HomeMy WebLinkAbout20160299_CP4A Meeting Packet_20060505r 3 �s+�� �. .�. �:?�ii� � �', �,:F ` ..> �', �";(; �; � � ��r,�.. ��t �.�� � � M�Y � ` � "" ,�:F�� �..;� t ������ Ff� ��lr l�.�iri�►..['�lr �� l�'1������1 l.� r r � �► � � � � � � -4�; 4„. Please b►ring this packet to the mee�ing, STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTN�NT OF TRAN5PORTATION MICHAEL F. EASLEY GOVERi\OR DATE: April 27, 2006 TO: NEPA/404 Merger Team Members �'ROM: Brian Yamamoto, P.E. LYNi)O TlPPETT SECRETARY SUBJECT: Concurrence Point 4A Packet, US 64 Improvements from 0.5 mile east of the US 64/SR 1424 (Stutts Road} intersection to 0.6 mile east of US 64/SR 2345 (Presnell Street) intersection, Randolph Caunty, State Project No. 8.1571401, WBS No. 34450.1.�, Federal-aid Project No. NI�'-b4�1R), TIP Project R-2536 The Department of Transportation seeks concurrence on Concurrence Point 4A (Avoidance and n/Lnim��ation) for the US 64 Improvements, generally referred to as the Asheboro Bypass, and the Zao Connector. A Merger Team Meeting is scheduled for May 25, 2006 at a time to be detet7nined in tl�e Board Room of the Transportation Building at South Wiknington Street. The foilowing information is provided to assist in your review of the project: PAGE ProjectDescription .......................................................................................................... 2 Summary of Impacts Table .............................................................................................. 3 Previous Project Team Decisions ...................................................................................... 2 Avoidance and Mi.ninlization Efforts to Date .................................................................... 4 Agency Comments on the Draft Environmental Impact Statement .................................... 3 Summary of Public Comments ......................................................................................... 5 Capaciry Analysis and Forecast Traffic .............. ................................................................ 9 Constructability Constraints .............................................................................................. 9 Project Location Map .......................................................................................Appenciix A Alternative 29 Corridor (LEDPA) .....................................................................Appendix A Detai�ed Study Alternatives ............................................................................... Append� A TypicalSections ...............................................................................................Appendix A Environmental Features Maps {LEDPA� ........................................................... Appencli� S Descriptions of and Impacts to Streams, Wetlar�ds, and Ponds shown on tl�e Environmenta� Features Map are in Tables 1, 2, 3 and 4 ............................................................ Appenc� C Concurrence Forms and Merger Team Meeting Minutes ................................... Append� D Stream and Wetland Classification Forms .......................................................... Appendix E MAILfNG ADQRESS: Te�EPNONe: 519-733-3141 LOCATIpN: NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSAORTATION FAX: 919-733-9794 TR4NSPORTATION BUIL�ING PROJECT DSVELOPMENT AND ENVIftONMENTAL ANALY515 'I SOUTH WILMWGTON STREET 'I54$ MAIL SERVlCE CENTER weesrrE: www.00x.00r.srare.rrc.+�s fZALElGH N(�i Rn�eicH NC 27fi99-1548 If you need addztiianal information c�r have questians pric�r t� the meeting, please cail Rager Lewis of Earth Tech at (919% 854 - 6230 or me at (919} 733 - 7844 ext. 2b5. ".• _ � ' ` � The proppsed improvement ce�nsists of � fc+ur-lane, median-divided $�acility wi�h full access contrc�l ran new Ic�catian south of .F��heboro, from the US b4/SR 1424 {Stutts Raad� i�tersection t� SR 2345 (Presnell Roa�). The I'r�ferrcd Alternativ� 29 corridor is illustrat��i in �igure 1, along w�th the other eight alternatives considered in the DEIS. Alternative 29, the I'referred Alternative, is apprc�ximat�ly 14 miles in length. S�v�n ixa�ercl��nges are proposed along th� project �orri�or, at existir�g C.JS 64 West, NC 49, US 220 �3ypass �future I-73/74), the 70o Cc�nnectc�r, �*T+� 159, I'�C 42 and existing US 64 East af Asheboro. The Zoa Connector, aa�ath�r element nf thc project, is propos�d tc� be a"parkway-type" facility, with twc�-lanes, cc�ntralled-access �nc� grasseci sh�ulders s�apin� inta swales. T�iie facilitywi� be approxim�tely 2 rniles in l�ngth, begirming at an interchange wich the prapt�sed US 64 Bypass and endin� at the 1'�C 15R/N�C 159 Spur intersection, th� m� entranee tc� the Nar�th Carolina Zac�. Table S.1 on the fc�ll+��ir-ig page surnmarizes the environsnental irnpacts of each of the nine alternativ�s as calculated at the I�EIS phase and pre�ented at the �oncurrence PrainC 3 rneeting. Adelition�l studies anc� effores ta m��imi�.e irnpacts to streams and wetlaz��ls h�ve r�sulted in change� to some of the quazatifiable imp�.cts since Tab�e S.1 was completed. Electric�l transmission lines affec�ted lay the prQject are visible in attach�d Figures i-1. The crassing� will be petpendieulat'. I�To wetlancls �r �treatris are expected t� be affectec� by the relocation of towers within the transrr�issic�n lin� ri�h�s-c�f-way. "i�e Federal I�ig;hway Adrriinistration �Ff-IWA) a�proved the Draf� Envi�onment�l Impact Staternenc tor the subject project an July 23, 20C}2. An abbreviated Fin� EIS is currently under review kay th� Federal Highw�y Ac��nii�istration and is ex�ect�ec� to be apprcaved shortly. Pi�EVIC)US P�QJECT TEAM DE�CISIC3I�S �3ecause c�i� is a"p�p�li�ae3' project, Cc�ncurrence Paints � and 2�ere nat reviewed by the �raject T�am, Hawever, the Project Tearri a�ree�i an C�ncurre�e� Point 2A {Apprcaximaxe Brid�e Lengths) an� Cancurrence P�aint 3(L,east Damaging I'racticable Alternativ�) an May 12, 24�4 af��r a fi��d review of the projecc. Cancacrrence Point 2A Summary Twenty {2(7� m�jor draina�e struetlares (at erossings r�quiring an opening greater �han a 72-inch p�pe) �ere id�ntified in the DEIS alang the Alternative 29 (Preferreci) �n� Z�a� Cnnnect�r c�rridors. At the Conc�rc-rence Paint 2A rneeting, the Project Team canclud�c� th�t th� iollowing stre�ms,. �ncluding 3�-foc�t wide wildlif� crc�ssings, woulcl be bridged: Little River (165 feet t€�tal �en�th}, Vest�l Cree� (1b5 feet total length}, a�d North Prong R.ichland Cz-eek (165 feet total length). N� hi�;l� �t�ality tivaters or at�tstand�n� resc�ttrc� 4�aters ar� affectecl by A�tert�ative 29. No water su�P1Y wat��'s��.ed critieal area is lc��ated within on� n�ile af the prc�je�t. � TASLE 5.9: L1S f41MPROV�MENTS DRAFT Efi1VIE20NMENTA� IMPACT STATEMENT FACT�RS ALT. 1 AL7.2 ALT. 4 ALT. 1a ALT. 13 ACT. i4 A�T. 22 AL�'. 29 ACT. 33 ien th miles 13.6 13.8 13.8 14.2 13.9 14 14.4 �4 14.3 fnterchan es 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 Railroad Crossin �� �- - - - � � � Construct�on Cost Includes E & C $176,10(�,QaO ' $178,S�Q,OOD $i80,1DD,000 $186.2(Ji3,{7t?0 $?7p,4C10.0(}0 $980,300,flDfl ' $18$,900,0(3t7 $194,'Gpt�;pfJp $i92,C}40,000 Ri ht-of-Wa Cost $27,610,000 $27.26D,{7pi3 $25,74d.0�f7 $2d,fi3fl,000 $29,33t7,(3dQ $27,400,QOC} $22,240,000 $24.3Ji1;C14(} " $25,080,640 ToiatCost �2D3.7'IQ,O(?� ' $2d5,756,Q00 $205,$4i],040 $210,�9II,Oa4 $?99,73D,000 $207,7flp,QDp $2'[1,14C7,400 $218,490;�DC1 ' $217,080,Ot7Q ResidentiaE Relocafions 161 153 158 158 166 16$ 165 76fl 164 B�siness Reiocats`csns 27 27 26 2� 27 27 23 2�4 23 Scnools [m acted ..... .. . Parks l m acted i F" 1 P' 1 P1 - 1 P' 1 P' - - - Chureheslm acted 7V° �"� 1uG ry�� ��� ��� .��� .�„e ��� Cemete�ies Im acted - - - E9ectric Transmisssion ��s�es Crossed 2 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 Water Lines Crossed 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 E1i ible HisiaricalSVtes z - - - - - - - Recorded HdStorical Sites and Historic ��.. Di5lriCiS Cm acted - - - - - - - - - Str�am Crosskn 18 22 24 26 18 20 25 2.a 25 USACE fUiitigable Streams ImpacFed q9,23(} 21.627 23,566 �3,26� 15,6J5 '18,1 i4 2Q,886 23.�92 'l9,969 [�rrear feet dWc� M€tigab€e Sireams Irr�pacted 26,246 27,648 31.383 30,647 23,�12 24,�tQ 28,778 3#�.$17 27,$4$ line�rf�et Leaking Undergro€snd Stcarage 7ank Sites _ _ _ _ ' ' - Noise Receiver Im acts' 136 137 15� 143 '�32 132 133 13� 129 Numqer af �xceedances of Carbon fU�pr�pxide Ambient Standards - - ` - ' ' ` LeciduouS Fprest acres 495.8 5Q9.5 512.5 �61.9 487.2 501.4 552.8 561.8 555.2 Ever reen Forest aeres 34.5 26.3 30.3 3i.3 39A 30.9 35.9 31.4 35.9 Mixed Farest acres 33.7 52.4 58.& 53.fl 32.6 51.2 4i.6 43.�D 48.� eare 1 Transitional acres 3fi.ti 39.$ 41.3 23.9 40.7 44.6 29.9 3Q.6 3g.2 Cultivated acres 35.2 3f7.2 29.1 2q.d 5'€.5 42.7 3i.6 25_6 3i.7 Pasture acres i13.� '€4C1.� 88.4 113.5 142.@ 89.9 8�.5 98.5 87.� ResidenkiallCammun€ acres i62.3 'E67.D 178.8 1$8.9 'tl6$.7 iJ2.8 i93.7 1$7s8 194.2 To#al Wetiand Im acts ° a�res 6.1 F.1 $.1 A.€} g.1 �.'� 4.p �,g 3.g Impact 0.67% Q.65°1a O.g6°la 0.4(3°� 0.68°Po 0.�4°fo 0.40°� tY.4d°Io' q.39°/d Federafk Lisled S ecies Ha6itat _ - '�load €ains acres 8.91 9.�7 8.94 9.84 8.9i 9.13 g.84 9.9fl 9.92 ' 7 = Prrvately ownetl � � � � � 2= T't��u5 propehy loca�ed putsitle right-of-way limits, wi4h pply�nY�B� BN�G[s to be �ertermined 3= t�oise recewver irtapacks mc4ude Galegory B antl Gaf�gqry C 4= Tota� wz4Vand impaels include Low Elevatian $eep WStlBndg, Farested Wetiands. and Emergent WetCantls uc- Urcder C�onstruclion �onc�-rrrence Point 3 Summ�ry .t�lternativ� 2� was selected by the Projeet Team on May 12, 200�F �s the Least Environrnentaliy �ar�aging Pr�cticable Alternative {LEDPA). '�e following summarizes the reas�ns for it� seleetioza: • Zt was seleetec� May 12, 20a4 as the LEDPA 1�y the FHWA, N�I�T, USAC:E, and other federal and state regulatory anc� resc�urce ager�cies. * It ha� no a�verse effects Qn historic ar��itectur�l resources. • The preliminary design has �ni_c�i�niz�cl comm�.uli�r impaets. * I� has the leasx area of �vetland impacts. • It is su�porced by lc�eal gc�v�rnrnents, including th� Ci�y c�f Ashebora. • It avoids i�mpacts to the S. Scat Rush ball park, a private ba�l field, buc ��portant ccammunity resource. AVOID,AN�E ANd MIf�IMIZp►TIC}N EFFC}RTS TC1 DATE Sin�e cornpletion of th� DEIS the roadway design was evaluated for t�pporr�unities to minimize ir�-�pacts to streams and wetl�nds af fe�ted by th� prapased improvements. The agreement rea�hed at Crncurrence P�int 2A ta bridge thre� str�ams was inc�r�adrat�d intr� th� preliminary raadway de�ig;n. C�ther design changes were made th�t miniarzaized innpacts, described be1Qw, This minirnizati�,n effQrt w�s �uccessful, generating a redu�tic�n i� we�land irnpacts irorn 4.1 acres to 3.3 acres. �urthermare, stream irnpacts were reducec� ta 17,493 lir�ear feet of streams (LTSACE} frc�m 23,292 linear feec atid tc� 23,1121inear feet fronn 3U,817 linear feet (D'1�''C�) base� on t�e initial prelimit�aty desigr�. The total reciuctions in �tream irnpacts are �,799 feei (USACE} and 7,705 feet (DWQ}, respectively. The fallflwing �etails the murimi�tian effarts. + Th� �dclitian of brid�es over Little Riv�r, Vestal �reek, and T�Torth Prang Ri�hla�d Creek, mirainnu� lengths c�f 165 feet e�ch. • The NC 49 �nterch�nge �esign tivas mc�eiified t� rr,inimize impacts tc� Taylor Creek an�i two uz��anr�ed tributaries in its vicinity. Origiz�a�ly, the c�esi�n called fpr the �C.TS 64 �yp�s� ta cross c�ver existing N� 49. The mc�difiec� �iesign incluc�es a grade-separation �vith NC 49 crossing over zhe prc�posec� �ypass insteacl. °This �hange resulted in a l��er prafile from jt�st cast of Old NC 49 to r��ar Mac� Road. As � res�ilt} less +�verall �mbankn3ents are ne�deci alon� the streams south �f the interc�ange, resulting i�a less c�verall linear steam impacts. � Fi�l slopes �ere he�d to 2.1 r�tie�s at str�ams and wetlands along the mainli�e and at grade- separa�ions. +�ans�ruction l�mmits within and around interch�nges w�re mc�c�ified to minimiz� p�t�nti�I s�rearrt imp�cts. � AGENCY COMMENTS ON THE DRAFT ENVIRONMEN7AL IMPACT STATEMENT In addition to comments on the DEIS, several Merger Team members expressed concerns a�aut specific design elements of the project during the Concurrence Point 3 team meeting. The discussion at the rr�eeting addressed those concerns, as the minutes (attached) illustrate. However, many of t�e same concerns were reiterated in the agency comments on the DEIS, which was approved on July 23, 2002. Excerpts from the written comments received from state and federal agencies applicable to Concurrence Point 4A issues are provided below. Responses follow each camment. In adclition, responses to comments on design elements are included below, as several agencies reiterated these in their commenting letters. Finally, several agencies expressed sirnilar comments on the same issue, such as minimi�ation of wetland impacts. For expedience, one such comment from only one agency is cited beiow. U.S. Departrnent of the Interior, Environmental Palicy and Cornpliance: 1: "The DETS notes (p.2-7) that the proposed i0-faot median may be reduced in wetland areas to rr,inimi�.e impacts to these areas. The Department recommends that median width be reduced through wetlands and that slopes of any required fi�l areas be as steep as practical to further reduce wet�and loss." Response: The median width of 70 feet was selected as the preferred width for the high speed rural freeway, as it provides maximum recavery opportunities if vehicles leave the travel lanes as weil as allows for future widening within the median. The US b4 Bypass around Asheboro is part of Strategic Highway Comdor 2b, a 131-mile corridor from Charlotte to Raleigh utilizing NC 49 and US 64. The corridor is broken into several segments with all but one rural segment planned as a freeway. The corridor is particula�rly important to Norch Carolina as it will provide an alternative route to I-40/I-85 for Charlotte/Raleigh travelers. Accorcling to the NCD4T's Transportation Planning Branch, Cangestion along that interstate corridar is expected ta be extensive in the near future, as the Triad, Triangle, and northern Charlotte suburbs expand over the r�ext twenty years. T�-u-ough traffic now using the I-40/�-SS carridor is expected to be diverted to Strategic Highway Corridor 26 as congestion increases. The 70-foot wide median will alEow for iuture widening of the US 64 Bypass within the median, rather xhan to the outside, minimizing future environmental impacts. Reduction of the median width woi.ild reduce wetlarid impacts by only a small amount Given the safery benefits and the fleXibility of a wider median to accommodate potential future widening, it is the Department's view that the 70-foot median should be retained. Mitigation measures for impacts to wetlands and streams include fill slope ratfos of 2:1 and the use of bridges rather than cuiverts at some stream crossings. Bridges with spans of approacimately 165 feet in length are proposed at three streams, Little River, Vestal Creek, arid North Prong Richland Creek. Adclitional opportunities to minimi�.e impacts will be sought during the project's final design phase. 2: "The Department believes there should be no net wetland loss in the project area. Ta achieve this goa1, there must be a comprehensive plan of compensatory, wetland mitigation. The Department recommends that compensato�ry mitigation should be within the project area, and replicate, to the extent possible, the type(s) of wetlands lost. Compensation should strive to restore, enhance, and/or preserve riparian corridors to be impacted." Response: A detailed and comprehensive wetland and stream impact mitigation plan will be prepared during the �ern�itting phase of the project. It is anticipated that project mitigation will be accomplished through the Ecological Enhancernent Program. It is the Program's policy to mitigate for wetland losses and stream impacts within the same river basin that the impacts occur. U.S. Envi�onmental Protection Agency: 1: "T`he nine identified Bypass alternatives considered in detail represent two basic corridors very near each other and only one corridor connecting the bypass to the zoo. Also, the new corridor alternatives ana�yzed in the DEIS are identical in their 4-lane high-speed design specifications. A more flexible design, such as a lower speed parkway should have been consic�ered which could lessen adverse environmental impacts. Therefore, the DEIS does not present a full range of alternatives. The most pronounced adverse impacts are residential relocations, increased noise, loss of deciduous forest and altered surface rvater habitat. Residential relocation unpacts would be high regardless of alternative selected but particularly so with Alternatives 10, 29 and 33. We believe a parkway configuration should receive further consideration as a way to mitigate this impact." Res�rn�se: The purpose of the project is three-fold: 1) to improve traffic flow and levels of service on existing US 64; 2) to improve safety on existing US 64; and 3) to enhance high speed regional travel on the US 64 Intrastate Corz-idor. This project achieves these goals by providir�g regional travelers an alternative to existing US 64 through Asheboro. The separation of slower, local traffic, which typically makes frequent turns, from higher speed through traffic is intended to improve bath mobility and safety for all motorists. Mobility is improved by a reduction in commuting times between Charlotte and points east. Safety is enhanced �rith the separation of traffic by function, removing drivers interested in "through travel" from a traffic stream m�ed with shoppers and daily lo�al commuters. Finally, the project's link within a regional system rneets another purpose, system linkage, as a segment in the Strategic Highway Corridor 26, a 131-mile corridor between Charlotte and Raleigh, nearly all of which is designated as a freeway or expressway. A rural freeway such as the Ashebora Bypass should have a design speed of 65 miles per �our or greater to provide safe and efficient travel for automobiles and heavy tru�ks. Parkways are not designed to accommodate heavy trucks or long-distance trips. A lawer speed "parkaray," such as typically four�d in scenic or suburban areas with design speeds of 45 to 50 miles per hour would not meet the purpose and need of the project, because a lower speed "parkway" would not provide a quick and efficient movement of people and goods. Lacal and through traffic would continue to be znixed together, resulting in min;mal to no improvement in travel time for through traffic. 2: "While no high quality surface waters have been identified in the project area, we think impacts to the relatively unspoiled Tantraugh Branch and its forested wetlarzds could be lessened by selection of Alternative 1,2,13, or 14. Alternative 13 in particu�ar would have a substantially lower linear �impact on the surfaee streams than all other alternatives." Resj�onse: The NEPA/404 Merger Team discussed alternatives 13, 14 and 29 prior to conducting field visits to streann and wetland sites, and assessing forested and seepage wetlands in the assessment of Concurrence Points 2A (Bridging}, and 3{LEDPA). The team reviewed the project study area aerial phatos and discussed the wild�ife crossings, the quantities of stream impacts and chose Alternative 29 for the LEDPA. 3: "The project's long-term mobility benefits would be further ensured and the environment might benefit by eliminatin.g one or two of the 7 proposed interchanges from the 14-mile project. 6 NCDOT should consider deleting the NC 159 interchange and/or the NC 42 interchange. EPA requests an analysis of the reduced environmentai impacts and impact to the project utiJaity by ane or two less interchanges and that it be made available for decision on the selected altemative." Resp�orrse: The 2030 traffic farecasts, e�sting and future land use, the project's design criteria, and minimum interchange spacing requirements were the primary factors used to identify the interchange lacations. The interchar�ges were designed to minimize impacts to existing development located around the praposed interchanges, pravide access to major roadways that intersec� the Bypass, and improve access to the NC Zoo. The NC 159 interchange provides improved access and shorter travel patterns for residents living along NC 159. A substaritial volume of traffic on NC �59 is projected to use the new US b4 Bypass. This diversion of traffic provides benefits to the traveling public and to the state. The 2005 traffic estimate for NC 159 ranged between 8,300 and 9,ll0 ADT, with farecasted 2030 traffic expected to range from 10,300 to 14,400 ADT. if the Bypass was not constructed, traffic on NC 159 would exceed 20,000 ADT in 2030 and would require widening iinprovements on the roadway to safe�y accommodate the traffic at an acceptable level of service. Similarty, 2005 traffic on NC 42 was estimated to range from 10,460 to nearly 12,300 ADT, with an increase to a range of 15,600 to 21,700 ADT in 2030. The interchange wi�ll serve a substan.tial volume on NC 42 south of the Bypass, with 8,100 vehicles makuig use of the interchange when traveling to and from the sauth each day. The traffic volumes forecasted for each interchange, as shown in Figure 2.8 of the DEIS, mal�e it clear that a need for service to these routes from the proposed Bypass wiil exist upon project completion arid will continue into the design year. Without the service of these interchanges, traffic would be expected to continue north to existing US 64, as the proposed NC 42 and NC 159 interchanges provide the only access to the Bypass between US 220 Bypass and the project's tern�inus on US 64 east of Asheboro. Without the diversion of this traffic fram e�sting US 64, traffic on the ea�isting route would be reduced, but not to the level achieved with the interchanges. Therefore, congestion problems along the e�sting roadway would continue into the design year. Additionally, NC 159 would have to be widened to accommodate the projected traffic in the No-Buiid candition, over 20,Od0 ADT on a winding, two- lane raadway. Widening NC 159 wou�d adversely affect the aesthetic quality of that attractive raute. Due to the rolling topography found a�ong the NC 159 corridor, cut and fill associated with its widening would be extensive, resulting in substantial residential displacements. Construction of the ramps at the NC 159 and NC 42 interchanges w�ll not result in substantial impacts to the environment. Construction of the NC 159 ramps relocates two residences and 250 feet of stream. T�e NC 42 ramp construction wilI relocate six residences and 400 €eet of stream. The Zoa Connector will be constructed as a controlled-access roac�way, thereby serving only travelers to and from the Zoo. The NC 42 and NC 159 interchanges are specifically located to collect traffic from the easterr� two-thirds of the project study area and points south. 4: "Field investigation reve�led that Tantraugh Branch and associated forested wetlands in �he south east part af the study area, appear to be of high quality. Thjs area also contains low elevation wetland seeps but may require the loss of other wetlands if anotk�er alternative is selected. The Tantraugh Branch System should be avoided or minimi�.ed to the extent practicable." Resprn�se: The NEPA / 404 Merger Team meeting minutes of May 12, 2004 of a site visit to Tantraugh Branch reveals the team members visited the Alternative 29 seepage wetland and 7 confirmed it to be a�ow quali�ywetland, as its initial "wetland rating worksheet" rating of 19 indicated, due to its low value for water storage, pollutant removal, bank stabilization, aquatic life, and recreation. The adjacent forested wetland was identified as higher quality, consistent with its ratir�g of 68, but was deternlined to be typical of wetland systems found along Tantraugh Branch. Thereiore, a bridge was not requested nor recommended at this site. SUMMARY OF PUBLIC COMMENTS Tables 1 and 2 provide numeric summaries of the comments received stating either suppon or opposition to each of the nine alternatives. As the tables show, no one alternative had overwhelining oppositzon, excepting Alternative 1, which was opposed by 193 individuals, largely cornprised of 179 petition signers. Opposition to Alternative 13, which follows the same alignment as Alternative 1 within the area of controversy, was imp�icit in the citizens concerns about t�e corridor's affect to the neighborhoods on the nort�east side on NC 42. Those same petitioners indicated support for Altemative 2 or other alternatives which did not unpact the citizen's neighborhood. . Table 1. Total Cornments iun � Alternative 1 2 14 (plus petition $ with 179 sianatures) Table 2. Total Cornments in Alternative 1 2 9 {plus 7 petition wifh '� 79 sianatures to Individual Alternatives 4 90 6 5 13 14 22 '� 5 3 1 29 33 4 2 of Individual Alternatives 4 10 13 14 22 29 33 2 Q �2 5 3 1 3 In addition to the comments received in support or opposition to specific alternates, five citizens supported any or all alternatives for the project. Conversely, four citizens apposed all alternatives. Several citizens offered comments about the proposed improvements which indicated neither support nor opposition to any particular alternative. Two citizens supported use of US 220 as the western leg of Bypass. Five �itizens wanted to Fnove the bypass furtl�er west, while five others wanted to move the bypass funher east and/or bypass Ramseur. Four citizens wanted to mave the proposed bypass further south of the southernmost alternative. Three citizens wanted to study a comdor north of Asheboro. Four citizens preferred that existing US 64 (D�ie Drive) be widened. Three citizens wanted to use andlor improve existing NC 159 as the zoo entrance and eliminate the praposed Zoo Connector. �ne citizen suggested closing the existing zoa entrance at NC 159 when the proposed Zoo Connector is constructed. : CAPACITY ANALYSIS AND FORECASTED TRAFFIC The DEIS was based on 2025 traffic data. However, the long range transportation model for the area was recently revised and 2030 data is now available. That data was used for the design traffic noise analysis and wi�l be used in preparing the final roadway design plans. In 2025, the No-Suild traffic on US 64 is predicted to range from 25,900 vpd on the two-lane sections to 54,100 vpd in the five-lane, urban area. Projected levels of service (LOS) are E or F atang the two-lane segment and portions of the five-lane segment between US 220 and NC 42, between NC 42 and Presnel[ Street, and along the NC 159 corridor south of Asheboro. Additionally, many intersections along the corridor will function at poor levels of service, including the US 64 intersections with NC 42 and NC 159, which will function at LOS F by 2025. On NC 159, traffic is ex�ected to reach 19,000 vpd in 2425 and exceed 20,000 ADT in 2030. In 2030 traffic on NC 42 is estimated ta range from 15,600 to 21,700 ADT. CONSTRUCTABILITY CONSTRAINTS No known geologic or topographic constraints eXists that would limit the Construction methods employed for the project. No highly erosive soils are known to occur in the project area. While the terrain is rolling, and some steep topography exists in the general area, it does not constitute a significant challenge to project construction. No prelunuiary geotechnical reconnaissance information concerning hazardous materials or waste sites is available at this time. Field observations of the project area indicate the probabiliry that discovery of substantial contamination is unlikely. 9 Section 4041NEPA Merger Project Team Meeting Agreement Concurrence Point Na 4A: Avoidance and Minimization Project Narrie / �escription: Asheboro Bypass, from US 64 just east of SR 1424 (Stutts Road) to US fi4 0.6 miles east af SR 2345 (Presnell Street}, for a distar�ce of 13.68 mifes, Randolph County TIP Project No.: R-2536 Federal-aid Pro;ect No.: NHF — 64(19} State Prajec# No.: 8.�571401 WBS No.: 34g50.1.1 AVOIDANCE AND MINIMIZATION EFFORTS TO DATE: • �ridges were acfdec� over Liktle River, Vestal Creek, and North Prong Richland Cre�1c with minimum lengths totaling 165 feet over each stream. The NC 49 intercha�ge design was modified to minimize irnpacts to Taylor Creek and two unnamet� tribukaries in its �icinity. The modified cfesign includes a grade-se�aration with NC 49 crossing over the proposet! Bypass. This change resulted in a Iower profile fram just east of Old NC 49 to near Mack Road. As a result, fewer overafl embankments are ne�decf aEang t�e streams in the interchange area, resulting in less overal] linear steam impacts. • Fill slopes were hefd to 2:1 at s#reams and wetiands along the mainline ancl at grade- separations. • Construction limits within and around interchanges were "tightened" to minimize potential stream im�acts. �he Proj�ct Tearn has concurred on this tfate of Ma� 25, 2006 t�at jurisdictional impacts have been avoided and minimized to the exte�t practicable based on current c�esign informatian. USACE USEPA NCW RC NCDOT USFWS NCDWQ NCDCR FHW NORTH CAROLINA DCPARTMlNT OF TRANSPORTATION PROJECT LOCATION US 641MPROVEMENTS TIP ProjeCt No. R-2536 RANDOLPM COUNTY FIGURE 1 _. � � . � � — ,J' i/�1 ��--�, � . . _ , � .:� '�� � _� - , ,," ���. rr, � �� �� � ���s� - . �_ - Legend - � � .,_ -� �� �'i . ( i� , ..;�" , / �•• .- "�'�� � � � � - i 't � _� � '� � � i � } i -- � / jN�e��' �� % . � , , � . �.•�. � I � Alternative 29 (Preferred) - -�_.' -I ` i � _ '_ ,;..,. . ., � : �' i - �--- � ��-�- ���4�,.� ' . ��� — y . - i � � . NC Zoo Connector Corridor , ,, . . '� � �. ' _, -_ - � �� �,�. �� � ,� � . � i 1 � . i � �v � — — Primary Road -- t � ( � , � i �� � � 1 i � i G � � ' �� ���az ', �' i�S�i@bOP,O �� ��� ���I � l ; i I `�- - � Secondary Road _ � - . Z, �_ i J _) y R , � % __ � • r"�� ; �i-- , i ' ; ' i' =� ,� ',� I - Major Stream �- � - �� _ _ : " � � �' � � _, T i-�� j �- ,- - _I_', � � � - � � ,� ����al. ; ' - , NC Zoological Park .., .. , k \ j- . ,_, 2 . . - � � _ _ .- •, 3 ,� . � � �r -- -� '•'� I � i � _ Uwharrie National Park „ se� � � � �_� '� V � �� �( �. . � •� \ '. ;� ?�( J -� �r, I � I ! :' f N . .. • Project Study Area � ` , i �'• � f '-r � iyJ � - - ! � � ; �N ••• Municipal Boundary � ;' - �� r ' °' ; - � �-. • ' , ` \ �� _� i _ � ' l �� ti�• '_' r"�. , � �' � �'o D Limit of Extra Territorial Jurisdiction - � - . ,I ` _ -'. ' . - .:-� I. _ � - - - , 4 _ - . Y • - ' � ;. _ _ _ r , � - • - � .! I - ! - ,�• i '�d : �" Pronounced Topography - � ; 64� . � -- - - - • _ - r° � ` � • � a � , Main Electrical Transmission Line . �} — - � o j `�/� � ' Easement . _ � � ' -• � �, F� - .• ----- , -- �'`;- Z �� `m• -� �—� I ElectricalSubstation , . . i , � . • •- — - � � � = ,- _ _�_.' 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E , 1 ... ! � i/ \ � • �,' � ,} ��eet W�� ' .t • • /� . C Z�� � � F... - I1 ,� / \,/ .__ . , \��J�I, � �.UMMj�f!4 • . .- svu9 -�w . . . . . CZoolo9walPark: O 000.8 L6 -. � N , � � I � �' � 5 � ' � � --� � � a� . . . . USGS �uadrangle�. Asheboro. N.C. _ ... - � 1 ikdNqR4� � . •�d� . �Kilomelers g r - ' q1RM R�D,� / (� � ... 19]0. Photorevisad 1981. � . - � � - _ _ . i� �' i i � C i '`�{(t.lt ��1 �� . � . �� . PJI ONer Data. /�.� ALTERNATIVE 29 (PREFERRED) / :� NOR7H CAROLINA US 641MPROVEMENTS I• •� OEPqRTMENT oF TIP ProJect No. R•2536 � TRANSPORTATION RANDO�PH COUNTY �� � FIGURE 2 . ' � � � � — i' � �,'� ,., � .� • _ � -' *-; � � - ,' / ' , Legend � \ I � �.,_ \ - ` �- r � � `^ ���✓�i ` ' I ' �� / � �� ✓ s �^�'' •• Multieolor Detailed Study Alternative � .Tt � l�. I _ ' i 3 ; -. j ' ti, - '� A �'� �i � -�- i ' -- � r d��.��` �/ , ; ;:''. � - � �,� ,- ', \ I I � — I i �� ''� Q���- j� / , � • , � ` NC Zoo Connector Corridor f r �- � � i '; � % L i �� ''t � tI � � � ; •! ' i =_--_ � Primary Road 1 1 �'i .I r.- l�i � � �r � ' -- ", , �,� , ' � �� -���� � ��I�� �, � 7 � � � � i i ��:'� � � '� � — Secondary Road t-� � - �' I ' �g1a?2 , j Ashebor,0 � -�-� ' i i �' � -I� I I '� ;; / i " ' -- - Major 5tream ; � / �,� , . " 1 � �� ` ` J � ��� '•L �, � '��` � ; �� � � " c -'-I I 1 r ��� �" j , NC Zoological Park T i } � - � y-� - - ^ ••• � '' I � � - r' f � - Uwharr e Na onal ark _, � � � � _�__., � • s'R i ,� 'ti - - � �� < '' . -�ri-i �' � �— - - !xi � J � _y - ! � • .-�. . ; i ti P 3a�•. � , � ; ;��_ �- �� � � i ' ...... • Project Study Area ✓� �. .•�, i . ` .� " �� _ . �_ � ��J - — � ;_� a - - • r . ,' . f 1�( l- . A icipExtoundary , /� - i''. f-- ''— `-. � i j , �N Mun � �" ! I I �" , �� ti'� : yao Limit of ra Territorial Jurisdiction �• . ' • . � � +_ I i L � — . � - . - Y • A � - . Pronounced Topogrephy � � � � ; �;" ,. � 6 •� ' ~ '� �� �. ' _ ____ � 0 4 ' ,a . - _ Main Electrical Transmission Line I ' ` Pi ... / i • � - - m " � Easement . � � ' _ , - .. �,_ � - - - � � c -' �� a ; � � 0 , , s-_ __ o �' � • ! ��_ I Electrical Substation ' �1 ` `� � , _—�__ '--' �� -- i �--- � ��,ti: �� � — ' � Alternative 1 _ , �� . . x � � - , • , � , . , y ' ,_.. -�, �._Y � I � I SR1193 /i . t. ;/- I I � I'�. , �. i- 4�3'�:.,_ � __ - - — - � \� o�o n� � �=� ---\ . I J � `\I _ @p W � '- , ` • ;' __ - _ Alternative 2 � a q ._� 0 4 �- . + . � � ,. � � � � -� � �� ,-�!� --- � � , �j � �+'F < % _ � ; , -�— -� �, � � � r �'� _� �� �s `—`�. '°N � ' �` i Alternative 4 � � , � //, _ _ �-- + , , F ;' --�- .., � - ; � , ��� �� o- �� ' ��- �� i �' .cP3�'� �� � ! � ' ruMN - � '� _ ,__ �. ' �; " , �i �,,,�a � `� Alternative 10 .. ,, ' � �W � LN. . _ . � � w. . MCDOWEIL R , � / - _ �. ��t� � . 1 ..I + �' „ � i , _ _ 1 ' �i � � � . ,' y . _ `T —_ ' '� . '.1 ' _ . ,- � , � � � : V�¢ � ' J 1 . ., _ ; Alternative 13 i � - _ _ I .� _ = W '•.. • ' _ '. �.\ • � .. .. �.. `\ 'i` j,�� � � NJ �'�. \ / / '- - i + �i G i `1 �,�. . ,. . �,��c.o- �_ �! � Alternative 14 % i -J ` ` caoe-° <a u�i'.l,! • _ � + i , �.+ . cok � l :: — _ � � �� � - _ ° � � o. i ( Alternative 22 •� � �' - j /E.- :�ap � �9 � ., �'bid a .' ,1 - - + Mr I n � S� �� f i ��� e <ceo ; ,_.9„1 Z..�� � 1 ;�,. _ � ��'PP� � �� l Alternative 29 + � � i �� � � �t x � �%,�� ��' - h � ,, � .: ' ( i �i � � ��� ��; ' � '.�-��,,�� i Alternative 33 � ,. � '� l �- NMpN� .� i � a 15 �- 7 ' + �,..\ ...... I, ) I \ �� , -\`•. ' .•' SOUT- . � t\ . + 1 1.'. •ryar�x�il i a�l ��• O � Y� . � . . . . .. �ATASOURCES� j'� I�� � � � . OR' � a \ ' I' 1 � 2 � �, �' � . . 0 0.5 1 _ � / � � � � ^•�� � . 7�:� �`. .�� l �ti ",Fldt�tail{�� mi', % __ Topo9rephg Miles � �. . ' DINAH --, ' �Jii�!� +r 1 ��-r. ♦ 7Ji . �. . . . Copynght198i.1997 , � � �/ � � � RD � � � � 1 � , � ;� O � Hmencan Dignal Canog2phy. Inc.. �— 1 .' / • . . ! A � =-r i� � � �r r--G �i' / s 0 2 000 4A00 ��'� � �� �''' � NC ZOO � `. / � � _ � ( f (, l iI m' 2002 W CollegeAve_.Appleton, �y \E � • . • •• 1 / � � . ,� ' �- � �i �� � 1. . . . . . Wscansin50514. �Fee� =' � d I1 I �' I � _� \� �i� I 1 JULrlfa���q ' _ �ug �. . . .. NC Zcolo9iwl Park: rQ N 0 0.6 1.6 � ' � �, � � - . - �57Ak i -4� -^�� ! ! ��- � � � �S�SQuatlrangle�Ashabo. .__ �Kilometefs ���� . � FhRMsYD -' j 1 �- t974 Fhotorevisetl 195t � ',� � -__ . . . - �.I 111? _.-' _. � ' ti �' � � ; ���t ' n ';�'! • . All ONar Data NORTHCAROLINA DETAILED STUDY ALTERNATIVE: nEPAR7MENT US 64 IMPROVEMENT TIP Project No. R•253 OF RANDOLPM COUNT -' � TRANSPORTATION FIGURE : � � ���.�.� � TYPICAL SECTION NO. 1 TYPICAL -L- �"_ '=�--� f-�, � � TYPICAL SECTION NO. 2 TYPICAL NC 159 & 2 LANE ZOO CONNECTOR �� TYPICAL SECTIO NORTH CAROLIHA US 641MPROVEME � OEPARTMENT TIP PlOject No. R-: oF RANDOLPN COU TRANSPORTATION �� FIGUR APPENDIX B Environmental Features Maps (Figures a-lJ �� ���� �� . �ja� /oCo � >> , l � L.l. Legend , . ,_,_ ' � . , 7 � 't{ �t ' 1 ',' �"'I �" ` r /` i� a. ��. -.` r . . �+�- 7 j _ '�. StreamlWaterFeatu� '-, i - , l �+:F'�'�t4`�. rj '":�! ,e ."��' „ , .�• �x� ` �.--�+, ;3� FIGURE a f �` • � ' �,. ` u"� ' "�Yf 4 ) �� � ' '� f` D�` =� �t�t � � �� ENVIRONMENTAL FEATURES Forested WeOand � � ��-'' �� ` ' P�� 1 `�a'..;(p�f���'..` j:. �r .dw t „. � r �k$': �. t� �'� :a:rr� � �y� � '.�.� ' � � I:�j � � 1.� � �` . . 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L' z'0 •'��,Cr � .�. i^ � .. �', tt t.'i__ �y��R_ 1r' b � �Q zrJ� rJ��` . . �,0�� s--..� ��cL`� 'r� �' , �' �ae.-.:a �; �rt ..b�•.�� x� .� i�: `�.' ��'���_ - .$� �i�.fn _�'t�.r�ri,�,l�;,y�' .I FeE,'t '* �"���R�� � ' - - .. - '�'-'r . ���.�, .��a%� •. , ��._, -'�^� '. �.* 4 ;� "�.;vF qn�J - C(j h. --- - .�� �.�� 1 �s.a.5.' i�_-{t, y' • 4-. �-i- `� � �:i�l. � <r�•� 3` . �.e fg Table 9. Description of Perennial and Interrrzittent Streams in ihe R-2635 Study Area Mitigatable under Mitigatable under Length in 5tudy Stream Name Width (feet} Substrate River Basin DWQ USACE Area CABL UT01 1-2 silt - cobble Yadkin-Pee Dee Yes YeslNo 530 CABL UT02 1 sand - boulder Yadkin-Pee Dee Yes No 306 CABL UT03 2-3 sand - cobble Yadkin-Pee Dee Yes Yes 1,774 CABL [3�04 1-2 sand - cobble Yadkin-Pee Dee Yes No 1,180 CABL lJTDS 2-3 sand - cobble Yadkin-Pee Dee Yes Yes 2,379 CABL UT06 1 siit - bouider Yadkin-Pee �ee No No 'I57 CABL UT08 'I siltlsand Yadkin-Pee �ee Yes Yes/No 71$ CABL UT09 3-4 sand - cobble Yadkin-Pee Dee Yes Yes 349 CABL UT1Q 'I-3 sand - cobbfe Yadkin-Pee �ee Yes YeslNo 1,670 CABL UT14 01 9 saRdlgra�el Yadkin-Pee Dee Yes No 369 CABL_UT11 1 sandlgravel Yadkin-Pee Dee Yes YeslNo 2,713 CABL UT11 01 1 sand - cobble Yadkin-Pee Dee Yes Yes 265 CABL�UT12 2 silt - cobble Yadkir�-Pee Dee Yes Yes 1,131 CABLE CREEK 2-6 sand - boulder Yadkin-Pee Dee Yes Yes 9,582 GABR_UT02 1-2 sand - cobble Cape Fear Yes YeslNo 1,270 GABR UT02 0'I 1 sandlgravel Cape Fear Yes No 241 GABR UT03 1 siltlgravel Cape Fear No No 128 GABRIELS CREEK 3-4 sandlgravel Cape Fear Yes Yes 2,438 LI7R UT01 1 silt - cobble Yadkin-Pee Dee Yes Yes/No 4d4 LiTR UTD2 2-4 sand - boulder Yadkin-Pee Dee Yes Yes 3,250 LITR UT02 02 1-2 sand - cobble Yadkin-Pee Dee Yes Yes 1,061 Lf7R L1T02 03 1 sandlqravei Yadkin-Pee Dee YeslNo Yes/No 1,634 LfTR UT02 04 1 sand - boulder Yadkin-Pee Dee Yes Yes 2,122 LfiR lJTD4 1-2 sand - co6ble Yadkin-Pee Dee Yes YeslNo i,770 LITR UT05 1-2 sand - cobble Yadkin-Pee Dee Yes YeslNo 1,372 LITR L1T08 2-4 sand - bouEder Yadkin-Pee �ee Yes Yes 3,959 L1TR_UT08_01 'f sandlgravel Yadkin-Pee �ee Yes No 257 LITR UT08 02 9-2 silt - gravel Yadkin-Pee Dee Yes YeslNo 1,229 LIRT UTOS 03 '1 sand Yadkin-Pee �ee Yes No 161 LITR UT09 1 sand Yadkin-Pee Dee Yes No 441 LITR UT1Q 1 si{flsand Yadkin-Pee Dee Yes No 208 LIT�LE RIVER 8-'[2 sand - bedrock Yadkin-Pee Dee Yes Yes 3,126 NQRTM PRONG RICHLAND CREEK 2-3 sand - cobble Cape Fear Yes Yes 3,195 NPRC UTO'i 1 sand - cobble Cape Fear Yes No 95 NPRC 13T02 1-2 sand - gravel Cape Fear Yes No 555 NPRC_UT03 1 sandlgravel Cape Fear Yes No 1,014 NPRC UT04 1-4 sand - boulder Cape Fear Yes YeslNo $88 �VPRC�UTOS 1-2 sand - bedrock Cape Fear Yes YeslNo i,119 NPRC UT05 01 1 siltlsand Cape Fear No No 499 Table 1. �escription af Perennial and lntermittent Streams in the R-2635 Study Area Stream Name Width (feet} Substrate i2iver Basin ��tigafable under Mitigatable under Length in Study DWQ USACE Area NPRC UT05 02 1-2 sand - boulder Cape Fear Yes Yes!!Vo 937 �[PRC UTO6 1 siltlsand Cape Fear No �Vo 285 NPRC UT06 01 1 siltlsand Cape Fear No No 903 NPRC UT09 i-2 silt - gravel Cape Fear Yes No 995 NPRC UT10 'i silt-cobble GapeFear Yes No 1,048 SPRC UT03 2-3 silt - cobble Cape Fear Yes Yes 1,719 SPRC llT05 1-2 silt - cobble Cape Fexr Yes YeslNo 1,366 SPRC UT65 01 1 silt Cape Fear Yes No 191 SQUI_UT01 1 silt - gravef Cape Fear Yes No 814 SQUI UT02 1-2 sand - cobble Cape Fear Yes Yes 476 SQUITl�T03 1-2 sand - cobble Cape Fear Yes Yes 636 SQUI UT04 1-2 sand - cobble Cape Fear Yes Yes/No 746 SQUI UT06 2-3 sand - cobble Cape Fear Yes Yes 3,711 SQUI UT06 09 1 silt - gravel Cape Fear Yes �[0 3fi4 SQUI U'FOS 1-2 silt - cobble Cape �ear Yes YeslNo 1,243 SQU[ EJT08 01 1-2 silt - cobble Cape Fear Yes YeslNo 1,2fi9 SQU1 UT09 1 silUsand Cape Fear Yes No 384 SQUI UT11 2-3 sand - cobble Cape Fear Yes Yes 'i,632 SQUI UT1 i 01 1 silt - gravel Cape Fear Yes No 381 SQUIRREL CREEK 2-4 sand - cobb{e Cape Fear Yes Yes 5,255 TANT UTO'f 1 sandlgravel Cape Fear Yes No 855 TANT UT02 1 sandlgra�el Cape Fear Yes No 872 TANT UTfl3 1-2 sand - cobbie Cape Fear Yes Yes 1,723 TANT UT03 01 1 sand - cobble Cape Fear Yes No 666 TANT UT04� 1 silt/sand Cape Fear Yes No 61 TANT UT05 1-2 sand - cobble Cape Fear Yes YeslNo 1363 TANT UT06 1 sand - cohble Cape Fear Yes YeslNo 425 TANT U707 1 sand - cobble Cape Fear Yes No 553 TANT UTp8 1 sand - cobble Cape Fear Yes No 9,256 TA�fT�UT09 1 sandlgravel Cape Fear Yes No 263 TANT UT10 1-2 sand - cobble Cape Fear Yes YeslNo 4$8 TANTRAIJGH 2-4 sand - cobble Cape Fear Yes Yes $,557 TAYL Ui02 2-3 sand - cobble Yadkin-Pee Dee Yes Yes 3,816 TAYL 1ST02 d1 1 silUsand Yadkin-Pee Dee No No 197 TAYL UT03 2-4 sand - boulder Yadkin-Pee Dee Yes Yes 3,537 TAYL UT03 01 4-3 sand - gravel Yadkin-Pee Dee Yes1No YeslNo 1,396 TAYL UT03 fl1 01 1 silt - gravel Yadkin-Pee Dee No No 125 TAYL �lT03 02 1-2 gravellcobble Yadkin-Pee Dee Yes No 153 TAYL UT03 03 1 sandlgravel Yadkin-Pee Dee No No 130 �apie �. �escrip�ion or rerenniai ana m�ermitcent 5treams in tne rc-zbs5 stuay Area Stream Name Width (feetj Su6strate River Basin Mitigatable under Mitigata�le under Length in Study DWQ USACE Area TAYL UT43 05 2-3 sand - boulder Yadkin-Pee dee Yes Yes 3,011 iAYi Ui'43 05 01 1-2 siltlsand Yadkin-Pee Dee Yes No 746 TAY� UTd3 OS fl2 1-2 silUsand Yadkin-Pee Dee YeslNo YeslNo 314 TAYL�UT03 D5 03 1 sand - cobble Yadkin-Pee Dee Yes No 3fi8 TAYL UT03 06 2-5 sand - bedrock Yadkin-Pee Dee Yes Yes 3,90'I TAYL UT43 06 01 1 sand - cobble Yadkin-Pee Dee Yes No 246 TAYL UT03 06 02 1 silt - cobble Yadkin-Pee Dee Yes No 683 TAYL UT03 07 1-2 sand - cobble Yadkin-Pee Dee Yes YeslNo 'E,269 TAY� U744 1-2 silt-cobble Yadkin-Pee �ee Yes YeslNo �,132 �AYL UT04 01 1 sand - cobble Yadkin-Pee Dee Yes No 110 TAYL_UT04_02 1 sand - cobble Yadkin-Pee Dee Yes No 439 TAYL UT04 04 1 silt-cobble Yadkin-Pee Dee Yes No 1,'1D3 TAYLORS CREEK 3-5 sand - becfrock Yadkin-Pee Dee Yes Yes 2,886 VEST UT01 'I sift - gravel Cape Fear Yes Np 60i VEST UT02 1 silt - gravel Cape Fear Yes/No No 994 VEST_UT04 1-2 sartd - cobble Cape Fear Yes Yes 1,452 VEST UT07 1-3 sand - cobble Cape Fear Yes YeslNo 2,160 VEST UT07 pi 1 silt/sand Cape Fear No No 209 VESS fJT07 02 1 siiE - gravel Cape Fear Yes No 198 VEST U707 03 1 silt - cobble Cape Fear Yes No 78fl V�ST_11TQ8 2-3 sa�d - cobble Cape Fear Yes Yes 650 VEST_UT09 1-2 sand - cobble Cape Fear Yes YeslNo 2,189 VEST UT11 1-2 sand - cobble Cape Fear Yes YeslNo 92fi VEST_Ui13 2-4 sand - boulder Cape Fear Yes Yes 3,539 VEST 1iT13 03 1 sanci - cabble Cape Fear Yes No 425 VEST UT13 04 1 silUsand Cape Fear No �fo 116 VEST_UT13_05 1-2 sand - cobble Cape Fear Yes Yes �,608 VESTAL CREEK 5-1fl sand - boulder Cape Fear Yes Yes 3,041 Totalfeet 940494 Total miles 26.fi1 UT - Unnamed Tributarv Table 2. Stream Impacts, LEDPA Corridor Total Stream Impacts Yadkin River Basin Cape Fear River Basin Streams 8� Unnamed Trihutaries P or I Type of Impact(sj Impacts Impacts DWQ Mit 118ACE Mit DWQ Mit USACE Mit DWQ Mit llSACE Mit CABLE CREEK P 4- 8' x 6' RCBC (2 sites); 2- 8' x 7' RCBC (1 � 139 1139 1139 1139 site); longitudinal CABL_UT03 P RCP 165 165 1fi5 165 CABL_UT04 1 RCP 314 0 314 0 CABL UT05 P RCP; longitudinal 1642 1642 1642 1642 CABL UT� 1 I RCP 471 0 47i 0 CABL UT11 01 I RCP 249 0 249 0 GABRIELS GREEK p 4- 12' x 10' RCBC (2 sites); 2- 1Q' x i0' 388 388 RCBC" GABFi UT02 I 2- 6' x 6' RCBC 316 316 LITR UT02 I RCP 110 110 110 'i 1 d LITR UT02 03 I longifudinal 590 367 590 367 LITR UT02 04 I RCP 129 129 429 129 LITR UT04 I RCP 400 400 400 400 LfiR 1iT05 I RCP 932 525 932 525 LITR UT08 I 4- 8' x 7' RCBC (2 sites); RCP; longitudinal 1460 146D 146Q '1460 LiTR UT08 02 I longitudinal; relocation; RCP 1230 580 9234 584 L�TR_U708_03 I longitudinal 49 fl 49 4 LITTLE RIVER P Bridge NORTH PRONG RICE-E�ANQ GREEK P Bridge NPRC_13T02 P RCP 300 0 340 0 N�RC UTD3 I RCP 225 0 225 0 NPRC UT04 P RCP 493 493 493 493 NPRC U7D5 1 RCP 366 366 3fiS 366 [VPRC UTOS 02 P RCP 388 388 388 388 NPf2C U709 P RCP 171 0 171 0 NPFZC 1f710 I RCP 243 0 243 0 SOUTH PRO�IG RICHLAND CREEK P 2- 9' x 8' RCBC' 161 161 1B1 1fi1 SPRC UT43 P RCP; [ongitudinal 269 269 2fi9 269 SPRC LJ7D5 I RCP 160 0 160 fl SPRC UT05 01 I RCP 138 0 138 0 SQUIRREL CREEK P 2- 12' x 8' RCBC 290 296 290 290 SQUI 1iT06 I RCP 645 645 645 645 SQUI UT08 I relocation 5fi9 569 569 569 SQUI UT08 01 I RCP 1fi7 167 167 167 SQUI UT09 I RCP 226 Q 226 0 SQUI U7� 1 I 2- 7' x fi' RCBC 202 2D2 2D2 202 SQUI UT11 0'i I RCP 295 0 295 0 TANTRAUGH SRANCH p 6- 7' x 7' RCBC (3 sites); 2- 9' x 7' RCBC; 575 575 575 575 longitudinal TANT UT05 I RCP 438 438 43$ 438 Table 2. Stream Irnpacts, LEDPA Corridor TAN7 f1i'08 I relocation 133 0 133 0 TAN� UTD9 I RCP 263 D 283 0 TAYLORS CREEK P longitudinal; RCP; 2- 9' x 7' RCBC; RCP 1780 1780 1780 1780 TAYL UT02 P/ I RGP; longitudinai 1884 1$84 18$4 1884 TAYL�U703 P 2- 9' x 7' RCBC 240 240 2aD 240 TAYL UT03 06 P 2- 8' x 5' RGBC; RCP 430 43D 430 430 TAYL UT03 06 D1 [ RCP 103 0 103 0 7AYL U'iO3 06 D2 I 2- 9' x 7' RCBC 431 0 431 0 VESTAL CREEK P Bridge VEST UT09 P longitudinal; RCP 311 �[76 391 176 VEST UT19 I RCP 1037 603 1037 603 VEST U713 P 2- 9' x 7' RCBC 263 263 263 263 VEST UT13 05 P 2- 8' x 5' RCBC 333 333 333 333 Total(inlinearfeet) 23112 17493 13748 10852 $660 5937 Nates: All affected streams are Class C wakers. P - Perennial I- Intermittent UT - Unnamed Tributary RCP - Reinforced Concrete Pipe RCBC - Reinforced Concrete Box Culvert CASL - CaFrle Creek LITR - Little River NPRC - North Prong Richland Creek SPRC - South Prong Richland Cree[c S4U1 - Squirre[ Creek TANT - Tantraugh Branch TAYL - Taylors Creek VEST - Vesta[ Creek "Existing culverf to be refained and extended Table 3. Wetland Wetland # LEDPA Carridor DWQ Cowardin Stream Rating Classification FORES7 EMERGENT SEEP W01 Little River 72 PF01AIPF01E 1.55 W02 TAN7 UT05 681� 9� PF01 AIPFOI E 0.02 W031W041W05 TANT UT05 681i 9* PF01 AIPF01 E 0.62 W�6 VEST UT11 58 PF01A 0.58 TOTAL 2,77 IVotes: All wetlands identified are classified as non-riverrne sysEems. "` represenEs ForestlSeep wetland ratings 'FOREST" refers to Forested Wetlands 'EMERG�NT" refers to Emergent Wetlands 'SEEP" refers to Low Ele�ation Seep iable 4. Pond Impacis, LEDPA Corridor Saurce Tantraugh Branch Tantrauah Branch SQUI UT06 L.�PpA Pond Impacts (acres) ��:3c] 0.18 0.07 ����I��i] 02 0.94 0 f 1.14 �e�t�on ��4lN��� l�l�r�er Pr�Jec� T'eam ���#i�� �g��errt��t �on�u�r+�r�ce �a1nt �lo. 2�: Appr�xienat� i�r��#E�s �fi b�idges nh b�f$�[ed Stucfy AI#�rn�xtiv�� Rl'�1act N�111�f�1A t��sC�iption: �ropose� Ashe�oro So�th�m Byp�ss, US 64 +rr�st to . US �4 eas�. Fo�r I��c$ fr�ew�ty an new I�caf�on, �n F2and�fpk� �our��y. . TIF P�aj�c� No: �-2�3� F��isr�l Aid #�raj�Ct �o: NE�F-6���9� S�a Proje�t t��: $,'��7�4Q� 111l�� �o: �4450_ 7 ,'f �lf �Ikerna#iu� are fu!! o��itt�l of a��ess w�#h in�er�ft����s �,t#h� f�olfo�vvin�: k�S � wes#, �� 4�, l�S ��0 �3yp�s, I�C Zop �t�nne,�fi�r, N� 1�9, NC �2, and l�S 64 e��t. �f�e� f�a)�rnnring �pprcaxEm�ta J�n.gths af bridge� by Altema#ive �nd r�s�ur� i�di� the iirfdge ��ngth� praposed; 1�llterna#it+� '13. f�+ �5 c�� � S�A�� �`�� r��7 ���.� f „__.. - „_,�.. l ��� F��a �aTr4�� �1T�1 � � 'jo��� 4Vfz�cr�� ���Sirv�S G� �c� L,pc�4Tr��.1 ���t _� ��7�L� �Ew�R tT���L C..��F� � 1�1���H �C� �fcW�9�0 �r��c . �o �f�-� 15 A1�ern��1Y$ "��: � M���uR�Q �nay i�Q oF �r�r�k �o so� �� �+u �toi'� �, --- � SAr�I� fk S � 3 � Albernativ$ �9: . . s�n�� �� 1"� Tf�� Prof� "%,a�m ftas aor�c�rred or� tf�is �1�4e of Ma 2. �004, uu�i #E�� ap�ro�tlmate leng#� o�# bridg�� ar� ��{� derta�f�rf stuc�y � Itema�iue �s sta�$tf abov�. �S�ICE � . l�SE� . , �' NC �N J�f�R �� _ �� !:. , ��� �� ��.� - �r ��cti�� �4��[EPA � �l�r��r P�jec�t Tearn �1��t�n� A�re�m�rt# �nnc�rr�nce P�int Na, �: Leas# Envi�vrrm$r�#�fly D�rn��ing Pra�#i�le �1[fem��iv� {LE�PA� p��e�# t��rra�l;IP a�ri�ot�: Pr�p�s�d �sh�b�r+a �u#hern Bypa,��, U� �4 w��t t� US 64 �as�. �bur fane fraew�ay on new C��ati�n, in R�and�lph Go�n�y- T1P Pr���ct No= R-2�3$ ��d�ral �4i�i Pfoj��t I��. NH�-64(1�} Sfi��e Rr�3�ct No, �.���'��1 V�{�S i�J+�. ��q.'i .1 Ths LeasE �nvir�nm�nt�lly �amagi�g Practicab�e l�lta�ati;te f�r #�� pr�po��d pros��� I�' A���'i1�f iv� # i� 7he pro��ct 'iearr� h�� cx�r��urr�t �n #hi� dab� �f 1��►r �2.._2Q_�4, f�� tfn� abave me�tioned al6erti�tiv� �s #h� i eas� Darnagir�� and �'ract�cabEe A�tem�tiv� (L�D�'A), l U�A►�� � N Ca{]T s� � '� USEF ,��'� � � r I � ..i .i � •_ � . - �� =�1r�{' 1�� .��� � 1 �� � � �'��� rL� . • �, � �� FH� 1Vl E M D March 22, 2004 To: Copy: From: Subject: Meetina Date: Meeting Attendees Praject Fil� Yvonne G.G. Howell, P.E. Meeting Minutes — Merger Team, Concurrence Points 2A and 3: US 64 Improvernents, Asheboro, Randolph County; TIP No. R-2536 March 11, 2004 10:30 am Meeting Location: NCDOi Board Raom t S. Wilmington Street; Rafeigh NC Attendees: Emily Law#on — FHWA Felix Da�ila — FHWA Richard SPenc�r — USACE Chris Mifitsci�er -- US�F'A Gary Jordan — USFWS Da�id Cox — NCW RC Cyntnia Van Der W iele — NCD�NR -- DWQ Sarah McBride — SHPO Rex Badgett -- NC�OT — Di�ision 8 Art King — NCDOT — Division 8 Jimmy Gaodnight — NCDOT — Roadway Tim Goins — NCDOT — Roadway David Wass�rman — NCDOT — Transportation P�anning Branch Jerome Nix -- NCDOT — Hydraul€cs Unit Eric Adrignola — NCDOT — ON� Deanna Riffey — NCD4T — ON� Rachelle Bea�regard — NCDOT — ON� Ch�ryl Knepp -- NCDOT — ONE CarEa Dagnino — NCDOT — ONE Drew Jayner - NCD�T — TIP Program Manager Brian Yamamota - NCDOT — PD&EA John Conforti - NCD4T — PD&�A Pam Townsend - Eartt� Tech Roger Lewis - Earth Tech Ran Johnsor� — Earth Tec� Yvonne Howell -- Earth Teci� Minutes: Attached is the �acCcet ti�at was mailed to all meeting invitees (text or�ly}. 0 Merger Team Meeting M�nutes March 11, 2004 Page 2 of 5 Mr. John Confo�ti apened the meeting with introductions. Mr. Rager Lewis then ga�e a brief project overview, including project history, purpase and need, and alterna#ives discussion. Mr. Richarci Spencer then asked about the ballpark {Scott Rush BaiEfield), stating that he received a letter iram the property owner's lawyer mentioning tt�e docurnent and questianing the omission of an indirect and cumulati�e impact analysis. Mr. Spencer asked if the site is eligibfe for Sectian 4{f}, stating the le�ter described tF�e field as `used by area high schoal and middae school teams.' This site has been investigated and it is privately owned and used by a select group, making it ineligil�Ie for Section 4(f) protection. Mr. Gary Jordan mentioned Threatened and Endangered Species ar�d the secondary impacts, particularly on th� Schweintz's S�nflower. He stated we wilf r�eed to do a new survey prior to Cancurre�ce Point 4A, including larger areas araurrd the interchanges to account for secondary developme�t. Mr. Jordan stated he would assist the project team in determining the appropriate area at the interchanges. Mr. Chris Militscher questioned which two alternatives were dislikec! by the public {included in a petition recei�ecE following the public hearing) — Alternalives � and i3. The �ow-incorne/minority corr�mun�ties were mentioned — Crestview Manor subdivision has a concentration of Spanish- speaking resider�ts. In additior�, Mr. Felix Davila requested that we disc�ss the `�ow-income' r�obile home cornrr�unities incl�ding Crestview Manor and Twe�ve Tree Road. Ms. Howell explained that no low-incorne communities were identified as part of the Community Impact Assessment for this projeck. !n addition, mobile homes do not necessarily ir�dicate low income. While Twel�e Tree Road was not identified as low-income, the mobile homes appear to be older, single wide, and on smaller lots. With these facts in mind, the project team would like to maintain awareness of the projeet's impacts to the 7wefve Tree Road community and minimize where possible. Alternatives 10, 22, 29, and 33 impact bat� the Crestview Manor and Twelve Tree Road communities. Ms. Yvonne Howell described general infarmation in the meeting packet as wefl as the generai impacts associated with the detaifed study corridors, focusing on the numan and build environment. Mr. Militscher asked if any cansideration was given to eliminating the int�rchange at NC 159 (Zao ParKway}. Th9s int�rchange was cfescribed as the `local access' as o�posed to the �ao Connector interct�ange which is intended to only access th� NC Zoo. Mr. Militscher q�estioned the interchange s�acing between these two interchanges. Ti�e optimal spacing between interchanges is or�e mile, whici� was no# possible in t�is area due to existing residential de�elopment. An `urban design' ir�cludir�g a single point urban diamond was mentioned, to minimize impacts and maximize spacing between interchanges; Mr. Lewis explained that the NC 159 inEerchange was desig�ed to minimize Fmpacts to the assisted living facilities on either side and the nearby residences, and an urban design would increase thase impacts. Mr. Richard Spencer stated that community disturbance is a concern. Mr. Militscher exp�ained that the nine alternatives are so close in quantified impacts tha# any decisions wiA neeti to be based on cietail�d infarmation. Mr. David Cox questioned the triple-barrel culverts proposed at Little River, North Prong Richland Cr�ek, Vestal Creek and wnether bridges may be cheaper ak these sikes. Mr. Cox also mentioned � Mlerger 7eam Meetir�g Min�rfes March 1 i, �a04 Page 3 Qf 5 that br�dges at tt�ese site� cou[d serve as wildlif� crossings, which are r�ot currenily propos�d at any site�. Mr. Jerome Nix stated thaf NCpJT determines br�dge versus culvert based on channel characteristies, on a cas� by case basis. M�. Militsch�r asKed if �rid�i�g l�ad been consrdered at any of the larg�r stream crossings inc[uciing: Little River, V�stal Greek, Tantraugh Branch, and North Prong Fiichland Creek. None of th� streamlwetland systems on tY�e proJ�ct were recommendecf fQr bridg�ng based c�n wetland quali#y, as determined by NC�C)T ancf Earth T�ch during a field meeting February 2f�03. �h� team decid�d a field meeting will b� r�quir�d to further dis�uss bridginc� ft�r C�ncur�ence f'cair�t 2A. All ihase in aftendance agreed that th� #i�lcf ineetir�g s�fluld resuit in signatures for �oncurrence Point 2A. Mr. Qrew Jc�yner suggested a half day in the ffeld to see the str�ar6r �rossing sites ar�d � t��li �ay at an area offic� ta discuss Conct�rrence Paint 2A a�d 3. AI! those in a#tendance agre�d to this scenario. Mr. MFlit�cher st�ted tt�� USEPA wouRd like to eliminat� the follawing alt�rnatives from f�rther study: Alternativ�s 4, 1 tl, and 22. �t�DC}T, based on tl�e pr�st-hearing m�eting and roadway desogn, recogr�izes `less Eh�n ideal' design on Alternatives �1, 2, �, and � 4. lJS�PA favors Alte�nativ�s 1 and 1� b�cause of lower stream and wetland impacts; thes� al��rnatives have received org�.nized cifizen oppasitian from dhe Crys#alwood, W innigham �s#�tes, ancf H�nl�y �ubdivisiQns. Alternative 33 was eE3minat�d b�;caus� of agency concern ove�- perceived patential for indir�ct and c�rnulative im,�acts, ass4ciated with the distance {abaut �.5 miles) fr�arn the establishe� Ashebc�ra �TJ at #he western prQject i�rmi�al. Thro�tgh di��ussian, fhe mer��r te�rr7 agreed fa move farward with Alt�rrt�ti��s i3, 14, and' 29. Items requ�steti ft�r the field m�:�tin� ir�elude: aerial phofagra,�F�y, �WQ ratin�s anc! stream class�fications, and cost �sEimat�s for cufverts v�rsus bridges at the identified crossings (Little River, V�stal Greek, Tantraugh Branch, �:nd Nc�rth Pron� Richland Gr�ek�. Mr. Brian Yamamoto stated that a11 merger team rnernbers would be inform�d �f th� fi�ld me�ting and advised that ihe goal of this meeting would b� ta gair� c�nc�rrr�nce r�n bridgin� (Point 2A) ar�d LE[?PA (Poin# 3). Ms. Sarah N1c�ri�e of SHI'�3 stated that sh� would co�c�r with the gro�p field decisior�, pro�riete� the alternatives do not change from this paint, thaugh she did not plan to at#end a meeting �n the field. 7h� fieCo meeiing was briefly discussed. Mr. CQx stated that Mr. 7ravis Wilsvn would return the week of �v'9arcFt 1�, 20�4. M�. Cynthia Van C�er Wiele of NCDW�Q �#ated sie would b� feavi�g hec curr��t position March �2, 2�{}4, ,�ohra Hennessy is r�n p�terr�ity leave inc�efiniteiy� and Beth Barnes is on medical I�ave inde�i�itely. Ms. Howell suggested all me�tir�g natificat�ans go to Jc�hn Henn�s5y and Beth Barr�es. Carla [?agnino wilE be the NC�QT — C�N� cantact far this project. T�ese minutes are the writers' int�rpret�tion af the evenfis �nd discussivns tl�af tovk place ciurirag the me�t�r��. If ther� are �ny addi�ions andfor correcti�ns, �I��se r�spand in writin� within sev�e� 47} days. � Merger Team Meeting Minutes March 7 t, 20D4 Page 4 of 5 If you have any additions, deletions, or cnanges to this memorandum, please notify Yvonne Howell at {919) 854 6213 or by email at yvanne.�owellQeart�tech.com. 0 Merger Team Meeting Minutes March 1 f, 2pQ4 Page 5 of 5 E-MAILING L15T Emily Lawton – emily.lawton@fhwa.dot.gov Felix Davila – felix.t�a�ila@fhwa.dot.go� Richard Spencer– Richard.K.S}�encerC�usace.army.mil Chris Militscher-- militscher.chris@epa.gov Gary Jordan – gary�ordan@fws.gov David Cox – david.cox� ncwiEdlife.vrg Cynthia Van �er Wiele – cynth€a.vanderwieleC�ncmail.net (John Her�nessy– john.hennessy@ncmail.net) Sarah McBride–sarah.mcE�rideC�ncmail.net Rex Bacigett– jsbadgett�dot.state.nc.us Art King – agkingQdot.stat�.nc.us Jimmy Goodnight -- jgoodnightQc�ot.state.nc.us Tim Goins -- tdgoinsC�dot.state.nc.us David Wasserman – dswasserman@dot.state.nc.�s Jerome Nix – jr�ix@dot.state.nc.us Eric Adrignola – eadrignolaC�?dot.state.nc.us Deanna Ritfey – driffeyQ dot.state.nc.us Rachelle Beauregard – rbeauregardC�dat.state.r�c.us Chery! Knepp – ckneppQciat.state.nc.us Carfa Dagnino – cdagninoQdot.state.nc.us Drew ,loyner – djoyner@ dot.state.nc.us Brian Yarnamoto – byamamoto@dot.state.nc.us John Canfarti -- jgconforti@dot.state.nc.us Pam 7ownsend – pam.townsendC�earthtec�.com Roger �ewis – roger.lewisQearti�tech.com Ron .�ohnson – ron.johnson @earthtech.com Yvonne Howell – y�onne.howellC�earthtech.com C-� M�MD July 22, 2004 To: Meeting Attendees Copy: Project File From: Yvonne G.G. Hawell, P.E. Subject: Meeting Minutes — Merger Team Field Meeting, Concurrence Poinks 2A and 3: US 64 Impro�emenfs, Asheboro, Randolph County; TIP No. R-2536 Meeting Date: May � 2, 2a04 1 Q:Oa am Meeting Location: Ashebora Field and Randolph County Office Building Training Room Asheboro, NC Aftendees: �mily Lawton — FHWA Richard Spencer — USACE Chris Militscher— US�PA Gary Jordan -- USFWS 7ravis Wilson -- NCW RC Beth Barnes — NCDENR — DWQ Sarah McBride — 5HP0 Rex Badgett — NDDOT — Division 8 Art King -- NCDOT — Divisian 8 Jerome Nix — NCDOT — Hydraulics Unit Rac�elle Beauregard — NCDOT — ONE Carfa Dagnino — NCDOT — ONE Drew Joyner - NCDOT — TfP Program Manager Jai�n Conforti - NCD�T — PD&EA RogEr Lewis - Earth Tech Ron Johnson — Earih Tech Yvonne Howell — Earti� Tech Minutes: The team rr�et at the Randolph Caunty Office Building at 10:40 arn to receive handouts and be briefed on the sites to be visited during ihe day. Following brief introductions, Et was agreed that Little River, Taniraugh Branch, North Prong Richland Creek, and Vestal Creek woufd be �isited. A lunch break would happen between site visits, and the team would have a finai meetir�g in the First Floor Training Room at t�e Randolph Caunry Office Building ta discuss the sites and review Concurrence Points 2A artd 3. Little River. A wiidlife crossing was requested at this site based on the stream banks, surrounding tapography, and charact�r of the entire area. In addition, �encing was mentioned as a means of er�couraging wiidl'tfe passage under the bridge and deterring wildli�e from crossing the new road. There wou[d be no other opportuniti�s for wildlife crassing betwee� Mack Raad and US 220 Bypass. 0 Merger Team Filed Meetin� Minutes May 12, �Q04 Pag� � vf 3 US �isf� and W ildlife Service and NC'r1l�ildlif� R�source Commissi�n requested 3{� f�et {from tap of bank ta tae +�i end ben# slope) as a rrainim�m width and � feet as the minimum vertical clearanc� fQr a wildlife cros�ing. The tear� uisited the Ali. 13l14 Little River sit�s but declined tc� visit tt�� Alt. 29 sit� af#�r being informed that the vagetatiar� and top�grapi�y are typical along Little River. �he �eam �greed ihat the recQmmended wiidlife crQssing treaiments wc�uPd apply at the thre� proposed Little River crossir�gs (Aits. i3, 14, and 29). Tantraugh Brartch: Alt�rnatives 13 and � 4 were discu�sed priar to wisiting �his site. �h� proposed eufvert und�r the Zo� Connector passes below s��reraC ramps; � k�rid�e o� bridg�s are n�f feasible at this sit� due t� �h� proximit�r r�f t�e r�mp� to each other. The tearr� walked through the A)t. 29 �eepage Wetland confGrrning this to be a low quality wetland. T�e adjac�nt �orested Wetland was identifi�c# as hig�er quality and more c�esirabfe for rriir�irniza#ic�n effc��ks. Th� tearr� continued acrc�ss `��ntraugh Brancl�. It was dete�mined that th� Fc�r�sted Wetlar�d to this poir�t was #ypicaf af that fc�und al�ng °�antr�ugh Branch (an A�ts. 13 and 14} and ih� tearn a�re�cE ta prc���ed tr� the next sife. �h� #eam det�rrr�i�ed a�ridge would not be requ�sted at this site. North Prc�ng Richland Creek The t�am w�ikec! to this sit� and in reviewing the prelim�nary cost information„ #he bridge would b� less �xpensive #han th� culvert, sa � bridge was r�quested. The bridg� estimated t#id nc�t include wif�9ife crossing wid#h. Vesla! Creek. The team �°�vi�wed preliminary cost infarrr�ati�,n for this �rossin+� and determin�d th�y would re�uest a bridc�e at this site based c�n #he cioscness of cosis. The team did nat visit thas site. �a1lt�vving the site visits, the team met at t�r� Randolph Ca�nty affice �3uil�iin� fv rev�ew ti�e project �tut�y area aerial and discuss Concurrence PoRnt #2,4 and #3. Fenc�rtg �or the purpase af er�couraging w�l�life to use the bridge rather than cross�n� the new raadway was fur�her disc�ssec�. Wifdlife Resaurce Cammissior� mentioned ���(} feet of fencing at a16 four �quadrants o� the Liftle River crossing, including ane-way gates a�nd/ar cfeer l�aps to �revent animais being trapped on the rca�dway side of the fenc�. Tt�is length (15�f� feet) is flexible and shauld be fu�th�r ir�vestigat�d �furing final design. Aft�r brief discussion, th� t�am concurred with Point #2A, agre�ing to � brid�e at Littl� River, N�rth �'rang Richland Creek, and Vesta� Creek, �s �iet�ifed in the attach�d concurrence form. The team also chose Alternatiue 29 based on Cor�c�rr�nce Point #2A bridges and the quantiiiss af stream impacts quoted in ihe mee#ing hand�ut (att�ched), a� detailed in th� attached cancurren�ce fvrrn. ih�se rninutes are the writers' ir�ferpretation af ihe ev�nfs and di,s�ussians that toc�k pl�ce durr`ng th� t�eeiing. If fhere ar� ar�y additions artcllor eorrecir'ons, please respc�nd in writrng �vithin seven (?) days. 1f you have any additions, defetions, or chang�s ta this rnemorandum, pl�ase natify Yvt�nne Hc�welf �# (9�9j 854 6213 ar by �mail af vvo,nne.h�awellC�earthfech.cam. E-MAiLING LfST Merger Team Filed Meetrng Minutes May 12, 2004 Page 3 of 3 Emily Lawton — emily.lawton C fhwa.ctot.gov Richard Spe�cer-- RichardK.SpencerC�?usace.army.mil Chris Militscher — militscher.chris@epa.gov Gary Jordan �- gary�jordanQfws.go� Travis Wilson — travis.WilsonQncwildlife.org Beth Barnes--beth.barnes@ncmaif.net Sarah McBride — sarah.mcbride@ncmail.net Rex Badgett — jsbadgett@do#.state.nc.us Art King — agkingC�dot.state.nc.us Jerome Nix — jnixC�dot.state.nc.us Rac�elie Beauregard -- rbeauregardC�?dot.state.nc.us Carla Dagnino—cdagninoC�3dot.state.nc.us Drew Joyner— djoynerC�dat.state.nc.us John Conforti — jgconfa�ti@dot.state.nc.us Roger Lewis — roge�.lewis@earthtech.corn Ron Johnson — ron.johnsanC�?earthtech.com Yvor�ne Howell — yvonne.howeiiC�earthtecF�.com Jimmy GoocEnigf�t — jgoodnight@dot.state.nc.us Tirn Goins —tdgoinsC�?dot.state.nc.us Brian Yamamoto — byamamoto@dot.state.nc.us Felix Davila -- felix.davila@fhwa.dot.gov 0 I�1�i� W 4s �irearn L.�assz�ica�ic�ii __r esraii Project I�Iame: �- 51..�bu{o River Basin: Ga.P t fz�.� Cous,ty: ��^- � � A�^ L7WQ Project 1Vumber: Nearest 1�Farn�d Sircam: Latiwde: r�.1e l i-�-� P c'br•-� Date_ � LJSGS QUAD: �S�e��o Longitude: ' �.�. �, ca � - � r N�v�� uTE� Prirnarv Field Indicators: (Cirt�lt Onr Num6rr Per Lin�� Fvale�aior: «• �'t4 L � Signature: Locati on/Di r�c t i ons: I_ Geomor ho3o Absent Weais JVIod ate Stron 'I'ti�re A Riff3e-Pool Se u n e? fl � 3 2) is "Tkia LdSDA Textcire In Strearrtbed I]a�f'erent From Surroundin� Terrain? O 2 �2� — 3 re Natural Levees Present? 1 2 3 47 Is Ti'ie Channel Sinuous? � I 3 5) Is "Iiiera An Active (Or Reiic) _ od lain Present7 0 1 m 3 s e Ctiar�nel E3raided? I 2 3 7 e Recent All�viai De si[s Preseni? Q � 2 3 Is Ti3ere A�ankfu[I encis Present? � 2 -� 9) ls A Continuous Bed 8c Banlc Presant? O 1 2 �� d 8a k i i • r= 10) Is A 2"° Order Or Greater ChanneI <As Indicated On "Fo o Ma dlOr In Fieid Present? es=3 No PRiMARY GEOMORPHOLOGY IND,ICATOR POINTSc�_ Ii. H drolo Ai>seat Wealc Moderate Stron 1) Is There A Groundwater FlowlDischaree Present? � �� � 3 PRIMARY HYDR4L�GY I11�DICATOR POINTS: � �II_ BioZo Absesat Weak Moderate Stron 1 Ase Fibrous Roots Presenc Iri Streambed? 3 � 1 O 2 Are I2ooted Plants Present In Streambed? 3 � � d 3 Is Peri h tan Pres�nt? 1 2 3 4 Are �ivalves Present? 1 2 3 PRIMAR Y BIOLOG Y IIVDICAT�R PpINTS: '—t Secondarv Fx��d indicators: (Circ�c Onc Nuna6�r P�r Linel 3) Does Topograghy Indicata A Natural iJraina e Wa ? O .5 i SECONDAIZY GEO1�lORPHOLOGY INDICATOR PDINTS: �• S II Hvdrolo�v Abserit Weak _ Moderate Stron� 1) Is This Year's [Or Last's) Leaflitter _ �� 4) Is Wster In Channel And >48 Hrs. Since � .5 1 1.5 �,-'^ Y 3in? i�NOTE: 7f 17itch lrtdicnt d fn #I I Above kin Thrs S�en AruL #S Below"l _ 5) Is There Water I�n C�arrn�l I7uring Dry O .5 i �-5 Conditions r In Growin Sesson ? `�� �`��� 6 Are H ric SoiIs Present in Sides f har�nel �r In Hea cut ? Yes No=O SFCONDARY HYDROLOGY INDICATOR POIIVTS: � �� ��'��`'`�'T - �>3� ' - - - INTERIVIITTENT CHANNEL EVALUATION FOI2Iwi ACTI�I� ID .�,I'PI_3CAlti'I' N.4?�iE DATF_ � � C- �. � `d `"F`7 I�I20POSED CHANNEL �ti'ORK 1i_e__ cul�-ert. relocation. etc_) __ _ _. _ __ ____ � _ __ __ ��'ATERBODY/R7 V ER BA57 � Cp.(! Q, F�At COVFVTY/CITY l�Q 16t] ,�� __ _.___ _ J RECENT Vti'EATi-IFR CONU1T70:�5 S•-v�r'L��-�� _ _ N� i�c� l��i(? p s� NP Observation Corrirrients or Descriprion Fish15t�e11fichlCrsss[aceans Fresent J Ben�hSc Macro )nvenebraies Amphibians PresenVBreeding a � _r AFgae And/br Fungus [water gualiry func[ion} Witdiife Cfzannel Use {i.e. cracks, £eces, She1Ss, others) Federally Protected SpecFes Present (Disconcinue) �� RifS7e/Poo1 5[ructure Stable Streamhanhs Channei Subsua[e (i.e_ ra��el� coi5bie. rock, coarse sand) Riparsan Canopy Present (SP =I� 50� c]osure) (-p rc,s� Undercu■ Banks/3nstream i-iabitat Stra�c[ure F7ow Sn CY�anael � Wetlands Adjacenc TO/Conti�. Wish Cl�annel EDisconiinue� ' Persistenc PooSs/5a[ura[ed $octosn (3ur�e throu h Se t.) � SeepslGroundwaier Discharge EJune ¢hrough Sept.) � Adjaeen[ Floodplain Presen[ � Wrack Material or Drif[ L.ines Hydrophytic Vegetation in/adjacerst to ctsanne3 - Importani To Domestic Water Supplv? Y/ IV Does Ct�annel Appear On A Quad Or Soiis Niap? Y l�3� Approx. Drainage Areac i��uriiiiin�inian��nnn�iiiniiiiiiiur�iir�fri�iui�irriairr�n�rifiuiuririrniaiaii��irliun��inri�irin��n��nun�r�n���iirninnn��nir��ir�i�aiu�nriri��in�ru�i� rur�rrr r nnr�� rn��n rirnr� �r� Determi nat i on - Perennial Channel �flt2rt177EteT3t �h8nI7C� �pherneral Cteanne� Ditch Tizrough �Tpland {s�op) B Imponant Channel_ LF PR(33ECT MGR. Initials fproceed} LFnimportant Channel� .L� {no jd) (attach map irldicating locacion of imponanVun:mpon.ant channel) (no jd) Evaluator's Sigraature= (fiotherthan C.O_E_ projec[ manager) //!!!flll!!II!!!!!!1!/I!!NI//!/!!I/I!!/!I!!/!!!!//!!!!/1/!//f/!!f/!!!!//!/!!!///!/N!I!!//!!fflf//!//!NI!!!/!IIl1N//!I!!!!!!/I/1!!!!/!I!!f1//N/II!!UI!/!/!/!!!//!!1/!!!If!!/I//!!/!lIJII/IlfllN/!1/fI/!N/1/!/I!!/lNII!! P=Present SP=Stongly Present i�i�=l�iot Present 1 i/4/9S � 3V ��� t,� Stream GlassificatiUn Form Proj�ct Name: 1�y,�tl�, r� (3� �5 S DV�Q Projcc[ NuizzUer: Date :}Q L c .� � r Q�t� 12iver �asiii: C�Pt Fc`,r I�Iearest Nainaci Stream: Sc=,,.: rrs\ c�c..t lt USGS QUAD: 1� 54�e 1a ro _ i+� l/t [ Lit'�U �T PI'].I�]��' Field Indicators: rcr��re CJnr IVumbcr Per Line) c��ncy: (L4��� Latitude: Longitude: lyv�3uatc�r: K• 3.1�, i y SigrxatuX�: Locatia n/Di rections: I Geomornholo2v Absent Wealc ___ IVloderate Strari� 1} Is There A Riff3�-Pool Sequence`T O � __ � 3 23 Is Ttia CJSDA Texiurc: ln Streambed _ _ 5) Is "Tiiere An Act'sve (Or Relic} I=loocl lain Pt-es�cit'? fl � � 3 6) fs i'fie Ch-nrxn�i Braided'7 � 1 2 3 7) Are Recent A13uvial L3eposits Fresent? O �'� ___ __ 2 3 S is Ttiere A$ankfuil Bench Pres�n[? � 1 2 3 9) Is A Cc�ntinuous Sed 8c Bank Present? {) 1 2 C� '�N(7!'LE: ! Bect � Btlnk Causerl S Oi�eftin Arid !7' OU7' Siri �r�si Tlre�t Scnre=�" IU} Is A 2nd Order Or Greaier Channel (As Indicated Qn Togo Map ArxdJOr In Fiefd) Present� Xes�3 No� PRIMAIt Y GFOt1l�I2.F'1�OLOGY INDICATOR POINTS:�_ II Hvc3rolo�v Absent Weak Moderate Stx-onQ 1) Fs There A Crroundwater ' Flow/E�ischar e Presens? O � 3 PRIIVIAR Y HYDIt aLOG Y INDI CA 7'�R POINTSr '7 PRI�YlARY BI�LC7GY INDICATO.R POINTS: S�COI1C�c`li Field Indicators� {C'ir�•CeOneN+.r�eberPerLirre) 3) Dc�es Topography IndicaLe A N:ctur�i llraina e Wa '? O -5 1 � SECONI]ARY GEOM�I2PHCiLQGY INI�ICATOR POINTS: `�•S II. Hvdrolo Absent Weak Moderatc Stron 3) I�'I'his Year's (ar Last's) Leaflitter � 4) Is Water In Chtlnnel �i2d �48 Hrs. Since O .S � 1.� �c.lSi �Tznwlt R3Fn l('pNOTE- !f0"�cfe lixdic•arecf !rc f11 ] Abuve Skir� Tleis Stel� /lncl A'S L3elr�tiv'F) 5) Is i'hecc W�atcr In Channel I3uring Dry O .5 1 I.5 C���•�ri;ris�nc !7r in C:rc�wiriss �PaSnn�? La.n�-..a-i^ . . __._ SE'CONDARY HYDR�LflGY INI�ICATOR YOIN�t'S: iII_ I3iolo Absent WeaFc IVIoderaie Stron 1) Are Fish Present`7 � _5 1__ 1.5 2 Ar� An� �ibians Preserit? O .5 1.5 - �� � . , � � s s � � � � • - � IN 1 ER��IITTENT C�3ANNEL - --�- � - FVALZJATI�N FORIVI AC"�']E?N I7� - ---- :�PPi_7C'�3�IT ]\A1�9F_ __ DAT� �eC . �d ! 4 `C`�T PR�Y(75FA Cl3?sNNf'_1_ �;'E>RK �r e_ culvrn_ rc-loc:seic>n_ ete) __ _ -- - ------- ----..__ . _ ( tl":'\TF_IZ.t30D�-lR71'Y.R li.aSl1 _ `'a' /�e �C+a.i Cf�LSNTY/C7"FY _.. �l�d -- �.__.__�_1� �_�____ }2_F_CEN"I- 11�E.1'T7��R LO[V113�7�}U'�_S' __ �1G•.--�5 _Y s.5 � --------- — -------- - s GZ v� �� i o �[ �' Sp r�' Observation Corrirnents or DescriL�Lion f Fish:Sheiff�5F�lCruscaccan� Presen[ � Ben�hic ;�-7acro Snvenebra�es �mph�t,ianc Pre�enUF3reedis�g Algae And/Or Fungus f water quality function) f �'ild}rfe Channel Use (i_e_ vacks. feces, shekls. others) Fcdcia]]v Provected $pecie5 �re5ent {F,]45cpn[inue) RifffelPooI S[ructure -Stab3c Strcamhanks e [ _ Channel Subsxrate (i.e. ra�eE. cob�le, rock_ coarsc sand) _� Ripanan Canop}• P'resent (SP =!� 50% cl05nrej � re � `' L�ndercu[ $ank511nsiream Habitat Struci�re F�ou� fn ChanneF �J a �+-�C ._.i �- �i-' ! 1�'ec33ndc Adjacenx TolContig_ WetA Ct>annei (Discontinuel Percisreni PooislSaturated $ottom C3vne chto� h Se r.) Seeps/Groundwater DiScharge (]une [hrough $ept_) ` _ .} _ � Adjactnc F7ood�lain Presen[ rack hlater�ai or Dri£t Lines }•drophycic Vegeiation in/adjacerx [o channel Important To Domestic VVater Suppiy? Y/ J�I Does Channel Appear On A Quaci Or Soils Map? Y{ N Approx_ )7rairiage Acea: iiraiiiiria�rii�uiniuniiriaa��r rrri�ifrr�rr��rirr�rrrrir�rnrririniui�iaiiirnirfrnri�i�iirrrr�i�� rr�r�rirr�i��� ri�f�������r���r ��rrirnfnr�ini�raii�r��ni�uiir�r�ru ��r���r�u� ro� ���r��iri��iir�i�r��i���r� Determi n ati on _ Perannial CF�annel <<<op) O Impor[ant Channel: LF PRUJEC"I' 1ViGR_ lni4ials Intertnittent Chartnel fproceed) u��3�portant Channel: LF Ephers�eral Channel {no]�) (aifach mag irxdicating iocation of imponantlon�mport�nt channe!) Ditch '3 hrotigI� Upkanci (no jd} �valua[o�'S S�g*�atUre[ SiC other than GO.E. projecc manager) !//!//f/1 /I/lllfll!/!I/!!!1!!/1/N/71 NI/!NI//!11!//!Il1Nf/f!!!!/I /f!!!!I!f/I/!/!/!!//f I!/I!/NI!lINiNN/NI //If!/!!7/!lINI /1 /////1/I7!/IflN/II!!lN/N/!!!I!/N!/N/N!/lllf/!!/1!I/ /N I /!/I/!I!lNIIlffINI1l1 flIIN/!f P—Presenc SP=Scongly Pre�ent i�IP—Noc Present I7/4l98 I�C33�i'Q Stream Classification %c�rm Project Na:ne: �1�,p.bo�� ('�.�. f�a..�s pWQ Project Nucnber: River Basi:i: C�{�e F�x Nearest Namec3 Stream: SZ....: r,�.l Cr�'1[_ County- Rq,,,��ry_ i�atiwde: ��«. p�C � � �qq� USGS QUAD: �Sh,e�ra Longitude: C..�--F SQ u i �eTo� Primar_y Field Indica�ox-s: rc�r<<eOneNunzberPerLine} Evaluator: K. �`��. � ) SignaEure: LocationlDirec tions: I. Geotnoz' kaola Absent ''W�ak Moderaie Stron 1) Is Th�r� A RiEfle I'ool Sequence� O 2 -- 3 2) Is 'I'kic LJSDA `Fexturc In Streambed T�:ff'PrF-r,r �rr�m C��rrr.i�r.riinv'iPrrafn`� C) I m 3 5) Is Ti�ei-e An A.ctive �Or Relic3 9) Is A ConLinuous Sed 8c. Bank Presen[? Q I �� 3 .,( NOTF_. IfBed de Bcznk Gaused Sv L3irchinr A�xd YYI"THOUT Si tu �sifv Tfier� cnre=0"1 -- i0) Is A 2rd Orc3er Or Greater Channei (As Indica[ed ' On To o Ivia Ar�d/Or In Fieid Presenz? Yes=3 �o�� YRIMARY G1`s'�MOI2PHOLOGY 1'NDICA7'OR POINTS:�_ �� Hvdrolo�y Absent We�lc Moderate_ Stron� 3) Is There A Cxrour�d�*faiez' Flow/Disc}iar � Yresetit'� O L� 2 3 PItIMA.RY HYUI20LOGY INDICAT'OR POIN7'S: i III. I3ioio Abs�nt Weak 1Vloderate Stron PRIIl�IAft �' I3fOLOGY INDICATaR POINTS: Secondary Field �ndieators: (G'ircLeOr:rNunxlier!'rrLirre} 3) Dc��s T'o�ograpl�y Indic�,te A — __ Naturai Drair=a e W�c ? O .5 I_5 SEC'f7N.L�ARY GEOMOItYHOLDGY INDICATOR PDINTS._� II F�ydre�Ic►�Y Absent Wea Moderate Stron� 1) Is'Z'�is Ye<ir's (Or Last's) Leailiiter � � 4) Is Wuter 3n Chxinra�l A�rci �48 i-3rs. Since O .r�5> 1 7•� �,'i�[ �fnotvlx Rain � f"NOIE'- lfUftcfx Indic�[ed Irx 7,�11 A6uve Skin 7'I:is S�en Anc! A'S L3rLnw'") 5� Is 'I"harc W�ter In Channei During Dry ,J,..L.-�-�- � .5 i I.5 r.__..::.:........-._ ■.. r-�,,.,.:.,.. co.,�-.�..�1 - - SECONIJARY HYD.FZO.LOGY INDICA7'OR I'OINTS: S ACTION ID INTERMITTENT CHANNEL E�ALUATION F4RM .�PYLICAN"I' NAlYIE PROPi7SF_D Ck3:�aNN�L �'Y'E>127i fi.e_. cul��err_ reioca�ion_ etc_) «' �"i'ER'BOI71'/R7 VER IIASZ:h � 4 P � � [ar RECEi�FT i'VEA"FIiER CONDiTIQ3�5 . 5�-t' ►'t [ LcTc�� — � � =� ��-r� P��. �� r�t 9S COLTNTY/CI'FY ! Gf'�_��y��3 �� � Sp np Observation CoFiu-�xencs or Description Fzsh/She13{ishlCrus�aceant Yresens r BenlhGc h'Iacro ]nvenebracrs Amphibians Pre�erxVSreeding E �� Algae Ar�d/Or Fungus (waser qua]Sty functiori) — Wi]dEife C3zanne3 Vse (i.e_ [racks. feces. shelis. others) r Pederall}• Frotec[ed Species Present {Discontinve) Rsft7elPool Saruciure StabEe Stzeambanks Char�neI Substraie (i_e_ ravel, cabble, rock, coarse sand� Riparian Canopy Present f5P =1� 50% closure) � � C �� CTndereest $anks/lnscream Habeta� Sizuciure Flow In Channek Wetlands Adjacenr To/Contig. Witfx Channel (Discontinne) � J Persiscenc PooislSaruraced Bottom {jtine [hrou h Se c.) — SeepslCsroundwacer L7�scharge {3vne thro�agh Sept_3 Adjacent �oodpTain Present Wracic Material or Drift Lirzcs Hydrophytic Vegeution inladjacene to cEzannel ��GC .. c- c-S Impartant To Domest:c Water Snpply? Y/ N Does Channei Appear Orz A Quad �r Soiis 1VIap? Y� Approx_ Drainag¢ Area. iiiiiiiiniiiiiiuiriiiininiriiini�iii�ira��iiririirnir��iiiriiri�rii�riiarar«rrrnirririiinriiii�iinrni�irirrif�nuii�r�i�����rnir�rri��ir�»r�rrr�rri���irnr�iiin��i�nr�i���n�frir�nur�rnr��nu��ur��i Determination_ erenr=ia1 Channel Incermittent Channe) Ephemeral Channel Ditch 'Fhrough Uptand �S��P) ��mportant Cizanrzel- LF PR�JECT IVIGR_ Initials Ep�oceea) �n��-yportant Channel: LF (no jd) (atcach map indicating locat4on oF imponandunimport3nt charnnel) (r�o yd) Evaluator's Signaiure.- f=f o[lier chan C_O_E_ proyect mar�ager) /I!!/N///!///!!///!IlII N/I //////!I!//!N!f I!!!!/!!I!!1I!/IIl1//U!/!/U!/!N!N!I//I/!N//l //I!!I/I /!I/Nf/1///NI N/f!//IIINlNI/!IN//!/!NN//I!N/I/I /!N/!N//!N/!//I /I //Ilf /I///!I!///I //IN!!/N//I /NIl1 Nf I!I //1I! P=Present SP=Stongly Present NP—Not Present � 1/q/9g 1�i�1�`1+Y_� Dzream L.17�l��iii<:'cl�.lVil r vi �,�,� Project I�arne: R5 L..e_�of� R�.� Pa-ss River Basin: L' �,1+� � �� County: �y,�aol P°-- F_valuator: DWQ Project Numb�r: Date: +'Jcc , � �cr G� Neazest 2�Tarned Streatri: c� � �. ��e� cru �c.. USGS QUAD: � 5�.e bs�o S Q t�t c +�t T v�3 -- o Primarv Field Indicators: rc�,-�r� Ont Num6er Per Gir�e) Latitude: Longitude: $igr�ature: i..ocati os�/Uirec ti ons: �. Geomor iaola A,�isent Weak Moderate Stron 1) Is Tttere A k2.iffle�Pool Sequence? � � �� 3 2) Is Tize USDA Text�re In Streasnbed DifFere�nt �rqm Surroundine 7'errain? � 3 � 3 r Natarai L.evees Preser�t? 1 2 3 q T Chann 1 Sinuous? Q 3 3 5) Is There An 1-�ctive (Or Relic� _ ,� _ � -a 9) Is A Continuous Bed Sc Banlc Present7 � Z Z -3 S nEc u r — 10) Xs A 2"d Order Or Greatar Char�nel (As iradicated rx '�'p o Ma nd/Or In Fie1d Present? es=3 N—Q PRIIIIARYGEUMORPHOLOGYINI3ICATOR POINTS- �r� IL H drolo .Absent Wesic Moderate Stron 1) Is'ihere A. Groundwater Flow/Disctxar a Ptesent? � I 3 PRIMARY HYDROLaGY INDICATOR POINTS: '-t_ Secandarv Field Indicators: (Circl� One N�nr6erPtr l�n�} 3) Does Topography Fndscate A Naturaf I]rainaee Wav? � 5 I� -- 1'S SECONDARY GF_OMORPHOLOGY INDICAT�R PQINTS: �_ II. Hvdralo�v Absent Weak Moderatc StronQ I) Is This Year's (�r Last's) Leaflitter �.--� � 4) Is Water in Channel And �48 Hrs. Since O •5 Ci� I•� 8 `T T' I 1 i f # v i fc C • 5) Is There Water Fn�Ct�anne3 Durir:g Dry �^t-N-'"''r" fl .5 1 1.5 SECON�EtRY .15lX�ROLOGY INDICATOR POINTS: ACTION ID INTERMITTENT CHANNEL EVALUATI4N FORM .4P��.ICAN�' I�SAME PROPQSED CHANNEL WORK (i_c_, cuivert, refocacion. etc.) WATERSODYIAIV�R BASIIV C�^� � r �a! I2ECETI-I- WEA'TI-�R CONDITIOI�IS �� - � SC2 � t �lTc� Y5 _ o t - - ��'�.� � � np.-rE � c �, Tg4 S COU7v"["YlCI"FX � cti� d d t� p sr NP Observatior� Corrz�zzents or Descri tion � Fsh/5hellfisk✓Crus:acearis Prescn[ 8enthic Macro InverYebrates t� � Amphib�ans PrescritlBreeding �— a a A3gae As�d/Or Fungus fwa[cr yuality F�sncison) � Wildl:€c Channcl i)se (i_e_ vacks, feces, shelis, ochars) F'edcrally Pro[ecccd Spec'ses �'rrscnt (Discon�inue) ,' Ri£flclPoa[ Structure � 5table Sueambanks _� Channel Subsaatc (i_c_ vci, cobble, rock, coarse sand) ,_ Riparian Canopy Prescrst [SP =J> 5U% cIosure) 1/ i3ndcrcut Sanks/Insn-cam Habitat Sinscture `, Flow Iri Channcl Wct4ar.ds Adjacent'-i'olCon[ig_ Witts Charxnei (�?iscontinvc) `/ PcrsSsicnt Pools/Satura[ed $ottom (Iaric thr6u h Sc i_ `/ SrepsJGroundwacer L7ischargc (June [hrough Sept_) Adjaccnt Floodplairs Prescnt �/ Wrack Matcria3 or D��ft lines ,/ Hydrophy[ic Vcgctation iNadJaccnt to channei I�poriant To Dom�st'sc Water Supply? Y� N �oes Channel Agpear On A Quad Or Soils Map"� Y� Approx. Drainage Area_ ��i�iiii�ririi�iu�iiiia�an�aiu�un��rfini�n�i��uni�irnnui�������i�i��n���rr��nirrnn�u�rrii�rurnrr�rirn��niun�rrui�rn�uifnrruii[�riniiinri�i����i����ri��ni�i���fi��nnnnin�»rir�rrrr�in Determinacion - Perennial Channe] (stop) � lmportani CT�arsnel: LF PR03ECT 1VIGR_ 3nitiats Intermittent Ctxannel fp*aeed} LFnimportant Chanr►el. LF Ept�emerai Channei fno jd} (attach map indicaeeng locat:on o€ impor[anVunimportanr diannei) ► Di[Ck>'X'hrougi� Upiand (nojd) �valuator'S Signature_ (if other than C_O.�_ pmjcct manager) !Il1IlJ/!!!!I!lIIIIlIlIIIIlIlII/III/IIIIIlf INI!lNII/I!1/IlI�IIlINNII NIIIINNNII NIlI fNNIIlIIIlIN!/II!!!!I!!1!!lIIIIINlNNIl1!!I/IIIIIlINlIUIIIIIIIIIfI11II11 /I JIlINI1Ii1lIINIII/IIN!!II //IlIIfIlINI/I11111 P=Present 5P=5tongIy Present NP=1�Iot Present I i Idl98 �CD�•�V �tream ClaSsi�ication ii'orm Projec[ I�Iaine: f�gl-.eY�6�� {S.�(�c�Ss �tver Basin: C�pe t=�� �WQ Project Number: I�F�arest I�iam�cj Srream: 5-t...:lr�L C[w�� Date: ��� � �4�iq USGS QUAD: (.�Sl-.elos�o � �_.•"r�t Su�L� t..tTl t_Oi Prix-a�.arY Field Indicators: rc�T<<e Ona Nu�r�ier Per Line) c�U��y= R«. � d t,c�� Latitude: Longiiude: Evaluator: }� � � � } Signature: LocationlDirections: Y. Geomor tioIo Absent Weak 1Vladerate Stron 1 Is Ther� A Riffle-Pool Se uence? � i � 2) Is `i'ti� USDA. Textur� In Streambed l�i�fer�nt From Surroundin Terrain? D 1 Z � 3 Are Natur�l I.�evees Preserit'? I 2 3 4 Is The Ctiannel Sinuous? � � 2 � 5) Is `£fiere An Active (Or }2elicj Flooc3 3ain Present? � � �' 3 G) Is `Ttse �tcannel Braided'� C(S� 1 2 3 7) Are Recent Alluvial De�osits 1'resent� O_ 2 3 f3) Is `Ti�era A Bankf�sil �3enc1-� Presenc? _ O � 2 3 9� Is A Contiauous Bed Si I3attk Present? � 1 2 �-� �NC�7'l: - I Bect c4 B�srtk Caused S Oifchin Arid f!'F30U7' Si�iunsr TJeer: Senr = 10} Is A 2r° Order Or Greater Channel (As Indicat�d _ �' ' " _ ._ �� -. rr_1ti � YI2l'!!?A�.CtY GIs�t1�lORPHOLfJG�' INDICATdX POIN2S= II_ E-� drolo = Ahserit Weak iVioderate Stx-on i) ls Tl»re A Grour�dwater —� Flawll]isc:hac e Yr�ser2t'? �� � 3 YI�IMARY HYI)I20L£JGY INDICA7'OI2 YOINTS: 2-- PRIMARk' $IUI_OGY INDICATOR Y�IN7S: SecondarV F'ield Indicatoa-s: (Circ(e Uric Nun�bcr f'erLineJ "��- nd ,�? 3) Does '7'opography Indicate A � �Tatural �3raina e Wa ? O _S 1 SEC'ONDARY GEOM012PHC�LOGY INI�ICATOR POINTS:?�O II. H droio Absent Wealc Moderafe Stron I) Is This Year's (or Last's} Leaflitter Yreseizt Iii Su-e:ambed? I.5 I � �♦ r.- co,�:,T,P„� rlr, T�l-aT,r� lC�r TZrF�ri¢l Vrasent'? O .S __ _ 1•5 4) Is Water In Channel And �48 Hrs. Since .5 1_� L�35C Kn �sv t�3tn? "NC77'Er I Uitc-fe l+sdicctted !n #11 Abuvc Skr Ticis Ste An�i Be! w" 5) Is "i'ttera Water In Channel During Dry O .5 lJ� I.5 Coazcii[ions Or In Crrowin Season ? G As-e H dric Soils Present In Sides �f Char�nel Or ln Headcut ? Ye =I.S No=� SECONDAX Y HYDROLOGY INDICATOR Y�INTS: 5• � INTERMITTENT CHANNEL EVALUATION FORM AC�IOI� I� APYLICAI�T 1�AM� PROPOS�D CHANiVEL WORK (i_e_, culvert, relocaiion. ctc_) _ WATERBOD7'IRI�'ER BASIN g"ECEI�i'1' WEA'T11ER COivD1TiQN5 ' SQ U t L�t T' l l--[� i COUNTYJCITY ::�� ,;r:. �_..�� =4 ='..- __ - DA"i'F_ � e �_�-. �q �t 9 p SP NF Observation Comsnenu or �escripcion „j FshlShclifsA/Crustaceans preser�t � Benchic Macra invcrtebrstes � AmphibSans PrescnclSreeding � Algae And/O�- Fvngus (waicr qual�ty fisnctio») �� Wildiifc Chaxancl Usc (i_c_ tracks, fcces, sheIls, others) Federally Protccted SpccEes Prescnt {Disconc'snuc) _/ !2i£tIeJPool Structure Stabic Streambanks ChanneT Subsaatc � (i.c_ vel, cobaic. rock. coarsc sand) J Riparias� Carwpy Yrescrx2 ($P =I> 5a% closure) � LSndcr-cut San3csJInstream Habitai Stns�'tvre Ffow En Channd Wetlands Adjacent TolContig. Witta ChanneE (DiscontSnue) / Yersistcnt Pools/Saturated Bottom Elunc Lhrou h SC i_ / Seeps/Gsvundwaur Discharge F-�une through Sepx_) J Adjacrnt Fioodplain Preser■t � Wrack Material or Dnft E.ancs liydrophycic Yegeta[iore in/adlaccnt to channe: Irriportant To I3oaaiestic Water Suppiy? Y/�D� Does Cl�annel Appear On A Quad Or Soils Map? Y/ N Approx_ Drainage Ar¢a: i�i��ianni ���i�r�iri�i��iuiraiiir�iiiiiai iiiir�ii����irniii���iin�n� iuii��ii���rr�i�iun��rn i�nrn� ninnn������ur��i�nrr�ui��rr����niiirn�r�rri�rnniriirn�rif�iai��i������n�r��nfiinurrri�r Determi natS ori = perennia! Channel Intermittent Channel Ephem�ra2 C�annei Ditct� Througt� i3pIand fscop) B Importar;t Channel. LF PRQJECi' N3GR. Initials (procced) �]�»postant C�annei_ LF (�o��) (anach map indicat'sng Soca[ion of importanVunimgortaoc channc[} (no jd) Evaluator's Signaturc: (if other than C_O_E. pro,�cct manager) � i ��� ��� � �� i�� r � �� � r� � r� � � � � � � r � i r i� � ��� r r� r i r r � r r r r� r i � r �� r� r n ��� � �� r �� �� i �� � � �� � � ��� � � � i �� n � �� �� i � � � � i�� � ��� n� � � � � r� � r � i i� � i�� � r� i�� � � � r�� � � r i�� r i� ����1 � �. � c � � �� r���� �� � ��� r� r r �� i�� � � r i ��� � �� u � ��� � � � r� �� � r� � i � � � � � r � r� P=Present SP=Stongly Present NP=�Tot Present 1 I�4�9$ iV C��Y C� Stre�m Classification Form Prc�jec�t N�iine-�S��bafa !3-a+(�ars DWC� I�roject 1�Iuinber: 17�te: � c. 8!4 4' G i2iver Basici: C'�p� f=�.-� Nearest I�:.amecl Stream: So��..� ��.,-g LJSGS QUAD: y9 S►.nlonrc� - 5 �E2c� uT'os_Or PrimarY Field Indieatoars: {crr�re C7r�e Ncrnc6er PrrLirie% Cos�nty: %Lc��c�.c[ P � Latitude: Longitude: F_valuatar: ��, f�/� � � 5igriature: Locatio n/Direc tions: I. G�orxxor �liolo Absent Weak Mod�rate Stron 1) Is "I'hcrc A�iflle Yc�ol S�qt�et��e'� � 2 3 2) ds "Ttic USC7A Texture In Stseambed Dif#erent Frorn Surroundin� Terrain`� (J 1 �7 3 3 Are Natural Levees Present'? � 2 3 4� I5 The Channel Sinuous`T C7 1 3 5) is Ti�ara An Active {Or Reiic) FIood iain Present'? O �I� 2 3 6) Is 'I'tie Channel E3raided'� �-B� I 2 3 7j Ase Recent Alluvial Deoosits Present? C�'7 1 2 3 � Is 'i'here A Banicfuli Beszci� Presen[? F, 2 3 9) Is A Con[inuous Sed Sc Bank Pre�enc? O 2 3 [ NOTE- IfBe t� Barilc Cue se i Bv �'[N 'f� And WITHOUT Sinuusitv Tl:en Score=0* � -- 3U) is A 2"d �rder Or Great�r Channel EAs Indicated On Tot�o iVlap Arzd/Or In Field) Present`� Yes=3 N�O �_ PRIIIIAKYGF_OMOI2PHOL�G�'INDICATOR POINTS:�� YI Hydrolo�v Absent W�3k __ Moderate StronQ 1) is There A Grourzd water F1owfDischarge Present'� � 1 �2 � 3 PI�IMARY HYDROL�GY IND.IC�4.TOR POINTS: f.�_ III BioIo�v A13sent WeaIc Maderate Stron� 1) Are �'et�rous RooEs Yreser3t Zn Streambed`� 3 G� f _ O 2t ar� Rr,r,rP�i P3anrs 17rPserir In Strearrebed? f3� 2__ _ 1 � PRII�IARY BI�LOGY INDICATOR i'�I1VTS: � S�condary Fieid Indacators �{Circle D�te NunxGer Per LrncJ C�7 ■ 3) I7c�cs 'I opograpl�y Fndicuc� A N-�tural DrainaQe W-iv'� O 5 Q� 1-� ------ S�CON7�ARY GEf7MOItYHC�LOG3' INDICATOR P�IN:C'S: �_ TI Hvdre�lo�v Absent Weak IVFoderate Stron� 1) Is This Y��r's (Or Lasi's) LeaflitEer Yretian[ Isi Strc:urxahc.ci'� 1.5 1 C�� O 4) IS W�it�r In C:h.ic�rzel A�zd >48 Hrs. Sin�� O _ 3 1.5 LaSt KI2()wt2 F±2lin? "NCl"I'E: !'Ui[cle Ir�dicurerl !r� #1 A6uve Ski Tfxis S[e � Arxcl #S E3elo�v" 5) Is'1'iiere Water In Channel During Dry ..,nG�.�w--- O .5 1 1.5 Cor�ciitions Or In Growin Season 7 G� Ai'e Hvdric: Soils Presen[ In Side� Qf Cliannel (�r lr7 Headcui)'? Ye�S � No=O SECONDA�RY HYDROLOGY INDICAT'OR YDINTS: _�, S ' �. � _ �,5�� �_ INTERMITTENT CHANNEL . '�- "� EVALi7ATI�N F�RM ACTION ID APP�ICAI�i3' i�AME DATE B J�� /�� PROPOSED CHANNEL WORK (i.e., culverc, rclocacion, etc.} WATERBODY/RIVER BASYIV C C <<--r COL3N"l"'Y/CITY . c��p� RECEIV'1' WEA"I'%LER CONDITIONS �:�.-� f.._�1 � � r� ? r � t.t Tv 5'— .7 t Important To I7ornestic Water Supply? Y/ N Does Ctiannel Appear On A Quad �r 54i3s Nia�? Y! N Agprox. Drainage Area- II / r Irll/IrI I!I IIN!/IIlIIIIIINIIIII! IJ I! !! II JIIIlI I! !JI NI !/� �� �INI1 I/ NII II/I lIIIINININIIIl1I11IlIlIIlIIl1l11!lINIlN/II�lIIIIIII/INI ��IIIIIIII IIlI!lIII/IlIIIII!!IIlINlININ!/ I�eternaination: P rennial CYiannel Intermittent Channel Ephemeral Channel Ditch Through Upiand (scop} � lrnportarit Channel: LF PR03ECT MGR. Initials iproceed) LTnimportant Chant�el: �-F (no jd) (atcach map indicating locatiori of importanduszimportant channei) (no jd) Evaluator's SlgnaLure: (i£other than C.O.�. projccx manager) I I/ I II IIIII N 1IIII 1III!lINIII 11 I II 11 II I11 I I 1111lI II ! N NI I III IIII/ IIINl11111lII IIl1 1111! IININIIIIIIII1111lIINIIIIlINII!!11l11!/INIIINNIIIIINI!!II/I/Il/I!!IIlI!!II/IINIl/INIJ!lNIII P=Present SP=Stongty Present NP=Not Present l 114/98 N�D rV atream L:�ass�ilca«v�� r�j ��� Project I�Fame: A���`���� �-� �"�s5 River Basin: CqP e��v� Co�nty: �nde! P�� Fvaluator: IC, t�q LJ DWQ Projcct Number: Nearesc Nampd Strearn: Se,.a4. Pr�. 7 Date: t�ec. �y � 4R � L3SGS QUAD: 1Ayl.cboco — '.� �- 5 t� 4�t � ui` o S Prirr��rY F�Q�d Indicatox�s: (Circl� Onc Nirmber Per �ne) 2) Is 'Fhe USDA Texture In Saearnbed Latitc�de: Lorxgitude: $ignature: Location/Directions: 5) Es There Ari Ac[iv� (Or R�lzc� � - 2 3 Fto d lain Prasent? � s c C nnel Braided? I 2 3 7 c 12ece t Alluvial De sits Preserit? 1 2 3 Is T'her� Ban�cfull ench Present? 1 2 9) Is A Coniinuous Bed 8z Bank Present7 D i � 3 B k u e r= 10] is A 2rd Qrder Or Greater Channei (As Iradicated fQ n To o IvI nd r In Field Present`� Yes=3 N PRIMARY GEOMORP25FOLOGY INDICAT4R POINTS:�� IL H drola AbsenL Weak Moderate Stron 1) Is Ttiera A Csroundwater 3 FiowlDischar e Present? O I 2 PRIMARY HYDI20LOGY INDICATOR POINTS: _�, 1 Are Fibrous Roots Yr�sen� �n Jrreamocu: -- � 2 Are 12ooted Plants Prescr�t �n Streambed? C� 2 2 3 '11 Tc PPrir�}�fvl[-fn �feCEii[? . .-_ _ � .-. � PR.IMARY S1'OLOGY INDICATOR POINTS: Secondar Fiel.d Indica�ors: {Circic Qnc Nunx6er Pcr I.irteJ I. Geomor taolo Absent Weak 1Vioc�erate Siron �s 'x'here A Head Cut Present In Charinel? O 2 1.5 2 Js "i here A Grade Corntrol Point In Ci�annel? .5 1 1.5 3} Does Topograghy Indicate A Nacc�raf Draina e Wa ? O _5 1.5 SECOND�IRY GEOMORPH�LOGY IND�CATOR POINTS: i.S II. H drolo Abseni Wealc Moderate Stron 1} Is T�is Year's (Or C.as['s) Leaflifter _� �� 5 O 4) is Wat�r In Channei Ar:d �-48 i-3rs. Sirsce �► --� ' `> �N TE- Di h i ! d iP v i i le n`I • 5) Is There VYater is� Chant�el During Dry v,r,�.r..�r' fl .5 I 1�� Conditions r Iri C:rowin Season ? 6) Are Hvdric Soiis Present In Sides �f Channei COr In Headctst]? Yes 1.5 No—fl - SECONDARY KYDRaL�GY INDICATOR POINTS: �- 2� Are i c A CTI Di�I ID INTERMITTENT CHANNEL EVALUATION FORM APPL]CA1�T TIAME PROPOSED CHAiVNEL wOli.K [i.e._ cuiven, relocation, etc_) WpTERBODYlR.1VER BASII\ Cp�]� �� �! --- RECFTFI' VY�A'I'1-lER CDi�iDl"FIOi�S i.-t` '7 _� C a�-'� Gi i�FZQ VC � O,j -Jr'.�-.v::ary��� ' - �f DATE �Q c . P / �? -rf af couiv-r�ic�-r� �-o,� ��s L a � P S� NP Observation Coi��ments or Descri tSon FshlShcllfsh/Crustaceans Ps'c5eni ✓ � Benih9c Macro ]nvcrtebrates l Ampk,ibians PrescnFlSreeding `� AIgae f�nd/Oi Fungus Ewa[er quality function) {`G�V� WildiSfe Channel Usc ('s.e_ cracks. feces, shells. orhers) Federally Protec[ed Spccics Presen[ {Disconcinne) �- E2ifflclPool Slructvrt L` Scabic Streambanks ', 41Q �{ � �' o,� '� f� Channei SubsVste •/ (s_c_ vci, cob�ic_ rock. coazsc sand) Riparian Canopy Prescnt ESP =I� 5096 closure) — � I- - Q l L7ndcrcvr. BankslInsircam Habitat Structurc ��- Flow Irx CAanncl Wetiands Adjacent TOICoritig. Wich Channel (Discontiriue) PersFs[cn[ Poolsl5aturated Bonom ✓ (3unc throu h Se L) SeepslGroundwater Dischargc (June chrough SepL_) � Adjaccnt Fioodplain Prescnc / Wrack Matcrial or Urifc Z..ines Hydraphytic vcgeration in/adjacent to channeS Irnportant To Dorrsesiic Water Supply? Y f N Does Channel Appear On A Qnac� Or Soils Msp? Y/� Approx_ Drainag� Area. nliriaialunll/Il�Ilauiiiii/Iii�nniiirinli�a rrniinniirr���niiln�inirii�i�riniii�iini�i�r� ��inrnnrn�frn�ur�iin�aiinniin��nirri�nniin�nni�runniiii��rnr�inr�����iirur�irri�ririrrarri Detei-minafioit: erenr�ial Channel Intermiitent Channel Ephemeral Channel Ditch T�rough Upland (S�Qn1 � Irngortant Channei= LF PROJECT lYIGR_ Initials �procecay Unimpostant Channei: �F (no jd) (acrach rriap indicating location of :mportanVunsmportasit chansiclj (no 3d) Evsivator's Signature_ (if o[her thar� C_O_E_ prqjcct managcr} �a�iiiiuni��iiirnur��nanani�au�i�u�u��a��unn�n�rnii��anu���n����i�nn��nu����n�i�r�i����a��i���r��r�a��i�ntnii�ur���uin��������ii�nn��<��innri�ru����i�rnin���in����rn��ii�nn���� �=Present 5P=5tongly Present NP=Not Present I 1/4/98 IV t::l? YY �tream L.�as����c�►� v_n r vi_�ss Project Narne: }� gL��,lo�rc, �$,,�q$ 5 Aiver Basin: ec.P-t f'«+� DWQ Pro�ect l�Iumbsr: Nearest I�Tamgd, Scream: L. ti-1 t� 2:.� cr l7ate: �iQc_��� 144� U5G5 QUAD: �L.e�o�� <<� a1=3a-r3�--��� �,`;','-c-f�:-�-E� �,_. l�Z Lt i a 2- v 3 PilI11�I�V Fleld Il�dIC`c1�UiS: {CircleOre�N+erntierPerLine) Courety: � qn� a 1 P�1 Latitude: Longitude: Evaluator: 1�. �'tq 1 � 5igxxature: L.ocation/Dir��tions: I_ Geoxno holo Absent Weak Modcrate Stron 1} ;`I'here A Ri�,f't7e-Poal SeQuence? � 1 _ 3 2) Is The L35DA '['exture In Streambed Different �rorn 5urraundin� Tecrain? O 1 � _ 3 Are atural Levees Present? I 2 3 4 Charinel Sinuous? Q 1 3 5) Is There An Active [Qr Relic) _ ood lain Pres�nt? Q 2 3 - �.. , -> '� 9) Is A Continuous Bed 8c Eank Present? O � � 3 ► Sa k � - 10) Es A 2"d arder Or Greacer Channel �As iridicated n"I'o o Ma d/Or In Field Pre en[? Ye =3 No PRIMARY GE�llI�14PHOL.OGY INDICATOR POINTS: II. H dco�o Abserst Wea�s Moderate Stron 1) Is There A Csrounc�water Flow/Discl�a e Pres�nt? I 2 3 PRIMARY HYDROLOGY INDICATOR POINTS: � PRIMARY BIOLOGY INDICATOR POINTS: Seeondarv Field Indicators� {Circic onc Nunf6er P�r Lina) 3) Does Topograpf-sy Indicate A �Iatucal Drairta e Wa ? O 5 1_S SECONDARY GEC7MORPHOLOGY INDICA.TOR POINTS: 3. S ��. H c3roio Absent Weal� IVloderate Stron i) Is Titis Year's (Or Last's) Leaf]itter � Present I�n Ssreambed? 1.5 1 .5 2 Is 5edimexit Qn Plants r Debris Present? O .5 1 1_5 3 Are Wracic Lir►e I�res nt? .5 1 1.5 4) Is WaFer In C13annel And �48 Hrs_ Since •5 i �•� ax • i i r n ' i t 5) Is Thcre Wat�r Fn#Chanrtel During Dry ,�,�,a� O .5 ] 1.5 'ti Growin Season � �� - Ar H dr'c oiis Prasent In Sides f hannel Or Zn Hcadc c? Ye 1_ u=0 SECONDARY HYDROL�GY INDICATOR POINTS: �-�5 1.c� �' `� - . � . _ �NTEI2MYTTENT CHANNEL �i-�- � - EVALUATION F�R_M AC"FIOI� ID APPL3CAl�i'F NA1L�E bA"T'E c� ec-- � L.�Q�' `� PROI'f7SF_A CHANNEL �;'ORK (i.e., cvlven. reiocacion, etc_) •'ti`n?ER80DY/R.]VERSASIIti CgP2 �Cq� COl_JNTY/C1TY_ �Zi:�r��[YErj� _ RIF:E-F.N-3� �ir£:STHER CONU77'2�3\S �.Afti-Cti1 �� � �- � � �-t�z u� �-�3 � S� �g Observation Comments or Descrintion FFsh/Shellfsh/Cruscaceans Present - Serxihic h4acro Invenebraces � AmphiDians PreserxVBreeding Algae And/Or Fungus fwater q�ality funcFion) Wildlife Ck3anne] Use Ez-e� [raelcs, £eces. shetls, others) Federally Proeecced Species Presenc(Discon�inue) RiCf7e/PooI Srruc[ure � Stable Streambanks Ci-�anne} S.�bstrate (i_e_ avei, cobb]e, rock, cbarse sand) Riparian Canopy Yresen[ (SP =/� 50% closure} r, EJndercu� Banks/instream Hahitat Strucmre Fiow ln Channel Wetlands Adjacent To/Cortiig_ With ChanneI (�iscon[inve) l�ersistenc PoolslSatura[ed Eoctom � (3urxe chrou !i Se [.) Seeps/Groundwacer p�sc3�arge (June through Sepc.) Adjacent FloodpiaSn Present � wrack 3vlarerial or Drift L'snes Hydrophytic Vegecacion ir�/adjacenc to channei Importarzt To Dornestic �Vafer Snpply? Y/ 1�F Does Channel Appear On A Quad Qr Soils 1VIap? Y/ 1�I Approx. Ilrainag¢ Areac ir�firir�i�iaai�iiuii�iriniirii�iin��i�iriri�rri�ririiriruaffiifinrrirnina�iiaiir�iiari�iii�riai�irii�anirnrf�irii�nfrr�r�ii�rn�ri�n�n�ui�ri�u�rr�i��f�in�fii�rrnr�i�r������u r�ni��u n�r»r�nin� Determination_ erenr�ial Channei (s�op) � Important Channel_ LF PR�JEC3" NiGR_ 3nitials Tntermittent Ctzannel (proceed) �]�=mportant Ci�anne2- LF Ep�erneraF GI-iannei {no jd) (attach map indica[ing location oC importandunimporcant chanr�el) Ditch Tizrough Upland Cno jd} Evaivaior's Signature: (�f other chan C_O_E_ projecc manager) Il1 /I f!!!N//NII!/1/!N/!/I /NI!/!Il!!Il11Il1/!II!/!IIlIlI!/!/NIII //I /N/JIl11 /!////IIIIIlI /I!!!I!/!!/1 //I /l111l1/1 ////I /!II!/!lI/I N1 J!lINIIIIlJII NIIIINN/I!IlNIffIIIN11 /IINI/IIIlIIIlN!!IIlNIIlfI11I11lINI/IlIII J P=Present SP=Stongly Present i�IP-F�Tot Present 1 I/419$ ���il.i y� �7 1.7�-� GCilil \�tiw.7.7aia.�-�.a �..l�-� Project Name: �b1-ti�ba�o dy �GSS DWQ Project 2�Iumber: � River Basin: CaP�- t"� Nearest I�Iaxz�C� Stream: L; �► �t 2: .,.r coun�y: Ro.� �e�� 1� Latitude: DaEe• a e_�_ �, icZot� USGS QUAI�: 14s��b`� Longitude: 1— � iZ l�i'� d �--{ Prirx�arv Field Indi�atars: rc�r��e �^� Number Per LineJ FvaFvator: ��. ��w { l Signature: Locat i onlDirec ti ons: 2) Is The USDA'i'exture In Srreambed 2 3 Di eren Froxr� Surroundin Terrain? U 2 3 - � -- < � . --- -- ,-,___.�_..o /iD - 1 - 5) Is "£here An Active �Or �elic) - 2 � F!p o lain Present? d Is e C nnel Braided? � 2 3 - - - •- ^ _'., n r� _ 2 3 9) Is A Contin�ous Bed 8t. $ank Present? O t c_5' - a� k +s T � r = ;Q} Is A 2id ord�r Or Greater Channel (As Indicated rx To o Ma A dtOr Ixi Field Present? Yes=3 N` pRIMARY G�OMORPHOLOGY INDICA,TOR P�INTS: '�_ II. H drolo A,bsent Weak Moderate Stron 1} Is 'Ftzere A Ground water 2 3 � F1owlDischar e Preseni? fl PRIMARY HYDROLOGY INDICATOR POINTS_ ` III. Sio[o Absent Weak Moderate Stron - - . ... � rn 1 _ O PRIMARY SIOL�GY INDICATOR POINTS: S SeeondarY Field Indicators �_{Circle Oree Nunrber Prr 11ne) I_ Geomoc holo Absent Weak ModeraLe Stron Is There R Head Cc�t Present Ir� Channe�? O _5 �'� 2 Is There A Grade Controf Poin[ In Channel? O •5 j� 3� Does Topography Indicate A l�iatural Draina e Wa ? O .5 1 1.5 SECONDARY GEOMORPHOL4GY INI7ICATOR POINTS: 2'-� II. H droio Absent Weak Moderate Stron 1) Is This Year's (Or Last's) Leaflitter .� �.� 5 p Are W racx trincs rre -cr�t • -- � 4) Is Waier In Ct��r�neI And �48 Hrs. Since 0 2 �'� i'� • T- Di h i at d � � � 5) is There Water �n Channel During Dry „��,E�,� - a •5 7 f.5 C ndition r in Growin 5eason ? Are H dric 5oi[s Presen In Sides f Channek �r In Hcacicut ? Yes I. No=O SECQNDARY HYDR�LOGY INDICATOR POINTS: -S � R � i � — -` � ��� � INTERMITTENT CHANNEL - �-��— �-� EVALUATION F�RM ACTIOI�I ID APPLICAI�IT :�iA�.I� DA3'F_ � Q� �� 1�-Qg PROPOSED CFiAI�FNEL 'WORK (i_e._ culven_ relocation_ etc-j wATEl2SODY/R7VERBAS3Ti Cqpt �t..r COUN'i"Y!C]TY i`w��a�p� _ RECES�1' WEA'FI-�ER CONDI'F30NS ��,��-a C-�-a�-t.�� _ �SJ`� �T'_ - �--[T2 uTpe{ p sp �p Ol�servaiion Coizu-a�ents or Descripiion Fish/Shellfish/Crustaceans Frecent � � Benthic Macro Znvertebraces '� AmptTibians Preser�UBreedsng - AIgae And/Or Fursgus (water q�alicy functFon) WiIdiife Channei l]se (i_e_ tracks_ feces. shells. o[hers� Federakly Arotected Species Present (f7iscontinue) Rifile/Poo1 S�ruccvre Stable SveambanFcs Charinei Su�scrate (i.e_ rave�, cobble, rock, coarse sand) " Riparian Canopy Freser�t f5P =/� 50`Tc c]osure� � ro5'�' FJndercuc Sanks/Insaeam Habieat Strucmre Ffow in Channci Wetlands Adjaeeni TolCon[ig_ Wich Channe3 (Discontinue) Persis¢ent Pools/Saxuraced Bo[[om (7une tTirou t� Se i.) SccpslGroundwater D9scharge (]une chroueh Sept.) J Adjacen[ FToOdpiain p�ecent / Wracic Materiai or Driit Lanec Hydrophytic Vegetation ir�/adjacen[ [o channei Irr�portant 'Fo Domestsc Water Supp)y? X/�T Does Channel Appear On A Quad Or SoiIs Map`� Y� Approx_ Drainage Area. iiini�iiriin�rniriii�i�rin�iiiiiriiriii�iiiri�inainni�n���ririanniiii�n��rnri�nui�n��rrr�ni�irrnu�rr�rii�iu�niininn��in�n���i�i����in����i�n��������r�r�n��n�ni�iunnn�nr�rn��n�rn���u 17eiermination: erennia] Channei fscop) B Impor[ant Ctiannel: LF PROJECT iVIGR_ irsitials Incerma�cent Channei Eproceed) L3nimportant Chanreel- LF �phemeraI Channel (no jd) (arcach map iridscatFng iocatipn of smportanVunimportant channel� n;t�h -rnTo�gr� up�a�a Cno Jd) Evaluator's Signatprs_ LiE other t3�an C.O.E. projecx mar�ager) �i�ini�r�n�n��uirii��rrir�ri����irai����rnii�ir�i��a���nui��i�n�iuiu�r��u�ir�nir�ri�ri�ri����iru��ii�iu��i��rur�nnn�i�n�in�nnn�u�ir�n�n�r��ru�rnrrin�r�r�urrinir�iiiirruinifri�ir��r��irirrr P=Present SP=Stongly Present I�TP=Not Present ! 7/4/98 1�ti.%� �Y' v�.+��- � _ --_ River Basin: �`tiPR' � �`� projcci Name: � �he��'� {�,� {�4 s s pwQ Proj�t rtusnber: Nearast I�iam�d�tl'B� � Daca: 'a2c. �5. �`�-ti EJSGS QUAD: �4.��JOfo .t„�--f—'`2--" .e1� �.#rL uTv3 _c��_c�z pT"i�l$ Field Ind�ieators: {Clrrfe One N��r+ber Per L�ne) co���y: Rq.,.d�s tP � Latitude: Longitudc: Fvaluator: ��- ' �� �; Signature: Location/Dircctions: 2) Lq 'i'tse LTSDA T�xturc in Sircarnt�cd 1 3 ee � � 2 3 ' u ? d 5) Lq 'I'h�,.re An Activ� (�r Relic� ��.� � 2 3 O 1 �9 � 9) Is A Coniic=uous B� � B�k �''�sent7 _ Yp) Is A 2 Or+dar Or Greatar Cizannel (As I�ndicated _3 No PRIMARYGEOMORPHOI.OGYINDICATOR POINTS: � v II_ dr 1 Absent Wesk Moderate Stron 1) Is Th�rc A Csroundwatcr o 2 PRIMARY HYDROL�GY INDICATOR POIIVTS: �� � ts Pres R in ed -3 1 O n a�nts P e t i S m e 7 3 I � 3 3) Is Perinh a ent7 �, , � 3 pItI1�IARY BIOLOGY INDICAT�R POINTS: '-t Secondarv Field Indicators: (Circle Onc Num6tr Per LlneJ I. Geonno h Abserit Weak Maderatc Stron p 5 � 1.5 I u zn n e Q 1.5 e ra e ntro Paint In hannsl7 � 3) Does TopograQhY Indicata A � 5 q� 1_5 ra D i � SECONDARY GE�MORPHOLOGY IlYDICATOR POINTS: 3 - II. H drolo Absent Weait Moderatc Siron 1) Is This Ynar's (dc La-st's) L.eaflitter � s � __ � Q� IS W9EGf IR Channet And �-48 Hrs• Since �'V` p 'S � �� - . - .5 • i 1.5 5) Is Thcnc Water Iss Clsanrtet During Dry �1,L.�o..rY'- � Cond � w n - - -- - .. • -•.� v../ v s Nn=O _ SECONDARY NYDR�LOGY INDICATOR POINTS: Z�I.I3iato bserit Wesk Moderate Stroa _ - . �-rt� .5 1 i ' v INTERMITTENT CHANNEL EVALUATI�N FORM ,ekCFiOH II? APP'f.ICAfTT NAME PYiOPO.SED CHANNEI- WORK (i_�_, culvcrt, rziocati�n, cu_) _ WATERS�DI7YIR.IVER BAS�1�T C C Ft �r gECE7V-I' VYEA'1`HER CO��i'i'�0�15 t�.�`-i - f f� �{ � s-[ �0 3� ob —v z n�.�-E g�o s-�- S Y 4 COiINTYIC�TY 0S 4 � 6n [ �� �nsporta�at To DotYzestic Wate�r Suppiy? Y/ I�I Doe.s Channel Appear �a A Qasad E)r Soi�s Map? Y/ N Dcterminatior�- Ptrcrinial Channal In4crmitfnnt Charsnel Eplaemcral Channcl Ditch Througii Upland Approx. Drainage Area: � i �� � � r �u� �� n��n����r�� �nun����r��inn���� �����u����i �r �� nni���i�nannnmurnni (s�p? � Importar�f Channel_ LF PROJECT MGR. xnitisis Cp��) i3r�important Chanrael: LF (no jd) (attach map indicaiing locacipn of importanVunimportan[ channcl) (no jd) Evaluator'a Signaturc: (if o[her �han GO_� projccc managcr) fr�infi�n��iruiri��u�nrr►►uiIIJI1Ili11u!llnl/111IIlIJI!/Id NI!//I!//IIl1/!/1II/I/I!I/II/1I/NIIII/III/1//IN/////I/IINlI /1II NII N!I /I!!1/I!//i11lNI NIlIl1/Il1I!lJINIINlf I/11lIIlIlIINlIIlf/!I!I!/11///IIflIll /I P=Prescnt SP=Siossgty Prescnt NP=3�iot Present ! l I4/9$ a-tv3ocs raaszx: � S`�G''�nCa �a��✓c�.s j I3WQ Arojact Nu�rzber: i?ste' 1p <--c f5 icavcr oas�n: �c�r � i—«., N�-���t Nampd �ts-csm: L �1� {L`.3e-� U5C3S QL.TAD: �. �t-.t.ber�a . �- ' TI�YL �r�rv3_o6-or p�lone��t-4 F'ield Iadica tors� CCfrc4 Or+c N.oraGrr Pcr L1se�� �.auncy: �Gey� cy �ll� }-� Latitude: Lorsgitude: r vaeuazc�r �. ! �� � Signature: Locatiors/Dircctions: Absen Wesk Mocicrate Strats 1) Ts 'FAarn A Riffic-Poai Seauar�c�T O 1 � 3 Z) Is TZae LiSI3A 'Tnxtuc+� ia S�camb�r.d � � h i7x+ce M Activo (Or ReIic) 9) Is A Con�inuoos Bed � Saak Preaent? Q i Q1 3 t�a_ �rer� s �.� .�� �nrlsrocrss���n. �� sco.�so��------- -- - — — -- 30) Is A 2 Qrder Or f�reater {�ns�el (As Indicatcd Oa T000 MsnAndJlar In Ficld3 Prosent? Yer-3 N�� __ ____ __ - PRIM,iRYG�U]�lORPHOLOGYINDICATOR POINTS. � II. Hrdrologr Absent Wealc Moderate StronQ 3} Is 'I�e A C�roundwater Flow/Dia�charQ� Prr.s�nt? O a 2 3 PRIMARY HYDROLOGY INI]ICAT4R PQIIVT'5:.,��_ SecQadarv �ie1d IndicatoarsS {CLrtYaOncNsrn�brrPrrLlaeJ 3) Doas Topography Indicate A �etvrx3 Drsinasa Wav7 O .5, C� I .5 . . . _.._. SLCOND.�RY G�OM�RPHOLOGY INDICATOR POINTS: -3 II Absear�t Weak Moderatc Stror� 2) Is This Y�ar's (Or La.gt's) I.caflitcer O 2� Ys Sedimeni On Plants fOr L?e�rislP_resent? O .5 1.5 3l Ara Wrack E..ines Pras�nt7 �h .5 1 1 5 4j Is Wsier Ia Ci�annal Arid �48 Hrs. Siace � n U .5 1 I.5 [�at wsl►7e �in? f�NOTB: Il b!� .se .rdroa3rd h�s /I1 •+D The.r Slen And �S B�low_�] � I.S �1C[C wA[Ot IS! �811tlCj �littttg �Tjr . �,`i�,.'�� � .$ l 1 5 ' �. '.�..----- �QSI��LIQh! dr Tii �tOVYil7Q SC8SOfi1� � t n=0 �ECOIVDARY HYDROIAGY INDICATOR PDINTS: _�_ �I- B�o�a�� Absent ,, We.ak __ __, Moderate StronQ �. s._ �:_s. ���.� - - . � � , . � :1 i..� l��.��C�i. D�.���..�7 � ACI'iON ID INTERMITTENT CHANNEL EVALUA'1'I4N FORM APPLICANT NAME PROPO.SED C33A.NNEL WORK {i_c_. culvcrt. re€ocacion. �tc_) ww-rERsonsrnuvEx sasarv e �� RF�ivz- w�.�-n;�rr coivnzz-ior�s f f�YG .ul 03�vC-o! DATF_ �e-C- � S I9 �1 `� CouN-�rictz'�r _ G �t P � Important "To Dozriestic Wsfer S�ppiy? Y f N I?oes Cha=ar�el Appear Oa A Q�ad Or Soiis Map? Y/ N Lkccrmination - Pcrcnnial Channel Irit�rmitt�nt G'hann�I EghcmcraI Cttannel Ditch TI-�rough Uplartd A�grox_ Drainage Area= �� i i � r � ��r rn • i� � ni�um u�ii�u�i�rrnrrni tu�nai��i ii �r irui�rnnn��a����iir��iu�i (stoP) e Important Chanr=e1: LF PRC73�C� MGR_ lnitials (P+'��? L3nimportant Chanr�el. LF (np jdj (attach ss�p indicating loca[ion of imporxanVor�important channcl) {no jd) Eva➢uator's Signature: (if other than C.O.E_ projcct sr�anager; I /1II J I / /I!I / I!/I!I /IN / II/I //1/ I Ni/I I 1/ I!Il1I1II11/!NI IINII!/I!lIIINI!/I/II/1/11I1/I!/I p-pr�scrit SP=Stongiy Present . 1�iP=Not Present I��`��gg 1���7:.�`���� iy�.��L:.cKwc.L 6�..�iaL..'��.alita.-►aa-i... — ___ � Itiver 13asi�1: �q�t rt�.r C�Lts�cY: J�o.�bef�� 'rojcct I�i:�snc. {�SL.ebo�o C,S��nss pWQ Prn}��t Nusi�i��r: I�iearest I�I.ini�cl 5t[--a C/'Ei3L� I.:sLitudc: ,� ✓i� LJSCGS C�UAIJ: �n Lc�n�itt:cic:: �aie: � e C L� r-s rj L. G Loa to c� aL �-��� Yrinia�-v �`ieid Ine�ie�te�rs: {c.«te O�+r Nr+��ei�er Per f1���) 2� Is "I`�tie I�SDA `Faxtur� In Sireaizzbcci _ __ . �-. . '_—_",.a:�.� Terra�n f'.Vilitl:iiUi' �� �' `�l.-� S'ibr�ature_ LUC:1i F V ll/� s 1-�=�= t 1 U[1� : Are Natural i.evees Present? n 1 � 3 4 ls "i'[�e Channei Si=iuot:s`? 5) Is'i�iicre An Ac[ive (Qr Relic) 1 ' 2 3 Fiooc3 kain Preserct? 1 2 3 is T3ie Channe! F3r�iided'T Z 3 -' _ �-. ._-, w i�.......1 TlPr�r��ifc PrP5ei3t? . Q n 3 _ q} Is A Continuous B�d �C I3aszlc Present7 U a (*NQT6- Iffled h£3�erik ��.+use�� Fr Dircf�inQ flricL W.fll1C7LI7'Si��ur�e-irY 77re e 5 ar — 1D} Is A 2"d Order Or Greater Channci (As In�iicaLed ��� n� "io o Ma Aa�dfOr En Ficld I'resent? Yes=3 pIt.IlIIAKY G�OMOIZPHOLOGY INDICAI'OR Y01'N?'S_ lt II. H drofc� � Al�se�it 1�Ve.zk iVInderatc 5trvx� �� Is Tkiar� !-t Grousadwatcr � 1 =; �'low/Disc3��iz- e Prese:zt? PI2IMARY HYIJROI OGY IIVDICA.TOIL POIN7S� I3 I'RIMAI��' L3IOI_t�GY 1ND.ICATC)K 1'U,INI'.5: S��Q�(�,��' F'ield lndieators� (C'irc•2e Q�ie Neerr�l�er!'rrGf�+r) ATJserit Wcak Modcratc Strn:i i. Georrsnr liolv 5 1 _�r�--- 1.ZIs�rk�ere A fi�niil Cut f'cesen[ In C3aa:xnr�17 U S -� 1.5 2] Ls "I'iFc=i•� A Gr�c3e C_vss�t'c,f I'crizzt In Cli�as�ncl? d—__ 3) L]c�e� `I'c�4�ography la�ciic:atc: A L3 5 � 1.5 I�fatural 17r:iinaee Wav'? � .SIiC[)NUAIZ ]` C�L ()M [7It�'II C�LC1 C; ]' I NL�I C:.�1� 1'fJlt I'UI N"1 :5 -_�� A►75cn� We:�k IVfoclerast� Sfroia ii_ H c3r<>fo' 1} ls'I'iiis Ye.�r's (C3r L_ast's) Le:�i7itter � . F're�ei=t l�s Slrc-ninUcci'� �.5 _ �i � _ .S L �Is Seciizneiit Un I'l.iszis [Or Drt�ris Present? � � 1.5 3� f1r�. Wr:�ck Lit�es Yr�sai�t`I () _5 G�-7 1.� q) �5 Watcr Ii� C:hx�ci«�=k /�Txr! >4S lit's. Sisice I.as€ Krte��rl'� �NUT'r: ! Ui�cle !r dicrerrcl !r� A' 1 llf� �ve Sk� !%iis fe nrl S ISclsiv' 1 1.5 5) Is "I�l�erc Water F4� C�iannei I�uri�zg L?ry ,/� {��_ _ Co:�c3itiocis Or In Gcowicx • Sensc�n�'� !.. !-.. ----� rr,� x., u..,..a,-„r�'� Yes�l_S _ Nn=O y, ,. .. . . _. S.L:C[1Ni7AlZ �' II YI�XOf_C7G Y INI3IC�l3'C>R �'UI 7' . � INTERMITTENT CHANNEL EVALUA`T14N F4RM AC3'I03�i I3� A�PLICAi�7T NAME PRQPOSEI) C7IANNEL WORK (i_c_, culvert. rclocation_ etc_) _ WA"I'EK.SODYlRIt'�7t $ASiI�i �a RECEri'7' WEA'i'HER C�I�TDITIONS .S.�nr��, S 1.,..�-�--�. � l�� C t'`t B� u T 1 t 3ri �_ __ _ �=t na�-� t'J -e c t�� [4 � 9 COiJNTY/CITX r-- p � � Observation Comments or Descriprion Fsh/5hcll�Fish/Crustaccans Presenc f Bcnthic Macro SnvcrFcbrates Amph:biar�s PrescntJBrccding � e A3gae And/0r Fungvs (watcr c}c�a3icy funcoon} Wild3'sfc Channai Use (i_e. tracks. feccs. shelis, od-.crs) Fcderally Protected Species Present (Discos�tinue) � Riffle/Pool Su-ucture Scablc S�eambarcics � Channel Subsua[c (i.e_ av�I, cobbIc, rock, coarse sand) Riparian Canopy Prescnt {SP =J� 50% ctost�re) ilndcrcrst Baraks/lnscrcasn 1-iabitat Swcnxre Fiow Tn Char�ncF e[tands Adjaceret To/Contig_ With Cl1annel LDisconcir�uc� Yersistcnt PoolslSaturated Botcom {Junc throu h Se t_) � SccpSlGrovndwaicr Dischargc (3une through Sep�_) �� Adjaccnt Floodplain Present -� Wrac)c Matcrial or IJriTt Lsncs - Hyd.vphytic Vcg�rat:on iNad�acent to channcl Isnporta�t To Domestic Water 5s�pply? Y f�T Does Ctiannel Appear Ors A Qusd Or Soils Map? Y T� Approx. Drainage Area: fN��Nn�nr��ln�iir�nu���n��i�mrirrn�f��ni�ui�umm�nirr�n�rrii�nm��»�n�nn��ruunan�ni�a�nrun�ifi��i��anir��ni�nini�nninrr�r�ninnr�ur�nn���rr �n�i�r���rnu����������r������ur Determi nati or� _ rennial ChanneI (S�oP) � Irriporrant Chanrie2: IYF PR�JEC"i' MGR_ lnitiais Interrrzittcnt Chann�I Ep���d3 Unisnportant Chanrsei. E_.F Ephemerai Channel (no jd) (actach map indicacing Socation of importanVunimponan[ cl�anneS) Ditch Tt�rough Ugiand (no jd? Evaivator's SigrsLurr_ fif otS�cr [f�an C_0_E_ projcct managcr) � III /I/I/IIlf ff RI! II I/I /1 NII I!I /!Nf I llll /I !ltI111 N/JIlI /III N!!!U /IlIII fI! IIIlI f JII N!! 1/! � I!!!N!I III /I! 1111 {II!!II /II!![I /I N IlIII ! I NI N IIII I1I1I /! 11 !! N I IIl II fl1II7IlI IlI III I II ! I! II N I f!I NI f I I I/I /I! I/! /1II II!!!I /I I P=Present SP=Stongly Present 1�FP=Not Presenc � 1�4�g� i'��Fa�i`�' , ,. ;:s�.� �:�r��� ��r::�:��.�:�... .. ��,. � � , r ?rojcct Natnc: �.,r: -� � �� DWQ Project I�iuinL�er: , ���e_ ��-� t���� iti�+er F3asin: '_.'i � - Near t r�am��s Slrca:ii� C���p Lr -e��p USGS QUAD: Primarv r3��� ;����ators: re=r�r� (7r+e Nuirrl�er Per I,iixe1 � SS 1 i[c=ic r� ��• ..... �----- --- Z) gs 'I"�c USDA Tcxtti�rc; in StrcarnbecI �� �s Tlnere An Aciive (Or Relic) CC}LlRijf. ' . . 3,ssl itucie: LUti�'iiuilC: Mrs�3[�E-:�Cc r:v<�r«.,t�s: , Sign.tltirc: Location/F]ix ccf �c�i�s: Lf �(�c� y�-.-u.�-c,.. �� C�- r3 G cw-�o y �,v .�,� �- �.P s, ��� SCron� d, ✓7.8 l r,r' �� ��i '7 p,re Recerit Alluvial 3�c osx�s rresGr��: - 1 2 � __ g Is Thcre A Sanlcfisli F3cnch Presersi� � 2 3 9) Is A Coniinuous Becl 8c. Banle Present? p !�N T •! ed Sc IInr+k Caused £ir I7i�chrno 1irs�l l�'{T'f C)UT' Sr�t+r i_. � f1> 7Jeeir Sr<�rc=_a-� i0) Is A 2id Orcier C7r Greaies- Cilanszel {As lnclicatec] Nn_�.; C3st "I'ono Ma �1ri� d!C)r In Fiefd Preset�t? Yes=� . PRIMAKY GF01t�lOI2PFIOLOGY rNDIC'AT'OI2 I'OINTS:�-- II. Hvdrolo Ai�se»t Wc-tic iYI<irlcratc Sfrc�i> > L) Is There A Groundw.�ter � 2 _ 3 ---- -- FiowlDiscttarsc F'r�sent? PIZIILIAF{Y HYDROLOGY IIYDICA7'OI2 POIN7:5: 1 PItIMAR�' I37f�IJC)C>Y INDICATOI2 f'OIlVT'S: S'QCpFI(�cll' Fieid Ind�e�tors: rc�r�re ane Nunrl�erPer Lir�r) -. � ...•r'�c� ' '�- Y Ak�se�;t Wezic Moderate Sira:i " I_ Georrsor tioio ----- - .S �' 1.5_� I Is `ihere A fieaci C�[ Present In Cha:3i�E1? 4 5 I 1.5 � 2) Is T�here A Gsade Cc�ntrc�i Pnirit In CFzann�3? p—_ �-- 3) D�es Tc�pogsapl�y Inciicate A n 5 j � I.5 11[a[uC.11 lJ!-alna c rr ei : - SECONDAItY C,E�MC�RPHC11.C1C�Y INI7IGA7'OR YC)INTS:�. II. H dres[� Al�sciit We�k M�scleratc Stiron 1) Is i'ttis Ye�r's (Or I..ast's) Leafii[ter �� � -5 _ O ��/iF[= W CBCK Llllc>> c x�.�.,aa� - 5 j ,. --- 4) Is Water it� Ch.irtinci flrtrl >4f; f-iss. Si�tce � T_.itSC �ri' K:3tlz'7 �NUTG: ! lJifcft !r dic-nrre!!ai � I ilbr�ve Ski 71eis .Sre Ai�tl {IS licfn�v�) — l 1.5 � 5) Is "I�i»re Water I�n Cktiannei During i7ry � 'S _—� — -- -� Cor�ditions Or In Csrowin Scason)� ----- f��{) _�— �i) Ax-c Iivdric. Soils f'resec�t_I�i 5ides Of Citiznnei CQr lri Hcaci�ut}? Yes=1 5 _--� -- .STCONI�ARY IIYDRCII_OGY INDIC'f1TOR �'C)IN7'5:�.�. II�. I�ic�lo� 1) Are FisYi _ .. n . S -- ��1ff�V�C� 5tream Ciassiticatian Form Projecl 1�Ia:ne: � St,_a 1a��o C��e►..�t DWQ P�oject NumUer: i2iver Sasi��: CaP� t'-oe.� Nearest E�Tame�i Stream: —S- o,!'� 1 � g .-.71-� r�lw -�-� �-• CUuniy- Fvc..r�b.al +" i'�- Latitude: I:7ate: pQ.0 .��q`�� USGS QUAD' �} 51-���arb Longitude: 7�4 iv `� t,c T o S Yrimarv Fieid Indicators: {c�r�re Orrr Nurrxl�er Prr Lirie} Eva3uator: �L• i`� � � 7 Signature: Location/Directions: I_ Geori�or holo Absent Weak 1VIod�rate St�t'ox► 1 Is 7'ttcre A RiFi�e-Yool Se uence? O � 2 3 2) Is "]�kie i�Si�A Text�sre: in Stx-eanibed IJiff'ere�nt Frcriez Surrc�und�n i'errain'? U F � 3 3) Ps.�e- N�i€ut.l� Levices Prese_nt'? i'd) 1 2 3 __ 4) Is'ihc- Cizannel Si�zuo�is'� O 1 �L'� 3 — 5} Is `T�i�rc An Active (Or Relic) i _ � y) Is A Cc�ntic��o�is Bed 8r. BanFc Yresent'? Q 1 L'2-� 3 (*NUI'fi': ff6r�I r.& Brl��k Gctet�'e�S B 17itchiri Arttl [f'i1C�UT'.Si�i+.�r�si 7'/ie�i S c�re=0" IU} Is A 2rd Order Or GreaLer Channel {A,a Iticiica�ted Oa To o NEa AredfOr In Field Present'> Yes=3 N�-� FRIt1lARY GEC7lf�14I2PI.70LOGY INDICA7'OR POINTS: ��_ II. H droici Absent Wealc IVlocierate Stron ].) Is There A Groundwater �Iow/Disciiar e Preserit'? � 1 2 3 PRIMARY HYZJJItOLOGY INDICA7'QI2 POINTS: � PI2IMARYBIOLOGYIN.DICATOR YOINTS: � S�COilC��X' FIe�C� Ii1C�3C8�0I"S: {CircleOnrn/r<nil�erPerLine/ 3} Dc�cs To�ography Izidicate A I�Tatura3 Draina e Wa ? (J .5 i.5 SECONI7AI� Y GEC711�IOI�YH OL aG Y INDI CA T012 YOIIV I'.S: �1 • a II_ H droioa .�4bsent Weak Mo[lerate: Stron I} Is Ttiis Xe�r's (Or Last's} LeaFlitter �resent In ScrEambed? I.5 � � 2 Is Sedia:ie:ii O:i Plan[s Or Debris Present? O .S 1.5 3 Are Wracic Li�aes Yresent? O .5 i.5 4) 1s Water Iri Ciiannel ��id �48 Hrs. 5inc� O _5 �•� �.eiSt �tx w�t �ail1? "NOTE- ! Dilcfc lrtdicared Ln ff11 �il��rve Ski Tftis S�e flnrl �Y f3eln 5) is "lfiere Water In C�annel Duririg Dry O -5 � 1.5 A SECONDARY HYDROL4GY IN.UICATOR YOINTS: �NTERMITTENT CHANNEL EVALUATION FORM APPLICAIVT NAME PRdPOSED CHANNEL WORK (i.e., cuivere, relocacion, etc_} WATEI2.BODY/RIVEfZ SAS7N _ �Q..P {, r��"� RECENT WEATHER CONDITIONS 'r/¢yT u T� S ' V����:s�:� --_ - i�ATE C�-2� . �,J4,'�! �l COUNTYlCITY � � f��� �' Sp NP Observacion Comm�nts or Descriotion 4� FishlShelifisfi/Crustaceans Present `I Ben[izic Macro Lnvertebrates f Amphibians PresenVBreeding �-0-5� 1 _` Afgae And/Or Fungus {wacer quality Func[ion) wildiife Channel Use (i.e. cracks, Fecec, shells, octiers) +`.o- � FederaIly Protecced Species Presenc (Discontinue) Riffle/Pook Struceure Stabia Su-eambanks b - ✓ v� . n � /" c... Channel Subsuate (i_e. ravel. cobbie, rock. coarse sand} i—� ftiparian Canopy Present (SP =/> 50% closare) �- Llndercvt BankSlInstream Habitat Structure �� F7ow In ChanneI etlands A.djacent To/Contsg. Wich ChanneF LDiscontinue? Persistent Pools/Sacura¢ed Bottom (Iune throu fi Se t.) SeepslGroundwater Di>charge (June thrnugti Sept.) f Adjacent Floodpiain Present Wrac]c Material or �rife Lines Hydrophytic Vegecacion in/adjacenc co channe3 Important Tn Dornestic Water Supply? Y/ N Does Channel Appear On A Quad Qr Soi3s Niap? Y/� Approx. Drairiage Area: uruuiniu��nrrn�n��nr��nnr�iu�rn�inunr rnnrnri��ur ���i���rnru�� ���r nrirr �fn��n�nrn�u��u���u�u�fu��u��u ������un� �n�i��� ��r �ru�u�����n������������u����i� �nu��������u�ur�in� � rruir� Deterininaiion: ecennial Channel (5top> B Important Channel: LF PROJEC"T MGR. Initials Tnterm'sttent Ci�annel (procced) Llnimportarzt Channel: LF Ephemeia! Channel Cno jd) (a[each map indicacing location oF importanVunimportant channe!) Di�ch Tkzrough Upland Cno Jd) Evaiusior's Signature: (if oLher than C.O.�. project manager) IIN//I/NIIlI1I/!!I//II/IJIlIII/I/!!/I/II!lINIIINIIlINNlIJIIJIIIl1I/!!I!lINII/I!N/!/!//!!!!1Il1/111JI1//!!//1!/J!!I!!!//Il1I1!/!!/I11fI!/1lJIII/IllJ!/!fI!!/!!!I/INJI!/I!!////!////I!/!!!!!!!!!!I!/I/I!/I1I/1IIIlNl1/I P=Present SP=Storagly �r�sent NP—Not Pr�serit i 1/4/98 ecrJSice: g ation = DATA FORM ROE]'I'INE VYETI,AND DET'ERMINAT3QTI (1987 C�E Wetlancls belineation 1YlanuaI) Asheboro Bypass NCDOT Karen HaII (Earth Tech) Do l�iorrnal Circc3mstances exzst on ci�e site? Yes X iVo Is the site s3gnifcantly disturbed (AtypicaI Si[uation)? Yes No X Is ihe area a potential Probierri Area? Yes No X (If needed. exPlazn in rerriarlcs_) County Rar. StaEe: NC CommuniLy ID= Wetland Transect ID- Plot ID: Tanr-I VEGETATION Dominant Plant S cies Scratum Indicator pominant PYant S cies Stracum Ind3cacor L.iriodendron tuli e era Ccino FAC Lonicera "a onica Yine FAC- uercus hellos Cano FACW- cer rubrum Canopy FAC Lf uidaml�ar s raci ua C�no FAC+ cer ruhrum SuScan_ FAC Vaccinium co mliosum Subcan. FACW Ilex verticiiTara Su6can_ FACW Inus serrulara Subcan_ FACW+ asmunda cinnamomea Herl� FACW+ Percent of Dominant Species chat are OBi_.� FACW or FAC [excluding FAC-) 90 Remarlcs Cutov�r area with �rrnny »vaple sprouts appx_ S years old. HYDROLOGY Recorded Data (Describe in Remarlcs=) Wetland I-3ydro3ogy Indicators: Stream, Lake or Tide Gaug� Primary Indica[ors: Aerial PI-iotograpiis Inundaced Other X Saturated in Uppec i2 inches X No Recorded Data Available Water Marks Drift Lines Field Observa[ions. Sedirrien[ Deposits X 7Prainage Patterns in We[iands Depth of SurFace Water_ �I2 (in_) Secondary Ind�ca[ors (2 or morc rcquired�_ X Oxidized Root Ci�annels sn Upper 12 in_ DepEh to Free Water in Pit: �l2 (in.) Water-Stained Leaves Local Soil Survey Daca Depth to Saturated SoiS: Sur�ace (En_) FAC-i�ieuEral Test Otf�er (ExpIain ir� Remarlcs� Remarlcs: O so I2'; soi! saturated_ Hardpan 8eneath_ Conu-nunity ID: We[land na-rA ForzM ROiJTTNE WETLAI�TD DE3'ERMINA'FiON (1987 C�E W¢tlands Delineation 1VIanual) ojecd5ite: Ashehoro Bypass ppI icantJOwner: NCDOT vestigacion_ Karen HaI! {Earrh Tech} o Nprmal Circumstances exist on the site? Yes X FVo the site significantly disturbed (Atypical Situation)? Yes 1�Io X tiie area a gotential Problem Area`_> Yes l�Io X [If needed, explain in rernarks.) �are_ County: Scate: Con�mc�nity ID- W�tland Transec[ ID- Piot ID: Tant-F CU, VEGETA3'ION Dominant Plant S eczes Stratunn Indicator I3orninant Plant 5 cies Stratum Indsca[or Li uidasnbar s r�ci ua C�nv FAC+ uercus all�n Cano FACU cer nchrum SuEcan_ FAC Ld uidambar s racz ua SuI�cQ.re_ FAC+ LsrSodendron tu7i i era SuBcan. FAC O derxdrum arhoreum Subcan_ NI Rubus ar r.�tus Shruh FACU Percerit of Dominant Species that are OBL, FAC'W or FAC (excluding FAC-) 67 Rernarks: HXDROi,pGX Recorded Data �I]escnbe in 32emazics_} Wetland I-Iydrology Indicators: Strears-i, La3ce or Tide Gauge Primary Indxcators: Aerial Pi�otographs Inundace8 Otfier X Sa[ura�ed in Upper 12 inches X No Recorded Data AvaiIable WaFer Marlcs 3anft Lines Field Ohservations: Sediment Deposits Drainage Pattems in Vlre[iands Depti� of Surface Water= �I2 (in_) Secondary Indicators (2 or more required)= Oxidized Root ChanneIs 3n Upper I2 in. Depth to Frea Water in Pit= �I2 (in.� Water-Staincd Leaves Loca1 SoiI Survey Data Depth to Sa[urated Soil: Sscrjace (in_) FAC-IVeuirai 'Y'est Other {Explain in Remarlcs) I2emarks: Appears to 6e several hiilside seeps Fn thfs area_ Corzimunity ID= Wetland Transect ID: Plot �D: 7'ant-F' (I]pper) SOILS Mag Unit Name Drainage Classc (Series and Phase)= UwharrFe Confirm lYlapped Type? SCes Ta�conomy Subgroup: Fine, mi.xed, semiactave, thermic Typic Hapludult X �To Profile Description: Depth 1V�atrix Color MottIe CoIors MottFe Text�sre, Corzcre[ior:s, (inches) Horizon 1vlunseIl Moisc) Mr�ns�ll Moist? Abundance/Contrast Structure, ecc. Q- 1 A 7_SYi7 4/2 Ioam c1a 1-8 Bt] 2.SY6/I Ionmv clay 8-16 Bt2 2.SY 7/I 7.5 YR S/8 manv. rominent Ioamv cfav Hydric Soil Indicators: H3stosol Concrenons Hisiic Eptpedon Hi`eh Orgariic Confent in Surface iayer in $andy Soi1s Svifidic Odor - prganic Streak_ing Sn Sat-�dy Soi3s Ayuic Mois[ure Regime Listed ori 7_..ocal Hydric So'sls L.isr. X Reducxng Conditions � � � � � � � � � � � Listed on Naiional Hydr'sc Soils �ist X Csieyed or Low-Chroma Colors Ocher (Expiain in Remar%s) Remarks: Layer I�elow 8" is deple[ed and dry_ VVETLAI�TD DE3'ERNIINATION Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? X Yes I�io Wecland Hydrology Presenz? X Yes No Hydric Soils Presen�? X Yes No Ts this Sampling Point Witiun a�Vetland? X Xes No arks = DATA FORM 3iQiJ"TiNE WETLAND IIETEAMII�TA'�'7.QN (1987 COE Wetlands Delineatian ManualJ �oJecVSite_ Asheboro Svpass pplican VQwner_ NCDOT rvesEigaaion: Kaserz HaII (Earth Tech) o Normal Circamstances exist vn the site7 Yes X ATo ihe site signi�canEly disturbed (Acypicai Situation)? Yes No X the area a potenual Problem Area? Yes No X (If needed. explain in remarlcs.� Date- I2/3/]5 County: Rarcdol --- - -- State: NC Corr�rrtunity ID= Wetlan Transect ID: �'iot ID: Tani-F VEGETA'TIOIV Dorrunant PIant S cies Stratum Indica[or pominant Plant S cies - Strarum Ind3cator Li usdam7�ar s raci ua Cano y FAC-r cer rul�rum Cano 1• FAC cer ruSrum Su%can_ FAC Li uidambar s raci u� Subcan_ FAC+ Vaccirzium co mhosum Subc¢ri. FACW .Rul�us ar utus Slxrub FACU Juncus e usus HerE FqCW+ Cares sp_ Herb FACW Percent of Dominant Species ihat are OBL, FACW or FAC (excluding FAC-) SS 12emarks: � HYD320LOGY Recorded Data (Describe in Remarlcs_) Wetland Hydrology Indica[ors: Stream, Lalce or Tide Cauge Primary Indicators- Aeriai Photographs innndated Other , .. _ _ _ _ . . .. -_ _ X Satura[ed in LTpper 12 inches X No Aecorded Data Avai]abYe X Water Marks Drift Lines __ . Field Observations: X Sediment Deposits X Drainage Patterns in Wetlands Depth of SurFace Water: � J2 (in_� Secondary Indicators (2 or more required)= Oxidized Rooi ChanneIs in Upper i2 in_ Deptki Lo Free WaEer in Pit: _.__ > I2 (in_) X Water-Stained Leaves Local Soil Survey Data Depth to Sai�.xrated Soi1= Surface (in_) FAC-Neuual 'i'esc Other {Explain in Rerrzarks) Remarks: Appears to be several hilisfde seeps sn this area. Comrnunicy [D= Werlarsd Transec[ ID: Plot ID_ T�nr-F SOILS Map Unit Name Drainage Gass_ (Ser��s and Ptcase�: Uwharree Con�rm l�apped Type? Yes Taxonomy Subgroup= __ Fine. mi�red, semiactive, thermic Tvpic Hapludult X I�To Profiie Descnption= Degih � Matrix Co1or Mottle Colors NiottIe Texture, Concretaons, {3nches) Horizon (1Vlunsel3 Moist) (MunseII Moisc} AbundancefContrast Structure, etc_ f)- i A 7_SYR 4!2 Ioa clav 1-8 Bt] 25Y6/I Ioamy clay 8-26 Bt2 2.SY7/I 7.5 YRS/8 rr�se , rominenr Ioasn cIa Hydric SoiI indicacors: HistosoF Concreiions Hisiic Epipedon High �rganic Conient in Sur£ace I�yer in Sandy Soils Su3fidic Odor Organic Strea}cSng in Sandy Soils X Aquic Moisceare Regime C.isred on L.ocal F3ydric Soi3s List X Reducing Conditions - Lisied on NationaI Hydric SoiIs Lsst K GIeyed or Low-Cfsroma Coiors Other (ExpIasn in Remarks) I2emarlcs- T..ayer I�elow 8" is depleted and dry_ WETLAI�TD DE'I"ERi1�IINATiON Hydrophytic Vegetat9on Present? Wetland Hydroiogy Presen[? 'Hydric Soils Present'T Is this Samplsng Point 'Wiitiin a WetIand? s: X Yes No X Yes No X Yes L�Io X Yes i�To DATA �'ORM AO[3TI]�TE WETLANI} DETERMINA3"IO�T (1487 COE V►tetlands Deiineation Manual) YrojeCVS�t�= Asheboro I3ypass AppkzcanUQwner= ]VCTaQ7' Invest9gatlon_ �. Kare�c F7aLl (Earth Terh) �o �7ormal Circurnstances ex9st on ttia site? Yes X i�Io Is the site significantly disturbed �Atypical Situation)? Yes No X Is [he area a poteniia] Problem A�ea? Yes 1�To X (lf needed, explain in remarks_): L73te- IL/. County- Ra� ScaEe: NC Community ID= Upland Transect 3D- Ploi ID: Tant-H VEGETAT�Ol� Doitvnant Plant S cies Stratum Ind3cator porYunant Plant S ecies Stratum Indicator uercus alEa Cano FACU uercus stellata Carzo FACU cer ruErum #R�F! FAC Cornus orida Suhcan. FACU cer rubrum Subc�n_ FAC Ox dersdrum arboreum Subcan_ NI Rubus ar utus Shru7i F.ACi7 ndropogon virginicus Shruh FAC- S»xilax rorundi olia Vine FAC Percenc of Dorrunant Species that;are OBL� FACW or FAC (excluding FAC-) 38 Remarlcs: HY17I20LdGY Recorded Data.(De�cribe i� 32emacics_) Wetland I3ydrology Indicators_ Scream. Lake or-Tide Gauge Primary Indicators_ Aenai Photographs Inundated Q[her.__ ._ _ Sacurated in Upper 12 inches X No Recorded Data Ava3lable Water Marks Drift Lines Field Observations: _ Sediment Deposics Drainage Patterns in Wetlands Dept3i of Surface Water: �l2 (in.) Secondary Tlndicators (2 or more reqnired)= axidized Root Ci�anneIs in Upper 12 in. Depch to Free Water in Pit: �l2 (in.) Water-Stained Leaves Local Soil Survey Data Depth to Saturated Soi1: ' �]2 (in_) FAC-1�ieuEral Test . bther (Explain in Remarks� Remarks: Cornmunity ID: Upland "T'ranseci IL7_ Plot ID: Tant-H SOILS Niap i3nst [Vame Drainagc Class= (Series and Pfiase)= Uwharrie Confirrrc Mapped Type? Yes Taxonomy Subgrou�= Fine, mixed, serrtiactive, thermic Typic Hapludulz X No Profle Description_ Depth � Matrix Cokor Mattle Colors Motile Texture, Concretions, (inches) Honzon (Munsell Moist) (Munseli l�ois[) AbundancelContrast Stnacture, e[c_ O-I A ]OYR 4/4 loam 1-3 AB 2_SYR 6/4 cLayey Coam 3- I 6 B IOYR 7/6 cla Loam Hydric Soil Indicators: � HisEosoI Concreiions Hfsx3c Epipedors High Organic Conien[ in Surface Layer in Sandy Soils Sulfidic Odor Organic SYreaking in Sandy Soiis Aquic Moisture Regime Irsted on ivcal Hydric Soils L.ist ���- F2eclucing Conditions _ Listed on NationaI Hydnc SoiIs Lsst Gleyed or Low-Chroma Colors Other (ExpIain in Remarlcs) Remarks= WETLAND DETEi2MINAIZQN � Hydrophytic \Tegetation Present? Yes X No Wetland Hydrology Present7 Yes X No Hydnc Svils Present? : Yes X I�Io Is tk�cis S�mpling Posni Witiiira a Wetland? Yes X 3�io _v5�te_ canE/Qwner= igation= Da-r� Fo� I2QiI"TI1�TE WE"FLAND D�TERMINA'I'ION (1987 COE WeElands Delineation Maneaal} Asheboro Bypass NCDOT Jane Alman (Earth Tech) Do NormaI Circumstances exist on the site? Yes X 1�Io Is ciie site significant{y discurbed (Acypical Satuaiion)? Yes No X Is tl-�e area a pqiential Problerrt Area? Yes 1�Io X (If needed, explain in remarlcs_) Councy: State= Coczxnzunity ID= Wetlan� Transect ID- PYoi ID: 7'ant-H VEGETATION 17ominant Plant S ecies Scracum Iridicator pomsnant Plant S cies Scracum Indicator Liriodendron tuli i rrQ Cano FAC Microste ium vimineum Herl� FAC cer rubrum Cano FAC C'arex s. Herb FACW Pinus taeda Canopy FAC XanthorhizQ szmplicissinva Herh FACW- Ca inus caroiin¢ana Subcan_ FAC SmiL¢x rotundi oLia Vine FAC Vaccinium co •mbosum SuScan_ FACW Woodw¢rdia vir inica Herb OBL Ilez o aca Subcan_ FAC- Ulmus ruSra SuEcan. FAC Ligustrum sinense ShruE FAC uncus e sus Har7� FACW-+ Percent of Dorninant Species ti�at are OBL. FACW or FAC (exctuding FAC-) 93 Remarks: I3YDI20LQGY 32ecorded Data (Descnbe in Remarlcs_) Weciand Flydrology Ind3catorr_ Stream. La1ce or `F3de Gauge Primary Indicators: Aerial Photpgraphs Inundated �ther X Saturated in Uppar I2 inches X No Recorded Data AvaiIable Water Marlcs Aricft �.ines Fxeld �bservations: Sediment Deposits �rainage Patzerns in Wetlands Depih oPSurface VYater= �l� (in.) Secondary Indicators (2 or more required�= Oxidized Root Channeis iri Upper 12 in. Depth to Free Water in Pit: 6 (in.) Water-SEa3ned Leavcs = Locai Soil Survey Data Depth co Saturated Soil: Surface {in.) FAC-Neutral Test Othcr (Explain in Remarlcs) Remarlcs: Communi[y II7: Wetland DATA FC]12�'L7 FLt7LJTII�E WEiL,A.l�k`D D�* TERIYII1�iA3TQN' (19w87 Ef7E Weilands I3eiin�ation F►Ranua3) A pp I i c antJ'Owne r_ NCDCiT Irsvesiigat'se�n: Kcrren Ha£l {Earth Tech) i3o 3Voranal Circumstances exist on ttaa: s�te"7 Y�s X F�Io Is Che sate signa�cantly dascurbed {AEygacaI Satuation)'� Yes No X. Is ti�.e. area a potential. Probl�m Area?� Yes 1`Ta X � (If neesled, ex�lain an remarks.) 'VEG�TA'I'IOI`3 DaEe: I2l3I] 999 �qts.nty- F�2el.ndolg�h State_ NC Corr�rnun'sty ID_ Transect II3: PlciE I�: Do�-ninant F'lant S ecics : Stratum Indicator Dc,rninanc Plant S rcEes Stratum Indicatvr Panus echinasa Ceano v FAC�'J LirFodendron tula i er�r +Can�o FAC Qu�er�c.us cxl.lace , Canop3� FR�U uercus ru,bra Cs:ncr y FACU '�Cornus �aridcs � Su6ccin_ FACU �Idex es aca�� � Subc�crn_ FtiC- Ci dendrum tarborez�m Subccxn_ 1V7 Tipulcr�ia dascoCor Herb FAC'U Vit£s rotundi olfcz Vane FAC �.,�..P�rc�ent of Dominarxt S�p�cies tT-aat a�e. C7�'iL, FACW or FAC Cexclud.ing �/�..C-) '.�5 Rerrxarks: HYDAOLQGY I2�corded �3�ta {Desc�zbe in Rerxaar#cs-} Wetiand %Iydrea$ogy inciaca[ors: Sireaxn; Lake or Tide Gau�e £'rimary ]ndica�cars: Aerial F'hotograghs Inun,3ated .Oti}er_._: _ Satura[ed "ara L3gper I2 ir�ches X No Recorded Data ,4vaalabie Water 1;✓iarrics �3zaft �.�nes Field C�bservations: � � Sedixnent �e�-iosits Drainag� Yatcems an Weslands �eptt-r of Surface wda[er� = >12 (in_) Secondary Inciicators (2 or more requised�_ C?xidize+d R+c�at Charenels �n U�ger I2 in_ Depth tc7 Frce Water in P�t. aI2 (sn.) � Wates-Sta�neca Leav�s _ Locai Soil SuX..ey �3aca D�ep[ts €o Saiurai,�d 5oiE-. - 372 (in_) " F�C-LV�eutral T�st C3ther (Explain in Remarics) 'Rernarks: +C�orl�n-iunffty ID: 71'pfand Transect 7D: Plot 1D: Tant-H SOILS Map LSnit Name . Drainage Class: (Series and Phase): Uwhnrrie Confirm Mappe.d Type? X Yes Taxorxomy_Subgroup= Firte, mixed, semiactFve, thermic Typic Hapiudulr No Profi�e Degcription: Depth Matrix Color Mottle Coior's Mottte Texture, Concretions, (incYses) Horfzon Mtansell Moist) (MunselI iYloist) AbundancelContrast Structure, etc_ D-3 A IOYR 5/6 cla e loam 3- 16 B SYR S/8 cfay F-3ydric Soil Indicators_ - . _ H istosol Concretions . Hisuc Epipedon High Organic Content 'sn Surface layer in Sandy Soils Sulfdic Odor �rgaruc Suealcing in Sandy Soils Aqvsc Moisture Regime Listed on I,ocai Hydric Soils Last Reducing Conditions Listed on NationaI Hydric Soiis Lfst Gleyed or Low-Chroma Coiors O[her (Explain in Remarles} RemarTYcs: WETL,ANI3 YIET"ERiVIINA'TI�N Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? Wetland Hydro3ogy F'resent? Hydric Soils Fresent? Is ti�is Sarrixsling Poini Within a Wetland? arIcs: Yes. X No ` - Yes � X No ' Yes X No � Yes-. .X No DATA FORM ROEJ I'INE WETLAI�D DE'FERMI1�iATTON (1987 COE WeElands �elineation IMlanual} PrvjecdSite_ Ashe6oro Bypass Applicant/Owner. NCDOT Investigation: Karen ]ya1lJRon Johreson (EQrth Tech) Do Normal Circumstances exist on tlze site? Yes X i�io 3s the si[e signifscantly dis[urbed (AtypicaI Situauon�? Yes No X Is the area a potential Prob3em Area? Yes I�To X (If ne�ded_ exvlazn in rennar}cs_) Da[e- ]2115/I999 County- Randolph State: NC Comn�unity ID= Wetiand Transect ID- Plot ID: L.R Q VEGETA3TON Dominant Plant 5 cies Stratum = Indicator pom3nant Plant S cies Stratum 3ndicator Salir ni ra SuEcan_ QBL Li uidarnhar s raci ua Subcan_ FAC'+ Inus serrulata SuScan. FACWt Carex s . Herl� FAC=W Juncus e sus Herb FACW+ SCir us Cy erirzus Herh OBL Percent of Dpminani Species thai are OSL, FACW or FAC (excIuding FAC-) lO0 Remarks: HYDRQLOGX Recorded Data (Aescnbe in Rernarks:) Wctland Hydrology Indicators= Stream, Lake or Tide Gauge Primary Indicators= Aerial Pho[ographs 7S Inundated Other X Saturated in Upper I2 inches X No Rccorded Aata Avaiiabia X Wacer Marks Drift Lincs Field Observations_ Sediment I7eposets X Drainagc Pa[terns in Weciands Depih of Surfacc Wa[er: SurJ'ace (in.) Secondary Indicators (2 or more requSred): X Oxidiz�d Root Ctxazanels in Upper 12 sn. Depth to Free Water sn Pit= Surf'ace (�n_) X Waier-Sta3ned L.eaves Loca1 SoiI Survey �ata Deptlz to Satnrated Soil: Surface (in.) FAC-1�Feutrai Test Other (Explain in Remarlcs) Remazks Community ID: Wetland "I'ransec[ ID: Plot ]7a: L.R Q S�I�.S Map l7nii 1�Tame Drainage Class- (Series and Phase): Unknown Confirm Mapped Type? Yes Taxonomy Sobgroup_ _ _ _ X No Profile Descnptson: _ _ Depth _ Matrix Color Mo[tIe Coiors MottIe Textnre, Concretions, (inches) Horizon (Munsell Moist (Munsell Moist) Abundance/Contrast Structure. etc_ p-4 A 7_S YR S/I c1a e foam 3-7 BI 2_5 YS/I clayey Loam 7-I6 B2 2_5 YS/I 7_5 YR S/6 common, rominenr cIa e Ioam Hydric Soil indlcators: HistosoF Concretions I-Izsuc Epipedon . Higti Organic Con[ent sn SurFace Layer in Sandy So"sls Sulfdic Odor Qrganic Str�ealcing in Sandy Soils X Aquic Moisture Regime I.isted on L,ocal Hydric Soits C-sst X Reducing Cor�dit4ons . L3sted on NaLsonaI Hydric Soils Lrst X Gleyed or Low-Chroma Colors Q[her (�xplain in Remarlcs) Remarks: WETLAND DE'Y'ERMINAI`Y�I� Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? 7G Yes No Wetland Hydrology Present? X Yes l�io Hydric Soiis Present? X Yes 1�Io Is tYais Sa:npling Poant Within a SiTetia�d? X Yes No em arks = nA�-r� Fox� ROUTII�FE WETS.AI�ID DE�'ERMINATION (1987 COE VYetlands Delineation Manual) Projecc/Site: Ashe6oro Bypass App I i c an V Own er: NCD�T Investigation= Karen HaII (Earth Tech) Do Normal Circumscances exist on the site? Yes X 1�Io Is the site signi�cantly disturbed (Atypical Situation)? Yes 1�Io X ls the area a pocenual Problem Area? Yes No X fIf needed_ exc�iaSn in remarks_) Date: I ]/5/I Couezty: Rando Sia[e: NC Commeinity iD: Wetland Transect ID: Plo[ ID: LR C VEGETATIQN Doxrvnant �Iant S ecies Straium Indicator pominant PIan[ S ecies Stratum IndicatOr cer ruhrum Cano FAC Li uzdamSar s raci ua Cano FAC+ Quercus phellos Canopy FACW- Li ustrum sinense Shrub FAC ]les o aca ShruS FAC- Cornus amomum Shru7� FAC4Y+ Carex s _ Herb FAG"W Lonccera japonica Vine FAC- Smilax rotundi olia Virie FAC Perc�nt of Dominani $pecies that are OBL, FA�W Or FAC (excIuding FAC-) �78 12emarks: ���xo�.oGx Recorded l�ata (I?cscribe in I2emarks-) Weriand HydroTogy Ind�cators. Stream, Lake or "I'ide Gauge Primary Indica[ors: Aerial Photographs X Inundated O[her . X Satura[ed in Upper 12 incizes X No Recorded Da[a Available X Waier Marics X I�rift Lines FieYd Observations Sediment Deposits X Drainage Patterns 'sn WetIands Depth of SurFacc Wa€er: Surface (in.) Secondary Iridicators (2 or more required): X 4xidized Roac Channe3s in [3pper 12 in. Deptii io Free Water in Pit: Surface {in_) X Wacer-Stained Leaves X LocaI SosI Survey Data Depth to Satura[ed Soil: Surface (in.) FAC-Neutral Test OLI-�er (�xplain in Remarlcs) RemazFcs= COrxxrY.unity ID- WetLand Transect ID: Plot IA= ,Z.Tl C S�ILS Iviap Z7nit Name Drainage Class= (Series ancl P�ase): Chewacia Confirn� Mapped "l'ype'� X Yes i'axonomy Subgroup= Fine-Ioamy, mired, thermic Fluvaquenric BystrocFsrept IVo Profile L7escreption= bepth Matrix Cotor Mo[tle Coiors _ MottIe Texture, Concretions, (incEees) Horizon (Munsell Moist) (MunselI Moist) AbundancelContrast Structure_ etc_ O-4 A IQ YR 4/2 cIa e Ioam 3-7 BI 2_5 Y 5/I clayey Ioam 7-16 B2 2_S Y S/] 7_S YR S/6 corriricon, romznent cIa ey loam r Hydric Soi] Indicators: � .. . . Histasol Concreuons Histic Epipedon Higii Organic Concent in Surface Layer in Sandy Soiis Sulfidic Odor Organic S�ea)cing sn s�.ay so�xs X Aqufc MoisRxre I2egSme - L'ssted on L,oral Hydric Soiis List X Reduciag Coaditions Listed on National Hydric SoiIs i.ist X Gleyed or Low-CFaroma Colors � Oiher (Explain in Remarlcs� Remarks: biTE'FLPaND DETERMINA'I'IOiV Hydrophytic Vege[a[ion Preseni? Wetland Hydrology Preseni? Hydric SoiEs Preseni? 3s ttus Sampling Point Within a Wetland? s- h T C$ .[V O X . Yes No ?{ Yes I�To ?4 Yes I�To Df4 `�"A k'OKM IiOLF'1'�1�FE VYETLAi�TD BETERMIF�7ATION (1987 COE Wetlands Delineatsan ManuaI) ProjecUSite: Aslsel�oro Bypass Date: Ilf. AQplicant/Owner: NCDOT Counry: i2Q� Investiga[ion: Karen Hall (Earrh TechJ SEate: NC Do Normal Circumstances exisi on the sSte? Yes X i�Io Coxiu-nunity ID_ Un, Is [he site significantIy disturbed (AtypicaI Si[uation)? Yes No X Transect ID: Is the area a potentiai Probiem Area? Yes No X Pio[ ID: LR (If needcd, explain in remarlcs_) VEGETATIDN I]vrrunant Plant S ecies Stratum Indicator pominant Piant 5 ecies Siratvm Indicator uercus alba Cano FACU Lereoderedron tuli i era Cano FAC Carya ovara Canopy FACU xeercus rubra Cano FACU Cornus orida Subcan. ' FACU Iles o aca Suhcan_ - FAC- O dendrum arSoreum Subcan_ NI Carpinus caroliniana Suhcan_ FAC Pol stichum �crosticfioides F]arb FAC Percent of Dorruaant Species that are OBL, FACW or FAC (excluding FAC-) 38 Remarks _ � HYDI20LOGY Recorded Data (Describe in Remarks:) Wetland Hydrology Indica[ors. Stream, Lalce vr Tide Gauge Primary Indicators Aerial 2'hotographs triundated Other Satura�ed in Upper I2 inches X No Recorded Data Avaiiabie Water iYlarks �rift Lines Field Observations- Sediment Depos3ts Drainage Patcerns in W etIands Deptfs of Surfaee Water: �1� (in.) Secondary Indicators (2 or more required): Oxidized Root ChanneIs in U�per i2 in. Depttz to Free Water in P�t= >I2 (in.) Water-Stained Leaves Local SoiI Survey Data Depth to Saturated Soil: �l2 (in.) FAC-I�Yeutrai 'Y`est Other (Explain in Remarks) Remazks: Comrnuni2y ID: Upland Transect ID= Plot 1D: LR SOILS Map LJ�it Name Dra3nage Class: (Sencs and Phase): Unkno.n•n Conf�rm Mapped Type? Y�s Tasonomy Subgroup= X No Profile Descnption: Deptl-� lviatrix Color Mottle Colors Mottle Texiure, Concre[ions, (inches) Honzon (MunselI Moist) (Munse]I Moist) Abundance/Contrast Struciure, eic_ �-i A S YR 4f6 cIa e� locxm 1- I 6 B 2. S YR 4/8 Ioamy clay Hydnc Soii Indicators= Hisiosol , _ Concre[ions Histic Epipedon HigFi Organic Conten[ in SurFace Layer in Sandy Soils Sulf dic Odor Organic Sirealcing in Sandy Soils Aquic Moiscure Regxme Lisced on i.ocal Hydric SoiIs List Reducing Cor�ditions I�isted on Nationai Hydnc Soils L.is[ Gleyed or L.ow-Chrama Colars Otlier (F�cpIain in Rernarks) Remarks: VITETLAND DETERNIINA'3'iQN Hydrophycic Vegetation Present? Yes X i�io Wetland Hydrology Present? Yes X No Hydric Soils Present? - - � Xes X 2�Io 3s tliis Sampling Posnt WiYhin a Weiland? Yes X 1�To DA'I'A F'ORM ROiJTINE WETLAND DETEA�VIINATION (1987 COE Wetlands Delineation Manual) ProjeccJSate_ Ashehoro Bypass A ppl i c an tlOwn er: NCDOT ]nvesYigation: Karen HaI! (Earth Techj �0 1�IormaI Grcumsiances exist on t%e site? Yes X I�Fo Is the sice signifscantly disturbed (Atypical Situation)? Yes No X Is the area a potential Problem Area? Yes No X (I� necdcd, explain in remar3cs_) Da[e: County= State: Corn.niunity I3�: VYetland Transect ID- Plot ID_ Sarcirret A VEGETATION Dorr�nant Plant S cies Stratum - Indicator pominant Plant S eci�s -Siratum Indicator Salix nF ra SuFican_ OSL Li uidarrebcar s raci ua SuBcan_ FAC+ �uncus effusus Herl� FACW-r Carex s . Her6 FACYV Percer�[ of Dorninant S�cies [tsat are OBL, FACW or FAC (exc3uding FAC-? 100 Reznark s - HYDROLOGY Recorded Data (Describe in Remarks:) ___ Wet7and E-Iydrology Indicators: 5[ream, Laice or Tide Gauge Prirrrary I�ndicators: Aerial Photographs Inundated Otl�er _ . X Saturated in Upper 12 3riches X Np Recorded Data AvaiIable Water lVIarks Drift L3nes Field Observacions= Sediment Deposits X Drainage Patterns in Weilands Dcptt� of Suz-face Water: Surface Lin.) Secondary lndicators (2 or more required�- X Oxidized Root ChanneIs in Upper I2 in_ Depth to �ree Water in Yit: �I2 (in_) Water-Stained i.eavcs X Local Sosl Survey Da[a Dapr.I� co Saturaied Soil: Surface (in_) FAC-I�Fe�stral Test Other (Exp]ain in Renzazics) Remarks: Coninz�niEy ID: WelLand Transeci ID: Plot ID= SquirTe2 A SOILS Map Unit Name i�rainage Class= (Series and Phase)= Chezvacla Confirm Mapped Type? X Yes 7'axonorny Subgroup: _ __ _ Fine-loamy, mired, ther»xic Fluvaquantic Dystroehrept No Profi]e T7escripuon: - - Depth Matrix Color Mottle Colors Mottle Texture, Concretions> (inches) Horizon (Munsell Moist) (Munsell Moist) AbundancelContrast Strucnare. etc_ Q-4 A 7.5 Y7t S/2 clave loom 4-8 B] 10 YR 6/I 7_S Y14 6/8 Co carrrmo�r, distinct clayey Ioam 8-16 B2 7_S Y�Z 6/I 7_S i'R 4t6 common, rominent cla e ln�m Hydnc So51 Indicators: Histosol Concretions Iiisuc Epipedon Higia Organic Concenc ir� Surface Layer in Sandy SoiFs Sul£idir_ pdor Qrganic Streaicing in Sandy Soi3s X A[jusc Moisiusc Regirne. X Lisied on L.c.ral F3ydric Soils List X Reducing Conditions X Lis[ed on Na[ionai Hydric Soils Lis[ X GIeyed ar Lvw-Chrorr=a Colors Othe= (Explain in RemarFcs) Remarlcs: WETLA�TD DETERMINA'I'IOl�i Fiydrophytic Vegeeation Present? X Yes No WetIand Hydrology Present? X Yes No Hydric Soils Present? X Yes I�io Is ttsis Sa�[xtpling PoinY WiYFain a Wetland? X Yes No fippeQrs to be a former pasture_ DATA FORM AOiJ'1'INE WETLAND DETE�MINA�TION (]987 COE WetEands DeIineation iVIanual3 ojecVSi[e= Ashe6oro Bypass Date: I2f pplicanc>Owner: NCDOT Coun[y= Ra� vestigation: Karen HaII (Earth Tech) State_ NC 0 1�[ormal Circumstances exzst on the site? Ycs X No Coininunicy ID: Up, the site significantly disturbed (Atypical Situation)? Yes 1�To X Transect ID: t2�e area a potential Problem Area? Yes l�o X Plot ID: Sqc (If needed, exnlain �n remarks.� VEGE3'A3�ON Dorrunant Plant S ecses Stratum Indicator pominan[ Plant S ecies Stratum Indicator uercus al7�a Cano FRCU Linodend�pn tuli f era - Cano FAC Carya ovatcz Canopy FACU uercus rubra Cano FACU Cornt�s orida Subcan. FACU Il�x o czcci Subcctn. FAC- O dendrum arboreum Subcarz_ NI Carpenus caroliniQna Subcan_ FAC PoI slichum acrostichoides flerh FAC Percent of Dominant Species that are OBL, FACW or FAC (excluding FAC-) 38 Remarics= HYDROL�GY Recorded Data (Describe ie� RernarEcs.) WetIand Hydrology Indicators= Stream, Lake or Tide Gauge Primary Indicators: Aerial Phatographs Inundated Other , Saturated in �Spper 12 inches X No Recorded Data AvafIable Water Marks Drift Lines F3eld Qbscrvat}ons: Sediment Deposits Drainage Par.terns in Wetiands Deptt� of S�trface Water: �I2 (in_) Secondary Indicators (2 or more required)_ Oxidized Root Chanrsels in Upper 12 in_ Depti-i io Free Water in Fir_ >12 (in.) Water-Stained Leaves E..ocal Soil Survey Data Depth io Satura�ed Soil_ �I2 (Sn_) FAC-NeutraS Test Other (Explain in Remarlcs) 12emarks: Community ID: Upfand TransectID: Plot ID: SguFrrel soiLs Map ilnit Name Drainage Ciass= (Series and Phase�= Uwharrie Confirm MapQe.d Type? X Yes Taxonomy Sn6gronp: _ _ Fine, mixed, semiactrve, thermic Typic Hapludult No Profi3e Description: Depth Ivlatrix Coior N€ottle Colors Mottle Texture� Concretions, (inches) Horizon (Munsell Moist) (Munse]I Moist) Abundance/Concrasc S[n�cture, etc. O-I A S YR 4/6 cica e Ioam i- 7 6 S 2_S YR 4/S Ioamy cday .` Hydric Soel Tndicators_ HistosoI Concretions Hxstic �pipedon High Qrganic Confent ;n Sorface Iayer En Sandy Soi3s Sulfidic �dor Organic Streaking Sn Sandy Soils P_qvic MoisiuLe Regime Listed on L.ocal Hydrlc Soils Last Reducing Conditions Listed on Na[sonal Hydric SoiIs List Gleyed or I,ow-Chroma CoIors Other (Explain in Remarks) Remarks: WETLAND DETERi1�IINATION Hydropiiycic Vegetation Presen[? Yes X No �Wetland Hydroiogy Present? Yes X No Hydnc Soils Present? Yes X I�io Is tbis Sarrapling Point Within a`Vet]and? Yes J{ No .