HomeMy WebLinkAboutWI0800040_Other Correspondence_1997111911/20/97 THU 09:26 FAX 512 425 2199 DE&S AUSTIN DEE'S A eErgineering&ServIces 9111 Research Boulevard Austin, TX 78758 Post -it® Fax Note 7B71 512 425-2000 Fax 512 426-2099 November 19, • 1997 Dr. Luanne Williams North Carolina Department ofHealth and Human Services Occupational and Environmental Epidemiology Section P.O. Box 29601 Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0601 RE: Information 1•eeded to Do Risk Assessment For a Proposed Partitioning Interwell Tracer Test at Site 88, Building HP 25, Camp Lejeune, North Carolina Dear Dr. Williams: Please find attached the response referenced above. To provide some project background information, I have included the executive summary from the work plan as well. If there are any questions or if more information is required, please call me. cc: Ms. Laura Yeh, Naval Facilities Engineering Service Center Ms. Amy Axon, North Carolina DEHNR Ms. Kate Landman, Naval Facilities Engineering Command Mr. Mick Senus, AC/S EMD Camp Lejeune Mr. Fred Holzmer, Duke Engineering and Services ii/20/97 THU 09:27 FAX 512 425 2199 DE&S AUSTIN Z002 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Site 88 (Building I1P25) is the location of the base central dry cleaning operation. Dry cleaning operations have been conducted there since 1940's using first Varsol and then tetrachloroethene (PCE) as dry cleaning fluids. Environmental investigations have detected the presence of both compounds hi the subsurface. In particular, free -phase PCE, a dense nonaqueous phase liquid (DNAPL), has accumulated in two shallow wells installed adjacent to the facility during August of 1997. The Naval Facilities Engineering Service Center (NFESC), in collaboration with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) National Risk Management Research Laboratory (NRMRL), is investigating the surfactant -enhanced aquifer remediation (SEAR) technology for the remediation of sites contaminated with DNAPL. This work is being conducted under the DOD's Environmental Security Technology Certification Program (ESTCP). The purpose is to perform additional validation of SEAR in order to promote its commercialization for the rapid cleanup of DNAPL sites owned by the government and industry. Based on the results of recently completed DNAPL investigations, Site 88 has been identified as a suitable site to conduct a demonstration of SEAR technology. In addition to subsurface treatment by surfactants, this demonstration will include procedures to recover surfactant from the effluent stream for reuse. To investigate the ability of SEAR technology to remediate the site, the quantity of contamination present both before and after the surfactant flood must be measured. Because soil cores cannot be relied upon to provide reliable DNAPL saturations over large zones, the volume and extent of the DNAPL contamination at the demonstration area will be determined by conducting partitioning interwell tracer tests (PITTs). The SEAR demonstration will involve a pre -surfactant flood PITT, a surfactant flood, and a post -surfactant flood PITT. The PITT was develeved by Dr. Gaiy A. Pope of the University of Texas Department of Petroleum and Geosystzms Engineering. Application of PITT technology to the environmental field was developed in conjunction with Dr. Richard Jackson of Duke Engineering and Services (DE&S). PITTs involve the injection of a suite of tracers in one or more wells and the subsequent extraction from one or more other wells in a well field. Analysis of the test results allow the detection and estimation of the volume of DNAPL present in the aquifer between the injection and extraction wells. Duke Engineering andServices (DE&S), has been retained by the Navy to: • conduct preliminary field work in support of a PITT; • select the tracers to be used in the PITT; • design the PITT; and • conduct the pre and post -surfactant flood PITTs in the ESTCP demonstration area. PITT».DOC vi DEW- Dnlret. iaerig&Services 11/20/97 THU 09:27 FAX 512 425 2199 DE&S AUSTIN Cj 003 The results of the pre -surfactant flood PITT will be used in the design of a surfactant flood to be conducted during the summer of 1998. This work plan details the activities to be undertaken to perform the pre -surfactant flood PITT. The PITT is scheduled for the months of January and February, 1998. PITTINIEM.DOC vu DE&S Duke&Wineering&Serviaer 11/20/97 THU 09:27 FAX 512 425 2199 DE&S AUSTIN' U 004 Products Applied to Ground Water or Soil Containing No Microorganisms Information To Do Risk Assessment Required General Information 1. Ms. Amy Axon North Carolina DEHNR, Ground Water Section Underground Injection Control Program 2728 Capitol Blvd. Raleigh, NC 27626 tel. 919-733-2801 ext. 349 2. Central Dry Cleaning Facility for Camp Lejeune, North Carolina Mr. Mick Semis AC/S EMD Bldg. HP 67 Virginia Dare Road Camp Lejeune, NC 28542 tel. 910-451-5068 3. Mr. John T. Londergan Duke Engineering and Services 9111 Research Blvd. Austin, Texas 78758 tel. 512-425-2028 4. The partitioning interwell tracer test (PITT) will be conducted at Site 88, the location of the base central dry cleaning operations. There are no active water supply wells located within a one mile radius of this site. The nearest active water supply well is HP- 642 which is located approximately 1.5 miles east of the site. 5. As of Noveriber 17, 1997 there was up to 2.8 feet of tetrachloroethene accumulation in wells located adjacent to the dry-cleaning facility at Site 88. Contaminant levels of up to 26,000 part per million (ppm) tetrachloroethene, 180 ppm trichloroethene, 46 ppm cis-1,2-dichloroethene, and 4.8 ppm vinyl chloride have been detected in soil 11(20/97 THU 09:28 FAX 512 425 2199 DE&S AUSTIN L1005 samples collected frbm the surficial aquifer (8-18 ft BLS).. Varsol, a mineral spirits product produced by Exxon, is another contaminant present in the soils and groundwater. The Varsol contamination is found at the water table. Soil samples collected from this interval have been analyzed for diesel and gasoline range organics. Analyses for diesel range organics have detected up to 590 mg/kg. Analyses for gasoline range organics have detected up to 4,200 mg/kg. 6. The New River, located approximately 3,000 feet west of the site, is the nearest surface water. The location of the site in relation to the New River is shown on attached Figure 1. 7. The dry-cleaning facility, Building HP25, is located in the area of contamination. Barracks are located approximately 200 feet away. Reauirgd Product/Process Specific Information Duke Engineering and Services will request that the manufacturers of the products contact Dr. Luanne Williams representing the State of North Carolina for responses to items 1, 2, 3, 8, and 9 of this section. Below, we have included some information from the recently submitted PITT work plan pertaining to these items. Item 1. All products to be injected, with the exception of calcium chloride, will be purchased from Sigma Aldrich Industries. Sigma -Aldrich Fin', Chemicals 3050 Spruce Street St. Louis, MO 63103 Contact person: Ms. Tracy Langenberg Contact phone number: 1-800-325-3010 ext. 2385 The calcium chloride will be purchase from Acros Organics N.V. (Fisher Scientific) Janssen Pharmace uticalaan 3a 11/20/97 THU 09:28 FAX 512 425 2199 DE&S AUSTIN L1006 2440 Geel, Belgium Contact Person: Ms. Lisa Reutzel Contact phone number: 1-412-490-8927 Item 2. Active Ingredients in Injectates Injectate '4-Methyl Active Ingredient ' Purpose 2Pentanoi 4-Methyl-2 Pentanol partitioning tracer Bromide Sodium Bromide conservative or non partitioning tracer 1-Propanol Propyl alcohol or 1-Propanol nonconservative or partitioning tracer 1-Hexanol Hexyl alcohol, n-Hexanol or 1-Hexanol partitioning tracer 2p,-DDimothyl-3- Diisopropylcarbinol or 2,4 Dirnethyt-3-pentanol partitioning tracer 1-Heptanol Heptyl alcohol, n-Heptanoi or 1-Heptanol partitioning tracer 2 Ethyl-1-bexanol 2-Ethyl-l-hexanol partitioning tracer calcium chloride calcium chloride prevents mobilization of fine clay particles in tlx: aquifer Item3. Biological Effects of Some Partitionist Tracer Toxicity Threshold* (cell multiplication inhibition test) 1-Hexanol mg/L 1-Heptanol mg/L bacteria (Pseudomonas putida) 62 67 algae (Micrcystis aeruginosa) 12 - 3.5 green algae (Sc enedesmus quadricauda) 30 17 75 31 • protozoa (Uronema parduczi Chatton-L woff) "Verschueren. K. 1983. "Handbook pf Environmental Data on Organic. Chemicals', Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York. Item 4. Based on numerical simulations conducted using a three-dimensional multi -phase simulation code known as UTCHEM, it is anticipated that about 93% of the injected tracers will be reccr'ered after 40 days of pumping. 11/20/97 THU 09:28 FAX 512 425 2199 DE&S AUSTIN I j 007 Item 5. The final tracer concentrations will be approximately 1-5 mg/L. Item 6. The PITT will be conducted in a well field constructed during the course of this project. Under the current conceptualization, the well field will consist of three injection wells and six extraction wells arranged in a pattern known as a line -drive geometry. The injection wells and extraction wells will be spaced 15 feet apart, while neighboring injection and extraction wells will be spaced 10 ft apart. A hydraulic control well will be installed at each end of the line of three injection wells to help contain the injected fluids and maximize injectate recovery. Figure 9 from the project work plan, attached, is a schematic of the proposed well pattern. At no time will the product concentrations in the groundwater exceed the injected concentrations. The concentrations and quantities of injectates to be used during the Site 88 PITT are provided in the table below. Concentrations and Quantities of Injectates to be Used for Site 88 PITT Tracer Injected Concentrations mgh, Quantity (1ba) to be injected r 4 Methyl-2-Pentano1 1,000 55 Bromide 1,000 66 1-Pmpanc l 1,000 55 1-liessanol 800 44 2,4-Dimethyl-3 pentanol 800. 44 1-Heptanol 800 44 2-Ethyl-l-hexanol 500 28 calcium chloride* 1000 1,120 * Quantity listed reflects the total amount required for the entire demonstration and not just the period of tracer injection. Item 7. It is not anticipated that any of the injectate will discharge to the New River, the nearest surface water body. The location of the site in relation to the New River is shown on attached Figure 1. Items 8& 9. The product manufacturers will provide responses to these items. 11/20/97 THU 09:29 FAX 512 425 2199 DE&S AUSTIN Z 008 Item 10. The volume and extent of DNAPL contamination at the demonstration area will be determined by conducting a PITT. The PITT involves the injection of a suite of tracers in one or more wells and subsequent extraction from other wells in a well field. Conservative (i.e., non -partitioning) tracers pass unretarded through the DNAPL zone, whereas the partitioning tracers are retarded due to their partitioning into and out of the DNAPL. The arrival times and concentrations of the tracers at the extraction wells are used to measure the volume and distribution of DNAPL in the interwell zone. Reference Jin, M., M. Delshad, V. Dwarakanath, D.C. McKinney, G.A. Pope, K. Sepehrnoori, C. Tilburg, and R.E. Jackson: ()Partitioning Tracer Test for Detection, Estimation and Remediation Performance Assessment of Subsurface Nonaqueous-phase Liquids,} Water Resources Research, 31(5), pp.1201, 1995. 11/20/97 THU 09:29 FAX 512 425 2199 DE&S AUSTIN tj 009 MI Fad *CR win N DATE: 11/19/97 REF: TDN 30499999 FILE: CAMPL.XAR DEE'S Duke Engineering & Services Site Location Map Camp Lejeune, North Carolina (Modified from 1997 Delorme, Street Atlas USA) Figure 1 11/20/97 THU 09:30 FAX 512 425 2199 DE&S AUSTIN CI 010 tL. Secondary Containment Liners Zr W; (I Direction of Fluid Flow Test Configuration Schematic of Genera ci c #; TDN 301 9