Baseline Report 1-4 Section 2: PERFORMANCE STANDARDS The stream and wetland performance standards for the Site will follow approved performance standards presented in the Mitigation Plan (Wildlands, 2019). Annual monitoring and semi-annual site visits will be conducted to assess the progression of the project.The stream and wetland restoration and enhancement areas have been assigned specific performance standard components. Performance standards will be evaluated throughout the seven-year post-construction monitoring. An outline of the performance standard components follows. 2.1.1 Dimension Riffle cross-sections on the restoration reaches should be stable and should show little change in bankfull area, and width-to-depth ratio. Per NCIRT guidance, bank height ratios shall not exceed 1.2 and entrenchment ratios shall be at least 2.2 for restored C and E channels and 1.4 for B channels to be considered stable. All riffle cross-sections should fall within the parameters defined for channels of the appropriate stream type. If any changes occur, they will be evaluated to assess whether the stream channel is showing signs of instability. Indicators of instability include a vertically incising thalweg or eroding channel banks. Changes in the channel that indicate a movement toward stability or enhanced habitat include a decrease in the width-to-depth ratio in meandering channels or an increase in pool depth. Remedial action will not be taken if channel changes indicate a movement toward stability. 2.1.2 Pattern and Profile Longitudinal profile survey will not be conducted during the seven-year monitoring period unless other indicators during the annual monitoring indicate a trend toward vertical and lateral instability. Visual assessments and photo documentation should indicate that stream patterns and profiles are remaining stable,with little or no evidence of incision or lateral migration. A longitudinal profile was conducted as part of the as-built survey to provide a baseline for comparison should it become necessary to perform longitudinal profile surveys later during monitoring and to insure accordance with design plans. 2.1.3 Substrate Channel substrate materials will be sampled in restoration and enhancement I reaches. Channels should show maintenance of coarser substrate in the riffles than in the pools. 2.1.4 Photo Documentation Photographs should illustrate the Site's morphological and vegetation stability on an annual basis. Cross- section photos should demonstrate no excessive erosion or degradation of the banks. Longitudinal photos should indicate the absence of persistent bars within the channel or vertical incision. Grade control structures should remain stable. Deposition of sediment on the bank side of vane arms is preferable and scour pools on the channel side of vane arms is expected. 2.1.5 Bankfull Events and Stream Hydrology Four bankfull flow events must be documented on the restoration and enhancement I reaches within the seven-year monitoring period.The four bankfull events must occur in separate years. Stream monitoring will continue until this hydrologic performance standard has been met. All stream channels shall receive sufficient flow throughout the monitoring period to maintain an Ordinary High Water Mark(OHWM) in accordance with the requirements of RGL 05-05, dated December 7, 2005,which establishes the extent of USACE jurisdiction for non-tidal waters for CWA Daniels Creek Mitigation Site 41, Baseline Monitoring Document and As-Built Baseline Report 2-1 Section 404. Additional monitoring may be required if surface water flow cannot be documented due to abnormally dry conditions. Continuous surface water flow within intermittent, restoration and enhancement I reaches must be documented to occur every year for at least 30 consecutive days during the prescribed monitoring period. Additional monitoring may be required if surface water flow cannot be documented due to abnormally dry conditions. ',2 Vegetation The final vegetation performance standard for planted areas along the riparian corridor and within wetlands will be the survival of 210 planted stems per acre averaging 10 feet in height at the end of the required monitoring period.The interim measure of vegetation success will be the survival of at least 320 planted stems per acre at the end of the third monitoring year and 260 stems per acre averaging seven feet in height at the end of the fifth monitoring year. No single species may comprise more than 50%of the total stem density. The extent of invasive species coverage will be monitored and treated as necessary throughout the required monitoring period. ,3 Wetlands The final performance standard for wetland hydrology based on the soil type on the Site and associated USACE guidance shall be free groundwater surface within 12 inches of the ground surface for 13%of the growing season under normal precipitation conditions.The growing season will be March 1 to November 20 unless soil temperature probe results dictate otherwise.As discussed in Section 9.2 of the Mitigation Plan, changes to the growing season will be coordinated with the Corps and IRT prior to monitoring report submittal. Daniels Creek Mitigation Site 41, Baseline Monitoring Document and As-Built Baseline Report 2-2 Section 3: MONITORING PLAN Annual monitoring data will be reported in accordance with RGL 08-03.The monitoring report shall provide project data chronology that will facilitate an understanding of project status, trends, and research purposes, and assist in decision making regarding close-out.The monitoring period will extend seven years beyond completion of construction or until performance criteria have been met. Project monitoring requirements by reach and frequency are listed in Table 5 in Appendix 1. Monitoring reports will be prepared in the fall of each year and submitted to USACE no later than April 1st of the following monitoring year. Monitoring features and locations are shown in Figure 3 in Appendix 1. ,1 Monitoring Plan Details 3.1.1 Dimension Twenty-five permanent cross-sections were installed per the Monitoring Requirements and Performance Standards for Compensatory Mitigation in North Carolina update (NCIRT, October 2016) in order to assess channel dimension performance. Baseline cross-section surveys included points measured at all breaks in slope, including top of bank, bankfull, toe of channel slope, edge of water, and thalweg. Cross-section surveys will be conducted in monitoring years 1, 2, 3, 5, and 7. Downstream facing photographs of each cross section will be taken at the time of annual survey. 3.1.2 Pattern and Profile Longitudinal profile surveys will not be conducted during the seven-year monitoring period unless other indicators during the annual monitoring show a trend toward vertical and lateral instability. If a longitudinal profile is deemed necessary, monitoring will follow standards as described in the NCIRT Wilmington District Stream and Wetland Compensatory Mitigation Update (2016) and the 2003 USACE and NCDWR Stream Mitigation Guidance for the necessary reaches. Stream pattern and profile will be assessed visually as described below in section 3.4. 3.1.3 Substrate Channel substrate materials will be sampled in restoration and enhancement I reaches. Channels should show maintenance of coarser substrate in the riffles than in the pools. A reach-wide pebble count will be performed in restoration and enhancement I streams (i.e., not reaches) during the required monitoring years (1, 2, 3, 5, & 7). Riffle 100 counts will be performed at the as-built stage only. If channels show signs of instability, riffle 100 counts will be performed on these streams. 3.1.4 Photo Documentation A total of 47 permanent photograph reference points were established along stream reaches after construction. Permanent markers were established so that the same locations and view directions on the Site are photographed each year. Longitudinal stream photographs will be taken looking upstream and downstream once a year to visually document stability. Additional photos will be taken at each permanent cross-section facing downstream. Vegetation plots will also be photographed from the southwest corner.The photographer will make every effort to consistently maintain the same area in each photo over time. 3.1.5 Visual Assessments Visual assessments will be performed along all stream and wetland areas on a semi-annual basis during the seven-year monitoring period. Problem areas will be noted such as channel instability (i.e. lateral and/or vertical instability, in-stream structure failure/instability and/or piping, or headcuts), vegetation health (i.e. low stem density, mortality, invasive species or encroachment), or beaver activity. Areas of concern will be mapped and photographed accompanied by a written description in the annual report. Daniels Creek Mitigation Site 41, Baseline Monitoring Document and As-Built Baseline Report 3-1 Problem areas will be re-evaluated during each subsequent visual assessment. Should remedial actions be required, recommendations will be provided in the annual monitoring report. A remedial action plan will be submitted to the IRT if substantial maintenance is required. 3.1.6 Bankfull Events and Stream Hydrology The occurrence of bankfull events will be documented throughout the monitoring period. Bankfull events on the restoration reaches will be monitored using pressure transducer crest gauges located within a riffle cross-section. Stream flow will be documented on the restoration an enhancement I intermittent reaches (T1 R1,T2,T5, and T8) during the monitoring period. Data from the gauges will be downloaded quarterly and included in annual monitoring reports. 3.1.7 Vegetation A total of 30 fixed vegetation plots and 15 random vegetation plots were installed to monitor vegetation health across the Site.The baseline vegetation survey was conducted in April 2021 and will be used for subsequent monitoring year comparisons. During the baseline survey, each vegetation plot was assigned coordinates, allowing subsequent stem data to be referenced to its grid location within the plot.The first annual vegetation monitoring activities will commence at the end of the first growing season, but no earlier than 180 days following the completion of planting. Vegetation at the Site will then be surveyed during monitoring years 2, 3, 5, and 7.Vegetation assessment in monitoring years 4 and 6 will be conducted by visual inspection only. Random vegetation plots will be randomly located within planted areas during each vegetation monitoring year. Sample area of random vegetation plots will be 100 square meters. Individual vegetation plot data will be provided during the aforementioned monitoring years and will include species, height, density,vigor, damage (if any), survival, and date of planting. Furthermore,the species, height, and total number of volunteer woody stems will be documented and reported. Mortality will be determined from the difference between the previous year's living planted stems and the current year's living planted stems. Invasive species will also be monitored during site visits. 3.1.8 Wetlands A total of 19 groundwater monitoring wells equipped with pressure transducers were installed to assess hydrology in wetland areas. Pressure transducers will record groundwater pressure at least twice daily. Monitoring well data will be analyzed in consideration of recorded precipitation, and growing season dates. Data from groundwater wells will be downloaded quarterly and included in annual monitoring reports. Groundwater well 6 along the upper section of T5 is informational purposes only and is not held to hydrology performance standards.This was agreed upon in the Mitigation Plan because it is a jurisdictional wetland with no pre-construction monitoring, and it is targeted for enhancement credit at a 5:1 ratio. A soil temperature probe will be installed on-site to determine growing season dates for each individual monitoring year. Per USACE guidance, the probe will be located at a depth of 12 inches.The growing season will be defined as that portion of the year where soil temperature remains above 41 degrees Fahrenheit. Soil temperature must be corroborated with bud break to begin the growing season prior to April 4th and will not begin before March 1st of each year when calculating hydroperiods. Changes to the growing season will be coordinated with the Corps and IRT prior to monitoring report submittal. If a wetland zone does not meet the performance standard for a given monitoring year, rainfall patterns will be analyzed to assess whether atypical weather conditions occurred during the monitoring period. Monitoring wells and soil temperature probe locations are shown in Appendix 1 Figures 3.1 -3.5. Daniels Creek Mitigation Site 41, Baseline Monitoring Document and As-Built Baseline Report 3-2 Section 4: ADAPTIVE MANAGEMENT AND CONTINGENCY PLAN Wildlands will perform maintenance as needed at the Site. A physical inspection of the Site shall be conducted a minimum of once per year throughout the post-construction monitoring period until performance standards are met.These site inspections may identify components and features that require routine maintenance. Routine maintenance should be expected most often in the first two years following site construction and may include one or more of the following components. 4.1 Stream Stream problem areas will be mapped and included in the Current Condition Plan View(CCPV) as part of the annual stream assessment. Stream problems areas may include bank erosion, structure failure, beaver dams, aggradation/degradation, etc. Routine channel maintenance and repair activities may include checking of in-stream structures to prevent piping, securing loose coir matting, and supplemental installations of live stakes and other targeted vegetation along the channel. Areas where storm water runoff flows into the channel may also require maintenance to prevent bank failures and head-cutting. '1.2 Vegetation Vegetation shall be maintained to ensure the health and vigor of the targeted community. Vegetative problem areas will be mapped and included in the CCPV as part of the annual vegetation assessment. Vegetation problem areas may include planted vegetation not meeting performance criteria, persistent invasive species, areas with little to no herbaceous cover, or grass suffocation/crowding of planted stems. Routine vegetation maintenance and repair activities may include supplemental planting, pruning, mulching, fertilizing, or herbicide application. Exotic invasive plant species shall be controlled by mechanical and/or chemical methods. Any vegetation control requiring herbicide application will be performed in accordance with NC Department of Agriculture (NCDA) rules and regulations. 4.3 Site Boundary Site boundary issues will be mapped and included in the CCPV as part of the annual visual assessment. Site boundaries shall be identified in the field to ensure clear distinction between the mitigation site and adjacent properties. Boundaries may be identified by fence, marker, bollard, post, tree-blazing, or other means as allowed by site conditions and/or conservation easement. Boundary markers disturbed, damaged, or destroyed will be repaired and/or replaced on an as needed basis. Daniels Creek Mitigation Site 41, Baseline Monitoring Document and As-Built Baseline Report 4-1 Section 5: AS-BUILT CONDITION (BASELINE) The Site construction was completed in March 2021 and as-built surveys were completed in May 2021. The survey included developing an as-built topographic surface, locating the channel boundaries, structures, and cross-sections. For comparison purposes, the baseline monitoring divided the reach assessments in the same way they were established for design parameters. ..1 As-Built/Record Drawings A half-size set of record drawings are located in Appendix 5 with the post-construction survey, alignments, structures, and monitoring devices. No significant field adjustments were made during construction that differ from the design plans. Minimal adjustments were made during construction, where needed, based on field evaluation. 5.1.1 Daniels Creek Reach 1 • 102+57 Log sill not installed because larger material was used to stabilize constructed riffle. • 102+90 Log sill not installed because larger material was used to stabilize constructed riffle. 5.1.2 Daniels Creek Reach 2 • 108+07 Log sill not installed due to adequate stability from constructed riffle. • 108+76 Rock installed on banks to stabilize confluence. 5.1.3 Daniels Creek Reach 3 • 118+48 Log sill not installed due to adequate stability in channel from logs installed in angle log riffle. 5.1.4 Daniels Creek Reach 4 • 122+52 Valley sill installed to stabilize flow from wetland. • 126+65 - 126+85 Brush toe installed to stabilize bank and increase stability of lunker logs. 5.1.5 Daniels Creek Reach 5 • No significant changes made. 5.1.6 T1 R1 • 200+87 Log sill added to stabilize headcut. • 201+87 -201+96 Constructed riffle material and log sill added to stabilize headcut. • 202+97 Log sill not installed because larger material was used to stabilize constructed riffle. 5.1.7 T1 R2 • No significant changes made. 5.1.8 T1 R3 • 209+16 -209+25 Brush toe installed to increase bank stability from culvert flow. • 214+60-215+18 Rock sill step pool sequence added to stabilize channel. 5.1.9 T1 R4 • 216+15 Rock added to banks to stabilize confluence. • 217+55 Angled log sill installed to improve channel stability. • 226+70-226+88 Brush toe adjusted to prevent backwater in T1A. 5.1.10 T1 R5 • No significant changes made. Daniels Creek Mitigation Site 41, Baseline Monitoring Document and As-Built Baseline Report 5-1 5.1.11 T1A • No significant changes made. 5.1.12 T2 R1 • No significant changes made. 5.1.13 T2 R2 • 306+34 Log sill substituted for boulder sill due to material availability. 5.1.14 T3 R1 • 400+72 Brush baffle not installed to reduce impact on existing trees and flow mitigation that live stakes will provide. • 402+72 Log sill not installed due to stability of stream and to reduce impact on existing wetland and vegetation. 5.1.15 T3 R2 • 411+35 Log sill not installed due to adequate stability. 5.1.16 T3A • 410+64 Brush Baffle not installed to reduce impact to existing trees and shrubs. 5.1.17 T4 R1 • 500+74-500+79 Constructed riffle substituted for valley sill due to material availability. • 500+82 -501+08 Brush toe not installed to prevent backwater in T4C. 5.1.18 T4 R2 • 511+12-511+47 Culvert not installed due to lack of need by the landowner. 5.1.19 T4A • 512+12 Valley sill was substituted for brush baffle due to material availability. • 512+40-512+65 Riffle not installed due to adequate stability in channel. 5.1.20 T5 R1 • 600+33 Valley sill not installed due to changes in wetland flow from grading in this area. • 601+75 Brush baffle not installed due to lack of need from grading in this area. • 601+85 -602+33 Constructed riffle not installed due to adequate stability. • 602+25 -602+40 Rock floodplain outlet installed to stabilize flow from wetland. • 602+84 Log sill installed to improve channel stability. 5.1.21 T5 R2 • No significant changes made. 5.1.22 T6 R1 • 705+55 -705+94 Constructed riffle installed to stabilize channel upstream of culvert. 5.1.23 T6 R2 • No significant changes made. 5.1.24 T6A • 710+00 Valley sill installed to mitigate flow from valley into wetland. Daniels Creek Mitigation Site 41, Baseline Monitoring Document and As-Built Baseline Report 5-2 5.1.25 T7 • 809+73 Log sill and constructed riffle installed to stabilize flow from wetland. 5.1.26 T8 R1 • No significant changes made. 5.1.27 T8 R2 • No significant changes made. 5.1.28 T9 • No significant changes made. 5.1.29 T9A • No significant changes made. 5.1.30 T10 • 1105+96 - 1106+20 Rock cascades were not installed at this location. Constructed riffle material was added to stabilize channel. 5.1.31 T10A • 1110+95 - 1111+25 Rock cascades were not installed at this location. Constructed riffle material was added to stabilize channel. 5.2 Baseline Data Assessment Baseline monitoring(MYO)was conducted from April - May 2021.The first annual monitoring assessment(MY1) will be completed in the fall of 2021.The Site will be monitored for a total of seven years, with the final monitoring activities concluding in 2027.The close-out for the Site will be conducted in 2028 provided the performance criteria have been met. 5.2.1 Morphological State of the Channel Morphological data for the as-built profile was collected from April - May 2021. Refer to Appendix 4 for Summary Data Tables, Morphological Plots, and Appendix 2 for Stream Photographs. Profile The MYO longitudinal profiles closely match the profile design parameters. On the design profiles, riffles were depicted as straight lines with consistent slopes. However, at some locations the as-built survey riffle profiles are not consistent in slope due to differences in rock size and positioning, as well as location of as-built survey shots. Additionally, maximum pool depths typically exceed design parameters and are expected to trend towards the design depths as a result of natural deposition over time.These variations in riffle slope and pool depths do not constitute a problem or indicate a need for remedial actions and will be assessed visually during site walks. Dimension The MYO channel dimensions fall within specified design parameter ranges. It is expected that over time as vegetation is established, the channels may narrow more toward dimensions characteristic of an E channel.This narrowing over time would not be seen as an indicator of instability in and of itself. Summary data and cross-section plots of each project reach can be found in Appendix 4. Pattern The MYO pattern metrics fall within the design parameter ranges for all reaches. No major changes to design alignments were made during construction. Pattern data will be evaluated if there are any indicators that significant geomorphic adjustments have occurred. Daniels Creek Mitigation Site 41, Baseline Monitoring Document and As-Built Baseline Report 5-3 5.2.2 Vegetation The MYO vegetation survey was completed in April 2021.The MYO planted density is 553 stems per acre across the 30 fixed monitoring plots and the 15 mobile randomized monitoring plots.The MYO planted density exceeds the MY3 interim stem density requirement of 320 planted stems per acre. Random vegetation plot 15 had a stem density of 283 planted stems per acre which is below the 320 stems per acre interim requirement at MY3. During MY1 Wildlands will make sure to survey the same general area and assess stem density in this area. Other vegetation plots in this area exceeded 320 stems per acre so this is believed to be an isolated area. There were a few substitutions in the planting plan; substitutions were chosen based on nursery availability, ecological benefit, and function. Swamp Chestnut Oak(Quercus michauxii), Serviceberry (Amelanchier laevis), and Painted Buckeye (Aesculus sylvatica) were unavailable at the time of planting and were substituted with Cherrybark Oak(Quercus pagoda), Witch Hazel (Hamamelis virginiana), and Spicebush (Lindera benzoin) respectively. Summary data and photographs of each plot can be found in Appendix 3. 5.2.3 Wetlands Groundwater gauge data will be reported in the MY1 report. Groundwater well photographs are found in Appendix 2. 5.2.4 Hydrology Bankfull events recorded following completion of construction will be reported in the MY1 report. Daniels Creek Mitigation Site 41, Baseline Monitoring Document and As-Built Baseline Report 5-4 Section 6: REFERENCES Doll, B.A., Grabow, G.L., Hall, K.A., Halley,J., Harman,W.A.,Jennings, G.D., and Wise, D.E. 2003. Stream Restoration A Natural Channel Design Handbook. Drostin, M, and Herrmann, M. 2009. Cape Fear River Basin Restoration Priorities. North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program. Retrieved from https://deq.nc.gov/about/divisions/mitigation- services/dms-planning/watershed-planning-documents/cape-fear-river-basin Harrelson, Cheryl C; Rawlins, C.L.; Potyondy,John P. 1994.Stream Channel Reference Sites:An Illustrated Guide to Field Technique. Gen.Tech. Rep. RM-245. Fort Collins, CO: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station. 61 p. Lee, Michael T., Peet, Robert K., Steven D., and Wentworth,Thomas R. 2006. CVS-EEP Protocol for Recording Vegetation Version 4.0. http://www.nceep.net/business/monitoring/veg/datasheets.htm. North Carolina Division of Water Resources (NCDWR). 2011. Surface Water Classifications. http://portal.ncdenr.org/web/wq/ps/csu/classifications North Carolina Division of Water Quality. 2005. Cape Fear River Basinwide Water Quality Plan. https://deq.nc.gov/about/divisions/water-resources/planning/basin-planning/water-resource- p l a n s/cape-fear-2005 North Carolina Interagency Review Team. 2016.Wilmington District Stream and Wetland Compensatory Mitigation Update. Accessed at: https://saw-reg.usace.army.mil/PN/2016/Wilmington-District- M itigation-Update.pdf Rosgen, D. L. 1994. A classification of natural rivers. Catena 22:169-199. Rosgen, D.L. 1996. Applied River Morphology. Pagosa Springs, CO: Wildland Hydrology Books. United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE). 2003. Stream Mitigation Guidelines. USACE, NCDENR- DWQ, USEPA, NCWRC. United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE). 2008. Regulatory Guidance Letter No. 08-03: Minimum Monitoring Requirements for Compensatory Mitigation Projects Involving the Restoration, Establishment, and/or Enhancement of Aquatic Resources. https://www.usace.army.mil/missions/civil-works/regulatory-program-and-permits/guidance- letters/ Wildlands Engineering, Inc. 2019. Middle Cape Fear Umbrella Mitigation Bank: Daniels Creek Mitigation Site Mitigation Plan. USACE, Raleigh, NC. Daniels Creek Mitigation Site 41, Baseline Monitoring Document and As-Built Baseline Report 6-1 APPENDIX 1. General Figures and Tables - Project Location \ -1 / %`� — \ 03030004020020 I 03030004020010 / !Hydrologic Unit Code(14 Digit) •♦ 1 / �'� L._.— \ / 1 y Creek t. _ Q e�- 1 i'' / tt• 1 - / / C et, hush 1 \ i / ` Cre ( \% / t3030004010010 /^J� Cree* // A� 03030004030010 e c, r a er .?t / / CV e / Cy / Creek` r-'�A.�.r ; .9,�els �4 r v / /� 1 l f 03030004010020// J 1 `4/ ..i ...s-..,. ` k N . \ re ) / 927 K. / ! StatN£�rt. ,,.Nr,- / . ..,..,� .. / `N< 4......^i1 /Broadway/ \ t / Raven F • l- '/ 03030004010030 Slat.FN. fri I - -- ; -`t4 C.Thiels Glee ( / 03030004050030 4,/Vex 03030004050010 L / / \ m� / / I 1 / 1 i )4‘` fj I. / \'N ..i i I / / I / r �� ��_ ,0�../' // Bi9B. From the City of Raleigh,travel on 1-40 West for 4.5 miles.Take / I ono) exit 293 and follow signs for US-1/US-64 West. Travel on US- 1/US-64 West for 31.9 miles, then take exit 70A for U.S. 421 �^`1'rJ �3�becur Bypass East toward Fuquay-Varina. Travel on US-421 South for /J 03030004050020 6.6 miles. Take exit 143A to stay on US-421 South toward Lillington. In 0.4 miles merge onto US-421 South. In 5.6 miles, Cypress Cree turn left onto Sandy Ridge Drive. Take Sandy Ridge Drive for approximately 0.1 miles and the easement will be located at Ponderosa the end of the road. Golf Club ...03030004090 I, 'I I 03030004110010 "'*.' -11` 03030004110010 Figure 1. Project Vicinity Map illA WI LD LAN D S 0 1 2 Miles , Daniels Creek Mitigation Site ENGINEERING I I l I I USACE Action ID No. SAW-2017-00998 N Monitoring Year 0- 2021 Harnett County, NC �' t ,� L_•_,Conservation Easement . w1 - �� - /Daniels J E ." Internal Crossing r .; _. �`, ► ..i- "�' vs ' Utility Line i. *. ; • } �+•�►"�, air ` \ O• '4. • JD Wetlands- Enhancement and Rehabilitation ♦ 1 O• a 1 �- --- . �, - / ~ \ Riparian _—� `♦ ' ► Daniels( ` �► ,.. .: , % __- - ► ,4�t< Non-Riparian !. ♦` Daniel -- - -- " ♦ Wetland Restoration s. ‘_--•,` ._-•--- - - _�' \ ct t Riparian Oi �.��� ` "s• A Non-Riparian _ y Daniels t [ ` / � -•--- '� i • / // , O�•y�1> Stream Restoration / / i�'�. `� 0 .,. Stream Enhancement I • I i I ', ► 1. • / •' r ► ♦% ► ` r. Stream Enhancement II i �� �( Linear Wetland- Not for Credit Daniels- al 1 I i /, . itseN..' 1 ' Not for Credit ��\� 1\.• ► •.''.#- O• Reach Break • IF . At ,., , ., . 4, \ .45:, ....• • . \ I lit., ip • • 1 -, 1 ► 4. / / a I "• s' OItt.9 1 P!_A.\./F N,,•,.•. 1 •Ir \ � °a •�' i. , ! 93G�B 1 O ` ; I O 1 ,` _..cam- e 1111: . T9R1 1'1/% • ' .�.!��, � /"♦J O I _j� ' ► �. . ,C T10A •bi'� • t • ! Va� ! 1 \ '•• - , 1_ ;, . ---•--► it -- / ' I. 4 sue` m• V. - �/ .► Q • '' ' ' 2017Aerial Photography Figure 2.0 Project Component Asset Map W I L D L A N D S Daniels Creek Mitigation Site ENGINEERING 0 400 800 Feet USACE Action ID No. SAW-2017-00998 p i I i IIt' Monitoring Year 0- 2021 Harnett County, NC • T - -1mat._-:.A. i. . b MI11111147 • ,r t • r 13R1 A -.1 � - L_,_�Conservation Easement • ' ' - ' ' + _ 4. .• Daniels Creek R5 • , 'r Internal Crossing • l { jf r I �.. ` ,` ' `��� a h I= Utility Line ■ ■ II, ++I ' . �`' Y • ...� / p � JD Wetlands Enhancement and Rehabilitation �_ ZO Qi ■ ' i _•_ .. y / Non-Riparian 1:1 ~� Daniels k •: . 4 • ``I - ti - S .� Non Riparian 3:1 DanielsQ � ; J ��,�O `` M Non-Riparian 5:1 -�. ` _;"•���:44\ . �� L�, I Riparian 1:1 +�� -���� ��� �� Riparian 3:1 it Iii 1 1 : •��` • �� Riparian 5:1 0 Daniels i. \/ , / V' .1' . Wetland Restoration . - a - ,.. • RAI/ ! k N • r = 1 % &N Riparian +++� i' ,�'� �. — Non-Riparian q: }.lSDanielsca1J ���' `` i JIlilL *' I + Stream Restoration ` .�d - Stream Enhancement I �■ ■ Q'l; .- i Stream Enhancement II N. ' �' O �■ �! ++`,.,`►��a e ' _.- ' Linear Wetland Not for Credit , • ‘� .411. �`t,, `►k4/ 'I. Not for Credit • `� • • i. • 4 �. .�� ,� ' ��4 l OO Reach Break V. . .y „,,. ,lia, .. . . .. N, . ® . .... -. .... ..1-e, - ,, .,,, - . Ai ',I : 7 , . . / / * 4 �- • �.k i tb.;:'%. , t‘. 1 - - T10 R;1 . 0 r [� +i 1 ... 1. 1� i VE Q yy 5 Lill.-. • 'NO II° _.) 1 VaCag ' • i • - /r. f ;< u s '�no�e tP 1* ~ -• ► F 2017 Aerial Phot.. Figure 2.1 Project Component Asset Map (Wetlands) W I L D L A N D S Daniels Creek Mitigation Site r‘46Nip? ENGINEERING 0 400 800 Feet , USACE Action ID No. SAW 2017 00998 I I I i I Monitoring Year 0- 2021 N Harnett County, NC Table 1. Project Components and Mitigation Credits Daniels Creek Mitigation Site USACE Action ID No.SAW-2017-00998 Monitoring Year 0-2021 I A A Mitigation Plan Existing Footage/ Mitigation Mitigation Ratio As-Built Footage/ Reach/Wetland ID Footage/ Restoration Level Priority Level Project Credits Comments Acreage Category (X:1) Acreage Acreage STREAMS Daniels Creek Full Channel Restoration,Planted 340 373 Warm R P1 1 373.000 366 Reach 1 Buffer,Fenced Out Livestock 366 Warm R P1 1 366.000 369 Full Channel Restoration,Planted Daniels Creek Buffer,Fenced Out Livestock Reach 2 465 72 Warm R P1 1 72.000 68 Full Channel Restoration,Planted Buffer,Fenced Out Livestock 818 Warm R P1 1 818.000 842 Full Channel Restoration,Planted Daniels Creek Buffer,Fenced Out Livestock Reach 3 1,490 425 Warm R P1 1 425.000 431 Full Channel Restoration,Planted Buffer,Fenced Out Livestock Daniels Creek Full Channel Restoration,Planted Reach 4 1,040 1,041 Warm R P1 1 1,041.000 1,074 Buffer,Fenced Out Livestock Daniels Creek Full Channel Restoration,Planted 301 163 Warm R P1 1 163.000 204 Reach 5 Buffer,Fenced Out Livestock 390 Warm R P1 1 390.000 496 Full Channel Restoration,Planted T1 Reach 1 391 Buffer,Fenced Out Livestock T1 Reach 2 287 40 Warm E2 N/A 2.5 16.000 40 Bank Stabilization,Planted Buffer, Fenced out Livestock 247 Warm E2 N/A 2.5 98.800 247 Bank Stabilization,Planted Buffer, Fenced out Livestock T1 Reach 3 240 83 Warm E2 N/A 2.5 33.200 83 Bank Stabilization,Planted Buffer, Fenced out Livestock 813* Warm R P1 1 813.000* 816 Full Channel Restoration,Planted Buffer,Fenced Out Livestock T1 Reach 4 1,090 245 Warm R P1 1 245.000 246 Full Channel Restoration,Planted Buffer,Fenced Out Livestock Table 1. Project Components and Mitigation Credits Daniels Creek Mitigation Site USACE Action ID No.SAW-2017-00998 Monitoring Year 0-2021 amilillmrrir5JECT COMPONENTS Mitigation Plan Existing Footage/ Mitigation Mitigation Ratio As-Built Footage/ Reach/Wetland ID Footage/ Restoration Level Priority Level Project Credits Comments Acreage Category (X:1) Acreage Acreage STREAMS T1 Reach 5 662 716 Warm R P1 1 716.000 739 Full Channel Restoration,Planted Buffer,Fenced Out Livestock T1A 285 285 Warm E2 N/A 2.5 114.000 285 Stabilization,Planted Buffer,Fenced out Livestock T2 Reach 1 282 260 Warm R P1 1 260.000 257 Full Channel Restoration,Planted Buffer,Fenced Out Livestock T2 Reach 2 304 198 Warm R P1 1 198.000 200 Full Channel Restoration,Planted Buffer,Fenced Out Livestock T3 Reach 1 232 401 Warm E2 N/A 2.5 160.400 401 Bank Stabilization,Fenced out Livestock 417 Warm R P1 1 417.000 427 Full Channel Restoration,Planted Buffer,Fenced Out Livestock T3 Reach 2 973 510 Warm R P1 1 510.000 518 Full Channel Restoration,Planted Buffer,Fenced Out Livestock T3A 168 168 Warm E2 N/A 2.5 67.200 168 Bank Stabilization,Planted Buffer, Fenced out Livestock 1,029 Warm R P1 1 1,029.000 1,039 Full Channel Restoration,Planted T4R1 1,103 Buffer,Fenced Out Livestock T4 Reach 2 264 538 Warm R P1 1 538.000 530 Full Channel Restoration,Planted Buffer,Fenced Out Livestock T5 Reach 1 240 240 Warm E2 N/A 2.5 96.000 240 Bank Stabilization,Fenced out Livestock T5 Reach 2 384 385 Warm R P1.5 1 385.000 386 Full Channel Restoration,Planted Buffer,Fenced Out Livestock T6 Reach 1 600 612 Warm 1 E2 N/A 2.5 244.800 612 Bank Stabilization,Fenced out Livestock 18 Warm R P1 1 18.000 18 Full Channel Restoration,Planted Buffer,Fenced Out Livestock T6 Reach 2 362 250 Warm L P1 1 250.000 249 Full Channel Restoration,Planted Buffer,Fenced Out Livestock T7 1,249 1,235 Warm El N/A 1.5 823.330 1,241 Raised Stream Profile,Stabilization, Planted Buffer,Fenced Out Livestock Table 1. Project Components and Mitigation Credits Daniels Creek Mitigation Site USACE Action ID No.SAW-2017-00998 Monitoring Year 0-2021 a. PROJECT COMPONENTS Mitigation Plan Existing Footage/ Mitigation Mitigation Ratio As-Built Footage/ Reach/Wetland ID Footage/ Restoration Level Priority Level Project Credits Comments Acreage Category (X:1) Acreage Acreage STREAMS T8 Reach 1 328 308 Warm El N/A 1.5 205.330 309 Raised Stream Profile,Stabilization, Planted Buffer,Fenced Out Livestock 2 459 450 Warm R P1 1MI- 460 Full Channel Restoration,Planted Buffer,Fenced Out Livestock 658 658 Warm E2 N/A 3 219.333 658 Stabilization,Planted Buffer,Fenced out Livestock,Invasive Removal T9A 365 365 Warm N/A 3 121.667 365 Stabilization,Planted Buffer,Fenced out Livestock,Invasive Removal T10 Reach 1 600 500** Warm N/A 3 166.667** 600 Stabilization,Planted Buffer,Fenced out Livestock,Invasive Removal T10 Reach 2 401 Warm N/A 133.667 401 Stabilization,Planted Buffer,Fenced out Livestock,Invasive Removal 142 Warm N/A 47.333 142 Stabilization,Fenced out Livestock *Stream credits were miscalculated for T1 Reach 4 in the Mitigation Plan and updated for As-Built. **Braided channel so valley length used for credit calculations. Table 1. Project Components and Mitigation Credits Daniels Creek Mitigation Site USACE Action ID No.SAW-2017-00998 Monitoring Year 0-2021 PROJECT COMPONENTS Mitigation Plan Existing Footage/ Mitigation Mitigation Ratio As-Built Footage/ Reach/Wetland ID Footage/ Restoration Level Priority Level Project Credits Comments Acreage Category (X:1) Acreage Acreage WETLANDS Wetland Planting,Cattle 8.611 8.611 Riparian Enhancement N/A 5 1.722 8.611 Enhancement Exclusion Wetland Planting,Cattle 1.702 1.702 Riparian Enhancement N/A 3 0.567 1.702 Enhancement Exclusion Wetland 0.165 0.165 Riparian Rehabilitation N/A 1.5 0.110 0.165 Planting,Cattle Rehabilitation Exclusion Wetland Restoration 11.524 11.524 Riparian Restoration N/A 1 11.524 11.524 Planting,Cattle Exclusion Wetland Planting,Cattle 0.897 0.897 Non-Riparian Enhancement N/A 5 0.179 0.897 Enhancement Exclusion Wetland Planting,Cattle 0.217 0.217 Non-Riparian Enhancement N/A 3 0.072 0.217 Enhancement Exclusion Wetland 0.112 0.112 Non-Riparian Rehabilitation N/A 1.5 0.075 0.112 Planting,Cattle Rehabilitation Exclusion Planting,Site Wetland Restoration 0.066 0.066 Non-Riparian Restoration N/A 1 0.066 0.066 Grading,Cattle Exclusion - PROJECT CREDITS Stream Riparian Wetland Non-Riparian Restoration Level Coastal Marsh Warm Cool Cold Riverine Non-Riverine Wetland Restoration 9,477.000* 11.524 0.066 Enhancement I 1,028.660 Enhancement II 1,519.067 Rehabilitation 0.110 0.075 Enhancement 2.289 0.251 Totals 12,024.727* 13.923 0.392 *Stream credit totals were updated for As-Built based on miscalculations on T1 Reach 4 in the Mitigation Plan. Table 2. Project Activity and Reporting History Daniels Creek Mitigation Site USACE Action ID No.SAW-2017-00998 Monitoring Year 0-2021 Activity or Report Data Collection Comple tion or Scheduled Delivery Mitigation Plan November 2017 August 2019 Final Design-Construction Plans August 2018 August 2018 Construction April 2021 April 2021 Temporary S&E mix applied to entire project areal April 2021 April 2021 Permanent seed mix applied to reach/segments" April 2021 April 2021 Bare root and live stake plantings for reach/segments April 2021 April 2021 Stream Survey April 2021 Baseline Monitoring Document(Year 0) July 2021 Vegetation Survey April 2021 Stream Survey Year 1 Monitoring December 2021 Vegetation Survey Stream Survey Year 2 Monitoring December 2022 Vegetation Survey Stream Survey Year 3 Monitoring December 2023 Vegetation Survey Year 4 Monitoring December 2024 Stream Survey 2025 Year 5 Monitoring December 2025 Vegetation Survey 2025 Year 6 Monitoring December 2026 Stream Survey Year 7 Monitoring December 2027 Vegetation Survey 'Seed and mulch is added as each section of construction is completed. Table 3. Project Contact Table Daniels Creek Mitigation Site USACE Action ID No.SAW-2017-00998 Monitoring Year 0-2021 Wildlands Engineering,Inc. Designer 312 West Millbrook Road,Suite 225 Angela Allen,PE Raleigh,NC 27609 919.851.9986 Land Mechanic Designs,Inc. Construction Contractor 126 Circle G Lane Willow Spring,NC 27592 Bruton Natural Systems,Inc Planting Contractor P.O.Box 1197 Fremont,NC 27830 Nursery Stock Suppliers Dykes and Sons Nursery and Greenhouse Bare Roots Live Stakes Bruton Natural Systems,Inc&Foggy Mountain Nursery Monitoring Performers Wildlands Engineering,Inc. Jason Lorch Monitoring,POC 919.851.9986 Table 4. Project Information and Attributes Daniels Creek Mitigation Site USACE Action ID No.SAW-2017-00998 Monitoring Year 0-2021 PROJECT INFORMATION Project Name Daniels Creek Mitigation Site County Harnett County,NC Project Area(acres) 56.144 Planted Area(acres) 54.000 Project Coordinates(latitude and longitude) 35°26'33.99"N 79°1'39.81"W 111 Physiographic Province Northern Outer Piedmont&Rolling Coastal Plain River Basin Cape Fear USGS Hydrologic Unit 8-digit 03030004 USGS Hydrologic Unit 14-digit 03030004010020 DWR Sub-basin 03-06-07 Reaches Daniels Creek T1 T1A T2 T3 T3A T4 I T5 Drainiage Area(acres) 896 313 23 9 43 21 48 7 Reaches T6 T7 T8 T9 T9A T10 T10A Drainiage Area(acres) 174 80 13 72 13 126 108 CGIA Land Use Classification Forested 24% Managed Herbaceous 64% Developed 12% Regulation Applicable? Resolved? Supporting Documentation Waters of the United States-Section 404 Yes Yes USACE Nationwide Permit No.27 and DWQ 401 Water Quality Certification No.4091 Waters of the United States-Section 401 Yes Yes USFWS correspondence on June 29th,2017 stated the"proposed action is not likely to adversely affect any Endangered Species Act Yes Yes federally listed endangered or threatened species,their formally designated critical habitat or species currently proposed for listing under the Act..." No suitable habitat and/or individually federally listed species were identified in the project area. Historic Preservation Act Yes Yes Correspondence from SHPO on July 24th,2017 indicating they were not aware of any historic resources that would be affected by the project. Coastal Zone Management Act(CZMA)/Coastal Area No N/A N/A FEMA Floodplain Compliance No N/A N/A Essential Fisheries Habitat No N/A N/A Table 5a. Monitoring Component Summary-Restoration Reaches Daniels Creek Mitigation Site USACE Action ID No.SAW-2017-00998 Monitoring Year 0-2021 Quantity/Length by Reach Parameter Monitoring Feature Frequency Daniels Creek Daniels Creek Daniels Creek Daniels Creek Daniels Creek Reach 1 Reach 2 Reach 3 Reach 4 Reach 5 Riffle Cross-Sections 1 1 1 1 1 Dimension Year 1,2,3,5,and 7 Pool Cross-Section 0 0 1 1 0 Pattern Pattern N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Profile Longitudinal Profile N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Hydrology Crest Gage(CG)/Flow Gage(FG) 1 CG Quarterly Vegetation CVS Level 2 Vegetation Plots 9 Total(6 Fixed,3 Random) Year 1,2,3,5,and 7 Visual Assessment Yes Semi-Annual Exotic and Nuisance Semi-Annual Vegetation Project Boundary Semi-Annual Reference Photos Photographs 9 Annual Wetlands Groundwater Wells 7 Quarterly Quantity/Length by Reach Parameter Monitoring Feature Frequency T1R1 T1R4 T1R5 T2 T3R2 Riffle Cross-Sections 1 2 1 1 1 Dimension Year 1,2,3,5,and 7 Pool Cross-Section 0 1 1 0 1 Pattern Pattern N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Profile Longitudinal Profile N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Hydrology Crest Gage(CG)/Flow Gage(FG) 1 FG 1 CG 1 FG 1 CG Quarterly Vegetation CVS Level 2 Vegetation Plots 11 Total(6 Fixed,5 Random) Year 1,2,3,5,and 7 Visual Assessment Yes Semi-Annual Exotic and Nuisance Semi-Annual Vegetation Project Boundary Semi-Annual Reference Photos Photographs 10 Annual Wetlands Groundwater Wells 6 Quarterly Quantity/Length by Reach Parameter Monitoring Feature Frequency T4R1 T4R2 T5R2 T6R2 T8R2 Riffle Cross-Sections 1 1 1 1 1 Dimension Year 1,2,3,5,and 7 Pool Cross-Section 1 0 0 0 0 Pattern Pattern N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Profile Longitudinal Profile N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Hydrology Crest Gage(CG)/Flow Gage(FG) 1 CG 1 FG N/A N/A Quarterly Vegetation CVS Level 2 Vegetation Plots 10 Total(6 Fixed,4 Random) Year 1,2,3,5,and 7 Visual Assessment Yes Semi-Annual Exotic and Nuisance Semi-Annual Vegetation Project Boundary Semi-Annual Reference Photos Photographs 7 Annual Wetlands Groundwater Wells 3 Quarterly Table 5b. Monitoring Component Summary-Enhancement Reaches Daniels Creek Mitigation Site USACE Action ID No.SAW-2017-00998 Monitoring Year 0-2021 Quantity/Length by Reach Parameter Monitoring Feature Frequency T1R2 T1R3 T1A T3R1 T3A Riffle Cross-Sections N/A N/A Dimension Pool Cross-Section N/A N/A Pattern Pattern N/A N/A Profile Longitudinal Profile N/A N/A Hydrology Crest Gage(CG)/Flow Gage(FG) N/A N/A Vegetation CVS Level 2 Vegetation Plots 2 Total(1 Fixed,1 Random) Year 1,2,3,5,and 7 Visual Assessment Yes Semi-Annual Exotic and Nuisance Semi-Annual Vegetation Project Boundary Semi-Annual Reference Photos Photographs 4 Annual Wetlands Groundwater Wells N/A N/A Quantity/Length by Reach Parameter Monitoring Feature Frequency T5R1 T6R1 T7 T8R1 T9R1 Riffle Cross-Sections N/A 1 1 N/A Dimension Year 1,2,3,5,and 7 Pool Cross-Section N/A 1 0 N/A Pattern Pattern N/A N/A Profile Longitudinal Profile N/A N/A Hydrology Crest Gage(CG)/Flow Gage(FG) N/A 1 CG 1 FG* N/A Quarterly Vegetation CVS Level 2 Vegetation Plots 8 Total(7 Fixed,1 Random) Year 1,2,3,5,and 7 Visual Assessment Yes Semi-Annual Exotic and Nuisance Semi-Annual Vegetation Project Boundary Semi-Annual Reference Photos Photographs 8 Annual Wetlands Groundwater Wells 1 Quarterly Quantity/Length by Reach Parameter Monitoring Feature Frequency T9R2 T9A T1OR1 T1OR2 T10A Riffle Cross-Sections N/A N/A Dimension Pool Cross-Section N/A N/A Pattern Pattern N/A N/A Profile Longitudinal Profile N/A N/A Hydrology Crest Gage(CG)/Flow Gage(FG) N/A N/A Vegetation CVS Level 2 Vegetation Plots 5 Total(4 Fixed,1 Random) Year 1,2,3,5,and 7 Visual Assessment Yes Semi-Annual Exotic and Nuisance Semi-Annual Vegetation Project Boundary Semi-Annual Reference Photos Photographs 7 Annual Wetlands Groundwater Wells N/A N/A *Flow gage located on T8R1 will be utilized to document bankfull events on T8. APPENDIX 2. Visual Assessment Data riiir k.. L_ _1 Conservation Easement T6 rt.r x x ,.�:, x 0 x D s Creek j, Internal Crossing / x� x� x �. �.. f;' b' '.• . Utility Line ax 1 x _ - ,Q •7 x xl r. / ' QQ ❑" �- 1,7 . JD Wetlands- Enhancement and Rehabilitation — x ,� _x �x 1 �. ' '` t.i• Riparian + _x �k � rr.lb 4 �. Daniels(�3�3G�`�� �1.." k. r a �x ' V �' Non Riparian • Danielss Creek(; `' in �. m ,�-r, Wetland Restoration CJ `C _ f nn lk \\ Riparian >• O ❑ ems'"gig NM Non-Riparian Daniels Creek R2 l" t� r x x— ,x 0 / . - Fixed Vegetation Plot x h- + ,i' 0.. O � .<• s - Random Vegetation Plot ~" x— x —x —x —+ j O ! {: Stream Restoration r - .. NI �/ ► "� i x x • Stream Enhancement I / + Daniels R1 . �. , A". f 1 + a ♦ �' - Figur- : -- Stream Enhancement II x + , �0 A �`� -Hi-I Linear Wetland - Not for Credit . i\. k ' i ,� � / x .� Rx r k k " Not for Credit x l k Cross Sections _ I �, tt —tt Fencing i y" -,,,a.- Q y,, • : +— I �, ,� ' ` _ +++ ❑ / 1� . ', Groundwater Well x x tom... ;• - �.- I l"=,� 1� i• i �� k i, N.s / 4111' ..� XX w O r" '� �•' t �O�'P,� "~. ••y .T� r.1 ® Reach Break . 3� ~_/' • - +� 1 Qr!'.. Sj r 'IMF' itfr.Ile:*- k di Figure 3.2 A� t i ti �.__ ,,, %—x .>r, .. • x x +\ r�o�ti j >; x x—1_ �1 ` `x ��' * / "Uj� x I• 'i' ti S. '�, Ti :0 R1 x-tillO 1)7' t �,, k % + 1p -1 1 O O yi x~ 1I +ii it inIv!} x-x +., �x k % �`{ % % % * >r +lO 'ti :� sea � I ,` �,�!��IIIl7LIuIIIX — x— yc~ x � T9RR1 � IX f -�_' _ ,.-x x Q 4 x \�1' ! , 7. x T10A ' O I T2R1 x , "r \ ,r7 1 .I- mEc. x } �I N.+` x -, . — Figure 3.1 •t , ,_,\ ■l +,. i‘ % } 41 ►s-.YXYf 3 1 O /+ / i. Ia" Figure 3.5 k r _+ +�"x _ x 1. ii fir''%.� / ! Y.:. Figure 3.4 x =xiarBil. -1 kl �: s' 2017 Aerial Photogra. Figure 3.0 Monitoring Plan View Map W I L D L A N D S Daniels Creek Mitigation Site ENGINEERING 0 400 800 Feet , USACE Action ID No. SAW 2017 00998 I I I I I Monitoring Year 0- 2021 N Harnett County, NC T' 4' // 4 h. �_Y_ ii y'� • ,'06+00 .0 n n I '' // II•� �j' • * pP43c If 00 4 4. XO ? � �, ^o / • 108+00 ID?42 ♦No,\0°� ��c•— om=x // ‘ • • •-i. e" 0 : Ailiii,„„w i‘t.ier • ' . •,_•,- , . w - � ® c, ..„,,,, ., •- �t r • Q110 0 y • 0 100 +00 w.�,O RI • Q . 30 28 ' .012"00 0. GP' . -• ,- ----%,"— :I"COGI .," 0 . . I. PP 47 � — �.53=—' —% 1�00- -x = . 100+00�_ �� �� • ■ • �� 83 �I + / O ces _} . 1 lire . 4. . giVii›..f - Ali Conservation Easement Stream Enhancement II - { �� ite _- JD Wetlands-Enhancement and Rehabilitation Not for Credit ` y �, rid eir Riparian E3 —£3 Fencing of . , �_ 41111 Non Riparian - - • Photo Point * • logit ilk — Fixed Vegetation Plot Q Reach Break r i� �, 3. • Random Vegetation Plot ,1 .e al Photography Figure 3.1 Monitoring Plan View Map Olki/111, WILDLANDS 4, Daniels Creek Mitigation Site ENGINEERING 0 150 300 Feet USACE Action ID No. SAW-2017-00998 I I I I I N Monitoring Year 0-2021 Harnett County, NC ,�,_ .. ' 'is: 4 - r + ieurw , towl potorip+r Ilk � : r r . • s J� // 4,� V . -V S • ` -6! , • • 1• ,ti;'�I. J .M\ to ' . • W - � L y� t x age ibill 1 17 ` • l� 18 4- _ % GPI o • ', •_ • ,i" OW k N p _ _ p + -;. tY�q�, p 11 \ s a\ WE@ se J• ♦ i. ilip,mr. ., „._,,,, liiii _______g.,-- 2.=----lz--------- ��fl,. oaf-4, CitVgiqi r kr Daniels.Creek R_e- h 3 20 •GPI . __i---i- + - : `•:b 12 + O - O �,: Gee + �.t. % + / �_n _% =n —mo Oat so %� ,?? #Q / .i::' 0 / 4. / , 1 �} Op i, / Q • \ik + / �. `S, k005 4- A\ 2X00I. 15 iX_ s - ' s3 111 %' \\ I() :; � i '♦�. s '� // , GP9 � L- -i Conservation Easement \ / \ = . ��� Internal Crossing Too f" 1+ oo `,y It JD Wetlands- Enhancment and Rehabilitation \\ 14 , vs% 1:t Riparian \\ / s ;� Non-Riparian \ / ��'� 10 Wetland Restoration \\ \` ,• A \\ A 1 c,•. GWG ID Riparian \\ A , `.`, It \\ • t ti - Non-Riparian \\ A ...,,� *� 0 +. da Fixed Vegetation Plot �� . Random Vegetation Plot \A `,��`, F Structures ` \ \P'1"„VI\ Stream Restoration // . . 4.%,` E@ � a Stream Enhancement I // 1\ tit'' ` _-, \ 4 II �? i.`, 13 + Stream Enhancement II �� / •ui•i Linear Wetland - Not for Credit 4 // Jr 01=• + // �3 4 -4- •11 et / - Not for Credit r // , - - •+ / •As-BuiltTOB //$ a—Cross-Sections / // + k n —U Fencing k + Groundwater Well l k + Crest Gauge , k, i IL 0 Photo Point k - kOO Reach Break I l `_ 2017Aerial Photography .. -�u—_'x k ._ i 1111161111.11Figure 3.2 Monitoring Plan View Map W I L D L A N D S 0 150 300 Feet , Daniels Creek Mitigation Site ENGINEERING I I I USACE Action ID No. SAW-2017-00998 N Monitoring Year 0- 2021 Harnett County, NC Z��4d .__,Conservation Easement jt Internal Crossing Utility Line 702+00 Riparian Ott N k. Non-Riparian Wetland Restoration Riparian pit 23 Af- 4QO Fixed Vegetation Plot WID Random Vegetation Plot 132+00 Structures -Stream Restoration N, -Stream Enhancement 11 Linear Wetland- Not for Credit -Not for Credit jej Co Iels GroundwaterWell N PIP 4- 24 + Crest Gauge 0 Photo Point 0 CD Reach Break 00 41 212+00 16 Or A j I �4 Figure 33 Monitoring Plan View Map WI LD LA N D S Daniels Creek Mitigation Site swG/wssx/ wc* O 150 300Feet USACE Action |D No. SAVV'Z017'0099O Monitoring i Year 0 2021 on orn� ar ' Harnett County, NC Conservation Easement 40Stream Restoration 11 ' .224+00 r,/ Internal Crossing Stream Enhancement II �� JD Wetlands- Enhancement and Rehabilitation Linear Wetland Not for Credit ,'••��c�gl Not for Credit �`� % I Riparian 4 , ----•As-BuiltTOB ' Non-Riparian ,•'222+00 vc Cross-Sections l `. Wetland Restoration s��t 1\N Riparian tt =tt Fencing ��x ,4' ' �\ • IFixed Vegetation Plot + Groundwater Well �,+ `�` �\ �s Random Vegetation Plot + Crest Gauge d �,�."C C3 '•� Structures + Flow Gauge d ,r,"� ;•� / 0 Photo Point �iQ ,'!'' ems`Q �20+00�t Reach Break g�,- �/ o. ,4,1 ,•, ., , I 6, i( m ..'21 �l XO •r i�3, r 0•i� `XS 19 10 �. ,t // -£d=mow,£&. • ^ '%•t5�j 16+00 V %�. }�' 60E0 ', Xs lam' r+�� •.,�3 a-- / r' 1 1 N! „ , 4 t t , ,0 ,.„ II ,, rn Q ,. 508+0W ' ,�, o - i II ��,,,� 14+00 f o Rio e if ,f' �u;�.r, ?\ AN . (ram'L`�/ ,,. . GWG 6 for informationa , 'i'�w w \� purposes only-no hydrology 4 ' , '/ ; I perfomance criteria. �� ,v �� +00 ;J - i oa.:..-7_13452::g0 C3 . , , e z !/ p2 231 � SOy00 - 'i.'. • 1+00 12+00 --' - '-r- P IE 1 " ' d r k 60 .%-' ,,522+00 ��. 51 C 00 'k � / s- .1. `moo d',• '' ii', • ]bJ / `1 -;'k • - o • ' ' h xmoIt Jr.dr A . iz 0 .532+00 • , xIS • 6' A a q 1 i' 1 . 0./ 1' •530+00 4 ' EZ *Ott : EI I e 'lir MST,- two:), , , 4., II.' ›,% Vi ° 6412+0, r fir? % ? ' qk )1i. r LI ;z . .- .. N . J. • •406+00 I if 1 4 • 410+00 �� r A. .1 ~.1 •• V ' t ..vr/ , • 1 ft A VA d • . 4 •'47:, '114 1 ,t.ifr • I r 'I,' . "\ •404+00 1I if 1 /i 0 ; _ g/Li •402+00 It 1 • j • 4-4 At`�// 400 4 5"} 2017Aerial Photography - o i Figure 3.4 Monitoring Plan View Map VO:Ei/VW I L D L A N D S 0 150 300 Feet , Daniels Creek Mitigation Site ENGINEERING I I I I I USACE Action ID No. SAW-2017-00998 N Monitoring Year 0- 2021 Harnett County, NC PP23� k _ y �E3� x ' A- �► ® Reach Break Cross-Sections ' M k •+ , x '\ / ♦ Flow Gauge Stream Restoration kk , k +♦ / Photo Point Stream Enhancement II 1 k X k k +'/!+/ • • Xopi ♦ Groundwater Well Linear Wetland Not for Credit x k‘sk k k ♦+ •`�� y * U =Fencing -Not for Credit I , .... 1 �� , � + ---As BuiItTOB x 4V . .,I. I x r�30g-o, k + 1 • x ,,� k \ x �� IV + , , y) 1 i VIP- �• GWG 3 xtk k, '' , x g r.),.. '� I � %,4�--ti_• !- = — I ' • x " '."'. " x-x x 306+00 l� v N nicImpr>tvnw i, I� r11 +00 f Ii ;' Ax N '' N' o 7 i II 4 ., r , ,,, ' �� i " X \ ,1 ' ti GWG 1 , � • IJ - ` ittesSt �� ', �I ,w304+00 -R-[ \ • •406+00 �1 � , ` j 3 I� E3 NOQ,'-,i-• oR ,�y �. s .10+00 + ' t 200+00 rrII A !I X • 302+00 4 •\ '404+00 �, ❑ 1 !Conservation Easement JD Wetlands-Enhancement/Rehabilitation j 1 + +� � 14 Internal Crossing Riparian 4.lc� . ��_ 11 Fixed Vegetation Plot Non-Riparian // • /+ +/ r_ ` ; :If x Random Vegetation Plot Wetland Restoration 1 0 /+ - /,� • ; GWG 2 I • 1 Structures J Riparian • 402+00 /+ 310+9• • • I Utility Line Figure 3.5 Monitoring Plan View Map tWILDLANDS 0 150 300 Feet , Daniels Creek Mitigation Site ENGINEERING I I I i USACE Action ID No. SAW 2017 00998 N Monitoring Year 0-2021 Harnett County, NC STREAM PHOTOGRAPHS d., a —, s 3 k E _ 3 .�-- t ,4 t' gig' t _ Ems'• - ._. -- 5 ''y: _ 'M k 4` d' E [ f. S T"i , R. '- . r.a PHOTO POINT 1 Daniels Creek R1—upstream(03/25/2021) PHOTO POINT 1 Daniels Creek R1—downstream (03/25/2021) Yr ` - ' '�' a-ram -c' .m 1.,yam. , i i w '1x _ ' PHOTO POINT 2 Daniels Creek R2—upstream(03/25/2021) PHOTO POINT 2 Daniels Creek R2—downstream (03/25/2021) 1 s.. C- __ .. i _ _ •x�.yam- -. y �'.: i r -: ..o.�.:, ,_ - /�$ PHOTO POINT 3 Daniels Creek R3—upstream(03/26/2021) PHOTO POINT 3 Daniels Creek R3—downstream (03/26/2021) Daniels Creek Mitigation Bank Appendix 2:Visual Assessment Data—Stream Photographs Lr- 4-744, PHOTO POINT 4 Daniels Creek R3—upstream(03/26/2021) PHOTO POINT 4 Daniels Creek R3—downstream (03/26/2021) 4' • ;. • PHOTO POINT 5 Daniels Creek R3—upstream(03/26/2021) PHOTO POINT 5 Daniels Creek R3—downstream (03/26/2021) -' m. g PHOTO POINT 6 Daniels Creek R4—upstream(03/26/2021) PHOTO POINT 6 Daniels Creek R4—downstream (03/26/2021) Daniels Creek Mitigation Bank Appendix 2:Visual Assessment Data—Stream Photographs x, r . PHOTO POINT 7 Daniels Creek R4—upstreamw (03/26/2021) PHOTO POINT 7 Daniels Creek R4—downstream (03/26/2021) 7 �� gq } � 88k 13 ;,7;.,-, -ii.,,,,,,„ , ,_.. _..„ ... ..,........ _ .... ,,_,,„.... „ ., ..„...„, _±. _. , _...,__ ...,...„ . ... ,......_ _ , ........., 4 1 Y ,.•. PHOTO POINT 8 Daniels Creek R4—upstream(03/26/2021) PHOTO POINT 8 Daniels Creek R4—downstre,itam (03/26/2021) Clif.:14 t,•4'.11f, • A � I I �� �� �� � Fy aft hf "�'�12. •� � � r'7 a ram_ 7 „ r y 1110. PHOTO POINT 9 Daniels Creek R5—upstream(03/26/2021) PHOTO POINT 9 Daniels Creek R5—downstream (03/26/2021) Daniels Creek Mitigation Bank Appendix 2:Visual Assessment Data—Stream Photographs .r� Lc 4.t M g �f Y� .^ 5,� 'r .. ,9r, t �k."$ .._ • • • PHOTO POINT 10 Ti R1-upstream (03/26/2021) PHOTO POINT 10 T1 R1-downstream(03/26/2021) .' # t7. q' C ire c Y Y � tJ t& ` ".' .' 141444*". .-.0. .-„,"":''"-'.:.-„:.:—..•.:.,.,....,:..,',,—..:4,.......N...,,..,3..i:,.,t-o,,,,,,,.,.,..:.,z:„.„...•,.•:„;.•.._,i•t.c„..'i, ti,,..,g.,.'•...,,,.4_.; ,=,•,:,,,.-•_.%.„„..,... -.. .. , •...,•,,... ,• - ...A...,.1 i,ito-,..A u,• mi_ L. ,a :.,1,... ..„..t...:....:,..„.„,..i.„,.....,...„.••••:',".V.7•,,,:•",':. . ..... ,,'•„:, -,:-:-..„,„.,.,..', ...- zaw:r .„__.. •. • - .. - 7.,' ,, x r 3 ' : yfxa.+k' „R .:.'--.'..4._,.N....-,r._'.-._:...._.„...,7....,:'.,.........„.6...i._f:..r.•........-..:•,..-...-..:,..,.:...:.. e� "'°`` i,„,..,:.„:i,-,.•..4.,°....' .,:.:.••;.:.'.,...,:.,',,-, 7,,. ,. 1.,..*,..,.,. • ••.i..... ...„.„ •,...........: ... .. -���� am � � `�t � `�. ' _ PHOTO POINT 11 Ti R4-upstream (04/23/2021) PHOTO POINT 11 Ti R4-downstream(04/23/2021) iiiiiiipf L 3� i •"'- • may, xa ::i -.,.�sfw 'ir"" • � ru 1 � Yx _ fPHOTO POINT 12 T1 R4-upstream (04/23/2021) PHOTO POINT 12 Ti R4-downstream(04/23/2021) Daniels Creek Mitigation Bank Appendix 2:Visual Assessment Data-Stream Photographs I i ,• u . Y a-. PHOTO POINT 13 T1 R4—upstream (03/26/2021) PHOTO POINT 13 T1 R4—downstream(03/26/2021) • ' -- _<=w 4 i 1 f e • TJS fi PHOTO POINT 14 T1 R4—upstream (03/26/2021) PHOTO POINT 14 T1 R4—downstream(03/26/2021) IMIL, 7, ` .. - 1 .A 'a i. .. ar ��a}' soh • PHOTO POINT 15 T1 R4—upstream (03/26/2021) PHOTO POINT 15 T1 R4—downstream(03/26/2021) Daniels Creek Mitigation Bank Appendix 2:Visual Assessment Data—Stream Photographs 1 �.0. N, 3=- r ` 2�7 . -.. .��, !" ' �- .tea. . ,%w... �•,".:- ._ .. MF: W es, �• �� " : k • PHOTO POINT 16 T1 R5—upstream (03/26/2021) PHOTO POINT 16 T1 R5—downstream(03/26/2021) x t. . a _ + _ t :,, _ _: moo,, , , • • PHOTO POINT 17 T1 R5—upstream (03/26/2021) PHOTO POINT 17 T1 R5—downstream(03/26/2021) qt+eTR , ' a PHOTO POINT 18 T1A—upstream (03/26/2021) PHOTO POINT 18 T1A—downstream(03/26/2021) Daniels Creek Mitigation Bank Appendix 2:Visual Assessment Data—Stream Photographs • .ELF •NR _ `.,, • • :• .� -. ,' 'w < '' • may✓ ' . -- d ' 5 PHOTO POINT 19 T2 R1—upstream (03/26/2021) PHOTO POINT 19 T2 R1—downstream(03/26/2021) • i ,,.,:. iti'.:44-,..•...1,,.,._ ',. 7' -, ,. ... . i'. _',..- , PHOTO POINT 20 T2 R2—upstream (03/26/2021) PHOTO POINT 20 T2 R2—downstream(03/26/2021) its, E k t't y ••m0 as '=aY - - kit '� --� �`" i ;-t,.'.:::,_..,- 4004 �� � ''� °"�` .4 •fit v __ _ - " ° � ,, � ! by F } l• PHOTO POINT 21 T3 R1—upstream (03/26/2021) PHOTO POINT 21 T3 R1—downstream(03/26/2021) Daniels Creek Mitigation Bank Appendix 2:Visual Assessment Data—Stream Photographs P L S p, ^4- of • PHOTO POINT 22 T3 R2—upstream (03/26/2021) PHOTO POINT 22 T3 R2—downstream(03/26/2021) w� to aTp"'- V 3. to. d d8 fe! s " - - :.' - m oi PHOTO POINT 23 T3 R2—upstream (03/26/2021) PHOTO POINT 23 T3 R2—downstream(03/26/2021) .� r� i,: ail I - „, ,_ ay^ i. i k n� r nE 7 l A • sit � ',,e,., ' -y • PHOTO POINT 24 T3 R2—upstream (03/26/2021) PHOTO POINT 24 T3 R2—downstream(03/26/2021) Daniels Creek Mitigation Bank Appendix 2:Visual Assessment Data—Stream Photographs -r E: F ri+ 4, • :• PHOTO POINT 25 T3A—upstream (03/26/2021) PHOTO POINT 25 T3A—downstream(03/26/2021) ffm f + S ' ' . COY 4 II p , . ta_- • rr t � n f -,_ `N:. PHOTO POINT 26 T4 R1—upstream (03/25/2021) PHOTO POINT 26 T4 R1—downstream(03/25/2021) • dill• • .. a ,s , .:a, .. PHOTO POINT 27 T4 R1—upstream (03/26/2021) PHOTO POINT 27 T4 R1—downstream(03/26/2021) Daniels Creek Mitigation Bank Appendix 2:Visual Assessment Data—Stream Photographs 5 tee. a. �, a Y- Aasa a r ,�' PHOTO POINT 28 T4 R1—upstream (03/26/2021) PHOTO POINT 28 T4 R1—downstream(03/26/2021) �igill 1 [ dt a 1 t. PHOTO POINT 29 T4 R2—upstream (03/26/2021) PHOTO POINT 29 T4 R2—downstream(03/26/2021) i • � ' PHOTO POINT 30 T5 R1—upstream (03/26/2021) PHOTO POINT 30 T5 R1—downstream(03/26/2021) Daniels Creek Mitigation Bank Appendix 2:Visual Assessment Data—Stream Photographs a, •,>a"- ,"-2 "`� '-+c �y-. Mgr • `p-,--4-4- - z ' 6 '. visa , 'err :.,. Y '�k ems- .s m. MiE. .•.,, t - - , .'`-: PHOTO POINT 31 T5 R2—upstream (03/26/2021) PHOTO POINT 31 T5 R2—downstream(03/26/2021) r 1 i • • PHOTO POINT 32 T6 R1—upstream (03/26/2021) PHOTO POINT 32 T6 R1—downstream(03/26/2021) {- .-. QY .,J ft 3 ;. ,ice n i x _l _. .'+�s.y a+,... ' .1‘,.. '-:.fir,.."7. ''..-i,„':-.:4-44,-,....4irtr..... - - . '. ...'''zi=4%.,-,..:A.,",...:7",:i-':' . 10.1-V4r-,-;1-.., .',arl -.-,'-i..'1,k:- - x•pr�.} s ^ •r �` ' t te. a r ,yam S; fPHOTO POINT 33 T6 R2—upstream (04/23/2021) PHOTO POINT 33 T6 R2—downstream(04/23/2021) Daniels Creek Mitigation Bank Appendix 2:Visual Assessment Data—Stream Photographs ° Tn s. C m may- E - r .•. '..P4-.,,,,i-j,,*;';.;._;-,y,1*-:=114, '1'."..-....1:r'4'..., ----, '.•:,'"4.-kt.: ..-:,;.i. ' . ,.,,.. , c PHOTO POINT 34 T7—upstream(03/26/2021) PHOTO POINT 34 T7—downstream(03/26/2021) „,,,,iff:. f � � p env " • a� i ry��°' Sy _. : v d� a Y e PHOTO POINT 35 T7—upstream(03/26/2021) PHOTO POINT 35 T7—downstream(03/26/2021) iii. L • PHOTO POINT 36 T7—upstream(03/26/2021) PHOTO POINT 36 T7—downstream(03/26/2021) AppendixDanielsCreek 2:VisualMitigation Assessment Data—Stream Photographs OM ■ A• - ,. • _-----..-• - : • ate. +c�;•4rP,,F- F "" — $ -- P • PHOTO POINT 37 T7—upstream(03/26/2021) PHOTO POINT 37 T7—downstream(03/26/2021) ■ tf - • N S .0 • gib p h,r - F ty }rEF}" -, . . i t1 is y .. s*F +` : �.:.. PHOTO POINT 38 T8 R1—upstream (03/25/2021) PHOTO POINT 38 T8 R1—downstream(03/25/2021) 1. sM I-'. •W p • PHOTO POINT 39 T8 R2—upstream (03/25/2021) PHOTO POINT 39 T8 R2—downstream(03/25/2021) Daniels Creek Mitigation Bank Appendix 2:Visual Assessment Data—Stream Photographs r ' r — .' x .Y d ,,, 3Ya _" x • PHOTO POINT 40 T8 R2—upstream (03/25/2021) PHOTO POINT 40 T8 R2—downstream(03/25/2021) � Elx�n � l 0 , -• � � • • fit\ • *-,4: ••••,,,;,,r_44.„.i:'_•..,:::•1.,:•ir,',-.: ---,-- - • . • • ,/,:74,..1?",, --•(...,;-',,;:•,,,,.,..;4-,,,,%410.-.• .. 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(I `Y { ‘, - , _�' y �6, I A �. PHOTO POIAqN T 46 T10 R2—upstream(03/25/2021) PHOTO POINT 46 T10 R2—downstream(03/25/2021) r1 a _ z ` sew' , ...-- -.‘....„et, ,. , ,,,,-. .,, ,--t- ____ .,,, ,,,,,,,,Ak; ;.:, i PHOTO POINT 47 T10A—upstream(03/25/2021) PHOTO POINT 47 T10A—downstream(03/25/2021) Daniels Creek Mitigation Bank Appendix 2:Visual Assessment Data—Stream Photographs GROUNDWATER WELL PHOTOGRAPHS . \..-' . • At .1: Wy lor • • GROUNDWATER WELL 1-(4/29/2021) GROUNDWATER WELL 2-(4/29/2021) • .. 10 . . . GROUNDWATER WELL 3—(4/29/2021) GROUNDWATER WELL 4—(4/29/2021) J n itt `fir � ;";?'' T' F � L-4:4,4":,:' ''"1,,;:-.7.`, ..::;',.'-..1.•?',,- ",:'...,-..'/':•L'...."--•.:-.,:L.• .L•;-`,.1';'. .....*..-!":*':. -.'-',-.-.-,-*....-.!'"--.1'.,Ti;4. • ��yy t a e�- .d �" te .p arkP -�t,� i� N!% r — 1/ i „�e4„ 4 �. * 99 s7 i'} �,- i 1 -.., � .A Y' ma's a .:�" " • - -`' f .t ;, J i3 . • t. • 7. t .tit '� R - - + ' y 7 1� � j _tea, GROUNDWATER WELL 5—(4/26/2021) GROUNDWATER WELL 6—(7/22/2021) WDaniels Creek Mitigation Bank Appendix 2:Visual Assessment Data—Groundwater Well Photographs • � �r F 6: - k at , ng `� Ix C'.. b v a� f i ':' kk ;3 g uqk&�r :. _. '' --.. . -7 . __ . ., ., r + , .., . „:„ .. , -: ...-... . ,, ... .-- : - . • . R 1 ,�'_.`ill .4,. . .. ,..,. .. . .. ...:., r __.,,,,,,. ..:::,..f.. _ _., GROUNDWATER WELL 7—(4/26/2021) GROUNDWATER WELL 8—(4/29/2021) imp 41. '1r :: • a. r ;;; -wt . ,..„.,!*...-.;,..,:-,..-„:-:,,,. .-.:14',.._..-r-..:it.....-.....-...,-;:'-`,...\ ..4..„---::..-:..,_.,,,...,..',.,,,.E'..... .-.].-;..,,;.°,;. Oi' • GROUNDWATER WELL 9—(4/6/2021) GROUNDWATER WELL 10—(4/26/2021) ! _ s �. . 3• �[ , a • • • • • '� 1- j �r, sl GROUNDWATER WELL 11—(4/26/2021) GROUNDWATER WELL 12—(4/29/2021) key Daniels Creek Mitigation Bank Appendix 2:Visual Assessment Data—Groundwater Well Photographs , At g GROUNDWATER WELL 13—(4/29/2021) GROUNDWATER WELL 14—(4/29/2021) 4. a zn i#,�i ,A,�"s, kt� i�i 1 - 41 ,sts. r k1/4p-° -4 - , :9 i y g °`.- M \ , 4,Fr . .- , s .., ':- ?— i '' � zF *&x* 'e, • ,. .7 Stir. �<4 �4� r�-" -,:- s 'u1 , xt�»y -- 6. 4 a - 3 .� v:_ GROUNDWATER WELL 15—(7/15/2021) GROUNDWATER WELL 16—(4/29/2021) x - , � 4 o ., }u Ate' r 'a ,7 ' fir f ,� aSt a " i.--tit It'pi, .„, ...1,-,t,'' ..'-,i4 '''''^-,7 _Ni,,v. rg,,te4. 4..k.'.,.. ' 1.4 ' .5— , - ,,,_ yr.,-,-I,- ,..-.,.....,..;: ...,:e.., ..A' --rox,--Ir icier--,, " 'Ix.- :T.',,, -.z,i;-4;......, - ..... , - -,' ' ._ ,k), ''.;:-.T, ..--1.-.' . -.-c..,&-,,,,..? 4O � $ r. r- a GROUNDWATER WELL 17—(4/29/2021) GROUNDWATER WELL 18—(4/29/2021) Daniels Creek Mitigation Bank Appendix 2:Visual Assessment Data—Groundwater Well Photographs fob am -« a �� *1'P "kl ' ti V %: a`¢,t�;.A+' GROUNDWATER WELL 19—(4/29/2021J WDaniels Creek Mitigation Bank Appendix 2:Visual Assessment Data—Groundwater Well Photographs VEGETATION PHOTOGRAPHS � � a16.41, � y � sue " �'.�-` ��* � '� - 'A. d VEGETATION PLOT 1(04/20/2021) VEGETATION PLOT 2(04/20/2021) 1 s - s. le i - VEGETATION PLOT 3(04/20/2021) VEGETATION PLOT 4(04/20/2021) _ , - _ r :: '' —wets nd jai o r �- rirl*W'I''' ' ;.., ' ''' ' '' (IC. ','..`' 1:11° VEGETATION PLOT 5(04/20/2021) VEGETATION PLOT 6(04/20/2021) Daniels Creek Mitigation Bank Appendix 2:Visual Assessment Data—Vegetation Photographs ..,,,v, it,.. ,,,,, , ,, may' n_ a2 ' fa VEGETATION PLOT 7(07/09/2021) VEGETATION PLOT 8(04/20/2021) iii .4.\iIIA ' '"i r ,'S. 4 yli i4 3. `ay.a «'. 'v� -�"7 a r -- ; k .'fir ' ,-. o Fy r te+ r u ff r VEGETATION PLOT 9(04/20/2021) VEGETATION PLOT 10(04/20/2021) AI ii . , fir• ;t:, ', a,. a `';N FL v VEGETATION PLOT 11(04/20/2021) VEGETATION PLOT 12(04/20/2021) Daniels Creek Mitigation Bank Appendix 2:Visual Assessment Data—Vegetation Photographs - .-.„':'.:‘,..'- '''I tit' - .V..0-\::-A1.41:.:i',`• _•:".ik'•.:3.- --:,*7:1 .0r. •,-- • . • ' - " ":':;•.- ''''' '' '-!'''''''"-."--'1'v 144004 f:AVOkt;r0 - . ,..-- y-:' .4e.. lam ..,� rvr - n VEGETATION PLOT 13(07/09/2021) VEGETATION PLOT 14(04/20/2021) • �s - • Z • j ..!, -;_Li.:--- • ' ., VEGETATION PLOT 15(04/20/2021) VEGETATION PLOT 16(04/20/2021) 1 - r „liwi_vibimmi.....4., ._ _ _. _... _,,,,:r.„.. . ..."„.... ,....,... „ . .„,:,.„.,,;„..s....,. .: . .,..:,.....v.„. .. ,..,..;gi,'..S.-rz!..'- 4,gy k. J.• - l t - / / 'i �. L- ue. - -ti r^y�'f S r i 7 1 - VEGETATION PLOT 17(04/20/2021) VEGETATION PLOT 18(04/20/2021) Daniels Creek Mitigation Bank kW Appendix 2:Visual Assessment Data—Vegetation Photographs c a6 • • t ,y y g -,:,-„part�F1"" � Sys s i ''�s .. `�' ' #,.,''''' f*'.:V..' l'' ,,,'; .!‘ • lAkt• *•1 r'. ,ize,:it Ate'f«iAi .1444f. x. dCfyr�J�r,t i VEGETATION PLOT 19(07/09/2021) VEGETATION PLOT 20(04/20/2021) ram: - .. amm— . mom,,, VEGETATION PLOT 21(04/21/2021) VEGETATION PLOT 22(04/20/2021) _ 1� w44, iy n; y M'haw ;Fri I VEGETATION PLOT 23(07/09/2021) VEGETATION PLOT 24(07/09/2021) Daniels Creek Mitigation Bank Appendix 2:Visual Assessment Data—Vegetation Photographs q{ `. ,1--::-:14t-Kf <NO7TP''?'•'' '-f..,-,:,;:7.:,:..;;W...Itiii. ,4f.,::1°-2,$,,:V4,19*.-i. . . ,-.. Ate , ve VEGETATION PLOT 25(04/20/2021) VEGETATION PLOT 26(07/09/2021) N. 7 VEGETATION PLOT 27(04/20/2021) VEGETATION PLOT 28(04/20/2021) a s ey:;F ,T ... ii, xi . . .., :,. c. • 1 1 i • 1 �--� / • ... VEGETATION PLOT 29(04/20/2021) VEGETATION PLOT 30(04/20/2021) Daniels Creek Mitigation Bank 41, Appendix 2:Visual Assessment Data—Vegetation Photographs • 44, h Y k � RANDOM VEGETATION PLOT 1(04/20/2021) RANDOM VEGETATION PLOT 2(07/09/2021) { RANDOM VEGETATION PLOT 3(04/20/2021) RANDOM VEGETATION PLOT 4(07/09/2021) k = RANDOM VEGETATION PLOT 5(07/09/2021) RANDOM VEGETATION PLOT 6(04/20/2021) Daniels Creek Mitigation Bank Appendix 2:Visual Assessment Data—Vegetation Photographs i 'te `Kra \\ ,.sf . RANDOM VEGETATION PLOT 7(04/20/2021) RANDOM VEGETATION PLOT 8(04/20/2021) - .__ '._ r - y if •"tf .,ink-� .- „ RANDOM VEGETATION PLOT 9(07/09/2021) RANDOM VEGETATION PLOT 10(04/20/2.021) • rt trF �� 'fit ? s t i tN, dsyi 9 _ M1 - °fit . 1, y .b• .. _ ,- / __ - ., sp - RANDOM VEGETATION PLOT 11(04/20/2021) RANDOM VEGETATION PLOT 12(07/09/2021) Daniels Creek Mitigation Bank Appendix 2:Visual Assessment Data—Vegetation Photographs im+'i '�aa mY�` �" ' ' ✓ l 1 • • � RANDOM VEGETATION PLOT 13(04/21/2021) RANDOM VEGETATION PLOT 14(04/20/2021) rr j RANDOM VEGETATION PLOT 15(04/20/2021) Daniels Creek Mitigation Bank Appendix 2:Visual Assessment Data—Vegetation Photographs APPENDIX 3. Vegetation Plot Data Table 6a.Fixed Plot Planted and Total Stem Counts Daniels Creek Mitigation Site USACE Action ID No.2017-00998 Monitoring Year 0-2021 Current Plot Data(MYO 2021) VP 1 VP 2 VP 3 VP 4 VP 5 VP 6 Scientific Name Common Name Species Type PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T Acer negundo Boxelder Tree 1 1 1 1 1 1 Amelanchierlaevis Smooth Serviceberry Shrub Tree 1 1 1 Aronia arbutifolia Red Chokeberry Shrub Betula nigra River Birch Tree 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 Celtis laevigata Sugarberry Shrub Tree 1 1 1 1 1 1 Cephalanthus occidentalis Buttonbush Shrub Tree 2 2 2 Diospyros virginiana American Persimmon Tree 1 1 1 1 1 1 Hamamelis virginiana Witch Hazel Shrub Tree 1 1 1 1 1 1 Lindera benzoin Spicebush Shrub Tree 1 1 1 1 1 1 Nyssa biflora Swamp Tupelo Tree 2 2 2 2 2 2 Platanusoccidentalis Sycamore Tree 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Populus deltoides Eastern Cottonwood Tree 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 Quercus lyrata Overcup Oak Tree 2 2 2 1 1 1 Quercus pagoda Cherrybark Oak Tree 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 Quercus phellos Willow Oak Tree 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 Quercusshumardii Shumard Oak Shrub Tree 3 3 3 1 1 1 Taxodium distichum Bald-cypress Tree 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 Ulmus americana American Elm Tree 2 2 2 2 2 2 Viburnum prunifolium Black Haw Shrub Tree 2 2 2 Stem count 12 12 12 12 12 12 13 13 13 13 13 13 14 14 14 14 14 14 size(ares) 1 1 1 1 1 1 size(ACRES) 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 Species count 7 7 7 9 9 9 8 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 8 8 8 Stems per ACRE 486 486 486 486 486 486 526 526 526 526 526 526 567 567 567 567 567 567 Color for Density Exceeds requirements by 10% Exceeds requirements,but by less than 10% Fails to meet requirements,by less than 10% Fails to meet requirements by more than 10% PnoLS: Number of Planted stems excluding live stakes P-all: Number of planted stems including live stakes T: Total Stems Table 6a.Fixed Plot Planted and Total Stem Counts Daniels Creek Mitigation Site USACE Action ID No.2017-00998 Monitoring Year 0-2021 Current Plot Data(MYO 2021) VP 7 VP 8 VP 9 VP 10 VP 11 VP 12 Scientific Name Common Name Species Type PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T Acer negundo Boxelder Tree 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 Amelanchierlaevis Smooth Serviceberry Shrub Tree 1 1 1 Aronia arbutifolia Red Chokeberry Shrub Betula nigra River Birch Tree 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 Celtis laevigata Sugarberry Shrub Tree 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Cephalanthus occidentalis Button bush Shrub Tree Diospyros virginiana American Persimmon Tree 1 1 1 Hamamelis virginiana Witch Hazel Shrub Tree 2 2 2 Lindera benzoin Spicebush Shrub Tree 1 1 1 Nyssa biflora Swamp Tupelo Tree 1 1 1 Platanusoccidentalis Sycamore Tree 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 Populus deltoides Eastern Cottonwood Tree 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 Quercus lyrata Overcup Oak Tree 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 Quercus pagoda Cherrybark Oak Tree 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 Quercus phellos Willow Oak Tree 2 2 2 3 3 3 2 2 2 5 5 5 1 1 1 Quercusshumardii Shumard Oak Shrub Tree 2 2 2 4 4 4 Taxodium distichum Bald-cypress Tree 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 Ulmus americana American Elm Tree 1 1 1 2 2 2 Viburnum prunifolium Black Haw Shrub Tree 1 1 1 Stem count 15 15 15 12 12 12 13 13 13 16 16 16 14 14 14 14 14 14 size(ares) 1 1 1 1 1 1 size(ACRES) 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 Species count 10 10 10 7 7 7 9 9 9 5 5 5 9 9 9 8 8 8 Stems per ACRE 607 607 607 486 486 486 526 526 526 177177 647 647 567 567 567 567 567 567 Color for Density Exceeds requirements by 10% Exceeds requirements,but by less than 10% Fails to meet requirements,by less than 10% Fails to meet requirements by more than 10% PnoLS: Number of Planted stems excluding live stakes P-all: Number of planted stems including live stakes T: Total Stems Table 6a.Fixed Plot Planted and Total Stem Counts Daniels Creek Mitigation Site USACE Action ID No.2017-00998 Monitoring Year 0-2021 Current Plot Data(MYO 2021) VP 13 VP 14 VP 15 VP 16 VP 17 VP 18 Scientific Name Common Name Species Type PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T Acer negundo Boxelder Tree 1 1 1 Amelanchier laevis Smooth Serviceberry Shrub Tree Aronia arbutifolia Red Chokeberry Shrub Betula nigra River Birch Tree 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 Celtis laevigata Sugarberry Shrub Tree 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Cephalanthus occidentalis Button bush Shrub Tree Diospyros virginiana American Persimmon Tree 1 1 1 1 1 1 Hamamelis virginiana Witch Hazel Shrub Tree Lindera benzoin Spicebush Shrub Tree Nyssa biflora Swamp Tupelo Tree 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Platanusoccidentalis Sycamore Tree 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 Populus deltoides Eastern Cottonwood Tree 2 2 2 2 2 2 Quercus lyrata Overcup Oak Tree 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 Quercus pagoda Cherrybark Oak Tree 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Quercus phellos Willow Oak Tree 2 2 2 1 1 1 Quercusshumardii Shumard Oak Shrub Tree 1 1 1 1 1 1 Taxodium distichum Bald-cypress Tree 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 Ulmus americana American Elm Tree 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 Viburnum prunifolium Black Haw Shrub Tree 1 1 1 1 1 1 Stem count 13 13 13 13 13 13 15 15 15 13 13 13 12 12 12 12 12 12 size(ares) 1 1 1 1 1 1 size(ACRES) 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 Species count 7 7 7 7 7 7 9 9 9 8 8 8 7 7 7 8 8 8 Stems per ACRE 526 526 526 526 526 526 607 607 607 526 526 526 486 486 486 486 486 486 Color for Density Exceeds requirements by 10% Exceeds requirements,but by less than 10% Fails to meet requirements,by less than 10% Fails to meet requirements by more than 10% PnoLS: Number of Planted stems excluding live stakes P-all: Number of planted stems including live stakes T: Total Stems Table 6a.Fixed Plot Planted and Total Stem Counts Daniels Creek Mitigation Site USACE Action ID No.2017-00998 Monitoring Year 0-2021 Current Plot Data(MYO 2021) VP 19 VP 20 VP 21 VP 22 VP 23 VP 24 Scientific Name Common Name Species Type PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T Acer negundo Boxelder Tree 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 Amelanchier laevis Smooth Serviceberry Shrub Tree Aronia arbutifolia Red Chokeberry Shrub 1 1 1 Betula nigra River Birch Tree 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 Celtis laevigata Sugarberry Shrub Tree 1 1 1 1 1 1 Cephalanthus occidentalis Button bush Shrub Tree Diospyros virginiana American Persimmon Tree 1 1 1 1 1 1 Hamamelis virginiana Witch Hazel Shrub Tree Lindera benzoin Spicebush Shrub Tree Nyssa biflora Swamp Tupelo Tree 2 2 2 2 2 2 Platanusoccidentalis Sycamore Tree 2 2 2 1 1 1 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 Populus deltoides Eastern Cottonwood Tree 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 Quercus lyrata Overcup Oak Tree 2 2 2 1 1 1 Quercus pagoda Cherrybark Oak Tree 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 Quercus phellos Willow Oak Tree 4 4 4 3 3 3 2 2 2 Quercusshumardii Shumard Oak Shrub Tree 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 Taxodium distichum Bald-cypress Tree 3 3 3 1 1 1 3 3 3 2 2 2 Ulmus americana American Elm Tree 1 1 1 1 1 1 Viburnum prunifolium Black Haw Shrub Tree Stem count 14 14 14 12 12 12 15 15 15 13 13 13 13 13 13 15 15 15 size(ares) 1 1 1 1 1 1 size(ACRES) 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 Species count 8 8 8 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 8 7 7 7 8 8 8 Stems per ACRE 567 567 567 486 486 486 607 607 607 526 526 526 526 526 526 607 607 607 Color for Density Exceeds requirements by 10% Exceeds requirements,but by less than 10% Fails to meet requirements,by less than 10% Fails to meet requirements by more than 10% PnoLS: Number of Planted stems excluding live stakes P-all: Number of planted stems including live stakes T: Total Stems Table 6a.Fixed Plot Planted and Total Stem Counts Daniels Creek Mitigation Site USACE Action ID No.2017-00998 Monitoring Year 0-2021 Current Plot Data(MYO 2021) VP 25 VP 26 VP 27 VP 28 VP 29 VP 30 Scientific Name Common Name Species Type PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T Acer negundo Boxelder Tree 3 3 3 2 2 2 Amelanchier laevis Smooth Serviceberry Shrub Tree Aronia arbutifolia Red Chokeberry Shrub Betula nigra River Birch Tree 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 Celtis laevigata Sugarberry Shrub Tree 1 1 1 Cephalanthus occidentalis Button bush Shrub Tree Diospyros virginiana American Persimmon Tree Hamamelis virginiana Witch Hazel Shrub Tree Lindera benzoin Spicebush Shrub Tree Nyssa biflora Swamp Tupelo Tree 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Platanusoccidentalis Sycamore Tree 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 Populus deltoides Eastern Cottonwood Tree 1 1 1 Quercuslyrata Overcup Oak Tree 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 Quercus pagoda Cherrybark Oak Tree 2 2 2 1 1 1 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 Quercus phellos Willow Oak Tree 1 1 1 2 2 2 Quercusshumardii Shumard Oak Shrub Tree 1 1 1 3 3 3 Taxodium distichum Bald-cypress Tree 5 5 5 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 3 3 3 Ulmus americana American Elm Tree 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Viburnum prunifolium Black Haw Shrub Tree 1 1 1 1 1 1 Stem count 15 15 15 16 16 16 14 14 14 16 16 16 12 12 12 13 13 13 size(ares) 1 1 1 1 1 1 size(ACRES) 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 Species count 6 6 6 8 8 8 7 7 7 9 9 9 7 7 7 6 6 6 Stems per ACRE 607 607 607 647 647 647 567 567 567 647 647 647 486 486 486 526 526 526 Color for Density Exceeds requirements by 10% Exceeds requirements,but by less than 10% Fails to meet requirements,by less than 10% Fails to meet requirements by more than 10% PnoLS: Number of Planted stems excluding live stakes P-all: Number of planted stems including live stakes T: Total Stems Table 6a.Fixed Plot Planted and Total Stem Counts Daniels Creek Mitigation Site USACE Action ID No.2017-00998 Monitoring Year 0-2021 Annual Means MYO(2021) Scientific Name Common Name Species Type PnoLS P-all T Acer negundo Boxelder Tree 16 16 16 Amelanchierlaevis Smooth Serviceberry Shrub Tree 2 2 2 Aronia arbutifolia Red Chokeberry Shrub 1 1 1 Betula nigra River Birch Tree 52 52 52 Celtis laevigata Sugarberry Shrub Tree 11 11 11 Cephalanthusoccidentalis Button bush Shrub Tree 2 2 2 Diospyros virginiana American Persimmon Tree 7 7 7 Hamamelis virginiana Witch Hazel Shrub Tree 4 4 4 Lindera benzoin Spicebush Shrub Tree 3 3 3 Nyssa biflora Swamp Tupelo Tree 23 23 23 Platanusoccidentalis Sycamore Tree 67 67 67 Populus deltoides Eastern Cottonwood Tree 21 21 21 Quercus lyrata Overcup Oak Tree 23 23 23 Quercus pagoda Cherrybark Oak Tree 41 41 41 Quercus phellos Willow Oak Tree 35 35 35 Quercusshumardii Shumard Oak Shrub Tree 22 22 22 Taxodium distichum Bald-cypress Tree 51 51 51 Ulmus americana American Elm Tree 20 20 20 Viburnum prunifolium Black Haw Shrub Tree 7 7 7 Stem count 408 408 408 size(ares) 30 size(ACRES) 0.74 Species count 19 19 19 Stems per ACRE 550 550 550 Color for Density Exceeds requirements by 10% Exceeds requirements,but by less than 10% Fails to meet requirements,by less than 10% Fails to meet requirements by more than 10% PnoLS: Number of Planted stems excluding live stakes P-all: Number of planted stems including live stakes T: Total Stems Table 6b. Random Plot Planted and Total Stem Counts Daniels Creek Mitigation Site USACE Action ID No.SAW-2017-00998 Monitoring Year 0-2021 Current Plot Data(MVO 2021) VP 1 VP 2 VP 3 VP 4 VP 5 Scientific Name Common Name Species Type Te T Te T Te T Te T Te T Acer negundo Boxelder Tree 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Betula nigra River Birch Tree 2 2 1 1 2 2 3 3 1 1 Celtis laevigata Sugarberry Shrub Tree 1 1 2 2 1 1 Diospyros virginiana Persimmon Tree 1 1 2 2 Hamamelis virginiana Witch Hazel Tree 1 1 Lindera benzoin Spice Bush Shrub Tree 1 1 Nyssa biflora Swamp Tupelo Tree Platanus occidentalis Sycamore Tree 4 4 1 1 3 3 3 3 4 4 Populus deltoides Eastern Cottonwood Tree 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 3 3 Quercus lyrata Overcup Oak Tree Quercus pagoda Cherrybark Oak Tree 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Quercus phellos Willow Oak Tree 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 Quercus shumardii Shumard Oak Tree 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 Taxodium distichum Bald Cypress Shrub Tree 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 Ulmus americana American Elm Tree Viburnum prunifolium Black Haw Shrub tree 1 1 Stem count 15 15 13 13 14 14 15 15 15 15 size(ares) 1 1 1 1 1 size(ACRES) 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 Species count 10 10 9 9 9 9 10 10 6 6 Stems per ACRE 607 607 526 526 567 567 607 607 607 607 Color for Density Exceeds requirements by 10% Exceeds requirements,but by less than 10% Fails to meet requirements,by less than 10% Fails to meet requirements by more than 10% Te-Number of stems inclusing exotic species T-Number of stems excluding Table 6b. Random Plot Planted and Total Stem Counts Daniels Creek Mitigation Site USACE Action ID No.SAW-2017-00998 Monitoring Year 0-2021 Current Plot Data(MVO 2021) VP 6 VP 7 VP 8 VP 9 VP 10 Scientific Name Common Name Species Type Te T Te T Te T Te T Te T Acer negundo Boxelder Tree 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 Betula nigra River Birch Tree 3 3 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 Celtis laevigata Sugarberry Shrub Tree 1 1 1 1 Diospyros virginiana Persimmon Tree 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 Hamamelis virginiana Witch Hazel Tree 1 1 Lindera benzoin Spice Bush Shrub Tree Nyssa biflora Swamp Tupelo Tree 2 2 Platanus occidentalis Sycamore Tree 2 2 4 4 3 3 2 2 3 3 Populus deltoides Eastern Cottonwood Tree 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 Quercus lyrata Overcup Oak Tree 3 3 Quercus pagoda Cherrybark Oak Tree 1 1 1 1 1 1 Quercus phellos Willow Oak Tree 2 2 2 2 2 2 Quercus shumardii Shumard Oak Tree 1 1 1 1 Taxodium distichum Bald Cypress Shrub Tree 3 3 1 1 1 1 4 4 2 2 Ulmus americana American Elm Tree 1 1 Viburnum prunifolium Black Haw Shrub tree Stem count 15 15 13 13 12 12 15 15 16 16 size(ares) 1 1 1 1 1 size(ACRES) 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 Species count 8 8 8 8 8 8 7 7 10 10 Stems per ACRE 607 607 526 526 486 486 607 607 647 647 Color for Density Exceeds requirements by 10% Exceeds requirements,but by less than 10% Fails to meet requirements,by less than 10% Fails to meet requirements by more than 10% Te-Number of stems inclusing exotic species T-Number of stems excluding Table 6b.Random Plot Planted and Total Stem Counts Daniels Creek Mitigation Site USACE Action ID No.SAW-2017-00998 Monitoring Year 0-2021 Current Plot Data(MYO 2021) Annual Means VP 11 VP 12 VP 13 VP 14 VP 15 MYO(2021) Scientific Name Common Name Species Type Te T Te T Te T Te T Te T Te T Acer negundo Boxelder Tree 1 1 1 1 1 1 13 13 Betula nigra River Birch Tree 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 34 34 Celtis laevigata Sugarberry Shrub Tree 1 1 1 1 2 2 10 10 Diospyros virginiana Persimmon Tree 1 1 9 9 Hamamelis virginiana Witch Hazel Tree 2 2 Lindera benzoin Spice Bush Shrub Tree 1 1 Nyssa biflora Swamp Tupelo Tree 1 1 3 3 Platanus occidentalis Sycamore Tree 3 3 2 2 4 4 3 3 1 1 42 42 Populus deltoides Eastern Cottonwood Tree 2 2 2 2 19 19 Quercus lyrata Overcup Oak Tree 2 2 2 2 1 1 8 8 Quercus pagoda Cherrybark Oak Tree 1 1 1 1 1 1 10 10 Quercus phellos Willow Oak Tree 14 14 Quercus shumardii Shumard Oak Tree 3 3 12 12 Taxodium distichum Bald Cypress Shrub Tree 2 2 2 2 2 2 5 5 27 27 Ulmus americana American Elm Tree 1 1 2 2 Viburnum prunifolium Black Haw Shrub tree 1 1 Stem count 13 13 14 14 15 15 15 15 7 7 207 207 size(ares) 1 1 1 1 1 15 size(ACRES) 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.37 Species count 8 8 7 7 7 7 6 6 4 4 16 16 Stems per ACRE 526 526 567 567 607 607 607 607 283 283 558 558 Color for Density Exceeds requirements by 10% Exceeds requirements,but by less than 10% Fails to meet requirements,by less than 10% Fails to meet requirements by more than 10% Te-Number of stems inclusing exotic species T-Number of stems excluding APPENDIX 4. Morphological Summary Data and Plots Longitudinal Profile Plots Daniels Creek Mitigation Site USACE Action ID No.SAW-2017-00998 Monitoring Year 0-2021 Daniels Creek Reach 1(STA 100+05 to 103+00) 372 - 370 • • ♦ • • __ _ _ _ ______ • r 1 ::: �< 362 ut x 10000 10050 10100 10150 10200 10250 10300 Station(feet) t TW(MYO-4/2021) WSF(MYO-4/2021) ♦ LBKF/LTOB(MYO-4/2021) ♦ RBKF/RTOB(MY0-4/2021) • STRUCTURE(MYO-4/2021) Daniels Creek Reach 1&2(STA 103+00 to 106+00) 368 I 366 ♦♦• : , LA A • 364 - r ♦ ♦ A A __________ ffi ♦ i y r w 362 - AAAAAAA♦♦ • c • f. ______ O_ N I y y 360 •r - • i ♦♦♦♦• •♦• AA •♦♦ ♦ y ♦ AA , • `c " 358 0 z _________ •c ^r �_ 0.0 m 10300 10350 10400 10450 10500 10550 10600 Station(feet) t TW(MYO-4/2021) WSF(MYO-4/2021) ♦ LBKF/LTOB(MYO-4/2021) ♦ RBKF/RTOB(MY0-4/2021) • STRUCTURE(MYO-4/2021) Longitudinal Profile Plots Daniels Creek Mitigation Site USACE Action ID No.SAW-2017-00998 Monitoring Year 0-2021 Daniels Creek Reach 2&3(STA 106+00 to 109+00) 362 • ' i I :2 I 360 I ,A r• I ♦♦ •♦ AAI 358 • , : ' ~ • ♦ ♦ • Internal CrossingI r m I • M m I m m 356 i______---_ ♦ ♦ • ♦ • •!• • �- 6.----------4 ......... ..7644ter E. ' y 354 w ' ( 352 I N I I VI X 350 - 10600 10650 10700 10750 10800 10850 10900 Station(feet) —•—TW(MYOA/2021) WSF(MYO-4/2021) ♦ LBKF/LTOB(MYO-4/2021) ♦ RBKF/RTOB(MYO-4/2021) • STRUCTURE(MYO-4/2021) Daniels Creek Reach 3(STA 109+00 to 112+00) 358 - 356 • • • • • 354 .....--• • • m 352 E. •- ♦ y 350 348 346 I 10900 10950 11000 11050 11100 11150 11200 Station(feet) —•—TW •(MYOA/2021) WSF(MYO-4/2021) ♦ LBKF/LTOB(MYO-4/2021) ♦ RBKF/RTOB(MYO-4/2021) • STRUCTURE(MYO-4/2021) Longitudinal Profile Plots Daniels Creek Mitigation Site USACE Action ID No.SAW-2017-00998 Monitoring Year 0-2021 Daniels Creek Reach 3(STA 112+00 to 115+00) 356 - 354 4 AA ,' A • • • A • • • 352 • • • •A • • • • : •• A•A A• IL i I ± A A • I A AA I • AA • A • • & AA AA A AA * A AA • 4 1 1 if • A • 4' 350 g .4,-; - > 348 2 la '- 346 rn I En M. i x . . . . 344 - 11200 11250 11300 11350 11400 11450 11500 Station(feet) —e—TW(MY0-4/2021) WSF(MY0-4/2021) • LBKF/LTOB(MY0-4/2021) • RBKF/RTOB(MY0-4/2021) • STRUCTURE(MY0-4/2021) Daniels Creek Reach 3(STA 115+00 to 118+00) I 352 - I 350 A , •• AA A A se........_____._._______.______.__.___,...7.,............ ......../' AA A A A AA 1 • A ----_-4---_-_- iii. A‘.: I A• A A A . AA I AA 348 ______________________________ Interne I Crossing I 1 -• • *-----4-- .--IL.- ---------- A AA AA •• AA A .- •4' 346 AAA • I • AA•* g •-• 1'..7. I I -Th 342 I I 11500 11550 11600 11650 11700 11750 11800 Station(feet) —•—TW(MY0-4/2021) WSF(MY0-4/2021) • LBKF/LTOB(MY0-4/2021) • RBKF/RTOB(MY0-4/2021) • STRUCTURE(MY0-4/2021) Longitudinal Profile Plots Daniels Creek Mitigation Site USACE Action ID No.SAW-2017-00998 Monitoring Year 0-2021 Daniels Creek Reach 3(STA 118+00 to 121+00) 346 - 344 r i ! •• 4 •• ♦ ♦ • • ♦ ♦ :::ac 0 y 338 336 334 11800 11850 11900 11950 12000 12050 12100 Station(feet) t TW(MY0-4/2021) -WSF(MY0-4/2021) ♦ LBKF/LTOB(MY0-4/2021) • RBKF/RTOB(MY0-4/2021) • STRUCTURE(MY0-4/2021) Daniels Creek Reach 3&4(STA 121+00 to 124+00) 342 - I 340 •• i ♦ ♦ A ♦♦ A ♦1 �y$ T r • ♦ • 338 i'--- - • r • 7 • I • ♦ ♦ •• • ♦ • ♦ • 336 o d I + y 334 v ,T. a s . m a I332 �c 'en m 330 , 1 _ 12100 12150 12200 12250 12300 12350 12400 Station(feet) TW(MY0-4/2021) WSF(MY0-4/2021) LBKF/LTOB(MY0-4/2021) ♦ RBKF/RTOB(MY0-4/2021) • STRUCTURE(MY0-4/2021) Longitudinal Profile Plots Daniels Creek Mitigation Site USACE Action ID No.SAW-2017-00998 Monitoring Year 0-2021 Daniels Creek Reach 4&5(STA 130+00 to 133+00) 332 - I I 1 d I 1 G • 330 I A n I ♦ ♦♦ ♦♦ ♦ i 1 1 '5 I { M 328 ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ • AA 0 r ♦ ♦ If . ♦ i m" --- c ♦I ♦♦♦ 4 ♦ • ♦ ♦ • y 324 _______________---- 322 111 tc X X 320 - 13000 13050 13100 13150 13200 13250 13300 Station(feet) t TW(MYO-4/2021) WSF(MYO-4/2021) ♦ LBKF/LTOB(MYO-4/2021) ♦ RBKF/RTOB(MY0-4/2021) • STRUCTURE(MYO-4/2021) Daniels Creek Reach 5(STA 133+00 to 133+91) 328 - 326 1 ♦♦ ♦ : ♦ A ♦ ♦ 324 ♦ • • A A • ♦ • ♦ A A ffi w 322 o • 7. y 320 it 318 n x 316 13300 13350 13400 13450 13500 13550 13600 Station(feet) t TW(MYO-4/2021) WSF(MYO-4/2021) ♦ LBKF/LTOB(MYO-4/2021) ♦ RBKF/RTOB(MY0-4/2021) • STRUCTURE(MYO-4/2021) Longitudinal Profile Plots Daniels Creek Mitigation Site USACE Action ID No.SAW-2017-00998 Monitoring Year 0-2021 Ti Reach 1(STA 200+56 to 203+50) 398 - A,A - ......• A A A • A 396 -..,....., • A A A • • A • • A • i A • A 394 A A A • • - • • • A ------ ------ --- --, • A If • • 4' 392 • • A • • A g ---- ' • • A • • • • • • A • A > 390 '--------a- it____.• A • • • 03 a----zz,....,....... 388 20350 20300 20250 386 .- 20100 20150 20200 20050 Station(feet) —•—TW(MY0-4/2021) WSF(MY0-4/2021) • STRUCTURE(MY0-4/2021) • RBKF/RTOB(MY0-4/2021)• LBKF/LTOB(MY0-4/2021) Ti Reach 1(STA 203+50 to 211+50) 390 I . t 388 A AA A . 7 g I I-x • AA •Al• A • A A A A A Og L" .t% g 'F2 nt 386 11--.---4-----45---- A A A A A • t A A A I Enhancement I -11,•••„,......_....... I A A ' AA•• AA 4' 384 ------ ----------- ----------------_ AA A : A • A• A A A -----____ • A • A A A A• AA •Ai A k A A •• • -t A,_ A I A • AA '.A 2 AA i --- _---------------------- 380 . I I I ....... 20600 20650 .... 20550 ''. . 378 20450 20500 20400 20350 Station(feet) • STRUCTURE(MY0-4/2021)• RBKF/RTOB(MY0-4/2021)• LBKF/LTOB(MY0-4/2021)—•—TW(MY0-4/2021) WSF(MY0-4/2021) Longitudinal Profile Plots Daniels Creek Mitigation Site USACE Action ID No.SAW-2017-00998 Monitoring Year 0-2021 Ti Reach 4(STA 215+17 to 218+50) 364 - u 362 •AAA A Ai A . • 4 AAA A A A A A A I k 360 A A AA •a' • • • • A --•------.-.1 — 1 AS • *----------------------------------------------__ A • •if ------------_ A• A • • • • ..2 358 g = I • • 'i t __ -----., lEE ol En x 352 - — 21550 21600 21650 21700 21750 21800 21850 Station(feet) —•—TW(MY0-4/2021) WSF(MY0-4/2021) • LBKF/LTOB(MY0-4/2021) • RBKF/RTOB(MY0-4/2021) • STRUCTURE(MY0-4/2021) Ti Reach 4(STA 218+50 to 221+50) 357 • AA • • • • • 355 • A• A • • AA • .--------__ • • • A • Li; 353 __ • • A •A • • .----- • A • A • • •• • • ..2 351 -------------- ______ _ . • • : • • --------- -------_____ A g • A A• t A, - '..7. F, 349 347 21850 21900 21950 22000 22050 22100 22150 Station(feet) —•—TW(MY0-4/2021) WSF(MY0-4/2021) • LBKF/LTOB(MY0-4/2021) • RBKF/RTOB(MY0-4/2021) • STRUCTURE(MY0-4/2021) Longitudinal Profile Plots Daniels Creek Mitigation Site USACE Action ID No.SAW-2017-00998 Monitoring Year 0-2021 Ti Reach 4(STA 221+50 to 224+50) I 352 - I I I I I I I IInternal Crossing 350 I I • A A A • • •A I 2 • • • 348 • A • • At A A • • • A tk A• I 342 •• ••At • • • t • t II• • • . 1:1 ----------1------------—------ ------- -------------- At A • te• •• • • • • I __________ _____________________________________ • I • .°2 346 • c -2. 2 __ I1 o .-. . x 340 22450 x _ 22400 22350 22200 22250 22300 22150 Station(feet) •• RBKF/RTOB(MY0-4/2021) • STRUCTURE(MYO-4/2021) • LBKF/LTOB(MYO-4/2021)•WSF(MY0-4/2021)—4---TW(MYO-4/2021) Ti Reach 4(STA 224+50 to 227+50) 346 - I 344 —A• 4 A A •• A• • A AAA AA A • • -a ip,' • 342 • I 2 I Ai • •---41 • • • • • A • 49 340 A• A A liAA LA AA 1 A • • • A • • *ill ----- _____ cT, 338 LT, 336 22650 22700 22750 334 , 22550 22600 22500 22450 Station(feet) •• RBKF/RTOB(MY0-4/2021) • STRUCTURE(MY0-4/2021) LBKF/LTOB(MY0-4/2021)_WSF(MY0-4/2021)—4---TW(MYO-4/2021) Longitudinal Profile Plots Daniels Creek Mitigation Site USACE Action ID No.SAW-2017-00998 Monitoring Year 0-2021 T1 Reach 5(STA 227+50 to 231+00) 338 - • •• • • M •• • • • 336 • • • • • i 334 _______ _ •• •• • m Si ::: ___ N r ♦ tit► ♦ ii y _ iTi 328 326 22750 22800 22850 22900 22950 23000 23050 23100 Station(feet) t TW(MYO-4/2021) -WSF(MYO-4/2021) • LBKF/LTOB(MYO-4/2021) • RBKF/RTOB(MYO-4/2021) • STRUCTURE(MYO-4/2021) T1 Reach 5(STA 231+00 to 234+05) 334 - 332 • • 330 •• • • • 1.♦♦ • • ♦• • •♦ ♦ •• • • • • r • '• 1 ♦ ♦i 328 __ • ♦ s • • 326 A it -____1__ 324 i1f 322 23100 23150 23200 23250 23300 23350 23400 23450 Station(feet) t TW(MYO-4/2021) -WSF(MYO-4/2021) ♦ LBKF/LTOB(MYO-4/2021) ♦ RBKF/RTOB(MY0-4/2021) • STRUCTURE(MYO-4/2021) Longitudinal Profile Plots Daniels Creek Mitigation Site USACE Action ID No.SAW-2017-00998 Monitoring Year 0-2021 T2 Reach 1(STA 303+50 to 306+00) 393 - • •• :•A 391 I • ♦ A C • • • •• 389 I ,2387 'p 1 ••• ♦ ♦ O0 c2 I t • y 385 ___—__-� • 4 ` •• A Wetland I 383 Enhancement 381 - , I 30350 30400 30450 30500 30550 30600 Station(feet) t TW(MYO-4/2021) WSF(MYO-4/2021) ♦ LBKF/LTOB(MYO-4/2021) ♦ RBKF/RTOB(MY0-4/2021) • STRUCTURE(MYO-4/2021) T2 Reach 2(STA 306+00 to 308+34) 386 - I 384 ♦ - Y V • ♦ • • 382 i_e----__i__Y___ • A ♦ AA u ♦•• m 380 ______ :_ • A• A• ••y ♦•• ♦♦ ♦ ♦ w • •• 7. y 378 F r w y _ m '2 I 376 ti x 30600 30650 30700 30750 30800 30850 Station(feet) t TW(MYO-4/2021) WSF(MYO-4/2021) ♦ LBKF/LTOB(MYO-4/2021) ♦ RBKF/RTOB(MY0-4/2021) • STRUCTURE(MYO-4/2021) Longitudinal Profile Plots Daniels Creek Mitigation Site USACE Action ID No.SAW-2017-00998 Monitoring Year 0-2021 T3 Reach 2(STA 406+73 to 408+50) 396 - A ♦ • ♦ • ♦ • 394 • r .... 392 I • E m0% z I ____ ♦ ♦ AA •• •• 388 I _________________ Enhancement II 386 40650 40700 40750 40800 40850 Station(feet) t TW(MYO-4/2021) -WSF(MYO-4/2021) • LBKF/LTOB(MYO-4/2021) • RBKF/RTOB(MYO-4/2021) • STRUCTURE(MYO-4/2021) T3 Reach 2(STA 408+50 to 410+50) 388 ♦___ P 386 r , r • AA• i ...- 384 .____L - ♦ Ti • w • • • 382 _ w •• • ♦ ♦• A 380 , •• 378 - 40850 40900 40950 41000 41050 Station(feet) t TW(MYO-4/2021) -WSF(MYO-4/2021) LBKF/LTOB(MY04/2021) • RBKF/RTOB(MY04/2021) o STRUCTURE(MYO-4/2021) Longitudinal Profile Plots Daniels Creek Mitigation Site USACE Action ID No.SAW-2017-00998 Monitoring Year 0-2021 T3 Reach 2(STA 410+50 to 412+50) 381 IAA A I •A . AA •• AA AA • • • • A •A A 379 .____ A I t 4 A • A • • • A-AA -•- --------- ---•--- _______ ..• • • • •• AA ..... 377 ail A• AA tt • c 111............___A____ • ..:.2., 375 F. Internal Crossing •-----_______ 373 I I 371 , , I ' ' , 41050 41100 41150 41200 41250 Station(feet) —e—TW(MY0-4/2021) _WSF(MY0-4/2021) • LBKF/LTOB(MY0-4/2021) • RBKF/RTOB(MY0-4/2021) • STRUCTURE(MY0-4/2021) T3 Reach 2(STA 412+50 to 414+50) 375 & A• AA A • •A • • • A • • A • • 373 - ---------------------------------- • • ____ __ • A• • 2 .„... 371 T. . A • 4 • •• A A — __ • • AA AA A A ..2 369 '' ____ _ • A 367 365 41250 41300 41350 41400 41450 Station(feet) —e—TW(MY0-4/2021) WSF(MY0-4/2021) LBKF/LTOB(MY04/2021) • RBKF/RTOB(MY04/2021) o STRUCTURE(MY0-4/2021) Longitudinal Profile Plots Daniels Creek Mitigation Site USACE Action ID No.SAW-2017-00998 Monitoring Year 0-2021 T3 Reach 2(STA 414+50 to 416+35) 369 - 367 •• Z • • ♦ 365 , m A 361 • AA ♦• __________---- • X X 359 - — i , 41450 41500 41550 41600 41650 Station(feet) t TW(MYO-4/2021) • WSF(MYO-4/2021) LBKF/LTOB(MYO-4/2021) ♦ RBKF/RTOB(MYO-4/2021) o STRUCTURE(MYO-4/2021) Longitudinal Profile Plots Daniels Creek Mitigation Site USACE Action ID No.SAW-2017-00998 Monitoring Year 0-2021 T4 Reach 1(STA 500+81 to 502+50) 406 - I A t • 404 • • • 402 ♦ IL h •• • • 400 a .-. --- ♦ •. ♦• 1— • j 5 • 398I i s , Wetland I 396 Enhancement 394 I 50050 50100 50150 50200 50250 Station(feet) t TW(MY0-4/2021) -WSF(MY0-4/2021) ♦ LBKF/LTOB(MY0-4/2021) ♦ RBKF/RTOB(MY0-4/2021) • STRUCTURE(MY0-4/2021) T4 Reach 1(STA 502+50 to 504+50) 400 - •398 - i i i 4 : ---- ----- •A ♦A 396 ♦ AL 1 . • • • ♦ w 394 • ♦• • • ♦• " r 4 l y 392 • ? y •♦ • TJ • LA • ! 390 388 50250 50300 50350 50400 50450 Station(feet) t TW(MYO-4/2021) -WSF(MY0-4/2021) LBKF/LTOB(MY0-4/2021) ♦ RBKF/RTOB(MY0-4/2021) • STRUCTURE(MY0-4/2021) Longitudinal Profile Plots Daniels Creek Mitigation Site USACE Action ID No.SAW-2017-00998 Monitoring Year 0-2021 T4 Reach 1(STA 504+50 to 506+50) 391 M ♦1 1 Y 389 t A AA AA A 387 • r// C m 385 c o 383 ♦ m _______ ______ �_ r i 381 e. m I X ' X 379 - I— . 50450 50500 50550 50600 50650 Station(feet) tTW(MYO-4/2021) WSF(MYO-4/2021) ♦ LBKF/LTOB(MYO-4/2021) ♦ RBKF/RTOB(MYO-4/2021) • STRUCTURE(MYO-4/2021) T4 Reach 1(STA 506+50 to 508+50) 383 ! A 381 ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦ 379 ♦ A ♦ ♦ ♦ y • m 377 /, ! 1 i c T t ♦ A. 375o • / it 373 —•/ 371 , 50650 50700 50750 50800 50850 Station(feet) tTW(MYO-4/2021) WSF(MYO-4/2021) ♦ LBKF/LTOB(MYO-4/2021) ♦ RBKF/RTOB(MYO-4/2021) • STRUCTURE(MYO-4/2021) Longitudinal Profile Plots Daniels Creek Mitigation Site USACE Action ID No.SAW-2017-00998 Monitoring Year 0-2021 T4 Reach 1(STA 508+50 to 510+50) 377 - • • • 375 • a t •A i • • A------.._-_ •• A • 371 .I ......... .__________4v AA 373 If AA AA • .._____________............„--4IL__.________............ ....I AA • ,2 & k g 4A A, • i ------- --------417-------,,A,-, 369 a, ., 367 365 - ' ' ' ' . ' . ' I 50850 50900 50950 51000 51050 Station(feet) —e—TW(MY0-4/2021) WSF(MY0-4/2021) • LBKF/LTOB(MY0-4/2021) • RBKF/RTOB(MY0-4/2021) • STRUCTURE(MY0-4/2021) T4 Reach 1&Reach 2(STA 510+50 to 512+50) 371 - I I A • • • AA AA AL AA • ± I __________________________________ __ ...........L__ AA 367 AA - I A AA A 365 A A I ----_______ ___________ I A 4 • • A A ,2 • __ ---__________ •-- _______-I-- ___________________ •• I 4\ —1 _ 7. I i•--........ F, 363 Internal Crossing I it I I il N 361 •S % I I 2 I to I' 'c2 • I Q 359 51050 51100 51150 51200 51250 Station(feet) —e—TW(MY0-4/2021) WSF(MY0-4/2021) • LBKF/LTOB(MY0-4/2021) • RBKF/RTOB(MY0-4/2021) • STRUCTURE(MY0-4/2021) Longitudinal Profile Plots Daniels Creek Mitigation Site USACE Action ID No.SAW-2017-00998 Monitoring Year 0-2021 T4 Reach 2(STA 512+50 to 515+00) 366 - k•A •• & LA AL La• • LA • •• • •• 364 • •• i • a •A • AA • 362 - _ AA A U A• gi AP •• ..- 360 • g E 358 ..........1.............L.......Aic.„ iTJ 356 354 -, 51250 51300 51350 51400 51450 51500 Station(feet) —•—TW(MYO-4/2021) _WSF(MYO-4/2021) • LBKF/LTOB(MYO-4/2021) • RBKF/RTOB(MYO-4/2021) • STRUCTURE(MYO-4/2021) T4 Reach 2(STA 515+00 to 516+74) 359 - • 357 I • . AA A • A 355 • 353 C 4e..........4::r.___.____:_dz) • 4 •• A, AA .., k t F., 351 -, A 4 7, •• 4 4 •• • 349 - ...,..:......_.. ....z. 347 51500 51550 51600 51650 51700 51750 Station(feet) —•—TW(MY0-4/2021) _WSF(MY0-4/2021) • LBKF/LTOB(MY0-4/2021) • RBKF/RTOB(MY0-4/2021) • STRUCTURE(MY0-4/2021) Longitudinal Profile Plots Daniels Creek Mitigation Site USACE Action ID No.SAW-2017-00998 Monitoring Year 0-2021 T5 Reach 2(STA 604+35 to 606+50) 389 - • A . I 387 . • A.& • • 385 • • • • • If 12''' I • • •S -,1 • ..2 381 b4 g • i 379 • —•- a, I w . 2 377 Enhancement II k 375 I • • __ • 60400 60450 60500 60550 60600 60650 Station(feet) —•—TW(MY0-4/2021) WSF(MY0-4/2021) • LBKF/LTOB(MY0-4/2021) • RBKF/RTOB(MY0-4/2021) • STRUCTURE(MY0-4/2021) T5 Reach 2(STA 606+50 to 608+20) 377 I I 375 & I • 373 A A i • • 371 • i • A • • ; A A• ..2 369 g %-- --. i 367 , ' 365 363 I 2 1-E, 361 60650 60700 60750 60800 60850 60900 Station(feet) —•—TW(MY0-4/2021) WSF(MY0-4/2021) • LBKF/LTOB(MY0-4/2021) • RBKF/RTOB(M YO-4/2021) • STRUCTURE(MY0-4/2021) Longitudinal Profile Plots Daniels Creek Mitigation Site USACE Action ID No.SAW-2017-00998 Monitoring Year 0-2021 T6 Reach 2(STA 706+30 to 708+00) I 350 - I 348 I AA A • i AA • l I A' i I •I• A I A A", AA 1 A ,LA A -A •A• A A A A A j, A 346 344 41.6......................___„•----0,-___I If --- 4' PI' • ij I Internal Crossing A • •A A • > 342 im 340 - Enhancement II I I rq Q . . . . . . . 70800 . I ' 70750 338 70600 70650 70700 Station(feet) •• RBKF/RTOB(MY0-4/2021) • STRUCTURE(MY0-4/2021) • LBKF/LTOB(MY0-4/2021)WSF(MY0-4/2021) _A_Tw(MY0-4/2021) T6 Reach 2(STA 708+00 to 709+15) 346 - 344 • A •A• •• • A_ •• •• A• A _ _ 342 A •A _ A _ _ 4'''--"0--1;.___.3.1•____.____.____._______e________.____________________ -4-----•—•,— - _____ • 4' 340 g '..7. 338 336 . . '334 71000 . ' 70950 . ' 70900 70800 70850 Station(feet) •• RBKF/RTOB(MY0-4/2021) • STRUCTURE(MY0-4/2021) • LBKF/LTOB(MY0-4/2021)WSF(MY0-4/2021) _._TW(MY0-4/2021) Longitudinal Profile Plots Daniels Creek Mitigation Site USACE Action ID No.SAW-2017-00998 Monitoring Year 0-2021 T7(STA 802+50 to 806+00) 390 - 388 ♦ ♦_: ♦♦ w 4 • 386 384 No Survey Data ♦ A A —♦ No Work Done _ • ♦♦ m ♦♦ w 382 ♦ ♦ r c A o 380 AA- / • 1 ♦♦ • • 378 s --y��_ _ __ AA ♦ Z 376 374 - 80250 80300 80350 80400 80450 80500 80550 80600 Station(feet) t TW(MYO-4/2021) WSF(MYO-4/2021) ♦ LBKF/LTOB(MY0-4/2021) ♦ RBKF/RTOB(MYO-4/2021) • STRUCTURE(MYO-4/2021) T7(STA 806+00 to 809+50) 378 - 376 ♦ A ♦ ♦ 374 ♦ + y: ♦♦ ♦• 372 - __ AMA A, ♦ . w 370 + ♦ •♦ 368 _ _______--____♦ 4 : ♦♦♦ 4 ♦ A,w 366 ♦ ♦♦ ♦•u♦♦ 41 ♦ ♦♦ 364 362 1 80600 80650 80700 80750 80800 80850 80900 80950 Station(feet) t TW(MYO-4/2021) WSF(MYO-4/2021) ♦ LBKF/LTOB(MY0-4/2021) ♦ RBKF/RTOB(MYO-4/2021) • STRUCTURE(MYO-4/2021) Longitudinal Profile Plots Daniels Creek Mitigation Site USACE Action ID No.SAW-2017-00998 Monitoring Year 0-2021 T7(STA 809+50 to 813+00) 368 — 1 366 1 1 4 1 1 364 -- -- • •♦•♦ M • AA 1 1 362 - •_ ♦♦ * ♦ ♦—♦ ♦ AA A_ 358 •♦ ♦ ••• • 356 •♦•♦ • •• r 4 i 1A h 4 y 354 N 352 - x N x 80950 81000 81050 81100 81150 81200 81250 81300 Station(feet) t TW(MYO-4/2021) WSF(MYO-4/2021) • LBKF/LTOB(MY0-4/2021) • RBKF/RTOB(MYO-4/2021) • STRUCTURE(MYO-4/2021) Longitudinal Profile Plots Daniels Creek Mitigation Site USACE Action ID No.SAW-2017-00998 Monitoring Year 0-2021 T8 Reach 1(STA 901+10 to 903+00) 400 A • A 1 • A 398 .----1 t • • • A • • • ----41-•.-::::41._ _ __ • k 396 — r . 1 -4-----1___,___________, ______ • ..° -,g' • m i -z-. 394 — g I A• • 10 ---- _____ ________ A % • • i# Ai • 392 • • i ' I • > c E 1:-:---:-'1, • • -6: I ' _________ _____ • 388 ..... I I . . . . . . 90100 90150 90200 90250 90300 Station(feet) —•—TW(MY0-4/2021) WSF(MY0-4/2021) • LBKF/LTOB(MY0-4/2021) • RBKF/RTOB(MY0-4/2021) • STRUCTURE(MY0-4/2021) T8 Reach 1&Reach 2(STA 903+00 to 905+00) 390 - I I I 388 A I. 86 • 3 , x • AA / C c., —_______ • 'FLo .. . ---- • Di 'c2 1 i 384 _II • • i A A. C ___________ • O 382 • _______ _______ • '..7. • '' 1 • • • • • 2 380 Ai S 378 i• 376 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' I . ' ' 90300 90350 90400 90450 90500 Station(feet) —•—TW(MY0-4/2021) WSF(MY0-4/2021) • LBKF/LTOB(MY0-4/2021) • RBKF/RTOB(MY0-4/2021) • STRUCTURE(MY0-4/2021) Longitudinal Profile Plots Daniels Creek Mitigation Site USACE Action ID No.SAW-2017-00998 Monitoring Year 0-2021 T8 Reach 2(STA 905+00 to 907+00) 379 - 377 ♦ 375 • ♦ ♦ t ▪ 373 % • • A. ' , • ____ o 371 A • w 369 • 367 365 - 90500 90550 90600 90650 90700 Station(feet) t TW(MYO-4/2021) WSF(MYO-4/2021) ♦ LBKF/LTOB(MYO-4/2021) ♦ RBKF/RTOB(MY0-4/2021) • STRUCTURE(MYO-4/2021) T8 Reach 2(STA 907+00 to 908+74) 369 - 1 i ♦♦ 4 367 '-- --------------- .... 365 • •_____ = �---- • • 363 i m 361 in N N X 359 90700 90750 90800 90850 90900 Station(feet) tTW(MYO-4/2021) WSF(MYO-4/2021) ♦ LBKF/LTOB(MYO-4/2021) ♦ RBKF/RTOB(MY0-4/2021) • STRUCTURE(MYO-4/2021) Cross-Section Plots Daniels Creek Mitigation Site USACE Action ID No.SAW-2017-00998 Monitoring Year 0-2021 Cross-Section 1-Daniels Creek Reach 1 102+50 Riffle 368 - 367 366 1 • ', 365 v w 364 363 0 10 20 30 40 Width(ft) MVO(4/2021) —Bankfull Floodprone Area Bankfull Dimensions 9.1 x-section area(ft.sq.) 15.3 width(ft) 0.6 mean depth(ft) 1.3 max depth(ft) 15.5 wetted perimeter(ft) 0.6 hydraulic radius(ft) 25.6 width-depth ratio 70.0 W flood prone area(ft) 4.6 entrenchment ratio 1.0 low bank height ratio Survey Date: 4/2021 Field Crew: Turner Land Surveying View Downstream on P Danielss-Section Creek Mitiga S USACE Action ID No.lots SAtionW-20ite17-00998 Cr Monitoring Year 0-2021 Cross-Section 2-Daniels Creek Reach 2 106+47 Riffle 361 - 360 359 358 357 356 - 0 10 20 30 40 Width(ft) MYO(4/2021) —Bankfull — Floodprone Area Bankfull Dimensions 4.5 x-section area(ft.sq.) 7.6 width(ft) 0.6 mean depth(ft) 1.0 max depth(ft) 7.9 wetted perimeter(ft) T ` 0.6 hydraulic radius(ft) e' 12.8 wi dth-depth 30.0 entrenchment W flood prone arearatio (ft) 4.0 ratio • ' x 1.0 low bank height ratio = Survey Date: 4/2021 M" Field Crew: Turner Land Surveying g " View Downstream Cross-Section Plots Daniels Creek Mitigation Site USACE Action ID No.SAW-2017-00998 Monitoring Year 0-2021 Cross-Section 3-Daniels Creek Reach 3 114+39 Pool 352 351 - ♦ ♦ • 4, 350 0 349 348 347 , 0 10 20 30 40 Width(ft) MVO(4/2021) —Bankfull Bankfull Dimensions 30.3 x-section area(ft.sq.) 20.6 width(ft) ' 1.5 mean depth(ft) 3.3 max depth(ft) 22.5 wetted perimeter(ft) 1.3 hydraulic radius(ft) 14.0 width-depth ratio • Survey Date: 4/2021 Field Crew: Turner Land Surveying - 4: View Downstream Cross-Section Plots Daniels Creek Mitigation Site USACE Action ID No.SAW-2017-00998 Monitoring Year 0-2021 Cross-Section 4-Daniels Creek Reach 3 114+75 Riffle 352 - 351 ♦ P- 350 ', 349 348 347 0 10 20 30 40 Width(ft) MVO(4/2021) —Bankfull Floodprone Area Bankfull Dimensions 11.7 x-section area(ft.sq.) 12.6 width(ft) 0.9 mean depth(ft) 1.7 max depth(ft) 13.1 wetted perimeter(ft) 0.9 hydraulic radius(ft) 13.6 width-depth ratio 130.0 W flood prone area(ft) 10.3 entrenchment ratio 1.0 low bank height ratio Survey Date: 4/2021 _ Field Crew: Turner Land Surveying View Downstream Cross-Section Plots Daniels Creek Mitigation Site USACE Action ID No.SAW-2017-00998 Monitoring Year 0-2021 Cross-Section 5-Daniels Creek Reach 4 130+32 Riffle 331 1 330 329 • • '4=' 328 327 326 10 20 30 40 50 Width(ft) MVO(4/2021) -Bankfull Floodprone Area Bankfull Dimensions 18.2 x-section area(ft.sq.) 14.8 width(ft) 1.2 mean depth(ft) 2.1 max depth(ft) 15.5 wetted perimeter(ft) 1.2 hydraulic radius(ft) 12.1 width-depth ratio _ . 140.0 W flood prone area(ft) 9.5 entrenchment ratio 1.0 low bank height ratio Survey Date: 4/2021 Field Crew: Turner Land Surveying View Downstream Cross-Section Plots Daniels Creek Mitigation Site USACE Action ID No.SAW-2017-00998 Monitoring Year 0-2021 Cross-Section 6-Daniels Creek Reach 4 130+78 Pool 329 - 328 ' • 327 '4=, 326 v w 325 324 , 10 20 30 40 50 Width(ft) MVO(4/2021) —Bankfull Bankfull Dimensions f 27.7 x-section area(ft.sq.) 22.6 width(ft) 1.2 mean depth(ft) 3.0 max depth(ft) 23.7 wetted perimeter(ft) 1.2 hydraulic radius(ft) 18.5 width-depth ratio Survey Date: 4/2021 Field Crew: Turner Land Surveying View Downstream Cross-Section Plots Daniels Creek Mitigation Site USACE Action ID No.SAW-2017-00998 Monitoring Year 0-2021 Cross-Section 7-Daniels Creek Reach 5 133+38 Riffle 327 - 326 325 324 • • %..NN\ 0 ,t 323 322 • • • 321 15 25 35 45 55 Width(ft) MVO(4/2021) —Bankfull Floodprone Area Bankfull Dimensions 26.3 x-section area(ft.sq.) 'k ¢ 17.4 width(ft) 1.5 mean depth(ft) 2.6 max depth(ft) 19.0 wetted perimeter(ft) 1.4 hydraulic radius(ft) 11.5 width-depth ratio 140.0 W flood prone area(ft) 8.1 entrenchment ratio „ 1.0 low bank height ratio Survey Date: 4/2021 Field Crew: Turner Land Surveying View Downstream Cross-Section Plots Daniels Creek Mitigation Site USACE Action ID No.SAW-2017-00998 Monitoring Year 0-2021 Cross-Section 8-T1 Reach 1 202+17 Riffle 395 - 394 393 I 391 390 0 10 20 30 40 Width(ft) MVO(4/2021) —Bankfull Floodprone Area Bankfull Dimensions 7.8 x-section area(ft.sq.) 12.6 width(ft) } 0.6 mean depth(ft) + k 1.3 max depth(ft) 12.9 wetted perimeter(ft) 0.6 hydraulic radius(ft) 20.4 width-depth ratio e eN 33.0 W flood prone area(ft) t, 2.6 entrenchment ratio 1.0 low bank height ratio Survey Date: 4/2021 Field Crew: Turner Land Surveying View Downstream Cross-Section Plots Daniels Creek Mitigation Site USACE Action ID No.SAW-2017-00998 Monitoring Year 0-2021 Cross-Section 9-T1 Reach 4 217+31 Riffle 362 - 361 360 ~� '4=' 359 358 357 5 15 25 35 45 Width(ft) MVO(4/2021) -Bankfull Floodprone Area Bankfull Dimensions 11.5 x-section area(ft.sq.) 12.3 width(ft) 0.9 mean depth(ft) 1.5 max depth(ft) 12.8 wetted perimeter(ft) 0.9 hydraulic radius(ft) 13.1 width-depth ratio 125.0 W flood prone area(ft) 1111111t 10.2 entrenchment ratio 1.0 low bank height ratio Survey Date: 4/2021 Field Crew: Turner Land Surveying View Downstream Cross-Section Plots Daniels Creek Mitigation Site USACE Action ID No.SAW-2017-00998 Monitoring Year 0-2021 Cross-Section 10-T1 Reach 4 222+32 Pool 349 - ♦ 348 r 347 0 '- 346 345 344 , 10 20 30 40 50 Width(ft) MVO(4/2021) —Bankfull Bankfull Dimensions 22.4 x-section area(ft.sq.) 13.9 width(ft) 1.6 mean depth(ft) 3.1 max depth(ft) 15.3 wetted perimeter(ft) • ,' 1.5 hydraulic radius(ft) 8.7 width-depth ratio Survey Date: 4/2021 Field Crew: Turner Land Surveying View Downstream Cross-Section Plots Daniels Creek Mitigation Site USACE Action ID No.SAW-2017-00998 Monitoring Year 0-2021 Cross-Section 11-T1 Reach 4 222+61 Riffle 350 - 349 348 • • • ', 347 v w • IN\ 346 345 0 10 20 30 40 Width(ft) MVO(4/2021) —Bankfull Floodprone Area Bankfull Dimensions 8.8 x-section area(ft.sq.) 11.6 width(ft) 0.8 mean depth(ft) 1.2 max depth(ft) • — 11.9 wetted perimeter(ft) _ 0.7 hydraulic radius(ft) _ 15.3 width-depth ratio 55.0 W flood prone area(ft) 4.8 entrenchment ratio 1.0 low bank height ratio Survey Date: 4/2021 Field Crew: Turner Land Surveying View Downstream Cross-Section Plots Daniels Creek Mitigation Site USACE Action ID No.SAW-2017-00998 Monitoring Year 0-2021 Cross-Section 12-T1 Reach 5 232+17 Riffle 331 - 330 329 % • • • • ? • 4 0 '4=' 328 327 326 0 10 20 30 40 Width(ft) MVO(4/2021) —Bankfull Floodprone Area Bankfull Dimensions 15.1 x-section area(ft.sq.) 14.9 width(ft) 1.0 mean depth(ft) 1.8 max depth(ft) • — 15.4 wetted perimeter(ft) _ 1.0 hydraulic radius(ft) 14.7 width-depth ratio 115.0 W flood prone area(ft) 7.7 entrenchment ratio 1.0 low bank height ratio Survey Date: 4/2021 Field Crew: Turner Land Surveying View Downstream Cross-Section Plots Daniels Creek Mitigation Site USACE Action ID No.SAW-2017-00998 Monitoring Year 0-2021 Cross-Section 13-T1 Reach 5 232+57 Pool 329 - 328 327 c 0 326 v w 325 324 , - 5 15 25 35 45 Width(ft) MVO(4/2021) -Bankfull Bankfull Dimensions 32.6 x-section area(ft.sq.) 18.9 width(ft) 1.7 mean depth(ft) 1 3.6 max depth(ft) 20.8 wetted perimeter(ft) ;` 1.6 hydraulic radius(ft) 10.9 width-depth ratio • Survey Date: 4/2021 - Field Crew: Turner Land Surveying e View Downstream Cross-Section Plots Daniels Creek Mitigation Site USACE Action ID No.SAW-2017-00998 Monitoring Year 0-2021 Cross-Section 14-T2 Reach 2 306+52 Riffle 384 - 383 - 382 c i _ • ', 381 380 379 0 10 20 30 40 Width(ft) MVO(4/2021) -Bankfull Floodprone Area Bankfull Dimensions 7.0 x-section area(ft.sq.) 11.9 width(ft) 0.6 mean depth(ft) 1.1 max depth(ft) 12.1 wetted perimeter(ft) 0.6 hydraulic radius(ft) 20.1 width-depth ratio 80.0 W flood prone area(ft) 6.7 entrenchment ratio - 1.0 low bank height ratio Survey Date: 4/2021 Field Crew: Turner Land Surveying _F View Downstream Cross-Section Plots Daniels Creek Mitigation Site USACE Action ID No.SAW-2017-00998 Monitoring Year 0-2021 Cross-Section 15-T3 Reach 2 415+28 Pool 366 - 365 364 c 0 '- 363 362 361 , 0 10 20 30 40 Width(ft) MVO(4/2021) —Bankfull Bankfull Dimensions 14.8 x-section area(ft.sq.) 11.2 width(ft) 1.3 mean depth(ft) 2.5 max depth(ft) 12.3 wetted perimeter(ft) R<` 1.2 hydraulic radius(ft) 8.5 width-depth ratio ` Survey Date: 4/2021 Field Crew: Turner Land Surveying View Downstream Cross-Section Plots Daniels Creek Mitigation Site USACE Action ID No.SAW-2017-00998 Monitoring Year 0-2021 Cross-Section 16-T3 Reach 2 415+43 Riffle 367 - 366 365 ', 364 363 362 0 10 20 30 40 Width(ft) MVO(4/2021) -Bankfull Floodprone Area Bankfull Dimensions 3.6 x-section area(ft.sq.) 7.5 width(ft) 0.5 mean depth(ft) la 0.8 max depth(ft) 7.7 wetted perimeter(ft) 0.5 hydraulic radius(ft) 15.8 width-depth ratio 25.0 W flood prone area(ft) 3.3 entrenchment ratio 1.0 low bank height ratio Survey Date: 4/2021 Field Crew: Turner Land Surveying View Downstream Cross-Section Plots Daniels Creek Mitigation Site USACE Action ID No.SAW-2017-00998 Monitoring Year 0-2021 Cross-Section 17-T4 Reach 1 505+94 Pool 386 l 385 384 0 '- 383 v w 382 381 , 0 10 20 30 40 Width(ft) MVO(4/2021) —Bankfull Bankfull Dimensions 9.1 x-section area(ft.sq.) 1111.111110- 4311111411114 11.1 width(ft) M 0.8 mean depth(ft) 1.5 max depth(ft) 11.6 wetted perimeter(ft) 0.8 hydraulic radius(ft) 13.5 width-depth ratio Survey Date: 4/2021 Field Crew: Turner Land Surveying View Downstream Cross-Section Plots Daniels Creek Mitigation Site USACE Action ID No.SAW-2017-00998 Monitoring Year 0-2021 Cross-Section 18-T4 Reach 1 506+05 Riffle 386 I 385 a 384 ', 383 382 381 0 10 20 30 40 Width(ft) MVO(4/2021) -Bankfull Floodprone Area Bankfull Dimensions 3.1 x-section area(ft.sq.) 6.4 width(ft) 0.5 mean depth(ft) 0.8 max depth(ft) _ =_ 6.7 wetted perimeter(ft) 0.5 hydraulic radius(ft) 13.4 width-depth ratio , 22.0 W flood prone area(ft) 3.4 entrenchment ratio 1.0 low bank height ratio Survey Date: 4/2021 ,4„ ' A' Field Crew: Turner Land Surveying View Downstream Cross-Section Plots Daniels Creek Mitigation Site USACE Action ID No.SAW-2017-00998 Monitoring Year 0-2021 Cross-Section 19-T4 Reach 2 512+03 Riffle 368 - 367 366 ', 365 364 363 0 10 20 30 Width(ft) MVO(4/2021) -Bankfull Floodprone Area Bankfull Dimensions 6.2 x-section area(ft.sq.) 10.4 width(ft) 0.6 mean depth(ft) 1.2 max depth(ft) 10.6 wetted perimeter(ft) 0.6 hydraulic radius(ft) ' 17.4 width-depth ratio 130.0 W flood prone area(ft) 12.5 entrenchment ratio 1.0 low bank height ratio Survey Date: 4/2021 Field Crew: Turner Land Surveying View Downstream Cross-Section Plots Daniels Creek Mitigation Site USACE Action ID No.SAW-2017-00998 Monitoring Year 0-2021 Cross-Section 20-T5 Reach 2 606+90 Riffle 377 - 376 375 •// # ', 374 373 372 0 10 20 30 40 Width(ft) MVO(4/2021) -Bankfull Floodprone Area Bankfull Dimensions 2.5 x-section area(ft.sq.) 6.5 width(ft) 0.4 mean depth(ft) 0.6 max depth(ft) 6.7 wetted perimeter(ft) • 0.4 hydraulic radius(ft) 17.3 width-depth ratio sK � t " 20.0 W flood prone area(ft) 3.1 entrenchment ratio 1.0 low bank height ratio • Survey Date: 4/2021 Field Crew: Turner Land Surveying View Downstream Cross-Section Plots Daniels Creek Mitigation Site USACE Action ID No.SAW-2017-00998 Monitoring Year 0-2021 Cross-Section 21-T6 Reach 2 706+91 Riffle 342 - 341 ♦ 340 �♦ '4=, 339 338 337 0 10 20 30 40 Width(ft) MVO(4/2021) -Bankfull Floodprone Area Bankfull Dimensions 5.5 x-section area(ft.sq.) 8.7 width(ft) 0.6 mean depth(ft) 1.4 max depth(ft) 9.4 wetted perimeter(ft) 0.6 hydraulic radius(ft) 13.9 width-depth ratio z '' 130.0 W flood prone area(ft) 14.9 entrenchment ratio 1.0 low bank height ratio Survey Date: 4/2021 Field Crew: Turner Land Surveying View Downstream Cross-Section Plots Daniels Creek Mitigation Site USACE Action ID No.SAW-2017-00998 Monitoring Year 0-2021 Cross-Section 22-T7 810+13 Riffle 365 - 364 363 ', 362 361 360 5 15 25 35 45 Width(ft) MVO(4/2021) -Bankfull Floodprone Area Bankfull Dimensions 4.8 x-section area(ft.sq.) 8.3 width(ft) 0.6 mean depth(ft) 0.9 max depth(ft) 8.5 wetted perimeter(ft) 0.6 hydraulic radius(ft) 14.2 width-depth ratio 50.0 W flood prone area(ft) 6.1 entrenchment ratio 1.0 low bank height ratio Survey Date: 4/2021 Field Crew: Turner Land Surveying View Downstream Cross-Section Plots Daniels Creek Mitigation Site USACE Action ID No.SAW-2017-00998 Monitoring Year 0-2021 Cross-Section 23-T7 810+32 Pool 364 - 363 • 362 0 '- 361 360 359 , 10 20 30 40 50 Width(ft) MVO(4/2021) —Bankfull Bankfull Dimensions �.r 11.1 x-section area(ft.sq.) ;44 10.1 width(ft) — _ 1.1 mean depth(ft) 2.0 max depth(ft) 11.1 wetted perimeter(ft) 1.0 hydraulic radius(ft) 9.2 width-depth ratio Survey Date: 4/2021 Field Crew: Turner Land Surveying View Downstream Cross-Section Plots Daniels Creek Mitigation Site USACE Action ID No.SAW-2017-00998 Monitoring Year 0-2021 Cross-Section 24-T8 Reach 1 903+16 Riffle 390 - 389 - 388 0 387 386 385 0 10 20 30 40 Width(ft) MVO(4/2021) —Bankfull — Floodprone Area Bankfull Dimensions 2.5 x-section area(ft.sq.) 6.2 width(ft) +. 0.4 mean depth(ft) „ ,r. wvGs 0.9 max depth(ft) 6.4 wetted perimeter(ft) 0.4 hydraulic radius(ft) 15.2 width-depth ratio 18.0 W flood prone area(ft) 2.9 entrenchment ratio 1.0 low bank height ratio Survey Date: 4/2021 Field Crew: Turner Land Surveying View Downstream Cross-Section Plots Daniels Creek Mitigation Site USACE Action ID No.SAW-2017-00998 Monitoring Year 0-2021 Cross-Section 25-T8 Reach 2 907+16 Riffle 370 - 369 368 ', 367 366 365 0 10 20 30 40 Width(ft) MVO(4/2021) —Bankfull — Floodprone Area Bankfull Dimensions 7.6 x-section area(ft.sq.) 10.3 width(ft) 0.7 mean depth(ft) �1&1! . + 1.2 max depth(ft) 10.7 wetted perimeter(ft) 0.7 hydraulic radius(ft)14.1 width-depth ratio 40.0 W flood prone area(ft) 3.9 entrenchment ratio 1.0 low bank height ratio .=. � k4 • Survey Date: 4/2021 Field Crew: Turner Land Surveying - . View Downstream Table 7.Cross-Section Morphology Monitoring Summary Daniels Creek Mitigation Site USACE Action ID No.SAW-2017-00998 Monitoring Year 0-2021 Daniels Creek Reach 1 Daniels Creek Reach 2 Daniels Creek Reach 4 Cross-Section 1(Riffle) Cross-Section 2(Riffle) Cross-Section 3(Pool) Cross-Section 4(Riffle) Cross-Section 5(Riffle) MYO MY1 MY2 MY3 MY5 MY7 MYO MY1 MY2 MY3 MY5 MY7 MYO MY1 MY2 MY3 MY5 MY7 MYO MY1 MY2 MY3 MY5 MY7 MYO MY1 MY2 MY3 MY5 MY7 Bankfull Elevation(ft)-Based on AB- 366.06 358.13 351.00 350.02 328.68 Bankfull'Area Bank Height Ratio-Based on AB 1.00 1.00 N/A 1.00 1.00 Bankfull'Area Thalweg Elevation 364.73 357.11 347.74 348.37 326.57 LTOBZ Elevation 366.06 358.13 351.00 350.02 328.68 LTOB2 Max Depth(ft) 1.3 1.0 3.3 1.7 2.1 LTOB2 Cross Sectional Area(ft) 9.1 4.5 30.3 11.7 18.2 Daniels Creek Reach 4 Daniels Creek Reach 5 1 Reach 1 Cross-Section 6(Pool) Cross-Section 7(Riffle) Cross-Section 8(Riffle) Cross-Section 9(Riffle) Cross-Section 10(Pool) MYO MY1 MY2 MY3 MY5 MY7 MYO MY1 MY2 MY3 MY5 MY7 MYO MY1 MY2 MY3 MY5 MY7 MYO MY1 MY2 MY3 MY5 MY7 MYO MY1 MY2 MY3 MY5 MY7 Bankfull Elevation(ft)-Based on AB- 328.01 323.86 391.73 359.12 347.55 Bankfull'Area Bank Height Ratio-Based on AB N/A 1.00 1.00 1.00 N/A Bankfull'Area Thalweg Elevation 324.98 321.28 390.43 357.58 344.49 LT0132 Elevation 328.01 323.86 391.73 359.12 347.55 LTOB2 Max Depth(ft) 3.0 2.6 1.3 1.5 3.1 LTOB2 Cross Sectional Area(ft) 27.7 26.3 7.8 11.5 22.4 Cross-Section 11(Riffle) Cross-Section 12(Riffle) Cross-Section 13(Pool) Cross-Section 14(Riffle) Cross-Section 15(Riffle) MYO MY1 MY2 MY3 MY5 MY7 MYO MY1 MY2 MY3 MY5 MY7 MYO MY1 MY2 MY3 MY5 MY7 MYO MY1 MY2 MY3 MY5 MY7 MYO MY1 MY2 MY3 MY5 MY7 Bankfull Elevation(ft)-Based on AB- 347.35 328.76 327.96 381.62 364.09 Bankfull'Area Bank Height Ratio-Based on AB 1.00 1.00 N/A 1.00 N/A Bankfull'Area Thalweg Elevation 346.14 326.98 324.34 380.51 361.61 LT0132 Elevation 347.35 328.76 327.96 381.62 364.09 LTOB2 Max Depth(ft) 1.2 1.8 3.6 1.1 2.5 LTOB2 Cross Sectional Area(ft) 8.8 15.1 32.6 7.0 14.8 'Bank Height Rat (BHR)takes the As-bulltbankful area as the bass for adustng each subsequentyears bankfull elevaton. 'MOB Nea and Max depth-These are based on the LTOB elevat on for each years survey(The same elevation used for the LTOB In the BHR calculation).Nea below the LTOB elevan on will be used and tracked for each year as above.The difference between the LTOB elevation and the thalweg elevation(same as In the BHR calwlati on)will be recroded and tracked above as LTOB max depth. Table 7.Cross-Section Morphology Monitoring Summary Daniels Creek Mitigation Site USACE Action ID No.SAW-2017-00998 Monitoring Year 0-2021 T3 Reach 2 Cross-Section 16(Riffle) Cross-Section 17(Pool) Cross-Section 18(Riffle) Cross-Section 19(Pool) Cross-Section 20(Pool) MYO MY1 MY2 MY3 MY5 MY7 MYO MY1 MY2 MY3 MY5 MY7 MYO MY1 MY2 MY3 MY5 MY7 MYO MY1 MY2 MY3 MY5 MY7 MYO MY1 MY2 MY3 MY5 MY7 Bankfull Elevation(ft)-Based on AB- 363.29 383.90 383.51 365.69 373.29 Bankfull'Area Bank Height Ratio-Based on AB 1.00 N/A 1.00 N/A N/A Bankfull'Area Thalweg Elevation 362.53 382.42 382.69 364.52 372.67 LT0132 Elevation 363.29 383.90 383.51 365.69 373.29 LTOB2 Max Depth(ft) 0.8 1.5 0.8 1.2 0.6 LTOB2 Cross Sectional Area(ftL) 3.6 9.1 3.1 6.2 2.5 T6 Reach 2 Cross-Section 21(Riffle) Cross-Section 22(Riffle) Cross-Section 23(Pool) Cross-Section 24(Riffle) Cross-Section 25(Riffle) MYO MY1 MY2 MY3 MY5 MY7 MYO MY1 MY2 MY3 MY5 MY7 MYO MY1 MY2 MY3 MY5 MY7 MYO MY1 MY2 MY3 MY5 MY7 MYO MY1 MY2 MY3 MY5 MY7 Bankfull Elevation(ft)-Based on AB- 340.07 362.79 362.12 386.79 367.72 Bankfull'Area Bank Height Ratio-Based on AB 1.00 1.00 N/A 1.00 1.00 Bankfull'Area Thalweg Elevation 338.65 361.86 360.08 385.94 366.48 LT0132 Elevation 340.07 362.79 362.12 386.79 367.72 LTOB2 Max Depth(ft) 1.4 0.9 2.0 0.9 1.2 LTOB2 Cross Sectional Area(ftL) 5.5 4.8 11.1 2.5 7.6 'Bank Height Rat (BHR)takes the As-bulltbankful area as the bass for adustng each subsequentyears bankfull elevaton. 'MOB Nea and Max depth-These are based on the LTOB elevat on for each years survey(The same elevation used for the LTOB In the BHR calculation).Nea below the LTOB elevan on will be used and tracked for each year as above.The difference between the LTOB elevation and the thalweg elevation(same as In the BHR calwlati on)will be recroded and tracked above as LTOB max depth. Reachwide and Cross-Section Pebble Count Plots Daniels Creek Mitigation Site USACE Action ID No.SAW-2017-00998 Monitoring Year 0-2021 Daniels Creek Upper,Reachwide Diameter(mm) Particle Count Reach Summary Particle Class Class Percent Daniels Creek Upper,Reachwide min max Riffle Pool Total Percentage Cumulative Pebble Count Particle Distribution SILT/CLAY Silt/Clay 0.000 0.062 1 7 8 8 8 100 t * ~• • • Very fine 0.062 0.125 8 90 Silt/Clay Sand >l< Gravel Fine 0.125 0.250 10 10 10 18 80 obble 3•J der Belle Medium 0.25 0.50 2 11 13 13 31 Coarse 0.5 1.0 31 0 70 Very Coarse 1.0 2.0 7 10 17 17 48 i 60 a+ Very Fine 2.0 2.8 4 4 4 52 = 50 Very Fine 2.8 4.0 4 4 4 56 E 40 Fine 4.0 5.6 3 3 3 59 Fine 5.6 8.0 1 1 1 60 w 30 ,..p Medium 8.0 11.0 1 1 2 2 62 a 20 60. Medium 11.0 16.0 3 3 3 65 10 Coarse 16.0 22.6 3 3 3 68 0 Coarse 22.6 32 1 1 1 69 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 Very Coarse 32 45 1 1 1 70 Particle Class Size(mm) Very Coarse 45 64 10 10 10 80 tMvo-o4/2021 \ \p Small 64 90 4 4 4 84 Y N, Small 90 128 8 8 8 92 ®+ Large 128 180 4 4 4 96 \\ \\\O Daniels Creek Upper,Reachwide \\\\\\\ Large 180 256 4 4 4 100 Small Individual Class Percent 256 362 100 100 - ........................................................Small 362 512 100 90 Medium 512 1024 100 - Large/Very Large 1024 2048 100 80 BEDROCK Bedrock 2048 >2048 100 c 70 - w Total 50 50 100 100 100 w 60 - a v, 50 - Reachwide 16 U 40 - Channel materials(mm) Ts 'D16= 0.22 v 20 D35_ 1.18 20 D50= 2.4 c 10 - Dom= 90.0 0 , ' ' • • • — m m — ' • , • • D,= 165.3 O�1, �ti<0 L5 O'0 'y 1, L'b b 56 'b ,y1 yo ,L<o ,ti b5 (ob 0O LW �O 56 �ti ,y'L vb b'b ,,6 o. o_ o ti ti ti ti 3 5 ,yo ,,o bo Dloo= 256.0 Particle Class Size(mm) •MVO-04/2021 Reachwide and Cross-Section Pebble Count Plots Daniels Creek Mitigation Site USACE Action ID No.SAW-2017-00998 Monitoring Year 0-2021 Daniels Creek Lower,Reachwide Diameter(mm) Particle Count Reach Summary Particle Class Class Percent Daniels Creek Lower,Reachwide min max Riffle Pool Total Percentage Cumulative Pebble Count Particle Distribution SILT/CLAY Silt/Clay 0.000 0.062 8 8 8 8 100 A * I I I ~• • • Very fine 0.062 0.125 13 13 13 21 90 Silt/Clay Sand >l< Gravel Fine 0.125 0.250 9 9 9 30 80 C bbleI 3•J der Bedrock). Medium 0.25 0.50 9 9 9 39 Coarse 0.5 1.0 4 4 4 43 0 70 Very Coarse 1.0 2.0 1 1 2 2 45 i 60 Very Fine 2.0 2.8 45 = 50 Very Fine 2.8 4.0 45 c 40 Fine 4.0 5.6 45 Fine 5.6 8.0 45 w 30 ,..p Medium 8.0 11.0 2 2 2 47 a 20 Ce Medium 11.0 16.0 1 2 3 3 50 10 Coarse 16.0 22.6 2 2 4 4 54 0 Coarse 22.6 32 2 2 2 56 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 Very Coarse 32 45 6 6 6 62 Particle Class Size(mm) Very Coarse 45 64 12 12 12 74 tMvo-o4/2021 N Small 64 90 8 8 8 82 Y N, Small 90 128 7 7 7 89 ®+ Large 128 180 7 7 7 96 O Daniels Creek Lower,Reachwide Vv \ Large 180 256 4 4 4 100 Small Individual Class Percent 256 362 100 100 - ........................................................Small 362 512 100 90 Medium 512 1024 100 - Large/Very Large 1024 2048 100 80 BEDROCK Bedrock 2048 >2048 100 c 70 - w Total 50 50 100 100 100 w 60 - a 50 - Reachwide 16 U 40 - Channel materials(mm) - D16= 0.10 v 30 D35= 0.37 v 20 D50= 16.0 c 10 Dom= 99.5 0 - , ' ' ' • • • M ' , I I • D,= 171.4 O�'L �ti<0 L5 O<0 ,, '1, L'b b 56 'b ,y1 yo ,L<o ,ti b5 (ob 0O �'b $O 56 �ti ,y'L vb b'b ,,6 o. o_ o ti ti ti ti 3 5 ,yo ,,, bo D1oo= 256.0 Particle Class Size(mm) •MVO-04/2021 Reachwide and Cross-Section Pebble Count Plots Daniels Creek Mitigation Site USACE Action ID No.SAW-2017-00998 Monitoring Year 0-2021 T1 Upper,Reachwide Diameter(mm) Particle Count Reach Summary Particle Class Class Percent T1 Upper,Reachwide min max Riffle Pool Total Percentage Cumulative Pebble Count Particle Distribution SILT/CLAY Silt/Clay 0.000 0.062 1 22 23 23 23 100 A * ~• Very fine 0.062 0.125 11 11 11 34 90 Silt/ClaySand Gravel Fine 0.125 0.250 8 8 8 42 80 obble 3•j der Belle Medium 0.25 0.50 1 3 4 4 46 Coarse 0.5 1.0 2 2 2 48 0 70 Very Coarse 1.0 2.0 1 1 2 2 50 i 60 Very Fine 2.0 2.8 50 m 50 Very Fine 2.8 4.0 1 1 1 51 E 40 Fine 4.0 5.6 1 1 1 52 Fine 5.6 8.0 1 1 1 53 w 30 ,..p Medium 8.0 11.0 2 2 2 55 a 20 60. Medium 11.0 16.0 1 1 2 2 57 10 Coarse 16.0 22.6 1 1 1 58 0 Coarse 22.6 32 1 1 1 59 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 Very Coarse 32 45 3 1 4 4 63 Particle Class Size(mm) Very Coarse 45 64 10 10 10 73 10-Mvo-04/2021 NNNNNNN Small 64 90 11 11 11 84 \\\\ ���� �N Small 90 128 10 1 11 11 95 ® %%1 Large 128 180 4 4 4 99 \\ \\\O T1 Upper,Reachwide Large 180 256 1 1 1 100 Small Individual Class Percent 256 362 100 100 - ........................................................Small 362 512 100 90 Medium 512 1024 100 - Large/Very Large 1024 2048 100 80 BEDROCK Bedrock 2048 >2048 100 c 70 - w Total 50 50 100 100 100 w 60 - a 0 50 - Reachwide 16 U 40 Channel materials(mm) - D16= Silt/Clay v 30 D35= 0.14 v 20 D50= 2.0 10 Dom= 90.0 0 _ 'IN IIN MIIIM D95= 128.0 0�1' ti1% ti5 o% ti ti 1% a 56 % titi yo ti% 3ti a5 �° oo ti$ cb0 56 <cti titi tia k�e 46 o. O. o ti ti ti ti 3 5 do do 0 Dloo= 256.0 Particle Class Size(mm) •MVO-04/2021 Reachwide and Cross-Section Pebble Count Plots Daniels Creek Mitigation Site USACE Action ID No.SAW-2017-00998 Monitoring Year 0-2021 T1 Lower,Reachwide Diameter(mm) Particle Count Reach Summary Particle Class Class Percent T1 Lower,Reachwide min max Riffle Pool Total Percentage Cumulative Pebble Count Particle Distribution SILT/CLAY Silt/Clay 0.000 0.062 12 12 12 12 100 A * III �• 0--• • • Very fine 0.062 0.125 11 11 11 23 90 SiIt/Clay Sand Gravel //,r Fine 0.125 0.250 7 7 7 30 80 C bble 34,J der Belle Medium 0.25 0.50 6 6 6 36 Coarse 0.5 1.0 6 6 6 42 0 70 Very Coarse 1.0 2.0 3 3 3 45 i 60 Very Fine 2.0 2.8 1 1 1 46 550 Very Fine 2.8 4.0 46 c 40 • • • • Fine 4.0 5.6 46 Fine 5.6 8.0 46 w 30 .40' Medium 8.0 11.0 46 a 20 60. Medium 11.0 16.0 4 4 4 50 10 Coarse 16.0 22.6 1 4 5 5 55 0 Coarse 22.6 32 2 4 6 6 61 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 Very Coarse 32 45 6 2 8 8 69 Particle Class Size(mm) Very Coarse 45 64 5 5 5 74 tMvo-o4/2021 NNNNNNN Small 64 90 8 8 8 82 \\\\ �� �N Small 90 128 8 8 8 90 ® \\O Large 128 180 6 6 6 96 \\ \\\O T1 Lower,Reachwide Large 180 256 3 3 3 99 Small Individual Class Percent 256 362 1 1 1 100 100 - ........................................................Small 362 512 100 90 Medium 512 1024 100 - Large/Very Large 1024 2048 100 80 BEDROCK Bedrock 2048 >2048 100 c 70 - w Total 40 60 100 100 100 w 60 - a 0 50 - Reachwide 16 U 40 - Channel materials(mm) Ts ' 30 D16= 0.08 v D35= 0.45 v 20 - D50= 16.0 - 10 D84= 98.3 0 - ' ' I . . M E M ' • ' ' D95= 170.1 o�ti titi5 ti5 oy ti ti 1, a 56 % titi yo ti% 3ti a5 �° oo ti$ cb0 56 �ti titi tia k�e 46 o. O. o 1. ti ti ti 3 5 do do 0 Dloo= 362.0 Particle Class Size(mm) •MVO-04/2021 Reachwide and Cross-Section Pebble Count Plots Daniels Creek Mitigation Site USACE Action ID No.SAW-2017-00998 Monitoring Year 0-2021 T2,Reachwide Diameter(mm) Particle Count Reach Summary Particle Class Class Percent T2,Reachwide min max Riffle Pool Total Percentage Cumulative Pebble Count Particle Distribution SILT/CLAY Silt/Clay 0.000 0.062 4 8 12 12 12 100 t SiIVCIay * Sand 1�' •-• ~• • • Very fine 0.062 0.125 1 2 3 3 15 90 Gravel Cobble >I< ► Fine 0.125 0.250 3 7 10 10 25 80 I I 3•�der Bedrock_ Medium 0.25 0.50 2 10 12 12 37 Coarse 0.5 1.0 1 7 8 8 45 0 70 Very Coarse 1.0 2.0 1 3 4 4 49 i 60 Very Fine 2.0 2.8 1 1 1 50 g▪ 50 Very Fine 2.8 4.0 1 1 1 51 E• 40 Fine 4.0 5.6 51 Fine 5.6 8.0 1 1 1 52 w 30 ,..p Medium 8.0 11.0 1 1 1 53 a 20 60. Medium 11.0 16.0 2 1 3 3 56 10 Coarse 16.0 22.6 7 2 9 9 65 0 Coarse 22.6 32 4 2 6 6 71 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 Very Coarse 32 45 7 3 10 10 81 Particle Class Size(mm) Very Coarse 45 64 7 7 7 88 10-Mvo-04/2021 NNNNNNN Small 64 90 3 1 4 4 92 \\\\ �� �N Small 90 128 4 2 6 6 98 ® %%1 Large 128 180 1 1 1 99 \\ \\\O T2,Reachwide Large 180 256 1 1 1 100 Small Individual Class Percent 256 362 100 100 - ........................................................Small 362 512 100 90 Medium 512 1024 100 - Large/Very Large 1024 2048 100 80 BEDROCK Bedrock 2048 >2048 100 c 70 - w Total 50 50 100 100 100 w 60 - a 0 50 - Reachwide 16 U 40 - Channel materials(mm) D16= 0.13 v 30 Das= 0.45 v 20 Dso= 2.8 • 10 Da,= 52.3 0 - ' III ' ' , D9s= 107.3 O�ti �1% .L5 o% '' '1' ,L'b b 56 'b y1 '(9 1,% "iti b5 �b ,,O LW cbO 56 <cti 1' I?' k'b 46 o. O. o ti ti ti ti 3 5 do do 0 D1oo= 256.0 Particle Class Size(mm) •MVO-04/2021 Reachwide and Cross-Section Pebble Count Plots Daniels Creek Mitigation Site USACE Action ID No.SAW-2017-00998 Monitoring Year 0-2021 T3,Reachwide Diameter(mm) Particle Count Reach Summary Particle Class Class Percent T3,Reachwide min max Riffle Pool Total Percentage Cumulative Pebble Count Particle Distribution SILT/CLAY Silt/Clay 0.000 0.062 1 11 12 12 12 100 A 1 1 * I I III • - • • • Very fine 0.062 0.125 3 3 3 15 90 SI It/CIay Sand Gravel Fine 0.125 0.250 1 6 7 7 22 80 %bIeI Boulder >l<Bedrock Medium 0.25 0.50 7 7 7 29 Coarse 0.5 1.0 2 2 2 31 0 70 Very Coarse 1.0 2.0 4 4 8 8 39 i 60 IP Very Fine 2.0 2.8 4 4 4 43 m 50 Very Fine 2.8 4.0 2 2 2 45 E 40 Fine 4.0 5.6 45 Fine 5.6 8.0 2 2 2 47 w 30 ,..p Medium 8.0 11.0 1 1 2 2 49 a 20 GQP Medium 11.0 16.0 2 1 3 3 52 10 Coarse 16.0 22.6 6 2 8 8 60 0 Coarse 22.6 32 6 2 8 8 68 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 Very Coarse 32 45 6 2 8 8 76 Particle Class Size(mm) Very Coarse 45 64 6 1 7 7 83 tMvo-o4/2021 NNNNNNN Small 64 90 7 7 7 90 \\\\ �� �N Small 90 128 5 5 5 95 ® %%1 Large 128 180 4 4 4 99 \\ \\\O T3,Reachwide Large 180 256 1 1 1 100 Small Individual Class Percent 256 362 100 100 - ........................................................Small 362 512 100 90 Medium 512 1024 100 - Large/Very Large 1024 2048 100 80 BEDROCK Bedrock 2048 >2048 100 c 70 - w Total 50 50 100 100 100 w 60 - a 50 - Reachwide 16 U 40 - Channel materials(mm) D16= 0.14 I 30 20 - D50= 12.5 10 Dom= 67.2 0 - ' • I I ' • • ' ' ' 1 1 • • D95= 128.0 ofoti titi5 ti5 c% ti ti 1% a 56 % titi y(9 ti9 3ti a5 �° �o ti$ 40 56 �ti titi tia k�e 46 o. o_ o 1. ti ti ti 3 5 do do �o D1oo= 256.0 Particle Class Size(mm) •MVO-04/2021 Reachwide and Cross-Section Pebble Count Plots Daniels Creek Mitigation Site USACE Action ID No.SAW-2017-00998 Monitoring Year 0-2021 T4,Reachwide Diameter(mm) Particle Count Reach Summary Particle Class Class Percent T4,Reachwide min max Riffle Pool Total Percentage Cumulative Pebble Count Particle Distribution SILT/CLAY Silt/Clay 0.000 0.062 1 7 8 8 8 100 A * /'~� ~• S • Very fine 0.062 0.125 1 1 1 9 90 SiIVCIay Sand Gravel I �/ Fine 0.125 0.250 3 3 3 12 80 C•bble 3.J der Belle Medium 0.25 0.50 8 8 8 20 Coarse 0.5 1.0 10 10 10 30 0 70 Very Coarse 1.0 2.0 9 9 9 39 i 60 a+ Very Fine 2.0 2.8 4 4 4 43 m 50 Very Fine 2.8 4.0 1 3 4 4 47 E• 40 Fine 4.0 5.6 2 2 2 49 Fine 5.6 8.0 3 3 3 52 w 30 ,..p Medium 8.0 11.0 1 1 1 53 a 20 60. Medium 11.0 16.0 2 2 2 55 10 Coarse 16.0 22.6 1 1 2 2 57 0 Coarse 22.6 32 1 4 5 5 62 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 Very Coarse 32 45 6 2 8 8 70 Particle Class Size(mm) Very Coarse 45 64 5 1 6 6 76 10-Mvo-04/2021 NNNNNNN Small 64 90 5 5 5 81 \\ \�< \\\� Small 90 128 10 10 10 91 ® %%1 Large 128 180 7 7 7 98 \\ \\\O T4,Reachwide Large 180 256 2 2 2 100 Small Individual Class Percent 256 362 100 100 - ........................................................Small 362 512 100 90 Medium 512 1024 100 - Large/Very Large 1024 2048 100 80 BEDROCK Bedrock 2048 >2048 100 c 70 - w Total 40 60 100 100 100 w 60 - a v, 50 - Reachwide 16 U 40 Channel materials(mm) - D16= 0.35 v 30 D3s= 1.47 v 20 Dso= 6.3 c 10 - D50= 1 .3 0 - , - • , ' ' E N m - mNIMMII D9s= 155.5 0�1' ti1% ti5 o% ti ti 1% a 56 % titi yo ti% 3ti a5 �° oo ti$ cb0 56 <cti titi tia k�e 46 o. O. o ti ti ti ti 3 5 do do 0 D1oo= 256.0 Particle Class Size(mm) •MVO-04/2021 Reachwide and Cross-Section Pebble Count Plots Daniels Creek Mitigation Site USACE Action ID No.SAW-2017-00998 Monitoring Year 0-2021 T5,Reachwide Diameter(mm) Particle Count Reach Summary Particle Class Class Percent T5,Reachwide min max Riffle Pool Total Percentage Cumulative Pebble Count Particle Distribution SILT/CLAY Silt/Clay 0.000 0.062 1 12 13 13 13 100 t * �,.• 0--• • • Very fine 0.062 0.125 5 5 5 18 90 SiIVCIay Sarid Gravel /~" Cobble Nr Fine 0.125 0.250 5 5 5 23 80 P I 3•J der E ►Bedrock_ Medium 0.25 0.50 10 10 10 33 Coarse 0.5 1.0 10 10 10 43 0 70 Very Coarse 1.0 2.0 9 9 9 52 i 60 Very Fine 2.0 2.8 2 2 2 54 g▪ 50 Very Fine 2.8 4.0 2 2 2 56 E• 40 Fine 4.0 5.6 2 2 2 58 Fine 5.6 8.0 3 3 3 61 w 30 ,..p Medium 8.0 11.0 61 a 20 60. Medium 11.0 16.0 4 4 4 65 10 Coarse 16.0 22.6 1 2 3 3 68 0 Coarse 22.6 32 1 2 3 3 71 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 Very Coarse 32 45 3 1 4 4 75 Particle Class Size(mm) Very Coarse 45 64 7 7 7 82 tMvo-o4/2021 NNNNNNN Small 64 90 4 1 5 5 87 \\\\ �� �N Small 90 128 5 5 5 92 ®+ %%1 Large 128 180 4 4 4 96 \\ \\\O T5,Reachwide Large 180 256 2 2 2 98 Small Individual Class Percent 256 362 2 2 2 100 100 - ........................................................Small 362 512 100 90 Medium 512 1024 100 - Large/Very Large 1024 2048 100 80 BEDROCK Bedrock 2048 >2048 100 c 70 - w Total 30 70 100 100 100 w 60 - a 0 50 - Reachwide 16 U 40 - Channel materials(mm) Ts D16= 0.09 v' 30 D35- 0.57 4 20 - D50- 1.7 • 10 Da,= 73.4 D95= 165.3 O<0'1' �1% .L5 0% y '1' ,L'b b 56 'b y1 '(9 1,% "iti b5 �b ,,O LW cbO 56 �ti 1' I?' k'b 46 o. O. o 1. ti ti ti 3 5 do do 0 Dloo= 362.0 Particle Class Size(mm) •MVO-04/2021 Reachwide and Cross-Section Pebble Count Plots Daniels Creek Mitigation Site USACE Action ID No.SAW-2017-00998 Monitoring Year 0-2021 T6,Reachwide Diameter(mm) Particle Count Reach Summary Particle Class Class Percent T6,Reachwide min max Riffle Pool Total Percentage Cumulative Pebble Count Particle Distribution SILT/CLAY Silt/Clay 0.000 0.062 10 10 10 10 100 t *Very fine 0.062 0.125 2 2 2 12 90 SilClaySand ravel h' c/( 3•J der Be lle Medium 0.25 0.50 4 4 4 21 Coarse 0.5 1.0 5 5 5 26 0 70 Very Coarse 1.0 2.0 5 5 5 31 i 60 Very Fine 2.0 2.8 2 2 2 33 m▪ 50 Very Fine 2.8 4.0 2 2 2 35 E• 40 Fine 4.0 5.6 2 2 2 37 Fine 5.6 8.0 2 2 2 39 w 30 ,..p Medium 8.0 11.0 2 2 2 41 a 20 60. Medium 11.0 16.0 41 10 Coarse 16.0 22.6 1 2 3 3 44 0 Coarse 22.6 32 1 1 2 2 46 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 Very Coarse 32 45 9 2 11 11 57 Particle Class Size(mm) Very Coarse 45 64 9 9 9 66 10-Mvo-04/2021 NNNNNNN Small 64 90 7 2 9 9 75 \\\\ �� �N Small 90 128 9 1 10 10 85 ®+ %%1 Large 128 180 6 1 7 7 92 \\ \\\O T6,Reachwide Large 180 256 5 5 5 97 Small Individual Class Percent 256 362 3 3 3 100 100 - ........................................................Small 362 512 100 90 Medium 512 1024 100 - Large/Very Large 1024 2048 100 80 BEDROCK Bedrock 2048 >2048 100 c 70 - w Total 50 50 100 100 100 w 60 - a 0 50 - Reachwide 16 U 40 Channel materials(mm) Ts D16= 0.22 v' 30 Das= 4.00 v 20 - D50= 36.2 • 10 Dom= 123.6 0 - ' • • • • m ' ' ' ' l • • D95= 222.4 o�ti tit% ti5 oy ti ti 1% a 56 % titi yo ti% 3ti a5 �° oo ti$ cb0 56 �ti titi tia k�e 46 o. O. o ti ti ti ti 3 5 do do 0 Dloo= 362.0 Particle Class Size(mm) •MVO-04/2021 Reachwide and Cross-Section Pebble Count Plots Daniels Creek Mitigation Site USACE Action ID No.SAW-2017-00998 Monitoring Year 0-2021 T7,Reachwide Diameter(mm) Particle Count Reach Summary Particle Class Class Percent T7,Reachwide min max Riffle Pool Total Percentage Cumulative Pebble Count Particle Distribution SILT/CLAY Silt/Clay 0.000 0.062 4 12 16 16 16 100 A * I I I III � ~ •-• • • Very fine 0.062 0.125 2 11 13 13 29 90 Silt/Clay Sand Gravel Fine 0.125 0.250 8 8 8 37 80 Cobble 3•J der Belle Medium 0.25 0.50 4 2 6 6 43 Coarse 0.5 1.0 10 10 10 53 0 70 Very Coarse 1.0 2.0 2 2 2 55 i 60 a+ Very Fine 2.0 2.8 2 1 3 3 58 g 50 Very Fine 2.8 4.0 1 1 1 59 E• 40 Fine 4.0 5.6 1 1 1 60 Fine 5.6 8.0 1 2 3 3 63 w 30 .40' Medium 8.0 11.0 1 1 1 64 a 20 60. Medium 11.0 16.0 1 1 1 65 10 Coarse 16.0 22.6 2 2 2 67 0 Coarse 22.6 32 10 1 11 11 78 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 Very Coarse 32 45 11 1 12 12 90 Particle Class Size(mm) Very Coarse 45 64 3 3 3 93 10-Mvo-04/2021 NNNNNNN Small 64 90 2 2 2 95 \\\\ �� �N Small 90 128 3 3 3 98 ®+ %%1 Large 128 180 2 2 2 100 \\ \\\O T7,Reachwide Large 180 256 100 Small Individual Class Percent 256 362 100 100 - ........................................................Small 362 512 100 90 Medium 512 1024 100 - Large/Very Large 1024 2048 100 80 BEDROCK Bedrock 2048 >2048 100 c 70 - w Total 50 50 100 100 100 w 60 - a 0 50 - Reachwide 16 U 40 - Channel materials(mm) - D16= Silt/Clay v 30 D35- 0.21 20 - Dso- 0.8 10 I I 1 . 1 - - - 1 I • • D84= 37.9 0 D95= 90.0 O0ti �ti5 .L5 0% '' '1' ,L'b b 56 'b y1 '(9 1,9 "2ti b5 �b .9 LW cbO 56 0ti 1' ,tib k'b 46 o. O. o ti ti ti ti 3 5 do do 0 Dloo= 180.0 Particle Class Size(mm) •MVO-04/2021 Reachwide and Cross-Section Pebble Count Plots Daniels Creek Mitigation Site USACE Action ID No.SAW-2017-00998 Monitoring Year 0-2021 T8,Reachwide Diameter(mm) Particle Count Reach Summary Particle Class Class Percent T8,Reachwide min max Riffle Pool Total Percentage Cumulative Pebble Count Particle Distribution SILT/CLAY Silt/Clay 0.000 0.062 1 12 13 13 13 100 A * il r ~• Very fine 0.062 0.125 13 90 SiIVCIay Sand Gravel bble >I( ) Fine 0.125 0.250 1 1 1 14 80 I I 3•J der Bedrock_ Medium 0.25 0.50 8 8 8 22 Coarse 0.5 1.0 10 10 10 32 0 70 Very Coarse 1.0 2.0 3 4 7 7 39 i 60 Very Fine 2.0 2.8 39 m▪ 50 Very Fine 2.8 4.0 3 3 3 42 E• 40 Fine 4.0 5.6 2 2 2 44 Fine 5.6 8.0 1 3 4 4 48 w 30 ,..p Medium 8.0 11.0 2 2 2 50 a 20 60. Medium 11.0 16.0 3 4 7 7 57 10 • • Coarse 16.0 22.6 5 1 6 6 63 0 Coarse 22.6 32 2 1 3 3 66 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 Very Coarse 32 45 5 5 5 71 Particle Class Size(mm) Very Coarse 45 64 7 7 7 78 10-Mvo-04/2021 NNNNNNN Small 64 90 7 7 7 85 \\\\ ���� �N Small 90 128 10 1 11 11 96 ®+ %%1 Large 128 180 2 2 2 98 \\ \\\O T8,Reachwide Large 180 256 2 2 2 100 Small Individual Class Percent 256 362 100 100 - ........................................................Small 362 512 100 90 Medium 512 1024 100 - Large/Very Large 1024 2048 100 80 BEDROCK Bedrock 2048 >2048 100 c 70 - w Total 50 50 100 100 100 w 60 - a 0 50 - Reachwide 16 U 40 Channel materials(mm) D16= 0.30 v 30 Das= 1.35 v 20 - D50= 11.0 E 10 ' III II . 1 1 ' Dom= 85.7 D95= 124.0 O<0'1' �1% .L5 0% y '1' ,L'b b 56 'b y1 '(9 1,% "iti b5 �b ,,O LW cbO 56 �ti 1' I?' k'b 46 o. O. o ti ti ti ti 3 5 do do 0 D1oo= 256.0 Particle Class Size(mm) •MVO-04/2021 Reachwide and Cross-Section Pebble Count Plots Daniels Creek Mitigation Site USACE Action ID No.SAW-2017-00998 Monitoring Year 0-2021 Daniels Creek R1,Cross-Section 1 Diameter(mm) Summary Particle Class Riffle 100-Count Class Percent Daniels Creek R1,Cross-Section 1 min max Percentage Cumulative Pebble Count Particle Distribution SILT/CLAY Silt/Clay 0.000 0.062 2 2 2 100 4 I I I ter•—• • • • • Very fine 0.062 0.125 2 90 SiItlClay card Gravel >114 Cobble Sou der BedrockNrE Fine 0.125 0.250 4 4 6 80 Medium 0.25 0.50 6 Coarse 0.5 1.0 6 0 70 Very Coarse 1.0 2.0 3 3 9 60 Very Fine 2.0 2.8 1 1 10 i 50 Very Fine 2.8 4.0 10 E 40 Fine 4.0 5.6 1 1 11 u Fine 5.6 8.0 4 4 15 30 a) u JF� Medium 8.0 11.0 2 2 17 o. a 20 e Medium 11.0 16.0 1 1 18 10 Coarse 16.0 22.6 14 14 32 • 0 Coarse 22.6 32 11 11 43 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 Very Coarse 32 45 8 8 51 Particle Class Size(mm) Very Coarse 45 64 9 9 60 t MVO-04/2021 0 L1 Small 64 90 14 14 74 ��' Small 90 128 14 14 88 V° 0 vkky0 Large 128 180 11 11 99 Large 180 256 1 1 100 Daniels Creek R1,Cross-Section 1 Individual Class Percent l Small 256 362 100 100 l Small 362 512 100 90 Medium 512 1024 100 80 ILar e Ver Lar e 1024 2048 100 g Y g sumo( Bedrock 2048 >2048 100 c 70 w Total 100 100 100 y 60 a ,n 50 Cross-Section 1 '-° v 40 Channel materials(mm) 3 30 D16= 9.38 -o D35= 24.85 v 20 c 10 D50= 43.1 1 1 1 1 D94= 115.7 0 D95= 159.0 o�L yyh ,Lh oh '. '1, ,L'b a h? 4, ,1 ,y<o ti� ,�'L p5 yb c,o ,ti4, q0 5� ,ti y'L ,yb bccb 40 o* o* o ti ti ti ti 3 h do ,yo �o D1oo= 256.0 Particle Class Size(mm) •MVO-04/2021 Reachwide and Cross-Section Pebble Count Plots Daniels Creek Mitigation Site USACE Action ID No.SAW-2017-00998 Monitoring Year 0-2021 Daniels Creek R2,Cross-Section 2 Diameter(mm) Summary Particle Class Riffle 100-Count Class Percent Daniels Creek R2,Cross-Section 2 min max Percentage Cumulative Pebble Count Particle Distribution SILT/CLAY Silt/Clay 0.000 0.062 0 100 4 1 1 1 I I 1 • • • • Very fine 0.062 0.125 0 90 Silt/Clay card Fine 0.125 0.250 0 Gravel Cobble Sou filer BeNrE 80 Brock Medium 0.25 0.50 1 1 1 Coarse 0.5 1.0 1 0 70 Very Coarse 1.0 2.0 1 1 2 i 60 Very Fine 2.0 2.8 2 = 50 Very Fine 2.8 4.0 1 1 3 = 40 Fine 4.0 5.6 1 1 4 il )14 Fine 5.6 8.0 2 2 6 • 30 a) u sp Medium 8.0 11.0 5 5 11 a 20 e Medium 11.0 16.0 6 6 17 10 Coarse 16.0 22.6 8 8 25 0 •—• • • • Coarse 22.6 32 12 12 37 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 Very Coarse 32 45 14 14 51 Particle Class Size(mm) Very Coarse 45 64 18 18 69 t MVO-04/2021 Small 64 90 15 15 84 O\ Small 90 128 7 7 91 N 0 0 Large 128 180 6 6 97 Large 180 256 3 3 100 Daniels Creek R2,Cross-Section 2 NNNNONONONON Individual Class Percent l Small 256 362 100 100 l Small 362 512 100 90 Medium 512 1024 100 80 ILar e Ver Lar e 1024 2048 100 g Y g SELL C Bedrock 2048 >2048 100 0,▪ 70 w Total 100 100 100 y 60 a ,n 50 Cross-Section 2 .., 40 Channel materials(mm) 3 30 D16= 15.03 - D35= 30.20 v 20 - 10 Dso= 43.9 ■ 1 , 1 I I , D94= 90.0 0 — D95= 160.7 o<01' yyh ob oh '' L L'b a h(P w ,1 ,yo,0,(.3 ',;1' p5 yb cO titi> tiq0 ti3 30 hyL do,yb ob``b o ° o- o. D1oo= 256.0 Particle Class Size(mm) •MVO-04/2021 Reachwide and Cross-Section Pebble Count Plots Daniels Creek Mitigation Site USACE Action ID No.SAW-2017-00998 Monitoring Year 0-2021 Daniels Creek R3,Cross-Section 4 Diameter(mm) Summary Particle Class Riffle 100-Count Class Percent Daniels Creek R3,Cross-Section 4 min max Percentage Cumulative Pebble Count Particle Distribution SILT/CLAY Silt/Clay 0.000 0.062 0 100 I �•--• • • Very fine 0.062 0.125 0 90 Silt/Clay card Gravel Yk .Sr Cobble 1 Fine 0.125 0.250 0 80 1 131)1q41er Bedrock Medium 0.25 0.50 0 Coarse 0.5 1.0 0 0 70 Very Coarse 1.0 2.0 3 3 3 i 60 IP Very Fine 2.0 2.8 3 3 50 Very Fine 2.8 4.0 3 E 40 Fine 4.0 5.6 3 Fine 5.6 8.0 3 • 30 a) u �op Medium 8.0 11.0 3 a 20 ��(" Medium 11.0 16.0 1 1 4 10 Coarse 16.0 22.6 5 5 9 s_•/• • • • • 0 •—• *- Coarse 22.6 32 4 4 13 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 Very Coarse 32 45 12 12 25 Particle Class Size(mm) Very Coarse 45 64 13 13 38 t MVO-04/2021 Small 64 90 14 14 52 L1 0\° ,\' Small 90 128 15 15 67 \° 0 0 Large 128 180 22 22 89 Large 180 256 7 7 96 Daniels Creek R3,Cross-Section 4 NNNNONONONON Individual Class Percent l Small 256 362 2 2 98 100 l Small 362 512 2 2 100 90 Medium 512 1024 100 80 ILar e Ver Lar e 1024 2048 100 g Y g SELL C Bedrock 2048 >2048 100 0,▪ 70 w Total 100 100 100 y 60 a ,n 50 Cross-Section 4 .., 40 Channel materials(mm) 3 30 D16= 34.85 - D35= 59.00 > 20 10 ■ ■ 1 1 1 1 I Dso= 85.7 D84= 166.6 0 • D95= 243.4 o<0'L ,14,) by oh '' 'b'L ,L a h(P w ' ' ,y�o , �'L 10 yb cO ti4> q0 5� �ti y'L ,y � � O. o o '1,CP , 1 1 'L "� h ,0b.yoW � �O D1oo= 512.0 Particle Class Size(mm) •MVO-04/2021 Reachwide and Cross-Section Pebble Count Plots Daniels Creek Mitigation Site USACE Action ID No.SAW-2017-00998 Monitoring Year 0-2021 Daniels Creek R4,Cross-Section 5 Diameter(mm) Summary Particle Class Riffle 100-Count Class Percent Daniels Creek R4,Cross-Section 5 min max Percentage Cumulative Pebble Count Particle Distribution SILT/CLAY Silt/Clay 0.000 0.062 5 5 5 100 4 1 1 1 I I II • • • • Very fine 0.062 0.125 5 90 SiItlClay card Gravel Yk Cobble Fine 0.125 0.250 5 80 I 13pr'4ler Bedrock Medium 0.25 0.50 5 Coarse 0.5 1.0 2 2 7 0 70 Very Coarse 1.0 2.0 7 i 60 IP Very Fine 2.0 2.8 7 3 50 Very Fine 2.8 4.0 7 E 40 Fine 4.0 5.6 7 Fine 5.6 8.0 7 • 30 a) 'a'�ot>' Medium 8.0 11.0 7 a 20 ��(" Medium 11.0 16.0 2 2 9 10 _ • Coarse 16.0 22.6 3 3 12 • • • 0 Coarse 22.6 32 6 6 18 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 Very Coarse 32 45 12 12 30 Particle Class Size(mm) Very Coarse 45 64 13 13 43 t MVO-04/2021 Small 64 90 24 24 67 O\ Small 90 128 8 8 75 • �� 0\° 0 0 Large 128 180 12 12 87 Large 180 256 10 10 97 Daniels Creek R4,Cross-Section 5 NNNNONONONON Individual Class Percent l Small 256 362 2 2 99 100 l Small 362 512 1 1 100 90 Medium 512 1024 100 80 ILar e Ver Lar e 1024 2048 100 g Y g SELL C Bedrock 2048 >2048 100 0,▪ 70 w Total 100 100 100 y 60 a ,n 50 Cross-Section 5 .., 40 Channel materials(mm) 3 30 D16= 28.50 - D35= 51.53 v 20 E 10 Dso= 70.7 ■ 1 1 , 1 1 D94= 165.3 0 D95= 238.6 o<0'L yyh by oh '' 'b'L ,1 a h(P w ' ' ,y�o 1,CP ,�'1 p5 yb cO 14 q0 � y'L 1b 1<cb � �oa O. O. o 1. ti ti ti5 3,ti h do, 10 Dim= 512.0 Particle Class Size(mm) •MVO-04/2021 Reachwide and Cross-Section Pebble Count Plots Daniels Creek Mitigation Site USACE Action ID No.SAW-2017-00998 Monitoring Year 0-2021 Daniels Creek R5,Cross-Section 7 Diameter(mm) Summary Particle Class Riffle 100-Count Class Percent Daniels Creek R5,Cross-Section 7 min max Percentage Cumulative Pebble Count Particle Distribution SILT/CLAY Silt/Clay 0.000 0.062 0 100 4 I I I I • • Very fine 0.062 0.125 0 90 SiItlClay card Gravel Yk Cobble Fine 0.125 0.250 0 80 13QY'41er Bedrock_ Medium 0.25 0.50 0 Coarse 0.5 1.0 0 0 70 Very Coarse 1.0 2.0 0 i 60 IP Very Fine 2.0 2.8 0 3 50 Very Fine 2.8 4.0 0 E 40 Fine 4.0 5.6 0 u Fine 5.6 8.0 0 • 30 a) u �oJF� Medium 8.0 11.0 0 o. a 20 0�(" Medium 11.0 16.0 1 1 1 10 Coarse 16.0 22.6 2 2 3 0 • _ - • Coarse 22.6 32 7 7 10 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 Very Coarse 32 45 12 12 22 Particle Class Size(mm) Very Coarse 45 64 16 16 38 t MVO-04/2021 Small 64 90 16 16 54 \° ,\' Small 90 128 10 10 64 N 0 0 Large 128 180 13 13 77 Large 180 256 11 11 88 Daniels Creek R5,Cross-Section 7 NNNNONONONON Individual Class Percent l Small 256 362 9 9 97 100 l Small 362 512 2 2 99 90 Medium 512 1024 1 1 100 80 ILar e Ver Lar e 1024 2048 100 g Y g sumo( Bedrock 2048 >2048 100 c 70 w Total 100 100 100 y 60 a ,n 50 Cross-Section 7 .., 40 Channel materials(mm) o 30 D16= 37.95 - D35= 59.91 v 20 Dso= 82.6 - 10 1 1 1 1 1 1 D94= 225.2 0 D95= 335.2 o<0'L yyh by oh '' 'b'L ,1 a h(P w ' ' ti3 ,1(P ,,'L 10 co'''' 0O q) 5� ,ti y'L 1b W � O. O. o '1, 'vb 1 '1 "� h ,0, .10bc �O0 D1oo= 1024.0 Particle Class Size(mm) •MVO-04/2021 Reachwide and Cross-Section Pebble Count Plots Daniels Creek Mitigation Site USACE Action ID No.SAW-2017-00998 Monitoring Year 0-2021 T1 R1,Cross-Section 8 Diameter(mm) Summary Particle Class Riffle 100-Count Class Percent T1 R1,Cross-Section 8 min max Percentage Cumulative Pebble Count Particle Distribution SILT/CLAY Silt/Clay 0.000 0.062 2 2 2 100 4 I I I • • • • Very fine 0.062 0.125 2 90 SiItlClay card Gravel )ikCobble Sou der BedrockNrE Fine 0.125 0.250 2 80 Medium 0.25 0.50 1 1 3 Coarse 0.5 1.0 3 0 70 Very Coarse 1.0 2.0 2 2 5 i 60 Very Fine 2.0 2.8 2 2 7 = 50 Very Fine 2.8 4.0 1 1 8 E 40 Fine 4.0 5.6 2 2 10 u —•--G•J Fine 5.6 8.0 3 3 13 30 a) u JF� Medium 8.0 11.0 5 5 18 o. a 20 e Medium 11.0 16.0 3 3 21 10 Coarse 16.0 22.6 4 4 25 0 • • •- Coarse 22.6 32 7 7 32 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 Very Coarse 32 45 12 12 44 Particle Class Size(mm) Very Coarse 45 64 15 15 59 t MVO-04/2021 0\° Small 64 90 13 13 72 0� Small 90 128 14 14 86 N 0 0 Large 128 180 11 11 97 \\\\`Large 180 256 3 3 100 Ti R1,Cross Section 8 Individual Class Percent l Small 256 362 100 100 l Small 362 512 100 90 Medium 512 1024 100 80 ILar e Ver Lar e 1024 2048 100 g Y g sumo( Bedrock 2048 >2048 100 c 70 0, Total 100 100 100 y 60 a ,n 50 Cross-Section 8 '-° v 40 Channel materials(mm) 3 30 D16= 9.68 - D35= 34.85 v 20 Dso= 51.8 E 10 ■ ■ ■ ■ 1 1 1 1 1 D94= 121.7 0 — • D95= 169.2 o<01' yyh ob oh '' L L'b a h(P w ,1 yo,0,(.3 ',;1' p5 yb cO titi> tiqO ti3 30 hyL do,yb o)<`b o ° o- o. D1oo= 256.0 Particle Class Size(mm) •MVO-04/2021 Reachwide and Cross-Section Pebble Count Plots Daniels Creek Mitigation Site USACE Action ID No.SAW-2017-00998 Monitoring Year 0-2021 T1 R4,Cross-Section 9 Diameter(mm) Summary Particle Class Riffle 100-Count Class Percent T1 R4,Cross-Section 9 min max Percentage Cumulative Pebble Count Particle Distribution SILT/CLAY Silt/Clay 0.000 0.062 3 3 3 100 4 1 1 1 I I I I • • • • Very fine 0.062 0.125 3 90 SiItlClay card Gravel Yk rim Cobble 1 Fine 0.125 0.250 3 80 �pr'4ler Bedrock Medium 0.25 0.50 1 1 4 ............____........a...........i/ Coarse 0.5 1.0 2 2 6 0 70 Very Coarse 1.0 2.0 1 1 7 i 60 IP Very Fine 2.0 2.8 1 1 8 3 50 Very Fine 2.8 4.0 3 3 11 E 40 Fine 4.0 5.6 1 1 12 Fine 5.6 8.0 2 2 14 • 30 a) 'a'4>' Medium 8.0 11.0 3 3 17 a 20 ��(" Medium 11.0 16.0 7 7 24 10 Coarse 16.0 22.6 7 7 31 0 p • • Coarse 22.6 32 10 10 41 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 Very Coarse 32 45 7 7 48 Particle Class Size(mm) Very Coarse 45 64 16 16 64 t MVO-04/2021 Small 64 90 6 6 70 O\ Small 90 128 9 9 79 N 0 0 Large 128 180 13 13 92 \\\\`Large 180 256 5 5 97 Ti R4,Cross Section 9 Individual Class Percent l Small 256 362 2 2 99 100 l Small 362 512 1 1 100 90 Medium 512 1024 100 80 ILar e Ver Lar e 1024 2048 100 g Y g SELL C Bedrock 2048 >2048 100 0,▪ 70 w Total 100 100 100 y 60 a ,n 50 Cross-Section 9 '-° v 40 Channel materials(mm) 3 30 D16= 9.89 - D35= 25.97 v 20 E 10 Dso= 47.0 — — — — 11111E11M D94= 145.9 D95= 222.4 o<0'L yyh by oh '' 'b'L ,L a h(P w ' ' ,y�o 1,CP ,�'L p5 yb cO ti4> q0 53 �ti y'L ,y 1<cb � �oe O. O. o 1. ti ti ti 3 h dob yo Dim= 512.0 Particle Class Size(mm) •MVO-04/2021 Reachwide and Cross-Section Pebble Count Plots Daniels Creek Mitigation Site USACE Action ID No.SAW-2017-00998 Monitoring Year 0-2021 T1 R4,Cross-Section 11 Diameter(mm) Summary Particle Class Riffle 100-Count Class Percent T1 R4,Cross-Section 11 min max Percentage Cumulative Pebble Count Particle Distribution SILT/CLAY Silt/Clay 0.000 0.062 2 2 2 100 4 1 1 1 I I I • • • • Very fine 0.062 0.125 1 1 3 90 SiltlClay card Gravel Cobble r Fine 0.125 0.250 3 80 I Ppr'4ler Bedrock Medium 0.25 0.50 1 1 4 Coarse 0.5 1.0 4 0 70 Very Coarse 1.0 2.0 1 1 5 i 60 • Very Fine 2.0 2.8 5 3 50 Very Fine 2.8 4.0 5 E 40 Fine 4.0 5.6 5 c 30 Fine 5.6 8.0 5 w 'a'�oJF,\' Medium 8.0 11.0 5 a 20 ��(" Medium 11.0 16.0 2 2 7 10 Coarse 16.0 22.6 6 6 13 0 •-___• •___• • -• • • • • Coarse 22.6 32 7 7 20 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 Very Coarse 32 45 16 16 36 Particle Class Size(mm) Very Coarse 45 64 20 20 56 t MVO-04/2021 U1 Small 64 90 17 17 73 O\ Small 90 128 12 12 85 &\° 0 0 Large 128 180 5 5 90 \\\\`Large 180 256 8 8 98 Ti R4,Cross Section 11 Individual Class Percent l Small 256 362 1 1 99 100 l Small 362 512 1 1 100 90 Medium 512 1024 100 80 ILar e Ver Lar e 1024 2048 100 g Y g SELL C Bedrock 2048 >2048 100 0, 70 w Total 100 100 100 y 60 a ,n 50 Cross-Section 11 '-° v 40 Channel materials(mm) 3 30 D16= 26.23 - D35= 44.05 v 20 10 ■ , I I I 1 ■ , — Dso= 57.6 D94= 124.3 0 D95= 224.3 o<01' ytih by p‘' '' ti ti$ a h(P w ' ' y3 1,(.3 oti 10 ya co '1w •b0 5(3 yti yti ,1a 1ro o° D1oo= 512.0 Particle Class Size(mm) •MVO-04/2021 Reachwide and Cross-Section Pebble Count Plots Daniels Creek Mitigation Site USACE Action ID No.SAW-2017-00998 Monitoring Year 0-2021 T1 R5,Cross-Section 12 Diameter(mm) Summary Particle Class Riffle 100-Count Class Percent T1 R5,Cross-Section 12 min max Percentage Cumulative Pebble Count Particle Distribution SILT/CLAY Silt/Clay 0.000 0.062 1 1 1 100 4 I I I �—• • • Very fine 0.062 0.125 1 90 Silt/Clay card Gravel �/'Y�J Cobble Fine 0.125 0.250 1 80 131)1q41er Be Bedrock- Medium 0.25 0.50 1 Coarse 0.5 1.0 1 0 70 Very Coarse 1.0 2.0 1 1 2 i 60 Very Fine 2.0 2.8 2 3 50 Very Fine 2.8 4.0 2 E 40 Fine 4.0 5.6 2 u Fine 5.6 8.0 2 30 a) u �op Medium 8.0 11.0 1 1 3 a 20 ��(" Medium 11.0 16.0 1 1 4 10 Coarse 16.0 22.6 1 1 5 0 • • Coarse 22.6 32 4 4 9 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 Very Coarse 32 45 5 5 14 Particle Class Size(mm) Very Coarse 45 64 16 16 30 t MVO-04/2021 0 L1 Small 64 90 18 18 48 ��' Small 90 128 16 16 64 N 0 0 Large 128 180 17 17 81 \\\\`Large 180 256 10 10 91 Ti R5,Cross Section 12 Individual Class Percent l Small 256 362 6 6 97 100 l Small 362 512 3 3 100 90 Medium 512 1024 100 80 ILar e Ver Lar e 1024 2048 100 g Y g sumo( Bedrock 2048 >2048 100 c 70 0, Total 100 100 100 y 60 a ,n 50 Cross-Section 12 '-° v 40 Channel materials(mm) 3 30 D16= 47.03 - D35= 70.36 v 20 Dso= 94.1 10 I I I 1 D94= 200.1 0 — . D95= 322.5 o<0'L ,14,) by oh '' 'b'L ,1 a h? w ' ' ,yo 1CP ,�'1 p5 yb cO 14 q0 5� ,oti y'L ,1b bccb a° O. o o '1, 1 1 '1 "� h ,0 .10 �O D1oo= 512.0 Particle Class Size(mm) •MVO-04/2021 Reachwide and Cross-Section Pebble Count Plots Daniels Creek Mitigation Site USACE Action ID No.SAW-2017-00998 Monitoring Year 0-2021 T2,Cross-Section 14 Diameter(mm) Summary Particle Class Riffle 100-Count Class Percent T2,Cross-Section 14 min max Percentage Cumulative Pebble Count Particle Distribution SILT/CLAY Silt/Clay 0.000 0.062 19 19 19 100 4 1 1 1 I I I i ~ ° • • • Very fine 0.062 0.125 19 90 Silt/Clay card Gravel Cobble )14 Sou filer NrE Be Brock Fine 0.125 0.250 19 80 Medium 0.25 0.50 8 8 27 Coarse 0.5 1.0 27 0 70 Very Coarse 1.0 2.0 3 3 30 i 60 Very Fine 2.0 2.8 3 3 33 550 Very Fine 2.8 4.0 5 5 38 E 40 Fine 4.0 5.6 1 1 39 u Fine 5.6 8.0 2 2 41 • 30 a) u JF� Medium 8.0 11.0 41 o. a 20 �� e Medium 11.0 16.0 2 2 43 10 Coarse 16.0 22.6 3 3 46 0 Coarse 22.6 32 5 5 51 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 Very Coarse 32 45 9 9 60 Particle Class Size(mm) Very Coarse 45 64 8 8 68 t MVO-04/2021 VSmall 64 90 12 12 80 ��' Small 90 128 8 8 88 N 0 0 Large 128 180 12 12 100 \\\\`Large 180 256 100 T2,Cross Section 14 Individual Class Percent l Small 256 362 100 100 l Small 362 512 100 90 Medium 512 1024 100 80 ILar e Ver Lar e 1024 2048 100 g Y g sumo( Bedrock 2048 >2048 100 c 70 0, Total 100 100 100 y 60 a ,n 50 Cross-Section 14 '-° v 40 Channel materials(mm) To D16= Silt/Clay 72 - 30 D35= 3.23 v• 20 I Dso= 29.8 10 , Dom= 107.3 0 • • • — • • ' , , D95= 156.2 o<01' ytih by off' ti ti ti$ a h(P w yti y� �� ',;1' 10 (0'''' c0 1w o0 5� yti yti ,1a 10 a° o- 0- o '1, 1 1 '1 "� h ,0 .10 �O D1oo= 180.0 Particle Class Size(mm) •MVO-04/2021 Reachwide and Cross-Section Pebble Count Plots Daniels Creek Mitigation Site USACE Action ID No.SAW-2017-00998 Monitoring Year 0-2021 T3 R2,Cross-Section 16 Diameter(mm) Summary Particle Class Riffle 100-Count Class Percent T3 R2,Cross-Section 16 min max Percentage Cumulative Pebble Count Particle Distribution SILT/CLAY Silt/Clay 0.000 0.062 3 3 3 100 4 1 1 1 I I I A}• • • • • Very fine 0.062 0.125 3 90 Silt/Clay card Gravel Cobble Sou filer BeNrE Brock 14 Fine 0.125 0.250 3 80 Medium 0.25 0.50 3 Coarse 0.5 1.0 2 2 5 0 70 Very Coarse 1.0 2.0 5 5 10 i 60 Very Fine 2.0 2.8 10 550 Very Fine 2.8 4.0 10 E 40 Fine 4.0 5.6 10 Fine 5.6 8.0 10 • 30 a) u sp Medium 8.0 11.0 1 1 11 a 20 e Medium 11.0 16.0 11 10 i• • • Coarse 16.0 22.6 5 5 16 0 • • •�✓ Coarse 22.6 32 10 10 26 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 Very Coarse 32 45 16 16 42 Particle Class Size(mm) Very Coarse 45 64 17 17 59 t MVO-04/2021 Small 64 90 22 22 81 L1 0,N ,\' Small 90 128 7 7 88 N 0 0 Large 128 180 7 7 95 RNNNNONONONON Large 180 256 5 5 100 T3 R2,Cross Section 16 Individual Class Percent l Small 256 362 100 100 l Small 362 512 100 90 Medium 512 1024 100 80 ILar e Ver Lar e 1024 2048 100 g Y g sumC Bedrock 2048 >2048 100 c▪ 70 w Total 100 100 100 y 60 a ,,, 50 Cross-Section 16 '-° v 40 Channel materials(mm) 3 30 D16= 22.60 - D35= 38.76 > 20 10 - ■ _ •■ 111 D50= 53.1 D94= 104.7 0 , , • D95= 180.0 o<01' yyh by oh '' 'L ,L'b a h(P w ' ' ,y(o ,tip ',;1' 10 (0'''' cO ,ti4> q�) � �ti y'L yb ,`b � �O a o- 0- o '1, 1 1 'L5 "� h ,0, .yo D1oo= 256.0 Particle Class Size(mm) •MVO-04/2021 Reachwide and Cross-Section Pebble Count Plots Daniels Creek Mitigation Site USACE Action ID No.SAW-2017-00998 Monitoring Year 0-2021 T4 R1,Cross-Section 18 Diameter(mm) Summary Particle Class Riffle 100-Count Class Percent T4 R1,Cross-Section 18 min max Percentage Cumulative Pebble Count Particle Distribution SILT/CLAY Silt/Clay 0.000 0.062 2 2 2 100 4 1 1 1 I I I I • • Very fine 0.062 0.125 2 90 SiItlClay card Gravel Yk Cobble 14 Fine 0.125 0.250 2 80 I 13pr'4ler Bedrock Medium 0.25 0.50 2 Coarse 0.5 1.0 2 0 70 Very Coarse 1.0 2.0 2 i 60 Very Fine 2.0 2.8 2 3 50 Very Fine 2.8 4.0 2 E 40 Fine 4.0 5.6 2 u Fine 5.6 8.0 2 30 a) u �op Medium 8.0 11.0 2 a 20 ��(" Medium 11.0 16.0 1 1 3 10 Coarse 16.0 22.6 5 5 8 0 • • Coarse 22.6 32 7 7 15 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 Very Coarse 32 45 10 10 25 Particle Class Size(mm) Very Coarse 45 64 21 21 46 t MVO-04/2021 0\° Small 64 90 19 19 65 0� Small 90 128 17 17 82 \° 0 0 Large 128 180 11 11 93 \\\\`Large 180 256 3 3 96 T4 R1,Cross Section 18 Individual Class Percent l Small 256 362 2 2 98 100 l Small 362 512 2 2 100 90 Medium 512 1024 100 80 ILar e Ver Lar e 1024 2048 100 g Y g sumo( Bedrock 2048 >2048 100 c 70 0, Total 100 100 100 y 60 a ,n 50 Cross-Section 18 '-° v 40 Channel materials(mm) 3 30 D16= 33.11 - D35= 53.22 v 20 Dso= 68.8 10 ■ 1 1 I I 1 D94= 136.2 0 D95= 227.6 o<0'L yyh by oh '' 'b'L ,1 a h? w ' ' ,yo 1CP ,�'1 p5 yb cO 14 qO 5� ,oti y'L 1b bccb � �Oa O. o o '1, 1 1 '1 "� h ,O, .10 D1oo= 512.0 Particle Class Size(mm) •MVO-04/2021 Reachwide and Cross-Section Pebble Count Plots Daniels Creek Mitigation Site USACE Action ID No.SAW-2017-00998 Monitoring Year 0-2021 T4 R2,Cross-Section 19 Diameter(mm) Summary Particle Class Riffle 100-Count Class Percent T4 R2,Cross-Section 19 min max Percentage Cumulative Pebble Count Particle Distribution SILT/CLAY Silt/Clay 0.000 0.062 2 2 2 100 4 1 1 1 I • • Very fine 0.062 0.125 2 2 4 90 Silt/Clay card Gravel Yk Cobble 1 Fine 0.125 0.250 3 3 7 80 1131)1q41er Bedrock Medium 0.25 0.50 2 2 9 ....................................j Coarse 0.5 1.0 2 2 11 0 70 Very Coarse 1.0 2.0 2 2 13 i 60 Very Fine 2.0 2.8 13 550 Very Fine 2.8 4.0 13 E 40 Fine 4.0 5.6 13 Fine 5.6 8.0 13 • 30 a) 'a'4>' Medium 8.0 11.0 13 a 20 ��(" Medium 11.0 16.0 2 2 15 10 Coarse 16.0 22.6 4 4 19 0 Coarse 22.6 32 7 7 26 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 Very Coarse 32 45 5 5 31 Particle Class Size(mm) Very Coarse 45 64 14 14 45 t MVO-04/2021 Small 64 90 22 22 67 O\ Small 90 128 13 13 80 N 0 0 Large 128 180 9 9 89 \\\\`Large 180 256 6 6 95 T4 R2,Cross Section 19 Individual Class Percent l Small 256 362 3 3 98 100 l Small 362 512 2 2 100 90 Medium 512 1024 100 80 ILar e Ver Lar e 1024 2048 100 Sg Y g EL AM Bedrock 2048 >2048 100 0,▪ 70 w Total 100 100 100 y 60 a ,n 50 Cross-Section 19 '-° v 40 Channel materials(mm) 3 30 D16= 17.44 - D35= 49.76 v 20 E 10 Dso= 69.2 1 1 1 D94= 148.9 0 , D95= 256.0 o<0'L ,14,) by oh '' 'b'L ,L a h? w ' ' ,y�o , �'L 10 yb cO ti4> q0 5� �ti y'L ,y 1W � �Oe 0. o o '1,CP , 1 1 'L "� h ,0b.yo D1oo= 512.0 Particle Class Size(mm) •MVO-04/2021 Reachwide and Cross-Section Pebble Count Plots Daniels Creek Mitigation Site USACE Action ID No.SAW-2017-00998 Monitoring Year 0-2021 T5 R2,Cross-Section 20 Diameter(mm) Summary Particle Class Riffle 100-Count Class Percent T5 R2,Cross-Section 20 min max Percentage Cumulative Pebble Count Particle Distribution SILT/CLAY Silt/Clay 0.000 0.062 7 7 7 100 4 I I I 11 • • • • Very fine 0.062 0.125 5 5 12 90 SiItlClay card �k Gravel Cobble)If Fine 0.125 0.250 1 1 13 80 / ISou filer NrE Bedrock_ Be Medium 0.25 0.50 1 1 14 Coarse 0.5 1.0 14 0 70 Very Coarse 1.0 2.0 2 2 16 i 60 IP Very Fine 2.0 2.8 16 550 Very Fine 2.8 4.0 16 E 40 Fine 4.0 5.6 16 Fine 5.6 8.0 16 • 30 a) u sp Medium 8.0 11.0 16 a 20 • • • • e Medium 11.0 16.0 4 4 20 10 f Coarse 16.0 22.6 7 7 27 0 Coarse 22.6 32 12 12 39 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 Very Coarse 32 45 11 11 50 Particle Class Size(mm) Very Coarse 45 64 6 6 56 t MVO-04/2021 Small 64 90 16 16 72 O\ Small 90 128 8 8 80 • �� 0\° 0 0 Large 128 180 12 12 92 \\\\`Large 180 256 6 6 98 T5 R2,Cross Section 20 Individual Class Percent l Small 256 362 2 2 100 100 l Small 362 512 100 90 Medium 512 1024 100 80 ILar e Ver Lar e 1024 2048 100 g Y g SELL C Bedrock 2048 >2048 100 0,▪ 70 w Total 100 100 100 y 60 a ,n 50 Cross-Section 20 '-° v 40 Channel materials(mm) 3 30 D16= 2.00 - D35= 28.50 v 20 E 10 Dso= 45.0 I ■ _ _ ■ 1 1 1 , 1 D94= 143.4 0 D95= 214.7 o<0ti ,14,) by off' ti ti ti$ a h? w yti y� �CP 3ti 100'''' 00 1w o0 5� yti yti 1a �o 0� O. o o '1, 1 1 '1 "� h ,0, .10 �O D1o0= 362.0 Particle Class Size(mm) •MVO-04/2021 Reachwide and Cross-Section Pebble Count Plots Daniels Creek Mitigation Site USACE Action ID No.SAW-2017-00998 Monitoring Year 0-2021 T6 R2,Cross-Section 21 Diameter(mm) Summary Particle Class Riffle 100-Count Class Percent T6 R2,Cross-Section 21 min max Percentage Cumulative Pebble Count Particle Distribution SILT/CLAY Silt/Clay 0.000 0.062 1 1 1 100 4 I I I ,�+ •• • Very fine 0.062 0.125 1 90 Silt/Clay card Gravel III Cobble Fine 0.125 0.250 1 80 I 13pr'4ler Bedrock Medium 0.25 0.50 1 Coarse 0.5 1.0 1 0 70 Very Coarse 1.0 2.0 1 i 60 IP Very Fine 2.0 2.8 1 3 50 Very Fine 2.8 4.0 1 E 40 Fine 4.0 5.6 1 1 2 u c 30 Fine 5.6 8.0 2 2 4 w 'a'�op Medium 8.0 11.0 2 2 6 a 20 ��(" Medium 11.0 16.0 5 5 11 10 Coarse 16.0 22.6 5 5 16 0 • • • • • • • Coarse 22.6 32 7 7 23 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 Very Coarse 32 45 15 15 38 Particle Class Size(mm) Very Coarse 45 64 17 17 55 t MVO-04/2021 Small 64 90 18 18 73 O\ Small 90 128 14 14 87 &\° 0 ���0 Large 128 180 3 3 90 \\\\`Large 180 256 4 4 94 T6 R2,Cross-Section 21 Individual Class Percent l Small 256 362 3 3 97 100 l Small 362 512 2 2 99 90 Medium 512 1024 1 1 100 80 ILar e Ver Lar e 1024 2048 100 g Y g sumo( Bedrock 2048 >2048 100 6. 70 0, Total 100 100 100 y 60 a ,n 50 Cross-Section 21 '-° v 40 Channel materials(mm) 3 30 D16= 22.60 - D35= 42.03 v 20 Dso= 57.7 10 , ' I I ' D94= 118.7 0 D95= 287.3 o<0'L yyh by oh '' 'L ,1'b a h(P w ' ' ,y�o 1,CP ,�'1 10 yb cO 14 qO 53 ,ti y'L 1b 1<cb � �Oa O. O. o '1, 'v 1 '1 "� h ,O, .10 D1oo= 1024.0 Particle Class Size(mm) •MVO-04/2021 Reachwide and Cross-Section Pebble Count Plots Daniels Creek Mitigation Site USACE Action ID No.SAW-2017-00998 Monitoring Year 0-2021 T7,Cross-Section 22 Diameter(mm) Summary Particle Class Riffle 100-Count Class Percent T7,Cross-Section 22 min max Percentage Cumulative Pebble Count Particle Distribution SILT/CLAY Silt/Clay 0.000 0.062 11 11 11 100 4 1 1 1 I I I e. •—• ° • • • Very fine 0.062 0.125 11 90 Silt/Clay card Gravel Cobble )14 Sou filer NrE Be Brock Fine 0.125 0.250 11 80 Medium 0.25 0.50 6 6 17 Coarse 0.5 1.0 1 1 18 0 70 Very Coarse 1.0 2.0 2 2 20 i 60 Very Fine 2.0 2.8 20 550 Very Fine 2.8 4.0 3 3 23 E 40 Fine 4.0 5.6 4 4 27 u Fine 5.6 8.0 27 30 a) u sp Medium 8.0 11.0 2 2 29 o. a 20 e Medium 11.0 16.0 3 3 32 10 • • Coarse 16.0 22.6 7 7 39 0 Coarse 22.6 32 11 11 50 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 Very Coarse 32 45 12 12 62 Particle Class Size(mm) Very Coarse 45 64 13 13 75 t MVO-04/2021 0\° Small 64 90 11 11 86 0� ��� Small 90 128 12 12 98 N 0 0 Large 128 180 2 2 100 \\\\`Large 180 256 100 T7,Cross Section 22 Individual Class Percent l Small 256 362 100 100 l Small 362 512 100 90 Medium 512 1024 100 80 ILar e Ver Lar e 1024 2048 100 g Y g aC1ROC Bedrock 2048 >2048 100 c 70 w Total 100 100 100 y 60 a ,n 50 Cross-Section 22 .., 40 Channel materials(mm) 3 30 D16= 0.45 - D35= 18.55 v 20 Dso= 32.0 10 IIIIII D94= 84.6 0 ' — D95= 117.2 <01' yyh ob o‘' '' L L'b a h(P w ' ' ,(o'tip ',;1' 5 (0'''' co 1ti> 1q uo 4 ti hy L,0,yb.o W O ° o- o D1oo= 180.0 Particle Class Size(mm) •MVO-04/2021 Reachwide and Cross-Section Pebble Count Plots Daniels Creek Mitigation Site USACE Action ID No.SAW-2017-00998 Monitoring Year 0-2021 T8 R1,Cross-Section 24 Diameter(mm) Summary Particle Class Riffle 100-Count Class Percent T8 R1,Cross-Section 24 min max Percentage Cumulative Pebble Count Particle Distribution SILT/CLAY Silt/Clay 0.000 0.062 1 1 1 100 4 1 1 1 )k • • • - • • • • • Very fine 0.062 0.125 1 90 SiItlClay Sand Gravel 114 Fine 0.125 0.250 2 2 3 Cobble 3oulder 80 Bedrock Medium 0.25 0.50 2 2 5 Coarse 0.5 1.0 3 3 8 0 70 Very Coarse 1.0 2.0 6 6 14 i 60 Very Fine 2.0 2.8 5 5 19 550 Very Fine 2.8 4.0 4 4 23 E 40 Fine 4.0 5.6 2 2 25 Fine 5.6 8.0 2 2 27 • 30 a) 'a'�op Medium 8.0 11.0 5 5 32 a 20 ��(" Medium 11.0 16.0 7 7 39 10 Coarse 16.0 22.6 14 14 53 0 Coarse 22.6 32 20 20 73 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 Very Coarse 32 45 18 18 91 Particle Class Size(mm) Very Coarse 45 64 8 8 99 t MVO-04/2021 Small 64 90 1 1 100 \° \° Small 90 128 100 &\° 0 \kk0 Large 128 180 100 \\\\`Large 180 256 100 T8 R1,Cross Section 24 Individual Class Percent l Small 256 362 100 100 l Small 362 512 100 90 Medium 512 1024 100 80 ILar e Ver Lar e 1024 2048 100 g Y g aCROC Bedrock 2048 >2048 100 c▪ 70 w Total 100 100 100 y 60 a ,n 50 Cross-Section 24 .., 40 Channel materials(mm) 3 30 D16= 2.29 - D35= 12.92 v 20 E 10 Dso= 21.0 ■ ■ ■ ■ 1 I , D94= 39.4 D95= 53.7 <0ti ,'14,) by o� '' 'b'L ,1 a h(P w ' ' ,yo 1CP ,�'1 p5 yb cO 14 q0 5� ,ti y'L 1b bccb � �Oa O. o o '1, 1 1 '1 "� h ,0, .10 D1oo= 90.0 Particle Class Size(mm) •MVO-04/2021 Reachwide and Cross-Section Pebble Count Plots Daniels Creek Mitigation Site USACE Action ID No.SAW-2017-00998 Monitoring Year 0-2021 T8 R2,Cross-Section 25 Diameter(mm) Summary Particle Class Riffle 100-Count Class Percent T8 R2,Cross-Section 25 min max Percentage Cumulative Pebble Count Particle Distribution SILT/CLAY Silt/Clay 0.000 0.062 0 100 4 I I 1 A •—. ° • • • Very fine 0.062 0.125 0 90 SiItlClay card Gravel )ikCoI b 14 Sou filer Fine 0.125 0.250 0 80 Bedrock_ Medium 0.25 0.50 1 1 1 Coarse 0.5 1.0 1 0 70 Very Coarse 1.0 2.0 2 2 3 i 60 Very Fine 2.0 2.8 2 2 5 = 50 Very Fine 2.8 4.0 5 E 40 Fine 4.0 5.6 1 1 6 u Fine 5.6 8.0 2 2 8 30 a) u JF� Medium 8.0 11.0 4 4 12 o. a 20 e Medium 11.0 16.0 4 4 16 10 Coarse 16.0 22.6 4 4 20 0 • • •--8—J Coarse 22.6 32 11 11 31 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 Very Coarse 32 45 16 16 47 Particle Class Size(mm) Very Coarse 45 64 15 15 62 t MVO-04/2021 0 L1 Small 64 90 14 14 76 ��' Small 90 128 15 15 91 N 0 0 Large 128 180 9 9 100 O\\ \\\\ Large 180 256 100 T8 R2,Cross Section 25 Individual Class Percent l Small 256 362 100 100 l Small 362 512 100 90 Medium 512 1024 100 80 ILar e Ver Lar e 1024 2048 100 g Y g sumo( Bedrock 2048 >2048 100 5 70 w Total 100 100 100 y 60 a ,n 50 Cross-Section 25 '-° v 40 Channel materials(mm) 3 30 D16= 16.00 - D35= 34.85 v 20 ` 10 111111 Dso= 48.3 Dom= 108.6 0 — � � — � � � � D95= 148.9 o<0ti ,14,' by off' ti ti ti$ a h(P w yti y3 �CP ''.31' 100'''' 00 1w o0 5� yti yti �o 0� O. o o '1, 1 1 '1 "� h ,91,`.10 �O D1o0= 180.0 Particle Class Size(mm) •MVO-04/2021 APPENDIX 5. Record Drawings I Y -0, ,,, ,,, ,.,,, Daniels Creek Mitigation Siter-,,,,!Zz b`°iw ��Qz ou^z Record Drawing �w0 z, Cape Fear River Basin 0303004 w ,, w Harnett County, North Carolina ,,,,,,,1111f,,,,,, _V WON 1- % . v�m2�:s. N Sheet Index %°a-.... V\s. 17 .°y Re Title Sheet 0.1 I Z General Notes and Symbols 0.2 Wetland Enhancement Overview 1.0 bA Broadway J ':J Wetland Enhancement 1.1-1.12 �.. 0 Plan and Profile Overview 2.0 ct rt 05 C'. Plan and Profile Sheets 2.1-2.43 �a��\! Planting Tables 3.0 U • rr Planting Plan Overview 3.1 963:4 Matthews In Planting Plans 3.2-3.10 Z Fencing Plan Overview 4.0 •, v a i gb �''41x, Fencing Plan 4.1-4.31 q, 4{DI S U A Semi ante ,-- • PROJECT LOCATION 1.1 ' ' .V� M ©2018 Microsoft Corporation©2018 HERE Ir i:� xj cn Vicinity Map "—i Not to Scale rt Project Directory Surveying: Engineering: Q Turner Land Surveying Wildlands Engineering,Inc P.O.Box 148 License No.F-0831 Swannanoa,NC 28778 312 W.Millbrook Rd,Suite 225 z RECORD DRAWING Lissa Turner,PLS Raleigh, NC 27609 II,DAVID S.TURNER,CERTIFY THAT THIS PROJECT WAS COMPLETED UNDER MY J U LY 23, 2021 919-827-0745 Chris Roessler,PTO ect Mana er DIRECT AND RESPONSIBLE CHARGE FROM AN ACTUAL SURVEY MADE UNDER MYg SUPERVISION;THAT THIS TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY WAS PERFORMED AT THE 95 Angela Allen,PE,Project Engineer PERCENT CONFIDENCE LEVEL TO MEET FEDERAL GEOGRAPHIC DATA COMMITTEE 919-851-9986 1 STANDARDS;THAT THIS SURVEY WAS PERFORMED TO MEET THE REQUIREMENTS " FOR A TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY TO THE HORIZONTAL ACCURACY OF CLASS A AND THE VERTICAL ACCURACY WHEN APPLICABLE TO CLASS C STANDARD,AND THAT USACE Action ID No.2017-00998 z THE ORIGINAL DATA WAS OBTAINED IN MAY-JUN 2021;THAT THE SURVEY WAS •7 COMPLETED ON 15 JUL 2021;AND ALL COORDINATES ARE BASED ON NAD83(2011) AND ALL ELEVATIONS ARE BASED ON NAVD88.WITNESS MY ORIGINAL o z U o SIGNATURE,LICENSE NUMBER,AND SEAL N THIS 21st DAY OF JULY,2021. p0""1O14„�� -r L-4551 l DAVID S.TURNE ,P.L.S.#L- 551 ¢ .c �G7`0.$U "44,, m 1 v x v i Existing Features Design Features As-Built Features Existing Property Boundary CE CE CE Design Conservation Easement — — — — — — — — — — — As-Built Stream Alignment a/w Existing NCDOT Right-of-way is is is Design Internal Crossing — — — — — — — — — — — As-Built Stream Alignment Deviation Zz An Uk" oN�o 10+00 OILLZ YZNzua/w Existing Utility Right-of-way I Not For Credit — — — As-Built Bankfull oz y10+00 =eo° OHE Existing Overhead Electric I Design Enhancement II Reach —(10) As-Built 5'Major Contour t7 'a 10+00 z H E ry w w Existing Culvert I Design Restoration Reach As-Built 1'Minor Contour 10+00 x x Existing Fence — — Design Linear Wetland Loo goo Limits of Disturbance(Survey Limits) Design Bankfull • • As-Built Culvert '' " Existing Wetland W W 540 Design 5'Major Contour 0 0 0 As-Built 5-Wire Fence Design 1'Minor Contour 0 0 0 As-Built Woven Wire Fence �a���%iill ii/"., Existing Pond :�‘ap""•• y'.� •XS-# , Cross Section I-- 'NAEoNda3js C Design Riffle a _� aHa,.m PP-# Photo Point � . womv• ' ( o Design Lunker Log FG/CG-# Gage-Stream Crest/Flow �i�04;;..... P‘,P` ( o "nil'Ov GWG-# Gage-Groundwater Design Angled Log Sill D'UA CD Design Boulder Sill ,, VP-# Vegetation Plot \ Design Log Vane C rn 0 VEG 3 Design Log 1-Hook •••• ft •�•�•�• As-Built Riffle f ( n As-Built Lunker Log 0 Design Brush Toe O U c t O U As-Built Angled Log Sill ❑ cI L Design Transplanted Sod Mat -1 As-Built Boulder Toe (f) 0 d El X O C As-Built Log Vane 4 1,11 Design Rock Floodplain Outlet O(f O z 01 \\ As-Built Log l-Hook 4 O Design Culvert `' U ilk - 16 r c� ����j� As-Built Brush Toe ?-� Design Brush Baffle `�```�� b ( o Design Valley Sill ��� As-Built Rock Floodplain Outlet/Rip Rap •� (((JJJ > Design Rock Cascade a Ofrtt\� As-Built Brush Baffle u ( ❑ As-Built Valley Sill .otzbf As-Built Tree P12z As-Built Treeline I cNa As-Built 2"Tube Steel Gate x ✓ As-Built Double 2"Tube Steel Gate o z u �o 6 N As-Built Crossing .. c CD NOTE: 1. DEVIATIONS FROM THE DESIGN " Tb WILL BE SHOWN IN RED. A Z n 3 A i v QD N/F Q0 �� o BARRY J.PATTERSON z `�`a'' D.B.9681 8- 378 / �� uz z PIN:9681-98-9378 / N/F 11'L — �z °s� I JUANITAB.DOUGLASET.AL. 7EANg NSF 0 =-"a D.B.768,PG.20 �. BARKCTT�oAS& z '�HE PIN:9691-08-7169 �a, 328 MAS �Il w w yJ % cE y\ �691 18 g1 Og m m / / NO.N/F — T7 �' / PATTERSON AND SONS,IN e / ,� D.B.3391,PG.536 ° —ce —eE ee �� / \ �����111411ry22 PIN:9681-97-7650 1 / co \ \33 / \ 71 \ `\�aP,..., 1,z, \ \ \ 3, _3J S CREEK /cE w p`.SAE a'j� t. / _3 D/aI�11EL / E \m \ -�• a"� �y:6 W oN Jp ` 3J 3J CE y: ofF C�:s� m CE ''j 3J 3J \ CE C.E. / J �2��� / / ¢ d �� / NcF cE��E cE �_cE \ \ ��2� f111111.��.� / \ \ U N/F ��� \cE ���c ��/ �� / PATTERSON AND SONS,INC. / ,. :e \,,,,,,, / ,1 so -I D.B.1940,PG.896 �' \E / PIN:9681-97-3457 ,� / N/F \ m �, PATTERSON AND SONS,INC.& / ��`O / I \ / OS �/ C/O TIM PATTERSON ��y�W �F P� 7 D.B.881,PG.987 �� OQC'1� N/F I / - 6/ M.B.20,PG.6 �P�,Y, ,y<o / PATTERSON AND SON,INC. m---� J �m' PIN:9691-07-7381 / �O,y0'�ti / D.B.1032,PG.201 I ���•�� i P.C.#D,SL 11B I ft m, QQ��Q� PIN:9691-26-4869 / ;,,,1 0 N/F '� \ .�� �) PATTERSON AND SONS,INC. ;-1 O \ \ j D.B.3568,PG.316 O ;-1 V m\ A. ',, / P.C.1,SL 266 f..i a,,, N/F GO ,/ � / PIN:9691-36-9390 1-1 TIMOTHYC.PATTERSON �" JJ a--� D.B.1779,PG.185 \ \ 3J U PIN:9681-96-9302 / 3,J w ��' :±i-)\ 0 ' C.1 3J 3J J ` ���F �E �F 1.11. , I/ '-' E/ / / / j bA O66 W F ,,, !_, ,i, \. -6 (1) ,, 0, ,c,, ( ,,, 0 ____ _ _ — , ______ 0 _ , c, , „ ,is, <P / _ ___--- -,- PP'C• oa '''- h Tg 3J I ,_ s �� �P 3J 33 m 1J 3 \ T !!H _MI 17 / 3J 1.1 F l� �F JJ co — --�--ti, cE ��E \ m 1 / - I I T1B z g LcE cn �� a ✓ N 03 1 / / � NSF Ni N/F r� N i TIMOTHY C.PATTERSON �N J / I 1' D.B.1608,PG.366 w PIN:9691-25-4156 m <LQ- b o u 0' 200' 400' 600' I - - I - - I (HORIZONTAL) /?, 3 c 405 395 �� 405 - 395 07 4Z ' �au. .\ it) ii ;% E \\ 400 390 \\ 400 - ••k 390 \ \\\\ \ DESIGN GRADE \\\ ` �\ PRE-CONSTRUCTION GRADEI �� � \ap•"••• ,, �� � DESIGN GRADE �`Os:•NAB 4,•.. 395 - `��....... 395 385 \\I PRE-CONSTRUCTION GRADE i�.. o�2C+�s` ` ���` 385 • dp •\�J in \�\ \ ,��r rn a�1�P\\\ kk N. bA 390 - 390 380 380 •� ft il CD el 1 E 385 - 385 375 375 - a--i OC.)220+00 220+50 221+00 221+50 222+00 222+50 223+00 223+50 224+00 Cr) ( 4 I a NOTES: O , ,--I ,\ 2 1. DEVIATIONS FROM THE DESIGN WILL BE SHOWN IN RED. ,, H Fi] �`.;\ ,!`�xo. c 2. AS-BUILT INFORMATION FOR Ti IS ADDRESSED ON SHEETS f ,-a m o \ N , 2.9 THROUGH 2.16. °� \' o \ v�`� \ J`�\ J\A 3. LOG EXTENTS OF VALLEY SILLS SHOWN AS AS-BUILT ARE O (71 �' \ APPROXIMATE AS THEY AREA BURIED FEATURE. •rl I 11'32: cn ft -4°7---4°7--: -; _: . 0 \ IN \ 223 .� y `1`;` m ,6E - —CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE Ct Ct C CE +►,�> P. W W C W STA:222+10 AND 222+23 0k, o VALLEY SILLS NOT INSTALLED DUE TO cF > _,, I W �, WETLAND FLOW CHANGES FROM THE \\\I i �, DESIGN TO CONSTRUCTION PHASE. cF o \\ 0' 2' 4' 6' Pi Z T o n STA.205+58 (VERTICAL) 1 T1 CREDIT STOPS HERE 0' 20' 40' 60' .. r I BEGIN 100'INTERNAL CROSSING v " V.,oA�zoN,A�� m z (CAROLINA POWER& o P psi" LIGHTEASEMENT) �\ c 415 410 �� 415 - 410 U7 zZ 'ara \\\ OILL';', �JI \ —""`,,_� 410 405 w 410 - \ ( \ 405 DESIGN GRADE `.o,�? AL•...y� \ / I =0 QHan z:'s ~\ WON \ / 405 400 ��• omwrs� 405 \ y 400 ,,y •• ...1 \\\ \\\\ EXISTING GROUND PRE-CONSTRUCTION GRADE \\ \\ \\ \ \ DESIGN GRADE AS-BUILT GRADE \\ \\� 400 - 400 395 \\\\`.I/ \\ 395 AS-BUILT GRADE rt 395 - 395 390 i 390 ) a--i E V 300+00 300+50 301+00 301+50 302+00 302+50 303+00 303+50 303+60 C ) ,O ,i, o ,i, ,i, NOTES: O , H W W �\� 1. DEVIATIONS FROM THE DESIGN WILL BE SHOWN IN RED. 4 W T \° CD 2. AS-BUILT INFORMATION FOR T2A IS ADDRESSED ON SHEET a--� ,-a v i W W R1 M 3. AS-BUILT INFORMATION FOR CONTINUATION OF T215 4 5 cC >, W >, W ., W �, W W o\ 0 ADDRESSED ON SHEETS 2.18 THROUGH 2.19. U C +-' �, 4. LOG EXTENTS OF VALLEY SILLS SHOWN AS AS-BUILT ARE Q APPROXIMATE AS THEY AREA BURIED FEATURE. +� 1 ' '" An N N °' ct .i. .i. .i. G WG-2 0.i. .i. �I Arm',i Ij pMtn N\ Z U v. v. FF``I / r.. .'j \ •D LOD 3JO 3J LOD 3J _U/WOO vV. v. v. N IF.,11,-_,y� ' ". \ oo • 4WD kt 311+79' 3 I— E _W IL o OD= a1 gr o y — 3 STA:300+62-300+80 W n11Il11A1Ll" •^rr. •'91 e.. tf 4 ADDITIONAL STABILIZATION MEASURE FOR - r• "ir I.= r � ' `2,r h nidl v I� 0 1` 1. LINEAR WETLAND FLOW IN THE FORM OF {� ,r T "'. _ ROCK MATERIAL WAS ADDED. `' !1-%p �� II,, \ o„ V a IP W Ill W N II, �� OOx °° � "' \ , p .um Elm in v. v. v. v. v. v. 10 41i3A v. _ -v. -� I�I�� �!X�����. L © � IIII w W W W W W \ STA:301+14-303+00 w ( ) W y !_!�!1�• T� T�Z > SEE NOTE#4 TYP.. aC.s 1.___-/ W W y FLOWPATH IN T2 LINEAR WETLAND VP-2 \ \ \ 1IJI > CHANGED SINCE EXISTING CONDITIONS STA:303+24 !M I a i SURVEY WAS CONDUCTED. BRUSH BAFFLE REPLACED WITH FLOODPLAIN 'II' —CE _ce SILL DUE TO MATERIAL AVAILABILITY I —cE _cE ice °gIlk o o z¢ u —cE —cE cE 400 N Z¢ N cE cat am ce cE E 0' 2' 4' 6' T o gaol a°'— 4. —°a - .d€— GE—___ " —a 0' 20' 40' 60' , a• (HORIZONTAL) m Z % 3 -I . El(HORIZONTAL) 8 420 420 V 07 ZZ `i'w \ tilLZ -hli 2 t'�HE 415 \\\.4.. 415 m hill PRE-CONSTRUCTION GRADE \/— `a`ap 1111/%,,i �`O,•:•CAI. '..... a6 W: ,� DESIGN GRADE _rJ w oN 410 , 410 -•. �2�,,fi�s� AS-BUILT GRADE \ _ :♦ �\)/ � ',b0 ;.....•1, % ♦` / \ / \ / \ �`\/ \ .... 405 405 ft I--I --1 400 400 E 310+00 310+50 311+00 311+50 312+00 /���JJo V g°/ NOTES: Q \ N / 1. DEVIATIONS FROM THE DESIGN WILL BE SHOWN IN RED. 4 H W /0 �� ® _ 2. AS-BUILT INFORMATION FOR T2 IS ADDRESSED ON SHEET ct 1.2 AND SHEETS 2.18 THROUGH 2.19. 3. LOG EXTENTS OF VALLEY SILLS SHOWN AS AS-BUILT ARE O /C 9°,9 APPROXIMATE AS THEY ARE A BURIED FEATURE. r , o°// \+ ' //.4 ,a / \‘ __..________ C°�OD LOD302X / v rt D�LOD� 3J W/DOCn _ --1.-,--3J J , _ a LOD 3J 3 J \ / /W 400 a) LOD OD • LOD LOD OD 3,L.. 33 3J J 1� /`/ Ct j / LOD LOD 3J 3J p p I 151�\ / 4 -3J�3J 3J 3J � 111► 11171111� �/ 3J � ►{J / rt c 31ox o W \I11\ 1�ti�. 1`1 Nsfe�� / .�1' \c ,v W I ,v ��I� I ,. O .i. ,1ink.. , 1 0 �011.N' 4p5 `'7 �. GWG-2 � I I v. v. v. v. v. v. v. aoi_w=—a- ��{�'iIII \ VP-2 T2A 1 Ami 1 2 AcF SEE NOTE#3(TYP.).' . �' �' o 1.,.711 GF. �� o �/ W W W W i111�_ /= al x" Qc, o° , \ . . . ,, ,Asira 60 300+00. a, 6¢' \ v �. ,.„ ,,<,ot b ' �. ao1 l'J W W W W a0,-a0, 0' 2' 4' 6' T o L V a. a. a. a. a. Z( (VERTICAL) c w w V w w a, a, a, W a, a, 0' 20' 40' 60' 1pib 1 425 425 V OILL'-',., ;`)o`12,i z �HE ry L. w' 420 \."� ^,\` 420 m \ DESIGN GRADE \g. J PRE-CONSTRUCTION GRADE \ •••..` 1„1,:i11111/22 �'� _' • oN��1•-6� \\ V W o N W 415 \\\ 415 � •, ' $m2v:s� �����\\� ids P . \\` i//N-rn a 11,`��� ............... \\ 410 \ 410\ E \\% 0 U Cll 405 405 C E 400+00 400+50 401+00 401+50 402+00 402+50 403+00 403+50 404+00 7� V / NOTES: CO I ,9 1. DEVIATIONS FROM THE DESIGN WILL BE SHOWN IN RED. O H / I { 2. AS-BUILT INFORMATION FOR T3 IS ADDRESSED ON SHEETS a--_ �` k I 2.20THROUGH2.22. k b '+� �` �` 3. PHOTO-DOCUMENTATION OF LIVE STAKE PLANTING / ft k k PROVIDED IN THE BASELINE MONITORING REPORT. Q ,_ -3J�3Jl k ( , k v -3J�3J�3J Cll k k k I k -3J 3J 1E -3J�3J�3J k k k k I* k ^, (I' 3J 3J k k k W 7r'�!I 3J 3J k k k4 k r `V SEE NOTE#3(TYP.). 3J 3J STA:400+80 k k k k k I U 4 3J 3J BRUSH BAFFLE NOT INSTALLED TO REDUCE IMPACT TO k k k k k k k k 3J * STA.402+42 k k kcn J EXISTING TREES AND SHRUBS AND FLOW MITIGATION k k * °` k k k k k I k , I LIVE STAKE PLANTINGS WOULD PROVIDE. *k`k BEGIN T3 k k k k k k * * * - k * * k k REACH 1(ENHANCEMENT II) k k k k * * * k k k k k de k k k k k k I Be * * * k k �" k k *T3 k k k k k �` k k et ** * ** * k k k K' k t* * k k k k k k k k k k k I k b --1 F' :* * * * * k k k * k k k * **k k k k k (c k k k k k k * * k k k e kX' k * k k k k k k k 4p F i * * * k * k y,. k k k k k k +pp� * x0� * k * k (c % k k k k k o * * * * k 1k1)0� k*k k k k *k x° k k Q k k�, k k k k k k k k k k k k k * * \ * * �0 * k k * Oa / * * k k k k * * * i k *k k k * P. kI iI * ** * * ( * k k y �pO k k** k k k k k k k k k k k k k k k U.* ** * k k k: */ k k *k**k k k k k k k k k O k k k k k k k k k k k 1�r''""k 4 * * * 1 c* * ** * * * k k,I, k k k * *k k k k k k k k k k k k k k k k k k k 1 k E ** * k # k *k k k \Cr * k k k 4- *k * k k F STA:402+72 k \ * * k k k k* k k k k LOG SILL NOT INSTALLED DUE TO STABILITY k k p cE\cE k k �` k k * k k k k k OF STREAM AND TO REDUCE IMPACT ON k k I"F ' 2 \cE\ � - * *k* k k k k k k k EXISTING WETLAND AND VEGETATION. k k O k * k 17, Cr k k k k k k C k k k \cE\ k k k k k k k k k k k k (��` o CE k k k k k k k H 4 \Cr k k k k k k k k I(n \CE k k k k k \Cr k k k k k k k k k I w k E \Q. k k k k k Z rl o 6Z,pj U 6' A cE.\ k k k k k k I J k Cr k 1 0' 2' 4' 6' �o \ k CE\cE k k H� (VERTICAL) kIi \CE k k k k I< k ' A Cr\ i 2 k 0' 20' 40' 60' tCE\ k k (HORIZONTAL) m 'z % a"i v k kp s p \ k k A c 415 415 .E. 07 Q 4Z 'a�au. OILL',., ;,(1,,,,, \\ -� \�� z H E \ -w w 410 \ 410 m \ \ \\ DESIGN GRADE \\ \ �0\1111111,/// \\v/ \ PRE-CONSTRUCTION GRADE `�`ap //// i \ V WON ��- 405 405 fir•. $m4v.s� N. \\ ',/�hrn a 111P‘�\. \\ 400 `\\ 400 \\ --\\\ ft O rt U 395 395 410+00 410+50 411+00 411+50 412+00 cr) o V / NOTES: O , CO /a� \ 1. DEVIATIONS FROM THE DESIGN WILL BE SHOWN IN RED. 4 H W „� 2. AS-BUILT INFORMATION FOR CONTINUATION OF T1 IS ,-a (71 / '/ \ ADDRESSED ON SHEET 2.23. O U CD 30 x it J 30/ W ( x ,-i J W W W \ 3�/ W W W 41 W STA.411+12 .,�,� �, BEGIN T3A / ., . W Wi W W W W I --ll/ -- _ �„p1Xo (ENHANCEMENT II) \ ,,, , z i ,,, / J �( 0 b W W 1f \ W W W W W W W W W W W W t\ .o / 1' W W W W STA:410+64 ,i, ,i, ,i, ,i, BRUSH BAFFLE NOT INSTALLED TO REDUCE 7 \ . . . . IMPACT TO EXISTING TREES AND SHRUBS PP-25 "6 z E o ' u 6' a N am¢ \ 0' 2' 4' 6' T o V J - .- W '- .d (VERTICAL) Il . . 0' 20' 40' 60' " * * (HORIZONTAL) m Z, 1 t a"i o 6 `U .. I C 410 410 .E U7 4Z 'a:au. ,ILL'-',., o _OLF 1—\\..i1 PRE-CONSTRUCTION GRADE z H E r-1 w w 405 1 405 m i AS BUILT GRADE ps>a'N••pL•.''•'1 oN��1.6: _rJ W oN - 400 400 % •• ' �"4"s� id-. Ems: 12j/litl❑ O b!J 395 395 Ct I--I �� CD 390 390 E 500+00 500+50 501+00 C C.) /oo�� % Z \ W NOTES: 0 °�/ 1. DEVIATIONS FROM THE DESIGN WILL BE SHOWN IN RED. W co'�� W 2. AS-BUILT INFORMATION FOR T4C IS ADDRESSED ON SHEET ^ +' rt 3J 3J 3J j de \ W 1.9. bN 3J_3J—3J_ "�' 2. AS-BUILT INFORMATION FOR CONTINUATION OF T4 IS 4 cC 3J 3J--3J OD W W W W �, _O 3J� A. ADDRESSED ON SHEETS 2.24 THROUGH 2.27. � V ��� W W W W .1 / 1.---\___1, �D�. W W W W W W W /��,W CD 'W� W W W W W W ^, 1�' �' �' �' �' STA.500+81�. �. �. W �. W �. W �. W �. W �. �. W �. W �. W �. /�. W �. W �. W �. W �. W �. �. �. BEGIN T4 W W — cn 1 REACH 1(RESTORATION) zt, \ x to& 532+40 '-1 i W W W W W W W W W W W /W W W STA:500+74-500+79_ \ •.t . . . . . . . . . . . W/ . . . CONSTRUCTED RIFFLE SUBSTITUTED FOR W' 405 ,- �„i W W W W W W W ,,,_y,_, - VALLEY SILL DUE TO MATERIAL AVAILABILITY W 4 s! ^I—rt b o — 6 w7 11 0 P — — — W W W W W W W W W W W W W soW � T4 . * 14. o \Ce W W W W W W W . W W W W W 11 .v /. u 1 /' '. < \Ce W W W W W W W W W W W .I, .....---} .L°D �: [,LO � i. CeW W W W W W W W W W W W J W W W W W \ W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W \ Ce Z Ce W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W *** ***********W***+O *`k \ .o Cf .� W W W W **e„W**,,***W *�i. � \� V 'z \CF W W W W . W W W .I, W \ N, W J..)k cE W W W W W W W W . \\11TT,,, . W W W W W W W 0 W W W W W\A„ 4 W W �, W W W W .y .1, C? W W W ****** �� p e :42::***q:41.**:* *** *** x �x � o.6u ** *. 4'''�* * � :17\tic;\I.W W W W W W W W W W y x Wm :"'":: W W W W \DO (VERTICAL) 1 I • W W W W W W W W W W\ W ` ' 0' 20' 40' 60' .. '� W W W W W W W W W W W W W� W A'b An .I, .I, .I, .I, .I, .I, .I, .I, .I, .I, .I, .I, \.I, (HORIZONTAL) y Z i a'•i X I P ° 3 d uti W W W W W W W W W W W W W \ W / c 395 395 .C. zo 'a�au. it.) LL i' m —F.,_a : HE ry w w 390 390 m \\\ \ J DESIGN GRADE PRE-CONSTRUCTION GRADE ��1111111//// \/ __ _rJ WON \ 7._s 385 \. `1 \\ . ii \\ 385 : .• omwrs, \\\ //i/rnul:0, \\ ♦ NN 380 380 ft ft I^-I AS-BUILT G RADE ' _ 375 375 4 E 510+00 510+50 511+00 511+50 512+00 512+50 513+00 cn o V .r Z NOTES: 0 , 7V ���oo/ 1. DEVIATIONS FROM THE DESIGN WILL BE SHOWN IN RED. 4 _ H W I '/ \ ,e�, s .IY 3 ;\0 2. AS-BUILT INFORMATION FOR T4 IS ADDRESSED ON SHEET f ,-a N / O VP-7 ocT•- \ /\ 1.6 AND SGo v, o��`p ���o/ 3. LOG EXTE�"' `j FG-T4R1 T ° APPROXI/ W W W W W �i�� \/ BRUSH INDATES WHERE THE VALLEYLL CROSSES THCt ,7 =/ I CHANNEL. +� a. a. a. a. a. a. <OO —�• fQ®S� I GWG5 T4A / sue 2i11i! j..• •:' <O \ It. \�` I 380 0 1 �iI moo i. IYI�.�, _rni r..z.,T0----- ����,Mm „% Q m � �.,_::/emu � .u�� �� ��� - _ _ �zz• ��° F I 111. l(ii�� 'W j 511+p0 \1 512+00 — duo ::;� iienii iirAp� � C\ ii- 0. m CE CE !CE '4 • iiiiir• — �+ W p° 1L o MI�111 ��• CE CE 1;/��I�E CE C1 1 01 E ,o �. CE CE CE CE :�:�. IV —CE CEl A I - ,<op STA:512+40-512+65 �/.� RIFFLE NOT INSTALLED DUE TO (0 cp ADAQUATE STABILITY IN CHANNEL. /1 — z o I 0\ �� z \(O CF . & STA:512+12 l I VALLEY SILL WAS SUBSTITUTED FOR BRUSH <oo ce BAFFLE DUE TO MATERIAL AVAILABILITY. —<°° cp o SEE NOTE#3(TYP.). °o C N o a0 CF 0' 2' 4' 6' >, - 1 (VERTICAL) I 0' 20' 40' 60' " k c I (HORIZONTAL) v Z .� v El t. E 8 cf si C 410 410 �� \\\\\ Q z °,f!. t)1 -1..)Et2= \\ QD -- DESIGN GRADE 2 F"E 405 405 ~w w ;II17 m I \\\\ PRE-CONSTRUCTION GRADE `.01111111N,,,, a6 W \ _0. WON z:`'- 400 \\ 400 „•. o'n'4?s::. J� \\ \\ AS BUILT GRADE \\\ W by,,� J 395 \\ 395 \\ I--I 2 CD 390 390 y E 520+00 520+50 521+00 521+50 522+00 522+50 O NOTES: 0 '' '' '' '' ''' '' '' '' '' '' '' . o '' ` �' �; �;' "�x� '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' \\ 1. DEVIATIONS FROM THE DESIGN WILL BE SHOWN IN RED. ,, H Fi] ° ��� ° 2. AS-BUILT INFORMATION FOR T4 IS ADDRESSED ON SHEET C r ,-a J� W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W �vc,��/��, %t 40p,_�. W �. W �. W �. W �. W �. W °> 1.6 AND SHEETS 2.24 THROUGH 2.27. ?-•I �Oo \• —j'` \ 3. LOG EXTENTS OF VALLEY SILLS SHOWN AS AS-BUILT ARE O cC W y a.. \\ W W W W W ° APPROXIMATE AS THEY ARE A BURIED FEATURE.EXPOSED • --i / G. W W W W W W W W W W W W W W ' .1'\ W \ W W W ' p\"'\// .1' .1' .1' .1' ''°> BRUSH INDICATES WHERE THE VALLEY SILL CROSSES THE U CD VP-6 .1.FC .1. .1. .1. .1. .1. .1. .1. .1. .1. .1. .1. .1. .1. .1. .1. .1, l.10 .1. W .1. .1. .1. .I.O°. / �� .1. .1. .1. CHANNEL. \ � \ � \ WW W W WW W W WW W W WW W WW Ace T46 o° �� . " ,„„\522+00, . W W W W _ , W .------„, • , . _ . _----, ---r— V% - ,, ce �. �. /ce e°o\______ . _ , � . ce �. /cE cs e v / ° ro e ° \c / SEE NOTE#3(TYP.). I \cTO Z F 1 \ co \\ _ 1 3gi, x" E \cF ® 1111\ 1 _ 1 o Q m a CO \. 0 2' 4' 6' T o o cF //% 0' 20' 40' 60' , b \\\\ ° .I. .I.' e%. Moa¢oN1.4y v Z 1 3 xyy c 420 420 07 4Z ' �au. 01 -1—( o`12i m �_ - .2 SHE ry w w 415 ...\\ 415 m \ \\\ `.0%11111 H/22j 0 W oN s 410 �\ 410 --r•• �m2�'s: \...\\ PRE-CONSTRUCTION GRADE d04;;.....•l \P� \\\\ /A22/li1111111\�\ \ biD \`��...1 AS-BUILT GRADE 405 I 405 • 1 ft 1•••.\\\ -i \ O U 400 400 530+00 530+50 531+00 531+50 532+00 532+50 o C.) /.i. .i. .i. .i. .i. .i. .i. .i. .i. .i. .i. .i. .i. \ NOTES: Q /m W W W W W W W W W W W W W/ 1. DEVIATIONS FROM THE DESIGN WILL BE SHOWN IN RED. .4 H W I W . . 2. AS-BUILT INFORMATION FOR T4 IS ADDRESSED ON SHEET ft ,-a _3J 3j �, �, �, �, �, Jo �, �, �, g, �, 1.6 AND SHEETS 2.24 THROUGH 2.27. �"I �„i 3J-3J 3� W W W W o W 1 W W 3. PHOTO-DOCUMENTATION OF LIVE STAKE PLANTING 4 O -(71 3J 3j To / PROVIDED IN THE BASELINE MONITORING REPORT. •� r , CD W W W 3 SEE NOTE#3(TYP.). .i. .i. .i. .i. .i. .i. *.i. .i. .i. .i. .i. * .i. .i.l .i. .i. .i. .i. 1 .i. .i. .i. C,iIj 4 ;g :F -X sF H-I .uh *.i. .i. .i. .i. *.i.* .i. .i. .i. .i. * t .i. .i. .i. ZA '1Q.i. . * t, .i. *.* .i. .i. ,le, 'ao1 moo .i. .i. • E W W* *W W W W W W W W T4C•' W W W W * * W W Wo ,41 W Ct .i. .i. .i. .i. ,v * .i. .i. .i. .i. * .# .i. .i. .i. .i.* *.i. .i. .i. .i. . .i. .i.4 *W .i. k .ar .i. 8.i. ( STA.500+81 * * * t.\ BEGIN T4 5 C W W W W W *-,p W W W yP W W W W 531+00.i. ` 4, qci. 4 *W* 4 53 k W W `�'2+00 ,`rp REACH 1(RESTORATION) 4.. 4.. Wm\ W W 4.. W 4.. W 4.. .vk *W 4.. W 4.. W 4.. W v .v 4.. 4.. 4.. W W '' * .� W 4.. 4.. 4.. W W W 4.. �° J � w w 61 . . . . * 0, . . . 4. „ . .* , \ '17 s, \ ' *-:::\`Nis..':\''::-. :PP-: ,mi • ; ..—Z a N. o a. a. a. a. a. a. a. a. w a. �o A� '`, / , i cF a. a. a. a. a. a. a. a. a. ,. \ "7 V` o ? • cF 9�� .i, a, a. a, a, a, a. .i. .i. .i. .i. .i. .. \,, a. �.i. .i. * (VERTICAL)v 0' 20' 40' 60' " L A \CF- * \* 1 * (HORIZONTAL) °1 Z v 3 a"i c 415 410 .C. 415 - 410 QD 4Z 'a,au. it)m —OL�G �i-a ♦ Z SHE \\ ,--1w w 410 - ; 410 405 405 • • \ PRE-CONSTRUCTION GRADE • \ PRE-CONSTRUCTION GRADE -0�.�-'pL"''.�Y4,', f oN4,'f1�6 mt z: ♦\ DESIGN GRADE '0• wery 405 - ♦\ 405 400• 400 --- o i,..44: \; \400 - 400 395 395 •� ft I--I -' 395 - 395 390 390 }' a--(O C.)600+00 600+50 601+00 601+50 602+00 (J) / /W W W W W W W W W I VP-8 NOTES: 0 ' H I W W W W W W W W W W W .�� 1. DEVIATIONS FROM THE DESIGN WILL BE SHOWN IN RED. 4 W .(. . . . . . . . . a. . . . \ 2. AS-BUILT INFORMATION FOR CONTINUATION OF T5 IS �, �, �, �, �, �, �, �, �, �, �, �, �, �, ADDRESSED ON SHEETS 2.28 THROUGH 2.29. / j : : STA:601+75 : : BRUSH BAFFLE NOT INSTALLED DUE TO LACK ' a--( / / W W W W W W OF NEED FROM GRADING IN THIS AREA. W W I 16 Pr W W W W W W W W W y W W W / / . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I . V x w II A: t oyGWG-6 T5 (t / W . �a W g 47 :Atli op m � ...2, v. v. v. v. v. 601+00 .lik., nlp gati o w -0�_ g\4-' ijekilli 1 Z`cE STA:600+33 / i• cE VALLEY SILL NOT INSTALLED DUE TO o iErek I 4/cE` CHANGES IN FLOW FROM WETLAND j cE — FROM GRADING IN THIS AREA. li ce 0 STA.601+95 I ce \cE N BEGIN T5 I+ el ce °o REACH 1(ENHANCEMENT II) N CE A Ill) cE o0 ice` \ <� °°`E IN g06b O E o O01�0 cE LL , N 7—I.z i_ 0' 2' 4' 6' T o Ii IJ (VERTICAL) • I0 0' 20' 40' 60' " L .. r l a (HORIZONTAL) v Z c 3 v c 360 360 .� 07 4Z ' �au. m _��_: ,--1' w' 355 355 m `,,,NV11111/44 PRE-CONSTRUCTION GRADE `'°'.SAL v3 II I DESIGN GRADE 6 -Vc' • — w oN ?, c $ v:s\ .... 350 ` 1 350 � 2 117 dp `\J \`.�. I� Ar r1111IP 7..........x.............\ -AS-BUILT GRADE � WJ 345 345 ft I--I " 340 340 C E 710+00 710+50 711+00 o V / NOTES: Z 4 / 1. DEVIATIONS FROM THE DESIGN WILL BE SHOWN IN RED. H W / 2. AS-BUILT INFORMATION FOR T6 IS ADDRESSED ON SHEET ft 7i °pj�aol 1.6 AND SHEETS 2.30 THROUGH 2.31. a� �07� 3. LOG EXTENTS OF VALLEY SILLS SHOWN AS AS-BUILT ARE -(71 3=07--a07 / 355 a� a� °�1�ao1� APPROXIMATE AS THEYAREABURIEDFEATURE. ▪rl▪ O +-' a� a ao1� U V 001� 33 3]1�aO STA:710+00 / VALLEY STILL INSTALLED TO MITIGATE FLOW OFF OF THE VALLEY INTO WETLAND. U x cn W W W W ft 4 WWWW W W W W W W T6A _ - 705+00 W W W W W W W�,1 W Z W W W W W W 7110+001 i W y. ..-- _ _. o W W W W W W W W W W W W 05' 11 `' W W W W W W W W W W W W W oa—aT too. W 3 z 0 W W W W W SEE NOTE#3(TYP.). W W W W W 0 W W W W W W W W W W W W W W PP-32 703+00 v. v. v. v. v. W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W VP-23 ® 4 I t7 W W W W W W W W . . . . . O E W W W W W W W W W W W W VEG o u 6' W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W N06 LOD a�-� Ii o 0 C LOD Lop.W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W Ii W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W 0 2 4 6 >,o c (VERTICAL) • W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W .. (HORIZONTAL) v z �a' s _. A I,'N. N. N. N. N. N. N. N. N. N. N. N. N. N. N. N. C. 3 ° L µ" 6 U Uti W , W W W . W W , W W W W W W � / /` c 415 415 U7 4m Z -0,1! z HE ry w w' 410 \ 410 m \ \ \ ‘ ��.0Vkuini".,�i \ O`;`?1;0;.E _••old i W ON 405 \ 405 � •, gm4v.s,:- �y. F. 1/.: PRE-CONSTRUCTION GRADE i,./�4;,......'P\`P� \\\ DESIGN GRADE bJD 400 \\ 400 .E \ j1 sl ct ct AS-BUILT GRADE 395 395 E 900+00 900+50 901+00 901+10 cn O V \ / W NOTES: 7 00 . . V" �,v 1. DEVIATIONS FROM THE DESIGN WILL BE SHOWN IN RED. 0 H v. 1. 2. AS-BUILT INFORMATION FOR THE CONTINUATION OF T8 IS ADDRESSED ON SHEETS 2.35 THROUGH 2.37. -��Z. . 3. LOG EXTENTS OF VALLEY SILLS SHOWN AS AS-BUILT ARE biD APPROXIMATE AS THEY ARE A BURIED FEATURE.EXPOSED - 0 `� "' "' ./"' "' "' BRUSH INDICATES WHERE THE VALLEY SILL CROSSES THE U a . . . � . . . . CHANNEL. . . a /-�� . . . /. . . . . . . . . . �°, W r O AT8 ° V rt . . . . . . . . .a, / m b . csv ;:.. �. �. �. . ° �1�901;00 ,,,,, - •� . / . . ✓y\\ lAl� �\ . . . .� \W .°° + .;TIT STA.901+10 `� �;��PP-38 1��� BEGINT8 12, . /W . . . . . . o'`. W�J. REACH 1(ENHANCEMENT I) �� ° ek . . . . . . . . ;532 1 Illik A \ ° SEE NOTE N3(TYP.).1c\ \ . . . b VP-13 . . 1 Z ^' p \ . . W . W . W . W . . W . . W . J, N 6 U N ,F . . . . o . . . . �¢ l,.) 0 2 4 6 T o (VERTICAL) f . . . . �O� . 7� 1 (VoRizoNrAV %�; 1 v 3 b v . . . i v QD N/F / Q0 ul� o BARRY J.PATTERSON z `'a w D.B.9681- 8- 378 / �� z z PIN:9681-98-9378 / N/F �•3 < w o °; I JUANITA B.DOUGLAS ET.AL. O 7 A NSF =00P" fNg v a D.B.768,PG.20 .�.\ MARKCTTOMAS& z H E PIN:9691-08-7169 aB.328 HOMAS �'"w "" y� 22 % CE �� �691 18 g1 Og m m N/F -'1111/441% PATTERSON AND SONS,INC. / / D.B.3391,PG.536 / / ce —cE J ��' CREEK \ IID 4*4',.?'6 'AIWA 477) iiiiWV 1101011 . 110 � 1 N,F /PATTERSON AND SONS,INC. CcE cE . III D.B.1940,PG.896 � / PIN:9681-97-3457 / �� ,� / ���� I w I / OPALN/F � � 1q� I O I PATTERSONANDSONS,INC.& 5�p i iy I •d- - — ®' C/OTIM PATTERSON ��1��/ �F D.B.881,PG.987 �SOS N/F M.B.20,PG.6 �P�, , ,y<o PATTERSON AND SON,INC. n---� $ PIN:9691-07-7381 �co Ny co D.B.1032,PG.201 m I— I I / �, • / P.C.69 2 4811 IA I I (t �� �oQ�� PIN:9691-26-4869 / �,,,I m y� � O N/F I PATT SINC. 0GIllitk \ \ \ U ,"� 4*IrilP / 1 cr) O rt czt y$ �5 10 o w TIMOTHY C.PATTERSONN/F Nill"' �� D.B.1779,PG.185 cF I/ ��`/ I 1 PIN:9681-96-930214�{ / 1 1 r , +, ?�9 /\/-0 ?dj O / 3J ' h alai — — F li ______(,,_ _____,j_ _ _______ - ---,, .....„.1 4? 44i>,...\ , ,' T \ NI— VI \1?1 I \ 9yw' , u ` ^I; O 2vie, 0 41E T10 w�► F �� ` , ,. _ 3;_� I v Pr- ikOWN? T1B I _ 7. F P., Imili L J ,, ill, i _ / 2 ` J / / \\ mt I w / N/F ,0 1 0 1 / TIMOTHY C.PATTERSON N D.B.1608,PG.366 �'' I w \ PIN:9691-25-4156 m �`` �.LQ- I o / / \ \ / CE J Riw / I I / m J� I , I/ p O �¢ N ww 0' zoo' aoo 600' o o 8 X` c- 375 375 U7 4Z 'ar:1au. it)IZ OL�G Q �H—a , t. E -w w 370 370 m PRE-CONSTRUCTION GRADE 7 \oiuinn,,, '-- \ // \ AS-BUILT GRADE ��0‘:`?�L _'y.'j� 365 - _ /--- 365 %y'• `Lgm E:wr.elsz.c r'- I I I / "}ILA b. 360 360 ft DESIGN GRADE I--I " ct 355 355 I- c) ,—I 100+00 100+50 101+00 101+50 102+00 102+50 103+00 103+50 104+00 104+50 o LE NOTES: • U 1. DEVIATIONS FROM THE DESIGN WILL BE SHOWN IN RED. 2. AS-BUILT INFORMATION FOR T8 IS ADDRESSED ON SHEET _ I _ O \ , 1.12 AND SHEETS 2.35 THROUGH 2.37. a--� v. v. 3J 3� 3� _n 3J ao�3 ao�3 ao�3 ao�3]9o�—ao�—ao�_ao�—ao�—ao�—ao�—ay. —.. ao�—ao�—ao�—ao�—ao] ao1—aon—aon—ao�—ao�—ao�—ao�—' 1±C)3j ,� cao�—ao� ��/' ,�, 3J 3� STA:102+90 f- 1 4 ' LOG SILL NOT INSTALLED DUE TO 0 �J Oq W LARGER MATERIAL BEING USED TO 3�p vi_ }.' / W STABILIZE CONSTRUCTED RIFFLE. Q ia. . . W . DANIELS CREEK 1 (4— STA.103+94 ft / , DANIELS CREEK z _ . END REACH 1(RESTORATION) 1111 „ J � ,� �,�Ati�,�,,__y__ _,_,�__ ____-370--- �, �, BEGIN REACH 2(RESTORATION) ©� ' a'/o w V w w - 00 W ccQ— I—I F .. ° s""'�—' ,fi r'\ �:\ ¢" .i. .i, .i, �yl� __ �'�`�. ,o ��� E Ip /t! `'q.�"� _ 411j0 ' - �,, �17„ . , a --— - es�f"r ��'���@l,i��� _ 6��`��Y��� O — 1` I n �Oo - �1iJA, Bi$,' ®r sg .,°O\ ?-I O r e�p� _ 91'�•' i'®' - 11�i`147 - -_ _ 0'� \ I ip ., l da\ W ,,fie. `: II,,, p� // `�` / _----- . _= 7+i~ t�� � •'VON c" ?�2x i�d II kt = � ass o _ 68' •'�', -ifs .oar I 00 '�! _ .'�•.� 5a'f 3��� 1 eai '� .i, .i, �., .+ter .� •' --- �a�\ ° o.�T,. . . . . ?o' ,1 �� ce!�•�II o DPP-1 �' / �. W W W W W L' 1 STA.908+74 I��I i, W W W W W.W W W STA:102+57 ,5<0� ! 1 END T8 LOG SILL NOT INSTALLED DUE TO GWG-11 h ,{ REACH 2(RESTORATION) - ' '' '' '' '' '' LARGER MATERIAL BEING USED TO i M / I STA.100+OS 2 �' / BEGIN DANIELS CREEK "' "' °"' "' "' STABILIZE CONSTRUCTED RIFFLE. i REACH 1(RESTORATION) W W W W W \ �� 1 I ss .i, a, a, a, a, a, V6G I/CEO w acE cE - a. a. -- a. a. a. OBI �/ cE VP-15 90/,� —roo��_� u!�� 1 �. �. �. �. �. �. �. �. �. I •D EL6p�LLoD��6� �3n \� �*, .i. .i. .i. 365 .i. .i. I 0' 2' 4' 6' >, A 8 ' (OD :LOD�Loo I �� I 0' 20' 40' 60' T 'r \. .I. .I. .I. .I. .I. .I. (HORIZONTAL) v i a a'�i A. i 365 365 Z z m w 2-60"CORRUGATED 401 wz �� _a o'�z v � PLASTIC PIPE CULVERT. r. 2 HE m 360 // /' 360 i =V Q V a 2 / WONz ::::::::::- DESIGN GRADE \ -, - AS-BUILT GRADE \ i 355 \--l I -- _ 355 dhP I \ DESIGN CULVERT I I \ INV:354.40 _ J DESIGN CULVERT _AS-BUILT CULVERT INV:354.97 INV:354.27 bC AS-BUILT CULVERT_ •� INV:355.57 ft 350 350 "� • O 347 347 r�-I O • 104+50 105+00 105+50 106+00 106+50 107+00 107+50 108+00 108+50 Cr) C U O t o • NOTE: ca 3J G0 3J 003 t3J 3ao3ao ao3— 3G03003 G03G03 3G03G03 003G03 1 1. DEVIATIONS FROM THE DESIGN WILL BE SHOWN IN RED. .4 3J • 33 3J 3J 3J OOlGOl 003OO1— O100'I rt 3J 3 3J 3J 3J 3J 3J 33 33 ;573� T+in Id STA:108+07 Ui0 LOG SILL NOT INSTALLED DUE - 1 TO ADEQUATE STABILITY - ' NDANIELS CREEK FROM CONSTRUCTED RIFFLE 3°° n W -ter) STA.107+96 II U ----Z --------- INV.OUT - J ®� j#0 1111111 MO III 11111111k _ 360 2 60"CORRUGATE - �_ tn.rri,�-z __ ____---360 - --" PLASTIC PIPE CULVERT Kara, " E Q ®H a.� ,: %'1�"-- STA.107+53 . �t� Y ' `'�/ I I I—I P = Iv 4,% .,s off, ':r xp0 `` INV.IN . i✓104 ' II 108+00p —I X@ \ CS? V J�, \ 4PN . I till l,l���1m •� te �40'40',�.. ��, STA.107+44 yvaK __ _tell y -� 2 *t'*-4 ,i, ,,, ,,, ,,, ,,, PP-2 q, q, q, q, BEGIN 100'INTERNAL CROSSINGAli7 PI:b4' w �' aZ�� y"r.� i _ f��i+? STA.107+96 `J�� �'-- � W . \. \\ '' '' '' '' .' .' ., ., �, �, �, DANIELS CREEK REACH 2 �t � INV.OUT �� —__�\ / ;�_�- '' � STA.107+54 le/1 ir, _ _ t?;) -____ w w w w w w .v �' �' �' �' �' �' �' �' INV.IN STA.108+04 O . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . END 100'INTERNAL CROSSING �. rl / I . W W W ,,,_�¢ VE- �, . W W W ,,, ,,, W DANIELS CREEK REACH 2 _ Q m �i I— VP-16 z i I N. N. N. N. N. N. N. .I.G, N. N. N. LT 'Loa—L.r E JaDCE--6B9£E —J 1E z _- I= rl n" `�' `�' `�' `�' `�' `�' `�' `�' `�' `�' .`L6D—N.OD--.—LnD LOD LOD LOD LO LOD N o Z,6 U v. v. v. v. G WG-12 W v. v. D3A v. v. v. cF/cF I F— N 6 .v .v .v .v .v .v .v .v 1 Q 0' 2' 4' 6' >,o N ./ . cE 0' 20' 40' 60' . r �1 \ cE— 1 �b �' .i. .i. CE (HORIZONTAL) y Z ' I N. N. W _ CE —LODC�LOD C�LOJ I P uti 3 c i 360 360 2 QD zo 'a�au. it)1LL -1,1i m r2r-a ,2 tdHE 355 355 m / -\ Os-SLN : s / -VWONz•'/ \ _- � -. , g-?•'s. �AS-BUILT GRADE ` � / 350 350 p ••P\.� DESIGN GRADE I \__,, bJD 345 345 108+50 109+00 109+50 110+00 110+50 111+00 111+50 112+00 112+50 113+00 Ct NOTES: ^ 2 1. DEVIATIONS FROM THE DESIGN WILL BE SHOWN IN RED. I—I 2. AS-BUILT INFORMATION FOR T7 IS ADDRESSED ON SHEETS 2.32 THROUGH 2.34. ,L-I ,--I 0 0 OpT�o a 8 �ooi —a �3J 1 I-- ? �a^' —a ao, ao—3J L \ �]A� OO1�00���3J I I I I `-;-II—�I 1� i� I c-1 °�CyJ �.- aoi- —33 c-1 c6 Wcil + - DANIELS CREEK Iz N 0. ���,_ A 355 ( N "' o I J W I� PP-3 i xO -- 2' Ct rt b U�„ _ _.. �- �� 355 mod. ' .... 1�`y F V14h / - _ - e...„---- 'l� '1°yv W �\\� ems\ \� * O0 Y� �; �� STA:108+76 \ . /.d , ° s y�• ROCK INSTALLED ON BANKS - _-___ --- 0 av` �`�® . i�� TO STABILIZE CONFLUENCE - - 0&' a \ F 1 © ��, STA.108+78 v �, w W W W'. i DANIELS CREEK �, v. 'v.��oD // END REACH 2(RESTORATION) , —�oD' \IOp �- �' /� \W W� BEGIN REACH 3(RESTORATION) TDL ° 3SS w <o ®i:: • s STA.812+71 ��360 V0o zoo W W ,O° �'/ �13 Epp - END T7 �' �' �' j/J (ENHANCEMENT I) j\"" `E CE W W W 96 /;1 L0p�1oc i ` ro `� —cE CE o y>``/ oa —cE �cE W W —ce—ce —ce > ��y, o o �)\ „ I N < u M '9 \ CF 0' 2 4' 6' A o / EPT CAL) x_, cF . . I 0 20' 40' 60 :: k m W W X \\ CF W W (HOP ZONTAL) v Z m I v i v 355 355 2 U7 Q it)IZ _OL1G AS-BUILT GRADE I-�2 HE r11 2-60"CORRUGATED ~w w 350 I / --__ PLASTIC PIPE CULVERT. 350 I / \\.........,.........,_/,- / �����1111411tt22j� 7_, ` / V W oN z• �y: 'orF trsC 345 *45„.... IL „.„....„_______ _ 345 ��N:......••pJ DESIGN GRADE \\ / ////ti1111110 ' / - �,4_ \ DESIGN CULVERT AS-BUILT CULVERT DESIGN CULVERT I N V:342.68 INV:343.64 1 I INV:342.70 AS-BUILT CULVERT INV:343.60 bJD 340 340 113+00 113+50 114+00 114+50 115+00 115+50 116+00 116+50 117+00 117+50 ft NOTES: ao� ao� 1. DEVIATIONS FROM THE DESIGN WILL BE SHOWN IN RED. 1 .n r1 3J I 3J 3J 3J 3J 3J 3J 3J 3J 3J 3J 3J 3J 3J 3J 30 3J� D 30 30 30 3J 3J 3J 30 30 Q0/3JI 3J old aU� �no3—Go Gm—am aoi ao, aon ao,—aoi co,gaol GOD I ® rr-A-1 ci) r I �aoi col col nn/ ,- Col—ao1ao1ao1 GmI-� I 355 ~ •-I LE STA.116+94 n �� • BEGIN 60'INTERNAL CROSSING ��������� O ,� I DANIELS CREEK REACH 3 I ic: REEK 0�'�EQV�; h O 2 60 CORRUGATED � U VP-20 350�' 116xo .t - \'� STA.117+01 _���.PLASTICRI�CULVERTS o lit _--_- nCD �,rip STA.117+43 _ N -------- 93 r 1 GWG-14 �� .et,c=••=ttes k ♦, his I i.350 111„Cam" ' _ ii I Ct x�0 _�...�.. ��v®«�\«`1 00 / °s1j, \ li�!� �I��rl, ,I�� C+r � *E F zv I4�w� i _ Nit, STA.11-- �, 113 00_` �� 4• �-- ' _ -,�/ i 3`SO --- W •117+00 `7 � VR INV.OUT •f n I III 4 ram * — r y v. v. _ STA.117+01 \ 1 '� es; ` I I/l I NV.IN ` _ — yL o� ,1OIL.r� , q ' i L.D LOD LOD - m1''� + O ,,, . .11,ou.---- . . . &441,111440:••• ,---.' L,.1Qn � D 2' I ° /c - cef�� - Q . . . .GWG-15 �,o.. . . . . ° . L�a . . . . . . cE _`o° i J , I- . . . . . . . �, . . . oa . . . . . !,, E/COD I5 c IL) x" u.1 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. /cE cE 14 J .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. /„--- IG oz¢' U cE QW W v. W W W W W W W W cE cE 0' 2' 4' 6' ,o 21 > . cE (VERTICAL) N W IW .. .. /cE,cE 0' 20' 40' 60' :: '' a —CE C CE E (HORIZONTAL) v, Z a 3 d CE CE CE CE 3 ° 3 cJ - X` i v 350 350 LD 4Z -a au. 01 LL, -1 r.q2= m rir-a 345 345 AS-BUILT GRADE 1\ /ram `��,1111111/XXX,/ i �oNtd;6; 1 / -�' WON w' 1 � .*. o$rt2C?aC 340 1 // \\\---�/i �\ / 340d'pN,,.. ..••P\`J \ / _ //Xry 11110" DESIGN GRADE \ \---, _ \ \ - 1 i' I � 335 335 ft I--I I--1 330 330 r�-I O 117+50 118+00 118+50 119+00 119+50 120+00 120+50 121+00 121+50 122+00 (J) U NOTES: Q 1. DEVIATIONS FROM THE DESIGN WILL BE SHOWN IN RED. (1) _ 2. AS-BUILT INFORMATION FOR T6 IS ADDRESSED ON SHEETS (t • ,•icy \�p\it —W �°p> goo 2.30 THROUGH 2.31. Q �6 \ �.J. I ,� 4 ulYea1 —, ao1 >Ja^� 11 x ^TT4: 3 J � W �) +— - 3J70.L�QOL � GC' ,C1CS Go1 001 Go1 GO1 G( )1 m m 3J 3J 3J , .I. .I. .I. c-I I PP-33YI: , _ STA. 709+15 ;--i I— . - ppW_ ` END T6 U ^`-�s'3-�1.•. � REACH 2(RESTORATION) x LU STA.117+54 / \ �3 _� END 60'INTERNAL CROSSING f DANIELS CREEK' W >"' `v "" "" Q 1� DANIELS CREEK REACH 3 �� Mop \ t�o�� - \ ` hpp NI.- '-' 33 ' TILL h PP-4 C11, o D In °' ' fj" a. a. a. a. a. �' of RTS o-rr WG-16 1 rlll / ,IM•1® Ji 0 , • � N0� Y ! i • titi n N1,i jir---, 1 idk_ _ � � • .0.41.44, - _ ** I /c/ - 118+00 , W a a a. \ ' ♦. 1+ s-4 d� a o s 11 � 4s�e �vs4 �lat i�r a r a a a � � z 9 , STA:118+48 \ STA.121+78 :411 LOG SILL NOT INSTALLED DUE TO W W W W W W W W W W W W W DANIELS CREEK W N )_r �, ADEQUATE STABILITY IN CHANNEL END REACH 3(RESTORATION) H� z & ,, , D3A FROM LOGS INSTALLED IN ANGLED'� '� '� '� '� '� '� '� 'limp,,„,401111iiiiiiir,�. �. �. �. BEGIN REACH 4(RESTORATION) Q� !� l7 LOG RIFFLE W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W %1114 i�J� W W I/� L Z o' r 4' e >o J EAT�CA�) N LOD L.: LOD LOD LOD LOD LOD- v •D�LOD�LOD �• Loo-L.. LOD LOD LOD LOD LOD W LOD OD .aD E CE 'T m a zo' 40' so' r -/�L@P LODE LooE cE cE CE cE cE c\ cE cE cE cE cE cE cE cE cE cE .- W W W �DW •�� N� Off LOD-Loo- v I� MoPZON,AL) v Z v p °u" o" cl usi / \345 345 U7 4Z ilau. it)1LL'''', -I.q2= m -r—a 340 340 AS-BUILT GRADE `.,,,t i.1.1.1. I I I Hir2ji \-- 1 — _V WON z 335 1 / -- _ 335 d_.• �����: i i / 1- I _ 1 330 \--- 330 DESIGN GRADEJ ft I--I - Q 325 325 r�-I O • 122+00 122+50 123+00 123+50 124+00 124+50 125+00 125+50 126+00 126+50 Cr) U O ' _35- —ao aot NOTES: Q � ,� aJ�aot— I,. 1. DEVIATIONS FROM THE DESIGN WILL BE SHOWN IN RED. 3J Oo7 3D— r� • _3J=0 3-007 001�OOJ �.C t I� —007— 001�6°�3J I Q 00�3J • r , _3J�33�00�-007� —0��0���0p"1 3J v 007 001 3D 3J 3J=Oot_ a0"1�003J r- aJ_Qo7�_aoi�3J� 340 W W 340. I . 4o11111111111W DANIELS CREEK ft o ``i�•�s•`�,4. �• }� IZ3xoo. .v .v .v .v .v W W . W W W W W W `/lip®126 17. 46k'`�ilit':". �. �. ` \ �0®!a ,,. .i. .i. .i. .i. .i. . 4, 3�,/ .i. .i.►!! '.ire\ .i. �. .u \� -!A! ic ® iis.•....7 !♦•! alp 441,4e GWG-18 ®!O�`�• .), a, a,i tea. •�i �X `��df-Q: „fie \h. . " Via` ®s'r�if 4 `wyb !• ! o, i z .�, o. _'•- La 7...1.P. �arAt1 Off! N :F ma, - 1 r a;a-zsx �� Ol M11•� o� s.;,;� _ , 335 O� FYI! BS S / —+ -Pi CV w VEG @9�I;,�rr. rl� _ -F STA:112+52 N O VALLEY SILL INSTALLED TO t--I� < VP-24 STABILIZE FLOW FROM WETLAND. I,� x N m , - E W 1 93A I LLI o o y. u I_ o z /c L°D c6� z N6 n ,_J—cE LOD— —tor, c J 0' 2' 4' 6' T o V:/ vU —LOD—LOD�cr_ cE I ,Ean CAL) LOD `D —cE cELOD—`°��— .. .. N b aec —LOD cf.—at) ce LOD—LOD I Q 0 20 40 60 ; G I L0D OD— C y m C —LOD—LODE —CLOD—OD MoaizoNrAy i 'z v 3 �yy LOD—�4 D I A P °,0." P c7 LOD , ,.� CLOD 1 / / 340 340 V 2 QD 4Z 'a�au. it)ILL'', -1.qi m �— ,2 ,E ry w w' 335 335 AS-BUILT GRADE a`a� 111111,,,,,,' \ / — - -V WON��-6— \\ // �yi gmvS; 330 / 330 �y•• •�Ca\ 1 / ` 1 // 325 DESIGN GRADE 325 Ct Ii 320 320 ram-) O 126+50 127+00 127+50 128+00 128+50 129+00 129+50 130+00 130+50 (J� U Qo�;), NOTE: o / oo�� 1. DEVIATIONS FROM THE DESIGN WILL BE SHOWN IN RED. (1) °3 r 3'� o, o o Q � 37,---- Do1 �/� �Do1 �% \ U aJ 01 poi, �3j o, 0.0f a Dot 335 J a�\\Do 6,-,\ 330 tz DANIELS CREEK m STA:126+65-126+85 -� i _ \ BRUSH TOE INSTALLED TO W •rt i / STABILIZE BANK AND INCREASE .• aC - ''/ ` F ��� STABILITY OFLUNKERLOGS gm �, 330 1 I—I o PBI��\� �,_,� 129+00 .i' .i' -w-'.;'.i. .i' .i' -f-S i� 4;4 2t)AC .i' a, I:� a'4. a, a, a' Im•o pb�a' .i' a' �s�J /'\ 80®r - ��, a . . . ;u, a' a' a' atb� a' a' a � ��A, a' a' a' a' 4, / ',���i 127+00 4.t fef� II Atf�`, "19, '._a' .i' yPv 1+ .i'' .i' .i' .i' .i' .i' I ___ \ ����4��.i' � .i' .i' W :CG-DCR4 0 Z _ �C/ \�� N o Z m U �LOD_CE f 0' : :. I-ss's CE LOD—LOD— E 0 ' 60 T 5 / LOD— :',I'''' a' t LOD—LOD—LOD— •• LOD—LOD CE CE LOD CE LOD—LOD CL�� LOD—LOD—LOD—LODE CE CE CE MOPIZONTl1L) iv, yLOD—LOD—LOD LOD —L p �°0." c7 .9 • A / 335 335 QD 4Z 'a,au. m 7 No_ ,2 IHE ry w w 330 330 AS-BUILT GRADE `.0%11I I1lcii/i. �� /� ,oN,�1.6- W O N � - gm v. 325 ' "I /- 325 y- ��� k /// r 1 .! `` rr,�1/irnu111P\`\ / rr I ``� I / /' bA I / 320 ///r I /// 320 DESIGN GRADE/ ft Ii 315 315 r�-I • O 130+50 131+00 131+50 132+00 132+50 133+00 133+50 134+00 134+50 (J� U O NOTES: Q 7 ��°� _ \ 1. DEVIATIONS FROM THE DESIGN WILL BE SHOWN IN RED. W 33 QO °01� 2. AS-BUILT INFORMATION FOR Ti IS ADDRESSED ON SHEETS ct E g +, . W W 33—°pj- �O1 \ 2.9 THROUGH 2.16. ct CZ �p I 3 3 3 3 —of Q Q .. r , ao1� F� /Q 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3 m 33 001 I— W • W W W W W W W 3 30 7 x II/V) — J°per: \ IW 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 (� �ZI _ '.ram.,..•-_ , ux =I y `I STA.13 w DANIELS CREEK cn --I DANIELS CREEK REEK 3, U END REACH 4(RESTORATION) \o 1-1 BEGIN REACH 5(RESTORATION) ft W __ �,� (1.)• L5 9�r 7 \> I--I F I x VP-26 \ v �.✓c avr'{�,r z o O1 GWG-19. r arq�vs':°� .;,pt r*4 ``\ 'cgs 0� i�.�'b '1����V - i _ y�A 1 i ®� 131 .y3'Lx ®84���®i i1�.= i YNe' 3dx X a us� "O� \� ��'f��A® i in Nii DO _ _ 134+00 _ p Adb Y �1 6 Nam. ,G i :R- - it°'A� S ' - /� 'IN,"A :01 �I, yr . IL l�$ YY ♦`ice a♦" PP-9 + ♦. 'i1D�1��$ I eta i 1ay��� t l�,,I, i I ee`ri.%®��\\r� 4�IR -� - _ /� ti °' //� ° /�I® STA.234+OS `�S' `'�''^�`�,�ris - t4 c \ S Aw- ,1wr �y7 I REACH 5(RESTORATION) I� f STA.133+91 �, �7 I !�;-'4' 4 END DANIELS CREEK o Al!! )' REACH 5(RESTORATION) D o¢m u o � Nag, /y�jC VP-25 �`�' N 6 a' %A. o ,� 0' 2' 4' 6' �o - I,A�! 1 ice oo�\-oo \ NEA,��.�� : N 33 1 11 FG cF. \ o' 20' 40' 60' L m v 11C11� p II ce b tf 'It,. , _.- cF no��pD MoA�zoN,A�� y z 1 H A / 400 400 . 1 ••��o...` cn 1\11I z ��HE PRE-CONSTRUCTION GRADE ~w .A.395395 ....,... .. / _ I ����1111111//��� z 2Nt�1.-6- DESIGN GRADE � � w om�;• 390 1,..-- -� • 390y-• �s� L_1 I 1 — 1 I 1 I I—_ 1 I 1 385 1 I 385 1 AS-BUILT GRADE I I 1 / ft I___1 I__l ;„•i U 380 380 -I-) �- i 200+00 200+50 201+00 201+50 202+00 202+50 203+00 203+50 204+00 204+20 •(f O� O LODE 3'— \'o `c NOTE: O `- �'-I L _�wo —a� - \°o R-N 1. DEVIATIONS FROM THE DESIGN WILL BE SHOWN IN RED. H 3' a, c� L°-CLOD 3' .� o ct ODD 3 -L0�LOD-3] d\° O I oD 400 STABILIZE CONSTRUCTED RIFFLE. .� Wi Ct \ U TZ i z J c -_ ter, _- •, U c., PP-10 0p pp s _�3+00 �\1 - \ 12 I--I \ \ _ „ 395 p < <� f�, 11 1E_ 3a sz p 0> \ 201+p0 2+�- FG-T1. \�1 i., _ - t' z 00 ��> J GWG-1 �.r�.. I, - STA. GIN T1 �8� N BEGIN T1 STA:201+87-201+96 oo REACH 1(RESTORATION) �> ° °O CONSTRUCTED RIFFLE MATERIAL AND I 4`;1 k \ LOG SILL ADDED TO STABILIZE HEADCUT. o0i i STA:200+87 °>. z > LOG SILL ADDED TO STABILIZE HEADCUT. o yy o0A �00 N 8 o C° VP-1 0� z� a' e� �o 6 Mo MAV i �, i 3 xy i v 385 385 .N,..;---___ Zz iNI! 1 / ° I__/ 1 /`��� DESIGN GRADE �'� 1511/ PRE-CONSTRUCTION GRADE it.)`]'z I �� AS-BUILT GRADE Q64 --HE r. H w , ,E I �� m 380 �� 380 oN,.... '_ 1 _V WON `••••.\ Sy- o om?C+s� .......... mod : 375 ` 375 izoN.-----•1,,\s. tiltIll 370 370 204+20 204+50 205+00 205+50 206+00 206+50 207+00 207+50 208+00 208+50 209+00 NOTES: I--I 1. DEVIATIONS FROM THE DESIGN WILL BE SHOWN IN RED. 2. AS-BUILT INFORMATION FOR T1B IS ADDRESSED ON SHEET O 2. AS-BUILT INFORMATION FOR T2 IS ADDRESSED ON SHEET L rt 1.2&SHEETS 2.18 THROUGH 2.19. I--1 U gke\ke. \\ ,,, \ / ,.,«, 'W W C▪IS N o , czt i ���,� ,Via„ i e\ .. 1.%,.4 7.' c) \ ▪�s s .4,, ES, u VP-3 LJ ~ P 00' / 1 001- STA.308+34 ';j FG Z ;-1 ;-1 —a I � END T2 -am ,;v aoi_ U c� `,7- ® Y. �°° (RESTORATION) `' ` . ao_aoi_aoi_aoi, IN 66\ Y cn co' ao}—..a,. 208+00 '`....�w i 385 , -��o`\ GR�y I (� \ J\ ` / 207+00 e,4,�� _ 205+00 ^,� ,,_.` �.����A, \ STA.206+95 4 �i.'�. + ��•Z - — - —'� - u- e-��sr': Ti STA.207+68 �'8S �� `1 �;� II - rv. •�� II a +�„ mw_z�.��1-.:?..? Sia=206+00=G��O�y� I. f o J\ CREDIT RESUMES HERE Ti :IM'-: o� 11 .-- ` =-..S u v.7 A� o END 100'INTERNAL CROSSING END REACH 2(ENHANCEMENT II) O �� I .-38`p0 '� ` = - _ ° ,80__ ice'' 1 (CAROLINA POWER&LIGHT EASEMENT) BEGIN REACH 3(ENHANCEMENT II) co ctp IIIIP _ - rep vt4...t,,,,...,,'..#01411.744,1:likt \ itiUVAVA < r. • Illikieh „. \ \ i >41,0 . . v. v,.( f1v. v. W \�'V / �, �� ce ce ce ce CE CE CE �c N 25'WIDE FORD CROSSING Z T., G J :�W _ y� W STA.205+97 cE cf. �� �q �/ � Ti _ 'z" % �� / W STA.205+58 END REACH 1(RESTORATION) H \ & �' �' �' ' Ti 0.2 BEGIN REACH 2(ENHANCEMENT II) q- a G ' W . . CREDIT STOPS HERE CE CE CE CE - k, ---- 2 E . . . 7 BEGIN 100'INTERNAL CROSSING —°0 °01 a°� a°1 a°) a n—co °"' o z o .F . ./ (CAROLINA POWER&LIGHT EASEMENT) N d O I,_ . . G,G 0' 2' 4 6 T o Ii (VERTICAL) • N 0' 20' 40' 60' S" .� (HORIZONTAL) m Z, q at i v 380 380 U7 61'PRE-CONSTRUCTION °' o 24"HDPE CULVERT Z 0 ii v \` w w 375 - +++++ 375 +ems _ ,� PRE-CONSTRUCTION GRADE AS-BUILT CULVERT + +++++ i�' \\\ INV:374.90 +++� ��� ��\ N. AS-BUILT CULVERT `%% ��0sYN.XNI. •.'...j% I T CULVERT .81 % �or'.idei;6� AS-BUILT GRADE `----------- +++++++ � '• 'Lgm2v:s� 370 ++++++ 370 •d0'• � �� 365 365 208+60 209+00 209+50 210+00 210+50 211+00 211+50 212+00 212+50 213+00 ft NOTE: 1 1 1. DEVIATIONS FROM THE DESIGN WILL BE SHOWN IN RED. -•0 1 / I S rt LO1 10 /°' U 00 I LOD C LOD�30�_\�O 1 O W -• QI OD�� a3 o a3 \ 1 N Cr) O O ✓ �3 Q W• 1 33 LOD 33 �Q\ IN O H _J L°D LOD 33' �� +J Z1 OO =I3 . n �OOI OOl0 W rt =p3 33 .o moo°��� 1Z bA � j \ pp ool gIa I J (� I " Oo1/ 0 0 I F-1 U+.0 STA.208+84 T1 po 211+00 G C I BEGIN 40'INTERNAL CROSSING '� CD PRE-CONSTRUCTION CROSSING O 1 U I 210+p0 1 STA.208+95 / 1 ft INV.IN 'I 2/2,00 21 00 I / /_ STA.209+32 / i 1 209„, ' o T1 k 1 I uq.3 .. •`. END 40'INTERNAL CROSSING / o � STA:209+16-209+25 1 0 STA.209+16 BRUSH TOE INSTALLED TO INCREASE BANK STABILITY I INV.OUT , /FROM FLOW OUT OF PRE-EXISTING CULVERT. ro U �' N IIN, I PRE-CONSTRUCTION\ .� 24"HDPE CULVERT 1 x" _cE o° I P, E6m u o I o / / 1 0 2 4 6 >, 6 Ii I .. N / I a zo' 40' so' Tbz v r A 1 / I pip I ." i v 370 370 U7 4Z 'a,U oll �� ..... �� w Y PRE-CONSTRUCTION GRADE Q J� a � ` 2 t' H E ry w w 365 \\\ 365 ` \\ AS-BUILT GRADE gip•:.,pl ''•'1, _' oN4,f1.6� ` _V W oN s may, 'ogm C,s� 360 DESIGN GRADE I i/ I / ,— I b ID 355 355 213+00 213+50 214+00 214+50 215+00 215+50 216+00 216+50 217+00 217+40 ft p-i rt NOTES: I--I 1. DEVIATIONS FROM THE DESIGN WILL BE SHOWN IN RED. E 2. AS-BUILT INFORMATION FOR T3 IS ADDRESSED ON SHEET p-1 O 1.4&SHEETS 2.20 THROUGH 2.22. 0 p., r1 a) / ao I M � 3 , 0- 00/33/ N N N rn \ 3) G off3• :`� �\N F W W o C % 5� ��0 1�, N 'GWG-4 ��♦#\CG-T3R2 33/3 /' z F. U 1 Nt: /0) 4Q � x 2H CD 1 \y STA.416+35 �f-, •ft ft o 7,l . - END T3 . . . /Q b T1 �6\ .\,oo ,,. ,,. ,,. ,,. REACH 2(RESTORATION) ,,, ,,, ,,, P AkO - , `', a' " ��- ilk 'L ` A. �• "''si il's - - 4t. 1 401 •. 216+00 ! 7, — \ 70: \ \ V 360 21 00 'A_..� ,-0 21 Id 0008.1'�_t®�'. - \ �'. ♦':. - \��•ems•••.• a�U�r•-,�i-�'a s �# fit. i -�' � 360- i 36� \ \0, STA.215+71 T1 STA:216+15 / w \ ITS STA:214+60-215+18 • ROCK ADDED TO BANKS TO �':; �o END REACH 3(ENHANCEMENT II) ROCK SILL STEP POOL SEQUENCE EL m o BEGIN REACH 4(RESTORATION) STABILIZE CONFLUENCE. / \ CHANNEL ADDED TO STABILIZE CHANEL \ x" `oo / z ° / � ozptu C�d� —GE 0' 2' 4' 6' o Ii i LOD—LOD LOD_LE —CE CE OE / NEPTIC4L) ~ • °� N0." LOD-L _LE LOD—LOD- �p-LOD-LODE LODGE GE CE V LOD / 0' 20' 40' 60' L c \ / HORIZONTAL) v 3 v C 365 360 v 365 - 360 QD 4 Z -il,1! ito)ILL, Lqi Q 6 �v�_a Z �HE 360 355 360 - 355 " ..`�0111111ry4�,' _z oZits�6_ _ -V W oN W. - 355 - // - 355 �350 350 �.• ` gmw. / 4,0• ,rnajj1P\`.. / L___1'' I I 1---_ I / I / DESIGN GRADE / I_ I - / 350 - I / 350 345 DESIGN GRADE 345 AS-BUILT GRADE 1 4 I 1-I ft 2 AS-BUILT GRADE 345 - 345 340 340 � � 217+50 218+00 218+50 219+00 219+50 220+00 220+50 221+00 221+50 221+80 •(f O z4� O NOTESDEVIATIONS FROM THE DESIGN WILL BE SHOWN IN RED. H \X --- 12. AS-BUILT INFORMATION FOR T4 IS ADDRESSED ON SHEET\ 1.6&SHEETS 2.24 THROUGH 2.27. 355 - O 0. 360 r x 11 \ PP 12 -36 �16� I (� c- ��11 .♦ 8x0cn Q s ,--I b poi\ '`-- ;.x 7::::, �i ® if` 50 - 3 Y b ,,A ` �� zi9+oo T1 All i mo m�g.--0. =�' 14 ' GWG-7 -i ' e/til'. �' ��',�'� ---355 `; •-�.® GWG 8 _-- a* 7 V �\ ___ ____. ------ _ J`vc ter♦ I���i®I STA:217+55 ♦♦'b.. '` - �`)1� --7111! s4., I \ ANGLED LOG SILL INSTALLED TOE\� _ iiimoi�.. p wi1�� -\\ - ' IMPROVE CHANNELSTABILITY. "s0, -? � y_�� �;��1 ��0 ilY` 01• ��a -:::=___1:,-.0;:;.:**-4.44'1 9----4213- I to- 2 CE `:6 11 C f A 7\ o/o°E ,71 PP-13 -�� STA.516+74 -1 ti �?\ \/o° cE /o cE ENDT4 SIN Z °�/o\cE 3 REACH 2(RESTORATION) / I Q— \ (o°\Ei.\ I-- 4 �\ �to°-_______C0E__________cE 1.1-- ° �\ 0°\00 \c cE `0 Iz N66 U t'J(OD \ D J �\ \/Opp\/o 355 '��/�o = °� 2 4� 6 >,o Ii �V �� CE f- k %a/ IQ N b �0\ °p�/o cE /oa 0 20 40 so' °� o pD/ /O C E,/� I (HOP ZONTAL) i i A a"i A i v 2 2-60"CORRUGATED U7 350 PLASTIC PIPE CULVERT. 350 rQ 0< °:' oo,i' I AS-BUILT GRADE. ,- �Z - s z FI ryw ,z /- / ro 345 1I / 1 / \ _-l i 345 -/ \ / I �oN,d:6� 1 / i ......_,_ , \ / 7........ ._____r —V WON �:� DESIGN CULVERT \ d"• � INV:343.18 \ / /r ',,,9ji-----'P\`\ DESIGN CULVERT --/ / / ./�1 340 AS-BUILT CULVERT INV:342.30 ) / I I -. INV:343.06 / — 340 DESIGN GRADE ---' I / / AS-BUILT CULVERT I / INV:342.40 ---- 1--/ I 1 / 1 / __/ biD ct 335 335 g 334 334 221+80 222+00 222+50 223+00 223+50 224+00 224+50 225+00 225+50 226+00 226+20 0 NOTE: ram, 1. DEVIATIONS FROM THE DESIGN WILL BE SHOWN IN RED. v aol—uui— -- uo=gaol �of— J 3J [� I OOI�OOI 3J 3J 3J Ool�0 I I 001 001 0 001 001�"'" 31 3J i 3J J 1�001 O 001�001�001� 3J 3J�—� 33�I333=007 jVn 00 I 0 3J 3J _O77 WJ rl 001�001�001� 3J 3J ICV rO, -I aol�4p1 a --3J 3J r� 2 60"CORRUGATED l0/ � U aL(V,�aul� g55 3J 3J PLASTIC PIPE CULVERT ® ("Ni F� J 3J VEG ; STA.224+44 N �"' Q T1 I Q, iN I > n END 60'INTERNAL CROSSING N a i� �W VP-11 �, r � z 11geriReefi STA.224+34 ' U ct 0 i.'I I INV.OUT -3p Iw v _ � t titi I —I— -T1 91A �., ., �o ��®® c� Ct Q =-'- -- / STA.223+94 L� �#42 `_ ikek , 7 INV I N >�- Tipto �I _Q�+ s,�� �4 ' V P CG T1R4 ,2g - j 4, &,.� + u .�,. �L •�' iA Ins i�l. ',4 � ;.xn.=_ 224 00 i ►i of..fwii �111 _ PP-15 0 I o ., il- �ie� ��.� _ �►.� .� , �I11111.1 I I Ik lto it I • _.. Y� ;� % ®s��� •t®a .� -.44 eA 1 �j�•tit , t ys -v , e d�:_ s.����.��• I 222+ _ '®,�� ,,�tii af®�� '�� ',1qp _ ; 1 /ii. ♦�2 i /' • - �.i r _ "IV' PP-14 � X= I� u1 v. .. v. _�4r1p ♦� ��•, lei Va®$t!r ---```��� _ ^ �L� _./ TW m )' ♦44k,►� s — N- l3q re,/ - y STA.223+94 0 'lb V *1. -- STA.223+84 INV.INwit�' "�'�I�a�/� STA.224+34 1 r Ti -- a. a. a. a. a. a. a. a. a. a. I, A�i BEGIN 60'INTERNAL CROSSING INV.OUT n ®1 .toy .�. �. .�. .�. .�. �. .�. 9 1I O o 1 350 `A ref �. ,I. �. �. �. 4 if ,7 .I l W W W W \I *A.„• � • '- CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE W W p" I CE CE CE CE CE LOD CE LOD CE LOD— �ELOD—‘.y LOD LOP LOD LOD LOD LOD LOD LOD LOD Oo�, N qo�z (�j GE CLOD LOD—L00—LOD—L O Lie I , h 6 6 o I E/`OD ,1 ‘71-1 ��D� 0 2 4 6 o Ii '0 v GE (VEPTIC4L) OD a /GE I `DD 0' 20' 40' 60' " . m � D/ 5 l �j Cu HORIZONTAL) a; i i ` —VE no A P ° 3 cJ zF, i v 345 345 U7 zo ilau. it)m _OL1G �r—a ,2 t,,HE -w w 340 340 `�o1111111/,J, -__\.............\\ AS-BUILT GRADE Slap""• y,, d'._,s_ _ / / , f _� WHN z6_ � : gm vac 335 / / - _ 335 `�2'�� / I I -J / 1 / / 1 , ,/ _/330J \__, ,i / I _ 330 bCDESIGN GRADE / (t L w NW `, W 325 325 --a--r -i r' O 226+20 226+50 227+00 227+50 228+00 228+50 229+00 229+50 230+00 230+50 cn ,0 O i~ / O�,,\ 30�— NOTES: [~ —33 a3 1. DEVIATIONS FROM THE DESIGN WILL BE SHOWN IN RED. - y 33 2. AS-BUILT INFORMATION FOR T1A IS ADDRESSED ON SHEET f / \� —3 �33� ]ao� a I 2.17. O v aol I U °O "/ °O, 0013901 ��aol 33 335 a 33 I urt t , T1 " � I F `` ° ® • • v. ���\ .�`� STA.226+89 %rPlr 335 ®i END REACH 4 y •,,� `� BEGIN REACH SR(RESORATION)TORATION) - cif \ ss®�C�� �"',Cfi�r ZZ� �. c__$ Zs$I ^III, GWG-9 °' / I ✓r'r'rl. 22 �V� < <s Mh S. iir� o ���� �� - ®� � _ PP-16 v. v. v. ilk .33s I si. roc w N. . . / c� r /\ �DDfin.: �1 0 y OD—LO -L �_ c : .., y a STA.213+60 ' vIpp END T1A , , , , F NHANCEMENTII) WCEDCLOD LODE 0 2 4' 6 • —CLO .i. I . .i. .i, a. .i. .i. .i, a. .: BRUSH TOE ADJUSTED TO PREVENT —I�CE LOD—LOD—LOD I Q NEpJ�L� BACKWATER IN T1A CE D�—L°D— I 2 N W W W W W W W W W 0' 20' 40' 60' b _ w /i w v� w w w v� w cE I MOR ZONTAL) v Z 1 a"i i v 335 335 2 V7 4Z 'dau. to)1 LL, -1..)E2 i m -ir-a ,2 IHE -w w 330 /�- AS-BUILT GRADE 330 m 6 `I J/ 1 �zp�.SAL ''•'1d / —V. WON z.-.� s / DESIGN GRADE 1 // o E„*sue 325 // 325 ,,,,,,0N"rn.....11,1,`,.. brJ 320 320 230+50 231+00 231+50 232+00 232+50 233+00 233+50 234+00 234+50 ft NOTES: I--I H 1. DEVIATIONS FROM THE DESIGN WILL BE SHOWN IN RED. 2. AS-BUILT INFORMATION FOR DANIELS CREEK IS O ADDRESSED ON SHEETS 2.01 THROUGH 2.08. 0 U olJ- il ft i Sao o 1,®1 . GWG-19 W W W �o :11 � � Oao1 0 aid,�,fbb \\ W i ���♦;M STA.234+05 `�' r , 'S'� i ` �t• f� END T1 V (t 0�`'' i m � \lll • �''� REACH S(RESTORATION) w o [i�!r l i n - au - O i 4 031 M : : ;o;,�®• � DANIELS CREEK '1 `/' , [ j• / •- ®•0 42 L.�,!" xOO - _ �rla� � END REACH 4(RESTORATION) ft ` `�• ' I� AN i� 33 - �a �9 BEGIN REACH 5(RESTORATION) , b ♦4 q� �*4t� ®� L _ 234+00 j �� v I / ♦" a�� E 7 ` _ o ® ® . S \ *WA 23 d ,� s A G®' �-:�� � ^'v \ ® 9 % -�-325-__- VI V � VP-25 \ O � s _._ i rn m M' VEG m \ ^�71, 325 12 z �e o k _=1cE "PP-9,.gi...,,,,SA, ry z �cE 335 �ti ya & U �Loo_Loo=cE cE cE ^'� l� eE v 4cClo°�lo L°°�cE cE ,!ff1 ICI o 6 �" 21 ' Loo�loo E cE �:; �� N z¢' u �Lo Loo_Looc_�ce 4 6 ' lo° L0D cE cEYj, /' ,\ 0' 2' 4' 6' T o Ii J ea\ ,,`d y ---= VP-26 u V y,,,,,4..A .,. N ��Co 0' 20' 40' 60' 55: .°� H.i.,,,,7 m Z, 1 ,, a"i / 355 355 07 4Z 'a:au. to)ILL', li m =�_- ry w w' 350 ***"... +..... 1 350 \\ ` O• NA J'�\ PRE-CONSTRUCTION GRADE\ � oN�1-6 ` • cvn 345 \\ 345 y-•, '444 \` • 340 \� ••••0. \ \\ 340 AS-BUILT GRADES`\\ n/ U 335 ` 335 I-• -I 210+00 210+50 211+00 211+50 212+00 212+50 213+00 213+50 214+00 (n C O 33 3J \ �41 �,p NOTES: O 3J \ �, �, �, ___� ��� S 1. DEVIATIONS FROM THE DESIGN WILL BE SHOWN IN RED. 4 H \ \ 33 aJ- 6m W W ,�►11 2. AS-BUILT INFORMATION FOR Ti IS ADDRESSED ON SHEETSCt \ m aJ 3J aJ- ° �1` II 2.9 THROUGH 2.16. \\\\ mJv. v. v.c, 3J 3J-W 3J 3J \O m W W 11 N. N. N. .I. 3J _ .I. .I. .I. .I. .I.WWW W W W W I W W W.i. : : .i. .i. .i. .i. .i. .i. .i. �. �. �. �. �. III �I; r , (� STA• .210+75 T1 I '! _c \ W W W BEGIN T1A W W W W W A o W W W ~ v. v.\ w v. v. v. w v. v. v. v. v. / 1- (ENHANCEMENTII) �pfi o •E .i. .i. .� .i. .i. .i. .i. .i. .i. ' �I( /T Ct M ,may wpp i . r iPP_18 / am. . . . . . . . XT: lI,, ,, ,i HANCEMENTII) eO° i.� 4 .i. .i. .1. W v 213+00 \%w l L 2 ,fin_ .o �0�,0.v .v \ w w w w w w w w w w�j w Vi ° x6 Op _ `.: —_ _j Z .. .. M .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. lO C z .. \ .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. \ � 4 ` �. ' \ � 2 `m 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 coo � �* x —CE N N N N N N N N N N N N N N cE PP-16 . ` 1 —CE 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 .2 co o y m u i \ ----- E -cE W CE 6 0' 2' 4' 6' 24 T o -cE \ (VERTICAL) \ �. �. �. �. .-CE CEO. �.—CE 0' ' ' L oo\ -\W �. �. 20 40 60' " . t \ .I. .I. .I. .I. .I. .I. .I. .I. .I. .I. —CE CE !OO bib._ W (HORIZONTAL) p Tv' 3 \ ° o" .I. .I. .I. .I. .I. .I. .I. .I. W CE CE / 400 400 4Z 'a,77au. dri).: 1,0"ii m r_a 2 7 HE rr w w 395 395 PRE-CONSTRUCTION GRADE V WoN , 390 390 E2:ir:� / DESIGN GRADE' \V/ \ /\ AS-BUILT GRADE \/ \ 385 \ / 385 v I-- U 380 380 -I--' r -�-i • '303+60 304+00 304+50 305+00 305+50 cn O O N NOTES:1. DEVIATIONS FROM THE DESIGN WILL BE SHOWN IN RED. H 2. AS-BUILT INFORMATION FOR T2 LINEAR WETLAND IS ft I I ADDRESSED ON SHEET 1.2. I ,co-LOD LOD=30D 3] O � 37 37 \ l Col ,Lpp �/ Lpp'L '', 'H LOp /3 t m 1 Lpp, o L p-Lpp3p 3' - m Lou „ QI pp_Lpp „ NJlpp „ I b 2I : �2 ct ago / I F 30 k0� G T2 I' _ lip ` 111 "o L °z I.r civ °ao 20,,,14041;� o OL Z STA.303+82 I BEGIN T2 3 IQ\ I REACH 1(RESTORATION) 90 I) z ku oz� u •�� 0 39� I � N 8 6 6 /w J 0' 2' 4' 6' ?'o Ii 4. IQ0' 20' 40' 60' " . N e12 CIO __ -PEC-W f UO I S� CE (I CE `2 v (HORIZONTAL) i ''4 A i v 390 390 LD zo 'ill! it)m OL�G r—a 385 \ 385 IC / n AS-BUILT GRADE \/ \ // V WON �• yt c �on_ • _ % 380 \/F \ t\ 380 /�d�N,rnp110P �V L-/ \ DESIGN GRADE 375 375 ft I--I - 370 370 - -C)-i 305+50 306+00 306+50 307+00 307+50 308+00 308+50 (J) 0 O 1 Lu—Lou— - NOTES: N I LOD Lop--LOD LOD— z a� .. 37-37 1. DEVIATIONS FROM THE DESIGN WILL BE SHOWN IN RED. LOD_OO-LOD LOD 37 LOD 37 LOO z 37-a�-a�- 2. AS-BUILT INFORMATION FOR Ti IS ADDRESSED ON SHEETS ct it '.OD�LOD CLOD— - D37 37 a 3 2.9 THROUGH 2.16. 37- —3- rn J °' STA:306+34 r� ca S LOG SILL SUBSTITUTED FOR BOULDER SILL . W W °° `J 3$ DUE TO MATERIAL AVAILABILITY W W D3A / T2 VP-3 o^ I--I P 1 _ G isT VEG STA.306+36 - ,, / - -4 3o8+0/ [Q. _/• END REACH 1(RESTORATION) '6y � '\/ /� STA.308+34 5 BEGIN REACH 2(RESTORATION) 3 '•iy=easi�i?p o o END T2 80 j REACH 2(RESTORATION) 01 °o A + 38S 1 QI z . �-I / 8 z W i oo , uww oz u o Z ,�c, u wW / o, z, a, 6, 6 N o uwW �. \U / N.E.E.)CE CE CE CE N b aQeaoi Cfoi ��i +oiaoi aoi aQi• o o a zo' ao' so' U WW ynO O) / HORIZONTAL) ; z 3 x C 410 400 Y 410 - 400 2 (I.) 4Z 'a,i au. W U o i 0� Y zZ °siv DESIGN Q6 =00 a \ ,. . -w 405 395 405 - �. 395 1 1 ` _ 1/--� 1 1 1 AS-BUILT GRADE 1 - �\�1)lulnn�� %I�."*% PRE-CONSTRUCTION GRADE J/^ �`•\a p.••. ' ',—/ �/, i 1/ -V W NO �s %*.r��._. 400 390 Y �'. om2C+ls� 400 - I 390 'b . 1 -JI / 1... ''. ..\ PRE-CONSTRUCTION GRADE --JI J/ 1 395 - 1�... ; 395 385 385 t.•1 ft .y ., I--1 U 390 - 390 r 380 380 - �1 �-i 404+00 404+50 405+00 405+50 406+00 406+50 407+00 407+50 408+00 408+50 (n C O E r F E E E E E Go,iIE� - NOTES: I CO E 4 - O 'i 1. DEVIATIONS FROM THE DESIGN WILL BE SHOWN IN RED. oi E/ °o 3 2. AS-BUILT INFORMATION FOR T3 LINEAR WETLAND IS E E E E '.' °O,- / Ct E E E — / ADDRESSED ON SHEET 1.4./ E E E �°03,3°/ 2. AS-BUILT INFORMATION FOR T3A IS ADDRESSED ON SHEET E E E •1.5&SHEET2.23. P. E E / E E E -E 0 E E 0 7 O I ;-E / EE E E E E � E/ E E E E E _ U E E E E E /o° �goE E T3 I a)zOO E E E E M E E E E E E /�° E E E E CtPP 22 .,Il cp b E E E E E E E E E E E Gold"^ / 69 '1__ _ _408+001 @: r"fp — E /E E E E E � 7_ , 1 - P E E E E405+Op °of �°a -�� � - ;I 1 F E E E E _ ja` _ _ — E JE E EEE 406+00 - r E -p E E PP-21 o / I) _ - 00i Q./ E O E 41 \ 0 E�/E . + E E E Q - E T3 I-\ 5 �` E E E END REACH 1(ENHANCEMENT II) V) Q/ E E E BEGIN REACH 2(RESTORATION) E :'A E�/E E E E `�� / STA.411+64 I Z m E �� E E 8 END T3A In"-, z ) = E E C)�r \ (ENHANCEMENT II) _ Z k / �/ E VP_4 ° 400 CE CLOo��- I-` f /E CE CE LOD LOD LO I QCC x iE E G CE CE LODE OD--LOD IG " E Q� E JF' o° CE E •D�LOD 4 4 I LG CE o WED LOD I N o z Q U O P E E C CE CE LOD LOD Q E E E CE CE o .—LODE D N 0 CE CE I 0 2' 4 6 >,o N E E E CE (VERTICAL) N 0' 20' 40' 60' 5" (HORIZONTAL) m Z, a"i ` i v 390 - 390 385 385 V7 Q z o -1°14 <L Yu�z oz�„ 57"SPAN,38"RISE 0 r-z g;F -ARCHPIPECULVERT , "-a 2w HE I, m 71 385 -1-:\>.L"-l''....-------" 385 3, 380 ry 1 / ����1111411ryr2 f �Js;dP....•• y4 AS-BUILT GRADE mN w:6' / I AS-BUILTCULVERTJ � *- Qo.� I_ J 1 __ / \ /�{�" I / AS-BUILT GRADE W�m va= /\-�C� INV:377.34 _DESIGN CULVERT /��` y-.. E*.� 1 / INV:377.20 _ ;i 3A;;.....•**r, L / 380 375 \i1 /rrhrmil1��� 380 - I / 375 DESIGN GRADE / /--` DESIGN CULVERT] I___/ 1 / /`` INV:376.40 I AS-BUILT CULVERT / y INV:376.62 I // 375 370 375 - 370 ft DESIGN GRADE .2 371 - 371 366 366 I- C.)-i 408+50 409+00 409+50 410+00 410+50 410+9(411+00 411+50 412+00 412+50 413+00 (J) 0 O m NOTE: O ' H I °' �007 Ool� 1 I 1. DEVIATIONS FROM THE DESIGN WILL BE SHOWN IN RED. 3J IGo,_-- 3, 33 3J°ol 001� 1 I r �.y O GO,�Go, 3� ,3001 J Or :..1�0110 0 --i in +I .o a3 a �07�aol�ao IO 4 Q 00 Sao, 33 001� } •r OI AGO, 33 33 - 37� IM U aol�.-33 " 1 33 3J 007 01�001� �"1 Q I Go, a� 57"SPAN,38"RISE4 , 33 33 ° Ool I lt I— Go�pO aJ ARCH PIPE CULVERT F 33 °U11 L<101 ^, r�r Ul I Gol _ J 1 r 33 W ' ' -`w GO �3' 90 T3 , 3 i U —z STA.410+95 _ („I w x /J INV.IN I l)� 1 Z U .�. .�. .�. .�. .�. .�. .. W .. W W • lo grin ,1_. 4� ��b1'1 STA.411+30 =� . litto QI W W W W0 W W W W W i`9' .2� I+pO tav/ END 35'INTERNAL CROSSING I— F I .�. .�. .�. .�. .�. .�. I I'., / ,p1f��j I�I��1.;� t/C�g)11- -�-./ PP-23 ��®1® .�3'I®j`� �� fittr � 70.,e���� a _sv� 12+00 1 _ +0 .i, w.../-.i. w. "i 410 1 6w,• 8pbos YI b STA.411+30 - _ Ili < \' ��� - It�� q INV.OUT ,n 409+00 Y `" STA.410+95 +�� r ei r®® _ I s_IL — BEGIN 35'INTERNAL CROSSING / 'Y H 1` I 4L4 3 ii \ 'm , 11, STA:411+35 .eS 'z" - u, �" �" ` ;, LOG SILL NOT INSTALLED DUE I W W W W ` TO ADEQUATE STABILITY. .\ v. v. v. v. v. v. v.,; 1 G W G-3 /w \ -. ,ix' I o6U o i CE CE LOD CE�0� /LOo 1 0' 2 4' 6' ''O z d' CE CE LOD �L C ! NeanrnV �. /N� I 3g _LOD LOD_L..- .cE. 1 I V O CE CE LOD�L ' CE • CE CE LOD LOD�L CLOD o LOD L�OD CE D L LOD CE 1 I 0' 20' 40' 60' - LOD 'o LOD CE " ''' O C I o �L.1 CLOD�E I (HOaizO,,,,) 1: v 3 �yy a",' X LOD C E °,�', 6 8 ' I,;; LOD L On CEO ,._ A c 380 375 . � 380 - 375 1D 4 Z PO ito)lz Lqi Q 6 -r—a 2 �HE -w w 375 370 375 - 370 `���11111111ry22' AS-BUILT GRADE • ��pi:-?ItiAE •••,:• I m z:6: =_rJ a� 370 - - / I / IV VIA 370 365 / 365 --r�•_ W� *...4s: I b . L__1 L_ / /DADE DESIGN GRADE ,....A.)„......„ 111,..it4<, r / 1 I-i 1 I I I I I r-/ bC I_--/ l 365 - 365 360 Il y� T� 360 / 1 ft I__/ \AS-BUILT GRADE •E O 360 - 360 355 355 �-i O 413+00 413+50 414+00 414+50 415+00 415+50 416+00 416+50 CP i O CO NOTESDEVIATIONS FROM THE DESIGN WILL BE SHOWN IN RED. H 2. AS-BUILT INFORMATION FOR T1 IS ADDRESSED ON SHEETS ct 2.9 THROUGH 2.16. --0000l—aol aol— o// W �. �. W �. W �. 3J OOl _am—QOl— O 3 3J Ol_OOl OOl— /2 W W W W W 3J 3 J an OOl— Ol _ p ® 3J 3J J_0O� OOIJ 003J OOl QOl OOl-OOl OS W W W 66O `C 3J 3J 3J QOl-OOl OOl—/ / W W W W 0A,lr..:'''' 5 -7_7-:•-2:: • F PP-24 w. r /,e �- _ ^ 365 413r0 ' _ I. _„ _o s 4'14+00 ..•�� -ft v� x "' _- llijl'�. o s- _ - - Z1� ,1i !- g.t. �' _rI 415+00- x i �� rAW .._a // 416+00 11 .,.-A 1 �. 1. CG-T3R2 _.... C ' m ' O 93A 36S ti~ �I M ® (.9 � O/ PP-11 1 Q I V P-5 �i�i� \NI < (in GWG-4 � z z I VEG ` // 4' °e o° ��,.\ T1 00 o z m u FYI ,�t�i\. END REACH 3(ENHANCEMENT II) ¢¢ N Q I °'j ,.(���� BEGIN REACH 4(RESTORATION) a z 4' 6 ;,o /1 1 (VERT CAL) 0' 20' 40' 60' : 55 N .k (HOR zoNrAL7 m a"i i v 405 405 VD \ 4Z ,42 im `v ' \\ I °!I 400 �'1. 400 \\ PRE-CONSTRUCTION GRADE %.``` `� W�N�z•6__ 395 \1 395 y-•, *ta ` AS-BUILT GRADE /////1111110 • 390 390 ft I--I — 385 385 - -�-i C 411+00 411+50 412+00 412+50 413+00 Cr) O / m z 411 igL� �,o NOTES: 0 , c 6 1. DEVIATIONS FROM THE DESIGN WILL BE SHOWN IN RED. [� °„ `� / g0 / 2. AS-BUILT INFORMATION FOR T3 IS ADDRESSED ON SHEET /'' , &o° 1.4 AND SHEETS 2.20 THROUGH 2.22. --i czt 6 /o 3. AS-BUILT INFORMATION FOR T3A LINEAR WETLAND IS °,C ao`� / ADDRESSED ON SHEET 1.5. ro A / 6 o° LJ 0 3� 3� 3� 3� 3� 3� 3� 3� 3� 3� 3� 3� 3� 3� 9\ (1) y °° PP-22 ! / f-;j (t I T3A s CD o t ISTA.411+12 \ / 1 ! j BEGIN T3A °o �1!i m (ENHANCEMENT II) PP-25� \ 1L i /oo W /412+00 6 �\, W W W\ -t- /g° am a. a. a.: °— W STA.412+76 /'�' p' I v �v END T3A z� i" / �� �y m �, (ENHANCEMENT II) a �it,V,/ / m I o I W W ao o I m o /. f. . !.. , !6 c, °o 0' 2' 4' 6' >,o N a (VERTICAL) 4. I 00 0 / 0' 20' 40' 60' _ �. fo �. O(6 e /O (HORIZONTAL) i r 1 3 x 410 400 410 - 400 G7 4Z 'a,au. it)1Z -OLFG Z -,HE PRE-CONSTRUCTION GRADE r-1 w w 405 395 405 - 395 // \\/ \\ DESIGN GRADE ; : :i)\-J 400 - / 400 390 \ 390 \ // \ — 77\ y —cis �\ /...."," / 1\ ./Ce\ AS-BUILT GRADE' \/ \ / \ .\\� 395 - \ / \ 395 385 V 385 / /'\ AS-BUILT GRADE r\ ft DESIGN GRADE ),..2 \/ O 390 - 390 380 380 I- �-i r 500+50 501+00 501+50 502+00 502+50 503+00 503+50 504+00 504+50 505+00 505+50 • O ,—i O I _ ao�—ao� .,1—ao,—ao- NOTES: *" H Go Gol—Gol— 3D 3D— °O7 007 nm aoD— 1.4 I °01-0°�-0°D 3D °0i� 1. DEVIATIONS FROM THE DESIGN WILL BE SHOWN N _00 —001 001 3]GEn 3O 3D 3] 3] 3D 3] 3 33 col----°• IO RED. rt 001 001— 33 3J 001 °pj I+ 2. AS-BUILT INFORMATION FOR T4 LINEAR WETLAND + �, 33 33 001 001 111 IS ADDRESSED ON SHEET 1.6. i °•7� I Q I �, �, �, �, �, �, �, �, �, 3D 3D 003J=oi 007 I— IS ADDRESSED ON SHEET 1.9. i 15— Z cn ?\ _I,, T4 u 0 b STA.50 N T4 QCC I BEGIN T4 `G . W W W W W W 1---'00', W ,W (RESTORATION) W W W WW W W _ II m - '.2. -1 - ' --:" �. �. '0 I �. �. �. �. �. �. ixO� Ili �. �. y,��_�..I1 �.. - ��, 503+00 10 " � �o z . a �i� a. � v- .c-- a. / 522+06 1 ii � i \ 0I 505+00 ems` �z v v v v v v v v v v 522+00.v .v (OD W W W W o: W W ` / „°' . N N . O .. N W ' o ..KK . . . L0a . . LOD I * k• 4. ,, I LC STA:500+82-501+08 " W ,FW •� pp BRUSH TOE NOT INSTA.LLEWD T.OPWREV.ENWT . I �Q 'F 1: , 'T.- . xn� rt I BACKWATERING IN T4C jib: W� WCLOD . /. ' 6 m uoz :::— -\. lip'-----1A‘q..„..AL: ,/�/a ��/ y�or' I iD oD�LO LODC�L00E LDO�Et• C c �' `Vp_7 o z 4 6 o . . . . . . , p . /: *gK".. 4yx.. � � LCE cE N N r ti " 00 D LO,�LODCE v v v v v v w � � vCY \ W N . . . . . . . � . `E . .L r toD CE P ° r" v v v v v v v v v too_oo <L°D OCE < t v 0_OD CE ' (HORIZONTAL) m . WWWWW W `` / \ L00 L00 - LOD LOD I�DW uti 390 385 v 390 - 385 Fd 401 ; L°:2 I ,2 Id H E 385 ry w � w 385 380 380 / \ n ),711‘ a111I I11//4, �`0�'SAL .,,e. _ oN.0 6� 380 - / \// 380 375 375 ... .N '•'� AS-BUILT GRADE _ \,,`% \ /iN\j\ \\ //\ 375 - DESIGN GRADE \\/ \ \ / 375 370 \ \ 370 ft DESIGN GRADE AS-BUILT GRADE U 370 - 370 365 365 �-i •r O 505+50 506+00 506+50 507+00 507+50 508+00 508+50 509+00 509+50 510+00 (JO O NOTES di : O 1. DEVIATIONS FROM THE DESIGN WILL BE SHOWN IN RED. / 2. AS-BUILT INFORMATION FOR T4A LINEAR WETLAND ISft aT—am _°3J°O� ADDRESSED ON SHEET 1.7. aol aol OOl 3 aol 3D 3J 3J OOl gaol am gaol 3J 3J 3J ▪1--1 O, '''J O OOl OOl�aol 3J 3J U '\aol OOl�aol 3J 0=3 Ol aol= 3Jrr / .9'J 3J 3J ?-, CD �, x _-_ T4 - ,3�5 509+00 ,, / --- 8€311 ' ill _ Iil II �� ` �� �� • �9 ti co o +oo \ a / xoa — I� - 1� •s s_x _.I� 507+001 �1 5ti� � ;� `~�Z,00 a �Q / ���FG-T4R1�� —..,.r�.. ��, ...�.�� �� / PP-28 ���•�. p, ° , )/ /�380 �Q 4V T I VP-7 �\ / / cE�oo CE 0,c, iI / / `� / cE E SOD /Oo z I 4.„/ ,, �i'`1 I1' ce CE op oD o \/ \ /�\ loD loD_ i34..::6, cE SOD \ o ��/o v. v. loD i, �oD �o, Lo`e OD LOD y1, , '1i� cE cE LO. EOD� o�(6/ 0 6�, u ' N /, �. �. �. �. �. �. GWG-8 •°•o I:IW� —coD� \/�. C N u / OD /�� �L, 7:,.. . . . . . 4. ��� �� / N a zo 40 60' / / (HOPIZONTAL) i Z t 3 b 1 Ap ° 8 u" o" usi i 2 4Z 'ar:1au. it)ILL'''', ;5°1 370 370 Q z H E -*\,\ r- '4/11VA 2&/ ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, We .S.' 365 DESIGN CULVERT \ /- 365 =v wow?-. Z. C."`INV:366.30 \ _ / / „-. ` -�''� DESIGN CULVERT_ -� - 4�9b-.. PJ� AS-BUILT GRADE / \ \ / \ 360 WD \ // \ n 360 DESIGN GRADE / ) ft I--I rt 355 355 +�/ U 354 354 a--' r -�-i '510+00 510+50 511+00 511+50 512+00 512+50 513+00 513+50 514+00 514+50 cn O O e, -,„ \ NOTES: 0 ' H VP-9 I 1. DEVIATIONS FROM THE DESIGN WILL BE SHOWN IN RED. H ` col-- 2. AS-BUILT INFORMATION FOR T5 IS ADDRESSED ON SHEET a--� \/ m EG 0, \ �°0i�°0=3, 3J —00, ao3 °p3�aJ�a07�of I 1.10 AND SHEETS 2.28 THROUGH 2.29. \ V3J J 007 0 O ' • \ ' , •Gl/ O J\ ��°Ole=°� 3J ° 3J 3J 3J 0 33 003�[ —I °I °03 00 33 3J 7 U / 1 °03�°03� 33 3. _ J 3 3J3 3J 3 \I t n es7�/ ® STA:511+12-511+47 ", 365 . - OP ,, \ /:,CULVERT NOT INSTALLED DUE TO LACK , - A/A ../_. 9\, `� ��OF NEED BY THE LANDOWNER. /"f4 i �� �- / ���WWW .O o� STA.511+51 i r �a�a�yffi„e n 1�I cell Zqx� F �. \. m4t- END REACH 1(RESTORATION) 365 _ / T4 �` �� 4` t• \\ _ n/`2 , / BEGIN REACH 2(RESTORATION) 0_;;�, • // �. _ e� Q cC; STA.608+20 f - - - ' �� ;8"fi� END TS ., Q, REACH 2(RESTORATION) `� �% �� ��? ° STA.511+10 • .,� ,a0'xp0 / /L °° cp T4 / i •� fib? �1ti V 'V PP-29 �/ BEGIN 40'INTERNAL CROSSING _ • \\i / Ig T / <O \ (l'‘ CF ! n \ x" Q �Op / STA.511+50 ~� „�� (n / / <o° 1 END 40'INTERNAL CROSSING 6S`� / / W/ ¢ u ° / <°°CF n , // // _z N Q Q : 21 41 6:' c 400 °F_ 0 E� HORIZONTAL) m z z 3 ro v ` (o �( n 1 MVP-10' VFG o .`°.s o 365 360 ..V.. 365 - 360 up n 4Z 'a:au. tr):1 -Mi m 4- 2 SHE 360 355 360 - 355 y y \ \ ��‘111111/,r2 \ ^\ \/ \ / O`.LPL •'•'1d \ / \ J y/ \\� /yam\� _� �oN��J)6_ J/ \/ �F� i -V W oN \// \ \ 355 350 \ / \\ �i c'gmwa� 355 — \ �f- 350 �y • ��C.. vi---1\.(/ DESIGN GRADE' DESIGN GRADE' AS-BUILT GRADE AS-BUILT GRADE bc 350 - 350 345 345 •� ft il 345 - u4.5345 340 340 C-i O 514+50 515+00 515+50 516+00 516+50 517+00 O 7 NOTES:1. DEVIATIONS FROM THE DESIGN WILL BE SHOWN IN RED. 2. AS-BUILT INFORMATION FOR Ti IS ADDRESSED ON SHEETS ft 2.9 THROUGH 2.16. 1 4 O 11 3J a l-0OI- 1-OOl- O1-OO1 00^// / ®®• 3J 3 3J 3 3 OO1-an 001-001 001-001 / 1� ! _A®E ,/ /�t� 3J 3J 3 _3J J __ .1 ' I ® ^^,, 1 1 y/Jf CD 49 1 T4 ® 1/'/ i'� rt b F N ^� ,I ki-4 350 I A; — '\\ 515+00 _1 55 _ 4 r'Ae� �y - pp 516+00 F . A #1 r STA.51 6+74be \ �/ . fl II �� ��a _ �� _II � p I�. I � �I�� � ��1_ � ,i � l ENDT4 REACH 2(RE(RESTORATION)®, Aillzz O ; < GWG-8 M� p� 'S /, /,, 0 J i ®wr i po N o • c� I g<ir / /// 0' 2' 4' 6' N ��I i N � ,,,,y 0' 20' 40' 60' a, (HORIZONTAL) m z 3 v 3 ° 3 d m C 405 395 v 405 - 395 4 LD 4Z ' r7au. m --.@-a Z SHE Iyw w 400 390 400 - 390 PRE-CONSTRUCTION GRADE �... �� 01111111///y i �zp`..SAL .d,�� mN z.6. `_`_ `PRE-CONSTRUCTION GRADE t v. wow ,C �.�,`"\ ---L 395 385 i \� �:, om2vaC 395 - \`��� \ / \ 385 b�. �: \--- ...\ / \ DESIGN GRADE / -1 / \ 1 \ i \ / \ bA 390 - Xs %390 380 V \/ \\// \\ / 380 AS-BUILT GRADE \ \d/ Ct �. ;•1 AS-BUILT GRADE 2 O 385 - 385 375 375 �-i •r1 O 602+00 602+50 603+00 603+50 604+00 604+50 605+00 605+50 (J� � O �O \� I NOTES: 0 ' H /, G�� I 2. AS-BUILTTINFORMA ION ORTS 1. DEVIATIONS FROM THE DESIGN LIINEARWETTLAND ISLL BE SHOWN IN ED. Ct O\\ VP 8 \��\ 0 ADDRESSED ON SHEET 1.10. bA O / I+ �� �9\ \ IO U LO IQ -Y\ �� 3J 00 1 0� ^, y V I \ I H'-�73� 3J- ~ �„1 7 {7 007 007 3J 3J_3J 3J N-3 0 007 r;••1 2\ O I' U 4 \ L Cn STA:602+25-602+40 I-� � \ ROCK FLOODPLAIN OUTLET INSTALLED TO o IU/ •� Y STABILIZE FLOW FROM WETLAND. T5 \� / a F ��� -- W as00 603+00 a l .-385 14 i ' / "il o II II: ► � I• 60 - 6os+oo - I.IL ° I % ` o 3 I'`( GJ $ PP30 ! d/\ STA.604+35 ^, iIyg 'e \ co END REACH 1(ENHANCEMENT II) STA:602+84 BEGIN REACH 2(RESTORATION) > I \\ \o LOG SILL INSTALLED TO IMPROVE CHANNEL STABILITY. \ STA:601+85-602+33 CONSTRUCTED RIFFLE NOT INSTALLED x ,7 \ DUE TO ADEQUATE STABILITY. o C I v \\s I CE - y CE o P CE CE CLOD LOD^� N o z U o \ CE CE LOD a LOD LOD^LO O\ `v Q CO Io --CE CE 4�LOD LODE 9F, CE CE CE l0\ 0' 2' 4' 6' A ^1 ' \ CE C --=1/ CE l00 � CE O _ \- o OOl^ c 0' 20' 40' 60' m a s \ I 00� HORIZONTAL) y Z 'C - a"i El ° 6 8Usi 1 A / \385 385 22 VD 4Z 'ar:!au. to)ILL', ;5°1 Q 6 �r:a ,2 t-�H E -w w 380 380\ "/ V1/ a iil111n22j I/ \(/ / 1 / -;O:N ' \ / I mN z:6.- m v: 'nilllm‘ DESIGN GRADE \/ \ /\ / \ AS-BUILT GRADE \/ X./ \\ / e/ 2,Ndr/1\370 / \ / 370 /iiviii.,/,..._i__ \ _� 365 365 - �-i C 605+50 606+00 606+50 607+00 607+50 608+00 608+50 (▪J� O STA.511+51 / NOTES: 0 ' T4 — 4 1. DEVIATIONS FROM THE DESIGN WILL BE SHOWN IN RED. H om END REACH 1(RESTORATION) V 2. AS-BUILT INFORMATION FOR T4 IS ADDRESSED ON SHEET _ BEGIN REACH 2(RESTORATION) I `,21 1.6 AND SHEETS 2.24 THROUGH 2.27. / �XS-19 I 1 \ o°^33 &„ \STA.511+50 -N ▪ ro °,aa` '�3' 3j / T4 h1`" LJ °07 33 /�END 40'INTERNAL CROSSING _ +� /s0^ 00) 33 3J /Mn�\ \ 0..,/ lli ul ��1 ?-I CI 0� ° 0...---''''')"17' \---001---0 7�007� 3J 33 / ct %��� �' o°^IA / Mil ao� ao�� c .a�> --N 1�- 7 / m c +00 33 --AI _ 375 _ _o y �X�S 60 �I ail � �� '� �x = VEG O `* FAO c ° % n\ -m a 607+p _ >iss a 608+00 2/ f�r-- --, 11,*,;- - Ni s/ \ %-.41,7,ttrzzlitiiiltieit; / c � �C37p STA.511+10 ; ��\ , 'jA _ i — T4 a BEGIN 40'INTERNAL CROSSING 1 \ .g1°� STA.608+20 a �� END T5 0 'z°' u p \ ��`�� ! \ REACH 2(RESTORATION) P ¢¢ (.7 (5,0°. °' 2' 4' 6' . N j N �<0° cE V/ 22 0' 20' 40' 60' >, I 0 // (HORIZONTAL) i Z 4 ''' yy \ <OD , e El .AO.0." P c7 ° A i v 360 360 V7 4Z 'arau. it)ILL'', m i l i �z 1HE ry w w m 355 355 //` .--- ` —_ ...... -------_— // \... PRE-CONSTRUCTION GRADE ` ��O`;`?�E •.,ld i V//\\`.141 r.V W H Nei; 350 V % A 350 le, `.__# --.. , `'•••••,_ 345 345 ft 700+00 700+50 701+00 701+50 702+00 702+50 703+00 703+50 704+00 704+50 NOTES: I 1. DEVIATIONS FROM THE DESIGN WILL BE SHOWN IN RED. Q 2. AS-BUILT INFORMATION FOR T6A IS ADDRESSED ON SHEET L) ft I1.11. I--1 U �▪ O ;.4 O I 3 )IIIIIIIII 3Oo; ▪O l czt .I. .I. .I. .I. .I. .I. .I. .I. .I. .I. .I. II \OJ WJ rl 4' 4' 4' * 4' 4' 4' * 4' 4' 4' * 4 '4 o \____,--3D------3D---B--- F1 c . PROPOSED.i. � ct o: ENHANCEMENT I) . . . . . . . . . . . . . v v v v v v v v v v v v v, v, v, v, v. v. VALLEY SILL . . . . . . .� / /RBEEAGCINH1( I--� ph 0 W A \ 0 VP-22 /cE cF\ .i. .i. .i. .i. .i. .i. .i. .i. .i. .i. .i. .i. .i. ck-________c: .1, .1, .1, .1, .1, .1, .1, .1, .1, .1, .1, .1, G' AEG /cE/cE \`F\cF O�74 A, \ / \cF /cE� \cF\ �,4. VP` No66u Cr)p cE cF 23 N6 ' \ o' r 4' s �o �F a zo 40 so N r �c 9 v / IN (HORIZONTAL) i Z v '� K` cE P U P d ,t, i 350 IIII 350 60"HDPE CULVERT t)~Z ;trn3 __..... ,z ,I,HE -w ,, 345 ^� 345 PRE-CONSTRUCTION GRADE - _ II I \`// AS-BUILT GRADE DESIGN CULVERT I I INV:344.70 /�/— AS-BUILT CULVERT_ 1/ `,„,111111/////i INV:345.03 LAS-BUILT CULVERT I �� .ePs':-*M. ':>j� INV:344.40 1 // 1 .4-4'ws; r� -V WON z I - ' ertvs; 340 DESIGN CULVERT /� 340 '''/��•,-.. II',p\`• INV:344.40 DESIGN GRADE-I 1 f/ 335 335 704+50 705+00 705+50 706+00 706+50 707+00 707+50 708+00 708+50 709+00 709+20 ft NOTES: 1. DEVIATIONS FROM THE DESIGN WILL BE SHOWN IN RED. 7j •'"' >Gj 'co 2. AS-BUILT INFORMATION FOR DANIELS CREEK IS I °p ADDRESSED ON SHEETS 2.1 THROUGH 2.8. 0 a, \° 3. AS-BUILT INFORMATION FOR T6A IS ADDRESSED ON SHEET U ct °p 1.11. U , \ oo a,\°p O I o3j\°j _____ O \ H T6^ 350 \3\°p (t 'l \\0p) 00 % O en 0 STA:705+55-705+94 .4 o� °07�ooi�° �_ /� / 705+p0 CONSTRUCTED RIFFLE INSTALLED TO STABILIZE -3, _07—°oi °07� 0°/ END T6 0' z' 4' 6' r. It ,'IO - _ ` _ CHANNEL UPSTREAM OF CULVERT. 3J—3D 3,�07 3J 001 °o1_ o/ REACH 2(RESTORATION) Nm,....�o ,i� - 88 /.- 3,_3,o STA.709+15 �, U (� L /U �, �, 0' 20' 40' 60' W o W W IHoaizom.Ay \ ---' , ) '.,,, - T6 i. . ,,, \/60"HDPE CULVERT / /J /U �, �, �, �, ,Y 1�, � o ` STA.706+31 jj'�_ ' .i. ..t, w 4.�i� - I--I F 93A INV.IN /��_ ��� .i, . I ro Pi 709+00 r�►0,04-0 ' / f s /U STA.706+65 W W W W ' III sl ei 1• - ti� - , �OB+00 ) T6 v t o �� - ��- / ��LliRl __ END35 INTERIOR CROSSING M "' "' "' "' w "' VP-23 C p 1 GWG-17 \ � i'1 1,rl g i n, -,,.w ���'/ffi5 _ 1\,�•�4 / I, '4 W W4 VEG 3\S0� �/>*< - / / k A// �/ �. Og+ 0 ►��y, j �� \1 ." ." , 401 c, —<oo, c, `le._.-5 •4 �,� - _: sa �/. .., , ,,, STA.121+78 cE -/ .........?0?-,,00 w w ?s�-- ` W DANIELS CREEK <o° i- ►e d$ Ia q - : ..s.Fr ,.4/,. /i --_ 10,- PP-33 W cE V A STA.706+64 � s �. <o cE STA.706+30 INV.OUT / s� END REACH 3(RESTORATION) A e•i- °\<a T6 I� t �)% J� •�` ��`I 1 _ 40 ' °NO W BEGIN REACH 4(RESTORATION) °�END REACH 1(ENHANCEMENT II) `s;, � Q/, i Cil1 3 " BEGIN REACH 2(RESTORATION) j ��IN � �� �1t p W W W �� .5 ^ BEGIN 35'INTERIOR CROSSING �•7.//, �.! W W /oa o ,7 N <Op\<ooE /t '�� ?s®� v. v. l''' `mob2 r- ® lilt, .i. :Q� .i. .i. 0 2� u AO1 o Z °o E GWG-16_,_) �" W �" �" W ,�O/ N d 6 Ii <OD °E � v Z 1 400 395 395 v 400 - U7 te`j IA 395 - \\f�` 395El 390 1 �♦ 1 IA 1 i 1 uinn 1 ` /\ 1-; AS-BUILT GRADE `��`ap 7\. _V WON L•••\. //\\. 0\ • 390 385 r•••_ -���s: 390 - \ 11 385 :b PRE-CONSTRUCTION GRADE / \` DESIGN GRADEJJJ/// PRE-CONSTRUCTION GRADE 385 - 385 380 380 •� ft I--I -' ' U 380 - 380 375 375 }' �_, �-i 800+00 800+50 801+00 801+50 802+00 I 802+50 803+00 803+50 804+00 (J� O ,�/ ��//,/ NOTE: O L� e c �0 /� 1. DEVIATIONS FROM THE DESIGN WILL BE SHOWN IN RED. H VP-17 i ',7 oi // '-----,..„,,_,,,,, , -i— czt frFc c J --f---- W ' : ' W W . : ', y W W W `L y W W y W W W W W `.) ct W `� �' �" 0 385 I^I JPC W W y y W W W W W W rg • �' '� '� �. .i. 802+00 W W . 800+0p - y o� W W W W W AI W W - W W v W o 804 00 o � PP-34 �. • .i. .i. .i. W y .i. :•sz�7. x00 .v .v .v .i. ���� . W W W L W W W W . . W W O%iN`,�SO.. � y • �A �, W y W W W W y W W W W `�' W W W y / ��.ram:•,, ,, y __li, , ,, / . . INV W W W W W W W W W W W\�� W W �. W .i. W W . W W W�W W W W ,, W o \ W � o N 30 WIDE W W W CAROLINA POWER& J`"' ' / STA.800+59 � LIGHT EASEMENT A' ' -BEGIN T7 / D.B.320,PG.16 y _ REACH 1(ENHANCEMENT I) o / 7 / * /O/ N K 2. �_ o u '" L ?r W CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE y /•�' o W W i N W . / �� 0 2 4 6 o /►�'1 a W / /� (VERTICAL) v \ �� 26 ��� N a 20' 40' so' x /. (HOAZONTA�) y v 3 / A c 390 380 v 390 - 380 U7 4m Z -0,1! 401 ; )S2'''i No—�1 Z �HE ry w w 385 375 385 - 375 �lI I AS-BUILT GRADE I I y1 / ` • NJONdo1�6�/ \� -V WON �•380 - \ 380 370L / /N 370r�•_ i:4�s:/ AS-BUILT GRADE i� �ib�/init010P...-- -- - ONSTRUCTION GRADE �/ 1 /` I 1 I DESIGN GRADE ` / I / I- _/ I 1 I 375 - L-_1 i / \''375 365__ 365 - ( DESIGN GRADE ft PRE-CONSTRUCTION GRADE p 370 - 370 360 360 CD 370 C 804+00 804+50 805+00 805+50 806+00 806+50 807+00 807+50 808+00 808+50 cn O z O I -.no,�pol ° ' \ , „,,,,,, / 1.NOTE DEVIATIONS FROM THE DESIGN WILL BE SHOWN IN RED. 4 H V.7fr , .„__00_,___O 4L y,z ) ,,,i, ___001----- \ .b / .4 0 '-i' /� �p0 p0 \o I'° � U N �0 of a� 1- +� VP-18 �,� /� �i CD /Z I „ Q J oo \ , /� U c /= VFG \ / , V7 QI \ ? •E 3 T7 o� /,c 315 _PP35 � �\_ III >S ,� / �� �11 = III _ J �.› ,,,. 805+00 ce z4�-� • _ . \ \ E �0°/C wo LOD LOD D L COD / \ W C � C Coo o U/ N ¢ Cr) cp e <oc0,0 0' 2' 4' 6' > o CO�F4. e / COS/ LOO N.,,A0 CF /i N i i a 20' 40' 60' c ° g\ X E ‘-0° Cf / HORIZONTAL) vv ,, myy v A c 375 365 v 375 - 365 2 07 4Z -ilau. it.)m -OL�G -�0_ ,Z Id H E ry w w 370 360 370 - 360 AS-BUILT GRADE AS-BUILT GRADE I i �`p`.NpE 1d 1 I �oN�w�6 ' -� __ _0 WON z� 365 _L--_/ / 365 355 \ / 355 ��'. om2C?aC \- NA 1 I DESIGN GRADE I / 1 DESIGN GRADE I__/ 1•Nli17-**4/I, 1__/ 360 350 360 - I / 350 355 - 355 345 345 �-1 ▪r O 808+50 809+00 809+50 810+00 810+50 811+00 811+50 812+00 812+50 813+00 (J� � 0, 411 1 / NOTES: O [�- - a� 1 a� a� a� a� a� a� a� a� a� a� ° ° e . m 1. DEVIATIONS FROM THE DESIGN WILL BE SHOWN IN RED. 4 y a� a� a� a� a� a� a� a� a� a� ° / 2. AS-BUILT INFORMATION FOR DANIELS CREEK IS ft 1 ADDRESSED ON SHEETS 2.1 THROUGH 2 8 biD , ' 1 ▪'- u / I;/ 1 °o/ i �4i STA.108+76 D -y T7 / .4• DANIELS CREEK ,i-1 e}--aot—Qo /%i5 ; / END REACH 2(RESTORATION) 1 oot , oo / BEGIN REACH 3(RESTORATION) iJ.i v. v. v. aot�co, \ °°'/ w - s-- €€=812+ o ENDT72+71 00, 1 , _ �,� 2 0011L� REACH1(ENHANCEMENTI) •(� e 700, et 0 { rrr _.. F �\ �I ill __ ` sl ': . c z 1 �� (L �O LID m !fin �O j. P P-37 �g eBA;��• .i. ���� �� /� ! .i. a. ,--.. , ' / 1TTT01 LOD / Iglu 001 iitoo ,���y Q \ i �, �, °o ; AEG STA:809+73 ,I -4�1 . , `r' E -N�CE W W W W W W u IC�� IC a I LOG STILL AND CONSTRUCTED RIFFLE \ & WI . . . . . o INSTALLED TO STABILIZE FLOW FROM WETLAND C—lc lc lc c /1"I' (� U VP-19 cE o Z. �' �' �' �' W cE LOD a��, ��( M'-60 p I � LOD c� ODD o _s.`i�.6 �`% Y4� + N � J / �Sy- cE LOD 7�~7 •7 1 0 qo z 6 u /�L W W W W W CE LOD LOD LOD , „mitt- �I�7�lYY —�y 7� r N �h 6 / W W W W W W 3n \� CE CLOD LODE on __ '�'— �-. 0 2 4 6 = o Cr)CE LODE il�-i_— \• ! CE CLOD �' 1 NEHTi�V i QSI W W W W W W °Q CE LOD I '�:��1:11 GI OD�LOD - N W (HORIZONTAL) m v �" a"i 89 c 405 395 v 405 - 395 QD Q ::! 4Z 'a,au. i 0 1 LL"z L.q2 i Q 6 5 r—a -w w 400 390 400 - 390 .71 i....,, / ����1111111//r2 ,:._ `'O`�?�E lJ, I AS-BUILT GRADEj N/ V wHN i•6 -o / 395 385 . •• gwa� ter•_ F•W: 395 - - \\ DESIGN GRADE _l/ / 385 P��l u 1,\��AS-BUILT GRAD7......- Ni I �\ e E - \/ \ DESIGN GRADE / \ / 390 - ,/ 90 380 380 :5.4./.4;,..i./;;I 385 - 385 r 375 375 }I ;,i CD 385 901+00 901+50 902+00 902+50 903+00 903+50 (J� C O 0 NOTESDEVIATIONS FROM THE DESIGN WILL BE SHOWN IN RED. a-I H 2. AS-BUILT INFORMATION FOR T8 LINEAR WETLAND IS Ct ADDRESSED ON SHEET 1.8. _ O 13J 3J 3J 3J 30 3J 3J 30 3J 3J 30 3J 3J 3J�—`DD WyWWrL v36 L ✓/ ✓/ ✓/ ✓/ L / J 1�) ct J. J. J. J. J. W/ J. Uas/540 1 1i 001 J J JOG\1---amWJ.„ ' ----- a0, ao, ao,—ao, \ci°i ao,_ J. X�—a J.; J. Ct �` p L � T8 p+ V /, „IIIfP lid �� — -f g�� CG/FG-T8R1 p ��pp PP-38 N I ••902+100�� fi �� � 0 9p-- i / poo j >- STA.901+10 / BEGIN T8 _ -- REACH 1(ENHANCEMENT I) ' d9 / S r-1 ro \-I-/ l o /o Pi \Q/ CE E_D�EO� LOD LOp\OD./�� \ x" c7 v)/ CE „ ,D c,IF CE EO D o OD N o Z F W cE 00 /lyr o `z GE—OD N Q J/ cE o�E D /� 0' 2 4' 6' '' Cr) E �iD Cr) v ` —_E D E D /U NEPTIC4L) v \IS �Eti N b Q�a ,D /Q 0' 20' 40' 60' " L > _c D, S m a A D-_z /G (HOP¢ONTAL) y a 3 at A c 390 385 v 390 - 385 QD 4Z -ilau. it.)1, ill= Q 6 r-a ,2 SHE 385 380 385 - 380 \ J it \ ce \ AS-BUILT GRADE � \111111/2ji \ a /- oN��f1�6�_ \� \ S / V W oN z 380 375 / y: gm"• 380 - z --- ° / 375 y-•, s� `\i V \/ / DESIGN GRADE ',/��flllll\0P\`\`` 1 N / // /,,.,, i \, AS-BUILT GRADE \ \ DESIGN GRADE 375 370 ...,•"*. 375 - 370 ft I--I 2 370 - 370 365 365 I- -�-i •r O 903+50 904+00 904+50 905+00 905+50 906+00 (J� X O 0 NOTE:1. DEVIATIONS FROM THE DESIGN WILL BE SHOWN IN RED. H 1 ft b- Q W 33 1-o till 33-3J— , M 3 3-3 3- + o I 3J 33- l0 QW W 3J 33 33 33 1° x 33 33 14 aW 3W ' W STA.904+18 1� �/ x W I v. v. v. v. T8 1 Wcn �,Z I,�. •. •. . °qq�Go—'• END REACH 1(ENHANCEMENT I) z/ a) J . . �, J BEGIN REACH 2(RESTORATION) —0017�°p ° i J •rJ b ' Uw �., v. �O ao �31i9 � _ rt Q ',-2 . ,_,-- .2,„ i,,-1_,0-,7?i Vet .�m M '/ ',NZ,, ---__ PP-39 3j VP-14 �1 4 9— II itji go: oo a. a. a. 'a. a. • r a. .i.-- a. .1.,, a. /------- <.------ "'is' / II _-= % _// _ �A _�-�'� --- �. 4 E w e cE ,.D--a----. �o 0' 2' 4' 6' �.. (I.) � -LOD LOD LOD LOD LODE LOD CE LOD` LOD LOD CE ILO - D ID LOD ODLOD LODE ` V i (HORIZONTAL) m 1 3 a"i A i v 375 375 U7 z o We ell ;1‘ti -w w 370 370 " L /� 1.-'''''ztlir,....4 \,..0.1%,!!!I ii,N4, AS-BUILT GRADE _� oN�-�6� lI /—� rJ WON z�� 4' 365 365 y-•• , \ /4W/1111110 7_ JDESIGN GRADE bc 360 360 Ct Ii 355 355 -1- -- r -i O '4 906+00 906+50 907+00 907+50 908+00 908+50 909+00 C ) ° O DO NOTESDEVIATIONS FROM THE DESIGN WILL BE SHOWN IN RED. H o 2. AS-BUILT INFORMATION FOR DANIELS CREEK IS Ct I \\ .\\ ", J\ ADDRESSED ON SHEETS 2.1 THROUGH 2.8. b UO 3J�3,�33�3D 3J 3_30_ aF V G O r� olo \ rn y v v o pop ""co VP-15 ,, ` ail O O I� \1):% w S \ / ►a% 2i \\ a) z�go,—ao, Go, ao _Doi 93N ���I ��f ��o,� Y J 3�5 col 0p a li Ct P 2 aoi— GWG-11 W o��a o o Qz, y.3 W \\ 3 E (RESTORATION) �7S.\� DANIELS CREEK .���` END REACH 1(RESTORATION) __ " •��yV BEGIN REACH 2 0 n k90: 00 /37u _ ��\ W a W _ 7- - s / `\-908t00 s ,, a`�sw" I �-` 1 vs.. 104+00 ----- - `----365--- L. O W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W REACH 2(RESTORATION) -----/ Ih1N . NEPT CAL)LOF/ CFLOD • CE fF - C; �, �.c. :: ^1 E • ` V 0 20' 40' 60' " S5 (HOPIZONTAL) m Z 1 at 3 ° 3 d usi / \405 405 07 .,4 Z 'a°au. ) LL:j 1511 \ Z tIHE \ w w 400 --- 400 m `— ``.......... PRE-CONSTRUCTION GRADE__``` \fir/ \N. O:!X cNd0,1i \\` —��—� \\ may.' tgm2v.s: 395 \\ 1 �.0 \\•.. 395 y-.. `�•' SEE NOTE#3. •....... v... 390 390 AS-BUILT GRADE ft ;•I 7i a.) U 385 385 - -�-i •r O o 1000+00 1000+50 1001+00 1001+50 1002+00 1002+50 1003+00 1003+50 1004+00 1004+50 (J) � O CS .i, .i, .i, .i, .i, .i, .i, w C.i, .i, .i, NOTES: STA.1000+00 VP-29 m I 1. DEVIATIONS FROM THE DESIGN WILL BE SHOWN IN RED. BEGIN T9 W W W �" �" `J3/��" �" �" 2. AS-BUILT INFORMATION FOR T9A IS ADDRESSED ON SHEET ct • I (ENHANCEMENT I I) W �' W �' W �' W �' W �' W �' W �' W �' W �' W �' W �' W �'I �' 2.40. ,� --i 3. ELEVATION DEVIATIONS BETWEEN AS-BUILT GRADE AND O W W W W W W W W W W W W W W .�.IW .� PRE-CONSTRUCTION GRADE WAS DUE TO PROFILES IN ••r1 THIS SECTION BEING SAMPLED USING LIDAR DATA WHICH U 1 . . W W W . W W . W W W W ' I' HAS DECREASED ACCURACY AS COMPARED TO SURVEY +- .i, .i, .i, .i, .i, .i, .i, .i, .i, .i, .i, .i, .i, .i, .i, DATA. 16 o . () PP-42a I C �•I w .+ / CD U4 v. v. v. v. v. • v. v. W v. W v. W v. W v. W v. W v. W v. W v. W v. W v. W v. W v. W v. W v. W v. W 9 0 W W W W W W W W W W W W W . / W a " v. / v. v. v. v. v.\ v. v. v. v. v. v. v. v. v. v. v. v. + 0 ro, .. W W o z p12' L�Q. w w w w w cx J w w w ., w 1 .i. / = o Z U . . �' �' �' STA.1015+17 6, U END T9A / Q 0' 2' 4' 6' �o Cr)., .. (ENHANCEMENT II) ' , �& 2 (VERTICAL) / N W c,E 0' 20' 40' 60' :: .. r /Voa 400 / (HORIZONTAL) v Z ;c 3 v o o us, / \400 400 07 4Z 'a,au. it)1, ; )''''72'I m @_ ry w w' 395 395 PRE-CONSTRUCTION GRADE sssss c NL.•... ssss . _ // _C) W oN s v .3. 390 ....... � .....r.�r�� /I/' 390 d- o ����. "hUrn l nip' bA 385 385 ft I--I — O ' U CD 380 380 -•r ,—II 1004+50 1005+00 1005+50 1006+00 1006+50 1007+00 (J) 0 0 O .I . . . . . NOTES: 0 H .. . . . • .1, 1. DEVIATIONS FROM THE DESIGN WILL BE SHOWN IN RED. .I . . . . . . 2. AS-BUILT INFORMATION FOR T10 IS ADDRESSED ON ft W I. . . W . . W SHEETS 2.41 THROUGH 2.42. O i . W . W . W . W . W . W . W U w le le cn WWWWWW \I", � bCt c . . . . W STA.1110+01 /.1,1p�sxo .1, .1, �" �" END T10 'i' 'i' ce 1 . T9 . (ENHANCEMENT II) / ,,a 'v 'v 'v 'v e i * * * / p1 —���I o Ln o cE .; + o STA.1006+58 OBI oo6x0� ti ENDT9 p1 1 /�. (ENHANCEMENT II) v v ¢ \ w z I ♦ 64 LU v v v v v c,, ♦ i _1 1 A v. v. v. v. 6, ♦ ` v v v i =1 cF c \ 06 ot T 6' ~ W / E N 6 6 U V QI \cF J \c (VERTICAL) .. \cF / 20 40 60, 5 N (HORIZONTAL) m Z 1 p °u" 6 8 -,, ` I A 420 410 v 420 - 410 f U7 4Z 'a,au. ------... dra) z :0_,.th--,,,,,E \\\\ PRE-CONSTRUCTION GRADE w E \ ry 3 w 415 — •••• 415 405 PRE-CONSTRUCTION GRADE m 405 \/\ \\ SEE NOTE#3% . \ �-O''�d k.L....4, \ \ \�\ _� • oN�.f1:63 \\\ \ _C) WON s \ 410 400 \ ma *• 'g"-?�"s: 410 - \ \ 400 y-•, • • `\ \ • \ \\ \\ AS-BUILT GRADE \\ \\ WJ 405 - \\ �5 395\ 395 •E \\ Ct 400 - 400 390 390 I- CI)-i 1010+00 1010+50 1011+00 1011+50 1012+00 1012+50 1013+00 1013+50 1014+00 1014+50 1015+00 1015+50 (J) ,0 O 411 /,,, .,\ ,\ NN m m m1 / m \a .i. .i. .i. \W a m W A .i. .i. .i. .i. NOTES: o S 1. DEVIATIONS FROM THE DESIGN WILL BE SHOWN IN RED. +J [� oi m 2. AS-BUILT INFORMATION FOR T9 IS ADDRESSED ON SHEETS (}6y�,\,, W\ W / / m W W �E6 W W W W W W W W W 2.38 THROUGH 2.39. / \ �v. v. v. v. v. v. v. v. v. v. 3. ELEVATION DEVIATIONS BETWEEN AS-BUILT GRADE AND O '�� PRE-CONSTRUCTION GRADE WAS DUE TO PROFILES IN \a� / THIS SECTION BEING SAMPLED USING LIDAR DATA FOR U \ PRE-CONSTRUCTION WHICH HAS DECREASED ACCURACY +- 4J m ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' AS COMPARED TO SURVEY DATA. ,- a--E rt m . . . . . . VP-27 . . . . . . . . . �0� W0 QI-Cn/ W WWWW WW W / W WWWWW W W W W p11 , 002k0 m 010+00„ , , , , , NI; ' �� T9ry1 ft v v v v v v v v v v v °n . . . . STA.1015+17 Lo v �v v 1.4 . . . . . . . r PP-43 / 1p1o/ v END T9A '00 (ENHANCEMENT/ WWWWW 1 WW � / WWW o 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4 00 4,--4, 4, v, v, v. o \ [op LOD70,6 / w w .v w w w .v w .v .v .v / .v .v .v 1 (Op LODi 00 v. v. 1 v. v. v. v. oo�/ T STA.1010+00 01 �o� ��/ oBEGIN T9A .i. .4. xpO�' �' �' �' �' I �' a. .i. .i. .i. . aol_ p0,/•ce NHANCEMENTII) WWWWWW Wce w w v. w c ce \ ,,.°. c w v. w w w w w v. w w w cc/ x e 4a. a. a. a. a. a. a. a. 6 ps N \ . N N N N N N N N N N N N N CI Pi 8 66I c Pi8 . �� a �•I� a a a a a a a a a c c � (VERTICAL) 4' 4, 4' 4' 4' 4' 4' 4' 4' 4, . N � I W W G / a zo'(HORIZONTAL) ao' 60' m 1 - "A \c 1 q c 420 415 Y \ 420 - 415 07 4Z 'a�au. 01°71. 1%li m - o_a -w 415 - 415 410 410 ....... % \ PRE-CONSTRUCTION GRADE \\\�1111111///// \4% PRE-CONSTRUCTION GRADE `��!\p.••••. ,, \ pl yd \ �� _� oN��f1'6_ 4.410 - 405 �b ♦, \.- � �. biD 405 - 405 400 400 ft I--I " 400 - 400 395 395 I- �-i •r 1100+00 1100+50 1101+00 1101+50 1102+00 1102+50 1103+00 1103+50 1104+00 1104+50 C ) O0 O O 3J NOTES: O 1-1W W \ 1. DEVIATIONS FROM THE DESIGN WILL BE SHOWN IN RED. H o v. v. v. v. v. v. v. • \ ,p' U / W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W \�J�a� ��/\ x . . . . . . . . . x / .(. .(. .(. .(. ., 11 0 .b11 \ k V a .\ . . . \�STA.1100+00b W � WWWWWWW W ft\ BEGIN T10 �O v. v v v v v v v v \." (ENHANCEMENT II) " " " " ' ' ' v �x 1 CF F 2F �. W �. W �. W �. W �. W �. W �. W �. W �. W �. W �. W �. W �. W �. W �. W �. W �. �. W �. �. W . W WWWWWW WWWWW\ /id N CF 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. W — - W W W W W W W W ' _, ♦ m \ .(. .(. .(. .(. .(. .(. .(. .(. .(. .(. .(. .(. .(. .(. 1103+00\q. / .(. .(. .(. .(. .(. .(. .(. .(. W \r� ,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . \C-5- \ .2 z g zW 2 c7 \ W W W W W W z�2%O w w w w w w w w w w .v \,C 0 : :: v Z z 3 j� W W W W W W //,4. /� �F .(. .(. .(. .(. �\ / `(' rC� A / i v 405 405 QD 4Z 'a,au. 0 1 ; °:2'I ... ,--1w 3 w 400 `~��..�. 400.... SEE NOTE#4. \\\ �q \ PRE-CONSTRUCTION GRADE `.01111111N,,, \ .i c,`NAE ' ;�oN�w 6 \ -V WaH .: �. ' . 395 \\ , \� 395 y-•, �Ca��AS-BUILT GRADE /ems\/"S� / \ —, biD 390 ` ^\\ 390 ft I--I — ' U 385 385 - -21)-i •'- ;.4 1104+50 1105+00 1105+50 1106+00 1106+50 1107+00 1107+50 1108+00 1108+50 1109+00 1109+50 1110+001110+01 (J) ,O O a� / NOTES: 0 1-1 O ep /'� /a� \ 1. DEVIATIONS FROM THE DESIGN WILL BE SHOWN IN RED. 4 H o / \ /a� 2. AS-BUILT INFORMATION FOR T10A IS ADDRESSED ONft / 3� �p SHEET 2.43 ,6 33/ \ 3. AS-BUILT INFORMATION FOR T9 IS ADDRESSED ON SHEETS \ / 2.38 THROUGH 2.39. •� C / ,� /3� ,p 4. ELEVATION DEVIATIONS BETWEEN AS-BUILT GRADE AND U o W 6 /22 \ PRE-CONSTRUCTION GRADE WAS DUE TO PROFILES IN -I--, �'/ �' \ /a �' ,p THIS SECTION BEING SAMPLED USING LIDAR DATA FOR _ W ,6 /22 W W W PRE-CONSTRUCTION WHICH HAS DECREASED ACCURACY �,/ �, �, \ /3� �, �, �, �, ZZZ�! AS COMPARED TO SURVEY DATA. ft flp, !—I W //.I. W .I. W .I. W y W .I. W \3'/,,/ . . W W .I. W y W .I. W .I. W .I. W y W .I. '1'�I ,t , ,_(:),. . . . . a . . I v X-l/W W W W W W W W W W W W W W Wtiye STA.1110+01 W ) I--I0� STA.1105+96-1106+20 END T10N./ ROCK CASECADES WERE NOT INSTALLED AT THIS LOCATION. o (ENHANCEMENT II) o�/W W W W Wo W W W W W CONSTRUCTED RIFFLE MATERIAL WAS ADDED TO STABILIZE W W W W WW2 ��%�. �. �. �. �. �. u, �. �. �. �. CHANNEL.EXACT EXTENTS WERE NOT SURVEYED. T10 . . . . . . $ 0N. N. N. N. N. N. .I. j,l. N. N. N. N. N. N. N. N. N. N. k J l� . k.: � W W W W �• PP-46 Q�L/ W W W W °A '� 6 W W W W W\ ti " 11os+oo , 2 N � u, WWW W W W W W W W W W W W W W W o66 0 ' N . / � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 0STA.1110+00 • 1y ' STA.1111+42 0' 2' 4' 6' T o rF BEGIN T10A '\)", i�'e�t'' END T10A . . , a . . , a . . , a . . , a . . . 4) � (ENHANCEMENT II) �.t � (ENHANCEMENT II) q. q. q, q, q, q, q, q, q, q, q, q, q, q, q, q, q, q. q. 'y0 (VERTICAL) r. N '�-p . . a . . . a . . . a . . . a . 0' 20' 40' 60' .. Ox (HORIZONTAL) m y$ V.,..L.PP-47 /VP-30 . . . . . W . . . . i v 405 405 QD 4Z 'a,au. _ t)Iz O G LF `......� PRE-CONSTRUCTION GRADE w w 400 \```` 400 SEE NOTE#3. \\ ;\ `V• WAN�-,�- z� 395 \\ 395 y-•• -�Ca�� AS-BUILT GRADE \\ ',�o /rna11�P\`\ biD 390 390 ft I--I —' I(1) U 385 385 - -�-i 1110+00 1110+50 1111+00 1111+50 cf▪ ) z -, ° o `^ 30 30 30 30 3� 3� 33 33 30- N1.OTE DEVIATIONS FROM THE DESIGN WILL BE SHOWN IN RED. a--� o? o W W W -+ W W W W W 2. AS-BUILT INFORMATION FOR T10 IS ADDRESSED ON SHEETS ft 2.41 THROUGH 2.42. . . . . . . . 3. ELEVATION DEVIATIONS BETWEEN AS-BUILT GRADE AND W O W W W W W PRE-CONSTRUCTION GRADE WAS DUE TO ▪r-1 F., W W W W W PRE-CONSTRUCTION GRADE PROFILES IN THIS SECTION BEING U \ SAMPLED USING LIDAR DATA FOR PRE-CONSTRUCTION a--� \\`Fc W W W W W WHICH HAS DECREASED ACCURACY AS COMPARED TO �y �" �" �" �" SURVEY DATA. W W W W W W •mews T10A \ ct W W STA.1110+00 ^x�ono � BEGIN T10A ,O k00 (ENHANCEMENT II) ti •ON p0) �-4".. 1108+00 a 1111k_•s i;44 : -'-' \ aosL_a•' '; p PP-4Z STA.1111+42 �, �, '9�I�/ ENDT10A �, (ENHANCEMENT II) ,,, . . . . . W W STA.1110+95-1111+25 W W / 9,,, ROCK CASECADES WERE NOT INSTALLED AT THIS LOCATION. .i, .i, .i, 2 ACONSTRUCTED RIFFLE MATERIAL WAS ADDED TO STABILIZE .z \CHANNEL.EXACT EXTENTS WERE NOT SURVEYED. W W N i \ N VP J30 <'' o \ . . . . . . . �FG 0' 2' 4' 6' �,o s �. �. �. �. �. N 0' 20' 40' 60' .. W W,�W (HORIZONTAL) °1 n I,'El ° P 8ti W W VP-29 W ." / i v QD Z N a .31 2z�F, Streambank Planting Zone 1 -3.06 Acres Buffer Planting Zone 3 -26.08 Acres Permanent Seeding Outside Easement Zone 5 -5.23 6.43 Acres q Z z .SHE Live Stakes Bare Root Approved Date Species Name Common Name Stratum Density Percentage w 3 w' (Ibs/acre) Indiv. %of Max Indiv. Min. of Species Common Name Spacing Min.Size Stratum Stems Species Common Name Caliper Stratum All Year Festuca arundinacea Tall Fescue Herb 40 70% Spacing Spacing Stems Size Salix nigra Black Willow 3-6 ft. 0.5"-1.5"cal. Shrub 35% All Year Festuca rubra Creeping Red Fescue Herb 40 10% Platanus occidentalis Sycamore 12 Ft. 6-12 ft. 0.25"-1.0" Canopy 20% Cornus ammomum Silky Dogwood 3-6 ft. 0.5"-1.5"cal. Shrub 20% All Year Dactylis glomerate Orchardgrass Herb 40 20% Quercus phellos Willow Oak 12 Ft. 6-12 ft. 0.25"-1.0" Canopy 10% Salix sericea Silky Willow 3-6 ft. 0.5"-1.5"cal. Shrub 25% 100% Betula nigra River Birch 12 Ft. 6-12 ft. 0.25"-1.0" Canopy 15% �0‘111111,�� Sambucus canadensis Elderberry 3-6 ft. 0.5"-1.5"cal. Shrub 10% Taxodium distichum Bald Cypress 12 Ft. 6-12 ft. 0.25"-1.0" Canopy10% PLANTING ACREAGE ADJUSTMENT BASED ON PERMIT MODIFICATION `� *k••••• ,� YP IN ESC PLAN TO UPDATE LOD TO ADD ADDITIONAL HAUL ROADS. zip:�pL '•d Cephalanthus occidentalis Buttonbush 3-6 ft. 0.5"-1.5"cal. Shrub 10% ` . cn�d.4 m i. . Qu ,cus pagoda 'wamp Cbark Oaf. 12 Ft. 6-12 ft. 0.25"-1.0" Canopy 10% -�• w oN 100% Quercus pagoda Cherrybark Oak � : om Herbaceous Plugs fib-•• 474. Populus deltoides Eastern Cottonwood 12 Ft. 6-12 ft. 0.25"-1.0" Canopy 10% Permanent Riparian Seeding -26.08 Acres .�'94;;----- ,,I,�P‘,, Juncus effusus Common Rush 4 ft. 1.0"-2.0"plug Herb 40% Quercus shumardii Shumard Oak 12 Ft. 6-12 ft. 0.25"-1.0" Canopy 5% p Car..x,.luta Breadwi rg-Sedge Celtis laevigata Sugarberry* 12 Ft. 6-12 ft. 0.25"-1.0" Canopy 5% Pure Live Seed(20 lbs/acre) Carex vulpenoidea Fox Sedge 4 ft. 1.0"-2.0"plug Herb 15% %of Diospyros virginiana Common Persimmon 12 Ft. 6-12 ft. 0.25"-1.0" Canopy 5% ApprovedDate Species Name Common Name Stratum Stems Carex lurida Lurid Sedge 4 ft. 1.0"-2.0"plug Herb 15% Acer negundo Boxelder 12 Ft. 6-12 ft. 0.25"-1.0" Canopy 7% All Year Panicum rigidulum Redtop Panicgrass Herb 3.0 Carex crinita Fringed Sedge 4 ft. 1.0"-2.0"plug Herb 15% Viburnum pruifolium Blackhaw Viburnum** 12 Ft. 6-12 ft. 0.25"-1.0" Midstory 1% All Year Sorghastrum nutans Indian grass Herb 3.0 Scirpus cyperinus Woolgrass 4 ft. 1.0"-2.0"plug Herb 15% Airefentehierzerthereet G,wny Cewie,x,,y All Year Chasmanthium latifolium River Oats Herb 1.0 100% Hamamelis virginiana Witch-Hazel 12 Ft. 6-12 ft. 0.25"-1.0" Midstory 1% All Year Elymus virginicus Virginia Wild Rye Herb 3.0 A,..,etrhm..yl✓atn,a Lindera Peintcd Du.,k-L,y., benzo/n Spicebush 12 Ft. 6-12 ft. 0.25"-1.0" Understory 1% All Year Panicum clandestinum Deertongue Herb 3.0 ft All Year Carex vulpenoidea Fox Sedge Herb 2.0 100% Streambank Planting Zone 2 -0.86 Acres All Year Rudbeckiahirta Blackeyed Susan Herb 1.0 70 ;� "'could sub for black gum if not available ;--i O Live Stakes All Year Coreopsis lanceolate Lanceleaf Coreopsis Herb 1.0 0 ,L.1 **could sub for V.nudum or V.dentatum if not available CJ rt Indiv. %of All Year Bidens aristosa Bur-marigold Herb 1.0 U 1 Species Common Name Spacing Min.Size Stratum Stems Chamaecrista Cornus ammomum Silky Dogwood 3-6 ft. 0.5"-1.5"cal. Shrub 30% All Year fasciculata var. Partridge Pea Herb 1.0 a.., fasciculata •, �"'�� Sal&sericea Silky Willow 3-6 ft. 0.5"-1.5"cal. Shrub 40% - ,--i All Year Helianthus angustifolia Swamp sunflower Herb 1.0 Sambucuscanadensis Elderberry 3-6ft. 0.5"-1.5"cal. Shrub 15% Wetland Planting Zone 4 -22.48 Acres Z bk) 20.0 0 Cephalanthus occidentalis Buttonbush 3-6 ft. 0.5"-1.5"cal. Shrub 15% Min. 4 r •+� Species Common Name Max Indiv. Caliper Stratum %of +' 100% Spacing Spacing Size Stems CI Herbaceous Plugs Bare Root 4 0 Juncus effusus Common Rush 4 ft. 1.0"-2.0"plug Herb 40% Platanus occidentalis Sycamore 12 Ft. 6-12 ft. 0.25"-1.0" Canopy 15% U Cra..x�luru Temporary Seeding -54.49 Acres Breadvai rg-Sedge Quercus lyrata Overcup Oak 12 Ft. 6-12 ft. 0.25"-1.0" Canopy 4B%15% �i11 Carex vulpenoidea Fox Sedge 4 ft. 1.0"-2.0"plug Herb 15% Betula nigra River Birch 12 Ft. 6-12 ft. 0.25"-1.0" Canopy 10%15% Pure Live Seed Carex lurida Lurid Sedge 4 ft. 1.0"-2.0"plug Herb 15% Density t.) II . Nyssa biflora Swamp Gum 12 Ft. 6-12 ft. 0.25"-1.0" Canopy 10%15% Approved Date Species Name Common Name Stratum (Ibs/acre) �J Carex crinita Fringed Sedge 4 ft. 1.0"-2.0"plug Herb 15% cn Taxodium distichum Bald Cypress 12 Ft. 6-12 ft. 0.25"-1.0" Canopy 20% Aug 15-May 1 Secale cereale Rye Grain Herb 140 Scirpus cyperinus Woolgrass 4 ft. 1.0"-2.0"plug Herb 15% . Cha,,,arcyparis tl,y,iJ..s Atlantie Whit.,CJa, 12 Ft. 6-12 ft. 0.25"-1.0" Canopy 5% May 1-Aug 15 Setaria italica German Millet Herb 50E 100% Ulmus americana American Elm 7% ft Qucrcu3 michauxii 'vamp Chst,,ut Oak 5% Quercus pagoda Cherrybark Oak 12 Ft. 6-12 ft. 0.25"-1.0" Canopy 8 Zone 1-Streambank Planting Zone:3.06 Acres .5 fLpulus I,et..rephyllu SvaanyF C tt weed %5 Cephalanthus occidentalis Buttonbush 12 Ft. 6-12 ft. 0.25"-1.0" Canopy 3 Nyssa aquati„a Water,Tu,,eiu 5% Zone 2-Streambank Planting Zone:0.86 Acres 12 Ft. 6-12 ft. 0.25"-1.0" Canopy Arionia arbutifolia Red Chokeberry 2% c( Y�� /> X(� Live Stake Zone 3-Buffer Planting Zone:26.08 Acres Salix nigra Black Willow 12 Ft. 6-12 ft. 0.25"-1.0" Midstory 15% 0 100% Zone 4-Wetland Planting Zone:22.43 Acres . zP. Zone 5-Permanent Seeding Outside Easement:5z"t}6.43 Acres z ozotu N - a Notes: > o 1. Non-hatched areas within easement are currently :� vegetated and will be planted as needed to achieve target density.Buffer planting will occur within the Limits of " Cr) Disturbance. " 1 . Y 2. Substitutions/exclusions and percentage adjustments were z :' w b .. due to nursery availability. o �"�, o 2 i v 3.3 Q 1' o I ZZ isw / 0,- i', 1 zi' Ste` 3.446 _ a / ''.4•- ,,7 li°4,t*,,,,4•0#4.4,4•Mkg*41, >s -- 4 i„,, ate-- ems. 4*OI li ii _.../AVA I AO�.,!.„It.4. ,4 'VrAi ts, y / r 4, \ , ,� ••�'�� ��� =� �'1�.iOa:�wfl'���i►`j♦� ����� ` A�. w ',_kii., ,A \ (;Ii ) 4,7: to - `�` 111111 vow I ���01'�� `:� a.,.. A 1', r �� ♦A. . - „�" DANIELS CREEK a ,:1 .4 4. sl I 2.-- 44.2'-' }%4.477 / ii4,1\ / • ,AVAN Ti IN , \ bies) / / A. UJ 47 ct rt hillie'44, _�._.,0 I I rn 1 / I i (V, , _ If /4",)A,:it444, t -I-) ;..i CI) / •. ,, �,�� �� ��-gin -�� F�41 to AV F -.1,z #is,* 4* #414iii •,—i c ) TA .. .4.- c), 4, t M#4 '...:4 ,! -...., i #4, t '/ %- ;1 plifr __A , - - U.$) - \ h *� ♦O--Ao AY - wigs �- T. ic,r,♦,`� ��.. '` 4r,41-� -�� 7,...10.b% U 40 /- ,� ��uu v IS'�I Div r ul� v) r. 2 b r � ` r� ri � �01T� g, I � ] -71,4•11� i d" 04: g . 7.4*1: 4) ••••4 ' ke-.01" t4/ _-(' ,r 0 k 4 , ,,,,4,4,y4,1& ,_ 1 F Zone 1-Streambank Planting Zone:3.06 Acres •,,e.e I4, w j 4! Zone 2-Streambank Planting Zone:0.86 Acres , iil' i.4, Obi ���� �� 1 z �i� �> / y���.>\/J"�C Zone 3-Buffer Planting Zone:26.08 Acres d N II 1 ,. _ Zone 4-Wetland Planting Zone:22.43 Acres �� i w o \ � =O N o 66 u 3 R m Zone 5-Permanent Seeding Outside Easement:5-z}6.43 Acres AAAAAA o . VO-----! :5- • I CO / .uVAVA VA---A 0 zoo' 40o eoo Note:Non-hatched areas within easement are currently vegetated - - _ _ b - - V--Oi-.-O.------1 `� and will be planted as needed to achieve target density. - (HORIZONTAL) m z 3 x Buffer planting will occur within the Limits of Disturbance I , I o a o d 2 i ..V..Zone 1-Streambank Planting Zone:3.06 Acres , V7 Zone 2-Streambank Planting Zone:0.86 Acres / Q 0 m o 30-3] Z N&w a� III 1 // trAl �z� Zone 3-Buffer Planting Zone:26.08 Acres III'11111,11111 I I I I I I - I I I I i I Q Z - -a ''1',' 1'1 HE 1 1'1111 , ,I ', / ' w _ Zone4-WetlandPlantingZone:22.43Acres I''1'�1i I' 111 11 ,' �� / m _ 'IIII 1 I 1,11' 111'11%INk �,,,�1 11 4.4tZone 5-Permanent Seeding Outside Easement:5 }6.43 Acres / \ ,11'1 I I I%,,��Note:Non-hatched areas within easement arecurrently vegetated �,,, 1 11,11 1�,,�,,and will be planted as needed to achieve target density. ,,,1 , I' 1 1BufferplantingwilloccurwithintheLimiofDisturbance1 '',,''1�' � \�• I'11'11 I'1'��As** \ ,7 c' 1 1 1',' ,1�1 I'I 1,1 I'll 1'I','•�� '11,1 ,'I''1'11 1 1 , , 1 , I , , I I , , I I , 1 1 ill I I , I I 1 1 1 I 1 1'I 1' 1 1 1' 1 1' I I 1 I I ' 1 1 1 1' ' I I ' I' ' I I ' ' 1 11 ,' 1 ,',' 1 ,' 11 1 ,' 11 , 11 1 11 1 1 1 ' 1 15 ' 1 ' ' 1 i�7*7 • �tt4�• ������• ���tt#� 1' 'I 111' 1''I 11 I 4 \ 1 , 1 'I i •, 1 1 1 , 1 ' 1 , ' 1 1 ' ' 1 ' , 1 1 ' 1 ����i♦�i♦��j �•�p�4� ��♦�i♦��j ��i♦� ,';1 ,',1,1 , 1 ',�I> ' ,� 1 , ,' 1 ,� ,�,1 , ,' � , � ' b0 �����7 ����� ���� 1','I' '' � ii, I'll 1 , I' 'I1 I 1� \-9 1 1'i'11','11',������ �j♦����♦��j♦��♦����♦�i� ','1'�';';'',';1.1♦'�������' 1'1',' 1'I 1 11'1 11'1' '11',' 1'1 1',' ' '','�� � >`I' ' '1 ' '1'' ', '� '' ' 1 1 •14..� �** �** 11' ' 1 ,' , 1 L ♦ ♦ ��� ' 1' ' , 1 , 1 , I , , I s \ y I \e/� fr*�♦ S 11'111'11 1 i• 1,1 A l ��41•4�' I Ct 1 1 , 1 ' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' ' , 44 *��1 1 111 1' 1111 1' l I I ,' I 1' I 1',I ' , ,I I 1' l , 1 I I .' • 1 , ,' I 1' ' '',' 1 1 ' I ,' 1 , ' ,� ' ,' 1 I ' ' 1 ' I ' 1 , ,' , ,1 , , 11 , , 11 , ,' , , 11 1 , ,1 , ,1 ' , ,' 1 � ♦ O A .► 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , ' 1 1 ' 1 C ) ',.4,,,f :.�� 1'�, ,,t,*� 1►11 ' ' I I I I IIIII , 11 I 11 ' , - //// �r ' I I I I I I I I I� \�� � �.I ***4 , ♦• t♦ 1 1 1 , 11 1 I 11 III 1 �1� V ♦♦������� 11 I I I' 1 I 1 ' , ' 1 11 ' , 1 ' 11' 1 , 1' ' , ..►.o►�. �► fie , ' IIII , , , ,1 ,�' ' I ,' 1 IIII I i ' , 1'II�I� � ' 1'11 ' 1 , '%�►1►1�►01► 1�� ���+1 ' 1 ' ' ' 1 '`����' ' 1 1 1 1 1 ' O 1► 1► + I, 1 1 1 1 1 1 , 1 1 ♦� �- r 7r, I'. , 1'.1;'♦�♦;,,�,*�' / 'I' -,;;'�I-' 1 ,' ',►'►1►;'14' Q►q �, \,� ��I' ' ' ' ' ' '' :� ,, ?-') b1J I'I�','.'�,,�, ,,�:! / ►' ► `�`,��` ;�'�-:�c": 444►"A`�,�'W'- 1•''1'1111'' �'11l 1'; ,-,,44 o �,,�„,� ,iw► i► ,,�,, ,.1► '► ) ii 01) 1 1' 1 '\' ' ' ' 14.4;,4,n 4 v ii ii Iii Ii►1►►p'►w 1 I 1 ♦�S* % 01► ����i'►1► 1► ♦►1► 1► ' ' ' ' ' ' V ' ' '�♦♦♦♦♦♦♦�����4♦� 'I I 1 1 1 ♦ ��j•O �► 1►' 44�►11►1�►'4►Q�►�►1► ' ',' ' I,I 1 1' 1 ,I; ' '1'''I ��** E 11 , I 11 1 ,' ♦� �����ii�: 1►1'WA O **AMOK 1 ' 1' 1 ' ' ' 1 1 , 1 1 1 i� f ,_, 4�1'1' I 1'1 ''1' 1'1'�� a�►VII / O 1► 1► I I , 11 11 11 ,.7 4011 , 44 �Q�y�';1';';' ;';' ,';1 �Vj�O���i+ ,� �► : �4, �'•♦�j�,l''1'I ,,,v s4j�.•+�, x a ���� 1';';1'1';''1';';1'1�����- .':." / :►' ��� 1''I'1'11 1''I'1'1l' 1*� .0 .•, '11''',,11j,'11 ��� ►�►�►� i►��� F� ��,,�'i';�'i',',' 1 '1;���j�,,,,t\ ;-1 �� ***•..-1 "/"1 1/'1 "Or / 44 1 1 1:'1''/'/I /1'.4%••* ,NI OW ;o► ,,,, '111 '11 ,,,,�* \ ' .4t•�� Ri b000' /Aisor �O*O� +04 ♦�,' ' ! / ,...4,1 oto O4i►►' i► ,,t,' ' '''' '''1',,, \ ii�e1.►• / 04 r�,,,,1 '' 1 1', \ b' 41/.01% / '4W ***t /'/1''/'/'i 1 ' V %/ \ / - * S SI'''1 1 1'1 '1'1 4 *4 / g 'E' b ,.MATCH LINE SHEET 3.3 jd ,*��5����*g'I 1 1 , 1 I ���� 4Vil ,.'►'.' / ►so goo Aso ' ' �' ' ' ' J1 i1 1 1'1 1''1 1 11'I' 1 11 I ♦OO rx ' •4 ' 1 ' ,,,, � b ♦*** 1 ,',,' '' i ' j, ♦,,j / vz 1 A. i v a Zone 1-Streambank Planting Zone:3.06 Acres / N up n Zone 2-Streambank Planting Zone:0.86 Acres 4 z 1111 Zone 3-Buffer Planting Zone:26.08 Acres AV ♦♦ ��♦♦♦♦♦44___A___ '_ w �HE Zone 4-Wetland Planting Zone:22.43 Acres ;��iila ♦ _ Zone 5-Permanent Seeding Outside Easement:5-z}6.43 Acres �;♦♦♦♦♦♦♦� -' --—_— _ —— —_—_ `.yap•..... '�, Note:Non-hatched areas within easement are currently vegetated / a"��41♦��♦��♦♦�♦`►,-�,1� __ ____ _____ ,VW*, .- • oNd,�i�Q and will be planted as needed to achieve target density. �a!6.��♦�\-__—__—__ ___—___ �• ♦♦�� _o aHa..m:�._ Buffer planting will occur within the Limits of Disturbance \ ���•__ —\___ _\\_\__♦�♦♦�♦�\ \ y• W om2va` / \44*-4-..._----------=---------- ------------1- cP 4.40I. / ___---_- / , _ rt / -____ It o O 1 / - Crow Avoly-ACWATAp# H / witiell -1'4"---- *44) Lu w *A__ ____=��j4 u ♦♦♦♦♦. _4��, a ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦43.0♦♦4.6♦♦♦��i♦�,I�I♦•5"1.c4.0$♦♦f- ____-=___ YA91 10" j��►f4f4•$4I♦VV#A.♦1.4. -____- __GO♦i��4♦.4.t°0 4#* v� ♦♦♦♦♦♦,♦AO♦♦♦♦♦♦�♦♦♦VVIA0♦0t444♦♦♦♦♦♦♦•___-___=_--_ - _-�.0;.'Atle;'•♦.•♦�ss%.���.♦�♦♦A♦�♦=�♦j♦j♦�♦♦� _ __���•��4#40SI . E ♦`►�►i Oj♦I�♦I♦♦I♦♦I♦♦I♦�I♦I♦♦I♦♦I♦♦w♦���j♦�I•. __ '.''D'::::.: __ ____f ' S �•�'i_•%♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦�I,;.♦♦;.♦♦♦♦ .�♦_- - __ -- __ ___ _ _':elfAv:::' _ _- - - -= ====DANIELSCREEK--____ 0**# 04.♦o0 _\ __ - ___=_ _ -_- , ♦,-.-_=-f==-- -- =___________________________________�...A.AvA�������.,:,i♦V®♦,♦♦� -- ♦�♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ �. --- ___-___-____ _______ -_-_—___ ♦♦♦♦I♦♦II .___ \ _ _ _ _ __ __ ___ ____ _0>;o �� vs!is!Aa0 �► s!Ia!j•♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦��• - _____=--_____________-_ _____ ♦ _ _ .... :.I,AZ aoAn,. • . . \ Cr) g V 0' 50' 100' 150' , , .00. v v r ..... oAzoN,A, v '53 i v a — Zone 1-Streambank Planting Zone:3.06 Acres _ _ — — _-2 \ _ —'SO Q7 F 6 �w Zone 2-Streambank Planting Zone:0.86 Acres _ _ z NI Zone 3-Buffer PlantingZone:26.08 Acres _ — — — — ; ; ►Ie11, �y � - _ Zone 4-Wetland Planting Zone:22.43 Acres ' ' Zone 5-Permanent Seeding Outside Easement:5-z}6.43 Acres ��� Note:Non-hatched areas within easement are currently vegetated --- . Z.��O' d ;L and will be planted as needed to achieve target density. � oN i.� Buffer planting will occur within the Limits of Disturbance ,; ,; � y:, gm va; \ \\ . , . **0�0���� ti �, iI�►I�►:; i,4 ;, ,'�'��'0 � . i \ ,y .1 41,----_-----------A- 1 '4------- 4:--:;_,., . _ _ _________ -vA `) / *A:----11---::-r ie * :.--,-;-:;-_-_-___ _____i:::,,, * ,, \ \ bz) g -; ;, / �k • ����� , iOv 1t ! . , \ a u 1-7 \ o , 4/e/_-----i--1--1-- --_--i--1----"P 4.re 4.-4---0-:7 s. *4 ''*4-. i Vi::::--1-11-:=1---,--;A:**.„ \ 00 a 4444< . \ U Tii II` It ! \ i /4441----;;;;I:, i itt --.;*-11-------3--:---:--; --1-------11-13---A 44 \ z IIII �, ;: � �OO ���'�� \ j<<I��IOI��1, = ;i'�'�i�j�j�<<I���';= 10*4' �0�000� . \ \ 0 ; ;��i '���►�I�►���•�•.e ,, :.--_-_-.0 e.' \ 'Us k —3——31——3 4 I lii 1,i \ o ��►p►►A "► 4►► ►"►0► U ►►j�►5�►.�►i��►�� ►�i��►fin=I MATCH LINE - SHEET 3.6 ►.,��►►0%00: o0*-- �' t���„ - �����, 0' 50' 100' 150' \ 55 _ _ 1 - 7 �7-g IHo izoN A�) a; n b i v V�� Al*** 44, / / / / / / z/_i ,/ , 1_ q1" .����-���1116-1111-01� �1�D011�IOi-o��i��. .111-1.�- `�„`/�'/�'/�' //'/�, / / //, / 74 Imo ® zt��11111-!`C 4.VIAA. ��AFal�ir/ , /, // / / -11 4 ����������� t.) - Uz �� •� �z HE ////// 11V4 -"4141f.tY,4* V '*4 IV* Nt* - ilk //,,//,/,/,//,/////, At tee, vood i007 .1/4A i//// A * 2 -., ... ..- ��lo,gsAI 4 4 4 4444 / .= /,// ,/ /// //L/ // // // / ��„,, vo-.-1..- goo, A. /,// // // / ii M..•....•P0\� oi / , = / / ,/ 1�1-1111 ,,/,,/A. viti,,..//„/,//*/iit,w4uittite.'iltir,.. 0 010 'Wilk goio v ��44 ilk44 44 44 44 44�4.��,/',/',/ 144444044�4�4��� �' �' ,',// //,'///',/ , -*A s-,0,/, ///,, A.L1L 4 Alkit uR� Ooo ��4�44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 4 44'ti ��/ // / // /// // / ����� ,1114.01��4444444� o yaw-lea �1000 , W UR o 2.:;* 1J1/1� 1,/://,////////,///V///,//////,/i* ad kik.** 0/4-1104 A I I— reslitril444444•106I° rt LU 44444i UR _ v11-®1♦1110000_�,-l::h:1i:::::ttit U ' +� 440si Ik-1 es 1/.-4 41/1,1 vk,4tk1,�. ,111.1-- 1- Ct 400,41. AA% I://i //// ///////// 1r'ill/14w /////// //dil/*11 IT VI. ON/ A At q ��•t4 44 44 4 4 4 44 44 44 44 44 44/' UR" Zone 1-Streambank Planting Zone:3.06 Acres 44 4 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 444444444� /104 Zone 2-Streambank Planting Zone:0.86 Acres isp 44�'�4�44444444444444444444�101 /0//,' /p�4���� Zone 3-Buffer Planting Zone:26.08 Acres � � � A4y44?�''/' /'/ /'10. 0. � — / ,/ �� Zone 4-Wetland Planting Zone:22.43 Acres �i � oz� u ' z} Zone 5-Permanent Seeding Outside Easement:5- 6.43 Acres >,o u J CO7. I o' 50' 100' 150' Note:Non-hatched areas within easement are currently vegetated a k, '' r „oq,zoN,q�� and will be planted as needed to achieve target density. m z ; q Buffer planting will occur within the Limits of Disturbance 3 3 8 \ ► ► \ 191 9f m . E.I.' Zone 1- bank Planting Zone:3.06 Acres Q z m�,,`♦ I I I I I I �� , "4 / 4,41r m aw1►` �,♦ I I I I �I iI I I C �� / ,v�p ���I I I i I I I I ,� / Zone2-StreambankPlantingZone:0.86Acres HY ��� tI) I11111 /• Zone 3-Buffer Planting Zone:26.08 Acres , ;E11►14► �� 'I I I 'I'1 1 1 �� � ►p► 0-1 w��� /'MONO% WV14AUL�'I' 1 1 1 1 1 1 I � /►8�►ots � 1 1 1 v 1 1 1 1)W m 1%000 I H _ Zone 4-Wetland Planting Zone:22.43 Acres Q ►�p►p�O`�,,, I i \ ,I I� ill» /►�►4=oGo,o ! �i I I � ..► 0 Zones-Permanent Seeding Outside Easement:5-z}6.43Acres,/fiQ►t/Ill al, � $IM%j0►•p7 ������� 4 01111411ry4!JaP••••. �7� Nol % SAL •1 I I I I I I:s0 �►0�o ��010 1' ''�I 11 I I I I I'I'I I I I I1 I 1II������������ v :I! �-. . 4"•:+O% Note:Non-hatched areas within easementare current) ve etated _�, woN ''�and will be planted as needed to achieve target density. v:S em?�� � 4 � 1 1 ' 1 II'I' i +. , Bufferplantin will occur within the Limits of Disturbance " ♦•4�j � , 1 I C I I I I I'I'IIIII' �, �,� Ib .�' � wave* I''I'I' 1 ' ilil�. ,� ,,s / /� � , i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 III � C,,�,,tI , / z, , ,,/ 0N , � I ' , ^ v�4 ►iiiiii%% ; ' ' 1.�#4�*,�♦ ' I' ,�,�OP " .o01 �O . O 1 � . • 41.11 illill 1111; 0' 50' 100' 150', � ,4 \ `' ,�.o.o ►.00 .. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1474 ,j� ,; O ,0O ' I ,►.►. 0.4I I I I I I 1r.��0 �s,ei,� 091 1 1 I I �,/ I::::: : i : � �� � 1 1 Iy ocatiouraelo oAzoN,A, AP ������„���„�����5 iiii���iiis���'1' ' ' ' ' ' '111�tj��„��j��j„�� ��j�� 'I'I'I'� ��1'1�1,1111���F �i► / �� �� I►1►�► 1►1► 1 1 p �� �� ♦ I' '1 1 1 I1�� F� Ct �� �- ��` iI�►1►G►ii►,'I'1'�'I'�'I'1'1'�'1'�'�'1'11' ��+,4� * 'I'1'1'1' 'A \'1 I'I'I'1111����� - /� ����,�� ��,f►�j �,,� �Z� � �:►�`1'1'I'I'I'I'I'I'I'I'111111 ,1�1�1�1�1�,����������1 �� �� �� �►o�►o� 111111111111 11111111111 �� �j� ���s• �� , I�I','1'1'1'1'1'1'1'1'I'I'I'I I'I'I'I'I'1'1 I'I'I'I'I'I'I'I'I'I'I�4� 'I'I'I'1'1'11 ri H11111111 1 �� �4 �� �i►►.... � Apirlarloqat4114- Ivor* ���0 ���0 �e11111 , 111111111 IIIIIIIIII IIIIII �� �O �O O '��'�'I�I �+� �,�����-,1,1,11111111'I��'I' III I I I I I I I I I I II I I I I '11,1,1,11111 I I I I I I'I'I'� I I . �O �O ""�►.. � ��!��0,����.��0„DOE:::.',:► �t+4444Ss++44****4* ,� o IIIIIII 1 1 1 1 1 , 1 1 1 III ' " '111 ;1 i1 i1,,, 'I I IIIII , , .o►,.✓$8 �•� ��1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 „ ��,♦ �O�'111 I'I'I'I', -� I , , 111111111111 III , I � � � � i ; ' I 1 '.o ' ' 1 , III IIIIIIII , IIIIIIII I I 1 I I I . ,°►•������ ��,���j��,� 'I'I'I'I'II'11111111�1�111, �1 1,1 �1�1�1�1�1�1',111 I .�����0����j� 'I�I:I',t,1,11�„ ��„��'I'I'I'�1'1'1'I'I'I'I'I'I'I'I'I � � ' ' 'I',1 I I I I III III I I ����„��►�► oo� �� �. .♦ �7��� ,� �� 4H 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 , .� ��� 410* �0� 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 - I . 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Zone 1-Streambank Planting Zone:3.06 Acres , \ ` Anil ''''''N. \ I iiiIM Zone 2-8treambank Planting Zone:0.86 Acres cC /y 2 IIII z J ���/ Zone 3-Buffer Planting Zone:26.08 Acres w l l l l l l \ .nn� /\1 �\ \\\ 1 _ Zone 4-Wetland Planting Zone:22.43 Acres Mi ,/ •`7,� \\\\\\y ��� ��� I I '�y o z u Alin / -nn-n 6 (; X XX)('<X)(XX 1 nnnnn 0 0 VD 2�n��n Zone 5-Permanent Seeding Outside Easement:5•.4t}6.43 Acres nnn••!" �' Note:Non-hatched areas within easement are currently vegetated o' so' 100' 150' - r and will be lanted as needed to achieve tar et densit . „ k v P y ��.I.,,,) III ' `!A;\ v 1 v x Buffer planting will occur within the Limits of Disturbance F f { r 1 3 2 6- 8 -I i v NZone 1-Streambank Planting Zone 2Streambank Planting Zone:Zone:0.863.06 Acres\ ' ' Z z N�w W I U��zZone 3-Buffer Planting Zone:26.08 Acres 0 —''0�zSHEryww _ Zone 4-Wetland Planting Zone:22.43 Acres 0' S0' 100' 150' - oAzoN,A ' XX Zone 5-Permanent Seeding Outside Easement:5-z}6.43 Acres ;I / `��1111111///��' Note:Non-hatched areas within easement are currently vegetated � d•_�� N and will be planted as needed to achieve target density. =� a m�z.6 d Buffer planting will occur within the Limits of Disturbance �y• mgmwa� / FII'IIIII 'IIIIIIIAwl/ IIII i�II,•II•II• •II IIwog` �``IIiIIrII.,II040,IIIwww`III`II` `sw`,1�1,,,,,,•.II' _�I_►I_ _I IIIII I'I=I, = II ILI'♦ I= =I�,I=•;I•III=II;II;II= I,II�I=;II�I=I�,�I-,sI;L=,,IjI IIIIIl IIIIIIIIIIIII,, ,; I�I / II ►009IIII III IIIII�II rI��►'► /IIIII II III / rII 'II III II II � /P gi °eIIIII IIIIIII II • . / ti / 0IIIIIIIIIIIII �i IGooII II III III� th" ►'oI III � I III •o, III oil I4 . Q ?0►oi IIy InI ,- InIwIAi� �I � i► I /�, o,$�dI �h IIIII4 , - • I Iro /� o` � I� I14 _ .v �.- cd �� 4, :' ; �! :,oeIIII II r-0I0IIIII vII*iv,' 4—.,; ' ft._ I4.. /c' 440 oIIIIIf y►11* I►� I � ,• I� I4 �=e & =II rt ,f1I00,- �IIIIII II' ��-•- .IIII44— - , �e� �II. � I� II U II0, 4I IIISO"- - •,,t1 II . , ' !eI ,* ,L. / 0II ,- � �''— -s0a, III ,A._AA' •IO•III ,,,;,, •� I�vII I�I / .�4IIII#...•�LI � � II4P - ° rt � - 40-1 IA A•Pla. At. I \ zIII ••.4 , / oI �= Z rz� iII hAti�� 4,,,, ;. "#14I4 � 0� � I IP.I �►IIr,, , , �e 44 o - Ie�►� I �!h0' ,,, ,, ,, ,, I�' I � ��4II , �I�-,O � ;, ; ; IIIII� , rt - e � ! 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WON - -''F.: planting will occur within the Limits of Disturbance ._._. -n- s; a_.... ._._._._.o_ may'. o F2ty I. - -i V1-01-1-1-0000-------001-00----1-0--OOOObo_.- dO'••.. .. -fie-.-7.-.�._._ -- -.a_-e-000000-o-00000--o--000i-0000i-o-. ,//nil I 1110 r�I♦�♦� iO4, �-_-__- ♦>`••;----;; •-----a.,, :::: �=== �_- •-•_.._-_ A --. ._._._. il, +0 # ♦*-:: . O -•----•--------------------------------------- /��I♦♦.. ♦♦♦<Iv♦♦I t,4* tO♦ ♦4•4I �I♦♦6: i�I♦♦♦I bI 0 ♦I♦♦♦I` AA / Q ���I♦♦.. ♦♦I♦I���. I♦ ♦I♦♦♦I♦#r=-��...... ♦♦ s. ♦♦ ♦♦ ♦i ♦ ♦♦ ♦♦ ♦♦ ♦♦ .�. . 4. II ♦I 4 � 4 ♦ I ♦♦ ♦I♦♦ . 4 ♦.` / °' U. . . ., ♦♦♦♦I ♦♦I♦♦II�g. ♦♦riAIL • ► � 44I♦♦♦♦ ♦� 40, .I♦ ♦ w ,- i %I� ` ♦itit. I ♦♦I�♦4 -M♦•• ♦, 4.44 ♦♦� ♦ •*'4+• •♦�♦♦ ♦iIO T0 ♦ ♦I 444 0♦II♦♦ I♦ I ♦ � --�!♦ ♦♦♦♦♦ t. 4. I♦♦ ♦I 7LI � *- •� I ♦I♦♦ I♦ I♦♦I♦I 044 ♦ ♦♦ ve: � � ♦ � � ♦ ♦ �♦♦ I=0I�I♦� I��♦� ♦� i! �II � II♦� w♦I♦ ♦♦♦ ♦I•♦♦� ♦�♦♦�I♦_ •�� w �♦� ♦ ! L 'Ij♦ ♦$I ♦,IIII� I ♦I�I III ♦♦II♦III♦ I♦♦ ♦ OA — jr ♦06♦ ���♦♦�♦r�♦ ♦I♦ i�♦♦ ♦♦ ♦♦♦♦ ♦___I ♦ ♦ ♦Ii , � , �I♦ � / Z �+ 7E o x.�� _ _— : ♦ ♦��II ♦ IG�� � ♦ ♦ ♦ i ♦i ♦i ♦i ♦ ♦ s ♦ t4t4 ♦♦ ce ♦♦ +; ♦h��I♦�4.� A ♦ � �� _ i� . � / / / / ♦♦. / / V .!� / z / / / �/ / N k / / / / / ¢� / / / I 8 1I 0' 50' 100' 150'/ / (HORIZONTAL) 3li & s X` AS-BUILT WOVEN WIRE FENCE 2'OFFSET FROM CE . (.. \ O 0 0 WHERE SHOWN U7 I O O O AS-BUILT 2 STRAND BARBED WIRE FENCE SET 3' \ OFFSET FROM ROAD BED Z 0 z ��Pw I _ w YvP / EXISTING FENCE tro)1z °sv rA i I �� QW '�HE r® e AS-BUILT 2"O TUBE STEEL GATE 10'WIDE w */ ,I . I / 7 14 �' ✓ 1 AS-BUILT 2-10'WIDE 2"O TUBE STEEL GATE L �• �44,44. x/SHEET 4.18 viii ��-� 4. SHEET 4.16 SHEET4.17 4d 1Nl.,\t„ii.ii •:—, • li _ 0b: 4.12, . IP* r=- /_ _ e1'1 s s o`w' ises1, 0,\ • SHEET 4.31 4' d440EEI 4 DANIELS CREEK Vrrrnu,,,0e Sw — o) SHEET4.30 � :(\\---0- • rt SHEET 4.6 SHEET 4.8 ��' ;I p"IkIIIII `t c . o , , . . , •,9, :t: u iiii, C It: •Ikyl� �• ,its • 'SHEET4.29 SHEET 4.7 SHEET 4.15 �� �(� ' \ X\ o , Z 0 SHEET 4.5 5 •, �� V• A. 1 .4 .,, ,_,, •,,, dm_ .,-c :2-N wk bz) , , 4* . .4 0 •cl I SHEET 4.4 • ryc), Ale,4t. ,,, 4 a SHEET 4.28 /Ns z/ \ . ' ..,1- 40' 14SHE42L _ _ ••E 3 Tg T9 '�u S�� a �r__y ,....7 9' , SHEET 4.2 74110- T10li-.. ..oriwo� ~- . • ki/j T18 ti SHEET 4.20 / / SHEET 4.19 I N / KNYL) 1/ t .. 1 6 <\________„.. / �� SHEET 4.26 z poi � - �o g A01______Z_ I .71'1 4. X 0 200' 400' 600' •' n (Ho izoNrA�) , z 'au) ` I A El ri p 8 usi i . E. 10'STEEL GATE ilk^ 0 0 0 AS-BUILT WOVEN WIRE FENCE 2'OFFSET FROM CE V7 WHERE SHOWN Q N jA \° ^Z �N .w AS-BUILT 2 STRAND BARBED WIRE FENCE SET3' Q. �u 'z �' .6 \ OFFSET FROM ROAD BED 0 l o z " EXISTING FENCE ry w w' m r,,�, \° AS-BUILT 2"0 TUBE STEEL GATE 10'WIDE \ r,„,,3 \° f AS-BUILT 2-10'WIDE 2"0 TUBE STEEL GATE � . .0%111111N,,. _V WON Z: 0 �J\ ° d 0!`2`Vs` 111111 o 41m \ ° \ om ° °\ \ a 4m / a\ \ a (t m -d •'" \� p \ •Al °' u \ a N �' ;\ \ a z = p ® U 4 ,ci °m 3, 3J 3�_°3� •° 3J��• 3�_�°3 ��°3��°3 . °3J_•�—°a/ p w \ °m 710 U ; c x\ - Q z a \ \m cE °---..,.cE z 10'STEEL GATE :----..,cE ce N cE z cE \ a �6� u:z z6 n oP, o -3 - - - - X - - X - - X - - v _ - Zt C X X X -GE E :{. CE E E - — 0' 20' 40' 60' " (HOPIZONT.4L) m X 3 m v i v \ I / -- MATCH LINE-SHEET4.1 / Zi row 11 rn i - �N; i 0'- Z otav v \.i �z SHE x \` / ry w � w' \11 ;\ I 3, I Ix T10 \ '� l q \ / yap•..... _- ��� �p`..NAL ''yam': �, _ �oN�z•6 1 \� / _V WON 3,` / may•' ort t9:s. i / /i0b:......•P`.. \•d, ,///li1111110 \• / a, • / O wI / 710 �� I Ills ' / w l /,` 11 it ht. • • o �I /� °�C-c Qft • /? ' o o o 11 /Z °' �' b / cn o IJ / • / � / � Z /1' o � • / . 4 + • czt I. / ' / ' // . b-C) w / / 1 LI • • x a "(9 I. / a � / / U /' • / cn ' / ' / ' / • / • POND • / ct /w / / / gI. / / / / / / / / / / / / / / . /• a i .., eE , . •\ .004 \ -• \\ �i \ ce„i pl \ ce • DOUBLE 10'STEEL GATE AS-BUILT WOVEN WIRE FENCE 2'OFFSET FROM CE \\\ ce cE• • 0 0 0 WHERE SHOWN o \\ e M \ i z ••'ATct \\ r 0 0 0 OFFSET FROM 2STRAND BARBED WIRE FENCE SET 3' z l�NF Skit-..".\ l o z b et4,3\V i - EXISTING FENCE \\ �, \/� • AS-BUILT 2"0 TUBE STEEL GATE 10'WIDE T -0 0' 20' 40' 60' /� \\ b s ((HORIZONTAL) \\ ,0, z v. 3 " a"i \\ �� AS-BUILT 2-10'WIDE 2"0 TUBE STEEL GATE o o 3 8 • I Y \ AS-BUILT WOVEN WIRE FENCE 2'OFFSET FROM CE .b • • • 1 0 0 0 WHERE SHOWN •A/ \.,, • • V •• • \ V7 • a,� •• Q AS-BUILT 2 STRAND BARBED WIRE FENCE SET3' a� \aj • • �g,�m OFFSET FROM ROAD BED • / I •• • Z z a v. '�� �\ I •• it41!.' u�l • • . 1 x EXISTING FENCE ,�,/ ,�� • • z eo° • • olei m AS-BUILT 2"0 TUBE STEEL GATE 10'WIDE a,) \ I 33 • - 3]-37- • • w 33 33-3 ��� '��?__1 - w AS-BUILT 2-10'WIDE 2"0 TUBE STEEL GATE .A/ 33-3�-37 Ia a� •,�,/ / �01111111//„ /�' / / _rJ woN s w • may. ort2C+.S` dr ,/ / I / i • / / I . CE_� I •6/6 r� / I CE I •�� CE / // I� •�.�_CE VOJ \ III----yyIII '� �•=cE 4 •V•/ \ • �. . \\ �Iczt w \ / 10'STEEL GATE U \ / I . x 1 T9 / 11 • lid 1 cn �\ !v QCy\ I1 k t z J� FF�\ x I I _ �\ _ _x o z e e -• 1 z" } I \ • I \ • a z oz� u p \ ¢ M \ s• ,o ` J '7I{ \ / \ 'i 0' 20' 40' 60' .' .. r z k,' k (HORIZONTAL)(HORIZONTAL) �0 \ 1 m X` NOTE: . E. \ 1. FENCING AROUND POND PLACED ACCORDING TO / • \ AS-BUILT WOVEN WIRE FENCE 2'OFFSET FROM CE SITE CONDITIONS AND LANDOWNER REQUEST. / • ., , / / / / / / / / / / / / \ 0 0 0 WHERE SHOWN • • / ' / ' / / / / / / ' / ' \ AS-BUILT 2 STRAND BARBED WIRE FENCE SET 3'/ • 0 0 o w • \ O O O OFFSET FROM ROAD BED Z z ;, / / / / / / / \ OILL YU rnv • "e / • / ' / ' / ' / ' / ' / ' \ — EXISTING FENCE 0 ��'o° -'' \ z t'�HE -w w • / / / / / / / / / / / \ AS-BUILT 2"0 TUBE STEEL GATE 10'WIDE • \ m •/ / / / / / / / \ ✓/ / / / y a AS-BUILT 2-10'WIDE 2"0 TUBE STEEL GATE • / • / / / / / _/ ' / / / J /\` / 0' 20' 40' 60' a\\�1111111, z. / • Y • \� woA�zoN,Aq .S..�a P• •• ,/� \ _ oN u.6 rJ W oN / / / / / / / \\ti� / .„04:•....,P\\ / mule F / / / / / / POND / / / / /\9. �/ 10'STEEL GATE • / / / / / / / / / / / / / / \\ / / v • �/ / • / / / / / / / J / / / / / / / / / / T, / Ct •/ • / / / / / / /_ / / / / / / / / / / / \( / \ • -0 / • • / / p / / / / / / / / / / \ U \ CD / \ cr) O O / • / ' / ' / ' / ' / ' . _/ / / / ' / •/ c / J / / w •/ • U / • x11 • a • U/ • • a ct •E ct • / / / / / / / / / / / / b • • g / / / / / / / / / z • • / / / / / / / / — • i • / / / / / / / • z / / ' /_ — • I • / z . Ia i z �6� u • • ¢� • �o _ • 4 • MATCH LINE-SHEET 4•2—————_ 10'STEEL GATE • • - —_ • m z ; 3 i �...__ A El d us,‘... s, NOTE: AS-BUILT WOVEN WIRE FENCE 2'OFFSET FROM CENer \ 1. FENCING AROUND POND PLACED ACCORDING TO O O O WHERE SHOWN SITE CONDITIONS AND LANDOWNER REQUEST. O O O AS-BUILT 2 STRAND BARBED WIRE FENCE SET 3' Q OFFSET FROM ROAD BED Z 0 °'m o �o� u, Y U F EXISTING FENCE 0'- z - 1 MATCH LINE -SHEET 4.6 \\ Q6 _�°_; • \ AS-BUILT 2"0 TUBE STEEL GATE 10'WIDE ry�w ��E � w • •• \\ ✓ • AS-BUILT 2-10'WIDE 2"0 TUBE STEEL GATE m • \ • • • �9 • • ^ • • \/ 0' 20' 40' 60' .`•pv.SAE •''yJ'i 411. • • \` ` (HORIZONTAL) z•s ' S -V WON • Z. • • \\FF ....4 o b .� �s. • • \57 1/1/111 111110 • • \ • • \• • • • \ • • • • • \ bbA \ Ct 1y U p ; •• • Z • Otz • • czt w U • • x a • • U• x cn ct • • b • g • • •• • z • : • • • • . • • z • a c7 • z • � u oz p ¢6 '^ • >,o u J _ • 0 0 0 0 0 0 v z "� v AS-BUILT WOVEN WIRE FENCE 2'OFFSET FROM CE MATCH LINE —SHEET 4.8 . . \ \ \ \ \ O O O WHERE SHOWN _ • 1 t- 4__�4__ Q \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ A m i AS-BUILT 2 STRAND BARBED WIRE FENCE SET 3' • • Z z N w O O O \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ° OFFSET FROM ROAD BED 1 � Q�, LI z�lZV EXISTING FENCE • • \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ QZ '-HE AS-BUILT 2"O TUBE STEEL GATE 10'WIDE • • ,� � • AS-BUILT 2-10'WIDE 2"0 TUBE STEEL GATE • \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ • • POND • • J� P,...., ,... • .�•�.� -9 • . . . . . . I . r p;.SAL •'yd� 0' 20' 40' 60' • • �oN.+,,, • _V WON Moa¢onnAy • • • • r • 10'STEEL GATE IiiinfiltIO L • • • • • • • O O l rt • U r , • • • • • O °k) Ct • • • • • • / • ct b • z a • • z A' / • • • z • //,\,\ 6a /NOTE: • • / L > '° 1. FENCING AROUND POND PLACED ACCORDING TO m z v q v x SITE CONDITIONS AND LANDOWNER REQUEST. o o d NOTE: .E. \ 1 FENSITECING CONDITIION A AOUND NDD PLACED ACCORDING LANDOWNER REQUEST.TO / is I \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Q 11I` / Z ;rfw Z / 0 oz�v 1 va \ \ // \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Hw 3��w / m \ \ j. \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ /\ /\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ / `a\��P I111//��� \�d.....•, ,z L \ / \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ �`O\:•SAL •'yv'j \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ —rJ• WON �• 1 / 1 i : om Cl / \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ • �i���. P��� �� /l \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 1 ,L%/ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ t \ /\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ bA \ \ // \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ IIoo.\ / d- 1Ct \ / \ \ \ \ . . . . . • \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ w \ ; w \ \ f \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ =\ 1 -jam / r 0\ rt • \ \ \ \ ` \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ U U \ \ ' POND J\ L L U 1-1 / • \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ L \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ a cn o / \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ I2\ o Z oc / • czt - •d \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ . w • \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 1 � U • \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ • ,x a • • a�• ;-11• • U \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ m II • ,_, • • \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 1 • • •E Ct • \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ • • •• pi • .\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ • • •. \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ • • • • • • \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ • �, . • • A AS-BUILT WOVEN WIRE FENCE 2'OFFSET FROM CE • • \ • • 0 0 0 WHERE SHOWN •• • • • • z • • x � � � AS-BUILT 2 STRAND BARBED WIRE FENCE SET 3' � • • OFFSET FROM ROAD BED z 10'STEEL GATE o z EXISTING FENCE x ¢' IN 4. K AS-BUILT 2"0 TUBE STEEL GATE 10'WIDE 0' 20' 40' 60' k �� AS-BUILT 2-10'WIDE 2"0 TUBE STEEL GATE x MORIZO TAL) . Z s ,, x / psspd c NOTE .E. \ AS-BUILT WOVEN WIRE FENCE 2'OFFSET FROM CE 1. FENCING AROUND POND PLACED ACCORDING TO 0 O O 0 WHERE SHOWN SITE CONDITIONS AND LANDOWNER REQUEST. m ," N j Q AS-BUILT 2 STRAND BARBED WIRE FENCE SET 3' , 0 y m OFFSET FROM ROAD BED N .j Z z N w ���z Yz v EXISTING FENCE z o° 44/ 6 zHE AS-BUILT 2"0 TUBE STEEL GATE 10'WIDE '� �/ ��N /*// �/ m �� AS-BUILT 2-10'WIDE 2"0 TUBE STEEL GATE N k l �� N m Q� NN\ 7 0isW o N 10'STEEL GATE �i��4:rl;"11 P‘��` V \ t / • • ., • . / •. //m Ct • / / / / / / / • \ \ . / Q `� l.o • H \ 6.11Q C..) rt - w / =1 \ / / U - cn i-- / • \ w� / \ „m • CIS - ZI • \ a /. t - U�I / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / \Z (...-1 6,I 1- ,7ri • \ •\ 0 w 2I \s /• 4 o / U POND \2 \ 6, - +/ / \� m / I ' / / �/ \ .� /. i / �� „m 6, . • \ •\ � ca b / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / • \ „m / i , \ .\ ., c I \ „' A__/ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / \ „m • / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /• \ a m / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / V „ a,'" • a\ / �' \ m 6',✓ N \ „V z / \ L 2, i 2 / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / . m) Q /�/1 �o \ 4. MATCH LINE -SHEET 4.7 • / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / x 0' 20' 40' 60' ', .k, `2b Z 1 i /..- ..V.. • \ ...------ 33-------- 33 •. 3J 3J •-_ i \ -\-.--\---\:\-\---\___-\--\1\---\--\-- \— / 5• / :7... 3��33� v "E• • ..- 3��33 V Ly w / / 10'STEEL GATE •� ��33— . 33 33 / • 33-33 \ • • _33—33 S CREEK/ •33 N1EL \ 011111n,,,� a 33 / \ W oN `-' #1 /7 �• ........r —\..__f N LU I i /• \ bA // / ct / // ,�� \ 'i / . o ct / °' U n _ `▪� z CE CE___ CE__CE CE CE \ r ��..nn �` x x x _ x CE= x CE - .CE -CE CE CE \ w.J • _ s . i E_ —`CE CE CE CE CE O Ian .E sE CE 6E C. C: CE — E CE _ }▪ � •LJ /} 10'STEEL GATE ®/ ' `V ?r- �� /• 4 o w w u /• \/ ft a) i? /• ./ A \ !—I m •V /• / k I V\ '7 6' \ V ,� �7/ /`� 0' 20' 40' 60' 0 l "oAIzoN.AL) 4 L/•/n z // O O O AS-BUILT WOVEN WIRE FENCE 2'OFFSET FROM CE WHERE SHOWN / x /ten nAS-BUILT 2 STRAND BARBED WIRE FENCE SET 3' ` OFFSET FROM ROAD BED`� •,n / E ooz� u p /1/ — � 66 — / EXISTING FENCE T ..„ • _ AS-BUILT 2"0 TUBE STEEL GATE 10'WIDE MATCH LINE SHEET 4.15 / r �&• �� AS-BUILT 2-10'WIDE 2"0 TUBE STEEL GATE o ra" z v q w v 6 us ` AS-BUILT WOVEN WIRE FENCE 2'OFFSET FROM CE O O 0 WHERE SHOWN _ Q AS-BUILT 2 STRAND BARBED WIRE FENCE SET 3' A _ 0 `�°.OFFSET FROM ROAD BED \• _ 4 z N w w Y U~v .....,, 0 r — EXISTING FENCE _ z eo° _�� \• Q z H E V u\ rti w AS-BUILT 2"0 TUBE STEEL GATE IO'WIDE of �� / m _ . / • 3J AS-BUILT 2-10'WIDE 2"0 TUBE STEEL GATE o r� \s / 04.13,----.----. oN�.' \.b • / -V. WON z• / -----___ • / 3j\ DOUBLE 10'STEEL GATE • a j n 10'STEEL GATE / • • a \ / /• a s% 3�/ � 11\ / •� 3�/ 10'STEELGATE ft .............\\ '-0 •'-" j 3'/ " ♦ \ / • Q (� •\ / /a'/ \ O. �\ / O (� e%3 e.l• \ ti I-- / ♦ \\ N\ G� Z 3 // \ " S `�\ O PI / d �v ct \ " -' V \cFL \ /• cE ct b \ / • DOUBLE 10'STEELGATE / c \ \ / E/ / i v\ ,� / o 4 so y\ Z l \ / / a \ / ' / a CD V0' 20' 40' 60' , m b i v E} N Q� imC \\�k 01°-',,,, Y �� Z 00,v QZ tIHE \ H W w' \ `gyp`.SAE•••'•'ld _V WON \ ma . omw.s� 3J 3J 3J ,2j��f1111I11\\\ 3J 3J 3J 3J 0 ° D Q 3J 3J 3J 3J 3J 3J 3J 3J 3J 3J 3J 3J 3J 3J 33 3J 3J 3J 3J 3J 3J 3J 3J 3 3J 3J 3J 3J 3J 3J 3J 3J N HI 4. bA W DANIELS CREEK = In ft 1 z` . —1 O = O U CJ U D a °' U •cn O z m ac _ czt m bA w m 4 O � � U o t t e CA \ce ce ft ce �cE� E I--I d3 \ cE ce g - E - cE cce\ cE e cE \ce ce ,cE- CE A N ' AS-BUILT WOVEN WIRE FENCE 2'OFFSET FROM CE "z 0 0 0 WHERE SHOWN I z AS-BUILT 2 STRAND BARBED WIRE FENCE SET 3' OFFSET FROM ROAD BED '4 EXISTING FENCE 1-1 4. AS-BUILT 2"0 TUBE STEEL GATE 10'WIDE 1112 0' 20' 40' 60' " b AS-BUILT 2-10'WIDE 2"0 TUBE STEEL GATE (MO ZONTAV I3 i ..V.. \I N QD \m In Q7 MATCH LINE -SHEET 4.18 "I I m I m V• Y mIC IC IC it41 ,", o ,ICIC IC i/n''k�Z -eon V IC Ic -Ic ■��■ ■�' ■ �� ,z ' H E , r•�r■ter■ ■ DOUBLE 10'STEEL GATE m O O O AS-BUILT WOVEN WIRE FENCE 2'OFFSET FROM CE s 7. e ----��• \ ir WHERE SHOWN DOUBLE 10'STEEL GATE ■ ■ fia°\17-7,--- s4441111t. IC - IC m •• 0' 20' 40' 60' AS-BUILT 2 STRAND BARBED WIRE FENCE SET 3' IC IC (HORIZONTAL) IOFFSET FROM ROAD BED •\ \ \ • ���d„""''�y • �`O:NPR dj: •c 10'STEEL GATE \ oNdoi;s;_ I x EXISTING FENCE I 'v w oN�'�- I • �y gm va; �• d.. . I AS-BUILT 2"0 TUBE STEEL GATE 10'WIDE •I \ �iOQ%:.• •''P�` �� AS-BUILT 2-10'WIDE 2"0 TUBE STEEL GATE • \� • I �• "1 J ct \R \yi, DOUBLE 10'STEEL GATE "'I �o O O \P, .i,, . 3J 35 3J ", •i �� 3J _ \Po 3 3J 3J 3__.. �J_••3��•.�•.�•3J �� •� •� • ") JJ_ 0 /rl I ' ; 3J 3J 3J --,_3J_,4 I J� z D nll 0 ` =I I I li 10'STEEL GATE Cl.) I ■III r 0 mI \ u =I I ili I I DANIELS CREEK t Cr) rr Rl I ■Irzt ?-I �I \ �� H � x w �I ■I w �' ■ I I 2 a) ■I \\% . w ...••••••• 7/ Z b I I■ I 7-1 ft _ ■III 11I = Ill _ II_ I_ II-- II■ \ 2 I I•z \ o ■ \ I i ■ ■ 10'STEEL GATE I u \ z o a• C CE CE �E_ CE CE _ CE _ CE _ CE _ CE _ CE __ CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE_CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE_ CE —CE CE SCE •• 4•— _— �- -• -• • • • • • • -• -• • _• _• �• �• • • • • Ce oQ, • • U 2 I i •\\ N 6 � N I DOUBLE 10'STEEL GATE \ \• E\ T, c o 6 8 t x i . E.I 1 1 Q 1 m)17.' -', ),`;'.a,' a ,Z tIHE 1 - m t . 1 \ ���,1 u t ni,rr,i 1 `yap,.... ''y • �•0�.NpE f. D \ . 1 W ON\• , 'y om n \ \ 1 ',,o rmni�P‘�\. I • I Z \.• 1 1 m \ 1 I 3D=� =0 1 =c N �3J3 _= N 3D_3�-3J-35 =-- __ (� RANI ELS EK 1 N - CRE � •o J U \N'''\. Ccr:::tit 1Q � o � I� Z \ e\ 1 bra▪rzt ! w .....\\%. ▪ O \• E\ce 1 � E 1 U 1 • ct �` E 1 b •\\e 1 , F .tee_ _ E_CE CE -- a 6 `� . CE •��. E ---__CE _CE _CE/L cc CE CE CE CE CE CE CE 1 �1�, CE CE i li �1� t� CE CE CE CE CE 1 1 1 11 N AS-BUILT WOVEN WIRE FENCE 2'OFFSET FROM CE 1 0 0 0 WHERE SHOWN 1 I I x z i O O O AS-BUILT 2 STRAND BARBED WIRE FENCE SET 3' OFFSET FROM ROAD BED z oozu p EXISTING FENCE m ¢ CO 7-1 Ii 11/4...\..... AS-BUILT 2"0 TUBE STEEL GATE 10'WIDE 0' 20' 40' 60' c m a v AS-BUILT 2-10'WIDE 2"0 TUBE STEEL GATE (HORIZONTAL) o o o i v O O 0 AS-BUILT WOVEN WIRE FENCE 2'OFFSET FROM CE \ WHERE SHOWN N AS-BUILT 2 STRAND BARBED WIRE FENCE SET 3' e_ A) 0 y 2 u �o O O O OFFSET FROM ROAD BED s' -3 O (z w j3' Olr:', oz�„�z�s0 EXISTING FENCE a' \ z r. /� .ja' \ ryw 3 w' f AS-BUILT 2' TUBE STEEL GATE 10'WIDE 3a sue m �� AS-BUILT 2-10'WIDE 2"0 TUBE STEEL GATE 10'STEEL GATE s a � e3' i .i 3' + i a' • `����1111111////,' 3a `��a AL• •'•yam a' i. 2N�s1:•6 IS =0 aHa^i•i,= •tea' WON _- / 10'STEEL GATE %rd`- �m?"•sC .' as C.`..1 /i/rnuli� / a' / / O‘ • /a' / a' a pN�E j / ft a •/a' " 0 •/ U D �i a'/a' •j - r ,_cr)" • o m as U p 3 N a •y Jo 1 o A —EE E CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE z I O 10'STEEL GATE I 0' 20' 40' 60' x (HORIZONTAL) oz; u MATCH LINE-SHEET 4.31 2, o Ii O 1 1 3 v i . E. AS-BUILT WOVEN WIRE FENCE 2'OFFSET FROM CE O O 0 WHERE SHOWN up n Q Q Q AS-BUILT 2 STRAND BARBED WIRE FENCE SET3' Zz -ihtw OFFSET FROM ROAD BED01r.„1 W u 1.4T.,"-oll z x EXISTING FENCE Q 0 a 2 .SHE -w w clo AS-BUILT 2"0 TUBE STEEL GATE 10'WIDE m \•x ✓ AS-BUILT 2-10'WIDE 2"0 TUBE STEEL GATE \,i, 0' 20' 40' 60' s (HORIZONTAL) \'''�� .....r,y, V W o N . ao ��` \ • \ a• N. bA N. \3Z,• n c� \,, • O N � N cn N X up • 0�' 3J • 3J • 3J 3J 3J • 3J 3J • 3J .„�•3J�•3J - _e 10'STEEL GATE • •\ 3 3 3J�3J•-3J�3J�3, •�3 Iti U •\ VCr ce .\ F T8 I .\ u x I. cn cm to w �ce I" Q LU No I ce 1„ c w z `, 1„ J \ `L:cE •� w �� cE �.t ._ I• a� CF_ Cr �0.......cF •\:ce N 6 w . w Noz6u •\:Cr CE CE CE CE ..- o `• • • • • CE • CE •CE •CE •CE •CE .E :E •E • • • • 0 0 0 0 0 • • • • • • ..w b=33- z n 3 x t i v I / / (I.) n / t?, !('-)11 G • ,Z 4 F / • m• /�4 o UI1 J J/44t,t / /• \ 4/ 11I1110 /v n• C= /Z.Q / / bC .,c, / / ct 11 / • / oU i / •c!) O / Z o� / bC o w • cE 1 EE_ ,x 11 EE— EE • a, �EE• a 4:E / U fruSEE EE 2 / cn E L �/� 11 eE/CE 4 / W S • /CE. . / N ct CE /3 /CE CES . / z /C• / - - ill \ E/s / I CE/• 0 20' 40' 60' /CE/• / (HOP zoMAL) z CE s /C� s / 5 � /C s / O 0 0 WHERE S OWNWOVEN WIRE FENCE 2'OFFSET FROM CE s CE• / AS-BUILT 2 STRAND BARBED WIRE FENCE SET 3' 4,. 1� / OFFSET FROM ROAD BED z 10'STEEL GATE u / �6a x EXISTING FENCE N AS-BUILT 2"0 TUBE STEEL GATE 10'WIDE ': .�L� AS-BUILT 2-10'WIDE 2"0 TUBE STEEL GATE z 1 3 V' i . E. AS-BUILT WOVEN WIRE FENCE 2'OFFSET FROM CE / 0 0 0 WHERE SHOWN N I Q z ono AS-BUILT 2 STRAND BARBED WIRE FENCE SET 3' "o N w O O O OFFSET FROM ROAD BED / 111 u I N/ oz� • s: 0`t z /'r »- EXISTING FENCE / ,2 t Id H E \ 10'STEEL GATE 1 / w / �` AS-BUILT 2"0 TUBE STEEL GATE 10'WIDE / m ./"."- , - `3`• 3•\• � � AS-BUILT 2-10'WIDE 2"0 TUBE STEEL GATE / 3,\• LED 3•\•3•\• / ����t1 u 4 n/i��� •`• • / p`;.SAL ''yo', `3� ..... _� N�•1:6 LU z: w H 3?---....` •`• ": W N ` •\ m vs; w 33 •I `• /Z 3J • J .3,) •�• / 33 I ��•`�• U / H • / rt / Q / o / a rt / U /`$ - E / z °, E 6 •SCE / o ct E/ ° . E / a' IQ ./ / CA I J � I / L.• • CE•�_ CE• - CE• CE a CE • • CE -CE CE CE / T , / _ CEI (2) g - /� / / W o / L oeo/ /� I : /cE `0 c7 � ace /e I Q ot. / 6¢ u • / / 0' 20' 40' 60' hi I, ,. r (HoaizoNrA) 2] X z 3 .. / 3 3 d V, i v 1 Q 00 --3-3-0 _ 9 � \ 10'STEEL GATE 0��w ku O �z 7�HE -w w o T6 m\• \. O x -..----------1------\.\ '.6 \• '3 � iuuoC pimi ivr .a' ��:WON ` ,\• nO x f rNrENnidp��. O \• '6• n x \ \• O ', n 6�" CF\ \• • CF il O /C. E ft ` � — �F IIO• ct O GE F_ • •�••c`cp J .� \\ cn o 10'STEEL GATE •cF o J• / x O OP \ • j; A d Cll / / / x // •• x -16 1 • \ U x cn iV // c4% • // / N • • / 7 E �F 7 b /--- •\,, z 1 c, `� •> 0' 20' 40' 60' /C Moa¢oNTAy AS-BUILT WOVEN WIRE FENCE 2'OFFSET FROM CE z /�L��`� 0 0 0 WHERE SHOWN /Or / / AS-BUILT 2 STRAND BARBED WIRE FENCE SET 3' z 1 OFFSET FROM ROAD BED / — EXISTING FENCE N 6 CO // To Ii I / J AS-BUILT 2"0 TUBE STEEL GATE 10'WIDE // �� AS-BUILT 2-10'WIDE 2"0 TUBE STEEL GATE 1 .w b / 3 3 8 us, i . E. 1n it)1L!, -150:1 2 tIHE -w w m ri N u iim � ) I- W LU 0%11111I111,/, I iim �u-.N.,. (n e.0s•`?e1AL ''•'1�i �� LU - irm �� Z iy•. wort 42. iim ��\. Li 1/////111111 11�\ \ a 2 10'STEEL GATE iim • • •.. 3 \ ,>, 3 irm A, .�`3 u .��a rPq -Y \. • im . . •-, . - 3 .1, II RI \ w .���i 3) U— .,, .�� T2 iim - - •- S ‘s..../...--—'- S - E z, , .4 _, , ; .. 4_, .. I ,. � _ � L,,J - ----N_ f . ° x -,6 '1m r• C•E r CE. CE. CE CE_ CE__ CE _ CE CE m _ ._ ._ . ._ _ _= CE _ CE _ CE _ CE _ CE C. E ._..CE CE C z U RIW- uww U RIW z UwW URW I - URIW O O O AS-BUILT WOVEN WIRE FENCE 2'OFFSET FROM CE 5 WHERE SHOWN I AS-BUILT 2 STRAND BARBED WIRE FENCE SET 3' �7 OFFSET FROM ROAD BED p EXISTING FENCE Z N ¢ �/ AS-BUILT 2"0 TUBE STEEL GATE 10'WIDE 0' 20' 40' 60' b (HORIZONTAL) AS-BUILT2-10'WIDE2"0TUBE STEEL GATE m wo 6- us, i v "2 1 \ \ cn n NI V "2') ��Q w u z oz� �i2 WVW •-------;------- \. \ Z �FE �� ./%3�/ �\ \ I-1 _ •• ' ••%/ /- t \ .1,•,;a.p1' •.,yam !/ \ aHa..i; . 3J�•` •% J _C> W oN IJ\ '�P•�3!/3'/ / \ • ��d� rn a 11,P � I .... i 'O.?' t \ \ - \•. • ct ' \. , o U 1 \ "' Z C.E.• I V • O \ up \ •\cF II � U cF TZ Aa �F AUra I F J, V7 • - ra 415\ I \ \\\ I '-,-6.• 17,_ • F \0' 20' 40' 60' \• o '1 (HORIZONTAL) • ,,,,\ `8\ pl AS-BUILT WOVEN WIRE FENCE 2'OFFSET FROM CE cE _ 0 0 0 WHERE SHOWN CE CENo •�cE '1 \ •\2,,, e.. AS-BUILT 2 STRAND BARBED WIRE FENCE SET 3' • ' �. CE ce 4 a c7 O O OFFSET FROM ROAD BED 'zd --- --�•-.c��cE E 10'STEEL GATE ` ��__cE CE \ o z u o • i CE cE EXISTING FENCE • CE CE cE • ' O CE . -� .- N 1� AS-BUILT 2"0 TUBE STEEL GATE 10'WIDE b / V \ AS-BUILT 2-10'WIDE 2"0 TUBE STEEL GATE m z 3 ` I . E. to\ \ \ QH\ 1 / � I4Iiiw )::. Y U�v� � \ Iz I / r DOUBLE 10'STEEL GATE IQ DOUBLE 10'STEEL GATE \ 42 ��•J 3J 1 ���Aviii1/irk O • `� •�_.3� , 3J 3J 3J_3 ,�•--m. •''•'yd /• 3J 7 3J i3�•—'�.—!_.-7 .—. —.—•—.—•—• •� . 3� 3; aJ 10'STEELGATE I 3J 3 o:N Nd��Q • • 3J 3J 3J 3J_=N�3J _C) WON z•'s ri . / / 10'STEELGATE i�0�,•• •''PAP • \ V0 \\ rUirmn���� • n %7 ♦ • / • • / \n \ 1 • I • T1 \ \ / • r • A ( \r •0. 0 : 0 \ • \ 1 0 ct It • 10'STEEL GATE • z \ 10'STEEL GATE \� ,' CE _. CE • • 6' \ c d CE CE CE , '—•—'—• ' •—' /\ _ • � DOUBLEIO'STEELGATE I O / 1st\ U DOUBLE 10'STEEL GATE 1 .F - \c ,,� \cF 1 \ U x • \ ,� 1 ft b • \ it c, / z .\ '' / / \ •\ /,� • cF /,s D c, $0 0 0 AS-BUILT WOVEN WIRE FENCE 2'OFFSET FROM CE .5 WHERE SHOWN c, //AP ./... A'AS-BUILT 2 STRAND BARBED WIRE FENCE SET 3' ce ,7 OFFSET FROM ROAD BED / \ ., 2, / tJ o z�, u o EXISTING FENCE \ ././ N / �� N AS-BUILT 2"0 TUBE STEEL GATE 10'WIDE . / cF, / .0.... 0' 20' 40' 60' " . .. .. b A �� AS-BUILT 2-10'WIDE 2"0 TUBE STEEL GATE \c / (HORIZONTAL) y v 3 x .t 3 � o us, i v P DP' /�� 00 AS-BUILT WOVEN WIRE FENCE 2'OFFSET FROM CE i \,,,, 0 0 0 WHERE SHOWN lm X \.• U7 _ ,N MATCH LINE -SHEET 4.23 Q l' AS-BUILT 2 STRAND BARBED WIRE FENCE SET 3' / Z 0 0 OFFSET FROM ROAD BED m 017; Y/ \ \� z EXISTING FENCE li / \ • \�� z �H E / • �W1112 AS-BUILT 2"0 TUBE STEEL GATE 10'WIDE Im / \\ ��• • m / _ �\.� ✓ . AS-BUILT 2-10'WIDE 2"0 TUBE STEEL GATE I / II / 5761, tot ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ( \` `�p�•SAL 'Ydj. I _ d Im �V WON �. • "d_ �.f" I P / / 1 PI 'I [p, F\ IP, A skill C0 \ IP, \ A \y 0 / // i \---- . ,6: A a.) , _. •. ;.., cf) 0 ,-,_, \ p \\ , ,6:4,1 ). 0 ,. \ .4 , ,-N...,, . 57,.., ,. \ .4 „ •cl t, / ______,\ ,64, rt bi..) ,_ Cll F••1 \ \\ .4 0 • / \ \ !-- 11 tz •� v: F 1 • I g / / c� , 10'STEEL GATE / / CF / C • 7 : \ 6v CE�• 10'STEEL GATE / //• CF `�. \ „ \ \_F• ` 'y /� N /� . , �o N . CF/ 0' 20' 40' 60' 0 T X / m 3 v Moa¢onnAy v ElP 8 A i v I I Q •/ 4 ir4.w 33-•�• • / Uti' 3J `4 \s� •/ ��• 3• tol4Z Q \ 1�•• "•/ z H E es �3 ry w w'33\3' 1'/ 33 • r \\ •• s 33 �• •� /,�� `3'0. SAL '4:e.:,: WON • . / 1rri/rnu•i�`` D (7 /) _ r_ z T4 / m i m ct V ) r214?' cE •/I•• 7i •^ / ------ • o U ct ...—,I r....' '-;--</....-:--------c • E • CE• C: E C G & � ;•I C / /C ri-I V/\ O ` • •E\C / ` • ` up E / O �-y �' • \ • -------- \CE &• .• •ci \ • \ czt CE / biD �T-I •• CF / & T �•\ / • •1, r 1 (V ••\� . LU w �• / / U �l & • !-CPI. ,-i / �, •,t b U / /• H \ I z `I /• F a / �. z o p , /• / C4 �.� �./ /• AS-BUILT WOVEN WIRE FENCE 2'OFFSET FROM CE — ���../// 5 O O O WHERE SHOWN `' /• n\ & z AS-BUILT 2 STRAND BARBED WIRE FENCE SET 3' . �7 OFFSET FROM ROAD BED m • o - EXISTING FENCE ® cF `� �• � X. ,I ,.,I ,. AS-BUILT 2"0 TUBE STEEL GATE 10'WIDE c e v 0' 20' 40' 60' 1 . ,'b m AS-BUILT 2-10'WIDE 2"0 TUBE STEEL GATE (HORIZONTAL) v z i A. i v up n / 4Z °r9w / t)1 LL OLrnG 10'STEEL GATE Qz ,.SHE -w ,a, m / \a / : 1 \' ����11uinn4n I ,•, AL ''•:yd \! I —V W oN 0' ,c �• 3= _. 3J 3J 3J — 3J—3J— Z. - 1— .U/Ifllll ll. 'Y / .J _ _ _ • 3J 3J • I / \ • __ _ 3J-3J / . -3J I \3J- 3�3J 3 V IN / dft m / -1I T5 v 1N OU I Z ok) —cE cE—�•'�' \F I1 / —— cam• c • c'—• • •� v O zi -et- •��• I •\ U ,__, m —cE —• —cE,.—• 1 —/) O, — ..—. —CE cE�..—• I / • I m O CE CE CE .. L CE :CE Q_CE a CE yCE Y� .� i z a z z I w AS-BUILT WOVEN WIRE FENCE 2'OFFSET FROM CE N "z 0 0 0 WHERE SHOWN z AS-BUILT 2 STRAND BARBED WIRE FENCE SET 3' ,7 OFFSET FROM ROAD BED EXISTING FENCE N 6¢' V fAS-BUILT 2"0 TUBE STEEL GATE 10'WIDE :: ', o' 20' 40' 60' ., .. AS-BUILT 2-10'WIDE 2"0 TUBE STEEL GATE (HORIZONTAL) m Z v �" i v I �' • I / b!i 31 `'U// rZ t0.E a w w•- • I \• / / m 4 3J- \ • � I d J// / \ 30 11.1 \ • / _V WON =E 2I \ • ---- / \ I DOUBLE 10'STEEL GATE / bbA rt ' ' -� o/tip ',, • P o :\ \`min • n /44/ u a' /v ' 3, . ■ „F /n 0 .(:(.Ls., ),,,..? �� 0 ors i T4 ! 1.-3 / 4-1 4 o • / U ct i / Cft b i F // z I ■ ■ / 1 / CE CE ±CE . CE -CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE o >7D0UBLEb0S OOO • AS-BUILT 2"0 TUBE STEEL GATE 10'WIDE r �WI z3 v ` AS-BUILT 2-10'WIDE 2"�TUBE STEEL GATE I i v ZZ `asw • . ti_l Z _OL. • ' ,_ 2 4..-,,HE i-c 3J�• • �i • • 3O' �/ ���%1111111ry22 ' / 3.) . �'/ ��a AL yd • oN f1-6� /\ \ \3J • �, -V W o N z i \CE 1 • \ � • •�0/ ' • om2�•' _ - - ��' �F \3J • //� / y,,� •�\ \\ \3J •a b, rWJ • ,, 13j�3� ?—I \CF I rt . CiF o ° .cF I,J N N ,.O,y r\ I w 4 U •E 2 x -16 ct •\, , a CF 0. '4\� z \F a �F 32 xc, �F AS-BUILT WOVEN WIRE FENCE 2'OFFSET FROM CE •\ ce —Ce —c-�.e — .5 O O O WHERE SHOWN cF -ce —cE —. : —• • E AS-BUILT 2 STRAND BARBED WIRE FENCE SET 3' '�® Z x 0 OFFSET FROM ROAD BED T� z 10'STEEL GATE E oz6 `n p EXISTING FENCE N ¢ Z/ IN-,. AS-BUILT AS-BUILT 2"0 TUBE STEEL GATE 10'WIDE 0' 20' 40' 60' hj . c_ AS-BUILT 2-10'WIDE 2"0 TUBE STEEL GATE (HORIZONTAL) v 3 �" v ✓ r • p °2p8 =i X` i v AS-BUILT WOVEN WIRE FENCE 2'OFFSET FROM CE 0 0 0 WHERE SHOWN 0 •- "-• Z� '6w�� •/-� . OFFSET FROM ROAD BED 0 1' 1 z I v �`]z °s�v A. x EXISTING FENCE 1 Q z ',. H E ry W L.',1/ AS-BUILT 2"0 TUBE STEEL GATE 10'WIDE I m AI�� AS-BUILT 2-10'WIDE 2"0 TUBE STEEL GATE I A• I J`a\ap I111//���/ii I I \ •-r 33 33 3.)�• E LU • 3� 3� / ;-I 2 •�•� _3 O ;-I N \I •�•�3��D-- I U ct W J • 33-3� IN U z L�33 I W U Iw 0. I � z up Ir o T3 Iz czt b•C w Ir u -.....---- I� x a Q u xI cn I °' 1 •ct 3 I 1 z I , I -CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE Ce _ I z I 1 / a ' 1 ob I I o �z �0 N • / 0' 20' 40' 60' 1 'm x m z ; x v ("ORIZONTAL) o o A. i ..V.. AS-BUILT WOVEN WIRE FENCE 2'OFFSET FROM CE O O 0 WHERE SHOWN Zz i W. AS-BUILT 2 STRAND BARBED WIRE FENCE SET 3' Z 0 0 OFFSET FROM ROAD BED il00 o I EXISTING FENCE H E ry L" w' AS-BUILT 2"0 TUBE STEEL GATE 10'WIDE m D \ ./ ,, AS-BUILT 2-10'WIDE 2"0 TUBE STEEL GATE —I n v r m :�0�`a At....'yet _V• aHa,.. . / W o N m rn d-. '�. N / DOUBLE 10'STEEL GATE i • i •,•-. O O o � D D a�r � i D D D D OLa �a5 �� —13a.�� j> ��, anJk-j �a�U Q aJn J B° a�Ou a� U a� OU U a3Q, a� O O" ' O" O" O 33 F m n � � ct K ..,- I ii 1 \ ;--1 ct r • T3• m F.,- lir ,, \ is 2 \ LI /H v I a n d i 7.." '4 0 ' x a • °' ,— U ct I • 10'STEEL GATE a) \ , ,t ,..., ce SCE�C. ,---....CE A . CE :E CE _ C sE • � 4 CiE Ca Ca i i i a a ...;EF�E —_ —)L= ice. i DOUBLE 10'STEEL GATE • • ' {x� • • • E x--`, 0. \ • • • -�CE X • o x \ x K \ 00 z \ ooz� u x Z 66 Cl v \ oA�zoN,A� 0' 20' 40' 60' • b y A zn3x i v __— a j __ __ Q ` ,,Jj —_ -P, • Z , �� __— 7 ,4 4, '' �u"z E_SHEET4.25 — \� to) �i °°'\ MpVCH LIN —— �!`� \ CF 'rb' I J\ W V. r I /47, • ,, tt..\\.;‘,;;;L:2. . .,�. / N��1-6 N iy. ogm t rd_ ��,�s. ' ,;fl a.i�P�`\ 00 CNi ~ .• t e w w TiI /2 LP) biD Z . / rt U••73---•/ a cn• o 11 up ▪czt b4 0 w ▪ U T3 `E; x +� _ /� •_• CE C '/_ rt ♦ cE F ♦' CE E� U• irl ♦ �•_CE b //• • N gcy W z / /. Z_ 'g /♦a / . U / & /• & 0 0 0 AS-BUILT WOVEN WIRE FENCE 2'OFFSET FROM CE 5 AWHERE SHOWN c /i AS-BUILT 2 STRAND BARBED WIRE FENCE SET 3' z c`� OFFSET FROM ROAD BED z / o oz a /� /�a EXISTING FENCE N V �o N 4. x _x_—x AS-BUILT 2"0 TUBE STEEL GATE 10 WIDE x 0' 20' 40' 60' `. `-'b r AS-BUILT 2-10'WIDE 2"0 TUBE STEEL GATE m z A. i v \ z I DOUBLE 10'STEEL GATE \\ Vi n 1r ______."1----, 3J 3J 3J _ 0 20 40 60 i _ •_�—3J 3 _ Z °o�R' 3J 30 U N •3, 3� 3J ; 3J •tip._ (HORIZONTAL) Y z a • �—tea.-_—3J 3J 33 3 �=•__ I-H Z o t P v —3J 3J 4 �' 10'STEEL GATE a,' " °�3J�-3J•-3J I. \ ,z 7.1FE • • 3,—dJ-3J-35 T1 \ Fti w 3J-3J II ro 1 - \ 1 10'STEEL GATE " \ is \ \ 1 " \ ap..... /�// \ oN4•1:6 W oN I H1 10'STEEL GATE . I \ Ct w 1 E 10'STEEL GATE \ c=I CE CE CE CE CE _lb-ECE cE cE cE cE _cE _.CE -cE cE �EE c. _cE \\ '"� O 1 I 6.� • •r . • •r_• • _ _• _ " •_ _ _ _ _ _ • _ - - - ./ O z1 .� "/ \\ U it I DOUBLE 10'STEEL GATE ",'' \ /• • 1 ,..9 / \\ , •ci •/ \ b czt 1 .. 40 w ./ 1 ./ x 11 1 ux 1 / • a) 1 • k I . z I / / 1 / /� I1 / / 1 1 •�� ��• I AS-BUILT WOVEN WIRE FENCE 2'OFFSET FROM CE / / "z 0 0 0 WHERE SHOWN 6,7 6'• • 1 V / I x AS-BUILT 2 STRAND BARBED WIRE FENCE SET 3' >' 6' ,7 OFFSET FROM ROAD BED a / EXISTING FENCE / / ._0 C.)T M � "Qz CE__CE AS-BUILT 2"0 TUBE STEEL GATE 10'WIDE ' "CE_•CE •E E —CE _CE y(`\ AS-BUILT 2-10'WIDE 2"0 TUBE STEEL GATE E z v 3 x b 3 .- 3 8 uti i . E. I O O O AS-BUILT WOVEN WIRE FENCE 2'OFFSET FROM CE WHERE SHOWN I AS-BUILT 2 STRAND BARBED WIRE FENCE SET 3' Q 0 ; o I O O O OFFSET FROM ROAD BED Z z N a w I ���W YUP" oz x EXISTING FENCE r-z eo 1 I Qz °7.1HE I I d �a ry W w AS-BUILT 2"�TUBE STEEL GATE 10'WIDE \�'� I I ,, .Y „ AS-BUILT 2-10'WIDE 2"0 TUBE STEEL GATE I \.6 I `���11111 1 1 1//22i' J p�.SAL •'•ydA • W oN ,,., I ma . om v 2//i1I II111 \ \30 33 33 33 33 33 33 30 D D D D D D D D D D D D 30 D D I Ci I M 4 I LU w I I I ft N LU I Q• `� = I T1 I O o • ct I-- I u czt 0 I U x I____CE --CECE � CD• �"I /CE/CE/ CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE �� 'F,'"1' CE I CD E CE CE CE CE E E CE CE CE (t E/ b z I� I ri Lu I N I I , I A Iz I IF— z 3 I� I d"I 0' 20' 40' 60' x I v z g x v (HORIZONTAL) 3 A .-.�' P 8