HomeMy WebLinkAboutWI0800040_Correspondence_1998022702/27/98 FRI 15:29 FAX Naval Facilities Engineering Service Center 1100 23rd Ave. Port Hueneme, CA 93043-4370 Fax Cover Sheet DATE: February 27, 1998 TIME: 3:30 PM TO: Marcus Geist PHONE: (919) 733-3221 NC DEHNR, DWQ,GW Section FAX: (919) 715-0588 FROM: Laura Yeh PHONE: (805) 982-1660 NFESC, ESC 411 FAX: (805) 982-4304 RE: Varsol info Number of pages including cover sheet: 12 Message Marcus, Here is some information on Varsol. I have attached the MSDS for Varsol 1 as well as some entries for Varsol out of the Merck Index and Hawley's The Condensed Chemical Dictionary. Let me know if you have any questions! Laura rr rn .Jz C) 02/27/98 FRI 15:30 FAX Aug '1997 rt #:,.4.6 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET EXXON CHEMICAL COMPANY A Division of EXXON CORPORATION E j002 Page 2 oT zz PAGE: 1 DATE PREPARED: MAY 31, 1997 MSDS NO.: 92890627 VARSOL 1 SOLVENT SECTION 1 CHEMICAL PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION PRODUCT NAME: VARSOL 1 SOLVENT CHEMICAL NAME: Not Applicable: Blend CHEMICAL FAMILY: Petroleum Hydrocarbon PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: Clear colorless liquid with a petroleum odor. CONTACT ADDRESS: EXXON CHEMICAL COMPANY P.O. BOX 3272, HOUSTON, TEXAS 77253-3272 ** ** ** EMERGENCY TELEPHONE NUMBERS: (24 Hours) CHEMTREC (800) 424-9300 EXXON CHEMICAL COMPANY (800) 726-2015 6052-41-3 NON EMERGENCY TELEPHONE NUMBERS : (8am-5pm M-F) FOR HEALTH AND SAFETY INFORMATION CALL : (281) 870-6884 FOR GENERAL PRODUCT INFORMATION CALL : (281) 870-6000 SECTION 2 COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS The composition of this mixture may be proprietary information. In the event of a medical emergency, compositional information will be provided to a physician or nurse. This product is hazardous as defined in 29 CFR1910.1200, based on the following compositional information: OSHA HAZARD COMPONENT Combustible Petroleum hydrocarbons OSHA PEL; ACGIH TLV Stoddard Solvent OSHA PEL; ACGIH TLV Trimethylbenzene SECTION 3 HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION POTENTIAL HEALTH EFFECTS EYE CONTACT: Slightly irritating but does not injure eye tissue. SKIN CONTACT: Frequent or prolonged contact may irritate and cause dermatitis. Low order of toxicity. Skin contact may aggravate an existing dermatitis condition. INHALATION: High vapor/aerosol concentrations (greater than approximately 1000 ppm) Continues on page 2 1 02/27/98 FRI 15:30 FAX 1 Aug 1997 16:46 VARSOL 1 SOLVENT C_j 0 0 3 Page :3 or ee MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET EXXON CHEMICAL COMPANY A Division of EXXON CORPORATION PAGE: 2 DATE PREPARED: MAY 31, 1997 MSDS NO.: 92890627 are irritating to the eyes and the respiratory tract, may cause headaches, dizziness, anesthesia, drowsiness, unconsciousness, and other central nervous system effects, including death. INGESTION: Small amounts of this product aspirated into the respiratory system during ingestion or vomiting may cause mild to severe pulmonary injury, possibly progressing to death. Minimal toxicity. SECTION 4 FIRST AID MEASURES EYE CONTACT: Flush eyes with large amounts of water until irritation subsides. If irritation persists, get medical attention. SKIN CONTACT: Flush with large amounts of water; use soap if available. Remove grossly contaminated clothing, including shoes, and launder before reuse. INHALATION: Using proper respiratory protection, immediately remove the affected victim from exposure. Administer artificial respiration if breathing is stopped. Keep at rest. Dail for prompt medical attention. INGESTION: If swallowed, DO NOT induce vomiting. Keep at rest. Get prompt medical attention. SECTION 5 FIRE -FIGHTING MEASURES FLASHPOINT: 104 Deg F. METHOD: TCC NOTE: Minimum FLAMMABLE LIMITS: LEL: 2.1 UEL: 13.3 0 77 Deg F. NOTE: Approximate AUTOIGNITION TEMP.: 490 Deg F. NOTE: Approximate GENERAL HAZARD Combustible Liquid, can form combustible mixtures at temperatures at or above the flashpoint. Static Discharge, material can accumulate static charges which can cause an incendiary electrical discharge . "Empty" containers retain product residue (liquid and/or vapor) and can be dangerous. DO NOT pressurize, cut, weld, braze, solder, drill, grind, or expose such containers to heat, flame, sparks, static electricity, or other sources of ignition; THEY MAY EXPLODE AND CAUSE INJURY OR DEATH. Empty drums should be completely drained, properly bunged and promptly re- turned to a drum reconditioner, or properly disposed of. FIRE FIGHTING Use water spray to cool fire exposed surfaces and to protect personnel. Isolate "fuel" supply from fire. Use foam, dry chemical, or water spray to extinguish fire. Continues on page 3 T t • 02/27/98 FRI 15:31 FAX f004 1 Aug 1997 16:46 Page 4 OT Le MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET EXXON CHEMICAL COMPANY A Division of EXXON CORPORATION PAGE: 3 DATE PREPARED: MAY 31, 1997 MSDS NO.: 92890627 VARSOL 1 SOLVENT Avoid spraying water directly into storage containers due to danger of boilover. This liquid is volatile and gives off invisible vapors. Either the liquid or vapor may settle in low areas or travel some distance along the ground or surface to ignition sources where they may ignite or explode. DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS UNDER FIRE CONDITIONS No unusual SECTION 6 ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES LAND SPILL Eliminate sources of ignition. Prevent additional discharge of material, if possible to do so without hazard. For small spills implement cleanup procedures; for large spills implement cleanup procedures and, if in public area, keep public away and advise authorities. Also, if this product is subject to CERCLA reporting (see Section 15 REGULATORY INFORMATION) notify the National Response Center. Prevent liquid from entering sewers, watercourses, or low areas. Contain spilled liquid with sand or earth. Do not use combustible materials such as sawdust. Recover by pumping (use an explosion proof or hand pump) or with a suitable absorbent. Consult an expert on disposal of recovered material and ensure conformity to local disposal regulations. WATER SPILL Eliminate sources of ignition. Warn occupants and shipping in surrounding and downwind areas of fire and explosion hazard and request all to stay clear. Remove from surface by skimming or with suitable adsorbents. If allowed by local authorities and environmental agencies, sinking and/or suitable dispersants may be used in non -confined waters. Consult an expert on disposal of recovered material and ensure conformity to local disposal regulations. SECTION 7 STORAGE AND HANDLING Continues on page 4 02/27/98 FRI 15:31 FAX LJ005 1 Aug 1997 16:46 Page 5 of 22 VARSOL 1 SOLVENT MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET EXXON CHEMICAL COMPANY A Division of EXXON CORPORATION PAGE: 4 DATE PREPARED: MAY 31, 1997 MSDS NO.: 92890627 ELECTROSTATIC ACCUMULATION HAZARD: Yes, use proper grounding procedure. Additional information regarding safe handling of products with static accumulation potential can be ordered by contacting the American Petroleum Institute (API) for API Recommended Practice 2003, entitled "Protection Against Ignitions Arising Out of Static, Lighting, and Stray Currents" (American Petroleum Institute, 1220 L Street Northwest, Washington, DC 20005), or the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) for NFPA 77 entitled "Static Electricity" (National Fire Protection Association, 1 Batterymaroh Park, P.O. Box 9101, Quincy, MA 02269-9101). STORAGE TEMPERATURE, Deg F: Ambient LOADING/UNLOADING TEMPERATURE, Deg F: Ambient STORAGE/TRANSPORT PRESSURE, mmHg: Atmospheric LOADING/UNLOADING VISCOSITY, cSt: 1.2 STORAGE AND HANDLING: Keep container closed. Handle and open containers with care. Store in a cool, well ventilated place away from incompatible materials. Do NOT handle or store near an open flame, heat or other sources of ignition. Protect material from direct sunlight. Material will accumulate static charges which may cause an electrical spark (ignition source). Use proper grounding procedures. Do NOT pressurize, cut, heat, or weld containers. Empty product containers may contain product residue. Do NOT reuse empty containers without commercial cleaning or reconditioning. SECTION 8 EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTION EXPOSURE CONTROLS The use of local exhaust ventilation is recommended to control process emissions near the source. Laboratory samples should be handled in a lab hood. Provide mechanical ventilation of confined spaces. See respiratory protection recommendations. PERSONAL PROTECTION For open systems where contact is likely, wear safety glasses with side shields, long sleeves, and chemical resistant gloves. Where contact may occur, wear safety glasses with side shields. Where concentrations in air may exceed the limits given in this Section and engineering, work practice or other means of exposure reduction are not adequate, NIOSH/MSHA approved respirators may be necessary to prevent overexposure by inhalation. Continues on page 5 s I • 02/27/98 FRI 15:31 FAX 1 Aug 1997 16:48 VARSOL 1 SOLVENT 2006 Page 6 of 22 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET EXXON CHEMICAL COMPANY A Division of EXXON CORPORATION PAGE: DATE PREPARED: MSDS NO.: 5 MAY 31, 1997 92890627 WORKPLACE EXPOSURE GUIDELINES OSHA REGULATION 29CFR1910.1000 REQUIRES THE FOLLOWING PERMISSIBLE EXPOSURE LIMITS: A TWA of 100 ppm (525 mg/m3) for Stoddard Solvent. A TWA of 25 ppm (125 mg/m3) for Trimethyl Benzene. The recommended permissible exposure levels indicated above reflect the levels revised by OSHA in 1989 or in subsequent regulatory activity. Although the 1989 levels have since been vacated by the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals, Exxon Chemical recommends that the lower exposure levels be observed as reasonable worker protection. THE ACGIH RECOMMENDS THE FOLLOWING THRESHOLD LIMIT VALUES: A TWA of 100 ppm (525 mg/m3) for Stoddard Solvent. A TWA of 25 ppm (123 mg/m3) for Trimethyl Benzene. EXXON RECOMMENDS THE FOLLOWING OCCUPATIONAL EXPOSURE LIMITS: 100 ppm total hydrocarbon based on composition. SECTION 9 PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES SPECIFIC GRAVITY at Deg F: VAPOR PRESSURE, mmHg at Deg F: SOLUBILITY IN WATER, wt. 96 at Deg F: VISCOSITY OF LIQUID, cSt at Deg F: SP. GRAV. OF VAPOR, at 1 atm (Air=1): FREEZING/MELTING POINT, Deg F: EVAPORATION RATE, n-Bu Acetate=1: BOILING POINT, Deg F: 0.80 at 60 2 at 68 Approximate Less than 0.01 at 77 4 ..- 1.3 at 77 Approximate 3.50 Calculated 1 Less than 0.1 315 to 394 SECTION 10 STABILITY AND REACTIVITY STABILITY: Stable CONDITIONS TO AVOID INSTABILITY: Peroxide hazard on concentration; inhibitor has been added to mitigate peroxide hazard HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION: Will not occur CONDITIONS TO AVOID HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION: Not Applicable MATERIALS AND CONDITIONS TO AVOID INCOMPATIBILITY: Halogens, molten sulfur, strong oxidizing agents. HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS: None Continues on page 6 02/27/98 FRI 15:32 FAX l Hug 'WWI 10:40 E 007 rage I OT Zz MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET EXXON CHEMICAL COMPANY A Division of EXXON CORPORATION PAGE: 6 DATE PREPARED: MAY 31, 1997 MSDS NO.: 92890627 VARSOL 1 SOLVENT SECTION 11 TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION Please refer to Section 3 for available information on potential health effects. SECTION 12 ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION No specific ecological data are available for this product. Please refer to Section 6 for information regarding accidental releases and Section 15 for regulatory reporting information. SECTION 13 DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS Please refer to Sections 5, 6 and 15 for disposal and regulatory information. SECTION 14 TRANSPORT INFORMATION DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (DOT): DOT SHIPPING DESCRIPTION: PETROLEUM DISTILLATE, N.O.S., COMBUSTIBLE LIQUID, UN 1288, III Note: In containers of 119 gallons capacity or less this product is not regulated by DOT. SECTION 15 REGULATORY INFORMATION TSCA: This product is listed on the TSCA Inventory as a UVCB (Unknown, Variable Composition or Biological) Chemical at CAS Registry Number 8052-41-3 Clean Water Act/Oil Pollution Act: This product is classified as an oil under Section 311 of the Clean Water Act (40 CFR 110) and the Oil Pollution Act of 1990. Discharge or spills which produce a visible sheen on either surface water, or in waterways/sewers which lead to surface water, must be reported to the National Response Center at 800-424-8802. CERCLA: If this product is accidentally spilled, it is not subject to any special reporting under the requirements of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act. We recommend you contact local authorities to determine if there may be other local reporting requirements. SARA TITLE III: Under the provisions of Title III, Sections 311/312 of the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act, this product is classified into the following hazard categories: Delayed Health, Fire. Continues on page 7 1 1 r 02/27/98 FRI 15:32 FAX 1 Aug 1997 16:46 al 008 Page 8 of 22 VARSOL 1 SOLVENT MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET EXXON CHEMICAL COMPANY A Division of EXXON CORPORATION PAGE: 7 DATE PREPARED: MAY 31, 1997 MSDS NO.: 92890627 This information may be subject to the provisions of the Community Right -to -Know Reporting Requirements (40 CFR 370) if threshold quantity criteria are met. This product contains the following Section 313 Reportable Ingredients: COMPONENT CAS # MAX. 96 1,2,4 Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6 4.0 SECTION 16 OTHER INFORMATION HAZARD RATING SYSTEMS: This information is for people trained in: National Paint & Coatings Association's (NPCA) Hazardous Materials Identification System (HMIS) National Fire Protection Association (NFPA 704) Identification of the Fire Hazards of Materials NPCA-HMIs NFPA 704 HEALTH 1 0 FLAMMABILITY 2 2 REACTIVITY 0 0 REVISION SUMMARY: Since May 23, 1996 this MSDS has been revised in Section(s): 10 KEY 4 = Severe 3 = Serious 2 = Moderate 1 = Slight 0 = Minimal REFERENCE NUMBER: SUPERSEDES ISSUE DATE: HDHA-C-25038 May 23, 1996 This information relates to the specific material designated and may not be valid for such material used in combination with any other materials or in any process. Such information is to the best of our knowledge and belief, accurate and reliable as of the date compiled. However, no representation, warranty or guarantee is made as to its accuracy, reliability or completeness. It is the users responsibility to satisfy himself as to the suitability and completeness of such information for his own particular use. We do not accept liability for any loss or damage that may occur from the use of this information nor do we offer warranty against patent infringement. f LAST PAGE 1 } 1 02/27/98 FRI 15:33 FAX VAPOR PRESSURE (mmHg) 1000 100 10 1 0.1 VARSOL 1 _...._.__........__..1....._..___._... ..._._.......-- r 0 50 100 150 200 TEMPERATURE ("F) Temperature fin VPVARSOLXLS 222025 Z0'd LtiL2 SEti AIL 40 50 60 68 77 100 150 200 250 300 Co 009 260 300 350 Vapor PressurejmmHq) 0.69 1.04 1.53 2.09 2.92 6.46 28.01 92.17 247.18 567.12 ikip320 11 - NOXXG 0E : V T L66T-90-9fld 15:33 FAX THE MERCK INDEX AN ENCYCLOPEDIA OF CHEMICALS, DRUGS, AND BIOLOGICALS ELEVENTH EDITION Susan Budavari, Editor Maryadele J. O'Neil, Associate Editor Ann Smith, Assistant Editor Patricia E. Heckelman, Editorial Assistant Published by MERCK & CO., INC. RAHWAY, N.J., U.S.A 1989 02/27/98 FRI 15;33 FAX 6119 Minaprine isoln: N. K. Hart et aL, Heterocycles 7, 265 (1977). Struc- ture: Adams, Jones, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 69, 1803 (1947). Synthesis: Adams, Johnson, ibid. 71, 705 (1949). Identity of mimosine and leucenol: Klcipool, Wibaut, Rec. Tray. Chico. 69, 37 (1950); Wibaut, Schuhmacher, ibid. 71, 1017 (1952). Crystal structure: A. Mostad et al.. Acta Chem. Scand. 27, 164 (1973). Shown to cause inhibition of hair growth and loss of hair in mice: Crounse et at, Nature 194, 694 (1962). Explanation of the toxicity in animals: J. F. Thompson et aL, Ann. Rev. Binchem. 38, 137 (1969). d!-Form, crystals from water, cop 235-236°. Slightly sol in water, touch less sol in methanol and ethanol; practically insol in the higher alcohols, in dioxane, ethyl acetate, ether, benzene, chloroform, glacial acetic acid, pyridine, Cellosolve. Sol in dil acids or bases and may be recovered from these solns by adjusting the pH so that it is just acid to broincre- sol green. ttv max: 282 nm (log E 4.23). d1-Hemihydrate, crystals, darkens at. 215-226°, mp 227- 228°. 1-Form, crystals from water, mp 225'. [a]f —20°. Hydrochloride, C,,H13CINt04, dee 175°, sol in water. Hydrobromide. CH11BrN20„ des 179.5', sol in water. Usti: Depilatory agent, Hegarty et aL, Aust. J. Agr. Res. 15, 153 (1964), C.A. 60, 16405e (1964), 6119. 1Vlinaprine. N-(4-Methyl-6-phenyl-3-pyridazin- yl)-4-,norpholincethanamine; 4-j2-04-methy!•6-phenyl-3. pyridazinyl)anrinoJetlrydjnurpltoline. C1}HaN4O; cool wt 298.40. C 68.43%, it 7.43%, N 18.78%, 0 5.36%. Prepn: H. Laborit, Ger. pat. 2,229,215; ident, U.S. pat. 4,169,158 (1973. 1979 to Centre Etudes Expel-. Clin. Physio-Biologic); C.-G. Wcrmuth. A. Exingcr, Agressnlogie 13, 285 (1972). Pharmacology: 1'1. Laborit et at., ibid. 291. Metabolism of 14C-minaprinc: A. G. Rico et al., J. Pharmacol. 9, 170 (1978). Pharmacokinetics: J. P. Jeanniot et al., ibid. 169. Clinical evaluation: A. Garcia-Mafila, M. H. do Garcia, Pharntatherapeuticu 2, 265 (1979). Pharmacological evalua- tion in depression: K. Biziere et aL, Arzneimittel-Forsch. 32, 824 (1982). Toxicologic study: A. G. Mazure er al.. Agres- sologie 13, 319 (1972). hITCHZC112 \ / Ca, Fine huff -colored needles from isopropanol, cop 122". lnsol in water. Slightly sol in cold ethanol, sol in hot etha- nol, chloroform. Dihydrochloride. C17H29C15N40, Agr 1240, C11-30038, Srattur, Cantor. Crystals from abs ethanol, mp 182". THERM, CAT: Psychotropic. 6120. Mineral Splrit.S. Petroleum spirits; white spirits; turpentine substitutes. Name applied to various types of hydrocarbon solvents, primarily petroleum distillates, which have flash points above 100'F (38°C) and distillation ranges between 300°F (149°C) and 415°F (213'C). See: A.S.T.M. Standard Specifications D 235-83, 71-73 (1983). Type 1, Stoddard solvent, Texxolre S, Varsol 1. Regular mineral spirits. Clear liquid. Flash pt (min): 38°C (100°F). d15,M1 0.754.0.820. Distillation range: initial bp (min), 149"C (300°F); 50% recovered (max), 182°C (360°F); dry pt (max), 208°C (407°F'), Type 11. High flash point mineral spirits. flash pt (min): 60°C (140"F). dj56 0.768-0.820. Distillatiun range: initial bp (min), 177°C (350"F); 50% recovered (max), 196°C (385"F); dry pt (max). 211"C (412°F). Type II1. Odorless mineral spirits. Flash pt (min): 3 C (too°F). d]s- 0.775 (max). Distillation range' initial b dry pt (max),(2103 C)(415°F).ecovered (max), 196°C (385°Fj Type IV, Texeolt'e S-2, Varsnl 3. I..ow dry point ntinrrnl spirits. Flash pt (mitt): 38°C (100°F). dal 0.754-0 g% Distillation range: initial bp (min), 149°C (300°F): 50-. recovered (max), 174`C (3457); dry pt (max), 18� C (36r1') clean: Solvent;epaint thinner. In the coatings and dry 6121. Minocycline. 4,7-I3is(dinrethylamino)-p a 4a,5„ 5a, 6, I I, f 2a-octa h yd ro-3, 10, I2, 12a-t et ra hydroxy-1,1 l •di naa 2-napltthacenecarboxamide; 7-dimcthylamino-6-dentethlq. 6-deoxytetracycline; Minocyn. C13H27N307; mot wt 457.49 C 60.38%, Ii 5.95%, N 9.18%, 0 24.48`,''c, Semi-syntltetk antibiotic effective against tetracycline -resistant staphylo, cocci. Prepn: Boothe, Petisi, U.S. pats. 3,148,212 into 3,226,436 (1964 and 1965 to Am. Cyanamid). Synthesis Martell, Boothe, J. Med. Chem. 1(1, 44 (1967); Church era!, J. Org, Chern. 36, 723 (1971); Bernardi et al., Farmuco &I, Set 30, 736 (1975). Activity data: Kradolfer et al., Antlnti, crab. Ag. Chemother. 1966, 359. Metabolism: Kelly, Kane, gis, Toxicol. Appt Pharrrtacal, 11, 171 (1967). Toxicity slug, ics: Noble et al., ibid. 128. Clinical evaluation: Frisk, Tunevall, Anrienicrob. Ag. Chemother. 1968, 335; Cappel, Klastersky, Curr. Thee. Res. 13, 227 (1971). Comprehends[ description! V. Zbinovsky, G. P. Chrekian in Analytical Profiles of Drug Substances vol. 6, K. Florey, Ed. (Academic Press, New York, 1977) pp 323-339. (C113)5N H H 8(CH3)2 . off COM 1 1 OH E. OH 0 0H O Bright yellow -orange amorphous solid. In]p —166° (c 0.524). uv max (0.1N HC1): 352, 263 rim (log a 4.16, 4,21). (0.1 N Na0H): 380, 243 nm (log e 4.30, 4.38). Hydrochloride, C23H3NCIN307, Minncin, Klinetnycl6, bfirrotrtycin, Vectrin. Yellow crystalline powder. Slightly hygroscopic; sensitive to light and to surface oxidation. THERAI' CAT: Antibacterial. 6122. Minoxidll• 64I-Piperidinyl)-2,4-pyrintidinedb amine 3-oxide; 6-amino•1,2•diltydro-l-hydroxy2-iritina4 piperidirtopyrirnidine; 2,3-diltydra-3-hydroxy-2-imin0.6• (1-piperidinyl)-4-pyrimidinaminc; 2,4-diamino-6-piperidl• nopy'rintidine 3-oxide; 6-piperidino-2,4-diatninopyritnidtnt 3-oxide; P12P; U-i0,858; Alopexil; Alostil; Lanitert; 1,01O' lox; Minoximcn; Prexidil; Rogaine; Rogaine; Tricoxidil. ty H15N50; mot wt 209.25. C 51.66%, H 7.225, N 33.47%, A 7.65% Prepn: Neth. pat. Appl. 6,615,385; W. C. Anthony et al., U.S. pat. 3,382,247 (1967, 1968 both to Upjohn); 1. M. McCall et al., J. Org. Cheat. 40, 3304 (1975), See also C. Anthony, U.S. pat. 3,644,364 (1972 to Upjohn). Melsb• olism: R. C. Thomas et al., J. Pharnt, Sci. 64, 1360 (1974 Pharmacology and pharmac.okinetics: D. T. Lowenthal e1 al., J. Clin. Pharmacol. 18, 500 (1978). Percutaneous ab• sorption and excretion: '1'. J. Franz, Arch. Dennatol, 121, 203 (1985). Clinical studies; O. Andersson, R. SivcrtuslM• Acta Med. Scand. 205, 213 (1979); M. Moser, Adran• fir° dial. 26, 38 (1979). Clinical trial in early male pattern mod' ness: E. A. Olsen et al., J. Am. Acad. Derm°tol. 13, lltj (1985). Toxicology; R. G. Carlson, E. 5. Feenstra, ToF4 Appl. Pharmacol- 39, 1 (1977). Review of phartomacolog g81 therapeutic use: V. M. Caese, Drugs 22, 257-278 (I Review of topical application in baldness: E. Novak et °1" Int, J. Dennatol. 24, 82 (1985). Comprehensive descoPilO t D. K. J. Gorecki in Analytical Profiles of Drug Subs lgB6? vol. 17, K. Florey, Ed. (Academic Press. New Y°rk, 185-219. Page 976 Cart.sUlf the cross index before using this section. 011 Crystals from melt an 161° (Anthony, 1972)- 1 261, 285 nm (E 35210, 1 {836 00E 211t400, 2120 0) le, methanol 44, etltano oxide 6.5, water 2.2, ch acetate <0.5, diethyl etl- c0.5. LD,a in rats, m recnstra)- THERAP CAT: Antibyp' 6123. Miokamycin. diPrupanuare; 9,3"-disc ntycin; Mi°camycin. t,p.18%, H 7.97%, Nr,.5 dcriv of midecamy t 8ok5i 74 124087 (1974 0moto el al., J. Antibiot Chem. Letters 1978, 171 tics of crystalline and rl al., Chem. Pharnt, B. vivo antibacterial activil 34, 436 (1981). Meta Mann. Bull. 29, 2413 studies: U. Shibata et C.A. 96, 62631x (1982 studies: Y. Toyonaga 216y (1983). Mutagcni Antibiot. 34, 443 (1981 P - oct5,CII., II Tasteless crystals I coloration). [n]„ — 5. (c = 1 in methanol): acetone, chloroform. crystalline form cony, squcous suspension. kiln, the non -crystal) than the crystalline f, ntERAP CAT: Antit! 6124, Mipafox, 4m ridr;idic bis6sopropylfluoride;anN, Pestox Xv. C HiF A.ttS %, F 10.43%, tN P°and ct al., Brt. p Cheri. Soc. 1956, 37 Crystals, cop 65°. t'sE: Insecticide. 6125, Miraculin,