HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW6210701_Plansheet - Misc. Detail_202107212-3' COURSE-/ AGGREGATE EXISTING SLOPE FOR VEHICULAR TRAFFIC PAVEMENT EDGE MAINTAIN BERM VALLEY TO PREVENT SEDIMENT LADEN »f WATER FROM LEAVING SITE 12" f0 24° 6» MIN. FILTER FABRIC TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE (NOT TO SCALE) DESIGN CRITERIA AGGREGATE SiZE - USE 2-3 INCH WASHED STONE. DIMENSIONS OF GRAVEL PAD: THICKNESS: 6 INCHES MINIMUM WIDTH: 12-FEET MINIMUM OR FULL WIDTH AT ALL POINTS OF THE VEHICULAR ENTRANCE AND EXIT AREA, WHICHEVER IF GREATER LENGTH: 50-FEET MINIMUM LOCATION - LOCATE CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCES AND EXITS TO LIMIT SEDIMENT FROM LEAVING THE SITE AND TO PROVIDE FOR MAXIMUM UTILITY BY ALL CONSTRUCTION VEHICLES. AVOID STEEP GRADES, AND ENTRANCES AT CURVES IN PUBLIC ROADS. WASHING - IF CONDITIONS AT THE SITE ARE SUCH THAT MOST OF THE MUD AND SEDIMENT ARE NOT REMOVED BY VEHICLES TRAVELING OVER THE GRAVEL, THE TIRES SHOULD BE WASHED. WASHING SHOULD BE DONE ON AN AREA STABILIZED WITH CRUSHED STONE THAT DRAINS INTO A SEDIMENT TRAP OR OTHER SUITABLE DISPOSAL AREA. A WASH RACK MAY ALSO BE USED TO MAKE WASHING MORE CONVENIENT AND EFFECTIVE. CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS 1. CLEAR THE ENTRANCE AND EXIT AREA OF ALL VEGETATION, ROOTS, AND OTHER OBJECTIONABLE MATERIAL AND PROPERLY GRADE IT. 2. PLACE THE GRAVEL TO THE SPECIFIC GRADE AND DIMENSIONS SHOWN ON THE PLANS, AND SMOOTH IT. 3. PROVIDE DRAINAGE TO CARRY WATER TO SEDIMENT TRAP OR OTHER SUITABLE OUTLET. 4. USE GEOTEXTILE FABRICS BECAUSE THEY IMPROVE STABILITY OF THE FOUNDATION IN LOCATIONS SUBJECT TO SEEPAGE OR HIGH WATER TABLE. MAINTENANCE MAINTAIN THE GRAVEL PAD IN A CONDITION TO PREVENT MUD OR SEDiMENT FROM LEAVING THE CONSTRUCTION SITE. THIS MAY REQUIRE PERIODIC TOPDRESSING WITH 2-INCH STONE. AFTER EACH RAINFALL, INSPECT ANY STRUCUTRE USED TO TRAP SEDIMENT AND CLEAN IT OUT AS NECESSARY. IMMEDIATELY REMOVE ALL OBJECTIONABLE MATERIALS SPILLED, WASHED, OR TRACKED ONTO PUBLIC ROADWAYS. STORM PIPE CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS PLACE RIPRAP SO THAT IT FORMS A DENSE, BEGIN FILTER FABRIC �M WELL -GRADED MASS OF STONE WITH A MINIMUM OF 0 END OF PIPEIFES VOIDS. THE DESIRED DISTRIBUTION OF STONES RIP RAP APRON THROUGHOUT THE MASS MAY BE OBTAINED BY THICKNESS AS CON77NUE FILTER FABRIC SELECTIVE LOADING AT THE QUARRY, AND PER PLAN BEYOND RIP RAP APRON CONTROLLED DUMPING DURING FINAL PLACEMENT. RiP RAP GRAVEL PLACE RIPRAP TO iTS FULL THICKNESS IN ONE SIZED & PLACED OPERATION. DO NOT PLACE RIPRAP BY DUMPING AS PER PLAN THROUGH CHUTES OR OTHER METHODS THAT CAUSE SEGREGATION OF STONE SIZES. TAKE CARE I NOT TO DISLODGE THE UNDERLYING BASE OR FILTER WHEN PLACING STONES. -- STORM PIPE / % MAINTENANCE i RIPRAP SHOULD BE INSPECTED. PERIODICALLY AND ✓r AFTER HEAVY RAINFALLS FOR SCOUR OR DISLODGED STONES. CONTROL OF WEED AND BRUSH GROWTH MAY BE NEEDED IN SOME La LOCATIONS. IMMEDIATELY MAKE ALL NEEDED (Apron Length) REPAIRS TO PREVENT FURTHER DAMAGE. RIP RAP APRON STABILIZATION DETAIL (NOT TO SCALE) 9" 15min. Filter Cloth Plan 12' of .. CHECK DAM WITH WEIR (NOT TO SCALE) a CONSTRUCTION 1.PLACE STRUCTURAL STONE (CLASS B) TO THE LINES AND DIMENSIONS SHOWN ON THE PLAN ON A FILTER FABRIC FOUNDATION. THE CREST WIDTH OF THE DAM SHOULD BE A MINIMUM OF 2 FEET. 2.KEEP THE CENTER STONE SECTION AT LEAST 9 INCHES BELOW THE END WHERE THE DAM ABUTS THE CHANNEL BANKS. 3.PLACE SEDIMENT CONTROL STONE (#5 OR 457) ON THE UPSTREAM SIDE OF THE DAM THAT IS A MINIMUM OF 1 FOOT THICK. 4.PROVIDE AN APRON THAT IS 3 TIMES THE HEIGHT OF THE DAM. THE APRON WIDTH IS AT LEAST 4 FEET LONG. UNDERCUT THE APRON SO THAT THE TOP OF THE APRON IS FLUSH WITH THE SURROUNDING GRADE. . 5.EXTEND THE STONE AT LEAST 1.5 FEET BEYOND THE DITCH BANK TO KEEP WATER FROM CUTTING AROUND THE ENDS OF THE CHECK DAM. 6.EXCAVATE SEDIMENT STORAGE AREA TO THE DIMENSIONS SHOWN ON THE PLAN. MAINTENANCE INSPECT CHECK DAMS AND CHANNELS AT LEAST WEEKLY AND AFTER EACH SIGNIFICANT (2 INCH OR GREATER) RAINFALL EVENT AND REPAIR IMMEDIATELY. CLEAN OUT SEDIMENT, STRAW, LIMBS, OR OTHER DEBRIS THAT COULD CLOG THE CHANNEL WHEN NEEDED. ANTICIPATE SUBMERGENCE AND DEPOSITION ABOVE THE CHECK DAM AND EROSION FROM HIGH FLOWS AROUND THE EDGES OF THE DAM. CORRECT ALL DAMAGE IMMEDIATELY. IF SIGNIFICANT EROSION OCCURS BETWEEN DAMS, ADDITIONAL MEASURES CAN BE TAKEN SUCH AS, INSTALLING A PROTECTIVE RIPRAP LINER IN THAT PORTION OF THE CHANNEL - REMOVE SEDIMENT ACCUMULATED BEHIND THE DAMS AS NEEDED TO PREVENT DAMAGE TO CHANNEL VEGETATION, ALLOW THE CHANNEL TO DRAIN THROUGH THE STONE CHECK DAM, AND PREVENT LARGE FLOWS FROM CARRYING SEDIMENT OVER THE DAM. ADD STONES TO DAM AS NEEDED TO MAINTAIN DESIGN HEIGHT AND CROSS SECTION. 50' RIGHT OF WAY 4' 20' SHOULDER PAVEMENT 0.02 0.08 ; 0 L2" S-9.5 B Superpave Asphalt Mix 8" ABC, Type B NO TE.° SHOULDER WIDTH BETWEEN 4' AND 6' SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE DISTRICT ENGINEER CONSIDERING ADJACENT LAND CHARACTERISTICS RESIDENTIAL LOCAL ROAD CROSS SECTION DETAIL WITH 50' R/W NTS 4' 5, SHOULDER DITCH 0.08 DITCH 6" al) i CONSTRUCTION 1. CONSTRUCT THE SEDIMENT BARRIER OF STANDARD STRENGTH OR EXTRA STRENGTH SYNTHETIC FILTER FABRICS Prodke Standards and ,+s 2. ENSURE THAT THE HEIGHT OF THE SEDIMENT FENCE DOES NOT EXCEED 24 INCHES ABOVE THE GROUND SURFACE. (HIGHER FENCES MAY IMPOUND VOLUMES OF WATER SUFFICIENT TO CAUSE FAILURE OF THE STRUCTURE.) J. CONSTRUCT THE FILTER FABRIC FROM A CONTINUOUS ROLL CUT TO 774E LENGTH OF THE BARRIER TO AVOID JOINTS WHEN JOINTS ARE NECESSARY, SECURELY FASTEN THE FILTER CLOTH ONLY AT A >y max standard etren Th fatH4c wish wire fence SUPPORT POST W TH 4 FEET MINIMUM OVERLAP TO THE NEXT POST. b' M== extrarength stfa6rid w out wire fence 4. SUPPORT STANDARD STRENGTH FILTER FABRIC BY WiRE MESH FASTENED SECURELY TO 77-IE UPSLOPE SIDE OF THE POSTS EXTEND THE WIRE MESH SUPPORT TO THT BOTTOM OF 774E TRENCH j FASTEN THE WIRE REINFORCEMENT, THEN FABRIC ON THE UPSLOPE SiDE OF THE FENCE POST. WIRE S. tee pcjsrl OR PLASTIC ZIP TIES SHOULD HAVE MINIMUM 50 POUND TENSILE STRENGTH. PlasYlcar 5 WHEN A WIRE MESH SUPPORT FENCE IS USED, SPACE POSTS A MAXIMUM OF 8 FEET APART. wire f ales SUPPORT POSTS SHOULD BE DRIVEN SECURELY INTO THE GROUND A MINIMUM OF 24 INCHES t' 6. EXTRA STRENGTH FILTER FABRIC WITH 6 FEET POST SPACING DOE NOT REQUIRE WiRE MESH W1Pe xe-a4 SUPPORT FENCE. SECURELY FASTEN THE FILTER FABRIC DIRECTLY TO POSTS WIRE OR PLAS77C fens¢ 1 Natnral ZIP 77ES SHOULD HAVE MINIMUM 50 POUND TENSILE S7RENGTH gr0und 7. EXCAVATE A TRENCH APPROXIMATELY 4 INCHES WiDE AND 8 INCHES DEEP ALONG 774E PROPOSED LINE OF POSTS AND UPSLOPE FROM 774E BARRIER (FIGURE 6.620). 8. PLACE 12 INCHES OF THE FABRIC ALONG THE BOTTOM AND SIDE OF 771E TRENCH. t; 9. BACKFILL THE 7RENCH WITH SOIL PLACED OVER THE FILTER FABRIC AND COMPACT. 7HOROUGH 24' Fitter COMPACTION OF 774E BACKFILL IS CRI77CAL TO SILT FENCE PERFORMANCE. fabric ( 10. DO NOT ATTACH FILTER FABRIC TO EXISTING 7REES, 11. NO MEASURES ARE TO BE REMOVED UN77L DENR APPROVAL. iNSTALLA77ON SPECIFICA77ONS Wire fence ' i 1. THE BASE OF BOTH END POSTS SHOULD BE AT LEAST ONE FOOT HIGHER THAN THE MIDDLE OF ion "ressiir, ( THE FENCE. CHECK WITH A LEVEL 1F NECESSARY. Finer 2. INSTALL POSTS 4 FEET APART 1N CRI77CAL AREAS AND 6 FEET APART ON STANDARD Steel fa ric Backfilltrench Nntara� and compact APPLICATIONS. Post horohghy groundi J. INSTALL POSTS 2 FEET DEEP ON THE DOWNSTREAM SIDE OF THE SILT FENCE, AND AS CLOSE AS POSSIBLE TO 774E FABRIC, ENABLING POSTS TO SUPPORT THE FABRIC FROM UPSTREAM WATER :. PRESSURE. �ypstope 4. INSTALL POSTS WITH THE NIPPLES FACING AWAY FROM THE SILT FABRIC. 5. ATTACH THE FABRIC TO EACH POST WI774 THREE TIES, ALL SPACED WITHIN THE TOP 8 INCHES 24• OF FABRIC. ATTACH EACH 77E DIAGONALLY 45 DEGREES THROUGH 774E FABRIC WM77-1 EACH ' ( PUNCTURE AT LEAST 1 INCH VER77CALLY APART. ALSO, EACH TIE SHOULD BE POS177ONED TO HANG ON A POST NIPPLE WHEN 77GHTENED TO PREVENT SAGGING. 6. WRAP APPROXIMATELY 6 INCHES OF FABRIC AROUND THE END POSTS AND SECURE WITH 3 77ES 7. NO MORE THAN 24 INCHES OF A 36 INCH FABRIC iS ALLOWED ABOVE GROUND LEVEL. & THE INSTALLA77ON SHOULD BE CHECKED AND CORRECTED FOR ANY DEWA77ONS BEFORE COMPACTION. Flgare es2ai lot an detslota sedunentfence. 9. COMPAC77ON IS VITALLY IMPORTANT FOR EFFEC77VE RESULTS COMPACT THE SOIL IMMEDIATELY NEXT TO THE SILT FENCE FABRIC WITH THE FRONT WHEEL OF 774E TRACTOR, SKiD STEER, OR R-M6 e.cas ROLLER EXER77NG AT LEASY 60 POUNDS PER SQUARE INCH. COMPACT THE UPSTREAM SIDE FIRST, I AND 7HEN EACH SIDE TWICE FOR A TOTAL OF 4 TRIPS. MAINTENANCE INSPECT SEDIMENT FENCES AT LEAST ONCE A WEEK AND AFTER EACH RAINFALL. MAKE ANY REQUIRED REPAIRS IMMEDIATELY. SHOULD THE FABRIC OF A SEDIMENT FENCE COLLAPSE, TEAR, DECOMPOSE, OR BECOME INEFFECTIVE, REPLACE IT PROMP7ZY. REMOVE SEDIMENT DEPOSITS AS NECESSARY TO PROVIDE ADEQUATE STORAGE VOLUME FOR THE NEXT RAiN AND TO REDUCE PRESSURE ON THE FENCE. TAKE CARE TO AVOID UNDERMINING THE SILT FENCE DETAIL FENCE DURING CLEANOUT° () NOT TO SCALE REMOVE ALL FENCING MATERIALS AND UNSTABLE SEDIMENT DEPOSITS AND BRING THE AREA TO GRADE AND STABILIZE IT AFTER THE CONTRIBUTING DRAINAGE AREA HAS BEEN PROPERLY l STABILIZED. Second Chamber First Chamber 25%of surface i rea 25%of surface area Outlet zone 25% of surface area Inlet zone Mil 25% of surface area 5'Crest Width --"� osE a' Inflow G Structute`ry ' Skimmer Dewatering Riprap,.. Device or Slope Dram z Earthen embankment Emergency with stabilized side slopes Baffles Drape baffle material overwire strand and secure with plastic ties at posts and on wire every 12" 9GaugeMin.High t Tension Wire Strand Y MiN! Shall Be Secured To Post To Support Baffle Material ' Baffle Material x' If the temporary sediment basin will be converted to a permanent stormwater basin of greater depth, the baffle height should be based on the pool depth during use as a temporary sediment basin. Note: Install three (3) coir fiber baffles in basins at drainage outlets with a spacing of 114 the basin length. Two (2) coir fiber baffles call be installed in the basins less than 20 ft. in length with a spacing of 113 the basin length. POROUS BAFFLES DETAIL (NOT TO SCALE) ..J I "%V l/! 1 PI UV 4' Max. a Compacted soil 2 +� min �• 18" min �0 ` typical Figure 6.20a 6.20a Temporary earthen diversion dike. CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS 1. REMOVE AND PROPERLY DISPOSE OF ALL TREES, BRUSH, STUMPS, AND OTHER OBJECTIONAL MATERIAL 2. ENSURE THAT THE MINIMUM CONSYRUCTED CROSS SECTION MEETS ALL DESIGN REQUIREMENTS. 3. ENSURE THAT THE TOP OF THE DIKE IS NOT LOWER AT ANY POINT THAN THE DESIGN ELEVATION PLUS THE SPECIFIED SETTLEMENT. 4. PROVIDE SUFFICIENT ROOM AROUND DIVERSIONS TO PERMIT MACHINE REGRADING AND CLEANOUT. 5. VEGETATE THE RIDGE IMMEDIATELY AFTER CONSTRUCTION, UNLESS IT WILL REMAIN IN PLACE LESS THAN 30 WORKING DAYS. MAINTENANCE INSPECT TEMPORARY DIVERSIONS ONCE A WEEK AND AFTER EVERY RAINFALL. IMMEDIATELY REMOVE SEDIMENT FROM THE FLOW AREA AND REPAIR THE DIVERSION RIDGE. CHECK OUTLETS AND MAKE TIMELY REPAIRS AS NEEDED TO AVOID GULLY FORMATION. WHEN THE AREA ABOE THE TEMPORARY DIVISERSION IS PERMANENTLY STABILIZED, REMOVE THE DIVERSION AND FILL AND STABLIZED THE CHANNEL TO BLEND WITH THE NATURAL SURFACE. TEMPORARY DIVERSION DITCH (NOT TO SCALE) Arm As -by 'C' Enclosure PERSPECTIVE VIEW watunit PVC End PVC Vent Schedule 40 PVC Elbow Pi Pe PVC Pipe r ace PVC End Cop Schedule 40 PVC Tee PVC Pipe PVC Pipe \ I' Holes in y PVC Tee Orifice Underside Flexible Plete Hose y a Bottom 5urfa END VIEW FRONT VIEW Plan View inflow structure 6.20.1 • Dewatadng-Allow the maximum reasonable detention period before the basin is completely dewatered (at least 24 hours). • Inflow rate -Reduce the inflow velocity and divert all wdiment•free -off. s E Emergency spillway Average - Area* "'" Width w - � . Area of basin water surface at �ffle; top of primipd spillway elevation Embankment CONS7RUCTION SPECIFICA77ONS 1. Grade thebasin so that the bottom is level front to back and side to Ide, . Install the coin fiber baffles immediately upon excavation of the basins. i Freeboard ewe Beffles e( �i\ , one ` 6"inn in art le t of ryanay splilwa E rs�av Extend 9 gauge wire to basin side or install T-past to anchor 3.Install posts across the width of the sediment trap (Practice 6.62, spillway baffle to side of basin and secure to vertical post Sediment Fence). Sediment Cross-S�Mi°n storage lane . Steel posts should be driven to a depth of 24 inches and spaced a view maximum of 4 feet apart. The to of the fabric should be of 6 P P oue a m ra edit basinwithaskmFrom mor outlet and emergency spillway. Pennsylvania Fig.. 6.64. Example ofe sediment Erosfon and Sediment Polution Control Manuai, Marsh, zow. hches higher than the invert of the spillway. Tops of baffles should be o minimum of 2 inches lower than the top of the earthen embankment. �. . Install at least three rows of baffles between the inlet and outlet a.4.e xev.aoo kdischarge point. Basins less than 20 feet in length may use 2 baffles. \ Variable Depth . Attach a 9 gauge high tension wire strand to the steel posts at a height of 6 inches above the s i//wa 9 P Y elevation with plastic ties or wire SKIMMER SEDIMENT BASIN asteners to prevent sagging. if the temporary sediment basin will be converted to a permanent stormwater basin of a greater depth, the baffle eight should be based on the pool depth during use as a temporary Secure bottom of baffle to ground with sediment basin. CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS 12»staples atl2"maximum spacing. Extend 9 gauge minimum high tension wire strand to side of basin or -. install steel T posts to anchor baffle to side of basin and secure to 1. Clear,grub, and strip the area under the embankment of all vegetation and root mat. 9. Erosion control -Construct the structure so that the disturbed area is minimized. Divert ertical end posts as shown in Figure 6.65b, . Drape the coin fiber mot over the wire strand mounted at a height of 6 Remove all surface soil containing high amounts of organic matter and stockpile or dispose of it properly. Haul all objectionable material to the designated disposal area. Place temporary surface water away from the bare areas. Complete the embankment before the area is cleared. Stabilize the emergency spillway embankment and all other disturbed areas Baffle Material inches above the spillway elevation. Secure the coir fiber mat to the wire sediment control measures below basin as needed. above the crest of the principal spillway immediately after construction(References: strand with plastic ties or wire fasteners. Anchor the matting to the sides Surface Stabilization), and floor of the basin with 12 inch wire staples, approximately 1 ft apart, 2. Ensure that fill material for the embankment is free of roots, woody vegetation, organic long the bottom and side slopes of the basin. matter, and other objectionable material. Place the fill in lifts not to exceed 9 inches, and 10. Install porous baffles as specified in Practice 6.65, Porous Baffles. . Do not splice the fabric, but use a continuous piece across the basin machine compact it. Over fill the embankment 6 inches to allow for settlement. 11 Gauge 10. Adjustments may be required in the stapling requirements to fit 11. After all the sediment -producing areas have been permanently stabilized, remove the structure and all the unstable sediment. Smooth the area to blend with the adjoining Landscaping Staple Individual site conditions. 3. Shape the basin to the specified dimensions. Prevent the skimming device from settling 1 9 into the mud by excavating a shallow pit under the skimmer or providing a low support under areas and stabilize properly. (References: Surface Stabilization). the skimmer of stone or timber. ',..six-�) t. I I :.q a _ 4. Place the barrel (typically 4-inch Schedule 40 PVC pipe) on a firm, smooth foundation of MAINTENANCE a, a a s a l � is ' '; MAINTENANCE f - j y �EA ,impervious soil. Do not use pervious material such as sand, gravel, or crushed stone as backfill „_ a ,--- ° 1 e s I <•= t T l _j i around the pipe. Place the fill material around the pipe spillway in 4-inch layers and compact it INSPECT SKIMMER SEDIMENT BASINS AT LEAST WEEKLY AND AFTER EACH Inspect baffles at least once o week and after each rainfall. Make any under and around the pipe to at least the same density as the adjacent embankment. Care SIGNIFICANT (ONE-HALF INCH OR GREATER) RAINFALL EVENT AND REPAIR l required repairs immediately. must be taken not to raise the pipe from the firm contact with its foundation when compacting IMMEDIATELY. REMOVE SEDIMENT AND RESTORE THE BASIN TO ITS ORIGINAL t Steel Post under the pipe haunches. DIMENSIONS WHEN SEDIMENT ACCUMULATES TO ONE-HALF THE HEIGHT OF THE Be sure to maintain access to the baffles. Should the fabric of a baffle FIRST BAFFLE. PULL THE SKIMMER TO ONE SIDE SO THAT THE SEDIMENT 2' O»Depth collapse, tear, decompose, or become ineffective, replace it promptly. Place a minimum depth of 2 feet of compacted backfill over the pipe spillway before UNDERNEATH IT CAN BE EXCAVATED. EXCAVATE THE SEDIMENT FROM THE Baffle Material should be Secured to the bottom Remove sediment deposits when if reaches half full, to crossing it with construction equipment. In no case should the pipe conduit be installed by ENTIRE BASIN, NOT JUST AROUND THE SKIMMER OR THE FIRST CELL. MAKE SURE p provide adequate cutting a trench through the dam after the embankment is complete. VEGETATION GROWING IN THE BOTTOM OF THE BASIN DOES NOT HOLD DOWN THE and sides of basin using 12"landscape staples storage volume for the next rain and to reduce pressure on the baffles. SKIMMER. Take care to avoid damaging the baffles during cleanout, and replace if 5. Assemble the skimmer following the manufactures instructions, or as designed. damaged during cleanout operations. Sediment depth should never exceed REPAIR THE BAFFLES IF THEY ARE DAMAGED. IRE -ANCHOR THE BAFFLES IF WATER half the designed storage depth. 6. Lay the assembled skimmer on the bottom of the basin with the flexible joint at the inlet IS FLOWING UNDERNEATH OR AROUND THEM. ?LIRE 6.656 After the contributing drains a area has been properly stabilized, remove o// of the barrel pipe. Attach the flexible joint to the barrel pipe and position the skimmer over the 9 9 P P y excavated pit or support. Be sure to attach a rope to the skimmer and anchor it to the side of IF THE SKIMMER ARM OR BARREL PIPE IS CLOGGED, THE ORIFICE CAN BE baffle materials and unstable sediment deposits, bring the area to grade, the basin. This will be used to pull the skimmer to the side for maintenance. REMOVED AND THE OBSTRUCTION CLEARED WITH A PLUMBER'S SNAKE OR BY and stabilize it. FLUSHING WITH WATER. BE SURE AND REPLACE THE ORIFICE BEFORE 7. Earthen spillways -Install the spillway in undisturbed soil to the greatest extent possible. REPOSITIONING THE SKIMMER. The achievement of planned elevations, grade, design width, and entrance and exit channel slopes are critical to the successful operation of the spillway. The spillway should be lined with CHECK THE FABRIC LINED SPILLWAY FOR DAMAGE AND MAKE ANY REQUIRED laminated plastic or impermeable geotextile fabric. The fabric must be wide and long enough to REPAIRS WITH FABRIC THAT SPANS THE FULL WIDTH OF THE SPILLWAY. CHECK cover the bottom and sides and extend onto the top of the dam for anchoring in a trench. The THE EMBANKMENT,SPILLWAYS, AND OUTLET FOR EROSION DAMAGE, AND INSPECT 50s Rl 12 Wa t-Of-edges may be secured with 8-inch staples or pins. The fabric must be long enough- to extend THE EMBANKMENT FOR PIPING AND SETTLEMENT, MAKE ALL NECESSARY REPAIRS g down the slope and exit onto the stable ground. The width of the fabric must be one piece, not IMMEDIATELY. REMOVE ALL TRASH AND OTHER DEBRIS FROM THE SKIMMER AND joined or spliced; otherwise water can get under the fabric. If the length of the fabric is POOL AREAS. insufficient for the entire length of the spillway, multiple sections, spanning the complete width, 35 r 1 may be used. The upper section(s) should overlap the lower section(s) so that water cannot FREEZING WEATHER CAN RESULT IN ICE FORMING IN THE BASIN. SOME SPECIAL 6 5 4 flow under the fabric. Secure the upper edge and side of the fabric in a trench with staples or PRECAUTIONS SHOULD BE TAKEN IN THE WINTER TO PREVENT THE SKIMMER pins. (Adapted from "A Manual for Designing,installing and Maintaining Skimmer Sediment FROM PLUGGING WITH iCE. Pavement Basins." February, 1999. J.W. Faircloth & Son). 8. Inlets - Discharge water into the basin in a manner to prevent erosion. Use temporary e A5 Required slope drains or diversions with outlet protection to divert sediment -laden water to the upper end of the pool area to improve basin trap efficiency. (References: Runoff Control Measures and 0. 08 Outfet Protection). .., A 3 *2" S-9.5 B Superpave Asphalt Mix (optional) 8" �BC, Type B SECTION AA TYPICAL CUL-DE-SiAC NO C IIWB & GUTTER No To Seale p �o kn N U o 00 o , 8, E V 'Z; O • Z oo z a U o a roZ 111 Cn Q 2 Z ON O w U Q 2 U LU > Q CD w UFO ¢ CD 0 z 0 OQ m oCL m ZCL- a� Ow 0 �w w z �W w oLLJ LLuu� Z U d rn rv! i O 8 0 5- _ o W cn rz d 0 U s Q U w W Z Z Oo Z I�(15 LU W uj LU O= Z o W J J N 0 0 U) D cr 1- Q w �ZO Z V)Z=U = cD�v cn-0Z o O O � F- I- Cr - I Q - w O jZ W Elf_ 00W2 t- U) > Z LU F- v �Ox wo 01��J O QryQ 0::Zco<C 0 J UCD3. a M<CL0iY_ Co d i w w 77 Z Z w o 0 O Z r w W � as -a 0 F� Z a c W U o w Q co W W n QCn o U W ;= U 0 O U N E U O EE PROJECT: 5058 '- LU S 2 0 z OF 4