HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2021-03414_Well Construction - GW1_20210607 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD Forlate=l Use oNLY: Thb faun con be uW.for single or multiple weir i 1.well Confradur Informmtlun: Ronald-E:Keeter Jr.. _ 11 WATER ZONES- FROM TO DFSCRIPITON Wall Cotaiseta Name U NLULI 2960-A sin. unit & NC Well CormaetorCatEcationNumbor In�:3I�'a`�n Price piNR Sect;on isovrEacT801M eltiraadwed oxln�lt FROM TO DIAbDTIER• TffiCiII9l3s MAT>RtW, Southeastern Pump&Well Service Inc. + t�_ - I �. CampanyNeme 16IIsII�ECA.4irIGOHTOSRVG dried lUq7 FROM I TO I DL4bMTMr I Tfncx'm MATERIAL 2.Well CondrocUom Permit#:l tt R. is Lid ad applicable►8 oarm--mn panrin(it.Caasy,Smug,Vwkm@6 qWj 3.WeD Use(cheep well me). 17.SCiZEFN water Supply Well: FROMqft TO DU&WrrM L SLOT size TlffCla(ffi8 re.,�r.r_ OAgricuhnral O� • blip 111 Ia.OGeothemal(Heating/Cooling Supply) 'dentiul Watt r Supply(single) n to: V 01ndustrisycommacial Mesidontial Water Supply(shored) M URMT C1hri FROM TO EMPiAQ®1ffiYiMC[IIOD�AMOUNT 'm IL Non-Water Supply Well: OIHaeitoring MR000vay Infection well: m IL OAquiferReaharge OCrroundvsta Remediation IRSANDOG3tAVFl.PACH OAquifor Storage iiOd Recovery Malinity Ba:ner FROM To I MATERW. O PLACEMM"AdErf D m tt OAquiferTest OStc®wataDtamage n OFxpaimental Technology OSubsidence Control DBII.LIIYGLOG attsse!ai�flanl sisate It OGeot}tamal(Cicred Loop) OTrasxs FROM Ff-L DEBCR�rION calvr sdVm& skitere OGeothamal(H ' Retom) 1301her( (tin under#21 Remarks) IL � `l �y 4.Date WrWx)Completed: Ott S.Well Locatlon: � R R ac> OwacNeme Fe&YM#(ffepplaeabb) d �1 � 4�y �(( l �1 n IL Physical Adhwk City.and Zip 2L BP,EfAEBB CaaYy Parmlldeatifin icallo.(PIN) SL Latitude and IAngkude In degrea/mimtes/seroada or decimal degrees: 22. if well field,am bst/bmg is s,fficma) 2 . 10 Maf,�L( qVf=of C=bficd Well Coubado, Date 6&h(are)the weft). Pane ent or OTemporary By signing thir fornx I hemby ora*that the wed(id:cos(were)nmntrraciad err assmrdmns with IS!NCAC O2C.0100 or ISd NCdC CZC.02W Wed Cans&udion SAadardr mrd that a 7.L this a repair to an existing we0: OYa or Mo aW of thtr record has been prvvidrd to die'wed owner. if"is a repair,jV owkwwn wed eonsasredon it formation and esplous the name of the repair raider 021 ranorbseedmr or on the boat of tkifi m. 23.Ske dlegram or addl-k well details: You may use the back of this page to provide additional vmU site detsils or well &Number of wdb constructed. construction details. You may abo attach additional pages if necessary. For mu(dple byedion or nor}waatrmgply wdlr OAMYwtth the sme seasbxe dox.you can submitotreJbrm 24.Submittal Instructions- 9 Total well depth below land sudaee: (fL) 24o. For All Wells: Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well For,muldple weds list ad depdn IMP rem(e w*v--WW and 2®1M construction to the following: 10.Startle wader level below top of eaahtg: 1 (ti) Divhlon of water Qns ty.Iadorntatlea P wenfug Utdt, lfwatrr level is above easbtg,oar;l" 1617 Mall Service Center,Raleigh,NC 276W1617 11.Borehole diameter. (ln.) 24L For Iniectlon Welk: ID addition to sending the form to the address in 24a 12.Wig eomtrvetlonmelhod: rt'� Il�J above,also'submit-a copy of this foi m!wm ifh '30 days of completion of well construction to the following: (Le.auger;totery.cable,direct push etc.) _ Division of WaterQuWhy,Uad�1-*0-Control Program, 13.FOR WATER SUPPLY WELTS ONLY: 1636 5M See oke Cerrber,Raleigh,NC 2769OL1636 13a.Yleld Wm) ID Method of testa 24e.For Wider Still*&Geot6ermat We1M: In addition to sending the farm to the addrasKes)aboveq shso submit one copy of this form within 30 days of 13L DWnfeetlon ape: Amount. =vIction of well construction to&c abtmty health department of the county where constructed. I i ' Fomt GW-1 North Cemlire Depmtrnect of Ewitomment and Nateal Resources-Dirisionof Water Qua* Revised Tan.2013 I j