HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0083887_Renewal (Application)_20210712 Zgi CHARLOTTE DOUGLAS' INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT July 6, 2021 Mr. David Hill RECEIVED NCDEQ-Division of Water Resources Nil 1 2 2021 Water Quality Permitting Section - NPDES 1617 Mail Service Center NCDEQ/DWR/NPDES Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 RE: NPDES Individual Complex Renewal Application (Revised) Charlotte Douglas International Airport 5601 Wilkinson Boulevard Charlotte, NC 28208 Dear Mr. Hill, Enclosed please find two copies of our revised NPDES Individual Stormwater permit renewal application. I have also forward to you an electronic copy via email. Should you have any questions or require additional information, please contact me at (704) 560-9242 orjames.mcdorman@cltairport.com. Sincerely, CHARLOTTE DOUGLAS INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT (itrnot:IN1Qerlan...-% James McDorman, P.G. Environmental Compliance Coordinator enclosures PO Box 19066 Charlotte, NC 28219 P. 704.359.4000 (CT))OWNED AND OPERATED BY THE CITY OF CHARLOTTE cltairport.com EPA Identification Number NPDES Permit Number Facility Name Form Approved 03105/19 110009842439 NC0083887 Charlotte Douglas IntlAirport OMB No.2040-0004 Form U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 1 —.EPA Application for NPDES Permit to Discharge Wastewater NPDES GENERAL INFORMATION SECTION 1.ACTIVITIES REQUIRING AN NPDES PERMIT(40 CFR 122.21(f)and(f)(1)) 1.1 Applicants Not Required to Submit Form 1 Is the facility a new or existing publicly owned Is the facility a new or existing treatment works 1.1.1 treatment works? 1.1.2 treating domestic sewage? If yes, STOP. Do NOT complete ❑✓ No If yes, STOP. Do NOT No Form 1. Complete Form 2A. complete Form 1.Complete Form 2S. 1.2 Applicants Required to Submit Form 1 1.2.1 Is the facility a concentrated animal feeding 1.2.2 Is the facility an existing manufacturing, operation or a concentrated aquatic animal commercial,mining,or silvicultural facility that is a. production facility? currently discharging process wastewater? oElYes 3 Complete Form 1 ❑✓ No ID Yes 4 Complete Form No and Form 2B. 1 and Form 2C. 1.2.3 Is the facility a new manufacturing,commercial, 1.2.4 Is the facility a new or existing manufacturing, mining,or silvicultural facility that has not yet commercial,mining,or silvicultural facility that commenced to discharge? discharges only nonprocess wastewater? Yes 4 Complete Form 1 j No ❑ Yes + Complete Form No cc and Form 2D. 1 and Form 2E. 1.2.5 Is the facility a new or existing facility whose '— discharge is composed entirely of stormwater associated with industrial activity or whose discharge is composed of both stormwater and non-stormwater? 0✓ Yes 4 Complete Form 1 No and Form 2F unless exempted by 40 CFR 122.26(b)(14)(x)or b 15 . SECTION 2.NAME,MAILING ADDRESS,AND LOCATION(40 CFR 122.21(f)(2)) 2.1 Facility Name Charlotte Douglas International Airport 2.2 EPA Identification Number U 0 110009842439 ea 2.3 Facility Contact Name(first and last) Title Phone number James McDorman Environmental Compliance Coordinator (704)560-9242 c Email address james.mcdorman@cltairport.com 2.4 Facility Mailing Address zStreet or P.O.box P.O.Box 19066 City or town State ZIP code Charlotte NC 28219 EPA Form 3510-1(revised 3-19) Page 1 EPA Identification Number NPDES Permit Number Facility Name Form Approved 03/05/19 110009842439 NC0083887 Charlotte Douglas IntlAirport OMB No.2040-0004 d 2.5 Facility Location -0 .c Street, route number,or other specific identifier Q o 5501 Josh Birmingham Parkway rn U c c County name County code(if known) 12 Mecklenburg 37119 a) _1 City or town State ZIP code 03 z (a Charlotte NC 28208 SECTION 3.SIC AND NAICS CODES(40 CFR 122.21(f)(3)) 3.1 SIC Code(s) Description(optional) 4581 Airports,Flying Fields,Airport terminal Services N 'D O U N z 3.2 NAICS Code(s) Description(optional) 48811 Airport Operations fN 488119 Other Airport Operations 488190 Other Support Activities for Air Transportation SECTION 4.OPERATOR INFORMATION(40 CFR 122.21(f)(4)) 4.1 Name of Operator City of Charlotte-Charlotte Douglas International Airport 1 O 4.2 Is the name you listed in Item 4.1 also the owner? ❑✓ Yes ❑ No • 4.3 Operator Status ❑ Public—federal ❑ Public—state ✓❑ Other public(specify)Municipal Q. ❑ Private 0 Other(specify) 4.4 Phone Number of Operator (704)359-4000 4.5 Operator Address o Street or P.O. Box E 5601 Wilkinson Boulevard o 2 • •� City or town State ZIP code 0 U Charlotte NC 28208 cv a Email address of operator james.mcdorman@cltairport.com SECTION 5.INDIAN LAND(40 CFR 122.21(0(5)) • zo 5.1 Is the facility located on Indian Land? c ❑Yes ❑✓ No EPA Form 3510-1(revised 3-19) Page 2 EPA Identification Number NPDES Permit Number Facility Name Form Approved 03/05119 110009842439 NC0083887 Charlotte Douglas Int'I Airport OMB No.2040-0004 SECTION 6.EXISTING ENVIRONMENTAL PERMITS(40 CFR 122.21(0(6)) 6.1 Existing Environmental Permits(check all that apply and print or type the corresponding permit number for each) NPDES(discharges to surface [ZI RCRA(hazardous wastes) ❑ UIC(underground injection of ti water) fluids) NC0083887 NCD986216281 a ElPSD(air emissions) ❑ Nonattainment program(CM) ❑✓ NESHAPs(CM) cr' 19-002-872(heck Co.) ❑ Ocean dumping(MPRSA) ❑✓ Dredge or fill(CWA Section 404) ❑ Other(specify) SAW-2018-01071 SECTION 7.MAP(40 CFR 122.21(0(7)) 7.1 Have you attached a topographic map containing all required information to this application?(See instructions for specific requirements.) Submitted with Initial Renewal Application Form 09/28/2020 ❑✓ Yes ❑ No ❑ CAFO—Not Applicable(See requirements in Form 2B.) SECTION 8.NATURE OF BUSINESS(40 CFR 122.21(f)(8)) 8.1 Describe the nature of your business. Provide infrastructure and services for the operations of aircraft and handling of passengers and cargo.This requires development and maintenance of an adequate airfield,including a runway,aircraft parking apron,and terminal cfacilities for passengers,cargo,general aviation,and aircraft maintenance as well as supporting fixtures for access circulation/car parking,utilities,and other nonaeronautical use facilities. m O ev SECTION 9.COOLING WATER INTAKE STRUCTURES(40 CFR 122.21(f)(9)) 9.1 Does your facility use cooling water? ❑ Yes ✓❑ No 4 SKIP to Item 10.1. 9.2 Identify the source of cooling water.(Note that facilities that use a cooling water intake structure as described at 40 CFR 125,Subparts I and J may have additional application requirements at 40 CFR 122.21(r).Consult with your NPDES permitting authority to determine what specific information needs to be submitted and when.) O . O cp U � SECTION 10.VARIANCE REQUESTS(40 CFR 122.21(f)(10)) 10.1 Do you intend to request or renew one or more of the variances authorized at 40 CFR 122.21(m)?(Check all that apply.Consult with your NPDES permitting authority to determine what information needs to be submitted and when.) c El Fundamentally different factors(CWA ❑ Water quality related effluent limitations(CWA Section a) Section 301(n)) 302(b)(2)) ❑ Non-conventional pollutants(CWA ❑ Thermal discharges(CWA Section 316(a)) Section 301(c)and(g)) ❑✓ Not applicable EPA Form 3510-1(revised 3-19) Page 3 EPA Identification Number NPDES Permit Number Facility Name Form Approved 03/05/19 110009842439 NC0083887 Charlotte Douglas Int'l Airport OMB No.2040-0004 SECTION 11.CHECKLIST AND CERTIFICATION STATEMENT(40 CFR 122.22(a)and(d)) 11.1 In Column 1 below,mark the sections of Form 1 that you have completed and are submitting with your application. For each section,specify in Column 2 any attachments that you are enclosing to alert the permitting authority.Note that not all applicants are required to provide attachments. Column 1 Column 2 0 Section 1:Activities Requiring an NPDES Permit ❑ w/attachments 0 Section 2: Name, Mailing Address,and Location ❑ wl attachments ❑✓ Section 3:SIC Codes ❑ w/attachments ❑✓ Section 4: Operator Information ❑ w/attachments ❑✓ Section 5: Indian Land ❑ w/attachments 0 Section 6: Existing Environmental Permits ❑ w/attachments w/topographic ❑✓ Section 7: Map ❑ map 1-1w/additional attachments ❑✓ Section 8: Nature of Business ❑ wl attachments co ❑✓ Section 9: Cooling Water Intake Structures ❑ w/attachments ❑✓ Section 10:Variance Requests ❑ w/attachments N ❑✓ Section 11:Checklist and Certification Statement ❑ w/attachments Y 11.2 Certification Statement U I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system,or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief,true,accurate,and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations. Name(print or type first and last name) Official title James McDorman Environmental Compliance Coordinator Signature Date signed 07/06/2021 EPA Form 3510-1(revised 3-19) Page 4 EPA Identification Number NPDES Permit Number Facility Name Form Approved 03/05/19 110009842439 NC0083887 Charlotte Douglas Intl Airport OMB No.2040-0004 Form U.S.Environmental Protection Agency 2C ./EPA Application for NPDES Permit to Discharge Wastewater NPDES EXISTING MANUFACTURING,COMMERCIAL,MINING,AND SILVICULTURE OPERATIONS SECTION 1.OUTFALL LOCATION(40 CFR 122.21(g)(1)) 1.1 Provide information on each of the facility's outfalls in the table below. Outfall Receiving Water Name Latitude Longitude Number co 001 Ticer Branch 35° 13' 46" N 80° 56' 56" W O SECTION 2.LINE DRAWING(40 CFR 122.21(g)(2)) o, 2.1 Have you attached a line drawing to this application that shows the water flow through your facility with a water . balance?(See instructions for drawing requirements.See Exhibit 2C-1 at end of instructions for example.) J ❑✓ Yes ❑ No SECTION 3.AVERAGE FLOWS AND TREATMENT(40 CFR 122.21(g)(3)) 3.1 For each outfall identified under Item 1.1,provide average flow and treatment information.Add additional sheets if necessary. "Outfall Number** o01 Operations Contributing to Flow Operation Average Flow Airport jet fuel tank farm(Menzies)stormwater 0.0046 mgd J mgd co mgd mgd . Treatment Units Description Code from Final Disposal of Solid or cr) (include size,flow rate through each treatment unit, Table 2C-1 Liquid Wastes Other Than retention time,etc.) by Discharge Multimedia Filtration 1-Q Landfill Carbon Adsorption 2-A Regeneration EPA Form 3510-2C(Revised 3-19) Page 1 EPA Identification Number NPDES Permit Number Facility Name Form Approved 03/05/19 110009842439 NC0083887 Charlotte Douglas IntlAirport OMB No.2040-0004 3.1 "Outfall Number" cont. Operations Contributing to Flow Operation Average Flow mgd mgd mgd mgd Treatment Units Description Code from Final Disposal of Solid or (include size,flow rate through each treatment unit, Table 2C-1 Liquid Wastes Other Than retention time,etc.) by Discharge a� 0 U G.1 E t0 f- -o "Outfall Number" c to, Operations Contributing to Flow o Operation Average Flow a) mgd a mgd a) mgd mgd Description Code from Final Disposal of Solid or (include size,flow rate through each treatment unit, Table 2C-1 Liquid Wastes Other Than retention time,etc.) by Discharge 3.2 Are you applying for an NPDES permit to operate a privately owned treatment works? ❑ Yes ❑✓ No 4 SKIP to Section 4. cn= 3.3 Have you attached a list that identifies each user of the treatment works? ❑ Yes ❑ No EPA Form 3510-2C(Revised 3-19) Page 2 EPA Identification Number NPDES Permit Number Facility Name Form Approved 03/05/19 110009842439 NC0083887 Charlotte Douglas Int'I Airport OMB No.2040-0004 SECTION 4.INTERMITTENT FLOWS(40 CFR 122.21(g)(4)) 4.1 Except for storm runoff,leaks,or spills,are any discharges described in Sections 1 and 3 intermittent or seasonal? ❑ Yes ❑✓ No 4 SKIP to Section 5. 4.2 Provide information on intermittent or seasonal flows for each applicable outfall.Attach additional pages,if necessary. Outfall Operation Frec uency Flow Rate Number (list) Average Average Long-Term Maximum Duration Days/Week Months/Year Average Daily days/week months/year mgd mgd days odays/week months/year mgd mgd days days/week months/year mgd mgd days days/week months/year mgd mgd days au days/week months/year mgd mgd days days/week months/year mgd mgd days days/week months/year mgd mgd days days/week months/year mgd mgd days days/week months/year mgd mgd days SECTION 5.PRODUCTION f40 CFR 122.21(g)(5)) 5.1 Do any effluent limitation guidelines(ELGs) promulgated by EPA under Section 304 of the CWA apply to your facility? ❑ Yes ✓❑ No 4 SKIP to Section 6. 5.2 Provide the following information on applicable ELGs. W ELG Category ELG Subcategory Regulatory Citation 0_ 5.3 Are any of the applicable ELGs expressed in terms of production(or other measure of operation)? ❑ Yes ❑ No 4 SKIP to Section 6. 0 co 5.4 Provide an actual measure of daily production expressed in terms and units of applicable ELGs. Outfall Unit of Operation,Product,or Material Quantity per Day Number Measure m 0 ci a a EPA Form 3510-2C(Revised 3-19) Page 3 EPA Identification Number NPDES Permit Number Facility Name Form Approved 03/05/19 110009842439 NC0083887 Charlotte Douglas Intl Airport OMB No.2040-0004 SECTION 6.IMPROVEMENTS(40 CFR 122.21(g)(6)) 6.1 Are you presently required by any federal,state,or local authority to meet an implementation schedule for constructing, upgrading,or operating wastewater treatment equipment or practices or any other environmental programs that could affect the discharges described in this application? ❑ Yes ❑✓ No 4 SKIP to Item 6.3. 6.2 Briefly identify each applicable project in the table below. Affected Final Compliance Dates Brief Identification and Description of Outfalls Source(s)of c Project (list outfall Discharge Required Projected number) E c N d -cs II 6.3 Have you attached sheets describing any additional water pollution control programs(or other environmental projects that may affect your discharges)that you now have underway or planned?(optional item) ❑ Yes ❑✓ No ❑ Not applicable SECTION 7.EFFLUENT AND INTAKE CHARACTERISTICS(40 CFR 122.21(g)(7)) See the instructions to determine the pollutants and parameters you are required to monitor and,in turn,the tables you must complete. Not all applicants need to complete each table. Table A.Conventional and Non-Conventional Pollutants 7.1 Are you requesting a waiver from your NPDES permitting authority for one or more of the Table A pollutants for any of your outfalls? El Yes ❑✓ No 4 SKIP to Item 7.3. 7.2 If yes,indicate the applicable outfalls below.Attach waiver request and other required information to the application. Outfall Number Outfall Number Outfall Number 7.3 Have you completed monitoring for all Table A pollutants at each of your outfalls for which a waiver has not been requested and attached the results to this application package? ❑✓ Yes ❑ No;a waiver has been requested from my NPDES permitting authority for all pollutants at all outfalls. is Table B.Toxic Metals,Cyanide,Total Phenols,and Organic Toxic Pollutants 7.4 Do any of the facility's processes that contribute wastewater fall into one or more of the primary industry categories listed in Exhibit 2C-3?(See end of instructions for exhibit.) ❑✓ Yes ❑ No 4 SKIP to Item 7.8. a 7.5 Have you checked"Testing Required"for all toxic metals,cyanide,and total phenols in Section 1 of Table B? ❑ Yes ✓❑ No 7.6 List the applicable primary industry categories and check the boxes indicating the required GC/MS fraction(s)identified in Exhibit 2C-3. PrimaryRequired GCIMS Fraction(s) Industry Category (Check applicable boxes.) Petroleum Storage Volatile ❑Acid 0 Base/Neutral 0 Pesticide 0 Volatile 0 Acid 0 Base/Neutral 0 Pesticide 0 Volatile 0 Acid 0 Base/Neutral ❑ Pesticide EPA Form 3510-2C(Revised 3-19) Page 4 EPA Identification Number NPDES Permit Number Facility Name Form Approved 03105/19 110009842439 NC0083887 Charlotte Douglas Intl Airport OMB No.2040-0004 7.7 Have you checked"Testing Required"for all required pollutants in Sections 2 through 5 of Table B for each of the GC/MS fractions checked in Item 7.6? ❑✓ Yes ❑ No 7.8 Have you checked"Believed Present"or"Believed Absent"for all pollutants listed in Sections 1 through 5 of Table B where testing is not required? ❑ Yes ❑✓ No 7.9 Have you provided(1)quantitative data for those Section 1,Table B,pollutants for which you have indicated testing is required or(2)quantitative data or other required information for those Section 1,Table B, pollutants that you have indicated are"Believed Present"in your discharge? ✓❑ Yes ❑ No 7.10 Does the applicant qualify for a small business exemption under the criteria specified in the instructions? ❑ Yes 4 Note that you qualify at the top of Table B, ❑✓ No -o then SKIP to Item 7.12. co == 7.11 Have you provided(1)quantitative data for those Sections 2 through 5,Table B, pollutants for which you have determined testing is required or(2)quantitative data or an explanation for those Sections 2 through 5,Table B, pollutants you have indicated are"Believed Present"in your discharge? `—' ✓❑ Yes ❑ No o) Table C.Certain Conventional and Non-Conventional Pollutants 7.12 Have you indicated whether pollutants are"Believed Present"or"Believed Absent"for all pollutants listed on Table C -c for all outfalls? ❑ Yes ❑✓ No c 7.13 Have you completed Table C by providing(1)quantitative data for those pollutants that are limited either directly or indirectly in an ELG and/or(2)quantitative data or an explanation for those pollutants for which you have indicated co "Believed Present"? a) ❑✓ Yes ❑ No W Table D.Certain Hazardous Substances and Asbestos 7,14 Have you indicated whether pollutants are"Believed Present"or"Believed Absent"for all pollutants listed in Table D for all outfalls? ❑ Yes ❑✓ No 7.15 Have you completed Table D by(1)describing the reasons the applicable pollutants are expected to be discharged and(2) by providing quantitative data,if available? ❑ Yes ❑✓ No Table E.2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-Dioxin(2,3,7,8-TCDD) 7.16 Does the facility use or manufacture one or more of the 2,3,7,8-TCDD congeners listed in the instructions,or do you know or have reason to believe that TCDD is or may be present in the effluent? ❑ Yes 4 Complete Table E. ❑✓ No 4 SKIP to Section 8. 7.17 Have you completed Table E by reporting qualitative data for TCDD? ❑ Yes ❑ No SECTIOM 8.USED OR MANUFACTURED TOXICS(40 CFR 122.21(g)(9)) 8.1 Is any pollutant listed in Table B a substance or a component of a substance used or manufactured at your facility as an intermediate or final product or byproduct? ❑ Yes ❑✓ No 4 SKIP to Section 9. co 8.2 List the pollutants below. 1. 4. 7. II 3. 6. 9. EPA Form 3510-2C(Revised 3-19) Page 5 EPA Identification Number NPDES Permit Number Facility Name Form Approved 03/05/19 110009842439 NC0083887 Charlotte Douglas Intl Airport OMB No.2040-0004 SECTION 9.BIOLOGICAL TOXICITY TESTS(40 CFR 122.21(g)(11)) 9.1 Do you have any knowledge or reason to believe that any biological test for acute or chronic toxicity has been made within the last three years on(1)any of your discharges or(2)on a receiving water in relation to your discharge? ❑✓ Yes ❑ No 4 SKIP to Section 10. 9.2 Identify the tests and their 3urposes below. T Submitted to NPDES Test(s) Purpose of Test(s) Permittin Authorit Date Submitted 9 y• 0 Acute Toxicity Quarterly Discharge ✓❑ Yes ❑ No 06/23/2021 cncn Monitoring El Yes El No ❑ Yes ❑ No SECTION 10.CONTRACT ANALYSES(40 CFR 122.21(g)(12)) 10.1 Were any of the analyses reported in Section 7 performed by a contract laboratory or consulting firm? ✓❑ Yes ❑ No 4 SKIP to Section 11. 10.2 Provide information for each contract laboratory or consulting firm below. Laboratory Number 1 Laboratory Number 2 Laboratory Number 3 Name of laboratory/firm Pace Analytical N Laboratory address 9800 Kincey Avenue#100 Huntersville,NC 28078 c.� Phone number (704)875-9092 Pollutant(s)analyzed COD,BOD,TOC,VOCs,Oil& Grease,TSS,Total N and Total P SECTION 11.ADDITIONAL INFORMATION(40 CFR 122.21(g)(13)) 11.1 Has the NPDES permitting authority requested additional information? e ❑ Yes ❑✓ No SKIP to Section 12. 0 11.2 List the information requested and attach it to this application. 1. 4. 2. 5. 3. 6. EPA Form 3510-2C(Revised 3-19) Page 6 EPA Identification Number NPDES Permit Number Facility Name Form Approved 03/05/19 110009842439 NC0083887 Charlotte Douglas IntlAirport OMB No.2040-0004 SECTION 12.CHECKLIST AND CERTIFICATION STATEMENT(40 CFR 122.22(a)and(d)) 12.1 In Column 1 below, mark the sections of Form 2C that you have completed and are submitting with your application. For each section,specify in Column 2 any attachments that you are enclosing to alert the permitting authority. Note that not all applicants are required to complete all sections or provide attachments. Column 1 Column 2 ✓❑ Section 1:Outfall Location ❑ wl attachments ❑✓ Section 2: Line Drawing ❑ w/line drawing ❑ wl additional attachments 171 Section 3:Average Flows and wl list of each user of 11 Treatment ❑ wl attachments El privately owned treatment works ❑✓ Section 4: Intermittent Flows ❑ wl attachments ❑✓ Section 5: Production ❑ wl attachments w/optional additional 0 Section 6: Improvements Elw/attachments ❑ sheets describing any additional pollution control plans ❑ wl request for a waiver and ❑ wl explanation for identical supporting information outfalls ❑ wl small business exemption El w/other attachments request N ❑ Section 7: Effluent and Intake ❑✓ wl Table A ✓❑ wl Table B Characteristics 0 ❑✓ w/Table C ❑ wl Table D F. w/analytical results as an ❑ w/Table E ❑ attachment c ✓❑ Section 8: Used or Manufactured ❑ w/attachments Toxics ✓❑ Section 9: Biological Toxicity ❑ wl attachments s Tests ✓❑ Section 10:Contract Analyses El w/attachments ✓❑ Section 11:Additional Information ❑ wl attachments 171 Section 12: Checklist and ❑ w/attachments Certification Statement 12.2 Certification Statement I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted.Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information,the information submitted is,to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate,and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information,including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations. Name(print or type first and last name) Official title James McDorman Environmental Compliance Coordinator Signature Date signed ►-�+� d�--� 07/06/2021 EPA Form 3510-2C(Revised 3-19) Page 7 EPA Identification Number NPDES Permit Number Facility Name Outfall Number Form Approved 03/05/19 110009842439 NC0083887 Charlotte Douglas Intl Airport 001 OMB No.2040-0004 TABLE A.CONVENTIONAL AND NON CONVENTIONAL POLLUTANTS(40 CFR 122.21(g)(7)(iii))1 Effluent Intake (Optional) Waiver Units Maximum Maximum Long-Term Pollutant Requested (specify) Daily Monthly Average Daily Number of Long-Term Number of (if applicable) Discharge Discharge Discharge Analyses Average Value Analyses (required) (if available) (if available) ❑ Check here if you have applied to your NPDES permitting authority for a waiver for all of the pollutants listed on this table for the noted outfall. Biochemical oxygen demand Concentration mg/L 6.0 1 1' ❑ (RODS) Mass Chemical oxygen demand Concentration mg/L <25.0 1 2. ❑ (COD) Mass Concentration mg/L 5.1 1 3. Total organic carbon(TOC) 0 Mass Concentration mg/L 11.4 1 4. Total suspended solids(TSS) ❑ Mass Concentration 5. Ammonia (as N) ❑ Mass 6. Flow 0 Rate MGD 0.0003 Temperature(winter) ❑ °C °C 7. Temperature(summer) 0 °C °C 20.4 pH (minimum) D Standard units s.u. 8. pH (maximum) ❑ Standard units s.u. 7.5 1 Sampling shall be conducted according to sufficiently sensitive test procedures(i.e., methods)approved under 40 CFR 136 for the analysis of pollutants or pollutant parameters or required under 40 CFR chapter I,subchapter N or 0. See instructions and 40 CFR 122.21(e)(3). EPA Form 3510-2C(Revised 3-19) Page 9 EPA Identification Number NPDES Permit Number Facility Name Outfall Number Form Approved 03/05/19 110009842439 NC0083887 Charlotte Douglas Int'l Airport 001 OMB No.2040-0004 TABLE B.TOXIC METALS,CYANIDE,TOTAL PHENOLS,AND ORGANIC TOXIC POLLUTANTS(40 CFR 122.21(g)(7)(v))r Presence or Absence Intake (check one) Effluent (optional) Pollutant/Parameter Testing Units Long-Term (and CAS Number,if available) Required Believed Believed (specify) Maximum Maximum Average Number Long-Term Number Present Absent Daily Monthly Dailyof of Discharge Discharge Discharge Analyses Average Analyses (required) (if available) g Value (if available) Check here if you qualify as a small business per the instructions to Form 2C and,therefore,do not need to submit quantitative data for any of the organic toxic pollutants in Sections 2 through 5 of this table. Note,however,that you must still indicate in the appropriate column of this table if you believe any of the pollutants listed are present in your discharge. Section 1.Toxic Metals,Cyanide,and Total Phenols 1.1 Antimony,total El ElConcentration 0 (7440-36-0) Mass 1.2 Arsenic,total 0 Concentration 0 El (7440-38-2) Mass 1.3 Beryllium,total 0 Concentration 0 El (7440-41-7) Mass 1.4 Cadmium,total ❑ Concentration 0 0 (7440-43-9) Mass _ 1.5 Chromium,total Concentration El 0 El (7440-47-3) Mass 1.6 Copper,total ❑ Concentration El 0 (7440-50-8) Mass 1.7 Lead,total 0 Concentration 0 El (7439-92-1) Mass 1.8 Mercury,total 0 Concentration El El (7439-97-6) Mass 1.9 Nickel,total 0 Concentration (7440-02-0) Mass 1.10 Selenium,total ❑ Concentration El El (7782-49-2) Mass 1.11 Silver,total 0 Concentration El D (7440-22-4) Mass EPA Form 3510-2C(Revised 3-19) Page 11 EPA Identification Number NPDES Permit Number Facility Name Outfall Number Form Approved 03/05/19 110009842439 NC0083887 Charlotte Douglas Int'l Airport 001 OMB No.2040-0004 TABLE B.TOXIC METALS,CYANIDE,TOTAL PHENOLS,AND ORGANIC TOXIC POLLUTANTS(40 CFR 122.21(g)(7)(v))1 Presence or Absence Intake (check one) Effluent (optional) Pollutant/Parameter Testing Units Long-Term (and CAS Number,if available) Required Believed Believed (specify) Maximum Maximum Average Number Long- Number Present Absent Daily Monthly Daily of Term of Discharge Discharge Discharge Analyses Average Analyses (required) (if available) (if available) Value 1.12 Thallium,total ❑ Concentration El El (7440-28-0) Mass 1.13 Zinc,total 0 Concentration El El (7440-66-6) Mass 1.14 Cyanide,total El El Concentration (57-12-5) Mass 1.15 Phenols,total Concentration Mass Section 2.Organic Toxic Pollutants(GC/MS Fraction—Volatile Compounds) 2.1 Acrolein 0 Concentration El El(107-02-8) Mass 2.2 Acrylonitrile 0 Concentration D El (107-13-1) Mass 2.3 Benzene 0 Concentration ug/L <1 El 0 (71-43-2) Mass 2.4 Bromoform ❑ Concentration (75-25-2) Mass 2.5 Carbon tetrachloride El ❑ ❑ Concentration (56-23-5) Mass 2.6 Chlorobenzene El El Concentration (108-90-7) Mass 2.7 Chlorodibromomethane El D 0 Concentration (124-48-1) Mass 2.8 Chloroethane 0 Concentration El D (75-00-3) Mass EPA Form 3510-2C(Revised 3-19) Page 12 EPA Identification Number NPDES Permit Number Facility Name Outfall Number Form Approved 03/05/19 110009842439 NC0083887 Charlotte Douglas Intl Airport 001 OMB No.2040-0004 TABLE B.TOXIC METALS,CYANIDE,TOTAL PHENOLS,AND ORGANIC TOXIC POLLUTANTS(40 CFR 122.21(g)(7)(v))1 Presence or Absence Intake (check one) Effluent (optional) Pollutant/Parameter Testing Units Long-Term Long (and CAS Number,if available) Required Believed Believed (specify) Maximum Maximum Average Number Number Present Absent Daily Monthly Dailyof Term of Discharge Discharge Discharge Analyses Average g Analyses (required) (if available) (if available) Value 2.9 2-chloroethylvinyl ether � ❑ Concentration (110-75-8) Mass 2.10 Chloroform (67-66-3) Concentration Mass 2.11 Dichlorobromomethane ❑ 0 ❑ Concentration (75-27-4) Mass 2.12 1,1-dichloroethane CI � Concentration (75-34-3) Mass 2.13 1,2-dichloroethane 0 0 0 Concentration (107-06-2) Mass 2.14 1,1-dichloroethylene ❑ ElConcentration El (75-35-4) Mass 2.15 1,2-dichloropropane 0 0 0 Concentration (78-87-5) Mass 2.16 1,3-dichloropropylene ❑ 0 Concentration (542-75-6) Mass 217 Ethylbenzene 0 Concentration ug/t. <1 (100-41-4) Mass 2.18 Methyl bromide ❑ ❑ Concentration (74-83-9) Mass 2.19 Methyl chloride 0 ❑ Concentration (74-87-3) Mass 2.20 Methylene chloride 0 Concentration (75-09-2) Mass 2.21 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane Concentration (79-34-5) Mass EPA Form 3510-2C(Revised 3-19) Page 13 EPA Identification Number NPDES Permit Number Facility Name Outfall Number Form Approved 03/05/19 110009842439 NC0083887 Charlotte Douglas Int'l Airport 001 OMB No.2040-0004 TABLE B.TOXIC METALS,CYANIDE,TOTAL PHENOLS,AND ORGANIC TOXIC POLLUTANTS(40 CFR 122.21(g)(7)(v))1 Presence or Absence Intake (check one) Effluent (optional) Pollutant/Parameter Testing Units Long-Term -Long (and CAS Number,if available) Required Believed Believed (specify) Maximum Maximum Average Number Number Present Absent Daily Monthly Daily of Term of Discharge Discharge Discharge Analyses Average Analyses (required) (if available) (if avails g Value 2.22 Tetrachloroethylene ❑ Concentration 1=1(127-18-4) Mass 2.23 Toluene Concentration ug/L <1 El El El (108-88-3) Mass 2.24 1,2-trans-dichloroethylene ❑ ❑ ❑ Concentration (156-60-5) Mass 2.25 1,1,1-trichloroethane El0 Concentration EJ (71-55-6) Mass 2.26 1,1,2-trichloroethane CIConcentration (79-00-5) Mass 2.27 Trichloroethylene El Concentration lEl (79-01-6) Mass 2.28 Vinyl chloride 0 Concentration (75-01-4) Mass Section 3.Organic Toxic Pollutants(GC/MS Fraction—Acid Compounds) 3.1 2-chlorophenol El El Concentration (95-57-8) Mass 3.2 2,4-dichlorophenol El El0 Concentration • (120-83-2) Mass 3.3 2,4-dimethylphenol � ❑ Concentration (105-67-9) Mass 3.4 4,6-dinitro-o-cresol ❑ El Concentration (534-52-1) Mass 3.5 2,4-dinitrophenol 1=I 0 Concentration (51-28-5) Mass EPA Form 3510-2C(Revised 3-19) Page 14 1 EPA Identification Number NPDES Permit Number Facility Name Outfall Number Form Approved 03/05/19 110009842439 NC0083887 Charlotte Douglas Intl Airport 001 OMB No.2040-0004 TABLE B.TOXIC METALS,CYANIDE,TOTAL PHENOLS,AND ORGANIC TOXIC POLLUTANTS(40 CFR 122.21(g)(7)(v))r Presence or Absence Intake (check one) Effluent (optional) Pollutant/Parameter Testing Units Long-Term (and CAS Number,if available) Required Believed Believed (specify) Maximum Maximum Average Number Long- Number Present Absent Daily Monthly Dailyof Term of Discharge Discharge Discharge Analyses Average Analyses (required) (if available) (if available) Value 3.6 2-nitrophenol ❑ Concentration (88-75-5) Mass 3.7 4-nitrophenol 0 Concentration El 0 (100-02-7) Mass _ 3.8 p chloro m cresol 0 0 0 Concentration (59-50-7) Mass 3.9 Pentachlorophenol � 0 Concentration (87-86-5) Mass Phenol Concentration 3.10 (108 95 2) 0 ❑ 0 Mass 3.11 2,4,6-trichlorophenol El 0 0 Concentration (88-05-2) Mass Section 4.Organic Toxic Pollutants(GC/MS Fraction—Base/Neutral Compounds) 4.1 Acenaphthene ❑ ❑ ❑ Concentration (83-32-9) Mass 4.2 Acenaphthylene ❑ ❑ 0 Concentration (208-96-8) Mass 4.3 Anthracene 0 Concentration 0 0 (120-12-7) Mass 4.4 Benzidine 0 Concentration 0 0 (92-87-5) Mass 4.5 Benzo (a)anthracene ❑ 0 Concentration (56-55-3) Mass 4.6 Benzo(a) pyrene 0 0 Concentration (50-32-8) Mass EPA Form 3510-2C(Revised 3-19) Page 15 EPA Identification Number NPDES Permit Number Facility Name Outfall Number Form Approved 03/05/19 110009842439 NC0083887 Charlotte Douglas Intl Airport 001 OMB No.2040-0004 TABLE B.TOXIC METALS,CYANIDE,TOTAL PHENOLS,AND ORGANIC TOXIC POLLUTANTS(40 CFR 122.21(g)(7)(v))1 Presence or Absence Intake (check one) Effluent (optional) Pollutant/Parameter Testing Units Long-Term Long (and CAS Number,if available) Required Believed Believed (specify) Maximum Maximum Average Number Number Term Present Absent Daily Monthly Daily of Average of Discharge Discharge Discharge Analyses Value Analyses (required) (if available) (if available) 4.7 3,4-benzofluoranthene 0 Concentration 0 0 (205-99-2) Mass 4.8 Benzo(ghi) perylene ElConcentration El 0 (191-24-2) Mass 4.9 Benzo(k)fluoranthene ❑ ❑ ❑ Concentration (207-08-9) Mass 4.10 Bis(2-chloroethoxy) methane 0 0 0 Concentration (111-91-1) Mass 4.11 Bis(2-chloroethyl)ether 0 0 0 Concentration (111-44-4) Mass 4.12 Bis (2-chloroisopropyl)ether 0 0 0 Concentration (102-80-1) Mass 4.13 Bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate El 0 0 Concentration (117-81-7) Mass 4-bromophenyl phenyl ether 0 Concentration 4.14 (101 55 3) � 0 Mass 4.15 Butyl benzyl phthalate El Concentration (85-68-7) Mass 4.16 2-chloronaphthalene El ❑ ❑ Concentration (91-58-7) Mass 4.17 4-chlorophenyl phenyl ether 0 0 ❑ Concentration (7005-72-3) Mass 4.18 Chrysene 0 Concentration (218-01-9) Mass 4.19 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene 0 ❑ 0 Concentration (53-70-3) Mass EPA Form 3510-2C(Revised 3-19) Page 16 EPA Identification Number NPDES Permit Number Facility Name Outfall Number Form Approved 03/05/19 110009842439 NC0083887 Charlotte Douglas Intl Airport 001 OMB No.2040-0004 TABLE B.TOXIC METALS,CYANIDE,TOTAL PHENOLS,AND ORGANIC TOXIC POLLUTANTS(40 CFR 122.21(g)(7)(v))1 Presence or Absence Intake (check one) Effluent (optional) Pollutant/Parameter Testing Units Long-Term Long (and CAS Number,if available) Required Believed Believed (specify) Maximum Maximum Average Number Number q Daily Monthly Term Present Absent ischarge Daily of Average ofD(req i edge D(if available) Discharge Analyses Value Analyses (if available) 4.20 1,2-dichlorobenzene 0 ❑ Concentration (95-50-1) Mass 4.21 1,3-dichlorobenzene 0 0 Concentration (541-73-1) Mass 4.22 1,4-dichlorobenzene El 0 Concentration (106-46-7) Mass _ 4.23 3,3-dichlorobenzidine 0 ElConcentration 0 (91-94-1) Mass 4.24 Diethyl phthalate ❑ 0 Concentration (84-66-2) Mass 4.25 Dimethyl phthalate ❑ Concentration (131-11-3) Mass 4.26 Di-n-butyl phthalate 0 0 Concentration (84-74-2) Mass 4.27 2,4-dinitrotoluene El 0 Concentration (121-14-2) Mass 4.28 2,6-dinitrotoluene 0 0 Concentration (606-20-2) Mass 4.29 Di-n-octyl phthalate ❑ ❑ Concentration (117-84-0) Mass 4.30 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine ❑ Concentration (as azobenzene) (122-66-7) Mass Fluoranthene Concentration 4.31 El (206-44-0) 0 0 Mass 4.32 Fluorene Concentration (86-73-7) Mass EPA Form 3510-2C(Revised 3-19) Page 17 1 EPA Identification Number NPDES Permit Number Facility Name Outfall Number Form Approved 03/05/19 110009842439 NC0083887 Charlotte Douglas Intl Airport 001 OMB No.2040-0004 TABLE B.TOXIC METALS,CYANIDE,TOTAL PHENOLS,AND ORGANIC TOXIC POLLUTANTS(40 CFR 122.21(g)(7)(v))1 Presence or Absence Intake (check one) Effluent (optional) Pollutant/Parameter Testing Units Long-Term (and CAS Number,if available) Required Believed Believed (specify) Maximum Maximum Average Number Long- Number Present Absent Daily Monthly Daily of Term of Discharge Discharge Discharge Analyses Average Analyses (required) (if available) (if available) Value 4.33 Hexachlorobenzene El ❑ ❑ Concentration (118-74-1) Mass 4.34 Hexachlorobutadiene El Concentration (87-68-3) Mass 4.35 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene El 0 0 Concentration (77-47-4) Mass 4.36 Hexachloroethane ❑ ❑ ❑ Concentration (67-72-1) Mass 4.37 Indeno(1,2,3-cd) pyrene ❑ ❑ 0 Concentration (193-39-5) Mass 4.38 Isophorone ❑ ❑ 0 Concentration (78-59-1) Mass 4,39 Naphthalene ❑ ❑ 0 Concentration (91-20-3) Mass 4.40 Nitrobenzene ❑ 0 0 Concentration (98-95-3) Mass 4.41 N-nitrosodimethylamine ❑ El Concentration (62-75-9) Mass 4.42 N nitrosodi n propylamine ❑ ❑ ❑ Concentration (621-64-7) Mass N-nitrosodi hen famine Concentration P y 4.43 ❑ ❑ ❑ 86-30-6 Mass 4.44 Phenanthrene El 0 0 Concentration (85-01-8) Mass Pyrene Concentration 4.45 (129-00-0) 0 0 0 Mass EPA Form 3510-2C(Revised 3-19) Page 18 EPA Identification Number NPDES Permit Number Facility Name Outfall Number Form Approved 03/05/19 OMB No.2040-0004 110009842439 NC0083887 Charlotte Douglas Intl Airport 001 TABLE B.TOXIC METALS,CYANIDE,TOTAL PHENOLS,AND ORGANIC TOXIC POLLUTANTS(40 CFR 122.21(g)(7)(v))1 Presence or Absence Intake (check one) Effluent (optional) Pollutant/Parameter Testing Units Long-Term (and CAS Number,if available) Required Believed Believed (specify) Maximum Maximum Average Number Long-Term Number Present Absent Daily Monthly Daily of of Discharge Discharge Discharge Analyses Average Analyses (required) (if available) (if available) Value 1,2,4-trichlorobenzene Concentration 4.46 (120-82-1) Mass Section 5.Organic Toxic Pollutants(GC/MS Fraction—Pesticides) 5.1 Aldrin 0 Concentration 0 El (309-00-2) Mass a-BHC 0 Concentration 5.2 (319-84-6) Mass R-BHC 0 Concentration 5.3 (319-85-7) Mass y-BHC 0 Concentration 5.4 (58-89-9) Mass S-BHC Concentration 5.5 0 0 0 (319-86-8) Mass 5.6 Chlordane 0 Concentration El 0 (57-74-9) Mass 5.7 4,4'-DDT 0 Concentration 0 0 (50-29-3) Mass 5.8 4,4'-DDE Concentration (72-55-9) Mass 4,4'-DDD 0 Concentration 5'9 0 0 (72-54-8) Mass 5.10 Dieldrin 0 Concentration 0 0 (60-57-1) Mass 5.11 a-endosulfan 0 Concentration El 0 (115-29-7) Mass EPA Form 3510-2C(Revised 3-19) Page 19 EPA Identification Number NPDES Permit Number Facility Name Outfall Number Form Approved 03/05/19 110009842439 NC0083887 Charlotte Douglas IntlAirport 001 OMB No.2040-0004 TABLE B.TOXIC METALS,CYANIDE,TOTAL PHENOLS,AND ORGANIC TOXIC POLLUTANTS(40 CFR 122.21(g)(7)(v))1 Presence or Absence Intake (check one) Effluent (optional) Pollutant/Parameter TestingLong-Term Units g Maximum Maximum Number Long- Number (and CAS Number,if available) Required Believed Believed (specify) Daily Monthly Average Term Present Absentof Discharge Discharge DisDcharge Analyses Average Analyses (required) (if available) (if available) Value p-endosulfan Concentration 5.12 (115-29-7) 0 0 0 Mass Endosulfan sulfate Concentration 5.13 (1031 07 8) ❑ 0 0 Mass 5.14 Endrin Concentration (72-20-8) Mass 5.15 Endrin aldehyde 0 Concentration (7421-93-4) Mass Heptachlor Concentration 5.16 (76-44-8) ❑ ❑ ❑ Mass Heptachlor epoxide Concentration 5.17 (1024-57-3) 0 0 0 Mass PCB-1242 0 0 Concentration 5.18 (53469-21-9) Mass PCB-1254 0 0 Concentration 5.19 (11097-69-1) 0 Mass PCB-1221 Concentration 5.20 (11104-28-2) 0 0 0 Mass PCB-1232 Concentration 5.21 (11141-16-5) 0 0 0 Mass PCB-1248 Concentration 5.22 (12672-29-6) 0 0 ElMass PCB-1260 0 0 Concentration 5.23 (11096-82-5) Mass PCB-1016 Concentration 5.24 (12674-11-2) 0 0 0 Mass EPA Form 3510-2C(Revised 3-19) Page 20 EPA Identification Number NPDES Permit Number Facility Name Outfall Number Form Approved 03/05/19 110009842439 NC0083887 Charlotte Douglas Intl Airport 001 OMB No.2040-0004 TABLE B.TOXIC METALS,CYANIDE,TOTAL PHENOLS,AND ORGANIC TOXIC POLLUTANTS(40 CFR 122.21(g)(7)(v))1 Presence or Absence Intake (check one) Effluent (optional) Pollutant]Parameter Testing Units Long-Term Long- (and CAS Number,if available) Required Believed Believed (specify) Maximum Maximum Average Number Number Present Absent Daily Monthly Term Dailyof of Discharge Discharge Discharge Analyses Average Analyses (required) (if available) Value (if available) Toxaphene Concentration 5.25 (8001-35-2) 0 0 0 Mass 1 Sampling shall be conducted according to sufficiently sensitive test procedures(i.e., methods)approved under 40 CFR 136 for the analysis of pollutants or pollutant parameters or required under 40 CFR chapter I,subchapter N or 0.See instructions and 40 CFR 122.21(e)(3). EPA Form 3510-2C(Revised 3-19) Page 21 EPA Identification Number NPDES Permit Number Facility Name Outfall Number Form Approved 03/05/19 OMB No.2040-0004 110009842439 NC0083887 Charlotte Douglas Int'l Airport 001 TABLE C.CERTAIN CONVENTIONAL AND NON CONVENTIONAL POLLUTANTS(40 CFR 122.21(g)(7)(vi))1 1 1 Presence or Absence Intake (check one) Effluent (Optional) Pollutant Units Maximum Long-Term Long-Term Believed Believed (specify) Maximum Daily MonthlyDaily Average Number of Number of Present Absent Discharge Discharge Discharge Analyses Average Analyses (required) Value (if available) (if available) ❑ Check here if you believe all pollutants on Table C to be present in your discharge from the noted outfall.You need not complete the"Presence or Absence"column of Table C for each pollutant. ❑ Check here if you believe all pollutants on Table C to be absent in your discharge from the noted outfall.You need not complete the"Presence or Absence"column of Table C for each pollutant. 1. Bromide ❑ ❑ Concentration (24959-67-9) Mass 2 Chlorine,total ❑ 0 Concentration residual Mass 3. Color 0 0 Concentration Mass Concentration 4. Fecal coliform 0 0 Mass Fluoride El El Concentration 5' (16984-48-8) Mass Concentration 6 Nitrate-nitrite ❑ 0 Mass 7 Nitrogen,total ❑ 0 Concentration mg/L 1.2 organic(as N) Mass Concentration mg/L <4.9 8. Oil and grease 0 ❑✓ Mass Phosphorus(as Concentration mg/L 0.085 9. P),total(7723-14-0) 0 Mass 10. Sulfate(as SO4) ❑ ❑ Concentration (14808-79-8) Mass 11. Sulfide(as S) ❑ Concentration Mass EPA Form 3510-2C(Revised 3-19) Page 23 EPA Identification Number NPDES Permit Number Facility Name Outfall Number Form Approved 03/05/19 0009842439 NC0083887 Charlotte Douglas Intl Airport 001 OMB No.2040-0004 TABLE C.CERTAIN CONVENTIONAL AND NON CONVENTIONAL POLLUTANTS(40 CFR 122.21(g)(7)(vi))1 Presence or Absence Intake (check one) Effluent (Optional) Pollutant Units Maximum Long-Term Believed Believed (specify) Maximum Daily MonthlyDaily Average Number of Long-Term Number of Present Absent Discharge Discharge Discharge Analyses Average Analyses (required) Value (if available) (if available) 12. Sulfite(as S03) 0 0 Concentration , (14265-45-3) Mass 13. Surfactants 0 0 Concentration Mass 14. Aluminum,total 0 0 Concentration (7429-90-5) Mass 15. Barium,total El El Concentration (7440-39-3) Mass 16. Boron,total El 0 Concentration (7440-42-8) Mass 17 Cobalt,total Concentration 0 El (7440-48-4) Mass 15. Iron,total ❑ 0 Concentration (7439-89-6) Mass 19 Magnesium,total 0 ❑ Concentration (7439-95-4) Mass Molybdenum, Concentration 20. total 0 0 Mass (7439-98-7) 21 Manganese,total ❑ Concentration (7439-96-5) Mass 22. Tin,total 0 ❑ Concentration (7440-31-5) Mass 23 Titanium,totalEl 0 Concentration (7440-32-6) Mass EPA Form 3510-2C(Revised 3-19) Page 24 , EPA Identification Number NPDES Permit Number Facility Name Outfall Number Form Approved 03/05/19 110009842439 NC0083887 Charlotte Douglas Intl Airport 001 OMB No.2040-0004 TABLE C.CERTAIN CONVENTIONAL AND NON CONVENTIONAL POLLUTANTS(40 CFR 122.21(g)(7)(vi))1 Presence or Absence Intake (check one) Effluent (Optional) Units Maximum Lon Term Pollutant Long-TermBelieved Believed (specify) Maximum Daily Monthly Average Daily Number of Long-Term Number of Present Absent Discharge Average Discharge Discharge Analyses Analyses (required) Value (if available) (if available) 24. Radioactivity Alpha,total 0 0 Concentration Mass Beta,total 0 Concentration Mass Concentration Radium,total ❑ ❑ Mass Concentration Radium 226,total 0 0 Mass 1 Sampling shall be conducted according to sufficiently sensitive test procedures(i.e., methods)approved under 40 CFR 136 for the analysis of pollutants or pollutant parameters or required under 40 CFR chapter I,subchapter N or O.See instructions and 40 CFR 122.21(e)(3). EPA Form 3510-2C(Revised 3-19) Page 25 Water Flow Line Drawing Fuel Farm Stormwater Holding Pond V Bag Filter V Clay Filter V Activated Outfall 001 Carbon Canisters 4,600 GPD Stormwater Schematic of Water Flow Charlotte Douglas International Airport Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, NC EPA Identification Number NPDES Permit Number Facility Name Form Approved 03/05/19 110009842439 NC0083887 Charlotte Douglas IntlAirport OMB No.2040-0004 Form U.S Environmental Protection Agency 2F „EPA Application for NPDES Permit to Discharge Wastewater NPDES STORMWATER DISCHARGES ASSOCIATED WITH INDUSTRIAL ACTIVITY SECTION 1.OUTFALL LOCATION(40 CFR 122.21(g)(1)) 1.1 Provide information on each of the facilit 's outfalls in the table below (See 09/28/20 submittal figures) Outfall Receiving Water Name Latitude Longitude Number 0 0 c 0 eo 0 e 0 , „ o , 11 SECTION 2. IMPROVEMENTS(40 CFR 122.21(g)(6)) 2.1 Are you presently required by any federal,state,or local authority to meet an implementation schedule for constructing, upgrading,or operating wastewater treatment equipment or practices or any other environmental programs that could affect the discharges described in this application? ❑ Yes ❑✓ No SKIP to Section 3. 2.2 Briefly identify each applicable project in the table below. Brief Identification and Affected Outfalls Final Compliance Dates Description of Project (list outfall numbers Source(s)of Discharge p numbers) Required Projected c i 2.3 Have you attached sheets describing any additional water pollution control programs(or other environmental projects that may affect your discharges)that you now have underway or planned?(Optional Item) ❑ Yes ❑ No EPA Form 3510-2F(Revised 3-19) Page 1 EPA Identification Number NPDES Permit Number Facility Name Form Approved 03/05/19 110009842439 NC0083887 Charlotte Douglas IntlAirport OMB No.2040-0004 SECTION 3.SITE DRAINAGE MAP(40 CFR 122.26(c)(1)(i)(A)) 3.1 Have you attached a site drainage map containing all required information to this application?(See instructions cn N '5 C for specific guidance.) Submitted with Initial Renewal Application Form 09/28/2020 o Yes ❑ No SECTION 4.POLLUTANT SOURCES(40 CFR 122.26(c)(1)(i)(B)) 4.1 Provide information on the facility's pollutant sources in the table below. (See 09/28/20 submittal figures) Outfall Impervious Surface Area Total Surface Area Drained Number (within a mile radius of the facility) (within a mile radius of the facility) specify units specify units specify units specify units specify units specify units specify units specify units specify units specify units specify units specify units 4.2 Provide a narrative description of the facility's significant material in the space below. (See instructions for content requirements.) The airport has discontinued the use of urea-based deicers and have used all existing stock. d 0 N m i 3 a 4.3 Provide the location and a description of existing structural and non-structural control measures to reduce pollutants in stormwater runoff. (See instructions for specific guidance.) Stormwater Treatment Codes from Outfall Control Measures and Treatment Exhibit Number 2F-1 (list) Please see SWPPP/BMP sections previously submitted 09/28/2020. EPA Form 3510-2F(Revised 3-19) Page 2 EPA Identification Number NPDES Permit Number Facility Name Form Approved 03/05/19 110009842439 NC0083887 Charlotte Douglas IntlAirport OMB No.2040-0004 SECTION 5.NON STORMWATER DISCHARGES(40 CFR 122.26(c)(1)(i)(C)) 5.1 I certify under penalty of law that the outfall(s) covered by this application have been tested or evaluated for the presence of non-stormwater discharges. Moreover, I certify that the outfalls identified as having non-stormwater discharges are described in either an accompanying NPDES Form 2C,2D,or 2E application. Name(print or type first and last name) Official title James McDorman Environmental Compliance Coordinator Signature Date signed 07/06/2021 N v , 5.2 Provide the testing information requested in the table below. Outfall Onsite Drainage Points Number Description of Testing Method Used Date(s)of Testing Directly Observed During Test a> 001 See attached Application Form 2C 0 SECTION 6.SIGNIFICANT LEAKS OR SPILLS(40 CFR 122.26(c)(1)(i)(D)) 6.1 Describe any significant leaks or spills of toxic or hazardous pollutants in the last three years. N a December 2018-Coffey Creek UST petroleum(jet fuel)release. N ° September 2019-Taggart Creek Tributary AST/UST petroleum(jet fuel)release. N Y A a) J C U C N SECTION 7.DISCHARGE INFORMATION(40 CFR 122.26(c)(1)(i)(E)) See the instructions to determine the pollutants and parameters you are required to monitor and,in turn,the tables you must o complete. Not all applicants need to complete each table. 7.1 Is this a new source or new discharge? w ❑ Yes 3 See instructions regarding submission of ❑✓ No 4 See instructions regarding submission of estimated data. actual data. E Tables A,B,C,and D ti 7.2 Have you completed Table A for each outfall? ❑✓ Yes ❑ No EPA Form 3510-2F(Revised 3-19) Page 3 EPA Identification Number NPDES Permit Number Facility Name Form Approved 03/05/19 110009842439 NC0083887 Charlotte Douglas IntlAirport OMB No.2040 0004 7.3 Is the facility subject to an effluent limitation guideline(ELG)or effluent limitations in an NPDES permit for its process wastewater? ❑ Yes ✓❑ No 4 SKIP to Item 7.5. 7.4 Have you completed Table B by providing quantitative data for those pollutants that are(1) limited either directly or indirectly in an ELG and/or(2)subject to effluent limitations in an NPDES permit for the facility's process wastewater? ❑ Yes ✓❑ No 7.5 Do you know or have reason to believe any pollutants in Exhibit 2F-2 are present in the discharge? ❑ Yes ✓❑ No 4 SKIP to Item 7.7. 7.6 Have you listed all pollutants in Exhibit 2F-2 that you know or have reason to believe are present in the discharge and provided quantitative data or an explanation for those pollutants in Table C? ❑ Yes ❑ No 7.7 Do you qualify for a small business exemption under the criteria specified in the Instructions? ❑ Yes-SKIP to Item 7.18. ✓❑ No 7.8 Do you know or have reason to believe any pollutants in Exhibit 2F-3 are present in the discharge? ❑ Yes ❑✓ No4 SKIP to Item 7.10. 7.9 Have you listed all pollutants in Exhibit 2F-3 that you know or have reason to believe are present in the discharge in Table C? O ❑ Yes 0 No O 7.10 Do you expect any of the pollutants in Exhibit 2F-3 to be discharged in concentrations of 10 ppb or greater? ❑ Yes ❑✓ No 4 SKIP to Item 7.12. 7.11 Have you provided quantitative data in Table C for those pollutants in Exhibit 2F-3 that you expect to be discharged in a, concentrations of 10 ppb or greater? ❑ Yes ❑ No C 7.12 Do you expect acrolein,acrylonitrile,2,4-dinitrophenol,or 2-methyl-4,6-dinitrophenol to be discharged in concentrations of 100 ppb or greater? ❑ Yes ❑✓ No 4 SKIP to Item 7.14. 7.13 Have you provided quantitative data in Table C for the pollutants identified in Item 7.12 that you expect to be discharged in concentrations of 100 ppb or greater? ❑ Yes 0 No 7.14 Have you provided quantitative data or an explanation in Table C for pollutants you expect to be present in the discharge at concentrations less than 10 ppb(or less than 100 ppb for the pollutants identified in Item 7.12)? ❑ Yes ElNo 7.15 Do you know or have reason to believe any pollutants in Exhibit 2F-4 are present in the discharge? ❑ Yes ElNo 4 SKIP to Item 7.17. 7.16 Have you listed pollutants in Exhibit 2F-4 that you know or believe to be present in the discharge and provided an explanation in Table C? ❑ Yes ❑ No 7.17 Have you provided information for the storm event(s)sampled in Table D? ❑ Yes ✓❑ No EPA Form 3510-2F(Revised 3-19) Page 4 EPA Identification Number NPDES Permit Number Facility Name Form Approved 03/05/19 110009842439 NC0083887 Charlotte Douglas IntlAirport OMB No.2040-0004 Used or Manufactured Toxics c 7.18 Is any pollutant listed on Exhibits 2F-2 through 2F-4 a substance or a component of a substance used or manufactured as an intermediate or final product or byproduct? 0 ❑ Yes ❑✓ No-3 SKIP to Section 8. 0 . 7.19 List the pollutants below, including TCDD if applicable. 1. 4. 7. 2. 5. 8. -c 3. 6. 9. SECTION 8. BIOLOGICAL TOXICITY TESTING DATA(40 CFR 122.21(g)(11)) 8.1 Do you have any knowledge or reason to believe that any biological test for acute or chronic toxicity has been made on any of your discharges or on a receiving water in relation to your discharge within the last three years? c ❑ Yes ❑✓ No 4 SKIP to Section 9. 12 8.2 Identify the tests and their purposes below. Submitted to NPDES Test(s) Purpose of Test(s) Date Submitted Permitting Authority?C ❑ Yes ❑ No 0' ElYes ❑ No ' ❑ Yes ❑ No SECTION 9.CONTRACT ANALYSIS INFORMATION(40 CFR 122.21(g)(12)) 9.1 Were any of the analyses reported in Section 7 (on Tables A through C)performed by a contract laboratory or consulting firm? ❑✓ Yes ❑ No 3 SKIP to Section 10. 9.2 Provide information for each contract laboratory or consulting firm below. Laboratory Number 1 Laboratory Number 2 Laboratory Number 3 Name of laboratory/firm Pace Analytical 0 E i 0 y.. Laboratory address 9800 Kincey Avenue#100 Huntersville,NC 28078 c c. cv c Phone number U (704)875-9092 Pollutant(s)analyzed COD,BOD,Oil&Grease,MBAS, TSS,Total N and Total P EPA Form 3510-2F(Revised 3-19) Page 5 • EPA Identification Number NPDES Permit Number Facility Name Form Approved 03105/19 110009842439 NC0083887 Charlotte Douglas IntlAirport OMB No.2040-0004 SECTION 10.CI-ECKLIST AND CERTIFICATION STATEMENT(40 CFR 122.22(a)and(d)) 10.1 In Column 1 below, mark the sections of Form 2F that you have completed and are submitting with your application. For each section,specify in Column 2 any attachments that you are enclosing to alert the permitting authority. Note that not all applicants are required to complete all sections or provide attachments. Column 1 Column 2 ✓❑ Section 1 ❑ wl attachments(e.g.,responses for additional outfalls) ❑✓ Section 2 ❑ w/attachments ✓❑ Section 3 ❑ wl site drainage map ✓❑ Section 4 ❑ w/attachments ✓❑ Section 5 ❑ w/attachments ❑✓ Section 6 ❑ w/attachments c ✓❑ Section 7 ✓❑ Table A ❑ w/small business exemption request ElTable B El w/analytical results as an attachment c ❑ Table C ❑ Table D ❑✓ Section 8 ❑ wlattachments ca ❑✓ Section 9 ❑ w/attachments(e.g.,responses for additional contact laboratories or firms) • ✓❑ Section 10 ❑ 10.2 Certification Statement I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. 1 am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations. Name(print or type first and last name) Official title James McDorman Environmental Compliance Coordinator Signature Date signed 07/06/2021 EPA Form 3510-2F(Revised 3-19) Page 6 EPA Identification Number NPDES Permit Number Facility Name Outfall Number Form Approved 03/05/19 OMB No.2040-0004 110009842439 NC0083887 Charlotte Douglas Intl Airport 002 TABLE A.CONVENTIONAL AND NON CONVENTIONAL PARAMETERS(40 CFR 122.26(c)(1)(i)(E)(3))1 You must provide the results of at least one analysis for every pollutant in this table. Complete one table for each outfall. See instructions for additional details and requirements. Maximum Daily Discharge Average Daily Discharge Source of s eci units) (specify units) Information (specify p ty Number of Storm Grab Sample Taken (new source/new Pollutant or ParameterGrab Sample Taken p Flow Weighted Flow Weighted Events Sampled dischargers only;use During First During First 9 30 Minutes Composite Composite 30 Minutes codes in instructions) 1. Oil and grease <5.0 mg/L 2.5 mg/L 4 1 2. Biochemical oxygen demand (BODs) <2.0 mg/L 3.8 mg/L 3. Chemical oxygen demand (COD) <25.0 mg/L 33.8 mg/L 4. Total suspended solids(TSS) 4.1 mg/L 53.1 mg/L 5. Total phosphorus <0.050 mg/L 0.106 mg/L 6. Total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN) 0.24 mg/L 0.490 mg/L 7. Total nitrogen (as N) 1.0 mg/L 0.965 mg/L pH (minimum) 6.9 7.0 8. pH (maximum) 7.7 7.6 1 Sampling shall be conducted according to sufficiently sensitive test procedures(i.e., methods)approved under 40 CFR 136 for the analysis of pollutants or pollutant parameters or required under 40 CFR chapter I,subchapter N or 0. See instructions and 40 CFR 122.21(e)(3). EPA Form 3510-2F(Revised 3-19) Page 7 EPA Idenfficatlon Number NPOES Permit Number Facility Name Outfall Number Form Approved 03105/19 110009842439 NC0083887 Charlotte Douglas IntlAirport 003 OMB No.2040 0004 TABLE A.CONVENTIONAL AND NON CONVENTIONAL PARAMETERS(40 CFR 122.26(c)(1)(1)(E)(3))' You must provide the results of at least one analysis for everypoliutant in this table.Complete one table for each outfall.See instructions for additional delaits and requirements. Maximum Daily Discharge Average Daily Discharge Source of (specify units) (specify units) Number of Storm Information Pollutant or Parameter Grab Sample Taken Flow-Weighted Grab Sample Taken Flovr•Welghted Events Sampled (new source/new During First During First dischargers only,use 30 Minutes Composite 30 Minutes Composite codes in instructions) 0 Oil and grease 2.48 mg/L - 1 giBiochemical. :ON r 2.5 mg/L ® (COD) r 22.9 mg/L F 'v'' r rTotal nitrogenr pH(minimum) 6.7 7.2 8. pH(maximum) 8.2 8.0 'Sampling shall be conducted according to sufficiently sensitive test procedures(i.e.,methods)approved under 40 CFR 136 for the analysis of pollutants or pollutant parameters or required under 40 CFR chapter 1,subchapter N or 0.See instructions and 40 CFR 122.21(e)(3). EPA Form 3510.2F(Revised 3-19) Page 7 EPA Identification Number NPDES Permit Number Facility Name Outfail Number Form Approved 03105119 110009842439 NC0083887 Charlotte Douglas Int'l Airport 004 OMB No.2040-0004 TABLE A.CONVENTIONAL AND NON CONVENTIONAL PARAMETERS(40 CFR 122.26(c)(1)(I)(E)(3))r You must provide the results of at least one analysis for every pollutant In this table.Complete one table for each outlet.See instructions for additional details and requirements. Maximum Daily Discharge Average Daily Discharge Source of (wedgy units) (5Pu-4 umis) Number of Storm Information Pollutant or Parameter GrabSample Ftaken Fluw•Weltylded Grab ama le Taken Flow•Weighted Events Sampled disc'hxoers o�nl use 30 Minutes CompFirst osite 30 Minutes Composite codes In Instructions) 1. Oil and grease <5.0 mg/L 2.48 mg/L 4 1 2. Biochemical oxygen demand(BOD5) 3.8 mg/L 3.35 mg/L 3, Chemical oxygen demand(COD) 41.2 mg/L 23.6 mg/L 4. Total suspended solids(TSS) 13.7 mg/L 10.2 mg/L 5. Total phosphorus 0.076 mg/L 0.068 mg/L 6. Total Kjeldahl nitrogen(TKN) 0.960 mg/L 0.581 mg/L 7. Total nitrogen(as N) 13 mg/L 0.844 mg/L pH(minimum) 6.6 7.0 8. pH(maximum) 7.1 7.1 t Sampling shalt be conducted according to sufficiently sensitive test procedures(i.e.,methods)approved under 40 CFR 136 tor the analysis of pollutants or pollutant parameters or required under 40 CFR chapter I,subchapter N or 0.See instructions and 40 CFR 122.21(e)(3). EPA Form 3510-2F(Revised 3-19) Page 7 EPA Identification Number NPDES Permit Number Facility Name Outrall Number Form Approved 03105/19 110009842439 NC0083887 Charlotte Douglas IndAirport F OMB No.2040-0004 TABLE A.CONVENTIONAL AND NON CONVENTIONAL PARAMETERS 40 CFR 122.26(c 1)I(E(3)r You must provide the results of al least one analysis for every pollutant in this table.Complete one table for each oulfall.See instructions for addii font details and re$Uirenlenls. Maximum Daily Discharge Average Daily Discharge Source of (specify units) (specify units) Number of Storm Information Pollutant or Parameter Grab Sample Fi Taken During Flow-Weistghted Sampleb Fi at ken ) Flow-Weighted Events Sampled b(nnew ea tosors urcenly,/new use 30 htinutes Composite 30 Minutes Composite codes in instructions)_ 1. Oil and grease <5.0 mg/L 2.48 mg/L 4 1 Biochemical oxygen demand(BOD5) <2.0 mg/L 1.0 Chemical oxygen demand(COD) <25.0 mg/L 16.4 mg/L o.l susr• de 5, Total r r • r r r 039 Total6. d. nitrogenrr r 0.123 mg/L 0.685 mg/L pH(minimum) 6.0 6.6 8. pH(maximum) 7.5 7.2 I Sampling shall be conducted according to sufficiently sensitive test procedures(i.e.,methods)approved under 40 CFR 136 for the analysis of pollutants or pollutant parameters or required under 40 CFR chapter I,subchapter N or 0.See instructions and 40 CFR 122.21(e)(3). EPA Form 3510-2F(Revised 3.19) Page 7 i EPA Identification Number NPOES Permit Number Facility Name Outfall Number Form Approved 03/05119 110009842439 NC0083887 Charlotte Douglas Intl Airport 11 OMB No.20400004 TABLE A.CONVENTIONAL AND NON CONVENTIONAL PARAMETERS(40 CFR 122.26(c)(1)(I)(E)(3))r You must provide the results of al least one analysis for every pollutant in this table.Complete one table for each outfall.See instructions for additional details and requirements. Maximum Daily Discharge l Average Daily Discharge Source of (specify units) (specifyunits) Number of Stonn Information Pollutant or Parameter GraDSam e Taken Flow•Welghted Grab DSrmple leTaken Flow•Welghted Events Sampled disc geereonl se 30 Minutes_First Compotlle 0 Minutes Compositecodes In instructions)._ r 1. 1 Oil and grease <5.0 mg/L <5.0 mg/L 4 1 2. Biochemical oxygen demand(BODs) <2.0 mg/L 2.075 mg/L 3. Chemical oxygen demand(COD) <25.0 mg/L 27.9 mg/I 4. Total suspended solids(TSS) <2.5 mg/L 13.81 mg/L 5. Total phosphorus <0.050 mg/L 0.049 mg/L 6. Total Kjeldahl nitrogen(TKN) 0.161 mg/L 0.465 mg/L 7. Total nitrogen(as N) <0.520 mg/L 0.62 mg/I. pH(minimum) 6.4 6.5 IIIII 8. pH(maximum) 6.7 6.6 I Sampling shall be conducted according to sufficiently sensitive test procedures(i.e.,methods)approved under 40 CFR 136 for the analysis of pollutants or pollutant parameters or required under 40 CFR chapter I,subchapter N or 0.See instructions and 40 CFR 122.21(e)(3). EPA Form 3510-2F(Revised 3-19) Page 7 EPA Identification Number NPDES Permit Number Facility Name Outfall Number Form Approved 03105119 110009842439 NC0083887 Charlotte Douglas IntlAirport K OMB No.2040-0004 TABLE A.CONVENTIONAL AND NON CONVENTIONAL PARAMETERS(40 CFR 122.26(0)(1)(I)E)(3))1 You must provide the results of at least one analysis for every pollutant in this table.Complete one table for each outfall.See instructions for additional details and requirements. Maximum Daily Discharge Average Daily Discharge Source of (specify units) (specify units) Number of Storm Information Pollutant or Parameter Grab Sample Taken Flow,Welghted Grab Sample Taken I Flow•Welghted Events Sampled a harped uc�y use First30 Minutes First Composite 30 Minutes Composite codes Ininaruc5ons) IOil and grease <5.0 mg/L 2.48 mg/L 4 NA 2. Biochemical oxygen demand(BOD5) <2.0 mg/L NA 4.9 mg/L NA 3. Chemical oxygen demand(COD) <25.0 mg/L 50.9 mg/L 4. Total suspended solids(TSS) 3.5 mg/L 8.5 mg/L 5. Total phosphorus <0.050 mg/L 0.148 mg/L 6. Total Kjeldahl nitrogen(TKN) 0.060 mg/L 1.145 mg/L 7. Total nitrogen(as N) <0.520 mg/L 1.330 mg/L pH(minimum) 6.3 6.4 8. pH(maximum) 6.8 6.7 1 Sampling shall be conducted according to sufficiently sensitive test procedures(Le.,methods)approved under 40 CFR 136 for the analysis of pollutants or pollutant parameters or required under 40 CFR chapter I,subchapter N or O.See instructions and 40 CFR 122.21(e)(3). EPA Form 3510-2F(Revised 3-19) Page 7