HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2021-03055_Well Construction - GW1_20210624 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD(GW-1) For lnt,:rnaltiseOnly 1.Nkell Contract it iuj-ormation: 14.WATE.R ZONES REG A 7F—RO%l -to I DESCRIPTON i ft. ft. 11 C��� NC Weil COMM'3"t frS3110n R CASING(fur malts taxed w Is)Rt LINER(ifs pelicable) n- �IR Secto" 420=111": TO DiAVIETERe! TAWKNMS i MATERIAL 'SER CASING OR TURI\G(egothbrival closed400pl Jolo-6055,5 i—Wolvll' To Dl..,.%lvrER THICK ES MATERIAL 2.MAI Coustrui,;iion Permit... in. ;:=Fip v-- boallappli,mi'lle 1;*at1i,Iilper,n?!,if.,.17C.ComiA. ia,wsiw-i'l, I -IQ ft, 2r- I- ft. 3.Nii ell I Se icfic.: Cil use): 17*SCRVEN Aan,ultural ; TO ater Supply M ell: I DIAMETER SLOT SIZE 51ATERML nmu !,public in. (jecitherna!(I Cooling sup".1k.; M<sidential* ter SuPPIN (single) f.. in. f lndust-naVCor..,,--.--! OResidential Water Suppl%tshared) i is.Gizon* rRom TO MATERIAL ENIPI.AC*ENIENT%IETHOD&ANIOI;NT 8on-%VatcrSur,:!. '—.H: I qC,Lk .Monkoring, DRecovery ft. Injection Well: Aqu;-.er ikech; rlGrounamawr Remediaucin Aquifer Stora�,.,- "ecOverN Salinity Barrier 19.SAMY(,RAVEL PACK(ifatiplicable) f FROM TO MATERIAL! I E.MPLACEVIENTNIErHOD Au-,&`er T"t 13Storrimater Drainage r, ft. Fxp,mmenia; nSubsidencv Control ft. 10.DRIL.L.NG LOG(artach additional sheen,if necessary) FRO%l TO DESCRIPTION 1;olor,hardness,ioillroti, grain size,etc.) [30ther ,i"r,fam under#21 Remarks i YA I 4.Date NN ell(s) cmll icled: 41 %Vell If)# 5a.Well LocaC. Fac:14% lhNner Nc. 1D-*il:aPv1l,:::b1e) ft. :1.RE.N*.,,RKS Coan1% Parcel ldenii fication No.i PIN: ib.Latitudean—w—%"de in dri.1:-v"-niinutesisecondsordeciinaI degrees- Cert','wation: 350,38l" 1.2. 04qrot Wo" 6.lswre)the or OTemporar) Bare 4=� 1/11 ,t 'I'vill -%I,form.I hef%,hl 11110F III,, wo.,AWIV,0IH1!M%:1rd fit'I'vol-dimce 7.Is thisa rep:3 f-:Ming tis t.1!: 0 Yes or tifibl, . 'Ild'..Yriom alemillfiv nl fito repair raid.-r 21 ."'U'm or,It III dit,,1--of 33.Sitci:agram or additional weil dezaik: 8.For Geoprobc M,i or Closed-Loop Geothermal NN ells Ila\ing tine same You mt;,\ .:se tile thack of tills naze to provide additional\ve!]site details or well construction.or is nceovj indicate'YOTAI.Nl',MBER of\kelis derails. You rnoy also all additional pages i:'necessary. driiivd' SI SUIT'!AL INSTRUCTIONS 9.Total well de-1 J M 11 �i, land suriace: 4A4-I-' (ft-i 24a. For All Wells Subm,:i ,h!s %\ahm K, days O.'completion of well 1-firmull,ple 101i'l ,:onstrLlCl1.,l1 t0 the J*0110W1ll,: 10.Static water relou top w1casing: go (ft.) );vision of Water kesout-c'es.information Processirg Unit, if ts-,Jfir to-C/I, 0•. 1"', 1617 Mail Service Ce tter.Ralel.h,NC 27699-1617 11.Borehole (ill.) 241). Foi niection NVells: in a Iaiu6n to sending the form to the address in 24a e,air sabi-na one this�tGinan ktimin 30 days ol'cornpletiOn of well 12 y1 1ti:onsll. it)wl,fifliom.ing. ffivis;,,n of Water Resources,L uder2round Injection Control Program, FOR UATER:- 1636.Nlail Service Center.Raleigh,NC27699-1636 ei 13a,Yield(a n,, ,_I) '14c• For\\ater Sunni%,& Inoection iVells: In 34di,.ion to sending the form to �p Method of tcstl� Dig - * d I '11C above. also summilotie cool, of glib l6m, witiliri 30 daYS of 131k Disinlecti" 10 f N"It Amount: -i -) rzinent of the county �onlplc;;�-ii of conmru,:uc�n dei a 'Ailere C-!;%'UZtej 2-22-2016