HomeMy WebLinkAboutWI0800151_Other Correspondence_20100514ENSR Appendix A Anaerobic BioChem (ABC®) Material Safety Data Sheet February 2008 Material Safety Data Sheet May be used to comply with OSHA's Hazard Communication Standard, 29 CFR 1910 1200. Standard must be consulted for specific requirements. IDENTITY (as Used on Label and List) ABC (Anaerobic BioChem) U.S. Department of Labor Occupational Safety and Health Administration (Non -Mandatory Form) Form Approved OMB No. 1218-0072 Note: Blank spaces are not permitted. 1f any item is not applicable or no information is available the space must be marked to indicate that. Section I Manuiachireds name REDOX TECH, LLC Emergency Telephone Number 866-678-0140 Address (Number, Street City, Wale and ZIP Code) Telephone Number for inrormauon 919-678-0140 200 QUADE DRIVE, CARY, NC 27513 pate Prepared MAY 2004 Signature of PieparerropIona0 Section II —Hazardous Ingredients/Identity Information Hazardous Components (Specific Chemical Identity, Common Name(s)) Other Limits OSHA PEL ACGIH TLV Recommended % (optional) Mixture of : Lactate salts NA NA (0 to 60%) Lactic acid esters Phosphate buffer NA NA (0 to 98.5%) NA NA (0 to 0.1%) Ferrous Iron NA NA (0 to 0.1 %) Fatty Acids NA NA (0to5%) Section III—Physical/Chemical Characteristics Boding Point > 100 C Specific Gravity (H20 ° 1) 1.04 vapor Pressure (mmiig) Lactic acid esters 2.7 mbar. 20 °C pH 6.0 to 8.0 Vapor Denzny(AIR=1)Lactic acid esters 3.8 EvaporationRife{ButylAcetate= 1) No information Solubility inWater Fully soluble and miscible Appearance and odor Light yellow to colorless liquid, slight to mild, characteristic odor Section IV —Fire and Explosion Hazard Data Flash -Point (iyIeirvcd Used) Lactic acid esters: 61 °C (ISO 2719, closed cup) flammable Limits Lactic acid esters: LEL 1.5% (100°C) UEL 11.4%(100°C) Exi inguisiwg Media Water spray. carbon dioxide, dry powder, AFFF, foam Special Fire Fighting Procedures Standard procedures for chemical fires Unusual fire and Ealosion Hazards Thermal decomposition can release irritating gases and vapors (Reproduce localfy) ❑SFHA 174 Sept. 1985 Section V—Reactivity Data Stability Unstable SIa51e Card loons to Avoic Temperatures above 61 °C. Will hydrolyze in presence of water, acids and bases ncompatib I fry (Matenals to AtvdJ Strong oxidants Hazardous Decomposition or eypraducts no known Hazardous Polymerization Mons to Avo W rA Not occur Section VI —Health Hazard Data Route(s) of Entry tnha:abon7 Yes, esters only sk'ns Yes ingestion? Yes Hearc tiHa (Rowe and cam) Acid esters: Risk of irritation to eyes. Irritating to respiratory system. May degrease skin. rct gef1Ay None No Sgns and Symptoms of Exposure Red irritated skin. May cause light-headedness when used in poorly ventilated area without proper vapor mask.. Medical Conditions Generally Aggravated by Exposure Persons susceptible or sensitive to eye and respiratory irritation 1 rkrgencyand First Aid Procrdures Inhalation: Move to fresh air; Skin: Wash skin immediately with water. Eyes: Flush with water for at least 15 minutes, consult physician; Ingestion: Drink water and consult physician. Section VII—Precautions for Safe Handling and Use Use safety glasses and latex or nitrile gloves. Work in well ventilated area. Waste Disposal Method ABC can be disposed as waste water or landfilled when in compliance with local regulations Precautions to Be Taken in l-�r ng and storing May be F lammable - Do not store near ignition sources or at elevated temperatures. Avoid long storage times, will break down to innocuous products Other PrecauLgns Wear PPE when handling and keep containers tightly closed when stored. Section VII—Control Measures ResWratoniProtectton (Specify Typal If ventilation inadequate or in confined space, use respirator with filter (DIN 141) Ventilation SPeaai Ensure fumes can not reach ignition source Mechanical (General) Floor or stand fans Crater Protective Gloves PVA, nitrile or latex Eye Prolectton Safety glasses with side shields Dthrr Protective Cio thing or Equipment Work/Hygienic Practices Do not eat, drink or smoke while handling. Remove/wash contaminated clothing before reuse. Local Exhaust Acid esters have low vapor pressure (2.7 mbar at 20 °C) Standard HVAC conditions typically adequate OcT-03-2006 08:54 AM VERTEC BISOVENTS 630 960 0660 P.02 Material Safety Data Sheet ATOMET 21 S/24/25/28/29/30/50/55/59/669/67/070/75tilt95/95SP/414/SURV95 OMP Section 1. Chemical product and company Identification Common name Material uses Su ppllerlManufacturer In case of emergency : ATOMET 21S, ATOMET 24, ATOMET 25, ATOMET 28, ATOMET 29, ATOMET 30, ATOMET 50, ATOMET 55, ATOMET 69, ATOMET 689, ATOMET 67, ATOMET 68, ATOMET 70, ATOMET 76, ATOMET 86, ATOMET 95, ATOMET 96$P, ATOMET 414, ATOMET SURV95 : Powdered metallurgy. Cuebec Metal Powders Ltd !1855 Marle-Vlctorin Sorel -Tracy, Quabec vanada, J3R 4R4 Tel : 450-748-6050 QMP Metal Powders (Suzhou) D-008, No. 1 Su Hua road Suzhou Industrial Park Suzhou, Chine, 215021 Tel: 88-512-67813181 : America : +1-450-746-5050 Europe : +49-2181-352-800 Asia: +88-512-87613181 QMP METAL POWDERS GmbH Postfach 100253 D-41002 Manchengledbac Germany Tel: 49-2161-352-800 Fax: 49-2161-352-8017 Section 2. Hazards identification Physical state Emergency overview Routes of entry Potential acute health effects Eyes Skin Inhalation Ingestion Potential chronic health effects : Solid. (Powder.) : No specific hazard. USE WITH CARE. Follow good Industrial hygiene practice. Dermal contact. Eye contact. Inhalation. Ingestion, Medical conditions aggravated by over- exposure See toxicological Information (section 11) May cause aye irritation. No known significant effects or critical hazards, May cause respiratory tract Irritation. No known significant effects or critical hazards. Carcinogenic effects: Not classified or listed by IARC, NTP, OSHA, EU and ACGIH. Mutagenic affects: Not available. Teratogenic effects: Not available. Repeated exposure of the eyes to a low level of dust can produce eye Irritation, Section 3. Composition, Information on Ingredients Ingredient name North America UN number Iron Not regulated. Europe Iron IDLH H 0 Classification Not classified. See section 16 for the full text of the R-phraaoa declared above Classification F R Special 0 1 CAS number % by weight 7439-89-8 > 90 EC number 231-098-4 Thls material Is classified as not hazardous under OSHA regulations In the United States, the WHMIS In Canada, the NOM-018-STPS-2000 in Mexico, Brazil NBR 14725:2001, the European Directives and In any ether country in Asia/Pacific, Africa or the Middle -East. See Sections 8, 11 and 14 for details. nate of Issue : 03/30/2008 Au thortdly KEMIKA Page: 1/5 OCT-03-2006 08:54 AM VERTEC BISOVENTS 630 960 0660 P.03 ATOMET 21 S/24/25/28/29/30/50/55/591669/67/88/70/75/88195/958P/41418URV95 Section 4. First aid measures Eye contact Skin contact Inhalation Ingestion Notes to physician Check for and remove any contact lenses. In case of contact, Immediately flush eyes with plenty of water for at least 20 minutes. Gel medical attention if irritation occurs. Wash with soap and water. Get medical attention If Irritation occurs, Move person to fresh air. Get medical attention If breathing difficulty persists. Do not induce vomiting. Never give anything by mouth to an unconscloue person. Get medical attention If symptoms appear. No specific antidote. Section 5. Fire fighting measures Flammability of the product Fire -fighting media and Instructions Special protective equipment for flre•fighters Special remarks on fire hazards : Non-flammable. : Use a fog nozzle to spray water. SEE SPECIAL REMARKS ON FIRE HAZARDS. : Fire-fighters should wear appropriate protective equipment. : As with any finely granulated product, (i.e flour) a risk of fire Is present should the material be dispersed in air and exposed to a source of ignition. Fine powder forms flammable end explosive mixtures In air. Section 6. Accidental release measures In case of a major spill Personal precautions Environmental precautions Methods for cleaning up Immediately contact emergency personnel. Keep unnecessary personnel away. Use suitable protective equipment (section 8). Avoid dispersal of spilled material, runoff and contact with soil, waterways, drains and sewers. If emergency personnel ere unavailable, vacuum or carefully scoop up spilled material and place in an appropriate container for disposal. Avoid creating dusty conditions and prevent wind dispersal. Section 7. Handling and storage J Handling Storage : Avoid breathing dusts. Avoid prolonged contact with eyes, skin end clothing. Wash thoroughly after handling. Keep container in a ventilated area. ; Keep container closed. Keep container In a ventilated area. Section 8. Exposure controls, personal protection Engineering controls Personal protection Eyes : Use process enclosures. local exhaust ventilation or other engineering controls to keep airborne levels below recommended exposure limits. If user operations generate dust, fumes or mist. use ventilation to keep exposure to airborne contaminants below the exposure limit. : Safety eyewear complying with an approved standard should be used and selected based on the task being performed and the risks Involved (avoid exposure to liquid splashes, mists, gases or dusts). Where there Is a risk of exposure to high velocity particles safety glasses or face shield complying with an approved standard should be used to protect against Impact. Where there Is a risks of exposure to dusts, goggles should be used. Recommended: Safety glasses. Respiratory ; Use a properly fitted, particulate filler respirator complying with an approved standard If a risk assessment Indicates this Is necessary. Respirator selection must be based on known or anticipated exposure levels, the hazards of the product and the safe working limits o1 the selected respirator. Date of issue : 03/30/2006 w vend 6r KEMIKA Page: 2/5 .•+••ti �itudn OCT-03-2006 08:54 AM VERTEC BISOVENTS 630 960 0660 Hands Skin/Body Personal protection In case of a large spill P.04 ATOMET 21 S/24/25/28/29/30/60/SS/59/869/67/88/70f 5/88/95/95SP/414JSURV96] : Recommended: Leather gloves. Personal protective equipment for the body should be selected based on the task being performed and the risks Involved. Recommended: Overall. Safety glasses and or goggles and or face shield should be used depending on the task being performed. Leather gloves. Overall. Boots. Wear MSHA/NIOSH approved respiratory apparatus or equivalent if required. Product name Exposure limits Iron ACGIH TLV (United States). TWA: 10 mg/m 3 8 hour(s). Form: Inhalabie particle. Consult local authorities for acceptable exposure limits. Section 9. Physical and chemical properties Physical state : Solid. (Powder.) Color : Gray. Melting/freezing point : 1535°C (2795°F) Specific gravity : 7.85 Bulk density : 2.4 to 3.2 g/cm3 Dlspersibility properties : Not dispersible in cold water, hot water. Solubility : Insoluble In cold water, hot water. Section 10. Stability and reactivity Stability and reactivity : The product is stable. Incompatibility with various : Reactive with oxidizing agents and reducing agents. substances Hazardous polymerization : Will not occur. Section 11. Toxicological Information Acute Effects Eyes : May cause eye irritation. Skin : No known significant effects or critical hazards. inhalation : May cause respiratory tract Irritation. Ingestion : No known significant effects or critical hazards. Potential chronic health : Carcinogenic effects: Not classified or listed by IARC, NTP, OSHA, EU and ACGIH. effects Mutagenic effects: Not available. Teraiogenic effects: Not available. ,Section 12. Ecological information Products of degradation : Some metallic oxides. Section 13. Disposal considerations Waste disposal : The generation of waste should be avoided or minimized wherever possible. Avoid dispersal of spilled material, runoff and contact with soli, waterways, drains and sewers. Disposal or this product, solutions and any by-products should at all times comply with the requirements of environmental protection and waste disposal legislation end any regional and local authority requirements. Consult your local or regional authorities. I Dote of issue : 03/30/2006 Page: $ w... Amm n A.honid by K E M I K A 630 960 0660 P_05 OCT-03-2006 08:55 AM ►�ERTEC BISOVENTS ATOMET 21 S124/26/28129/30150/55,69,689167l88/78R6l88l95/96SP1414/S U RV96 Section 14. Transport information Classification ADN /ADR / TDG /DOT! IMDG/ IATA: Not regulated. Label Not applicable. Additional Information Not applicable. Section 15. Regulatory information United States HCS Classification U.S. Federal regu?ations State regulations Canada WHMIS (Canada) Mexico Classification EU regulations Product uae International regulations International lists Not regulated. : TSCA : All components listed. SARA 302/304/311/312 extremely hazardous substances: No products were found. SARA 302/304 emergency planning end notification: No products were found. SARA 302/304/311/312 hazardous chemicals: No products were found. SARA 311/312 MSDS distribution - chemical inventory - hazard Identification: No products were found. Clean Water Act (CWA) 307: No products were found. Clean Water Act (CWA) 311: No products were found. Clean Air Act (CAA) 112 accidental release prevention: No products were found. Clean Air Act (CM) 112 regulated flammable substances: No products were found. Clean Air Act (CAA) 112 regulated toxic substances: No products were found. : Pennsylvania RTK Sulfur alloyed: (generic environmental hazard) Massachusetts RTK: Sulfur alloyed New Jersey: Sulfur alloyed No products were found. : Not regulated. DSL : All components listed. Flammability Health 0 ,1, Reactivity Nam, Special Classification and labeling have been performed according to EU Directives 67/548/EEC and 1999/45/EC (including amendments) and the Intended use. - Industrial applications. This product is not listed on major international inventories or exempted from being listed in Australia (AICS). Europe (EINECS/ELNCS), Korea (TCCL), Japan (METI/MOL), Philippines (RA6989). Dille of i.uuc : 03/30/2006 ^whored by KEMIKA Page: 4/6 '....ir OCT-03-2006 08:55 AM VERTEC SISOVENTS 630 960 0660 P. 06 ATOMET 21 S124/25I28I29130l50/66/691869/87/88/70175/88/95/95SP/4141SURV95 Section 16. Other Information Label requirements : USE WITH CARE. Hazardous Material .• Information System (U.S.A.) Personal protection National Fire Protection Association (U.S.A.) Health Flammability Instability Special Full text of R-phrases : Not applicable. referred to In sections 2 and 3 - Europe Full text of classifications : Not applicable. referred to In sections 2 and 3 - Europe Referencea : ANSI 2400.1, MSDS Standard, 2004. - Manufacturer's Material Safety Data Sheet. - 29CFR Pert1910.1200 OSHA MSDS Requirements. - 49CFR Table Uat of Hazardous Materiels, UN#, Proper Shipping Names, PG. - Canada Gazette Part II, Vol. 122, No. 2. Registration SOR/88-84, 31 December 1987. Hazardous Products Act 'Ingredient Disclosure List" - Canadian Transport of Dangerous Goode, Regulations and Schedules. Clear Language version 2006. - Official Mexican Standards NOM-018-STPS-2000 and NOM-004-SCT2-1994. Brazil NBR 14725:2001. Date of issue : 03/30/2008 Date of previous Issue : 10/30/2005 Version : 2 Notice to Bader To the best of our knowledge, the Information contained herein Is accurate. However, neither the above named supplier nor any of Its eubsidiarlee assumes any liability whatsoever for the accuracy or completeness of the Information contained herein, Final determination of suitability of any material Is the sole responsibility of the user. All materials may present unknown hazards and should be used with caution. Although certain hazards are described herein, we cannot guarantee that these are the only hazards that exist