HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCC214129_ESC Approval Submitted_20210715Wake County Environmental Services Department Water Quality Division, Watershed Management Section WAKEWAKE�� 336 Fayetteville St. • P.O. Box 550 • Raleigh, NC 27602 TEL 919 856-7400 • FAX 919 743-4772 COUWMCPR - ROLESVILLE, WENDELL, ZEBULON WATERSHED MANAGEMENT CONSTRUCTION PLAN DISAPPROVAL Project Name Cobblestone Village Date Received 3/10/2021 S&E Permit Number SEC-055248-2021 SW Permit Number SWF-055250-2021 Town of Jurisdiction Rolesville Watershed Lower Neuse Date Processing Disturbed Initiated 4/9/2021 Acreage 11.0 S&E S&E Permit $2,750.00 Plan Review Fee $2,750.00 PAID Fee PENDING SW SW Permit $2,500.00 Plan Review Fee $2,500.00 PAID Fee PENDING Applicant: Name KDM Development Corporation 1080 Pittsford Victor Rd., Suite 202 Address: Pittsford, NY 14534-3805 Phone: 585-465-0099 Email: kburnha2@u.rochester.edu Plan Date/Revision Date: 2.25.2021/5.28.2021 Engineer: Name: BNK, Inc. / Marty Bizzell, PE --------- ---------------------------------- 6310 Chapel Hill Road, Suite 250 Address: -------- Raleigh, NC 27607 ------------------------------------------------------------- Phone: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 919-851-4422 Email: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- marty.bizzell@bnkinc.com ® Construction Plan Not Approved and Incomplete (Items 1-4 required to be a complete submittal) Review Status: 7.08.2021 ® Construction Plan Not Approved and requires additional information Construction Plan Review Comments Items marked with an "X" were noted as either insufficient or not provided. Engineer comments are in and provide the necessary requirements for construction plan approval. References for Erosion and Sediment Control: Wake County Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) Article 10 References for Stormwater Management are as follows: ROLESVILLE: Town of Rolesville Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) Section 7.5: Stormwater Management Standards WENDELL: Town of Wendell Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) Chapter 6: Environmental Protection, adopted 7/26/10. ZEBULON: Town of Zebulon, NC Code of Ordinances: Chapter 151 and Chapter 152.249. ❑ 1. Erosion Control and Stormwater Joint Application (Required to initiate processing) se Review Fees (Required to initiate processing) ® 2. RESUBMITTALS: The first resubmittal is free, but all subsequent Stormwater resubmissions require a $150 Resubmission Fee and Erosion Control resubmissions require a $75 Resubmission Fee ❑ 3. Notarized Wake County Financial Responsibility/Ownership Form (Required to initiate processing) ® 4. Other documents: ® a. Engineering Approval: Copy of approval notification for projects in a municipality's zoning jurisdiction 1 Disapproval_WMConstructionPlanReviewChecklist-V.3_WM WAKE COUNTY I, ( ki�­ — Wake County Environmental Services Department Water Quality Division, Watershed Management Section 336 Fayetteville St. • P.O. Box 550 • Raleigh, NC 27602 TEL 919 856-7400 • FAX 919 743-4772 WMCPR - ROLESVILLE, WENDELL, ZEBULON WATERSHED MANAGEMENT CONSTRUCTION PLAN DISAPPROVAL ❑ b 401/404 Documentation (Buffer determination letters, PCN application, comments, and approval) Documentation of wetland delineations. ® c. NCDOT Approval ❑ d. Encroachment agreement(s) completed, signed and notarized for all off -site construction The erosion and sedimentation control plan must include the owner's written consent for the applicant to ❑ e. submit an erosion and sedimentation control plan and to conduct the anticipated land -disturbing activity if the applicant is not the owner of the land to be disturbed [10-30-2-(B)-(2)-(c)] ❑ 5. Other: Cover letter stating the purpose of the submission, describing site drainage, stormwater management ® 6. objectives, and how the proposed stormwater management plan will meet the objectives and be implemented RESUBMITTALS: A letter detailing any changes, comments, proposed solutions to review comments, etc. ❑ 7. Copy of the USGS Quad Map with delineated project limits. ❑ 8. Copy of the Wake County Soil Survey map with delineated project limits from 1970 manuscript. ❑ 9. One (1) electronic copy of a complete set of construction drawings for 1st resubmission, five (5) copies for final approval. ❑ 10. Two (2) copies of the Municipal Stormwater Design Tool; digital submittal and hardcopy (Site Data Sheet, Drainage Area Sheets, Site Summary Sheet, BMP Sheets, and BMP Summary sheet) ❑ 11. Drainage Area Maps with stormwater discharge points and Tc flow paths (existing/post construction/post BMP) ❑ 12. 2 sets of Stormwater and Erosion Control Calculations: ❑ a. Sediment basin design (See website for Wake County design criteria) ❑ b. Ditches, swales, and channels: Q10/V10. Tractive force (shear stress), capacity and geometry. ❑ C. Dissipaters: Q10 velocities, stone size and dimensions. ❑ d' Velocity calculations for stormwater runoff at points of discharge resulting from a 10-year storm after development were not provided or do not comply. ❑ e' Support data for all stormwater practice designs, such as inflow/outflow rates, stage/storage data, hydrographs, outlet designs, infiltration rates, water elevations, design output, summary, etc. ❑ f. Other hydraulic and hydrologic computations critical to the plan/designs El g Signature, Date And Professional Seal: for all Stormwater design management proposals, i.e. calculations, BMP designs, operations/maintenance/budget/asbuilt/inspections/manuals. ® 13. Draft Stormwater Agreement, Draft Maintenance Agreement Use updated SW Agreement attached ® 14. Proposed Site Plan: ❑ a. Location/Vicinity Map b. North arrow, graphic scale, drafting version date, legend and professional seal Disapproval_WMConstructionPlanReviewChecklist-V.3_WM WAKE COUNTY I, ( ki�- — Wake County Environmental Services Department Water Quality Division, Watershed Management Section 336 Fayetteville St. • P.O. Box 550 • Raleigh, NC 27602 TEL 919 856-7400 • FAX 919 743-4772 WMCPR - ROLESVILLE, WENDELL, ZEBULON WATERSHED MANAGEMENT CONSTRUCTION PLAN DISAPPROVAL ❑ c. Existing and proposed contours: plan and profiles for roadways ❑ d. Boundaries of tract: including project limits ❑ e. Show all Riparian Buffers [Article 9-21]; (Neuse: [15A NCAC 0213.0233 & 0242] ❑ f. Delineation of current FEMA boundaries (floodway, flood fringe & future/0.2%) ❑ g. Proposed improvements: roads, buildings, parking areas, grassed, landscaped, and natural areas. ❑ h. Lot lines, lot numbers, road names, and impervious limit on each lot rounded to nearest whole number ❑ i. Utilities: community water and sewer, plan/profiles, easements and sediment controls. ❑ j. Stormwater Network: inlets, culverts, swales, ditches, channels and drainage easements. ❑ k' TEMPORARY SEDIMENT CONTROLS: locations and dimensions of gravel entrances, diversion ditches, silt fence, sediment basins, inlet protection, etc. ❑ I. Location and requirements for stockpiles (see website for Stockpile Requirements) ❑ m. Wake County Construction Sequence (Provide project specific details as needed) ❑ n. Wake County Basin Removal Sequence Wake County must grant permission to convert the sediment basin over to stormwater use prior to completing any related work (construction sequence or note elsewhere on the plan should indicate this). ❑ o. Wake County Construction Details ❑ p. Wake County Stabilization Guidelines ❑ q. DETAILED COMMENTS REGARDING TEMPORARY SEDIMENT CONTROLS: ❑ r' PERMANENT EROSION CONTROLS: locations and dimensions of dissipaters, ditch linings, armoring, level spreaders, retaining walls, etc. ❑ s. DETAILED COMMENTS REGARDING PERMANENT SEDIMENT CONTROLS: ❑ t. PERMANENT STORMWATER MANAGEMENT STRUCTURES: locations and types of all proposed stormwater management structures (grass swale, wet/dry detention basin, filtering/infiltration basin, bioretention, etc.) ❑ u. DETAILED COMMENTS REGARDING PERMANENT STORMWATER MANAGEMENT: ❑ V. Table with impervious calculations - existing and proposed impervious surfaces: roads, well lots, recreation sites, single family residences, etc. (consistent with the Municipal Stormwater Design Tool inputs). ❑ w. Proposed stormwater easements, access lanes, and backwater easements. ❑ x. A note should be added to the recorded plat distinguishing areas of disconnected impervious Disapproval_WMConstructionPlanReviewChecklist-V.3_WM WAKE COUNTY I, ( ki�­ — Wake County Environmental Services Department Water Quality Division, Watershed Management Section 336 Fayetteville St. • P.O. Box 550 • Raleigh, NC 27602 TEL 919 856-7400 • FAX 919 743-4772 WMCPR - ROLESVILLE, WENDELL, ZEBULON WATERSHED MANAGEMENT CONSTRUCTION PLAN DISAPPROVAL RESIDENTIAL ONLY Perpetuity statement ❑ Y. Maximum Impervious Area Square Footage on each Individual Lot will be Stringently Enforced with no Exceptions into Perpetuity. Plans approved with a maximum impervious surface of (insert) SF per lot. Standards and Requirements Items marked with an "X" note relevant standards to be applied to the proposed development. Notes in RED provide review comments and/or any required elements to comply with standard. Ordinance references are shown in brackets. Stormwater Review Required - All residential subdivision development must submit a plan to comply with the applicable municipalities' stormwater ordinance. Office, institutional, commercial or industrial ® 15. development that disturbs greater than 20,000 square feet is required to comply with the stormwater management regulations. Development and redevelopment that disturb less than 20,000 square feet are not exempt if such activities are part of a larger common plan of development or sale, even though multiple, separate or distinct activities take place at different times on different schedules. Rolesville [7.5.1(E)], Wendell [ 6.5(F)], Zebulon [151.05] Stormwater Permit — is required for all development and redevelopment unless exempt pursuant to the ® 16. Code of Ordinances. A permit may only be issued subsequent to a properly submitted, reviewed and approved stormwater management plan and permit application. Rolesville [7.5.1(E)(3)], Wendell [6.5(F)(3)], Zebulon [151.21(A)] Note: A permit may not be required if there are no post -construction requirements (i.e. SCMs). SCMs - For projects requiring stormwater treatment for quality and/or quantity control, the applicant must ® 17. 1) comply with the NC BMP Manual Rolesville [7.5.1(G)], Wendell [6.5(H)], Zebulon [151.07] 2) as well as Completion of Improvements and Maintenance, prior to issuance of a certificate of compliance or occupancy. Rolesville [7.5.5], Wendell [6.5(0)], Zebulon [151.50—151.56] Standards Based on Project Density- In accordance with the definitions, projects are identified as Ultra Low- ® 18. Density (15%or less Built -Upon Area, referred to as BUA, and less than one dwelling unit per acre), Low - Density (more than 15% BUA and no more than 24% BUA), and High -Density (24% or more BUA). Rolesville [7.5.4], Wendell [ 6.5(M)], Zebulon [151.35] Disapproval—WMConstructionPlanReviewChecklist-V.3—WM WAKE COUNTY I, ( ki�­ — Wake County Environmental Services Department Water Quality Division, Watershed Management Section 336 Fayetteville St. • P.O. Box 550 • Raleigh, NC 27602 TEL 919 856-7400 • FAX 919 743-4772 WMCPR - ROLESVILLE, WENDELL, ZEBULON WATERSHED MANAGEMENT CONSTRUCTION PLAN DISAPPROVAL Standards for Ultra -Low and Low -Density Projects: • Use of vegetated conveyances to maximum extent practicable • Location of development and redevelopment outside Riparian Buffer and Flood Protection Zones • Recorded deed restrictions or protective covenants to ensure future development maintains consistency with approved project plans • Permanent SCMs (Stormwater Control Measures) are to be designed in accordance with and as specified in the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality's Design Manual. ❑ • For Low -Density only, no net increase in peak flow leaving the site from the pre- development conditions for the 1 yr-24hr storm. Runoff volume drawdown time shall be a minimum of 48 hours, but not more than 120 hours. • Residential runoff after development must not exceed the Target Curve Numbers listed in the chart "Maximum Composite Curve Number, by Soil Group". • Ultra -Low and Low -Density projects may be eligible for target curve number credits. Wendell Only: Nitrogen export limited to 3.6 pounds per acre per year unless project achieves classification as an LID Project. Rolesville [7.5.4(A)(1-3)], Wendell [6.5(M)(1-3)], Zebulon [151.35(A-C)] Standards for High -Density Projects: • Measures shall control and treat runoff from the first inch of rain. Runoff volume drawdown time shall be a minimum of 48 hours, but not more than 120 hours. • Structural measures shall be designed to have a minimum of 85 % average annual removal for Total Suspended Solids (TSS) ® • Permanent SCMs (Stormwater Control Measures) are to be designed in accordance with and as specified in the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality's Design Manual. • No net increase in peak flow leaving the site from the pre -development conditions for the 1 yr-24hr storm. Runoff volume drawdown time shall be a minimum of 48 hours, but not more than 120 hours. • Location of development and redevelopment outside Riparian Buffer and Flood Protection Zones Rolesville [7.5.4(A)(4)], Wendell [6.5(M)(4)], Zebulon [151.35(D)] General Standards: ® • Downstream Impact Analysis — DIA must be performed in accordance with the "10% rule", and a copy provided with the application. Rolesville [7.5.4(B)(1)], Wendell [6.5(N)(1)], Zebulon [151.36(A)] Disapproval—WMConstructionPlanReviewChecklist-V.3—WM WAKE COUNTY I, ( ki�­ — Wake County Environmental Services Department Water Quality Division, Watershed Management Section 336 Fayetteville St. • P.O. Box 550 • Raleigh, NC 27602 TEL 919 856-7400 • FAX 919 743-4772 WMCPR - ROLESVILLE, WENDELL, ZEBULON WATERSHED MANAGEMENT CONSTRUCTION PLAN DISAPPROVAL Low Impact Development (LID) Classification: • All development or redevelopment may be submitted for LID classification • Development must mimic the pre -developed hydrologic conditions of the site, as defined as "woods in good condition" for the 2-yr, 24 hr storm, within 10%. ❑ • Techniques required to achieve LID classification ➢ Natural site design ➢ Bio-retention systems or on -site infiltration (at least one must be used) ➢ At least two other techniques from the list provided in Rolesville [7.5.4(13)(5)(e)] and Zebulon [151.36(E)(5)] ➢ At least one other technique from the list provided in Wendell [6.5(N)(5)(e)] Wake County LIDO Article 10 - Erosion and Sedimentation Control Requirements (Applies to Rolesville, Wendell and Zebulon) ® 19 Erosion Control: This project will require a Land Disturbance Permit if it involves greater than one acre of disturbance. See website for details. 10-20-1 Minimum Standards - All soil erosion and sedimentation control plans and measures must conform to the minimum applicable standards specified in North Carolina's Erosion and Sediment Control Planning ❑ 20. and Design Manual and the Wake County Sedimentation and Erosion Control Plan Review Manual. Erosion control devices must be installed to prevent any offsite sedimentation for any construction site regardless of the size of the land disturbance. 10-20-3 Operation in Lakes or Natural Watercourses -Land disturbing activity in connection with ❑ 21 construction in, on, over, or under a lake of natural watercourse must minimize the extent and duration of disruption of the stream channel. Where relocation of a stream forms an essential part of the proposed activity, the relocation must minimize unnecessary changes in the stream flow characteristics. ❑ 22. 10-20-10 Standards for High Quality Water (HQW) Zones Land -disturbing activities to be conducted in High Quality Water Zones must be designed as follows: ❑ a' Uncovered areas in High Quality Water (HQW) zones must be limited at any time to a maximum total area of 20 acres within the boundaries of the tract. Maximum Peak Rate of Runoff - Erosion and sedimentation control measures, structures, and devices ❑ b. within HQW zones must be planned, designed and constructed to provide protection from the runoff of the 25-year storm. Settling Efficiency - Sediment basins within HQW zones must be designed and constructed so that the ❑ C. basin will have a settling efficiency of at least 70% for the 40 micron (0.04mm) size soil particle transported into the basin by the runoff of that 2-year storm which produces the maximum peak rate of runoff. Grade - The angle for side slopes must be sufficient to restrain accelerated erosion (side slopes no ❑ d' steeper than 2 horizontal to 1 vertical if a vegetative cover is used for stabilization unless soil conditions permit a steeper slope or where the slopes are stabilized by using mechanical devices, structural devices or other acceptable ditch liners) ❑ 23 Senate Bill 1020; "SECTION 3.(h) Additional standards for land -disturbing activities in the water supply watershed": ❑ a' Erosion and sedimentation control measures, structures, and devices shall be planned, designed, and constructed to provide protection from the runoff of the 25-year storm Disapproval_WMConstructionPlanReviewChecklist-V.3_WM WAKE COUNTY I, ( ki�- — Wake County Environmental Services Department Water Quality Division, Watershed Management Section 336 Fayetteville St. • P.O. Box 550 • Raleigh, NC 27602 TEL 919 856-7400 • FAX 919 743-4772 WMCPR - ROLESVILLE, WENDELL, ZEBULON WATERSHED MANAGEMENT CONSTRUCTION PLAN DISAPPROVAL Sediment basins shall be planned, designed, and constructed so that the basin will have a settling ❑ b. efficiency of at least seventy percent (70%) for the 40-micron size soil particle transported into the basin by the runoff of the two-year storm that produces the maximum peak rate of runoff Newly constructed open channels shall be planned, designed, and constructed with side slopes no ❑ C. steeper than two horizontal to one vertical if a vegetative cover is used for stabilization unless soil conditions permit steeper slopes or where the slopes are stabilized by using mechanical devices, structural devices, or other acceptable ditch liners. Neuse Riparian Buffer Rules Due to the location of this project, it should be noted that a rule to protect and maintain existing buffers along watercourses in the Neuse River Basin became effective on July 22, 1997. The Neuse River Riparian ® Area Protection and Maintenance Rule (15A NCAC 213.0233) applies to all perennial and intermittent 24 streams, lakes, ponds and estuaries in the Neuse River Basin with forest vegetation on the adjacent land or "riparian area". Additional Suggested Changes/Comments ❑ 25. Environmental Jeevan Neupane, PE Contact Info: jeevan.neupane@wakegov.com Consultant: 919-819-8907 - shawn.springer@wakegov.com Wake County PE: Contact Info: Shawn Springer, PE,CFM 919-369-6135 Disapproval_WMConstructionPlanReviewChecklist-V.3_WM