HomeMy WebLinkAboutWI0700012_Monitoring (Report)_19970815PCS Phosphatie AURORA DIVISION P.O. BOX 48, AURORA, NC 27806 August 15,1997 Underground Injection Control Program Division of Water Quality, Groundwater Section North Carolina DEHNR P. O. Box 29578 Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0578 Attention of Mark Milligan Subject Third Quarterly Groundwater Monitoring Report for 1997 Injection Well Permit #WI0700012 PCS Phosphate Co., Inc. Tank Farm Remedial Action System Beaufort Co. n Dear Mark: Please find enclosed, the 3.i Quarterly Tank Farm Remedial Action System groundwater monitoring report for 1997, per the requirements of the above referenced permit. Additional Compliance Monitoring Report Forms for well CIW-7 and the WLCT are included in this report along with the monthly piezometer level monitoring field sheets and a summary performance report of the individual wells. Month In'ected (;a1) Withdrawn (.a1 May June July 717,640 747,120 771,530 691,978 657,566 682,379 Totals Z236,290 2,031,923 Please contact me at (919) 322-8193 if you have any questions regarding this information. Sincerely, Leon M. Montgomery Environmental Engineer Attachments Pc: Willie Hardison - DWQ WaRO (w/attch) GROUNDWATER QUALITY MONITORING: COMPLIANCE REPORT FORM For additiboat ibrrns please +err lte or call: DIVISION OF WAT€ P, QUALITY • GROUNDWA P.O. BOX 29578 RALEIGH, N.C. 27626-0578 (9'19) 7'33.3221 'ER SECTION Facility Name PCS PHOSPHATE CO., INC - Aurora Division Address: P.O. Box 48 AURORA, N.C. 27806 County Beaufort Well Location Well ID Number Well Diameter Tank Farm CWW-1 4 inch Depth To Water Level 7.99 Measuring point is 2.25 Water pumped/bailed before sampling Field Analysis: pH 6.3 Date Sample Collected 7/18/97 Laboratory Name PCS Phosph Well Depth Sample (Screened) Interval 33.27 ft. below measuring point (before sampling) ft. above land surface CONTINUOUS Purge Measurement Specific Conductance 2234 uMhos Temp Date Lab Sample Analyzed 7/18/97 To ate Env. Lab Certification No(s) 330 PERMIT NUMBER: Permit Type: System: Disposal Type: WI0700012 Non_Discharge Tank Farm Remedial System Other 55.0 Ft. Ft To 52.68 Ft GALS oC 19.9 8/ 5/97 SAMPLES FOR METALS WERE COLLECTED UNFILTERED AND FIELD ACIDIFIED Yes Odor NONE Appearance CLEAR t. 3 g i COD Coliform:MF Fecal Coliform:MF Total Note: Use MPN method for highly turbid samples Dissolved Solids: Total pH (when analyzed) TOC Chloride Arsenic Grease and Oils Hardness: Total Phenol Sulfate Specific Conductance Total Ammonia(NH4+NH3) TKN as N N/A mg/I NO2 As N N/A mg/I N/A /100m1 NO3 as N N/A mg/I N/A /100m1 Phosphorous: Total as P 0.774 mg/I Al - Aluminum N/A ug/I 1968 mg/I Ba - Barium N/A ug/I 6.6 units Ca - Calcium N/A ug/I 11.3 mg/I Cd - Cadmium N/A ug/l 75.3 mg/I Chromium: Total N/A ug/I N/A mg/I Cu - Copper N/A ug/I N/A mg/I Fe - Iron N/A ug/I N/A mg/I Hg - Mercury N/A ug/I N/A mg/I K - Potassium N/A ug/I 630.6 mg/I Mg - Magnesium N/A ug/I N/A uMHos Mn - Manganese N/A ug/I N/A mg/I Sodium N/A ug/I NIA mg/I Ni - Nickel Ph - Lead Zn - Zinc N/A N/A N/A Pesticides/Herbicides(Specify) N/A Other FLUORIDE Other MIBK Other Ag - Silver Other Se - Selenium VOC ug/I ug/I ug/I 0.25 mg/I N/A ug/I N/A ug/I N/A ug/I N/A I CERTIFY THAT THIS PORT IS TRUE AND ACCURATE SIGNATURE OF PERMITTEE(OR AUTHORIZED AGENT) GW-59 Rev. 8/96 )1)//'=:-/r7 -7 Date Note: Values should reflect dissolved and colloidal concentrations. (See #3 on bade) * See back for instructions ** Submit blue and yellow copies only to address above cQLI.EM]P A AND ANALYSJS Ol GBOUNDWATER SAMPLES I ;uni Ior: ,!teald he analyzed a:;: iwi :II possible alter r.ollcclion. SAMPLES WHICH ARE 110T ANALYSED WITHIN THE HOLDIIIG LIME SPECI- FIED FOR THE METIlOD USED ISEE N4. BELOW) MUST BE DISCARDED AND NEW SAMPLES COLLECTED. 2- I.Ii' 'l.: Alialysi::;: I I:;n Simi:lnnl i.lethod 3030C for sample preparation I!ncicury excluded). PQ-HQIFJLIEELMETAL2.SAMELEE-I(11 Hy •a..rl simples must IA! 'Ilecierl Ica metals. then lield acidilierl with 5 ml concentrated nitric acid per liter ol sample, and should be submitted le n1•• tali ••:ilhin 21 lunar ';ample preparation in the Libnialeiy.lexhaclion and !libation! must be cornploled within 72 hours ol collection. 3 A!Ie1'1SES ARE 10 BE MADE OF THE MOBILE CONSTITUENTS (DISSOLVED AS WELL AS COLLOIDAL) INTFIE GIU.'IJNDWATEii, L QI II1o5E IHAT ARE A EAU PE S€.PIMEtIE ASSQCJ TE_D MTh WELT, CONSTgUDJ12N OH HAMEUHD EAVCrPU11 S. CIIECI(WITiI YOUR LABORATORY ON PROPER PROCEDURES FOR SAMPLE COLLECTION AND PRESERVATION. 4. As i•in lille 15. I IntIlr Carolina Adminis!ralive Code. Subcliapter 2L, analylical procedures shall be in accordance with the methods described in one of Ili Iellowin(I publications, or by other methods approved belorehand by the Direclor, Division ol Environmental hl:n•atenuenl: (al Standard Methods lot the Examination al Water and Wastewater, 16th Edilion, 1985 and 171h Edition, 1989, publisher) platy by American Public Health Association, American Water Works Associalion and Water Poilulion Control Federation; (b) Methods lor Chemical Analysis of Water and Waste, 1979, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency publication nunrboi EPA 600;4.79.020, as revised March 1983; (cl Test Methods lor Evaluating Solid Wastes: Physical/Chemical Methods, 3rd Edition, 1986. U.S. Environmental Proti.ction Agency publication number SW-846; (d) 'lest Procedures lor the Analysis of Polluanls Under the Clean Water Acl, Federal Register Vol. 49, No. 209, 40 CFR Part 136, Ocloher 26, 1984; 5. Measure and record the depth ol water in the well prior to pumping or bailing any waler Irorn the well. 6. Al leas! 3 volumes ol water in llie well should be purnped or bailed prior to collecting a sarnple lor analysis.11 the well is puinpedibatled dry before 3 well volumes are removed, samples can be collebled as soon as the well recovers to the point where enough water is available to collect your sample: 7. Determination lor pH. Specilic Conductance, leinperalure, odor and appearance must be made in the lield on unlillered samples when the sample Is collected. 0. Field equipment must be calibrated In accordance with recommendations by the manufacturer. 9. Samples Irani be littered Through a 0.15 micron liltor immediately eller collection when a dissolved analysis is required. (See f14. above) 10. The sample container should be labeled al the lime of co!leclfon with the Iacilily name, well identification number and dale and lime collected. 11."Aulhorizcd agent" is any corporate ollicer or public ollicial authorized by the company, corporation, or governrnental body to sign ollicial documenls. GROUNDWATER QUALITY MONITORING: COMPLIANCE REPORT FORM For additional forms please write or call: DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY - GROUNDWATER SECTION P.O. BOX 29578 RALEIGH, N.C. 27626-0578 (919) 733-3221 Facility Name PCS PHOSPHATE CO., INC - Aurora Division Address: P.O. Box 48 AURORA, N.C. 27806 County Beaufort Well Location Tank Fami Well ID Number CWW-2 Well Diameter 4 inch Depth To Water Level 32.61* Measuring point is 3.00 Water pumped/bailed before sampling Field Analysis: pH 6.3 Date Sample Collected 7/18/97 Well Depth b2 1 5 Sample (Screened) Interval 30.57 Ft ft. below measuring point (before sampling) ft. above land surface CONTINUOUS Purge Measurement GALS Specific Conductance 2468 uMhos Temp oC 19.9 Date Lab Sample Analyzed 7/18/97 To 8/ 5/97 Laboratory Name PCS Phosphate Env. Lab Certification No(s) 330 SAMPLES FOR METALS WERE COLLECTED UNFILTERED AND FIELD ACIDIFIED F;. To 49.82 Yes PERMIT NUMBER: Permit Type: System: Disposal Type: W10700012 Non Discharge Tank Farm Remedial System Other Ft Odor NONE Appearance CLEAR COD Coliform:MF Fecal Coliform:MF Total Note: Use MPN method for highly turbid samples Dissolved Solids: Total pH (when analyzed) TOC Chloride Arsenic Grease and Oils Hardness: Total Phenol Sulfate Specific Conductance Total Ammonia(NH4+NH3) TKN as N N/A mg/I NO2 As N N/A mg/I N/A /100m1 NO3 as N N/A mg/I N/A /100m1 Phosphorous: Total as P 17.000 mg/I Al - Aluminum N/A ug/I 2164 mg/I Ba - Barium N/A ug/I 6.7 units Ca - Calcium N/A ug/I 16.1 mg/I Cd - Cadmium N/A ug/I 99.4 mg/I Chromium: Total N/A ug/I N/A mg/l Cu - Copper N/A ug/I N/A mg/I Fe - Iron N/A ug/I N/A mg/I Hg - Mercury N/A ug/I N/A mg/I K - Potassium NIA ug/I 667.5 mg/I Mg - Magnesium NIA ug/I N/A uMHos Mn - Manganese N/A ug/I N/A mg/I Sodium N/A ug/I N/A mg/I Ni - Nickel Ph - Lead Zn - Zinc Pesticides/Herbicides(Specify) Other FLUORIDE Other MIBK Other Ag - Silver Other Se - Selenium VOC N/A ug/P l N/A •)ugn 1 N/A ug/1 �z N/A 0.20 mg/l N/A ug/I N/A ug/1 N/A ug/I N/A I CERTIFY THAT THI PORT IS TRUE AND ACCURATE 'G- SIGNATURE OF PERMI EE(OR AUTHORIZED AGENT) GW-59 Rev. 8/96 *Suspect Water Level, Probe Plugged OlC/9 Date Note: Values should reflect dissolved and colloidal concentrations. (See #3 on back) * See back for instructions ** Submit blue and yellow copies only to address above GUI.I.EC1'ION AND AN_AIYSJS Ol GROUNDWATER SAMPLES I Siiifirlint should he analyzed an uuon a n possible ;filer collccliun. SAMPLES WHICH ARE i1OT ANALYSED WITHIN THE HOLDII IG 1 IME SPECI- FIED FOR THE METHOD USED (SEE H4. BELOW) MUST BE DISCARDED Alb NEW SAMPLES COLLECTED. 2. Mil*: ;ur;dy 1: I;su tin' rl:utl LIr:I led 3030C lor sample p►eparaliori pncrcury excluded). QQ.t4QIPJLIEHtFTALS.;z9MELES-1111HE.UII'i•U I!! r h• r .:1..11 s:mrples must Iiu collr!.r.Ird for !enrols, then lield acidified with 5 ml concentrated nitric acid per liter of sample. and should be subnrillud h: Iry • lab -.Rhin 21 Irc:urr. ')augdu preparalion in 1110 inhnratoiy'exliaction and filtration) must be cornpleled within 72 hours ol collection. 4. AI II l '1SES ARE i0 BE MADE OF THE MOBILE CONSTITUENTS (DISSOLVED AS WELL AS COLLOIDAL) gi THE cnLIIIIDWATER, CLQI TJ1PAEE IHAT AAI; A EAU PE;zF.PIMEUI ASSQCJM Q WIIH WELL CONSTHJCJ14N OH ;zAMELIHQ EB9CFAUF1ES. CIIECI< WITII YOUR LABORATORY ON PROPER PROCEDURES FOR SAMPLE COLLECTION AND PRESERVATION. As (.fir I ale 15. Idur1h Carolina Adminislralivo Code. Subchapter 2L, analytical procedures shall be in accordance with the methods described in one of Ilu I:dknvin(I publications, ar by other methods approved beforehand by the Director, Division ol Environmental I.Irnrujrm(IL (a) Standard tvicthorls for the Exanrinalion ol Waler and Waslewaler, 16111 Edition, 1985 and 1711i Edition, 1989, published jointly by American Public Heallh Association, American Water Works Association and Waler Pollution Control Federation; (bl Methods for Chemical Analysis of Water and Waste. 1979, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency publication number EPA 60014.79•020, as revised March 1983; (:) Tesl Methods lor Evaluating Solid Wastes: Physical/Chemical Methods, 3rd Edition, 1986, U.S. Environmenlal Protection Agency publicalion number SW-846; (d) Test Procedures for the Analysis ol Polluanls Under the Clean Water AcI, Federal Register Vol. 49. No. 209, 40 CFR Part 136, October 26, 1984; 5. Measure and record the depth ol water In the well prior to pumping or bailing any waler Iron the well. 6. Al (east 3 volumes of water in lire well should be purnped or balled prior 10 collecting a sample lor analysis. If the well Is pumped/bailed dry before 3 well volumes are removed, samples can be collected as soon as the well recovers to the point where enough water is available to collect your saniple. 7. Determination lor pH. Specilic Conductance, lemperalure, odor and appearance must be made in the lield on unfiltered samples when the sample Is collected. 8. Field equipment must be calibraled In accordance with recommendallons by the manulaclurer. 9. Samples must be Itllered through a 0.15 micron tiller Immediately alter colleclion when a dissolved analysis is required. (See 114. above) I0.Tho sample rorilainer should be labeled at the time of collection with the facility name, well identilicalion number and dalerand lime collected. I I ."Authorized agent" is any corporate ollicer or public ollicial authorized by the company, corporation, or governmental body to sign official documents. GROUNDWATER QUALITY MONITORING: COMPLIANCE REPORT FORM D For additional forms please write or calf ISION OF WATER QUALITY - GROUNDWATER SECTION P.O. BOX 29578 RALEIGH, N.C. 27626-0578 (919) 733-3221 Facility Name PCS PHOSPHATE CO., INC -Aurora Division Address: P.O. Box 48 AURORA, N.C. 27806 County Beaufort Well Location Tank Farm Well ID Number CWW-3 Well Depth Well Diameter 4 inch Sample (Screened) Interval 36.42 Depth To Water Level 7.58 ft. below measuring point (before sampling) Measuring point is 3.08 ft. above land surface Water pumped/bailed before sampling CONTINUOUS Purge Measurement GALS Field Analysis: pH 6.2 Specific Conductance 2781 uMhos Temp oC 27.3 Date Sample Collected 7/18/97 Date Lab Sample Analyzed 7/18/97 To 7/30/97 Laboratory Name PCS Phosphate Env. Lab Certification No(s) 330 SAMPLES FOR METALS WERE COLLECTED UNFILTERED AND FIELD ACIDIFIED COD Coliform:MF Fecal Coliform:MF Total Note: Use MPN method for highly turbid samples Dissolved Solids: Total pH (when analyzed) TOC Chloride Arsenic Grease and Oils Hardness: Total Phenol Sulfate Specific Conductance Total Ammonia(NH4+NH3) TKN as N PERMIT NUMBER: Permit Type: System: W10700012 Non_Discharge Tank Farm Remedial System Disposal Type: Other 53.00 Ft. Ft To 50.67 Yes N/A mg/I NO2 As N N/A mg/I N/A /100m1 NO3 as N N/A mg/I N/A /100m1 Phosphorous: Total as P 5.800 mg/I Al - Aluminum N/A ug/I 2120 mg/I Ba - Barium N/A ug/I 6.5 units Ca - Calcium N/A ug/I 11.5 mg/I Cd - Cadmium N/A ug/I 101.8 mg/I Chromium: Total N/A ug/I N/A mg/I Cu - Copper N/A ug/I N/A mg/I Fe - Iron N/A ug/I N/A mg/I Hg - Mercury N/A ug/I N/A mg/I K - Potassium NIA ug/I 666.9 mg/I Mg - Magnesium N/A ug/I N/A uMHos Mn - Manganese N/A ug/l N/A mg/I Sodium N/A ug/I N/A mg/1 Ft Odor NONE Appearance CLEAR Ni - Nickel Ph - Lead Zn - Zinc N/A N/A N/A Pesticides/Herbicides(Specify) NIA Other FLUORIDE Other MIBK Other Ag - Silver Other Se - Selenium VOC ug/I ug/l ug/I 0.20 mg/I N/A ug/I N/A ug/I N/A ug/I N/A I CERTIFY THAT THIS ORT IS TRUE AND ACCURATE SIGNATURE OF PERMITTEE(OR AUTHORIZED AGENT) GW-59 Rev. 8/96 r/is /9-7 Date Note: Values should reflect dissolved and colloidal concentrations. (See #3 on back) • See back for instructions "' Submit blue and yellow copies only to address above I.E.QIIOIJ AND ANALYSIS Ol GROUNDWATER SAMPLES I ! auq•Ii S should be analyzed as scroll :is possible alter collerliun. SAMPLES WHICH ARE IIOT ANALYSED WITHIN THE HOLDIIIG I IME SPECI- FIED FOR THE METHOD USED (SEE 114. BELOW) MUST BE DISCARDED AND NEW SAMPLES COLLECTED. 2. 1.1r'-'i•: Analyses: Use Skunked Method 3030C for sample preparalion Inlcrcuuy excluded). rQdQI_E1LIEH.METALS !!t 111. r •:n.rl s:mrples must be colter:red for metals, Then field acidified with 5 mi concontraled nitric acid per liter ol sample, and should be Suburilled I1r n,.• lab -.Rhin 21 Ileum ')ample preparation in tine laboratory lexbaclion and IlUrallonl must be cornploled within 72 hours ol collection. :t AIIPI YSES ARE TO BE MADE OF THE MOBILE CONSTITUENTS (DISSOLVED AS WELL AS COLLOIDAL) IN TFIE GRcl.lt IDWATER,1Io1 Ilion IHAT AAE A EAf3I PE S€l1MENI ASSOCATEP, WaIH W4LL CONsTBUCJIOJJ oft samaJfR EI CFHHHEs. CI IECIVWITII YOUR LABORATORY ON PROPER PROCEDURES FOR SAMPLE COLLECTION AND PRESERVATION. 4. As (•':r Iftle 15. 1 fur IIr Carolina Adminislralive Code. Subchapler 2L, analytical procedures shall be in accordance with the methods described in one ol Ile inilopinr) publications, or by other methods approved belorehand by the Director, Division of Environmental Ll;nrigerneul: (;I) Standard hlellmds for the Examinalfon of Water and Wastewater, 161h Edilion, 1985 and 171h Edition, 1989, published jointly by American Public Health Association, American Water Works Association and Water Pollution Conlrol Federalion; (b) Methods for Chemical Analysis of Water and Waste, 1979, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency publication number EPA 60014.79.020, as revised March 1983; (i:) Iasi Methods lor Evaluating Solid Wastes: Physical/Chemical Methods, 3rd Edilion, 1906, U.S. Environmental Proleclion Agency publication number SW-846; Id) Test Procedures for the Analysis ol Polluants Under the Clean Water Act, Federal Register Vol. 49, No. 209, 40 CFR Parl 136, October 26, 1984; 5. Mmrsure and record the depth ol water in the well prior lo pumping or bailing any wafer Irom the well. 6. AI least 3 volumes o) water in the well should be pumped or balled prior to collecting a sarnple lor analysis. II the well is pumped/bailed dry before 3 well volumes are removed, samples can be collected as soon as the well recovers lo the point where enough waler Is available to collect your sample. 7. Delenninalion lor pH. Specific Conductance, lemperalure, odor and appearance musl be made In the Iield on unlillered samples when the sample Is collected. 8. Field equipment nmsl be calibraled In accordance with recommendations by the manufacturer. 9. Samples must be lillered Through a 0.45 micron filter immediately alter collecllon when a dissolved analysis Is required. (See 114. above) I0. The sample romlainer should be labeled al the Time ol collecllon wilh the lacilily name, well Iclenlllicalion number and dale and Time collected. I I ."Aulhorizod agent" is any corporals officer or public ollicial aulhodzed by the company, corporation, or governmental body to sign ollicial documents. GROUNDWATER QUALITY MONITORING: COMPLIANCE REPORT FORM For additional forms please write or call. MIS iON,OF WATER QUALITY - GROUNDWATER SECTION P.O. BOX 29578 RALEIGH, N.C. 27626-0578 (919) 733-3221 Facility Name PCS PHOSPHATE CO., INC - Aurora Division Address: P.O. Box 48 AURORA, N.C. 27806 County Beaufort Well Location Well ID Number Well Diameter Depth To Water Level Measuring point is Water pumped/bailed before sampling Field Analysis: pH Date Sample Collected Laboratory Name Tank Farm CWW-4 Well Depth 4 inch Sample (Screened) Interval 41.67 6.79 ft. below measuring point (before sampling) 2.75 ft. above land surface CONTINUOUS Purge Measurement 6.4 Specific Conductance 2781 uMhos Temp 7/18/97 Date Lab Sample Analyzed 7/18/97 To PCS Phosphate Env. Lab Certification No(s) 330 PERMIT NUMBER: Permit Type: System: Disposal Type: WI0700012 Non_Discharge Tank Farm Remedial System Other 53.00 Ft. Ft To 50.92 Ft GALS oC 29.6 7/30/97 SAMPLES FOR METALS WERE COLLECTED UNFILTERED AND FIELD ACIDIFIED COD Coliform:MF Fecal Coliform:MF Total N/A N/A N/A Note: Use MPN method for highly turbid samples Dissolved Solids: Total pH (when analyzed) TOC Chloride Arsenic Grease and Oils Hardness: Total Phenol Sulfate Specific Conductance Total Ammonia(NH4+NH3) TKN as N 1964 6.8 11.0 115.2 N/A N/A N/A N/A 654.6 N/A N/A N/A mg/I /100m1 /100m1 mg/I units mg/I mg/I mg/I mg/I mg/I mg/I mg/I uMHos mg/I mg/I NO2 As N NO3 as N Phosphorous: Total as P Al - Aluminum Ba - Barium Ca - Calcium Cd - Cadmium Chromium: Total Cu - Copper Fe - Iron Hg - Mercury K - Potassium Mg - Magnesium Mn - Manganese Sodium Yes N/A mg/I N/A mg/I 6.400 mg/I N/A ug/I N/A ug/I N/A ug/I N/A ug/I N/A ug/I N/A ug/I N/A ug/I NIA ug/I N/A ug/l N/A ug/I N/A ug/I N/A ug/I Odor NONE Appearance CLEAR Ni - Nickel Ph - Lead Zn - Zinc N/A N/A N/A Pesticides/Herbicides(Specify) N/A Other FLUORIDE Other MIBK Other Ag - Silver Other Se - Selenium VOC t310 CO 0.14 mg/I N/A ug/I N/A ug/I N/A ug/I N/A I CERTIFY THAT THIS REPORT IS TRUE AND ACCURATE SIGNATURE OF PERMITTEE(OR AUTHORIZED AGENT) GW-59 Rev. 8/96 71/s)q-7 Date Note: Values should reflect dissolved and colloidal concentrations. (See #3 on bade) * See back for instructions ** Submit blue and yellow copies only to address above COI.I.ECTION AND ANALYSIS Ol GFHOUNDWATER SAMPLES I Smith:: should be analyzed as :eon as passible alter collorliun. SAMPLES WHICH ARE iIOT ANALYSED WITHIN THE HOLDII IG "I IME SPECI- ' PIED FOR TI•IE METHOD IJSED (SEE 114. BELOW) MUST BE DISCARDED AIID NEW SAMPLES COLLECTED. 2. I.I1.1.1.: hnnlysi:s: list) SI.rurly:l i.Ielhod 3030C lor sample prrpmalinn (mercury excluded). PQ.HQIFJLIEELMETALS.5Ab1EI:Es_ui.tiE:riE1-v !!i • i 4• r •:r•.d samples uursl br: raollerred for melals. Then lield acidifier) with 5 ml concentrated nitric acid per liter of sample, and should be submilled to ilii• Hp ...Rhin 21 Iir:irin 'sample piepnralion in tlio laboratory (exliaclion and filtration' must be completed williin 72liuurs ol collection. :I AIIrl YSES ARE 10 BE MADE OF THE MOBILE CONSTITUENTS (DISSOLVED AS WELL AS COLLOIDAL) 111 THE cncUllDWATEH1 LIPt TIME IHAT ABE A EE►HI of unman ASSQCLTER WW1 WELL CONSTgICJIQ I on HAMEUWi EHPCFPUHEi. CIIECI( WITII YOUR LABORATORY 014 PROPER PROCEDURES FOR SAMPLE COLLECTION AND PRESERVATION. 1. As (.a :I We 15. I kaili Carolina Adminislralive Code. Subcliapler 2L, analytical procedures shall be in accordance will' the methods described in one of Ihr I:iIIo viiu publications, or by other methods approved belorehand by the Direclor. Division ol Environmental I.Innrojeniunl: (sit Standard hlelliods for Ike Examinalion ol Water and Wastewater, 16111Edilion, 1985 and 171h Edition, 1989, published jointly by American Public Health Association, American Waler Works Associalion and Water Pollution Control Federalion; (b) Methods lor Chemical Analysis of Water and Waste, 1979, U.S. Environmental Proleclion Agency publication number EPA 600;4-79.020. as revised March 1983; (r:) Test Methods lor Evaluating Solid Wastes: Physical/Chemical Methods, 3rd Edition, 1986, U.S. Envirorirrienlal Prok etiori Agency publication number SW-846; (d) 'lest Procedures for the Analysis of Polluants Under the Clean Water Act, Federal Register Val. 49. No. 209, 40 CFR Part 136, Ocloher 26, 1984; 5. Measure and record the deplh ol waler in the well prior to pumping or bailing any water from the well. 6. Al least 3 volumes DI water in the well should be pumped or balled prior to collecting a sample for analysis. Il-lhe well Is pumped/bailed dry belore 3 well volumes are removed, samples can be collected as soon as the well recovers to the point where enough water Is available to collect your sample. 7. Delenninalion lor pH. Specific Conduclance, Iemperalure, odor and appearance musl be made in the lield on unlillered samples when the sample is collected. 0. Field equipment must be calibrated In accordance wills recommendalions by the manufacturer. 9. Samples must be filleted Through a 0.45 micron tiller immediately aller collection when a dissolved analysis is required. (See U4. above) 10. The sample container should be labeled al the lime of colleclion wilh the Wilily name, well identification number and dale and lime collected. 11. "Aulhorizcd agent" is any corporate officer or public ollicial aulhorized by the company, corporation, or governrnenlal body la sign ollicial documents. GROUNDWATER QUALITY MONITORING: COMPLIANCE REPORT FORM For additional forms please write or call: DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY - GROUNDWATER SECTION P.O. BOX 29578 RALEIGH, N.C. 27626-0578 (919) 733-3221 Facility Name PCS PHOSPHATE CO., INC - Aurora Division Address: P.O. Box 48 AURORA, N.C. 27806 County Beaufort Well Location Tank Farm Well ID Number CWW-5 Well Diameter 4 inch Depth To Water Level 7.39 Measuring point is 2.58 Water pumped/bailed before sampling Field Analysis: pH 6.3 Date Sample Collected 7/18/97 Well Depth Sample (Screened) Interval 41.75 ft. below measuring point (before sampling) ft. above land surface CONTINUOUS Purge Measurement Specific Conductance 2390 uMhos Temp Date Lab Sample Analyzed 7/18/97 To Laboratory Name PCS Phosphate Env. Lab Certification No(s) 330 53.17 Ft GALS oC 32.1 7/30/97 SAMPLES FOR METALS WERE COLLECTED UNFILTERED AND FIELD ACIDIFIED Ft. To 51.08 Yes PERMIT NUMBER: Permit Type: System: WI0700012 Non Discharge Tank Farm Remedial System Disposal Type: Other Ft Odor NONE Appearance CLEAR COD Coliform:MF Fecal Coliform:MF Total Note: Use MPN method for highly turbid samples Dissolved Solids: Total pH (when analyzed) TOC Chloride Arsenic Grease and Oils Hardness: Total Phenol Sulfate Specific Conductance Total Ammonia(NH4+NH3) TKN as N N/A mg/I NO2 As N N/A mg/I N/A /100m1 NO3 as N N/A mg/I N/A /100m1 Phosphorous: Total as P 6.250 mg/I Al - Aluminum N/A ug/I 1560 mg/I Ba - Barium N/A ug/I 6.8 units Ca - Calcium N/A ug/I 8.5 mg/I Cd - Cadmium N/A ug/I 102.7 mg/I Chromium: Total N/A ug/I N/A mg/I Cu - Copper N/A ug/I N/A mg/I Fe - Iron N/A ug/I N/A mg/I Hg - Mercury N/A ug/I N/A mg/I K - Potassium N/A ug/I 424.4 mg/I Mg - Magnesium N/A ug/l N/A uMHos Mn - Manganese N/A ug/I N/A mg/I Sodium N/A ug/1 N/A mg/I Ni - Nickel Ph - Lead Zn - Zinc N/A N/A N/A Pesticides/Herbicides(Specify) N/A Other FLUORIDE Other MIBK Other Ag - Silver Other Se - Selenium VOC ug/I ug/I 0.15 mg/I N/A ug/I N/A ug/I N/A ug/I N/A I CERTIFY THAT THIS REPORT IS TRUE AND ACCURATE i1llC SIGNATURE OF PERMITTEE(O GW-59 Rev. 8/96 AUTHORIZED AGENT) Date Note: Values should reflect dissolved and colloidal concentrations. (See #3 on bade) * See back for instructions ** Submit blue and yellow copies only to address above COLLECTION AND AUALYJS Ol GPOUNDINATER SAMPLES 1 ;,;mq•bs slwuld he analyzed a:; soon a possible alter collection. SAMPLES WHICH ARE tIOT ANALYSED WITHIN THE HOLDIIIG I IME SPEC:1- FIEU FOR THE METHOD USED (SEE M. BELOW) MUST BE DISCARDED AND NEW SAMPLES COLLECTED. I.11.1 'I•:::naly sra: I Inn :SI.rnri;iul I.lrrlhed 3030C for sample prrpa:alion (mercury excluded). RQIjQI_EJLIEELLIFTALS.EAMEI:€B.I111Nh.UiEI-It HI 14. r •,n.r1 s:my,les nnrst brr cbllerred for metals, then field acidified willi 5 mi concenlraled nitric acid per liter ol sample, and should be submiminl 111 ni•• I;11 •.ilhin 21 h;:mr 'ruuiilu p °par ;lion in II in iaboralory lexhaction and Illlralion) must be cornploled within 721rours ol collection. :1 All it YSES ARE TO BE MADE OF THE MOBILE CONSTITUENTS (DISSOLVED AS WELL AS COLLOIDAL) WI THE GiWIJIIDWATER, 4IQI TNQE IHAI ARE A RBI DE 5.0.1 LP,HI ASSOC:ATER Witt WELL CONSTgDCJ.LQB OR SA ELINQ P.M]CPPUU ES. CIIECI( WITII YOUR LABORATORY 014 PROPER PROCEDURES FOR SAMPLE COLLECTION AND PRESERVATION. • 4. As NI.' I isle 15. binr Ih Carolina Adminislralive Code. Subcliapler 2L, analytical procedures shall be in accordance wills the methods describer) in one ol Ihi I:dlowinr) puhlicalions, or by other methods approved belorelrand by the Director, Division of Environmental t.Irnrulrrnenl: 2. () Standard Melliods for Ilse Examinalion ol Water and Wastewater, 161h Edition, 1985 and 171h Edition, 1989, published jointly by Arnerlcan Public Health Association, American Waler Works Association and Water Pollution Control Federation;. (b) Methods lor Chemical Analysis of Water and Waste, 1979, U.S. Enviroanenlal Protection Agency publication number EPA 600/4-79.020. as revised March 1983; (c) Tesl Methods for Evaluating Solid Wasles: Physical/Chemical Methods, 3rd Edition, 1906, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency publication number SW-846; - (d) Test Procedures for the Analysis ol Polluanls Under the Clean Waler AcI, Federal Register Vol. 49, No. 209, 40 CFR Pad 136, October 26. 1984; 5. Measure and record the deplh ol waler in the well prior 10 pumping or bailing any waler Irom the well. 6. Al leas! 3 volumes of water in )lie well should be pumped or balled prior to collecling a sarnple lor analysis. 11 the well is purnpedibailed dry belore 3 well volumes are removed, samples can be coileoled as soon as the well recovers to the point where enough waler is available to collecl your sample. 7. Delenrrinalion lor pH. Specific Conductance, lemperalure, odor and appearance must be made in the field on unfiltered samples when the sample is collected. 8. Field equipment must be calibrated In accordance wills recommendallons by the manufacturer. 9. Samples anus) be Iillered Through a 0.45 micron litter immediately eller collection when a dissolved analysis is required. (See N4. above) 10. The sample container should be labeled al the time ol collection with the Iacilily name, well idenlilicalion number and dale and time collected. 1."Arrlliorizud agent)" is airy corporal° olllcer or public ollicial authorized by Ihe company, corporation, or governrnenlai body io sign ollicial docrrrrierrls. GROUNDWATER QUALITY MONITORING: COMPLIANCE REPORT FORM For additional forms please write or call: DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY GROUNDWATER SECTION P.O. BOX 29578 RALEIGH, N.C. 27626-0578 (919) 733-3221 Facility Name PCS PHOSPHATE CO., INC - Aurora Division Address: P.O. Box 48 AURORA, N.C. 27806 County Beaufort Well Location Tank Farm Well ID Number CWW-6 Well Diameter 4 inch Depth To Water Level 7.44 Measuring point is 2.92 Water pumped/bailed before sampling Field Analysis: pH 6.5 Date Sample Collected 7/18/97 Well Depth Sample (Screened) Interval 36.62 ft. below measuring point (before sampling) ft. above land surface CONTINUOUS Purge Measurement Specific Conductance 1861 uMhos Temp Date Lab Sample Analyzed 7/18/97 To Laboratory Name PCS Phosphate Env. Lab Certification No(s) 330 PERMIT NUMBER: Permit Type: System: Disposal Type: W10700012 Non Discharge Tank Farm Remedial System Other 53.00 Ft. Ft To 50.88 Ft GALS oC 31.7 7/30/97 SAMPLES FOR METALS WERE COLLECTED UNFILTERED AND FIELD ACIDIFIED Yes Odor NONE Appearance CLEAR COD Coliform:MF Fecal Coliform:MF Total N/A N/A N/A Note: Use MPN method for highly turbid samples Dissolved Solids: Total pH (when analyzed) TOC Chloride Arsenic Grease and Oils Hardness: Total Phenol Sulfate Specific Conductance Total Ammonia(NH4+NH3) TKN as N 1208 6.9 9.2 109.2 N/A N/A N/A N/A 228.4 N/A N/A N/A mg/I /100m1 /100m1 mg/I units mg/I mg/I mg/I mg/I mg/I mg/I mg/I uMHos mg/I mg/I NO2 As N NO3 as N Phosphorous: Total as P Al - Aluminum Ba - Barium Ca - Calcium Cd - Cadmium Chromium: Total Cu - Copper Fe - Iron Hg - Mercury K - Potassium Mg - Magnesium Mn - Manganese Sodium N/A mg/I N/A mg/I 6.400 mg/I NIA ug/I N/A ug/I N/A ug/I N/A ug/I N/A ug/I N/A ug/I N/A ug/I N/A ug/I N/A ug/I N/A ug/I N/A ug/l N/A ug/I Ni - Nickel Ph - Lead Zn - Zinc Pesticides/Herbicides(Specify) Other FLUORIDE Other MIBK Other Ag - Silver Other Se - Selenium VOC N/A ugtl N/A N/A ^J ug/It-; N/A 0.18 mg/1 N/A ug/I N/A ug/I N/A ug/I N/A I CERTIFY THAT THI ORT IS TRUE AND ACCURATE SIGNATURE OF PERMITTEE(OR AUTHORIZED AGENT) gek/9-7 Date Note: Values should reflect dissolved and colloidal concentrations. (See #3 on bade) See back for instructions " Submit blue and yellow copies only to address above GW-59 Rev. 8/96 (1,1.I.EQIIOi9 MAD ANALYSIS Ol GHOUi4DWATE_y SAMPLES I ;wq br: shuuld be analyzed a:;: eon a; passible allay collodion. SAMPLES WHICH ARE iIOT ANALYSED WITHIN THE HOLDING I IME SPECI- FIED FOR THE METHOD USED (SEE 114. BELOW) MUST BE DISCARDED AID NEW SAMPLES COLLECTED. ' 2. I.Ire-ii.: Arr:dl•sr:s: Drat SI..►urinrd Method 3030C ler sample preparation Mummy excluded). EQdQInLIEH1r1ETAL5.SAelELEB.111111h.FIE1.11 !!( r h• r •:c.:rl s:my,les must bur r:r,Ilerif-A Irn metals. Then field acidified whh 5 ml concenlraled nitric acid per liter of sample, and should be subedited Ire ni•- Iatr ••alhin 21 limes 5;angrle preparation to Ile, iaboralory lexlraclion and lilbalion) must be completed within 72 !lours ol collodion. :S AIIr I ISES ARE 10 BE MADE OF THE MOBILE COIISTITUENTS (DISSOLVED AS WELL AS COLLOIDAL) 1I`i THE GIlL'I.IIIDWATER, C14I "HOE IIIAT ARE A eat OE SMIRK ASSQCJATg0 WIIti WELL CONSTRUCILQN OH 5AME1=1Hf E139crPDHEs• CHECK WITiI YOUR LABORATORY 014 PROPER PROCEDURES FOR SAMPLE COLLECTION AND PRESERVATION. 4. As I•.:r title 15. I Im Ih Carolina Adminislt alive Code. Subchapter 2L, analytical procedures shall be in accordance will the methods describes) in one ol Ihr I:rlhiwinil publications. or by other methods approved beforehand by the Director, Division ol Environmenlal Lt:rrrulemma: (a) Standard Mellrods lot the Examinalion of Water and Wastewater, 161h Edition, 1985 and 17Ih Edition, 1989, published IAinlly by American Public Health Association, American Water Works'Association and Water Pollulion Conlrol Federalion; (b) Methods for Chemical Analysis ol Water and Waste, 1979, U.S. Environmenlal Protection Agency publication numbm EPA 60014.79.020. as revised March 1983; p:) Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Wastes: Physical/Chemical Methods, 3rd Edition, 1986, U.S. Environmenlal Prole:clion Agency publicalion number SW-846; fill Test Procedures lor the Analysis ol Polluanls Under the Clean Water Acl, Federal Register Vol. 49, No. 209, 40 CPR Part 136, Ocloher 26, 1984; 5. Measure and record the depth ol water in the well prior to pumping or bailing any water horn Ihe well. 6. Al least 3 volumes of water in the well should be pumped or balled prior to collecting a sample lor analysis. II the well is purnped/bailed dry belore 3 well volumes are removed, samples can be colleLled as soon as the well recovers to the point where enough water Is available to collecl your sample. 7. Delenninalion lor pH. Specilic Conduclance, temperature, odor and appearance must be made in the Iield on unlillered samples when the sample is collected. ' B. Field equipment must be calibraled In accordance with recommendations by the manulaclurer. 9. Samples must be littered Ihrougl► a 0.45 micron filter immediately alter collection when a dissolved analysis is required. (See 114. above) 10.11113 sample container should be labeled al the time ol collection with Ihe facility name, well klentilicalion number and dale and lime collected. 11." Authorized agent" is any corporalo ollicer or public ollicial authorized by lire company, corporation, or governmental body to sign ollicial documents. GROUNDWATER QUALITY MONITORING: COMPLIANCE REPORT FORM For additional forms please write or call: DIVISION OF, WATER QUALITY - GROUNDWATER SECTION P.O. BOX 29578 RALEIGH, N.C. 27626-0578 (919) 733-3221 Facility Name Address: Well Location Well ID Number Well Diameter PCS PHOSPHATE CO., INC - Aurora Division P.O. Box 48 AURORA, N.C. 27806 County Beaufort Tank Farm CVVW-7 4 inch Depth To Water Level 7.23 Measuring point is 1.25 Water pumped/bailed before sampling Field Analysis: pH 6.8 Date Sample Collected 7/18/97 Well Depth Sample (Screened) Interval 36.58 ft. below measuring point (before sampling) ft. above land surface CONTINUOUS Purge Measurement Specific Conductance 1169 uMhos Temp Date Lab Sample Analyzed 7/18/97 To Laboratory Name PCS Phosphate Env. Lab Certification No(s) 330 PERMIT NUMBER: Permit Type: System: Disposal Type: WI0700012 Non_Discharge Tank Farm Remedial System Other 53.00 Ft. Ft To 50.83 GALS oC 25.0 8/ 5/97 SAMPLES FOR METALS WERE COLLECTED UNFILTERED AND FIELD ACIDIFIED Yes Ft Odor NONE Appearance RUST ORANGE r3 r e% • �D 3 rn T _ C:f kla CO 3,10 7 Jr -70 c,7 COD Colifomt:MF Fecal Coliform:MF Total N/A N/A N/A Note: Use MPN method for highly turbid samples Dissolved Solids: Total pH (when analyzed) TOC Chloride Arsenic Grease and Oils Hardness: Total Phenol Sulfate Specific Conductance Total Ammonia(NH4+NH3) TKN as N 820 7.3 11.4 83.4 N/A N/A N/A N/A 153.7 N/A N/A N/A mg/I /100m1 /100m1 mg/I units mg/I mg/I mg/1 mg/I mg/I mg/l mg/I uMHos mg/I mg/I NO2 As N NO3 as N Phosphorous: Total as P Al - Aluminum Ba - Barium Ca - Calcium Cd - Cadmium Chromium: Total Cu - Copper Fe - Iron Hg - Mercury K - Potassium Mg - Magnesium Mn - Manganese Sodium N/A mg/I N/A mg/I 12.575 mg/I N/A ug/I N/A ug/I N/A ug/I N/A ug/I N/A ug/I NIA ug/I N/A ug/I N/A ug/I N/A ug/I N/A ug/I N/A ug/I N/A ug/I Ni - Nickel Ph - Lead Zn - Zinc N/A N/A N/A Pesticides/Herbicides(Specify) N/A Other FLUORIDE Other MIBK Other Ag - Silver Other Se - Selenium VOC 0.19 mg/I N/A ug/I N/A ug/I N/A ug/I N/A I CERTIFY THAT THIS REP RT IS TRUE AND ACCURATE vs_\? SIGNATURE OF PERMITTEE'OR AUTHORIZED AGENT) '314 /9 7 Date Note: Values should reflect dissolved and colloidal concentrations. (See #3 on back) * See back for instructions ** Submit blue and yellow copies only to address above GW-59 Rev. 8/96 QQ1.I.E(_7ION AND ANALVSJS Ol GROUNDWATER SAMPLES should be analyzed a:;: uon as possible slier collccliun. SAMPLES WHICH ARE tIOT ANALYSED WITHIN THE HOLDING IIME SPECI- FIED FOR THE METHOD IJSED (SEE N4. BELOW) MUST BE DISCARDED AND NEW SAMPLES COLLECTED. 2. t.h I•::'u,;d1s,::;: IIse Si..u;aar:I Method 3030C lor sample preparalion Irncrcwy excluded). QQIIQIFJLIERh1FTALS.51)meI:Ea.IIlJllh.l lEl-I) III t h t •,...rl sanq,les nurslot metals. then lield acidified with 5 mi concentrated niuic acid per tiler ol sample. and should be subntilled I„ ni•• lot ilhin 21 Itrul:: ')auq,te ptepnralion in Ilu) lahrnalory (exlraclion and alion) must be completed within 721lours ol collodion. :i Allr I. '1SES ARE TO BE MADE OF THE MOBILE CONSTITUENTS (DISSOLVED AS WELL AS COLLOIDAL) III THE GlIVIIIIDWATETI, JLQI T lQSS IHAT Aug A R&BI PE SEP1Mf it ASSQC.LTF Q WIIll WELL CONSTgDC.T14N DR aAMEUH1Ca PI9cFPDH€s. CIIECI( WITII YOUR LABORATORY ON PROPER PROCEDURES FOR SAMPLE COLLECTION AND PRESERVATION. 4. As 1•.1' I ills 15. Idm fir Carolina Adniinislralivo Code. Subcliapler 2L, analytical procedures shall be in accordance with the methods described in one ol II t It ,Ilt.nviN) publications. or by other methods approved beloreliand by the Director, Division of Environmental t.1on tilenumt: lal Slandatd 1vlelliods Ica the Examination ol Waler and Wastewater, 16th Edilion, 1985 and 17Ih Edilion, 1989, published )oinily by American Public Health Association, American Water Works Association and Water Pollution Conlrol Federation; (b) Methods tor Chemical Analysis ol Waler and Waste, 1979, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency publication number EPA 60014.79-020, as revised March 1983; (ci Tesl Methods lor Evaluating Solid Wastes: Physical/Chemical Methods, 3rd Edilion, 1986, U.S. Environmenlal Plolnction Agency publication number SW-846; ((l) Test Procedures for the Analysis ol Polluanls Under the Clean Waler Act, Federal Register Vol. 49. No. 209, 40 CFR Part 13G, October 26. 1984; 5. Me;rsure and record the depth ol water in the well prior to pumping or bailing any waler from the well. 6. Al least 3 volumes of water In the well should be pumped or bailed prior to collecting a sample lor analysis. II Ilse well is purnpedibailed dry before 3 well volumes are removed, samples can be collected as soon as the well recovers to the point witere enough water Is available to collect your sample. 7. Delenninalion for pH. Specific Conductance, temperature, odor and appeararice must be made In the lield on unfiltered samples when the sample Is collected. 0. Field equipment must be calibraled In accordance with recommendations by the manulaclurer. 9. Samples inusi be I(liered Through a 0.45 micron filter immediately alter collection when a dissolved analysis is required. (See #4. above) 10. The sample container should be labeled al the lime of collection with the lactlily name, well identilicalion number and dale and lime collected. 11."Mdhorizcd agent" is airy corporate ollicer or public ollicial authorized by the company, corporation, or governmental body to sign ollicial documents. GROUNDWATER QUALITY MONITORING: COMPLIANCE REPORT FORM DIVSION OF WATER QUALITY - GROUNDWATER SECTION P.O. BOX 29578 RALEIGH, N.C. 27626-0578 For additional forms (919) 733-3221 please write or call: Facility Name PCS PHOSPHATE CO., INC - Aurora Division Address: P.O. Box 48 AURORA, N.C. 27806 County Beaufort Well Location Tank Farm Well ID Number SWW-1 Well Depth Well Diameter 4 inch Sample (Screened) Interval 18.3 Depth To Water Level 6.37 ft. below measuring point (before sampling) Measuring point is 1.52 ft. above land surface Water pumped/bailed before sampling CONTINUOUS Purge Measurement GALS Field Analysis: pH 5.9 Specific Conductance 2258 uMhos Temp oC 19.5 Date Sample Collected 7/18/97 Date Lab Sample Analyzed 7/18/97 To 8/ 5/97 Laboratory Name PCS Phosphate Env. Lab Certification No(s) 330 PERMIT NUMBER: WI0700012 Permit Type: Non_Discharge System: Tank Farm Remedial System Disposal Type: Other 22.5 SAMPLES FOR METALS WERE COLLECTED UNFILTERED AND FIELD ACIDIFIED Yes Ft Ft To 21.12 Ft Odor NONE Appearance CLEAR COD N/A mgll NO2 As N N/A mg/I Ni - Nickel N/A ug/I Coliform:MF Fecal N/A /100m1 NO3 as N N/A mg/I Ph - Lead N/A ug/I Coliform:MF Total N/A /100m1 Phosphorous: Total as P 286.8 mg/I Zn - Zinc N/A ug/I Note: Use MPN method for highly turbid samples Al - Aluminum N/A ug/I Dissolved Solids: Total 2200 mg/I Ba - Barium N/A ug/I pH (when analyzed) 6.1 units Ca - Calcium N/A ug/I Pesticides/Herbicides(Specify) N/A TOC 13.4 mg/I Cd - Cadmium N/A ug/l Chloride 68.2 mg/1 Chromium: Total N/A ug/I Arsenic NIA mg/1 Cu - Copper N/A ug/I Grease and Oils N/A mg/I Fe - Iron N/A ug/I Hardness: Total N/A mg/I Hg - Mercury N/A ug/I Other FLUORIDE 0.36 mg/I Phenol N/A mg/I K - Potassium N/A ug/I Other MIBK N/A ug/I Sulfate 670.4 mg/I Mg - Magnesium N/A ug/I Other Ag - Silver N/A ug/I Specific Conductance N/A uMHos Mn - Manganese N/A ug/I Other Se - Selenium N/A ug/I Total Ammonia(NH4+NH3) N/A mg/I Sodium N/A ug/l VOC N/A TKN as N N/A mg/I I CERTIFY THAT TH REPORT IS TRUE AND ACCURATE SIGNATURE OF PERMITTEE(OR AUTHORIZED AGENT) Date GW-59 Rev. 8/96 Note: Values should reflect dissolved and colloidal concentrations. (See #3 on bads) * See back for instructions ** Submit blue and yellow copies only to address above GUI. I.ECTIO[4 AND ANALYSIS Ol GIOUNDWATER SAMPLES I S;uigiu::: should he analyzed a:; moil a pn:;siblu allor collection. SAMPLES WHICH ARE 110T ANALYSED WITHIN THE HOLDIIIG I IME SPECI- FIED ron THE METHOD USED (SEE f14. BELOW) MUST BE DISCARDED AND NEW SAMPLES COLLECTED. 2. I.11•1-e-: •uudysi:; : 1ISr: Sumlard I.h:Thod 3030C lor sample preparalion (lncicwy excludedl• L?Qd4IF1LIEELMETAL;i.5.41EI,€H_lil ltlEHELP 91 4• r'a'.tI S:3oiples must be collected ins melals, Ihen field acidifier) with 5 ml concentrated nitric acid per liter of sample. and should be submitted II) fly • hale ••iIIiin 21 lu;itts 'lamely piepatation in the lahotaloty lexhaclion and Iillralion) must be cornpluled within 721tours ol collodion. 3 A1irl;YSES ARE 10 BE MADE OF THE MOBILE CONSTITUENTS (DISSOLVED AS WELL AS COLLOIDAL) ICI THE G11C'I,IIIIIWATEll, CLOT TBQ IHAT AM AEA III PE EMIMEiit ASK) QIM Q WiIH WALL CONSTBUCJION DH HAMEL1UQ EI1QCFPUH€S- • CI IECI( WITII YOUR LABORATORY 014 PROPER PROCEDURES FOR SAMPLE COLLECTION AND PRESERVATION. • 4. As ryt I We 16. Nut Ili Carolina Adminishalive Code. Subchapler 2L, analylical procedures shall be in accordance will' the methods described in one ol Ilu l:il owintl publications, or by other methods approved beforehand by the Director, Division of Environmental I.Irnr•ulenr:nl: Pr) SlatWard Mclltods lot the Examination al Water and Wastewater, 16111 Edition, 1985 and 1711t Edilion, 1989, publisher) jointly by American Public Heallh Association, American Water Works Association and Water Pollulion Control Federalion; (b) Methods lor Chemical Analysis of Water and Waste, 1979, U.S. Environmental Proleclion Agency publication nunibet EPA 600/4-79-020, as revised March 1983; (c) Tesl Melhods for Evaluating Solid Wastes: Physical/Chemical Methods, 3rd Edition, 1986, U.S. Envitorurterilal Ptolection Agency publicalion number SW-846; (rl) Test Procedures for the Analysis ol Polluanls Under the Clean Waler Act, Federal Register Vol. 49. No. 209, 40 CFR Part 136, Oclohor 26, 1984; 5. Measure and record the deplh of waler in the well prior to pumping or bailing any waler born the well. 6. Al lead 3 volumes ol water in the well should be pumped or balled prior 10 collecling a sample lor analysis. II the well is pumped/bailed dry before 3 well volumes are removed, samples can be collected as soon as the well recovers to the point where enough waler Is available to collecl your sample. 7. Deterrrtirtalion lor pH, Specific Conduclance, temperature, odor and appearance must be made in the field on unlillered samples when )hie sample Is collected. - 8. Field equipmenl nurst be calibrated In accordance with recommendations by the manufacturer. • 9. Samples must be lillered through a 0.45 micron tiller immediately eller collection when a dissolved analysis Is required. (See 114. above) ID. Tito sample container should be labeled al the lime of collection with the lacility name, well identification nurnber and dale and lime collected. 11."Authorized agent' is any corporals ollicer or public ollicial aulhorized by the company, corporation, or governmental body to sign ollicial documents. GROUNDWATER QUALITY MONITORING: COMPLIANCE REPORT FORM For additional forms please write or call: DIVISION OF -WATER QUALITY -GROUNDWATER SECTION P.O. BOX 29578 RALEIGH, N.C. 27626-0578 (919) 733-3221 Facility Name PCS PHOSPHATE CO., INC - Aurora Division Address: P.O. Box 48 AURORA, N.C. 27806 County Beaufort Well Location Tank Farm Well ID Number SWW-2 Well Diameter 4 inch Depth To Water Level 7.67 Measuring point is 3.42 Water pumped/bailed before sampling Field Analysis: pH 6.3 Date Sample Collected 7/18/97 Date Lab Sample Analyzed 7/18/97 Laboratory Name PCS Phosphate Env. Lab Certification No(s) Well Depth Sample (Screened) Interval 18.8 ft. below measuring point (before sampling) ft. above land surface CONTINUOUS Purge Measurement Specific Conductance 1814 uMhos Temp To 330 PERMIT NUMBER: Permit Type: System: Disposal Type: WI0700012 Non_Discharge Tank Farm Remedial System Other 23.0 Ft. Ft To 21.63 Ft GALS oC 18.9 8/ 5/97 SAMPLES FOR METALS WERE COLLECTED UNFILTERED AND FIELD ACIDIFIED Yes Odor NONE Appearance CLEAR COD Coliform:MF Fecal Coliform:MF Total N/A N/A N/A Note: Use MPN method for highly turbid samples Dissolved Solids: Total pH (when analyzed) TOC Chloride Arsenic Grease and Oils Hardness: Total Phenol Sulfate Specific Conductance Total Ammonia(NH4+NH3) TKN as N 1384 6.6 10.9 57.0 N/A N/A N/A N/A 429.6 N/A N/A N/A mg/I /100m1 /100m1 mg/I units mg/I mg/I mg/I mg/I mg/I mg/I mg/I uMHos mg/I mg/I NO2 As N NO3 as N Phosphorous: Total as P Al - Aluminum Ba - Barium Ca - Calcium Cd - Cadmium Chromium: Total Cu - Copper Fe - Iron Hg - Mercury K - Potassium Mg - Magnesium Mn - Manganese Sodium N/A mg/I N/A mg/I 87.250 mg/I N/A ug/I N/A ug/I N/A ug/I N/A ug/I N/A ug/I N/A ugll N/A ug/I N/A ug/I N/A ug/I N/A ug/I N/A ug/I N/A ug/I Ni - Nickel Ph - Lead Zn - Zinc Pesticides/Herbicides(Specify) Other FLUORIDE Other MIBK Other Ag - Silver Other Se - Selenium VOC N/A - ugh'1 -t N/A = ug J . • N/A en ugh') r) N/A 0.24 mg/I N/A ug/I N/A ug/I N/A ug/I N/A I CERTIFY THAT THIS R PORT IS TRUE AND ACCURATE SIGNATURE OF PERMITTE'E(OR AUTHORIZED AGENT) 3'kh 7 Date Note: Values should reflect dissolved and colloidal concentrations. (See #3 on bad<) * See back for instructions ** Submit blue and yellow copies only to address above GW-59 Rev. 8/96 CDI.I.EC1ION AND AFIALVSIS Ol Gf OUi4DWATEB SAMPLES Smr-.l-b:s should be analyzed an ::am al (e:sible alter collccliun. SAMPLES WHICH ARE iIOT ANALYSED WITHIN THE HOLDIIIG 1IME SPECI- FIED FOR THE METHOD USED (SEE N4. BELOW) MUST BE DISCARDED AND NEW SAMPLES COLLECTED. 2. I.11.,..I.: ;rn;il sr::r: Ilse Stunted Llellied 3030C lor sample pieparaliou pncicwy excluded). EQNQIBLIELMFTALS.SAh1EI:ES.111 11f .FIE1.O !!( i h- r •:n.(1 simples must be caller:Ir d Ira annals, Ihen lield acidified will' 5 ml conceniraled nitric acid per liter of sample, and should be subnriled ui ll'.• lab -.Rhin 21 Beier. • rained() piepmalion to Ilv) Iabnialury lexliaclion and Iillialionl must be cornpleled wilhln 72 hours ol collodion. :t AIIr't (SES ARE 1O BE MADE OF THE MOBILE CONSTITUENTS (DISSOLVED AS WELL AS COLLOIDAL) IUTFIE GUCIJIIDWATEII, CLOI TIME IkIAI ARE A EABI PE S.EI1MEi1I AssQCJATEQ WIIH WELL cONsTBVcJ.QJ on 5AMELItiC1 Ei39cLPUH€5. CI IECI( WITII YOUR LABORATORY 011 PROPER PROCEDURESFOR SAMPLE COLLECTION AND PRESERVATION. 4. As l ••:r I illy: 15. Ilia Ih Carolina Adnilnislrative Code. Subcliapler 2L, analytical procedures shall be in accordance with the methods describncl in one of Ihr ltiII iwiiiq publications, or by other methods approved belorehand by the Director, Division ol Environmental LI;m ujmnenl: (ail Standard Methods lor the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 161h Edition, 1985 and 17111 Edition, 1989, published Ieinlly by American Public Health Association, American Water Works Association and Waler Pollution Conlrol Federallon; (b) Methods lor Chemical Analysis of Water and Waste, 1979, U.S. Environmenlal Protection Agency publication number EPA.600;4.79-020, as revised March 1983; (c1 Tosl Methods lor Evaluating Solid Wastes: Physical/Chemical Melhods, 3rd Edition, 1986, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency publication number SW-846; (d) Test Procedures lor the Analysis of Polluanls Under the Clean Water AcI, Federal Register Vol. 49, No. 209, 40 CFR Pail 136, Oclober 26, 1984; 5. Mo.:Isure and resordlhe deplh ol water in the well prior lo pumping or bailing any water Irom the well. 6. Al Inas! 3 volumes of water in Ilie well should be pumped or balled prior to collecling a sample for analysis. II the well is pumped/bailed dry before 3 well volumes ;ire removed, samples can be colleoled as soon as the well recovers lo the point where enough wale: is available to collect your sample. 7. Delerininalion lor pH, Specific Conduclance, temperature, odor and appearance musl be made In the lield on unlillered samples when the sample Is collected. 8. Field equipment must be calibrated In accordance willi recommendallons by the manufacturer. _ 9. Samples must be Iillered Ihrough a 0.45 micron tiller immedialely alter collection when a dissolved analysis Is required. (See 114. above) 10. Tlio sample coiilairier should be labeled al the lime of colleclion with the lacilily name, well kleritilicalion number and dale and lime coltecled. 11."Aulhorized agent" is any corporate ollicer or public official authorized by the company, corporation, or governmental body lo sign olliclal documents. GROUNDWATER QUALITY MONITORING: COMPLIANCE REPORT FORM For additional forms please write or call: DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY GROUNDWATER SECTION P.O. BOX 29578 RALEIGH, N.C. 27626-0578 (919) 733-3221 Facility Name PCS PHOSPHATE CO., INC - Aurora Division Address: P.O. Box 48 AURORA, N.C. 27806 County Beaufort Well Location Well ID Number Well Diameter Tank Farm SWW-3 4 inch Depth To Water Level 7.79 Measuring point is 3.17 Water pumped/bailed before sampling Field Analysis: pH 6.1 Well Depth Sample (Screened) Interval 20.17 ft. below measuring point (before sampling) ft. above land surface CONTINUOUS Purge Measurement Specific Conductance 1731 uMhos Temp Date Sample Collected 7/18/97 Date Lab Sample Analyzed 7/18/97 To Laboratory Name PCS Phosphate Env. Lab Certification No(s) 330 PERMIT NUMBER: Permit Type: System: Disposal Type: WI0700012 Non Discharge Tank Farm Remedial System Other 24.5 Ft. Ft To 23 GALS oC 25.2 7/30/97 SAMPLES FOR METALS WERE COLLECTED UNFILTERED AND FIELD ACIDIFIED Yes Ft Odor NONE Appearance CLEAR -4 ;,7 t3 n • In Cam COD Coliform:MF Fecal Coliform:MF Total N/A N/A N/A Note: Use MPN method for highly turbid samples Dissolved Solids: Total pH (when analyzed) TOC Chloride Arsenic Grease and Oils Hardness: Total Phenol Sulfate Specific Conductance Total Ammonia(NH4+NH3) TKN as N 1184 6.3 9.4 47.7 N/A N/A N/A N/A 414.3 N/A N/A N/A mg/I /100m1 /100m1 mg/I units mg/I mg/I mgll mg/I mg/1 mg/I mg/1 uMHos mg/I mg/I NO2 As N NO3 as N Phosphorous: Total as Al - Aluminum Ba - Barium Ca - Calcium Cd - Cadmium Chromium: Total Cu - Copper Fe - Iron Hg - Mercury K - Potassium Mg - Magnesium Mn - Manganese Sodium N/A mg/l N/A mg/I P 95.000 mg/I N/A ug/l NIA ug/I N/A ug/l N/A ug/I N/A ug/I N/A ug/I N/A ug/I N/A ug/I N/A ug/I N/A ug/I N/A ug/I N/A ug/I Ni - Nickel Ph - Lead Zn - Zinc Pesticides/Herb icides(Specify) Other FLUORIDE Other MIBK Other Ag - Silver Other Se - Selenium VOC N/A N/A N/A N/A 0.95 mg/I N/A ug/I N/A ug/I N/A ug/I N/A I CERTIFY THAT THIS REPORT IS TRUE AND ACCURATE SIGNATURE OF PERMITTEE(OR AUTHORIZED AGENT) GW-59 Rev. 8/96 2/6 1 7 Date Note: Values should reflect dissolved and colloidal concentrations. (See #3 on back) * See back for instructions ** Submit blue and yellow copies only to address above CUL I.EL_7 �01� AHD ANALVSJS O_f GROUNDVVATEB SAMPLES I auq hra should be analyzer) a:; soon as possible alter rollccliun. SAMPLES WIIICH ARE iTOT ANALYSED WITHIN THE HOLUIIIO I IME SPECI- FIED FOR THE METHOD USED (SEE 114. BELOW) MUST BE. DISCARDED AND NEW SAMPLES COLLECTED. 2. LIr' .r: Airalyses: tisct Sl..uul;utl Method 3030C for sample preparaliotr Inuacury excluded). RQIJQI EILIEHh1FTALS.51M1ELESJIIJ.Nh.!`IEi-i! !!! t tr t .:t..r1 s:nuples must be collected Tor Mina's, then !ield acidified will, 5 inI concentrated nitric acid per liler of sample, and should be subnriued le Ills • lali •cilhin 21 ht:urn 'thumb! pieparalion in the I;ibnralmy lexhaclion and lillralionl musl be cornp!eled within 72 hours ol collection. :1 Alitl.'ISES /%RE 10 BE MADE OF THE MOBILE CONSTITUENTS (DISSOLVED AS WELL AS COLLOIDAL) IN TIIE G WI.n II1 WATER, NOT T IPS-g IHAI ME A EAHI OE S€RIMENI ASSQC-UEQ WUIH WILL CONSTMIC1.LQN OH AMEUUQa pIEPCFPUH€s. CI IECI( WITII YOUR LABORATORY 011 PROPER PROCEDURES FOR SAMPLE COLLECTION AND PRESERVATION. • 4. As 144 1 il!r. 15.11m ll t Carolina Adnrinishalive Code. Subcliapler 2L, analylical procedures shall be In accordance with Ihe methods described in one of Iht it llr.twinli publications, or by oilier melhods approved beforehand by the Director, Division of Environmental Ll;'n•u !men!: tat Standard Mamas for the Examinalion of Water and Wasiewaler, 161h Edition, 1985 and 171h Edilion, 1989, published loinlly by American Public:Heallh Association, American Water Works Association and Water Pollution Control Federation; (bl Methods lor Chemical Analysis of Waler and Waste, 1979, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency publication number EPA 600/4-79.020, as revised March 1983; p:) Tesl Methods lor Evaluating Solid Wastes: Physical/Chemical Methods, 3rd Edition, 1986, U.S. Envitoninenlal Proteclion Agency publication number SW-846; (d) Test Procedures for the Analysis of Polluanls Under the Clean Waler Act, Federal Register Vol. 49, No. 209, 40 CHI Parl 13G, Ocloher 26, 1984; 5. Measure and record the deplli ol waler in the well prior to pumping or bailing any waler Irom the well. 6. Al Teas! 3 volumes ol water in Ilse well should be pumped or bailed prior to collecting a sainple for analysis. II Ihe well is purnpedibailed dry belore 3 well volumes are removed, samples can be colle8led as soon as Ihe well recovers 10 the point where enough water Is available to collect your sample. 7. Determination lor pH, Specllic Conduclance, Imperatore, odor and appearance must be made In the Iield on unlillered samples when the sample Is collected. 8. Filet equipment must be calibrated in accordance with recommendations by the manulaclurer. 9. Samples roust be filleted Through a 0.45 micron Tiller irnmedialely alter collection when a dissolved analysis is required. (See 11). above) I0.11re sample conlniner should be labeled at the time ol collection with the lacilily name, well Identification number and dale -and lime collected. 11."Authorized agent" is any corporate ollicer or public ollicial aulhodzed by the company, corporation, or governmental body to sign ollicial documents. GROUNDWATER QUALITY MONITORING: COMPLIANCE REPORT FORM For additional forms please write or call: DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY - GROUNDWATER SECTION P.0 BOX 29578 RALEIGH, N.C. 27626-0578 (919) 733-3221 Facility Name PCS PHOSPHATE CO., INC - Aurora Division Address: P.O. Box 48 AURORA, N.C. 27806 County Beaufort Well Location Tank Farm Well ID Number SWW-4 Well Depth Well Diameter 4 inch Sample (Screened) Interval 20.5 Depth To Water Level 7.57 ft. below measuring point (before sampling) Measuring point is 3.42 ft. above land surface Water pumped/bailed before sampling CONTINUOUS Purge Measurement Field Analysis: pH 5.9 Specific Conductance 2241 uMhos Temp Date Sample Collected 7/18/97 Date Lab Sample Analyzed 7/18/97 To Laboratory Name PCS Phosphate Env. Lab Certification No(s) 330 PERMIT NUMBER: Permit Type: System: Disposal Type: W10700012 Non Discharge Tank Farm Remedial System Other 25.0 Ft. Ft To 23.3 Ft GALS oC 32.4 7/30/97 SAMPLES FOR METALS WERE COLLECTED UNFILTERED AND FIELD ACIDIFIED COD Coliform:MF Fecal Colifomi:MF Total N/A N/A N/A Note: Use MPN method for highly turbid samples Dissolved Solids: Total pH (when analyzed) TOC Chloride Arsenic Grease and Oils Hardness: Total Phenol Sulfate Specific Conductance Total Ammonia(NH4+NH3) TKN as N 1480 4.8 9.9 58.1 N/A N/A N/A N/A 577.4 N/A N/A N/A mg/I /100m1 /100m1 mg/I units mg/I mg/I mg/I mg/I mg/I mg/I mg/I uMHos mg/I mg/I NO2 As N NO3 as N Phosphorous: Total as P Al - Aluminum Ba - Barium Ca - Calcium Cd - Cadmium Chromium: Total Cu - Copper Fe - Iron Hg - Mercury K - Potassium Mg - Magnesium Mn - Manganese Sodium Yes N/A mg/I N/A mg/I 127.000 mg/I N/A ug/I N/A ug/I N/A ug/I N/A ugll N/A ug/I N/A ug/I N/A ug/I N/A ug/I N/A ug/I N/A ug/I N/A ug/I N/A ug/I Odor NONE Appearance CLEAR Ni - Nickel Ph - Lead Zn - Zinc N/A N/A N/A Pesticides/Herbicides(Specify) N/A Other FLUORIDE Other MIBK Other Ag - Silver Other Se - Selenium VOC im 0.07 mg/I N/A ug/I N/A ug/I N/A ug/I N/A I CERTIFY THAT THIS EPORT IS TRUE AND ACCURATE .,Q,t J-� SIGNATURE OF PERMITTEE(OR AUTHORIZED AGENT) GW-59 Rev. 8/96 gia-A 7 Date Note: Values should reflect dissolved and colloidal concentrations. (See #3 on back) * See back for instructions ** Submit blue and yellow copies only to address above COI. I.ECTIO[J AND ANALYSIS Ol Gf OUNDWATEfl SAMPLES sluudd be analyzed a:; noon al possible allcr collection. SAMPLES WHICH ARE IIOT ANALYSED WITHIN 7HE HOLDIIIG IIME SPECI- FIED FOR THE METIIOD IJSED (SEE #4. BELOW) MUST BE DISCARDED AID NEW SAMPLES COLLECTED. 2. I.Ir'•'I•::uudysi::;: I inn SI..urrlaid Method 3030C for sample preparation Inu:rcuiy excluded'. QQ.tio_TBLI Ei..MEIAL5 EAMEI:E5.UI1HE.I IEI-!U !!! lir s3ng4e:: uursl be:a4lecirad for metals. Then Iield acidified with 5 ml concentrated cinic acid per Tiler ol sample. and should be subedited br rips tali %ithin 21 timer. !Imelda preparation in the Iabnialoiy lexhacliou and Iillralioni must be cornplcled within 72 hums ol collection. :1 All rI.'rSES ARE iO BE MADE OF THE MOBILE CONSTITUENTS (DISSOLVED AS WELL AS COLLOIDAL) (t{THE GIWIJIIDWATER, 4LQI THP5E IHAT ARE A PHI PE SEDIMENT ASSQQ El MTh wt;LI, cONsTBHCJIOII oil salaam EnVCrPUHEs. CIIECI( WITII YOUR LABORATORY 014 PROPER PROCEDURES FOR SAMPLE COLLECTION AND PRESERVATION. 4. • As 144 I We 15.11m Ili Carolina Adminislr alive Code. Subchapter 2L, analylical procedures shall be in accordance will the nnelliods described in one ol Ile I:rllowin(i publicaiions, or by other methods approved belorehand by the Director, Division of Environmental LLnrigemcnt: on Standard tvtellrods for the Examinalion ol Water and Wastewater, 161h Edition, 1985 and 17111 Edilion, 1989, published 'ninny by American Public Heallh Association, American Water Works Association and Water Pollution Control Federation; (b) Methods for Chemical Analysis o1 Waler and Waste, 1979, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency publication number EPA 600:4.79-020, as revised March 1983; IJ:) Tesl Methods lor Evaluallng Solid Wastes: Physical/Chemical Methods, 3rd Edition, 1986, U.S. Environmental Prolc:cddon Agency publication number SW-846; (cl) Test Procedures for the Analysis ol Polluants Under the Clean Waler Acl, Federal Register Vol. 49. No. 209, 40 CFR Part 136, Oclober 26, 1984; 5. Measure and record the deplli ol waler in the well prior to pumping or bailing any waler Irom the well. 6. Al least 3 volumes ol water in Ilie well should be purnped or balled prior to collecting a sample lor analysis. II Ilse well is purnpedibailed dry belore 3 well volumes are removed, samples can be colleeled as soon as the well recovers to the point where enough waler Is available to collecl your sample. 7. Determination lor pH. Specilic Conduclance, temperature, odor and appearance must be made in the field on unfiltered samples when the sample is collected. - 8. Field equipment must be calibrated in accordance wish recommendations by the martulaciurer. 9. Samples must be. Iillered Through a 0.45 micron Tiller immediately alter collection when a dissolved analysis is required. (See 1,14. above) I0. The sample container should be labeled al the lime ol collection with the Iacilily name, well klenlilicatfon number and dale and lime collecled. 11. "Authorized agenP is any corporals ollicer or public oliicial authorized by the company, corporalion, or governmental body to sign olliclal documents. GROUNDWATER QUALITY MONITORING: COMPLIANCE REPORT FORM For additional forms please write or call: DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY - GROUNDWATER SECTION P.O. BOX 29578 RALEIGH, N.C. 27626-0578 (919) 733-3221 Facility Name PCS PHOSPHATE CO., INC - Aurora Division Address: P.O. Box 48 AURORA, N.C. 27806 County Beaufort Well Location Well ID Number Well Diameter Depth To Water Level Measuring point is Water pumped/bailed before sampling Field Analysis: pH 6.4 Tank Farm SWW-5 Well Depth 4 inch Sample (Screened) Interval 24.83 7.01 ft. below measuring point (before sampling) 2.96 ft. above land surface CONTINUOUS Purge Measurement Specific Conductance 2046 uMhos Temp Date Sample Collected 7/18/97 Date Lab Sample Analyzed 7/18/97 To Laboratory Name PCS Phosphate Env. Lab Certification No(s) 330 PERMIT NUMBER: Permit Type: System: Disposal Type: WI0700012 Non Discharge Tank Farm Remedial System Other 28.21 Ft. Ft To 27.2 GALS oC 30.6 7/30/97 SAMPLES FOR METALS WERE COLLECTED UNFILTERED AND FIELD ACIDIFIED Yes Ft Odor NONE Appearance CLEAR 1-7 crt • Corn COD Coliform:MF Fecal Coliform:MF Total N/A N/A N/A Note: Use MPN method for highly turbid samples Dissolved Solids: Total pH (when analyzed) TOC Chloride Arsenic Grease and Oils Hardness: Total Phenol Sulfate Specific Conductance Total Ammonia(NH4+NH3) TKN as N 1296 6.8 11.9 64.3 N/A N/A N/A N/A 438.6 N/A N/A N/A mg/I /100m1 /100m1 mg/I units mg/I mg/I mg/I mg/i mg/I mg/I mg/I uMHos mg/l mg/I NO2 As N NO3 as N Phosphorous: Total as P Al - Aluminum Ba - Barium Ca - Calcium Cd - Cadmium Chromium: Total Cu - Copper Fe - Iron Hg - Mercury K - Potassium Mg - Magnesium Mn - Manganese Sodium N/A mg/I N/A mg/I 28.000 mg/I N/A ug/I N/A ug/I N/A ug/I N/A ug/I N/A ug/I N/A ug/I N/A ug/I N/A ug/I N/A ug/I N/A ug/I N/A ug/l N/A ug/I Ni - Nickel Ph - Lead Zn - Zinc N/A up!!T N/A ug/i'' N/A uglh Pesticides/Herbicides(Specify) N/A Other FLUORIDE Other MIBK Other Ag - Silver Other Se - Selenium VOC 0.31 mg/1 N/A ug/I N/A ug/I N/A ug/I N/A I CERTIFY THAT THIS REPORT IS TRUE AND ACCURATE SIGNATURE OF PERMITTEE(OR AUTHORIZED AGENT) GW-59 Rev. 8/96 g)l5/^r7 Date Note: Values should reflect dissolved and colloidal concentrations. (See #3 on bade) See back for instructions " Submit blue and yellow copies only to address above COLLECTION AND AUALVSJS Of GROUNDWATER SAMPLES I :?auq•brs slundd be analyzed a::: eon al possible altert-.ollccliun. SAMPLES WHICH ARE 1IOT ANALYSED WITHIN THE HOLDING J IME SPEC:I- FIEU FOR THE METHOD USED (SEE 114. BELOW) MUST BE DISCARDED AIID NEW SAMPLES COLLECTED. 2.I.k' 'r•: ;ui;dl•sr:a: that Skull lard Method 3030C lor sample prepnralion pncrcury excluded). Q lld I_ELIEH_ FIAI_5 SP.MEI,€5-IiI111b.EIEi•I! !!I r h• r •:n.d samples bit coltrr:rrd Tor metals. Then field acidified with 5 nil concentrated nitric acid per liter of sample. and should be subedited lr n,•• Tali -.Alin 21 Ileum ';augde piepariilton in the Inhnialniy (extraction and lilbalion) roust be completed within 72 bums of collection. :1 Ali PI YSES ARE r0 DE LIADE OF THE MOBILE CONSTITUENTS (DISSOLVED AS WELL AS COLLOIDAL) (Z{THE Gncl.nI»WATErI, LLQI Tlio ILIAI ARE A EAIIi PE SIfIMt ft ASSQCKTi En Wilk! WELL cows -mum OH 5AElajtla EIIPCpPUHES. CIIECI< WITII YOUR LABORATORY ON PROPER PROCEDURES FOR SAMPLE COLLECTION AND PRESERVATION. 4. As(•. s I itir. 15. i Inr Ili Carolina Adi !inislralive Code. Subchapter 2L, analytical procedures shall be in accordance with the methods described in one ol II a Ialliyvin(i publications, or by other methods approved beforehand by the Director, Division of Environmental rinement: - (at Standard Methods lor the Examination ol Waler and Wastewater, 161h Edilion, 1985 and 1711i Edilion, 1989, published Putty by American Public Heallh Association, American Water Works Association and Waler Pollulion Control Federalion; (b) Methods lor Chemical Analysis of Water and Waste, 1979, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency publication number EPA 60014-79-020, as revised March 1983; - (c) Test Melhods lor Evaluating Solid Wastes: Physical/Chemical Methods, 3rd Edilion, 1986, U.S. Enviionmenlal Prol:clion Agency publicalion number SW-846; (d) Test Procedures for the Analysis of Polluanls Under the Clean Water Act, Federal Register Vol. 49. No. 209, 40 CFR Part 136, October 26. 1984;' 5. Mrasirre and record the depth ol waler in the well prior to pumping or bailing any waler from the well. 6. AI least 3 volumes ol water in Ilie well should be purnped or bailed prior to collecting a sarnple lor analysis. II the well Is purnped/bailed dry before 3 well volumes are removed, samples can be collected as soon as the well recovers to the point where enough water is available to collect your sample. 7. Determination lor pH. Specific Conductance, lemperalure, odor and appearance must be made in Ilse field on unlillered samples when lite sample Is collected. 0. Field equipment must be calibrated In accordance with recommendalions by the manulaclurer. 9. Samples oust be littered Through a 0.45 micron tiller immedialely alter collection when a dissolved analysis is required. (See f14. above) 10. The sample container should be labeled al the lime ol collection with (he Iacitily name, well identification number and dale and lime collected. 11.••Authorizod agent" is ally corporal° ollicer or public ollicial authorized by the company, corporation, or governmental body Io sign official documeids. GROUNDWATER QUALITY MONITORING: COMPLIANCE REPORT FORM For additional forms please write or call: DIVSION OF WATER QUALITY - GROUNDWATER SECTION P.O. BOX 29578 RALEIGH. N.C. 27626-0578 (919) 733-3221 Facility Name PCS PHOSPHATE CO., INC -Aurora Division Address: P.O. Box 48 AURORA, N.C. 27806 County Beaufort Well Location Well ID Number Well Diameter Tank Farm SWW-6 4 inch Depth To Water Level 7.16 Measuring point is 2.58 Water pumped/bailed before sampling Field Analysis: pH 6.3 Date Sample Colleded 7/18/97 Well Depth Sample (Screened) Interval 22.25 ft. below measuring point (before sampling) ft. above land surface CONTINUOUS Purge Measurement Specific Conductance 1940 uMhos Temp Date Lab Sample Analyzed 7/18/97 To Laboratory Name PCS Phosphate Env. Lab Certification No(s) 330 26.00 Ft GALS oC 31.1 7/30/97 SAMPLES FOR METALS WERE COLLECTED UNFILTERED AND FIELD ACIDIFIED PERMIT NUMBER: Permit Type: System: WI0700012 Non Discharge Tank Farm Remedial System Disposal Type: Other Ft. To 24.62 Ft Yes Odor NONE Appearance CLEAR COD Coliform:MF Fecal Coliform:MF Total N/A N/A N/A Note: Use MPN method for highly turbid samples Dissolved Solids: Total pH (when analyzed) TOC Chloride Arsenic Grease and Oils Hardness: Total Phenol Sulfate Specific Conductance Total Ammonia(NH4+NH3) TKN as N 1220 6.7 13.6 120.8 N/A N/A N/A N/A 268.8 N/A N/A N/A mg/I /100m1 /100m1 mg/I units mg/I mg/I mg/I mg/I mg/I mg/I mg/I uMHos mg/I mg/I NO2 As N NO3 as N Phosphorous: Total as P Al - Aluminum Ba - Barium Ca - Calcium Cd - Cadmium Chromium: Total Cu - Copper Fe - Iron Hg - Mercury K - Potassium Mg - Magnesium Mn - Manganese Sodium N/A mg/I N/A mg/I 37.500 mg/I N/A ug/I N/A ug/I N/A ug/I N/A ug/I N/A ug/I N/A ug/I N/A ug/I N/A ug/I N/A ug/I N/A ug/I N/A ug/I N/A ug/I Ni - Nickel Ph - Lead Zn - Zinc N/A N/A N/A Pesticides/Herbicides(Specify) NIA Other FLUORIDE Other MIBK Other Ag - Silver Other Se - Selenium VOC ug/I ug/I 0.08 mg/I N/A ug/I N/A ug/I N/A ug/I N/A I CERTIFY THAT THIS RE RT IS TRUE AND ACCURATE SIGNATURE OF PERMITTEE(OR AUTHORIZED AGENT) Date Note: Values should reflect dissolved and colloidal concentrations. (See #3 on bad<) * See back for instructions '"` Submit blue and yellow copies only to address above GW-59 Rev. 8/96 CO.)I.I.ECTION AND ANALYSIS Of GROUNDWATEf SAMPLES should he analyzed an ::eon a n possible oiler collodion. SAMPLES WHICH ARE 11OT ANALYSED WITHIN 1HE HOLDING I IME SPECI- FIED FOR TIIE METHOD IJSED (SEE #4. BELOW) MUST BE DISCARDED AND NEW SAMPLES COLLECTED. 2. I.Ir4•M.: All:dynes: I hal S1.uulaid t.h:lhed 3030C for sample preparation pnctcury excluded). QQHQIF)LI METALS.;zAMEI:€S_I11LUILFIELir 111 r h• 1..1..11 samples mum be cotecied Im metals. Then lield acidified whir 5 ml concentrated nitric acid per liter of sample, and should be submitted II: oi•• lal� :iththis.? I h:;m:• raimpl r pieparaliou in 111:; labrnalory (exhaclion and I)Ihalfoni must be cornploled within 72 I lours ol collodion. :1 AI it YSES ARE TO BE MADE OF THE MOBILE CONSTITUENTS (DISSOLVED AS WELL AS COLLOIDAL) al THE G11c'1.11IDWATEii, FJQT mg_5gIltAT AAI; A eLHX QE ;zgpltgtpp ASS() MILL) wiIti 4�► LL CONsTJi_JcJl2y on salaam Efi9cppunE j. CIIECI( WITII YOUn LABORATORY 014 PROPER PROCEDURES FOR SAMPLE COLLECTION AND PRESERVATION. 4. As l•.n Idle I5.. Idorlll Carolina Administialive Code. Subclmpler 2L, analytical procedures shall be in accordance with the methods described in one of Ih: IidlcnwnO puhlicalions. or by other methods approved beforehand by the Director, Division ol Environmental LLnru)einnnl: tart Standard Mellods lor the Examinalion ol Water and Wastewater,161h Edition, 1985 and 171h Edilion, 1989, published jointly by American Public Health Association, American Water Works Association and Water Pollulion Conlrol Federalion; (b) Methods for Chemical Analysis of Waler and Waste, 1979, U.S. Environmenlal Protection Agency publication numbei EPA-600/449-020. as revised March 1983; lc) Tesl Methods lor Evaluating Solid Wastes: Physical/Chemical Methods, 3rd Edition, 1906, U.S. Environmenlal Ptoteclion Agency publication number SW-046; (d) Tesl Procedures for the Analysis of Polluanls Under the Clean Waler Acl, Federal Register Vol. 49, No. 209,40 CFR Pail 136, Oclober 26. 1904; 5. Measure and record the depth of water in the well prior to pumping or bailing any waler Irom the well. 6. AI least 3 volumes ol water in the well should be purnped or balled prior to collecting a sarnple lor analysis.11 the well is puinpedibailed dry before 3 well volumes are removed, samples can be collebted as soon as Ike well recovers to the point where enough water is available to collect your sample. 7. Delerurinalion lor pH. Specilic Conductance, Iemperalure, odor and appearance must be made in the field on unfiltered samples when lite sample Is collected. 0. Field wjuipmanl must be calibrated in accordance with recommendalions by the manufacturer. 9. Samples roust be filtered through a 0.45 micron liller immediately after collection when a dissolved analysis is required. (See 114. above) 10. The sample conlainer should be labeled al the lime of collection wilh the lac lily name, well identification number and dale and lime collected. 11. "Aulhorized agent" is any corporate officer or public official authorized by the company, corporation, or governmental body to sign otlicial documents. GROUNDWATER QUALITY MONITORING: COMPLIANCE REPORT FORM For additional forms please write or call: DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY - GROUNDWATER SECTION P.O. BOX 29578 RALEIGH.. N.C. 27626-0578 (919) 733-3221 Facility Name PCS PHOSPHATE CO., INC - Aurora Division Address: P.O. Box 48 AURORA, N.C. 27806 County Beaufort Well Location Tank Farm Well ID Number SWW-7 Well Depth Well Diameter 4 inch Sample (Screened) Interval 25.17 Depth To Water Level 7.27 ft. below measuring point (before sampling) Measuring point is 3.00 Water pumped/bailed before sampling Field Analysis: pH 5.9 Date Sample Collected 7/18/97 ft. above land surface CONTINUOUS Purge Measurement Specific Conductance 1418 uMhos Temp Date Lab Sample Analyzed 7/18/97 To Laboratory Name PCS Phosphate Env. Lab Certification No(s) 330 PERMIT NUMBER. Permit Type: System: WI0700012 Non Discharge Tank Farm Remedial System Disposal Type: Other 29.50 Ft. Ft To 27.5 GALS oC 27.2 7/30/97 SAMPLES FOR METALS WERE COLLECTED UNFILTERED AND FIELD ACIDIFIED Yes Ft Odor NONE Appearance CLEAR COD Coliform:MF Fecal Coliform:MF Total Note: Use MPN method for highly turbid samples Dissolved Solids: Total pH (when analyzed) TOC Chloride Arsenic Grease and Oils Hardness: Total Phenol Sulfate Specific Conductance Total Ammonia(NH4+NH3) TKN as N N/A mg/I NO2 As N N/A mg/I N/A /100m1 NO3 as N N/A mg/I N/A /100m1 Phosphorous: Total as P 69.500 mg/1 Al - Aluminum N/A ug/I 1052 mg/I Ba - Barium N/A ug/I 6.1 units Ca - Calcium N/A ug/I 17.1 mg/I Cd - Cadmium N/A ug/I 109.1 mg/I Chromium: Total N/A ug/I N/A mg/I Cu - Copper N/A ug/I N/A mg/I Fe - Iron N/A ug/I N/A mg/I Hg - Mercury N/A ug/I N/A mg/I K - Potassium N/A ug/I 266.8 mg/I Mg - Magnesium N/A ug/I N/A uMHos Mn - Manganese N/A ug/I N/A mg/I Sodium N/A ug/I N/A mg/I Ni - Nickel Ph - Lead Zn - Zinc N/A tig/{"= N/A N/A t`'J 441 Pesticides/Herbicides(Specify) N/A Other FLUORIDE Other MIBK Other Ag - Silver Other Se - Selenium VOC 0.10 mg/I N/A ug/I N/A ug/I N/A ug/I N/A I CERTIFY THAT THIS RE T IS TRUE AND ACCURATE SIGNATURE OF PERMITTEE( R AUTHORIZED AGENT) GW-59 Rev. 8/96 Date Note: Values should reflect dissolved and colloidal concentrations. (See #3 on bad<) See back for instructions "' Submit blue and yellow copies only to address above COL I.ECTIO(J AND ANAIYSJS Of GROUNDWATER SAMPLES I auq br. shmdd he analyzed a:; moil a ; possiblu alley collccliun. SAMPLES WHICH ARE 11OT ANALYSED WITHIN THE HOLDING] IME SPECI- FIED FOR THE METHOD USED (SEE N4. BELOW) MUST BE DISCARDED AND NEW SAMPLES COLLECTED. 2. 1.1(.' 't A'mI •sus: I: ,u 51.tu:lartl f.lrahod 3030C lor sample preparalinn pncrcury excluded). QQ.HQIPJLIEFLMFTALH.;zAMEI:€`i.111111€.I9EL1) !!1 r 4• t •:n.d samples musl !ni metals, Then Iield acidified with 5 ml concentrated nitric acid per lifer of sample, and should be aubmillot1 I.: Ili" lat, -.Willi 21 h::uc•. !;ample piepal:tfiou in the laboratory Iexhaciion and I!iltalionl musl be cotnploled within 72 hours ol collodion. :1 AIIM I. YSES ARE i0 BE MADE OF THE MOBILE CONSTITUENTS (DISSOLVED AS WELL AS COLLOIDAL) WI TFIE G11:1.11IUWATEi1, L4Q E T1I IHAT AK A RAM PE S.€.PJMEiIZ ASSQC,(ATF D WIIH! wgLL CONSTguCJLQI( off HANIELINN EIPC€PUH€$• CIIECI< WITMI YOUR LABORATORY ON PROPER PROCEDURES FOR SAMPLE COLLECTION AND PRESERVATION. 4. As i ••:; Inks 15. I Ws Carolina Adminis!ralivo Code. Subchapler 2L, analytical procedures shall be in accordance wills the methods described in one al II'u ltlllu vino puldicalions, or by other methods approved belorehand by the Director, Division of Environmental Llan•uleinenl: on Standard Melltods lot Ilse Examinalion of Wafer and Wastewater, 161h Edition, 1985 and 171h Edition, 1989, published leiully by American Public Heallh Association, American Water Works Association and Waler Polluliori Control Federation; (b) Methods lor Chemical Analysis of Waler and Waste, 1979, U.S. Environmental Prolection Agency publication number EPA 600:419-020. as revised March 1983; p:) Test Methods lor Evaluating Solid Wastes: Physical/Chemical Methods, 3rd Edilion, 1986, U.S. Environrnenlal Proleclion Agency publication number SW-846; Id) 7esl Procedures for the Analysis ol Polluanls Under the Clean Waler Acl, Federal Register Vol. 49. No. 209, 40 CFR rail 136, Ocloher 26, 1984; 5. Measure and record the depth al wafer in the well prior to pumping or bailing any waler from the well. 6. AI )east 3 volumes ol water In Ilse well should be pumped or balled prior to collecting a sarnple lor analysis. II the well is pumpedibailed dry before 3 well volumes are removed, samples can be canceled as soon as the well recovers to the point where enough water Is available to collect your sample. 7. Delerntinalion lor pH. Specific Conduclance, temperature, odor and appearance musl be made in the Iield on unlillered samples when Ilse sample is collected. 8. field equipment roust be calibraled In accordance wills recommendallons by the manufacturer. 9. Samples oust be lillered Through a 0.45 micron filler immediately alter collection when a dissolved analysis is required. (See N4. above) 10. The sample COI lnkier should be labeled al Ilse lime of collection wills the lacilily name, well idenlilicalion number and dale and lime collected. I I ...Authorized agent" is any corporate officer or public ollicial authorized by the company, corporation, or governrnenlal body to sign olliclal documents. GROUNDWATER QUALITY MONITORING: COMPLIANCE REPORT FORM For additional forms please write or call: DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY - GROUNDWATER SECTION P.O. BOX 29578 RALEIGH, N.C. 27626-0578 (919) 733-3221 Facility Name PCS PHOSPHATE CO., INC - Aurora Division Address: P.O. Box 48 AURORA, N.C. 27806 County Beaufort Well Location Tank Farm Well ID Number MWTF1-A Well Depth Well Diameter 2 inch Sample (Screened) Interval 3.40 Depth To Water Level 0.78 ft. below measuring point (before sampling) Measuring point is 0.74 ft. above land surface Water pumped/bailed before sampling 2100 Purge Measurement Field Analysis: pH 7.0 Specific Conductance 609 Date Sample Collected 7/28/97 Date Lab Sample Analyzed 7/28/97 To Laboratory Name PCS Phosphate Env. Lab Certification No(s) uMhos Temp 330 PERMIT NUMBER: Permit Type: System: Disposal Type: W10700012 Non_Discharge Tank Farm Remedial System Other 6.40 Ft. Ft To 5.40 GALS oC 27.7 7/30/97 SAMPLES FOR METALS WERE COLLECTED UNFILTERED AND FIELD ACIDIFIED Yes Ft Odor NONE Appearance LT CLDY WHT T ram-' IS)orn rfl 7,10 COD Coliform:MF Fecal Coliform:MF Total N/A N/A N/A Note: Use MPN method for highly turbid samples Dissolved Solids: Total pH (when analyzed) TOC Chloride Arsenic Grease and Oils Hardness: Total Phenol Sulfate Specific Conductance Total Ammonia(NH4+NH3) TKN as N 400 7.6 7.5 11.2 N/A N/A N/A N/A 38.7 N/A N/A N/A mg/l /100m1 /100m1 mg/I units mg/I mg/I mg/I mg/I mg/I mg/I mg/I uMHos mg/I mg/I NO2 As N NO3 as N Phosphorous: Total as P Al - Aluminum Ba - Barium Ca - Calcium Cd - Cadmium Chromium: Total Cu - Copper Fe - Iron Hg - Mercury K - Potassium Mg - Magnesium Mn - Manganese Sodium N/A mg/I N/A mg/I 0.810 mg/I N/A ug/I N/A ug/I N/A ug/I N/A ug/I N/A ug/I N/A ug/I N/A ug/I N/A ug/I N/A ug/I N/A ug/I N/A ug/I N/A ug/I Ni - Nickel Ph - Lead Zn - Zinc WA rtgA;� WAN ulA N/A u !t Pesticides/Herbicides(Specify) N/A Other FLUORIDE Other MIBK Other Ag - Silver Other Se - Selenium VOC 2.31 mg/I N/A ug/I N/A ug/I N/A ug/I N/A I CERTIFY THAT THIS R RT IS TRUE AND ACCURATE TTEE L SIGNATURE OF PERMI R AUTHORIZED AGENT) GW-59 Rev. 8/96 T)ICA Date Note: Values should reflect dissolved and colloidal concentrations. (See #3 on bad<) See back for instructions ** Submit blue and yellow copies only to address above - C(.)I.I.ECTIO[J AND ANALYSJS Ol GROUNDWATER SAMPLES slmeld he analyzed a:;moll a possible alter collodium. SAMPLES WHICH ARE HOT ANALYSED WITHIN THE HOLDIIIO LIME SPECI- FIED FOR THE METHOD USED (SEE ry4. BELOW) MUST BE DISCARDED AIID NEW SAMPLES COLLECTED. 2. 1.Ir4-.1 Alial •si::;: Ilse Sl.rurl;utl Method 3030C ler sample preparation (mercury excluded). OalaTJ=JLjEHJ1FTALS.EAEIELE5.11II1IE.FIE1-1) !!I i h i :r•.tI s:m pies muss be ct'IIncted Tor metals. Then Iield acidifier) with 5 ml concentrated nitric acid per liter ol sample. and should be submitted Itt ti•• lab ilhin21Intern •';augte pi (partition in Ile; laboratory (exlnactiou and filtration) must be completed willtin 72 hums ol collection. :1 Alit I. •(SES ARE 1-O BE MADE OF THE MOBILE CONSTITUENTS (DISSOLVED AS WELL AS COLLOIDAL) lc( THE cI1LI.11IDWATER, L-AI IlioEE Dial ARE A fQWE of Milan AsSpcj_AJEQ 7p((IQ WEI J, CONSTBNC.IIQFI OH SAMEUNQ EB9CFPPH€5. CIIECI< WITII YOUR LABORATORY ON PROPER PROCEDURES FOR SAMPLE COLLECTION AND PRESERVATIOII. 4. As (•'a kills 15. I ler III Carolina Administrative Code. Subchapter 2L, analylical procedures shall be In accordance with the methods describes) in one ol Ihr I;dleivinO publications, or by other methods approved beforehand by the Director, Division ol Environmental Llorrulcmere: tat Standard Methods for the Examinalion of Water and Waslewaler, 161h Edition, 1985 and 171h Edition, 1989, published jointly by American Public Heallh Association, American Water Works Association and Water Pollution Control Federalion; (b) Methods for Chemical Analysis of Water and Waste, 1979, U.S. Environmenlal Protection Agency publication number EPA 600;4-79-020. as revised March 1983; Ice Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Wastes: Physical/Chemical Methods, 3rd Edition, 1986. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency publicalion number SW-846; Id) Test Procedures lor the Analysis of Polluanis tinder the Clean Water AcI, Federal Register Vol. 49, No. 209, 40 CFR fart 136, October 26, 1984; 5. Measure and record the depth ol water in the well prior to pumping or bailing any water Irom the well. 6. AI (east 3 volumes ol water in llte well should be purnped or balled prior to collecting a sample lor analysis. II the well Is purnpedibailed'dry before 3 well volumes are removed, samples can be collected as soon as the well recovers to the point where enough water is available to collect your sample. 7. Determination for pH. Specific Conduclance, temperature, odor and appearance must be made in the lield on unlillered samples when the sample Is collected. - 0. Field equipment must be calibrated in accordance with recommendations by the manufacturer. 9. Samples must be filtered Through a 0.45 micron liller Immediately alter collection when a dissolved analysis Is required. (See 114. above) 10. The sample container should be labeled at the lime of collection with the facility name, well Identification number and dale and time collected. 11. "Authorized agent" is any corporate officer or public ollicial authorized by the company, corporation, or governmental body to sign ollicial documents. GROUNDWATER QUALITY MONITORING: COMPLIANCE REPORT FORM For additional forms please write or call DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY - GROUNDWATER SECTION P_O_ BOX 29578 RALEIGH, N.C. 27626-0578 (919) 733-3221 Facility Name PCS PHOSPHATE CO., INC - Aurora Division Address: P.O. Box 48 AURORA, N.C. 27806 County Beaufort Well Location Well ID Number Well Diameter Depth To Water Level Measuring point is Water pumped/bailed before sampling Field Analysis: pH 5.7 Date Sample Collected 7/28/97 Tank Farm MWTF1-B Well Depth 2 inch Sample (Screened) Interval 10.60 1.52 ft. below measuring point (before sampling) 0.82 ft. above land surface 2100 Purge Measurement Specific Conductance 771 uMhos Temp Date Lab Sample Analyzed 7/28/97 To PERMIT NUMBER: Permit Type: System: WI0700012 Non_Discharge Tank Farm Remedial System Disposal Type: Other 13.5 Ft. Ft To 12.60 Ft MLS oC 28.4 7/30/97 Laboratory Name PCS Phosphate Env. Lab Certification No(s) 330 SAMPLES FOR METALS WERE COLLECTED UNFILTERED AND FIELD ACIDIFIED COD N/A Coliform:MF Fecal N/A Coliform:MF Total N/A Note: Use MPN method for highly turbid samples Dissolved Solids: Total pH (when analyzed) TOC Chloride Arsenic Grease and Oils Hardness: Total Phenol Sulfate Specific Conductance Total Ammonia(NH4+NH3) TKN as N 520 6.1 8.8 112.3 N/A N/A N/A N/A 51.7 N/A N/A N/A mg/I /100m1 /100m1 mg/I units mg/I mg/I mg/l mg/I mg/I mg/I mg/I uMHos mg/I mg/I NO2 As N NO3 as N Phosphorous: Total as P Al - Aluminum Ba - Barium Ca - Calcium Cd - Cadmium Chromium: Total Cu - Copper Fe - Iron Hg - Mercury K - Potassium Mg - Magnesium Mn - Manganese Sodium N/A N/A 15.600 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Yes mg/I mg/I mg/I ug/I ug/I ug/I ug/I ug/I ug/I ug/I ug/I ug/I ug/I ug/I ug/I Odor NONE Appearance CLEAR Ni - Nickel Ph - Lead Zn - Zinc N/A _;3 N/A ; 3 N/A Pesticides/Herbicides(Specify) N/A Other FLUORIDE Other MIBK Other Ag - Silver Other Se - Selenium VOC uA ug/I 0.36 mg/l N/A ug/I N/A ug/I N/A ug/I N/A I CERTIFY THAT THIS REPTRUE AND ACCURATE SIGNATURE OF PERMITTEE(OR • UTHORIZED AGENT) GW-59 Rev. 8/96 S94 _c/ 7 Date Note: Values should reflect dissolved and colloidal concentrations. (See #3 on bade) * See back for instructions ** Submit blue and yellow copies only to address above COLLECTION A!ID ANALYSIS OS GROUNDWATER SAMPLES I S;iiigii :: should be analyzed a:: soon as possible alter collccliuu. SAMPLES WHICH ARE iIOT ANALYSED WITHIN 1HE HOLDING IIME SPECI- FIED FOR THE METHOD USED (SEE 114. BELOW) MUST BE DISCARDED AND NEW SAMPLES COLLECTED. LIr' '1.: Arrnlyscs: Iha! St..uulanl Unfired 3030C lor sample preparaliou (mercury excluded). P_QNQIFILIEHly1FTAL5.5AMEt. 5_111111L.FtEl-i) !!! r h• r •:e.dI s:Imples must b+e celleered for metals, Ihen field acidified with 5 rnl concentrated nitric acid per liter of sample, and should be suburilled ben,^ lal, -.Rhin 21 Ie:mr. 51amplu preparation in the labnrdory (extraction and filtration) must be cornplelud within 72 hours of collection. 3 AI it I. (SES ARE i0 BE idADE OF THE MOBILE CONSTITUENTS (DISSOLVED AS WELL AS COLLOIDAL) 111 THE GRCI iIii1WATER, HOT MICIS.E THAT ARE A EAHI PE EEIPIMECIt ASSQCJ TD W►IILI WELL CONSTacji0 OH ;zAMELIdI EI39CIEPUH€s. CIIECI( WITII YOUR LABORATORY 014 PROPER PROCEDURES FOR SAMPLE COLLECTION AND PRESERVATION. 4. As t•,:r Nile I5. Ilia IttCarolina Administrative Code. Subchapter 2L, analytical procedures shall be in accordance with the methods described in one of II u lull wine) publications, or by other methods approved beforehand by the Direclor, Division of Environmenlal Ll;+n•u)r•."omit: (al Standard btetitoc's for the Examination ol Waler and Wastewater, 16111 Edilion, 1985 and 17111Edilion, 1989, published jointly by American Public Health Association, American Water Works Associalion and Water Pollution Control Federation; (b) Methods lor Chemical Analysis of Waler and Waste, 1979, U.S. Environmental Proleclion Agency publication number EPA 60014-79.020, as revised March 1983; tc) Tesl Methods for Evaluating Solid Wastes: Physical/Chemical Methods, 3rd Edition, 1986, U.S. Environmental Prottetion Agency publication number SW-846; Id) Test Procedures for the Analysis ol Polluants Under the Clean Water Act, Federal Register Vol. 49. No. 209, 40 CFR Part 136, Ocloher 26, 1984; 5. Measure and record the depth ol waler in the well prior to pumping or bailing any waler horn the well. 6. Al least 3 volumes of water in the well should be purnped or balled prior to collecting a sarnple lor analysis.11 the well Is purnped/bailed dry before 3 well volumes are removed, sarnples can be colieoted as soon as the well recovers to the point where enough water Is available to collect your sample. 7. Determination lor pH. Specific Conductance, temperature, odor and appearance must be made in the lield on unfiltered samples when the sample Is collected. 8. Field equipment must be calibrated In accordance will' recommendallons by the manulacturer. 9. Samples must be filleted through a 0.45 micron tiller immediately alter collection when a dissolved analysis is required. (See 114. above) 10. The sample cornainer should be labeled at the lime of collection with the facility name, well identification number and dale and lime collected. 11. "Authorized agent' is arty corporate ollicer or public ollictal authorized by Ole company, corporalion, or governmental body to sign olliclal documents. GROUNDWATER QUALITY MONITORING: COMPLIANCE REPORT FORM For additional forms please write or call: DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY - GROUNDWATER SECTION P.O. BOX 29578 RALEIGH, N.C. 27626-0578 (919) 733-3221 Facility Name PCS PHOSPHATE CO., INC - Aurora Division Address: P.O. Box 48 AURORA, N.C. 27806 County Beaufort Well Location Well ID Number Well Diameter Depth To Water Level Tank Farm MWTF 1-C 2 inch 4.82 Measuring point is 0.82 Water pumped/bailed before sampling Field Analysis: pH 7.2 Date Sample Collected 7/28/97 Well Depth Sample (Screened) Interval 38.70 ft. below measuring point (before sampling) ft. above land surface 4600 Purge Measurement Specific Conductance 1147 uMhos Temp Date Lab Sample Analyzed 7/28/97 To Laboratory Name PCS Phosphate Env. Lab Certification No(s) 330 PERMIT NUMBER: Permit Type: System: Disposal Type: WI0700012 Non Discharge Tank Farm Remedial System Other 42.00 Ft. Ft To 40.70 Ft MLS oC 27.2 7/31/97 10 SAMPLES FOR METALS WERE COLLECTED UNFILTERED AND FIELD ACIDIFIED Yes Odor NONE Appearance LT CLDY WHT k.O COD Coliform:MF Fecal Coliform:MF Total N/A N/A <1.0 Note: Use MPN method for highly turbid samples Dissolved Solids: Total pH (when analyzed) TOC Chloride Arsenic Grease and Oils Hardness: Total Phenol Sulfate Specific Conductance Total Ammonia(NH4+NH3) TKN as N 956 8.0 5.1 282.6 N/A N/A N/A N/A 21.0 N/A N/A N/A mg/I /100m1 /100m1 mg/I units mg/I mg/I mg/I mg/I mg/I mg/I mg/I uMHos mg/I mg/I NO2 As N NO3 as N Phosphorous: Total as P Al - Aluminum Ba - Barium Ca - Calcium Cd - Cadmium Chromium: Total Cu - Copper Fe - Iron Hg - Mercury K - Potassium Mg - Magnesium Mn - Manganese Sodium N/A mg/I N/A mg/I 0.305 mg/I N/A ug/I N/A ug/I N/A ug/I <1.0 ug/I 18.0 ug/I N/A ug/I N/A ug/I N/A ug/I N/A ug/I N/A ug/I 28 ug/I N/A ug/I Ni - Nickel Ph - Lead Zn - Zinc N/A u NIA C] ugl N/A N uglp Pesticides/Herbicides(Specify) N/A Other FLUORIDE Other MIBK Other Ag - Silver Other Se - Selenium VOC 0.65 mg/I N/A ug/I N/A ug/I N/A ug/I N/A I CERTIFY THAT THIS R SIGNATURE OF PERMITTEE( GW-59 Rev. 8/96 IS TRUE AND ACCURATE AUTHORIZED AGENT) Date Note: Values should reflect dissolved and colloidal concentrations. (See #3 on back) * See back for instructions ** Submit blue and yellow copies only to address above COI.I.ECTiOJJ AND ANAL`TSJS Ol GfOUNDWATEf SAMPLES saw.ii'u: swim be analyzed an : oou al possible alter collecliun. SAMPLES WHICH ARE IIOT ANALYSED WITHIN THE HOLDIIIG I IME SPECI- FIED FOR THE METHOD USED (SEE i94. BELOW) MUST BE DISCARDED AND NEW SAMPLES COLLECTED. 2. LIr'nl.::urnit•sr:s: Ian SL.uut;ucf Llulhod 3030C for sample preparation (mercury excluded)-(20_dgIFILIEHLMFTA1-2.5Ap1E1:EH.I1I111E.i9Ei-I) !!! it •a..11 simples must bit o: ilieraed for metals. Then field acidified with 5 ml concentrated nitric acid per liter of sample, and should be subedited Ikr Ili" tali •vilhin 21 h::iiiv ':ample pleparaliou in slie Libnralory Iexlracliou.and lillralionl must be completed within 72 flours ol collection. :1 AIIP I.'1SES ARE TO BE MADE OF THE MOBILE CONSTITUENTS (DISSOLVED AS WELL AS COLLOIDAL) IN THE GRcknIDWATEII, 4LPI IHME IHAT AAE A EAU PE gEllImEtriAssocwo. WIILI WELL CONSTRUcJ1411 off H&MELlafi ERQC PUH€s• CIIECI( WITII YOUR LABORATORY ON PROPER PROCEDURES FOR SAMPLE COLLECTION AND PRESERVATION. 4. As IN f inn I5. I lmlli Carolina Adminislralivo Code. Subcliapler 2L, analytical procedures shall be in accordance willi Ilia methods doscribed in ono of II ii Iatciwin!i publications, or by other methods approved belorehand by the Direclor, Division of Environmenlal Ll;nrarhrmm:nl: (ga) Slaudaid hfelliods for the Examination of Waler and Wastewater, 161h Edilion, 1985 and 171h Edilion, 1989, published jointly by American Public Heallh Association, American Water Works Association and Waler Pollution Control Federalion; (b) Methods lor Chemical Analysis ol Water and Waste, 1979, U.S. Environmenlal Protection Agency publication numboi EPA 60014-79.020. as revised March 1983; (c) Test Methods lor Evaluating Solid Wasles: Physical/Chemical Methods, 3rd Edilion, 1986, U.S. Environmenlal Protection Agency publication number SW-846; (d) Test Procedures lor the Analysis of Polluanls Under the Clean Waler Acl, Federal Register Vol. 49, No. 209, 40 CFR Part 136, October 26. 1984; 5. Measure and recoil the deplh ol water in the well prior to pumping or bailing any waler from the well. 6. At least 3 volumes ol water in Ilie well should be purnped or balled prior to collecting a sarnple for analysis. II the well is pumped/balled dry before 3 well volumes are removed, samples can be collected as soon as the well recovers to the point where enough water Is available to collecl your sample. 7- Deleirraiiralion for pH. Specific Conductance, temperature, odor and appearance must be made in Die lield on unlillered samples when the sample is collected. 8. Field equipment must be calibrated in accordance with recomrpendallons by the manufacturer. 9. Samples must be filtered Through a 0.45 micron filler immediately alter collection when a dissolved analysis is required. (See 04. above) 10. The sample container should be labeled al the lime ol collection with the facility name, well iderrlilicalion number and dale arid lime collected. 11. "Aulhorized agent" is any corporal° ollicer or public ollicial authorized by the company, corporation, or governrnental body to sign official documents. GROUNDWATER QUALITY MONITORING: COMPLIANCE REPORT FORM For additional forms please write or call: DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY - GROUNDWATER SECTION P.O. BOX 29578 RALEIGH, N.C. 27626-0578 (919) 733-3221 Facility Name PCS PHOSPHATE CO., INC - Aurora Division Address: P.O. Box 48 AURORA, N.C. 27806 County Beaufort Well Location Well ID Number Well Diameter Depth To Water Level Measuring point is Water pumped/bailed before sampling Field Analysis: pH 7.0 Date Sample Collected 7/28/97 Laboratory Name PCS Phosphate Env. Lab Tank Farm CIW-7 4 inch N/A 3.33 Well Depth Sample (Screened) Interval 31 ft. below measuring point (before sampling) ft. above land surface CONTINUOUS Purge Measurement Specific Conductance 535 uMhos Temp Date Lab Sample Analyzed 7/28/97 To Certification No(s) 330 PERMIT NUMBER: Permit Type: System: Disposal Type: WI0700012 Non_Discharge Tank Farm Remedial System Other 48.00 Ft. Ft To 45.25 Ft GALS oC 24.9 8/ 5/97 10 SAMPLES FOR METALS WERE COLLECTED UNFILTERED AND FIELD ACIDIFIED Yes Odor NONE Appearance CLEAR COD Coliform:MF Fecal Coliform:MF Total N/A N/A <1.0 Note: Use MPN method for highly turbid samples Dissolved Solids: Total pH (when analyzed) TOC Chloride Arsenic Grease and Oils Hardness: Total Phenol Sulfate Specific Conductance Total Ammonia(NH4+NH3) TKN as N 354 7.9 4.2 8.0 N/A N/A N/A N/A <10 N/A N/A N/A mg/I NO2 As N N/A mg/I /100m1 NO3 as N N/A mg/I /100m1 Phosphorous: Total as P 0.047 mg/I Al - Aluminum N/A ug/f mg/I Ba - Barium N/A ug/I units Ca - Calcium N/A ug/I mg/1 Cd - Cadmium <1.0 ug/I mg/1 Chromium: Total <5.0 ug/I mg/I Cu - Copper N/A ug/I mg/I Fe - Iron N/A ug/I mg/1 Hg - Mercury N/A ug/l mg/I K - Potassium N/A ug/1 mg/I Mg - Magnesium N/A ug/l uMHos Mn - Manganese 13 ug/I mg/I Sodium N/A ug/I mg/I Ni - Nickel Ph - Lead Zn - Zinc N/A ug1/ N/A 3 ug/i :i N/A ug/IP Pesticides/Herbicides(Specify) N/A Other FLUORIDE Other MIBK Other Ag - Silver Other Se - Selenium VOC 0.70 mg/I N/A ug/I N/A ug/I N/A ug/I N/A I CERTIFY THAT THIS R SIGNATURE OF PERMITTEE(O GW-59 Rev. 8/96 IS TRUE AND ACCURATE UTHORIZED AGENT) Date Note: Values should reflect dissolved and colloidal concentrations. (See #3 on bads) * See back for instructions ** Submit blue and yellow copies only to address above pQI.I.EQ IOIJ Atm ANALYSIS OI GHOUNDWATE8 SAMPLES I S luq lu:: sh(1rlld he analyzed ;PS Seen al possible alter collectiun. SAMPLES WHICH ARE tIOT ANALYSED WITHIN 7HE HOLDING T IME SPECI- FIED FOR THE METHOD USED (SEE N4. BELOW) MUST BE DISCARDED AND NEW SAMPLES COLLECTED. 2. f.Ic' .I : ;ul:dysr::;: l;su Simithu:l Llr:lhod 3030C ler sample preparalion lmcrcwy excluder). P-QfQILILIEELMETALS 513E 1EI,Ea.111111E.1`I0•I! !il ' 4• ' •:I•.rl s:3111ples rnrr511)U n..11eclyd lot metals, Then field acidified with 5 rnl concentrated nitric acid per liter ol sample. and should be submitted to nh•• I:dr ••,thin 21 II::uc. ''aunple preparation in the inbrna!vey lexllacliou and alion) must be completed within 72 hours of collection. :t AIIP 11SES ARE 10 BE MADE OF THE MOBILE CONSTITUENTS (DISSOLVED AS WELL AS COLLOIDAL) ICI THE • GI1rI.II.IUWATER, •Clot ThQ IHAT AFIE A EABI PE liE.PIMEIYI AssociA[ED w1In Wffl= CONsTB_0CJIQti 0g EAMEUNQ EBPCRPUHEs• CIIECI( WITII YOUR LABORATORY 014 PROPER PROCEDURES FOR SAMPLE COLLECTION AND PRESERVATION., I. As 1..!1 J t11e 15.11eillr Carolina Adnrinislralive Code..Subchapler 2L, analytical procedures shall be in accordance wilt Ilia methods described in one of Ihr billowing publications. or by olher methods approved beforehand by the Director, Division ol'Environmenlal i.i:n rignm :nt: nu Standard Methods for the Examinalion ol Water and Waslewaler, 16111 Edilion, 1985 and 171h Edilion, 1989, published jointly by American Public Health Association, American Water Works Association and Waler Pollution Conlrol Federalion; (b) Methods for Chemical Analysis of Waler and Wasee, 1979, U.S. Environmenlal Protection Agency publication number EPA 60014-79-020, as revised March 1983; (c) Tesl Methods lor Evatualing Solid Wastes: Physlcal/Chemical Methods, 3rd Edition, 1906, U.S. Environmenlal Piolaclion Agency publication number SW-846; (d) 'Fes! Procedures for the Analysis ol Polivanls Under the Clean Waler Acl, Federal Register Vol. 49, No. 209, 40 CFR Parl 136, Ocloher 26, 1904; 5. Measuro and record the depth of waler in the well prior 10 pumping or bailing any waler Irom the well. 6. AI leas) 3 volumes of water in the well should be purnped or bailed prior to collecting a sample lor analysis.111he well is purnped/bailed dry before 3 well volumes are removed, samples can be collected as soon as the well recovers 10 the point where enough waler Is available to collecl your sample. 7. Delenninalion lor pH. Specilic Conduclance, lemperalure, odor and appearance must be made in the field on unlillered samples when the sample Is collected. 8. Field equipment must be calibraled in accordance willi recommendations by the manulaclurer. 9. Samples.nrusl be filtered through a 0.45 micron liller immedialely eller collection when a dissolved analysis is required. (See 114. above) 10.111e sample conlainer should be labeled al the lime of collection with the facility name, well identification number and dale and•lime collected. 11."Authorized agent" is any corporals ollicer or public ollicial authorized by the company, corporation, or governmental body to sign ollicial documents. GROUNDWATER QUALITY MONITORING: COMPLIANCE REPORT FORM For additional forms please write or call: DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY - GROUNDWATER SECTION P.O. BOX 29578 RALEIGH, N.C. 27626-0578 (919) 733-3221 Facility Name PCS PHOSPHATE CO., INC - Aurora Division Address: P.O. Box 48 AURORA, N.C. 27806 County Beaufort Well Location Tank Farm Well ID Number WLCT Well Diameter inch Depth To Water Level N/A Measuring point is Water pumped/bailed before sampling Field Analysis: pH 7.2 Date Sample Collected 7/28/97 Well Depth Sample (Screened) Interval 0 ft. below measuring point (before sampling) ft. above land surface CONTINUOUS Purge Measurement Specific Conductance 528 uMhos Temp Date Lab Sample Analyzed 7/28/97 To Laboratory Name PCS Phosphate Env. Lab Certification No(s) 330 PERMIT NUMBER: Permit Type: System: WI0700012 Non Discharge Tank Farm Remedial System Disposal Type: Other Ft. Ft To 0 GALS oC 24.4 7/31/97 10 SAMPLES FOR METALS WERE COLLECTED UNFILTERED AND FIELD ACIDIFIED Yes Ft Odor NONE Appearance CLEAR r1 77. r G CD rri LID C7 I' ky� 7 7.110 COD Coliform:MF Fecal Coliform:MF Total N/A N/A N/A Note: Use MPN method for highly turbid samples Dissolved Solids: Total pH (when analyzed) TOC Chloride Arsenic Grease and Oils Hardness: Total Phenol Sulfate Specific Conductance Total Ammonia(NH4+NH3) TKN as N 352 7.8 4.7 8.5 N/A N/A NIA N/A <10. N/A N/A N/A mg/1 /100m1 /100m1 mg/I units mg/I mg/I mg/I mg/I mg/I mg/I mg/I uMHos mg/I mg/I NO2 As N NO3 as N Phosphorous: Total as P Al - Aluminum Ba - Barium Ca - Calcium Cd - Cadmium Chromium: Total Cu - Copper Fe - Iron Hg - Mercury K - Potassium Mg - Magnesium Mn - Manganese Sodium N/A mg/I N/A mg/I 0.075 mg/I N/A ug/I N/A ug/I N/A ug/I <1.0 ug/I <5.0 ug/I N/A ug/I N/A ug/I N/A ug/I N/A ug/I N/A ug/I 20 ug/I N/A ug/I Ni - Nickel Ph - Lead Zn - Zinc N/A ; 7 ug/b N/A 7 ui N/A ug/I Pesticides/Herbicides(Specify) N/A Other FLUORIDE Other MIBK Other Ag - Silver Other Se - Selenium VOC 0.70 mg/I N/A ug/I N/A ug/l N/A ug/I NIA I CERTIFY THAT THIS REP QTit) IS TRUE AND ACCURATE SIGNATURE OF PERMITTEE(O AUTHORIZED AGENT) GW-59 Rev. 8/96 *-C/1 Date Note: Values should reflect dissolved and colloidal concentrations. (See #3 on bade) See back for instructions ** Submit blue and yellow copies only to address above 1 cp!.I.ECIJOJJ AND AHAjYSJS.OJ GROUNDWATER SAMPLES amq Ir::: should he analyzed a:; soon a, possible altar collodion. SAMPLES WHICH ARE 110T ANALYSED WITHIN THE HOLDIIIG TIME SPECI- FIED FOR THE METHOD USED (SEE N4. BELOW) MUST BE DISCARDED AND NEW SAMPLES COLLECTED. 1?. i.Irt•: ;utalt•scs: I ism L;I..uelartl Method 3030C for sample preparalion pncicuy excluded). RQHOMILIEN-MFTAI-S.EALi1P1:€6-Ii11iii .I IEi-(! !!! r h• a 1a..d sanq,Ies nnast Ins cc41rcir:rl Ina metals, Then field acidified with 5 ml concentrated nitric acid per lifer ol sample, and should be submitted Ira o'•• lab...Rhin 21 Iu:nu-. ')angalu prepm;dion to life i;ihrnaluay lexlaclton and lillralionl must be cornpleted within 72 hours of collodion. :I All SUS ARE r0 BE MADE OF THE MOBILE CONSTITUENTS (DISSOLVED AS WELL AS COLLOIDAL) IN THE GI1L'l.n R1wATEr,; L4OI TBQ g IHAI ARE A PART PE I.EIIIMELEI ASSQC.IATED WIIH WELL CONSTmmo OH UEMEUM Efi9CFPOH€S• CI IECIL WITII YOUR LABORATORY 011 PROPER PROCEDURES FOR SAMPLE COLLECTION AND PRESERVATION. 4. As ref Ole 15. I lei Ili Carolina Adntiniskalive Code. Subchapter 2L, analytical procedures shall be in accordance will the methods described in one ol II a It Mowing puhlicalions, or by oiler methods approved beforehand by the Director, Division o1 Environmental LLnrulement: (a) Standard Molitor's tot the Examinalion of Water and Waslewaler, 161h Edilion. 1985 and 171h Edition, 1989, published (ninny by American Public Health Association, American Waler Works Association and Water Pollution Control Federation; (b) Methods for Chemical Analysis al Water and Waste, 1979, U.S. Environmental Proleclion Agency publication nuinbeu EPA 600;4.79-020. as revised March 1983; p:) Tesl Methods lor Evaluating Solid Wastes: PhysicallChemical Methods, 3rd Edition, 1986, U.S. Enviaorunenlal Ptolrclton Agency publicalion number SW-846; Id) Test Procedures for the Analysis of Polluanls Under the Clean Waler AcI, Federal Register Vol. 49, No. 209. 40 cm Pan 136, Oclohar 26, 1984; 5. Moasurr, and record the depth ol waler in the well prior 10 pumping or bailing any water from the well. 6. Al least 3 volumes of water in lire well should be purnped or balled prior to collecling a sample for' analysis. II the well is puinpedfbailed dry belore 3 well volumes are removed, samples can be collebled as soon as the well recovers to the point where enough water Is available to collect your sample. 7. Delenntnalion lor pH. Specific Conduclance, temperature, odor and appearance must be made in the lield on unfillered samples when the sample Is collected. 8. Field equipment must be calibrated in accordance with recommendalions by the manulaclurer. 9. Samples rttusl be Iillered through a 0.45 micron lifter immediately alter collection when a dissolved analysis is required. (See,114. above) ID. The sample container should be labeled al the lime ol collection with the facility name, well identification number and dale and lime collected. 11."Aulhotized agent" is ally corporate ollicer or public ollicial authorized by the company, corporation. or governmental body to sign official documents. PCS Phosphate Co., Inc. - Tank Farm Remediation System Monitoring Date: Time: Tech: 5-7-97 System Gauge Pressures swW-1 0-30 Ai' Sww-7 0 -/S A; cww-1 p-5.' CwW-7 0 -30 ems.' FA" 70oo i'L- 3 File':i16-031003-02, a an . pc: TLB Level (msl Ditch Level 570/ Barge Slip 94/.2' Water Level /f, 93 7 Control Tank , o = MSL B0,o Sand Layer Peizometers Level Indicators Well ID TOC Elevation MSL' TOC Stc Wr Level' Level Relative To MSL Ft. Well ID TOC Elevation MSL' TOC Stc Wtr Level' Level Relative To MSL Ft. Spz-1 10.47 .4 78 5769 Cpz-1 10.51 .�.26 Spz-2 11.21 6. /%fie .2. '75 Cpz-2 10.25 l7.2S 7. 82 ., 449 .h Spz-3 11.87 6, Jr0 .J .37 Cpz-3 11.12 g iteZZ 3./0 ---' Spz-4 11.45 a . 9B 4/ y7 CPW 9.65 O 70 p. I. 95 Spz-5 11.45 9-. 8 2.0 7. MWfF-1A• 11.23 a Se /437 Spz-6 11.23 9.3.Z / 9/ MWTF-1B • 11.32 /. 4 O 9 4O 1 Spz-7 11.59 /0.20 /39 MWTF-1C• 11.31 3.90 7W// Spz-8 11.57 6.28 529 MWTF-2A 14.05 a. S`% 75/ Spz-9 11.01 B. (0.2 .739 MWTF-2B 14.02 // 6,0 . 2 . 17/.2 Spz-10 12.16 5.40 1O.5.4 MWTF-2C 14.08 /,,8ds D.-Zit _ 9.95 -- 7-95"200 ,// -y. - 8,0p7 - rF Mw-3A 12.21 //* MTF-3B W 12.18 /a..t0 /B(/ MWrF-3C 12.19 /.?,ry - a 05 Sand Layer And Croatan Formation Withdrawal Wells Well ID TOC Elevation MSL' Max Stc Wr Level Ft. Max Level Relative To MSL Ft.t. Control . Point MSL' Is Well Pumping (Y)es/(N)o Comments SWW-1 10.70 a/O ai +1 ' to+2' Ve #/0 #'04+r //L65urc. CWW-1 10.60 4/2 -/ 58 -2'to-1' I SW W-2 9.99 7.17 / 3'7 +1. to +2' r / GGW-2 10.23 70/ -/ 99 -2'to-1' SW -3 W 9.97 7 57 /. 5 7 +1 . to +2' ,Y/ r CWW-3 9.95 720 -/ 70 -2'to-1' , bic HiaWrr P/Ua Pum�ln9 !o D//!�•7% SWW-4 10.73 7...Z /2. - +1 'to+2' �/ 7 CWW-4 10.73 a.7.2 -.2•28 -2'to-1' ,Ar/!7 sWW-s 10.90 %O.J /OJT +1'to+2' I !/ �SO/L rAmp 'n7 le, /%/nk./ CWW-5 10.74 7/4 -/ 9'/, -2' to-1' 1 SWWW-6 10.66 7,2 / J3 +1' to +2' i/ CW-6 9.92 7 // -/89 -2'to-1' f / SWW-7 10.70 728 / 28 +1' to+2' Y✓ CWW-7 9.95 lo. 94, -2 Oy -2'to-1' i f/9h //!44r Piessurc. Revised 2/4/97 • Riser length added to TOC elevation 1/24/97 PCS095.XLS Date: PCS Phosphate Co., Inc. - Tank Farm Remediation System Monitoring O4/O.v/97 pc: TLB Time: Tech: System Gauge Pressures sWW-1 /D-.f73 ,os: SW W-7 5- /a pa; CWW-1 /0-/CS As: CNNJ-7 /O /.J ie; Level (msl Ditch Level 5%/6' A70' Barge Slip Water Level Control Tank = MSL /3 y%s, �y e 72z Sand Layer Peizometers Level Indicators Well ID TOC Elevation MSL' TOC Stc Wtr Level' Level Relative To MSL Ft. Well ID TOC Elevation MSL' TOC Stc Wtr Level' Level Relative To MSL Ft. Spz-1 10.47 470 577 Cpz-1 10.51 72/ 3.30 Spz-2 11.21 ,q„ 45 07.96 Cpz-2 10.25 9. gy 0 4// Spz-3 11.87 6. .1/5 5:41.Z. Cpz-3 11.12 8 04. 3041 Spz-4 11.45 4', 98 447 CPW 9.65 9. /7 0-Sp Spz-5 11.45 9. .RO .?26 MWTF-1A • 11.23 D. 89 /0.34 Spz-6 11.23 • 9o'1B / 95' MWTF-1B• 11.32 A67 0 7.(.j 5" Spz-7 11.59 /O./ ' /4%3 MWTF-1C• 11.31 4/.26 7O5 Spz-8 11.57 .p' ro 6.07 MWTF-2A 14.05 4,3,2 7 73 Spz-9 11.01 itg•W .257 MWTF-2B 14.oz // 90 z.62- Spz-10 12.16 53I /0•6V MWTF-2c 14.08 ig, 60 0 H8 SPW 9.95 7.78 07./7 _ MWTF-3A 12.21 8..B6 835 _ _ MWTF-3B 12.18 /O,/6 2.0.Z MWTF-3C 12.19 /2',„12 - 0.0,9 Sand Layer And Croatan Formation Withdrawal Wells Well ID TOC Elevation MSL' Max Stc Wtr Level Ft. Max Level Relative To MSL Ft. Control Point MSL' Is Well Pumping (Y)es/(N)o Comments SWW-1 10.70 ,499 O.99 +1. to+2' 7 cwW-1 10.60 7r/ 3 •`/ 62. -2'to-1' Y SWW-2 9.99 39 / 39 +1 •to+2'Y/ CW V-2 10.23 %23.4r/ r -2 'to -1' ! Je!X/Probe. /7j/4ne/:nn SWW-3 9.97 7/7 //7 +1.to+2' CWW-3 9.95 730 0 " /7 -2'to-1' '/V ( Ru/ !///7 /cv .4'%M. SWW-4 10.73 •7.36 /.36 +1'to+2' }-' CWW-4 10.73 6.35 .-..e.6•S -2'to-1' Y. SWW-5 10.801Z9.64J? +1 ' to+2' V Jez'eJPi'4' /Alf4/2egaof CWW-5 10.74 7RJ '/ 75 -2'to-l' ;,' SWW-6 10.66 7o733 /023 +1.to+2' Y CWW-8 9.92 7./8 - / 82- -2'to-1' W}1/SW-7 10.70 Aat .3 +1' to+2' � CWW -7 9.95 r�742S /, 37 - /.6 3 -2'to-1' Y _. Revised 2/4/97 • Riser length added to TOC elevation 1/24/97 PCS095.XLS PCS Phosphate Co., Inc. - Tank Farm Remediation System Monitoring SFlie` is rooa o23 • Date: 7//8/97 pc: TLB Time: /%/17 Tech: Riled= r-� System Gauge Pressures s m-1 7- 341 PSI swW-7 /0-/9 Ps; cwW-1 og- 6 Ps; CWW-7 7-/5 ids' Level imal Ditch Level y 7•9' Barge Slip 9 70' Water Loval 498 .y Control Tank %MSL • Ny/ Sand Layer Pelzometers Level Indicators Well ID TOC Elevation MSL' TOC Ste Wtr Level' Level Relative To MSL Ft. Well ID TOC, Elevation MSL' TOC Ste Wtr Level' Level Relative To MSL Ft. Spz-1 10.47 4(4/ SBIO Cpz-1 10.61 74/O 3.// Spz-2 11.21 838 288 Cpz-2 10.25 94O D0.65 ilk Spz-3 11.87 6,3o se/ Cpz-3 11.12 A.29 „c.I-4i O. 40 Spz-4 11.45 6, 78 4 (67 CPW 9.66 945 Spz-5 11.45 9.28 2./7 MWTF-1A• 11.23 A7,9 /0.9..1 Spz-6 11.23 94P.2 /4/ MWTF-1B• 11.32 / fee 9t0 Spz-7 11.59 /0. /2 /, 4/7 MWTF-1C • 11.31 « 8..+ A 99 7OA se SQ Spz-8 11.57 4 60 4 e 9/ MWTF-zA 14.05 6.J.S Spz-9 11.o1 8.17 at 74/ MWTF-28 14.02 // „t,2 ; Spz-10 12.16 SII8 gag MWT'FZC 14.08 a. set "Le; 11 --12.21 SPW-- _. 9.95 -- -7.48 £j7 MWTF-3A A492 . ` MWTF-3B 12.18 /0.09�/' of•�)09 rRWTF-3C 12.19 hat84 ' n0 /.'fr Sand Layer And Croatan Formation Withdrawal Wells 1 Well ID TOC Elevation MSL' Max ste Wtr Level Ft. Max Level Relative To MSL FL Control Point MSL' Is Well Pumping (Y)es/(N)o Claimants SWW-1 10.701 dr.87 0.37 +1'to+2' _V CWW-1 10.60 7 99 -/0/ -2'to-1' Ye sWW-z 9.99 767 /69 +1'to+2' Y. cww-z 10.23 816,/ -z'to -1' Y /QO(/Nt len//./nt to %• SWW-3 9.97 779 / / 9s +1'to+2' CWW-3 9.95 %S8 /Wig+ -2'to -t' �Y/ Y. 449/4? /D ,0%ie4 SWW-4 10.73 707 /67 +1'to+2' Y i91' Ieaj. CWW-4 10.73 g 79 .t 2/ -2'to-1' Y fTi/!r/t9 ,So o/4/i SWW-5 1o.80 zo/ IN +1'to+2' Y CWS W 10.74 719 -P, 6/ -2'ta-r SWW-6 10.66 7./6 //4 +1'to+2' Y CwW-8 9.92 7.9y -/ •2'to-1' Y SW W-7 10.70 . 27 .le /a17 +1 •to+2' Y CWW-7 9.95 /. on -/ 77 -2'to-1' amp Y &veer• °/ . • Revised 2/4197 • Riser length added to TOC elevation 1/24/97 PCS0$5J0.S PCS--e memo Phosphate Date August 11, 1997 To L. M. Montgomery Location From T. L. Baker Location Subject TANK FARM REMEDIAL ACTION PLAN QUARTERLY OPERATIONAL AND MAINTENANCE REPORT FOR MAY - JULY, 1997 The attached subject report, with required operational and maintenance data, is provided for submittal to the Underground Injection Control Program of the Division of Environmental Management, Ground Water Section. This report should be submitted along with the laboratory sampling and water level monitoring data. If you have any questions concerning this information, please contact me. T. L. Baker, Superintendent Operations Environmental Attachment pc: W. K. Thornton K. A. Galvin/W H. Paulson/G. Coghill Randy Allen Tommy Lewis T. W. Davis/0E-00-01-00-07 C:\WTRMGMT\REPORTS\1997\OPDATA7.97.doc 1 PCS PHOSPHATE - TANK FARM REMEDIAL ACTION PLAN QUARTERLY OPERATIONAL AND MAINTENANCE REPORT FOR THE INJECTION AND WITHDRAWAL WATER WELLS MAY - JULY, 1997 The Tank Farm Remediation System consists of a series of seven injection water wells located on the south side of the Tank Farm Area and a series of fourteen (14) water withdrawal wells located on the north side of the Tank Farm Area. Injection Water Well System The injection water well system operated with the DPW Water - Anthracite Sand Filter / Ultraviolet Light (ASF/UV) disinfection system throughout the period. Only short periods of planned downtime were experienced for preventative maintenance and inlet DPW Water strainer cleaning. Daily operational data are collected by the Shipping Department and reported to the Operations Environmental Department. The total monthly and quarterly volumes of water injected as well as the month end water level in the Water Level Control Tank are: INJECTED WATER TOTALS' 1997 DPW WATER GALLONS CONDENSATE GALLONS TOTAL GALLONS AVERAGE GPM TANK LEVEL FEET, MSL May Jun 717,640 747,120 0 0 717,640 --747,-120 - — 16.1 -- 1-7.3 - 12.1 14.2 Jul 771,530 0 771,530 17.3 14.2 TOTALS 2,236,290 0 2,236,290 Withdrawal Well System The Withdrawal Well System operated the entire period. The withdrawal water well pumps are monitored daily by the area Maintenance Department and preventative maintenance work is performed is needed. The total monthly and quarterly withdrawal water volumes for the period are: WITHDRAWAL WATER TOTALS 1997 SAND FORMATION GALLONS CROATAN FORMATION GALLONS TOTAL GALLONS AVERAGE GPM May Jun 438,543 428,776 253,435 228,790 691,978 657,566 15.5 15.2 Jul 399,246 283,133 682,379 15.3 TOTALS 1,266,565 765,358 2,031,923 Some short periods of planned downtime for preventative maintenance, pipe header cleaning, and troubleshooting on individual pumps in the fourteen well system were experienced. Details of these activities are: Confined Sand Formation Withdrawal wells (SWW) SWW-1; On 5/28 the pump stopped and was determined to be scaled up. On 6/3 the pump was cleaned with HC1 and placed back in operation on 6/4. On 7/29 the pump stopped and was determined to be scaled up. On 7/31 the pump was cleaned with HC1 and placed back in operation on 8/1. SWW-2; No problems. SWW-3; On 6/3 and 7/29 the pump stopped and had to be shaken to start. SWW-4; On 6/24 the pump stopped and was determined to be scaled up. On 6/25 the pump was cleaned with HC1, the cam was replaced with a new style cam, and placed back in operation. SWW-5; On 5/21 the pump stopped and was determined to be scaled up. On 5/27 the pump was cleaned with HC1, the cam was replaced, and placed back in operation. On 7/18 the pump stopped and had to be shaken to start. SWW-6; On 7/7 the pump stopped and had to be shaken to start. SWW-7; On 6/2 the pump stopped and had to be shaken to start. Croatan Formation Withdrawal Wells (CWW) CWW-1; On 7/9, 10, 16, and 17 the pump stopped and had to be shaken to start. On 7/21 it was determined that the pump was scaling up. On 7/22 the pump was cleaned with HC1 and placed back in operation. CWW-2; On 6/26 the cycle counter was working only part of the time and was replaced. On 6/30 the pump stopped and it was determined that the discharge pipe from the pump was plugged. On 6/30 the pipe was cleaned and the pump placed back in operation. On 7/29 the pump stopped and had to be shaken to start. On 7/30 the pump stopped and was determined to be scaled up. On 7/31 the pump was cleaned with HC1 and placed back in operation on 8/1. CWW-3; On 7/21 it was determined that the pump was scaling up. On 7/22 the pump was cleaned with HC1 and placed back in operation. CWW-4; No problems. CWW-5; On 7/8 the pump stopped and had to be shaken to start. On 7/30 the pump stopped and was determined to be scaled up: On 7/31 the pump was cleaned with HC1 and placed back in operation on 8/1. CWW-6; On 7/9 the pump stopped, was cleaned with HC1, and placed back in operation. CWW-7; On 7/23 the pump stopped and was determined to be scaling up. On 7/23 the pump and well were cleaned with HC1, the cam assembly was replaced with a new style cam, and the pump was placed back in operation. On 7/25 and 28 the pump stopped and had to be shaken to start.