HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQ0042499_Application (ATC)_20210524Central Pdes APS —r SWP 502021 Permit 1Numlaer WQ0042499 Permit Tracking Slip Program Category Status Protect Type Non -discharge In rewew New PtaleCt Permit Type Version permit classification Orav,ty Seaver Extension Pump Stations 3 Pressure Sewer Extensions A rndwdual Primary Reviewer ryler berisan Coastal S1NRule Permitted Flow Facility Permit Contact Affiliation Facility Flame Majorlminor Region Hunters Bay SUbdnnsion Minor Wilmington Location Address County Btu nswrck Facility Contact Afl}riation Owner Owner Name C*Aer Type Brunswick County Government • County Owner Affiliation John Nichols PE PO Box 249 {?ates Events Bolivia NC 2642242. Scheduled Orig Issue App Received draft Initiated IssUanCe Public Notice issue Effective Expiration 51412421 Regulated Activities Requested Received Events PARAMOUNT t= M C3 t tv M K R t N c t na c MAY 0 4 2621 122 CINEMA DRIVE Rr- WI L M I N G T U N, N C 2 8 4 0 3 9 1 0- 7 9 1- 6 7 0 7( U) 9 1 4- 7 9 1- 6 7 6 D ( F r tr &r m a wr a t 'Po: NCDE --- - Date V o5f R4jZ1 F 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, NC 28405- 84 Re: Hunter's Ba Fast Track Sewer —Atm_ Dean Hunkele PMectNo. I t841.PE r 9rt sendiri ❑ 0,,als e fCtAowin i[4als ❑ Cotrespondence Prints ❑ Shop Drawings ® Calculations 0 11ans 0 Specifications ® other as listed Wow Quantity Doty Dwg. No. Descri tion Design Narrative w f Site Maps 2 2 FT'SE 10-18 Flow Tracking for Sewer Extension Applications Fo= 2 FT'A 04-16 Fast Tracts Sewer System Extension Appficiuou Farm County Approval Letter CD with a licatioa materlds 2 1 1 $480 Fee (Check #26105 Issue Status ® For Approval ❑ As Requested ❑ Construction ❑ Bid © For Your Use ❑ For Review and Comment ❑ Approved as Noted ❑ See Rtemarks tiou Tatars} ❑ No Exceptions Taken ❑ Make Corrections Noted ❑ amend & Resubmit ❑ Rejected - See Remarks ❑ Approved as Submitted ❑ Other etnarka If re aired, contact Chris Millis for additional information or questions, Thank you. Contact email; CI111llIS(F1.paramquntr-ena.eum Cc: Signed. ! ,Darfen Lorah, EIT State of Nnrth ('arnlirta DWR Department of Environmental Quality Division of Water R"Mirc" I;A ti€'.A€' 02T-0.14111- FAST TRACK SEWER SYSTEM EXTENSION APPLICATION Division of WAter Resources FTA N-16 & SUPPORTING DOCUMFNTATION Applicatir+n Numi+er uiF h mmnplcrcd h} l WkP All ms mutt he con Ieted or the application will he returned I. APPLICANT INFORMATION I. ApplrcanYN name. E3run%wiuk F*swnly (company. munitipalily. HOA. utihly. utcl 2. Applicant l ypc: ❑ Individual ❑ Cnrporanon ❑ General Panncr%hip ❑ Privaicly-Owned Public Utility ❑ Federal Sime/County ❑ Municipal ❑ Otlkr 3. Signawiv autho ity'.natne Wil]orn Pinnix per —'4 V-_,fit' I.r'_I_ IwI(y Rhr Title D to )F Enginecnn 4. Applivanl'% mailing addrt.,- 1 .Q.13gx 249, iildu. 1 City: 13 tic livia Stott: lam' 'Lip: 28422._ 5- Applicant',, csmlacr infonnation: Phnnc nunlhwr:(9111) i�i-2,'AXI Email Addrwsk: w xt� hrunswickcu nc. +r}y 11. PRO.IF.t T iN ORMATION: 1. Fr sqk cl name; Hun ors B wt al Subdivision 2. ApplicationfPnijmt slmius: 0 Proixi.s d (New Permit) ❑ Existing Pcrmi0mlecr l l a modif rcati4m. pruvirte the cxisling pwnnit number: W€]W and issued date; 11" new cunstruclim but purl of a mactwr plan, provide the existing, permit numi+wr: WQXK1 I. Counly where prnjCwt is kwated: Brunswick 4. Approximate Cmrdinales 1Decirnal Degrces1: Lalkude: 33.912 l,r+ngirude: -7K42d 5. ParvclIDWapplicuhlel: 2�1(11H11I Wr Parcel 11) to closed downsireanl wwerl 1. Pmfessional Fnginecr: Chrisla+nher Millis License Nurnher: 036235 Firm: Paramounie En ineerin Inc. Mailing address,: 122 Cingin:ti_I)r City: wilminga+n Scale: NC Zip: 2")3 Phone numher: (910) 791-6707 Email Addrv%%: cmilli ��purarrruuntc•cn cam IV. WASTEWATER TREATMENT FACILITY i WWTFI INFORMATION: 1. facility Name: Sea Trail Permit Nurnkr: WOW1274K (Owner Name: Brunswick c1lunt V. RECEIVING DOWNSTREAM SEWER INFORMATION tit different than WWTF1. I- l�enroil Nurnhcr{sl: Wf {}3liilil Uowmirtarn 1Receivingl Sewer Size: 12 inch S%stern Wide CollecLion System l crmil Numherl%) fit applii ahlel: WQCS002r14 llwnerNnmc(%): BrunswiCk!Q)MQIY FORM: FCA 04A6 Pagw I of 5 vs, GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 1 11 the Applicant i% a Privately -Owned Public Utility, has a Ccrtircaie of Puhlii Convenience and Necessily been auuOled'' ❑ Yes ❑Nu Z llA 2. IF the Applicant is a 17evclnlxr of lots tp 1k %old. has a been atlachcJ'i ❑ Yes []No. ONIA 3- 11 the Applicant is a 11un �f1'ri,l,trly t 1_ tx4t Ass4% t4mn. hi% x3 1 ttkralicmal Aurec•iur_nt (F[]R41_ I c )1 ,1 hcen aaachcd'' ❑ Ycs []No ONIA 4. Origin of wa& watcr. lchcck all that apply Remdt:nlial clwned ❑ Retail (sums, center.. malls( ❑ Car Wash ❑ Rcmd4ntial Leax:d ❑ Relail with ftirxl pwrarationf%ervice ❑ Howl andlor Mniel% ❑ Schniil ! Prrschvml / day cam ❑ Mcdisal I &-mal f veterinary facilities ® Swimming Poul 1Clubhou.e ❑ F otxl and drink facilities ❑ Church ❑ Swimming PmllFdter Backwash ❑ Ru.incsscs I office.I racttiric• ❑ Nur.ing Hone ❑ Oher 113-splain in AU.,whmentl 5. Nillum, of wastewater : j,QL1 % bumrsliclCnmmercial rF Commercial 'A In4tt%trial (tier I ` 1 M- tit - I1!1_tl it 3L2W "1% tlwre a I'rctrcalment I'mgrarn in effect'' ❑ Yes ❑ No 6. Hat it flow f:duetion Ixcn appruvcil under I iA NC,A['_Et'_r _ui 141 Ye. ®Viti r If 'ea rovide t co Dv or rlow reduction a pero►aI letter 7. Summarize wastewater genenited by project: Estahlishmem Type(xee 41,11'•IFI ]dlri) Daily UeciRn Flow '' � 10 galltut No. or Unim 1119 Flaw 19.f�ixl GPT7 Single-amily� t -WO Clubhouse 5 gallseat 10 gallpersnn 25 81) 125 UPD Rllit GPD Pnnl gall GPD gall GPD gal I GPD Toiul -t(lW 5 GPD it See I i; 1 NQW tt_2'J' Lill 14(ht. idt,let( I )andjeit'j for caveats to wastewater design flow rate. (i-c.. minimum tluw per dwelling: propnwd unknown non-residential development axes: public access Facilities located near high public ux areas: and residential property located youth or cast of'the Atlantic lntracoa%tal Waterway to tk used a% vacation rentals w, defined in { is ti_ 42A- }. h Per ISA NCAC 021' .0114M. design Row rates Rir eslahlishments nut identified ]in table 15A 1N. ' C I i_' I _it 1 1 + 1 %hail he detenninczd using availahlr now daft. Witter using Iixlurc%. (wcupancy or iTocration ljatt ms. and other measured data. fi. Wasltwaier gemmated by projecv 40,6145 GPD {per I5A WAC 112 1 Jll 14) r Dc, nut include Future flows or previously permined allocations 11' permitred flow is mm, indicate why: ❑ Pump Station nr Gravity Sewer what: flow will he permitted in subsequent pennies that connect io thi. line 0 F ow ha%already been allncalr%d in Pcmtit Numher- ❑ Rehabilitation nr replacement of existing sewer with no new now expected ❑ Other (Explain): FORM: FTA 04.16 Pugs 2 of 5 ►'II, GRAVITY SEWER DESIGN CRITERIA (If Applieahle) - tlZ'I ,u►tl� & tit I I (ir+n it3 tieNcrs`l: I. Summariry gr:tti ily kwer In he permine&4: Size (inches) Length (fret] Materhal k 7,h I S C-9M ( DR- I H} PVC f S—tion 11 & Ill or the MDC for Pennittittg (+r CravOy Sewers conlainc infonnation rclutcd In &Ie.ign rrilcriu r Scrtion 111 eimtain,, infurrimliron rehil d to minintuin Oopc� for gravity i�ewert %I t Overcizinit lines to meet minintum slope requirement is nil allowed anti a %iolation of the NIM Ylll, PUMPSTATION DESIGN CRITERIA (If Applicable]-1121 L0305 & 1{I}l IJ'ultio5taiiuml!'t+ree .Shiill.l: IIMPSTATI N INCILVD&D IN THIS EROJECT I. Pump shilion number or name: 1 2. APproy6imatc Cctt+nlinaics (Decimal lhgreeeo' L:rlitu&; 33,9004 Longitude:-75.4Z1 3. DLSig+n l]uw of the Pun1P Malian: III 12411mJ all in-, gal [on per day (firm capjcily) 4. ()peratitlnal point(~) nl'the punlp(�}; gallana ptr minute aI 1441`cui lnlal dynainie head ('I't)i1I 5. Sununanzr the force main to he prrmiticd (ror this PumP Sla600: Size (inches) length (feel) Materiel 6 3.220 C-9f)I)(DR -19) PVC 6. power reliability in accordance will 1SA NICAC (1rt' .II3t}511N 11: ® Slandhy power stwrcc or pump with aulonimic aelivai on and icicmeiry - 15A NCAC 02T .l)NNh)(1)(S); ffl� Rcqulrvd for .III pump 11ations with an average dully Flow greater than or iqual to 15.(M gallon, pvr day P. lank he PCrlllancnt IU facility ()r if tin bump stulion ila. an overage daily flow le%% than 150K) galkm. periiay: ❑ Ponahle power soume with manual aetivali in. quick -connection mccptavlc and telemetry - ISA NCAC 02T 11 t1)5(h K I )(C) or ❑ Portable pumping unit with plugged emergency pump connection and tel4rneuy - 15A NCAC 02T ,01051h)( 11(C): y It ~hell he denionstrlled tit tltr Division thus the puriabh: source Is own -J or cun►ravicd by the applit:mt (draft agrc nVLntl and is compaiihle with the station. i ll' the portable power source or pump is dedicated to multiple PumP stulions. an evaluation of ull thv. ]rump slatii+nti s1oragc cupavitics and the rotation ichcdule of the p uriable Pmiwer scyanx or Pump_ including (ravel tirneframg%, %hall hc: provided in the calm: of a muhiple .iatkiji power oulage- YORM: FTA 04-1Fi Page 3 of 5 Ix. SETBA(:KS & SFPARATIONS—(11211.02111) do ISA NCA{: 02T .03051f11: I. i? ® iw� the pnrjecr er�mply with all separalinn% lin,nd jn I?A NCAC ll? [' .t}3l}Sll'1 ALL! i ti'*=� ❑ N;' r I SA NCAC 02T.0305f11 vonrnin\ nrinimiim Q,mirnruinc ihnl %hall he nrtivided fnr ewer .vsiemv Setback Pitratncicr* Se arAmon IZe`l t11rCi1 5lorm sewers and (her utilltic% 1101 lisled helow (verlicall 24 inclie% 'alrr listen% (vcnical-water iti+er seer r includ;n in lxncihrd trcnelti<%1 I inche% Water main~ {horizontal] 10 foci R_rrininwd water lines Ivertical - reclaimed liver %ewer) Reclaimed waler lines thnrizontal - reclaimed over scwcr 18 inchr% ? feel **Ant I,rlvstr ur puhhe wafer %upply source• including any wells. WS-1 water, if Clas% I ur Cl.i%% I] in, ounded repiery i m used as a source of drinkin water "*Waler%clas%ificd WS lexcepl WS-1 or WS•V1, B. SA, OM HQW_rtrSB (min normal hi 8h water or fide clevalion and wetlands (sec ilem IU) IOfI Iewi 50 fuel *"Any Ober stream. lake. impaundrnent, or ground water Inwering and tiurfatc drainage ditches 10 foil Any huilding Ioundulinn 5 fuel An hasenttnl II) fuel To Sh+ • ni cmhankment (w cuts of 2 feet or more vertical het hi 10 feel Draina,t s %tcn,s and inwrcc for drains 5 feel AnX vu•inunin sots 10 feel Filial card► *rare% {rerticaly 36 inches 0 I �i l�li}5j L1L 1 conlain%alternative- where scparaiions in 02 [)Hl {{j cannot he achicvcd. + Stream classifications can he idernified using the fSlvl%1Ssn'.% w[ _ SLi04cg W Atyr CIj s If noncompliance with 021 .10305a six Suction X of ilik application ?. Bose% the project comply with separation requirements liar wetlands 2 15i1 Feel of separalion) Yc, ❑ No r See ilk Division's draft &piralion reyuirumcnts For situations where separation cannot he meet Y No > ariancc is required if the :Jlleriiativc design cri(cria %Ptxificd is utilized in design and construcliun A% huil( dricument% %houId reference the location ol'anas effected 1. D,xs the prnjcci comply wish all sclhacks found in the river basin rules per 14A_NQAC 0214.1121AP ® Yc% ❑ No + This would include Troul Buffered Slr,N m , Ixr i. 4.VCAU 2R.t1202 4. fhxs the pnnjcct comply with an individual 44)4 Permit or any 4111 Cerlificalions? MY,:, ❑ No r Wetland-rcialed Nrmit5 shall he requested. otilained. and udhercd to for projects that impael wetlands or surface waters r Infortnalion can he uhlainLd from the aril ,% 1;ut1L•1 I'Crinnting Hrulcl� 5. Uucs project comply with I sA NC'AC' Il''I',f11t1S(c)tn} ladditional permitskertificatimi i? ® Ye% ❑ No Per 15A-NUAC direciiy related envinmmenlut Nrmits orcerrifitarian applicanow sere he,ng prepared. have ken applied for, for have been ohiained. Issuance of this penult is ennlingent an ;s%uancti of dependent permit; mc^ir+n and sedimenlatlton control plans. stuFill waler tnanagemenr plane, etc,}. b. Usk, this prvjcwt include any %ewer collection lines (hat are dcenicd "high -priority'!" Per 15A NCAC_L_ .114111. "high -priority sewer' swans "any aerial sower, w-we•r cRsntacting surface waters. %iphon, nr kwcr po%ititonud parallel io mi-cunohanks That is sub,jcci to cru%ion that undermine% or detrrioratcs the sewer. ❑ Yes 0 Ni, if vcs. include an attachment with ticiail% for each line. including type (aerial line, sirs• material. and h,eation). High priority lines shall he inspected by the permittee or W representative at least once every six•nronlh+ and inspections dneumented per 15At'AC Il2T.l1d113(a1151 ar the perrnitec's individual 5vvtem•11`ide Collection permit. FORM: FCA (A-16 Page 4 of 5 X C'ERT1F[CATIONS. I . D4ks the .uhmitted +y%iem comply with I1A NC A ' OTT the 4[i u i111 M-Nign CdWria WE 111C.1ter1jiming iil Lj-ft,.,S[• qur aaitl I•i,,ftie 11ain,_tlarc+i + i�+lisn�, and [h� 4 w •N r ' i • +u tluttrt vcr%iunl a+ applicahlc" a Yes ❑ No 11-Nn, complelcand %uhmit the Variance/Alternative fkrign Rtqucst application (VAIN' 1[1.14t soul supl-wiing dov-1101is liu -view- Approval or si is reguired prior t Snhrnitlal of the F agt'I rack A tiplicatinn and ti e rlin do ts. 2, Pnsfrssional Fngincci's Certificaimw 1< t atlr+l andt Ihi.npp4lraliun for IYnsfes.ionid Frigincer's name faun A licalion Item Ill.l_1 44/6 has N'cn my iewed by nie and is cu com�fi and ►omi+lcnt with the infornimon supplied in the pinn%. +Ixr�tica[ia,ns. engineering eak-ulaltr)n%. and all other supporting docuencaintinn in the hCS1 of my I,ncswl%Klgc i iurlhcr ailed Thai 10 lhC tee+i of illy knowlAge the proposed design ha% hten prepared in acrnrd:tncc wnh the applis:ahlc r<gulatitatr. rarivity 'vrwer Minimum Design Criteria far Gruvily sewer% tlalc�i version}, anti the Mininluns Ih,ign Criteria for the Fam-Track permining OF Pump %laiions ilnd Force Main, llate%t vermonj. Allhuugh ulhcr prnfcssiun:il, may have dcvellwd certain perrtiuns of this suhnlirlal package. inclusion of thc%c materials under my ,ignaltirc and seal Niknifics that I h;rvr mviewcd till+ risatcriol and h;svc judged it ill he L' mi511'rll with the pro". cd de%ign. NOTE - In amordamx with General Statutes 143-215.6A and 143-215.6B. any Person whi, kniswingly makes any false autcincni. reprv%enlasiun, or senifiLation in any application paekaltc shall he guihy of a Class 2 rni.denicamir. which may ineludc a tine nilt to cxcc'td $10.(X111. a% well -as civil Nnahiv% tip to $25.1M per violation_ North Carolina Prormional Frigincer's %cal. signature, and dine: +ri CAI�Q `4.• 0/SF L tn= x 235 , 1. Applicant'+ Certification per lSA NCA(702TnlMh); t allest that this upplication fur ISign;uurc Authority'%name & title l'nlm Applica[i❑ilteen 1,.1.t is a uw►�Pf 5 16 eat/ ha% heen reviewed by me and rcurilc and imnlp tc to the lm.t of my knowledge I understand that if all required parts 0' this application are nut vuinpkcicd and that if ail rcaluired supfu,rling dorumculaticin and alla%Inrlent, an: not irwIuded. INN application packaVc is +uhjctt to heing resumed as incomplete. i understand that any discharge tit waucwater Inlin Chic nun- di%cltarge sy%ium In surlacc waicrs or the land will result in art imi-aediate citkim-;meet action that nl:iv include civil (xnaltics. injunctive relief. andlnrcriminal prrisrcutinn. I will make Poclairn against the Divimon of Water Resauncs should a itondition of this permit fx violated. I also understand That if all required pins of this application package sac not completed and Iha[ if all required supfxlrling inlilrmalinn and 21t3chniti:nas .irt nut included. this appliudinn package u ill he rciurncJ it) me as incrllnplete. NOTE - In accardancc with General Statutes 14 i-' 15.hA anti 14 ;•2 t S.r,l;. ;iny rcrwrn whu knowingly makes any false %taiemcnt. repre%eniation, or certification in any application package .hall he guilty 01' a Ch s 2 misdurneanor. which may siscludc a flne Hot to exceed alil.(X1f) a+ well as ci❑il penalties up to 525AXX) per v iolatinn. Signaturvs: Daic. -000z 1 FORM: ETA 19-16 Pagc 5 of 5 State of North Caroling Department of Environmental Quality' Division of Water Resources h Flow Tracking for Sewer Extension Applications (FTS>= 10-18 ) Entin Requesting Allocation: Brunswick County Public Utilities Proiect Name for which flow is being requested: Hunters Bay Subdivision VvrrThal! rme FTSEma.r be required far a single project if the owner of Ike WI#TP is nor responsible for ale pulnp watieons along the moult of the propa,ted wa.strwarer flaw. 1. Complete this section only if you are the owner of the wastewater treatment plant. a• WWTP Facility Narne: SEA TRAIL WWTF b. WWTP facility Permit 4: W 0012748 A f! f Tn ws are in MGD C. WWTP facility's permitted [low 0.300 d. Estimated obligated flow not yet tributary to the WWTP 0,76861 e- WWTP facility's actual avg. flow 0.201 f, Total flow for this specific request 0.04061 S g. Total actual and obligated flows to the facility 1.01 h. Percent of permitted flow used 336.67% 11. Complete this section for each pump station you are responsible for along the route of this proposed wastewater flo►s. List pump stations ]oeated between the project connection point and the WWTP: (A) (B) tC) (D)—(B+C) (E)-(A-D) Design Obligated, Pump Pump Average Approx. Not Yet Total Current Station Station Firm Daily Flow" Current Tributary Flow Pius (Name or Permit Capacity. * (Firm 1 pf). Avg. Daily Daily Flow, Obligated Available Number) No. MGD MGD Flaw. MGD MGD Flow Capacity*** * The Firm Capacity (design flow) of any pump station is defined as the maximum pumped floe that can he achieved with the largest pump taken out of service. Design Average Daily Flow is the Firm capacity of the pump station divided by a peal:ino factor (pf) not less than 2.5, per Section 2.02(A)(4)(c) of the Minimum Design Criteria. *** A Planning Assessment Addendum shall he attached for each pump station located hetween the project connection point and the N'NVTP where the Available Capacih- is < 11, Downstream Facility Name (Sewer): Sea Mist Force Main (12") Downstream Permit Number: W20030581 Page 1 of 6 FTSE 10.18 lll. Certification Statement: I William L. Pinnix, P certify to the best of my knowledge that the addition of the volume of wastewater to be permitted in this project has been evaluated along the route to the receiving wastewater treatment facility and that the flow from this project is not anticipated to cause any capacity related sanitary sewer overflows or overburden any downstream pump station en route to the receiving treatment plant under normal circumstances, given the implementation of the planned improvements identified in the planning assessment where applicable. This analysis has been performed in accordance ,pith local established policies and procedures using the best available data. This certification applies to those items listed above in Sections l and 11 plus all attached planning assessment addendums for which l am the responsible party. Signature of this form certifies that the receiving collection system or treatment works has adequate capacity to transport and treat the proposed new wastewater. L�� , '�E - J- M-aAo?l— Sigmim" o!rfeial Signature Title of:Wgning Official fate Page 2 of 6 FTSE 10-l8 COUNTY Off' BRUNSWICK �' ` K Po sox 249 ��o ' SDL[YIA. NC 38422 RIJILDING I ENGINEERING SERVICES (910) 253-2500 Offire f9101253-2704 FAX f March 30, 2021 Mr Christopher Millis, PP Paramounte Engineering, Inc 122 Cinema Drive Wilmington, NC 28403 Re: Bunter's Bay Subdivision Sewer Dear Mr. Millis. Our office has reviewed the proposed plans, and specifications for the new sewer extension and has -determined that this project will meet Brunswick County's minimum standards and specifications if the project is constructed as designed Brunswick County has a sufficient treatment capacity to provide sewer service For this project. This letter hereby grants authorization For the plan submittal to the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality for review and approval Your signed permit application is enclosed Please send a copy of this letter to the State along with your plans, s ecifications and permit application. Do not hesitate to contact our office if you have any questions Sincerely, O�r- ar--t Amy Aycock Project Manager 'ba HUNTER'S BAY RESIDENTIAL SUBDIVISION BRUNSWICK COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA TOWN OF OCEAN ISLE BEACH SANITARY SEWER DESIGN NARRATIVE Prepared For: BILL CLARK HOMES, LLC 127 RACINE DRIVE, SUITE 201 WILMINGTON, NC 28403 Prepared by- PARAONTE C hl d 1 h! E %- R 1 Fl Ca 1 N C 122 Cinema Drive Wilmington, NC 28403 Project 918417.PE April 2021 PROJECT N LRRATIVE Bill Clark Homes is proposing to construct Hunter's Bay, a single -Family development on approximately 134.3-acre property. The Hunters Bay development is located in Brunswick County (Ocean Isle Beach), NC. An approximate address of subject parcel is 5550 NC Highway 179 (Beach Road) in Ocean Isle Beach. The latitude and longitude of the property are 33054'43.7" N, 78°25'27.8" W, According to USGS & NC Surface Water Classifications Website, the project drains to the Big Gut Slough (15-25-3) which has a stream classification of SA; HQW and is within the Lumber River Basin. Gravity sanitary sewer will serve all of the proposed development and will drain to the on -site Pump Station where a force maid will carry the flow to the existing 12" force main (WQ0030581) along Beach Road, The initial phase of sanitary sewer infrastructure will serve M single family lots and an amenity area (Clubhouse/Pool) with a total proposed flow of 40,615 gpd, In the future, the development will include a later phase of approximately 95 single family lots and commercial autparcels that will be designed and permitted at a later date (ultimate build -out flow accounted for within pump station design). mumm yy m EXISTING 12".FORCE MAIN, PROPOSED PUMP STATION WALLOW. K l� l s Hunter's Bay Location Map 44 bt arm A�l r, x. a., y �! `tom .t • i } r r --3r. - ► ,+-� f Ix each Googie Earth k .,