HomeMy WebLinkAboutWI0600068_Data Monitoring Reports_20050818Wl 0660008 eA NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Dexter R. Mat@ens, Director Smitty's Cleaners Attn: Joyce Smith 3060 Owen Drive Fayetteville, NC 28306 Division of Waste Management Michael F Easley, Governor W lliam G. Ross Jr, Secretary August 18, 2005 Re: Assessment and Remediation Agreement DSCA Site ID 026-0003 Smitty's Cleaners 3060 Owen Drive Fayetteville, Cumberland County, North Carolina Dear Joyce: Enclosed is a copy of the executed ARA for the Dry Cleaning Solvent Act (DSCA) site referenced above. We will keep you informed of uny planned site work. If you have any questions, please contact me at 919-508-8452. Sincerely, Niki Fountain DSCA Project Manager cc: DSCA File 26-0003 401 Oberlin Road, Ste. 150, Raleigh, North Carolina 27606-1350 Phone: (919) 733-4996 \ FAX: (919) 733-4811 \ Internet: www.nedsca.org AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY 1 AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER— 50% RECYCLED / 10% POST CONSUMER PAPER WELL ABANDONMENT RECORD This form can be used for single or multiple wells Fatemd UeeONLY: 1. Well Contactor Information: JQ.yyP.n nvEC)70,4, Wtli Comma Name (swell ownapenmalty ebmadaai, well on hNher property) CIO.?(Q ✓� NC Wen fmmaa Cmi5um Nm*v Iel/Y: cc-andC cmipmy None 2. Well Construction Pent* IP Lisa all anknahlr wllprmph At. Co,y. Soh. Variance. Injection roc) r/bmm 3. Well me (check well use» Water Supply Well: CAerieulsuml OGeotlwrmal [Heating/Cooling Supply) DlnduwiPICommembl °irrigation Non -Water Supply Well: DMmRormg Injection Well: OAquifer Rexbaage DARuifen Storage and Recovery °Aquifer Ten OExperimcnbl Technology OCaatrcrm& (Closed Loop) OGu0emial (Healing/Cooling Rclum) 0Mwbipa1 WWic OResidential Water Supply(single) °Residential Water Supply (shared) °Recovery °Gramdwaux Rmctiauw OSelinity Buries OStonnwna Multiage °Subsidence Control OTrmw ooha (explain ostler lg) A. Dale w10(s)abandaued: 5a. Well button: Freilirol&ww Nome Foray IM(ifappfvble) 3P, 2. -n KlnS f Oregre diets nyriN Addsem, Cis and zip Cm,y prod ldmdrrwim No. (AM) Sb. Latitude aod longitude b degrres/mboteYeeennds ordcdmal degrees: (darn Odd one lml®s b =meiea) N W fONSpRUCf f ON DETAILS OP W F.I IASI BEING A$AROONED Attach well cemutnnas recadO) la,mladle. hb. melons platoon- niaour alp* welts ONLYMW the sans commmrmab(asmamm rwr rea,ahnr WJor0. 6a. Well RA (� 6b Total wen depth: C t `1 (0.) 6c. Borehole diameter: C1 (Mt/f W. {Voter keel below gravid 'turret= /l/. 2/ (IL) &.Outer axing length (if bowl): (fL) 6f.. Inpandng/tublog length Oflmowok (0L) 6g. Screen length Of Thom*: (ft) Rem OW.30 WELLABANDONMENTD TAI 7n. Number of welts befog abandoned: For mdnpl twee tan or esupply reel ONLY with the same smarrnoin6»Luwnt yens man rubmrors( 7b. Approximate volume of water remaining In wdl(s)• (gat) FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: In Type of dkly fecnnt used: ld.Amoom 0%01ascctant mad: le. Satlag mateelab used (Week all that apply). j Neal Cmnent Grout 0 Bentonite Chips or Pellets ❑ Sand Cement Grad ❑ Cwvee Gmm O Specialty Grout ❑ Bnuonite Slurry ❑ Dry Clay O Drill Cuttings ❑ Grovel ❑ Other (explain under 7g) lL For nab material Wetted ahoy provide armor , materiel used: 3 490 9VA eon� J t/i;%;a RE)", Spa an��P�Jf��i 7g. Provide a briedeseslpdoo of the abandonment procedure: ad Pifer else eAJ ft'/7Di fir/ o drat -Guest An An de '(ryyy'M/�liopan•/j%� mncaf66tiall welt Ownw By sgnng Shistam 1 hereby cerri%y 'Si she well() was Inn) absdoswd in accordance vier /SA NCAC O2C.0100 or 1C.0200Well CondnecOw .Standards and Mai a copy ends record bar been profit/NOW sell owner. 9. 51te diagram or additional wag drugs: You may use the heck of this page to provide additional well site details or well abandonment details You may also arch additional pages if necessary. SUBMITTAL INSFRU(TIONS 10s. For All Welt: Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well abandonmrm to the following 131rbba of Water Resources, Information Processing Unit, 1617 Mao Service Cantu, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 1OLL For Infection Welt: In addition to sending the form la the address in lea Owe, also submit one copy of this tom: within 30 dap of complmion of well abandonment to the following: Milton of Water Resources, Underground Injection Control Program, 1636 Mall Service Center. Raleigh, NC 17699-1636 IOr. For Water bbsolr & telethon Welts In addition to sending the form to the eddrnW(e) above, also submit one copy of this faro within 30 days of completion of well abmdonmem to the county health d pownem of the county atone abandoned. Nat Cantor Department ofP wmwen and NwuN Remoras- Divisfmo,%mammon Revised Augun1013 WELL ABANDONMENT RECORD This form tan be used for single of multiple wells For lemma( UseONLY. L Well Coatnelor Information: �"iM6n Oile?a i Wen Comawa Mentor well awaapmaull&dwell mbthnmouthy) 4/0, NC wei Cmneew Congaed® W.I. /rr cenel/r Co,9rny Nem Z WrD Camtnctlon Permit d: Linea applicable wet permits pr ()swotStan. Ymbm. !tension rc),fbnn 3. Well use peck well we): Water Supply Well: OAgeiculmM OGeothemal (lleating/Cooling Supply) °Industrial/Commercil Olnination °Municipal/Publm ORaidmtial Water Supply (single) °Residential Water Supply (shared) Non -Water Supply Well: °Monitoring °Recovery Infection Well: °Aquifer Recharge °Aquifer Stangeand Recovery °Aquifer Tat °Experimental Technology °Geothermal (Closed Loop) OOmlhennal (Heating/Cooling Ream) OGoundwaterRanedutim o Salinity Barrier o Stmmwaler Drainage Osubsidmte Control °Trace 0Other (explain under 7g) 4. Dale weals) abandoned: 6/�y So. Well location: FaolitylOwma Neme / heath(lp(ifepfbimde) 07 (sell c.JOAna (tar rla PhypW Addy s Cin.mLzry Comity three hkmmmm No 0150 5b. Latituddeand longitude In dareandoatn/leaods or dedmal degrees: Iifwo firth the k icro is sufficient) N W C0NSTRUCFION DETAILS OF WELL(SIBEING ABANDONED Atewh writ awnmxon ntordls) Oaradaate For range uyatmew tmewaer rally nth ONLY with the mmevtmnduWmentyou wawbmirwef 6u We11 ma: 66. Tab) well depth: %S 9a (1L) 6e. Borehole dlameten 12_ (ln.)) 6d. Water level below ginned surface: /32-2" (fL) 6e. Outer casing lagti (If fathom): (IL) 6L lance aWg/loting length (Dmmrnk (it) 62. Sn en length (if Imown): (it) Finn OW.36 WELL ABAND0NMF..A7 DETAILS la. Number pita, befog abandoned: bar mtltgle interim or Hon.WOW 3WriY walk ONLY with tk nuns connne0ea aborolonownt you ror=bootone farm 7b. APpmrboate valuate erwner remaining 111 wdl(O: (val.) FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 7c. Type of disinfectant mad: 7d.Amenrat ofd1Ssfectont used: le. SaDog maleelala coed (ebeek ali glut apply): Id Neat Cancel Gone 0 Bentonite Chips or Pellets O Sand Cement Grout 0 Dry Clay OConaer0 Gout ❑Doll Cuttings ❑ Specialty Grout 0 Gavel ❑ Bentonite Slurry 0 Other (explain under 7g) 7L Far ch=Weal selected above, pnvideamoopt 0f materials ma: l ?W1 paf,LA an°" °) 2 (nun -Mr /.Sgta, �7Lacd Prvvklea brief of the abandonment procedure: .(/Y/ f'p /J I10(19, rid km, /Ie!A'/ ('.y lDn6l `7leAl74 :--)°//!n ,Iar, R flatlon: wwn.e orWenDram afCaeb Wrg Cmnvw e/ BY signng Ss foes, I hereby at* that the well() was (were) abandoned in accordance with I SA NCAC 02C.0I00 or 2C.0200 Well Connnietion Standards and tea a copy ofMs record has been provided to the well owner. 9. Site dlagrw or addllbmlwell delaW: You may use the back of this page to provide additional well sits details or well abandonment deta0s. You may also attach additional pages if necessary. St IBMITTAI INSTRUCTION% 10a. For All Wertz Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well abandonment to the following Division of Water Ravorm, loformallon Processing Unit, 1617 Mall Service Center, Raleigh, NC376994617 106 For Infect/on Willy In addition to sending the! t0 the address in Ina above, also submit one copy of this fmm within 30 days of completion of well abandonment to the following. Division of Water Resources, Underground InfeWon Control Program, 1636 Mail Snake Center, Ra41gh, NC 37699-1636 Inc. nor Water Supply a Infection Well: in addition to sending the fain to de add:m(a) above, also mbmn one copy of this form within 30 days of competon of well orb towc,n to the county health depamoees of the thorny where abandoned. Nona Carol®Dep,ment ofEnruomrcm red Navel Ranoeq- Division arWeta Rwomca Reviled Aubta 2013 WELL ABANDONMENT RECORD This form can be used for single or multiple wells For lawenal Use ONLY: 1. Well rrltndar Informs no: .°4 these Well COTVwIa Name (et I owner ',moo* abndada9 it342 NC Vde Cati&aeioa Nombt fpffo C VVC CamayName Ion hirhe paper_) 1. Well Construction Permit 6: List dtopp0wele well penult fie Gouaq; sores ibolose. lral ele.)/Jlnawn 3. Well use (check via um): Water Supply Well: °Agricultural OGeothrnnal (Heating/Cooling Supply) OlndusuiaVCmanttal Obligation PMuntcipal/Public WRaidcuial Wain Supply (smile) ORestlmusl Walt Supply (dad) Non -Water Supply Well: Ohtowmring ORaovcry Injection Well: °Aquifer Recharge °Aquifer Stange and Recovery OAquift Test °Fxperimmlal Tdmology OGeo hemnal (Closed Loop) 0Gm0Rnnal (Hating/Coaling Reran) OGroundwuta Remdimion O salmiry Boner Osmrmomt Drainage Osubaidenee control OTrecer O ONa(explain under 7g) t Date weia) abdoned: ��/f/ 5a. Well Madam FevliryrOamrT �Nola Nary ION (ifrppliagls (90,0j1A-bm (Ii F ,e,/ i/� Physical Address, City, sad zip ComnY Pared Identifieamo No (PIN) Sb. latitude and loogimde In degem/minuteshaands or decimal degree (ifwell held we teems is W racieml N W WELL ABANDONMENT DETAILS Tu Number of wells being abandoned: For mwlple Weston supply wale ONLY wlt• the sate ewunwmnamwamem. wu rob e.Amu ma( 74 Appraalmateredone ofwster rmulaing In well(s): (gat) FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLSONLY: TeType ofdWnfecmnt nsd: T6 Amount ofdidnfetant used: 7e. Snllng matertab used (cheek all that apply): %Neat Cement Grout O Bentonitc Chips or Pellets 0 Sand Cement Gout 0 Dry Clay O Camerae Grout O Specialty Grout ° Baimn'le Slurry O Drill Cuttings O (ravel O Other (explain under 7g) IL For cab material ideated above. provide amount of atertuls used: 3 Jar,1f1 9(a'ifktr S agoBenfo 37s aa�OG.pn•�P/ Ts. Provide betelr eseolplbn of the abaod9nmen4 pracdan: Jed fntnt "gm J»in neo -amAn 251/th. 40, games ofCCaat' eS Weil Conartla or Well Owner D.6174 By signing this form, 1 hereby cent dial the well(s) was (were) abandoned in accordance with ISA NCAC 02C.0100 or 2C .0200 Well Construction Standards and rhea o copy of this record ism been provided io Orwell owner. 9. Stle diagram oraddidonalwrll deans: You may use the back of this pegc to provide additional well site details or well abandonment details. You may also attach additional pages ifnaawy. CONSTRUCTION DETAII S OFWELLISI BEING ABANDONED SUBMITTAL INSTRUCTIONS AIMS well roostrweaca mead() floral/able For rmdaple igeen war supply veil. ONLY with ate awls coamwrionn6mmmntm yourm.DWmume( 10a. For All Welts: Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well abandonment to to following: 6a. Well1p1: � 6b. Tobl well depth: 'I .f ✓ • 8 NM 6e. Borebole diameterl ' Dn.) 6d. Waterfowl blow grand aortae .31, 1/ (R) 6e. outer asks length Of !mown): (IL) 6L loner eadog/Iablog length Of!mown): (IL) 6g. Screen frugal Bflmawap (1L) Fam0WJI Division of Water Resources, Information Procasiog Unit 1617 Mall Semite Center, Rafrlgb. NC 27699.1617 10b. For lolall h Wells: In addition to sending to form to the addtss in I0a above, also submit one copy of this f within 10 days of cammplcom of wall gtondmvnpq to the following Weldon of Water Resources, Underground Injection Control Prognm. 16M Mall Semite Center, Ralelth. NC 17699-1636 I0e. For Water Sams* & !illation Wells: In addition to sending the form to the ddrcsgn) above, also submit one copy of Nis form wihin 30 days of completion of well abandonment to the county health department of the county where abandoned. NW caaaa Deprmml of&a,1ret m' Namad Ream- Pima of Wrier Reaune Rand sogaaimi WELL ABANDONMENT RECORD This form can be used for single or multiple wells Fa lmaal Um ONLY: 1. WeD Contractor Information: 'C,nna (%o,r 5 Wel Carona. germ lard] ewe pamlNabmd®gwNm taterprepeny) '/03a —T3 NC W ell Cmeaa [migration Neely haIraa )6/a/ C Company Neoc 2. Well Constitution Permit A: Ian all applicable wrllpwm0pc. Low .Sam. Youme rya. 3. Well use (check well tee): u:lfmn Water Supply Wen: °AgricWnnN .lMm:ieipalRdlic OCmtermal(Ilad) ng/Cooling Supply) ...6aidential Water Supply (single) DIndumialrCommacial °Residential Water Supply(shared) o Irrigation Non -Water Supply Well: o Monitoring Injection Well: OAquifa Recharge °Aquifer Storage and Recovery °Aquifer Tat oEapecimend Tcchmlogy OGeothamal (Closed Loop) oGeothennal Oimvng/Caol ing Baum) 4 Date wall(s) abandoned: Set Wen kcalbn: O R®very _ °Gmundwmer Bwadiatia Datil ty Barrie o5mrmnata Dminagc o 5ubsidence Control °Thera OOhc (explain undcr7g) Favlit4Owm Nam / /r—Fsiliw 0r (ifk) gplimb G762 7-fir Kin S Y'r2 r/i Physical Address. City.adZi County PUW Idntfatim Na (rN) sb. latitude and longitude In degrashnlaoldamndr or decimal degrees: tirrdl firth tan lathing Is ml&iw) WEI I. ABANDONMENT DETAIL$ 74 Number of wdb being abandoned: tot ntInah hewn. or non.umer nye& will corarntaron'olandortoen you eon name ref lb. Approximate volume ofwnter remalolog In well(s): Igal) ONLY wu5 tit amr FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: h . Type of dblafesanl rued: ld. Amount of disinfectant used: le Sating materiels oad (cheek all that apply): FFNest Caanon Grout ❑ Demonize Chips or Penns O Sad Cement Grout O Concrete Grout o Specialty Grout o Benaim Shiny ° Dry Clay ° Drill Cuttings ° Cnavel O Other (explain under lg) iit For etch matted • atm'e, provide amount of materials used: ./ , 6 n 4144 /9 n L e/ f hex fienh ✓te ig. ProvIde a brief description of the abandonment praedo re: In 4)0 g r/-/- Fn)if'C e—rao &Aid,-. -fa 1/210 By signing daemon; I hereby moth that the wars) Was hen) abandoned In acconbnre with 1SA NCAC 02C .0100 or ZC .0200 Well Cmmrmion Staniar* and thin o copy of MAT record ran been provided to the well owner. A Site diagram or additional well detaks: W You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or well N abandonment details You may also attach oddnir al age ifnecessary. CONSTRUCTION DETAIIS OFWELL(SI BEING ABANDONED SUBMITTAL INSTRUCTIONS .wait aril mvnnrnon Tamar) ,famnnbh For and yi oar hew or mmwar tarry amen ONLY nub the sae caomenwbbadownmk you am rune" anfmn 10a. for All Welly Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well abandonment to the fallowing Division of Water Resourw, Information Processing Unit, 1617 Man 5ervke Cater, Ratrg4NC27699-1617 l04 For Inlrcdon Wens: In addition to sending the than to the address in 10a above. also submit one copy of this ram within 30 days of completion or wen abandonment to the following: Division of Water Reaorta, Underground Injection Coahol Program, 1636 Man Smite puler: Raleigh. NC 276994636 10e. For Water Seemly & Inleelbn Wens In addition to sending do form to the eddsas(eo) above, also submit one copy of this for within 30 days of completion of well abandonment to the cowry hatch department of the cowry where abandoned. 6.1. Wen MI: 6b. Total wendepth: S4/ (a) 64 Borehole diameter: 60. Waterlevel below mead surface: 6e. Ogler wing length (if bowel: (IL) 6f. laaereadmplubing length (If Impute): (IL) 6y Screen ing@ Of lmowng (R) Fan OW-30 in) 351 (B) Nab Cretin Department ofa caenant and NaMal Pearce▪ ofWaa Rmuura ReehedAogun 2013 WELL ABANDONMENT RECORD This fans can be used for singleamultiple wells I. Wei Contractor to Roo: —rani/CS P/TG Well Cementer Naoe (m well owner penom Ily etmdmvng well on listen popery) 1039 NC Well Comma. Certification Number //f /C. Company Name 2. Well Construction Permit 9: °stallwp'aaNewrllRm ilia Re. Lour% Stare. Nwmae, fgeerbt seta) Jbmwn 3. Well use (check well use): Water Supply Wen: OAgricullmal °GmdNrmal (Hmling/Caolmg Supply) °Indumial/Commercial °Irrigation OMunicipalfPublic O Resideatiul Water Supply (single) o Residential Water Supply (shard) Non -Water Supply Wei: °Monitoring Iujeetba Well: °Aquifer Redurse °Aquifer Storage and Recovwy °Aquila Tat °Experimmml Technology °Geothemal (Closed Loop) °Geothe mal (Healing Coolmg Return) °Recovery o Gunn dwater Remediatice °Saliinity Bonier 0Smmwater Drainage °Subsidence Control °Tracer °Other fexplam under 7g) 4 Date wigs) abandoned. (CAA/ Sec Well Death': hole/Owner Name / FdluyTna(r - ) a 53 £. B /G; Os rapier Physieal Address, Cib, and Zip Comm Pent Idejt&®m Nov INN) Sec ia0mde end toeglmde le degrev/dnuta/umads or dedmal degrees: Orwell field one lnlong is sufficient) N W rONSTRUCT1ON DETAILS OF WFI ILSI BEING ABANDONED Anah well evuowma neadN lfamiabt F eWnyh uyectim or Cell.mater soupy wets ONLY wisha4 smcmmwanrat. am.ent)aumr taxi. awfam 6a. Wei lOd: 6b.TotetwNl depth: 1/S/Y (IL) do Borehole diameter. (x De.) 7s6 6d. Water level below ground mefeca 6e. Outmoding length (If known): 6E Inver advg/mblvg length (N mown): 6g Secem length (If known): (FL) (D) 3R) For Internal Use ONLY: WELL ABANDONMENT DETAILS 74 Number of wells Ming abandoned: F nadirph LJecSa or am -wafer note we l ONLY with the smnr rommtwonithorrelonmentyou am nth.ue axioms Tb.APpmslmate volume of water tavulolng In weU(s): (gel) FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: TC Type ofdblef resat used: 7d. Amooei of disinfectant used: le Saiog materials used (cheek ill (bat apply): /Neat Cement Gout 0 Bentonite Chips or Pellets O Sand Cement QOM 0 Concrete Grout ❑ Specialty Grout ❑ Bentonite Slurry ❑ Dry Clay ❑ Doll Cuttings ❑ Grovel O Other (explain under Ty TL For each material selected shove. provide amount O f materials: z? 9///6 4//.le) teused: se . n /d c,n 1e/ Tg !/Provide a brief description of the abandonment procaine: 4/m/1 rig rue) L'etlor en fi-.e/Y by signing thin farm I hereby crop Mar ins welifil ewe Ave) abondbnod in occmlance w0h ISA NCAC 02C .0100 or IC .0200 Well Cnaabrerion Smndanir and rho a copy°/ebb record ha. hen provided m the well owner. 9. 611e diagram or additional well delsis: You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or well abandonmen details. You may also attach additional papa if necessary. BUBMrrrAL INSfRUrTloN$ -10a. Far An Wei: Submit this loon within 30 days of completion of well abandonment to the following IHvbioo of Water Resources, Infoeroadon Peocaslog Unit, 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 37699.1617 lob. For Dilation Wells: In addition to sending the form to the address in 10a above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well abandonment to the following Division of Water Rmorisaa, Underground injection Conlin) Program, 1636 Mao Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 I0c. For Water Sunny & Minden Welly: In dduim to undmg the form to the ddreWm) above, also submit one copy of dos faro within 30 days of completion of well abandonment to the county health department of the county whcve abandoned. Faro OW-30' Nat6 Crakes Department ofEnwoomm end Naval Resources- Division of Wax Rammees Revkod Atria 2013 WELL ABANDONMENT RECORD This form can housed forsutee or moluple wells Fa bleat Use ONLY. 1. Well Columnar Information: JA,'* .s Q,o ra-tS Wei Covbata Nam(or wen owva penmdl*Wmdoaiegwell mb'u1i mosey) NC Well Carman Certification Naobn ferny Sn-re Company Nam Z Well ComOncdonPnmR 0: bitdlapliable ea permits rye. Ca 0. Ana. Ywb,n.. Iynrlon rwjtfbni, 3. Weer use (rbuh wen net Water Supply Well: oAgricultmd OGealhrrn al (luting/Cooling Supply) ObidunmiauCmmiercial °Imgation O MmicipaSf4blie "Residential Water Supply (single) ORaidential Wee Supply (shared) Non-Watersopply Wdl: 0Monitming Injection Well: °Aquifer Recharge °Aquifer Stange and Recowy °Aquifer Tat °Etperimemd Technology oowthenul (Closed Loop) IX'mmhermal (Heatmg/Caolmg Ileum) °Recovery °Groundwater Rnnodiatim °Salinity Bann OSrornwaln Drainage o Subsidnce Control °facer DGher (explain under TM 4 DaleweU(s) abandoned: G///�/i Se. Wen location: F tiry/OwoaNme Fmlity lnue (ifrpp4vbk) /50 is, /hdjran raye(led/le Physical Addres. City. ad Zip W FLL ABANDONMENT DETAIL l..Nontbre of wells being abandoned: / For owl * iyanw or wx,vhr supply wells ONLY caunanoi obNaaeK pro cm norm ore fro with the sate 7b. Approximate volumeofwalu- ronulnbis In weB(s): (pal) FOR WATERSUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1. Type of disinfectant osed: 7d. Amount of d6isfolanl used: le. Sealing materials and (thech all that apply) $Neat Cement Grout 0 Bentonite Chips or Pellets O Sand Cement ennui 0 Ory Clay O Concrete Grout 0 Drill Cuttings O Specialty Grout ° Hemonite Slurry O Gavel ❑ Other (explain under 7g) lL For each material Meted .bore, provide amount of materials weds 3 9y/6 Aye /Qla C &IO1% oat LtnQwn,/al lg.Provide a bad daerlption of the abandonment procedure: RA" It .insf CP1.4 nicer, 4-eT. )/Pa/ net/ vileMMrY '/h /ap Lao11 rar/v) 8 hnigcadoo: Sipimotef -•fid •�' wow or Well G�B/9 teem By signing. Ibis .. in.,1 hereby mniN Mat she wants) was (we) abandoned in accordance with ISA NCAC 02C.0100 or 1C.0200 We11 Comeradan Standard; and!hal a copyofthis record has beenpmvded to the well awarr. 9. Sine diagram or .ddldoual well details: You may use the beak of Ws {age to provide additional well sin details or wdl N W abaidomnent details, You may also attach additional pages if necessary CUNSIRUCfION DETAILS OF WELIASI 'WING ARANDONEIu @UBMrITAL INSTRUCTIONS A1trh inn rmamrnm areedy/ ) tf elmlea4. Fa mbph oyeedw n. ®swam apply nalONLY with.M swwcwnoTNa'vbad®eµ,ara resat:wpm 10. for All Wefts: Submit this form withm 30 days of completion of nen fia.Mtn Ian abandonment to the folloxmg Canty Pawl Idemifiraion No. (PM) Sb. latitude and Nnglmde lo degra sholoalsMonds or decimal degree: (if wen 6t14 ono lanes is wmcien) 66 Total well depth:1 (R) 6u Borehole diameter. LI (l0.)9 6d. Water lend belowaod grounda: - ' 3 IR) 6. Older cuing length (Ulmow* (IL) 6E lnnerastag/labIn. length OfImawo): 6F Screen length (If known): Pam GW.30 R) (R) DtWion of Water Resource Inlomtadoa Prmesaltg Unit, 1617 Mall Service Center, Ralelgb. NC27699.1617 106 For Infection Wells: In addition to sending the from to the address in 100 above. also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well abandonment to the following! DMsioo of Water Raoorca, Underground Injection Control Program. 1636 Mall Service Center, Raleigh. NC 27699-1636 10e. for Water Snooty & I.ledno Well,: In oddidm to sending tht f to the wrests) above, alto submit one copy of this font Within 30 days of completion of well abandonment to the county health department of the comity where abandood. North CaolioaD a.nt of Environment an NmS keetrea-drisW. ofWeur Resowea armed Aogua1013 WELL ABANDONMENT RECORD This form can be used for single or multiple wells Fa rmemel Use ONLY: 1. Well Contractor Informgb'ps. Darlgg e(62f Weil CamenaNeee (a well owner penmdly Ntndmiogwen m Wier property) NC WA Cmnna Catificaion Number T 72, tcoil/C Co pany Name 3. Well Cowerae0on Permit d: tea dlappicablewelmrMn(t a mmy, Sine Yanuae, fyram ea)lbmum 3. Well use (cheek well asO: Water Supply Well: GAgncultural oGeothamd (Heating/Cooling Supply) ObdusuisUCanmacial arrogation Noo-Water Supply We0: OMonibdng Injection Welt: DAquifa Recharge oAquifa Storage and Recovery oAquifa Tat DExpadmcolal Tabnology CGcolhemlel (Clad Loop) OGcadwmal (Hating/Cooling Warn) 4. Date wells) abandoned: Sa. Wd boron: QMunicipaVPuNb ZResidential Water Supply (single) ORaidenud Water Supply (shared) -[Recovery _ ['Groundwater Remedialioo O Salinily Barnet °Stmmw ocr Drainage °Subsidence Control o Treca °Otha(explain undalg) radgwlOwmt NNamerQS7 (O Physical Addrai - and Zip railing,, (ifygiable) rye #r&4//' Canty Parcel Identification NnlMl) 5b. latitude and longitude to degrsermioota&cads or dedmal de tat (if well field, oneladong is mffe"m0 N W WELL ABANDONMENT DETAILS In Number efwdk being abwdooed:1 For adtplr Injection or mmwaeer mgyly e'elb rmnfton oMMomµ you am submit one fart 7b. Approximate whine of water remaining to raffle): 0 (gal.) ONLY with the sant FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 7c. Type of d W arengol teed: 7d. Amount of disinfectant used: 7e. Sealing materials used (cheek all that apply): la Neat Cannot Gout 0 Bentonite Chips or Pellas O Sand Cornett Grout o Concrete Goat ° Spcciifty Gout ❑ Bentoniteslwty ❑ Dry Clay O Drill Cumngs ❑ Gavel O Other (explain tider7g) 7L For each makrW selected a� provide moment of materials axed: a 9//h pqossC anffBe 3O cy lg.Provides hekf description of theabandonmentprocdun: erni i' b 1i ' GArx✓ f l 4./ i ✓O'rL �GiYI`4 /77 Date By signing this form. 1 hereby cent& thnr the welly) was (we) °hardened an accordance with 15A NCAC O2C.0100 ar ZC.0200 Well Contlna:tba Smndarlr and that a any ofthu fraud has been provided to she well owner. 9. Slte diagram or additional well details: • You may use the back of this page to pavide additional well site details or well abandonment details. You may also attach additional pages if necessary. CONSTRUCTION DETAILS OF WELLS) BEING ABANDONED SUBMITTAL 1NSTRUC11ONS Attach well rmnmat= recorded ifooilable.. Far mini* inject= or nos olrt supply wells ONLY with the cone eaomcriontabmadmm,u. )w can mubnt m/ 6a. Well IN: 6b. Total wdl depth: / d • 38 (fL) 6c. Borholedkmeter. q (la) 6d. Water labs below ground mdar 10. Ce Irt) (It) IL) (a) 6e. Outer easing length (Dimon): 6L SneeradagAnbing length (Iflmown): 6g. Saeal kaDh (Irknownp Form GW-30 10a. For Alt Welly Submit this font wi0in 30 days of completion of well abandonment to the following Division of Water Rematta, Information Processing Unit 1617 Mid Service Center, Rsldgh,NC27699-1617 IOb For Infection Wells: In addition to sending the form w the address m l0a above, also submit ore copy of this fun o within 30 days of completion of well abandonment to the following: Division of Water Reaurm, Uodesgronnd lojndoa Control Program, 1636 WWI Service Center, Raleigh, NC 37699.1636 10e For Water Snook It lunation Wray: In addition to sending the form to the eddras(a) above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of complevon of well abandonment to the county health department of the county where abandoned North home Deyvmat ofEarrtaawst end Herald Remove —Division ofWaa Romw Reeved August 2013 WELL ABANDONMENT RECORD This form can be used for single or multiple was I. Well Contractor Informeliann/:: DO/It/7d) Well Contractor Nam (w well war paroml ly abandoning well m hieber pommy) y4,5 /7 NC Weil Cnusa�lion Namber /erre' c/)/C. Company Name L Wei CoanrvNon Permit g: List all opp'mble aeltprwa OA. Count Stale. Y .Iryert.4 oI)Obne 3. Well me (check well use): Water Supply Well: °AgriculuM °Geother al Oleatiog/Cooing Supply) °Indumial/Commercial Olmgation Non -Water Supply Well: OMonitanng OMwicipaDPubhc °Residential Water Supply (single) OResidendel Water Supply (shared) °Recovery Injection Well: °Aquifer Recharge OAqu iferStaage end Recovery °Aquifer Tat °Espesunami Technology OGeothemal (Closed loop) OGcothemal (Fieting/ccoling Return) DGmundwater R ndieda OSObury Beata 135t0mswma Dminage °SubsidenceCanal °Dam °Otherfc eplain under lgl 4. Date wells) abandoned: t9/1/0 7 5a.Wrll bntlon: Deddyrowna h/ Nana/�// Fady IW(ifappheabbbl -CO LA-23-n"1 rat ell/// !P Ilyskal AJNesa. Coy. W Lp Cowry Pawl ldmidcmon No. (11N) 5b. Lagmde and longitude le degradminulssseands or dedmal deems: Iifwell geld me laebng inefficient/ N W CONSfRUCf1ONDETAILS OF WEE IISI BEING ABANDONED Aamdr well rounumon monks) Vmwtabh. Na Naaph ryntamm nwwm WW2 welt Canerh MYaww mvaunaon abandonment )TMca mandroefma 6a.Welt1W: 6b. Total well depth: 59'' / (114 6c. Borehole diameter. / '(M.) 6d. Water level below ground surface: 6e. Outer casing length (Uhmwn): (ft) 6t in messIn tubing length (Oamown): IRI 18 / (D) sir. Seem length Oflmowu): (fL) Faro OW-30 For lnieml the ONLY: WELL ABANDONMENT OFJ'eTIS Ta. Number of wells bring abandoned: Per ad* injection m mmhr awl* in Mr ONLY with 1e exam cwtrctmithobunne*wu ran nehmaowfwm Tb. Appmulmale volume of water remaining Io went* (gal.) FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 7e. Type of disinfectant used: 7d. Amount of disinfectant used: Te. Sntivrmaledabnsed (ehedca6 that apply): 0 Net Callan Grout 0 Beaman Chips or Pellets 0 Sand Cents Gam O Concrete Grout 0 Specialty Grout L Bentonite Slimy 0 Dry clay ❑ Drill Cuttings ❑ Gravel ❑ Other (explain under 7g) TL For mph material 14,a 4f`vdprovide Sip MMUS of materials fQflgA9fa/Pi Fes' 7r. Provte a bale! deserlpdcn alike abandonment proc cdore: Rllpcf .44°r/� ante) ,Oasny1/ (i re,/ if dal 'in -4Or"1 Fen reSern f ed Weil Remarry( or Well Ovea By :ignite: :his fom hereby cen)fj that the walls) was (were) abmafuned m accordance with 154 NCAC 02C .0100 or 2C .0200 Nell Construction Standards andthat a copy cfthis record hat been provided to the well owner. 9. Site diagram or additional well details: You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or well abandonment details. You may also attach additional pages if necessary. jUBMIl TAL INSTRUCTIONS 10a. Foe All Went Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well abmdonmem to the I aowing Diridon of Water Hammen, Ioirmdou Processing Unit. 1617 Mall Service Ceuta. Ralelgb. NC 37699-1617 10b For Walton Wells: In addition to sending the four to the address in l0a above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well abandonment to the following: Dhleloa of Water Rwomea, Undermound lajadau Count Progam, 1636 Man Saden Center, Ralely4 NC 37699.1636 Ion For Water Sant/ & lnlaedoa Welly lo addition to sending the ham to the addrat(m) ebove, also submit me espy of this form within 30 days of completion of well abandonment to the cowry health department of the county where abandoned. North Cantina Dey,memofEmwanwm and Named Re mmcm- Division of Water Ramace Revised Augmn 2013 WELL ABANDONMENT RECORD This farm can to used for single or multiple wells 1. Well Contractor Infonossjlan�J� r S-0 .a l 1SNJI4 S Wal Cameras Neese no sell owapmmnlly abandoning von wn' o=myna) y03a-0 NC Wen Comma Gaetano Naha sows CmganyNom T. Well Canstncdon Permit IS: Iris') applwable wellpensa de. Cnuuy. Slate. Velmue, lejenbn etc) Ohm" 3. Well see (cheek well use): Water Supply Well: CAgnculnal °Geothermal (Heating/Cooling Supply) ClndumiaUCasaercal °Irrigation CMunicipWPublic RResidmtiel Water Supply (stogie) °Residential Wales Supply (shard) Non -Water Sopply Wdl: °Monitoring °Recovery In)teOeo Well: CAgWfer Recharge °Aquifer Storage and Recovery °Aquifer Test °Experimental Technology 1Csomennal (closed Loop) °Geothermal (Heating/Co:ling Return) o Groundwater Remedially) °salinity Ranier °Stannwatcr Drainag< °Subsidence Control o Tram °Other (explain under 7g) &Data weD(s)abemdoad: //7�//7 5. Well location: Fe+ilindonr Npome Pr/lien - ' Entry ID. Ofwtiable) Physical Address, City mazy Canny Sb. Latmde and loogitude b dtgreenrminutaYssmads°ededmal derma: Wadi Geld ere Wong is suIGdaa) N W Fir )canal Use ONLY: WELL ABANDONMENT' DETAILS. 7a. Number of welts being abandoned: For .wl pl. wawa wrwMe avry'y mod/, ONLY with the saw eur.u.am e-vwlantwa young Pa' Tb. Approximate volume atwitter temelnlug In we0(el: (gal) FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: le. Type ofdbivfertnnt used: 7d. Amount of disbarment asd: 7e. Sealing materials used (fleck all )bat apply): !d Neat Cmmnt Grout 0 Bentonite Chips or Pellets 0 Send Cement Grout 0 Dry Clay 0 Concrete Grout 0 Dell Cuttings 0 SpecmltyGrout 0 Gavel 0 Bentonite Slurry 0 Other (explain under 7g) 'lL For cub .tcela(selectd above provide amount efmaterials need: Bon: Pa Oa' orCada ell Connalora Wdl over By signing 1Ms form, I hereby cent that the wall(s) was peen) abandoned in Peal IMd0emee Net ('IN) at en n. with ISA h'CAC 02C.OIO0 ar 2C .0200 Well Conelnatwn Srme&m4 and that a copy ((this record has been provided to the well owner. 9. She dkgmm oraddhdo sl well dmatk: You may use the back or this page to provide additional well she loads or well abandonment demob You mayalso attach additional pages if necessary. CONSTRUCTION DETAILS OF WELLS) BEING ABANDONED SUBMITTAL E TRUCFIONS Attach nil .vaMrlron nrodry) I1ann.Ne Fa nodople .year a mmwaar WW1 wells ONLY wid:le sane eaamwnar3badawew, you eanmends c form IOa. or All Welk: Submit this f within 30 F days of completion of well 6. Well !DM abandonment to the following- 64 Total writ depth: J / 3 (R) L 6e. Borrkde tiameler. Um) 3-5 6d. Water level edow ground swine: (/// (rt) 6e. Outer easing Ing16 (If known): (ft) 6f.1 �oglmhg length (Unman): (ft) 6g. Screen length (lfbowe): (R) Rem OW.30 Dhlsbo of Water Resources, Information Processing Unit, 1617 Mall Service Center, Raklgh, NC27699.1617 10b. for Ioleatlon Welke In adduion to sending des faun m the address in 10a above. also submit one copy of this Tam Within 30 days of completion of well aba donmeat to the following: Divkbn of Water Resources, Underground Injection Coatro1 Prgnro, 1636 Mal Senate Center, Raleigh. NC 276994636 lox For Water Snook A Inl,opon Wells: In addition to sending the form to the addies(a) above, also submit as cagy or ton room within 30 days of completion of well ebandomm�t to the county health department of the county where abandoned N.MCaafaa Dgnant otEanninicao and Newel Rennes -Damon et Water Resources RermlAssust r 9/. Ar/And aa9d(4A/Or tf art D'Y ✓rain 3 7g, Provide brief of the abaedonmest procedure: f o// cos am al /1/ncrr/Jiim", e 9 ran)( / Table 1 Smitty's Cleaners (26-0003) Fayetteville, North Carolina Water Supply Well Abandonment Summary Address Pump/Infrastructure Depth to water (feet) 39.3 Depth to bottom (feet) 80 Well Diameter 4 Abandoned? Yes Dale Abandoned 6/112014 Reason not abandoned NA other Notes 150 E. Hudson Street Pump Renwed, well house dennfisted (6-10-14) 166 E Hudson Street NA NA NA NA NA NA Does not exist 11/s property was supplied with well water derived tram 150 E Hudson Street well 163 E. Hudson Street NA NA NA NA NA NA Does net exist The well house was full of dirt. The homeowners said the well was abandoned long ago. AECOM confirmed there was no well on This propeM. 251 Wilkes Road NA 47.68 72.38 4 Yes 6/122014 NA 113 Trallwood D(/e NA 7 7 7 No NA Could not make cootactveth Carolyn Hall (ownag. Shedd not respond b calls or knocks at hereontdoor. Attempt%1 (6-10- NaH0:00 am)Allempt#2(6-12-14 a108:3o am)Anempt83(&II-14 of 1:50 pm)Allempt64(&13-16 et 09:2o am) 115Trdlwood Drive NA ? 7 7 No NA Could not make contact Mth new owner (Michael Hall p one number disconnected). Had agreement with previous owner. Attempt 4 1 (6-10-14 et10:00 am/Attempt#2 (8-12-14 t 00:30 am)Alleng163(6-12-14 at 1:50 pm)AVempt 04(6-13-14 a1 0920 era) 117 Trailood Drive NA ' 7 ? 7 No . NA Could of make contact with Mary Ann Owens(owner). eft message en answering matltine and knocired on the door. Spoke with Mary Attu§ son (6-10-14) and he agreed t0 meet on Thursday (6-12-14) at08:30 am to (Mass well abandonment AECOM was present at ll7Tdlwood Drive to meet with Mary Ands son and he rid not show up Two more attempts (1 later that day and 1 the fatowing narnabg) were mode to get contact with the direwner or her son, however none were successful. 2021 Womble Drive NA 13.22 35.92 2 Yes 6/112014 NA 2020 Womble Drive Pump Removed (6-10-14) 31.54 538 4 Yes 6/112014 NA 2031 Womble Drive NA 1864 54.1 4 Yes 6/112014 NA 244 E. Jenkins Street NA 35.64 54.38 4 Yes 6/12/2014 NA 252 E. Jenkins Street NA 358 45.14 2 Yes 6/122014 NA 258E. Jenkins Street NA NA NA NA NA NA Does not exist This property was supplied with well water derived horn 244 E. Jenkins Street well 262 E Jenkins Street Attempted piping removal. but Muck In well (6.11-14) 7 7 2 Yes 6/112014 NA The drop pipe broke off when being pulled fromthewelt Crew puled until the PVC pipe broke. No measurements could be made due to obstructions in the wer Cement pinged down a trenie pipe epprorirretely 10 feet in length (es deep as crew ca dd lower the Create). Crew reload the following day to top o0 with grout 327 E. Jenkins Street Pump Removed(6-12-14) 16.21 43.96 4 Yes 6/122014 NA Thedrop pipe bake an Mien being pilled from the well. Crew pulled until the PVC pipe broke. Measurenretns were taken from inside the drop pipe. Water level is accurate, however, depth to bottom is the measurement from Inside the drop p1p0. Grout was pupped down the well using approximately 5 feel of hernia (as deep as crew could inetell 1). Crew returned the following day to top on the well with grout. 403 E. Jenkos Street NA ? 7 ? No NA The well was not present inside the well house. Piping ran Into the yard AECOM personnel and crew searched for thewell heed but could not find it. 354 YNIkes Road NA ? 7 ? No NA Talked to the Store Manager and she said this well was till bang used and she has told her employees not to drink the water. WU not allow us to abandon. Note NM Ned .-NeaeY Unable omeamk T V,atleb,reauae AECOM Table 2: Water Connection and Well Abandonment Status Table DSCA ID No.: 26-0003 -. .. f1 Site Address PIN Property Use I Status of Property Well on property? Consent to Abandon? Well Abandonment Needed Pre Jenkins Road Water Line Extension Project Water Connections Already in Place 112 Trailwood Dr 0436-01-6695 Residential Occupied Yes No No consent 131 East Hudson St 0436-22-0569 Residential Occupied No NA No (no well present) 140 East Hudson St 0436-22-1433 Residential Occupied Yes No No consent 150 East Hudson St 0436-22-3433 Residential Occupied Yes Yes Yes 163 East Hudson St 0436-22-3752 Residential Occupied Yes' Yes (Verbal) Yes 179 East Hudson 5t 0436-22-3752 Residential Occupied No confirmed well NA No (no well present) 2027 Draughone Ave 0436-21-2993 Residential Vacant Yes No No consent 2040 Draughone Ave 0436-21-1868 Residential Occupied No NA No (no well present) 208 Teague St 0436-02-2527 Residential I Occupied Yes No No consent, 217 Dallas St 0436-02-3708 Residential I Occupied Yes No No consent 2200 Progress 5t 0426-93-9172 Residential Occupied Yes No No consent 2313 Camden Ave 0426-82-9328 Residential Occupied Yes No No consent 164 Wilkes Road 0436-11-9967 Residential Occupied No NA No (no well present) 251 Wilkes Road 0436-22-5590 Residential Occupied Yes - Yes (Verbal) Yes 269 Wilkes Road 0436-22-7488 Residential Occupied Yes No No consent 277 Wilkes Road 0436-22-8580 Residential Occupied No NA No(no well present) 307 Wilkes Road 0436-32-1664 Residential Occupied Yes No No consent 316 East Jenkins St (not connected but no building) 0436-33-5095 Residential Vacant Unknown Yes (Verbal) Yes (if well present) 128 East Hudson 51 0436-22-1433 Residential Vacant Unknown No No consent 304 Wilkes Road 0436-32-1394 Residential I Occupied Yes No No consent 2014 Draughone 0432-22-1032 Residential Vacant Yes No No consent 2017 Draughone 0432-21-2993 Residential Vacant Unknown No No consent 134 McInnis St 0436-01-4441 Residential Vacant Yes No No consent Jenkins Road Water Line Extensron'Project Water Connections Made 113 Trailwood Dr 0436-01-7418 Residential Occupied Yes Yes Yes 115 Trailwood Dr 0436-01-6466 Residential Occupied Yes Yes Yes 117 Trailwood Dr 0436-01-6415 Residential Occupied Yes Yes Yes 166 East Hudson St* 0436-22-0502 Residential Occupied Yes Yes Yes 2021 Womble Dr 0436-33-0602 Residential Occupied Yes Yes Yes 2028 Womble Dr 0436-33-0356 Residential I Occupied Yes Yes Yes 2031 Womble Dr 0436-33-4424 Residential I Occupied Yes Yes Yes 2035 Womble Dr 0436-33-4398 Residential Occupied Yes Yes Yes 244 East Jenkins St 0436-32-1939 Residential Occupied No NA No (no well present, prior water from well at 256 (aka 244.5) E. Jenkins. 252 EastJenkins St 0436-32-2960 Residential Occupied Yes Yes Yes 256 East Jenkins St (aka 244.5 Jenkins) 0436-33-2032 i Residential Occupied Yes Yes Yes 327 East Jenkins St 0436-33-7403 Non -Residential Occupied Yes Yes Yes 406 EastJenkinsSt 0436-43-1314 Residential Occupied Yes Yes Yes 262 East Jenkins St 0436-32-3958 Residential Occupied Yes Yes Yes Properties Not Connected as of June 3, 2014 119 Trailwoad Dr 0436-01-5464 Residential Unknown use of well. Yes No No consent @ well in use 2025 Womble Dr 0436-33-4533 Residential I Occupied Yes No No consent @ well in use 354 Wilkes Road 0436-32-7357 Non -Residential Not used for drinking. Yes Yes Consent but well in use 324 East Jenkins St 0436-33-7038 Residential ' Vacant Property Yes No No consent t well in use 334 East Jenkins St 0436-33-8131 Residential i Vacant Yes No No consent & well in use 346 East enkins St 0436-33-9123 Residential Occupied Yes No No consent & well in use 354 East Jenkins St 0436.43-0115 Residential Occupied Yes No No consent t well in use 400 East Jenkins St - 0436-03-0175 Residential Occupied Yes No No consent & well in use 437 East Jenkins St 0436-03-0380 Residential Vacant Yes No No consent & well in use Table I: Water Supply Well Survey Data DSCA IDNo : 26-0003 Ref, No/ Well ID Sampling Location Name and Address Property Owner Name, Address, and Phone Number Tenant Name, Address, and Phone Number Distance from Source [feet] Well Depth [feet] Screen Interval [feet] Use of Well Source of Well Identification Direction (downgradienl, upgadient, etc., to source area) Status (Active/ Inactive) Connected to Municipal Water? 307 Wilkes Residence, 307 Wilkes Annie Mae Everette 307 Wilkes Road Fayetteville, NC 28304 Unlisted' Same as Owner 2,290 Unknown Unknown Not used, well pump removed ATC observed Downgradient Inactive Yes 354 Wilkes Plumbing Company, 354 Wilkes Thomas Barbour PO Box 64634 Fayetteville. NC 38206 910-960-2563 Unknown 2,699 Unknown Unknosm Active well but bottled water used for drinking ATC observed Downgradient Active • No 2021 Womble Residence, WSW-2021 Womble Truman Mainor 2021 Womble Drive Fayetteville, NC 28306 910-484-9389 Same as Owner 2,940 35 Unknown Well disconnected ATC observed Downgradient Inactive Yes 2025 Womble Residence, 2025 Womble Sven Christiansen 2025 Womble Drive Fayetteville, NC 28306 Unlisted Same as Owner 2,840 370 Unknown Active well ENSR 2005 receptor survey Downgradient Active No 2028 Womble Residence, 2028 Womble Rudolph McMillan. Sr, 2028 Womble Drive Fayetteville, NC 28306 910.484-5413 Same as Owner 2,570 65 Unknown Well disconnected ATC observed Downgradient Inactive Yes 2031 Womble Residence, 2031 Womble Josephine White SIDS Royal Domoch Dr.Unknown Raleigh, NC 27604 910-485-8797 2,850 Unknown Unknown Well disconnected ENSR 2005 receptor survey Downgradient Inactive Yes 2035 Womble Residence, 2035 Womble Lydia Mason 103 Fowler Street Carrboro, NC 27510 919-942-2415 Carolyn Farmer 910-024-8660 2,890 35 Unknown Well disconnected ENSR 2005 receptor survey Downgradient Inactive Yes Page 5 of 5 Table 3 Pilot Injection Groundwater Monitoring Schedule Smitty's Cleaners (260003) ayetteville, NC Well ID MW-1 Well Diameter (inches) 1 Screened Interval (feet) 17-22 Baseline Monitoring 90 Days 180 Days 270 Days 360 Days VOC 1 MNA DHC+DHB VOC 1 MNA DHC+DHB VOC 1 MNA DHC+DHB VOC 1 MNA DHC+DHB VOC 1 MNA DHC+DHB MW-2 1 20-25 1 1 1 1 1 MW-3R 1 15.5-20.5 1 1 1 1 1 MW-5 1 11-21 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 MW-33 2 10-20 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I M W-1 1.5 15-25 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 EW-1 4 13-23 1 .1 1 1 1 MW-6 2 35-45 1 1 1 1 MW-13A 1 35-45 - 1 1 1 1 Notes; VOC-Volatile Organic Compounds by EPA Method 8260 MNA-Montored Natural Attenuation Parameters indude chloride, iron, sulfate, sulfide, total inorganic carbon, total organic carbon, volatile fatty acids, dissolved gases (methane, ethane, ethene, acetylene, hydrogen, and carbon dioxide) DHC - Deh lococcooides bacteria and functional genes DHB-Deha obacter bacteria Monitoring plan may be modified during implementation based on data collected Municipal Water Connections Report Smitty's Cleaners, DSCA Site 1126-0003 FIGURE A_:COM July 17, 2014 AECOM 701 Corporate Center Drive, Suite 475 Raleigh, North Carolina 27607 Mr. Al Chapman North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Waste Management, Superfund Section 1646 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1646 Subject: Water Supply Well Abandonment Report Smitty's Cleaners (DSCA Site ID 26-0003) 3060 Owen Drive Fayetteville, Cumberland County. North Carolina AECOM Project #60321176.G01 Dear Mr. Chapman, 919 854 6200 tel 919.854.6259 fax AECOM Technical Services of North Carolina, Inc. (AECOM) has completed water supply well abandonment activities approved in State Lead Authorization for Work number 025 (SLAW #025). This letter report documents well abandonment methods and includes well abandonment records from a North Carolina certified driller. Between June 10 and June 13, AECOM and its subcontractor, Terra Sonic International (Terra Sonic) abandoned nine water supply wells in Fayetteville, North Carolina. Water supply wells located at 150 East Hudson Street, 251 Wilkes Road, 2021, 2028, and 2031 Womble Drive, and 244, 252, 262, and 327 East Jenkins Street were abandoned in accordance with the North Carolina Administrative Code Title 15A Subchapter 2C Standards by a North Carolina licensed driller. Although SLAW #025 included abandonment of 16 water supply wells, 7 of the wells were not abandoned for the following reasons: • AECOM was not able to make contact with the property owners from 113, 115, and 117 Trailwood Drive to schedule the abandonments. • The reported water supply well at 406 East Jenkins Street was not found and the well is presumed to be abandoned or destroyed. • The property owners at 354 Wilkes Road indicated that their water supply well was still the only source of drinking water to their building and that they did not intend to connect to city water. • The historic source of water for 163 and 166 East Hudson Street was a water supply well located at 150 East Hudson Street. No wells exist on these properties. Prior to abandonment. any pumps and/or piping were removed from the wells and the total depth and depth to water were measured in all wells using an electronic water level meter. Wells were then chlorinated using granular hypochlorite prior to abandonment with neat cement. The well was then grouted to the surface utilizing a pump and tremie pipe. After curing overnight, additional cement was added to the wells, as needed, so that the finished level was flush with ground surface. Any well pads or covers were removed (if requested by the owners) and the location was brought back to grade using material to match the surrounding surface. A summary of well abandonment AECOM 2 activities is included in Table 1. A figure showing water supply well locations and status is also included as Attachment 7. The well abandonment records completed by Terra Sonic are included with this submittal for your records. AECOM appreciates the opportunity to work with you on this project. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact Brian Ray at (919) 239-7179. Sincerely yours, Matt Allen, PG Project Manager Program Manager Attachments Table 1: Water Supply Well Survey Data DSCA ID No.: 26-0003 - Ref No./ Well ID ' Sampling Location Name and Address Property Owner Name, Address, and Phone Number Tenant Name, Address, and Phone Number Distance from Source [feet] Well Depth [feet] Screen Interval [feet] Use of Well SourceWell Identification Direction (downgmdicnt, upgradient, etc., to source area) Status (Active/ Inactive) Connected to Municipal Water 2313 Camden Residence, 2313 Camden Ruby's Properties, LLC 310 McNeill Road Sanford, NC 27330 919-837-5354 Unknown 1,910 Unknown Unknown Not used, well pump removed ENSR 2005 receptor survey Downgradient Inactive Yes 217 Dallas Residence, 217 Dallas Betty Ann Black 217 Dallas Street Fayetteville, NC 28306 910-485-6098 Same as Owner 930 Unknown Unknown Unknown ENSR 2005 receptor survey U diem pNa • Unknown Yes 2014 Draughone Residence, 2014 Draughone ' James and Kathy Parker Pierson 2642 ayeltJohn Hall Road Fayetteville, NC 28312 Unlisted Unknown 1,240 Unknown Unknown Not used, well pump removed, evidence of exposed black plastic pipe reposed during an April 2011 site visit, property is vacant ENSR 2005 receptor survey and ATC April 201 I Site Visit Downgadient Inactive Yes 2017 Draughone Residence, 2017 Draughone Cumberland County PO Box 449 Fayetteville, NC 28312 Unlisted Unknown 1,360 Unknown Unknown Not used, well pump removed, cinderblock recessed foundation present but no other signs of well, property is vacant ENSR 2005 receptor survey and ATC April 2011 Site Visit Downgradient Inactive Yes 2027 Draughone Residence, 2027 Draughone Cumberland County PO Box 449 Fayetteville, NC 28312 Unlisted Unknown 1,390 Approx. 40 Unknown Not used, well pump removed, three pipes exposed, properly is vacant ENSR 2005 receptor survey and ATC April 2011 Site Visit Downgradient Inactive Yes 2040 Draughone Residence, 2040 Draughone Oaka Lec Parker, Jr. 4047Spanish Oak Drive Fayetteville, NC 28306 910-484-4210 Unknown 1,240 80 Unknown Well abandoned 9/09 ATC observed Downgradient Abandoned Yes 128 E Hudson Residence, 128 E Hudson Thurmond Price 140 Division Street West Creek, Ni 08092 609-294-1713 Unknown 1,270 Unknown Unknown Not used, no evidence of. well, propel is vacant ENSR 2005 receptor survey and ATC April 2011 Site Visit Downgradient Inactive Yes 131 E Hudson Residence, 131 E Hudson Beluah Litz 131 East Hudson Street Fayetteville, NC 28306 910-424-8660 Same as Owner 1,440 Approx. 30 Unknown Pump removed 2/07, well abandoned 9/09 ATC observed Downgradient Abandoned . Yes 140 E Hudson Residence, 140 E Hudson Thurmond Price 140 Division Street West Creek, NJ 08092 609-294-1713 Unknown 1,340 Unknown Unknown Not used, pump still inside well casing and piping cut above casing ATC observed Downgradient Inactive Yes Page I of 5 Table 1: Water Supply Well Survey Data DSCA tD'No: 26-0003': .. Ref Not Well ID Sampling Location Name and Address Property Owner Name, Address, and Phone Number Tenant Name, Address, and Phone Number Distance from Source [feet] Well Depth [feet] Screen Interval [feet] Use of Well Source of Well Identification Direction (downgradient, upgradient, etc., to source area) Status (Active/ Inactive) Connected to Municipal Water? 150 E Hudson Residence, 150E Hudson Katherine McLeod 150 East Hudson Street Fayetteville, NC 28306 910 484-6444 Same as Owner 1,460 Unknown Unknown Disconnected well and POE system, previously provided water to 166E Hudson ATC observed Downgradient Inactive Yes 163 E Hudson Residence, 163 E Hudson Milton Craddock 735 Oxbow Drive Myrtle Beach, SC 29579 Unlisted Unknown 1,440 Unknown Unknown Not used, decorative well house present • ENSR 2005 receptor survey and ATC April 2011 Site Visit Downgradient Inactive Yes 166E Hudson Residence, 166 E Hudson Katherine McLeod 150 East Hudson Street Fayetteville. NC 28306 910-484-6444 Same as Owner 1,610 Approx, 20 Unknown Pump pulled and well dry ATC. observed Downgradient Inactive Yes 179 E Hudson Residence, I79 E Hudson Milton Craddock 2866 Eudora Trail Duluth, GA 30097 Unlisted Unknown 1,440 Unknown Unknown Not used, no evidence of well, property is vacant ENSR 2005 receptor survey and ATC April 2011 Site Visit Downgradient Inactive Yes 244 E Jenkins Residence, 244 E Jenkins David Matthews 244 Eastlenkins Street Fayetteville, NC 28306 910-485.2824 Owner 2,370 Unknown Unknown Well originally identified at this location, but later found thisas that well was located at 244.5 (aka 256) E. Jenkins. ATC observed Downgradient Inactive Yes 252 E Jenkins Residence, 252 Elenkins Celia Gnllickson 5205 Slake Road Virginia Beach, VA 23455 910-484-1108 Unknown Unknown 2,460 Unknown Unknown Disconnected well and POE system observed Downgradient Inactive Yes 256 (formerly 244.5) E Jenkins Residence, 256 E Jenkins Vivian Matthews 2321 Rustic Trail Fayetteville, NC 28306 910-483-2017 Unknown 2,465 Unknown Unknown Not in use. Previoulsy provided 244.5 (aka water6)E. Jenkins. ATC observed Downgradient Unknown Yes 262 E Jenkins Residence, 262 E Jenkins Vivian Matthews 2321 Rustic Trail Fayetteville. NC 28306 910-483-2017 Unknown 2,550 Unknown Unknown Well disconnected ATC observed Downgradient Inactive Yes 316 Elenkins Residence, 316 EJenkins Ricky Stephens 345 Wilkes Road Fayetteville, NC 28304 910-485-8617 Unknown 2,900 Unknown Unknown Possible well identified historical) but no evidence y of well, property is vacant ENSR 2005 receptor survey and ATC November 2011 Site Visit Downgradient Unknown Yes 324 E Jenkins Residence, 324 Elenkins Catherine Johnson 324 East Jenkins Street Fayetteville, NC'_B106 910-323-9275 Same as Owner 2,950 Unknown Unknown Unknown,. property is vacant ENSR 2005 receptor survey Downgradient Unknown No Page 2 of 5 Table 1: Water Supply Well Survey Data DSCA ID No.:. 26-0003 Ref No./ Well ID Sampling Location Name and Address Propeny Owner Name, Address, and Phone Number Tenant Name, Address, and Phone Number Distance from Source [feet] Well Depth [feet] Screen Interval [feet] Use of Well Source of Well Identification Direction (downgadient, upgradient, etc., to source area) Status (Active/ Inactive) Connected to Municipal Water? 327 EJenkins Residence, 327E Jenkins Froehling & Robertson, Inc. PO Box'_]524 Richmond, VA 23261 910-232-9832 Unknown 2,960 Unknown Unknown Well disconnected ATC observed Downgradient Inactive Yes 334 E Jenkins Residence, 334 EJenkins Virginia Corbett Carroll 2404 Morganton Road Fayetteville, NC 28303 910-485-1022 Unknown 3,100 Unknown Unknown Unknown, property is vacant ATC observed Downgradient Unknown No 346 E Jenkins Residence, 346 E Jenkins Khan Mainor 346 G. Jenkins Street Fayetteville, NC 28306 910-485-1242 Same as Owner 3,240 Unknown Unknown Active well ENSR 2005 receptor survey Downgradient Active No 354 E Jenkins Residence, 354 EJenkins Khan Mainor 346 E. Jenkins Street Fayetteville, NC 28306 910-485-1242 Unknown 3,320 Unknown Unknown Active well ENSR 2005 receptor survey Downgradient Active No 400 E Jenkins Residence, 400 E Jenkins Ella Manning 400 East Jenkins Street Fayetteville, NC 28306 910-484-6328 - Same as Owner 3,270 Unknown Unknown Active well ENSR 2005 receptorDowngradient survey Active No 406 E Jenkins Residence, 406 E Jenkins Simon Monroe 8407 Lem Skin Lane Forestville, MD 20747 910-485-3901 Unknown 3,450 Unknown Well disconnected ENSR 2005 receptor survey Downadient Downgradient Inactive Yes 437 E Jenkins Residence, 437 E Jenkins Mary Elmore 437 East Jenkins Fayetteville, NC 28306 Unlisted Same as Owner 3,730 Unknown Unknown Assumed active ATC observed Downgradient - Active No 134 Mclnnis (aka 134 Trailwood) Residence, 134 Mclnnis (aka 134 Trailwood) Christopher Chance 6553 Bailey Lake Road Fayetteville NC 28304 910-426-0977 Unknown 710 Unknown Unknown .Property vacant in 2007 - house burned down DWQ sampled 1999 Upgadient Inactive Yes 2200 Progress Residence, 2200 Progress Addie Wingate 2200 Progress Street Fayetteville, NC 28306Same 910-323-1020 as Owner 1,380 Unknown Unknown Irrigation well ENSR 2005 receptor survey Upgradient Active Yes 208 Teague g Residence, 208 Teague Kenneth and Linda Krafft 515 North Lakeside Drive Forked River, NJ 08731 Unknown 850 Urdmown •609-693-8516 Unknown Not used, rental property occupied in 2011 ENSR 2005 receptor sunxy Uparadient Inactive Yes Page 3 of 5 Table 1: Water Supply Well Survey Data DSCA,ID No.: 26-0003_ .. .... .. _ .. . ... .. _.... ... 11 Ref: No./ Well ID Sampling Location Name and Address Property Owner Name, Address, and Phone Number Tenant Name, Address, and Phone Number Distance from Source [feet] Well Depth [feet] Screen Interval [fen] Use of Well Source of Well Identification Direction (downgradient, upgadlent, etc., to source area) Status (Active/ Inactive) Connected to Municipal Watefl 112 Trailwood Residence, 112 Trailwood Dipak Ranavaya 2320 Gillespie Street Fayetteville, NC 28306 Unlisted Unknown 390 Unknown Unknown Not used DWQ sampled 1999 Upgradient Inactive Yes ' 113 Trailwood Residence, 113 Trailwood Carolyn Hall 113 Trailwood Drive Fayetteville, NC 28306 910-484-3594 Same as Owner 530 Unknown Unknown Not used, well is currently dry ENSR 2005 receptor survey Upgradient Inactive Yes 115 Trailwood Residence, 115 Trailwood Santos Arreyo 136 Brocton Drive Fayetteville, NC 28303 910-868-6079 Unknown 560 Unknown Unknown Not used, well pump removed, property vapannn 2011 ATC spoke with neighbor in Sept. 2009 Upgradient Inactive Yes ' 117 Trailwood Residence, 117 Trailwood Minnie Johnson 117 Trailwood Drive Fayetteville, NC 28306 Unlisted Same as Ow 590 Unknown Unknown Unknown, well formerly supplied 113 and 115 Traihvood ATC spoke with neighbor in Sept. 2009 Upgadient Inactive Yes 119 Trailwood Residence, 119 Trailwood Santos Arreyo 136 Brocton Drive Fayetteville, NC 28303 910-868-6079 Unknown 620 Unknown Unknown Unknown, properly "'Tenth' has no power. bottled water used for drinking DWQ sampled 1999 Upgradient No 164 Wilkes Residence, 164 Wilkes Two Adams, Inc. 8625 Mt. Pleasant Church Road Willow Springs, NC 27592 919-552-7075 Unknown 1,140 Unknown Unknown Pump removed 2/07, well abandoned 9/09 - ATC observed Downgradient Abandoned Yes 251 Wilkes 251 Wilkes Arthur Mclamb 8019 Sapling Drive Hope Mills, NC 28348 910-425-2430 Unknown Approx, 75 Unknown Not used, well pump Not1,720 removed • ENSR 2005 receptor survey Downgradient Inactive Yes 269 Wilkes Residence, 269 Wilkes William Vanscyoc 269 Wilkes Road Fayetteville, NC 28304 910-483-7291 Same as Owner 1,900 Unknown Unknown Not used, well pump removed ATC observed Dow^gradiera Inactive Yes 277 Wilkes Residence, 277 Wilkes Jack and Bridgette Hudson 325 Wilkes Road Fayetteville, NC 28306 Unlisted Unknown 2,000 Approx. 40 Unknown Pump removed 11/06, well abandoned 9/09 ATC oburred Downgradient Abandoned Yes 304 Wilkes Residence, 304 Wilkes Ernest Brewingtan 4101 Raeford Road Fayetteville, NC 28304 910-433-2757 Unknown 2,330 Unknown Unknown Unknown, well pump removed ATC observed Downgradient Inactive Yes ti Page of 'c-