HomeMy WebLinkAbout20001432 Ver 1_Stormwater Info_20080806Desc: US 421 -NC 87 (Sanford Bypass) from West of SR 1400 to West of US 1-15-501 Hydraulics Project Manager: W. Herbert Turner, Jr., PE Ko & Associates, PC Galen Cail, PE NCDOT Hydraulics Unit I 81 �W� r. Y�1560 TO i��gmen o the S' nfbe& Bypass,,, US -4 1,7,, The "' , "t �`f a , ject,,inVolve8:��the,,con'-stru NC, .$7, from West,bVSR 1400 tip' of,,,:US:",l �l5-501.' Th'b",o'Vbrall:, length ,,,Qf,:, the , proj ct i appr _Qxirnately� 3'.76�,milb8',: The', prop,Qsed,rQadway is o 4ourAane, dividdd'frooway section, with dc,p I , - 1, 1 � location: n:,Jn , addition, :,the ,,projeot includes � one, half-clover ,��,:r, pressed grass -median on'�hew 0 inteTc, hango"at SR, 1400 [ US 42 The project is located in the Cape Fear River Basin in which buffer rules currently have not been adopted. The project crosses nine jurisdiction_. ,streaMs!a nd,J,mpac ts,five,,wetland, s it es, bhp proposed project 'contains the, relocation and .,OxtohsiorE ,'& one existing Qrpssing of U,nripmpd:, , Tributary , io,,Patterson ,, qrpek,,pne pw, ,crossigg of. Buffalo Creek and sevep p 6ross,ing,q, of Unnamed Tributaries to: Buffalo, Creek. Both, Patterson and Buffalo Creeks are direct tributaries to the Deep River. r fi "I'll "V I i6j ` 6 bd project` Th6re',,Iare �' ive wetlond',gitb8 theit'Will,bd'it'6066t'�e"'d'b' " h' 'prop s Wetland impacts have been kept to a minimum by the proposed roadway alignment and footprint and by avoid ditching through wetlands. Fill slope of 2:1 have been utilized at four of the five sites. Pattbit6h' Creek ,and the Deep River are classified as water,sppply source, W&[V! A review of the Environmental Assessment and Environmental Sensitivity Maps indicates that the study area is not located within '/2 mile of the critical area of this water supply source. Based on the Division of Environmental Management (DEM) Classifications of the impacted streams,;,11,]13ig", Buffalo Crbbk']s listed=owl the 303'(d) list for ih4paieOd,),,stream§',,,'t The creek is impaired due jo,--,,; biological data from urban runoff and storm sbWe-r&,I Table I below is a listing of these streams, wetlands, and the proposed crossing structure. The project drainage system consists of cross pipes, grated inlets with associated pipe systems, tail ditches, and roadway and lateral stormwater ditches and grass swales. Stormwater Management Plan Page 1 of 5 ..... . . . Table 1: Stream Crossings and Wetland Locations Non-jurisdictional ephemeral channel Intermittent Stream - No Mitigation Required UT Unnamed Tributary R-2417AA Stormwater Management Plan Page 2 of 5 DEM Site Location Stream Name Classification Drainage Proposed Structure No. (Wetland) or Wetland Area Rating -L- 1 22+30126+80 (Wetland) 21 --- (LT) -L- UT to Patterson 42" CMP Extension 2** 33+00133+65 Creek / WS-IV 133 73 Ac. & (LT/RT) (Wetland) 54" RCP Suppl. -L- 3 35+20/36+30 (Wetland) 26 (RT) 4 -L-52+08(LT/ Big Buffalo C 19.4 sq. Dual, Single-Span, RT) Creek mi. Bridges 5 -L-87+90 UT1 to Big C 31.7 Ac. 54" RCP (LT/RT) Buffalo Creek 1- -L-105+20(LT/ "QT�tq Big', 7=-" _H1 C 130 Ac. RT) f 3 - ff reew 101 6** -L-120+20(LT) UT2 to Big C 4.3 Ac. 36" RCP for Low Buffalo Creek Flow Conveyance 6 -L-120+57 UT3 to Big C 110 Ac. 8' x 6'RCBC (LT/RT) Buffalo Creek -L-142+67 UT4 to Big C 90 Ac. R C 8 0 (LT/RT) Buffalo Creek -L- 8 153+50/160+00 (Wetland) 24 --- 54" RCP (RT) -L-177+29 UT5 to Big 9 Buffalo Creek/ C / 57 330 Ac. (2) 9'x 7'RCBC (LT/RT) (Wetland) 9** -L-178+82(LT) UT6 to ig Buffalo CrBeek C 37 Ac, 54" RCP -L- 10 194+60/196+10 P-2, Pond (LT/RT) C 6.8 Ac. 36" RCP 10** -L-195+65(LT) UT7 to Big Buffalo Creek Non-jurisdictional ephemeral channel Intermittent Stream - No Mitigation Required UT Unnamed Tributary R-2417AA Stormwater Management Plan Page 2 of 5 BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES (BMP's) The primary goal of Best Management Practices (BMP) is to prevent degradation of the states surface waters by the location, construction and operation of the highway system. BMP's are activities, practices and procedures taken to prevent or reduce stormwater pollution. The BMP's and measures that have been used on this project to reduce stormwater impacts are grassed swales, preformed scour holes, riprap outlet protection and energy dissipaters, and submergence of box and pipe culverts below stream beds. Discharge from highway drainage systems has been outleted, where practical, into lateral ditches or preformed scour holes to promote filtration of discharge prior to entering the stream. The proposed grassed ditches and channel banks will have side slopes no steeper than 3:1. The use of riprap has been limited to pipe outlets, channel banks, and steep ditches to reduce soil erosion. In addition, fill slopes of 2 :1 have been used in stream and wetland areas, where practical, to minimize impacts. The BMP's and measures that have been used on this project for the roadside drainage are as follows: GRASSED SWALES Grassed swales have been utilized, where feasible, along the entire project in the median and roadside drainage swales. Grass swale summary tables are included within Appendix A. The grass swale summary tables indicate whether the grass swale provides treatment for the discharge. PREFORMED SCOUR HOLES Preformed Scour Holes have been utilized at the following locations in an effort to diffuse the concentrated flow from the storm drainage system into sheet flow: Sheet RDWY Station Side Sheet RDWY Station Side 6 -L- 29 +25 LT 12 -L- 126 +50 RT 6 -L- 31+50 RT 13 -L- 131+00 RT 6 -RPC- 14 +55 RT 14 -L- 152 +00 RT 7 -L- 62 +20 RT 15 -L- 156 +50 RT 10 -L- 100 +50 RT 16 -L- 177 +00 RT 11 -L- 105 +49 RT 21 -Y- 44 +50 LT DRY DETENTION BASIN Dry Detention Basin with 1.0 Ac -ft of treatment volume has been proposed inside Ramp B (plan sheet 6) in an effort to provide treatment for the stormwater discharge. The basin will be designed to capture the 1 -inch storm and allow it to drawdown over a period of 2 to 5 days. The dry detention basin is used in conjunction with grass swales within the interchange area to increase the treatment efficiency. R- 2417AA Stormwater Management Plan Page 3 of 5 The BIVIP's and measures that have been used on this project for the jurisdictional stream crossings are as follows: Site 2 — UT to Patterson Creek (Sta 33+00 - 33+65 -L-) The proposed work at this location involves the relocation of the existing channel on the outside of Ramp B, extension of existing 42" CMP and installation of supplemental 54 : ura "c steel / concrete pipe. f_r,, ,,,,o,,Ah'e' re ocaff6h'--' t hainbel,design ,1s; NOT �Otiliz'6"d 00,10 ..topography ,,,end .,,''-jurjqoiqt geometry is The existing channel geomet maintained, and permanent rock checks will be utilized to damped design flow velocities. ,,T,,h,, 9T,buried,abelow ,, propq eo b d, pro i I e., However, the culverts will be installed to match crowns at the inlet and outlet to allow for a low flow channel through the 54" RCP. The base flow barrel will provide a continuum of water depth and channel width. The riprap for outlet protection will be placed on banks only and will not be placed in streambed. Site 4 - Big Buffalo Creek (Sta 52+08 -L-) The proposed work at this location involves the construction of -L- and dual, single- span, bridges on new location. The bridges are also designed so that no deck drains discharge directly into the surface waters. Roadway grass swales drain and treat runoff on the west side of the proposed bridges prior to collection into the storm drainage system, is discharged directly into,,Blig: Buffalo Greek -,ihll the 'No'rthw'ost'g66di°'6�n"t,, On the east side, the' §torrn,draIn8ge in cut sections is treated in roadway grass swales prior to collection. The storm drainage in fill sections is collected and discharged to a lateral grass swale in the northeast quadrant. Site 5 — UT1 to Big Buffalo Creek (Sta 87+90 -L-) The proposed work at this location involves the placement of a 54" RCP for the jurisdictional stream crossing. The culvert will be buried I foot below the natural streambed. The riprap for outlet protection will be placed on banks only and will not be placed in streambed. The crossing will accommodate the natural stream channel with minimum disruption to the ecosystem and values unique to the floodplain Site 6 — UT2 to Big Buffalo Creek (Sta 120+20 -L-) The proposed work at this location involves the placement of 36" RCP for low flow conveyance of the intermittent jurisdictional stream. The culvert will be buried 0.6 feet below the natural streambed. The riprap for outlet protection will be placed on banks only and will not be placed in streambed. Site 6 — UT3 to Big Buffalo Creek (Sta 120+57 -L-) The proposed work at this location involves the placement of a single barrel RCBC for the jurisdictional stream crossing. The culvert will be buried I foot below the natural streambed. The riprap for outlet protection will be placed on banks only and will not be placed in streambed. The crossing will accommodate the natural stream channel with minimum disruption to the ecosystem and values unique to the floodplain. R-2417AA Stormwater Management Plan Page 4 of 5 Site 7 — UT4 to Big Buffalo Creek (Sta 142+67 -L-) The proposed work at this location involves the placement of a single barrel RCBC. for the jurisdictional stream crossing. The culvert will be buried 1 foot below the natural streambed. The riprap for outlet protection will be placed on banks only and will not be placed in streambed. The crossing will accommodate the natural stream channel with minimum disruption to the ecosystem and values unique to the floodplain. Site 9 — UT5 to Big Buffalo Creek (Sta 177+29 -L-) The proposed work at this location involves the placement of a two barrel RCBC for the jurisdictional stream crossing. Sill ri ""the""" Western barrel on the Up8troa end will be', �3 eel e' barrel: ' The base flow barrel will provide a to,, restrict the b88eJloW,Ab,the';east"rn, continuum of water depth and channel width without substantial modifications of velocity. The culvert will be buried 1 foot below the natural streambed. The riprap for outlet protection will be placed on banks only and will not be placed in streambed. The crossing will accommodate the natural stream channel with minimum disruption to the ecosystem and values unique to the floodplain. Site 9 — UT6 to Big Buffalo Creek (Sta 178+82 -L-) The proposed work at this location involves the placement of a 54" RCP for the jurisdictional stream crossing. The culvert will be buried 1 foot below the natural streambed. The riprap for outlet protection will be placed on banks only and will not be placed in streambed. The crossing will accommodate the natural stream channel with minimum disruption to the ecosystem and values unique to the floodplain. Site 10 — Pond (Sta 194+601196+10 -L-) and UT7 to Big Buffalo Creek (Sta 195+65-L-) T ,;pro osect 'vsierk dt',thisJoqa is n s,, involve - ,remQ val of the the placement of c"ulvert will be buried 0.6 feet below 36" RCP for the jurisdictional stream crossing. rh6' rr the natural streambed. The riprap for outlet protection will be placed on banks only and will not be placed in streambed. R-2417AA Stormwater Management Plan Page 5 of 5