HomeMy WebLinkAboutWI080040_Monitoring (Report)_20020329Technical Data Summary for Reductive Anaerobic Biological In Situ Treatment Technology (RABITT) Treatability Testing at Camp Lejeune Site 88 by Battelle Memorial Institute 505 King Avenue Columbus, Ohio 43201 March 29, 2002 OjK N� i Contents FIGURES TABLES 1.0 Introduction 2.0 Pre -Demonstration Activity 2.1 Bromide Tracer Testing 3.0 Sampling 4.0 Camp Lejeune RABITT Test Results . 4.1 Chloroethene Concentration Profiles 4.1.1 Tetrachloroethene . _ 4.1.2 Trichloroethene 4.1.3 cis-Dichloroethene 4.1.4 Vinyl Chloride 4.2 Dissolved Gasses ._ 4.2.1 Ethene 4.2.2 Hydrogen 4.3 Organic Acids . 4.4 Inorganics 4.4.1 pH and Alkalinity 4.4.2 Nitrate, Nitrite, and Ammonia 4.4.3 Sulfate 4.4.4 Chloride 4.5 Dissolved Organic Carbon 5.0 Conclusions Figures Figure 1. Plan View of RABITT Demonstration Site Figure 2. Bromide Tracer Testing Contour Plots Figure 3. PCE Injection Concentration Figure 4. PCE Concentration (µM) Contour Plots Figure 5. TCE Concentration (µM) Contour Plots Figure 6. cis-DCE Concentration (µM) Contour Plots Figure 7. Vinyl Chloride Concentration (µM) Contour Plots Figure 8. Ethene Concentration (µM) Contour Plots Figure 9 Average Dissolved Ethene, Ethane, and Methane Concenti-� Figure 10. Average Organic Acid Concentrations Figure 11. Average Field pH and Alkalinity Concentrations _ Figure 12. Average Nitrate, Nitrite, and Ammonia Concentrations.. Figure 13. Average Sulfate Concentrations Figure 14. Average Chloride Concentrations Figure 15. Average Dissolved Organic Carbon Concentrations .......� 1.0 Introduction The Reductive Anaerobic Biological In situ Treatment Technology (RABITT) demonstration at Camp Lejeune was the fourth in a series of Environmental Security Technology Certification Program (ESTCP)-funded demonstrations completed at Department of Defense (DoD) sites around the country. At each of the four sites, a draft protocol was implemented to determine if microbially-catalyzed reductive dechlorination of chloroethenes could be stimulated in situ. The overall objective of the program was to assess the utility of the draft protocol in its current form and revise the protocol based on field experience. Because the project's primary objective was refining the draft protocol, only one final technical report was planned and no funds were allocated to provide test facilities with site -specific reports. However, in deference to the facilities that generously hosted the demonstrations we wanted to provide base personnel with a complete description of the field activities and a full set of the data collected from their site. This informal document has been prepared to provide base personnel with a description of field activities and results. 1 2.0 Pre -Demonstration Activity Field activity was initiated at Camp Lejeune on October 25, 2000 with the collection of aquifer cores and groundwater for use in a laboratory microcosm study. Mud -rotary drilling was used to advance three boreholes in the vicinity of existing monitoring well88-MW05IW. A 2-in diameter core barrel lined with acetate sleeves was used to collect aquifer material from 11-15 ft bgs and 45-49 ft bgs from each of the three boreholes. In addition, five liters of groundwater was collected from monitoring wells 88-MW05 and 88-MW051W. Microcosm studies were conducted at Cornell University. (Data not shown.) The installation of the RABITT demonstration system began on April 17, 2001. A total of 12 wells were installed with screened intervals ranging from 45 to 48 ft bgs. Three wells, designated MW-1, MW-3, and MW-4, were installed using a 3.25-inch inner diameter (ID) hollow stem auger. The remaining 9 wells were installed using mud rotary drilling. A polymeric drilling fluid additive, Insta-VisTM Plus, was used to prevent the collapse of the borehole during installation of these wells. This material, which had the consistency of syrup, was present in purge water for several weeks following well installation despite assurances from the driller that it would biodegrade within 48 hours. Well installation was completed on April 22, 2001. Two existing wells were used during the demonstration. The first, designated 88-MW05IW, exhibited consistently high levels of PCE and was used to supply contaminated groundwater for the demonstration. The second, designated 88-MW03IW, was used to collect background samples. Table 1 outlines well specifications. The relative locations of system wells are shown in Figure 1. Table 1. Well SEiecifications Parameter Injection Wells Monitoring Wells 88-MW05IW 88-MW031W _ Number of wells 3 9 1 1 Diameter (in.) 0.75 1 2 2 Screened Interval (ft bgs) 45-48 45.75-47.25 45-50 45-50 Slot Size (in.) 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 1 Material Sch 80 PVC Sch 80 PVC Sch 40 PVC Sch 40 PVC 2.1 Bromide Tracer Testing Following the installation of system wells a bromide tracer test was initiated on May 11, 2901 to determine the direction of groundwater flow through the monitoring well array. A review of existing groundwater potentiometric contour maps led us to believe that the general movement of groundwater in this area would be to the northwest, but tracer -testing results would contradict that assumption. Groundwater was continuously pumped from monitoring well88-MW05IW and amended with a concentrated sodium bromide solution in the on -site field trailer. A calibrated metering pump was used to add a consistent amount of bromide stock solution to the groundwater flow. After amendment with bromide stock solution, the flow was evenly split and injected into injection wells IW-1, IW-2, and IW-3. The target bromide concentration for injected water was 100 mg/1. The bromide stock solution was prepared by adding 3.038 kg of NaBr to 15 gallons of tap water. Flow rates and concentrations are presented in Table 2. 2 • O 0 M Field Trailer Figure 1. Plan View of RABITT Demonstration Site Cable 2. Tracer Testin Flow Rates and Concentrations 0 erational Parameter Initial Design (May) Modified Design {June) Total pumping rate from 88-MW05IW 1.8 1/min 0.6 1/min Bromide stock solution feed rate 4.34 ml/min 1.44 ml/min Bromide stock solution concentration 41,550 mg/L as MI] 41,550 mg/L as jBr ] Bromide concentration of injected water 100 mill 100 mg/1 Wells used for injection IW-1, IW-2, IW-3 MW-5 After four days the bromide concentration in the monitoring wells closest to the injection wells had increased far less than expected. In addition, there was evidence that bromide levels might be increasing in the supply well (88-MW05IW). This prompted a shutdown of the tracer test and a reexamination of water levels within the monitoring well array. Because the monitoring wells are located so near each other it was difficult to measure significant differences in water elevation; nonetheless, water level measurements did suggest that the primary direction of groundwater flow might be to the northeast. DOC measurements suggested that residual drilling fluid was present on the northwestern side of the plot. It is possible that this residual drilling fluid may have decreased hydraulic conductivity within the monitoring well array and impacted local groundwater movement. Tracer testing was restarted on June 22, 2001, but with a modified design. For this second phase of testing the bromide amended groundwater was injected into the MW-5, in the center of the monitoring well array. This strategy was used to ensure the movement of tracer could be observed regardless of the direction of groundwater flow. Because the number of injection wells had been reduced from three to one, the injection flow rate was reduced from 1.8 1/min to 0.6 1/min, and the bromide stock solution feed rate was reduced from 4.3 ml/min to 1.4 ml/min. Figure 2 shows a time series of contour plots, which illustrate the movement of bromide through the testing zone. Plots were generated using data collected in the field with an OrionTM 290A field meter and a bromide -specific electrode. The first contour map in Figure 2 shows data collected three days prior to initiation of the June 22 tracer test. These data show that bromide from the May 18 tracer test was still present in the injection wells IW- 1, IW-2, and IW-3, and that bromide had begun to impact monitoring wells MW-2, MW-3, and MW-5. Subsequent contour maps show the radial movement of bromide from MW-5, which served as the point of injection for the tracer test initiated on June 22. Despite the fact that bromide was being injected at only 100 mg/L, the concentration of bromide measured in the plot using the bromide -specific electrode was considerably higher. Because laboratory measurements did not corroborate these elevated concentrations, and because the bromide concentration in the supply well remained consistently low (<3.3 mg/L) throughout the demonstration, it is suspected that the bromide -specific electrode provided artificially high bromide values due to the presence of interfering ions. The manufacturer lists seven ions capable of interfering with the bromide -specific probe, but only ammonia (NH3) and sulfide (S"2) are likely to have been present at concentrations high enough to cause interference. In addition, the suspiciously high bromide concentrations were only observed after the injection of electron donor, and only in areas with very low redox potentials, which is exactly where one would expect to see the formation of ammonia and sulfide. Although the specific bromide concentration data in these areas appear to have been compromised, the data do provide an indication that these areas were highly reduced and were probably impacted by the addition of electron donor. Assuming an in situ bromide concentration of 100 mg/1, the maximum allowable NH3 and S-2 concentrations are 4.3 x 10-2 mg/1 and 4 x 10- mg/1, respectively. Ammonia concentrations ranging up to 1 mg/1 were observed within the boundaries of the test plot. Sulfide ion measurements were not made. 4 IW-1 • Figure 2. Bromide Tracer Testing Contour Plots MW-1 • MW-4 • I 2$ MVE2 (---1 / • M s -5 N MW-8 ni IW-3 MW-3 j" MW-6 MW-9 • • • • Samples collected on June 19, three days prior to initiation of second tracer test MW-7 • MW- 1 • o M W e, `x / , MW 5, to c.0 \ iv 0) • cry • I • MW-4 Ms-6 Time Zero (No samples collected from outlying wells) IW-1 • r J IW-2 o MV % • r • IV L 3 days IW-1 MW-1 • SZ—-J! !W.-2s MW-2 • • \ ` • �/ I • 25 days • W-2 u a * 4r] r-- IVV 3 v 'IIVV 3 • • 48 days n (J O MW-4 • MW-5 LO o • M W-6 • MW-8 • MW-8 • MW-7 • MW -9 MW-4 MW-7 , -s• \ \ • OS L Mi-5 , ca M+-8 ek MW-6 \ - MW-9 MW-1 MW-4 MW-7 • MW �� -5 ' M W -80 M W-5 MW-9M 5 3.0 Sampling Sampling began on May 16, 2001 with the collection of baseline samples. Table 2 shows the sampling schedule and the types of samples that were collected/analyzed. Table 3 lists the analytes for each sample type. Ta Ta tole 3. Sampling Dates and Sample Types Date Elapsed Time (Weeks) Field Data VOCs Dissolved Gases VFA Data Inorganic Data DOC H2 16-May-01 (pre -injection) 19-Jun X X X X X 25-Jun-01 (injection begins) X X X X X X 21-Jun 17-Jul-01 3 X X 07-Aug-01 6 X X X X X X 28-Aug-01 9 X X 02-Oct-01 14 X X Not Analyzed X X X X 23-Oct-01 17 X X 13-Nov-01 20 X X X X X X 04-Dec-01 23 X X 18-Dec-01 25 X X 07-Jan-02 28 X X X X X X X Field Data VOCs Dissolved Gases VFA Data Inorganic Data DOC H= Water Level PCE Ethene Lactic acid pH Dissolved Dissolved Redox TCE Ethane Acetic acid Conductivity organic carbon hydrogen potential cis-DCE Methane Propionic acid Alkalinity pH VC Butyric acid Nitrate Temperature Nitrite Bromide Ammonia DO Chloride Fe(II) Sulfate Bromide 6 4.0 Camp Lejeune RABITT Test Results Results from the RABBIT demonstration at Camp Lejeune are presented in the following subsections. Chloroethene concentrations are presented in a series of contour plots showing the spatial distribution of contaminant in the test plot over time. The remaining analytical parameters are presented in graphs that show the average concentration in the test plot over time. The data presented in these graphs represent the average total concentration from Monitoring Wells 1 through 9 and Injection Well 2 (used as a monitoring well). Data from the supply, gradient, and background wells were not included. Tables containing the raw data are included in the appendices. 4.1 Chloroethene Concentration Profiles The results for PCE, TCE, cis-DCE and VC are presented from selected VOC sampling events. Contour plot concentration units are in µM to allow for direct comparison between the four compounds on an equivalent basis. Results for trans-DCE, 1,1-DCE and other VOCs are included in the Appendix A. 4.1.1 Tetrachloroethene. PCE-contaminated groundwater was pumped from the supply well, amended with electron donor solution and then injected into MW-5, which is located in the center of the test plot. This injection strategy insured that contaminated groundwater within the plot was not simply displaced with uncontaminated injection solution. Figure 3 shows the concentration of PCE measured in samples collected from the supply well and from MW-5. The data suggest that the dechlorination of PCE occurs very rapidly following injection. 30 25 7 5 15 aa —00— Supply Well —B MW-5 (Injection Well) No injection 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Time (Weeks) Figure 3. PCE Injection Concentration The disappearance of PCE within the test plot is illustrated in Figure 4, which shows a time series of PCE concentration contours. The figure shows that pre -injection PCE concentrations (time zero) ranged across the test plot from 18.1 µM (3000 ppb) to 53.8 µM (8,920 ppb), and that the degradation of PCE proceeded relatively quickly following the initiation of electron donor injection. Injection was interrupted from Weeks 11-14 due to a pump malfunction, so for the Week 14 samples no groundwater had been injected for the previous three weeks. The PCE observed around MW-5 in the latter weeks of the demonstration illustrate the constant influx of PCE-contaminated groundwater into MW-5. 7 Iw-1 • IW-2 N 1 IW-3 • Time Zero 4OIW-2 • Figure 4. PCE Concentration (µM) Contour Plots MW-1 • MW-S� MW-3 • MW-4 ■ MW-6 MW-1 MW-4 MW-5 -M -/3 0 1 p\' f r I 2 _ • 3 I j 1►I i -6 MW-8 MW-7 fi 4�-9 • 3 Weeks IW-1 MW-1 • h • I :2 II MW-2: f u+ I•3 1/ M;-3 6 Weeks IW-1 IW-2 MW-2 ■ MW-1 MW-4 ■ MW-6 ■ MW-4 • s MW-5 ■ MW-8 �25 • -i MW-7 MW-7 IW-3 MW-3 MW-6 MW-9 • • • ■ 14 Weeks (all wells < 0.01 µM [2 ppb] except MW-7, no injection for previous 3 weeks) IW-1 MW-1 ■ IV2 MW-2 • I W/-3 MW-3 •— • 20 Weeks IW--1 MW-1 ■ IVW-2 MW-2 • • I V3 M W-s 23 Weeks IW-1 MW-1 ��I •2 M: 2 IV\'-3 M W -3 MW-6+ • MW-4 - MW-8 ■ cs. MW-6 • MW-4 MW-6 • MW-7 s MW-8 MW-4 M`-9 MW-7 • MW-9 • 28 Weeks 11 MW-8 • MW-7 M� 9 8 4.1.2 Trichloroethene. TCE was also present within the test plot prior to the injection of the nutrient - amended groundwater solution, but at lower levels than PCE. Pre -injection TCE concentrations ranged from 1.63 µM (201 ppb) to 5.19 µM (682 ppb). Figure 5 shows that as the demonstration progressed TCE concentrations were significantly reduced throughout most of the test plot. Increases in the TCE. concentration observed around MW-5 were caused by two factors. First, the injected nutrient -amended groundwater consistently contained higher TCE concentrations than those observed initially in the test plot; injection concentrations ranged from 8.37 µM (1,100 ppm) to 21.31 µM (2,800 ppb), except during Weeks 11-14 when no injection occurred. The second factor was the continuous degradation of PCE to TCE that occurred around MW-5. The Week 14 contour plot shows that reductive dechlorination continues temporarily in the absence of nutrient injection. Figure 5. TCE Concentration (µM) Contour Plots IW-1 MW-1 MW-4 r T • • MW-2 MW-5 Pre -Injection I W-1 IW MW- ,• I `3 Time Zero IW-1 I W-1 MW-3 ■ MW-1 M:= MW-1 MW-6 M W-d tiLIS M W-6rh MW-4 ■ IW-2 MW-2 MW-5 MW-8 • • • ■ IW-3 MW 3 MW-6- M! 9 IW-1 MW-1 MW-4 MW-7 • • • MW-7 MW-7 MW-7 • • • 14 Weeks (all wells < 0.02 µM [2 ppb] except MW-7, no injection for previous 3 weeks) IVi-2 MW-2 • I Iv W 3 MW-3\ ii w 20 Weeks � � 1 ir, MW-5 �v+, f • 1 CYIf MW-7 0 MW-9 • 9 Figure 5. TCE Concentration (µM) Contour Plots (cont'd) IW-1 MW-1 ■ IW-2 MW-2 • I -3 M1N 3�, 28 Weeks • //'/ MW-5 MW-4 MW-7 • MW-8 M W-9 • 4.1.3 cis-Dichloroethene. Figure 6 shows that cis-DCE was also initially present in the test plot with concentrations ranging from 1.09 µM (106 ppb) to 17.74 µM (1720 ppb). Three weeks into the demonstration cis-DCE levels had risen dramatically to greater than 80 µM in some locations. This provides compelling evidence that reductive dechlorination of PCE and TCE was occurring since the cis- DCE concentrations in injected groundwater never exceeded 22 µM (2133 ppb). It also suggests that the reductive dechlorination of cis-DCE was occurring considerably slower than the dechlorination of its parent compounds, resulting in its accumulation. Iw-1 • Time Zero IW-1 • IW-2 v • I V' -3 • 3 Weeks IW-1 • IW-2 • 3 • 9 Weeks Figure 6. cis-DCE Concentration (µM) Contour Plots MW ' • MW-2 • MW-1 • MW-, MW-4 MW-6 • MW-7 • M W-9 • MW-1 MW-4 MW-7 • \� i MW 5 ` • o4.1 I1�►11-3 MW-1 • M VV- 3 ■ v M W-5 • MW-4 • MW-9 • MW-7 sr Es; G - • M V1Q5 - • - • IW-1 MW-1 MW-4 MW-7 • + ■ �!► TO IW-2 `. -le 6d ----- M1A/-5- .. - - MW-8 • • y' g4 •• �� • 60 p sQ 6TvlW-9MI'�-3�3O MW-6 I V1-3 20 Weeks 10 IW-3 a 28 Weeks Figure 6. cis-DCE Concentration (µM) Contour Plots (cont'd) MW-1 M W-4 M W-7 • 70 60 MW-5 M1N: B • M : -3 40 `r0 �a Nide . _ M W -9• MW-1 M W-4 • 50 W-2 W.. 40 `, ;W 5- - 30 tea M.W-8 sQ MW-7 -70J 4.1.4 Vinyl Chloride. VC was not initially present within the test plot (see Figure 7), nor was it present in the injected groundwater that was obtained from the supply well. The absence of VC in the test plot for the first 14 weeks of the demonstration shows that a considerable lag occurred before the dechlorination of cis-DCE began. An examination of the cis-DCE and VC contour plots from Weeks 20, 25 and 28 reveals a strong spatial correlation between decreases in cis-DCE concentrations and increases in VC concentrations. The production of VC and its correlation with decreasing cis-DCE concentrations demonstrate that reductive dechlorination of cis-DCE was occurring within the test plot. Interestingly, microcosms constructed from sediments in this area did not demonstrate dechlorination of cis-DCE. The reason for this discrepancy is unknown. I W-1 • IV1'-2 MW-2 MW-5 MW-8 • ` • • I VW-3 MW-3 MW-6 • • • Time Zero through Week 14 (All wells < 0.08 µM [5 ppb]) IW-1 MW-1 MW-4 k • •IW2 M W -2 M W-5 M W -8 • 1 IW-3 M W-3 MW-6 • • • Week 17 I W-1 M W-1 M W-4 • - • I Ukk-? z -2 ^ 5 M W-8 IU 31 MW-3 MW-6 • Figure 7. Vinyl Chloride Concentration (µM) Contour Plots MW-1 M W-4 MW-7 • • ! Mt/-9 Week 20 MW-7 MW-9 • MW-7 • M+-9 11 Figure 7. Vinyl Chloride Concentration (µM) Contour Plots (cont'd) M W-1 MW-4 M W-7 s a 3 yp 7 - iav-- —_~1 _ a v-5 _ - �- MW-8 • -3 `�-���' � MW-169 MVN-9 r Week 25 I W-1 M W-1 M W-4 M W-7 Iv _ 3o M1 -otrs MW-9 Week 28 4.2 Dissolved Gasses The dissolved gasses ethene, ethane, and methane were monitored during the field demonstration to determine the extent of chloroethene degradation and assess the microbiological conditions within the testing zone. Dissolved gas samples were collected only once every 6-8 weeks, and unfortunately, the samples collected during Week 14 were not analyzed due to a laboratory error. 4.2.1 Ethene. Ethene was not detected in groundwater samples collected through the first 6 weeks of the demonstration (see Figure 8). By Week 20 ethene had begun to appear in IW-2, which is the same location VC was first observed. The correlation between VC and ethene would become evident over the next eight weeks as the concentration and distribution of ethene continued to increase in locations that showed the presence of VC. This observation supports the conclusion that chloroethenes can be completely dechlorinated to a non -hazardous endpoint by native microbial flora. Figure 8. Ethene Concentration (µM) Contour Plots IW-1 MW-1 MW-4 MW-7 • • a is IV1J-2 MW-2 MW-5 MW-8 ■ i • a I W-3 MW-3 M W-6 MW-9 a to • a Time Zero through Week 6 (All wells < 2.4 µM) IW-1 MW-1 MW-4 MW-7 a — * • a 1- "' MW-2 MW-5 MW-8 4j a 0 at Iv MW-3 M W-6 M W-9 ✓ a a Week 20 12 Figure 8. Ethene Concentration (µM) Contour Plots (cont'd) IW-1 MW-1 MW-4 • • • N EVV-2 - — • `'1?1W-2 MW-5 MW-8 • • + • E VV-3 MW-3 MW-6 • • • Week 23 MW-7 • M -9 ■ I W-1 MW-1 M W-4 MW-7 • • • IV c•�tra - W-2r MW-5• MW-8 11.41111 MW-3 M: 6 Mi-9 Week 28 Figure 9 shows the average ethene, ethane and methane concentrations across the test plot. Ethane remained below the detection limit throughout the demonstration. Methane results show that concentrations increased fairly rapidly and remained high through the end of the demonstration. Field notes report the formation of bubbles in groundwater samples collected after Week 17. This observation suggests that degassing was occurring and would tend to corroborate the high levels of dissolved methane observed in the latter few weeks of the demonstration. Methane (mg/L) 30,000 25,000 20,000 15,000 10,000 5,000 0 CI 0 5 —0— Methane — —Ethene —in-- Ethane 10 15 Time (Weeks) 6.0 - 5.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 ❑ ❑ ❑ 0 0.0 20 25 30 Ethene and Ethane (uM Figure 9 Average Dissolved Ethene, Ethane, and Methane Concentrations 13 4.2.2 Hydrogen. Dissolved hydrogen samples were collected three times during the demonstration using the bubble -strip method. Samples were collected 4 days prior to injection, at mid -demonstration (Week 14) and at the end of the demonstration (Week 28). Table 5 outlines the results and Table 6 provides a previously published correlation between dissolved hydrogen concentration and predominant terminal electron accepting process. Although results did suggest that the subsurface environment was highly reduced, they did not provide any diagnostic value. The unusually high dissolved hydrogen concentrations observed prior to electron donor injection could not be explained, but may have been linked to the impact of the residual drilling fluid. Despite these high hydrogen levels, methanogenesis did not appear to be the predominant electron accepting process early in the demonstration (see Figure 9). Table 5. Dissolved HN drogen Concentrations Across the Testing Plot Monitoring Location Hydrogen Concentration OM) Pre -Injection Week 0 Mid -Demonstration Week 14 Final Week 28 IW-2 Not Sampled 6 2.3 MW-1 4 7 5.2 MW-2 2 41 3.7 MW-3 830 10 5 MW-4 21 8 5.3 MW-5 120 19 10 MW-6 410 10 7 MW-7 230 59 6.3 MW-8 130 29 4.9 MW-9 34 75 7.2 Table 6. Correlation of Dissolved Hydrogen Concentrations with Terminal Electron-Acce»ting Process Terminal Electron -Accepting Process Hydrogen Concentration (nM) Methanowenesis > 5 Sulfate Reduction 1 to 4 Ferric Iron Reduction 0.2 to 0.8 Denitrification < 0.1 Source: EPA 1998 4.3 Organic Acids The concentrations of acetic, butyric, lactic, and propionic acids were tracked during the field demonstration to ensure that sufficient butyric acid was being injected and to examine the fate of added reducing equivalents. Figure 10 shows the average concentration of each of these acids within the test plot. The injection concentration of butyric acid was 3,000 µM throughout the demonstration, except from Week 11 to Week 14 when electron -donor injection was interrupted. The data show that a residual concentration of butyric acid was maintained in the test plot and that acetic acid was the predominant fermentation product. 14 2000 • 1800 d' 1600 c• g 1400 o a a 1200 • 1000 u w 800 CO O 600 u U 400 pq • 200 0 I —ate-Butyric Acid —0—Lactic Acid--♦-Propionic Acid (Acetic Acid 0 4.4 Inorganics 5 10 15 Time (Weeks) 20 25 Figure 10. Average Organic Acid Concentrations 4000 3600 3200 2800 2400 2000 1600 1200 800 400 0 30 Acetic Acid Concentration (uM) Several inorganic species were tracked throughout the field demonstration, including: pH, alkalinity, nitrate, nitrite, ammonia, sulfate, and chloride. Data for each of these species is described in the following subsections and is presented in Figures 12 through 16. 4.4.1 pH and Alkalinity. Figure 11 shows that the average groundwater pH within the testing zone remained relatively neutral despite the addition of butyric acid throughout the demonstration period. Readings for pH were collected in the field prior to sample collection. 15 Alkalinity (mg/L) 500 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 Alkalinity —A— pH 0 5 10 15 Time (Weeks) 20 25 Figure 11. Average Field pH and Alkalinity Concentrations 8.0 7.5 7.0 6.5 6.0 0. 5.5 5.0 4.5 4.0 30 4.4.2 Nitrate, Nitrite, and Ammonia. Figure 12 shows that nitrate and nitrite concentrations were initially very low in the test plot and remained low throughout the demonstration despite some minor fluctuations. Ammonia levels were also fairly stable during the demonstration, but were found at concentrations an order of magnitude greater than either nitrate or nitrite. These observations coupled with field measurements showing the depletion of oxygen suggest that the plot had exhausted the electron acceptors oxygen, nitrate and nitrite even before the demonstration began. Based on field measurements of redox potential in the groundwater the terminal electron accepting process at the site was probably sulfate reduction. 0.7 • 0.6 E 0.5 O ▪ 0.4 u 0.3 0 0 0.2 0.1 0.0 0 5 —0— NH3 NO3 — k — NO2 No injection 10 15 Time (Weeks) 20 25 0.07 0.06 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.00 30 Figure 12. Average Nitrate, Nitrite, and Ammonia Concentrations NO3 and NCk Concentrations es E 16 4.4.3 Sulfate. Figure 13 shows that sulfate reduction was likely occurring throughout the demonstration period. Influent concentrations of sulfate from the supply well ranged from 24 to 35 mg/L. By Week 28, the influent concentration was an order of magnitude greater than sulfate concentrations elsewhere in the test plot. Average SO4 Concentration (mg/L) 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 No injeetiofl 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Time (Weeks) Figure 13. Average Sulfate Concentrations 4.4.4 Chloride. The reductive dechlorination process causes increases in local chloride levels as chlorine atoms are sequentially removed from parent chloroethene compounds. Measurements of chloride at the Camp Lejeune demonstration site showed an initial increase in chloride levels immediately following the injection of electron donor. The increase in chloride concentration during the first 6 weeks of the demonstration was about 6 times higher than expectations based on the average concentration of chloroethenes injected into MW-5. This discrepancy could have resulted from the dechlorination of chloroethenes sorbed to soils within the test plot and/or by the accumulation of injected chloroethenes within the testing zone. Midway through the demonstration chloride levels stabilized and then dropped off dramatically. The pump failure that stopped injection of the nutrient -amended groundwater from Week 11 to Week 14 contributed to the lower rate of chlorine production that occurred between Week 6 and Week 14, but cannot explain the subsequent declines in chloride levels. The reason for the dramatic decline in chloride is unknown. Chloride concentrations in both the background and supply wells remained relatively low. Background concentrations remained between 4 and 7 mg/L and supply well concentrations ranged from 11 to 13 mg/L. 17 70 0 60 50 40 o0 E 30 20 R L 10 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Time (Weeks) Figure 14. Average Chloride Concentrations 2000 1600 1200 800 400 0 Average Chloride Concentration (uM) 4.5 Dissolved Organic Carbon. Dissolved organic carbon measurements were made to determine their value as a surrogate parameter for the more costly organic acid analysis. Figure 15 shows that the DOC concentration curve closely resembles the curve generated by superimposing the curves of the organic acids (see Figure 10), but surprisingly, the DOC results are consistently lower than would be expected based on the concentrations of organic acids present. Although the DOC measurement cannot differentiate the various organic acids, it does show that organic carbon concentrations were significantly increased and sustained by the addition of butyric acid. Dissolved Organic Carbon (mg/L) 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 No injection 5 10 15 Time (Weeks) 20 25 30 Figure 15. Average Dissolved Organic Carbon Concentrations 18 5.0 Conclusions Results from the RABITT field demonstration at Camp Lejeune show that native subsurface microbial populations are capable of sequentially reducing PCE to ethene. PCE and TCE concentrations were reduced to below detectable levels in almost all wells after 14 weeks and remained depressed throughout the remainder of the demonstration. The degradation of PCE and TCE was so rapid that injected PCE- contaminated groundwater was free of both PCE and TCE by the time it reached the first monitoring well only 5.4 feet away. As a result, kinetic parameters could not be estimated. As one would expect, the dechlorination of cis-DCE was considerably slower than that of PCE and TCE. As a result, cis-DCE temporarily accumulated in the testing area. After approximately 20 weeks, a proportional conversion of cis-DCE to vinyl chloride and finally to ethene was observed at the eastern edges of the testing location. Neither vinyl chloride nor ethene had been detected previously; strongly supporting the premise that reductive dechlorination was occurring. The overall impact of the demonstration on the subsurface included subtle changes in several geochemical parameters. The addition of the butyric acid solution raised the level of dissolved organic carbon in the aquifer and contributed to a slight drop in the average site pH from an initial value of 7.9 to a final value of 6.8. Most electron accepting species were depleted in the testing area prior to the demonstration and were therefore unaffected. The relatively low levels of sulfate present at system startup were reduced by about an order of magnitude. The most significant geochemical change that occurred within the testing location was the production of methane towards the end of the demonstration. The accumulation of methane shows that a large portion of added reducing equivalents was being used by methanogens, possibly reducing the efficiency of the process. An alternative feeding strategy (e.g., pulsed feeding) may help alleviate methane production and increase treatment efficiency. The RABITT demonstration system installed at Site 88 provided convincing evidence that native microorganisms can be stimulated in situ to catalyze the complete reductive dechlorination of chlorinated ethenes. Based on testing results, this technology appears to be a viable candidate for achieving reductions in chloroethene contamination at Site 88. Any application of this technology would require a thorough understanding of the local subsurface hydrogeology and an engineered approach to electron donor dosing and distribution. 19