HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2021-03404_Well Construction - GW1_20210607 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD Farintemal Use ONLY: This fTo cm be used single or multiple vvells 1.We0 Contractor InfarQmHon: Ronald E:N eeter Jr.. r� 14.WATMZONn FRDM TO DrSCRn ON Wall CobtreefaNuame -_ J U j - 2960-A Unit R i NC Well ContractorCer0cadonNumbeln C(1;''3 10n p(os;e�sln9 D�,NR SQ�tlon 1SomEec�rG �altl-awdweb OR1��R FROM TO D1AM£TER THICKNIM I MATTRIAL Southeastern Pump S Well Service Inca OL Conepany Name 14Iluft�CAR'OR7'OBII� dowdlocal FROM TO DtAML►TIIC TH EMMS MATMUM 2.Well Comsfe+setlon Permit!/:C V\) R R. is List aft applicob r wee coma-V,n psnrrtts(ts.CoroSIX.Ssmr.Variance.CPA) R R ia. 3.Well Use(cbecicwell me)- 17 SCRM Water Supply Well: FROM TO I D1AbM7XM I SLOT trM— ITrffCaItF86 MATIItrAL ❑Agricultural l7Ma blic -"R R fit/ 1 C.. OCleothemal aieating/Caoling Supply) ideotial Wets Supply(single) ft. OL in. Oladustrial/Commereial 01tcaidential water Supply(shy sz FROM TO I EMPI.AMAM Mt TROD&AMOUNT olei atian R Non-Water Supply Well: ILOMoaitoring OR--cry ft Injtction R IL OAquifierFachmp ElCaoondwaterRemediation 1%UNDAMAVELPACK Mappikaliki GAgaif-StaagoandRcoavay MffinityBanier FROM ' To MATERM SMPLACDWMhfETHOD R R OAgaiferTat OStntmwaferIkainege R 0EXperimental Technology OSubsidence Control GGeothennel(Closed Loop) pTmow 2a DBILLIIfGLOG sttaef ad+fttlonl er..er lr FROM TO oN color satrhaeaWalt SIXIL aw Moothamal(A RCom) i 00thcr(ciplain rmder#21 Remarks) t) R ft. LA 4.Date Wdi(s)Completed: R R fL 3.Well Locaf>qur.� R R it ecility/Owns ewe FecifityII>0(if ) R R R f! h9a�Address,may.and TAP 2L BE!lfA8S8 Pky County Pmcal IdnfifintionNo.(per 'Sb.Latidrde and ImMitude in degreeslmhsatalsecoods or dedmal dq"— 21 Certification: if weU Sell are hillong is sufficient) 2 - Signshre of CatiSed Won Camaactor Date 6.Is(are)the wdl(sx. amsD or OTemporau7 BY xrg=q dsirfa m I herrby een*that the weft was(vac)caubuc*d in amordanae wfth 134 lV AC 02C.01W or 15d NCAC 02C.02W WeOCambvcdoa Sbudards and dint a 7.L this a repair to an etdsBrg well• ❑Yes or o copy c,f this reamd has been provided to the well owner, ' If thb ra arapoa•,fiD-aetlerown well conrbveJion b far»mtion end espbba the swear of the repair corder 921 remarbseedw or on the back of this)brm. 23.Site diagram or add"'snal well dehDs: You may at the back of this page to provide additional well site details;or well L Number of web constructed: comilmotion details. You may also ausdt additional pages if neoeeary. For mdhpkbyectioaoram►wabFmWlyweftrOWLYwdk*e#meeeesber�an you eon submd orx farnL 24.Submittal Instrrrrtlms- 9 Total well depth below(and surface: l (fL) 24a. For An Weds: Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well For muhipte wefts fit aft depdtr ffdtffererd(momple-3@2W-surd 2®1W) Construction to the following: 10.Static wow kvd below tap efeatdtr=: 1 C i QL) Divhloo of Water QDaltt r Wormatlea Prviceaft a Unit, .f"Ifr level&above eosin&use"+ 1617 Mall Service Center,Rakfgh,NC 27699-1617 I 11.Borehole diameter. (br.) 24b.For Inleedon Welt:: In addition to sending the form to the address in 24e 12.Well construction method: ��� I above,alsctio to the lt a copy of this fonts within 30 days at completion of will A� construction to the following: (i.e.suger::otery,eabl%&act push,etc) Dhblon of Water Qu a ty,Uadeegrormd Injeldou Control Program, 13.FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY; 1636 Mall Service Carter,Raleigh,NC 2769SL106 13A.Yield Wm) , Metbod of test: 24e.Far Water S-Mft&Gmlhnsreil Wens: ht ad"'to seeding the farm to the addresses)above, also admit one copy of this form within 30 days of 13b.Dhdnfediou type: Anw®t; completion of well couxtradion to th`e oamty h=l&department of the county where canattaated. r Fours GW-1 Ncr&Camli®Depmtmad of Eevi=mein cad NatmW Resources—Divis of Water Quality Revised Jam 2013 I E ,I i