HomeMy WebLinkAboutWI0800040_Correspondence_199802230/24/98 TUE 08:58 FAX 512 425 2199 DE&S AUSTIN Zoo' DATE: Marcr. , 1998 TO: Mr. Marcus Geist North Carolina DEHNR FROM: John Londercan PHONE: 919-715 B e6 FAX: 919-715-0588 ;F-11' 3 PHONE: (512)425-2028 RE: Letter to Dr. Williams of the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services on Arsenic in Calcium Chloride Sources and Potential Impact Lo CC: NA Number of pages including cover sheet: Comments: Duke Engineering & Services, Inc. 9111 Research Boulevard Austin, Texas 78758 Telephone: (512) 425-2000 Facsimile: (512) 425-2099 DE&ES Duke Engineering &Services 03724/98 TUE 08:58 FAX 512 425 2199 DE&S AUSTIN J002 ❑E&S Dukeffigineming&Stmikes 9111 Research Boulevard Austin, TX 78758 March 19, 1998 Dr. Luanne Williams North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services Occupational and Environmental Epidemiology Section P.O. Box 29601 Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0601 512 425-2000 Fax 512 425-2099 RE: Additional Information Requested to Do Risk Assessment For a Proposed Partitioning Interwell Tracer Test at Site 88, Building HP 25, Camp Lejeune, North Carolina Dear Dr. Williams: We initially forwarded information to support a risk assessment, as referenced above, on November 19, 1997 and December 12, 1997. One of the injectates discussed was calcium chloride. We have since discovered that the calcium chloride salt contains a maximum of 3 nig/L arsenic. When a 1,000 mg/L calcium chloride injectate solution is prepared, this will imply a maximum arsenic concentration in the injectate of 3 ug/L. The injection/extraction operations will be performed only in the shallow aquifer. This aquifer consists of approximately ten feet of saturated fine sand and silt found at a depth of 8 to 18 feet below ground surface. There is a competent clay layer at the base of the aquifer which separates in from the underlying Castle-Hayne aquifer. The clay layer is able to support a head difference of 8 feet between the aquifers. The calcium in the injectate prevents the deflocculation of clay minerals present in the aquifer. If calcium is not used, fines are mobilized in the aquifer which then lodge in pore spaces small enough to capture them. This leads to a significant degradation in hydraulic conductivity making the injection/extraction operations required to remediate the shallow aquifer impractical. The purpose of this letter is to provide further information on the food grade calcium chloride we propose to use. Sources for Calcium We have investigated numerous grades and sources for calcium. The purest grade of calcium we have found in the quantities required for this work is food grade. None of the sources for calcium we found state a maximum possible concentration of arsenic less than 08/24/98 TUE 08:59 FAX 512 425 2199 DE&S AUSTIN Q]003 DE iS Dareagmeeri &Serr ices 3 mg/L. This criteria is apparently based on the Food Chemical Codex limit stipulated for food grade calcium chloride. Additional sources for calcium chloride investigated are calcium sulfate and calcium carbonate. A copy of the page from the Food Chemicals Codex for food grade calcium chloride showing the 3 mg/L maximum permissible concentration of arsenic is attached. Water Supply Wells There are no active water supply wells located within a one mile radius of the work site. The nearest active water supply well is HP-642 which is located approximately 1.5 miles east of the site. There are no private wells within the confines of Camp Lejeune and none are allowed. All water on base is supplied by the Camp Lejeune water distribution system (analogous to a municipal water supply system). The closest off -base property and hence the nearest possible private well, is approximately 4 miles from Site 88 to the northeast. Surface Water The New River, located approximately 3,000 feet west of the site, is the nearest surface water. Estimated Maximum Downgradient Dissolved Arsenic Concentrations The ground water flow direction in the vicinity of Building HP25 is to the southwest. To estimate the maximum concentrations of arsenic which may be found downgradient of the demonstration area, it was assumed that the demonstration would last for three months and that during that entire period of operation, 0.5 gallons of injectate with a dissolved arsenic concentration of 3 ug/L would be lost to the aquifer every minute of continuos injection/extraction operations. The analytical solution of De Josselin De Jongl was used. The analysis determined that once natural ground water movement has displaced the plume a distance of 100 meters down gradient (southwest), the maximum arsenic concentration will be approximately 0.06 ug/L. Given the natural ground water gradient at the site and the relatively low hydraulic conductivity of the sediments, it is estimated that it will take approximately 10 years to reach the peak concentration at that distance. By the time the plume has been displaced 900 meters, or the approximate distance to the New River, it is estimated that the maximum arsenic concentration will be 0.006 ug/L. A worksheet showing the assumptions of the analyses and resultant data curves is attached. Once again, any arsenic introduced into the aquifer will be carried by natural ground water flow toward the southwest. The nearest public supply well is located some 1.5 miles east I De Josselin De Jong, G. 1958. Longitudinal and transverse diffusion in granular deposits. Transactions, American Geophysical Union 39, no. 1:67. 0i/24/98 TUE 09:00 FAX 512 425 2199 DE&S AUSTIN 0 004 DE Ddieigineethig&Sentes (generally upgradient) of the site. The nearest possible private water supply well is no closer than 4 miles to the northeast. Collection of Ground Water Samples for Arsenic Analysis Ground water samples were collected from two wells installed in the shallow aquifer at the demonstration area on November 17, 1997. The detection limit for the analyses was 100 ug/L. Both samples were non -detect for arsenic. To monitor the possible impact of the injection of arsenic associated with the calcium chloride we propose to inject, we suggest the collection of ground water samples from four wells in the demonstration area before injection operations are begun. We then propose to collect samples from the same wells after 4 weeks of injection and then at the end of the PITT (9 weeks). The samples would be analyzed for the presence of dissolved arsenic using SW 846 method 206.2. This is a graphite furnace method for water samples. The detection limit is 5 us/L. We propose collecting ground water samples from the wells in the demonstration area instead of from wells downgradient for two reasons. The first is that with the relatively low hydraulic conductivity of the shallow aquifer (as discussed above), arrival of any dissolved arsenic at downgradient wells will not be immediate. The travel time for a peak concentration from the demonstration area to a point just forty feet away would be approximately one year. The second is that the wells in the demonstration area where the injection takes place should exhibit the highest concentrations and therefore provide the best estimate of any potential impact. Conservative Interwell Tracer Test (CITT1 A CITT is planned prior to the full partitioning interwell tracer test. The CITT we propose will consist of injecting a solution of either isopropyl alcohol or methanol mixed at 1,000 mg/L and sodium fluorescein mixed at 200 mg/L. The concentrations of these compounds would be reduced by continued extraction operations after their introduction to average concentrations of 1 to 5 mg/L in the demonstration area. The analysis of maximum concentrations which would be found downgradient, as presented in our letter to you of December 12, 1997, would be valid for these compounds as well. The results of the CITT will be incorporated into the final design of the PITT. We had originally hoped to use a solution of 10,000 mg/L calcium chloride to perform the CITT but have abandoned that idea in favor of using the compounds discussed above due to discovery that the calcium chloride salt contains a maximum of 3 mg/L arsenic. 63/24/98 TUE 09:01 FAX 512 425 2199 DE&S AUSTIN lJ005 DE€'S Duke ilom th sprwas I would like to thank you for your attention to this matter. If there are any questions or if more information is required, please call me. Sincerely, John T. Londe an Senior Hydro eologist cc: Ms. Laura Yeh, Naval. Facilities Engineering Service Center Ms. Dianne Reid, North Carolina DEEINR Mr. David J. Lown, North Carolina DEHNR Mr. Marcus Geist, North Carolina DEHNR Ms. Kate Landman, Naval Facilities Engineering Command Mr, Mick Senus, AC/S EMD Camp Lejeune Mr. Matthew Batman, Baker Environmental Mr. Fred Holzmer, Duke Engineering and Services 03/24/98 TUE 09:01 FAX 512 425 2199 DE&S AUSTIN 006 ................................................ ........ ........... • .................................................... ................................. ........... . 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No. 10035-04-8) or anhydrous calcium chloride (CaCl<INF>2,</INF> CAS Reg. No. 10043-52-4) may be commercially obtained as a byproduct in the ammonia -soda (Solvay) process and as a joint product from natural salt brines, or it may be prepared by substitution reactions with other calcium and chloride salts. (b) The ingredient meets the specifications of the Food Chemicals Codex, 3d Ed. (1982), p. 47, which is incorporated by reference. Copies are available from the National Academy Press, 2101 Constitution Ave. NW., Washington, DC 20418, or available for inspection at the Office of the Federal Register, 800 North Capitol Street, NW., suite 700, Washington, DC 20408. (c) The ingredient is used as an anticaking agent as defined in sec. 170.3(0)(1) of this chapter; antimicrobial agent as defined in Sec. 170.3(0)(2) of this chapter; curing or pickling agent as defined in Sec. 170.3(o)(5) of this chapter; firming agent as defined in Sec. 170.3(o)(10) of this chapter; flavor enhancer as defined in Sec. 170.3(0)(11) of this chapter; humectant as defined in Sec. 170.3(0)(16) of this chapter; nutrient supplement as defined in Sec. 170.3(0)(20) of this chapter; pH control agent as defined in sec. 170.3(0)(23) of this chapter; processing aid as defined in Sec. 170.3(o)(24) of this chapter; stabilizer and thickener as defined in Sec. 170.3(0)(28) of this chapter; surface-active agent as defined in Sec. 170.3(0)(29) of this chapter; synergist as defined in Sec. 170.3(o)(31) of this chapter; and texturizer as defined in Sec. 170.3(o)(32) of this chapter. (d) The ingredient is used in foods at levels not to exceed current good manufacturing practices in accordance with Sec. 184.1(b)(1). Current good manufacturing practices result in a maximum level, as served, of 0.3 percent for baked goods as defined in Sec. 170.3(n)(1) of this chapter and for dairy product analogs as defined in Sec. 170.3(n)(10) of this chapter; 0.22 percent for nonalcoholic beverages and beverage bases [[Page 461]] as defined in Sec. 170.3(n)(3) of this chapter; 0.2 percent for cheese as defined in Sec. 170.3(n)(5) of this chapter and for processed fruit and fruit juices as defined in Sec. 170.3(n)(35) of this chapter; 0.32 percent for coffee and tea as defined in Sec. 170.3(n)(7) of this chapter; 0.4 percent for condiments and relishes as defined in Sec. 170.3(n)(8) of this chapter; 0.2 percent for gravies and sauces as defined in Sec. 170.3(n)(24) of this chapter; 0.1 percent for commercial jams and jellies as defined in Sec. 170.3(n)(28) of this chapter; 0.25 http://frwebgate2. access. gpo. gov/cgi-bin/waisgate. cgi?WAISdocID=524604521+1+0+0&WAIS aiti6if98etrieve 03/24/98 TUE 09:05 FAX 512 425 2199 DE&S AUSTIN Zoos WAIS Document Retrieval Page 2 of 2 percent for meat products as defined in Sec. 170.3(n)(29) of this chapter; 2.0 percent for plant protein products as defined in Sec. 170.3(n)(33) of this chapter; 0.4 percent for processed vegetables and vegetable juices as defined in Sec. 170.3(n)(36) of this chapter; and 0.05 percent for all other food categories. (e) Prior sanctions for this ingredient different from the uses established in this section do not exist or have been waived. [47 FR 27808, June 25, 1982, as amended at 61 FR 14247, Apr. 1, 1996] http://f webgate2.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/waisgate.cgi?WAISdocID=524604521+1+0+0&WAISa [9Setrieve 03/24/98 TUE 09:05 FAX 512 425 2199 DE&S AUSTIN Zj 009 Assumptions: Rates of over injection 0.5 gpm 96.25 ft^3/day injection duration 3 month 90 clays Porosity 0.3 Uniformed thickness 8 ft Conductivity 0.0005 cm/s Hydraulic gradient 0.014 DL= 1 m21d D3= 0.1 meld Co 3 ppb Assuming no retardation and degradation Calculations: Total Volume injected 64795.5 gals 8662.5 ft' Source Size 3609.375 ft2 335.3 m2 Source Radia 10.33135 m Darcy velocity =K*I 7.00E-06 cm/s 0.006048 mid seepage velocity =K"I/porosity 2.3333E-05 cm/s 0.02016 mid The following figure shows the results based on the analytical equation from De Josselin De Jong (1958), The equation can also be found in the text book by Fetter(1993). Time (years) or Distance (in) 1000.0 10.0 1.0 10.000 1.000 0 0.100 8 1 0.010 0.1 I i 1 0.001 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 Distance from the source(m) Time required to reach this distance (years) - - Plume x dimension (m) -NNW --Plume ydimension (m) - Peak Concentration (ppb) References: (1) De Josselin De Jong, G. 1958. "Longitudinal and Transverse Diffusion In Granular Deposits" Trans, American Geophysical Union 39, no. 1:67 (2) FetterC.W. 1093. Contaminant Hydrogeoiogy, Macmillan Publishing Company.