HomeMy WebLinkAbout20070933 Ver 1_More Info Received_20070621 DIEHL & PHILLIPS, P.A. CONSULTING ENGINEERS 219 East Chatham Street Cary, North Carolina 27511 Telephone (919) 467-9972 • Fax (919) 467-5327 June 21, 2007 401 Oversight/ Express Review Permitting Unit Division of Water Quality NC DENR 1650 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1650 ATTN: Annette Lucas Re: Revised Level Spreader Design for Rose Hall Subdivision Phase 2 Wake County Dear Annette: WILLIAM C. DIEHL, P.E. .TORN F. PHILLIPS, P.E. ALAN R. KEITH, P.E. Q~~~od~~ JUN 2 1 2007 UENR - WATcR QUALITY Wf1UWDS aVD STOft4iYVATER BRANCH Enclosed for your review are the following for the referenced project: Revised Level Spreader Worksheet for Cadenza Lane road ditches Revised Calculations for the Level Spreader Sketch of Proposed Level Spreader and Bypass arrangement Plan and Profile of Cadenza Lane at buffer crossing Following our telephone discussions and meeting, we have revised the proposed diffuse flow measures for Cadenza Lane in Phase 2 of Rose Hall. Please consider the enclosed information in lieu of earlier submittals. The 1-inch runoff from the road ditches from all four quadrants approaching the buffer crossing on Cadenza Lane have been diverted to the southeast quadrant of the crossing where a level spreader is proposed. The piping arrangement includes flow sputter mechanisms using a rip rap sump and carefully sized pipes to control the 1-inch runoff . Only the 1-inch storm runoff is directed to the level spreader. Larger flows are bypassed to the road ditches on Cadenza Lane. We feel the proposed design meets your requirements and we request your approval. Should you have questions or require further information, please contact our office. Sincerely, Diehl & Phillips, P.A. ~~~~~ Alan R. Keith, P.E. Enclosures Cc: Rusty Ammons Scott Mitchell DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY -LEVEL SPREADER WORKSHEET (112007) I. PROJECT INFORMATION (please complete the following information): Project Name : Rose Hall Phase 2 Contact Person: Alan Keith, PE Phone Number: (919) 467-9972 ext.25 Level Spreader ID: Lot 15 Level Spreader Length 32 ft. (perpendicular to flow) Drainage Area 0.93 ac. (on-site and off-site drainage to the level spreader) Impervious Area 0.18 ac. (on-site and off-site drainage to the level spreader) Forebay Area 16 cu ft. (0.2% of the contributing impervious surface area) Maximum Filter Strip/Buffer Slope 6 % (6% for forested/leaf littler cover, 8% for grass/thick cover) Max. Discharge from 1"/Hr Storm 0.4 cfs Max. Discharge to Level Spreader 0.4 cfs (Discharge rate from extended detention wetland or pond) Filter Strip/ Zone 1 Buffer Vegetation forest (Grass/Thick ground cover or Forested) Filter Strip/ Zone 1 Buffer Width 30 ft. Filter Stripl Zone 2 Buffer Vegetation forest Filter Stripl Zone 2 Buffer Width 20 ft. Bypass Method Used flow splitter Please include a worksheet for this. II. REQUIRED ITEMS CHECKLIST Initial in the space provided to indicate the following design requirements have been met and supporting documentation is attached. If a requirement has not been met, please explain why. At a minimum, a complete stormwater management plan submittal includes a worksheet for each BMP, design calculations, plans and specifications showing all BMPs and outlet structure details, a detailed drainage plan and a fully executed operation and maintenance agreement. An incomplete submittal package will result in a request for additional information and will substantially delay final review and approval of the project. Applicants Initials _~~L Project Site was visited prior to designing level spreader system. -. ~,~z; 5;~' ? ~ Date of the Site visit. Please attach time-dated digital photos of existing buffer conditions. ~~[- Level spreader length is at least: 13 ft. per cfs for thick ground cover /grass; OR 65 ft per cfs for 50- footcanopied forest with leaf litter; 50 ft per cfs for 100-foot forested buffer; 40 ft. per cfs for 150-foot forested buffer; OR a weighted average of the two vegetation types within the bufferlfilter strip). /~~,/~ All ground cover types and their widths have been labeled on the construction plans. 6a~ ~ All contours have been depicted on the construction plans. 6C.~.1~ No structures are located in protected buffers (must meet no practical alternatives criteria). /,~.~.1.~ No draws are located in the buffer or filter strip in the vicinity of the proposed level spreader. ~r,.ac. Construction details for the level spreader have been provided. aq? ~~, The operation and maintenance agreement signed and notarized by the responsible party is provided. l~/,,~ No practical alternatives explanation + Variance request. (Level Spreaders in Series only). Bypass method used: rgn.J~ Bypass conveyance method is specified and construction details and calculations are provided. r'~/~, Alternative design option is specified and plan details and calculations are provided. ~n1~ Discharge to level spreader and subsequent filter strip is hydraulically and spatially separate from the bypass discharge. ~9rt,/~ Construction details for the bypass and outlets are provided. ~ ~-`~ ~J ,~ p ~~ D JUN 2 I ZOOl ~'~ ~; . wAr~R 4uAt.IrY ~'~ r~'os AMD STORA~ATER ~4NCH ~~.~~ S ~~ ('`l dCI L,,.L-~ ~.rl`'~ ~ J ~dW V l~^ ~-,/C5- aJ~~ ~(:~ [J /Z o S ~= /-f ~ ~ laNA tG ~ CJl?-C.C-1 7~iz.e~~~L~.n~ l-o~ GgA~,n~ Zvi UJ~v~ ~'~cJl~w !/J ~ t=frc~~y ~Lcac./ t~ /~v~n ~ltU-6~S /~ f ~~/G~-'l~'~G'..~ UL~tJ/r-G ~C'{b C>tiJLy A2c~4 ~ Ul ZiC /d L..~ t= a2 LF l/(: L S /~/~Al~fti (icJNJi2uG~lQnJ o~ C~~(~r~/?~ ~0,11r_ ~T _ l3urr-~~~ Si/zr/Jtit GQr~t'S/~~ ~ s ~}t S D urc-~ ~= /~ I c G~ U~~/~ vv`~ or- C.~r r /wb ow Lor l S ~v~~ ~nrv-r Kati /Z~c- ~~ r~ aNZ~ L~ u~ ~-- S`/'/L~~P~J~/L SF t At't/~cs~tG~ ~7ct~T ~~ 4./t ~G i ;~ ~. ~1A4 ~~l3 S"~'~ ?., ~ t d.~ Gv .o w ,ti z.o 7-AC~~ Q~.c. /,Y~atti~G~ Fi~,~ No~--rat s~ ~Jc or ~qrJ~~/ Z,o ~~t s~ ac~ ~A~.~4 ~ ~ t'~aa ~a ,~v v~~ rL/~~ o~ L~r t s low. 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CADENZA CANE PfIASE2 ~ nrsK i.= ~. 1 inch = 40 ft~ ~ 1 WA(~COUNTY,NORTHCAROLINA coNSm.ruaceNCrtam~s GRY, N.C~(919)967-9972 Glni a1PH2-PP7R2 x ' VER S E 1' 4' 1 R PO ED ~ RA E z ~N o ~ - '"' E ISTI G GR DE W RI - P SU P 4• pV ® IN C V .f-_ OVI E IL A = 1 IN. R P- P SU P 35 .0 - ~L AR NC YP SS CH NN L T EA AN E E OF FIL ( P. 8 LU . II II II ' ' N II II II II II • ~ 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ W ~ W ~ W ~ W ~ W ~ W ~ W ~ W ~ W C~ C~ ~ C~ C~ C~ C~ C~ C~ 29+00 30+00 31 +00 32+00 i RosE,iACCSi~sotvrsoN DIEHL & PHILLIPS, P.A. CADENZA LANE PHASE 2 CONSUL"PING ENGINEERS 6 I WAKE COL/N,Y, NORTH CAROL~IA CARY, N.C• (919) 967-9972