HomeMy WebLinkAbout20181416_Meeting Minutes_20081211WC-d U/11/06 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION MICHAEL F. EASLEY LYNDo TIPPETT GOVERNOR SECRETARY November 3, 2008 MEMORANDUM TO: File FROM: Lisa Feller, PE Lf) Project Planning Engineer Project Development and Environmental Analysis Branch SUBJECT: August 12, 2008 Merger Team Meeting for TIP Projects R-253013, B-4974 and R-2527, NC 24-27 Widening A NEPA/404 merger team meeting for the subject project was held on August 12, 2008. The following persons were in attendance: Richard Spencer Christopher Militscher Gary Jordan Polly Lespinasse Renee Gledhill-Earley Amy Simes Felix Davila Hannah Cockburn Dana Stoogenke Aketa Emptage John Olinger Jeff Loflin Tawana Brooks Mike Stanley Anthony Houser Lee Moore Roger Thomas Sam St. Clair Dena Snead Jay Twisdale Ray Lovinggood Michael Orr Steve Gurganus Shantray Dickens Rachelle Beauregard Erica McLamb Matt Haney Eric Midkiff Beverly Robinson Lisa Feller MAILING ADDRESS: NC D �'ARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION PROJF.C7 DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS 1548 MAIL SERVICE CENTF R RALL s., NC 27699-1548 US Army Corps of Engineers US Environmental Protection Agency US Fish and Wildlife Service NC Division of Water Quality State Historic Preservation Office Department of Environment and Natural Resources Federal Highway Administration Piedmont Triad RPO Rocky River RPO (by phone) Office of Civil Rights Division 8 Division 8 Division 10 TIP Development Roadway Design Roadway Design Roadway Design Roadway Design Roadway Design Hydraulics Hydraulics Transportation Planning Project Development and Environmental Analysis - HEU Project Development and Environmental Analysis - HEU Project Development and Environmental Analysis - NEU Project Development and Environmental Analysis - NEU Project Development and Environmental Analysis - NEU Project Development and Environmental Analysis Project Development and Environmental Analysis Project Development and Environmental Analysis TELEPHONE: 919-733-3141 LOCATION: FAX: 919-733-9794 TRANSPORTATION BUILDING 1 SOUTH WILMINGTON STREET WESSITE: WWW.DOH.DOT.STATE.NC.US RALEIGH NC A NEPA 404 /Merger 01 Concurrence Point 1 Meeting for R -2527 was held on February 23, 2006. The merger team did not concur with the purpose and need statement and study corridor based on logical termini issues. Based on recommendations made by Richard Spencer, US Army Corps of Engineers, a Federal Environmental Assessment (EA) will be completed that will include TIP Projects R- 2530B, B -4974, and R -2527. The purpose of the August 12, 2008 meeting was to discuss the purpose of and need for the three projects, to define the study corridor, and to discuss potential project alternatives to be studied in detail prior to presenting these alternatives to the public. PURPOSE OF AND NEED FOR THE PROJECTS The merger team agreed that the purpose of these projects is to improve traffic flow and level of service (LOS) on the section of NC 24 -27 through the project study areas and to maintain a bridge across the Pee Dee River that addresses the needs of highway users. The needs to be addressed by these projects include: • Transportation deficiencies exist along NC 24 -27 in the project study areas which are projected to increase substantially by the year 2030. • Bridge No. 51 over the Pee Dee River is considered structurally deficient and is eligible for the Federal -Aid Highway Bridge Program. • Maintain and improve the mobility and connectivity functions of the NC 24 -27 corridor as part of the Strategic Highway Corridor Vision and the North Carolina intrastate System. PROPOSED STUDY CORRIDOR The merger team agreed that the study area for this project is a 500' study corridor consisting of 250' on either side of the centerline of NC 24 -27 from NC 740 in Albemarle to the Troy Bypass, west of Troy. This 500 -foot corridor will extend north approximately 2500' and south approximately 3200' along a railroad on the eastern portion of the project as well. PROPOSED TYPICAL SECTION A multi -lane facility is proposed in the TIP; therefore, a four -lane median divided facility will be studied for these projects. The proposed projects are approximately 14.6 miles long depending on the alternative chosen. The merger team agreed to study a 23 -foot raised median from NC 740 to SR 1731 (Sweet Home Church Road), and a 46 -foot depressed median from SR 1731 to NC 73. PROJECT ALTERNATIVES The following alternates were presented at the August 125 meeting: - "No- Build" Alternative The "no- build" alternative would avoid the anticipated impacts and costs of the projects. However, the "no- build" alternate will not meet the purpose and need for the proposed projects. 2 - Alternative Modes of Transportation The project study area is not currently served by mass transit. Stanly and Montgomery Counties provide van service for residents in need of transportation. Rail and bus service in the project area would not serve the purpose of and need for the proposed projects. This alternate will not meet the purpose and need for the proposed projects. - Transportation Systems Management (TSM) Alternative TSM improvements alone will not increase capacity or improve levels of service enough to prevent failing traffic conditions in the future 2030 design year, - Widen Existing NC 24 -27 The project study area was divided into seven sections. Within each section, the merger team discussed several different widening scenarios. In Sections 1 and 2, NC 24 -27 from NC 740 to SR 1720, symmetrical widening was eliminated from further study due to impacts to homes and wetlands. The merger team agreed to study the following widening scenarios in further detail: Section 1 — NC 740 to SR 1731 - Asymmetrical Widening to the North — 23' Raised Median - Asymmetrical Widening to the South — 23' Raised Median • Section 2 — SR 1731 to SR 1720 - Asymmetrical Widening to the North — 46' Median - Asymmetrical Widening to the South — 46' Median • Section 3 — SR 1720 to SR 1818 - Asymmetrical Widening to the North — 46' Median -Asymmetrical Widening to the South — 46' Median • Section 4 — SR 1818 to SR 1774 - Asymmetrical Widening to the North — 46' Median - Asymmetrical Widening to the South / Bridge Avoidance — 46' Median • Section 5 — SR 1774 to NC 73 - Asymmetrical Widening to the North — 46' Median - Asymmetrical Widening to the South / Bridge Avoidance — 46' Median Next Steps Coordinate closely with US Forest Service concerning any construction within the Uwharrie National Forest. Coordinate with Progress Energy concerning FERC permits. Another meeting of the merger team is scheduled to discuss preliminary alternatives to be studied for TIP Project R -2527, Sections 6 and 7, NC 24 -27 from NC 73 to the Troy Bypass. This meeting is scheduled for Thursday, December 11, 2008. If there are any corrections, changes, or additions to these minutes, please feel free to call me at (919) 733 -7844, extension 262. DISIING ROADWAY EHisrINc RicHr of war OR PBOPEp11 IINE (� OWELLING WIDENING 011S FEDERAL LAND•GOELANOS HIGH QUALITY OUTSTANDING WAIER RESOURCES UWHARRIE NATIONAL FOREST WETLANDS 0 1. 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