HomeMy WebLinkAbout20191416_Handouts_20080701NC DTFINR M,',QIO M-Suilace'Wator Protedlim 1. 1101- 19 Thursday July 17, 2008 19 91k Lisa Feller Please bring this packet to the meeting. AGENDA Eastern Concurrence Meeting Thursday, July 17, 2008 Board Room, Transportation Building Raleigh, North Carolina 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM, Lisa Feller, NCDOT PDEA Branch TIP No. R -2527, R -2530 B, B -4474 — NC 24 -27 widening from NC 740 in Albemarle in Stanly County to the Troy Bypass, west of Troy, in Montgomery County. Montgomery & Stanly County, Divisions 8 & 10 Team Members: Richard Spencer, USACE Lisa Feller, PDEA Felix Davila, FHWA Chris Militscher, USEPA Gary Jordan, FWS Polly Lespinasse, DWQ Travis Wilson, WRC Renee Gledhill - Earley, SHPO Hannah Cockburn, Piedmont Triad RPO Dana Stoogenke, Rocky River, RPO NCDOT Technical Support Staff and Other Agency Staff: Kathy Matthews, USEPA Karen Compton, USFS Tim Johnson, Division 8 John Olinger, Division 8 Barry Moose, Division 10 Tawana Brooks, Division 10 Roger Thomas, Roadway Design Sam St. Clair, Roadway Design Tony Houser, Roadway Design Lee Moore, Roadway Design Jay Twisdale, Hydraulics Mohammed Mulla, Geotechnical Unit Hemal Shah, TPB Michael Orr, TPB Ed Lewis, HEU Mary Pope Furr, HEU Rachelle Beauregard, NEU Teresa Hart, PDEA Eric Midkiff, PDEA Beverly Robinson, PDEA * The purpose of this meeting is to reach Concurrence on CPl & CP 2. Purpose and Need and Preliminary Alternatives For NC 24 -27 From NC 740 in Albemarle in Stanly County to the Troy Bypass in Montgomery County Stanly and Montgomery Counties TIP Projects R- 2530B, B -4974 and R -2527 North Carolina Department of Transportation `�OF NO�lN ,f J4� X m x 0 yyf�ror n.NSeCgo- CONCURRENCE POINTS 1 and 2 July 17, 2008 Prepared By Lisa M. Feller, PE Project Planning Engineer Project Development and Environmental Analysis Branch North Carolina Department of Transportation PURPOSE AND NEED AND PRELIMINARY ALTERNATIVES NC 24 — 27 WIDENING TIP PROJECTS R-253013, B-4974 AND R-2527 STANLY AND MONTGOMERY COUNTIES PURPOSE OF TODAY'S MEETING The purpose of today's meeting is to present information to the Merger Team concerning the purpose of and need for the proposed projects, define the study corridor, and determine project alternatives to be studied in detail for TIP Projects R-2530B, B-4974, and R-2527. Formal concurrence on the purpose of and need for the projects and the study corridor (Concurrence Point 1) and alternatives to be studied in detail (Concurrence Point 2) will be requested. PROJECT DESCRIPTIONS The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) 2009-2015 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) includes a highway project in Stanly County (TIP Project R-2530B) from NC 740 in Albemarle to the west end of the Pee Dee River Bridge. Also, the TIP includes the Pee Dee River Bridge replacement project in Stanly County (TIP Project B-4974). Furthermore, the TIP includes a highway project in Montgomery County (TIP Project R-2527) from the east end of the Pee Dee River Bridge to the Troy Bypass (TIP Project R-623) west of the city of Troy (See Vicinity Map, Figure 1 and Quad Maps, Figures 2A and 2B). All three projects will be studied under one NEPA study. While these projects are programmed in the TIP, no decisions have been made about the final location of the road or other alternatives to be studied. A multi- lane facility is proposed in the TIP; therefore, , ", ' accommodate , " " anticipated` hat�1 50�L'�200'f iefbf rig'h't cif bo,�roqujred �td:6660'itiiiio�aa' , e ";,� � e��, �, " � �,, Oro s pr0V ments,, � 06 'b'd 4m" � PROJECT PURPOSE V traffl&11 6Ww ih- level of service - bh't =through the :'project 'study , aypp$, In a "no build scenario", the projected traffic along several segments of NC 24-27 would exceed capacity, thus resulting in deficient levels of service along those segments. This increases the potential for accidents, and contributes to the inefficient operation of motor vehicles. The proposed facility would provide congestion relief to NC 24-27 as well as in the City of Albemarle. • Mai, nta J,n abridge acrogs'the, Pee Dee ,,River 'that ad&6ss6 the needs of highway,: users.,i The bridge is considered structurally deficient. Replacement of this inadequate structure will result in safer and more efficient traffic operations. PROJECT NEED The primary needs of the proposed action include the following: • Transportatioh"d"e'fi",ci'e'n'c"ie"'g' exist t"', : along,Nt"24,47 in the project study,, reap, and., aye projected, to, *Wol�ubstahtlodly by the, year, 2030',4 WMWA& The current traffic volumes on the facility range from 6,100 vehicles per day to 14,500 vehicles per day. By the year 2030, the volumes are anticipated to range from 12,600 vehicles per day to 30,000 vehicles per day (See Traffic Forecasts, Figures 5A to 5D). Currently, portions of NC 24-27 operate at level of service (LOS) E. In 2030, NC 24-27, within the study corridor, is expected to operate at level of service (LOS) F without the proposed improvements, gash t rt lys rt;slalt; fr ®m September'1;= 2003 tb August 31; =2045 hq ,that.4he,,overall ra _ 1h, ra tes:th rough,, the project area e _pp _gIQ w h J t wide and critical crash rates� However,, the't-ru'dk', 'crOgh "r8iteg Vere,'over,2,51iff6s, higher than the,,,2003 to 200& statewide 1r0ck,"brash; I rates'," Lane departure and rear-end crashes were the majority of the overall accidents occurring during this time period. These projected deficiencies would cause significant travel delay, increase the potential for accidents, and contribute to the inefficient operation of motor vehicles, • Bridge No. 51 over the Pee Dee River is considered structurally deficient and is eligible for the Federal-Aid Highway Bridge Program. The James B. Garrison Bridge (Swift Island Ferry Bridge) is a four-span, open spandrel arch, concrete bridge built in 1927, , Top b ridg.e =is,;,onerof seven ,bridges,of.it ype ining in,North,Carolina,and-it,is";iigible,forthe Natiotial Register ,of,,Historic,P laces,., Bridge No. 50, adjacent to Bridge No. 51, carries two lanes of traffic east toward Troy, Bridge No. 51; however, carries only one lane of traffic west toward Albemarle because of its narrow bridge width and deterioration issues. Components of the concrete structure have experienced an increasing degree of deterioration that cannot be easily addressed by maintenance activities. Thp deck ,is,,cracking,,,i spailingi and there is �u ,,,., ,e xpos ed'e6t5eW.,1' The bridge ig', approach i ng the e ,bridg ewi 11, result, in , safer, traffic,,operatip qri,s and:', will allow Jwo,,n,WJr_ I a f 9 ,We,sJlbpund travel., ilIff',' 2,7 corridor as, part of the Sti Carolina Intrastate Zystemi,, The Strategic Highway Corridor concept represents a timely initiative to protect the mobility and connectivity functions of critical highway facilities, while promoting environmental stewardship through maximizing the use of existing facilities to the extent possible, and fostering economic prosperity by being able to move people and goods quickly and efficiently. The concept offers NCDOT and its stakeholders an opportunity 4 4 to consider long-term vision, consistency in decision-making, land use partnerships, and overarching design and operational changes. NC 24-27 from Charlotte to Fayetteville has been designated as strategic highway corridor #25 for the following reasons: a. NC 24-27 from Charlotte to Fayetteville is a major statewide and regional facility throughout central North Carolina and is the main route connecting the Charlotte and Fayetteville activity centers. The Charlotte area is considered an activity center as it is an MPO and is home to a major airport (Charlotte-Douglas International Airport) and a major intermodal connector/inland terminal (Charlotte Inland Terminal). The Fayetteville area is considered an activity center as it is an MPO and is home to two major military bases (Fort Bragg and Pope Air Force Base) and a major airport (Fayetteville Regional Airport). b. This corridor provides a connection between multiple interstate facilities: 1-485, 1- 73174, and 1-295, (See Strategic Highway Corridor Map, Figure 4A) This corridor has also been designated as a part of the North Carolina Intrastate System and is envisioned as an Expressway in the future. In 1989, the North Carolina legislature established the Intrastate System "to provide high-speed, safe travel service throughout the State. It connects major population centers both inside and outside the State and provides safe, convenient through-travel for motorists, It is designed to support statewide growth and development objectives and to connect to major highways of adjoining states." (See Intrastate System Map, Figure 413) STUDY CORRIDOR I,A,'500466t:study corridor consisting ,,Qf ,f,romNQ 7,4Q ,in Albemarle to the ,pro,pgse,,O",,Troy 13ypa�=s, we,5tof Troy; is, proposed ,,for the _,projeqt§,, This 500-foot corridor will extend north approximately 2500' and south approximately 3200' along a railroad on the eastern portion of the project as well. (See Figures 6A to 6U). PROJECT SCHEDULEISTATUS TIP Project R-2527 is programmed in the 2009-2015 Transportation Improvement Program with right-of-way acquisition scheduled to begin in State Fiscal Year (SFY) 2011 and construction to begin in SFY 2014. TIP Project B-4974 is programmed in the 2009-2015 Transportation Improvement Program with right-of-way acquisition scheduled to begin in Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) 2011 and construction to begin in FFY 2013, TIP Project R-2530B is programmed in the 2009-2015 Transportation Improvement Program with right-of-way acquisition scheduled to begin in State Fiscal Year (SFY) 2013 and construction is unfunded. A scoping meeting for R -2527 was held on September 20, 2001. A Citizens' Informational Workshop for both R -2527 and B -4974 was held on September 7, 2004. Approximately 37 people attended the workshop. The public was concerned about the forest and maintaining recreational activities in the forest and river area. A NEPA 4041Merger 01 Concurrence Point 1 Meeting for R -2527 was held on February 23, 2006. The merger team did not concur with the purpose and need statement and study corridor based on logical termini issues (See pages 6 through 8 for Meeting Minutes). A scoping meeting for R -25308 was held on January 14, 2004. A Citizens' Informational Workshop was held on March 29, 2004. Approximately 68 people attended the workshop. The public, town officials, and business owners voiced concerns regarding a raised median facility in Albemarle. Based on recommendations made by Richard Spencer, US Army Corps of Engineers, a Federal Environmental Assessment (EA) will be completed that will include TIP Projects R- 2530B, B -4974 and R -2527. The EA is scheduled to be completed in late 2009 with a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) to follow in late 2010. ALTERNATIVES A. No -Build Alternative The No -Build Alternative would not provide any substantial improvements to the NC 24 -27 study corridor. Only typical maintenance activities would be provided along NC 24 -27. NC 24 -27 would remain a two -lane facility with one lane in each direction and turn lanes at intersections. The No -Build Alternative would incur neither right -of -way or construction costs. There would be no short -term disruptions along existing roadways during construction. There would be no impacts to streams, wetlands, or other natural and cultural resources, nor any residential or business relocation. However, the No -Build Alternative would not meet the purposes of and needs identified for the proposed projects. It would not improve traffic flow, and level of service (LOS) on the section of NC 24 -27 through the project study areas. The structural deficiencies of the James B. Garrison Bridge would not be addressed. The No -Build Alternative provides a basis for comparing the adverse impacts and benefits of the study alternatives. B. Alternative Modes of Transportation The project study area is not currently served by mass transit. Stanly and Montgomery Counties provide van service for residents in need of transportation. Rail and bus service in the project area would not serve the purpose of and need for the proposed projects. C. Transportation Systems Management (TSM) Alternative Transportation Systems Management (TSM) improvements involve increasing the available capacity of the roadway within the existing right -of -way with minimum capital expenditures and without reconstructing or adding additional through lanes to the existing road. Addition of turn lanes, striping, signing, signalization, and minor realignments are examples of TSM physical improvements. Examples of TSM operational improvements include traffic law enforcement, speed restrictions, access control, and signal timing changes. TSM improvements alone will not increase capacity or improve levels of service enough to prevent failing traffic conditions in the future 2030 design year. D. Build Alternatives The Build Alternatives listed below will involve widening the existing roadway to a multi-lane, divided facility with a 23-foot raised grass median with curb and gutter and sidewalks on both sides of the road from NC 740 to Sweet Home Church Road. From Sweet Home Church Road to the proposed Troy Bypass (TIP Project No. R-623), a multi-lane, divided facility with a 46-foot depressed median and grass shoulders is proposed. Figures 6A to 6U provide maps of the environmental and community data for each alternative. Table 1 provides an evaluation of each alternative with respect to physical, human and natural resource impacts. t ,Byild,AlternOt1ve 1,'� Asymmetrical W�donincl,tt ttte'Nbrth "`1 , This alternative will widen NC 24-27 asymmetrically to the north. See Table 1 for impacts associated with Build Alternative 1. Build Alternative 2 - Asymmetrical Widen J nq to the SdOthP' This alternative will widen NC 24_27 asymmetrically to the south. See Table 1 for impacts associated with Build Alternative 2. Build This alternative will widen NC 24-27 at locations that "best fit" the current road location and surrounding land uses. "Best fit" locations were evaluated and selected to improve the existing road alignment, minimize impacts, and permit maintenance of traffic during construction. See Table 1 for impacts associated with Build Alternative 3. guild, Alternative, 3A 13ridqe Avoid an OeAlternative f This section of the "best fit" alternative will widen NC 24-27 to avoid impacts to the James B. Garrison Bridge which is eligible for the National Register of Historic Places. See Table 1 for impacts associated with Build Alternative 3A. MICHAEL F. EASLEY GOVERNOR MEMORANDUM TO FROM: SUBJECT: �STAYE a �tl�6 r. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION LYNDO TIPPETT SECRETARY March 2, 2006 Meeting Participants Edwin A. Peters Project Development Engineer Concurrence Point 1 Meeting Minutes for R -2527, NC 24 -27 Widen to Multi -lanes from NC 73 to the Troy Bypass Montgomery County On Thursday, February 23, 2006, a meeting was held in the Transportation Building Board Room for the subject project. The attendees of the meeting were as follows: Edwin Peters NCDOT /Project Development and Environmental Analysis (PDEA) Drew Joyner NCDOT /PDEA Eric Midkiff NCDOT /PDEA Ryan Hough Lisa Feller Rachel Evans Sarah McBride Polly Lespinasse Travis Wilson Gary Jordan Chris Militscher Roger Thomas Sam St. Clair John Olinger Karen Compton Hanna Cockburn Hemal Shah Richard Spencer Rachelle Beauregard NCDOT /PDEA NCDOT /PDEA NCDOT /PDEA Department of Cultural Resources /State Historic Preservation Office (HPO) Department of Environment and Natural Resources /Department of Water Quality (NCDWQ) NC Wildlife Resources Commission (NCWRC) US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) US Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) NCDOT /Roadway Design (RDWY) NCDOT/ (RDWY) NCDOT /Division 8 United States Forest Service (USFS) Piedmont Triad RPO (PTRPO) NCDOT /Transportation Planning Branch (TPB) US Army Corp of Engineers (USAGE) NCDOT[iNatural Environment Unit (NEU) Erica McLamb NCDOT/ NEU Sara Easterly NCDOT/ NEU Susan Thebert NCDOT/ NEU Steve Gurganus NCDOT /Human Environment Unit (HEU) Shantray Avent NCDOT/ HEU Mark Staley NCDOT/ Roadside Environmental Unit (REU) Sandra Stepney NCDOT /RDWY Roy Shelton NCDOT /PDEA Greg Thorpe NCDOT /PDEA The objective of the meeting was to come to an agreement on the purpose and need and study area for the subject project. Edwin Peters opened the meeting with introductions of attendees followed by a Powerpoint presentation. The presentation included slides that depicted the follow: an agenda, project description, revised project description, project status /schedule, vicinity map, Division 8 TIP map, project purpose, project need, traffic volume /capacity, mobility and connectivity (i.e. SHC and intrastate system), purpose and need summary, study area. Major topics of discussion are shown below: The project description has been revised to exclude the Pee Dee River so that the project begins at NC 73 which is a more logical terminus. The bridge over the river (B -4974) will be included with TIP Project R -2530. The project is located between TIP Project #'s R -2530 (NC 24127 widening in Stanley Co.) and R- 623 (Troy Bypass). Gary Jordan, US Fish and Wildlife Service, noted that the project purpose and need was stated differently in the merger packet than in the presentation. Edwin stated that the need statement on the signature sheet would reflect what was in the packet and not the power point slide. Gary asked that "decline" be changed to "increase" regarding the "transportation deficiencies" in the need statement. This change was made on the signature sheet. Edwin showed how the study corridor had been expanded along the —Y- lines and at the railroad to make sure that these areas were covered. Karen Compton, US Forest Service, said that there are many archaeological sites along the project corridor. There is a major site on the eastern end that may require recovery. Gary Jordan discussed that surveys will be needed for bald eagles, Schweinitz's sunflower, the Georgia aster (not endangered, but a candidate), etc. The Forest Service has specific lists to look at as well. Rachelle Beauregard, NCDOT Natural Enviromnent Unit, stated that we would be doing the surveys in- house. Gary Jordan also mentioned that a Section 7 Consultation would be different because the project goes through the Uwharrie National Forest and could be classified as "a take ". The northern bridge over the Pee Dee River may be historic, and it only has 20' of horizontal clearance and is striped for 1 lane of traffic. The newer, southern bridge is striped for 2 lanes of traffic. Richard Spencer, USAGE, has issues with NC 73 being the logical project terminus. He stated that from looking at the traffic, R -2527 is not a stand -alone project. (i.e. quieting zone on western end of project, possibility of precluding other alternatives, etc.) He suggested the possibly of combining R -2527, B -4974 and R -2530 into one document with phased construction. NCDOT staff stated that the project did meet the criteria for logical termini and the project was a stand alone project because: 1. NC 73 is a major route 2. There is evidence of a traffic drop /pick up at NC 73 3. The project is 11 miles long (Le, significant improvement to facility, etc.) Conclusion: The team did not agree to concur on purpose and need for the subject project. The meeting was adjourned. cc: Meeting Attendees WN — N = ==00000 00 C)OO 4) E QJ 0 r 0 0 0 000 0 0 0 C) C) 2 m 0 (0 0) r-- M T U') C3 0 C14 00 Co C) M r-- I I 4) O o o o o o o o o 0 0 0 CL Z Z z z z z z z z z z z >- 0) W 0 > - CY) Co tT r-- C) (D T7' LO C; � 77 0 C) �, 77 o 4) co 144" cen I- N 0 a) u o co 6-01 00 C'14 co 0) CO tO C� - C, (D 'rte -:zf -::f C'i f r-- t,: LL U- LE E 0 U- co co m C m C: m I-- U- J- AZ- U- J_--a _r_ -0 —:3 0 0 0 o 0 0 o 0 0 o 0 o 0 o > 0 o> 0 o z U) ca z V) ca z U) z Q) z(1)< z U) l< z U) 0 0 T � C) 0 �2 00 'Cr 0 C) (Y) (Y) (N CN co r- CO co m r- 0 LO Iti U) (1) U) U) z U) U) U. Z CO U) U) (f) VP 0 N (Y) LO Co r- v 0 Fit MA Merger Project Team Meeting Agreement Concurrence Point No. 1: Project Purpose and Need Project Name/Description: NC 24-27, Widen to multi-lanes from NC 740 in Albemarle in Stanly County to the Troy Bypass, west of Troy, in Montgomery County TIP Projects: R-25306, B-4974 and R-2527 WBS Nos.: 34446.1.6, 39922, 1.1 & 35572. 1.1 The purpose of these projects is to improve traffic flow and level of service (LOS) on the section of NC 24-27 from NC 740 in Albemarle in Stanly County to the Troy Bypass, west of Troy, in Montgomery County, and to replace Bridge No. 51 over the Pee Dee River in Stanly County. The needs to be addressed by these projects include: • Transportation deficiencies existing along NC 24-27 in the project study area which are projected to 4"#w substantially by the year 2030. Uk wuc Bridge No. 51 over the Pee Dee River is considered structurally deficient and is eligible for the Federal-Aid Highway Bridge Program. Maintain and improve the mobility and connectivity functions of the NC 24-27 corridor as part of the Strategic Highway Corridor Vision and the North Carolina Intrastate System. The Project Team has concurred on this date of July 17, 2008, on the above mentioned project purpose and need and attached study corridor maps for TIP Projects R- 25306, B-4974, and R-2527. USACOE USEPA USES WRC DWQ NCDOT USFWS FHWA SHPO Merger Project Team Meeting Agreement Concurrence Point No. 2: Preliminary Alternatives to be studied in detail Project Name /Description: NC 24 -27, Widen to multi -lanes from NC 740 in Albemarle in Stanly County to the Troy Bypass, west of Troy, in Montgomery County TIP Projects: R- 25306, B -4974 and R -2527 WBS Nos.: 34446.1.6, 39922. 1.1 & 35572. 1.1 Build Alternative 1 - Asvmmetrical Widenina to the North Build Alternative 2 - Asvmmetrical Widenina to the South Section 1 — NC 740 to SR 1731 M Section 5 — SR 1774 to NC 73 F] Section 2 — SR 1731 to SR 1720 F] Section 6—NC 73 to SR 1134 n Section 3 — SR 1720 to SR 1818 ❑ Section 7 — SR 1134 to SR 1550 El Section 4 — SR 1818 to SR 1774 Build Alternative 2 - Asvmmetrical Widenina to the South Build Alternative 3 - "Best Fit" Widenina Alternative 0 Section 1 — NC 740 to SR 1731 ❑ Section 5 — SR 1774 to NC 73 F] Section 2 — SR 1731 to SR 1720 n Section 6 — NC 73 to SR 1134 n Section 3 -- SR 1720 to SR 1818 El Section 7—SR 1134 to SR 1550 El Section 4 — SR 1818 to SR 1774 Build Alternative 3 - "Best Fit" Widenina Alternative 0 Section 1 — NC 740 to SR 1731 El F] Section 2 — SR 1731 to SR 1720 n Section 3 — SR 1720 to SR 1818 Section 4 — SR 1818 to SR 1774 Build Alternative 3A -- Bridge Avoidance Alternative Section 5 — SR 1774 to NC 73 Section 6 — NC 73 to SR 1134 Section 5 — SR 1774 to NC 73 Section 6 — NC 73 to SR 1134 Section 7 — SR 1134 to SR 1550 The Project Team has concurred on this date of July 17, 2008, on the above mentioned preliminary alternatives to be studied in detail for TIP Projects R- 25306, B -4974, and R -2527, USACOE NCDOT USEPA USFS WRC DWQ USFWS FHWA SHPO 00 M C) 0 N U) E < > —10000000CDO 00 C) co cc, '�— "- W 0 0 0 0 LL OOOCDOO 0000 7 000C>0 Q 0 0 0 0 C> 0 0 0 0 Qa u (D C> T 0 C> 0 C) 0 0 C) 0 C> 0 CD 0 co mil r- CO in 0 C) C14 CO O C) 0) h 4D AU 0 Vl C o o o o o 0 0 0 0 0 0 o U) (n (n (n ixmzzzzzzzzzzz z >- >- >- >- CL (A C) CO 0 M "I v C) C) C) N m 0) "t m m— f 0 C) Co — Lr) M 0 0 0 r 0 0 0 00 0 C14 (n co r- co r- " 00 f,- M U') 0 M M OD E CN — M T OD N N (D 7 <Y LO OD �t r-- CN m (1) 't (0 r 0) 00 N 0 T T Cl! rl- r14 LO 71' 0 > Z LL LL (D i7L a- CA co CIO C: -0 '5 Z3 E �' :3 i 5 L :3 :3 0 0 O o >, 0 o 0 o 0 0? 0 0 0 0 z 0) 0 z (0 z V) z 0 z U)¢ z U) z CO 0 Ln. zf,P cq P-� N C 0 0 co 0 00 �t U) C) Ct r- r- (N � co rl- r- CO — SY LO CD V) r- 00 ® cc IX ry z U. 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