HomeMy WebLinkAbout20070793 Ver 1_Triage Comments_20070510nw~~ ~ ? ~ ~ ~ 3 . Dam ~° ~ ~ r v ~~ ', i Plan ~Detait7nco~pleta - ~Plbasaprovide a Iooation map~for tho project. ' • ^ Ploase show alI stream impaats including a1i fill slopes, dissipaters, and bank stabilization on the site plan. (~. Ploase show all wetland impacts Inoluding fill slopes on the sitaplan. • ^ Please indicate aII buffer Impacts on the sits plan. ^ phase indloate proposed Iot layout as overlays oa the alto plan, ' ^ .Please indicate tho location of the protocted buffers as mverlays on the site plan. ^ Please Iocate a1I isolated or non-isolatad wotlanda, •streazas and other waters of the State as overlays on die site plan, [J Please pmtrlde Dross sootion details showing the p;ovisiona for aciua~to life passage . ^ Please locate any plannacl•sewer lines on the safe plan. • . • [] Please provide Elie location of any proposed etormwater xnanagesnent practicos as required by (ACC • .. ^ Please provide detail for die stormwa~ msnageanent pra~ctiaes as required by C1C __ ' • '. :. ^ •Please specii~! iiio percent of prq~aat 3inperviousnesa area.based oa fibs estimated bui10•out oonditiona• • ^ Please•indioate~ll stormwates~oi}tfalls oa the sits ph+si. ~ . ' ^ Ploase'indioate die diflbse flow provision meastiues an the site plan. • ^ Please indicate,whotl~.'•ar not theliroposed impaats already beoa conducted. ~ ~ . • Avoidance•and/or Mlnimlzation ir]'ot Provided ~ .. .. ~ .. . . . ~ ^ .The labeled as _,,,~ on dse pleas does not appear to be necoseary. Pleeso ~oliminete the . or prbVide additional ~ • ' infoimadon•es to vahy it is neoves~y for this~projeot. ; . . • .•[] This Oise belioires that the ~ labeled on die pleas as. can be moved. or rooonfigurod to avoid tho hnphots to rho . . Ploa~e revise dae plena to avoid thq impaots.. • ' • • • .~ ^. • Zhis'Office believes•duat d-e . .labeled on the pleas as•^:_ Dan be moveel or roconflgurod to ;n~ini~ize the iri~paats tp'tho , ~ . Ploaso revise die plaice to minimize the impacts. .. •• ~ . [] Tho stormwata• discharges .ax the locatiion oli the plena labeled __ will.not provide dii~so flow through the bui~ar booause ' . • ~ . Ploase xevisa the plans sad provldo oelculations to •show that difJiase'flow vviIl be achieved tihrough the endrebutfor. If it • - is not liossible to achievadiflUae floes threugh.die artire bui~ar'the~i it may bs aooeesaiyto' provide sticarrnwata,aanaganGat ' • practices that remove nutrients :before the stormwater can be discharged through• the• buff~•. ~ . Ot[ier ! •. • .. . • ^. The application fee wee insuf6eiont•becevso~ver 1S0 f~ of stroam ~d/or.over 1 acre oi~wedaad'impacts ware roquestod. Pleaso . . provide ~ ~ .' 'This additional fee must be receivoc~ before your application can be reviewed. . ~ ^ Plea'so complete Section(s) on the application. - ~'~ •~ .. . ~ ^ Pleaseprovide a siped Dopy of the application. • ^ : Please provido ;__. copies of the application, . copies of •the site glans and other supporting information: . f _ ^ • Pleacasubmit electronic CAD fibs showing ;,vie: oiaeid to ian.momillan®n~I],aet and Clk . • Mitigation ~ , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ •• ' ^ ~ of compensatory mitigation is required for this project. ~ Pleaso provide'a compensatory mitigations plan. The . plan must conform~to tharequirarnents in 15 A NCAC 2Ii :OSOO~aad mush be appropriate to the type•of impacts proposed. ' ^ Please indioate~whi,ch~404 Permit the USACE would use to authorizo this project, '. ~ '